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1 TECHNOLOGICAL VALUES & HUMAN VALUES : INTEGRATION THROUGH EDUCATION ******* Dr. K. Chidananda Gowda , Former Vice-Chancellor, Kuvempu University Former Professor of CS&E & Principal, SJCE, Mysore “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.” --- Victor Hugo “Transport and Communication would create a single planetary society.” --- Arnold Toynbee (in 1947) “Like a force of nature, the digital(Technolog “WE want that education by which Character is formed,

Technical Values and Human Values in Education

Nov 16, 2014



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*******Dr. K. Chidananda Gowda ,

Former Vice-Chancellor, Kuvempu UniversityFormer Professor of CS&E & Principal, SJCE, Mysore

“No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”

--- Victor Hugo

“Transport and Communication would create a single planetary society.” --- Arnold Toynbee (in 1947)

“Like a force of nature, the digital(Technology) age cannot be denied or stopped.”

-Nicholas Negroponte of MIT

“WE want that education by which Character is formed, Strength of mind is increased, the Intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.” --- Swami Vivekananda

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• VALUE is the Worth of something as judged by a Value-holder which is in harmony with the judgment of other Value-beholders.

• ANTI - VALUE is the Worth of something as judged by a Value-holder which is NOT in harmony with the judgment of other Value-beholders.

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• These are ends in themselves

• Examples: Truth, Beauty, Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Gentleness, Righteousness, Faith, Patience, Silence, Temperance, …

• OTHER VALUES• These are Instrumental,

Need-based, Goal-oriented• Examples:

Economic Value, Food Value, Professional Value, Entertainment Value, Perception Value, Action Value, Comfort Value, Moral Value, Aesthetic Value, Cultural Value, Spiritual Value, …

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• Love in Speech is Truth• Love in Action is Right

Conduct• Love in Work is Duty• Love in Thought is Peace• Love in Understanding is

Nonviolence• Love in Harmony is

Beauty• Love in creation is Joy

• Love in Service is Kindness

• Love in Manners is is Gentleness

• Love in Balance is Temperance

• Love in Self is Faith

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EXAMPLES OF VALUES• A Rose has Aesthetic Value & Economic Value• An Apple has Food Value & Economic Value• A Computer has Social, Entertainment, Artistic, &

Technological Value• A Telescope has Perception Value• An Aero-plane has Action Value• If Rama loves his wife Sita, it is a Value; but if Ravana loves Sita it is an Anti-Value• If one loves his neighbor’s mother as his own mother it is a

Value ; but if he loves his neighbor’s wife as his own wife, it is an

anti-value People responsible for felling the twin towers of the world Trade Centre on

September 11, 2001 had a value.

But that value was not in harmony with values of rest of the world.

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Technology is the totality of the means employed to provide objects and systems necessary for human sustenance and comfort.

The root word of Technology is ‘Techne’, which in Greek means ‘art’.

So Technology is something which creates an ‘artificial thing’ or ‘art’, which ‘works’ like the ‘real thing’, for the material benefit of humans.

Fine Arts creates an ‘artificial thing’, which ‘appears’ or ‘looks’ like the ‘real thing’, for the happiness of humans.

Science is a systematic empirical enquiry for enhancing the knowledge of humans.

Science explores that which exists, whereas, Technology and Engineering create that which never existed.

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TECHNOLOGY :Values & Anti-values

• VALUES• 1.Adds Economic Value to

Materials by Products or Processes

• 2. Adds Professional Value to Humans

• 3. Creates Value of improved standard of Living

• 4. Enhances Perception Value

• 5. Empowers Action Value

• 6. Provides Health Value


• 1. Causes massive human-induced disasters

• 2. Pollution of Environment

• 3. Depletion of Natural Resources

• 4. Creates Digital Divides


• 6. Makes humans addicted to Technology

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I. An Item in Ripley’s “ Believe it or not”

1. A plain bar of Iron = $5

2. Made as a pair of horse shoes = $50

3. Made into sewing needles = $5,000

4. Made into springs of Swiss watches = $500,000

II. Example of water:

1. City Corporation sells water to Coca-cola = Rs.2.50 / litre

2. Coca-cola sells to Kinley which purifies & sells = Rs.12 / litre

3. Coca-cola Co. makes Coca-cola and sells = Rs.40 / litre

III. Example of Cotton:

Selling raw cotton? Unwise (No Value added) Selling reels of cotton threads? Slightly better Selling cotton clothes? Definitely better Selling cotton ready-made garments? Best ( Highest Value added)

Meaning: The raw material is not what is important

What is important is how the raw material is made a Product using Knowledge, thereby adding Value

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A Victor Hugo quote: “ No power on Earth can stop an Idea whose time has come.”

- Globalization is such an Idea, whose time has come, and no power on Earth can stop it.

A Nicholas Negroponte quote: “Like a force of nature, the digital (Technology) age cannot be denied or stopped.”

- Computer and Communication are spearheading the fast advances of modern Digital Technology.2. TECHNOLOGY, ECONOMICS & COMMERCE

Technology is reshaping the Economy and transforming Business and

Consumers. This is about more than e-commerce, or e-mail, or e-trades,

or e-files. It is about the “e” in economic opportunity.

- William Daley, US Commerce Secretary

Globalization & Technology are Reshaping the world, transforming every aspect of Business, every aspect of Life, and every aspect of Society.

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WISDOM It is not true that “knowledge” was not there earlier. “Knowledge” has

been there all through. But “technological knowledge” has multiplied from 20th century onwards.

A Nation which has the capacity to generate technological Knowledge, and convert the “Knowledge” into a “Product” or a “Process” or a “Service” has the strength of converting “knowledge” into “wealth”.

The knowledge is generated in the “fertile minds” of young people.

Young people can have fertile minds only if we give them the right type of teaching and training through “Education”.

This is how “Education”, “Knowledge”, and “Wealth” get linked.

“Knowledge” can be raised to the level of “Wisdom” by the addition of “Human Values”.

This is how “Education”, “Knowledge”, “Wealth”, & “Wisdom” get linked.

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1. One third of all NASA Scientists are Indians

2. 34% of Microsoft’s creative team is India born.

3. Over 5,000 Indian Professors in US Univ. & Colleges

4. Over 30,000 Indian doctors in US.

5. GE has the second largest R & D Centre in India with >1000 Ph.D’s.

6. 50% of Fortune 500 Companies outsource work to India.

7. Among 3 nations who have built Supercomputers.

8. Among 6 nations who built Satellites & Launch vehicles.

9.Over 35% startups in Silicon Valley is by Indians.

10.We have largest English speaking technical manpower.

11. Indian Software professionals work in all developed countries.

12. Emerging as a high quality manufacturing destination.

13. 5 Indian Companies won Deming prize for quality in 2004.

14. Indian Companies Becoming Global.

15. Indian brands becoming respectable.

16. India becoming a preferred destination for high quality health service, R & D, & manufacturing.

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In late 80’s India needed Cray Super Computer for Weather Forecasting.

But this was denied, and India was challenged India established C-DAC and used massively parallel

processing technology to create a Super computer In less than 3 years and for less than $ 10 million, the

PARAM Supercomputer was built. Washington Post wrote: “ANGRY INDIA DOES IT”But our problem seems to be that we are not permanently


AND NOW: India is one of 3 countries ( the others being USA & Japan) to have indigenously designed and manufactured Super Computers.

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INDIAN TECHNOLOGY OF SPACETechnology Denied becomes Technology gained

Beryllium diaphragms: ISRO needed in 1970 from US

But State department of US refused to sell as they can be used in ICBM

But India has the largest deposit of Beryllium ore

This ore is exported to Japan

Japan transforms the ore into rods and sheets and exports them to US

US companies make Beryllium diaphragms, but refuses to sell them to India

End of story: India manufactured such diaphragms.

And Now: 1. India is one among 6 countries which could build and launch its own satellites,

2. India’s Chandrayana-1 will carry 3 European payloads to moon during 2007 – 08.

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• Automobile,• Airplane,• Submarine,• Telephone, Radio,• Television• Digital Electronics,• Satellite• Computer & Internet• Robot

• LASER,• Mobile,• Wireless Computing,• Spaceship & Moon-landing• Post-card from deep-space• AI & Virtual Reality,• Flash Memory,• Bio-technology,• Nano-technology,

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Any new technology very often passes through these stages:

1. Start off with ‘skepticism’,

2. Consumed as a ‘Novelty’.

3. Moves on to ‘Dependence’.

4. Gets ‘Saturated’.

5. Becomes an ‘irritant’.

6. Is replaced by a ‘New Technology’.

Biotechnology has overcome ‘Skepticism’ and is being considered as a ‘Novelty’.

Mobile has moved from ‘Novelty’ to ‘Dependence’.

The “New Technology” of ‘CD’ has replaced ‘Floppy’.

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TECHNOLOGY & HAPPINESS : Einstein questions and answers

• Why does this magnificent Applied Science (Technology ), which saves and makes life easier, bring us so little happiness ?

• The simplest answer runs: Because we have not yet learned to make sensible use of it. ---- Albert Einstein

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Pearl Harbor was a naval base for the United States on the island of Oahu.

It was bombed by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941. Thousands died in this tragic attack.

This lead the United States into World War II.

The bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, perhaps, triggered the atom-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

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August 6, 1945 is a day the Japanese will never forget. This is the day the world's first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.

It is a very bad day in human history.

The bomb fell from an airplane named the "Enola Gay" at 8:15 a.m. and exploded 43 seconds later, at 1,900 ft. above the city. The results were devastating.

The intense heat generated from the bomb ranged from 7200 to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Thousands were instantly killed, vaporized from the searing heat. Others were terribly disfigured with limbs melted from their bodies and skin peeling off in large strips.

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The intense heat melted the eyeballs of some who had stared in wonder at the blast.

"Big black flies appeared and tried to lay eggs on human flesh. The injured were so weak that they could not brush away the flies that nestled in their hands and necks" , (Doomsday) said survivor Michiko Watanabe.

Throughout the city, parents and children were discovering one another wounded or dead.

"A mother, driven half-mad while looking for her child, was calling his name. At last she found him. His head looked like a boiled octopus. His eyes were half-closed, and his mouth was white, pursed, and swollen."

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The blast was equivalent to 12,500 tons of TNT. By present standards, the bomb was a small one, and in today's arsenals it would be classed among the merely tactical weapons.

However, it was still large enough to transform a city of some 3,40,000 people into hell in a matter of seconds.

Only 6,000 buildings of the 76,000 were left undamaged; 48,000 were completely leveled.

By the end of the day there were 1,00,000 dead and 1,40,000 by the end of the year, due to radiation sickness and other complications.

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The World Trade Center was also known as “ Twin Towers."

The World Trade Center was completed in the 1970s.

The work was started in 1966. At least 70,000 people worked at the World Trade Center. About 70,000 people came to visit each day. Both towers were each 110 stories high. There were restaurants at the World Trade Center.

The World Trade Center took $400,000,000 to build. Tower 1 was completed in 1972. Tower 2 was completed in 1973. Each tower had 104 passenger elevators.

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September 11, 2001 : On that horrible day the two towers were targets of terrorist acts.

They were struck by two planes without warning. Hundreds of people were killed - workers, visitors, fireman, policeman, etc.

It was a day that will live in infamy in the human history.

<<< Remember: September 11, 1893 ???

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Cyber crimes, E-crimes, High-tech crimes or Electronic fraud are separated into two categories:

1. Crimes committed using a computer.

2. Crimes where a computer or a network is the target.

1st category includes crimes such as:

- producing false identification.

- reproducing and distributing copyright material.

- collecting & distributing child pornography.

2nd category includes crimes such as:

- damaging computer systems.

- alteration of computer systems.

- launch attacks on other computer systems.

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In 3000 years of recorded history, 15000 wars have taken place on this earth.

Every year on the average there were 5 wars.

Out of 3000 years, the period of no-war was only 300 years.

Even these 300 years were not in one stretch, but pieces of a few days and months.

Even the 300 years of peace-days were, in fact, war-preparation days.

Hence the recorded history of man consists of “war-time” & “war-preparation-time”.

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• The way to solve the conflict between human values and technological needs is not to run away from Technology. That is impossible.

• The way to resolve the conflict is to break down barriers of dualistic thought that prevent a real understanding of what technology is

• -not an exploitation of nature, but a fusion of nature and the human spirit into a new kind of creation that transcends both.

• When this transcendence occurs in such events as • - the first airplane flight across the ocean, or • - the first footstep on the moon, a kind of public recognition of the

transcendent nature of technology occurs.

• But this transcendence should also occur at the individual level, on a personal basis, in one’s own life, in a less dramatic way. ------------Robert M. Pirsig

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• Indian thought has always upheld the view that all values proceed, not from matter, but from the inner spirit of man.

• Values are products of human nature and not external nature.

• Values are created by man from out of himself (human nature) in the course of his manipulation and control of the external physical world (mother nature ) and the external social environment.

• Man is the creator of values, enjoyer of Values, and even destroyer of all values, material as well as what lies above and beyond it.

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Major steps in the human phase of human evolution are achieved by breakthroughs to new dominant patterns of mental organization, of knowledge, ideas, and beliefs – ideological instead of physiological or biological organization -Sir Julian Huxley

Values are specifically the products of evolution at the human stage and are spiritual in nature, in the sense that they arise from the inner spiritual nature of man in the form of inner growth and development.

The inner spiritual growth results in 3 types of fruits: 1. Ethics and Morality

2. Art and aesthetic sensibility 3. Spiritual realization

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PSYCHO-SOCIAL EVOLUTION OF HUMANSMore wars are caused by bad tempered peopleseeking to discuss peace measures than by good tempered people seeking to discuss war measures.

- (Joshia Holifield, British Intellectual, in his lecture “ War &

Internationalism”, talking about Treaty of Versaille, before

World War II)

Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that peace must be constructed.

- (UNESCO, preamble)

Evolution is physical up to the stage of humans. … after the stage of humans, evolution is “ psycho-social”.

- (Sir Julian Huxley in “Evolution, the new Synthesis”)

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Attitudes of MindA survey was conducted in Harvard University about getting of jobs

and reasons for the same. It has been shown that when a person

gets a job, and becomes successful in it,

80% of the time it is because of his attitude, and only

20% of the time because of how smart he is and how many facts and figures he remembers.

According to Dr. William James of Harvard University, the

greatest discovery of his generation is that human beings can

alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. Surprisingly,


100% of money in education goes to teach facts and figures which accounts for only 20% of success in work.

Most of our attitude is established during our formative years.

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Lord Macaulay: About INDIA• I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I

have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief.• Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral

values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country,

• unless we break the very backbone of this nation which is her spiritual and cultural heritage,

• And therefore I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture,

• for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than her own,

• they will lose their self esteem, their native self culture, • and they will become what we want them,• a truly dominated nation. • - Lord Macaulay, in his speech of Feb.2, 1835 in


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EDUCATION FOR INDIA: Swami Vivekananda

• We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.

• What we need is to study, independent of foreign control, different branches of knowledge that is our own and with it English language and Western science; we need technical education, and all else that will develop industries, so that men, instead of seeking for service, may earn enough to provide for themselves and save against a rainy day. – Swami vivekananda

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• Using Radio - Since 1920’s

• Using Films - Since 1930’s

• Using Television - Since 1950’s

• Using Audio Confer. - Since 1970’s

• Using Computers - Since 1980’s

• Using Internet - Since 1995’s

• Using Virtual gadgets - In future

• E-ink• E-book• E-pen• E-library• E-laboratory• E-teacher• V-gadget• V-education

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Various Ways

• 1.Serene Environment• 2.Classroom Teaching• 3.Prayer & Silence• 4.Meditation• 5.Yoga• 6.Value-days• 7.NSS and NCC• 8.Spiritual Convergence

• 9.Personality development

• 10.Discussions• 11.Tours:value-based• 12.Dramas & words• 13.Virtual Experience• 14.New thoughts

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• Tatah Tat Viapaka, Anugunanam Eva Abhivyaktih Vasanam (Similar qualities come out in the similar environment) --Sage Patanjali(In Yogasutra)

• Educational institutions should provide serene ambience by means of large number of trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns, and beautiful gardens.

• Statues and busts of great thinkers and beautiful sculptures must be installed at various places.

• Beautiful pictures of great men, natural sceneries of forests, mountains, and gardens should adorn the walls.

• Inspiring ‘quotations’ and ‘Thoughts for the Day’ should appear at various places in the campus.

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2. CLASSROOM TEACHING (1/3)A Principal’s Letter to Teachers

Suspicious of Education the Principal of an American school sent the following letter to his teachers:

Dear Teachers,

I am a survivor of a concentration camp, my eyes saw what no man should witness:

1. Gas chambers built by learned engineers

2. Children poisoned by educated physicians

3. Women & babies shot by college graduates

So I am suspicious of education. My request is:

help your students to become human. Your effort must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths and educated Eichmanns.

Reading, writing and Arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more human.

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Average loss in Banks due to- white collared people : $ 500,000- dark masked robbers : $ 3,200

…. American experienceA man who has never gone to school

- may steal from a railway bogieBut if he has school education

- may steal the whole rail road…. Theodore Roosavelt

|| Sakshara vipareetaschet Rakshasa Eva Kevalam ||

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• Environmental, Constitutional, Personal-empowerment, Social, National, and International issues and Values should be taught in classrooms and thoroughly discussed with the students.

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3. PRAYER & Value of Silence(1/2)

Prayer is the most powerful form of energy one can generate.

It is a force as real as terrestrial gravity.

As a physician I have seen men, when all other therapies have failed, lifted out of disease and melancholy by the serene effect of prayer. Prayer, like radium, is a source of luminous self-generating energy.

In prayer we seek to augment our finite energy by addressing ourselves to the infinite source of all energy. When we pray we link ourselves with the inexhaustible power that spins the universe.

We pray that part of this power be apportioned to our needs. Even in asking our human deficiencies are filled and we arise strengthened and repaired. It could not happen that any one could pray for a single minute without some beneficial effects.

– Alexis Carol (Nobel Lauriat in Medicine)

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3. PRAYER & Value of Silence(2/2)

• Prayer is the human part of communication with the infinite source.

• The Psycho-spiritual complex of humans is like a Trans-Receiver, transmitting through Prayer, and receiving through Meditation.

• Prayer helps individuals to empower themselves, cultivate inner poise, attain better attitude, and develop self-discipline, and the great Value of Silence.

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Great discovery of the 20th century:

The Universe is expanding

Great discovery of the 21st century:

Invisible Power in this expanding Universe is 73%

- Science Journal

The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Slovan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), having captured the remnant rediation after the Big Bang, and analysing the same, concludes:

1. Energy perceived by the eyes in the Universe: 4%2. Energy perceivable, but not yet perceived in the Universe: 23%3. Invisible energy in the Universe: 73%

Scientists have discovered that an Invisible power exerts lot of influence on this expanding universe.

Is this the primordial intelligence and infinite source responsible for the creation of the universe? --- Let us meditate on that.

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• Both Einstein and Bohr were primarily meditative and intuitive and at the same time, they were greatest physicists.

--- Fritzof Capra• A meditative mind is the secret of success

in any work.--- Adi Shankaracharya• Swami Vivekananda hoped that in the days

to come the ideal holistic man would emerge who would be equally intellectual, emotional, active, and meditative.

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Meditation helps in many ways:

-makes the mind calm, quiet, concentrated which accomplishes productive work & peace.

-takes to the state of deepest relaxation.

-helps youngsters to come out of addictions.

-transforms a person to a higher personality.

-releases greater power, knowledge, & harmony.

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• When he was a youngster, he used to tell:”I will never ever shake hands with an Israeli. If I become the PM of Egypt, I will erase Israel from the world map.”

• He was sent to Jail for plotting to assassinate Farooq, the then PM.

• He spent several years in the dungeon of the Jail.

• But during that time, he started meditating in silence, and realized the truth of real victory.

• When Nasser came to power, he was released from the jail.

• Now he was a bright lamp instead of a wild fire.

• He writes in his biography: “When I was coming out of the Jail, the dark cell wished me good-bye. I wept , unable to control my emotions. I felt as if I was coming out of a school which educated me , and a veritable temple of God.”

• Subsequently, he became the PM of Egypt, and announced that it is against the will of Allah to make muslims terrorists.

• He invited Israel for discussions, and shook hands with Jewish leaders..

• He signed the historic Camp David Peace Treaty and rescued Egypt from blood baths.

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5. YOGA For Control Of Mind

• We hear “be good” and “be good” and “be good”, taught all over the world.

• There is hardly a child, born in any country in the world, who has not been told “do not steal”, “do not tell a lie”,

• But no body tells the child how he can help not doing them.

• Talking will not help him- why should he not become a thief ?

• We do not teach him how not to steal;• We simply tell him, “do not steal”.• Only when we teach him to control his mind, we

do really help him• --- Swami Vivekananda (Raja Yoga, Ch. 6)

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• All education is imitation. –Aristotle

-* A great life can inspire many lives.When youngsters are exposed to the life and thoughts of great personalities, they may choose their own role models.-* It is a sin to give holidays on birth days of great national and spiritual leaders.They should be celebrated as Value-days instead of holidays in all the schools, colleges, Universities, industries, and all types of offices.-* The biographies of such persons must be studied , discussed, and presented in cultural form to highlight the greatness attained by them, excellence reached, values adopted, and principles followed.

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• April 11 : Mahaveera Jayanthi• April 14 : Ambedkar Jayanthi• April 30 : Basaveswara Jayanthi• May 1 : Shankara Jayanthi• May 2 : Ramanuja Jayanthi• May 13 : Budha Poornima• Sept. 5 : Radhakrishan’s birthday• Oct. 2 : Gandhi Jayanthi• Nov. 5 : Nanak Jayanthi• Nov. 14 : Nehru Jayanthi

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• At the college level, either NSS or NCC should be made compulsory for all college students.

• NSS & NCC instill values of Social and National Service, discipline, and devotion to motherland.

• Under these, group activities like cleaning the campus, plastic eradication, visiting hospitals, and slums, visiting places of worship of other religions, cleaning rivers and ponds are to organized along with other NSS/NCC activities.

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The UNESCO department for inter-cultural dialogue and pluralism for a culture of Peace pleads for Spiritual Convergence and proposes to promote dialogue among different religions.

It observes that it is from early childhood that children should be introduced to the discovery of “otherness”, and the values of tolerance, respect, and confidence in the “other ” that will bring about a change of behavior and attitude toward others.

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All religions, worth their name, stand for peace, love, happiness, kindness, courage and other ethical values.

Vedantic philosophy of Hindus tells that God, divinity, holiness, excellence, power, knowledge and bliss resides inside all human beings. The vedantist asks everyone to love his neighbour and not cheat, exploit, or kill his neighbour, because his neighbour is his own Self. Vedanta also expounds that it is only the small-minded people who discriminate among others as insiders and outsiders whereas for big-hearted people the entire world is one family.

Budha placed a holistic way of living before his disciplines: "You should work for the welfare of many, for the happiness of many, for showing compassion, for bringing goodness, richness, and joy, both for common man and rich people.

Non-violence, service, and thinking about the welfare of others are the important values in Jain religion.

The ten commandments by Moses with imperatives such as “Thou shall not kill”, “Thou shall not cheat”, “Thou shall not lie”, etc. are the ethical values propagated by Judaism.

The ten commandments of Moses are reduced by Jesus Christ into two ethical value statements:- Love your God with all your heart and soul

- Love your neighbour as yourself.


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In the the course of his farewell sermon before his passing away, prophet Muhammad gave the message of a universal and humanistic ethics:

“And hear, O mankind An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab And a non-Arab is not superior to an Arab; A White man is not superior to a black man Nor a black man superior to a white man, Except by virtue of his conduct. The noblest in the sight of Allah Is he who is noblest in Conduct”.

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8. SPIRITUAL CONVERGENCE(4/5)Jamshedji Tata’s letter to Swami Vivekananda

• Esplanade House, Bombay 23rd Nov. 1891

• Dear Swami Vivekananda,• I trust, you remember me as a fellow-traveler on

your voyage from Japan to Chicago.• I very much recall at this moment your view on

the growth of the ascetic spirit in India and the duty, not of destroying, but of diverting it into useful channels.

• I recall these ideas in connection with my scheme of Research Institute of Science for India, of which you have doubtless heard or read.

• It seems to me that no better use can be made of the ascetic spirit that the establishment of monasteries or residential halls for men dominated by this spirit, where they should live with ordinary decency and devote their lives to the cultivation of Science, natural and humanistic.

• I am of the opinion that, if such a crusade in favour of an asceticism of this kind were overtaken by a competent leader, it would greatly help asceticism, science, and the good name of our common country; and I know not who would make a more fitting general of such a campaign than Vivekananda.

• Do you think you would care to apply yourself to the mission of galvanizing into life our ancient traditions in this respect ?

• Perhaps, you had better begin with a fiery pamphlet rousing our people in this matter.

• I should cheerfully defray all the expenses of publication.

• With kind regards, I am, dear Swami• Yours faithfully,

• Jamshedji Tata

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15th October, 2003, fifteen leaders and scholars of different religious denominations signed ' Surat Spiritual declaration' in the presence of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India, for achieving " Unity of Minds", and for creating " Enlightened Citizens" in India, and eventually in the world.

Universal truths embodied in all religions are very similar and a bridge is to be built to connect them. Religions are enchanting islands with exquisite gardens full of beautiful flora and fauna. These islands of un-surpassing beauty and tranquility, veritable oases for the soul and the spirit, are to be connected with love, mutual understanding and compassion , in a ' garland project' as described in the " Surat Spiritual declaration". The ' garland project' consists of five component projects:

Project 1: Celebration of inter-religious festivals.Project 2: Multi-religious projectsProject 3: Education in and with the ambience of unity of religions.Project 4: Inter-faith dialogueProject 5: National level independent and autonomous organization managed by religious and spiritual leaders as well as scholars and enlightened citizens.

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• Personality Development classes should be frequently organized to instill values of Self-empowerment, Self-control, punctuality, Emotional Intelligence, Team-spirit, cooperation, and respect for other religions, cultures, and languages.

• When we create something, we always create it first in the thought form. When we are positive in our attitude, we attract people and situations conforming to our positive expectations.

• So the immense power of Positive Thinking should be instilled in the minds of students.

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• Group discussions and competitions to be organized about Scriptures, Hymns, Proverbs, Sayings of great persons, stories from mythologies and world religions, Social stigmas, and different Political ideologies.

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11. TOURS For Infusing Values

• Tours and outings to Forests, Waterfalls, Temples known for architectural beauty, historical places, Old historic forts, Gardens, and Sculptural parks unconsciously infuse values.

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• “ Shabda Brahman” (Word itself is God) – Vedas• “In the beginning there was word. The word was

with God. The word was God” – Old Testament• The power of words is enormous.• Dramas, Biography reading, Scripture reading,

and Dialogues are the best means for Value Education through Words.

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In Virtual Reality, you experience something which is not real, but virtual.

VR requires : VR Helmet VR Goggles VR Gloves VR Software and Computer

Virtual Travel to Ancient Rome city :

- Part of Roman celebration of 2000.

- Walk through the minds of outstanding historians.

Virtual Journey to Mars:

- This is a full motion entertainment simulator with authentic data from NASA at US Astronaut Hall of Fame near Kennedy Space Centre , Florida, USA.

- Here Virtual Travelers

Can experience the sights and sounds of Mars encounter dust storms back in time for lunch

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Using VR, it should be possible in future to:

Walk with great thinkers & Spritual Gurus

Listen to Lord Krishna in Kurukshetra

Listen to Buddha’s “Dharma Chakra Parivartana Sutra’ discourse at Deer Park, Varnasi

Hear the sermon on the Mont by Jesus

Walk with Mohammed Pygamber from Mecca to Madeena

Accompany Guru Nanak during his travels

Listen to Swami Vivekananda in the Parliament of Religions at Chicago on September 11, 1893.

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• You are the sum total of your own thoughts.• You can keep from entertaining negative thought

and imagery.• The way to get rid of darkness is with light; the

way to overcome cold is to with heat; the way to overcome negative thought is to substitute the good thought. Affirm the good, and the bad will vanish.

• If your thought is in harmony with the creative principle of your sub-conscious mind, you are in tune with the innate principle of harmony.

-Dr.Joseph Murphy

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The new lines of thinking may be drawn from rich images, Analogy, and metaphors suggested by the new science of QUANTUM THEORY

Principle of complementarity: At the subatomic level the particle and wave descriptions complement each other, and the whole picture emerges considering both. So also humans should mediate between individualism and collectivism.

From either/ or to both/ end: Formal logic and computers use true or false, 1 or 0 which is either / or. But the world is gray, that is, both / and. The old vision of one truth [either/or] must give way to pluralistic vision.

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Observer: The behavior of elementary particles depend on: Whether or not anybody is looking, or when they are, what they are looking for. Religions draw a sharp line between humans and material world.

Quantum Physics suggests an integrated relationship between humans and the world.

The Whole is more than sum of parts: This requires harmony between individuals.

Great thoughts shape life into un-foreseen forms and create great and masterly characters.

So students should be encouraged to think new types of thoughts based on Scientific, Psychic, and Social research findings.

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CONVERGENCE & INTEGRATION(1)Convergence of computers , communication, & Entertainment:

“ICE” CONVERGENCE: Information + Communication + Entertainment

Computer + Telephone + Television

Bill Gates + Graham Bell + Baird

Bill , Bell, & Baird meet on ICE.

Now these follow you wherever you go: Palm-top, Mobile, E-mail, Music,

Files, now your entire Electronic-Desk.

(2) Workflow Software, & Hardware Converge :A “Bizhub” machine can do :

Scanning, E-mailing, Printing, Faxing, and Copying from same machine

(3) Business practitioners converge: Convergence of Microprocessor, PC, Internet, & Fibre Optics have made the business practitioners to converge.

(4) Convergence of large Workforce: After the Economics, and Political systems all opened up during 1990s, almost 3 billion people of China, India, Russia, Eastern Europe, & Central Asia have converged in the Horizontal Playing field with new tools for collaboration.

----- But unfortunately, convergence and Integration of the Minds and Hearts of the people in the world has not yet taken place ----

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• The “science of the matter” must be integrated with the “Science of the Soul”.

• Swami Vivekananda called Newton and Galileo as “Prophets of physical science”, and Upanishadic Rishis as “Prophets of Spirituality”.

• What the world needs today is “Tantra Rishis” – a combination of Technology without, and

Spirituality within.

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