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Transport X Synchronizer Application Manual Version 1.1 GE GRID SOLUTIONS (UK). Lissue Industrial Estate East Lisburn Co. Antrim N. Ireland Tel : +44 (0)28 92622915 Fax : +44 (0)28 92622202 Email: [email protected] Website:

Synchronizer Application Manual - CSE Uniserve | CSE … X... · 1 1. Introduction The Transport X Synchronizer application is used to extract the analysis data from the Transport

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Page 1: Synchronizer Application Manual - CSE Uniserve | CSE … X... · 1 1. Introduction The Transport X Synchronizer application is used to extract the analysis data from the Transport

Transport X

Synchronizer Application Manual

Version 1.1



Lissue Industrial Estate East


Co. Antrim

N. Ireland

Tel : +44 (0)28 92622915

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Page 2: Synchronizer Application Manual - CSE Uniserve | CSE … X... · 1 1. Introduction The Transport X Synchronizer application is used to extract the analysis data from the Transport

Section Page

1 Introduction 1

2 Installation 1

2.1 Connecting for the first time: 1

2.2 Installing the Device Driver: 1

2.3 Connecting a Transport X to a desktop computer: 2

3 Using Transport X Synchronizer 3

3.1 Settings 3

3.2 Synchronizing Data 4

3.3 Synchronization Options 5

3.4 Database 6

3.5 Editing Data 7

3.6 Searching the Database 13

3.7 Log File 18

4 Delta X (TOA): 19

4.1 DeltaX (TOA) Synchronizing Data 19

4.2 Backup TOA Database 23

5 Exporting Data to TOA 26

5.1 Export Options 27

5.2 Export All Records 28

5.3 Results Export 31

5.4 Equipment Export 33

5.5 Export Locations, Types or Sampling Points 34

6 Importing Data from TOA 36

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1. Introduction

The Transport X Synchronizer application is used to extract the analysis data from the Transport X unit to a desktop computer.

The Synchronizer application can be used for archiving dissolved gas analysis results from one or more Transport X units.

Once the data is extracted, it can be exported to third party software tools for additional analysis.

2. Installation

The Synchronization software is installed by running the Setup.exe program on the installation CD.

Microsoft ActiveSync Version 3.7 or later must be installed to allow connection to the Transport X unit. This is included in the installation CD.

2.1 Connecting for the first time:

1. Power up the Transport X unit and wait for the software to load. 2. Select "PC Sync" in the main menu using the touchscreen. 3. Connect a USB cable to an available USB port on the Host PC. 4. Connect the other end of the cable to the "PC Sync" port on the Transport X


5. At this stage the Host PC will attempt to find a driver for the Transport X unit. If successful the ActiveSync will start the Synchronization application. Otherwise follow the instructions to install the device driver.

2.2 Installing the Device Driver:

If Windows cannot find the device driver for the Transport X it should be manually installed as follows:

1. Connect the USB cable from the desktop computer to the Transport X "PC

Sync" port. 2. After a few moments the "Add New Hardware" wizard will appear. 3. Follow the instructions to install the driver. 4. Select the "Install driver from a list" option and browse the "Driver" directory

on the installation CD. 5. Select the "Kelman" driver listed and select finish the installation.

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2.3 Connecting a Transport X to a desktop computer:

The Synchronizer software will start automatically when a connection is made to a Transport X unit. The software can also be started using the shortcut in the start menu which can be found at Programs->Kelman->Transport X->Sync.

To connect to a Transport X:

1. Power up the Transport X unit. 2. Select "PC Sync" in the Main Menu using the touchscreen. 3. Connect a USB cable to an available USB port on the desktop computer. 4. Connect the other end of the cable to the "PC Sync" port on the Transport X


If the connection is successful the Synchronizer application will start on the desktop computer.

NB: If the desktop computer is running firewall software, ensure that the incoming port is not blocked otherwise the connection will be unsuccessful.

If the application does not start up, see the Installation section for further information.

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3. Using Transport X Synchronizer

3.1 Settings:

The settings can be adjusted by selecting File->Settings... This displays the

Connection Settings dialog.

Auto Start when connected

When enabled the Sync application will start automatically when a Transport X

unit is connected to the desktop computer using the USB cable.

Show Splash Screen

Enables or disables the splash screen when the Sync application is started.

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Export Directory

Specifies the folder where process log files and exported text files for TOA will be

placed. The default is 'My Documents'\Transport X folder. This can be changed

by the user via the Browse... button.

This folder contains the following files and subdirectories:

TOASyncLog.txt - DeltaX (TOA) Synchronization Log

TOAExportLog.txt - DeltaX (TOA) Export Log

TX Log Files Folder

Export Files Folder

SSeeee aallssoo:: CCoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo aa ddeesskkttoopp ccoommppuutteerr,, EExxppoorrtt DDaattaa

3.2 Synchronizing Data:

The data stored on the Transport X units can be retrieved and stored on the

desktop computer using the Synchronization tool.


1. Connect the Transport X unit to the desktop computer.

2. Select Sync->Synchronize...

Or click the Transport X Sync button

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3. The Synchronization dialog will appear:

4. Choose the Synchronization options.

5. Click Start to start the Synchronization.

SSeeee aallssoo:: SSyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonn OOppttiioonnss..

3.3 Synchronization Options:

The Synchronization options allow you to change what data gets copied from and

to the Transport X unit.

Add new Transformer data to Transport X

When selected any new Equipment, Location, Sampling Point, and Type data will

be uploaded to the Transport X unit. Results are not uploaded. This can help

reduce the set up time of a Transport X unit and ensures consistency if using

more than one unit.

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Delete Results from Transport X after Synchronization

This option will delete all the results from the Transport X unit after

synchronizing. This will free up memory on the Transport X unit for new results

and the desktop computer will store and archive all the results.

SSeeee aallssoo:: SSyynncchhrroonniizziinngg DDaattaa

3.4 Database:

The Sync Application database is structured as follows:

Results Table

This contains all the gas analysis results retrieved from Transport X units.

Equipment ID - This identifies the equipment that the sample was taken from.

Serial Number - The serial number of the Transport X unit that sampled the oil.

Equipment Table

This contains information about the equipment.

Group - Specifies the type of equipment, e.g. Transformer (TRN), LTC, or CB.

Locations Table

Lists the locations of all the equipment, e.g. Motown substation.

Sampling Points Table

Lists the sampling points in the equipment where the samples are taken, e.g.

Main Tank, Bottom.

Types Table

Lists the type and model information of the equipment being sampled.

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3.5 Editing Data:

Adding Data Records

Equipment, Location, Type, and Sampling Point records can be added to the

database using the New Record command. The Synchronization tool can then

be used to upload the data to a Transport X unit.

Result data can not be added to the database.


1. Select Database->New Record and select the type of record to add, e.g.


Or right click in a query window and select Add Record...

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2. Enter the new Equipment ID and select the corresponding Type, Location,

and MFR Type of the equipment.

3. Press OK to add the record to the database.

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4. If the new record affects any existing records, the following dialog will appear:

By choosing Yes here, the newly entered information will be applied to all

matching database records. Choosing No will result in only the new record

being created.

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Editing Data Records

Equipment, Location, Type, and Sampling Point records in the database can be

edited using the Edit Record command.

Result data can not be edited.


1. Select Database->Edit Record.

Or right click in a query window and select Edit Record...

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2. Make the desired changes to the corresponding Equipment ID, Type,

Location, and MFR Type of the equipment.

3. Press OK to apply the changes to the record in the database.

4. If the changes affect any existing records, the following dialog will appear:

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By choosing Yes here, the changed information will be applied to all matching

database records. Choosing No will result in only the selected record being


NB: Edit changes are not synchronized so Transport X units must be

manually updated. Failure to update these will not result in the loss of any


Deleting Data Records

Records can be removed from the database using the Delete Record command.

This will permanently delete the record from the database unless the record is

downloaded from a Transport X unit again.


1. Highlight the records to remove.

2. Select Database->Delete Record.

Or right click in a query window and select Delete Record

Or click the Delete button

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3. Click yes to confirm deletion.

4. The records have now been removed

3.6 Searching the Database:

Database Search

Queries can be used to search for data in the database records. The search can be general (e.g. Find all results) or more specific (e.g. Find all results for equipment X).


1. Select Database->Search...

Or click the Database Search button

Alternatively a Search Toolbar is available to assist the user. This can be toggled on or off using the 'F4' function key or select View->Search bar.

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2. The Search dialog will appear:

3. Select the table that you wish to search in and click OK. The criteria dialog will now appear:

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4. Leave the criteria box blank to display all the records. To search for

something more specific then select the field and enter a criteria to match. To search for a similar criteria use an asterisk (*) and any records that are like the criteria will be listed. For example:

NB: Shortcuts

to view all the results for a piece of equipment, double-click the

equipment record

to view all the results for a sampling point, double-click the sampling point


to view all the equipment for a location, double-click the location record.

to view all the equipment for a manufacturer type, double-click the

manufacturer type record.

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Search toolbar

The search toolbar can greatly assist the use in navigating a large database of equipment and results.

The search bar offers two modes of operation: Basic Search & Advanced Search.

1. Basic Search

By selecting one of the five menu options and pressing the 'Go' button, the complete corresponding table of records will be displayed.

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2. Advanced Search

By pressing the advanced button, the table of records can be searched by particular criteria (e.g. Results: by EquipmentID, by Type, by Date Range or by Serial Number). This will return only the records matching the criteria specified.

NB: It is possible to specify a wild card(s) '*' when searching


Results->EquipmentID-> st* returns Results records with EquipmentID starting with 'st'

Results->EquipmentID-> *st

returns Results records with EquipmentID ending in 'st'

Results->EquipmentID-> *st* returns Results records with EquipmentID containing 'st'

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To turn off the search toolbar press 'F4' on the keyboard or select View->Search bar

3.7 Log File:

The Transport X device maintains a log file during operation which can be useful for diagnostic checks by the manufacturer. If this file exceeds a certain size, a new log file is created, with a maximum of three log files being stored in the device.

During the normal data synchronization procedure, the log file(s) are retrieved and placed in either the default directory or a user specified folder. (Default found in 'My Documents'\Transport X\TX Log Files\LogFile.dat)

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4. Delta X (TOA):

4.1 DeltaX (TOA) Synchronizing Data

Note: This process fully automates the import and export of data to the TOA database. To do this requires direct write access to the TOA database. It is recommended that a backup copy of the TOA database is made.

1. Select Sync->TOA (DeltaX)->Synchronize...

Or click the TOA Sync button

2. The TOA Synchronize dialog will


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3. Choose the synchronize options.

Import and Export Records

When selected a two way synchronization is performed. New TOA records are imported to the local database and new local records are exported to the TOA database. This is useful to propagate a TOA database of Equipment, Location, Manufacturer & Sampling Point records to the Kelman Synchronizer where they can then be uploaded to the Transport X device.

Export Records Only

This option provides a one-way sync by exporting new local records to the TOA database.

4. Use the Browse... button the locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is

usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

5. Choose the gas standard to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). Only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA equipment remains unchanged by specifying a single rule for during the sync.

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6. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA rules directory (contains .rul

files). This is usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\rul.

7. Choose the equipment rules to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). Only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA equipment remains unchanged by specifying a single rule during the sync.

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8. Click on Synchronize to start the process.

9. If the process is successful, the following dialog will appear:

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10. If the process has warnings or errors the following dialog will appear:

It is recommended that the SyncLog file is inspected (by clicking 'View Log File') as it records the errors that were corrected to allow successful export. This file is overwritten on each sync, so valuable information can be lost if the file is not examined before any subsequent sync.

The log file is stored in either the default directory or a user specified folder. (Default is 'My Documents'\Transport X\TOASyncLog.txt

SSeeee aallssoo:: SSyynncchhrroonniizzee OOppttiioonnss,, BBaacckkuupp TTOOAA DDaattaabbaassee,, SSeettttiinnggss

4.2 Backup TOA Database

1. Navigate to the database location and select the file using a suitable windows file browser like 'My Computer'

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2. Select Edit->Copy

3. Select Edit->Paste

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4. A backup copy has been created. This can be left in the current directory or

placed anywhere the user wishes to store it for safe keeping.

NB: To restore a backed-up database simply rename the backup copy to the current database name, and replace the current database while TOA is closed down.

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5. Exporting Data to TOA

The data retrieved from the Transport X unit can be exported to the Transformer Oil Analyst (TOA) application by Delta-X research. This can be used to further analyze the gas data providing additional information about the condition of the equipment.

The data is exported to a text file (.txt) which can then be imported by the TOA application as follows:

Sync Application Table TOA Application Table

Results Gas

Equipment Equipmt

Location Listitem

Sampling Point Listitem

Type Listitem


1. Close the TOA application if it is running.

2. Select Sync->TOA (DeltaX)->Export To File ->

Or right click in a query window and select Export..

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3. Follow the guide for the chosen case:

Export Results

Export Equipment

Export Locations, Types or Sampling Points

Export All Records

5.1 Export Options

The export options select the format in which the Sync application will export the data. The format should be set before exporting to ensure compatibility with the analysis application (e.g. TOA). The format can be adjusted using the Export dialog below:

Field Separator

Inserts either a comma or tab to delimit each field in the text file (.txt)

Include Field Names on First Row

Select to export both the table data and the table design information.

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5.2 Export All Records

1. The export options dialog will appear.

2. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is

usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

3. Choose the export options.

4. Choose the gas standard to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). When importing the file in TOA only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA results remain unchanged by specifying a single standard for all exported records.

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5. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA rules directory (contains .rul files). This is usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\rul.

6. Choose the equipment rules to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). When importing the file in TOA only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA equipment remains unchanged by specifying a single rule for all export equipment.

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7. Click on Export to create the five export text files in either the default directory or a user specified export folder.

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5.3 Results Export

1. The export options dialog will appear

2. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is

usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

3. Choose the export options.

4. Choose the gas standard to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). When importing the file in TOA only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA results remain unchanged by specifying a single standard for all exported records.

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5. Click on Export to create the export text file 'Results.txt' in either the default

directory or a user specified export folder.

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5.4 Equipment Export

1. The export options dialog will appear.

2. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is

usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

3. Choose the export options.

4. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA rules directory (contains .rul

files). This is usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\rul.

5. Choose the equipment rules to be used as part of the TOA analysis (can be

changed in TOA). When importing the file in TOA only new entries are inserted to the database, so existing TOA equipment remains unchanged by specifying a single rule for all export equipment.

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6. Click on Export to create the export text file 'Equip.txt' in either the default

directory or a user specified export folder.

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5.5 Export Locations, Types or Sampling Points

1. The export options dialog will appear

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2. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is

usually found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

3. Choose the export options.

4. Click on Export to create the export text file 'Location.txt', 'MFRtype.txt' or

'SamPts.txt' in either the default directory or a user specified export folder.

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6. Importing Data from TOA

It is possible to import existing Equipment information from the Transformer Oil Analyst (TOA) application by Delta-X Research. This is useful for keeping the equipment data consistent between the TOA and Sync applications.

The imported data can then be uploaded to a Transport X unit.


1. Close the TOA application if it is running.

2. Select Sync->TOA (DeltaX)->Import...

3. The Import dialog will appear.

4. Use the Browse... button to locate the TOA database file (.mdb). This is usually

found in C:\Program Files\Analyst3\toa33db.mdb.

5. Click on Import to start the process.

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