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206 COUNTY Or WELLIvGTON DIRF,GTORY. COUNTY OF WELLINGTON DIRECTORY. 207 Douglass W. A., B.A., head master, High School, 1st Avenue DOYLE JAMES H., barrister, Broadway Doyle James S., barrister, Broadway Dryden Andrew, grain buyer, First st Dulferin Carriage 'Works, James Buyers, propr., First st Dufferin Houise,Win Hand, propr.,Broadway Duffy William, fariner Duggan Reid, clerk DUNBAR FRANCIS G., conveyancér, Broadway, h cor. 2nd St and 2nd Avenue Duval Miss E., first lady teacher, common school Earls Miram, laborer, Broadway Eastman G. A. it Co., dry goods, Broadway Eastman Geo. A., of G. A. Eastman & Co., Prince of Wales Rd Elgie's hotel and livery stables, Mrs. E. Elgie, proprietress, Broadway Elgie Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. John, proprietress Elgie's hotel and livery stable, Broadway Ellis John J., fariner Ellis Samuel, carpenter Embrey Richard, baker Episcopal V - aodist Church, Rev. G. Clark FEAD JAMES S., Mayor, barrister, &c., Main st, h Broadway Ferguson Jas., painter Ferguson John, tailor Fiddes William, farmer Fike Ira, agent Finlayson Geo., coeper, Main st, bds Gordon hotel Fisher —, carpenter, lat Avenue Fitzgerald Joseph, cabinet-maker and under- taker, Broadway Flasher Henry, grocer, Mill st Flasher John, propr. Mammoth flouse, dry goods, Broadway Fletcher John, insurance agent, Broadway Foley John, pub. and prop. Men, Broadway Follis Benj., laborer Ford John, ulasterer Foster C. W. ., carpenter Foster John, butcher, Broadway Foster Joseph, bricklayer, Broadway Fraie James, Monaghan House, groceries, wines and liquors, Broadway, h First av Frame William, clerk Francis Saunders, mason Frank Frederick, L.D.S., dentist, Broadway Franks Wm., T. G. B. Ry Fronts Alexander, carpenter Gahen James, of Collins & Gahen, Broadway Galbraith tleo., law clerk, Broadway Galbraith G. H., student Gartley Edward, well driller ILCH RIST it. KENT, dry goods, groceries, and grain dealer., Broadway. Gilchrist John, of Gilchrist & Kent, First Av Gillespie A. J. Gillespie William Godfrey Fred., laborer Globe Hotel, Jas. Murray, propr., Broadway Glover Fred. It., stationery and fancy goods, Broadway Gordon House, W. J. Middleton, propr., Broadway Goug,h John, latorer Graham James, Broadway Graham James. ostler Graham Win. T. G. B. Ry Gray Geo., Ry Gray Samuel, laborer, Broadway GREEN JOHN, of Chisholm & Green, First Avenue Greenas Hiram, laborer Greig Robt. W., bookkeeper, Second st. E. Guy Hugh, carpenter Hadden John, laborer Haley Hugh, carpenter Hall John, laborer, Broadway Hand Win., propr. Dufferin House, 1 r way Haney Samuel, grocer, Broadway Harris John, plasterer Harrison Francis ' T. G. & B. Ry. Harrison Thos., laborer, Broadway Harrop Robt., photographer and Dominion Telegraph agent, Broadway, h York Hastings 31arkland, agent, ftroadway HaUN RICHARD T., agent Bank Com- merce, Broadway Henderson Miss, 3rd lady teacher Common School Henderson Rev. Alex., B. A., Church of England, First Avenue Henry James, M. D., physician and surgeon, First Avenue Hewat BIrs. Matilda, wid Dr., Second st. E Hewit Robt., bricklayer, Broadway Hewitt John, laborer Hewitt Robert, unison' Hewson John, laborer, First Avenue Heuston —, laborer, Broadway , Hicks A. A., sewing machine agent Hicks John Hicks Rev. Win., pastor Methodist Church, First Avenue High School, Win. A Douglass, B. A., head master Riley James, T. G. & B. Ry. Hill George, bricklayer, Ms American Hotel Heiden Miss M. E.,agent Montreal Telegraph Cu., Second st. E Holden MIR. Ruth, wid James, Second st. E Holliwell Ed rani, bricklayer Holliwell Fra rk, T. G. & B. Railway Hollinger • oh t, Woodbine Saloon, Broadway House James B.. 'photographer, First Avenue Howlett Wm. F. B., architect and civil en- gineer, Broadway Hughes Jos. H.. bricklayer Hughes Mrs. Mary A. wid Stuart, Broadway Hughes William. labofer Hughson Abraham, law student, Broadway Hughson Alexander, Broadway Hughson James, fariner Hughston John, carpenter Hunter David, carpenter Hunter James, fariner Huskinson Jno., teamster, Broadway Inglit George, engineer Ingram Alex., laborer Irvine Robt., painter, First Avenue Irwin Christopher, blacksmith Irwin Francis, general merchant, Broadway Irwin Samuel, shoemaker Island George, blacksuiith, Broadway Jackes Chas. B., Of McCarthy & Jackes, Broadway Jackson Thos., saddler, BmadtVay Jarvis William, butcher, First st Jenkins Jacob, builder, Second Avenue Johnston W. J., teamster Jones Andrew, blacksmith Jones John, blacksmith, Broadway Jones Thos., sawyer, Broadway Jull Cyrus, miller Jull Bennett, miller Jull Orange, miller Jull Thomas, miller Kearns Archibald, elork , Broadway Kearns John, dry good:, and groceries, Broad- way Keetch John W., watchmaker and jeweller, Broadway Kelly John J., tinsmith, Broadway Kelly Mrs. Susiui, boarding-house. Broadway Kennedy Jas. W., cabinet-maker, Broadway KennyStuuuel M., lime merchant, 1st Avenue Kent Win. R., of Gilcluist & Kent, Broadway Ketchum Mrs. Mary, 1st Avenue Keys James framer Kidney John, laborer, Broadway King Dunbar, teamster KIRKLAND ALEX M., agent, 3lerchants Bank of Canada, Broadway Knight Thos., farmer, Broadway Kyle —, laborer, 11roadway Kyle Jas., laborer Laidlow Alexander, millwright Large Robert, carpenter Lathwell Joseph, laborer Lathwell Win. T., clerk, 1st Avenue Laughton Fred, carpenter Lawrence George, laborer Lawrence Miss Sarah Lawrence Orange Lawson Robert, laborer, Broadway Leest;n J as., sawyer Leeson Jas. H., 13:1W inill, Broadway, h Church st Leeson Manasseh, 1st Avenue Lennox Andrew, propr. Albion 'louse, Broadway Leonard Mrs. wid. E. A. Leslie Edwarti. bailiff, Broadway LESLIE GUY, post-master, clerk Division Court, commissioner and issuer cf marriage licenses, Broadway Lindsay John, farmer, Broadway LINDSEY JOHNSTON, dry goods millin- ery and clothing, groceries, boots and shoes, and ameral grain merchant, Broad- way, h Ist'Avenue Livingston Daniel, blaekamith Lloyd Mrs. Ellen, baker and confectioner, Brow l way Lloyd Robert John, Broadway LONGEWAY J. & BRO., dry goeda, gro- ceries, leads and shoes, clothing, hats, caps, etc., Broadway. Longeway Henry, of J. Longeway & Bre., 1st Avenue Longeway John, of J. Longeway & Bro., 3rd Avenue Longeway 3lic1me1, laborer, 1st Avenue Loxton George, blacksmith Lynn John, shoemaker, Third st E 3IacAdam Thos., groeeries, liquora and crock- ery, Broadway 31achun 3Irs. Mary C., wid Jas. Broadway 3Iaclam William J., laborer, Broadway 3Iacnee P. C., M. A., student-at-law, Ma. Queen's Hotel Matspwan Alexander, of Macgowan & Deans, Prince of Wales Rd 3Licgowan & Derme, hardware merchants, Broadway McBride Daniel, carpenter McBride Samuel, saleaman, Second st E McCarthy Alex, clerk, 1st Avenue MeCARTHY & JACKES, attorneys and solicitors, Broadway McCarthy 3Iaitland, of McCarthy & Jackes, Broadway McClellan jas., laborer McCormick 8. S., head master Common School, h Prince of Wales Rd McDonald Alexander, of D. & A. McDonald, 2nd Avenue McDonald Ang,us, laborer, Broadway . McDonald D. & A., sash and door factory, First at East McDonald Donald, of D. & A. McDonald, 2nd Avenue McDonald James, carpenter 31cDonald Thos., T. G. B. By McGill Jno. laborer McGregor Duncan McGuire Blaney, shoemaker, Broadway McGuire Hubertus J. W., cabinetmaker, 1st Avenue 3IcGuire John, plasterer McIlroy J., laborer, Third at E McKay Rev. W. E., pastor Church of Scot- land, Broadway McKenna Daniel, laborer, 1st Avenue McKenny Geo., laborer McKeown Robert, boot and shoemaker, Broadway McKim James McKim Mrs. Mary, wid Wm McKim Robert, butcher, Broadway

SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,

Aug 05, 2020



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Page 1: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,


Douglass W. A., B.A., head master, High School, 1st Avenue

DOYLE JAMES H., barrister, Broadway Doyle James S., barrister, Broadway Dryden Andrew, grain buyer, First st Dulferin Carriage 'Works, James Buyers,

propr., First st Dufferin Houise,Win Hand, propr.,Broadway Duffy William, fariner Duggan Reid, clerk DUNBAR FRANCIS G., conveyancér,

Broadway, h cor. 2nd St and 2nd Avenue Duval Miss E., first lady teacher, common

school Earls Miram, laborer, Broadway Eastman G. A. it Co., dry goods, Broadway Eastman Geo. A., of G. A. Eastman & Co.,

Prince of Wales Rd Elgie's hotel and livery stables, Mrs. E.

Elgie, proprietress, Broadway Elgie Mrs. Elizabeth, wid. John, proprietress

Elgie's hotel and livery stable, Broadway Ellis John J., fariner Ellis Samuel, carpenter Embrey Richard, baker Episcopal V - aodist Church, Rev. G. Clark FEAD JAMES S., Mayor, barrister, &c.,

Main st, h Broadway Ferguson Jas., painter Ferguson John, tailor Fiddes William, farmer Fike Ira, agent Finlayson Geo., coeper, Main st, bds Gordon

hotel Fisher —, carpenter, lat Avenue Fitzgerald Joseph, cabinet-maker and under-

taker, Broadway Flasher Henry, grocer, Mill st Flasher John, propr. Mammoth flouse, dry

goods, Broadway Fletcher John, insurance agent, Broadway Foley John, pub. and prop. Men, Broadway Follis Benj., laborer Ford John, ulasterer Foster C. W.., carpenter Foster John, butcher, Broadway Foster Joseph, bricklayer, Broadway Fraie James, Monaghan House, groceries,

wines and liquors, Broadway, h First av Frame William, clerk Francis Saunders, mason Frank Frederick, L.D.S., dentist, Broadway Franks Wm., T. G. B. Ry Fronts Alexander, carpenter Gahen James, of Collins & Gahen, Broadway Galbraith tleo., law clerk, Broadway Galbraith G. H., student Gartley Edward, well driller

ILCH RIST it. KENT, dry goods, groceries, and grain dealer., Broadway.

Gilchrist John, of Gilchrist & Kent, First Av Gillespie A. J. Gillespie William Godfrey Fred., laborer

Globe Hotel, Jas. Murray, propr., Broadway Glover Fred. It., stationery and fancy goods,

Broadway Gordon House, W. J. Middleton, propr.,

Broadway Goug,h John, latorer Graham James, Broadway Graham James. ostler Graham Win. T. G. B. Ry Gray Geo., Ry Gray Samuel, laborer, Broadway GREEN JOHN, of Chisholm & Green, First

Avenue Greenas Hiram, laborer Greig Robt. W., bookkeeper, Second st. E. Guy Hugh, carpenter Hadden John, laborer Haley Hugh, carpenter Hall John, laborer, Broadway Hand Win., propr. Dufferin House, 1 r

way Haney Samuel, grocer, Broadway Harris John, plasterer Harrison Francis

' T. G. & B. Ry.

Harrison Thos., laborer, Broadway Harrop Robt., photographer and Dominion

Telegraph agent, Broadway, h York Hastings 31arkland, agent, ftroadway HaUN RICHARD T., agent Bank Com-

merce, Broadway Henderson Miss, 3rd lady teacher Common

School Henderson Rev. Alex., B. A., Church of

England, First Avenue Henry James, M. D., physician and surgeon,

First Avenue Hewat BIrs. Matilda, wid Dr., Second st. E Hewit Robt., bricklayer, Broadway Hewitt John, laborer Hewitt Robert, unison' Hewson John, laborer, First Avenue Heuston —, laborer, Broadway , Hicks A. A., sewing machine agent Hicks John Hicks Rev. Win., pastor Methodist Church,

First Avenue High School, Win. A Douglass, B. A., head

master Riley James, T. G. & B. Ry. Hill George, bricklayer, Ms American Hotel Heiden Miss M. E.,agent Montreal Telegraph

Cu., Second st. E Holden MIR. Ruth, wid James, Second st. E Holliwell Ed rani, bricklayer Holliwell Fra rk, T. G. & B. Railway Hollinger • oh t, Woodbine Saloon, Broadway House James B.. 'photographer, First Avenue Howlett Wm. F. B., architect and civil en-

gineer, Broadway Hughes Jos. H.. bricklayer Hughes Mrs. Mary A. wid Stuart, Broadway Hughes William. labofer Hughson Abraham, law student, Broadway Hughson Alexander, Broadway

Hughson James, fariner Hughston John, carpenter Hunter David, carpenter Hunter James, fariner Huskinson Jno., teamster, Broadway Inglit George, engineer Ingram Alex., laborer Irvine Robt., painter, First Avenue Irwin Christopher, blacksmith Irwin Francis, general merchant, Broadway Irwin Samuel, shoemaker Island George, blacksuiith, Broadway Jackes Chas. B., Of McCarthy & Jackes,

Broadway Jackson Thos., saddler, BmadtVay Jarvis William, butcher, First st Jenkins Jacob, builder, Second Avenue Johnston W. J., teamster Jones Andrew, blacksmith Jones John, blacksmith, Broadway Jones Thos., sawyer, Broadway Jull Cyrus, miller Jull Bennett, miller Jull Orange, miller Jull Thomas, miller Kearns Archibald, elork , Broadway Kearns John, dry good:, and groceries, Broad-

way Keetch John W., watchmaker and jeweller,

Broadway Kelly John J., tinsmith, Broadway Kelly Mrs. Susiui, boarding-house. Broadway Kennedy Jas. W., cabinet-maker, Broadway KennyStuuuel M., lime merchant, 1st Avenue Kent Win. R., of Gilcluist & Kent, Broadway Ketchum Mrs. Mary, 1st Avenue Keys James framer Kidney John, laborer, Broadway King Dunbar, teamster KIRKLAND ALEX M., agent, 3lerchants

Bank of Canada, Broadway Knight Thos., farmer, Broadway Kyle —, laborer, 11roadway Kyle Jas., laborer Laidlow Alexander, millwright Large Robert, carpenter Lathwell Joseph, laborer Lathwell Win. T., clerk, 1st Avenue Laughton Fred, carpenter Lawrence George, laborer Lawrence Miss Sarah Lawrence Orange Lawson Robert, laborer, Broadway Leest;n J as., sawyer Leeson Jas. H., 13:1W inill, Broadway, h

Church st Leeson Manasseh, 1st Avenue Lennox Andrew, propr. Albion 'louse,

Broadway Leonard Mrs. wid. E. A. Leslie Edwarti. bailiff, Broadway LESLIE GUY, post-master, clerk Division

Court, commissioner and issuer cf marriage licenses, Broadway

Lindsay John, farmer, Broadway LINDSEY JOHNSTON, dry goods millin-

ery and clothing, groceries, boots and shoes, and ■ ameral grain merchant, Broad- way, h Ist'Avenue

Livingston Daniel, blaekamith Lloyd Mrs. Ellen, baker and confectioner,

Brow l way Lloyd Robert John, Broadway LONGEWAY J. & BRO., dry goeda, gro-

ceries, leads and shoes, clothing, hats, caps, etc., Broadway.

Longeway Henry, of J. Longeway & Bre., 1st Avenue

Longeway John, of J. Longeway & Bro., 3rd Avenue

Longeway 3lic1me1, laborer, 1st Avenue Loxton George, blacksmith Lynn John, shoemaker, Third st E 3IacAdam Thos., groeeries, liquora and crock-

ery, Broadway 31achun 3Irs. Mary C., wid Jas. Broadway 3Iaclam William J., laborer, Broadway 3Iacnee P. C., M. A., student-at-law, Ma.

Queen's Hotel Matspwan Alexander, of Macgowan & Deans,

Prince of Wales Rd 3Licgowan & Derme, hardware merchants,

Broadway McBride Daniel, carpenter McBride Samuel, saleaman, Second st E McCarthy Alex, clerk, 1st Avenue MeCARTHY & JACKES, attorneys and

solicitors, Broadway McCarthy 3Iaitland, of McCarthy & Jackes,

Broadway McClellan jas., laborer McCormick 8. S., head master Common

School, h Prince of Wales Rd McDonald Alexander, of D. & A. McDonald,

2nd Avenue McDonald Ang,us, laborer, Broadway . McDonald D. & A., sash and door factory,

First at East McDonald Donald, of D. & A. McDonald,

2nd Avenue McDonald James, carpenter 31cDonald Thos., T. G. B. By McGill Jno. laborer McGregor Duncan McGuire Blaney, shoemaker, Broadway McGuire Hubertus J. W., cabinetmaker, 1st

Avenue 3IcGuire John, plasterer McIlroy J., laborer, Third at E McKay Rev. W. E., pastor Church of Scot-

land, Broadway McKenna Daniel, laborer, 1st Avenue McKenny Geo., laborer McKeown Robert, boot and shoemaker,

Broadway McKim James McKim Mrs. Mary, wid Wm McKim Robert, butcher, Broadway

Page 2: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,

20 8 (,OUSTY OF WELLINGTON 1,ME170111' .

Dtch innon David, of Stewart ►$ Co., residesin Alto n

MeKINNON I)ONALD, organs, pianos, andsewing machines, Broa d way.



.1(rntu%acturc+-c if ll,np,rs and1G~1 re, lorrvercStJky//uy Fuwiiq Machines, S(rv, , .c

Cidlcrs, and all kiudvqf Ayri-cullurv!l /mplenuals.


McKiu•irk Robt. J ., of McKitrick & Bro.,

Mill a t.\IcKitrick Samuel H ., of MeKitrick & Bru.,

Church atMcLean Emery, auctinneerJlcLean Win . J ., laborerMcllorris David, carpente rbieliurra,v Thos. C ., watchmaker and jewel-

lcr . Broadway.\IcNab Peter, carpenter and builder, 3rd

avenueMc\ autara Patrick, laborerMcNichol Robt . J ., Orangeville Tea -\lart,

groceries and crockery, Broa.lway~I c l'hea ,1 ohn, laborer.1fcPherson .John, teamsterJlcPherson Wlu., millwright.11cTag, .u•t Lachlin, laborer, Broadway\tadill Thos . farmer, Broadway~tammoth House, dry goods, John Flesher,

prop'r, Broadway \tanary \1'w., plasterer, 2nd at e

Mara Genr(,e, plastererMarshall John J ., baker and confectioner,

BroadwayMartin George, tinsntith\latthews Jtrs. wid,,w, BroadwayMaxwell Allen, fanne rMay James, saddler and harttess; maker,

BroadwayMay John, Broadway\lay R'illi :un, labore rMay William, section master, Broadway.IIenaty liod,t ., blacksmith, Broadwa

y NIF.RCHANTa BAN li OF CANADA, A . M. Kirkland, agent, l'ro;ulway

Meredith Henry, carpenter 3lethodist Church, Rev. W. Hicks, pastor ,

1st avenu eMiddleton Witt . J ., prop'r Gordon House, ~

Broadwa y.ltiilqllet.,n W. T*%lillov Daniel, agen t~lihu;~r Rev . .Jonathcm, pastor, Primitive

Jletho(list ('hnrch, Mill a tMitchell Jas., tailorMitchell Stanley, teller, Jlerchants Batik,

Broad wa yMo8'att Robert.NIomktu :w Gcu., flour and feed, Broadway,

bds Elgin hotel

MONRO FI S HER, publisher and proprietoto f nr.u4q,vtifL• Ad,•,v'!imv, Broadway, h 2ud

fit eMonroe Dlrs. Katherine, wi4lMontgomery John, farmer1lontreal Telegraph C o , Miss M. E. fiolden,

agent, BroadwayMorris (ieo., laiorel '

\Il1I2NISuN W .M .. . .1 ., propr. CommercialHotel, Broadwa y

llorrow William, laborer11orrow \Vm . It., teamster, BroadwayMortimer Richard, bricklayerJlossop Mrs. JaneMunson uJeremiah\Itn•dx;k Jno ., laborerMurray James, propr. (:lobe Hotel, Broadway

Newman Thomas, contracto r

Newt . .n Isaac, plastererNICHI ►LSUti'a CARRIAGE & WAGGOY

FACTORY, Isaac Nicholson prop ., Mill atNIC11OLSON ISAAC, prop. carriage an d

waggun factory, of Bond & Nicholson,Mill Fit, h 2nd Avenue

Noble John, bricklaye rNoble John, second master common schoolNoble John, shoe-makerNorton Jas., cabinet makerO'Brien Frederick, painterl ►gsten .Ios ., labore rUgsteu Thos., masonOntario Tea Co, Allan & Babe, proprietors,





Pub. 634 P roP'r.,Bros l wq

l)rangeville Hay Pressing Works, Bond kNicholsor, props .

Osman William, laborer, BroadwayPaisley House, John Paisley, proprietor,

BroadwayPaisley John, prop. Paisley House, BroadwayPaisley Mrs. Ann, wid James, BroadwayPaisley Mrs. Nancy, millinerParker GeorgeParsons John, BroadwayPARSONS WILLIAJI, dealer in hardware,

stoves, tinware, coal oil, lamps, etc., Broad-way, h 1st Avenue

Patterson Robert, farinerI'atton Joseph, farmerPattullo Joseph, of Patt.ullo & Scott, 2nd stI:1TTULLI) & SCOTT, barristers and attor

neys, Broadwa yFax milan Jos., butcher, BroadwayPaxman Jos ., plasterer, Ist AvenuePaxman Mrs. Jane, wi dPerfect Frederick



Perfect Iùobert, hotelPerry John, butcher, BroadwayPortia Win ., carpente rPortlock Win ., Berlin wool and fancy goods,

BroadwayPOYNTZ ROBERT J ., boots and •shoes,

Broadway, It Front a tPoyntz T. ( .., druggist, BroadwayPrice SandforJ, hote lPrimitive Methodist Church, Rev . Jonathan

Milner, pastor, lst avenue


J. A, I[. CItO'LIER, ftorR's . ,i :c 0% uM At .


Raines Georae, printe rRaines W. R.., insurance agentRamsay Jas., marble dealer, First atRamsay Jas ., masomRaybu rn IsaiahReid James B .Reid William, teamste rRheid Mrs. Rhoda, wid ThomasRichardson Robert, saddler and harness

maker, B roadwayRiddell Jas. K., painterRiddellRobt., mason, lat AvenueRiddell Win ., T. G. B. RailwayRidley Francis, butcher, BroadwayRoaf Thus. H., teamsterRobinson Robt., ca rpente rRobinson William II ., painter, B rordwayRutledge A . E., carpente rRyan George, of Skelton & Ryan, bds

Gordon BouseRyan PatrickRyan William, BroadwaySanford Price, hotel -Saunders Francis, masonSavery Fre#., laborer, BroadwayScott David L., of Pattullu & Scott,

Broadwa yScott John, carpenterShaw J . W., insurance agentShields John, BroadwaySkelton Jas . M ., of S kelton & Ryan, bds

Gordon HouseS kelton & Ryan, dry goods, etc ., Broadway.Sleman & Crow, carpenters, BroadwaySleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, B roadwaySpiers - , laborer, bds Royal Hotel


Spiers Jas., farinerSp roat Charles, engineerStephenson Jnu., F tro [ rrietor~of the Orange .

ville carding and filling mill, ltythia atStevenson Th os., druggist, ias ueruf marriage

licenses and commissioner in B. R. Broad-way, h 2nd Aveau o

Stewart Faulkiner, of F. C . Stewart & Co.,2nd Avenue

Stewart F. C . & Co ., dry goodeand groceriesBroadway

Still Win ., photoërapher, BroadwayStonehuuae Dtichael, shoemakerStrung .Jos., plasterer, 2nd AuenneStrype Henry, of Cubean & StrypeSuggitt Francis, teamaterSug- itt Mary`uggett Win., laborer, BroadwaySi,,, (The), weekly, published Thuradays.

Annttal subscription $L.fiO, John Foley,pub. and propr., Broadway

Surby Frederick, laborerSutton William, masonSwan Thos., laberer, BroadwaySwitaer 1Vm., laborerTait -, saddler, First atTate Geo ., saddlerand harness-maker, Mill atTate 111artin, saddlerTemple James, teamsterTemple Thus ., laborer, bds Royal HotelTerner J., butcher, BroadwayThompson -, 2nd Avenu eThompson Jtto., T . G. B. RailwayThompson 1Vm., laborerThompson Win ., shoemakerTilt Miss, second lady teacher common schoolTipping Geo., teamster, BroadwayToronto Grey and Bruce Railway, John

Davidson, agen tTrewmain J . W., farmerTrimble Davi dT rimble WilliamTuck Herbert F., M. D., physician and

surgeon, Broadway, h 2 nd a tTucker Rev . R. L., Canada Methodist

Churcu, B roadwayVaraoe \Irs. Sarah, wid Henry, Main atVetch Jno, gardene rWaldick William . confectioner, BroadwayWalker Arthur, tinsmithWalker Jackson, labore rWallace Samuel, well-driller, BroadwayWallace Stephen, of Anderson & Wallace,

Second AvenueWatson James, laborerWatson Lewis, laborcrjWatson Robert, teamster

Page 3: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,





Watson Wru., gunsmith, First t OUSTIC.-A Post Village, Nituated on loti

Watts Itubcrf, Broadway l_'t4, fith concession Tuwnship ut\1'cLslcr .1„1. J., paintur f-'r:um.>a. l'„utains 2 stores. blackstuitht\Vcsl,y:m Mcth„diat l'hnrclt, L'ev. 11'illium

13icksWest.) t o. baker au,l iuuer, Ilroad-

wityWhah•y Eli, teamsterWhaley ls:uw, lulN-rcrWheel,Kk lJhas, survey,,r, Third Avenue\Viggiuy .la.r., carpenterWiggins .fushua, Ial>„rerWtlc.,x (,eu., butcher, llrna.lwayWiley laburer, lilti,a,lw•ay\Vilcv John, lime buruerWil., Ssnuuel, uatlerWilkins Alattliew, Broadway

ehop, and hutcl. Distant frutn Ruck-

woo l, a station of the G. T. It., 8 miles;

front Fcrriua S!, miles ; and front Guelphthe County Town, 13 miles. :Ilail,

Iii weekly. Poloulation about M.

1. n. G. '/'. No. 2t38.-Jas. Mc•Cr„m•, W.C.;Walter Chnl.,, Secretary.

Allen Thotnan, carpentert S ihbons Thomas, blacksmithII all .Joseph, laborer^Ic\lah ^n John, geueral storet )akes (;eor„e, laborerl lakes James, hotelScott 13rus.• merchantw>Lti,tt 11. H., „f Scott Bros.Scott It„bert, „f Scott Bros., postmaster

Wilson (;c„r);eWile-m 'I'humas, hotelWinst:llcy Fred., of Winhtauley it, Wordie,

Church at



Stoves andTinware.._ y►=•


coroner, BroadwayYoung Fred., carpenter

Witter.Ino., American Motel, Main atWordie Win., of W inatanlcy & W ordie, Broai-

wayWright J-diu, turner, BroadwayYeomauN Mrs., wid. David, First AvenueYork Thom. J., 11.D., physici,m and surgeon,

gravel road front Guclph to Erin, in thV

Anderson Charles, botel

Fielding :11rs. Thos., hotel

by Act if Parliament, Derember, 1874,

branch of the Wellington, Urey andBruce Railway, main line terminus of

Snperi.,r Boata, which call twice a weelrat lK,th Southampton and Kincardine.The G. W. R. Company are about erect-

OSPxINaE.-A Post Village on the

'3uwn4hip of Erin. Distant from Acton,

a station of the (,rand Trunk Railway,

(; mileN, and from Guelph, the County

Town 12 miles. P..l ulation about 30.

Andcrun Ccory;e, fanncr[3oldwick Charles, fanuc•r

throughout the Town. The corporationHawkins John, blacksmithH awkins .f onahLeech Rev. -Lyn.on William, postmaster and merchant


PALMERSTON•-Incorporated a Town

Gonuerly in the Township of Wallace,

County of Perth, but at time of incor-

1N,ration was taken into Township of

Jlintu, County of Wellington. Palmer-

stou is the junction of the Kincsrdine

which is 8-,uthampttm, on Lake Huron.

Thus fonuing direct line for Lakr

ing a new station house, building an

additiou to engine shops Po as to hold 12

engines,'au,i extending switches, to hold

I50 cars, it is expected these improve-meuts will coet upwards of Twenty

Thous.•tnd dollars, and when completed

will atiJ very materially to the appear-

of the T.,wn, a by-law is about being

suhmitted to the ratepayers for the

raising of $5,000 for improvements

also offer a bonus of $6,000 to any man-

ufacturer settling in the place. Few

places, if any in Canada can boast of such





rapid l,n,slwrity as Palmerston, only four Bible Christian Church, Rev. Thos. Mason,

y,•ar,l agu the „r„uu,l where thcT„wn n„w pastor

stands was a tcildcrnc•s<, the tira h„use

now the Town bats it lti-pulation of 1,1500

and is rapidly iucrc:t.ring, principal ex-

ports are : timber, tics, staves, barrel


was built in 1t471 by 1Vw. Thomsou, and

hr.uliuvy, grain and cattlc. It is distant

fr,nu T„runtu, DI miles ; frouu Southamp-

ton, 5:) miles ;and front Guelph, the

County Town, 43 miles.

Mayor, Th„s. McDowell ; Reeve, WilliamThorupsuu. Cuuncillore, M. C. Putts, ItA,Lt.Shieldy, Johnson Ww lc, Win. Lowry, F. Kee,J. Evans, Jt,lul Kearu,a, 1). fitenhousc, andDr. Stewart,clerk and Treasurer, J. R. Ham-ilton.

Talmcr.rtmt atace and shirutle Jactor,►, by

gles and 15(N)0 staves per day ; employ eight


Pahn„ytu,t dliN.+,fimr arui grist, by Gam-ble & Mcl3ain ; size uf building 40 x 48 feet,4 story high ; cnntains three run of atonecapacity 150 Lushula per day ; steruu 45 hursepower ; employ 3 men.

Palmerston.time Mill, by John McDennottsize of building :39 x 60 feet ; capacity 10,00()feet lumber Iwrday ; steam 30 horse power ;em loy 6 men.

Thos. Mcllowell ; size of building at) x 50 ft.eteam 2(1 horse power ; capacity 17500 shin-


Anderson Rev. Daniel, pattor Presbyterian

Armour Amlrew, publisher and proprietorPalmerston Progre3a

Brooks D: ►vid, laln,rer

Brooks.loseph, fariner

Brown Walter, itutson

Agnew Samuel, laborerAlexander George, shoemakerAlexander GeKn•ge B., commercial traveller,

King stAllen James, carpenterAllen Robert, stoker

ChurchAppleby Charles, carpenterAppleby James, laborer

Bargue Henry, farmerBarns 1Vrn.,'engine-driverBates J. fancy goods, and groceries, Main atBeattie Geo , of Grassick & BeattieBell RolandBerthwick Adam, farmerBest James, farmerBèst John, carpenter

I•clhusk} Fr:un,:. ui.t+,nI;lacklmw+'l'll-nn t,. hL rv rl'oyd It -bwrt 1311,-rer12RAND.10ti1.I?1 It., train despatchcr W.G.

.l B. Nailw,tyL'riJgef„r,l .l,tni, :+liruck John, w:ltuhwxker, Queen at

liro,kx .luhn, fariner

lir„wn.lohu, earriage maker, Queen at

j Buchanan Pctcr, lalK)rcr

Campbell A. C., carpenterCampbell Poter, general etturo, Main atCaran T4nwlis, engino driver

Cook Alexander, fireman

Courley Samuel

Davis Charles, c: ►rpenter

Davis C. II., laborerDeans William, fireman

Dominion Telegraph Co., D. W. Sibbald,

L'ug. g John, lalr,rerCulkins Stephen, lalx,rer

Carter Robert, conductor W. G. & B. Ry.C:u+well Andrew, farmerCaswell James D., general store, Main atCawley John( lhalmers William, engine driverChurch of England, Rev. Megahy,

incumbentClaridge John, farinerClement Henry, laborerClements J011n R., mavt,nClose GeorgeColclough John, hotel-keeper, Maitt at

C„rlct -John, laborer

Creig Itobert, fanuerCross James, harness-mekerCuseck Thomas, carpenter

Davis Charles, photographer

Delono A.Dillano Matthew, cabinet-makor,etc.,Main at

agent, Main atDnuel ly James, V. S., Queen atD,,nolly llfatthew,Roneral merchnnt,Queen stDrewr,y -John, amductlu W. G. & B. Ry.Duke Thomas, laborerDuke William, carpenterDumas Johr, clerk, M lin atDunbar Rot,ert, engine driverEaves Peter, laborerEmery Joel, carpenterEmery John, waggon-makerEvens Francis, laborer

Page 4: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,

Methodist Church, Rev. .1. G. Scott, pastor Miller Alexander, carpenter Miller Jall1C8, blacksmith, W. G. & B. R. Mitchell A., M. D., Main st Moffat Robert, laborer Montreal Telegraph Co., Dr. :,:towart, agent,

Main at Moore Henry, flour and feel, William st Metheersheeod Peter, engine-driver Munson A. Bruce, train despatcher, W. G.

& B. Ity Itfutelt John, machinist Nicholson James Nicholson Joseph Norris Frederick, fireman Newry William, councillor, Main st Palmerston grist mills, Gamble &

ProPrte Palmerston Progrem, weekly, issued Thun-

der, circulation 500, annual subscription Ill, And. Armour, publisher and propr

Palmerston saw mill, Jno. McDermott, pmpr Palmerston stave and shingle factory, Thos.

McDowell, propr Pecan' Napoleon, Impeder Montreal Tel. Co PERRY BROS., druggists, stationery and

school books, Main st Perry Charles E., of Perry Bros., resides in

Elora Perry James, of Perry Bros., Main st Perry Robert H., of Perry Bros., resides in

Fergus POTI'S MATTHEW C., hardware merchant,

etc.' councillor, Main st. &ee tub. page 15

Prain '

Charles laborer Presbyterian Church, Rev. D. Anderson,

pastor PUMMEL JAMES, boots and shoe+, Main st QUEEN'S HOTEL AND LIVERY, R.

Johnston, kopr., Queen st Rabb Isaiah, blacksmith and waggon-maker,

Main st • Ranger Thomas, mason

Ranson John, carpenter Ranton Adam, fanner Renton George, farmer RANTON WILLIAM, waggon-maker Reid William, shoemaker Rice William, laborer Ritaon Tom A., Secy. to Div. Supt., W. G. &

B. Ry Roberts John, laborer Robertson Charles,car foreman,W.G. & B.Ry Ross James, carpenter Royal Hotel, Wm. Leopard, propr Ryckman W. Scott Daniel, laborer

Scott Hugh, pmpr, Mansion 1101180 Scott James, machinist Scolt .Tohn, stoker Scott Rev. J. (1. paator Methodiat Church Shaw Amon, lah:wer Shaw (.urge, laborer Sheri; Weakly L., train despatcher, W. 0. &

Ry Shields James, of J. & R. Shields, Main st Shields & R., general merchants, Main st Shielila Robert, of J. & R. Shields, coun-

cillor, and east. P. M., Main tit Shortreed S'immel, laborer Sibbald David W., general store, Main st ' Skea James, carpenter Small George, machinist Smith Daniel, *inductor W.G. & B. Ry Smith Richard J. carpenter Spalding Alexander W., surgeon dentist,

Main st Spiera Thomas, carpenter Stenhouse David, bakery, flour and feed,

Queen at Stewart Alex., M.D., C.M., and councillor,

Main st Stinson JIN11014, ca,rpenter Strong JaIDOR Taber Jacob R., M.D., M.RC.S., Eng., phy-

sician and surgeon Tait James, farmer Thompson George, fariner Thompson William, farmer TIFFIN W. R., Division superintendent,

W. 0. & B. Ry Touchburn Ily., general merchant, Main st Treaniun Aaron, baker Trimble James, fireman Wade Johnson, farmer Wade Ransom, fariner Waldon John, carpenter Walsh James, tailor, Main st Wannington John Warren Peter, agent Watson & Fuller, flax scutchers 1Vatson George, carpenter Watson James, stoker Watson Peter, of Watson lt Fuller, resides

in Stratford Watt John, hotelkeeper, Main at Wayper Joseph, hotel Webb William, engine driver Weiland John F„ hotelkeeper, Main st Welsh James, laborer Westgate George, pump maker Westgate John, butcher Whitely John W., engineer Williams Benjamin, laborer


Evens Isaiah, carpenter Ferguson David, fanner Fesselwood Frederick, engine driver FINDLAY ANDREW G.. black.smith Fitzgerald Jeremiah, engine driver Fitzpatrick Francis Flaker John, laborer Fluker W. J,„ laborer Fott William Fuller Samuel IS., of Watson & Fuller, re-

sides in Stratford Gamble & McBain, propra. Palmerston Grist

Mills Gamble -,of Gamble & McBain,resides

in Carthage Gilmore Ilugh, laborer Gilree Thomas, teamster Good ),Irs. leabella Gourland Frederick Graasick George, of Grassick & Beattie Graasick & Beattie, aahery Greay Miss Eliza J., milliner Greig Edwitrd, laborer Grey William, laborer Hager (Ieorge

' conductor W. G. & B. Ry.

Halpenny Richard, carpenter




Commi.ssioner in B. B., Conveyancer, cfr. 1‘,1 1■T EY -rc) L-0492■T -


Harris Henry, carter Harvey Absolom E., station master, W.. G.

B. Railway Hastings Samuel, carpenter Hawke S. L., carpenter

'May Thomas E. Hayes Daniel, operat,or Montreal Telegraph

Co., Main st Hayes Win., flour and feed, Main st Hayes Thomas, fanner Hays Walter, farmer Hance Thomas Hunt R. P., butcher Ilyndman Hugh, blacksmith, W. G. & B. R. Irwin Edward, carpent,er Jackson James, laborer Jackaon Iiirs. Ann, widow James Jamieson Robert, farmer Jennie Wm. conductor W. G. & B. Railway Johnston Amos, laborer Johnston Henry, laborer


Johnston John JOHNSTON RICHARD, P. M., and prop.

Queen's Hotel, Queen et Johnston Richard, laborer Johnston Robert, laborer Kearns John, farmer Kearns Simon, farmer Kearns William, latxtrer KEE FREEBORN, stationery and groceries,

commissioner in B.R. arid councillor,lain st Kelly Mrs. F., wid. Frank. millinery and

dresamaking. William st Kenny Thomas, hotelkeeper, William st Kitchen Mrs. E., wid Knowlea Elaruad, section boss W. G. & B. R.,

Main at Knowles Thomas, carpenter Lang Win., butcher Law George, fireman Laybourn Henry, laborer Leopard Wm., proprietor Royal Hotel Litater Peter, laborer Locken Janice, laborer Lockert Thomas, farmer Lougheed Charles, carpenter Lougheed Wm., carpenter Lowry James, livery stables McIlain John, of Gamble & McBain McCanibs John, farmer McCambs Thomas, farmer hteLellan John D., general store, Main ist McCue John, carpenter McDermott Isaac, foreme,n Ii1cDennott John, prop. Palmerston saw mill McDonald Hugh, carpenter McDowell Thomas, proprietor Palmerston

stave and shingle factory McDowell Thos., stove manufacturer



Main &reef.

McFalls Mrs. William McKinley James, locomotive supt. W. G. ét

B. railway • McMillan W. G., laborer Mansion House, Hugh Scott prop. Queen st Marsh James, laborer Mason Rev. Thomas, paator Bible Christian

Church Mathews George Megahy Rev. --, incumbent Church of




& CO. I G.- T.T TE Li P 13.


Page 5: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,






Williams Isaac, herbalistWilliams Thomas, stokerWilson Wellington, blacksmith, Queen litWough William, carpenterWynn Isaac, teamsterYew Henry, laborer

PARHER.- A Post-office in the Township

of Peel. Distant from Elunt, a station

„f the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Itail-

way, 9 miles. Mail daily.

DfcKiut William, post-wltstcr and merchant

PEEPABUN.-A Post-otlice ,.f the Town-

ship of Luther, Lut 25, 2-'nd Concession.

I)ist:utt frntn \Valdemnr, a station on the

T. G. & B. l:y., î wiles, nnd fr m Guclph,

the County Town, 28 utiles.ROI3T. DIt'KSt)\', 1'ost-tnttâter.

PENTLAND.-A Post-office in the Tuwn-

shil, of l'ilkington. Iti3tantfruut Elura,

a station ,vt the Welling(n,n, Grey and

Bruce Itailw•ay,:> tniles, autd front Gxuelph,

the County Town, 1`+ tuiles.

HICIIARD Fu1tD, Post-master.

PETHERTON.--A l'o;t Village situnted

,•n the Owen S"nu,l Ituatl, in the 'fuwn-

ship of Arthur. Distant fruit I^enil-

t►'urth, a station of the Toronto, Grey

and Bruce Itailway, 3 mil", from Mount

Forest 10 utiles, and frum Arthur 5 tuiles.

It contains it, st,re, two Llsckamith's

shops, hotel, and Y:q>tist Church, in

which scrvices are ]tebi by I„ah Baptiits

and Presbyterians.

BUNTON THOMAS, l.u.,t-mastAlr and. mer-chant

Edwards .lames, blacksutithEdwards William, sltoc-m:tl:crHind John, blacksntitltRamm Thns., carpenter awl fumer

PONSONBY.- A Post-Office in the Town- 1

sbip of Pilkington, on the gravel ru:ul

between Guelph and El,u•a, distant frNotu

Caelph, the county town, 9 miles, and

from Flut:► 4 miles.

.iames L. Halley, postmaster and merchant

PIISLINCH.--APost village on Lots 36-37't'ow•uship of Pusliuch, situated on

the (7uelph and Dundas road. The

Credit Valley Railway now building will

have a station here. Di8tant front

Hamilton 17 tniles, and from (:uelph,

lite c,nntty town, 1 I tuiles. Mail daily.

I"oplilatio 11 about 1040.13anoatyne Ale\an,ler, blacksmithBurns .\ Panabaken, lath, lumber and shin•

gle dealers and manufacturersBurns W. J. of 1{ur11s .F Ÿ:mabakeuC:uucrun Annie, t:tilut•es sDixon Johu, laLurerI•'e:dlter N iclu,l:u+, lahorerHarvey James, sawyer1 luwie Andrew, lrlacksmitltLI:SLII: WILLIAM, „encral merchant,

post mastcr, clerk Divisun Court, convey.11r,vv+anrcr, c,•nuuissiotter in B. It.,

Aiclh,m ►hl N. John, clerk and accountant\IcUuual,l Altv:. Isabc•lla, tti,l.,,wAlclnt-,sh Donald, tnilnr\Icl'LerKUu Donald, farinerPaxton \i e.•s. Isabcll:t, wid, nc;tl;u•tin ('ltarlc,4, farwer and l,ntchcr1lattltias Frank, sawy,•rl'anabakcn Henry, 44 l'ntvs & l':uctLakenl'irie \V ul., Iii tel keel,erlluilhuau l'cter, ]nb„rc•t•ljnillmatt l'bilil,, IalN,rcr

Scott Jonathan, fil-cluailStretubel .I:tcnh, l:,b. n•cr\\':dm,u R„hcrt, laLorc•r

\1'o1fL:trt William, curpenter

READING. A Post Office in the Town.

^l,ip d Garafraxa, -21:3 miles from

('011-etuwtt.R„bcrt Ilun:tl,is„n, p,>stntantcr

RIVERSTOWN.--A Post (>11ico in theTuwnabil, of Arthur, 3 miles froni

lionilwortlt, :t station of the Toronto,

Grey and Bruce ltailway.

Alexander Allen, I>ustmaster




ROCgW00D. .o,'t eTItsx.A Village un the suuth

Clary 1f:utin, section foreman O. T. It.

branch of the Grand Itiver, situated on ^ L. tt• L" 1g,• .\',,. Iilil. --David Shaltin, W.

lots 4 :►u,l S, on the .{rd and 4th cuncaa. I M. :(7enrse It:uuabaw, Sec.

sions Towuship of Er:uunsa, and atatiunl'i

n.•forin T,•ntlJ., n•o. 75, I. I1. G. 7.-Jas.

Collins, W. C.; W. Stephens, Sec.of the Grand '•runk IL ►ilway. The

Adamcuntains four chutrllc+, s ixatu Charles, ui^;ht uperatur, C. T. R.

aGues, two hurucss s'tu i: ,.eBan-

:uv 1;r„s., pr„ps. Iluckw,a„i atut o: headinK,

] >s , cat•t• ►^ ul shingle fartury, and cuuporayofiu:tory, two 1>lack:+utith's ahops, w,H,llen 113111:11A Charles I.flu•tury, two ëri3t wills, u: ► t mill, sattr 1{arry N:,lw:u•d, of Barry Brus.

mill, and two at:tve f:►eturic•s. There i+ Itart•y .I:uue+, of I::ury Itrun.Black Hugh, t„wushil, cullector

also an excellent AcadctuY and it g,,.,,1 Black John, tUw11M11111 ;tsicssurt,cltad erected at a cost uf SG,1NN). ,11u11- 13,dt„n ( 7curge, switchnututreal Telegraph Cu. has :in Office here. Brook- John, InlH,rer

Distant from Toronto, 41 utiles and I:urus Patrick, g:trvlcner1{,u•ruws l)lrn., wid

front C.uelpb, the County Town, t{ miles. l'arter.Iu,el,h, f;u luerMail, daily. Population ah,.trt 7:dt. Clltn•ch (if N:ngLunl

atANt•r,t,•TCkE,r. ('l:u'k 110-111311, willer and hotel-keepor

Iû,cktcoc>.1 li,tt .Ili!l, by Will. l'':uris)t. Cutuwerci,►I Ilutcl, Fred. ,lultnstun, proprMain building 40x:N). Store ho-use :A1x411. l'„uuur''h,nu:us, c:ul,enter2 run of stone, water power. C:el,acity 40 Cook Iticlcu•,I, eu•pcnterbarrcls in the 21 h„ut:3. Cur:un lw"rge, tn:t•+,-u

Lornr I7„nr Mills, by Win. I•':rrl•islt. Size Cuulw,tt It,,bert, t:u•uterof building -lllx",n foot, :3!, stury high. :{ t•lut Clnuuu•r A. N:., npiuncrof stone, .%:ttcr power. (;t;,acit•v IINI 1Larrcly Culumiu,a 111ie.h „d, ]leput.y Reevein the 214 h„urs. Cmtniugh:un John, tailot•

Iû,rl.•u•uu,1 Pare, I/,arli„q und ,Vhi„yl, , Curry 1:c•uhett t'.. NI. D.,tw7,t, by Barry Sve of I,uiLliu.; 41) nl*^c,ulfeet s,lr. Steatn ]I; horse pewcr. Il:,rl,y Ileury, 1:>L,.r,•r

PHMlturond l'nrrirtgr Fm-tory, by It. Richard- 1)•tl• Alfred, aclu,,,l te;tober

aon. Alain buildinl; 31ix.'ti feot. I'aint situlr 1)•c}' '•huurts, L•u•Incr

4o-290 feet, w•ater power, owpluy 2 men. I1„u,l•tti .I., wcnverltatti •Id Stri •kl ^I

I,hysician and

Jiu^•l.,rnnrl (•'lnr„• tt,,,ll;,;a.1/i!l /'7n^., ' ^ •►u.Ihnlbnr I:a,r•"c, lilue 1,111114 - 1

IGtrrrl 11•mli„11 u„d .^hi„ylr Fast.,.,,, by \1'. I Dnnl,:u• \1•,•llw^t„u, lime but•uet•Michie. Flour and gl•Ist mill, rnniu building, F,It,;u,l.+ 11i,,.4 il., books and stat.ionory50 feet s,lr., 4 stury high. Store Lunse 30 F;,rtish \I•illiwn, I.rop. lbwkwooJ ont millfeet syr., buth hnildiugs are Theof stono. ''hc and Lorme flnnr millmachinery is run by watcr power. l'outain3 (,;u.Yt:uh .fuhu, section foreman ( :. T. It.4 run of st.une, c• ►p:►city 14,000 Larrc•Is per , 1;-Ifrey Joseph, ca,,,pcrannnm. Hca,ling and ^binrle Factory is G,,,,,iwillie -- -- -, 0. T. It. station master6000 feet, and turns „nt snflicieut tnateri:J and a, out C:utn,li:m Express Co.for the manufacture of 30,M0 b:►rt•els per !Cre-cvc•x >imnn, e:u•pcnterannum. Dir. tilichic etnploys 12 men. Il:tll \Villi:uu, f,trtuer

RH>rT,lrnud li'onlhv, Mills, by Harrisk Co., , flnulilt,.u It.,bertestablishe,l 1867. Size of building 36x54, 11:11t1t15 & Cl)., props. ltuckwood woollen:31 story high, water power. Steam beiuëused only for heating and dryin,, purposes.Capacity 4:,,(X)1 yards (indepeudeut of cus-totn work) per anuum, ewploy about 22hands. The lfessrs. Harris are also engagedin the lumber business, their saw will beingsituated close to woollen factory.

tullla and saw uttllflarris Jaines, farinerMorris John It., of Harris & Co.H:u•t•is Satnuel, I:lrmcrHarris Thnmlv, of Harris & CuHemitreet John, butcherHemstreet William, auctioneer


Page 6: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,



H,•aatt Andrew, cnoq _^rHill Alcx:uider, school-teacherHill John, teaw^terHodkins,m 11'illiam,dtceso factur and faumerJago William, gluvc maker.lohnst(m Frederick,prohr. Commercial liotelJones l.ev. 1'ctt•r, pastor Methodist ChurchKILGlll•lt DAVID, chemist and druggistKnowles.1. W., saddler and hnrnees-tunkerLet .1ilatthcw•, c•+trpcntcrLee Patrick, cm l cuterLorne Flour AIil1,1Cw. Farrirh, prol rLyman L., cloth fullerLynch Rev. .I., pa-tt.r At. E. (•hurc•h.MeCaig Duna!iI, schuol tcachet• aind farmet•McCarthy William, general tnerchant, clerk

Divisitm Court, awl couuuiaivncr in It. It.11Ic{;ulluubh .1; mes, NI. 1)., physician .11141

surgeonMcGee Edw: ni. l,a"cla:;cm:niï\(4•LE(1D.1011N, ;uicral n:crch:utt\It•\11LLAr ALEXA\DH:ki, principal

proprictor RN ckwi, d AcatlcreyMcJlurr.ty Charles, bntcherMcQt:een Alexander, .1. P. and farmerMeadow :ann u el, laborerllichie James, miller


i%lichic 11'illiam, J. P., Propr. Rockwood MillsMitchell David, agent for treesMoore John, . I. P., farmerMoore ''hotnas, farinerMorrow William, carpenterMurphy .1. D.Nelson John F merchant t•►iLor

Fholtis David, potash factoryCc:wlin Thomuts, IaLurerStephens william .1:, cooperStinson.lohn, coopcrStout Eli, stoves and tinw•areStmcll William, fai mcrSItrange Henry, J. P. and P. L. S.Turr.uicc• William, hlackrwith

WILLIAMS .I(iI1N, _n cer

Wright John, baker

Turner John, LlackFluithWaters Th( ,mas, fat wcrWhite .luhu, wilk r

lx,ots and shoesWilson John clerk dealer in

ROTHSAY.-A village sihtatesl on the

Elora and tiaugec•tt rond, and on the

Cunestogu River, lot 10 in the I3th and

14th Concessions, Township of blary-

L•oruush. Contains 3 churches, saw and

grist will, wool and shingle factory, two

hotels, four stores, two blacksmith's

shohs, carriage factory, etc. Distant

frc nt Mcroretield, a station of the W. G.

& 13. By, 3 i miles, from ELora 1S miles,

and from Guelph, the county town, YJ

miles. Stage leaves daily for Elora.

Population 260.


Osburn Williaw, laborer L.U.L. A-o. 976.-Jno. McLoughlan, mas-

Ostrander Jlatthew ter, Jno. \fadoligau, secretary.

PadmureGeorge, teamster MANUFACTUHE14.

PASSbI( ► RE ROBERT, JR., merchant 11uth..a1< <atv a t+d Grint Mill, by J. Gregory,PASSM()RE ROBERT, Sa., general mer- steam 40 horse power.

chant and postmaster Roflixny i♦w'uol and sliiugle Faetur+,, byThoe.Platt Sidney Holmes, steam 15 horse power.Quakers' Meeting House Allan George, shocmakerRailroad Hotel, John Cumnmings,propr. j Andersen Rev. D., pastor PresbyterianRamshaw David, saddler and harness-maker CJmrchReeves Rev. Edward, pastor }'resbyterian Anglo-Saxon Hotel, John ,lladdigan, prop'r

Church BeaTmish George''., druggistRICHARDSON RALPH, propr. Rockwood

Carriage FactoryROCKWOOD ACAI)EMl'', Alex. McMillan

principal and lvoprictorROCKWOOD ('A1tRIAGE FACTOR):', R. I

Richardson, propr.

Calkins E. S.Carter A. S., M.D., physician and surgeonCockriel Thomas, laborerDelmage Adam, carpenterDrury William, shoemaker and issuer of mar-

riage licensesRockwood ( lat Dl ill, Wm. Farrish, propr. Episcopal Methoùist ;Church, Rev. TookeRockwood Stave, Headint; and Shingle Fac- pa.gtor

tory, and Cooperago, Barry Bros., proprs. FAIR & BRO.. general merchantsROCKWOOD WOOLLEN bf 1LLti, Harris , Fair Robert, of Fair & Bro

& Co., preprs.1 1 Fair William,am, of Eair & Bru





HOWES CON RAD, f:►rmer and county con-

Lo,wes William 11., general merchantMcKenzie Kenneth, carriage maker

Moore J. F., tailorMOORE R. S. J. P., Commissioner in B. It.,

Presbyterian Church, Rcv. D. Anderson, la• ►s-

Gilleapio Robert., laborerGreen George W., professor of hydrology and

dealer in pumpsGregory Jeshua, prohr of Rothsay Saw and

Grist MillsHans Matthew, laborerllazeltine James, laborerHolmes Thomas, prop'r Roths ►y wool and

shingle mills

stableIlyland John, laborerIlyland Joseph, laborerKilpatrick.luseph, bhu:kstnith

M:uldigan .1uhn, prop'r Anglu-Saxon Hotcl11letlcalf William, carlwnter and builderMeth«list Church (if Canada, Rev. R. J.

Foreman, pastor

conveyancer, loan agent, &cMunns John, laboret•Murphy James, blacksmith

Rosborough William, laborerRothsay saw and grist mills, J. Gregory, pro-

prietorRothsay w„ol and shingle factory, Thos.

Holwcs, pruprSmith William, pustma»terStull J. F. A., school teacherTracy .lohn, prop'r Wellington IlutelTyndall Anthomy, contracturWatchum Robert, carpenterWatson James, tannerWellington Hotel, John Tracy, t,roli r


Whitely Joseph, saddler and harness makerWhitely William, s:uldlerand harness makerWoods John, weaver

x :30 feet ; xhuw rcwrn Gl1 s 40 feet, 2 Ktnry

one upri,,,litl ower drill ; water IK wer to the

The factory is run by water lootacr in a,nnec-

Nwlim FG,ur owd (:rirt 3141, by Robert

story higL ; contains 4 rml of stone : steam

day : ewl hoys 5 wen.

by Archibahl Gray ; main building 70 x 60

and gives ewplu% ment to 10 tucn.

carrying mails, calls here at 1 l aau. and

° It. nl. l'opulatiou alHout t;tNl.

5m .t N G F.1CT(' hl-: ;.

Irri, 1•'n111411-q, by Isaac Mudcland ; mail)Luilding 100 x 30 feet ; blackvmith's shop 60

hiqh ; aontaina fuut• self-acting lathes ; twoplanera, one baud-aaw, two circular saws, onegoringwa<hine, uuc bultcnttingwachine, and

estent of S:, horse power is nre 1: empl„y 14lucu.

/lebin, t Furt .ry, by James Jlen•r.ies ; size ofbuilding 50 x:30 feet ; c-utaius one lathe,si le planer, saw table, and lx ting, machine.

tiun with Irvine fuundry.

Shortreed ; sise (if building 70 x 40 feet ; 5

and water IM,wer ; capacity 1(M) barrels per

I r^ L .• Mil/r, lit air, tint meal, and Ioot Larley

fect, 5 story high ; two store huuses 70 x 611feet, :3 etory high ;etmtains 7 ntn of stonescapaclty 10) barrels frerday ; employ 6 men.

There is a last anq i peg factory carried onby 'fhos. Black and James Goldstone. Thebnildinb is stome, 48 x 36 feet, 2 story high,

Salem Tun,wry ruul Srnr 31i1L., carried on

I ployment to a number of men.

by Messrs. J. & E. Wissler. This firm areextensively engnge.i in the manufacture ofall kinds of leather and lumber, and give em-

Baur Jfrs., widow 11f.Beck Adam, cooper and teamster

Black Thos., factory, last, Washington at

Callaghan John jr., plastercr

Carder JosephCrowley Charles, plasterer

Allan %1'm., general merchant, Woolwich atli;ulley Edwanl1 ltlley Robert, sacl iler

]tell Robert, shoemakerI31C:t.AR CHARLES H., dealer in pianos

SALEM -A village situated on lots I r., 16, and organs, cor. George and Washington itsBiggar John L., moulderBenney James, masou

hluitt George, psintor, bits Salem Hotelliryd m Win., millerBucrlain Charles, carpenterCalder James, weaver

smith's shops, and thrco wcggou shops,Callaghan John Sr.

17 and 18, l lth concession, Township ofN:c!iol, and on the Irvine River. It con-tains three stores, five Iwtels, a church,two grist mills, one foundry, two brew-eries, saw mill, last and peg factory, twotanneries, saddler shop, three black-

Dominion Telegraph Co. have an officehere. Stage from Elora to Cotswold,

Page 7: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,


& CO.





& CO. Crowley Jerome H., plasterer Datidson Walter, pegmaker Davidson William, tailor, Woolwich Doerbecker Conrad, brewery Dominion Telegraph Co., Ezra %taler, agent Dunn James Eby Henry, saddler Ernst George, tanner Ernst Gilbert, couper Farrell Trevor Field William R., carpenter Findlay Charles of W. & C. Findlay Findlay David, bailiff, auctioneer and fariner Findlay W. &, C., general merchants, Wool-

wich st Findlay William, ef W. & C., Findlay Fischer Christiatt, cabinet-maker, Washing-

ton st Flad George, prop. Rising Sun Hotel, Wool-

wich at Gallagher Mrs. wid., washerwoman Gerie George, waggonmaker, Washington st Gerie Robert, blacksmith, Woolwich st Gilhouly George, hustrnaker Gilhooly John J., lastmaker Gladstone Jas., peg factory, Washington e Gray Arehibahl, prop• 1rvine mills Harris Michael, maton Harris Thomas, laborer Haies Isaac, sawyer Hay Miss Margaret, schoolmistress Hornberger John, tanner Hornburger Gott., shomnaker, Woolwich st Howard Daniel Iluck (elœge. I.tborer IRVINE FOUNI)RY, Isaac Modelant',

prop., Iltiront•rio st, P. 0. address Elora (tiee aJr. )frogr 1.;.)

Irvine Mills, Areh. t:rey, propr Jeffrey William. weaver Jelly James Johnsttat Ales linier, blacksmith,Washington

street Keeling Charles, carpenter Kilpatrick Robert ,waggon-maker,Woolwiclt st Lamb William, school teacher Land Thomas, shoemaker Lowrey E. C., lime kilns McBain John tailler McGuire Hugit, blacksmith, Woolwich st Melun' Thomas, 't'ignorer McRobb James Mathewson William, teamster Menzies Jantes, cabinet factory,Hurontario st MODELAND ISAAC, propr. Irvine Foun-

dry, Iturontario st., P. 0. address—Elora. (See aelpertisenaent page 13.)



• Milligan Mrs. Margaret, widow Munro Alexander, waggen-maker, Woolwich

street Munro John, blackstuith, Woolwich at Neubecker John, waggon-ntaker, Washing-

ton st Riley -John, laborer 'timing Sun Hotel, Geo. }lad, propr., Wool-

wich st Rodinbiler Met., widow Philip Ross Robert, currier, Isis Salem Hotel SALEM CARRIAGE WORKS, John SimP-

8011, propr., Washington st Salem Flote and Grist Mill, Robt. Shortreed

Salon Ilote], Mathew Streb, propr., Wash-ington st

Salem Saw Mill, J. &,• E. Wissler, propre., Washington st

Salent Tannery, J. &, E. Wissler, proprietors, Washington st

Shibley John, currier, irds Salem Hotel Shortreed Robert, proie. Saletn Flour and

Grist Mill ,' Shortreed Thomas, titiller Sintpson Jantes SIMPSON JOHN, propr. Salem Carriage

NVorks, Washington st Simpson Robert, waggon-maker Smith James, laborer

•Snider Nelson, carpenter Speers Joseph, hotel Speers Satuttel, %bore; Streb 3latthew, propr. Salem Noter Swanziger John, iiedlar Todd David. machinist Utzleman Mrs., widow George Vance Ed.

' cattle dealer, Irds Salem Hotel

Walker Alexantler Wallace Samuel B., last inaker Walsh T'urinas, tuilier Warnock William Welsh Thomas, teamster Wilson Robert WISSLER EZRA,agent Dominion Telograph

Co., and of J. & E. Wissler

J. 8g. E. WISSLER,

Tanners, Merchanis and Millers, WASHINGTON STREET.

WISSLER JOHN. J. P., postmaster and of J. & E. Wissler

Ziegler Casper, eaddler and harnese-maker, cor Woolwich and Washington sts

SHIL011.--A stnall Village situated on Lot 29, 6th concession Township of Era-motet. Distant from Guelph, the County Town, 15 utiles ; and from Fergus, 6 miles. Containe one store, saw mill and shingle factory, common school, Methodiat Church, I! tuiles distant, and Presbyterian, 2 miles.

Grant James, school teacher Hustable & Nelson, saw mill owners and

shingle manufacturera %stable thunes, of Hustable & Nelson Leslie John, fariner McCarthy Dennis, laborer Mitchell James, postmaster and storekeeper Nelson James, of !Imitable & Nelson O'Brien Mra. D. Williams Peter, pumpmaker

8 MITIIIIRST. —A Post Office situated on Lot 29, concession 17, Township of blinto. Distant from Clifford, a station of the W. 0. and 13. Railway, :3 utiles ; and front Guelph, the County Town, 59 miles.

\Vrillant Turner, postmaster

EIPEED8IDE.—A Post Office of the Town-ship of Eramosa. Distant from Fergus, 6 miles ; and front Guelph, the County Town, 22 utiles.

Grieve George, blacksmith Henderson Williazn, weaver Loghrin James, postmaster Smith Thomas, assistant postmaster

EITIRTON.—A Post Village situated on the Town line, Townships of Peel and Maryborough, and on the Conestogo River. Contains two stores, church, blacksmith's shop, two waggon shops, hotel, and an Orange Lodge No. 1258, John Booth, W. M. Distant from Dray-ton, a station of the W. G. and B. R., 2 miles ; and from Guelph, the County

Town , 30 miles. Stage from Drayton, carrying Mail calls here daily. Popula- tion about 123.

Allen John, tiaxdresser Book E., gardener Carpenter Daniel, blacksmith Gray John, waggontuaker Hatnbly John, *mural merchant Hassard Rev. R., pastor Methodist Chureh Hinds Walter, constable Kaizer Albert, carpenter Keough Thomas, law student Long Futur, earn


McGarr Patrick DIcTaviah Arch., blacksmith Markle Henry, hotel Mead Levi, carpenter Methodist Church, Rev. IL liaasard, pastor SANDERSON JOS., postmaster and general

merchant Williams Hugli, waggon-maker

TARBEIIT—A Post Village in the Town-81iii, of Luther, situated on lot 29, 7th concession ; distant from Luther, a sta- tion of the T. G. & 13. railway, 13jniles, and front Guelph, the Conuty town, 42 miles.

McMurchy Malcolm, posttuaster Philip Robert & Son, saw mill Storm Henry. blacksinit It Westover Win., shoentaker

TEITIOTDALE--A sinall village in the TownshiptdMinto ; distant frutti Harris-ton 7 miles, and front Guelph, the Coun- ty Town, :33 utiles ; daily mails ; popula-tion about 80.

Barber George, blacksinith Dyce Francis, hotel Gardener Alexantler, shoemaker Henry S. A., M. D., physician and surgeon McBride J. & M., waggon-makerm and black-

smiths 5IcBride thunes, of J. & M. McBride McBride Moses, of J. & M. McBride Miller W. 0., J. P. postmaster, general

tnerchant, and deptity reeve of Minto Miller Wm., salesman Watt 11. & Bros., grist and saw mills

Page 8: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,






VANATTER —A post olliee ..,ltuated on lot 4, concesaion A, Township of East Garafraxa ; distant from Orangeville 5 miles, and from Guelph, the County town, 38 mile. 'There are two churches here, a Primitive and Episcopal Method-ist. There is also an Orange Lodge, No. 22, J. B. Reid, W. M.

Black Thomas, fariner Buchanan W. J., farmer Farnell Thomas, farmer Hunter W. H., womi merchant Johnston J. fanner Johnston James, farmer Marshall Isaac, farmer Reid John C., teacher and pemmaster Simpson Rev. Joseph, fariner Walker J. T., fanner

WAGRAM.—A Post Office of the Town-ship of Arthur, situated on Lot 19, 10th concession. Distant from Mt. Forest, a station of the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway, 8 miles ; and from Guelph, the County Town, 33 miles.

John Craig, postmaster --

WALDEMAR.—A Post Village on Lot 2, 10th concession Township of Amaranth, and station of the T. G. and B. Railway, situated on the banks of the Grand River. The Village contains a grist mil, saw mill, shingle and stave factory, blacksiuith's shop, hotel, general store with Post Office in oonnection, and a Presbyterian Church. bIontreal Tele-graph Co. have an office here. Distant from Fergus, 17 miles ; from Orangeville, 10 miles ; and from Guelph, the County Town, 30 miles. Mails, daily. Popula-tion about 150.

L. 0. L. No. 566.--Jno. Burke, Master ; Jno. Jenkins, Sec. Barnhart John, sawyer Cooper Joseph, farmer Cooper William, farmer Erskine Robert, tireinan Holloway Frank, section foreman



Hicks Robert, hotelkeeper and fanner Hill George, laborer Jenkins ltavid, farmer Jenkins James, farmer Jenkins John, farmer Johnstone Bros., tuiliers Johnstone John jr., of Johnstone Brus

Johnstone Alexander of Johnstone Bros Johnstone John sr., miller Lootas Joseph, farmer Lovel Samuel, laborer McPherson W J., M.D., physician ani surgeu:, Murdoch Alexander, blacksmith Murdoch Andrew, blacksmith Murdoch William, cooper Montreal Telegraph Co., Jno. Power, agent Power John, station-tuaster T. 0. and B. R. Sayers James, sawyer Stephens Henry, wood merchant Tibbet John, waggon maker Tolton William P., stave and shingle manu-

facturer Tate James, farmer Wilkinson J. H., postmaster and general store

WHITTINGTON.—A post village situat-ed on Lot 16, 2nd Concession, Township of Aniaranth, on main road from Or-angeville to Owen Sound. Contains Hotel, blacksinith'a shop, and good brick school house. This is the headquarters of No. 8 Company, 30th Batt Rifles. Volunteer Militia, with as good a drill shed as there is in the country, which is also used as an agriculttual hall for the Township show. Distant from Orange-ville, 10 miles, and from Guelph, the county town, 40 miles. Population about 70.


L.O.L., No. 1099.—J53 . Hill, master : A. Spence, aecretary ; Samuel F. John-

ston, District Master. Allington James, farmer Bowatield Robert, postmaster and hotelkeeper G:ay Williain, teacher Harper George J., carpenter Johnston David, farmer McKibben Adam, fariner Mills John, plasterer Murray Henry, farmer Patterson Graham, blacksmith Spence James A., farmer

Whitten Thomas Wright William, laborer

WINYIELD.—A Poat village situated on Lot 15, 7th Concession, Township of Peel. Contains one store, blacksmith's shop and shoe shop, Episcopal and Methodist churches. Distant front Drayton, a station of the W. G. & B. Ry. 10 miles, and from Guelph, the County Town, 26 miles. Stage daily for Alma, a station on W. G. & B. Ry. Dis-tant 7 miles. Population about 50.

L.O.L. No. 608.—Chas. Waldie, master, Jno. Morril, secretary. Anderson James, boot and shoemaker Cornish Thomas, post-master and general

merchant Card Silas, carpenter Rainey William, merchant and farmer Slimmon Robert, laborer Stickney John, jun., laborer Younger Robert, blacksmith

WYANDOTT—A Post Office in the Town-ship of Maryborough, 51 miles front Moorefield, a station of the W. G. & B. Railway.

Mrs. Margaret Bond, postmistress

YATTON—A Post Village on the 2nd and 3rd concessions, Township of Peel ; con- tains 2 blacksmith's shops,hotel and good achool ; distant from Alma, a station of Oie W. G. de B. Railway, 10 miles ; mail daily ; population about 00.

13ascom Geo. W., teacher Honsinger James, fanner Martin Noah, fariner bleldrum John, farmer Murphy James, hotel Keeper O'Neil Henry, blacksmith Rafferty John, blacksmith and postmaster Tracy Richard, laborer Tracy Wm., farmer Woods B. C., carpenter



Page 9: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,

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Page 10: SW-Ontario-Counties e010780587 · Sleman & Crow, carpenters, Broadway Sleman Thos., of Sleman & Crow, Broadway Spiers -, laborer, bds Royal Hotel 15 Spiers Jas., fariner Sproat Charles,

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