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主主 主主主主 语语 语语语 : 主主主主主 主主主主主主主主 主主主主主主 主主主主主主 ,;, 主主主主Jane and Mary look healthy and strong.. He likes reading stories. Some of the furniture has been moved t o another room.. 语语 语语语 Her family are all early risers. The old are taken good care of in our motherland. 语语 语语语 Not only the students but also the tea cher doesn’t know about it. There is a book and two pens on the de sk.

Subject-verb concord

Nov 10, 2014



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主谓一致的原则㈠语法一致原则 :  主语为单数,谓语动词用单数;主语为复数,谓语动词也用复数形式。Jane and Mary look healthy and strong..     He likes reading stories.Some of the furniture has been moved to another room..㈡意义一致原则Her family are all early risers.The old are taken good care of in our motherland.㈢就近一致原则 Not only the students but also the teacher doesn’t know about it.There is a book and two pens on the desk.

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代词作主语• 1.  名词型物主代词后的动词,根据所替代的内容

决定谓语单复数形式。Ours (Our Party ) is a great party.Your shoes are black and mine are brown.

• 2. Such +be +主语Such is our plan.       

• Such are his words.• 3. 定语从句中关系代词后的谓语形式要同被修饰的代词保持一致。 Those who want to go please sign your names here.   Bob is one of my friends who are helping me with English.   He is the only one of the officers who was invited to the ball here.   I, who am wrong, should apologize to him.

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4 . 疑问代词 who, what, which 作主语时,视情况而定。Who lives next door?   It is Xiao Lin.Who live next door?    Zhang and Liu.Which is(are) your book(s) ?5.every-, some-, any-, no-,  等构成的不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数 Everybody obeys the rules.   I’ll tell yopu something that sounds interesting. any, either, neither, none, all, some, more 等作主语时,谓语动词有两种情况                       ★单独作主语  All has been changed.    All are presenteither, neither 单独作主语,谓语用单数。★ 后接 of 短语, of后宾语为不可数名词,动词当然用单数形式, of 后宾语为复数名词或代词,动词单复数均可。 Do(es) any of you know his address?  None of them has(have) seen the film. All of the water is gone. each单独作主语,动词用单数。 Each of the students has a dictionary.The boy and the girl each have their own toys.

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数词、量词等作主语• 1. half, the majority, the rest, some, most, (a)

part, a lot, lots, plenty, a large quantity ,masses以及分数、百分数 +of+  名词 /代词作主语 ,视情况而定。Half of the work is left unfinished.Half of the apples are given to the children.More than 70 percent of the surface of our earth is covered by water.但 qunatities of…作主语,谓语动词一般用复数。

Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table..

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1. half, the majority, the rest, some, most, (a) part, a lot, lots, plenty, a large quantity ,masses以及分数、百分数 +of+  名词 /代词作主语 , 视情况而定。Half of the work is left unfinished.Half of the apples are given to the children.More than 70 percent of the surface of our earth is covered by water.但 qunatities of…作主语,谓语动词一般用复数。Quantities of food (nuts) were on the table..

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2. a  (great) number of, many, a few +可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数;

a little, much, a great deal of , +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。

A number of students have gone to the countryside.

A great deal of waste is poured straight into the river.

3. one and a half +复数名词,谓语动词用单数。

One and a half bananas is left on the table.

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其它作主语 • 1 . the+ 形容词 /过去分词表示一类人,喂语用复数,如: the blind, the poor, the rich, the breave, the dead, the wounded, the employed, the Chinese…The blind in China study in special school.

• 2. 表示抽象概念用单数。The beautiful is not always the beautiful.

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3. 从句作主语,谓语动词用单数。 Whether we shall go there hasn’t been decided. What we need is more time.    但 What we need are doctors.What he said and what he did have greatly encouraged his brother.4. 不定式、动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.To catch what he had said was difficult. 但 To say it and to do it are different things.

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名词作主语• 1. 集体名词做主语

1) 有些集体名词(如: family, class, crowd, crew, enemy, team, public, government, club, army, group 等)作主语,如果视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数 ; 若就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数。(1)My family is a big one.. (整体)

The whole family are watching TV. (具体成员)(2)The village is not far from here. (整体)

The whole village are out greeting him. (具体成员)

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2) 有些集体名词(如: people,police,cattle , folk, mankind )只当复数看待 , 谓语动词用复数。 The police are searching for him.        Cattle are one cause of the problem.3) 有些无生命的集体名词(如: jewellery, poetry, equipment, clothing 等)作主语时,谓语动词用单数。

Much of her jewellry was missing.  The equipment of the lab is carried by two trucks.  注意: population 用法 : The population in our country is very large and eighty percent   of the population are farmers.

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2. 表示时间、金额、度量、距离等复数名词作主语时,作整体看待,谓语动词用单数。Three years has passed.   Ten thousand dollars is not enough.3. 国名、书报名、剧名、山水名、城市名、学科等专有名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。山脉( the Himalayas)、群岛 (the Philippines)、瀑布 (the Nigara Falls) 等名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。The United Nations was founded in 1945.  Maths seems to be difficult for me.TheSelected Poems of LiBai was published long ago.  Wales lies to the west of England.The Philippines lie to the southeast of China.( 群岛 )

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4. 一些由两个部份构成的名词表示衣物或工具作主语时,谓语常用复数形式,如: clothes,trousers,shoes,shorts,glasses,goods,chopstics( 筷子 ) 等,但由 a pair of,  a kind of,  a series of 等修饰时,谓语动词一般用单数。Her trousers are beautiful indeed.       A pair of shoes was on the desk.5.单复数同形的名词(如: means,works,Chinese,Japanese , sheep, deer, fish 等)作单数时,谓语用单数 ; 反之谓语用复数。The glass works was rebuilt in July,1979.The (These) glass works are near the railway station.它们前面有 a, such a,this,that, every 等 修饰时,谓语用单数;有 all,such,these,those 修饰时,谓语用复数。 Means,no means,the means 前无修饰词时,谓语单复数均可。Every means has been tried. (每一种办法) All means have been tried. (所有办法) There is(are) no means of getting there.

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6. 不定代词 each,every, no 修饰的名词,即使以 and 或逗号连接成多个并列主语,谓语的动词仍然用单数形式。 Each boy and each girl wants to serve the people in the future.

7. 主语由 more than one…或many a… 构成,意义复数,谓语动词却用单数。More than one student has seen the film “Titanic”.Many a ship has been damaged in the storm.但“ more+名词复数 +than one” 作主语,谓语动词一般用复数形式。More young teacthers than one are against this plan 。

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 8.the number of,  a/the/this pair(kind, type) of, either/neither of +名词复数作主语,谓语动词用单数 Is either of your parents an engineer?   There is a pair of shoes left on the shelf.

P.S.This kind of book=a book of this kind ( 这种书 ) ,其谓语用单数; this kind of men=men of this kind, 但前者谓语用单数,后者谓语用复数。This kind of men is dangerous.  Men of this kind are dangerous.

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9.主语 +as well as ( as much as, no less than, with, along with, together with, rather than, like, but, except, besides, including ) 时,其谓语单复数与主语保持一致。 The teacher with a number of students is in the classroom.   Nothing but stamps and envelopes is for sale.10. 由 and, both …and 连接并列主语时,谓语动词常用复数 Plastics and rubber never rot.   Both my father and my sister are writers.  但并列主语表示同一人、同一事物、同一概念,谓语动词用单数。 The poet and writer is gone.   Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habbit.   A knife and fork is on the table.   Bread and butter is served for the breakfast.   No clothes and no food is difficult to live.

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11.名词所有格之后名词被省略的情况下,动词一般用单数。 My sister”s is not far from here.12 .由 or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, not…but 等连接的并 列主语,谓语动词遵循就近原则。 Not his brothers but he wants to pay you a visit.   Neither we nor she knows the stranger.   Tom or his brothers are waiting in the room.  there be /here be 结构类似 There is an old writing desk, a wooden bed and two chairs in his bedroom.   Here are some envelopes and paper for you.

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13. 在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。 Between the two windows hangs a picture.   There lies a beautiful small town at the foot of the hill.

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          E xercises1. Half of the fruit bad.A are B has C is D have2. Who your friend, will try my best to help you with your English.A am B is C has D have3. The rich not always happy.A are B is C has D have4.Neither Tom nor jack and I his students.A are B am C is D was

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5.Every boy and every girl to attend the evening party.A wish B wishes C is like D like6. The population of China larger than that of any other country in the world.A is B are C has D have7. The League secretary and the monitor asked to attend the meeting this afternoon.A is B was C are D is being

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8.Chairman Mao’s works published.A has been B have been C was D is 9.Many a man come to help us.A have B has C is D are 10. “All present and all going on well ,” our monitor said .A is;is B are;are C are;is D is;are11.One and a half bananas left on the table.

A is B are C has D have

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12. Ten minutes an hour when one is waiting for a phone call. A seems B is C was D were 13. The whole class the teacher attentively.A are listening to B is listening to C are listening D is listening

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