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Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503 Fax 636.441.6574

Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503

Jul 03, 2020



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Page 1: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503

Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503 • Fax 636.441.6574

Page 2: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503

THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, 2020 Ministries and Services

Pastor Very Rev. John A. Brockland, JCL, JV 441.7503 In Residence Rev. James L. Gahan 441.7503 Deacon Deacon Jack Lipin 441.7503 Deacon Deacon Timothy Schultz 441.7503 Deacon Deacon Joseph Hartz 636.328.9442 Deacon Deacon Bill Scarry 441.7503 School Principal Mrs. Sue Schutz 441.4835 DRE Children’s Programs Mrs. Rose Wieschhaus 926.0021 Parish School of Religion Mrs. Rose Wieschhaus 926.0021 Altar Society Mrs. Julie Huber 441.9667 Athletic Association Mr. Bruce Jones 314.239.0985 Bereavement Ministry Mr. & Mrs. Jim Potts 939.3428 Bereavement Ministry Mrs. Pat Bennett 636.544.4600 Bl. Teresa Outreach Mrs. Connie Tarin 636.634.0317 Boy Scouts Mr. Mike Venegoni [email protected] Care Service Mrs. Pam Struckhoff 441.1302, X-230 Cub Scouts Mr. Jack Culian 636.922.1132 Donut Sunday Mr. Mark Alvey 314.795.4670 Eucharistic Adoration Mrs. Kathy Rodamaker 636.352.9341 Eucharist for the Homebound Mrs. Jayne Gilfoil 314.283.5391 Evangelization Mrs. Jackie Zoll 636.734.4653 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Rev. James Gahan 441.7503 Facilities Oversight Mr. Del Zerjav 441.4461 Finance Council Mrs. Jan Difatta 244.0122 Funeral Luncheons Rectory Office 441.7503 Groundskeeping Committee Rectory Office 636.441.7503 Girl Scouts Mrs. Anna Davis 314.540.6383 JASSS/Mrs. Norma Hitt [email protected] 636.970.2052 Knights of Columbus Mr. Mike Thomas H 936.1646, C 314.518.7279 Ladies’ Club Mrs. Mary Simeroth 636.928.6731 Landings-Outreach to Inactive Catholics Mrs. Sherry Hartz 636.928.0384 Lectors Mrs. Pat Maher 314.691.0112 Life in the Spirit Prayer Group Mrs. Linda Geringer 314.402.3333 Liturgical Art/Environ. Rev. James Gahan 441.7503 Liturgy Committee Rev. James Gahan 441.7503 Liturgy for Children Mrs. Kathy Bendyk 441.5336 Men’s Club Mr. Don Effertz 636.699.5917 Money Counters Mrs. Mary Ann Grahn 314.565.3362 Music Ministries Mr. Orin Johnson 636.980.6255 Nursing Home Ministry Mrs. Norma Hitt 970.2052 Parish Pastoral Council Mrs. Kathleen McIntosh 636-233-1376 Parish Picnic Mr. Phil Dukeman 314.397.0411 Prayer Chain/Mr. Rich Rodamaker [email protected] 636.578.7202 Pro-Life Apostolate Mrs. Rene Theby 314.221.2313 PTO Mrs. Katherine Oberhill 636.248.2081 Quilters Mrs. Marilyn Amorine 573.826.8543 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Rev. James Gahan 441.7503 Sacristan Ministry Mr. Steve Yallaly 447.1475 Safe Environment Mrs. JoAnne Van Acker 441.7503 School Board Mrs. Kristen Kladiva 314.398.5647 Servers Rev. James Gahan 441.7503 Social Justice in Action Committee Mrs. Miriam Mahan 441.1302, X-350 Sunday Preschool Mrs. Rose Wieschhaus 926.0021 St. Patrick Casseroles Mrs. Jan Hooker 441.1302, X-262 Stitches for Life Mrs. Molly Rudy 447.7566 Technology Committee Mr. Mike Oberhill 441.3815 Technology Committee Mr. Patrick Swackhammer 314.452.8590 That Man Is You Mr. Joe Wooldridge 314.566.4411 Ushers & Ministers of Hospitality Mrs. Adeline Callahan 636.447.7565 Venture Crew Mr. Paul Rowland [email protected] Youth Ministry/Mr. Wayne Burbach 314.398.0861

Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service Serving those in crisis and preventing home-lessness and hunger in St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren Counties since 1981 636.441.1302

Eucharistic Schedule Eve of Sunday 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am Daily (Mon.-Fri.) 6:30am, 8:00am Eucharistic Adoration 9:00am Tuesday until 6:30pm Wednesday 6:00pm Saturday until 7:00am Sunday All who come for adoration must bring hand sanitizer and sanitary wipes and are to wipe down the pew where you have sat or knelt before you leave. A mask must be worn at all times while inside the Church. Sacrament of Penance Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:45pm or by appointment. The Sacrament is to be celebrated anonymously, behind the screen only. A mask must be worn at all times while inside the church and social distancing must be observed while waiting to celebrate the Sacrament. Sacrament of Baptism The celebration of infant Baptism will be scheduled individually with each family having a child to be baptized. Parents will be expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation session after the Baptism, once it becomes possible to have parish meetings. Contact the Parish Office. Sacrament of Matrimony At least one par ty of the couple must be a registered parishioner and a fully initiated practicing Catholic. Contact the parish priest of your choice at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date to arrange for marriage preparation. Holy Orders & Consecrated Life Those discerning a vocation to priesthood or consecrated life are encouraged to contact one of the parish priests for information and referral to the Archdiocesan Vocation Office. Eucharist for the Homebound Contact the par ish office to arrange for the Eucharist to be brought to your home during a period of infirmity. Crisis Pregnancy Assistance Birthright - St. Charles 636-724-1200 Pregnancy Resource Center 636-278-1212 Project Rachel 314-792-7565 Priests for Life 1-888-PFL-3448 Mary Queen of Angels 636-379-5070

Rectory Office Hours The Parish Of ice staff will resume regular Of ice Hours -- Mon through Fri from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm beginning July 1. All who come to the Parish Of ice for any need will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing while here in respect of the well-being of our Of ice Staff. - Fr. Brockland

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Bishop Rozanski, thank you for joining us today. We’re so excited at the new of your appointment as the new archbishop of St. Louis and we look forward to your installation in August. I wanted to talk to you about a few things today just to learn a little more about your background. You’ve spent your entire vocation as a priest and as a bishop in the East Coast. Tell me what you know about the heartland of America and the Archdiocese of St. Louis in particular. +++Well,I’veheardsomuchaboutthechurchinSt.Louisand,ofcourse,thetitle“RomeoftheWest”reallysayssomuchaboutthechurch.I’veheardofthecohesivenessoftheministryofthediocesanpriestshere,thedeacons,themanymenandwomenreligiouswhoministerhereinthearchdiocese,andthecohesivenessofourCatholicfaithinthewaythatitislivedout.SoIamlookingforwardtobeingpartofthischurchthatisvibrant,thathassomanyfacetstoit,andthathasbeenledwonderfullyoverthesepastyearsbyArchbishopCarlson.Have you visited St. Louis before? I know we had a bishops’ meeting here in 2015. Were you here for that? +++IremembervisitingSt.Louisin2015atthespringbishops’meeting.WecelebratedMass,ofcourse,intheCathedralBasilicaandIwasjustoverwhelmedbythebeautyofthemosaicsandthenhearingthehistoryofhowthemosaicscameaboutoverdecades.Itwasjustfascinating.Thebeautyofthechurchreallyexpressesthededicationofthepeople,ofthepriests,andofthereligiousoftheArchdioceseofSt.Louisinsuchawonderfulway.I know that you have a very close relationship with your parents, Alfred and Jean, and that you have two younger brothers. You grew up in a working class family in East Baltimore. Tell me a little bit about your family’s reaction to all of this. +++Firstofall,myparentshavebeensoencouragingofmytwobrothersandmyselfinthewaythattheybroughtusupandencouragedustodowhatwefeltweneededtodoinlife.They’vealwaysbeenverysupportiveofmeinmypriestlyvocation.IthinktheywereshockedwhenIcamehomeandtoldthemthatIwasnamedanauxiliarybishopinBaltimoreandthenanothershockwhenItoldthemthatIwasmovingtotheDioceseofSpring ieldinMassachusetts.Ididspendtimewiththemoverthepastcoupleofdays,toldthemofthisappointmentheretotheArchdioceseofSt.Louisandtheywereveryshocked.MymotherandfathersaidthattheywouldprayformyministryandmyhappinessandforthepeopleofSt.Louis.Do you have any stories from parish life or any special memories of serving in parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore? +++Ithinkbacktomy irstassignmentasaparishpriestandatthatpointIwastheyoungestpriestintheArchdioceseofBaltimore.Thepastorwasinhisearly70’s.Wehadapriestretiredinresidenceintherectorywhowasinhislate70’s.ThewisdomthatIgainedfromtheminmy irstassignmentwasjustimmeasurable.Iwillalwaysbegratefultobothofthemforthewaythattheytaughtmebytheirexample,bybeingtherewiththeircounselandadvice,andjustbybeingopentolisteningtome,hearingmeout,andthengivingmetheiradviceandtheirdirection.IthankGodalwaysforthatfirstassignment.WhenIwasnamedtheauxiliarybishopin2004,ImetpersonallywithCardinalKeeleratthetimewhoordainedmeasabishopandIsaid“YourEminence,Ihavehadnoexperienceinthechancery.”Andhesaidtome,“Wellthat’snotabadthing!”Ihavecherishedmy20yearsofministryasaparishpriest.It’sbeenwonderfultoministerindifferentparishes.Eachparishassignmentbroughtitsownchallenges,butalsobroughtitsownjoys.Theministrywassodiverseamongsttheparishes,butwhatIfoundwasmostimportantintheparisheswasrelationshipsandcommunication,beingabletoreachouttopeoplewithvariousneedsandbeingabletocommunicateGod’sWordeffectively.IhopetocontinueinthattraditionasarchbishophereinSt.Louis. Tell me about your vocation as a priest. How did you know that you were called to the priesthood and how have you responded to that call over the years? +++ Well, I thought very early in life that I was called to be a priest. When I went to the seminary – and this is where my parents were so important – they said to me “if you find that this is not for you, you know you have a home to come back to.” They supported me all the way, in my decision to enter the seminary and through these years of priesthood and of being a bishop. I’ve taken them along a long ride and they’ve been there the whole time with me. So, from being a young child I felt a call to the priesthood.

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THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, 2020 Your family is very proud of its Polish heritage and I know from reading about you that you were co-chairman of the Polish National Catholic – Roman Catholic dialogue. Tell me more about your Polish American heritage and how important that is to you within the context of your Catholic faith. +++IgrewupinaneighborhoodinEastBaltimorewherethechurchreallywasanintegralpartofeverybody’slife.Itwasstillthereligiouscenter,thesocialcenter,itwastheschool.Everythingrevolvedaroundtheparish.Thepriestsintheparishwerewonderfulintheirministrytopeopleandpeoplehadaverygoodsenseofcommunityandofbeingtogether.Ithinkthat’swhereIgottherootsofmyvocation,butitwascenteredaroundourCatholicfaithandourPolishheritage.ToseehowtheygotogetherinPolandandhowthatwasbroughttotheUnitedStatesandcontinuesisjustawonderful,wonderfulthing.Ithinkitwasveryin luentialonmetoseethechurchashavingavitalroleineverybody’slife. I know that your family has upheld certain Polish traditions, maybe different foods at special times of the year. Are there any other special traditions that you’ve kept with your family in keeping with your Polish heritage? +++MymothersayswhenIcomehomeshelovestocookGolumpkibecausesheknowsthatIdon’tgetitverymuchelsewhere.ThepeopleofSpring ield,Massachusetts,wherethereisasubstantialPolishpopulationalsokeptmewellfedinGolumpkiandPierogiandKielbasa.SoIwasgratefultocontinuethatPolishheritageasIwenttoSpring ield. Your episcopal motto is To Serve the Lord with Gladness. Tell me a little bit about how you chose that motto and how you strive to live that out in your priesthood. +++WhenImetwithCardinalKeelerandhetoldmeIwasgoingtobenamedabishop,hesaidyou’llhavetopickoutamottoandaninsignia,acoatofarms.SoasIthoughtaboutamotto,IwantedittoexpressbothdoingtheLord’sworkandwhatdoingtheLord’sworkreallymeant.SoIwenttoPsalm100andServetheLordwithGladnessjustreallypoppedoutatme.There’sanactionword,whichmeansthatweliveourfaithconcretely,andifwedoliveourfaithconcretelyinservingtheLordthenwewillcertainlyhaveheartsthatarejoyful.Wemaynotalwaysbehappyandelated,butjoyfulinbeingpeace- illedintheLord.SoServetheLordwithGladnessmeansthatweputourfaithintoactionandifwelivetheLord’swordsthenwe’rejoyful. In a pastoral letter that you wrote for the Diocese of Spring ield, you talk about evangelization and how it is our called as baptized people to live that out. What does evangelization look like to you? +++Evangelizationintoday’sworldispersonal.Thatmeansifwereallyliveourfaith,ifwehavethatjoyinourheartsfromlivingourfaith,itattractsotherstothefaith.Ourfaithisbeauty.Ourfaithisthosethingswhicharegoodintheworld.ApersonwhohasthebeautyoftheLordJesusisonewhonaturallysharesthefaith.Theymightnotbespeakingaboutitbut,intheirlivingit,othersseethatexample.Ithinkinourworldtodayit’ssoimportanttohavethatexample. Now, of course, I have to ask the obligatory sports question. One bit of trivia that has been loating out there is how the St. Louis Browns went to Baltimore years ago and now it looks like maybe we’re getting you in exchange for that in you coming to St. Louis. Tell me, are you a Baltimore fan? Do you enjoy watching the Orioles? +++IgrewupwiththeOriolesandnameslikeBrooksRobinsonandFrankRobinsonandBoogPowell.SothosearethemenwhoplayedwhenIwascomingupasayoungboyandIlookeduptothemandtotheOrioles.AndI’vestayedwiththemthroughCalRipkenandalsothroughthethintimes.ButalwaysandOriolesfan. So are you thinking about rooting for the St. Louis Cardinals at all? +++TheSt.LouisCardinalsareintheNationalLeague,soIcanrootforbothteams. Thank you for your time today. We really appreciate it. +++Thankyousomuch.Thankyou!LetusinvoketheHolySpiritthat,evennow,hemaybeginto illArchbishop-electRozanskiwiththegiftednesshewillneedtoleaduswellandwiththewisdomhewillneedforthedif icultdecisionsthathewillhavetomake.Mayitbeapeacefulweek!

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THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 28, 2020 June 18, 2020 Dear Friends --- I received word from the Archdiocese that all parishes will enter Phase II regarding COVID-19 recovery with regard to Worship and Parish Life beginning Monday, June 22nd. Worship --- Phase II means following the occupancy guidelines of the county the parish is in. St. Charles County policy is aligned verbatim with the State of Missouri. Hence, occupancy restrictions are lifted. However, social distancing is still recommended and, per the archdiocese, masks will continue to be required in all parish churches in the Archdiocese. We will continue to require that masks be worn throughout the entirety of Worship except when receiving Holy Communion. Because of the social distancing requirement, we will need to continue sign-ups for Mass attendance so that the 9:30 Mass, in particular, doesn't get out of hand. I will be raising the sign-up limit to 160 beginning with the weekend of 6/27-28. That is roughly the number we typically have at 7:30 on Sundays. Using the additions for seating should make that number easily enough distanceable. The Archdiocese has reopened the possibility for the faithful to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, but they must receive from the Priest-Celebrant. I am not comfortable with that. I don't want my hand licked and I don't want to have to stop and sanitize multiple times during the distribution of Holy Communion. So, we continue to ask people to receive in the hand. I hope that you will accept that request from me in a spirit of charity. Parish Life --- Those Ministries & Services who wish are permitted to resume meeting on campus as of July 1. Social distancing and masks are required for all gatherings on campus. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE our Seniors (JASSS) Group to remain suspended from activities during Phase II. The Parish Of ice staff will resume regular Of ice Hours -- Mon through Fri from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm beginning July 1. All who come to the Parish Of ice for any need will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing while here in respect of the well-being of our Of ice Staff. - Fr. Brockland

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Stewardship of Our Treasure

5 to 10 Year Plan Weekly Sunday Offering Goal $25,000.00 Sunday, 21 June 2020, Envelopes $ 7,488.00 Online giving $ 12,767.00 Loose $ 80.00 Youth $ 0.00 $ 20,335.00 Budget vs Actual for this Sunday $ (4,665.00) Fiscal Year-to-date Sunday Offering Goal $1,275,000.00 Fiscal year-to-date Actual Offertory $1,152,283.93 Budget vs. Actual Fiscal Year-to-date $(122,716.07) Care Service 1,177.00 Ascension 2.00 Cardinal Glennon 195.00 Peter’s Pence 37.00 Holy Land/Good Friday 2.00 Regina Cleri 2.00 Catholic Home Mission 2.00 Catholic Relief Services 2.00 Catholic Communications 2.00 Annual Catholic Appeal 56,960.00 Christmas Club for Major Needs 5 to 10 Year Plan Goal for Christmas Club 2020 $ 180,000.00 Yr to Date $ 119,594.35 Budget vs Actual for Fiscal Year-to-date $ (60,405.65)

JUNE 27/28, 2020

Lectors5:00pm Kathy Rodamaker 7:30am Sherry Hartz 9:30am Sheila DeLong 11:30am Mark Ellison JULY 4/5, 2020

Lectors5:00pm Barb Russo 7:30am Cindy Wilson 9:30am Bill DeLong 11:30am Jim Rau


Online Giving Sts. Joachim and Ann offers Online Giving for your contributions.

Log into the Parish Website at Click the Online Giving Logo at the top of the screen, just above “Welcome to Online Giving” click “Create New Account”.

Complete the form that appears. Fields marked with an asterisk are required fields • Your user ID must be between 6 – 35 characters, which can be

alphabetical, numerical, or contain the special characters: !, @, &, or *.

• Your Password must be between 8 – 16 characters, which can be alphabetical, numerical, or contain the special characters: !, @, &, or *.

• After you have entered your personal information, you will enter the unique code shown at the lower left-hand corner of the page.

After you submit your personal information, you will receive an email containing a link which must be verified in order to activate your account. Please log into your email account to access this email to validate your information….now you are ready to set up your Online Giving account.

Repeat steps 1 and 2 above, when the Welcome Screen comes up this time, you can enter your User ID and Password in the boxes under “Existing User Login”.

Click “My Payment Methods”, here you can add your checking, savings, or credit card information, as it relates to the accounts you wish to use to make contributions. This information is entered into a secure database, which adheres to all banking security standards, and is not visible to parish staff.

Click “Give A New Gift” to view the various funds that are available for contributions. Based on the type of gift that you select you will be able to set up recurring (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) intervals, or a “one time” gift option, which would be the case with our Special Collections. You will receive email reminders prior to your contributions being withdrawn from your accounts. Thank you for setting up Online Giving. Call Kathy @ 636-352-7189 or Tammy @ 636-578-6428 with any questions.

†Mass Schedule

Monday,June29,Sts.Peter&Paul6:30am Special Intention JG 8:00am Marie & Hank Kloeppel Tuesday,June30,Weekday6:30am Don Novak 8:00am Baby H Wednesday,July1,Weekday 6:30am Grace Heckman 8:00am Special Intention PJU Thursday,July2,Weekday6:30am Mildred Tomko 8:00am Mary Sippos Friday,July3,St.Thomas6:30am Grace Heckman 8:00am Lucille Hayden Sat.,/Sun.,July4/5,14thSundayinOrdinaryTime5:00pm People of the Parish 7:30am Niko Vrhovac 9:30am Bridget DiRocco 11:30am Kathy Berry

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Charles Barnes James Beck Marcy Benoist Mara Berry Regis Blutas (son) Bob Boland Sherry Boland Barb Bradford Cheryl Breitenstein Maggie Brown Jacob Burnett Linda Callen Christine Chapman Dennis Christensen Lorraine Chrun Jeff Coleman Shawn Criscione Dawn Davis Penny Denney James Donovan Diane Dorn Helen Doyle Tariq Eddington Lorie Ewing Juanita Fernandez Chakita Fields Mike Fischer Kit Flor David Foust Becky Fretz Jan Gasper Michael Gasper Tim Goedeke Mary Gray Michael Hassall Christopher Gwin Shirley Hastings

Chelsi Hauser Alison Heiman Kurt Heist Richard Hendel Barb Hogan Jan Hooker Christian Hunt Saxon Hunt Debbie Ilges Marian Irwin Betsy Judge Luke Kahrhoff Tony Kavadas John Kientzel Kevin Kilcullin Pat Knickmeyer Greg Kuntz Edith Layton Jim Layton Robert Layton Barton Lehr Ed Leith Jillian Litton Deacon Jack Lipin Mary Long Mitchell Martin Patricia Martin Lori Mayo Angie Merton Arnold Meyer Kristina Mitchell Eleanor Monolo Dorothy Nanna Daniel Nolan George Nugent Daniel Palms Charlotte Payette

Fran Peavler Steve Perrone Shirley Petrosky Lisa Phillips May Lou Pope Rose Powell Limmie Pulliam Mary Ann Rains Bill Rogers Mary Rone Dorothy Rossi Mark Rudy Edward Ruethling Valerie Ruethling Bob Ruzensky Dan Schaefering John Schelich Loretta Schleeper Frank Schmersahl Michael Schmierbach Mike Schulte Debbie Shaw Tracy Sherman Kelly A. Smith Ronnie Stockmann Mariah Tarin Francesca Taullo Carolyn Taylor Nancy Tebrugge Angie Terry Jessica Thomas Kathleen Trolinger Matt Wanninger Tony Winkler Chris Wooldridge

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THE SICK Especiallythoseinourparish:

Sts. Joachim & Ann School Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open for Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. Please register quickly! Registration forms can be found online at or in the school of ice. Please call the school of ice (636-441-4835) if you have any questions or would like to schedule a tour of our school. Summer Of ice Hours: The school of ice will be open during the summer; however, the hours will be more limited. It might be helpful to contact the school of ice at 636-441-4835 prior to visiting. Voicemail and email will be checked regularly, so please leave a message so we can connect with you.

Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service As we have for nearly forty years, the Care Service stands ready to serve those in crisis in our community. With so many of our neighbors facing additional challenges because of health concerns, income loss, and more, your support today and in these weeks to come is all the more critical to ensure our work to serve those in crisis and prevent homelessness and hunger continues during, and after this emergency. You can support our work today by making an online contribution at Donate an item on our Amazon wish list Drop off one of our "most needed" items during regular office hours (Mon-Fri, 8:30 - 4:30) - "Most Needed" items include: hand sanitizer, hand soap, disinfecting wipes, toilet paper, gift cards for gasoline, bottled water, dry goods (boxed/bagged items like rice and potato mixes, helper meals, pancake mix, etc.) **The current situation is very fluid with new information available hourly. We will continue to update you with important information along with ways you can help us care for our most vulnerable neighbors. Please watch our website, emails, and Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.

Parish School of Religion – Weekly Classroom Setting Mondays 6:15-7:30pm Our PSR classroom setting is offered for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Children attend weekly sessions from 6:15-7:30pm from mid-August until May. Students will participate in weekly prayer, Scripture reading and stories, skits, crafts, games, small group discussion and hands on activities. Parents are invited to grade level Parent Child Activity Night as well as School Prayer Services throughout the year. Parents Expectations: • Attend any weekly Saturday evening or Sunday morning

Mass with your family. • Pray for and with your children, teaching the basic

prayers of our Catholic faith. • Review the weekly chapter or lesson with your child and

have your child complete any homework assignments. • Read the virtue and saint of the month with your child. • Talk about God with your child in your daily living and

throughout the week. • Be a positive example of their Catholic faith for their

child. • Attend Parent Meetings for your child’s specific grade. • Attend Parent Child Activities and Prayer Services

within PSR, if you are able.

St. Ann’s Ladies Club All Ladies 21+ have us add your email to our email distribution list. Let's keep connected! Learn more of what is going on in our St. Ann's Ladies Club. Those who are on our email list, Mary would also like to know you are receiving them. Mary: 1-636-928-6731,[email protected] Singles Again is a support group for separated, divorced and widowed. Singles Again meets at St. Cletus Church normally but this month we are going to try and have our picnic that we have twice a year. Come and meet for friendship and support. All faiths are welcome. Contact is Rose Kaiser 636-332-1959. For DWTS contact is Lee Schellert. Call him for any questions at 314-941-1821.

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Parish School of Religion Registration for 2020-2021 PSR TUITION will increase by $25 for current PSR families beginning July 1, 2020. Only a partial payment is needed to receive the discount. Please don't wait to register especially if you are in need of financial assistance. PSR Registration for the 2020-2021 school year has begun. An online Registration link was emailed to all current families. The online registration form is available on our parish website;, under the PSR tab. Registration forms have been placed outside the Rectory Office, and are available upon request at [email protected] Registration Process: Register in the Parish, if you are not already a member This can be done by requesting a Par ish Registration form at Parish registration forms have also been placed outside the rectory office. • Baptismal certificates are needed from all Kindergar ten and new students. • Complete and sign the Parish School of Religion Registration Form. An online registration form is available on the parish website at Your family has the option of our Traditional PSR classes on Monday evening from 6:15 – 7:30pm, or our Family Catechesis program once a month on Sunday mornings from 10:30am – 12:00pm. A twice a month 2 hour Sunday evening class for 8th grade Confirmation students is an alternate option for students unable to attend on Mondays. • Read and sign the Student Emergency Information Form and the Family Witness Statement. YOUR REGISTRATION IS NOT CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL THIS INFORMATION IS RECEIVED. • Provide the $30.00 Registration fee (include with tuition payment on one check). • Provide the $25 Sacramental fee for 2nd grade, 8th grade. • $50 for Sacramental Preparation classes only. (This includes the book) Pay tuition with a check or using an Online Giving account. To pay online, go to and pay in full using the Quick Give tab to make a one-time payment. If you have a 3- or 5-month payment plan, you will need to create an account. Be sure to use the drop down tab under funds and click on PSR.

• Mentor Program. Host families will receive a $25 discount on their tuition. • Referral program. If your family refers a NEW family to our PSR program, you will be given a $20 discount on your

tuition once that family has registered. The new family must write your name on their registration form, register and pay by June 1, 2020.

• Registration is considered complete after we receive: Completed Registration Form, Completed Student Emergency Information Form, Signed Family Witness Statement, Registration fee and Sacramental fee (if applicable), and at least a partial payment.

• Return the completed registration packet and payment to: Rose Wieschhaus, Director of Religious Education for Children, Sts. Joachim & Ann, 4112 McClay Road, St. Charles, MO 63304.

**The Rectory Office is closed at this time, please drop completed registrations off at the front door of the rectory.

Financial Assistance Forms are available online at under the PSR tab. Families needing financial assistance should fill out and return a Financial Assistance Form by

July 15, 2020.

**Please don’t wait to register because of financial hardship.

PSR FAMILY Tuition KINDERGARTEN ONLY $110.00 + $30 registration fee 1 CHILD TUITION $190.00 + $30 registration fee

2 CHILD TUITION $265.00 + $30 registration fee

3+ CHILD TUITION $325.00 + $30 registration fee


1 CHILD TUITION $215.00 + $30 registration fee 2 CHILD TUITION $290.00 + $30 registration fee

3+ CHILD TUITION $350.00 + $30 registration fee

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We are asked to pray for those who have died: • Carmella Rankin, mother/mother-in-law of Kathy & Terry O’Neil • Jose Maria Camarena, father/father-in-law of Adriana & Huga Avila-Camarena, grandfather of Xime, Regina & Adrian Avila-Camarena • Elizabeth Houska, mother/mother-in-law of Mary & Mike Sommerville • Juanita M. Fernandez, grandmother of Rita Goedeke • Gerald Moore, husband of Joy Moore

SHOP FOR OUR SCHOOL (SFOS) NEWS Dear Parishioners, I wanted to take a minute to let you know that you are still able to purchase Shop For Our Schools (SFOS) cards and certificates during this time. Whether you are simply going grocery shopping at Walmart or Dierbergs, supporting one of our local restaurants with take out or ordering from Amazon or another online vendor, please consider purchasing from J&A. Even if you buy out of our yearly requirement, please still consider purchasing as the proceeds help the school’s bottom line. There are two ways you can order: 1. Online at If you have not ordered online before now is a great time to start. Shopping online gives you access to over 750+ vendors as well as using ScripNow (instantly print certificates) and Reload (put funds on an existing physical card). See information below on how to register. Online pay is easiest with Presto Pay. 2. Text your order to Lisa Walls at 314-517-4237. If you prefer this method see directions below. Either choice you make will allow you to purchase physical cards and certificates and have them delivered to your front porch. I will process orders daily and make arrangements with you for a safe, convenient and quick drop off on your front porch at a prescheduled time. Either way you place your order you will need to download our order form so you can see what we carry in stock and what is special order (order forms are attached in Word and PDF). Special orders will be placed on Wednesdays and will usually be deliverable on Friday or Saturday of the same week. ONLINE ORDERS – If you have an account set up order the same as in the past and enter your preferred phone number in the note area so I can contact you for delivery. If you want to register for the first time it is simple and can be done at You will be walked through the process online and you will need to enter our school code: 166439DC844. You may also choose to set up a Presto Pa y account for instant payment from your checking account. TEXTING YOUR ORDER – Its simple! Print out an order form; fill it in with a black or blue pen; take a picture of the front and back of your completed order form; text it to me with your name and preferred telephone number in the body of text message. Send the text with attached pictures of the order form to me at 314-517-4237. Thank you for your time and support of our Shop For Our Schools Program! Lisa Walls, SFOS Coordinator, [email protected]

Sacramental Preparation First Reconciliation and First Communion A child needs to have completed 1st grade religion class (PSR, full time school or home school), in order to be placed in 2nd grade PSR. Parents of children preparing for their sacraments should be attending weekly Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass with their children and teaching them their prayers. Children who are in 2nd grade but have not completed the first grade materials will need to speak to the Director to determine if they can catch up over the summer. Children in 3rd grade or above will be place in their grade level for the first year and then be place in a sacramental prep class in their second year of PSR. Confirmation preparation is a two-year program beginning in 7th grade. Students who have not completed any of the grades leading to 8th grade will need to speak to the Director to determine their knowledge and where they will be placed in class.

Family Catechesis Program-Monthly Program Sundays 10:45am-12pm August -May Our Family Catechesis program helps parents grow in their own faith while they guide their children in core faith formation. This program nurtures faith and helps build community. Finding God Family Catechesis combines parish-based group meetings and grade-speci ic instruction by trained catechists with at-home sessions guided by parents. Families gather together for group prayer with the Director. Parents stay with the leader for catechetical preparation, while children attend class with catechists to complete the irst session of the month. Parentsaregivenmaterialseachmonthtocatechizetheirchildrenathomeusingparent-friendlymaterials. They return for another group meeting the following month to prepare for the next unit and the children are tested over what they have learned. ParentsExpectations:• Attend weekly Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass with your family.• Attend monthly group meetings with the Director. (missed session will need to be made up with the Director) • Pray for and with your children, teaching the basic prayers of our Catholic faith. • Teach the three weekly chapters with your child and have your child complete any homework including the online chapter review for grades 1-7. • Read the virtue and saint of the month with your child. • Talk about God with your child in your daily living and throughout the week. • Be a positive example of your Catholic faith.

Care Service News The Annual Catholic Appeal Board once again has generously granted the Care Service $90,000 from 2020 Appeal pro-ceeds. These funds are used to serve our most vulnerable neighbors in St. Charles, Lincoln, and Warren counties. Some of these families are just one payment away from los-ing their homes. Many have never asked for help be-fore. Pledge cards have been mailed, and your contribution will make a positive impact in the lives of these fragile fami-lies who come through our doors. Thank you for your con-sideration in partnering with us for a successful 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal campaign.

Page 10: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503


JASSS - Senior Men & Women 55 & Older All JASSS activities have been suspended until further notice. Please pray for those af licted with the Covid-19 virus and for a safe and smooth transition for all church reopenings. Thought for Days to come: To gather with God’s people in united adoration of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as prayer. ~Quote by Martin Luther

J&A Alums Today We would love to catch up with some of our J&A alums to see what they are up to these days. Let’s celebrate and recognize these former lames! Do you know a J&A alum who graduated within the last 10 years? We would love to talk to them and hear their story! Email [email protected]

FORMED is a Catholic app with hundreds of Catholic movies for adults and children, bible studies, prayers including the rosary, presentations, books and more. Many have called it a Catholic Net lix. Normally the app is $10 a month, but our parish has a paid subscription for the app so anyone from the parish has free access to use it. You can use the app on your phone, computer and Smart TV. (You can ind it on Roku). Simply type and create an account with your email or sign in if you already have an account. No passcode needed.

CYC SOCCER REFEREES If you are interested in refereeing soccer for Sts. Joachim & Ann this coming fall, please contact Steve Emery at [email protected] or 636-577-2813. To be eligible you must be entering the 7th grade or older. Anyone over the age of 18 prior to the start of the season must be in compliance with the Safe Environment Program. Please contact JoAnne Van Acker regarding Safe Environment questions - [email protected]. Attendance at one classroom, one ield mechanics class and a passing grade on the district test is also required.

From the Evangelization Committee Do we understand the conditions of being a missionary disciple of Christ? Throughout the centuries, many saints and theologians have written on the importance of honoring the Creator more than creatures. In our personal lives, this means loving God more than any other human being, whether that person is our father, mother, sister, brother, son, daughter, spouse, etc. When we love God above all else, He will properly order our relationships so that we can serve Him most effectively. The Christian life always passes through the cross. There is no way around it, as Jesus tells us. We must pick up our cross each day and follow Him, knowing that He will present us with struggles and suffering but never in vain. God makes his power known precisely in man’s weakness and emptying of self. Never fear to share that knowledge with others, as you lead them to Christ.

Experience CBC High School…Virtually Learn more about CBC without leaving your home. Parents are invited to our Coffee and Conversation Sessions. Prospective students can connect with current CBC students during our Chick- il-A and Chat Sessions. Our CBC Spotlight Series is a great way for families to learn more about CBC’s most popular programs. Register for these events at or contact Melissa Ryan at [email protected].

Fish Fry at St. Joseph/Josephville 1410 Josephville Rd., Wentzville, MO on July 10 from 4:30pm – 7:00pm. DRIVE THRU ONLY! $10 meals include three pieces of fish, chips, slaw, and applesauce. Cash only. For more info call 636-332-6676. Please come out and support this parish fundraiser!

Online Coloring Contest with Pauline Books & Media Pauline Books & Media is launching a nation-wide online Coloring Contest for ages 14 and under! TheColoringContestwilllaunchJune19thandcloseJune30th.To participate, families can download the image at take a clear photo of their child's completed masterpiece and submit it through the same web address.   Updates, fun facts, and contest progress will be shared through our Instagram account @paulinebooksandmedia. Families do not need to have Instagram to participate! They can follow our page to see featured artwork and other updates, or they can do everything directly through the web page. StaytunedforanOnlineStorytimewiththeSistersinSt.LouisatPaulineBooks&Media,9804WatsonRd;314-965-3512!

Young Catholic Musicians Auditions Vocal and Instrumental auditions for The Young Catholic Musicians orchestra and choir ( will be held during July. Ages 10 – 17 are welcome to audition. The YCM has 2 rehearsals a month and leads the music for Mass once a month. Contact Fr. Bruce Forman, Director, at 314-231-7464 or [email protected] to schedule an audition.

Page 11: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503


Youth Ministry Updates






Page 12: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503


Page 13: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503


Page 14: Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church › 5280 › bulletins › 20200628.… · 28/06/2020  · Sts. Joachim & Ann Catholic Church 4112 McClay Rd • St. Charles, MO 63304 Phone 636.441.7503