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Standard 3 Unit Plan - Reflection

Feb 23, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 Standard 3 Unit Plan - Reflection


    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 1


    Last week, during the part of the day that I was out, I had the cooperating teacher find out

    what students knew, wanted to know, and wanted to learn about frogs. Before I readFrogs,by

    Gail Gibbons, we reviewed that information. As I read the book, I pointed out certain

    information that I wanted the students to know. During the story, students were given an

    opportunity to ask questions and make comments. I was able to find out if the students could

    make any connections relating to frogs. We worked on standard W.K.2. Use a combination of

    drawing, dictating, and writing to compose information/explanatory texts in which they name

    what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. For writing, I

    displayed the stages of the life cycle of the frog randomly on the Promethean Board and students

    had to write them in order. After students listed the stages of the frog they put together their Frog

    Life Cycle Wheel.

    Looking back over this part of the day, instead of reading all of the information of the

    pages I covered, I wondered if I should have only read the information I needed the students to

    focus on. Reading all of the information may have been too much for kindergarteners. As

    students began to work on listing the stages of a frog, several students said they did not know

    what to do. I worked with those students who did not understand in a small group. I explained to

    them that beside the number one, they were to put the first stage of the frog and I asked them to

    tell me what the first stage was. Immediately they all said, eggs, and I told them that, that was

    what they needed to put beside the number one. We repeated this process for numbers two

    through four and the students went back to their seats and completed the activity without any

    other questions. I experienced firsthand that some students will get it the first time you say it

    while others may need to have it repeated one-on-one or in small groups.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 2

    The science and social studies lesson for the day was pushed back due to preparations for

    the kindergarten play that was to be performed the next day. I have learned that flexibility is an

    essential characteristic that teachers need.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 3

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 4

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 5


    Today after we did calendar, we had to get our costumes on for the kindergarten play to perform

    for the school. Although teachers have a need to go on with instruction, being flexible helps

    things to run smoothly. The cooperating teacher mentioned that with all of the excitement from

    the play, it would be hard to give some solid instruction. Therefore, once students completed

    their performance and came back to the room, I had them to paint a small white paper plate green

    or brown for a frog or a toad to go along with the unit. I had two students at a time to come to the

    art table and paint while the rest of the class cut out paper eyes for the frogs and read a book at

    their table until it was their turn. Students were to perform again that night so the cooperating

    teacher suggested that I rehearse with them during the last part of the day after recess.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 6


    Today I readFrogs on a Log for the reading/Imagine It portion of the day. After I read

    the first page, I asked the students did they notice anything about the words. The students looked

    and did not give a response so I said, Im going to keep reading and if you notice anything

    about the words raise your hand. Midway through the book I saw hands go up and heard a voice

    blurt out that rhymes. I Cold Called a student and asked them what they noticed and the

    student did not give me a response. Therefore, I called on a student who had their hand raised

    and they replied the words rhyme. I asked the question again to the student I had Cold Called

    and they said the words rhyme. After circle time, students exercised before they transitioned

    into writing. We continued to work on standard W.K.2. Use a combination of drawing, dictating,

    and writing to compose information/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing

    about and supply some information about the topic.

    During science, I showed the class two pictures of seven types of environments;

    rainforest, lakes, ponds, mountains, arctic, Antarctica, and the desert. After the students viewed

    the pictures, they had to decide which type environment a frog might live in. On a graph with the

    seven environments, the students wrote their names in the box above the location they believed

    frogs live. When students began to tell me that certain parts of the graph were full; I asked them

    to choose a different area because if I changed the graph to allow more space for a one

    environment, the majority of the class would have chosen that setting. I informed them that

    tomorrow we were going to tally and see where students thought frogs were going to live the

    most and the least.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 7


    The speech pathologist came in today with a lesson during the reading block. Students

    transitioned from speech by having some exercise time. Following the exercise time, students

    went back to their seats and were given a page to make My Itsy Bitsy Frog Book. After students

    colored the pictures, I helped the students put their books together. We read the book together as

    a class and discussed ways frogs move. In standard K.P.1.2 Give examples of different ways

    objects and organisms move (to include falling to the ground when dropped): (Straight, Zigzag,

    Round, and round, Back and forth, Fast and slow) is the standard we focused on. Students

    compared their movement of jumping, eating, climbing, and swimming with the frogs

    movement. During math time, the students tallied the places where they thought frogs live.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 8


    After readingFranklins Library Book andFranklin Loses a Book, I introduced the Venn

    diagram to compare the setting in both stories. The students named different places the story took

    place and I recorded the information on the Venn diagram. Next, the students did a board equals

    paper activity where they copied the information of the Venn diagram onto their paper. The

    activity was engaging and the students worked on their writing skills to meet standard L.K.2.

    Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

    spelling when writing.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 9


    To practice argumentative/opinion writing, I used the O.R.E.O (Opinion, Reason, Example,

    Opinion) model for writing. After the class read the poem Little Boy Blue, we discussed if we

    should or should not wake him and why. Anns writing has really improved, Elizabeths

    handwriting has been better, and Henry still has to be encouraged to get his work complete. He

    tries to do the bare minimum but I encourage him by telling him that he can do it and all he has

    to do is try his best.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 10

    Anns Work

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 11

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 12

    Elizabeths Work

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 13

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 14

    Henrys Work

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 15


    This lesson did not go as I had planned. I had planned for students to sort the shapes by color but

    as they began to move the shapes to their category, there was another shape below it. Students

    were confused about what to do and I had to modify the activity by having the students come up

    one at a time to sort a shape by color.

    This slide gave me the same problem as the one above and had to be modified. Here we were

    sorting by the number of sides the shapes had.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 16


    When preparing for this lesson, I planned on implementing it in one way but later discovered that

    there were multiple ways this format could be used. Originally, I had planned for the students to

    name a color to fill in the blank and complete the chart. Since the shapes are multiple, I decided

    that the students put eight shapes in the left box. They had to make three shapes one color and

    the rest a different color. The three shapes that they made the one color went into the second box

    and the remaining different color went into the last box.

    We continued to practice this concept with the slide below.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 17

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 18


    To engage the students, I gave each student a 2-D shape and they were then instructed to find

    other students with the same shape to make a group. Once students got into their groups, I asked

    each group what shape they had and how many sides, corners, and vertices the shape had. I

    labeled each shape with sides, corners, and vertices and wrote the numbers next to its category.

    Twenty-one students were present out of the twenty-two in the class and two students out of

    twenty-one had some difficulty with this activity. Therefore, I the student who was at the board

    get a friend to help them out. After the friend helped get the answer, I asked the student that was

    having difficulty the question again so they could tell me on their own what the answer was.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 19


    I gave out 3-D objects and the students grouped themselves according to the shape they had. The

    3-D objects were on the left side of the Promethean Board and six boxes with descriptors on the

    right side of the board. For each group of shapes I drew lines along the lines as we counted to see

    how many sides the shape had. Numbers were placed on the faces of the shape if there were any

    and dots were drawn on the corners and counted. After we checked each shape to see if it had the

    descriptors, we put a check mark next to that description. Once all items were checked in the

    box, I slide the shape to its description. As an assessment tool, the students sorted 3-D objects.

    The use of technology, manipulatives, and paper and pencil are methods that could be used to

    modify the assessment. I have learned that teachers have to learn how to adapt lessons according

    to each childs capability.

  • 7/24/2019 Standard 3 Unit Plan - Reflection


    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 20


    After modeling different ways to show less than and greater than 18 out of 22 students were able

    to grasp the concept. The other four students started to catch on when I set up math stations with

    dominoes, counting bears, and other math manipulatives. I learned from this math lesson that

    most of the students enjoyed working in small group and peer teaching each other. I also learned

    that math should be model and have many objects so that the students are able to explore

    different ways to show their work. Earlier during the lesson some of the students were unable to

    understand the math concept on less than and greater than now all twenty-two students

    understand. I am very pleased with the end results of this lesson.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 21


    Before introducing math story problems, students used manipulatives to represent numbers and

    solve simple addition problems. Since I had already introduced the concept of shapes I thought it

    would be great to use the shapes in a math story. When I used the shapes 17 out of 22 students

    were able to remember from the 2-D and 3-D shape lesson. I passed out a container of shapes

    and I asked each child to take 10 shapes out. Then I asked them to show me how they could add

    or subtract their shapes. I was amazed what they did with their shapes. I saw that the 17 out of 22

    students were able to do well in composing their math equation using the shapes I had provided.

    However when I asked them to decomposed only 15 out of 22 were able to grasp the

    decomposing concept so I had to model several times with my shapes. Then 15 out of 22

    students were able to grasp the decomposing concept. Towards the end of the lessons I was very

    pleased with the outcome that 20 out of 22 students were able to compose and 18 out of 22 were

    able to decompose.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 22


    In order to enhance students decomposing skills, I created sixteen slides to practice decomposing

    the number eight. On each slide, students would make one more red dot until there were eight

    red dots. After all the dots are red, the students would then make one less red dot to make a

    combination of eight.

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    Rainey, Elisa Student Teaching Reflections 23


    Students were given manipulatives and I used the count the dot and add them sheet as a guide for

    giving math story problems. As I gave the story problem, the students would manipulate their

    objects to match the given problem. For example, four birds were flying in the sky. Three more

    birds started to flying with them. How many birds are flying? I circulated the room to make sure

    students were on task and grasping the concept. After we did several problems together, I had

    them to come up with a math story problem. The class did an awesome job with this concept.