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St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329 April 30, 2017 The Third Sunday of Easter PARISH STAFF FR. MARTINO BÁ THÔNG NGUYEN, PASTOR RICK RAFTER, DEACON PATTIE LIEBL, PARISH SECRETARY CELESTE GISH, DRE KATHY O’SAKO, OUTREACH ASSISTANCE DON SMITH, CUSTODIAN PARISH STAFF EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WEB ADDRESS BAPTISMS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment. WEDDINGS Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date. PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Or Upon request WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m. Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino day or night if a priest is needed in an emergency.1-706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Thursday at 12:00 pm

St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, … · CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT CHRIST Cristianismo sin Cristo FORGIVENESS WITHOUT REGENERATION perdón sin Regeneración

Jun 30, 2020



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Page 1: St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, … · CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT CHRIST Cristianismo sin Cristo FORGIVENESS WITHOUT REGENERATION perdón sin Regeneración

St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA Hwy. 21 South Springfield, GA 31329

April 30, 2017 The Third Sunday of Easter





[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] WEB ADDRESS BAPTISMS

Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment. WEDDINGS

Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date.

PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.


Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m.

Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education

Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino day or night if a priest is

needed in an emergency.1-706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline

We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Thursday at 12:00 pm

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We need a team to push Father Martino in the Faster Pastor Race.

The Family Promise Bed race will be on Sat., May 6, from

8:30 to 2 PM, at the Day Center on Church St in Guyton.

There will be a youth race (elementary and middle school),

Faster Pastor, open (high school and adults). There will be

raffles, silent auction, food, bouncy house, popcorn, face

painting and more. You will also have the opportunity to

tour the day center. Please contact Gerry Klock at 826-

3566 or [email protected] if you want to participate.

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We Need You! Please make a donation today to help us pay off our debt by the Feast of St. Boniface, June 5th!

April 30, 2017 3rd. Sunday of Easter “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the scriptures?” - LUKE 24:32 How often do we take the time to discern what Je-sus wants from us? Are our prayers always peti-tions, asking Jesus to do things for us? If so, that’s a one-sided relationship. Living our faith means developing a personal relationship with Jesus. Just like any friendship, there is give and take, each side listening to each other and helping each other out. Take time in silence to listen to what Jesus is asking of you. DO WE REALLY WANT TO SETTLE FOR LESS THAN WHAT JESUS WANTS OF US? General William Booth, the founder of the Salva-tion Army, defined it when he said, "I consider that the chief dangers which will confront the 20th cen-tury will be: RELIGION WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT CHRISTIANITY WITHOUT CHRIST FORGIVENESS WITHOUT REGENERATION MORALITY WITHOUT GOD AND HEAVEN WITHOUT HELL". Think for just a moment--Are you the person our Lord desires for you to be. This can only be an-swered by each of us individually. (adapted from SIGN OF THE TIMES, by Paul Lee Tan)

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29- 30; Jn 6:22-29 or, for the memorial, Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23- 24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Ps 19:2-5; Jn 14:6-14 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-17; Jn 6:60-69 Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps 23:1-6; 1 Pt 2:20b-25; Jn 10:1-10

30 de abril de 2017 3er domingo de Pascua "¿No ardía nuestro corazón mientras nos hablaba en el camino, mientras nos abría las escrituras?"- LUCAS 24:32 ¿Con qué frecuencia tomamos el tiempo para discernir lo que Jesús quiere de nosotros? ¿Son nuestras oraciones siempre peticiones, pidiendo a Jesús que haga cosas por nosotros? Si es así, esa es una relación unilateral. Vivir nuestra fe significa desarrollar una relación personal con Jesús. Al igual que en cualquier amistad, hay que dar y rec-ibir, cada lado escuchandose unos a otros y ayudándose un-os a otros. Tómate un tiempo en silencio para escuchar lo que Jesús te pide. ¿Realmente queremos conformarnos con menos de lo que Jesús quiere para nosotros? El general William Booth, fundador del Ejército de Salvación (Salvation Army), lo definió cuando dijo: "considero que los principales peligros que enfrentarán el siglo xx serán: Religión sin el Espíritu Santo Cristianismo sin Cristo perdón sin Regeneración moralidad sin Dios y cielo sin infierno ". piensa por un momento -¿eres la persona que nuestro Señor desea que seas?. Esto sólo puede ser contestado por cada uno de nosotros individualmente. (adaptado de Sign of the Times, de Paul Lee Tan)

ON THE ROAD One central metaphor employed to describe the Christian life is a journey. In today’s second reading, Peter addresses the early Christian community: “Conduct yourselves with reverence during the time of your sojourning” (1 Peter 1:17). When we think of a journey, we normally think of some kind of movement from point A to point B. The Christian journey, begun in the waters of baptism (point A) has as its ultimate destination eternal life with God in heaven (point B). Unfortunately we find ourselves on all kinds of detours along the way. Because of sin, we make foolish turns and sometimes seem unable to detect the presence of the Lord. Today’s story of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus illustrates for us the fact that, even when we are dejected or on one of our many detours, the Lord is there, walking right beside us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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Liturgical Ministry Schedule

May 6 5:00 p.m. AS G Liebl, M Burdick, & J Burdick EM J Smock, P Galasco, M Wills, P Tanguay, & C Reynolds L Don Smith U Donna Smith, R O’Sako, & D Avard May 7 8:30 a.m. AS A Snyder, G Snyder, & M Heyman EM L Santos, T Richtman, T DePace, M McCumber L C Leonard U M Vinson, B Russo, & B Milne Jr. 11:00 a.m. AS K Momperousse, B Powell, & J Klock EM R Visconti, A Colanero, E Pazos, & T King L S Doyle U J Williamson, R Monteleone, J Davis, & Y Carr Children’s Liturgy Volunteer 1-B Ellis Volunteer 2-G Bazemore Youth-T Smith & K Holden

This week at St. Boniface - Apr. 30- May 6

Sunday: Mass: 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Faith Formation: 9:45 a.m. First Communion-11:00 a.m. Mass Crowning of Mary-11:00 a.m. Mass Tuesday: Mass: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: Mass: 8:30 a.m. Followed by Adoration Parish Life Mtg.-6:30 p.m. CCW Mtg.-7:00 p.m. Thursday: Mass: 8:30 a.m. Friday: Mass: 7:00p.m. Followed by Adoration Saturday: Family Promise Bed Race- 8:30 a.m.-2:00p.m. Rosary-4:30 p.m. Confirmation Mass-5:00 p.m.

Please Remember in Prayer

Carolyn Ansel, Charles Armfield, Caroline & Bran-don Arrieta, Michael Barajas, Jamie Bassett , John Ashley Beam, Richard Bender, Tony Branham, Brio-nes Family, Brenda Bruner, Ava Buck, Diana Cato, Kathy & Andy Chester, Penny Christol, Mike & Nan-cy Corley, Loretta Dahlweiner, Cody Danielewicz, Phyllis Davy, Ellie Dennis, Rindy Denmark, Nancy Dotson, Celina Eaddy, Marian Fallis, Arsenio, Kisako, Mike & Charlie Felipe, Connie Frazier, Mil-dred Galentine, Dan Gonzales, Eric Guge, Michelle Garcia, Felipe & Manuela Garza, Aaron & Margarite Gilstrap, Margaret Hale, Muriel Healy, Janie Haar, Collen Higgs, Richard Hinely, Tyler Hood, David Hunt, Myllar Jones, Vonnie & Niamh Kavanagh, Sandy Kowalski, Debra Lafferty, Jere Landis, Rosa Lewis, Vince & Sandra Mackey, Frances Maher, John & Michael Maher, Tom and Bridget Maher, Jus-tin McGregor, Elise McKinley, Delores Miller, Floyd & Susan Miller, Krystal Miller, Nancy Miller, Angie Moore, Noah Napier, Randy Nease, Larry Neel, Pat Neklia, Dana Newsome, Gloria O’Connor, Mildred O'Connor, Phil Pastrano, Melanie Pitingaro, Ann Preston, Emma Quin, Richard Rafferty, Connie Saw-dy, Bill Saxon, Allen Schwartz, Bill Shean Eddie and Linda Shellhamer, Tim & Jill Shumacher, JoAnn Skorich-Smith, Beverly Smith, Jack Stein, Trudy Stein, Paul Sweatt, John Ray, Gabriella Reddick, De-lores Talick, Burr Tolles, Kaine Vincent, Bernie We-ber, Garry Wilkes, Linda Williams, Larry & Julie Weddle

CW2 Ross Bogard, COL Brian Healy, USAF, TSGT Brian A. Lafond, SPC Winston Hencely, SGT Clayton Emanuel Holloway, SFC Shawn Brown, SSG. Ryan Peters,LS2 Jonathon Benson King, CPT Thomas Naldrett, SSG Steven Liebl,CW4 Scott Durrer, SGT Jeremy Hynes, SGT Andrew Hamilton, SPC Ronnie Hamilton, AZ2 Annmarie Chessari

EFFECTS The effect of our sharing in the body and blood of Christ is to change us into what we receive. —Pope Saint Leo the Great

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Your contributions for the weekend of April 23 , 2017

Adult $4,229.00 Children $61.01 Debt Reduction $2,574.00 Mortgage Balance $55,969.55 Bills paid this week $5,066.05 Thank you for your continuing generosity!

We would like to welcome any new Parishioner and en-courage you to register with the Parish. Registration Forms are located in the church on the stand in front of the Confessional, or you may stop by the Parish Office and register Monday-Friday8:30 am - 4:00 pm.

Mass Intentions for the Week of Apr. 30-May 6

Sunday 4/30 +Eleanor Gadomski Tuesday 5/02 ♥Zeile Oxford Wednesday 5/03 ♥Rita Visconti Thursday 5/04 ♥Marcie Silver Friday 5/05 ♥Irene Legnaioli Saturday 5/06 ♥Confirmation Students

2017 Pastoral Council Nominations This is the last weekend to nominate people for Parish Council. The nominations slips are in vestibule , and you may put the slip into the white box that is located on the table. Please prayerfully consider nominating a responsi-ble parishioner. Please contact Gerry Klock at 912-826-3566 or [email protected] with any questions.

Help Needed with Parish Projects Our parish buildings need some much needed atten-tion and we are looking for a few handyman or wom-en who can help. The doors to the parish hall are in need of staining and the doors to the front entrance of the Faith Formation building need painting. the rectory and cottage are in desperate need of pres-sure washing. If you can help with anyone of these projects please contact the parish office.

“Return, How to Draw Your Child Back to Church” Planning meetings will be held on Thursday, May 18 at 7pm and another meeting on Sunday, May 21st between the Masses. If you have read “Return” during the Lenten season and are ready to find out more about how to get your child or other family members back to church, please plan on attending one of these meetings. For more information on the meetings please contact Fr. Martino.

Catholic Night at the Ball Park Join your Catholic friends and neighbors and help strike out hunger as the Savannah Bananas take on the Lexing-ton County Blowfish! Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm Historic Grayson Stadium, Savannah Watch Bishop Hartmayer throw out the first pitch! Hear our very own Catholic Schools sing the national anthem! Enjoy bottomless sodas and all-you-can-eat con-cessions all night long! TICKETS INCLUDE: $5 Donation to the Social Apostolate of Savannah All you can eat concessions (chicken sandwiches, burg-ers, hot dogs, popcorn, dessert) and bottomless sodas An evening of family fun with your Catholic friends and neighbors TICKET OPTIONS: $15 tickets include all of the above $20 tickets include all of the above and two beers (proof of age will be required at Grayson Stadium) Children 3 and under are FREE Tickets can be purchased on line at

Thank you Thank you to everyone who baked cakes and bought last weekend. $450 was raised for Family Promise. Again thanks for your generosity and in supporting the family promise bed race.

Parents, Do you have a Graduating Senior? If the answer is yes, please contact the Parish Of-fice with the name of your child, and what school or college they will be graduating from. Fr. Marti-

no will recognize these students at Mass the weekend of May 20/21, 2017.

PARISH DIRECTORIES are available to all registered parishioners. Those who are not registered need to complete a REGISTRATION FORM prior to getting a directory. The Directories and Registra-tion Forms are available in the back of church at the table by the patio.

Holy Hour for Vocations The St. John Vianney Vocations Ministry of Savannah will be celebrating a special Holy Hour on Sunday May 7, 2017 at 4:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament Church, Waters Ave. at 44th St. Fr. Brett Brannen will be the presider. May 7 is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Please join the Vocations Ministry to ask the Lord of the Har-vest to send us many good and holy priests, deacons and religious to serve the people of God and the Life of the Church

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VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” Training will be held at the Catholic Pastoral Center at St. Mary's Home, 2170 East Victory Drive on Mon-day, May 15, 2017 from 9:00am to 12:00pm.

Registration is required prior to attending via online at to receive credit for the ses-sion. No one under the age of 18 is allowed due to the sensitive subject matter. Please arrive early no admittance once the session begins. Latecomers will be asked to reschedule. “Office for the Protection of Children and Young People, Toll free reporting hotline: (888) 357-5530.”

Catholic Focus There is a class for Adults of all ages that is held at 9:30 am in the Catholic Focus room in the Faith For-mation Building. So please consider joining us. The scriptures from the Sunday’s Mass are discussed as to how they apply to our lives. We encourage you to come, listen, learn, and to share what the word of God is saying to you. We graciously welcome you.

Faith Formation News

Second graders all set for First Communion Thanks to Linda Santos, Kim Trinh, Regina Burton, Grace Liebl, Gabriela Holden, Kristeanna Holden and all the parents who stepped up at the April 22 re-treat. And to Ty Trinh for graciously donating pizza and sodas for the whole crowd. Great job everyone! Our second graders are now spiritually prepared for the Sacrament of First Communion on April 30.

Thanks for another amazing year As we come to the end of another year, I’d like to ex-press my gratitude to our catechists, assistants, substi-tutes and prayer checkers for their unselfish service to the parish. You’ve done an amazing job of providing a nurturing, dynamic environment in which our children can learn about the Catholic faith and develop an on-going relationship with God. It has been my pleasure and privilege to work with all of you and I look for-ward to serving with you next year!

If you’re interested in being part of the program next year, please contact Celeste Gish at 912.754.1432 or [email protected]. The only requirements are VIRTUS training and a love of God, children and the Catholic faith.

May is Mary’s Month. This has been a custom in the Church dating back many centuries. And it is beautiful to associate Mary with the coming of Spring and the new birth of flowers and plants and crops in the field.

In this special month, in which we will celebrate Christ’s Ascension into Heaven and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, We need to deepen our devo-tion to Mary. In the Acts of the Apostles, we see the beautiful image of the early Church united in prayer around “Mary, the mother of Jesus.” That’s what Jesus wanted. His last wish — some call it his last will and testament — was that his mother should become our mother. He told the apostle St. John and each one of us: “Behold, your mother!” So we need to make sure that Mary always has an important place in our lives. The Gospel says St. John took Mary into his “own home.” We need to do that, too. We need to develop a deep personal relationship with Mary — one of love, affection, devotion and trust. -Catholic Exchange

St. Boniface Vacation Bible School

Treasures of the Heart June 5th -June 9th


All kids are welcome, grades pre-k thru 6th grade

Youth helpers needed grades 7th - 12th and Adults welcome! For more information

call Lisa Ganser at 912-660-1418

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Register your Kroger

Rewards card to help

benefit the Outreach Assistance

program. Need help?

See Pattie in the Parish Office.

Saturday Evenings 5:00 pm Mass and Sunday Mornings 8:15 am -12:30 p.m. Please contact Denise Burdick for nursery needs during meetings at 912-604-4178.

See us at