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.casioned by the civil disturbances which requires relief.; It is gratifying to ob- serve that thel propriety and duty of af- -' fording ibis, relief is recognized by the hu-- . mane and.liberal of all parties. Thcpeo- - ple"4fphio ill, I doubt not, approve I whatever you may iiud it expedient and necessary td do id order to protect the emigrants from the suffering, disease and death to which they are exposed. ; Such, gentlemen, are the views which i have thought it my duty to submit to jyooV I shall rejoice if they meet your approval and the' approval of our common constituents. Should it be othcrwise,I shall still rejoice if, supplying my defects and correcting my errors, your legislation shall be wiser and better than ray suggestions. Among the States of the Union, Ohio holds no secoudary place. Surpassed Dy : many in extent and by two in population and wealth, she confesses inferiority to in th& elements which constitute the ' true greatness of a State - Great in pow- er and ' great ,'ia resources;" she is greater still in her unsullied faith, in her zeal for edjicationy .in her sympathy with suffering, . in hef fidelity to rights and in her devotion to Ubertv,- - These are jewels in her crown of honor. ': Let it be our nonoraoie amoi - tiouto preserve their brightness untarn fished and nndimntd. S. P. CIIASE. Columbus, Jan. 5, 1857. - - . trtie , "Wife of Judge. Daniels Burned V.-.;,- : to Death. . .". : ; . . Our renorter furnishes us with the brie Particular of a - most1 terrible accident which occurred in this city on Saturday night last,; by which the estimable wife of Jodce Daniel, of the Supreme Uonrt ot the United - States,- - was burnt to death It appears that the Judge and Mrs. Dan- iel had just returned from a party to his residence , in -- Franklin row, and he had crone to his library, whilst Mrs. D. repair ed to her sleeping-roo- : and commenced disrobinff preparatory to " retiring for the night. .. Being very nearsighted, she did not perceive a candle piacea upon me hearth or, the flames which communicated to her clotl 6'untirthey completely envel- oped her-?-S- he then ran from her room thrieking" ! for assistance; but her motion only added strength to the flames, and it in snnnnsrd she also inhaled the fire. Be- - - r i - fore effectual assistance ceuld be rendered, . the unfortunate lady was burnt almost to & crisp and died after eight hours' intense i suffering. .' - : - .: - Mr&X Daniel was about tl irty-fiv- e years old. and her terrible death has caused a profound regret 5 among Tier large circle of " f. lends ind the community at large. She was the dauffhef of the late Dr. Harris, of . Philadel phia, formerly ' Chief of the .Bureau of Medicine and ourgery or the Navy. She leaves two cildren, theyoung- - est about eight months old ; Judge Dan- iel was slightly burnt in his efforts to ex- tinguish, the flames, ller funeral will take place at noon to-da- y. 'i The death of Mrs. Daniel was announced in the Su p'reme Court yesterday morning by Chief Justice Taney, and, as a mark or. respect, the"; Conrti" adioured ' over (Wednesday.) Washington Union-- Ji rM TEVJS3. AND AGUE. by BOUiUA YES HOLLAND BIl'. , Michael Kelly,.. No 111 Grant, near - - vLast Jul while running on the river, on a cotton-bo- at plying between Natchez nd New Orltans, 1 was la ten with 1 ever n i A gue. ". For eight long months I ii " . 1P..1 J mu fuReredswia wus ureauiut ui&uu&i:. iur work, aud spent at least nuy aoiiars tor different-medicine- s, but . found no perma- nent reliefs Three weeks ago one of my friends insisted upon my trying Bosriiave's tt"Y T. 4 XT T?iwpbi! cT-?ii'f- r tbnt ft ritrp 1 1 1 J 1 i I j jvi UU 1 i A, oi ( . f t J icai guaranteed. .Alter lasiug u ior one week, 1 must state l was a sounu wu. "I: have been at work now for two weeks. aad have bad no return oi tne villus anu . ... .. . . i ; . - xrue, tt . . ; ;; --- - . - ' - TTTrt A R APlAfS ; . ; . married; . : : On the 7th inst., by Thomas Neal, Esq., Mr. - Thom as7 Mitcsexl,; 'and Miss - Mab abet M. Ddtchbb, both of Antioch,. Monroe eounTy ..Ohio. ;.. vJ'.'rV'N.' :: .' - -- On th .4th? inst., by . Michael Boughner i,sq., Air. rsnui u, mAann, m nu. v.v, 'Ya., and Miss Elizabeth E. Lemlky, of Monroe xounty. Ohio. ... ' ',v '' - ' ' " . - .- -n the Sth inst., by J. F. Randolph, Esq.f Mr, Isaac TScjxk and Mrs. Cathebisk Patkk, j. Joah 11th inst., by the same.Mr. Joshua Pocltox and Miss. .JSliza Jasb Docohebtt, all fit this couHty. , , . , , i Lfin the 6th. inaU. by James Cunningham, Esq- -' Mr Jon Klbxzbl and miss oatherib Kahsikb, all of Ohio township this county. BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR RENT ,' ,11111 UUllkJl iriilf I mHE -- undersigned wishes to rem ms uiacn.- - I - smith Shop, in xne iowu . oi i uuuoucm, $ irith his tools. The.Shop is a. hkw frame BurLDino, in a fa- - vorable locauvy. xjicio , , , J. IIUJ'jMj 1 - SORTALENT. OF FIRST-RAT- E U .;.; : TOOLS, .nA all other conreniences necessary ror car-- rflng y uti wreumx "uT nTTOTTlilT .. .J.r. nrrvr ATI t A-- ' ,UUUi' VV va- - wwiw. and affords it first-rat- e chance to a good Blaok- - . . . i: 1m h nnm.d AT thfl 1TI- - . - j( of lurvuor jiiwv""" i dersianed in WoodBfield, . T. - JOSEPH RODGERS. -t- .T-r t v s 3 ? . . I A - rnLZY'BAKTEMUS wilt tae notice mat on -- rii nu a a xr At J&nnnrv-- 1857. his wife Margaret Bartemuii; Aled in tho court of Com-- rT . ... llmiMa ranntT. Oliio. a Vfltition mujj.iim v j ' - Against him, wtncli la now penawg, asitiug wi i A .n;MAn AnA Ural., wilfnl fi.H- - a cuvorco m """.""j i than three second adul - eence for more years; iery..Said petition will be for hearing in said ieurt, at tho March term, im i. Jan. 14, 1357. ; - Au'ys for PeUti oner. DISEASE VANQUISHED mlmt- - Eif Dr EobacVs Scayidinavian Remedies. years of study, analysis and AFTER Dr. Roback, the eminent Swedish Physician, succeeded in producing a medicine from the mountaia herbs of his native land, which acts directly upon the causes of disease in the Mood, and by restoring the corrupted fountain of life to a condition of health and purity, expels disease from the system wher- ever it may be located, or whatever may be its character. Indigestion, nervous complaints, epileptic and other fits, coughs, consumption in its early stages, sore throat, bronchitis, fever and ague, asthma, low spirits, sexual incapa- city, feminine weakness, pricking of the skin, symptomatic of paralysis, rheumatism, neu- ralgia, tumor,' cancer; diabetes, lassitude and debility, diarrhea, and all other disorders of the organs of respiration, the liver, the kid neys, the stomach, the nerves, or the muscu lar fibre, are unerringly cured by this prepa ration. It is to the materies morbi, or seeds of disease, what an alkali is to an acid; it neu- tralizes them with absolute certainty, while at the same time it regulates the secretions, re moves obstructions from the bowels, creates appetite, renews bodily vigor, and regenerates every animal function. Such is the nature, such are the effects of Dr. Eoback's famous Scasijjavias Blood PrniFiER, which, taken in conjunction with his Blood Pills, will not only obliterate the most painful diseases, but pre vent their recurrence, and lengthen life be yond its ordinary span. ', To prevent imposition, purchase only of re spectable druggists, e.c, of regular agents, or of Dr. Roback, Bole proprietor and manulac turer, 6, Focrth-stree- t, Cincinnati. ' CiT Vrico of Purifier $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. . Pills.. 25 cents per box, or 5 boxes for $1. Hamilton, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1855. Dr. Roback Dear Sir: I havo read in th newspapers many accounts of cures effected by your Scandavian Remedies, but I consider my own case at least as interesting and as marvel ous as any of them. So far as you are cod cerned, one testimonial more or less is of little consequence. Your fame is established, and my statement cannot add to your celebrity. But for the benefit of my fellow creatures, I desire to make known the facts. When I called upon you, at the instance of a dear friend, on the 21st of March last, I had been nine years a sufferer from catarrh. The irritation of the nerves and membrane of the head was so in tense that sometimes it almost drove me crazy. I could not sleep, and was never free from un pleasant sensations. At various tunes five different physicians bad attended me, each one treated me in his own way, but none of tlu-i- did me any good. I despaired of ever seeing another wellday, and . when I called at your consultation rooms, had very little hope of re lief." ; By yO'ir advise, I entered immediately upon a regular course of your Scandinavian Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. I was encour aged by tho cheerful, hopeful way in which you spoke, and I resolved strictly to follow your direction. . In less than a week, all the worst symptoms of my complaint began to take a milder form, and so continued to im prove from week to week until, at the end of three months, my head was entirely relieved, and every trace of the catarrh had left me. Still, however, I continued to take the reme dies for nearly six weeks longer, because 1 found they were building up my streugth and fortifvina mv constitution. Six luonttnrliaTB passed since the cure was finished, and I have had no sign of a rtdapse. I should be glad to see this letter, or the substanye of it, in print, for the guidance of other. Yours, with heartfelt cratiturte, Mrs. AUGUSTUS COOCn. FOR SALE BY J. A. & G. II. Davenport, Woods'. Geld; Kotzcbue fc Oiilinger, Malaga; Armstrong & Moouey, Beallsviile; Thos. C. Penn, Antioch. Dec. 31, 1S5G ly. SHERIFF'S SALE Andrew Fulton, "J "I) Y virtue of a writ of pn- - vs. V U (luioni exponas tome li- - Isaiah Coen. 1 ed from the court of Com mon Pleas of Monroe county, Ohio, I will offer sale, at publio auction, at the front door of the court house, in the town of AYoodsfield, in said county, between tha hours of 10 o'clock, a. m and 4 o'clock; p. m., on Saturday, the 14th dag of February, 185T, the following described real estate, lying and being in said county, te wit: - The west half of the south east quarter of section thirteen, township three, and range four, containing seventy-nin- e acres, more or less. Appraised at $1137. Taken in execution and levied on as the property of Isaiah Coen, at the suit of Andrew Fulton. WILLIAM READ, . Jan, 14. $2 50 Sheriff of said county. SHERIFF'S SALE. Nathaniel Valentine, "J T)Y virtue of a writ vs. J)' of venditioni erpo- - John Adams. j nas to me directed from the court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public auction, at the front door of the court houso, in the town of Woodsfield in said county, be- tween the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m., and 4 o'clocK, p. m., on Saturday, the 1 4iA day of February, 1857, the following described real estate, lying and being in said county, to wit : Tie north west quarter of section thirty-on- e, township four and range six, subject Ao a levy made on the same land in favor of V. A. Lamp- ing against said John Adams. Appraised at $900. Taken in execution and levied on as the property of John Adams, at the suit of Nathan iel Valentine. WILLIAM READ. Jan. 14. $2 75 Sheriff of said county. Lewis OMinger's Estate. ATOTICE is hereby gives that the undersigned have been appointed by the Probate Court of 3Ionroe county, Ohio, administrators of the estate of Lewis Oblinger, deceased. Those indebted to, or having claims against the estate will please came forward, and have them settled. J. B. OBLINGER. Admrs RICHARD CHADDOCK; Jan. 7, 1857. Mary Sinclair'? Estate, VOTICE is hereby giventuat the undersigned L' was, on the 14th day of June, 1856, ap- pointed by the Probate Court of .Monroe coun- ty, Ohio, administrator of the estate of Afary Sinclair, deceased. Jan. 7, 1857. JOHN B. NOLL, Adm'r. John Adams' Estate. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was, on the 20th day of December, 1856, appointed by the Probate Court of 3fonroe county, Ohio, administrator f the estate of John Adams; deceased. , Jan. 7, 185 T. THOMAS MILLER, Adm'r. Blank Deeds and Justices BljL$fc for psle at tki? office T II E S P 1 11 I T OF D E M O C 11 A'C I If you want a GOOD PAPEil Sub- -' scribe for The most popular "Weekly in America, which has immediately upon its issue, sprang into an IMMENSE CIRCULATION. This rapid success is UNPRECEDENTED in the HISTORY of JOURNALISM and can only lie accounted for by the fact that the Proprie- tors have employed, without regard to ex- pense, the .. STAR Wit ITERS OF AMERICA, THE NATION is the ONLY Paper which con- tains the WITTY, HUMOROUS and SIDE- SPLITTING SKETCHES of that Comical Geni- us, and UNRIVALED HUMORIST, KNIGHT RUSS 6CKSIDE M. 1). Of which series, one sketch alone is worth the whole years Subscription. the: nation 13 EDITED BY S. M. BIGEL0W, AND MRS. E. D. E. N. SOUTIIWORTH, Who is WELL KNOWN as one of the MOST POPULAB WB1TEBS IN AMEEICA. In addition to the above we have engaged as Contributors ; CLARA MORETON, HENRY W. HERBERT, ALICE CARY, W. W. FOSDICK, MRS. A. LAW, C.A.PAGE, MRS. E. F. ELLET, Bl-IN- . CASSEDAY, PARK BEVJAMIN, W. P. BRANNAN. And Numerous Others. To the Fair Sex W narticularlv commend our sheet. Their department will be Edited with the utmost care and no expense or labor spared to render the columns devoted to their especial bonelit, unu- sually Brilliant, Attractive, Instructive and Ornamental. THE FARMERS' AKD PLANTERS' CORNER Will contain Practical Suggestions and Agr- icultural Hints contributed and culled from sources the most reliable, and containing in- formation which will prove to them in the course of a single year, of almost incalculable benefit. . .. The other departments of our paper will re ceive the attention they respectively demand, each' being especially and carefully prepared to meet the varied tasles of the several classes of its readers. Among these we may men tion Oriainal Stories and Poems, Editorial Ramblings and Sketchings, Spicy City News, Washington Gossip, New York Chit Citat, the Latest Pa i is Fashions, . Practical Receipts for Household and Toilet, " The Little One's " Drpartment, Gems from Prose and Poetry, Reader's Guide, Jlistor-ic- al Sketches, Trans- lations, ic, tye. The NATION is issued in Quarto Form, (eight pages.) aud each number will contain at least two OncniiU engravings, uius lurnisnmg our Subscribers at the end of the year with a volume containing 41(3 large size, beautifully printed pages of UNSURPASSED NO VELLETTES, SKETCHES, $c, c, TOGETHER WITH . OVER 100 ORIGINAL ILLUSTRA TIONS. THE NATION is sent at the following re markably low SUBSCRIPTION AND CLUBBING TERMS: invariably in advance. SINGLE COPIES, , $2 OOperannum. TWO (to one address) 3 50 ; " THREE " 5 00 SIX " 9 00 " TEN " 15 00 " g2S"And one copy free to the getter up of the Club of TEN. ?r All those sending us subscriptions from the British Provinces, must enclose in addition to the subscription price, 23 conts foreach sub- scriber, as we are compelled to prepay the United States postage. All letters contcmnis money should be reg istered, and directed plainly, and they will oome at our risk, otherwise we are not respon- sible for them. Specimen copies will be sent free to Post Masters, Agents, and all who wish to get up a club; to all others, on receipt of four cents in stamps. The expense of registering only 5 cents. Address CHOFUT & HIGULOW, 83 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Amonc; the hundreds of complimentary no tices, we have received from newspapers in every section of the country, we quote the fol- lowing extract from : - "The Nation appears in clear large type on snow while paper, and is richly adorned with illustrations N. Y. Sun. ' It will attain to a high position in tho lit erary world." Philadelphia Daily News. 'lt is one of the best weeklies now publish ed, aud we take pleasure in bringing it to the notice of tho reading public." Harmburgh, Pa. Herald. " The talent an,d energy of the proprietors, its orisrin and interesting contents, and the beauty of the typography cannot fail to secure for it a general circulation. tUiamsburgh, Ph., Independent Press "As a literary and family journal, we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the best among our exchanges. We advise the Ladies to pro- cure it without delay. Fltllon, Pa. Republican. "We dislike putnng city emanations, but in this case we are bound to give way to merit. Unlike many city cotsmporaries, tho Nation is composed of sound substantial and useful mat ter, and is not filled up with an overdose of ilimsy, wishey-worsh- y stuff from the hands of crack-braine- d authors. rt City Dispatch. u It has the most beautiful engraved head we ever saw, and its contents are deeply enter taining, truly delicious rnd Williamsburg, Va. Gazette "There is room for just such a paper, audit has secured two as true heads and hearts -- to control its columns as the, literacy and social world holds." WelUboxough, Pa. Agitator. " It will soon become a leading paper at the fireside.v Boonville, Mo. Observer. ' "We seldom endorse northern papers, but in this- - instance we are forced to overcome our prejudice, and conunend the "Nation" to our readers." Troy, Ala. Bulletin. Dec. 31, 185ti. 4t, Farm for aie ! THE undersigned will give a good bargain in a farm of 80 acres, situated in Centre town- ship, abomt a mile and a half south east of Woodsfield. On the farm is A New Frame. Dwelling House, Duiit auring the last summer, a barn, stable and other out buildings. in k h .. FOR RAISINtf TOBACCO it cannot be excelled by a farm of its size, and has. on it five or six tobacco houses Between forty"and filty acres are clearod and under cultivation. It will be sold on very reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire of the under- signed on the farm. GEORGE .W. MURPHY. Dee. 31, 1856 Sm, Miscellaneous. M'CORMICK POLLARD, - WARNER OREKN. A CHANGE : AT THE , WHEELING, VA. POLLARD & GREEN, Proprietors, rillllS new and splendid Hotel has been leased J for a term of years by the above proprie- tors, and this day opened for the reception of the Traveling Public, under the Heneral Super-inteiidan- ce cf J. A. SCOTT, Esq., kite Proprie- tor of the "Stacy House," Zanesville, O., and from its convenient location, enjoys the great- est advantages over all other Public Houses in the City. It is SITUATED ON WATER STREET j at the Steamboat landing, and near the B. & O. and Hcinpfield R. R. Depots. Its whole appointments, in respect to size and comfort of its rooma the style and ele- gance of its Furniture, and in reference to the quality of its Tables, the proprietors feel as- sured will compare favorably with tho best regulated Hotels in the country. Attached to the House is a BATHING SALOON, With Large and Airy Rooms, well furnished, and provided with all the appliances of HOT, COLD and SHOWER BATHS. Omnibuses at all tiine3 in readiness to take Passengers to and from the Cars and Boats. gSTThe Offices of the Baltimore & Ohio and Central Ohio Railroads are next door to this Houso. ' Notice in Partition EDINttTON and Martha Edington CHARLES John Dailey and Rebecca Dailey, his wife, Theodore Benninghaus, of Monroe county, Ohio, and William Hartshorn, Jacob Hartshorn, Jane Hartshorn, John W. Harts- horn, Sarah Ann Hartshorn, and Margaret Hartshorn, of Jackson county, Virginia, will take notice that a petition was filed against them on tho 2(Jth day of December, A. D.1856, in the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Ohio, by itfahlon Edwards, and is now pending wherein the said Mahlon Edwards, de- mands partition of the following real estate, situate in said county of Monroe, to wit: The west half of the south west quarter of section 28, iu township 5, and range 0, containing 79 acres more or less, and at the next term of said court, application will be made by the said Mahlon Edwards for an order that dower be assigned and partition be made of the said premises. Ifot.LISTER. OKEY k IIOLLISTEE, Dec. 31, 185G GwV . Att'y for Petitioner. CHARTER PERPETUAL. JEtna Insurance Company OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. I), 1819. Casli Assets Jan. 1, 1856, $1,014,396. can be effected with its agency INSURANCES and policies issuea without delay for this old and favorably known Com- pany against the dangers of lire on Dwellings and Contents, Stores and Mer- chandise, Mills and Machinery, Man- ufactories and Stock, Colleges, Halls, Bridges, Public Buildings, Boats, Cargoes and Personal Property generally. . ." """ Also - . The Perils of Inland Navigation. Of Boats, Cargoes, or Freight and Car- goes on Lakes, Bays, Rivers, Ca- nals, Rail Roads, or other modes of Transportation of property in transit. All at r.s reasonable rates of premiums and liberal rules as the dangers assumed permit for mutual safety aud reliable indemnity to patrons. Losses Equitably Adjusted and prompt ly Paid. Especial attention t;iven to the Insu rance of Dwellings and Contents, for a term from 1 to 5 years. If it is a sound practice m owners to insure dangerous classes of property, it is equally proper to protect the safer and more innocent inscriptions, as a just difference is made m the rates of premiums charged. In fact, the lat- ter being safer, is done at a lower relative profit and its cost more nicely determined. Every one tlilt possesses the least ability to accumu- late, should protect all his property to the full scope insuraueo shields it. J. 1J. BENNETT, General Agent, CiB., O. All business transacted with dispatch and fidelity. Applv to . WILLIAM V. RICHARDSON, Agent at Woodsfield, Ohio. Nov. 19, 1S56. NOTICE IN PARTITION. HUBER (a minor) of Monroo county, I)TIILIP will take notice that a petition was filed against limn on the first day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-si- x, in the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, in the State of Ohio, by Andrew Uuber, of Mon- roe county, Ohio, and is now pending, wherein the said Andrew Huber demands partition of the following described real estate, situate in said county of JJonro'i, and State of Ohio, to wit: The west half of tho north east quarter of section thirty-tw- o, township six, of range six, containing sixty acres, more or less; also the north west quarter of the south east quar- ter o,f section thirty-thre- e, township six, of range six, containing thirty acres, more or less, and at the next term of said court, application will be made by tje said Andrew Uuber, for an order that partition be made of said premises. JAMES Dec. 0, 1S5G. Att'y for Andrew Huber. Road Notice. is hereby given that the NOTICE of Jlionroo county, Ohio, have granted a survey of a county road, commencing at the town of Sardis, in Ohio township, thence down the river to Narrow's run, thence up said run to the low gap near the residence of John Robison, thence down Walnut Camp run the nearest and best route to Eickell.erry's mill, thence the nearest and best route to Antioch. All non-residen- ts owning land along said route will take notice that it is to be surveyed on the 6th day of January, 1857, and must then lay in their claims for damages. December, 3d, 185 8. William HafFefs Estate. A'OTICE is hereby given that the undersign-I- N ed was, on the 19th day of December, 1855, appointed by the Probate Court of Jon.roe county, Ohio, administrator of the es.tate of William Mallet, deceased. BENJAMIN MAFPET, AdmV. Jan. 7, 1S57. Elizabeth Eggai's Estate. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned N was. on the 17th day of February, 185G, ,T,r.r.ited bv the Probate Court of .Monroe, count v, Ohio, administrator with the will an- nexed of the estate of Elizabeth Eggar, de- ceased. ' " SAMUEL STEEL, Adm'r. Jan. 7857. , tJ XJ 2 Til WOODSFIELD, The undersigned have now on hand a very largo stock, consisting of ware ivhKh they wi. sell at reasonable prices, and to which they respectfully call the attention ef the COOKING STOVES: Old Dominion, three sizes; Excelsior, different numbers;' Live Oak and Premium, varimis sizes; Crescent and Balloon Stoves for healing, and a great varie- ty of Parlor Stoves. ETIIERIAL LAMP:3 and OIL kept constantly on haul. Also Sugar Kettles Pot j,' Ovens. extra Skillets for Stoves, Copper, Brass, and Porcelaii lveitles, every Size aniV variety; together with the usual variety of copper, brass, sheet iron and tin waro. OtjSpouting and all other job .work in Copper, Brass. Sheet Iron . and Tin done to order en short notice. J011D f h II 0311 . All persons indebted to "WY Jordan are respect- fully requested to call and settle. The change of the firm renders this necessary. " MERCANTILE COLLEGE DUFF'S Pa., Wheeling, ("Va.) and Burlington, Iowa. Founded in 1840, and incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, with perpetual Charter. 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS. llis Excellency tho Hon. JAMES BUCHANAN, President elect of the United States. Hon. Hon. Cha.ri.ks Naylor, " Moses Hamptos, Gen. J. K. Moouuead ". W. II. Lowkib, Faculty at PiUsTnirga. President, P. DUFF, Author of "Duff s Book- keeping," "The Western Steamboat Account- ant," &c; Professor of the Print iplts and Prac- tice cf Double Entry Bookkeeping. A. T. HOWDEN, Professor of Mathematics and adjunct Professof of Bookkepiug W. II. DUFF, 1 TII03 McCARTY, Associate Tro feasors of TIIOS McCABK, i Bookkeeping. G. JONES. r J. C. STOCKTON J. D. WILLIAMS, (the best business and Or namental Penman in the United States,) Pro- fessor of Penmanship. H. B. HATCH, Esq., Professor of Mercantile Law and Political Economy. Hon. Judge SHANNON and Hon. J. M. KIRK- - PATRICK, Special Lecturers on .Mercantile Law. Rev. DAVID FERGUSON, A. m., (late Profes sor of Classics, &c, in Washington College, Professor of Commercial Ethics. JOHN MURPHY, Teacher of the Art of De- tecting Counterfeit Bajik Notes. (The only thoroughly qualified teacher of fhis Art in this part of the country.) F. L. APEL, Prof, of French and Germam languages. E. OUDRY, Professor of Afechanical and Architectural Drawing. , PARK BENJAMIN, of New York, and other equally distinguished literary gentlemen from eastern cities, will als lecture before the Col lege during winter. This is believed to be th only JEstablish-me- nt in the Union founded, organized and con ducted by a practical Merchant, who, from the most matured experimental information, has brought the Accountant's and ilferchanfs edu- cation to a degree of perfection never attained by the best theoretical teachers. Upwards of 4,000 Students have been edu- cated for the 3ercautile Profession; and such has been the recent increase of business that a large additional Hall and several additional teachers of Bookkeeping have become neces- sary for the accommodation of the students. Students have aecess to a library of 3,000 volumes. For full particulars snd for specimeus of Mr. WILLIAMS' Penmanship and a circular f 44 pages mailed free. DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPIN- pp. 192, Royal Oc- tavo, Harper's edition. Price $1 50; postage 21 cents. DUFF'S STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPIN- G Price $1; postage 9 cents. fS"To ensure prompt answers, address all letters respecting the College to the Principal. For Duff's systems of Bookkeeping or blanks, address any of the Pittsburgh Booksellers, r the Publishers, Harper & Brothers, New York. Jan. 7, 1S57. Settlement Accounts. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that settlement have been tiled in the Probate Court of Monroe county, Ohio, by executors, administrators and guardians, as follows, to wit-Joh- n Muhlemann, administrator of Samuel Seggesman ; A. B. Covert, guardian of George Edge ; William Steel and Benjamin Hughes, execu- tors of Liberty Curtis ; Asahel Hoge, administrator of Landon O. Beans; Alexander F. Garden, administrator of Alex- ander Garden ; Nimrod E. Heuthorn, executor of James Howell ; Thomas McMahon, administrator of Stephen McCoy; George W. Bucket, executor of John Beoket; Frederick Muhlemann, executor of Andrew Muhlemann ; James Uindman, administrator of John Lat-sha- John Muhlemann, administrator of John U. Reuser ; William Dougherty and Thomas Ilarren, ad- ministrators of Hugh McAfanime ; Charles Lobensteinadininistrator or George Lobenstein; Thaddeus Reaksccker, administrator of Chris- tian Reaksecker ; ' William Lawrence, administrate! of S. Siin- - erall ; Mary Ann Mallory, executrix of Isaac 5. Malloiy ; Phebe Sellers, administratrix of George Sel lers ; Thomas Griffith, executor of William W. Burkhead; - Benjamin Maffett, administrator of William Maffett ; James B. Melott, executor of Jacob Melott ; Dennis Whitney and Jonas Whitney, execu tors of Nathan Whituey ; Edward Archbold, guardian of John Holdren; John W. Roth, administrator of Christian Rable. Said accounts will stand for hearing and ex amination before said Court, on the 22ud day of January, 1S57. In the meantime they are subject to the examination of all persons in terested therein. Also, the following accounts have been filed in said Court, and the same will be for hearing January 20, 1857 : - Account oi Thomas uks, administrator; ". Hiram O'Connor's executor partial; " Jno. Walter, and Thomas Waltons Guardian; Joseph II. Morris' Administrators, which ia final only as to Enos Mori-is- ' (for- mer administrator) transactions. Account of James Hagermau's administrator; w " guardian of Jacob Huadley' Incurs. JNO. W, OKEY, Jan 7.1857. Jidgo of. said Court. JOHN SCKWING S ESTATE.. is hereby given that the NOTICE on the 27th day of. Aogust, 1S55, confirmed by the Probate Cout of Aon roe coun.ty, Ohio, executors of toaaie of John Schwing, deceased.. JOHN LAN HER, Ex'rs. Jan. 7,1857. JACOB BLATTER, ft'VJ O; Y. W. JOJtDAN". Cornell's Geographies. series recommended by the teachers oi THE County, at their last association. and decidedly the best series published for sale by the undersigned, who respectfully in- vites the attention of parents, teachers, and "Boards of Education" to the sterling merits of this series, and its many excel'eut features not fouud in other School Geographies. Liberal arrangements will be made for first introduction. Merchants having on hand " Mitchell's se- ries," can exchange them for Corneifs, at wholesale prices. Teachers and others are ' requested to cor- respond. WILLIAM WHEELER, Agent for Monroe county. Woodsfield, Dec. 3, 1830. ' tf. O. P. lIOKJfE. J. KIERXAX. w. t. tkbet. NEW MACHINE SHOP. IIOllXE, KIERNAN & CO. respectfully inform the public that WOULD have entered into partnership in the business of B U1L D IX G THR E SHIKG MA CHINE S, THRESHERS AND CLEANER'S of the LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLE. Having been at considerable expense in pre- paring they are enabled to do their work WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. And being permanently located it is to their interest to do their work in the best manner possible. They, therefore, have no hesitation ia Warranting their Work. MACHINES WILL . BE REPAIRED on the shortest notice and most favorable terms. Mr. Home having been engaged in the businees for the past year in the extensive shops at Martin's Ferry is posted in all the recent improvements. Clarington, Oct. 29, 1856. V. ' 460 ACRES OF LAND INCLUDING A TAVERN STAND, WARE- HOUSE, FERRY LANDING, &c," Known as the Old Tuel Stand. 1HIE undersigned oSera the above property sale very cheap. It is so well known as to need no particular description. The land all lies on or near the Ohio river opposite the town of Sistersville, Va. For particulars as t prices, payments, Ste., call on tho subscriber. DANIEL TUEL. Test's LAxnrxo, Dec. 3, 1858. - II. Persons trespassing on the above lands are warned that they will be dealt with according to law. D. TUEL. New and Cheap Store! ? . Splendid bargains The subscribers are now receiving from the East, a large and well selected assortment of FALL & WINTER Gr OO I' 3S , Among which mav be found seasonable PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, v HARDWARE, QUEENS-WAR- E, READY MADE CLOTH-IN- G, UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, . &c, &c, ' &c, All of which were purshased at the lowest Eastern prices and will be sold at SJVALL-PROFIT- for Cash or approved Country Pro- duce. ; They are determined not to be outdone by their neighbors, and therefore assuro the pub- lic, if they want to find the " ' Cheapest Goods In town, that all they have to do is to give thei undersigned a call. There store is at tho old stand of Peter Diehl. ' . P. & C. DIEHL. Woodsfield, Sept. 22, 1S56. (tf.) SHERIFF'S SALE. William MoKnight, Adm'r. virtme oS as VS. ; V order of sale Catherine Spillcrs. to me directed lrom the court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public au tion, at the front door of the court bouse, in the town of Woodsfield in said county, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. in., and 4 o'clock, p. n, on. Saturday, tlie th day of February-- 1S3T, the following described real estate, ly.'ng and being in said county of Monroe and State ef Ohio, to wit : Lot number forty-tw- o iu tl8 town of Coch-ransvill- e. Ordered to be sold in the ease of William McKn'ght, ac-aai- Catherine Spillers. WILLIAM READ, Jan. 7. $3 CG, Sheriff, M. C. O. NOTICE IN PARTITION. WILLIAM LATSIIAW, (a mrnor,) of tho of Indiana, will take notice, that a petition was filed against him, on'tho 5th day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and tifty -- seven, in the Court of Common Pleas of .Monroe county, in the State of Ohio, by James Hindmaiij Of the comity of Jonroe, in the. State of Ohio, as tho guardian of John Latshaw, Elizabeth Latshaw, and Hester Auue Latstviwj and is now pending wherein said James Hind-ma- n, as guardian aforesaid, demands partition of the following described real estate situate in id county of Afonroe, to wit: The south east quarter of the north west quarter of section thirteen, township six, of range six, contain- ing forty acres, more or leasi and at the next term of said Court application will be made by the said James Hindman, for an order that partiiiou be made of said premises. JAMES Jan. 7, 1857. Att'y for Petitioner. JACOB WATSON'S ESTATE, VfOTICE is hereby given that ed was, on the 9th'd.iy of April, 1655 ap- pointed by the Probate Court oS AEonroe cuu-ty- , Ohio, administrator of, the estate of Jiaeob Watson, deceased. WILLIAM WATKIX3, : Adm'r Jan. 7,1837 Medical A'Jvertisemciite- V- BOvERHAVE'S , U0L1A.VS) BITTERS 3 9i SB , jr. tit si rrr ftninTTji nnT.i.iirh rwnv m - DISEASE OF THE KIDSETS.; - LIVER COMPLAINT. . . WEAKNESS . OF ANY :MSPi' . f I : - ' - ' vi - AnJ. the various affections consequent p49 a disordered - ' ' CTnir 4 ritT rvr .t " "Z -' - ' ' -- . .,.,.;; , . ouch as Indigestion, Acidity cf th Stomadt, Colicky Tains, Heartburn, Loss of AppW"p Oospondeney, Costivenass, Blind and BUelCfakg J Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neiual' fie Affections, it has iu numerous inatanoM ' . proved highly beneficial, and in others afroteA " v decided cure. This is a purely vegetable C4rapnd, pw Dared on strict! v scientific nrincioles. x.ttmr tkar - . manner of the. celebrated Holland Probatory 3oer have. Because of its great success in mart- - ,,' of the European States, its introduction taov ' (he United States was intended more eipeoialty , for those of our fatherland soattrd fetr aA iuere over me iaco oi mis mignty oanuy.- - iieeujig wuu great success among tftem, J MV . , . oner u to .t lie American public, knowing Umh. its truly wonderful medicinal virtue mutt ha---- .' T- i , , i ' auivjiiM icuueti. , .4 L... T. - It is uarticnlarlv recommnnded to tlini.iu. . sens wiiose constitutions may hare haes .., paired by th conthiuons ue of ardttt piritt.t or other forms of dissipation. . Generally W , - . stanf aneous in ellect, it finds its way dirttr 1 r ' everr ncrveJ raisin!; ud thi drooniTiv anii-t- t ! - ' a -- r jr a r 1 " - in fact, infusing nuw health and. Tiger kt ihm V A U A 1 U a1 I Thgrat popularity of this dlletW Atom uas nmucea many imitations, wluk iM ya r lie should guard, against purchasing. ' XamA -- persuaded to buy anythini; elsa uatil yim kav given Boerhave'a-Hollan- Bitters a fair il . One bottle will convince you how" iaiaiUb i rwpmi it ij f t nil n W.i,'.-- .. aw c v haa uioai iiuiinuvui. '' gg-So- ld at $1,0 jer kattlt- -r aix botw fr S5,00, by th , t, . ; . v, SO LE P R 0 P k I B T 9 R, -- " - . UhX J AM1N PAGE, JR. & 0Or MANUFA0IVIIN8 ::t PharraaceiilisU and Cheaislk PITTSBURGH. PA. ' T. W. Drott & Sons. philadalnW & Park, New York. John D. Park, Cixai Barnard, Adams & Co. St. Louis. A4 W Druggists and Merchants generally throufkvA mt tiuiiou oiaies ana tuanaaas. 4sreut8 Lauihlins & Bush Held mulk. Va.; John M. Kirkbride, Woodsfield; WUlZ3 Steel, Stafford; Jacob T. MorriH, Saaflsk; TW,' MitcheU, Antioch: and bv chants generally throughoJt the coaaWv JnnA is iii; - . A MARV ELL0US RE MED Ti ros a marvellous agih k :;- - ;.- - H0LL0WATS OIOTMEJffl THEGRAND EXTERNAL EMnT - By the aid of a microscope, we see milUen' of little openings on the surface of omr bodieevr Through these this Ointm Ant wliAfi raWoi ' the skin, la carried to any organ or inward mL ""J uisoraerg of the Lirer. Affections of the Heart. InHannim. v Lungs, Asthmas, Coughs and Colds, are by tfe eutciuauy curett. . Every. housewKW knows that salt passes falv tii and meat of any thickness. This healiMOUaU- - ment far more readDy penetrates through ais- - ' bone or fleshr part of th living ya the most, dangerous inward complaint, iK4. """" v reaciiea py other means. . ;:' " jl n i sifKhAS, SAL T RIIEUiL ' "jJJf ; SCORBUTIC HUMORS.. . . 4 No remedy has cure ef the diseases . of the Skin, whatTt-for- ther mav assume, as thU n;.,i- - r. case or Eheura, Scurvey, Sore Bea4a Scrofala or Erysipelaa, ean long withstand lis i influence. The inventor h ir.ioj ' many parts of the Globe, visiting the primotoaf , ' uuopuaiii, uispeuf mg mis jL'immeat, giving ti vice as to Its application, and b tim. the means of reetoring ccuatleai nambera f. SOUR LEGS, SORE BREASTS WL.CZJtk Some of the most .scientific .J. rely selely on the use of this wonderful rw- -4 . ment, when Jiavins to cope . with the ,wonfc " vi auira, luten, wesmu, glandular aweu-in- gs, and tumors. Profeiso Uolloway haa, by command of the Allied Government, ie patcuea m iwe Hospitals ef the East, larg shipments of thrs Ointment, to be used umaer ' tho direction of the Medical Staff, ia the wora cases oi wounus. it will cure any ler,gl dular sweliins. stiffness or eantrmttinm ioints. even of twemtv ra' iitiJ;. ' " TTT f vn prTTrr MrT ift.'i Til eSQ and other distrensinir .iuunl.1.1. 1 be effeotually cured if the Ointen.t b well rubbed in over the prrts affected, and by etfceev wise following the printed. tireotioa mm each pot, - . , . - ' '". Both the Ointment antt PUU should, kt d i Uke roiiawing case? , ' Bunions. Sore Legs.' Burac, . SoreBreast-- ; J:1 :V Chapped Hands, ; Sore Heads, ' " Chilblains, fore Throats, " . fistttfas, . ' Eorea of all kind ' 3u.t, . Spraius, . . v. ' Lumbago, SoalcU, ' 1" Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glaada, ' v Piles, Skiff Joints, Rheumatutni, ' Ulocrsi ' Salt Hheunv. Venereal Sra .' Skin Diseases, WmhiIi ll w V .vt.mmv Hollow ay. 80 Maiden Lane. Nw Yoi-l- - a aa . ' 7. Strand, London, by all respectable pruamts ted States, and ih civilixed nrnrlrl i v I" . ""., w&a at 25 cents, P'JJ cents, aud $1 each, 0 t nere is a considerable saving by tairag the larger sizes. ' . , - s N. B. Direction r tl guidaaee of peieta in every disorder are aflixed t each box. run ii A sa. KUUCBXIDli, Woodtilk -- Also by J. A. & 0, IL.D k vEspoKr, Woodsfield. . March 1J), Settlement of Apm.mts.- - QuArdiani an J othtfa, having accounts with-th- under igned bu; remain unsettled, should Com np hnmetliately and uiako settlement. '

Spirit of democracy (Woodsfield, Ohio : 1844). (Woodsfield ...

Jun 18, 2022



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Page 1: Spirit of democracy (Woodsfield, Ohio : 1844). (Woodsfield ...

.casioned by the civil disturbances which

requires relief.; It is gratifying to ob-

serve that thel propriety and duty of af--'

fording ibis,relief is recognized by the hu-- .

mane and.liberal of all parties. Thcpeo- -

ple"4fphio ill, I doubt not, approveI whatever you may iiud it expedient and

necessary td do id order to protect theemigrants from the suffering, disease anddeath to which they are exposed.

; Such, gentlemen, are the views which

i have thought it my duty to submit tojyooV I shall rejoice if they meet your

approval and the' approval of our common

constituents. Should it be othcrwise,I shallstill rejoice if, supplying my defects and

correcting my errors, your legislation shall

be wiser and better than ray suggestions.Among the States of the Union, Ohio

holds no secoudary place. Surpassed Dy

: many in extent and by two in populationand wealth, she confesses inferiority to

in th& elements which constitute the' true greatness of a State - Great in pow-

er and'

great ,'ia resources;" she is greaterstill in her unsullied faith, in her zeal for

edjicationy .in her sympathy with suffering,

. in hef fidelity to rights and in her devotion

to Ubertv,- - These are jewels in her crown

of honor. ': Let it be our nonoraoie amoi- tiouto preserve their brightness untarnfished and nndimntd. S. P. CIIASE.

Columbus, Jan. 5, 1857.- -

. trtie , "Wife of Judge. Daniels BurnedV.-.;,- : to Death. . .". :


. . Our renorter furnishes us with the brieParticular of a - most1 terrible accidentwhich occurred in this city on Saturdaynight last,; by which the estimable wife ofJodce Daniel, of the Supreme Uonrt ot

the United - States,- - was burnt to deathIt appears that the Judge and Mrs. Dan-

iel had just returned from a party to his

residence , in -- Franklin row, and he hadcrone to his library, whilst Mrs. D. repaired to her sleeping-roo- : and commenceddisrobinff preparatory to

" retiring for thenight. .. Being very nearsighted, she didnot perceive a candle piacea upon mehearth or, the flames which communicatedto her clotl 6'untirthey completely envel-

oped her-?-S- he then ran from her roomthrieking" ! for assistance; but her motiononly added strength to the flames, and itin snnnnsrd she also inhaled the fire. Be- -- r i -

fore effectual assistance ceuld be rendered,. the unfortunate lady was burnt almost to

& crisp and died after eight hours' intensei suffering. .' - : - .:

- Mr&X Daniel was about tl irty-fiv- e yearsold. and her terrible death has caused aprofound regret 5 among Tier large circle of

" f. lends ind the community at large. Shewas the dauffhef of the late Dr. Harris,of . Philadel phia, formerly ' Chief of the.Bureau of Medicine and ourgery or theNavy. She leaves two cildren, theyoung- -

est about eight months old ; Judge Dan-

iel was slightly burnt in his efforts to ex-

tinguish, the flames, ller funeral willtake place at noon to-da- y. 'i The death ofMrs. Daniel was announced in the Sup'reme Court yesterday morning by ChiefJustice Taney, and, as a mark or. respect,the"; Conrti" adioured ' over(Wednesday.) Washington Union-- Ji



, Michael Kelly,.. No 111 Grant, near

- - vLast Jul while running on the river,on a cotton-bo- at plying between Natchez

nd New Orltans, 1 was la ten with 1 evern i A gue. ". For eight long months I

ii " .1P..1 J mufuReredswia wus ureauiut ui&uu&i:. iur

work, aud spent at least nuy aoiiars tordifferent-medicine- s, but . found no perma-

nent reliefs Three weeks ago one of my

friends insisted upon my trying Bosriiave'stt"Y T. 4 XT T?iwpbi! cT-?ii'f- r tbnt ft ritrp1 1 1 J 1 i I jjvi U U 1 i A, oi (

. f t J

icai guaranteed. .Alter lasiug u ior one

week, 1 must state l was a sounu wu."I: have been at work now for two weeks.

aad have bad no return oi tne villus anu

. ... .. . . i ; .

- xrue, tt . . ; ;; ---

- . - ' - TTTrt A R APlAfS ;

. ; . married; . : :

On the 7th inst., by Thomas Neal, Esq., Mr.- Thom as7 Mitcsexl,; 'and Miss - Mab abet M.

Ddtchbb, both of Antioch,. Monroe eounTy

..Ohio. ;.. vJ'.'rV'N.' :: .'

--- On th .4th? inst., by . Michael Boughner

i,sq., Air. rsnui u, mAann, m nu. v.v,'Ya., and Miss Elizabeth E. Lemlky, of Monroe

xounty. Ohio. ... ' ',v '' - ' ' " .

-.- -n the Sth inst., by J. F. Randolph, Esq.f

Mr, Isaac TScjxk and Mrs. Cathebisk Patkk,

j. Joah 11th inst., by the same.Mr. JoshuaPocltox and Miss. .JSliza Jasb Docohebtt, allfit this couHty. , , . ,

, i Lfin the 6th. inaU. by James Cunningham,Esq- -' Mr Jon Klbxzbl and miss oatheribKahsikb, all of Ohio township this county.

BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR RENT,' ,11111 UUllkJl iriilf I

mHE --undersigned wishes to rem ms uiacn.- -

I - smith Shop, in xne iowu . oi i uuuoucm,$ irith his tools.

The.Shop is a. hkw frame BurLDino, in a fa- -

vorable locauvy. xjicio , ,, J. IIUJ'jMj 1 -


U .;.; : TOOLS,.nA all other conreniences necessary ror car--

rflng y uti wreumx"uT nTTOTTlilT.. .J.r. nrrvr ATI t

A-- ' ,UUUi' VV va-- wwiw.and affords it first-rat- e chance to a good Blaok- -

. . . i: 1m h nnm.d AT thfl 1TI--.- j( of lurvuor jiiwv""" i

dersianed in WoodBfield,. T. - JOSEPH RODGERS.

-t- .T-rt vs 3

? . . I A- rnLZY'BAKTEMUS wilt tae notice mat on

-- rii nu a a xr At J&nnnrv-- 1857. his wife

Margaret Bartemuii; Aled in tho court of Com--rT . ...llmiMa ranntT. Oliio. a Vfltitionmujj.iim v j ' -

Against him, wtncli la now penawg, asitiug wii A .n;MAn AnA Ural., wilfnl fi.H- -a cuvorco m """.""j i

than three second adul- eence for more years;iery..Said petition will be for hearing in saidieurt, at tho March term, im i.

Jan. 14, 1357. ; - Au'ys for PeUti oner.


mlmt- -

Eif Dr EobacVs Scayidinavian Remedies.years of study, analysis andAFTER Dr. Roback, the eminent Swedish

Physician, succeeded in producing a medicinefrom the mountaia herbs of his native land,which acts directly upon the causes of diseasein the Mood, and by restoring the corruptedfountain of life to a condition of health andpurity, expels disease from the system wher-ever it may be located, or whatever may be itscharacter. Indigestion, nervous complaints,epileptic and other fits, coughs, consumptionin its early stages, sore throat, bronchitis, feverand ague, asthma, low spirits, sexual incapa-city, feminine weakness, pricking of the skin,symptomatic of paralysis, rheumatism, neu-ralgia, tumor,' cancer; diabetes, lassitude anddebility, diarrhea, and all other disorders ofthe organs of respiration, the liver, the kidneys, the stomach, the nerves, or the muscular fibre, are unerringly cured by this preparation. It is to the materies morbi, or seedsof disease, what an alkali is to an acid; it neu-tralizes them with absolute certainty, while atthe same time it regulates the secretions, removes obstructions from the bowels, createsappetite, renews bodily vigor, and regeneratesevery animal function. Such is the nature,such are the effects of Dr. Eoback's famousScasijjavias Blood PrniFiER, which, taken inconjunction with his Blood Pills, will not onlyobliterate the most painful diseases, but prevent their recurrence, and lengthen life beyond its ordinary span.

', To prevent imposition, purchase only of respectable druggists, e.c, of regular agents, orof Dr. Roback, Bole proprietor and manulacturer, 6, Focrth-stree- t, Cincinnati. '

CiT Vrico of Purifier $1 per bottle, 6 bottlesfor $5. . Pills.. 25 cents per box, or 5 boxesfor $1.

Hamilton, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1855.Dr. Roback Dear Sir: I havo read in th

newspapers many accounts of cures effected byyour Scandavian Remedies, but I consider myown case at least as interesting and as marvelous as any of them. So far as you are codcerned, one testimonial more or less is of littleconsequence. Your fame is established, andmy statement cannot add to your celebrity.But for the benefit of my fellow creatures, Idesire to make known the facts. When I calledupon you, at the instance of a dear friend, onthe 21st of March last, I had been nine years asufferer from catarrh. The irritation of thenerves and membrane of the head was so intense that sometimes it almost drove me crazy.I could not sleep, and was never free from unpleasant sensations. At various tunes fivedifferent physicians bad attended me, each onetreated me in his own way, but none of tlu-i-

did me any good. I despaired of ever seeinganother wellday, and . when I called at yourconsultation rooms, had very little hope of relief." ; By yO'ir advise, I entered immediatelyupon a regular course of your ScandinavianBlood Purifier and Blood Pills. I was encouraged by tho cheerful, hopeful way in whichyou spoke, and I resolved strictly to followyour direction. . In less than a week, all theworst symptoms of my complaint began totake a milder form, and so continued to improve from week to week until, at the end ofthree months, my head was entirely relieved,and every trace of the catarrh had left me.Still, however, I continued to take the remedies for nearly six weeks longer, because 1

found they were building up my streugth andfortifvina mv constitution. Six luonttnrliaTBpassed since the cure was finished, and I havehad no sign of a rtdapse. I should be glad tosee this letter, or the substanye of it, in print,for the guidance of other.

Yours, with heartfelt cratiturte,Mrs. AUGUSTUS COOCn.

FOR SALE BYJ. A. & G. II. Davenport, Woods'.

Geld; Kotzcbue fc Oiilinger, Malaga;Armstrong & Moouey, Beallsviile; Thos.C. Penn, Antioch.

Dec. 31, 1S5G ly.

SHERIFF'S SALEAndrew Fulton, "J "I) Y virtue of a writ of pn- -

vs. V U (luioni exponas tome li--Isaiah Coen. 1 ed from the court of Com

mon Pleas of Monroe county, Ohio, I will offersale, at publio auction, at the front door ofthe court house, in the town of AYoodsfield, insaid county, between tha hours of 10 o'clock,a. m and 4 o'clock; p. m., on

Saturday, the 14th dag of February, 185T,the following described real estate, lying andbeing in said county, te wit:- The west half of the south east quarter ofsection thirteen, township three, and rangefour, containing seventy-nin- e acres, more orless. Appraised at $1137.

Taken in execution and levied on as theproperty of Isaiah Coen, at the suit of AndrewFulton. WILLIAM READ,

. Jan, 14. $2 50 Sheriff of said county.

SHERIFF'S SALE.Nathaniel Valentine, "J T)Y virtue of a writ

vs. J)' of venditioni erpo--John Adams. j nas to me directed

from the court of Common Pleas of Monroecounty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at publicauction, at the front door of the court houso,in the town of Woodsfield in said county, be-tween the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m., and 4o'clocK, p. m., onSaturday, the 1 4iA day of February, 1857,the following described real estate, lying andbeing in said county, to wit :

Tie north west quarter of section thirty-on- e,

township four and range six, subject Ao a levymade on the same land in favor of V. A. Lamp-ing against said John Adams.

Appraised at $900.Taken in execution and levied on as the

property of John Adams, at the suit of Nathaniel Valentine. WILLIAM READ.

Jan. 14. $2 75 Sheriff of said county.

Lewis OMinger's Estate.ATOTICE is hereby gives that the undersigned

have been appointed by the Probate Courtof 3Ionroe county, Ohio, administrators of theestate of Lewis Oblinger, deceased.

Those indebted to, or having claims againstthe estate will please came forward, and havethem settled.


Jan. 7, 1857.

Mary Sinclair'? Estate,VOTICE is hereby giventuat the undersignedL' was, on the 14th day of June, 1856, ap-pointed by the Probate Court of .Monroe coun-ty, Ohio, administrator of the estate of AfarySinclair, deceased.

Jan. 7, 1857. JOHN B. NOLL, Adm'r.

John Adams' Estate.NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned

was, on the 20th day of December, 1856,appointed by the Probate Court of 3fonroecounty, Ohio, administrator f the estate ofJohn Adams; deceased., Jan. 7, 185 T. THOMAS MILLER, Adm'r.

Blank Deeds and JusticesBljL$fc for psle at tki? office

T II E S P 1 11 I T OF D E M O C 11 A'C IIf you want a GOOD PAPEil Sub- -'

scribe for

The most popular "Weekly in America, whichhas immediately upon its issue, sprang into an


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tains the WITTY, HUMOROUS and SIDE-

SPLITTING SKETCHES of that Comical Geni-



Of which series, one sketch alone is worth thewhole years Subscription.

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In addition to the above we have engagedas Contributors ;



PARK BEVJAMIN, W. P. BRANNAN.And Numerous Others.

To the Fair SexW narticularlv commend our sheet. Theirdepartment will be Edited with the utmost careand no expense or labor spared to render thecolumns devoted to their especial bonelit, unu-


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formation which will prove to them in thecourse of a single year, of almost incalculablebenefit. . ..

The other departments of our paper will receive the attention they respectively demand,each' being especially and carefully preparedto meet the varied tasles of the several classesof its readers. Among these we may mentionOriainal Stories and Poems, Editorial

Ramblings and Sketchings, Spicy CityNews, Washington Gossip, New

York Chit Citat, the LatestPa i is Fashions, .

Practical Receipts for Household and Toilet," The Little One's " Drpartment,

Gems from Prose and Poetry,Reader's Guide, Jlistor-ic- al

Sketches, Trans-lations, ic, tye.

The NATION is issued in Quarto Form,(eight pages.) aud each number will contain atleast two OncniiU engravings, uius lurnisnmgour Subscribers at the end of the year with avolume containing 41(3 large size, beautifullyprinted pages of



THE NATION is sent at the following remarkably low SUBSCRIPTION AND CLUBBINGTERMS: invariably in advance.SINGLE COPIES, , $2 OOperannum.TWO (to one address) 3 50 ; "THREE " 5 00SIX " 9 00 "TEN " 15 00 "

g2S"And one copy free to the getter up ofthe Club of TEN.

?r All those sending us subscriptions fromthe British Provinces, must enclose in additionto the subscription price, 23 conts foreach sub-scriber, as we are compelled to prepay theUnited States postage.

All letters contcmnis money should be registered, and directed plainly, and they willoome at our risk, otherwise we are not respon-sible for them.

Specimen copies will be sent free toPost Masters, Agents, and all who wish to getup a club; to all others, on receipt of fourcents in stamps. The expense of registeringonly 5 cents.

Address CHOFUT & HIGULOW,83 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Amonc; the hundreds of complimentary notices, we have received from newspapers inevery section of the country, we quote the fol-

lowing extract from : -

"The Nation appears in clear large type onsnow while paper, and is richly adorned withillustrations N. Y. Sun.

' It will attain to a high position in tho literary world." Philadelphia Daily News.

'lt is one of the best weeklies now published, aud we take pleasure in bringing it to thenotice of tho reading public." Harmburgh,Pa. Herald.

" The talent an,d energy of the proprietors,its orisrin and interesting contents, and thebeauty of the typography cannot fail to securefor it a general circulation. tUiamsburgh,Ph., Independent Press

"As a literary and family journal, we haveno hesitation in pronouncing it the best amongour exchanges. We advise the Ladies to pro-

cure it without delay. Fltllon, Pa. Republican."We dislike putnng city emanations, but in

this case we are bound to give way to merit.Unlike many city cotsmporaries, tho Nation iscomposed of sound substantial and useful matter, and is not filled up with an overdose ofilimsy, wishey-worsh- y stuff from the hands ofcrack-braine- d authors. rt City Dispatch.

u It has the most beautiful engraved headwe ever saw, and its contents are deeply entertaining, truly delicious rnd

Williamsburg, Va. Gazette"There is room for just such a paper, audit

has secured two as true heads and hearts --tocontrol its columns as the, literacy and socialworld holds." WelUboxough, Pa. Agitator.

" It will soon become a leading paper at thefireside.v Boonville, Mo. Observer.

' "We seldom endorse northern papers, butin this- - instance we are forced to overcome ourprejudice, and conunend the "Nation" to ourreaders." Troy, Ala. Bulletin.

Dec. 31, 185ti. 4t,

Farm for aie !THE undersigned will give a good bargain in

a farm of 80 acres, situated in Centre town-ship, abomt a mile and a half south east ofWoodsfield. On the farm is

A New Frame. Dwelling House,Duiit auring the last summer, a barn,stable and other out buildings.

in k h .. FOR RAISINtf TOBACCOit cannot be excelled by a farm of

its size, and has. on it five or six tobacco housesBetween forty"and filty acres are clearod andunder cultivation.

It will be sold on very reasonable terms.For further particulars inquire of the under-signed on the farm.

GEORGE .W. MURPHY.Dee. 31, 1856 Sm,




POLLARD & GREEN, Proprietors,rillllS new and splendid Hotel has been leasedJ for a term of years by the above proprie-tors, and this day opened for the reception ofthe Traveling Public, under the Heneral Super-inteiidan- ce

cf J. A. SCOTT, Esq., kite Proprie-tor of the "Stacy House," Zanesville, O., andfrom its convenient location, enjoys the great-est advantages over all other Public Houses inthe City. It is


at the Steamboat landing, and near the B. & O.and Hcinpfield R. R. Depots.

Its whole appointments, in respect to sizeand comfort of its rooma the style and ele-gance of its Furniture, and in reference to thequality of its Tables, the proprietors feel as-

sured will compare favorably with tho bestregulated Hotels in the country. Attached tothe House is a

BATHING SALOON,With Large and Airy Rooms, well furnished,and provided with all the appliances of HOT,COLD and SHOWER BATHS.

Omnibuses at all tiine3 in readiness totake Passengers to and from the Cars andBoats.

gSTThe Offices of the Baltimore & Ohioand Central Ohio Railroads are next door tothis Houso. '

Notice in PartitionEDINttTON and Martha EdingtonCHARLES John Dailey and Rebecca Dailey,

his wife, Theodore Benninghaus, of Monroecounty, Ohio, and William Hartshorn, JacobHartshorn, Jane Hartshorn, John W. Harts-horn, Sarah Ann Hartshorn, and MargaretHartshorn, of Jackson county, Virginia, willtake notice that a petition was filed againstthem on tho 2(Jth day of December, A. D.1856,in the Court of Common Pleas of Monroecounty, Ohio, by itfahlon Edwards, and is nowpending wherein the said Mahlon Edwards, de-

mands partition of the following real estate,situate in said county of Monroe, to wit: Thewest half of the south west quarter of section28, iu township 5, and range 0, containing 79acres more or less, and at the next term of saidcourt, application will be made by the saidMahlon Edwards for an order that dower beassigned and partition be made of the saidpremises.


. Att'y for Petitioner.

CHARTER PERPETUAL.JEtna Insurance Company


Incorporated A. I), 1819.Casli Assets Jan. 1, 1856, $1,014,396.

can be effected with its agencyINSURANCES and policies issuea withoutdelay for this old and favorably known Com-

pany against the dangers of lire on

Dwellings and Contents, Stores and Mer-

chandise, Mills and Machinery, Man-

ufactories and Stock, Colleges,Halls, Bridges, Public

Buildings, Boats, Cargoes and PersonalProperty generally. .

."""" Also -

. The Perils of Inland Navigation.Of Boats, Cargoes, or Freight and Car-

goes on Lakes, Bays, Rivers, Ca-

nals, Rail Roads, or othermodes of

Transportation of property in transit.All at r.s reasonable rates of premiums and

liberal rules as the dangers assumed permitfor mutual safety aud reliable indemnity topatrons.Losses Equitably Adjusted and prompt

ly Paid.Especial attention t;iven to the Insu

rance of Dwellings and Contents, for a termfrom 1 to 5 years.

If it is a sound practice m owners to insuredangerous classes of property, it is equallyproper to protect the safer and more innocentinscriptions, as a just difference is made m therates of premiums charged. In fact, the lat-

ter being safer, is done at a lower relative profitand its cost more nicely determined. Everyone tlilt possesses the least ability to accumu-late, should protect all his property to the fullscope insuraueo shields it.

J. 1J. BENNETT, General Agent, CiB., O.All business transacted with dispatch and

fidelity. Applv to .

WILLIAM V. RICHARDSON,Agent at Woodsfield, Ohio.

Nov. 19, 1S56.

NOTICE IN PARTITION.HUBER (a minor) of Monroo county,

I)TIILIP will take notice that a petition wasfiled against limn on the first day of December,in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-si- x, inthe Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county,in the State of Ohio, by Andrew Uuber, of Mon-

roe county, Ohio, and is now pending, whereinthe said Andrew Huber demands partition ofthe following described real estate, situate insaid county of JJonro'i, and State of Ohio, towit: The west half of tho north east quarterof section thirty-tw- o, township six, of rangesix, containing sixty acres, more or less; alsothe north west quarter of the south east quar-ter o,f section thirty-thre- e, township six, ofrange six, containing thirty acres, more or less,and at the next term of said court, applicationwill be made by tje said Andrew Uuber, for anorder that partition be made of said premises.

JAMESDec. 0, 1S5G. Att'y for Andrew Huber.

Road hereby given that the

NOTICE of Jlionroo county, Ohio, havegranted a survey of a county road, commencingat the town of Sardis, in Ohio township, thencedown the river to Narrow's run, thence up saidrun to the low gap near the residence of JohnRobison, thence down Walnut Camp run thenearest and best route to Eickell.erry's mill,thence the nearest and best route to Antioch.

All non-residen- ts owning land along saidroute will take notice that it is to be surveyedon the 6th day of January, 1857, and must thenlay in their claims for damages.

December, 3d, 185 8.

William HafFefs Estate.A'OTICE is hereby given that the undersign-I- N

ed was, on the 19th day of December, 1855,appointed by the Probate Court of Jon.roecounty, Ohio, administrator of the es.tate ofWilliam Mallet, deceased.


Elizabeth Eggai's Estate.OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned

N was. on the 17th day of February, 185G,,T,r.r.ited bv the Probate Court of .Monroe,

count v, Ohio, administrator with the will an-

nexed of the estate of Elizabeth Eggar, de-

ceased.'" SAMUEL STEEL, Adm'r.

Jan. 7857.

, tJ XJ 2Til

WOODSFIELD,The undersigned have now on hand a very largo stock, consisting of ware ivhKh they wi.

sell at reasonable prices, and to which they respectfully call the attention ef the

COOKING STOVES: Old Dominion, three sizes; Excelsior,different numbers;' Live Oak and Premium, varimis sizes;

Crescent and Balloon Stoves for healing, and a great varie-ty of Parlor Stoves.

ETIIERIALLAMP:3 and OIL kept constantly on haul. Also Sugar Kettles Pot j,' Ovens.

extra Skillets for Stoves, Copper, Brass, and Porcelaii lveitles, every Size aniVvariety; together with the usual variety of copper, brass, sheet iron and tin waro.

OtjSpouting and all other job .work in Copper, Brass.Sheet Iron . and Tin done to order en short notice.

J011D f h II 0311 .

All persons indebted to "WY Jordan are respect-fully requested to call and settle. The change of the

firm renders this necessary. "

MERCANTILE COLLEGEDUFF'S Pa., Wheeling, ("Va.)and Burlington, Iowa.

Founded in 1840, and incorporated by theLegislature of Pennsylvania, with perpetualCharter.


President elect of the United States.Hon. Hon. Cha.ri.ks Naylor,

" Moses Hamptos, Gen. J. K. Moouuead". W. II. Lowkib,

Faculty at PiUsTnirga.President, P. DUFF, Author of "Duff s Book-

keeping," "The Western Steamboat Account-

ant," &c; Professor of the Print iplts and Prac-tice cf Double Entry Bookkeeping.

A. T. HOWDEN, Professor of Mathematicsand adjunct Professof of BookkepiugW. II. DUFF, 1

TII03 McCARTY, Associate Tro feasors ofTIIOS McCABK, i Bookkeeping.G. JONES. r


J. D. WILLIAMS, (the best business and Ornamental Penman in the United States,) Pro-fessor of Penmanship.

H. B. HATCH, Esq., Professor of MercantileLaw and Political Economy.

Hon. Judge SHANNON and Hon. J. M. KIRK- -PATRICK, Special Lecturers on .Mercantile Law.

Rev. DAVID FERGUSON, A. m., (late Professor of Classics, &c, in Washington College,Professor of Commercial Ethics.

JOHN MURPHY, Teacher of the Art of De-

tecting Counterfeit Bajik Notes. (The onlythoroughly qualified teacher of fhis Art in thispart of the country.)

F. L. APEL, Prof, of French and Germamlanguages.

E. OUDRY, Professor of Afechanical andArchitectural Drawing.

, PARK BENJAMIN, of New York, and otherequally distinguished literary gentlemen fromeastern cities, will als lecture before the College during winter.

This is believed to be th only JEstablish-me- nt

in the Union founded, organized and conducted by a practical Merchant, who, from themost matured experimental information, hasbrought the Accountant's and ilferchanfs edu-cation to a degree of perfection never attainedby the best theoretical teachers.

Upwards of 4,000 Students have been edu-cated for the 3ercautile Profession; and suchhas been the recent increase of business thata large additional Hall and several additionalteachers of Bookkeeping have become neces-sary for the accommodation of the students.

Students have aecess to a library of 3,000volumes.

For full particulars snd for specimeus ofMr. WILLIAMS' Penmanship and a circular f44 pages mailed free.

DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPIN- pp. 192, Royal Oc-

tavo, Harper's edition. Price $1 50; postage21 cents.


Price $1; postage 9 cents.fS"To ensure prompt answers, address all

letters respecting the College to the Principal.For Duff's systems of Bookkeeping or blanks,address any of the Pittsburgh Booksellers, rthe Publishers, Harper & Brothers, New York.

Jan. 7, 1S57.

Settlement Accounts."VTOTICE is hereby given, that settlement

have been tiled in the ProbateCourt of Monroe county, Ohio, by executors,administrators and guardians, as follows, to wit-Joh- n

Muhlemann, administrator of SamuelSeggesman ;

A. B. Covert, guardian of George Edge ;

William Steel and Benjamin Hughes, execu-tors of Liberty Curtis ;

Asahel Hoge, administrator of Landon O.Beans;

Alexander F. Garden, administrator of Alex-ander Garden ;

Nimrod E. Heuthorn, executor of JamesHowell ;

Thomas McMahon, administrator of StephenMcCoy;

George W. Bucket, executor of John Beoket;Frederick Muhlemann, executor of Andrew

Muhlemann ;

James Uindman, administrator of John Lat-sha-

John Muhlemann, administrator of John U.Reuser ;

William Dougherty and Thomas Ilarren, ad-

ministrators of Hugh McAfanime ;

Charles Lobensteinadininistrator or GeorgeLobenstein;

Thaddeus Reaksccker, administrator of Chris-tian Reaksecker ; '

William Lawrence, administrate! of S. Siin- -erall ;

Mary Ann Mallory, executrix of Isaac 5.Malloiy ;

Phebe Sellers, administratrix of George Sellers ;

Thomas Griffith, executor of William W.Burkhead; -

Benjamin Maffett, administrator of WilliamMaffett ;

James B. Melott, executor of Jacob Melott ;

Dennis Whitney and Jonas Whitney, executors of Nathan Whituey ;

Edward Archbold, guardian of John Holdren;John W. Roth, administrator of Christian

Rable.Said accounts will stand for hearing and ex

amination before said Court, on the 22ud dayof January, 1S57. In the meantime they aresubject to the examination of all persons interested therein.

Also, the following accounts have been filedin said Court, and the same will be for hearingJanuary 20, 1857 : -

Account oi Thomas uks, administrator;". Hiram O'Connor's executor partial;" Jno. Walter, and Thomas Waltons

Guardian;Joseph II. Morris' Administrators,

which ia final only as to Enos Mori-is- ' (for-mer administrator) transactions.Account of James Hagermau's administrator;

w " guardian of Jacob Huadley' Incurs.JNO. W, OKEY,

Jan 7.1857. Jidgo of. said Court.

JOHN SCKWING S hereby given that the

NOTICE on the 27th day of. Aogust, 1S55,confirmed by the Probate Cout of Aon roecoun.ty, Ohio, executors of toaaie of JohnSchwing, deceased..




Cornell's Geographies.

series recommended by the teachers oiTHE County, at their last association.and decidedly the best series published forsale by the undersigned, who respectfully in-

vites the attention of parents, teachers, and"Boards of Education" to the sterling meritsof this series, and its many excel'eut featuresnot fouud in other School Geographies.

Liberal arrangements will be made for firstintroduction.

Merchants having on hand " Mitchell's se-

ries," can exchange them for Corneifs, atwholesale prices.

Teachers and others are ' requested to cor-

respond. WILLIAM WHEELER,Agent for Monroe county.

Woodsfield, Dec. 3, 1830. ' tf.

O. P. lIOKJfE. J. KIERXAX. w. t. tkbet.


respectfully inform the public thatWOULD have entered into partnership inthe business ofB U1L D IXG THR E SHIKG MA CHINE S,

THRESHERS AND CLEANER'Sof the LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLE.Having been at considerable expense in pre-paring they are enabled to do their workWITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH.And being permanently located it is to theirinterest to do their work in the best mannerpossible. They, therefore, have no hesitation ia

Warranting their Work.MACHINES WILL . BE REPAIRED on the

shortest notice and most favorable terms. Mr.Home having been engaged in the businees forthe past year in the extensive shops at Martin'sFerry is posted in all the recent improvements.

Clarington, Oct. 29, 1856. V. '



Known as the Old Tuel Stand.1HIE undersigned oSera the above property

sale very cheap. It is so well knownas to need no particular description. The landall lies on or near the Ohio river opposite thetown of Sistersville, Va.

For particulars as t prices, payments, Ste.,call on tho subscriber.

DANIEL TUEL.Test's LAxnrxo, Dec. 3, 1858. -

II. Persons trespassing on the abovelands are warned that they will be dealt withaccording to law. D. TUEL.

New and Cheap Store!?


Splendid bargainsThe subscribers are now receiving from the

East, a large and well selected assortment of


Among which mav be found seasonablePRY GOODS, GROCERIES, v



UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES,. &c, &c, ' &c,

All of which were purshased at the lowestEastern prices and will be sold at SJVALL-PROFIT-

for Cash or approved Country Pro-duce. ;

They are determined not to be outdone bytheir neighbors, and therefore assuro the pub-lic, if they want to find the " '

Cheapest GoodsIn town, that all they have to do is to give theiundersigned a call.

There store is at tho old stand of PeterDiehl. '

. P. & C. DIEHL.Woodsfield, Sept. 22, 1S56. (tf.)

SHERIFF'S SALE.William MoKnight, Adm'r. virtme oS as

VS. ; V order of saleCatherine Spillcrs. to me directed

lrom the court of Common Pleas of Monroecounty, Ohio, I will offer for sale, at public aution, at the front door of the court bouse, inthe town of Woodsfield in said county, betweenthe hours of 10 o'clock, a. in., and 4 o'clock, p.n, on.

Saturday, tlie th day of February-- 1S3T,the following described real estate, ly.'ng andbeing in said county of Monroe and State efOhio, to wit :

Lot number forty-tw- o iu tl8 town of Coch-ransvill- e.

Ordered to be sold in the ease of WilliamMcKn'ght, ac-aai- Catherine Spillers.

WILLIAM READ,Jan. 7. $3 CG, Sheriff, M. C. O.


of Indiana, will take notice, that apetition was filed against him, on'tho 5th dayof January, in the year eighteen hundred andtifty -- seven, in the Court of Common Pleas of.Monroe county, in the State of Ohio, by JamesHindmaiij Of the comity of Jonroe, in the. Stateof Ohio, as tho guardian of John Latshaw,Elizabeth Latshaw, and Hester Auue Latstviwjand is now pending wherein said James Hind-ma-n,

as guardian aforesaid, demands partitionof the following described real estate situate in

id county of Afonroe, to wit: The south eastquarter of the north west quarter of sectionthirteen, township six, of range six, contain-ing forty acres, more or leasi and at the nextterm of said Court application will be made bythe said James Hindman, for an order thatpartiiiou be made of said premises.

JAMESJan. 7, 1857. Att'y for Petitioner.

JACOB WATSON'S ESTATE,VfOTICE is hereby given that

ed was, on the 9th'd.iy of April, 1655 ap-pointed by the Probate Court oS AEonroe cuu-ty- ,

Ohio, administrator of, the estate of JiaeobWatson, deceased.

WILLIAM WATKIX3, : Adm'rJan. 7,1837

Medical A'Jvertisemciite- V-






, jr.

tit si rrr ftninTTji nnT.i.iirh rwnv m -




fI :

- ' - ' vi -

AnJ. the various affections consequent p49a disordered - ' '

CTnir 4 ritT rvr .t " "Z -'

- ' '--. .,.,.;; , .ouch as Indigestion, Acidity cf th Stomadt,Colicky Tains, Heartburn, Loss of AppW"pOospondeney, Costivenass, Blind and BUelCfakg JPiles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neiual'fie Affections, it has iu numerous inatanoM ' .proved highly beneficial, and in others afroteA "

v decided cure.This is a purely vegetable C4rapnd, pw

Dared on strict! v scientific nrincioles. x.ttmr tkar - .

manner of the. celebrated Holland Probatory3oer have. Because of its great success in mart- - ,,'of the European States, its introduction taov '(he United States was intended more eipeoialty ,for those of our fatherland soattrd fetr aAiuere over me iaco oi mis mignty oanuy.- -

iieeujig wuu great success among tftem, J MV . , .

oner u to .t lie American public, knowing Umh.its truly wonderful medicinal virtue mutt ha---- .' T-

i , , i 'auivjiiM icuueti. , .4 L... T.


It is uarticnlarlv recommnnded to tlini.iu. .

sens wiiose constitutions may hare haes ..,

paired by th conthiuons ue of ardttt piritt.tor other forms of dissipation. . Generally W , - .

stanf aneous in ellect, it finds its way dirttr 1 r '

everr ncrveJ raisin!; ud thi drooniTiv anii-t- t !- ' a -- r jr a r 1 " -in fact, infusing nuw health and. Tiger kt ihm

V A U A 1 U a1 IThgrat popularity of this dlletW Atom

uas nmucea many imitations, wluk iM ya rlie should guard, against purchasing. ' XamA --

persuaded to buy anythini; elsa uatil yim kavgiven Boerhave'a-Hollan- Bitters a fair il .

One bottle will convince you how" iaiaiUb irwpmi it ij f t nil n W.i,'.-- c v haa uioai iiuiinuvui. ''

gg-So- ld at $1,0 jer kattlt- - r aix botwfr S5,00, by th , t, . ; . v,S O L E P R 0 P k I B T 9 R, --

" - .


PharraaceiilisU and CheaislkPITTSBURGH. PA. '

T. W. Drott & Sons. philadalnW& Park, New York. John D. Park, CixaiBarnard, Adams & Co. St. Louis. A4 WDruggists and Merchants generally throufkvAmt tiuiiou oiaies ana tuanaaas.

4sreut8 Lauihlins & Bush Held mulk.Va.; John M. Kirkbride, Woodsfield; WUlZ3Steel, Stafford; Jacob T. MorriH, Saaflsk; TW,'MitcheU, Antioch: and bvchants generally throughoJt the coaaWv

JnnA is iii; - .

A MARV ELL0US RE MED Tiros a marvellous agih

k :;-- ;.- -


By the aid of a microscope, we see milUen'of little openings on the surface of omr bodieevrThrough these this Ointm Ant wliAfi raWoi '

the skin, la carried to any organ or inward mL""J uisoraerg of the Lirer.

Affections of the Heart. InHannim. vLungs, Asthmas, Coughs and Colds, are by tfe

eutciuauy curett. . Every. housewKWknows that salt passes falv tiiand meat of any thickness. This healiMOUaU- -

ment far more readDy penetrates through ais- - 'bone or fleshr part of th living yathe most, dangerous inward complaint, iK4."""" v reaciiea py other means. . ;:' "

jl n i sifKhAS, SAL T RIIEUiL ' "jJJf ;


No remedy hascure ef the diseases . of the Skin, whatTt-for-

ther mav assume, as thU n;.,i- - or Eheura, Scurvey, Sore Bea4aScrofala or Erysipelaa, ean long withstand lis iinfluence. The inventor h ir.ioj '

many parts of the Globe, visiting the primotoaf ,'

uuopuaiii, uispeuf mg mis jL'immeat, giving tivice as to Its application, and b tim.the means of reetoring ccuatleai nambera f.SOUR LEGS, SORE BREASTS WL.CZJtk

Some of the most .scientific .J.rely selely on the use of this wonderful rw- -4 .

ment, whenJiavins to cope . with the ,wonfc "

vi auira, luten, wesmu, glandular aweu-in- gs,

and tumors. Profeiso Uolloway haa,by command of the Allied Government, iepatcuea m iwe Hospitals ef the East, largshipments of thrs Ointment, to be used umaer '

tho direction of the Medical Staff, ia the woracases oi wounus. it will cure any ler,gldular sweliins. stiffness or eantrmttinmioints. even of twemtv ra' iitiJ;. '

" TTT f vn prTTrr MrT ift.'iTil eSQ and other distrensinir .iuunl.1.1. 1

be effeotually cured if the Ointen.t b wellrubbed in over the prrts affected, and by etfceevwise following the printed. tireotioa mmeach pot, - . , .

- ' '".Both the Ointment antt PUU should, kt d i

Uke roiiawing case? , 'Bunions. Sore Legs.'Burac, . SoreBreast-- ; J:1 :V

Chapped Hands, ; Sore Heads, ' "Chilblains, fore Throats,



fistttfas, .

' Eorea of all kind '

3u.t, . Spraius, . . v.'

Lumbago, SoalcU, ' 1"

Mercurial Eruptions, Swelled Glaada, ' vPiles, Skiff Joints,Rheumatutni, ' Ulocrsi '

Salt Hheunv. Venereal Sra .'

Skin Diseases, WmhiIi llw V .vt.mmv

Holloway. 80 Maiden Lane. Nw Yoi-l- - a aa .

' 7.Strand, London, by all respectable pruamts

ted States, and ih civilixed nrnrlrl i v I"

. ""., w&aat 25 cents, P'JJ cents, aud $1 each,0 t nere is a considerable saving by tairag

the larger sizes. '. ,


N. B. Direction r tl guidaaee of peietain every disorder are aflixed t each box.

run ii A sa. KUUCBXIDli, Woodtilk --

Also by J. A. & 0, IL.D kvEspoKr, Woodsfield. .

March 1J),

Settlement of Apm.mts.- -QuArdiani an

J othtfa, having accounts with-th- underigned bu; remain unsettled, should Com

np hnmetliately and uiako settlement. '