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SPA GLOCAL best practice of rural entrepreneurship presentation

Dec 01, 2014



Cristina Coelho

SPA GLOCAL best practice of rural entrepreneurship presentation
Presentation by Cristina Coelho
Final conference "Social inovatition in rural areas"
ENTERSOCIAL - good practices transfer
Eberswalde, Berlim, 14.11.2013
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Page 1: SPA GLOCAL best practice of rural entrepreneurship presentation
Page 2: SPA GLOCAL best practice of rural entrepreneurship presentation

Where and who we are

SPA ConsultoriaRua 24 de Fevereiro Lote 95000-410 Vila Real

Tel: 259326294Tel: 934082429Fax:259326295E-mail: [email protected]

SPA was born in 1995 dedicated to Studies, Projects and business AdvisingIn 2001, the project GLOCAL was initiated as a part of the SPA social responsibility policy

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GLOCAL Iniciative

GLOCAL Initiative is a project that seeks the promotion of local development, as well as the promotion and support to sustainable entrepreneurship.

It was co-financed by the EQUAL Programme and began in 2002, with 2 distinct phases.

In general, the geographic scope of the project’s intervention is the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Region.

However, through its dissemination activities and networking, its activity has extended to the entire Portuguese territory.

Because of its extraordinary results in terms of dynamic and innovation, it has been acknowledged both nationally and internationally.

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The best practices

YES – microcredit system for self-employment and business start-up

PREMIUM PROGRAMME – Creativity, Abilities and Sustainability

Mapping of Municipal Opportunities (opportunity detection in rural environment)

Idea atelier and Internal consultative board

Advance Entrepreneurial Training

One to one training (Business plan and Setting up of the Financial Operation)

Idea Market and Business Gallery

Start-up and Post start-up consultancy/coaching

E2E - Enterprises to Entrepreneurhsip

Business Funding/Sponsorship System

Voluntary Mentoring Programme


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2009 -Was created the EEIG GLOCAL with UK partner dedicated to advise on, develop and deliver for national, regional and local governments policies, strategies and programmes relating to creating sustainable self-employment and economic growth

2010- Mainstreaming to national program of promotion of local entrepreneurship “Portugal empreendedor” – a working in progress

2010- Partnership with EDP and EDP foundation to develop and implementation of a program related to the news electrical dams “PREMIO EDP EMPREENDEDOR SUSTENTÁVEL” / “EDP Sustainable entrepreneurship award program”

2011 – major improvement : the 1º virtual training center for entrepreneurs in Portugal

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Entidade Executora: Iniciativa promovida por:

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Promote entrepreneurship culture in rural areas

Improve participation and creativity both individual and collective of local communities;

Identify and explore market/business opportunities by using local resources;

Support entrepreneurs by training and mentoring, institutional and adequate financing facilitation

Contribute to the sustainability of jobs crate with the building of news electrical dams


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The most disadvantage rural and mountain areas in the country. Especial dedicated to agriculture and services

10 municipalities; 100.000 Inhabitants; 4.500Klm2; density of 22,5 habitant per klm2

5.700 unemployed persons; 11% unemployment rate;

2.000 companies- average 200 per municipality; 115 companies create per year – average 11,5 per municipality


2010/2011 – pilot-project in Sabor

2011/2012 – 2ª edition in Sabor

2012/2013 – 2ª edition in Sabor

2012 – 1º edition in Vale do TUA

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22 events107 entities envolved122 spechers2.000 participants

22 events107 entities envolved122 spechers2.000 participants

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10 GAEs- local entrepreneurship hubs inside the municipalitiesTraining of 95 animators of local entrepreneurial initiatives 57 entities in the networks of local supporters526 application on the program (50% on-line)465 potentials entrepreneurs beneficiaries of guidance and information

10 GAEs- local entrepreneurship hubs inside the municipalitiesTraining of 95 animators of local entrepreneurial initiatives 57 entities in the networks of local supporters526 application on the program (50% on-line)465 potentials entrepreneurs beneficiaries of guidance and information

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20 Idea Ateliers376 participants240 presencial training hours

20 Idea Ateliers376 participants240 presencial training hours

Idea Atelier2 days of group trainingProgram:•Local opportunities•Criativity tecniques aplye to the generation of business ideas•Business idea development

Idea Atelier2 days of group trainingProgram:•Local opportunities•Criativity tecniques aplye to the generation of business ideas•Business idea development

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28 internal board on site reunions and 4 on-line for foreign entrepreneurs 40 entities evolved242 business ideas presented 303 entrepreneurs

28 internal board on site reunions and 4 on-line for foreign entrepreneurs 40 entities evolved242 business ideas presented 303 entrepreneurs

Mini-Business plan: a simple way to pass the idea in to paper

Internal board: presentation of the business idea to the local partnership and local supporters network

Mini-Business plan: a simple way to pass the idea in to paper

Internal board: presentation of the business idea to the local partnership and local supporters network

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275 entrepreneurs (220 projects) 60 on-line ( training actions400 hours of on site training

275 entrepreneurs (220 projects) 60 on-line ( training actions400 hours of on site training

Entrepreneurial training

On site / group ( 5 modules; 5 days): Business model and SWOT analysis3Fs – Formalities, Finance and Fiscal/taxesValue propose and business planHuman capital and labor legislationEconomic and financial plan

One-to-one training: customize solution

Self-study: Manual “Criar e Consolidar Empresas (G)Locais - passo a passo

On-line: virtual training center to entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial training

On site / group ( 5 modules; 5 days): Business model and SWOT analysis3Fs – Formalities, Finance and Fiscal/taxesValue propose and business planHuman capital and labor legislationEconomic and financial plan

One-to-one training: customize solution

Self-study: Manual “Criar e Consolidar Empresas (G)Locais - passo a passo

On-line: virtual training center to entrepreneurs

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233 entrepreneurs develop the business plan192 Projects

233 entrepreneurs develop the business plan192 Projects

Business plan and feasibility study: learning and do with tutors and mentors

Fundraising: consultancy and guidance to find the most adequate ways to finance the business,

Business plan and feasibility study: learning and do with tutors and mentors

Fundraising: consultancy and guidance to find the most adequate ways to finance the business,

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129 start-ups; 161 entrepreneurs

35 in process; 42 empreendedores

129 start-ups; 161 entrepreneurs

35 in process; 42 empreendedores

Start-up support:•Guidance and finance support/facilitation•License and start support, •Business plan Market validation

•Elevator-Pitch: training, video advertising and invest brokerage

•Application to the monetary award

•Business gallery and awards envent

Start-up support:•Guidance and finance support/facilitation•License and start support, •Business plan Market validation

•Elevator-Pitch: training, video advertising and invest brokerage

•Application to the monetary award

•Business gallery and awards envent

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Pos start-up consultancy:Mentoring, guidance and one-to-one training

The enterpreneurs are really a sucess …

Pos start-up consultancy:Mentoring, guidance and one-to-one training

The enterpreneurs are really a sucess …

80% effectiveness1 business shut-down ( from 1ª edition)2 business redesigned

80% effectiveness1 business shut-down ( from 1ª edition)2 business redesigned

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Outcomings analisysOutcomings analisysbenefits245 jobs created9,5 M€ investments15,5M€ GDP/year

benefits245 jobs created9,5 M€ investments15,5M€ GDP/year

This region increase their entrepreneurial capability more than the double

This region increase their entrepreneurial capability more than the double 18-24












Repartição por escalão etário 10 anos



Ind. Criativas


Qualidade de vida


Atividades de suporte


Start-ups por fileiras produtivas53% female

48% unemployersHigh qualification (+55% lic.)Ative adults (25 a 35 years old) Average age 36,6 yearscame from outside: 26%

Average investment> 73.000 Average job creation> 2

53% female48% unemployersHigh qualification (+55% lic.)Ative adults (25 a 35 years old) Average age 36,6 yearscame from outside: 26%

Average investment> 73.000 Average job creation> 2

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emprego?porque não criar o seu?

Ateliers de IdeiasApoio ao Plano de Negócios e Estudo de ViabilidadeFormação e pré-incubação de empresasApoio na procura de financiamentoApoio nas formalidadesTutoria e consultoriaPrémio Empreendedor Sustentável * * prémio monetário a atribuir aos melhores projetos

Ideias + Competências + Financiamento + Burocracias

Informe-se no Gabinete de Apoio ao Empreendedor do município ou inscreva-se já em


er b


Programa PREMIUM empreendedor sustentável