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Rise of Anti-National movement in JNU Sommaya Singh

sommaya singh's presentation

Apr 13, 2017



Sommaya Singh
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Rise of Anti-National movement in JNU

Sommaya Singh

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Index1.Event in JNU2.Outrage in campus.3.Actions taken up by law and order.4.Opinion of Leaders.5.Updates.6.Analysis.

Scope time- 40 -50 minutes

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Event in JNU

Click icon to add picture•Students celebrated their cultural evening as the death anniversary of Afzal Guru who was hanged on 9th Feb. 2013.

Culprit poster

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Outrage in campus•Students shouted anti-national slogans.•Umar Khalid (DSU) and Kanhaiya Kumar(JNUSU ,president) were accused.•Students demanded independence.•3 groups were present ABVP and JNUSU and DSU in campus.

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Action taken up by law and order

•Police arrested Kanhaiya Kumar under section 124-A and 120.•Students ,teachers were manhandled by lawyers.•Media persons were injured due to assaulting of police .

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•Journalists were manhandled by Delhi Police and lawyers.•NBA(News Broadcasters Association) filed case against lawyers .•O.P Sharma was arrested in case of assaulting students.

Massacre outside Patiala house Court

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Click icon to add picture•Alok Singh and Kaunin Sheriff were assaulted .•Police threatened journalists.•“Desh ke Gaddar” slogans were shouted by group of lawyers.•Reporting anti-national is not a serious offence.

Journalists opinion on massacre

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Opinion of Leaders

•Rahul Gandhi states that RSS and BJP are imposing their point of views on students .•Nitish Kumar claims it an emergency situation and hails Afzal Guru as martyr.•Kiren Rijiju claims that students might have connection with Hafiz Sayeed who supports the incident.•Swami Agnivesh states it’s a re-play of Rohit Vemula case.

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•Home Ministry claims there would be case of video tampering.•Students outraged in Jadavpur University in support of Afzal Guru.•Some students were also in support with Kanhaiya Kumar in Chennai ,where police arrested 40 of them.•Delhi police issued airports alert on 20/2/2016 to arrest 3 JNU students.

Students march at Jadavpur University

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•Medical report claims that Kanhiya was severely assaulted by Delhi police and lawyers in courtroom of Patiala House Court.

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•Umar Khalid states that he is not a terrorist and doesn’t belong to any terrorist groups.•In past 24 hours cops visited journalists home who were covering the case.•Accused students saying “we won’t surrender ,let police may arrest”.

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•Students have negative-mindset.•Politicians don’t speak in one voice. •News agencies states ,it would be a case of video tampering and if it is so why no one is filing case against it. link:

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•Students protest against Mandal Commission in 1990.•Self immolations by Rajiv Goswami and Surinder Singh Chauhan

Mandal Commission(1990)

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•27 July 1978 - 14 January 1994 movement.•Riots affected 12,000 villages.•Y.C Damle states that violence was against Dalit community.•Dalits demanded to rename the university.

Namantar Andolan(Name Changing Movement)

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•Hindus protested against Dalits.•25,000 dalits were affected and 27 were killed .•After 16 years of movement It renamed as ‘Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University’.

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•Umar Khalid states that allegation against him are wrong.•He also alleged that because of government only Rohit Vemula suicide in Hyderabad University.

Accused members returning to JNU campus

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•We also have right to punish them at name of freedom of expression.•Students forgot difference between martyr and conspirator.•We could hear illiterate arguments by students and those who are backing students.•Why politicians take stand when matter is not decided by judiciary?

Challenging law

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•Unawareness is cause of movement.•Still we are not independent from slavery.•Young generation are unaware of history.•Feeling of patriotism has became a professional duty for defence.

Students unawareness

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•Media is impatient on the issue.•Angst amongst Indians have increased.•Experts opinion states that students belong to terrorist group.


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•The political force knew that the student force have strength, power, energy and good motivation energy.•Government is not ignoring this issue.•Teenagers should understand their fundamental duties and rights.

Moral duties of citizen

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