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Social Distancing

Mar 27, 2021


Health & Medicine

As we live in what seems to be a temporary, alternate universe, where our daily routines have been uprooted and replaced with new unfamiliar habits, it can bring a lot of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, and helplessness, not to mention those pesky “what if?” questions that keep our minds spinning. However, in times like this, it’s important to focus on what we can control. The good news is, there is something within our control that each of us can do to contribute in the fight against COVID-19 – that is Social Distancing. Social distancing is a way for public health officials to try and limit the spread of infection by restricting interaction between people and meetings with large groups.

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Try to find other more enjoyable activities around your home that can help take your mind off the situation, even if that means spending some time watching Netflix instead of the news.