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t' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS " : : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr ' of'&filbiiiS PnbKthiA nay FRIDAY, and Steoni Eiitum en SATURDAY rv. . Uoninsr . at »>. «. « , »»d 50 ,.O 1 Qmu«R.Sir««ly J ; ' : ; . (OPPOSITE IBS fEOniOAL X1SJC). ! ! Tn>EICE— ONE P ^NN T; Teariy(in AdTanoe), 4al 4d. JJff By Post (Yearly), 6s. 6d. .. , j rtg- All Cheouoa ' aha P. ' O. Qjrflfiw.iBadeirW^rft I O ^I OBNWJOB P. E BUMOHT) , at thia Office. ¦ . ¦ ¦; Tan- .NBWB: -oiraulotea {WtoiiBivelr ttmonpt . itlib. trnrthMitBr tadeM; and ' i -Oobilif?. ¦gently, ' ' fanaiDi' jT .,.eB 4o., in "Waterford, Kilkenny, Tipperary. , hoa attained a circulation naver eqnaIle4'W1ffi#.p»tet' •ontliBied in 'Waterford, and ih admitted^ the lead- fan Jownali n this important clWwitlv whmh' - there is gjKjt dail y communication fromlondon. 1 1 ^ _J r . ._. ' . Particular attention paid to commeraal and Agrionl- tura l mattcrB. . : L . .. ,.. . .;. ._| w ..|. Advertisetnenta rccoiyed torthq UBWa ljy*^- 1 * 8 ^?*' ? BWe Xe trBpaperAwnts }n the:UnitedJ&SsjIoa. . *W- camimt «q iiaitof rom pataeB not known e£tne office. jSrrontn for Sale of tfHJ? SJSWS sailor V7ATEKFOEB—Miwt JpH**» Gladstone-Sfcreot. ' j . tlies POWEB, BarrODstrand Streat. : ilr. HDOHBB .sMaxor ' a WcJlt' ..' - : ;- : . ; ' : I Mr. P. M. E0AN.. 9inay. ' . . i . " .;:_„ | . ¦ yro. Qun.TT r <foorfStre«U .. . . , | - "' Hiss KAVAN AOB, O'Cannell SbcoU ; ; Dr. -HAT, UO, Quay. : ¦ : ¦ . ; :; I , Ilr. D. OAitTi . T.C, J ohnrtown. , 1 ] . ; TJr. DOBBTN I Barracic 8treefc. _ ¦ . ' _,, . 1 DUNGAEVAN-Jlr. E. KISON , T.C, irain-Stwe b. : Hi. MathGw'WALBB- ! . . - i , : ! TBAMOBE-Miw CLAKCT^ freflh Bwmt^oQmB.. CAFPOQUIN-Mr. Jdirea T BOT, 31, AHen-Steot. . | CABBICK-ON-SnE-Mr. JAires MO QBATIJ , Mo m; Street. . ; . : , : . j 1ISMOEE—Hrs. M?AD3. , : ; ¦ ! ; . . I PltTOWN—MI BB B0CH2. ; . : ; " KILMACTHOMAS-Mies MART DEB : PASSAGE EAST—Miss L OVE. : . - ' ". ¦ ¦ - ¦ i - KHlI>-Mr8. E OHATHE. - . , . DUNHILIi—J. BuBfcEr. , TALLOW—T. Clancy, i ' !•¦ •¦ ¦ CLOGOA—Mra. EEDOT \ |: TIPPEBABY—P. O'CONHELL, Conroh Strcot. STBADBALLT—J. FOBAK. ' ¦ - . . , - ' NEW BOSS—Mr. T. Dihnoan, Qriay Street. : ' KILKENNY—Mr. WOOBLOOK, Proprietor Bailrray Book stall. i : •WATiBFOBD BAlLmi'ST ATI ON—Meaare. . EABorf SoNB! £ook Stand. : ¦ LONDON— CLABKB , SON, & PI ^ ATT, 85,; Graco- ohnroh Btrcet; B. P. WHITE 6 : 86 IV33, Fleet Street.. ; S BELLBT & Co., 5, Leadenhall Street, E.C. ¦ ¦ TempleNewa Eooia, V!Z, Hcet Stroet ' ' .Uessral STB.KET &iOo., Corn HilJ. J ' EIIANDIL' S Ptees Agenoy, 'WeBtboTirDe Pork, : W. Htsorir. Kjsq & Sqa,:JO, BcH Court , Fltet^t. ; Jjr. J. TOLNO , FlcetStxeat. ' do. do. DTJBLIN»-K*ffra. CBAS . E ABOK '^S OH, Abbey-ot IP. B. O'K EEFFB , 1, SI ADdrow-Street. . O tiogal iaW Sttamera to. . : XJn6't oosrrsot wi th tie Canadian Go vernment ' for conveyance of tba Canadian Mails). . : TrotA Liverpool via Londonderry PABIBIAN ....! For Qnebeo & Montreal.. ' ..iiJnne 8 LnjECNTIAN For QoebeoA Montreal -...;Jons ' 15 NouiriAN ..^ ..For Qnebeo i Montreal..... Jnne 22 SABDINIAN ... ForQaebeoAMontreal.... ..Jove 29 UoNGOLUHi Far Qnebeo & Montreal ......Jnly 6 Saloon Passage, 10, 12, 15 and IB Gobeoa. : 8eoond Cabin , £"} 7«. Steersge i.iS'59. ' Shortest and Cheapest Bonte to Canada , Manitoba: North-'WfBt Terrltoriei, British Colombia. and all po ' rts n> »bo W'B ' TD 8tBte8 o'ABerio3. ' . ¦: : 10 dols. Bonos to Settlors and Homestead CortiDcotoa totaling to tbo Gorernmeni Fico .Granl Landirof 160 Acre*. .. i | ¦ . . i- j .: 'Sbt Company' a Special "HABBBOOK OF IETFOBIIA - ' 'T joM . " ^Tennnl-Fainif rs ' -Beports, and Map free. i CSr Western bound paEsengera Bcoompaniod by a ' Sptoiol Conductor. | : ; . . ! ' Dpecial ' Betnrn Bate3 to tbo clhioafro : ¦ --¦;- - TToria' aTair. ' ' " . ¦¦ ' ' Direct eerrines from ; Londonderry to How York, Boston , and Philadelphia all the year. For Ftfrther infezmation apply to ALLAN BEOTHEES fi 1 Co., ll 1 , James Street , Liverpool , and 50 , Foylo Street , Xondonderry ; JAIIZS & AUZL . ALLAH,. 25, BotbTjell Street , 31aegov. and 5, : Eyre Sqnare , Galway ! J PCOTT & Co., ' Qnocnetown j WAED B BOTHEEO , 2, BarrdiBtrand Street, Wnbirford j TBOITAS PCECBLL, 6, jBarronistrand Street, Wator- ford j or WiLXJAH, J OWBS-T BOT, 81, ABiai S'rcet , Cxtrpoanln. I tfrorDooi . Uay 30, 1S93. : , o3t ' Sonlasd nsd Couth XT O I CD , on£ tho Oontb lot Ireland. . : Senrico ty GREAT TVESTEBN EAILWAT C OD pany' e Trains atd Steamboats , via ULLFOBD H ATCH , in connpction tjitli the WATEBFOBD and LIIIEBICE, "WATEBTOKD & CZSTBAL TEE - tasD. aod WATXBIT ^ BD, DOBQAOVAN, LIBUOBI SVD FEBIIOT L>HES. : i aiiortoat Bonto snd Bcdncod Soroo. ^^3CT ~ T )^. Ec^reti Train* end Pas t 22J5£tr*3Uy^. \:Zlail BlecsurM JDaily. \.. D0W5. LXAVX LOBIJOB (Paddington) at 5.45 pvm., Snndaya exoepted, and ABBrva AT WATBB yoBP (weather! and oircomotances permitting about 10.15 a.m., in time ¦ for the Trains on . the "Waterford and Limerick , Central Ireland , «jd Liemere JjEes. ! ; TJP —Leave Waterford (Nortb Wharf) at 7.30 pjn., eaon Week Day. on Arrival of a 10 p.m Train from Limerick{11.0 a.m. Train from Mary- borough ; 2.30 p.m. Train from JFermoy, and 3.5 p.m. Train ifrom LUmore , Aaairraa . in LOUD on (weather and oironmstancei per- mitting) at 12.26 p.m., the folloiriiijr day. o^-BCTiircra ' traveninB'by the SteamerIcavinsr Water !«£ ^ nSaw^af prooee 4 ttoa Now^ilfordbT tv^io O aV mTTwin on 8nnd»y morning : GS O £n °dj bo: received' wbject to ita being d^^ S time for tie 8teamor to bo etartod * V ?ZT ' s L lT » n. T^»in from New MOford »01, ia all cases, nait orriva of eteomer learingi Waterford VASES-WATZBi'OllD AND L0M>0N : SIHOLSB (available 3 week) lat^law and Bateon , 46s Od ,, vw •> 2nd Class and 8aloonj 35» 6d » 3rd CUe« and Fore Cabin. 20» Od zttTosiia ^^^ . *w Bwiitb^ ctali a ( 8i taBj7&; > •• 2nd CIae»4. 8aloon 59». ,, 3rd Clasa and Hon Cabin , 33s 6d. G DoPP , BBilw»yTenniDO»,LimeT»ck| the agenfeMr. KicHfltLs. Adelphi Wtarf, Waterfcrd. TheBiiDigcro PAMs rtetween other important StotlOM, : tba Otee Tobl esi »nd Throogh B*tea for Good* . Aa^e*g obSiued of Mr. G H. Biu., tbo Ores* Wcstem^ EftU- J^y T Company ' * Distriot Agoai , Adelpbi Wharf, - ¦ HENBY LAMBEBT, (Janoral M*nftgor. : V*A3meiov Tenninn*. . ! . i^.tt : AMERICA^ LIHtJ 'i " "V— 1^. S6)DTHAMPTONJ- NEW YOBK ^^^U^ v . T^NJTBb 8TATK8 MAIL ¦ m *lU/ m * j /ff i*'^~ ¦; j _ i 8TEAMEE8 , - ' "'¦¦ flontbaspton to JTow Tori Vinci , - - ;• ! Every; 8A]nj$DAT at Kion. : ;. .: ' Hlgbost CI MI pis tteopmmc«?stlon foil Balcpn, Second CJ*to «ia^teer»«» . 'P«to» . o(t8 . rii. . : . ; J ; : ; . . . ^Ttiumute PMseasers: forwarded Free from Qaocas- fa^^gwrpool to. BOTttampto n. |: i ; ; i ; . rr rsiPOOL \TO ' , P KII > A J>SIPUJA, '! p^-^IS«iftd «oo&«« UsdWl M^il*<&lpM» on ¦ ,i» tkJV««teffl«j»*^v:¦: .:,; :¦•; : ' K^-I :: ; j ^M Jl ^WPRWB Clyde Shipping j Company, j ^td» ¦":¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ; ! ' J *?m r ( 1893.M ' ¦ ¦ ¦ :. ¦/' : : £«;ii<or fiteain Oomk«*{eaiio*i'Oetw««n ! JOT.AT K^Ssfj O % D^j anav. j *.<^^. Q m PiTHOTtTH ;:ilro ^OrirtjariPTDHa MBWHiVBH, : - ¦ DOV«B>'A« I); SOOTH" or^ ErrerjiHSr i CORK , DUBLIN , ! BELJAST i*D QULflOOW, : ¦^V-^ , : . FklUiS J XfawU »ad p iwerfnl 59»P»»JlliL ' ¦;;. " . ¦ JL Son w BUam en ABii rHOaE,; <'^^feasl ^ SAtttYoonas:asxKa;ax HBBS ,. ^BrnmBBBBmnvsaBtfEsa. ; EDDIBI OHB , ' imSHTEAHUXLJ PLADDA , ! POBTLAND , BAPBTjIir , SASDA , .B^EBErVOEE , tS OIIED , TUBKAJB, ' . y^I-ENTU , . , ure ¦ £ntena*d- ;to\ S tall u! under , ' msaXhex ' . pmtlUlof ' 'ItoSan ¦if t t t ' eatiA by o^tonseea clroDmrtanoee), wub llbertj to tow V«o»l*. aad to call at »nyj? P . OTta In-as; order , Is oroxtt of the otistomarx. oonne, to Eooeive and SlMlmxge Cargo , or foraoy: otlxsr porpou whaUoe rer. ¦ . I ¦ - ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' \ ¦• * . t*llATXKTOKn 1 16- ¦ OLlSGOIf. - " •• ¦' , : ' . ' ¦ ¦Evcrji HOHDiY-:<D)rcot) !l- .n.m. i every'' WEDHKSDAT <via Cl/moath) 7th 3nne , 11 a.m.l| l«h; i p. tn, " ; Slit, 11 «.m. | ¦ ¦: 28th, 4 ' p.m: ¦ ¦ OLASeOW TO nAXXUOBD. EveryTrONDITTDlrect) ... | .!. : ~ ¦ ..- B pjn. ¦ .lull. to Qroenoci ,.&80 Every THVBSDAT (Dlroot) . ' I ... ~ i ..-! 2 P.n. ' . -- . ¦ ,. E<iU. to (Jreenook ...632 p.m.. '' ¦ .. ittTxnroBD li BBUTABT., ' ¦¦ . - ¦ . Every &&TUBDAY (dlrcot) ..J : ; ... -! ...i ¦ ' M . I 6 pan. BsrriST TO Wirnnu. - ¦ ¦ . . Erer7 TiJESDAT.(via Dnbu». i 1 ¦' . ••;.iT*t«3Kro«» io BCEin , ' ETerySATUBDAT<rl» Balfart);;,:;.• , , «... -- .., «" pn>. Evory 8ATUBDAT t6 Ktogstowatdlroet) for " ' ; faaaengersoolr .-. ;- ¦- ' •- . . .x tptx. ¦ Dtrani* TO Xf otsront). DltEOT— j WKDITEBDATS, 7th' Jono.BiNm j Mlb v 8 pJ3^»-21eii«-I>-« ~ l - ¦ . ¦ , -• - J28tU«bta. -- ' ; . •' ' : WATBBJORB SO OOIUC ! . . , Evary THUBSDAT (Diroot);. : ..>.;. ¦ ... lp ' .m. ¦• •; . COM to WAitifouD , Direst—; ; PBIPATS, 2nd June, 6 p.m. i Mb, D j^a j 16th| s . p.ia i 23M, 9 p.m. ; 80th; 6 pm. . ; ' : VTxrzuoaD TdloiDoa. . :• - " . ' i ¦ ' ¦ Every Saturday (via Southam pton) ... _ : 4 pJ0 i LOHDOI (St. Kathorin* Do«k), TO ^ Y"ATX»TOI . . , . THUESDATS , 1st JODO,. 1 p.m. I 8th 6 a.m. | 15th, Noon j . , .. . 22od, 6 a m. i CSthNoon. : -I l Ho. tranahipment by thiB tomla. Orden for oolldction or delivery of Goods sent to U'NUUKA k Co, (limited), 14, CuU^itreet, PinatmrT; to Clyd^ Shipping ComplnT , 138 , I^jidenhaU Btioct , or Clrdo .Shipping Oorapanj. S Wuehooso , 6L" Kothirioo Dock ' , willrecoiTe promp t itt*mOon. : WlTIUOlD TO PlTltOOTH. diieot. I WXDNE3DATS , 7th Jane, U a.m | Uth, 4 pan j 21it, ' 11a.m.; 1 . . 28tb, ipkin. ' ¦ PiT«onTB TO Tr Aimuoss, direct— CITDBDATS, 8rdJane, 6p.m ;10ti. l p.m. j 17thJ6p.ot j 21th, 1 p.m. j WlTBRTOED TO SoOTBAIIROS. ! " Evory SATOBDAT (ilroot), 4 pm. , ] , 8ODTB1HPTOB TO WHMKHU). !' < ¦ i Every FEIDAT—TJA PlTBonTn. WATTETORD TO NcwiAvzir. Every 8ATUBDAY , viiSonUum?ton . ' ... .- 4 p.m Nrmuvra TO WAHMOID. Evory IIDNDAT (vlaDoTcr and eonthampton), Cargo only. ¦ \7iTESToas TO Bom. ' Evory BAIDEDAT-<vIaeonthaaijto»' aii» Hewhavcn), 4 p.m. Dovnt TO WtnuDiD, Every TUESDAY (via 8oatfcampton). Cargo only. These Steamers have BxcoUost cooommodation tor Pnawnrors. : i ¦ ' ¦ _. ... . :.. ¦ rhroogb Tooriat Tickets itumbi to the Channol Islonda. SeoCoa ipiiny' aGuide Book. . . ' ¦ i ' .^4J ¦ . . Through Toarist Tickot s itaaod to the Highlands of Scotland. - ¦S<;e Cdrnpiny' s Guile Book. . ,f,A,SUAUE.MONET. i " , i Cahin. Eotnra. Stoorago. Eatnm. Watoriord to Glasgow „. 17a. Cd. £Ss. 10s. 15a. ¦ ¦ ¦- - . ¦ Belfast, _ :17». CO. ' 25a.. 10a. : ISa. ., Cork, ... 8a. Od. 14a, Es. : 7a. 6d. Plymonth and x Eonthampton 20s. Od. SOa. 10s. Ill : London, via Sonth- ¦ ' ampton 6 Ball Ui ¦ , ... :' ¦ Newhaveii , : 20a..ltf. ' 103. " . ¦ . ' ,Dover, _. . SOs. ' , 0. ; . lua. i : ¦ From Dublin ... 103. Od. ' 1 C3. ; , And B«ck to L ' Kingstown ... ¦ 158. ! 9«. . ¦ ' - . . Children above 8 and trader 12 years c( age , Halt faro. Cetnrn Ticket? available foj two months—not trantferable. -«yJfoT». —The ' Clydo Bhlpptbr-Company (Limbed) can Issoro Goods abiiiped by theso linos of Steamera. against, all Sea Bifktt v Foios,. Bates oiy Premlnm , and ;tll Inlonni- tion to bo had at tho Offices. ' For Bate* ef Frei ght, &«. r apply to HxvsT J. iWiuae a Co., Plymontb; , T?oiu3 M'GABBST, London u>4 Soatb- Westeffl EttUway Company, Exetar BidldtiiKS, Arthur Stroet, West, and at tho L. *> S. W. Ballway Bocelviag I Houses thronshoot London 1 Clyde Shining Co., 12 , Victoria-street, Belfast 1 Clyde -Shipping Co., Rochester Buildings , 1S8 Ti^^f«v.n Street, London, E.C.I Clyda Shipping Oo ^ Ball. war Offices , New haven 1 42, Council House Street, Dover' } 21/ Cailtcn flaoe, -Glastcow 11 Cnstom House Bnildlngs , Greenookl Dook Boad , Unttti 1 Town Quay, Southamp- ton 1 85. Eden Qwr. Dublin 1 P»trick' » Qn»r. r«tk. ¦ taTBE eHrpyrNG COHPAHT .( I - IMITED), ! . Cnstem House Quay, Watorfori. Bneoial forms of Bills of Lading required by the Clyda SnlppE Company (Limited) to bo cad from the Agtaits. Tefesraphie Address- " CnlCBiii, " WATPttoap. : ' CTatarford Btoamalap Company . - . : (LIMITED). INTENDED ORDEK OP SAttlHO—JtWB , ISD3L STEAlHiBB -i ¦ , DUNBfiODT. EEGINAIiDj COUEEAQH, LARA , ¦ MENAPIAv CBEADEN; &o. . ^. T STOTIOB. - Th« Waterfore ^__ V~ —Jfr _ 1}\J. SteamjUp^Company(Limitod , ' *S-53^?k»Vk rscolve Goods aid IJveBtook tor Hhlj- . zSV^zT-C' .ivwJwx ^ jnflat on the conditions: mentioned u 'T~" ' ' 1 . Salliag ZJsta, fce ^ to bo had At their ¦ ¦ ' offices. ¦ ' ¦! : ' ' WATEE70ED AND BBIBTOL tllOH WATBBfOBJ) TO B1UBTOJ- 1 »BO» IBJBTOl TO ITATXmTOtD. Friday. June 2_. Saft' noon fiiturday. ' June a.. 8nig ht Tuesday, IT 6... Saft'noon Wednesday, 7...10 night Friday; .. »... 7 alt' noon Shnday, , „. 11... 2 . siom Tuesday, 13,.. l alfooon. Wednesday, 14... Salfnoon Friday ,, 18... SaffnbOa Saturday. 17... 8 night TuesdaV 20_. 6 aft' ooon Wodnesaay, U..J1 nUtht Frill yT ,, 23... ?affnoou Sunday. . •£.., Sin-ra Tuesday. ,. 27-. ' 1 affnoon Wednesday, 28... 6 alt' noon Friday , 8 „. 3 aft' ooou Saturday Jaly 1... 7 aft' noou cr On early Homing Sailings, Cabins of the steamers will bo open to receive FaeMngen ffirrivina: by -tho {li ght Htll Trains. I ¦ i Average Sea Passage 14 to 15 Hours. FiBJ^-CaWn , Single , 15s. ; dov Sinelo—Children (and $cr- vaaCT travelling with Faffiilios) 10». / do Beturn (avallablo for Two months, optional to return from or to Liverpool), 2Ss ; Deek.sinKla , 7s. 6d. ; do 'Chfldroni is. Laat Umt Berth—CumbQland T-iiHw Bristol. tfTtEEPOBD AUD lilVEBFOOL JEOH WATE»fO»D. I . . ¦ ¦ r»0» LIVZarOOL. Friday, Jone2... 4 aft' n6on Prldnj, Jnne 2 .12 noon Sunday, M 4_.6mom . - ¦ Mondoy, 5... 2 afnoon Wed' sday, 1~- 2 aft' neoa Wodnraday, 7... 4 af' noon Friday, ,, 9... 2 aft' ooon Friday, 9... 8 morn Sandty, ,, 11... 6 moni Wond»y, 13... 8 night Wed' sday. 14 - 2 affnbon Wednesday, ..:iO ntjbt Friday, 16_ 4aft' noon Friday, 16...12 noon Snrday, 18... fl morn . ffibnaay, 18... 2 afnocn Wed' eday, 8L.. ¦3afl" iioon Wednesday, 21... 4 at' noon Friday, 23... -Qaft' n»on Friday, ,. 23... 8 mom Sunday, 25... 6 morn Monday,. 28... 9 ni ght , W«d' «oay, " 2a» SaJt' nion Wednesday, 28.:.10 night Friday, ., SO... 4affnion »rlday : 3J...12 noon: The ganday .Vcssoto Iioad at North Wharf , Waterford. ATenura Sea Passage 14 to 15 Houn. Fiaia—Cabin , Singu,! 15s. i ; do. aingle—Children (and Servants traveuinr wlu> fasuHea) 10s ( do Koturn (avail- able' (orTwo months.;optionallo retarafrom oi to'Brbtol) lisT, Itack, stagla , 7s edTTdOi sfa gto , ChUdren . 4s. Lcsulin/r BnS-Claresve Doci ,TLlverpooL < Goods Baoked'thronjA from.all prindpal Stations on. Great Northern , Great Western; Iianeaahiw, and^^ Yorkshire , London and North' Western i london and South Westers , Hanehester, BaeflUla , and ldndolnshirev and Hldland Bell- wan to Watorford. (Through Booklnga also with Liraorlok , Tipponry, Thuxlea. EnnKTBsm , Oort , EathkcsJe , Listowd , Newcastle and Tralee , &d- I , ' . Goods Booked throriKb'from all Stations on Waterford and Cental Ireland BaUway-Watarfprd. Dnagarvan , anil Tilwaoro Railway, and Waterford;aad Ximerick Bailwav. Poroiii booked throo^h at low Bates to all principal Eta rmu Wmoit- 11 Faeii BaiBTou calling at . Tuesdays. ! I Tenby^ MUIord , *o Fridays. ffAlTirOED AMD HEW BOSS FBOH Nrw Boss—Dally, Sundays exocpted , at 9-15 aju. Fun* W«TniosD ^-PaUy« Busdays exoepted , at 3.40 p jn. WAT Ell * oiT^i HJD ' BALL j kACK. Ftox BAIXTBAOT Daily, Sundays excepted , at 9 a.m. , Fior -WjatMroasy-VtiV* Buadaya eioepted. at ai5 pjn. Nons—The Waterfoid Bteamihip Company, Limited , Insure aU Gtood* Shipped fcy than USMO I! btoamaaat 8s. 4d. Oont. to Traders bavin* *«»rly *S»*f men , ta > »n l fa - Ooeasl(mal8bipper» ,vaIne to daolared a* time of Shipment, perm* and; aU<Information to be had at the ° Bnths secured and ejrery tnioraiOon given br Ainmta at ^^Sroxn-Wate rforil Btesmship Co. (Lunitod), Head OfacetTba MalL i : j _. .. : _ ... . .. . ' LrvUrooi ^Wataifard Stexn shlji Company (Limited), £0 Wal«is«tM6t. and Clarence Doc u Bwrol^aterfuTd Staamal lp Company (Umlted), (3 , Qoeen 8onare-w>d. CaaBerlaad Baain. ^ wSx»M. ^-Waterford Bt«aiL ibi p Company (limitod), i Hiw Bos»-Watsriord Steam hin Company ' s Offloo . i Dr*OAOO»-WaUrfonl Stsax ship Oompany ' f Ofloe, ' Luttaid—Lower Shsuum BUuniht p Company^ OOcs , Uocat KSSBS ' S ^uay. ¦ ' ¦ I * : ' ¦ '' Xxunm— Lower , Sbatnon £ teanisUp Company ' *' 02a. Begistcred Addreo ' for ' ' eltgna * i—" STEAM". at Watertort, WverpooL Bri»t<jl ,< r Wfrford. SPECXA EITIBS . W ral^\J ¦ TrouserB, > -4a3KSr ; -'' i;;i Bro gues , jlft iiE^r^-f-j -W-l .. : -i :?• i ¦ - •: ¦ i ' Boots, ¦ Ctmtd Ciito;fipd:PiflJiing ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * .:--:::V ^ . :[ >: :! i -# >: !i i J^ •v ¦ ¦; ' ¦ > ¦ ' I- 1 {¦:¦ ¦:¦ . ¦ ^ W LBvoimW^i - ' ¦ ¦!" ,; ' ¦! ¦ f vHi m-M wi} V$Mvm i'r:- WSDOH,; mwm' M .;, ' i ¦ •! ¦« " ¦ . - < - ¦ . ' i r iSD t* ^ i o' ^^^^ L ^^^^ L^ E^^^^Sfc 'p ** ^^ L *" ^^^^^Sz9t ^aaS^V^B t^SBSEi/ wt^ J^^^^i STALLION^ f^OR'SEASON 1893; : !AT THE PBOPBJErOE'S: STABLES; " 'H ' Jtff iHELOB'B j^ $ALK . , TpATJpf iFORj ii . ¦! \\ . .. psAsqigcAisr,,;. .. ' . .; '!!" By Herri{t , 6ff V'llitraboa , by ' BealitatfoD , : hit dam Veroiui . 'br Orlando on ,< of IwJlrie , ' by Ion. , ~ : , ,. ' |S|a »1U be < strioUjr 5 .llioited ;to 'fiffy ' sonhd ipproWcl miiw, besidef edme;of. Jil« owner > ». ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' i i n^a-ms ^ -Tboroughbrei mares, ' J610 each | ffrooffl ' n (e»,| 10s ; all others , 1 ,£5 each. ; Rroocn ' s feo . Sa. I! Ksernce . Tnpney; to M paid . DetoreriBt Jnly, yss& x groom ' aT /od. ' »tr first aerrioe\ «e*ei« ends-Wii loih, . 1893.]" . ' : " •(< > ' . -V '\ ¦ ¦• ' . " . . . *- - " ; ¦ ' . ¦ •: : i ' - ,. r " H, _ h- .r . PA . s^io$r^ 'Pj,ox9r i!s, " :; >i ' i -!t; By " Lord EonaJa, hii 4am, Virginia, Creeps iiy, WeatlerMt, ker,4«jn < Abbes* -of Coverhani , try lingnr , iff Abbess of Jcrvt3B, 1,y:Gladiator , ' «lre - ol KftcetmekC . Re will be etoioUy ;limlto<3 this BOiEon to 50 .1 marts , bBaldca sopQ of biiown er ' s. - , ' ¦¦ ¦:- .; ' . , , <•' .; | : Terma-^ThbrongBbr ' ea ¦ .mares, &&... eaon t ¦g room' s fee , 10a j contlcmen ' a nalf- brod or ^ wprSin^marM , i£4 esdtv) groom' a feo, fia vlmaWa the tro pcrty of! toniat faraets- , JES eaoh j groom' s fee, 2s 6d. ; . K . THE ; HUlNTEB SIEB ': ^ * ¦ ' - " •• ..;. " noExdn. '*- ... 'if - Bay Hone: I foaled 1885; 15h(ina931 inohea high J o povrJrtol . lengtbV, level j doop-mafle Horse, standing on ¦hpit , Sound, clean legs ; with faultless action , and oonld carry 16 etone over any country wlth'Honndo. ; Hn was shonn 'S' times, and won 6 prizes aa 'h H&ijtor'pin. ¦ . ¦; ¦ :. ^ ! - ' - "; T' . ¦ : •Htf-waB gotVj thotolBbrated^ire; iTatialon, his flaa Gtren by Langton, by Honeroost. : ' . , Tirmti—Qentlemen ' B Mares, yE3«aob iiGrojm' s Feo, S3. ; Farmers ' Mares , £2 eaoh : Groom a Fee, 2«, 6d. 1 ALSO AT j THE . SAME PLACE, : JI . .^.^^^Eii-2-IIBErir . ¦;; r6alod in ! iS67'f broWn- ' horsoi no- white , about 10 hands high and soncd/with very good action. ¦ Terms— £2 eaoh mare . ' ; groom' s foe, 23 6d. . : .Seassn ends for both.thono horeca Augoot let , 1£<)3. No' mares attended tg oriSundays. No acoonntability for accidents. I : ; : For cards of 'breeding ' and fnrthor partionttro app<y to . - , I . ¦ - ( ¦ i ¦ ' ¦ The Proprietor, ' ji . ' yr ~ . UOHN WIDaEE (a8 abo7o), ¦ ! i . ¦ ( or to, ; : I The Groom, PATRICK WALSH.: ' SIRES [FOR- 1893 AT : WESTGATE, :CAREICK-ON-SUIR , CO. : TIPPEKABY. ;: . ' FOR : SEAJSON 1893. [ | THOEOUGHBEED STALLIONS. ¦ ' | j;. ; : BEC&POBD , ; ) ChcBtnat horsn standing a little over sixteen hands high, foaled in 18o4. He yioa got by Kbamscon , hi3 dam; Golden Crest byi Par, her dam the Wren by Nat- bonrne , oat *f Lady Bird by Tho Sea ; 'Khamcccn by Favonios bj- 'ParmeBah by Sweetmeat , bis dam Lady of Lyons by Sdortish CJiioi , ' ner dam Lioness by FaDd&n- oo ; IPax by Marsyas by Orlando , by Touohstona, his dim 1 ; Plsgno Boyal by! Mild . ow, ont of Gipsy Qaeon ; MarSyas by Orl addo, ont of Malibran; Nntbourneby The Nabob, out of Prince's by Merry Monarch. I Season ends the 10th Joly, 1893. ! ; THOEOUGHBBBD ; STALLION ¦ ; AS p HDD OB . ; ! Foolnd In 1887 ; brotrn !Hor»e, obont 15 hinds i3} . ¦ L ihobos; bfgh. : ; He, is a powerful , lengthy, level , deop-mado Horoo , with 1 great bone and splendid action. A$3ESSOE, by Arbitrator , his dam May Day (Iho dam; of May Boy), by Uncos, faor dam L^rkmay (ti3 dam of Cornea way), by ltoyal Oak Day, out of LUDB b y Hnrfcaway. : ¦ ' Arbitrator by Solon ! out of Trne Heart by Zlneji d {ainnor of the Derby) by New Minister , his dam Uary Jantj; by Pompey son of Emilios, hordam Batafia tv Bay Middleton. I ; ' ¦ Uncas ftho elro of May Day> was got by Stocbwoll , his^dam Nightingalo, { by lloontoin ^B»or, ont of CUrlnds, by Sir Horoolca (the alre of Irish Bifd- T«rms—Thoronghbtea Marea, JEG each ; Groom' a Fee^lOsj Gentlomen' n Half-bred or Worklnn; llarea, £3 eaoh j Groom' s Fee , Ss ; Tonant Fanners r Mares, £2 eaob ; Groom ' s Pee , 2s 6d. ' , Groom' s fee at first service. Service money to be paid cnot before the 1st of jAUGTTST, 1833 to tho proprietor or bis order. | . . The proprietor parjticnlarly nlshcs that gentlemen and jbreeders woald inapcet Iheoo horses and jndgo for tbeqiBelvas. ¦ ; ; No acooaatability for accidento to Marcs, if opy ehoold ocour , but the best of caro niU taken of theb. Np Mares attended ^o on Snndays. Tteso hones are sound and I roo from all hereditary discasos . ! ¦ ' . i : ¦ Service money to bo paid on or before tho 1st ol AUGUST, 189a j ; {sSSltf] Fixr bills and portioolars apply to the proprietor , | Mr. JOpH HDBLEY, i WEST GATE, CABEIOK-ON-SUIB. i ¦ " TITEATINCr 'S POWDER. " ] ; - »*^_ I KUls FltflB, Bags , Moths. BcoUca 'MjT 'EATmGr 'S POWDEE. " i C ¦ -^s »- I Kills Fleas, Bugs, MotbB , Bcsttas " IT'EATING'S POWDER" ! -I"*- Kilbi Pleas, Bugs. UoUm . BcolHcJ { ' iflTBATINGrlS POWDER. " I _ Ji^- ; | Kills Fleas , Bugs, Moths, Buto. " ^EATING |S POWDER. " |; This Powder, so I celebrated, is pcrfoctly unrirallcd la destroying BUGS, FLEA8, MOTHS, BEETLES, and«all IsatcU (whilst perfeotlj harmless to all animal life). All woollens snd furs should be well sprinkled with the PoRilcrr before plauiner away, j It Is invaluable to take to the Seactla. To I avoid disappointment insist upon hariss " Kdtldj ' i Powder. " V*ether Powder is cffootual. Sold only tn bni 6d.. lls.. and 2s. 6d. Bewar e of Imltatiuna. Don't bo deoolfcd. . . . - ' I ¦ ; ! . WOBIIS im; CHHA DREIT , j \ : WORMS IN CHILDREN, ; an eaiily, surely, snd I with perfect safety got rid of i by oslttj ^EATINQ' S WORM TABLETS. "Nearly all children suffer from Worms, i If euspcotod , do not wait i you can with! ease cure the child (has no effect oxoopt on worou) Sold by all ChemiaU, in . Tlni, la. lid each. ' j THE HEV7 8-DAY CLO CH, Al GTJABANTEED T|mekefper, ettltmg tbe JC4-: Hoars and Half-boars on: Cathedral GCDP . Hcleh t, 10 inches, in Black and Gold, beautifull y fin^hed. Fit for any f DrawlDg-room . ond best Yalue ve* offered In Clocks! - Prico , lOi. ¦ ' . m t OPKINS : k BOFKIN8, Watchmakeri and J«t ellert (opposite OlCoonell Moonment), DubUo. 4.* inli for Waltb ,am Watoh Co.. " Brad for Price LU U. N.B.-HJ«he«k/ J.ico -giren tor cW GtiH, Bill er , and Preclon* Btoueg. (mr26.18t)! : BBc/iiKMirKsuiPpeB. : | -t 3 W:\ S ' ¦ S OBAT|W|f COMFORTING. | ¦iULIMOlWAJKR «fl MttIL \ , 1 yi» gAtelotio AasuraaM oon^any "^ ^-Mt^^ iy ^Fi^j t ' ¦ ;• ¦ ]' '¦|i' \\ tf ig umibp i ' ^¥f ' " \ OA<a^»J>-J8t > (k» , 0O0, ¦!¦ .-^ I.; ' ij rf f,^i <fmothr.tiVphn(. :: " ¦ \ TTHt>OnBTBt> »ECTJEITY , Moder*t« Batoi , mlim:, '' -: ' - ' i.\ iit 1 'i .! ¦, ¦ > > i m | ! , •" r ' ' ' . •! -U.! 1 immsM 3 i ' ".i 'EilWliEiiBESt it " ' ' '-f, I 1 H ' . ' ^Ml$€<b Wf Mhdt&M ' ' - l ^S8. &tRS-M Mineral w aters (^YETrCj iigfil-Class ' . t reei(>?ctftiiry:lnTite: the Bod Attention of * the TOmlG^ V^ S iHigfil-Clas s Mnerai liter s I ¦ y " < " ¦ ; \ ., ' .. - .. : !.. . ' .. " ' i- "-r ' •'¦ '• ' . . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' 1 - '' ; '¦' . ' : ' ' ' ¦ ' ' : , ( , . I. ' : " . t tj etp oiiiuWy. '{hrit$ the.ldnd .aUfintib n of 1 tho Pabllo to ' these : " -i ¦ j .CELEBRATEp ! " ryl J-ISI E R A L W ^iTERS ^ Z , 'Which oaonot be infpajieed for Ujeir Purib tnd Ilayonr , boing prepared in Silver Cylinders and tho i ! ¦ " ' ' ¦ ieti Matfrial* ,^. can'biii ^oenred , nied ln tbetr Manufaflto ' re. - , " ' ¦ " ¦ u . . & <*4PIBE;CT4 SPEOlAi. NOTiciJEr r ,to : bV''OEreTAL 8ODAWATER, " . juhlcb-la blgpy Carbonated and<re«d , frp5).(>a impnnu««*j; itbaia blf . a NEW^AKI?- PATENT PEOCESS, whioh hat ttctti obteincii stconeMerablfl exveuse-i also ;•¦ •- . :;. ' :,. ¦-¦ - ¦; •¦ ¦ - : ¦; ' ¦ ¦ " ' ' : Wilflh is Bottled. ' ' ' under hia own, personal Bcperjj IslorA aid can always " bq. bsd ' ln8 patldinjf ' condition (S 7 A Large Stock of GnlMaeobSj PjwjbOjPr /Sroungor ' a Alo, Oifiori ' sbp Sitt9ro " (noa . ; . . .. Intoxicant), 4c. , in woM ^r tmtlo , alwayj kept in good order. ' : J. ' G. Again Jbega to return Thanka to hia nuraerons CoBtomers and tbe Poblio in geDeraf for tbe iind pctronoge in the-paat / and hopes for a continuance of their' ' esteemed orders ' , "rtbicb ehnll bwo oar pronipt ' and ccrefnl attention. . .. , . •• ' . .; - ¦ . ¦ - ¦:. ¦ -i\-.:: " ¦ ' ,;¦ ' . " . - ' ' ¦ . ' ¦ I ' ' ' . ¦ ' v: ' i , : . -f ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦ * $*) &$[ T G-A RVE Y , ¦ . - . WMp i f sale ' . Bottler;. ' Arid Mineral [ Water Manuf actu rer , 0<&.Mi :# S" W E " ' " 8 J ^ L E E ; T Y .. :y^ !J;!- - ' . J . ' . 'T' . '" : ' ~ . ,. ^' l. . .:. ' .. 'rj ' '!. ' . ' . " ' S'i' S- ¦ *£¦&^*?i ^^z Y\ v\i / ii->: ,:v.>^.L: ; tvr ^i;' ;; -:^^ 0yoliot : Blaioa WoiWo, Safety O&c^jioa e&ip . ¦¦ ' ¦:¦ fOJ 18SS . : - . . ¦ : ; ¦ ¦/ ¦ Sao 26 ailo SifcttOBSl 1 dyoliot ; Blaioa "Worfd'O; Safety 0&caipioaeliip . . . . ¦ i . ¦ ¦ ' ., "' ¦¦ . ' ft* wes, : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .. :; , ¦ ' . . . Accomplished on the ORMONDE;at Herne Hill , ' Jtine 18th, by 'R. L. Ede, Stoke Nesrlngton O.O. , beating ' Zimmerman and ;24 other picked riders from all countries. Timo , 1 hour 9 minutes 46 2-5 seconds. The fastest 26 mile Championship ever ridden. Price, Price , with JJwnlop Tyres, from £13 Os. Od., Net Gash, OE ON.EAS Y PAYMENT SYSTELI AT LI8T PE1CE3. c£@(8Z2C :—17. €. [ (D dD'ff i EDJB , . (^. CD 3i , Sarker Street/ T7ATEEFOED. . 1ZIPOETAJST TO PLOCKIIASTERa AlfD OTHEES. SHEEP DIP* Specific for Scab •ia ; ' ShGGJp -aad Hongo in -HcrccD ' tj ©cga. 1 ' Embrocation fen* Cattlo, HorGsn , Csc. , ' LOTION FOR FOOT-ROT IN SHEEP. Dipping Apparatus, £5, 53; and on Wheoln , 510. TO BE OBTAINED FBOM ; : HENEY BELL, Chomist , and"} ' w . . - , J. J. CSULLIVAN , do. J WateT f oxd J jU iZ . y OR FBOtI ' ' ' J ' LEICESTER HOUSE, GEEAT DOVER-STREET , BOROUGH * LONDON MME ¦ ISBWEAWOJS—Low iBrsmmms. S2©©^lulldMg of Privats BwelMag s d©®-~3Ehmdte(S , 2s. ; per Annum. !©5i^MuiiGmg otrnvats iSwellmg; Sa : " p3ff -ZiHaiisn OJM3£taitro, 2s. ; per Annum. THE : E ) O¥AI J 9 ! 9 { Eor£rcit " K ^ff7 to ^ 42, iQDM 9 dsrM^^^W- s son ,. . 42, i QUiT , Wat eriord , Agj emf lG- fox ' aaU >Mmd!D ®f, EnGwrmszc®. ts>1&U7 BHElUlsaATISIil. : I I ULFHBAGO. ' ; B' PBJLll^B . . . ¦ - i - i - ¦ .. $^aff iff ek&i m<^ s5®ww^^ ill u ' ? . & H»i| ui ii rji^ -'nh, il' §Lmm iw&wW#f ltf $ . gTJiTMAN'S - tJNlVlRSAIi ElktBBOCATlbN , Is. lid. & 2s 9d FIR8T PRIZE ^ MEDAi ! " ' "^ I **** ^^^- ' . FIBSr-CLASS Bj c^bitibn , ' ,y^®^»HB& i ? E^^^ n i Dublin Exhibition , M^uufaoturer of Slate Bed Billiard "Tables, mounted either on ' Improve ; Met^pr^ L. eit» l^W, «»t *i V. . . P . . ?U^€a#pi dw.and Im proved Au tomati c Screw adjuatinent. ; I^i^- r •]-i^:^' ;> -!: ! ^v v r!W . ^»U^W!m^ |«w|^J ^:io Stock , or « M<U to <W^;^] ; ;: " . , ' : .:; : ' l, ^M ; 15. ... t : | ¦ jtop wud l oUl. ;: : : ; / DOWKE SACKVn^.STOBET. ljtrrJLik* ' . COpt)$iitoUn>Q<m«r»lPotWifflde»naTelefrmp bOffio») ¦ . I : Thfl moit Wntr»Hn th» City. < ) ¦ : J : _;. _ ' ; . >i-. - - ; -/ 7TT*" 1 - '! ' ' ! r'• ' " '' ¦ '' ' f\ OaCPLETEIiT rpmodell^ d widre-fundibed. V> ' Wignttowit r^dW Cbffe».B<>am ' , Mnhi»3oon , SwokWBoom .BOffiu^rd^/.CairifliaiSSSt*. r- : :; i QEAEXiKS l yLWIiEB , Proprietor. | f& ~ DHIP wd cdkKEficiAj . H6 TI : L 7 ¦j -i : M ,:,gwr, TTiiakKts/). ¦ ' -I ; ittip ! ilABLTiElBTV-ANi . ' ' - •^-AiVlKa paroliMed tha Iat«r«et in the abore JTJL . HOTEXI, begg to»n«rtimS3 th*t thi« Eit*b- |i«&>ent OruniD on SATUBDAY, FEB. IS, 1879 M. K. tnuta. by strict) attantion to thoie who pKETOQUe J-B-» Otur AITD VOVXCXBOIAIi itOICTB , W merit a continnaiice of thiir patronage. ' I i . Qflay, Waterford , VA. 18 , 188&J Tbe WiokTov Xtottl ' and ' ! E*Btaniwmt. j i6, 7. and i iWtdKLO^STBKBT. | ¦ j i (OraftpnHr&'eetV li^?tlN. i Tl/TUST Cf ' nWlv- BUu ' itci' , domfortable and iS^r.^^- wte^iiJiiaieft 1 keatl r 4u dS>—l—-< T': - -BlCHABD-O'BBrEN; r Pi)p rietor. SHE ^AilOEAI. BO2BI. ! i XHJBUH. EEINQ nowupenw in tutf yidniiy o: xne^me i . 'iMarlcbt, end iqulto-conTenie nt to King' s Briag* and Broadifc>Jie : Teteiinl, - -isrlU be found tho: rn oit : Comfortable, combined, .with Moderate Chaxgto. Visitors to ' D ' ablin . shoald co ' m^ and iee for thbracalvcs. - ' .. ;- . - -. jylMm ¦ ' ¦ i H. A. MEANT. | "ffHE C£O"C7 U HOTJlIi . " \ ; MOIfCK-STEEET , 'WEXFOBD. rjflHia Old Hotel ia rcilly Comfortable, and JL Prices very Moderate. Famous for good/ time Whiskey, and all other Drinks. . ' : ME8.J KELLY, PnopniZToKJ^s. :, Close to Bailnay Station. . " "^CIIIEBICK—2ho GlentwortS o Glentaortb ¦ A IT irct-olaiaFaaily end Connorcial Hotel. finHE " Gkntwotth" ia the nearest Hotel in JL' tta dty to tho EaIl»oy Station, Bania , Steam- boat Offloea , Teloff *ph!and Poat Ofiioo, and to all pub- lio places of aaia emtmt. P. KXMHA Proprietor, U, 15 and 16. Qltmttrorth-atreat. Limnruc. iel8 ' THE DOUBLE STAR PUBE t- .mM . mm -COMPRESSED : TE^BT : : . . , IB ' ' LITEEALLT Aim ABSOLUTELY PUEE . 'And consequently Tvrrci da oTEOna aa I- . . ordinary Yeasts, ¦ iWhlch are largely mixed with STARCH. COMPLAINTS are Bomcames mode of Yeast relching the Baker " OUT OF CONDITIOK." These are generally dne to tho Intervention of i 8UB-AGENT8, WHO KEEP IT TOO LONG before lending out , and may be EHTIBELY OBVIATED BY OEDEBING D ree Jtunng oampies , ana tuipanicuuui oa plication to ' . ' , ' ¦ T7HPBED EATJGHTOn. lUB MEECHAKT AND YEAST IMPQBTE - .:. 28, CITY QUAY; DUBLIN. :j lo Agent for Ireland (the counties of Antrim : and Down ezeepti>d.) ¦ ¦ ¦ j ^aog^h-fflac^ijj lRljfiiMONGER, AGRICULTURAL tfiGI? J' FUNERAL UNUERTAKii!^ &c 0ARRI0K-ON-3UI uc^s rtjojorly ia iUct a jplcndni aiiortnient of iai*il: i velt-vdectcil Hatdwara, lronmon~ery, Cutlary, Lam pa. Oil*, Colian, Chs% Rop«, CorJa^?j , Saddlery, Unistoej. ' IJraij •ad j Iron Bedstuds, Ptlluucs and Matiro.u. Iron anC Metal Ketllu, PoU, Pins, Sajc:p»m, Milk Caru w. CburBJ, S«paritOJl and Diiry planlj complete. Staves . Chihi , RIDJCJ, Boilen, Gralei ami ilanidpieco, Fenden indiFiie Iroos , Mau and Mattings , Fans and Htllowi. Uxlu , Latchw, Hingw/Naiij , Chatiw, [S ir Irja, Sh«i Iron, Hoop Iron, Steel , Sock Pbtei. All oukes of Pious*, ind : Plouch Irons, Wheel Iron, Vifa-jel Steel, Swedish Iron. Farming r4aahlnepy of mill kind*. Coac v tnaken' and Uutlden' Tooti and Remmiiift. K,in»at». Good* , Eave Runs-snd , Down Pipes Zinc, Tiji , Ccpper Upper Sole and Harn'si ' Leather , Sbiem.ikera ' findmsv Hone Nails , Hedge and Horn Clipper* , FootloJU , Fithint Tackle. Toilet Requisites. . Farmyar d noq«#1«tt«*< Field and Fana Seeds, Galvanized Roofing, ?umpi htowlns, Rrapios. Hindtcg, ; Wini>o*inj and Thiaahinj Machines, for hand, hone, aul s ' t^am piver. find veariog paru. Com and Seed Sowing Machine*, Chaff Cutlers , Turni p Pul pers and Slicer*. : Howard's , Homsby ' i , aod RAnsomc ' t CbLled f'i gins , and Qenoral PurpM* Ploufha, nnd weari.^ p.ut.i Hairows, Grubbers, and Caitlvaton of every ^ cri |it|i>n. Hone , Tumbllnz and Ga<v'tm«J Tbitch for Ricij. IN THE FUNIRAI UNDEnTAKINO fT7 DEPARTMENT ia omv.noa or ONS m HUNDRED COm«S; OHHOUD3, HABITO '] M AND ROOE3, . eUlTAOLC FOR ALL W% CLAOOCa AND ORCEDO. ^ Entire satu/ac/icn guaranteed 6 / g| :; THOMAS F. LACKEY, jijcral Jlerdiant and iJndesta^ ' ! ' MAIN STRHET, &c , C A R R I C K - O N - S U IR . wm Ba ia Copaiba , coDeta awl Mtringcnt uanWs , IJTMnll andwlUcoretao same disease* to forty< y qgp dgbt hours -without lncon»e- y—>* Dlcnceof any kind. Each capsule bean tbo f u\m} na me « JUDV. ' P«ls , ». ruo VivlenncAPiwlJ PrieeiWofancheiniete. ' Orpost free from ^-^ Mr. R 80L0X0N8 , O ptima *. ^ . -Wlto ^«bM& 00 jttn iimfniihiniTI f •ftabliihAdIn DnUia tlEQB ta aaatioa ia*Palilu anlBti a* *M of Ux oammea O (avnpw.aad l»dl>n»atdutaMd OUsoMuidhbUw SSJ^^'^a^ J^rtfe^K Uuittlilwnr.nasMMnrTtodirall «tt«a(tk « tki«| . •wx «< ]U* BMettolM (*adit«mt Iroa ptMUcrriaONr «nJbtta|u». wnok I>* B«j(]wr oon»tnicto, »pyror»*»ot 4ta-> pOM* ot), a»4 on t)» Mtnotacw <Urlnl>i> trai kit n*ar«a Muih4MlwiB>wrtu««UunUfmuBtl;aappoMdJuiiuk kH idMnUrStoOaUd (o pmtm la* «•• ffinpUr**.^ i^SgKira*3iM»Mi«»ii; K. ^it^^i ^.t^^ j fl ' nhtj moWat, ot «i ot. aim*, is » Utt« irW^tb« dCtMkMteua tfc»m»IW«M rW nnU jrlirt TriWSJ «wd ihoMMH^Mjnet MrJ^d^iotMlM try MtioiJVlSi amis i '^t«: J AMESB U - ; - . : ;" . '#!!»a|iiSra| ¦ . . . . WA*jS jg si»'¦ ' ;• . -: ' . . : . - ; ;.:. ' ¦ ' ¦: llvj ;¦ ' . ; ' <,!¦ ' MANOTAOTUBBBS OF T3 . - . ¦ i ' . ¦ ' i y ¦; . .:<>¦ ¦ atere BOTTLERS OF JDNliii^^lit I" !M ¦ ¦ ¦ - , ' -V ^i: -\\ : [:\imf m mm Ptfrter ¦ . . * ^ ; r : ; T* > 'Vi BRANCH STOBE i C athedral Street . Tmirle a Second 'llie Brewery in PhcEDix Dublin. is The Phcenix Brewery Company guarantee that Only ZXX is Bottled at the r Storei WATERSIDE , Waterford. ' ! . There is no Mixing or Eli nding With Single X ; therefore this stout if Nourishing ond Strengthenii ig« . . .. ' . ' ¦ ; ¦"" tm. RICX m£;m Oblong Wrought Iron and Circular, Frames and. Vtfmi Ffllara,, , |: .is- - -' 1 : ^*3i>>cepgattTjiL j ivi M»i.Sv?> <^j^. Bt « IV.,i Onr iaproved ooinnection (of aecaring thi Iron ¦ i •:{ i il^ . S Bars to thereto! Pill&n it . thd itrooga t aad f ; < ^S || einjple»t conttroction ev«r davited, vA wi Ji ntir . ' "; V $. arranncmenti in the Iron Market and it perior . i ' - « '¦' - . ' :/' ¦# , nianufactoring ficilitisf , prodae* * " tin mo»t . ' [ ¦ : t JM efficient Kick Stands at loweit ratea. . ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦\' \^ •BEVI8ED LIST8 FEEE. \' ' - V' 'i' v :ff^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦!. '" ' : _. __ i .. . - ' . ¦!' \"M K EMM Pi8b ' amtiie PRIVATE ¦A— »rfv~^" i ^ - ' i ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , ' ¦ '1 ! i TO: i ¦ ; !-<- ': EHOIiDBRS 1 . ; |: ;XA Me Bonove % \ npo« ; ' : A t)VANCE S also made to [ay B«ntf , Debtf , aad ;i X3 L to enable persona to; fcnftt Into . baatimi: -; Distance no object. Ea*y BepajnenU. j ! ' ]• ¦: Beware of AdTerttMOCDt* and ympet/to**' ,y > , emanating from noaernpotoq*IMsocywndan^ twA\ ' " >\ eo-called Prirate QeotUmfti , offertif toant^ »»' : '' : ridicolons rates. This dtriee Is gmeruly adoptad:* ~f to obtain exorbitant tees , without | toe hut tnte*- ; tion of granting a loan. || !<v,O : ! -i' ! Beln? old titabl lthed, and ibel oulfReojpdtidi " -H Loan Bank in Belfut, intending 1 Borwcm will ; ' find it to their tinnttgp, brioremaking :«p^Uot> ¦ ' : . ; tion elsewhere, to wrlta or . ftpjdy to. : ;¦! ' ii W. MoBEJCDE , ;- ' ¦ ] ¦¦: , ^ Manager Northern Coantles I^oaa ADisotmst Bnlt ¦ (the oldest eatabliabed Loan Bank In the Kertti /. 'il of lre&nd); i ^ UX &yjl i0. DOKEGALL.8TftEKT. ^BWAaTT^ ' >; i; i- cP%rt% oniuneti WorU- SET m* QA1UJI KILKENNY ea In Black, a BpedaUti Marblfi. •flcrOrett , Ir i sh AlUrt, f eotf. •*«. Bo»too, and London ExhlWUoai, I , " . ' ;< !EUtimate« andDe8ljrBS 6n AppBmU<«. ' : -i ; THE TKADB fiCPtLBBD. (Jjt ;t EDWBAD <y8HgAJ 8onlpter , ¦ . ¦ KlLKBHJ T i .i - . ¦ - ' . '¦ ' ¦(• ' r-:fi* CHINA TlUfl; i ii l B
5' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS

Oct 25, 2020



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Page 1:' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS

t' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . : : - ¦ . ; . ;

Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiSPnbK thiA nay FRIDAY, and Steoni Eiitum en SATURDAYrv. .Uoninsr. at »>.«. «,»»d 50,.O1Qmu«R.Sir««ly J ;

' : ; . (OPPOSITE IBS fEOniOAL X1SJC). ! !

Tn>EICE—ONE P NN T; Teariy(in AdTanoe),4al 4d.JJff By Post (Yearly), 6s. 6d. .. , j

rtg- All Cheouoa'aha P. 'O. Qjrflfiw.iBadeirW rftIO IOBNWJOB

P. EBUMOHT), at thia Office. ¦. ¦ ¦;

Tan- .NBWB: -oiraulotea {WtoiiBivelr ttmonpt. itlib.trnrthMitBr tadeM; and'i -Oobilif?. •¦gently,''fanaiDi'jT.,.eB 4o., in "Waterford, Kilkenny, Tipperary.,

hoa attained a circulation naver eqnaIle4'W1ffi#.p»tet'•ontliBied in 'Waterford, and ih admitted the lead-fan Jownali n this important clWwitlv whmh'- there isgjKjt daily communication fromlondon. 1 1

_Jr.._.'.Particular attention paid to commeraal and Agrionl-

tural mattcrB. ; ¦ . : L . .. ,.. . .;. ._| w ..|.Advertisetnenta rccoiyed torthq UBWa ljy* -1*8 ?*'?

BWe XetrBpaperAwnts }n the:UnitedJ&SsjIoa. .*W-camimt «qiiaitof rom pataeB not known e£tne office.

jSrrontn for Sale of tfHJ? SJSWS sailor

V7ATEKFOEB—Miwt JpH**» Gladstone-Sfcreot. ' j. tlies POWEB, BarrODstrand Streat. : •

ilr. HDOHBB.sMaxor'a WcJlt'..'- : ;-: . ; ':I Mr. P. M. E0AN.. 9inay. ' .. i . " . ; :_ „ |

. ¦ yro. Qun.TTr<foorfStre«U .. . . , | -"' Hiss KAVANAOB, O'Cannell SbcoU ; ;

! ¦ Dr.-HAT, UO, Quay. : ¦ : ¦ . ; :; I

, Ilr. D. OAitTi. T.C, J ohnrtown. , 1 ]. ; TJr. DOBBTN I Barracic 8treefc. • _¦ . ' _,, . 1

DUNGAEVAN-Jlr. E. KISON , T.C, irain-Stweb. :Hi. MathGw'WALBB- ! . . - i, : !

TBAMOBE-Miw CLAKCT freflhBwmt^oQmB..CAFPOQUIN-Mr. Jdirea TBOT, 31, AHen-Steot.. |CABBICK-ON-SnE-Mr. JAires MOQBATIJ, Mom;

Street. . ; . : , : . j1ISMOEE—Hrs. M?AD3. , : ; ¦

! ; . . IPltTOWN—MI BB B0CH2. ; . : • ; "KILMACTHOMAS-Mies MART DEB :PASSAGE EAST—Miss LOVE. : . - ' ".¦¦ - ¦

i -KHlI>-Mr8. EOHATHE.- . , • .DUNHILIi—J. BuBfcEr. ,TALLOW—T. Clancy, i ' ! • ¦ • ¦ ¦ •CLOGOA—Mra. EEDOT\ |:TIPPEBABY—P. O'CONHELL, Conroh Strcot.STBADBALLT—J. FOBAK. '¦- . . , - 'NEW BOSS—Mr. T. Dihnoan, Qriay Street. :'KILKENNY—Mr. WOOBLOOK, Proprietor Bailrray

Book stall. i :•WATiBFOBD BAlLmi'STATION—Meaare. .

EABorf &¦ SoNB! £ook Stand. : ¦

LONDON— CLABKB, SON, & PI^ATT, 85,; Graco-ohnroh Btrcet;

B. P. WHITE 6:86IV33, Fleet Street..; SBELLBT & Co., 5, Leadenhall Street, E.C.¦ ¦ TempleNewa Eooia, V!Z, Hcet Stroet ' '

.Uessral STB.KET &iOo., Corn HilJ. J 'EIIANDIL'S Ptees Agenoy, 'WeBtboTirDe Pork, : W.Htsorir. Kjsq & Sqa,:JO, BcH Court, Fltet^t. ;Jjr. J. TOLNO , FlcetStxeat. ' do. do.

DTJBLIN»-K*ffra. CBAS . EABOK ' SOH, Abbey-otIP. B. O'K EEFFB, 1, SI ADdrow-Street. .

O tiogal iaW Sttamera to.. :

XJn6 't oosrrsot with tie Canadian Government 'forconveyance of tba Canadian Mails). . :TrotA Liverpool via Londonderry •

PABIBIAN ....! For Qnebeo & Montreal..'..iiJnne 8LnjECNTIAN For QoebeoA Montreal-...;Jons' 15NouiriAN ..^ ..For Qnebeo i Montreal..... Jnne 22SABDINIAN ... ForQaebeoAMontreal......Jove 29UoNGOLUHi Far Qnebeo & Montreal ......Jnly 6

Saloon Passage, 10, 12, 15 and IB Gobeoa. :8eoond Cabin, £"} 7«. Steersgei.iS'59. '

Shortest and Cheapest Bonte to Canada, Manitoba:North-'WfBt Terrltoriei, British Colombia. and allpo'rts n> »bo W'B'TD 8tBte8 o'ABerio3. ' . ¦ : :

10 dols. Bonos to Settlors and Homestead CortiDcotoatotaling to tbo Gorernmeni Fico .Granl Landirof 160Acre*. .. i | ¦ . . i- j .:

'Sbt Company'a Special "HABBBOOK OF IETFOBIIA-' 'TjoM." Tennnl-Fainif rs'-Beports, and Map free. i

CSr Western bound paEsengera Bcoompaniod by a'Sptoiol Conductor. | : ; . . ! '

Dpecial' Betnrn Bate3 to tbo clhioafro:¦ • • --¦;- - TToria'aTair.' ' ". ¦¦ ' 'Direct eerrines from ; Londonderry to How York,

Boston, and Philadelphia all the year.For Ftfrther infezmation apply to ALLAN BEOTHEES

fi 1 Co., ll1, James Street, Liverpool, and 50, FoyloStreet , Xondonderry ; JAIIZS & AUZL. ALLAH,. 25,BotbTjell Street, 31aegov. and 5, : Eyre Sqnare,Galway ! J PCOTT & Co., ' Qnocnetown j WAEDBBOTHEEO, 2, BarrdiBtrand Street, WnbirfordjTBOITAS PCECBLL, 6, jBarronistrand Street, Wator-ford j or WiLXJAH, J OWBS-TBOT, 81, ABiai S'rcet,Cxtrpoanln. I

tfrorDooi. Uay 30, 1S93. : , o3t '

Sonlasd nsd Couth X TOI CD, on£ thoOontb lot Ireland.. :

Senrico ty GREAT TVESTEBN EAILWATCOD pany'e Trains atd Steamboats, via ULLFOBDHATCH , in connpction tjitli the WATEBFOBDand LIIIEBICE, "W ATEBTOKD & CZSTBAL TEE-tasD.aod WATXBIT


aiiortoat Bonto snd Bcdncod Soroo.

^ 3CT~T) . Ec^reti Train* end Past22J5£tr*3Uy . \:Zlail BlecsurM JDaily. \. .

D0W5.— LXAVX LOBIJOB (Paddington) at 5.45 pvm.,Snndaya exoepted, and ABBrva AT WATBByoBP (weather! and oircomotances permittingabout 10.15 a.m., in time ¦ for the Trains on

. the "Waterford and Limerick, Central Ireland,«jd Liemere JjEes. ! ; •

TJP —Leave Waterford (Nortb Wharf) at 7.30 pjn.,eaon Week Day. on Arrival of a 10 p.m Trainfrom Limerick{11.0 a.m. Train from Mary-borough; 2.30 p.m. Train from JFermoy, and3.5 p.m. Train ifrom LUmore, Aaairraa. inLOUD on (weather and oironmstancei per-mitting) at 12.26 p.m., the folloiriiijr day.

o^-BCTiircra' traveninB'by the SteamerIcavinsr Water!«£ nSaw af prooee4 ttoa Now^ilfordbTtv ioO aVmTTwin on 8nnd»y morning :

GSO £n °dj bo: received' wbject to ita beingd^ S

time for tie

8teamor to bo etartod*V?ZT 's

LlT » n. T »in from New MOford »01,

ia all cases, nait orriva of eteomer learingi Waterford

VASES-WATZBi 'OllD AND L0M>0N :SIHOLSB (available 3 week) lat law and Bateon, 46s Od™ ,, vw •> 2nd Class and 8aloonj35» 6d

„ » 3rd CUe« and Fore Cabin. 20» OdzttTosiia ^ ^.*w Bwiitb ctali a( 8itaBj7&;

„ > •• 2ndCIae»4.8aloon59».,, • 3rd Clasa and Hon Cabin, 33s 6d.

G DoPP,BBilw»yTenniDO»,LimeT»ck| theagenfeMr.KicHfltLs. Adelphi Wtarf, Waterfcrd. TheBiiDigcroPAMsrtetween other important StotlOM, : tba OteeToblesi »nd Throogh B*tea for Good*. Aa e*g }»obSiued of Mr. G H. Biu., tbo Ores* Wcstem EftU-J yT Company'* Distriot Agoai, Adelpbi Wharf,

- ¦ HENBY LAMBEBT, (Janoral M*nftgor.: V*A3meiov Tenninn*. . ! . i .tt


^ ^U v. T^NJTBb 8TATK8 MAIL¦m *lU/m *j/ff i*'^~ ¦; j _ i 8TEAMEE8, - ' "'¦¦

flontbaspton to JTow Tori Vinci, - - • ; • ! Every; 8A]nj$DAT at Kion. : ; . .:' Hlgbost CIMI pis tteopmmc«?stlon foil Balcpn, Second

CJ*to «ia teer»«».'P«to».o(t8.rii. . : . ; J ; : ; • . . .Ttiumute PMseasers: forwarded Free from Qaocas-

fa^ gwrpool to. BOTttampton. |: i ; ; i ; .

r r r s i P O O L \TO ', P K I I >A J >S I PUJ A,'! p - IS«iftd «oo&«« UsdWl M il*<&lpM» on

¦ ,i» tkJV««teffl«j»* v:¦:. : , ; : ¦• ; :'K ^ -I ::;j^M

Jl ^WPRWBClyde Shipping j Company, j td»¦ " : ¦ ' .

¦ ¦; ! ' J *?mr ( 1893.M ' ¦¦ ¦

:. ¦/' : :£«;ii<or fiteain Oomk«*{eaiio*i'Oetw««n !JOT.AT K^Ssfj O % D janav. j *.<^^. Q m• PiTHOTtTH;:ilro ^OrirtjariPTDHa MBWHiVBH, :

- ¦¦• DOV«B>'A«I); SOOTH" or^ErrerjiHSr iCORK, DUBLIN,! BELJAST i*D QULflOOW, :

¦ V- V ¦;¦•, :. FklUiS J XfawU »ad • piwerfnl59»P»»JlliL' ¦;;. ".¦ JL Sonw BUamen ABiirHOaE,;<'^ feasl • SAttt Yoonas:asxKa;ax HBBS,.BrnmBBBBmnvsaBtfEsa.;E D D I B I OHB ,'imSHTEAHUXLJ PLADDA,! POBTLAND, BAPBTjIir,SASDA, .B^EBErVOEE, • tS OIIED , TUBKAJB,'.y I-ENTU,., ure ¦ £ntena*d- ;to\ S tall u! under,'msaXhex'. pm tlUlof ''ItoSan ¦ifttt 'eatiA by o tonseeaclroDmrtanoee), wub llbertj to tow V«o»l*. aad to call at»nyj? P.OTta In-as; order, Is oroxtt of the otistomarx.oonne, to Eooeive and SlMlmxge Cargo, or foraoy: otlxsrporpou whaUoe rer. ¦ . I ¦ - '¦ ' '- ¦ ¦

¦ ' \ ¦•• *. t*llATXKTOKn1 16-¦ OLlSGOIf.- " • • ¦' , : '.' ¦

¦Evcrji HOHDiY-:<D)rcot) !l-.n.m. i every'' WEDHKSDAT<via Cl/moath) 7th 3nne, 11 a.m.l| l«h;i," ; Slit, 11 «.m. |¦¦: 28th, 4 'p.m: • ¦¦¦

OLASeOW TO nAXXUOBD.EveryTrONDITTDlrect) ... | .!. : ~

¦ •..- B pjn.¦ • .lull. to Qroenoci ,.&80 THVBSDAT (Dlroot) . ' I ... ~ i ..-! 2 P.n.'

• . - - . • ¦ , . E<iU. to (Jreenook ...632 p.m..'' ¦

. . ittTxnroBD li BBUTABT., ' ¦ ¦. - ¦ .

Every &&TUBDAY (dlrcot) ..J : ; ... -! ...i ¦ ' M.I 6 pan.BsrriST TO Wirnnu. • - ¦

¦ . . Erer7TiJESDAT.(via Dnbu». i1 ¦' .••;.iT*t«3Kro«» io BCEin, /¦ '

ETerySATUBDAT<rl» Balfart);;, : ;.• ,,«..• . - - .., «"pn>.Evory 8ATUBDAT t6 Ktogstowatdlroet) for " ' ;

faaaengersoolr .-. ;- ¦-' •- .. — .x t p t x .¦ Dtrani* TO Xf otsront) . DltEOT— jWKDITEBDATS, 7th' Jono.BiNm j Mlbv 8 pJ3^»-21eii«-I>-«~l• - ¦ . ¦ • ,-• • - J28tU«bta. -- ' ; .

• - ¦ • ' ' : WATBBJORB SO OOIUC ! • . . •,Evary THUBSDAT (Diroot);. ! ¦ : . . > . ; . ¦ ... • lp'.m.¦• •; . COM to WAitifouD, Direst—; ;PBIPATS, 2nd June, 6 p.m. i Mb, D j a j 16th| s.p.ia i• 23M, 9 p.m. ; 80th; 6 pm. . • ; '

: VTxrzuoaD TdloiDoa. . :• •-•" • . ' i ¦' • ¦Every Saturday (via Southampton) ... _ : 4 pJ0 i

LOHDOI (St. Kathorin* Do«k), TO Y"ATX»TO*» I . . , .THUESDATS, 1st JODO,. 1 p.m. I 8th 6 a.m. | 15th, Noon j

. , .. . 22od, 6 a m. i CSthNoon. : - Il Ho. tranahipment by thiB tomla. Orden for oolldction ordelivery of Goods sent to U'NUUKA k Co, (limited), 14,CuU itreet, PinatmrT; to Clyd Shipping ComplnT, 138,I jidenhaU Btioct, or Clrdo .Shipping Oorapanj. S Wuehooso,6L" Kothirioo Dock', willrecoiTe prompt itt*mOon. :

WlTIUOlD TO PlTltOOTH. diieot. IWXDNE3DATS, 7th Jane, U a.m | Uth, 4 pan j 21it,' 11a.m.;1 . . 28tb, ipkin. ' ¦

PiT«onTB TO Tr Aimuoss, direct—CITDBDATS, 8rdJane, 6p.m ;10ti. l p.m.j 17thJ6p.otj

21th, 1 p.m. jWlTBRTOED TO SoOTBAIIROS. !

" Evory SATOBDAT (ilroot), 4 pm. , ], 8ODTB1HPTOB TO WHMKHU). !'

• < ¦ i Every FEIDAT—TJA PlTBonTn.WATTETORD TO NcwiAvzir.

Every 8ATUBDAY, viiSonUum?ton . ' ... .- 4 p.mNrmuvra TO WAHMOID.

Evory IIDNDAT (vlaDoTcr and eonthampton), Cargo only.¦ \7iTESToas TO Bom. 'Evory BAIDEDAT-<vIaeonthaaijto»'aii» Hewhavcn), 4 p.m.

Dovnt TO WtnuDiD,Every TUESDAY (via 8oatfcampton). Cargo only.

These Steamers have BxcoUost cooommodation torPnawnrors. : i ¦ ' ¦ _ . . . . .: . . ¦

rhroogb Tooriat Tickets itumbi to the Channol Islonda.SeoCoaipiiny'aGuide Book. . . ; ¦ '

•¦• i ' . 4J ¦.. Through Toarist Tickots itaaod to the Highlands of

Scotland.- ¦S<;e Cdrnpiny's Guile Book. ., f , A , SUA U E . M O N E T .

i " , i Cahin. Eotnra. Stoorago. Eatnm.Watoriord to Glasgow „. 17a. Cd. £Ss. 10s. 15a.

„¦¦¦ - - . ¦ Belfast, _ :17». CO. ' 25a.. 10a. : ISa.., Cork, ... 8a. Od. 14a, Es. : 7a. 6d.

Plymonth andx Eonthampton 20s. Od. SOa. 10s. Ill :London, via Sonth-¦ ' ampton 6 Ball — — Ui ¦ — ,

... :' ¦ Newhaveii, : 20a..ltf. — ' 103. —" . • ¦ .',Dover, _. . SOs. ',0. ; — . lua. i — :¦ From Dublin ... 103. Od. ' 1 — C3. ; — ,

And B«ck to L 'Kingstown ... — ¦ 158. — ! 9«. . ¦' - .

. Children above 8 and trader 12 years c( age, Halt faro.Cetnrn Ticket? available foj two months—not trantferable.

-«yJfoT».—The' Clydo Bhlpptbr-Company (Limbed) canIssoro Goods abiiiped by theso linos of Steamera. against,all Sea Bifktt vFoios,. Bates oiy Premlnm, and ;tll Inlonni-tion to bo had at tho Offices. '

For Bate* ef Freight, &«.r apply to HxvsT J. iWiuaea Co., Plymontb; , T?oiu3 M'GABBST, London u>4 Soatb-Westeffl EttUway Company, Exetar BidldtiiKS, Arthur Stroet,West, and at tho L. *> S. W. Ballway Bocelviag I Housesthronshoot London 1 Clyde Shining Co., 12, Victoria-street,Belfast 1 Clyde -Shipping Co., Rochester Buildings, 1S8Ti^ f«v.n Street, London, E.C.I Clyda Shipping Oo Ball.war Offices, New haven 1 42, Council House Street, Dover'}21/ Cailtcn flaoe, -Glastcow 1 1 Cnstom House Bnildlngs,Greenookl Dook Boad, Unttti 1 Town Quay, Southamp-ton 1 85. Eden Qwr. Dublin 1 P»trick'» Qn»r. r«tk. ¦

taTBE eHrpyrNG COHPAHT.(I-IMITED), !. Cnstem House Quay, Watorfori.

Bneoial forms of Bills of Lading required by the ClydaSnlppE Company (Limited) to bo cad from the Agtaits.

Tefesraphie Address-" CnlCBiii," WATPttoap. :

' CTatarford Btoamalap Company.- . : (LIMITED).



__ V~—Jfr _ 1}\J. SteamjUp^Company(Limitod,'*S-53 ?k»Vk rscolve Goods aid IJveBtook tor Hhlj- .zSV zT-C'.ivwJwx ^jnflat on the conditions: mentioned u'T~" ' ' 1 . Salliag ZJsta, fce to bo had At their¦ • ¦' offices. ¦ ' ¦! : ' ' •W A T E E 7 0 E D AND B B I B T O LtllOH WATBBfOBJ) TO B1UBTOJ- 1 »BO» IBJBTOl TO ITATXmTOtD.Friday. June 2_. Saft'noon fiiturday.' June a.. 8nightTuesday, IT 6... Saft'noon Wednesday, „ 7...10 nightFriday; .. »... 7 alt'noon Shnday, , „. 11... 2.siomTuesday, „ 13,.. l alfooon. Wednesday, „ 14... SalfnoonFriday ,, 18... SaffnbOa Saturday. „ 17... 8 nightTuesdaV • „ 20_. 6 aft'ooon Wodnesaay, „ U..J1 nUthtFrillyT ,, 23... ?affnoou Sunday. . „ •£.., Sin-raTuesday. ,. 27-.' 1 affnoon Wednesday, „ 28... 6 alt'noonFriday , 8 •„. 3 aft'ooou Saturday Jaly 1... 7 aft'nooucr On early Homing Sailings, Cabins of the steamers will

bo open to receive FaeMngen ffirrivina: by -tho {light HtllTrains. I ¦ i

Average Sea Passage 14 to 15 Hours.FiBJ -CaWn, Single, 15s.; dov Sinelo—Children (and $cr-

vaaCT travelling with Faffiilios) 10». / do Beturn (avallablo forTwo months, optional to return from or to Liverpool), 2Ss ;Deek.sinKla, 7s. 6d. ; do'Chfldroniis.

LaatUmt Berth—CumbQland T-iiHw Bristol.tfTtEEPOBD A U D l i l V E B F O O L

JEOH WATE»fO»D. I . . ¦ ¦ r»0» LIVZarOOL.Friday, Jone2... 4 aft'n6on Prldnj, Jnne 2 .12 noonSunday, M 4_.6mom . -¦ Mondoy, „ 5... 2 afnoonWed'sday, „ 1~- 2 aft'neoa Wodnraday, „ 7... 4 af'noonFriday, ,, 9... 2 aft'ooon Friday, „ 9... 8 mornSandty, ,, 11... 6 moni Wond»y, „ 13... 8 nightWed'sday. „ 14 - 2 affnbon Wednesday, „ l«..:iO ntjbtFriday, „ 16_ 4aft'noon Friday, „ 16...12 noonSnrday, „ 18... fl morn . ffibnaay, „ 18... 2 afnocnWed'eday, „ 8L.. ¦3afl"iioon Wednesday, „ 21... 4 at'noonFriday, „ 23...-Qaft'n»on Friday, ,. 23... 8 momSunday, „ 25... 6 morn Monday,. „ 28... 9 night ,W«d'«oay, " 2a» SaJt'nion Wednesday, „ 28.:.10 nightFriday, ., SO... 4affnion »rlday : „ 3J...12 noon:

The ganday .Vcssoto Iioad at North Wharf, Waterford.ATenura Sea Passage 14 to 15 Houn.Fiaia—Cabin, Singu,! 15s. i ; do. aingle—Children (and

Servants traveuinr wlu> fasuHea) 10s ( do Koturn (avail-able' (orTwo months.;optionallo retarafrom oi to'Brbtol)lisT, Itack, stagla, 7s edTTdOi sfagto, ChUdren. 4s.

Lcsulin/r BnS-Claresve Doci,TLlverpooL< Goods Baoked'thronjA from.all prindpal Stations on.Great Northern, Great Western; Iianeaahiw, and ^Yorkshire,London and North' Western i london and South Westers,Hanehester, BaeflUla, and ldndolnshirev and Hldland Bell-wan to Watorford. (Through Booklnga also with Liraorlok,Tipponry, Thuxlea. EnnKTBsm, Oort, EathkcsJe, Listowd,Newcastle and Tralee, &d- I , ' .

Goods Booked throriKb'from all Stations on Waterford andCental Ireland BaUway-Watarfprd. Dnagarvan, anil TilwaoroRailway, and Waterford;aad Ximerick Bailwav.

Poroiii booked throo^h at low Bates to all principal Eta

rmu Wmoit- 1 1 Faeii BaiBTou calling at .Tuesdays. • ! I Tenby^MUIord, *o — Fridays.

f f Al T i r O E D A M D H E W BOSSFBOH Nrw Boss—Dally, Sundays exocpted, at 9-15 aju.Fun* W«TniosD -PaUy« Busdays exoepted, at 3.40 p jn.

WAT Ell*oiT iHJD 'BALLjk A C K .Ftox BAIXTBAOT—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 9 a.m. ,Fior - Wj atMroasy -Vti V* Buadaya eioepted. at ai5 pjn.Nons—The Waterfoid Bteamihip Company, Limited, Insure

aU Gtood* Shipped fcy than USMO I! btoamaaat 8s. 4d. p«Oont. to Traders bavin* *«»rly *S»*fmen,ta> »nl fa- P«Cent.toOoeasl(mal8bipper»,vaIne to b« daolared a* time ofShipment, perm* and; aU<Information to be had at the° Bnths secured and ejrery tnioraiOon given br Ainmta at

^ Sroxn-Waterforil Btesmship Co.

(Lunitod), HeadOfacetTbaMalL i : j _ . . . : _ ... . ... '

LrvUrooi^Wataifard Stexn shlji Company (Limited), £0Wal«is«tM6t. and Clarence Doc u •

Bwrol aterfuTdStaamal lp Company (Umlted), (3,Qoeen 8onare-w>d. CaaBerlaad Baain.^ wSx»M. -Waterford Bt«aiLibip Company (limitod), i

Hiw Bos»-Watsriord Steam hin Company's Offloo. iDr*OAOO»-WaUrfonl Stsax ship Oompany'f Ofloe, 'Luttaid—Lower Shsuum BUunihtp Company OOcs,

Uocat KSSBS'S uay. ¦ '¦ I * : ' ¦ ' 'Xxunm—Lower, Sbatnon £ teanisUp Company'*' 02a.

Begistcred Addreo ' for ' 'eltgna* i—" STEAM". atWatertort, WverpooL Bri»t<jl,< r Wfrford.


Wral \J ¦ TrouserB, >-4a3KSr; -'' i ; ; i Brogues,jlftiiE^r -f-j -W-l . .: -i :?• i • ¦ - • :

¦ i '

Boots, ¦ Ctmtd Ciito;fipd:PiflJiing'- ¦ •

¦ ¦¦* .:--:::V .:[>::!i-#

>:!iiJ^ •v ¦¦; '¦ > ¦ ' I - 1

{ ¦: ¦ ¦:¦. ¦ WLBvoimW i- ' ¦ ¦!",;' ¦!

¦f • vHi m-Mwi}V$Mvmi'r:- WSDOH,;


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*¦ t* ^ i o' ^^^L^^^^L^ E ^ ^Sfc 'p ** ^^L * " ^ ^ Sz9t aaS V^B t SBSEi/ wt J^^^ i


. ¦! \\ . .. psAsqigcAisr,,;. ..' . .; '!!"

By Herri{t, 6ff V'llitraboa, by'BealitatfoD, : hit damVeroiui.'br Orlando on,< of IwJlrie,' by Ion. , ~ : , , .

• ' |S|a »1U be<strioUjr5.llioited ;to 'fiffy 'sonhd ipproWclmiiw, besidef edme;of.Jil« owner>».' ¦¦• ¦' • i

i n a-ms-Tboroughbrei mares,' J610 each | ffrooffl'n(e»,| 10s ; all others,1 ,£5 each.; Rroocn's feo. Sa. I !Ksernce .Tnpney; to M paid. DetoreriBt Jnly, y s s &xgroom'aT /od.'»tr first aerrioe\ «e*ei« ends-Wii loih,

.1893.]" .': " • •(< > ' • .-V '\

¦ ¦ • '• ." ... *-- " ; ¦'.

¦•: : i

'- ,. r "H ,_ h- .r .PA.s io$r^ 'Pj,ox9ri!s, " :;> i 'i - !t;

By" Lord EonaJa, hii 4am, Virginia, Creeps iiy,WeatlerMt, ker,4«jn< Abbes* -of Coverhani, try lingnr,iff Abbess of Jcrvt3B,1,y:Gladiator,'«lre-ol KftcetmekC

. Re will be etoioUy ;limlto<3 this BOiEon to 50.1 marts,bBaldca sopQ of biiowner's.- , '¦¦¦:-. ; '. • , ,<•'. ; |:

Terma-^ThbrongBbr'ea ¦.mares, &&... eaon t ¦groom'sfee, 10a j contlcmen'a nalf-brod or wprSin^marM, i£4esdtv) groom'a feo, fia vlmaWa the tropcrty of! toniatfaraets-, JES eaoh j groom's fee, 2s 6d. ; .K

. THE ; H U l N T E B S I E B ': ^* ¦

•' -" •• ..;. " noExdn.'*- . . . 'if- Bay Hone: I foaled 1885; 15h(ina931 inohea high J opovrJrtol.lengtbV, level j doop-mafle Horse, standing on¦hpit, Sound, clean legs ; with faultless action, andoonld carry 16 etone over any country wlth'Honndo. ;

Hn was shonn 'S' times, and won 6 prizes aa 'hH&ijtor'pin. ¦. ¦; ¦ :. ! - '- "; T ' . ¦ :

•Htf-waB gotVj thotolBbrated ire; iTatialon, his flaaGtren by Langton, by Honeroost. : '. ,Tirmti—Qentlemen'B Mares, yE3«aob iiGrojm's Feo,S3. ; Farmers' Mares, £2 eaoh : Groom a Fee, 2«, 6d.

1 ALSO AT j THE . SAME PLACE, :J I . . .^^^Eii-2-IIBErir . ¦; ;

r6alod in! iS67'f broWn-'horsoi no- white, about 10hands high and soncd/with very good action. ¦ •

Terms— £2 eaoh mare.' ; groom's foe, 23 6d. . :.Seassn ends for both.thono horeca Augoot let , 1£<)3.

No'mares attended tg oriSundays. No acoonntabilityfor accidents. I : ; :

• For cards of 'breeding ' and fnrthor partionttroapp<y to . - , I . ¦ - ( ¦

• i¦ ' ¦ The Proprietor, 'j i . ' yr~. UOHN WIDaEE (a8 abo7o), ¦! i . ¦ ( or to, ; :




| j ; . ; : B E C & P O B D , ; )ChcBtnat horsn standing a little over sixteen hands

high, foaled in 18o4. He yi oa got by Kbamscon, hi3dam; Golden Crest byi Par, her dam the Wren by Nat-bonrne, oat *f Lady Bird by Tho Sea ; 'Khamcccn byFavonios bj-'ParmeBah by Sweetmeat, bis dam Lady ofLyons by Sdortish CJiioi ,'ner dam Lioness by FaDd&n-oo ; IPax by Marsyas by Orlando, by Touohstona, hisdim1; Plsgno Boyal by! Mild.ow, ont of Gipsy Qaeon ;MarSyasby Orladdo, ont of Malibran; NntbournebyThe Nabob, out of Prince's by Merry Monarch. I

Season ends the 10th Joly, 1893. ! ;THOEOUGHBBBD ; STALLION ¦ ;

AS p H D D OB . ; !Foolnd In 1887 ; brotrn !Hor»e, obont 15 hinds i3}

. ¦ L ihobos; bfgh. : ;He,is a powerful , lengthy, level , deop-mado Horoo,

with1 great bone and splendid action.A$3ESSOE, by Arbitrator, his dam May Day (Iho

dam; of May Boy), by Uncos, faor dam L^rkmay (ti3dam of Cornea way), by ltoyal Oak Day, out of LUDB byHnrfcaway. : ¦ '

Arbitrator by Solon ! out of Trne Heart by Zlneji d{ainnor of the Derby) by New Minister, his dam UaryJantj; by Pompey son of Emilios, hordam Batafia tvBay Middleton. I ; ' ¦

Uncas ftho elro of May Day> was got by Stocbwoll,his dam Nightingalo, { by lloontoin ^B»or, ont ofCUrlnds, by Sir Horoolca (the alre of Irish Bifd-

T«rms—Thoronghbtea Marea, JEG each ; Groom'aFee lOsj Gentlomen'n Half-bred or Worklnn; llarea,£3 eaoh j Groom's Fee, Ss ; Tonant Fannersr Mares,£2 eaob ; Groom's Pee, 2s 6d. ',Groom's fee at first service. Service money to be paid

cnot before the 1st of jAUGTTST, 1833 to tho proprietoror bis order. | . .

The proprietor parjticnlarly nlshcs that gentlemenand jbreeders woald inapcet Iheoo horses and jndgo fortbeqiBelvas. ¦ ; ;

No acooaatability for accidento to Marcs, if opyehoold ocour , but the best of caro niU taken of theb.

Np Mares attended o on Snndays. •Tteso hones are sound and I roo from all hereditary

discasos. • ! • ¦ ' . i : ¦Service money to bo paid on or before tho 1st ol

AUGUST, 189a j ; {s S S l tf ]Fixr bills and portioolars apply to the proprietor, |


" TITEATINCr'S POWDER." ] ;-»* _ I KUls FltflB, Bags, Moths. BcoUca

'MjT 'EATmGr'S POWDEE." iC ¦•- s

»- I Kills Fleas, Bugs, MotbB, Bcsttas

" IT'EATING'S POWDER" !-I"*- Kilbi Pleas, Bugs. UoUm.BcolHcJ{' iflTBATINGrlS POWDER." I

_Ji - ; | Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Buto.

" ^EATING|S POWDER." |;This Powder, so I celebrated, is pcrfoctly unrirallcd la

destroying BUGS, FLEA8, MOTHS, BEETLES, and«allIsatcU (whilst perfeotlj harmless to all animal life). Allwoollens snd furs should be well sprinkled with the PoRilcrrbefore plauiner away, j It Is invaluable to take to the Seactla.To I avoid disappointment insist upon hariss " Kdtldj'iPowder." V*ether Powder is cffootual. Sold only tn bni6d..lls.. and 2s. 6d. Beware of Imltatiuna. Don't bo deoolfcd.

. . . - ' I ¦ ; ! .


an eaiily, surely, snd I with perfect safety got rid of i byoslttj EATINQ'S WORM TABLETS. "Nearly all childrensuffer from Worms, i If euspcotod, do not wait i you canwith! ease cure the child (has no effect oxoopt on worou)Sold by all ChemiaU, in .Tlni, la. lid each. ' j

THE HEV7 8-DAY CLO CH,Al GTJABANTEED T|mekefper, ettltmg tbe

JC4-: Hoars and Half-boars on: Cathedral GCDP.Hcleht, 10 inches, in Black and Gold, beautifullyfin^hed. Fit for anyf DrawlDg-room.ond best Yalueve* offered In Clocks! - Prico, lOi. ¦ ' .


t OPKINS : k BOFKIN8, Watchmakeri andJ«t ellert (opposite OlCoonell Moonment), DubUo.4.*inli for Waltb,am Watoh Co.." Brad for PriceLU U. N.B.-HJ«he«k/ J.ico -giren tor cW GtiH,Bill er, and Preclon* Btoueg. (mr26.18t)! :

BBc/iiKMirKsuiPpeB. : |

-t3 W:\ S '¦ SOBAT|W|f COMFORTING. |

¦iULIMOlWAJKR «fl MttIL \ , 1y i» gAtelotio AasuraaM oon any" ^-Mt^^

iy ^Fi j t ' ¦;• •¦ ]'

'¦|i' \\ tf igumibp i ' ¥f ' "\ OA<a »J>-J8t>(k»,0O0, ¦!¦

.-^ I.; ' ij rf f, i <fmothr.tiVphn(. :: "¦ \TTHt>OnBTBt> »ECTJEITY, Moder*t« Batoi,

mlim:,' ' - : '- '



1 ' i .!


¦> >!



,¦!:¦,; ¦•" r ' ' '.• ! -U.! 1

immsM3i ' ".i

'EilWliEiiBESti t "' ' '- f , I 1

H'. ' Ml$€<b Wf Mhdt&M '' - lS8.&tRS-M

Mineral waters( YETrCjiigfil-Class'. t reei(>?ctftiiry:lnTite: the Bod Attention of* the

TOmlG^V^S iHigfil-Class Mnerai litersI


y"< "¦ • ;\ .,'..-..: !. . .

' .. " "¦' i- "-r '• ' ¦'•' . . ' '

¦¦' • 1 - ' '

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¦•' ':

, ( , . I . ' : ". t tj etp oiiiuWy.'{hrit$ the.ldnd.aUfintibn of1 tho Pabllo to' these : " -i¦j .CELEBRATEp ! "ryl J-ISI E R A L W ^iTERS Z

, 'Which oaonot be infpajieed for Ujeir Purib tnd Ilayonr, boing prepared in Silver Cylinders and thoi !

¦" • ' '¦ ieti Matfrial*, . can'biii oenred , nied ln tbetr Manufaflto're. - , • " ' ¦"¦

u . . & <*4PIBE;CT4 SPEOlAi. NOTiciJErr ,to:bV''OEreTAL 8ODAWATER,".juhlcb-la blgpy

Carbonated and<re«d,frp5).(>a impnnu««*j; itbaiablf. a NEW^AKI?- PATENT PEOCESS, whioh hatttctti obteincii stconeMerablfl exveuse-i also '¦ • ;• ¦ •- . :;. ' : , . ¦-¦ - ¦; •¦ ¦ - - ¦ : ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦" ''

: Wilflh is Bottled.''' under hia own, personal BcperjjIslorA aid can always"bq. bsd'ln8patldinjf' condition(S7 A Large Stock of GnlMaeobSj PjwjbOjPr /Sroungor'a Alo, Oifiori 'sbp Sitt9ro"(noa

. ; .. .. Intoxicant), 4c., in woM r tmtlo, alwayj kept in good order.':J. 'G. Again Jbega to return Thanka to hia nuraerons CoBtomers and tbe Poblio in geDeraf for tbe

iind pctronoge in the-paat / and hopes for a continuance of their' 'esteemed orders', "rtbicb ehnll bwo oarpronipt'and ccrefnl attention. . . . , . • • ' . . ; - ¦ .¦

-¦ : . ¦-i\-.::

" ¦ ', ; ¦

'. "

. - ' '

¦ .'¦

I • • ' ' ' . ¦ ' v: 'i

, :. -f

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦'.¦¦ *$*)&$[ TG-A R V E Y ,

¦ . - .

WMp if sale'. Bottler;. 'Arid Mineral [ Water Manuf acturer,

0<&.Mi :#S" W E "' " 8J^L E E ;T Y ..


J.'.'T'.'": '~ . ,. ' l. ..:.'..'rj''!.'. '." 'S 'i 'S -¦ *£¦&^*?i

^ zY\ v\i / i i-> : ,:v.> .L:;tvr i;' ;; -:^^

0yoliot : Blaioa WoiWo, • Safety O&c jioae&ip.¦¦ '¦:¦ fOJ 18SS. : - . . ¦ : ; ¦

•¦ /¦Sao 26 ailo SifcttOBSl

1 dyoliot ; Blaioa "Worfd'O; • Safety 0&caipioaeliip

. . . . ¦ i . ¦¦

'. , "'¦ ¦.

' ft* wes, :

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦. .

: ;,

¦•' . . .

Accomplished on the ORMONDE;at Herne Hill,' Jtine 18th, by 'R. L. Ede, StokeNesrlngton O.O., beating' Zimmerman and ;24 other picked riders from all countries.Timo, 1 hour 9 minutes 46 2-5 seconds. The fastest 26 mile Championship ever ridden.

Price,Price, with JJwnlop Tyres, from £13 Os. Od., Net Gash,OE ON.EASY PAYMENT SYSTELI AT LI8T PE1CE3.

c£@(8Z2C :—17. € . [(D dD 'ff i EDJ B, . ( .CD

3i, Sarker Street/ T7ATEEFOED.


SHEEP DIP*Specific for Scab •ia;' ShGGJp -aad Hongo in -HcrccD 'tj ©cga.1'

Embrocation fen* Cattlo, HorGsn, Csc. , 'LOTION FOR FOOT-ROT IN SHEEP.

Dipping Apparatus, £5, 53; and on Wheoln, 510.TO BE OBTAINED FBOM ; :

HENEY BELL, Chomist, and"} ' w . . - ,J. J. CSULLIVAN, do. J

WateTf oxd Jj U iZ.yOR FBOtI ' ' ' J '


MME ¦ ISBWEAWOJS—Low • iBrsmmms.

S2©©^lulldMg of Privats BwelMag sd©®-~3Ehmdte(S, 2s.; per Annum.

!©5i MuiiGmg otrnvats iSwellmg; Sa:"p3ff -ZiHaiisnOJM3£taitro, 2s.; per Annum.THE : ™ E)O¥AIJ9!9 { Eor£rcit " K*° ^ff7

to ^

42, iQDM9dsrM^^^W- s son,..

42, i QUiT, Wateriord,Agj emf lG- f o x ' aaU >Mmd!D ® f , EnGwrmszc®. ts>1&U7

BHElUlsaATISIil. : IIULFHBAGO. '; B'PBJLll^B• . . . ¦

- i - •

i - ¦ . .

$^aff iff ek&i m< s5®ww^^ illu ' ™ ?. &H»i| ui iirj i -'nh,il'§Lmm iw&wW#f ltf $

.gTJiTMAN'S- tJNlVlRSAIi ElktBBOCATlbN, Is. lid. & 2s 9d

FIR8T PRIZE^ MEDAi! " ' " I**** ^ ^-'. FIBSr-CLASS

Bjc^bitibn, ' ,y^®^»HB& i ? E^^^ni DublinExhibition,

M^uufaoturer of Slate Bed Billiard "Tables, mounted either on 'Improve; Met^pr^ L. eit» l W, «»t *i

V... P .. ?U^€a#pidw.and Improved Automatic Screw adjuatinent.; I^i^- r

•]-i^: ';> -!: ! v v r!W. »U^W!m^|«w| J^:io Stock, or«M<U to<W^; ];;: " . , ' : .:; :' l,^M ;

15.. . . t : | ¦ jtopwud loUl. ;: : : ;/ DOWKE SACKVn .STOBET.ljtrrJLik* ' .COpt)$iitoUn>Q<m«r»lPotWifflde»naTelefrmpbOffio»)¦ . I : Thfl moit Wntr»Hn th» City. < ) ¦

: J : _;. _ ' ;. >i-. - - ; • -/ 7TT*"1- • ' ! ' '! r ' • ' " • ' ' ¦'' 'f \ OaCPLETEIiT rpmodell d widre-fundibed.V> ' Wignttowit r dW Cbffe».B<>am', Mnhi»3oon,SwokWBoom.BOffiu^rd /.CairifliaiSSSt*. r-: :; i QEAEXiKS lyLWIiEB, Proprietor. | f&~

DHIP wd cdkKEficiAj . H6TI:L7¦ j - i : M,:,gwr, TTiiakKts/).¦' • - I ; i t t i p!ilABLTiElBTV-ANi .' ' -• -AiVlKa paroliMed tha Iat«r«et in the aboreJTJL . HOTEXI, begg to»n«rtimS3 th*t thi« Eit*b-|i«&>ent OruniD on SATUBDAY, FEB. IS, 1879

M. K. tnuta. by strict) attantion to thoie whopKETOQUe J-B-» Otur AITD VOVXCXBOIAIi itOICTB, Wmerit a continnaiice of thiir patronage. ' I i •. Qflay, Waterford, VA. 18, 188&JTbe WiokTov Xtottl' and'! E*Btaniwmt.• • j i6, 7. and i iWtdKLO^STBKBT. |¦ j i (OraftpnHr&'eetV li^?tlN. iTl/TUST Cf'nWlv- BUu'itci', domfortable andiS r.^ -wte iiJiiaieft1 keatlr 4u dS>—l—-<T': --BlCHABD-O'BBrEN;rPi)prietor.

SHE ^A i l OEA I . BO2BI.

! i • XHJBUH.

EEINQ nowupenw in tutf yidniiy o: xne^mei .'iMarlcbt, end iqulto-conTenient to King's

Briag* and Broadifc>Jie : Teteiinl,- -isrlU be foundtho: rnoit : Comfortable, combined, .with ModerateChaxgto. Visitors to' D'ablin .shoald co'm and ieefor thbracalvcs. - ' .. ;- . - - . • jylMm

:¦¦ '¦ i H. A. MEANT.

|"ffHE C£O"C7 U H O T J l I i."\ ; MOIfCK-STEEET, 'WEXFOBD.

rjflHia Old Hotel ia rcilly Comfortable, andJL Prices very Moderate. Famous for good/time Whiskey, and all other Drinks. . ': ME8.J KELLY, PnopniZToKJ s.

:, Close to Bailnay Station. ." "^CIIIEBICK—2ho GlentwortSo Glentaortb¦ A ITirct-olaiaFaaily end Connorcial Hotel.finHE " Gkntwotth" ia the nearest Hotel inJL' ttadty to tho EaIl»oy Station, Bania, Steam-boat Offloea , Teloff *ph!and Poat Ofiioo, and to all pub-lio places of aaia emtmt. P. KXMHA Proprietor, U,15 and 16. Qltmttrorth-atreat. Limnruc. iel8


t-.mM . mm



'And consequently Tvrrci da oTEOna aaI - . . ordinary Yeasts, ¦iWhlch are largely mixed with STARCH.

COMPLAINTS are Bomcames mode of Yeastrelching the Baker " OUT OF CONDITIOK."

These are generally dne to tho Interventionof i 8UB-AGENT8, WHO KEEP IT TOOLONG before lending out, and may beEHTIBELY OBVIATED BY OEDEBING

D ree Jtunng oampies, ana tuipanicuuui oaplication to ' .', '¦ T7HPBED EATJGHTOn.lUB MEECHAKT AND YEAST IMPQBTE- .:. 28, CITY QUAY; DUBLIN. : jlo Agent for Ireland (the counties of Antrim: and Down ezeepti>d.)

¦ ¦¦j ^aog^h-fflac^ijjlRljfiiMONGER, AGRICULTURAL tfiGI?


uc s rtjojorly ia iUct a jplcndni aiiortnient of iai*il:i velt-vdectcil

Hatdwara, lronmon~ery, Cutlary, Lam pa. Oil*,Colian, Chs% Rop«, CorJa^?j, Saddlery, Unistoej.' IJraij•ad j Iron Bedstuds, Ptlluucs and Matiro.u. Iron anCMetal Ketllu, PoU, Pins, Sajc:p»m, Milk Caru w.CburBJ, S«paritOJl and Diiry planlj complete. Staves.Chihi, RIDJCJ, Boilen, Gralei ami ilanidpieco, FendenindiFiie Iroos, Mau and Mattings, Fans and Htllowi.Uxlu, Latchw, Hingw/Naiij, Chatiw, [S ir Irja, Sh«iIron, Hoop Iron, Steel, Sock Pbtei. All oukes of Pious*,ind : Plouch Irons, Wheel Iron, Vifa-j el Steel, SwedishIron. Farming r4aahlnepy of mill kind*. Coacvtnaken' and Uutlden' Tooti and Remmiiift. K,in»at».Good*, Eave Runs-snd , Down Pipes Zinc, Tiji, CcpperUpper Sole and Harn'si ' Leather, Sbiem.ikera' findmsvHone Nails, Hedge and Horn Clipper*, FootloJU , FithintTackle. Toilet Requisites. . Farmyard noq«#1«tt«*<Field and Fana Seeds, Galvanized Roofing, ?umpihtowlns, Rrapios. Hindtcg, ; Wini>o*inj and ThiaahinjMachines, for hand, hone, aul s't^am piver. find veariogparu. Com and Seed Sowing Machine*, Chaff Cutlers,Turnip Pulpers and Slicer*. : Howard's, Homsby'i, aodRAnsomc't CbLled f'i gins , and Qenoral PurpM*Ploufha, nnd weari.^ p.ut.i Hairows, Grubbers, andCaitlvaton of every d« cri |it|i>n. Hone, Tumbllnz and

Ga<v'tm«J Tbitch for Ricij .


^Entire satu/ ac/icn guaranteed 6/ g|

:; THOMAS F. LACKEY,jijcral Jlerdiant and iJndesta^

' ! ' MAIN STRHET, &c,

CARRICK-ON-SUIR.wmBaia Copaiba, coDeta awl Mtringcnt uanWs,IJTMnll andwlUcoretao same disease* to forty<y qgp dgbt hours -without lncon»e- y—>*Dlcnceof any kind. Each capsule bean tbo f u\m}name «JUDV.' P«ls, ». ruo VivlenncAPiwlJPrieeiWofancheiniete.'Orpost free from ^-^

Mr. R 80L0X0N8 , Optima *. .-Wlto «bM& 00 jttn iimfniihiniTIf •ftabliihAdInDnUiatlEQB taaaatioaia*Palilu anlBtia**M of UxoammeaO (avnpw.aad l»dl>n»atdutaMd OUsoMuidhbUwSSJ^ ' a J rtfe^KUuittlilwnr.nasMMnrTtodirall «tt«a(tk « tki«| .•wx «< ]U* BMettolM (*adit«mt Iroa ptMUcrriaONr«nJbtta|u».wnok I>* B«j(]wr oon»tnicto, »pyror»*»ot 4ta->pOM* ot), a»4 on t)» Mtnotacw <Urlnl>i> trai kit n*ar«aMuih4MlwiB>wrtu««UunUfmuBtl;aappoMdJuiiukkH idMnUrStoOaUd (o pmtm la* «•• ffinpUr**.^

i^SgKira*3iM»Mi«»ii; K. it^ i .t^ j fl' nhtjmoWat, ot «i ot.U» aim*, is » Utt« irW tb«dCtMkMteua tfc»m»IW«M rWnnU jrlirtTriWSJ «wdihoMMH^Mjnet MrJ d iotMlM try MtioiJVlSi


i ' t«:

JAMESBU- ;-. :;".'#!!»a|iiSra|

¦ . . . . WA*jSjgsi»'¦';• .-:'

. . : . - ;;.:. •';¦ ¦ ' ¦: llvj ;¦




¦ i ' . ¦ ' i y

¦; . . :<> ¦ ¦


BOTTLERS OF JDNliii^^lit I"!M¦ ¦¦ -, ' -V ^i: - \ \ : [ : \ i mf mmm

Ptfrter¦ .. . *^ ; r : ; T* >'Vi


Cathedral Street. TmirleaSecond%» 'llie

Brewery inPhcEDixDublin.


The Phcenix Brewery Company guaranteethat Only ZXX is Bottled at the r StoreiWATERSIDE, Waterford. ' ! • .

There is no Mixing or Eli ndingWith Single X ; therefore this stout ifNourishing ond Strengthenii ig«

. . . .'• .

' ¦¦;

¦"" tm.

RICX m£;mOblong

Wrought Ironand Circular,Frames and. VtfmiFfllara,, , | :

.is---' 1: *3i>>cepgattTjiL j iviM»i.Sv?> < j . Bt«

IV. , i

Onr iaproved ooinnection (of aecaring thi Iron ¦ i •:{ i il .SBars to thereto! Pill&n it. thd itroogat aad f ; < S||einjple»t conttroction ev«r davited, vA wi Ji ntir •. ' "; V $.arranncmentiin the Iron Market and it perior . i ' -« '¦'-. ':/' ¦#,nianufactoring ficilitisf , w« prodae**" tin mo»t . ' [ ¦

: tJMefficient Kick Stands at loweit ratea. . • ' ¦ ¦¦'¦\'\

•BEVI8ED LIST8 FEEE. \ ' ' - V''i'v:ff^' ¦ ¦ ¦ '

¦! . '" ': _ . _ _

;¦ i . . . - '. ¦!' \"M

K E M MPi8b'amtiie

P R I V A T E¦A—»rfv~^"

i -' i ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , '¦ '1 !

iTO : i ¦ ; !- < - ':EHOIiDBRS1. ; |: ;XAMe Bonove % \ npo« ;' :

A t)VANCE S also made to [ay B«ntf, Debtf, aad ;iX3L to enable persona to; fcnftt Into .baatimi: -;Distance no object. Ea*y BepajnenU. j ! ' ] • •¦:

Beware of AdTerttMOCDt* and y mpet/to **', y >,emanating from noaernpotoq*IMsocywndan twA\ '">\eo-called Prirate QeotUmfti, offertif toant^ »»': '':ridicolons rates. This dtriee Is gmeruly adoptad:*~fto obtain exorbitant tees, without | toe hut tnte*- ;tion of granting a loan. || !<v , O : ! - i ' !

Beln? old titabllthed, and ibel oulfReojpdtidi"-HLoan Bank in Belfut, intending1 Borwcm will ;'find it to their tinnttgp, brioremaking :«p Uot> ¦':.;tion elsewhere,to wrlta or.ftpjdy to. : ; ¦ ! ' ii

W. MoBEJCDE, ;- '¦ ] ¦¦: ,

^Manager Northern Coantles I^oaa ADisotmst Bnlt ¦(the oldest eatabliabed Loan Bank In the Kertti /. 'il

of lre&nd); i ^ UX&yjli0. DOKEGALL.8TftEKT. BWAaTT ' >;

i; i- cP%rt%oniuneti

WorU- SET m * QA1UJI

KILKENNYea In Black, aBpedaUti

Marblfi.•flcrOrett, IrishAlUrt, f eotf. •*«.

Bo»too, and London ExhlWUoai, I , " • . ';<!EUtimate« andDe8ljrBS6nAppBmU<«. ' : -i ;

THE TKADB fiCPtLBBD. (Jjt ;tEDWBAD <y8HgAJ 8onlpter, ¦

• . ¦ • KlLKBHJ Ti. i - . •¦

-' .'¦' ¦ ( • 'r-:fi*


ii ilB

Page 2:' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS

¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ijTCTOttdB ia HEREBY GIVBN/ihaV to, •rirtoLW of topowmoontatDodinthe Actof P«U«nea^tnnofr ;tn tiw ffaMnii hdldnn in th» Serenteaafb «»»taAU«th|Ye*n of tW Beign of Her M«jei yQne«nVfiteri%iimfrBlm> v ! i

¦¦:* ¦ • ; • ¦ . ¦. . . . ¦ ': •

¦ :i


ia tl*tbehalf.beariD?tha date the25thday of May¦3888,

'ib»T ;-; : ; - * - ."• r ' ¦ v'; ' ¦¦

..- ¦ ' ¦ ¦; -

; ¦ BATKD !OC»IJPiERS AND LBSS0E8 i; HaMB»ft« oaatioiMdjiiof . PteiniM*.' of -*8 wasAnnual : V«Jno! of Efchi Pounds and upwardsin tnCttyof "Witerfcti are hereby required to meet upon

: *}i« :" !' - .' i : : . ¦ ; • ¦ .>¦.- ¦ ! ' '

: . : 20th day of June, !»»£ •_„ *, . V TAt the Hour :otl8 o'clock, at the TOWN BAZL,THE HALty < in, the City of Wnterford, henjheail Act BtalMxs: laid before the Meeting /with » nawal ftdopting it inthawible of in part, that is to say.tha BatedOocapters and lessors following arerequiredto meet as aforeiaid, ?iz:—Every Male person_ot runego who si»U> have Occupied as Tenant, or Owner, orshall have been fiis immediate Lessor (rated for suchPremises to the : Belief of the Joor) of any yLand*.Tenements or Premises within the Baid City, and shallhave beea so rated in respect of such Premises for jt&eperiod of 12' • months i preceding the said day s>l Meet-ing and shall nave"paSd aU such Poor Eateaas shallhave become payable by him in respect of such Premisea,eicept each as; shall have : become payable within ThreeMoaths preceding auoh day of Meeting. ' ¦ ¦

Doted at Waterford, the 3rd day of June, 1893. ,(Signal) : • • JOHN MANNING. :

- ¦ '¦ ¦ Mayor bfWatorfnnL;10.9L

'. . '¦ ' " ' ¦ '

. ¦ ' '¦ * '. .

Farmed ! Farmers !i!

•: V. Shr. i

¦ I "' ! • ' ' ' ¦*Ft*


MESSEa hMAHONY & CO, O'CONNELL-STREET, beg to announce thatowing to the

great BUCCCSS with nhiob the " Alexandra " HandCream Separator has been used, for the past Seasonin the Waterford District, and as they know it to bethe most suitable and best paying system: for theDairy Farmers, tbey | are anxions to encourage tbeMoonlncS) and havej taken np the Agency for theSeparators in Monster and Leinstcr. ! !

C27" The Butter made by the Hand Separator lastSeason brought In many cues from 6s. to 10a. porcut. more than that made at the Creameries.

Thtie Separators can ba worked by either Handor Gear. —• :

: Paicca :— ;:For £0 Gallons £16 16 >0For 6O „ ... ... 2 5 : 0 0

Testimonials and farther information from tbeSOLD AGENTS— O'slO ti)


I t f C B A H C E B Y

TO BE LET, pending redemption, about: 66STATUTE ACBES of the LANDS ! of

BATHNUBE, ettoated half-way between New Bocaand Waterford. '¦ ' • ¦ • . (jio.2t)

For farther particulars apply to the Beoeiver,HENEY; C. FITZHEBBEBT, '

. ' - .: ' ' Abbeyleii, Queen's County.


College, Waterford ; Orchestral Conductor,Waterford Philharmonic Society ; late Organist andConductor of the Oratorio Concerts. The; Palace,

New Brighten, tie., &c., is prepared to receivePUPILS ON THfe OBGAN, PIANOFOBTE,¦ ¦

;: ' • . [VIOLIN, , i ;


' . AND - IN ¦ ' • i '

8INGING, AND THE THEORY OF MUSIC.Sonic Sol-fa a Speciality.

Pupils prepared, for £be various Eir.mmr.tlons : otTrinity College, London ; Associated Board of IheBoynl College tnd' ;Boyal Academy of Music, andGovernment PapU Teachers' Examinations. . |

For Terms, Testimonhls and Press Notices apply; toHOWAEB'S M^SIC V?ABKHODSE. 93, Qaay ;


C7 Reductions in Price of Groceryj and Provisions, at i *

@S, Jolm-strest Bqnare.I I ¦ : ¦ BJA C OH . ; : . :

Best Brand, Denny's Green ... 8^d. !Best Brand Denny's Smoked... 9id.Dublin Hams Guaranteed ... 93.Dublin Hams Pale1 Dried ... 8£d.Dublin Gams j ..L ... 5jd.Dublin Bacon ; . ! ... 7d.American Bacon: .1 . . 5 Jd.21b|. Tina Beef ! . L ... 6|d. each.Finest Cheese ; ... ... 8d. i

Het - Grass Butter, 8d., iod., lid. per lbC Z TB E 8 T: V A L U E I N T E A ,

Offered at Is., Is. 4&, Is. 7d., and 2s. per lb


QWAL TER ~BI SHOP !BEGS to thank his Friends and tho Pablio for' the psUontgo jnnd rapport they have EO longcccorded him. He sow wishes to announce that ho

j : has Opened ' I! A rannra Eoon \

In connection with his' Berreabment Booms at th»cbote address. Gentlemen will find it to their ediruntajjoto patronize this Establishment, as they can have

BBEAKffASrS, DINNEB8, LUN0HE0N8, !. : ; : TEA, &o., ' j ¦

IA* th» Shortest Nitice and Moderate , Charce3,: ! - ' ' :| ¦' : : i .; (gj> PRIVATE B00ZI8 VOR LADIEB. _CS3|

Calloi tTciaaingoii io-Uio. end EoatirijjI . ' iPQrttOO

¦ ';-; i

I 8nppli«d oa1 the Shortest' Notice. |; ;



! ¦ • ; Pleats N dpf 'Adchj en:— ' '\ ' - i \ ]

I ¦'¦f ¦ ¦\^!<i8« ;^X«K&

;Bii - OSaBBir.:: : ¦


\ wj LvtBB. BIBH(>P»rplroprietor.;\

;. : \\ ¦ I - - . - . - i i ./ i-X f ^j . . \ ¦ ¦

¦•: ¦ . ¦ ;<j«

( ¦' ¦ ¦¦•¦ . • ; ' ¦ : ¦ '¦: B«*iwa HOOTM— . - ¦

;! ¦ • . ¦

! 1. B4.B,BONSiBAU0J8Ti8BBT i 99, TB«J <JUAY<! . i - -I *»


¦;*t.!»A-W Ji.aT ,; • . ! .

! . . ! ' ¦ ;!' • :! SXm QtOSyp miTIBT, j; : i' ¦ '

. ' (MAJrt "TKaMj/WTifH .M». 'CliEnfOBD j

HAVINCr - taaow4 hl« Praptfce fcbm '1?4OU».T.m»y te'consulted on all branches¦

« btifyw ontoM it blaVetdaenc *, ] ', j!- . i!:: ,-:!- ;-i K-ii is: WALK-: iM i :

liiiitiiiiia f-

V-"W> 'i ¦5">"ViXK '-S3." tvl-B¦- • t-<\' ¦¦¦¦¦•; •v'.c:.- -:<--.-yA\vj.v-.y-'- ^

¦ Ji!'flH'S>MlilBUdlmsmm¦••;¦. i

Jtm ' **S0 »«4»7V«iw ji- i . JUi : »«ao»:;. • VssS'- "A»\ *J .ma *mB

long Iron Bedsteads,rass-Mounted do 11x>n Stretchers, ¦:UU QUGLUUOIS} ¦: : . ...oU frdm 12/6. Swinging Cots from 22/fiibre Mattresses : ... ;11-Hair Mattresses (guaran Bed) . .alliasses to match all sizeii in Bedsteads. ;J/oven jWir Mattresses < ¦ ; •«(olflters and Pillows of all descriptions made 1oilet : Mirrors on Stands , '¦¦Wardrobes .. • • : !:xtra special value in Cheatsash Stands : ... |

Do (in two colours) half"owel [Rails. - ...heffonlers (walnut and mat <lOo Tatles ... ,..[itchen Tables ... !lunges . . ... ILrm Chairs... ... jtase Riocking Chairs ..;Jpholslered Chairs ' ...' \Utchen and Bedroom Chairsfolding Carpet Chairs . . . Iamp Stools from 9£d . M%'sio" Stools from 7/6.yermantle Mirrora from 24/& Hall Stands, 14/iabv Chairs . . i. ... . .he Triumph Baby Chair, adjustable to 4 <ancy Bamboo Tables ... ; ...ottage Press ... ; ...amboo Lamp or Flower Pot Standfickor Ann Chairs . . ', ...'entwood Chairs, perforated or cane seats

ni 01 k m i M An MM L L fEBflBsiSW


''AJXriLLIAli KELLY'S Calebratoa Dissolved

Boaia & Elcod Comiiouad1 1 A

: . Snitablo for all Crops.

Worko ;—Qraoedien. OBicea 1—3, John's Lano,'¦ ¦ . . Waterlord.

This Maure after having been te3ted by large num-bers of practical agriculturists hai been pronounced bythem to be equal, and In some [instances far superiorto Manures of the same clao sold at far higher prices.

Ita principal ingredients, BONE & BLOOD, ofwhich it contains alcrge percentage, are universally rs>cognized as the most permanent fertilizers.

This is vrhat one gentleman, < ut of the hundredsof our patrona, writes :—

Gents—" I beg to say that I h tve used your ' BoneCompound ' this year in the sane field, on the earnscrop, alongside the leading and most expensive MannreiLa the Kingdom, and must confer 1 cannot sesanvdinerenee in the crop, though yopr Manures cost littleover half tha price of the othere."

I '

' To be had et the Stores i—3, JOHN'S LANE & 4, JAIL ST, WATEBFOBD,


\ AT ¦ ' ;

£4 PER TOW.Try oor.aplendid quality SapcrphosphateQ, Gold at

the very Lowest 'Prices. -

: .; Eir; :TMM WAT; ONE does not FETBItfSSH A MOWSE every 'day.necessary that the Articles which they require should beample assortment, such as is to be seen in i

OUR TESEE the Newest Style in Dining Room, Drawing Room: and Bedroom SuitesSEE Our Selection of Bamboo Flap Tables, Chairs and Flower Stands-SEE the Latest Desigi s in Carpets and Oilcloths.SEE our Large Stock of Bedsteads and Bedding. j

)SEE every Necessary for Complete; Household Furnishing

;! :

AT ¦

i . .


S'ni U L\ /J \V i f * £~iFil '~U—^ '-M-1 - . ~¥=IA "=!?¦?>. * ,pj«»-S ">i J m n/ata?!

Xiemon Squaoh

ilemon Syrup.



TIPPEEAEY STEBf(Over Uarronstown Coursoj neat

; . . "..; ;0a MONDAY, 19th Jt

ON above dato passengerf 1Tipperary from Waterford,

nfediato Stations, by the Train*'l0W ''¦'. ': : ' EfltnrnPM a'tQ'lim'erjcicJnnoi

: . •- , i . . . ' lit

atorfcrrd dep. 0^15 a.m U«,«•:; ,, 10.3 „ ; ,»adi«wi- : -,, : .-

¦ „ . ; ¦ . .5 ¦trlefcon-Salr ' 10J3 „ 7UW« „ 10.40 „ 8oamtt ¦;, - ¦ 11 ;«>0 .t j 5in«- ; ,, 11 5 . „ ! 8f a t t r r ass „ 1 1Soi^Jwiotarr.iiepjn. :.fc*» *¦¦


¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ .t-MiSO' „ \• ¦ ¦¦'Saw »j $&k\.-v

ESK ;-: ¦, ,:¦ »;

¦. ¦1088;-- , , J t .;




i 17/6, 18/6,

of Drawers, beautifully finished, at

-round Marble

ogany colours)



©a - auAY

Elontaerrat Lime Juica :Lime Juice Cordial. Ra:

]athia Water. ; \Ginger Ale, Lomonado


Umerink JtwoUon)NB, lffl3.

ill be oonreyed toIimeriok and Inter*and At F«M* gireo

OL 2od CJ. 3rd a.a •'¦ ¦ A « , d,1 8 5 f8!4 ' 7 0 4 0:0 6 8 , 3 8<!¦¦ 8 0 : 3 fi8 4U a e;« • A 8 • a *'4V / 3 > « " : i:*

!>j.-'.r i^j l . 0;

*.;. 'i 0 !o . 6 -) :• , • «;;. .p .;¦. ; ; a- p;

'iM' .i .'.i'/ - 1 - .; ; ' :;.{ •' • ;.»tnaidiaW S tfoW

Sij/4t*|-''f ."i- .: i ' . ' i


- ¦ : • ¦ ¦¦ ¦ -H ¦

; •>

CE: KfiUli l O



I I Old.

a BEiWfi, :... 7/6, 10/9, 13/

21/6,' 22/6, 25/6, 28/6, 30/

••• •»•upon the Premises

••• l•¦•

Top.. .. . ;

/ !• • ¦ ¦ ' • I

, *>• ¦

' • • . 1

»» •*

• • 1

• •'• »?• j'. - ' :••• i. . . ... 1••• • • 'i••• .' • • 1

different positions« • • » • •• • •**

... ' ... 2/-, 2/6, 2/9, 3/6 and 4'- each.. |4/6 each

(£3 CO.,

m JSS 2H3 3D) -{U . i 1

KsgessAtrs ! 20 PASHESS.i • ! —:— Ir

having B0V7 come!to our knnwlcdgo that lastSeason a largo Dumber of our Castotnera "ore

supplied nith old and. inferior Seeds, ' 17a havecome to tho conclusion that io future ire shallSUDD IV our Oustomars vrlth !

MANGOLD & TURNIP SEEDSSpecially selected by onrsolvea, and boaght from tbeBoot Known GroT7ora In the £in«dom,rogardle8S of cost, as we are fully convinced that;he character of oar Manares depends principally on;be olasa of 8eeds sown vrith them, for ,110 tnottorI1017 good the Manure may be, a good Crop cannotl>e had from old or delicate Seeds. <' We woold, tberfforo.irecomnicnd thouo Farmerswho buy our Manures to buy our Seeds/

Wo also wish to call attention to the' followingFeeding Stuffs, nhiob. we cell very cheap ':—SCEEENED FEEDIN3 OATS, . j




Highest Market, Prlca p^id for Oata

KELL?. & QO.,Manure Mannfcctarcrs and Grain Uercbuntg,[ 3. JOHU'D 1AETE, 'V7A2EE^OBD.


itacpDorrsr Vinegar'¦



i ¦ '

onado, Ocda: Water; . i ¦ ' ¦¦ 1

¦ .

j ; : ' : ! '"* ' .

AND . : :


OAU SUPPfiY' ! i

- : IN i


THE BEST4 0 . NON-INTOXICATINa BEVEBAGES-i 5: I - - ' - ': ' - -! ' - ' ——4——r—^'.i . - i . i : !/ - ;3 9r, Awarded Prize Medal* Ud Dhdomw of Merit at?,t : . \'. l . : . recant EahlbltSa. - - I. - i i^- ' i ¦ ¦:;

j [ ¦ ;' j ,. BBEWED

THE OUBUN HOP\im mi y -- .,- \\y , . - - -;.\-.;

Stafford Street


v .4":•"'

< ' : / ¦ ¦\ '$*!>} . y i - :- \y V '

, 18/6, 14/9, and 17/645/-, 52/6, and, 72/6

... ; from 6/6

frora 12/6... . from 25/6

from 10/3

,.,from 1/iOi eachfrom 25/6

, 27/6from 8/6from 9/6

1/11 each... • from 27/6

from 22/ 61 . . from 5/9: 30/, 32/6 and 45/-

from 11/6; 12/6

i ... from 3/11, . . from 2/6i „ .. . from 2/11

! ...1/9, 2/3 ond 5/3; ... 17/6 eachi . . 'from 7/6i ... 11/ and 15/6! ... i/lleach

o o

It is thereforechoson from an


OJJLY;'JBf^ ' :; '. • : ';" /

feeweJT, , Dublin.y :j !;':: t si


i l SiraB^P

; ! AppUoaUoU with '0 >^ {C<««^^'*Charwter, tiMfawirfid tq m>, ;! : V j : vVflelW

. •¦

Bti Jflwph1*. Chnrnc>

;CWi j.:JniWi l$k _M«b. l^.;7

Llgmcre: Fftrmlag. Soolety.IN oonseqlenoe! ef the! Clnijm'1 HorM ^ S oW bejng

fixed for the Slit Jnlv w<) lit "of Angost.; theCotainitte* o{ the''above Sioiely uave'tfedded to changetho date of their Show from toe lrt to 6th AUGUST,1898.- For fnrther partJioWapply to— ¦<¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ — at)

' i • : i E. W. BEOHEB, j _ fi¦ .. ! '¦ E. FOLEY, Hon. Sees.

SpancU i i HiU Pair. Co. CJlare•VTOTICE tS HBBE8Y GIVEN, thkt the FAIRJ3I of SPANpIL HHiL, County Clare, willbo held an uRDal 00 the 23rd and 24th JUNE.

MIpHAEL COLLINS,• • '¦ i - Collector of Tolla and Customs. :

Spaocil Hill, EnnlB, Co. Clare, Jane 13th, 1893.


Esouroioj i to Y^ugkal end Liemoso.ON ^ TUESDAY, 03th ''JUNE," ' I898r

"BetarnTickets (1st, 2nt and 8rd Class) will bo ksuod

by the 6.40 a n. '.Train U) Yuoghal and Llxmortj at thaundermsntionod fares :-n !

I : I ' . T« Tpnghal and To lismore ¦'! ' ! Back. : ind Biok. .' - : lst CI 2nd Cl 3rd 01 :

„ Elmaathoniu 6 0 5 0 4 0 SlDjle Ftres,„ Durro»T I 5 Q i ' B 8 6i, Dangarvan ,f ' " ,The Steamer will leave Cappoqoln for Yonghal at 12

o'Clock noon; \Betumingjfrom Youghal at 6,30 p.m., mcctinjthe Betum Train at Cappoouln.

The Train1 will loAvfl 'tibmoro for Watexford at8.0 p.m, calling, at above Stations.

Tickets avbilable for day | of lsme only. No HalfTickete. I ¦% O'MALLEY, Secretory.

.Tnns. 1893. !


' TO pxr ui s"inKEao.nnHE Board of Guardians of the above Union will,JL at their Meeting to bo held on FBIDAY, tbe23rd ot JUNE, Instant, receive and oonolderTenders for the CLBANINQ OUT of tbe POUP WGLLat HUQOIHSTOWK, in! tbe Agbnviller ! ElectoralDlviaiOD , ond for tbo SinkiDg of said Well, until asufficient supply is obtoine4 at por foot¦ Tbe work; to bo dono to (be catisfaotioo ofthe Guradisn for tho District end the Oaardiana'Architect I : I I ¦' , : ,

Tbo Contractor to supply all appliances for thework to be performed, j i ' :

Solvent Seo frity required.The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.Tenders will U> received, up to 11 o'Cloot on tbe

day above named. ¦ (By Order),L. BAKliY, Clerk of Union.

10th Juno. 1893.


DUUUEH, ADDISES, 1893.M0T10E K HEREBY GtyEN, that Tondors will

' be accepted tor tbo folldniutr Works at the on-soinft Aiaizea. if presented for by the Grand Jury :—

No 14. BAROMT OF MiDDtETnrm)—TO re-makethe raad and build a sea' wall at Tramora, batwoon ibeStorm Wall and tbo Turkey road ; passed, not to ex-ceed1 .£5,000. . ' . 1

No. 17. BABONT or UPPBETSIBD—TO koop in ropair, for seven years, 1,930 porcbes of tbe road fromCarriok to Dnngarvan, betwean the old bridge,Carriokbeg and the cross of BallyheBt, and between tbolime kilns, >7at«rford road, ani the CTODS st Friarv-olreet. Upper ; towxlands of Cdrrickbog, CrenanagbBooth, Garravoone, Joaootown, CtrradnS, &c ; passed,not to exoeed Is 6d por porch j;or annum—£W 16s.

}Jo SO. 8AHE BABOKT.—TO repair throe gnllotcand proteoting trails on tho road Irom Carriok toEathsormaol:; totrnland of fiallintlycort ; patnod, not»« avnnctA PI .1 I • '

No 21. 8AME BABONT.—To pUnt the new bridgeat Carriokbeg t passed, not to excstid X67 ]0a.

No 25. 9AMB BAROOT.—To k eep in repair, foreoven years, ! 1,172 perches of the Poat ro»d fromWaterford to KUmaotboroas, between Kllbonny Bridgeand tbe old bridge. Portliiv, and the five roads atBallycahone ; tonnlanda of Coolfln and Balljoahana ;passed, not to ozeocd Isj2d per porch per annum—.£037s 4d.

¦ ¦ ' ¦ I

' ¦ ' '• • ¦

. !No 17. BABONT ot: GLENAHBIBT.—To koop in

repair for seven years 31G porohca of tbe road (rotaClonmel to Clonbeon, betrroan the Finger Post andKnooklofty Bridne ; totrolands of Grcnan, Kilma-eomma, Eilnamnok Eut and Weat ; pasaod, not to ex-ceed 3s per puroh—XW1; 18a Od.

Nn 18. SIKB BAIOST.—To underpui a badge oa ths rotdfiom Donnmn to Clonmel i toimland ot Qraigusovcr jpasjed, not to exceed £X :

No 2. Buoax o» COWBOUE IKD COSBBIDB.—TO keep inrepair (or ratea jears 1.(00 porohe* of tlu road /rom Tallowto Yotutlial. between tha Puoohlal School homa, Tallow,and the bonnda of the Copnty Cork «t Breoda | towulcndaol KHmoro hovn oud Vv$et, BiUjbuidor, Kllbcirand Piio jraBSOd, not to eicoed 1» por peroh first year (183), fc&d 83pet perch per annum rdmalnlna term—£55 to 8d.

No 8 Slue BiKOBi.—To cuke a wator diannol on thoroad from Tallow to Cqmm, bjtween Fatrlok CojhUn'akotuo andJobn Caroj's yard ) ]>used, not to exceed £111

No 1. BiEOST or DrciM-WITHOUT D»n»—To keop Inrepair (or >eren jcar» S0uj porches of the road (rom Dna-imrtan to Cappoqaln, bctwton the Pollco Banaok at Cappaglland ths Chnroh at Wbltechnrch i ' oirolinds of WhltoohurchmnA C»Dimeh : D&asod. not to exceed id perporohpor aanuta

No ?• 8i«K BAEOST —To keep In repair for ie«n yearDig porohes of the road from Dansarran to Cappoqaln,batnecn llnlrah/8 contract at Mount O'Doll audHenaeberry'i contract at Whllechurcli, townknda ofMnant O'Dell. KnocUne, and Kllg-reany; patz oi, not toexceed to 5d per parch pos annnm-£19 11*.

No l& SIKI BABO*T—To keep In repair f or eovon j<arnlJlii perches of tho road i frora Stndbally to Bonmanon,townlands ot Nowtowa, VTilliamstown Ballyroonoy.Honakjrk, tot pawed, not to exceed ei per porjh peptnnnm—£33 7» Od. I

No Si fU»« BI«O»T.—~o keep In repair for seron jaitDi7 porches' ot ths road irom Oappoquin to Yonghal, b&-tweon P Ualcshy'f contract of at Dewier and E UcOrath'tcontract at Ballinaparka C3CT perches thereof being in thoBoroni of ' Pedes-within-Drnm) j towalind* of Bewlor,CnrraSbroolw, BolllnROwn, etc j paNied not to exceed t*cor perch j 1st year, £23 So 6d, and tl per perch per anntuaromalning term—£1S Sa. I ; .. .

No 23. BAKB BiBotri—To koap in repair for cat on yumB60 percbos ol the road from Kllmaothomas to WiUrfoid,between ths old road at the Conront ard Scnrtown C'rou ;townlands of Kilmoothomos, Scrahon, Paxkconoglogh, as >Hewtown i paused not to exoosd 6d per perob per annum—¦514. ' ' ' '

No 80. 8AX« B«orr - To keep in repair for «OTC» yesra1,810 perches d tho port road from Dun jarran to Clonmel,h.»Mwn f>i« tnm to CollLrin and Xockendarra oroaa ruadA itownlands of IiaokesdamU Colueon Wood, eto ; passed, sotto exceed £s perperol> per; annum—£181. ,

No SL Siu( Buokt—To keep In repair for men year*1,074 perches ol the pott road from Dnorarnu to Clontnel.betwee ¦ Lackendarra croa* roads and the barony boned*near the Halfway Honso,! townlands of taexeodarr * KU-cooner, Tonrsasnoagb; and goaUronteeo | puned, not toexceed Is id per peroh per annam £71 12».

No S3. Sun Buojrr—To keep la repair for cms year 1,837 perches of the rood from Ounjrama to. WaUrtord brEallrTofla, between the borough toaudiry coir Weldo 'aCrosi, Abbyalds. and Norria'i contract at B*Uj»«roaTi«Croea t townlands of Ballyrolle, Clonta, Kllmlnte, eta (poised, not to eioeod Is lla per perch—£18010* M.

No 85. ButM BABOST.—To build a brldga on ths road fromEnockmahos to Bonmibon, between Daoffimm aodWatorford j tassed, not to exceed £Utt ¦

TODSOU, whloh must bo lodged with as sot latter than Ito'olook on WEDNESDAY, ths 12th JULY, can be obtainedand apeclfloitloni far thi abofeat myoQoa after the SOtUJon*. i ' ' i

Claimants far compensation for Malicious Injuries arorequired tu attend, with their Witneaass, in tho Grand Jnrylloom at 1 o'clock on tho 13th dav ot JO 6Y 1653.

B H POWBE, Secretary Grand Jary¦ County of Waterford.Datod at the Ooanty Secretary's Ofle»,

Coi.rthoaa«.»Wateriard, lOth Jane, 1893.


Election of Harbour Conofcablo &ad TollI Collootor.

i ¦ i . ¦ ———— 'TVTOTI0E 18 HEBEBT G1VJEN that the GrandJLN 3nry of tho Ooooty of Wftterford assembled atSnmmer AuUca, to be hblden on tho 12th day of July,1893. will elect a fit and proper person to fill the Oflooof Harbour Constable and Toll Collector for CHEEK-POINT PIEE, In room of :Ut Miohaol Qoherty,rcsfrrnod. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' '

B.H.POWEB.Seorotary Grand J»ry. :Waterford. I3tb day of June, 1893.


Cheap Excursion to Dublin/ : ;¦ ¦ ! ' (Via MaryboroBSb). ;

/TKN SUNDAY, 25th| JUNE; Exoorsion Tiflkets\_y will bo Issued bj Special Train rnnning asnnder t™- ¦ ¦ t . ' ' '¦

! Furu to Dtttlfs aid Bad.. t , a.m. 1st CL 2nd Cl, 3rd Cl.:

Waterford dop. 7 01 •». d. a. d. e. d.Kilmaoow i ! „ 7 10 ¦ ¦ ' " ! . . i

fflri j : .-is . •¦¦¦«> *

;> •¦ ¦ « ,•;

Tbomastown i « 8 0 : :Binnetabridge „ 8 10/ . . ' ¦ : •KUkanny ! , ,/ '8 S0T . , . , . . : , .

SSSBWi i: : . "8*¦¦»•> •

;<5 °; > :°Abbeytoli ; i „ »W J : 'Doblin ;*rrlT»l 11 30 : i - ,

Children oisr 8 and nadir 13 yeari of Age Half"Far**. ¦» . | : v i > - '¦ • ¦ -^!

! l ! ¦¦ ~ : I ' t- . :. The Tiokctti will be aTailabls for retain on date

of laws »n1y |br Betarn SptoUl Train, which willUare Dablln ;M 6 p.m., and arrire in Waterford'about 11 p.nb ! . ' ' ¦ ¦ i

"" ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'- , - ¦•' , '¦ ¦ ¦

- AH(nr»no4 wHl not Iwf mwii fot Lort Tlskoto norExtondftn ol Timo giren tmj tqm ttjf .ajwuautonoa*. \ ¦. ¦', ' , :;- .;< . ."I- A- |V->- . % r i 'Wi ! "-B!TH>RDEB. i¦HmdOfflie** Wat»riord TtrmiaM, Jon* Wth', 1893.

V- ' fcrii|WQ;ij .:' '' ia^^irfS0>^:f . :

8ale-ioom»,;tlie M»i>/ W^ «#;jbr<toad6*£; <*,tbi; BttatOoM; :sl Uift W« ?J?'^l.l«iiS^INTBEB8T tteJ TWO DWMitWO


Slttuted in CooksXane. HeW to »«e-Simi»le!»>ndtt prment let to Winkly. iT«bjin«"!wl» PfVjIwSM&«» pa week, edoil tq ««:« M pet Aninou

For further twrtioqllara atobly to i : ; ;THOMAS WAlSK*eoNM«>oU<>oeer*, :

The Mall.;W*t*rford. : ¦ l i j ! '¦ rWiiaf Twnlar jPor; i S«to.

rHO BE SOLD BY AUCTION «t i DUNMOEE :X BAST, CoantT Waterford, 60 WEDNESDAY2Ut JUNE, 1803, by dlttjctlonn bf lh> own**,jm 'W1M.-BUIW 4 TABT-BA1MSOI84WLSBVSABB1NA,toother wi i all the Sails, Furnitow, Gear, 4c.,thereto boloosiost* ¦ ¦ ' '¦ '

Toe •• Sabrtaa was ballt »t Brixham lo 1888,and Is i- good condition, U»T on her gear, and fit forlmnibuiuu us*. Her registered bnrden u 6»er 83Tons | leDgth, BS feet j main : bretdth prer 16 feet,;and depth aboat .9 feet. ' ¦; ; ¦ ¦ ¦ .

Sale at Ode o'Clook Sharp. T.ttat Cash. , . .For Further particalar« «pplj; to , ;

JOHN MUBPHY, A-JOtlooeer, &c,: 28J o'Connell Streer, Waterford.


Auction of Farm Implements, ao.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on the LANDS,by directions of Lieutenant OAR*W, B.N., on

TflUBSDAY, 22nd JUNE, 1893, a Large Quantityof PABM IMPLEMENTS, CAliT8. &c.

For particulars sea Posters. Sale at 12 o'ClockSharp. ¦ '

¦ GEOBGB A. CLAMPETT, Aoctionesr, &o.Heoriotta-stroot. Waterford, Jane 16th, 1893.

CITY , OF ^WATEBFOBC. ; . . . .

Gi?oo:sy fi»ft:tloon8oil ^soaicw fosSab 'TN a most central part of the City. Long LCKO and

JL Low Bent. Apply to <i«W ti)GEOBQE A. CLAUPETT. Auctioneer, &c ,

Henrirtta-Street, Waterford,


Has mado atraagemonts with Hr. P. DUBIUD toha\A B, ;

H O N T H L Y ; A U C T I O Uat hti


Horoea, Cattle, Carriages, Cara,Farm Implemont3, &c,


Waterford Fair Daya.TTN- order to (?l»e time to Partieo baTing busincsb1L at tbo Fairs to attend. Sale will commcacs

each day at ONE o'clock.Gentlemen and Farmers drsircas 01 UBIDR ad-

vantngo of tbe00 Auctions for the disposal of Goods<tc., "ill get full partloolara fcom the Aaotionecroa appllostioD.

Q7JT Entries fill bo received up to raominjof Day of Sale.GEOBGE A CLAMPETT, Auctioneer aod Valuer,

GomoissioDer for tifciog AUadavite, &c, Henrietta Street, Wotcrford

A Bcsirablo Invcstnont.

mo BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a SPLENDIDJL FAKU in tbe County Waterford, tbre o inilcjfrom the City, containing 142 pcrea, 2 roods, 10perchep, statute, at the low Jodioisl Bent of £10?per annam ; Poor-Law Valaation, £99> :

There is a splendid Two Stoi£d Residenco withSuitable Farm Buildings on tho Holding. Farticain tbo City requiring a Good Farm with a CountryResidence should apply at ono<* to the undorsigcedi7ho nlll rcocire PriTOte Profoals np to Vho 6tbJuly next.

JAMES JJ LAPFAIT, Auctioneer, i, .,32 O'CoDneli-sireef , Waterfo rd- ; je.10

F. \7. B U D DHaviDfj expended a coneiderabb tarn ot K0DC7 on

doing up his Houeot, is prepared to LET themF U R N I S H E D OR U WPUni l I S H E DHE hold Certificates of the j Sanitary arran^o-

mente from the Watcrford'Boron?h Suivoyc?& 8anltary Iotpector ; also tiocn l?r. STX?HESBOM,Sanitary OScor, A copious supply pt Water oa thpPromises, and on aoaljsla of same. :10i.4t SWEETBBIAJi, TBAMORE.

. ¦ . . .- TUi5


(OPPOSITE . FOUB COCTBTS, DUBLIN),Tho nearcci to the G. S. ft W. Bailniy, aud

: pronounced to be the

Ho3t Homely arid ComfortableHotel in Dublin.


Ladies' Coffee Rooms,Luncheon and Bedrooms.



PROPRIETOR. .. ¦ o21Uy

Co too lot or Cold.

A 7-DAY LICENSED HOUSE, sitoata la acentral port of City, fitted with every ac-

commodation and suitably . adapt *d for a Urg*business. For tirms apply to P.B.T., Offlca of tbiapaper. ; : (


T O B E l L if T ,


attached to tho House, which, b oapable of turning out40 Socks of Flour por Week , :

For further particulars apply to , ( WALSH,

Maia Street, Trraorc.






Particulars regarding. Term*' may bo had byapplying to the "Mother Superior. (JelO.St).


¦ '

' -b» i ..

'- ¦


• ; ' 0J &-A;Jfr) jr?.8-HAIR-DRESSINQ ROOMS¦ ¦ . , / ¦ _ , irof t : : ¦ I ¦;.

¦.; , ; ' .

LADIEB, QBNTLgMEN , $ \ t J HJLp B S} { ."

Address: 133, QUAY,1 "Waterford(NBXT BSOIHU.I>'S Towx»). (i22.(f)

; : Hour * of ButUustt— * 'am. f o \S p.m,BHAUCH :—iSaia-itrWt, ilhbffwvtt."SaaU" Proptia JUv«rtU«a«ofTwenty-fou Word*- . . U ' . -';J«;! •: «- :;

\ Q3 *u. For Each Eight Word* after

¦-- 'Lf ¦ i -. • I' «d.

'•: '¦ -, ' ¦. ^Anotlbi oW)rW dWi>l«.1 i:^;-: ;0* Foo» lB*ertiott* (ooaMeHUr*)-f l<m ft* ti»

P»Wof Thr«l :''!' : - - i - H:^'!'']' - i ! ¦¦

!• ' ¦ .1 ¦. . '- . .

©,: tblrtT-tbrp« fHt lot i C*b .. Addr«»* kr!fOQIdft; f ru t H U ff l tf a t t i Mh Jif>^ -'" • • ?**!!• 1- ,'.,': ,¦!

.TJWilTl^ Yon i rilW; J b ») : A«»tti*Bt-»;:W)i?.<j|i r,4 . S *»; jMtr< low*. ••¦.. ;;

tOAG8 WAkT^W -W S,-otKAyi**Wi. * p«p£3trS mm mhsMimmmmwm WiMmm

?i«¦' " ^ . ¦

¦ 1 ¦ ' f. ¦ j / *

¦ ' ijMiiMMi aBP sMB IlJBpllsWMB*1*** *^ ^^ ^ V^'*jSi"'

iii iiiiiiliip


Grocery, YTis.o, end Whiotoy Store,; ALSOMEAL, FLOUB, BBAN, Ac.

MlOHAElT" W A L S HHAS purchoec'vl tbe abovo Premises from

lln. D. HAUT, and is cow -in a position tosupply his Friends sad the Pablio with u good andcbcip an article u any borne I D the trade,' andhopes, by itriot attentlen to business and GoodValuo, to Rot a large portion of tbcir.Custom, (tf;

A FOETUWE.In the event of a stroke of good fortune you can

win 600,000 Marks.Ths payment of tho prizes is guaranteed by Govemmant

CT 1st drawing S3 4 29 JUNE.

TTOU are inrited to participate In the CHAN0E8il OF WINNING in ths Grand Drawings of

Pritca gssr&ntsad by ths State of Hamburg is whichIO tmiiona 462,425 Haxia

; surely bare to be won.In ths conns of these advantageous drawings, which

contain according to the prospectus only 110,000tickets, tha following priios will be forthcoming, TB.—

Tho bigheat prize will bo er. 600,000 Marks.Pnmlnra of 800.000 Mirk*1 Prise1 Prize2 Prize*1 Pria1 Prira1 Prizel'Prizo2 Prize*1 PrizeC Prizes3 Prize*

of £00,000 Marksof 100.000 Marks

20 Prizes of60 Prize* of

106 Piize* of253 Priza of

6 Prize* ot766 Prizes of

1237 Prizea of31 Priia of

; 120 Prize* of 200,160 Marks; ¦ 83950 Prizes ot 148 Marksj 1 1S340 Prizes of 127, IOC, 94,'¦ ! 67, 40, 20 Marksini all 65,100 prim*-which rauit b* surely wonU7driwinn within the «pice of a i«w months. !

-J !!* 1** Pf*8

lrt *»»iflg •moonta to If601000, increase in 2d drawiiw' v> M 66.00a to 8di*eo,ooo,in 4th M etooo, in -no, j tnocSitmU fr6.O0O, In 7ih U H Wv. -,1 t^i^WuIiSPreminm' of if 800,000, in th. ,a,"Sta»Ucl™ui«,ooo. ' ; . .. ; . : . :;. - . . . • ¦ ; ¦ • . -, .

Foe the flrrt pjriM drawing, wbioh U offlcUUy &udfor; the 28 & 29 Jihrn ott,i«h* price 1* ft*T^^ ¦:! oa-SwJioIw' tUfcrt dz nbiH. -AlOMlwlf ttokrtthr»««hlU.-.«,

/hoa» 4«*rt«ttlalMt04*'- «UU. «d. v .and I will forward tb«H, ori,(fa«l Jiek»t» gwwws-t«kd by the fltato (apt prokibiud Mmkwory cwU»)wlih* prosptonitaoir^a vUattafGartliWamt'iiMl•rto to the most o tcoonlfiita ikt fttam forth>«aon«it forw»rMr r 7B«» liolw*lwW*rwill teotiTi from m« iam«4i«t«l; «ftw tb«dr»?iagcffldal winologlto -l b^Ti cUrf,. >1 . |f .r .?.

. -. ¦I 'dHl - «p« ¦•**::I u ¦ •4wii»»r«»d; «ratu 'the««tilni«th* •Uk« Md dirb!o6 otp»b«»« lb«•rdwwtti Bfc: .¦" :- 1 ., - ' -: ¦h+l i r- . • ••¦¦ ¦

- ; -. . (i&jM«>,,tlir pi ywnt f jfonwdiaf of funu ww ;tftjU 'fMbntMfli ta«.;' y»p«fl|»)«j|d


IRISHFrom¦ ! ¦ ' And are now offering them for Sale, giving, we.concessions received. The following Lines will be foan lfixce]

1/6J, 1/8


This Department 13 now replete with t£e Newest g ies! ¦ ¦ ¦ and TROUSERINGS.(ST We are the Leading Honoe for Clerical Clothing

TTini<;ri.: I<oweat Pricea. . !' ;



Thia TEA is the result of many years of close stady, and of th,e most careful diacrimiratwBand keen judgment, and is now FAIRLY RE00GNI8ED as the

FINES T VALUE IN THE COUNTBJT. iAnd v/ith a PRESENT or Discount worth SIXPENCE, given away w

^ith each pound, ;

will cost you actually only 1/6 pcrilb. \ ¦ ¦ ¦ '

17022 —CHECKS, BONUS, or DISCOUNT to Ibo raloe of fully eixPBNCE, gtren with cub uLof Tea. Checks given witb 2 ounces and upwards, to tbat laUl mar enjoy the boon tboioBm

: Tbesa Cbocfto can be exchanged at any of our Branobu foe osefol Hooaehold Articl«»,»nirimanv townB for DreDcry Gooda- ¦

. ¦ ! ' ¦ ' i



' ¦

'' ¦ ¦

¦ ¦¦ ¦

¦ ¦"¦¦-2


d. Broad-St., Watorford : 45. Hiffh-St, Kflkenrly ; 4, Ca6tle-St-, Car



25 to 301 p

1111, 8/3


63 & 64



BEST ,, ii

3-lb. Packot WAX CANDLES ! ... ! ... i lid- per pack*. •. j i j - i *

2-lb. Jar Genuine PLUM aud APPLE JAM ' ... |V ' .' ' "'

3 ; "}' • i - ! > 6d. P«r j«- i2-lb. Tor Genuine GOOSEBERRY & APPLE JAM , . . ~.


BISCUITS, all kinda, fresh weekly ... i

SWEETS, in great variety- Guaranteed Genuine, only 3d. ,»Innumerable other articles at ; equally Low Prices. •


76,000 Mark*70.000 Harlu65,000 Marts60,000 Marks65,000 Mark*60000 Mark*40.000 Mark.20,000 Marks16,000 Mark*10,000 Marks6,000 Marks8,000 Marks9.000 Marks1,600 Marki1,000 Mark*

600 Marks300 Marks

Til§111f TmJJ&t^im¦ ¦ ¦ :: -:: ' ' - i . ' - . - -r.V.\M¦ ¦• ¦¦¦'. i 't / ^ .-p ffl¦. - . . ¦ : { • •


¦> .:¦¦

< !¦ ¦.;* !

sr Geni•-


¦¦ ¦ > -mtmPublic thejull benefit qf

tkmtl Vahie:— :; : !.rr

¦. =! ¦ ' ¦¦ - ^.rt

2/6, aid 2/9 pet yam

i ;"*A;

OUAT, Waterford ! i:l

THE TIMES. :: ,... | •» I .». ! Id. per pool d. J

... ; ... | ... i 2id • ¦• '¦ », !

Watlttfotfl jrttathfts. I; I ' ' - ' ' Jooowtiw iw

DlitCIOlTsi-VerjscaroaaadMdMW. jlUIZE-nna Uk wa-d taileaqr. ° ' ' |FOBtlOH WHEAT-DoD. | , 'jntO0B»51ow nls. ' i ' . . .; ¦ • i ,

: : : [j. 4 8. PHBUN

TfllEAT,perUjI.ot^a01t>«. •, «. i. 0.— WtlU i. • . DO OtaOO 0— E«d • • . . 0 0 . 0 00 0— Bbtppiardo - . 10 0 to 0

& jk i B * t r i t"" m m **vi w> siw ¦¦ysf*

— ; Ortndiar . <— i X'H1"!; .

0AT8, p«r t«mfo' 1KH».-. . Black . . .

fLOUS. beralo*. f Z80thJ— Jsx-eapcr as* •— fiiws . .— lt *s. . .

OATJULaU Ptt Bm\ .BBAK. por Cwv . . .POLTiAkuda.

(C«r«tt«! . f^^W jgWP«co» no: w «_*.

'. J _ ¦ '\ ¦' VB*r'i'J3 :#i $a jgySw v z : . f l ^ i:>

gss-i. ¦ -¦¦xrr ;i=" ; - v " = -::ft :r^i 'Hui>, t*r tea . : _ ;

f ^: :'S:S '• i 5

SmwmmmtSWMfst^t - r*J*'


flsiir y ;: * :i-'''ljK|pai

P R I 0 B 8 OCBBSHTtiuaa.|

TOBS1QH. . ( - , - ?.« sM

— IStd WIat- r ¦ ' . , tt 9 i— CktUornla i - . - ¦... : U 0 9. — • AliBJ* . ' . - , ¦- . ¦! . J» .«'•~ ¦ Govka . . . t . . 1» •:«¦— ' ¦ 1—*~"si ¦ ¦ U t tt

IHUUMOO** . .. . . . 'j . :" ' ;\- r ;™»?*!»H" - : i . '*"tr n iirttff- • ; . . - : . - SJ: Sfl^ ftma^ 1alr;' : :v j f.HDIAN wWagggte- :, .:»;$;

Tweeds, is peri

in SUITINGS, COATlKflBal• •. ¦ ¦

¦ - I - :

¦ ¦

-•¦ ¦^•:^-


Best Materials, Best V%k iM\

• ¦¦ . ;


• ¦ ¦


- ;!


:' #

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Page 3:' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS

* ij*



i- \sy mm$mm®MimmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-f^s OR . BPiiiiafstf^ ?j

. GIDDINESS, : SENSATIONS; fefEHTS, t^i wffl aimonstrat* to the whole wprW hojrthktjriwf

...LJfnl cf aU complaints, "ZpiVpty." whtth bat bunSlffiSr nonridexed Inenrable, <an. be,jp«n »aa«tly-.enSf<d

' «M!5C« to the •• Secretary," Bnnrood Hoaae.Banroodgaj de Part. Sndon. He wUI »«na yoiii S< Gr«tto,';

Joddor and Greon, CropsHjy.per ton : -, :, ¦ ... ¦¦ g « to 6StmiitenStnif ,.. . -. , Me. to «.iStoShoaJ

¦ ... ; Ma to |tt.Oaten Straw ••• ••> «Js. to 65atlrrjpa ... I „. ; 00s. to CO.SSiSd. ... ... ... . . L. . rte ffi . ccjSSoS .-. - : - •••

¦. - : .. «•¦.to o*

~ : MARBIED. : |V ¦ ; : ;¦ • ; : :-

On June Sth, 1833, at tho Chnrch of the !8aaredJHeart,Mboin. London, by the Bev. Father • Bhlnneir*. Howard,Sr wi ol Fnmcla E. Barnp. E«,., J.l» Btigote. Ban**u Abb e> tbJrd daughter of Alderman filohart Mabonej,jSimoant HOOK, Waterford. Mo cards. j ¦

! "

DIED. : T~ ;¦ ¦ ¦ . ! . _ :,


On April lot, I8S3, at Salisbury, Majaooslaud, BoutVAfrfca,J,OM, eldest eoa of the late Edward Power, G so.., tba Glen,dwplj regMtted.-R.IJP. ; ' . : . . ]

DUBLIN STOCK EXCHAN9E-XHI« DA.*. ¦¦| BMLWAT8.i . ' . - . . |

Great Sonthern & Western ... ,., „, I117JMidland Great Western ..; ... . : „. : 103^Great Northern Eailway ... ,„ ¦ „. 188Dublin, Wioklow and Wexford ... i .,, 34

| ¦ BAHK8. ' : !National Bank ¦ ... " ... j ... , 18-18ProVinmal^Bani ... : ... ' ... 229-16Bank of Ireland ; ... „. I 309Monster and LoinBtar Bane ... . : ... ; ... | 41-

i HABYEY & SON, Btookbrokera, Waterf .



" BE JCST, AND PBAB HOT." ' '¦¦ "y

3ATURDAY7~JPNi~17> -189&,-, ,,',^


To-morrow the JNationahstSj Of the countrywill have an opportunity of giviDg practicaldemoDstration of their appreciation 'of theefforts of the Irish Independent Party . tocarry . out the struggle for National autonomyin the sense in which the great Leader meantit to be obtained. : That the maintenance of aParty, voicing the sentiments of the Indepen-dent Nationalists of Ireland is necessary, J8a proposition which everyonb must admit inthe face oi the subserviency ;of the Irish WhigParty to the Government ill power, and theunreliability of the latter | party has ' beenshown more than ever during the recentqusrrels of its members f or j possession of theFallen Journal. The obvious result is that 'ifa measure of self-Government satisfying thesentiments of the Irish people, 'and:worthy ofthe traditions of the men who fought sobravely for Irish liberty in [ the past is to beobtained, the attendance of; an Irish Party in¦Westminster must be sustained. Thoughnumerically small, the recent debates in theHouse of Commons have shown that theIndependent Party, aloDe jof ; Insh ' parties,has stood up in opposition to the. whittlingaway of the Home Rule I Bill , and itrests : with the . Irish Nationalists nopr touay whether the attendance! of the Partyduring the debate on the remaining clausesof the Bill will be secured! We pointed outat leugth some time ago the necessity of theParty being sustained, and believe nothingfurther is necessary to be said to tho Indepen-dent Nationalists of Watarford, whose re-sponse to the appeal will, we are convinced,be a worthy and generous one. ¦ . i .

Death of Father William Power.We announce this evening the death o( a clergy-

man whose early demise trill be beard by ever/ onen Waterford with the deepest and alnoerert feelings

of regret. We allude to tbo death of Bev WilliamPower, C.C., Cohir, wbo passed away at theMfsercordfa Hospital, Dublin, oh 6th irjet, at thecomparatively early Bgeof 33 years. Fatter Power,or " father Willie" us be was more familiarly calledby tbo membois of the flock to the BptritanLneedsol which be bad ardently and oo faithfoll/ 'minis-tered, waa born at Thomns' Hill, Waterford, on27ih July, 1854, and was educated at Mount SionEchools, tbe Stephen-street OnlTeralty, aDdaflet-wardsiat the St. John's College,] being ordained atthe W, alerford Cathedral . in February, 1878, whenonly twenty two years old by the most BevDrPotrer, the then bishop of Wsterford. He wascurate in the Cathedral, and cre's professor in tbeuniversity ID ohlcb he had been| brought op, foreome time. He was ofternarda removed to Talloviwhere be remained forslx years,aid to Cahlr whichwas his lest parish, and in all parishes where behad been stationed the people ate [ eloquent in tbeltpraise of bis good and holy disposition, fie bodbeen in the Hater Hospital for some tiime sufferingfrom pneumonia resulting from

heary cold, oon-traoted while goiDg at night to administer tbecomforta of tbe church to one of i the people underhis care, and the disease terminated fatally onSunday lasr.

The faneral left the npspital at half-post one onTuesday aitersooo, for Kin^abridjje railway statioo,and the remaica vrere taken to Waterford by thetrain leaTinff at tree leaving at i three o'clock , Acumber of friends attended at the hospital, andproceeded afterwards to tho tormintu. . Wreathsvicre cent to be plnoad upon tne cofBa by tho mostBev Mother M Do Chantsl, Ursuline Convent,Waterford, and Mrs and tbe Uissss 9lattery.

Among those wbo attended the faneral in Dab-lin were —Mr J Stattery, Dublsn ; Ur C Heckett.Waterford ; Mr Joseph Lyons, Mr . Gibney, ilrFloming, Mr D Heceberry, Mr T M'Kenno, Mr PJ Bonrbo, Sithmlnes ; Miss Dal ton, Mr JohnQnitke, Mr J P SuUivan, BeV Pi Eorley. CC,Artane, fce. . : ! .

On Tuesday evening tbo coffin containing tberemains of the deceased priest arrived at theWaterford terminus by tbe train from Dublin, andit was conveyed in on open hearse to the Cathedral,Barronstrand Btreet, a large concourse of tbecitizens, rich and poor, forming a procession. ; Aluge number of tbe clergy of tbe diocese attendedat the solemn High Mass at the Cathedral on Wed-nesday morning for tbe repose of bis soul, tbe BevEob*rr. Power, P.P., Cablr, being tbo 'celebrant ;Bev E Mockler, Tramore, deacon ; Bev B- O'Conntll,B D, eab-<leacon ; Kevs T: J Furlong and T Dowley,Adm, 8t'Patriok'« chanters, and ;Eev W B O'Don-oelL Master of Ceremonies. j

r z.— .. \\ - ¦ I , | - i i i I ' I I " • ¦ ¦ ¦— ' - ¦ ~ -- -¦-— ¦¦¦*-¦ T T* -

Cappoquln Petty Sessions—! : THUSEDAY. ;

At tie*) Sessions, which wore held on Thnrecuy, theprincipal case for adjudication bj the maalBtratcsby one in whloh Jeremiah Veale Bnmnoned Johannaand Maigawt Veale for eBtault , There werecross ianeo where the ladies made similarcharges agalcst Jsremiah. The dispalo, itappeared, atoas over an aconiatlon of "landgrabb-ing " ^ preferred oaainst; th» female defendant, *nd aconntex oharga of, being ft " moonligoter " nudeesidnrt tbo-male defendant. Aft«r haadog - tha cawtho magistrates were of opinion that eremlib, whowas to blame, and rent h;jn to jail for a monlh. dls-missirig the case bronsbt' by, him. ,Th» presidtoifmagistrates were — Mr Lynch- Bll, and Mr. 1 hBakor. ! ¦ I 1 : '

BOUND ABOUT THE MAEK.ETSBrQlUct sanshise and intense heat nave been the

trea&er characteristics ol the past few diys. Just nowtbscky is overcast/ bnt tha indications are still againstO-dungs . - ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ . ; ' ¦;. . ! ;

Yestctday'i reportg from Dbhlin cattls market arepot of a Tery encouraging nUnra. 1 he supply of stockwas large, and«s demand f»lt»iBd,.loww pricts bad tobe Ukeo. Boogh catUo g»Te ¦,„x\\em \0t oahead

Sale for sheep was also of* dragging nature. •We have received to-day'from Uesai Andrew lluir

Wright and 8on, of 271, DnkVet, t> long »ccouiit bytelegraph of the coodihon '<& the Scotch snarluis, ; On¦Wednesday cattle declined; e jntiy; ihesp wen na-caangedj bot lambs wentjdtarer. Ou cor««ppndent»conUnue—

¦ ¦ . !• ¦ • ' • ; ¦ ¦ -l i "•• ¦¦ < ¦ i - • ' '

rUi weeki qoot«Hon»:—B«tt floolch o»m,! 6C» to«3*per «wt ; «oowJary and bfirt Irin,,68 » to80 »D»r<wt^bcUl» and oows, 40i to 60s p«r ewt, nooti infu r¦$i»V Ui*t ,-& *<*' - 9d to J5di«*" *?*> #** •dUa*uS k t ^S w »» »• P*r *?Jrtf a**1***?j ^UtiubeiU**043* V"& *<* M«Wt»»4 «• *a43* torheK Tf •*»» I •«or» ,«(W« w»r» agsia !• %|i•OMl fcDD lot retfll piW,l«t» md»r»0Mt ftki,

Wi RlPiH-ji-i'-^• vr i^ fcBiltiMlB s'Snadiyv-iiextf . 1 BEHBMBto,. iti^U itji iffW mMeial],.': iw . ; Pver,jbetaad;£»r:th> Indepen-aent xnma

, .

• . *. - . •; •,

'.• - . -

¦;• .¦¦'¦

' • !¦' - . .

¦ ¦ ''" ."¦? ¦

¦. • - . .-

¦ ¦' ¦

I . "_ ; - : Aldi'iByan <joi sidera it would_ ! TH» ' ;¦ . be more fionV snient ;for ; all

. W*AK. EBBBT, p6irH«» i|:tb6 iropwed Btean». : . - .\ -, : ¦ \ ferry yet * ma to a berth bloseto iwhere, the A erqbveji hnlk standB. . . The

sAldemaij oonrideralthat the ferry '•houU beriin' diagonally—that; (a from the present fc£rryslip at tho Fenybank aide to therib ertnBuggeBted.: . ' ' it BeemB. aVall events.1 that weAT XtL ETEHTB are to, bave a i team ferry,for', ' . .' . wbioh, no;dou bt, thanks willbe freely oonoeded., he present ferry boats areTery antiquated machines. ' ; , ', . ;_' :. ; ' ¦> ¦ - . • Thie Asylum iras opened 56

WATEBFORD yearB ago, '. witl, 100 patients.; |LTJHATIO It . has now ab)ut foar times

• ABYI<UM. that number. :When Mr. Bedmond was last

POSTAL in the oiry hew ia waited on byAuttANaE- eome of the m ost influential

HGHTS. merobants of all shades ofopinion who pointed opt de-

feotjve arrangements in the postal service be-tween Waterford and England, ind urged onrmember to use hi8 influence to h iva the defectsremedied. - This Mr. |.Redmond has done sosuccessfully that it is confidently jantioipated tbesuggested reforms will be granted* , Mr.: ArnoldMorley, in . writing to Mr. Bedbond, says behas "called for a report on the Importantmemorial from the city of Wqierlprd respectingthe postal service," and farther acids—" I shallba very glad, if the circumstances of the casejastify me, in meeting the wishes of thememoraliats. I will let you kno ? tbe result ofmy enquiries as soon as poasible.' : ;

: ' Mr. Redmond holds a veryA STEONO otrorig opinion tjhat the urbanOPINION. population o£ Ireland are hoti : adeqnately ¦ represented in

either the proposed Legislative; Council orAssembly.under the Home Rule) BUI. , Jt-waathe vie*? of Mr. Butt, says our mctaber, that tbeboroughs and counties i ongtit tojhave an eqnalrepresentation in the Irish Parliament, and it isthe intention of the Independent Party to intro-duce amendments to: effect i that object Thematter will not arise nntil the sc hedules cometo he discussed, and which will on ly be when theolanses of the Bill have passed.

The work in ooaneotion withPEOCEEDING the new stage nt Duncannon¦ 'is being proceeded with. , It is

expected that tbe daily service from this stationwill be re-commenced soon, a met whioh thegreat bulk of people in; Sooth Werford will learnwith oatisf aotfon. ' . {" It ootually takes three Boys to

THREE distribute the enormous, supplyBom of nenspapero imed from a¦

local 'office. Thila is a FACT.: Notwithstanding recent lav?.: STILL suit exploits of S costly natnre,

NAaaiNQ. a contemporary still continuesnagging at a ocal solicitor

in the most childish way. ' Such exhibitionscan well be treated with" contempl. ;

Aid. Power will 1 save his poundHis PoUMD of flesh. He in now on theoi1 FLESH, traok of the lad whom he gave

into custody ut tie last 'Water-ford election, and has. succeeded in getting anorder to"havo certain costs paid at the rate of 2s.6d- per week. It will be rememl ered that theJudge in deciding the case on appeal regretfullyheld it was not in bis power to awi rd the lad anycompensation. _ .

: No explanation has yet beenDUMB. supplied as: to tbe patriotic

: reasons which irduced a well-known city political coal merohan ; to supply theemergenoymen near Glenmore w ith cbal afurthey were refused by every coal a erobant at theFerrybank side.

: The FadistB wht voted for theTEEUBLIKO. Borough Rate aijid brought tbe

) Corporation icto dinlcultienara trembling leat the burgeE3ea s lould retaliateand fire them out of the Council in November.

; A Corresponde: it sends us aIHTOLERANCE. complaint of the inwlerance

: , meted out to Farnellites in acertain oity institution, where t ie Wbigs havethe upper hand. He gives an e [ample of tbetreatment received, and points out that when re-dress waa sought from tbe gov ;rning body, aside issue was raised for the purpose of cloakingthe whole affair. Now as a praiseworthy effortTOO made some time ago to inculcate a littleforbearance and charity amonget tbe self-sameWhigs, this conduct appears all the more repre-hensible. In case a repetition of] soch conduotis renorted to us, full particulars] giving namesand oil other information, will bo published. .

In reply to Aid. Redmond atA REMARK- Wednesday's meeting of theABLE FACT. Waterford Board of Guardians

. the Oerk stated' that the out-door relief now amounts to £4,000 a year. Thefirst year out-door relief was given it amountedto no more tbon £270. . ; .

There are now sixteen patientsFJSVEB. in the fever hospital as against

two - at the ; correspondingperiod of 1892. .' . .

A few barrels of water wouldFOUL SHELLS, require to be thrown into tbe

months of; eewerB in tbeManor, High-Street, Bridge-street, and otherplaces. Oor attention hao been called to thismatter. Tbe Corporation officitlo should lookto it. i ; ¦ .

Tramore was crowded withTBAUOBE visitors—chiefly from the cityOEOWDED. —on Snnday. aveninR. The

cheap fares and the beautifulweather were tho chief attractinM.

At Monday s meeting of theWHEAT. Waterford Lunatic Asylum Dr

Atkins said when he was inQueenstown last week there were four cargoes offoreign wheat there; : for which; there ceemedto be no demand. • : i

We!have before reminded theDAHOEtt Corporation of: the danger ofAHEAD. watering the streets from the

mains in this ecorchingweather. The water may run short in tbe pipes.Why not nee the river water? j 1

Mr.J John Dodgiaa has exten-CYCLE WoEtt3 sive bycle ' workB at John's

Bridge, in this city, ' and hehao recently enlarged them. He has room forfurther extensions, and hopes to be in a poaitionto tarn out complete: machines from this estab-lishment before long. ' .. ,, -¦ . , . ' '

,A charitable Catholic lady ofCHABITT. this city haaieent Mr. Q.

Walpole £10 : to become agovernor of the Faunbg'e Institute. Ladieswould bo. very desirable governors to look afterthe female inmates in the house. In Englandladies are guardians of unions, i

At the : fair of Kilkenny onPIOB. Tuesday . the Waterford men

bought nearly all the pigs atthe fcir at 51a per cwt. ; ; '

Tbe Waterfora Fever HospitalOLD was. built over 100 years ago.

It insed to be half full ofpatients. Its present average does not amountto four patients each week. ; ; ¦ :

It appears that tbe Irish Poli-" 'THE tical Pnaonersf Amnesty AB-POUTICAL Bocifltion are about to eend aJPBISONJSBS. BpeoisUatt ;on insanity to en-

, quire into tbe] mental state ofsome of the nnfoitonate Irish prlBoners confinedinEDglisb.Kaols. At a meeting;of the, TrampreBranoli, LN-L.. held- on Sunday, a subscnptlonout of the tnnds wa» help, toward*defraying the necessary expenses. . ] . ] ' .

: Tha Great Wiestem I RailwayJEXOUBBIOS TO announce another cheap ex-

Lowpbff. .ursion to London for the 3rd• : ¦ ¦ "' .

¦- ¦ ' July. -: i' ¦'

I . ¦

! ' ; .


AuDITWO. The bighlylconipetent Auditor,? ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - Miy Ooort nayjCroker, i« now

mgaaea in auditing>h.e VCOunta of the Water-ferd Lunetio ^^ l^ ot theMiu BMBor'a lurgert rowpiiyeiy in «Bc«y. Q«

EsTABUt.a- P" »o less ii»n «?o» ooDfecttonaw

; : 1™IT°> tr«de; '"iTtie! »•*>• of . BUhop U

fcunllltr to *?«/ ' Watrtfordj«ti«?n.l * ouryoOBMr dais Bishop'*' *•• nitf r j put of oor beads,for w* knew well wb* re a'.l the cboioert confectionery

mide a great name u a <wl««r. .H» bMtverjthingup u>A *Ur *h& Tf ) b lr tof itri f .tba ) 9 *x<t>tinpatroBtjj* «ccprdta fo tltoi I •:¦' ¦ i" . \ ; < i . ' .: .¦: v. r :V \ ? -.V i :¦' ¦ : i :/ r UU itM &ii jM wi'W«V,?£,:

-.f((ii»inpxa'...'.'HitewB, ,hii.«epil»toe,ttgnt-'¦ - '^ '::>- iI /

¦•; • wmowApSutthfr.tOt.. M *.

nr. g«MteaM U evWwUy oTwpto t*'*t'lbt B *gmtt* i»vJ* M <t*et** <Abm;Uki': tn««omlv«:•fcata os thftjtowrw H Mo 3JeirpW!>;*b«towttgtmAtnh*t*nt tinmr.*itkj! .i 'ltii tkki BA ddtlbt.



iXf - .:R,9K« : 5'K' ii^oldfilB trmtttettt; '; . - ,l»or r. '-:;

¦ ;:«*d fflla4«: '/iV«*;'O>)Biini(w4>o'4;

•'¦:- :;:>'>'y. " j.' ; , .:. . ' tbifj b r genllwoett:'• »«»p'un«l6l»for the orjiiu of the Ohriiti»at»nd, rEnl{i(hto'aedPartyri«>: < Up the foU6win(j 'p4!t *fe)nrlat week's.l«ejoef.:r-?r lA -A * 1»rg«ly fatttnc|^^«ie>tlog',Vj>*. iltbeUibs Intadta ¦ C.C. to, ' elect » oomthltt«e, .Mr.Binquo Beaooond got one vote| which ratnonr »»y«waa'Ws own,"' , ¦ ' ¦ : : : ] \ ' r : ' \ ¦'. ¦/ t '^ . j , -• :; ¦ ¦ ¦> ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' !.

¦ : The looil dl«w,o>ii»»t« of •] flltb,

: K6T Ha. '. yclfpt ihe Tsui C&tbolio tnd Na-¦¦••. -ki 'i " • ¦, •! ' .',!ttorial ;org»o,iw)rote on Friday—• he NrwB.ltoriU own base purpose*, weakly assail*Hr. W. J. Smith. J.P. ,Hr.* Smith il.ln binovignorano* ollthU,, as he never , reads tne, N»ws.Amongst otfcariiea stated is tbe ODO that Mr. Smithis to ba the Nltloniliit cmdidale for the Mayoralty.ThU is npS'sti; and we can assure tbe publio tbat'MrSmith' is ;ye!ry little concerned about being eitherCouncillor or Mayor." Mr. W. J.| 8mitb at the lastmeeting of tbe Corporotlon referred toTai NiwBJbyname In a feeble attempt to dnny that he nod theother depijtqtlonists went crlngiclg 'to the Managerof tbe Brotincial Bank about tbe pverdraft. W. J.does not read jthe NBWBi Ob, no. !

: ; , - ; i ¦. ' . "Amongst other1 lies stated U theLiKS iWHAtE. one tbat Mr. Smith it to be the; . -. . ' . ;; ¦< NatlonaU8t («'e) candidate for theMayoralty;" < Tbia be&ntlfol passage would delightthe heart of Iandley Murray. Tne " other lies"are carefully omitted—" Mr. W. J. Smith is verylittle concer led about being either Councillor orMayor." In laed 1 Tbb certainly is soinetbinirnew; ' Consit ering that everyone: kn6wa W. J. 8.has been pin og for the obanco to strut about in theMayoral chain—this, it firat sight, appears ridtou-I6a». But, perhipu. the J.P-ehlp has satlaEed bisambition.' Before that mlgbty distinotlon was con*ferred upon him, he was mighty anxious for a placeat the Couijoll, hut sorry to relate, the burgeeseiHEVKB Releoi;ed him, and but for a triok ba wouldnot bo a member of the Corporation to-day. -

: Tbe Master of tbe Kilkenny UnionHOHE ¦ —Mr. .Thds. Morpby—Informs us

MANDrioTtJBE. that McDonald 4 Co.'a Waterford'¦ ¦ ; [¦ barm, wbioh bej is using In theworkhouse, gives great satisfaction. :

. - \ | , The: missing tombstone, whichOROE A.QAW. disappeared in euob o ooyetariouc

. J mannar from Tramora Charobyardsome montha ago, bos quite as mjstyriously re-appeared over the gravo from wbioh it was removed.Mr. Moore, jtbfl owner, or Heesfs. CoUins, Jtbecontractors, bave no knowledge of phat caused thestrange re-apjpearance. i '

' H A baker informs us tbat foreignBiici. barm (yeast) makes inferior flour

] white, though; tbe bread from Itdoes not bojd as long sweet as : bread made fromhome-made barm. But in this country there Beoms,unfortunately, a' taste for everything FOBBIQN.

| We understand that at the ensuingWATEQ^OBD Assizes tbe business will be heavier

So^fuia than usual. There ore three ro-ACSIZES. j cords which will probably come on

i for hearing :—Johanna O'iftien v.The Jhingarvan Town Oommittonntrt and EdwardTV. Finn, their Conirpdorj, in which Messrs. Strangeand etrecge1 are for tho plaintiff, and Mr. JohnHunt and Mr. P, By an for the | respective defen-dants. Holoney v. Fedy, in whioh tbe eame Bolioi-tors are for the plaintiff, and the dafendant appearsin person. Keit v. Kett and Coliint, in trbich thesame solicitors are for plaintiff, and Mr. S. C.Alliogham ace for defendants. . :

! Mr. J. E. Bedmond, M.P., againVISITED.' visited John Daly and tho otbor

| political prbooers In Portlandprison tbia week.


T in tbe chair, and saWqaanlly JOHN

F SUTTHWCK, J P, Chairman of tbo Union.Also present—N J Hkrrison, Aid Bowan, John

Corr, Moior (jnffe, D L : Niobows Qraoo, John Neary,James Htrtei, John P nrooll, Aid Hoaly, ThomasNolan, Miohael Buggy, P M Es»n, James Bone. MrMurphy, Master, was also prcnent.

Mr Molonyi Clerk, read the niDntes and 'oorrea-pondonos, &a.)


Sir Charles Cuffe asked how doos the money qncotionatand in tbe Union.

Clerk—We have now a balance in onr favor of£2,900. Tbia time last year wo had .£1,580.

Tbo board thought this very satisfactory.X PUHP -WTTHOCT WATBE.

It was rrpdrtod that tha pnmp at BaMycallan, re-contly remodollcd and improved by Mr L Power & Co,was without ¦ rater. Bnt this woi owing to the verydry weather, ind the woll not being deop onongh foreach weather. .

Sir Charles Coffe moved that Messrs Power bo paidtheir bill as th^ work was dono according to specification.

Mr Harrison seconded tho motion, and said tloojrsPoorer had performed their part very well.

Aid Bowan snpportod the motion.Tbe motion ras carried.nnanimouoly. Tot&l cmonnt,

£24.10s 6d. -On motion pf Mr EKOD , seconded by Mr Harrison ,

Mr Power, jaw., was directed to inrpeot the pnmp.I DBKD8 Or MOETOIOE.

8»»eral Morteago Deeds, relating to labonrors'cottages, from tbo Board ot Works, wore laid on thatable, and eibned on motion of Mr Earricon, andseconded by Mr Barrett ¦ ¦ j . ¦ '

iCUS OS BALr-ACBE.After a loni diaonssion as to whether labourers were

to have an acj e or half an aore of land attaahod to thenow cottages i ibont boing bnilt, MrHarrioon proponed,and Mr Near. ¦ cccSnded, that it be an acre.

- J Hr Corr proposed, and Mr Hart« aeoondod, that itba half an. acre. And on a division tho aoro wascarried by 9 votes to 4 for tho half aero.

The next eaheme the Cleric said would bo mado onthe 5th July next. i ' '

| NEW liILK TENDEO-Mr Murphy aud Mr Maher I tendorcd for new milk

at 6i »nd 7d $tt gallon. The cocap tonder cot it.A tender for boildiog a ootlage : at £120 was not

token, it being ooueidenxl too bigb.. 8CHOOL8 AT JOHN'S WIL1/.

Mr Barrett proposed, and I Harrison eoconded, aresolution cujbojing the citot)matancc3 under nbichthe oxpen ituro bad been incurred, and again request-ing Mr M'Deirmott, M P, to bring: tho mattor underths notice of [the proper antho ities.'

LOOS OUT LAND COHMI6SIONEBS.. Mr Bono loavo u notico of motion to move a ro-solation that the Land CommUsipncrn do tiko intoconsideration tho great decrease in cattle, and to ro-odjnst rents jn constqaenco. ' i

The mortlog tben adjourned at 2 30 o'oloob.





At ft spec al meeting of the Dnngarvan TownCommissioners hold_ on Monday evening Jc3t for thopurpose of considering what ttep* should be takenin i refcrenco I to tbs dupnto between Mr Ucnhcr,honorary butter taster, and the Commi&uonera regard-ing the butter market fees, and also to take stepsregarding tbej improvement of the monthly ftlrs. Thefollowing attended—Messrs T Power (Chairman), JohnWalsh, Cant Sheehan, E JKeohan, T Mahoney, WDaly, E llcCarthy, E O'Shea, John Curran, M JCasey, E E Knowles, F Stuart, John Cnllinan, andP. O'Briea. ;

The T^bwn. Clerk read a communication from Mr WM Casey, Minor's Secretary, Clonmel, In reference tothe appointment of Mr Bagwell es honorary buttertastei of that market, and Dr O'Brien Mahoney asweigb-martei. Both hod resigned; their offices at thorequest of tie Corporation, and they had the marketnow mating d by a committee . composed of fivemembers oi | the Corporation who; lodged any profit*from the revenue after tbe working of the market to thecredit of the Corporation at the end of the year.

Iu reply t > the resolution calling! upon him to resignMr Uesher, honorary batter tarterj wroto stating thathe regretted the conrse adopted by: the Commissionersin refuting to. compensate his deputy, Mr Wall, forBervices rend Ted and losses through working thejmarket.The remunejition for theso Berviocs was provided forby the :Actj -62 -George III Chap 124. where theremuneration was to be taken from the fees receivedfrom the market. After haying 'in j vain looked for theadoption of » just and re&sonabls course on the part ofthe Town Commissioners he had been compelledIn justice to f i t Wall to take tbe conrse of which theybad reeaveo, nonce ana to en on loot the farther legalaction which the legal advisers had in preparation.If the ComipteioEers sought to: terminate the disputetheir plain ojrane was to remunerate for his cervices andloxseau Mr iWall, wbo had ehfwp «nch «t desire forconciliationJ«J had ontil recently, deterred him (MrUesher) from taking active measures.' . lit , Eeohin—He doesn't say a word shout resumingin that. : I . ' : ' • ¦ : !

Mr John Walsh moved that they attend at thebatter marKet next d»y and «eaiit the staff in! thecollectiojiofUiefeea aa they did onTuesday last.

Mr McGrath seconded the retolcrUon,Ths Chairman suggested thai the parish priest wait

on Mr Ussher with the view lot , terminatinc the¦dinrate. N| :

' ' ¦ '¦¦ r\ ¦¦ . .: ¦,

Mr Walsh—Is he acauabted with the facts.Cbairtnanj—I think he U, and will do what he can

for the benefit of the ratepayers, , .Mr Keohini-Ii the same course to be followed to-

morrow: u I was fo.lowed by the " Commissioners lastXuesoay i ; : ¦ :

Mr W»1>: i—Yes; Wr W*ll'» IkcsOea is to bo kept ontof tho murk it to-morrow, i :; '¦ ¦ , .

Mr !O'8hi» viA he »pproved of the suggeeUon of theChairman to wait on tta piriih^priett. ft might havethe result^o wttUog thU veked uertion-

Mr C«e' aid that Uwj "9°** Vf lut Tnetday'iprooeediDgi in the mufct, wbUh •ppeared in ths itUhTi*4t and DaUt: S*V "«"> twfftvoarabla to tha•CommWoiw.- ¦ ¦¦IlW.iiW* . ¦?»* ty Mr;OShe», •rownberof be Boart-.f ; :;, ¦ - , ¦ . I . , . Ooii»t»bl«' OowitU; ! mmmbiwd Thonui Cr Uy, *o*nt« ma; mile rword et 2 tnisi 28 4-6 MOS,; He Q'8l£,Wad tbtA, *:pW «t«tementM't]M ftV^ pn n, W«mor», fof •7»i«ilMoffen<)e, Tlw oobiibU [ > ) ; ¦< h»ld by, N»ylor. Fairly well piSww »entto U»J>e»W^;Mthfe c»lledoiMr G»»ey staiTttwt on Bom»a», tb*L4th Jont, be t»» t«o men by W. O'Brien, J. H/ Todd.»^ Kerin y he ooWwtooolatooi fcsto l*m&*ftot«nBnt in theripott. ' (Wral' Md pneBaD;«liowu nqt

*tr»»«ll»r,eot«r th» dittaat* in 2 ulna 8« »acj, I bate no donbi h«fe Sr deoU*o» afl W- I : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦TT-' : lir'(SoU»'#>, f iyw>rt-to'-rfUrwMd«iEia f<|nn« wS«Sor7tb««^WoM Joiw. O-BTIM «U >U

? c ffia^ p f «w t !aignurt ^ ^ ^^ : ^ sr ^' ^r A -toaoiMSm. f i , ,. ¦ ¦. - i - . - i^jLii \ J ¦ !¦

' ;, < - . , , H»-«ot no 4rfnk>«»l*W h«B»«' Me Lyach Mid hii «6- . ; ;: • ' T»» UAJL tad.B.C, h»v« Mo4pUd

conunrtW W rpir,»W<•-C»9mWoper»were now ThhMDolie* taf» ¦ rrtD tableehsi»ot«rof th« hftair '• ' • : ¦ dub nutci exoent M remnltf h«i^ P^Mt m^ ^Mtlos TticrM«f^iS^di^^Tw.nOwV; e^koJm.oW-whiXto.r^Kd^ottC\tai\Sff ^ i pi*#M •"*"**¦'«¦»"«* fli»dlO*!^«^4nf»».t.ltoM«;of


T Pr,8dtr- SS 8»M

Tbi. »luriti<w

wfll noi do vwS.SriBra&i^festesa mm^m~ rm. ttYt^imiatsm

¦M W! u ;:wW i«w.:;.%,vjei£joj(,f ,6:.»«diwjiaig'., Ho di»»4r«*d »ito«th»V wi^.thswiwii m.&« |hs4%exo«i«n»r'o|jiMr V«»l!«r:»t . thB.a r if'tBo*td; »nd h«.W:very- ma»n: ';He , Wooglft inia

..resowtion1-thew i ojinaTtinw i«goV(9* PW 'W;He j was » gennlne evictor. ; He. was a goo nuto forkeening down r» « by'preventing¦tki poo«ron>ig< iiilgtheic , miserable sbilum'. Be oould ffeak in f»To ugot«i JoBlcU} or.': ».' hvdnrite iwhea ,he "wiihed.' He(Mr lO'priehJ lud never'heard » good word said of himbj.any_per»oi». J V f - --

'J- ; i-

: ¦'¦¦¦¦ -¦. , ¦ "¦¦¦ ¦'¦",'+'¦¦'¦¦[ '

];. ;M> 'Knowle*—You wooW do a torn for » ,rnend

yqui4«lf,;Mr;O'Bri«n:. , i i " ., .i .:¦.' v ¦ V; :. ' I "<¦¦¦. ' ;Mlr . Casey-Why dWt •: Mr Udther resignilflrt Mr'BigwelU . '• ¦" .• ¦; \ ¦] '. . : . ' . . -. ":-: '- r w i ".. MrO'Brien—There are several penoni here in uvorof;MV Wau. ¦ ; . ¦'¦ : ] ¦

: ;. • : "¦¦;¦:;: [ ¦ i : ;i :

: Wi Keohan—That 1« not «o. It is unfair, . . j- | \jMt MoCarthy said th t all tha reports were; favpurr

able to Mr Ussher and Mr Wall He thought thai thetwo Coinmlssionen who were reporters should not havegirea| their'opinion in favour of Mr Ussher. : j '. Air K«ohan said thit he would always stand up forthe freedom of the presil Were they returning to thodark j days when pressmen were obliged to cook theirreports to suit the views of people in. power. He wouldresign his po«ition aa » Commissioner '¦• rather than,inbmit ! to Bach a thing : There should be no exceptiontaked to reporting the iirooeedines of . that board—the-more' light the better, i , There were thelocalj papers' on this question written by persons whowere pot pressmen at all '. \ ' . "- . i j

, Me Casey—We' complain that the press are againstus and in favour of Mr [Wall and Mr Ussher. : j j

Mr; Keohin—It is a dangerous thing for a man tospeak against; your resolution as it would be said hawu in favour of Mr Wall. V 1 don't want to favour MrWall,! and if I did, or 11 any othor member here whoare opposed to your views wanted, to favour Mr Wallwe. could have beaten you last day when we were six tofive. ! I am against the course you have taken, and I amnot actuated by any .feeling for Mr Wall or any other

' Mr, O'Brien—Your conduot for tho past six monthsis moit mean and cowardly towards me.

The Chairman called for order. , {Mr[ Ktjohan said that Mr O'Brien was altogether

mistaken. ; . :Mrj M'Carthy said ho would not be so unreasonable

as toi (so . down Mr O'Shea or Mr Keohan s hands inrogarfl to reporting the prooeodinnt cf tbe board,but ifa the notas in tha newspapers they pould refrainfrom giving their vlewsi .<.' ' . " , ¦ :

Tho Chairman said tbat tho five who voted for theresolution had been epokea of as being personallyresponsible for their action in this matter. Those five(tentlemen were threatened. -It was oaid " yon can dotuia ;^if yon rnn any risk we won't bo responsible." .

MrrO'Shea said that as long aa he oonturaed amember of that board he wonld not be hampered ordictated to In any matter whioh he wished to report.He was there for 25 years as a proaj representative,and be thonght, after passing through the storms ofthat eventf of period, he might now be aafely trustedto report thoir proceedings without being obliged tosubmit; to dictation. Ho would not be dioUtod to inmatters of tha kind as long as the proo*edinR( weretairli aooorate, but if his made a mistake he wonld foelobliged; if his attention were called to it and wonldhave

^ it made right. The ratepayers and the pnbliowero entitled to nave ; the proceedings fairly reported.It was ; a mistake to j fanoy tbat because he reportedtheir ^proceedings ho had not just as mnoh right toexpress bis opinion as any other member of the board.

MrjEnowfcs said that the people regretted theaotion takon by tho Commissioners, but he Bnpposedthat desperate diceasei required deeporato rom»dlos.Bnt Mr Ussher and Mr Wall bod the law at theiraide. !

Ur |MoCarthy—That remains to be proved.Chairman—Wo are not the agrcssora. We gave thorn

nolica that wo wonld pay no salary. They could go tolaw if they liked and let the matter be tested. It wasnot the Commissioners who wero to blame, it was UrUMhor.

Mri Casey—Those people are receiving the fcos andth«y aro not entitled to them. .

Mrl Walsh—I movo that no eoalos bolonging to MrWall [be allowed into tbo markot on Tuesday. '.

MriMoCarthj—I think that will end In a row.MriKnowle o—Oh, yon will have a row if that is

oarridd out. :Chairman—That's doubtful.Tho rosolntion not to allow tho scales into tho markot

paO3&d last week nos Cdedarcd carriod, the memberswho 'diBcenled from tho former resolution again dio-Bontidg. ; .

i THO F AIBO.Mr; Wnlsh proppsod that tho pig fairs be obsngod

from tha Bqnaro to the Main-street. > .MrlO'Shod caid it wonld bo a risky thing to interfere

with {the faira. Ho advised theii to let well ononghsJono'. : . !

MrStuart—This la a move of Mr Casey now to brinethe fair to bis own stroot. He (Mr Stuart) did notapprove of this selfish conduct Whoa they eucoeododin kflling tho butter market now they wautod to ruintho Wire. I - : - - .1

Mr ; Mahony said that they wanted a part of the fairin the Main-strett. : ,

MriKnonlcs—Tho best way to eorvo the fair is to lotit alono . ' ¦ :

Mr;0'8hoaa?reod with Mr Knowles.Mr; Stuart described tho move os a ' dodge of Mr

Cosoj. ' : jMr O'Brion took exaoptlon to tha observation. jMr , Stuart—If ho considers it hnrtfal I will with *draw i it. Babscqueqtlv Mr Staart oallod attention to

Mr Casey who, ho Baid, nas ca&vastiog the Commistioncts to aavo the fair chanced to tho Main-street,and bold that he sow repeated hi* former obaorva,Udnthat it was all a dodga on the part of lit Cosoy, andho declined to nithdrav iL * ' - - . 1

Mr. O'Shea proposed . as an amendment—" That nocoercion bo used to thoso wbo frequent tbo - faira,That they be at liberty to nao any part of tho townwhioh they considered most oonvonient for the purposesof their business, and that they be informed that tboMain;street waB open to them' for that purpose aa wellaa any patt of tho town, and poblio notioe be given tothat effoot." ; . ; : : ,

Tba amendmont wos possod, Mr O'Brien dissentingon tha ground that it was nonsensioal. . : |

Tlii Board t'non adionrned.

V7r£to Gorvod on Pivo CommioPionoro; and tho Town Clorb- ;

On Thursday evenbg writs claiming £500 damagesfor interfering with the market over which he has con-trol were nerved at the instance of Mr Ussheron MessrsPower, Slattcry, Curran, Casey and Walsh, members ofthe Town Commissioners board, and on Mr O Connor,Town Clerk. In accordance with the wish of thocommissioners Father Casey, P.P., met Mr Uuher atthe Parochial House here with a view towards; anamicable arrangement of the dispute, when Mr Uahermadala proposal.that Mr Wall bo paid £40 for lastycai-'scervices, and (suggestion* were also mode to have himpaid at tho rate of one penny per firkin or one third thefees, and to give him £50 a year, he to pay all expenses.The latter found the most favor amongst those presentTho matter will ba discussed at the noxt meeting of theCommissioners. : • ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦

Hiomoro Potty Doodiono -SATDODAT.Bofoto Messrs J F Lydoh, R M and J IToonao, J F

UNCLAIMED.Sergeant Doylo applied for tin order to sell alx

cheep which wore Impounded in Lismoro poundsince tbe 10th May, No ono hsA einoo: turned np toclaim thorn. ' . '

The required order WSB grouted.i DauNKc^HEca.

ConBtable RUey charged Mlobael Barry withboing drunk on tbo street. —Fined 8s. 6d. :

Sergeant Bouobler charged Thomas Doohn withboing drunk atd disorderly.—Fined 6s. and costs.

Sergeant Boucbier also obarged John Eeofe nitba like offence.—Fined 5J. and coats.

Constable Blordan charged Tom Lacy withdrnnkenneoa. Third offence.—Fined 1e. BA. nndIs. 64. costs.

Constable Flaherty oharged Pat UoCarthy nltbbelni? drnnk on the 31»t May.-rTlned 8>. 6d. i .

Sirgeant Doyle charged David Pino with drunk-enness on tho 1st June.—Fined 2s. 6& i

Sergeant Doyle also ' summoned Garrott Colbertnitb) drnnkenness on tbe 1st Jane.—Fined 3s. 61

John Thompson was also obarged by tho sergeantwith being drank on tbe' same day. It being histhird offence, ho wai fined 7s. 6d. ' ¦¦

Aoting-Berge&nt Keefe charged John ' Sander*wltb boing drunk and, disorderly on tbe 1st Jane.—Flntd 10s and costs. ¦ i : - : ' '

AJ nnmbar of persons wero fined 2*. Cd- each, andordered to take oat for baving unlicenseddogi In tbelr possession. : t

, :! AiSlDLT. , ; :

Jchanna Wblte summoned her con, John White,fcr jaBsanlt She stated ' that he w«s continaollyasisiultiog b«r, and on tbo occasion in question, heboat her badly about tneiead when she refused togiva bim money for drink. He also assaulted bisfather continually,- she stated. It appear* com*platnant is a fruit vendor, and the assault" com-plalaed of occurred on the, etroit shore sbo waiselling her fruit. ; ; . . ' . • !

Mr. Lynch uked the police what sort of a ohareo-ter %as tbe defendant, and UioBergeant stated tbnt oe« in lreiaua. u«i«j iiira «jhe couldn't be wone i : he mi * oontinutUjr maultlDg «h»pe of » saucer. The banking is carried very far intohis father and mother, and the police had to. go Into ths. straights so that ths ran home it not more thanthelDUae frequently to try and quieten him. ¦ «*clot 30 yards.' On Tuesday the surface wu roojjh,

Mr. Lynch said they would gi«a bltn the fullest particol«rur <«> ft8 outside, notwithstanding which goodpenalty the law «Uo«e4.i They would sentence him tinies w«s redded to ths h»ndic»pi. : ; '¦ .to! tik months' impriioBment with hard labour, Mr. : i ! l »•» <Joit» » J"01*0* °.f, bieai*£**•Lynoh remarking that perhaps that sentence would i «t |l{MNt ; iny my three days ramble. At Corkbe lhe mean« of lmpr6ffng bltn«UtUe bit.: ! J- °- Meredith wa» en tviithet. The

! ' i njBiiioAitu'¦ oun. : i ~ -:- last nau.evl with»very pmUl (»mp»jaon- na Battj-Ooostable BleUy charged Anthony Hart., publican, «««>»WVM u« . "SJS0 - * " *•£*. ¦£**

B»Uydn«, «Uh » brMoh of tha 8t.nd»y Cloilog Aot H«rveyr of one of the Cork Clabe. The captaU jhadThe constable (Uted \hi* on Bunchy, the 4th Jonev he perfonnep » record feat from Mattoom-io the visSio)*'Kupok«d at defendant'* house and was delayed a( tbe nook declared, but now that W) book annonnoe* thatdooir for a oonJlderabU tim« before he wo* admitted, the record is held by our partv. Jut at Baatry i»yWhen at got In be fovndibe poanter •treirn over with we met two polloemen who would lay any odd* aeaiajt

Wtt-J&f iff l&psSiffgf o hsSSS ^Sf f ksf ^-Szrth, W boat*.; M/Weh did nofaoeepk tbat .t U. SSSSS2& £?nfe£ KUUniey "•. • ** -?*t •mtot^ ind 4»*a•• B inf tm, tU eourlotion not Sbe number'of old famUwr fam. . _ : ¦; .

eBdkwedon Ihellernw-: . ' ' • : ' : I - - : ' : I«.t Friday SUlloe had a *h» *i ihe


foi; defenaive' o* offe$|ta porposei. whleh, honem,»« i >#aMim^!iw«w te (^with the BBlvaraM aUl«noe for the prokeodt << the,puuiQ' :be*Ufc- ;f. ;:K:;y. :: v ,i. ; ¦ ; .i -, ::.;- r-- ^.u . ¦;,: AU civilised N»tttma<vtf «Ul«d in nuttert of M"tary regulation" and rttatt«n pertaining , to wahlio

• health,-, i-(^ .,:;. - ;•: X , ¦.':, ! : .*¦ i .• ¦•: "' L • '; ?¦.

¦ '< '¦. *•¦*. ¦'

¦ A* will be thown below, all Nation* are allied In,th» que»tion of W*rner'« Safe Care at being themost valuable remedy for the core of dbease Ot tbeklaneyi, liver and urinary organs. ,;. ; ¦ • . ; ."-¦ i

OBSKAVT. Dr. Fischer, GovernmenjUDi..trict Physician «t Neuenbureg, ' W^rtteoberg,attests .•—" I bave pleMnre in eiying, one of mypaijents, who was suffering from Bright'* Diwoaeof , thu Kidneys,' and who,1 to oonsulation witheminent < ooUeagues, i was 'treated with all otherknown therapeatlo remodies without avail, j wa*completely cured through the use of Warner'*: B«faCnra " • . - .

¦¦ ' . ; ' ¦¦ ¦¦ . • . '

" ¦ ' . ' '

1 StfOLAITD Eev. J. WILSON-HAITBSDIH,Church House, Bordesley Green, Birmingbaro,*tte|stj i—" I have for years, slaoe I left India, beena perfect martyr to Indigestion, earned by iluggtibliver, and have tried ' various ; doctors and theirmedicines without any permanent benefit. Iiwaiindqeed to try WarnerV Safe Cure and Pill*, withthe result that now ojtnpletely restored tofaeiltb and I flnd by continuing to take one pill atdinner und one dose of Warner'* Safe Cure earlyevery morning they keep my digestive organs ingood order." ' ' . " ' ¦ '¦ '¦

PRAHCE PEOF. J. POIBAUD, BA.., B.Sp,Part*, attests :— " After weeks of suffering frominflammation ot the bladder, during.wbioh time,although under tbe most noted specialists, thedisease steadily developed and I rapidly grewwester. I resorted to tbe uao of Warner's SafeCure. It promptly rolieved the palnfol symptomsand, my convalescence to a complete oara was un-interrupted and rapid, and I can conscientiouslysay;' that my present good boaltb is solelyattributable to Warner's Safe Cure." • 'AUSTRIA. BABOH V: WEICCTTEE. M.D.Vienna, attests—" Warner's Safe Cmo has effeotedan undeniable and eminently satisfactory euro in tbefamily of one of my near relations." : ;BE3LOITTU. MB P WATBtie, Boitafort. Bruis-els, attests :—•• I suffered from, severe headaobes,janndioa, extromo enervation and general debility,resulting from a torpid oondition of the liver, andafter failing to abtalu rellef from other treatments,I used Warner** Safe Cure,, whlob promptlyrelieved thoBoJsycnptom, and.reatored' me to health.B X I I T Z E n d M I D. MB J B HESS, Toaoher cfSandbeochel by Torsonaoh attests :—" For manyyears my health was unsatisfactory, until in 1892,tbe disease showed Itaelf in an alarming way and itWAS ' found that I suffered from kidney dloeaso, forwhioh I employed Warnor I Safe Cure, and after athorough treatment was completely cured.AX2EEI0A. E A GUHKB, M.D , Professor NewYork medical College, attests i—" In savero casesot Bright'e Disease, «here all other remedies andtreatments failed, I havo off^otcd permanent ourcawith Warner1

* 8sfe Core. Farthormcre I am con-vlnosd that ia all ailments wnero tbe blood Is In anunhealthy conditioo, and the general health impaired,the advantage gained from tad nsa of Warnet b SafeOare fa remarkable" : !

i < - ^-*

CTCLIW XS ^ SEC . ;• Circamstancr) are always known to; NOT NOW alter cases. It wo> my intention to

giro at some length an account of mytour to Cork , Macroom, Gougaano-Barra, KUmandghPass, Bantry Bay, Glengariff, Kenmaro, Killamey, andTraleo, but I am just now so utterly disgusted at thewind up of what was otherwise a magnificent tour, thatI cannot think of setting out on what under otherconditions would bave been but a pleasant task. Nextweek, perhaps, I may be in a frame of mind to writer niething of the pleasant side ot, my wanderings, >C" : I have not very many pleasant things

NOT PLEABAKT to say to-dayj Misfortune teeca todog Uie stepa of Waterford raaig

meE whan they leave home. The WJJ.C. representativesat Tralea were not on exception to what now appeanalmoat on establiihod rule.

Tho sports on Tuesday have beenLITTLE TO ADD very fully reported, and, owing to

| unforseen circumstances, I am not ine, position to add greatly to the enlightenment of myreaders regarding them. However there ore eomeunpublished facts which, no doubt, will bo of interest.

[ Once again h&s our genial friend been; 8HALI/OC robbed tho distinction of winning:a! championship. When most men lose

they offer some excuse. Shalloe is not ono of thoso, but IthuLk it only fair that I should explain what, in myopinion, is the real reason why he did not carry off thechampionship. In the first heat of the half mile the tyroof Ids Whit worth collapsed, and he could not put it torights. Thus, in the championship, ho was compelled toride' a machine which was quite 6 lbs heavier than hisown. In other words' he was riding a rtrange machineand: giving away six pounds to two of the speediestevents of the year. Considering this great d&advan-tago he made a fine effort for victory. As I could onlycatch a: glimpse of the race from the dressing room Icannot describe it in dotail Indeed,. I believe, itrequired very littlo describing, as with but Shalloe,O'dalbghan and Kenna 'starting itr"really developedinto1 little more than a one Up race. At the bellO'Callaghan bad tho lead, with Kenna at his wheel andShalloe on a strong outside. Half way up tha backstraight it looked as if tho Wvterford man would get infront, but he was unable to sustain the extra effort rightto the end, and O'Oallaghnn, steering beautifully roundlast; corner, just managed to squeeze home in front ofKenna by » couple of inches, with Shalloe » wheel away.In ths mile scratch Shalloe rode O'Calleghan's machineond won easily,

i I In the threo miles roadster handicapA TESBIBLE nino started. At four laps to go allj had dropped out but M. F. Morris,

.of tho Kerry Club, the winner of tbohalf! milo handicap, A- Kcnnclly, Limerick, M. A.Keaneddy and C. P. Bedmond, of Waterford. At tbebell' the order was Kennelly, Kennedy, Morris andBedmond, Half way up the back straight Morris andBedmond challenged simultaneously. : Just at , themomont' Kennedy attempted to pass Kennelly and indoidg sa struck'Redmond's back wheel with his pedal,tho two iWatcrford men coming down an awful smash.Redmond's marliine was buckled out of recognition aidho was! vory eoverely cut about tho legs and amis.Kennedy's Jamea was not scratched and ho fortunatelyescaped himself with a torn arm and a 'slight scrape onthe knea. ' , |

I ! To the injured cyclbta tho greattatO.RCAT ATTENTION attention was paid by the committee

' of the promoting club, Mr. E.Harrington, ex-MJP., Dr. Hayes and a number of othergentlemen, Tho doctor dressed Redmond's w»unds aidwas moit unremitting in his attentions to him. ' ;¦ : I To Dr. G. L Mackesy, J.P., I have

! THANKS to return my moat sincere thanks for: his great kindness since my return.

If t am able to be about again in a very short time,; Iwill havo, in a great measure, to attribute the fact tothe skill and advice of Dr. George ]

: ' Tbo longest and best report of theTHE " rnnsiA!)" Tralee Sports appeared in the Frit-

: BW0UT man'* Journal. Here is that paper'*: report of the championship'— j

O'Collaghan at the start got t!>« Inclde of ths tradt, andmad» poo* for Eeana, with Shalloe well np, to th« foart-teeatb round. The pace was msd« alurnawlr bj th* trio.In tbo sixteenth round Eonna mads tho pac« tast, and thenndtathe second last lap vace was again tuen up by ticthree rnnsers In torn*. The running wts then of an in andoat oharctor nntil entering the toconi bit UP, whanOXalUftbAn, paain; Bhalloe, got to tha front, asd then tbenet for the tape oommenced. Keooa pat on nil beat fper!and. wu cloMlj (ollowoi by Shalloe. O'Callagban, on tiegnu die, kept his di<t»noe and won a magnUcent raoe bjlean thin bau • wheel i aboot two wneeli (cpantod Shallotfrom Eenna. Tims Mmln I7tox ' i

The .Freeman describes the three miles thus— :Tbe handicap wu well maintained (or the tint three Ups ;

Kcnnedr then made tbe pace, olojtljr followed br .Kennel)/anfl llorrii. The lead was alt«rnU«lT kept by those threefor 1 tha following two laps, Bedmond ana Eennslly boingwall In. In the tenth lap Redmond' went to ths front, fol-lowad closely br HorrU, EenaeUjr,1Kennedy, and Nprman.In tho lutUp ienjedj and Eedmond collided and w«r«thrown and tlorrli sported finoly to ths front, and won agood nee by about foar yards. Time 8mln Siiaca. j

' The management of tbe meeting wasTHB UAHAOEUKaT good except in one or two partlcoW*.

: Tha telegraph board might as wellhave been up in ths clouds for all ths good it was.Before itarUng tbe races no warning whistle was blows,• most unacoountobl* proceeding which militated con-•M.rahl u arralnut coma vMton iiiths half mile, ' ' '

i If they nod a'FitJpatrick down in1 inn TZtACX Tralee the track would bo one of the

belt in Ireland. It U very much tileships of o saucer. The banking is carried very far intotha. straights' so that ths run home it not more thanabdnt 30 yftrds. ' On Tuesday the lurfaoe wu roogh,


«iS| «forih«r;ndoo*ijrarfth»idd>S «a h»t»'«|w»m»d» bntlthaV #o»Jtf k«pt* thV1 p«eVmak»ri book.3y .tk«:ooadJ«4n» tt* JBIB HdUif ;«*MdiwB»jilk>w«d-o oontrol a,t Loe,»»dJtowUf , bt islUkMMknk,

dia not jtaa to knaka to* r«o» voj worau { Breryon*appeared i|trpriMd wb«a.ta«yloonsl»reepjr4h*4roo«;'" -" '. > : : : ¦',!' ' ' s A moling o< tti oboiol(to»;of the

O.'Ali. -'i " . ©unjima'|br«n«- l the Q AA WBS: : '¦;¦ ¦ ¦

'' " < held a DoWrtM.on- edttiirfw•vani&r when imongtt oth»i bjuh)*W tniiftfcUd, ft*u deaid*4 to "bdU a.feneral meeiln* for tht OoiityWaterford: at Oung»rv»oTo»o Hall on JJ^nrdar,84th J?n», for the, pnrpo»«» ot saving:ay draw for th*3onnty Football Championship) foraiing the ooontyw«rd and «Ieot qffloer». Th* elabt of tha oountr are

oakod to take DOtioeof this meeting,!with a view oflaving inemseiref amunea ana. enuring fn iu

County OhsmplobBhip. , AH Ipfonnatlon can beobtained from Mr D Fiaber, sen. Dnn(t»rvan Q A A.

i On Sunday the above match wa*xn,L y. played at Balljleen. The "DanbUl

. DTJWBUbi. men, aocompjmlid by the Donhill Fifej I , and Dram Band, arrived at itboat 8

o'dook. ' Owing to some disappointment ths Kill mendid not axrfva naUl 4 80 o'olook. . There was a larg»attendance of people At 5 o'olook the Uvns Used up.DunhUl having won the «>•» decided to play with the

I OL When the teams -caught hand* the Kill manooksd far superior in sizs to the DnahOl me*. Tha

kail »M thrown' in by Mr P Power, who acted unferee, and to whom treat credit ii* due for themanner in whloh ho performed the duties. . As soon uboll was thrown in. Kill made % duperata oharge for

le goal, ibot it ^ wot to ho avail. I After Idok-offDnnhlll defended the goal well for the I first half-hour,during whioh tbare was no score. When tht teamsohanged ildos Dunhlll no longer was in the shade, anda fleroo oharge was mods for the goal, but the bollwent over the line. After the kick-off Daahlll againmade another oharge for the goal atd succeeded insecuring a point. At call of time the score wu—Donhill, 1 point ; Kill, nil Tbe Danhill men werethen declared ttte winners and were loudly ohoered.Tho namel of the DunbOl were—J Power (captain),P Walsh (vloe-captain), Q PotOe (goal), M Power, P'ower, E! Power,! M Veale, J Foley, P Pawer, J

Christopher, M Power, W Kiely, B Power, P Power,J Power, P Dwyer. W Mara, J G»Uf , E Torpey, JCheatty, E Oheasty. Kill—T Caaey (captain), FCommii's (vioe-oaptain), E deary (goal), B Power, J

obem, II Carroll, P Hallorahaa, £ Hickay. P Walsh,' Merigan, J Blorrissey, J Brien, E Sollivan, Wlaher, J MansSeia, M Harris, W Caaey, S MoUmey,

J.Walsh, M Crows, J Power—COB.The foreign element, bar Sanger, was

DHArroiirrnia very dirappointin;, Titobbeln, the: Dntohmon, not being, able to rMe forthe proverbial nuts. M«ntyie3, the South Africanwas something better, bnt when it camo to racing hemight a> well have been at the Cape.

Walsh rode in this event last Satur-BATB EO »D day on his £9 Inch ordinary and"TEIET V." seenred the only time medal, doing

. 1 hour 42 mins CO ecas, being withinths standard time for an ordinary.

i Mills best all records in hU JohnUILLB. O'Qroat's ride *>y seven hours. The

. performance is certainly • marvellousono, on a'trlcycle. In fact, all thb records will needlomo beating. .

Bon will certainly ba with as for theBEH August meeting. Those who havo

. FISLDIN«. oot inbaoribed to the tcatimoniol anddetiro to do so should (and on thair

contribnttoDB at cnco. :Toranev is still lying in the Belfast

TBS Urt.E hospital. It is ramonred his injuriesCHAWION. are of suoh a nature as to prevent

: him ever donningr silk a/ain. I trustthis U only the " good word" of the alarmists who areovor about. .

Tha oyaling notas ina contemporaryTuoaz NOTES, are always so amusing tbat it U a pity

more people do not too them. Lostweek the journal in question deolored that a certainlocal rider was ',' certain to develop into ft cominggood road man." Other equally ohoioa mortals oonldbe roprodaond hid I tho timetto clip them out.

Arthar Dncroa meat bo badly offOJT COLOB. color this year. At a pkco oalled

Burslem on Saturday ha was twiaedefeated In noratoh races by J Aram, Breaton, C C.

The nerformanco of English;" sporta-8HABBT. men ' in refusing Zimmerman per-

; mission to ride in the championshipbecauso he deolined to mount any maobin* but aRaleigh will bring noon them jnot condemns'ionSnglishoian dearly IOVR to keep their championship at

home, and they knew if Zimmy wa« spinning that thisdesired rcsolt could not bo attained. Henoe tbe boy-cotting decision.\ :

"rtio really is tbo only rational way toBATiOHAt, Traw the decision of tbo Uoensing

Committoo. If Zimmerman was notto be allowed to rido his Raleigh why was he not toldso before leriving bis native shores f !

At the Limerick sports, held onUMBBICK , Wednesday, T F Kettv of BallynoaJe

won two weight throwing events andgot second 'a both tho 129 yds horJJoJ and tha longnmp. He was credited with a record in throwing the

10 1b hammer, the distance covarad : being 122 feet7 inohes, a* against tho.prorloas record of 121 foet8 inohes.

, „..„„., Mr F Morris, wbo rode eo well at thew»n Troloe sports oa Tuesday, U a Clon

"' ¦ Imel man. ' :

Dungarvan Land Sessions—MONDAY.His Honor, Judge FitigenJd, entered court this

morning at 11 o'dook, accompanied by Ilr Sargent,D C P, aid Mr p'Beilly, Bsgislrsi; .

McQratb v Earl of Huntingdon.— This wu ¦ claimunder the Land Act of '70 for .£552 15s 8d. com-pensation for disturbance, inorhauitod manures, im-provements , Ao. There was a iet-off for .£650.

Mr Maxwell (instructed by Mr Hunt) for tenant: . -Mr Boyd, B h; (Instrncted by Mr JforrU Qoddard)

opponroi tor landlord. • \L . ' '¦ ¦Mr Boyd raiisd a preliminary, objtr.tion that the

notico HIS not taried in time.Hi» Honor sold he wonld not dismiss a cue on a

preliminary point eron if well fonnded if it caused noiflrdehip. uponi the point raised ho ruled against Mr

Boyd. He held that as the tenant n»d not practicallygono ont of possesiion, slthoogb being a caretaker,that he woi entitled to lorve hiJPtiotiaa of the claims ;ha oofe havinflr qnittad or b«ing put ont of poMeaslon.

Ur Maxwell said that John McGrath, grandfather ofthe claimant, cams into possession In 1841, and paidXS0O fine for tho coaaeaaioo.

John MoGratb gave evidence of his improvements.Michael McGrath , undo of tho tenant, deposed that

his brother got the farm and paid a £ne for it to amiddle man named Klely.

Mrs McGrath deposed that tho improvements woremade by her husband.

Ur Kolly , Waterford, gave evidonca of the valae olImprovements. ' .

Mr Boid raised the point that piers and gates shouldbe excluded as they did not come under the term of" permanent buildings." •

His Honor hold that piers and gatsa ahonld beallowed for under the head of " permanent baildinga."

Mr Denis Kiely deposed that bis father gav< a leaseof tbe pltoa for 21 years to old James MoQrath. ThsMcGratbs did a, good deal to the place while they holdit. The father of witness got £100 or may be £130,nclnding tho interest as consideration for the lease.

There was not a habitable room in the place for thepost few yean. ; They wore left tbo place for the put19 yearn. : '

Mr Gallaway, Llsmore, deposed that he vslned thebuilding! and improvements on bohalf of the landlord.

HiE Honor said that tha walla of all tha buildingshe should hold to be the landlords and the roofs thetenants. , ¦ . ' : ¦ ¦

Mr Boyd naid that it wonld take a great deal to pntbe bouse buck Into good condition. ; '

Mr Gallaway, for the landlord, sold it wonld costJBUO to put the house in repair.

Chairman—It would take money to repair every oldhouse. : I don't think the tenant U obliged to put oldfloors in good ordar for the landlord before ha la evicted.

Mr Kelly, for tha tenant, said that the floors werefairly good, and JH or £5 would make matters alright •

Hi* Honor gaYojadnmont for .£21317s. There wasa set-off for £377 14a for rent. He therefore gavajndgment for th* landlord for j?130. The claim waetherefore diamftsed. No order aa to coats.

. Mr Boyd claimed ooflU.Mr Maxwell Bald that costs wore only givca when a

claim was unreasonable. This was not on extravagantelaim. , !

Hit Honor refused to give costs, and said that bothshould pay their own costs. ¦

O'Brien v Musjrave.—Thii was an application tofix a fair rent The oaso was a'Jowad to atand till nextsessions after the examination of a .witneit nomadHackctt Mr J F Williami fnr tenant. :

Walsh v Power:—This was an application for com-pensation wider the Act ot 70. Toe lands are iltaatedat BonJaHiD. Tbo oUini was for £174. A tct-off forrent was lodged »t £227 13* 4d. : ;

Ur J F Wullams for claimant i Mr Thornton for re-spondent. :

Mr Thornton raised the point that th« holding wasnot agricultural.. It was a well holding-. Tha well waamore valuable than the loads. ' '

Mr WiUUma-U the well was the principal .lettingthat would be ao.'but it wu the lands were lei.

Hit Honor udd he vUiUd the pUce ond wa* ofopinion that it wti not on agricultural holdinf.Tha claim woa dumUaed. i

, Mow Connor*, , twa«t | O«orj« Otltti londlord |lands of Clone* Mlddla |»»%» 60a 8i Up j Tnt, £1M tvoluotion, £&} 15t i . :

Mr J V> WUliomt for tonont > Ur Thdrnton for Unl*lord.] ! , ' '! ¦ . :¦¦ ; • ¦ ' j

Then were four ooreai of o difforenos in krea of th*holding, and o new survey wot agraed nnoo. !Mr uonnon g»v» •v««oo« oJ toe raolomotfon iMr Thoma Power raised th* holding ot £tl , \S$.Mr Jont«t, for the landlord, valued |tt £87 6*. Ha

madehlsvaloj,tiOB in TS. , [ < ;.• HU Honor odjoftrnad tha eoao for (ha •videno* ofUr qnlry; flonrt volaef. '- ' - : . ' : j | ;

Bheridon v Lapbr—Tola wo* o olslm for oompto-Htion nndar tbi Aet;pf : 70. A torn of £33 &t iuololojed. ; Ther»:#ot • a»t-off fpr JE9 U, r*nt4jM,

H> J f. WilUofU for elolssoati Or WUUaBt forr»«pondenl. , ¦

!j , l - v . - : ¦• . .- ¦.; ¦ .. .¦ i ¦ ' i : 'Mr WiUlow»»W if, ths ienoal would be wtiated

to piy th* Ho»doa would they jdldw Wm to i»Qoin.Dr WIQIM^WS wint to

s*Dvond Nobody will buvwhile b* la Ibtril > Tbrtwo oawt eoat J8178 toxu «•«»•go, ood U •»!** Wo «a okrMawnjk to bn» 4» £7«,bat h« «r«atda(*«if»tlMt«r*«mtn>.' * • '*r mSum A ptotol wo. h«U to, onr (or.h«.4 Mit w«r* ond w* MM told bay or qolL : , . i .•Dr Wll!l»a»%f B> eoa gat » ma«a fej>h*r t«at for it.j u wotStKyw. ift. «. «b« *trV»*r5rtir»;tha omoant w* c0er*it ood tha oaxxo yotiwimtdMw.i»t:i TJi«UtliU»><*«*ik» »t>of4i fordl«t2«oSt!

- Tlu»autairM|allo>a<lto ltondf0t> LQBiry'.w oti¦¦ ' Ji^t ' S^^o^^^Vi-rWi. ¦ ¦ |;,;:Aj* gpMB ^twtijtMEirTib $b




m§mhit were w«t r«h^'ha"|U^ p^ i«gtotand aotlet of nth on hit B*M*V ¦¦¦i-h \lv -.-.; i. In reply to Mr Bodkin, JBoh^ tniijU wti

tbt* flrat time Kenno wai befcw tt*e<«r|L':]. . i . • '-JUir Bodkln—Tn«M ftih w«re tabal!io}ttrk>n» to

the pqbiro health i ttwy •» ootttilry p t t Un & k . ; 'Kurt 10* 6d, or In d*t«iK U dty*:.' i »The defaodant did not oppaar. : .] ¦:¦¦ • i< -

', ficrcreant Byu rommoned Jome, Cody fir b«lngarnniuii auoraeny. . a* a«« «i n*«moa »n«defendant drank ond diwrierly on, W« ¦pobliostreet at Portlaw j he WM obni 'retfajafakbl*«idgbbourt. : . ¦' ¦ " • ¦ ;' .*f . '

Tbe defendant, whoi*ln flia n.nfU»i.ndjditlnotappear, w»» fined 6s or 14-d»ya. : '; >

i Oonstabla Clifford aummoned Jom« Billsr, *labourer, for being drnnk On tbe pabUojrood otBiUyotbUM dn 8th of May, flaed 2a 64 iBdIt 6dcotw. ¦ i : . ¦ - . ' : .' ¦'i i .

i Constable Eegamummqued John Dooley, laiourer,for having an unlicensed dog ID Ma poMeastyi.

; The defendant"a wife appeared asd taid tha dogatrayed into tbe honae. She did not want him.

! Constable Refrtn, in reply to Mr Bodkin, told asbtlieved the defendont't ctory. ' ¦ > :

i Fined 6d and Is costs. : :• Sergeant Gongh sommoned Michatl Fol«y for

baring an nollcensed dog 1° bla posaession. 'The (ergeont, in reply to Ur Bodkin, itid Foley

did aob Inform the police of having tbe: dog1 in hitpossession. '". • j .

Fined 6s, and ordered to take oat o HceuM.Constable McMahon had s feeble sld man named

John Unrray tnmmoned for having one unltoentediox in bit posseision. ¦; ¦ ¦ ¦

Slarraj, in reply to Mr Bodkin, w(d he wot oherd in tbe employ ment of,Mr Klncald. DuWln, aadthe reason he did not take oat tbe papers wu ajneighbour told him It ,was no nee aa ha would be iala different district perfaapa next month, and Uwone licanie would not do. He would not part tbedog for a "fiver." Fined 2s 6d, ond ordered to takeout a license. ' '

BUD BATC. , ,Mr Holly, Roto Collector/got decrees against ball

a dozen small farmers on last court day for, nothaving paid their seed rates. ; ; ' j

Tbe police returned the decrees Into court to-daymarked — no goods. A fishery proseoution atthe suit of the Marqoia of Waterford was called,but as no one appeared to prosecute, tbe case wasdlfmissed. - '

CABBICK-ON-SUm BUTTEB MABKBT-JUOT 13.In our market to-day there were 248 flrklna ol

butter. Pricat ruled from 94a to 100a per cwt < 47a to50t per firkin. Bnyert— Meisrt Courtenay, BidgwayJMahony. P A Power, Fielding, Powar, Bjan andShann, Waterford ; B P Phelan, Clonmel ; Qnlrke,Corriak. Demand good. Market over early.


A friend ID need is a friend in deed, tayt the oldjiw. Quite BO . Fair weathor friend) are plentiful!enough, goodness knows ; the kind that, drop is oo|yoo, talk to you; bother you. and borrow thing*from you ; the kind that never bring bach (hat /tajihillingi , bnt ask for five more "jost t» makt it teo,"]that breed of friendi, I aay, are at thick as flies oresa sngar bowL Bat tbe sort who stick by yoa wbem!you ete down on jour look, wbo pnt their tboaldertiagainst your cart wheelt at a naity.'ipo* in tharoad—why, yoa want to hunt for them with spect-acles and a lantern. Yet, after all, snob friendt dojexist, ond forty of them turned np, without on*hooting, when Mr Knowlet needed them badly.How it happened he tolls ns in the following •bate-;ment. ¦ ¦ i ¦ ' ¦

I, Jonathan Knowlos,of Lo'tton Fes, neorBamsey,Hants, do solemnly aad sincerely declare atfollows :—I wat always a strong and healthy nunnp to April, 1880, when I began to feel UL At flratI felt doll, low-spirited, and bod no energy. ' I hada poor appetite and for days and days could eatnothing. What I did eat laid like load oa my cheat.I bsd a gnawing, staring feeling at the pi|iof thestomach,, and wu constantly tick, votuUfaj up agreen fluid. At tfmet the baaryiof 4&m painiflgwot so great that blood coma up. tf jCjm 3t andfeet were alwayi cold, and clammy twelt wed tabreak ont all over me. I never felt -frarm areawhen I tat before tha fire. Next a hacking drycougb, with tevere paint at-my chest aad, lnagt. ee>K *o to trouble me, my breathing became ihjort sodhurried, I toon got to wtak that I hid to give upmv work, for I could only walk a fev yordt witbontstopping to take my breath. The cough ana short-ness of breath got gradually worse and wortf, aadI began to loose flesh rapidly. At first «j dootorfrom Bamspj came to see me, he gave me medlolnetand cod llver oil.but bold out no hope cf my gett-ing better, and after attending me three montot bereoommended me to go to the bojplUt I got arecommendation from my matter, Mr David Coney,Wellington Hoasr, 8t, Mary's, ond went to Pater-,borongb Infirmary. I bod to be taken inaitrap tothe railway •tation, auch wot my wa«Jr atat«. Thedoctors at the Inurmay had me stripped and aouod-d my lungi, and aaid one of my loogt wot] almostone, and tbat I wu Iu coniuropttan.. Thej g»v»

mo medioinet, ond alao cf d liver oil, bat nothing didmo any good. After being under their ot'n tadtreatment for three months I wu dUehanrad a*iDcareable. My wife and reUtiont left all bop* ofmy ever getting well again, and every on* who tsarme looked upon me as being ia a decline- Mt obeekthid sunk and I bad watted away until I wit onlyo shadow of my- former telf, you oonld even bee th*slnewa through my fleih. I wu nothing bn» akinand bone, having lost three atone ia wt-ghti'; lootop every day bnt had to«tt into trM-caairj all d»ylong, I confd only move a few yorda and thiat withthe aid of a stick. In this half-dead, haU-aU|ve ttatecontinned for nearly two yean, aad arn< lookedupon as doomed. During (he Utter part, ay ' wifedid not think I abonld live from one week:to on-other, and filends wbo came to tee me uted to ear." Posr Jack will never come oot alive again." InDecember, 1889 when I wot at my wont a! neigh-boor of mine, Mrt King, Tra* Briton Inn, told &>•of a medicine oalled Mother Selgel't CurativeByrnp. and gove me half a bottle of it.' I hid nofaith in anything doing me any good bat Ijtook IkHaving been to long oat of work l ooold.ttot 'gtjtmoney for more of the Sjrnp, Ma ttronf- wtTt-.«yfriendi convinced that the;medicine a>oaUl db 1Mgood tfaat a laborlptlon .waa itarted aad 'mt 40peoplo tnberihed to ciulito. m« ta («t iUwthasupply. Mr» King got the Syrnp from Ur J ;Vree-mtB, Cbemitt, Bamtey, and kept me •applied withit. After I bod taken three bottlet ot tht 8yr«BI felt benefit. I kept en with the medioio* tadgradnally -got ktronger aad.; atrpnger, ¦nd{ft''ba« my went. : P o<)u itl^;Mgaifito»;tieio»»I properly got np mj tti«ngtbv I*»Q,ncnr'|o aaykind of »«*,,»&ted K M UoaaX&t.l chX .*3kU miles In' o day, for whioh I ttack Ood tak)#* . >.|U - O_f.>>ik».lt.^ ¦** - . ' . ^w - ¦ . _ 1 iL'j. * * * *** * - * ¦*_

Mtonithed Ot my r*oovery. 1 toll them ill tbo*Belger* 6ymp hu brought ma bade to Ufa. Iwish other* to know what hai doo«to mnoh (be m«,and 1 give permission to the Proprietora ot tbt)medicine, to make what ate they think atiof, thii¦tatement ; and I m»ke thb aoUmn dtetamaioootolenUootly beliveing tha>: aaate to be tma.By virtue of the Statutory Declaration Aft, ISIS(Will. IV.. C. 62). •. ¦ . ' .

¦. ; . : j :

Sabscribed and declared at") IPaterboro*. iu the County of j i - , 'Northampton, thii 29th day . : 'of January, 1892, before me, (SSgMi}'¦ (Signed) L. J. Dracoa, JCJI,VT«I" SITOWLMA Otmrnivionrr »» admiiutter1 : v j ;Oath* in (Aa Suprenu Cturt • . " ! . ! ¦ ¦] 'i " '' ¦o^ Juiieatw* {» Ireland. : , . . ! *

You take notice of ooana thalMr. KotxilaaiBkMO«olemn lego! deolaratlon. to the truta «f h^ r«>markabl* awry. It it to fall of laggartmriMtithat! could write a book aboot it. Bolithirt ia a»time nor room now to do that' Toe .poia to r»-oemb*r are theae t—If the dooton taoaghlf^PoprJack 'aad oontumption they war* nMtJun, llr»ftwi that; be bad got well tbowt **&m MednmmpUoB. A nun that eoa now walk MdJaUa*« day hu got two good begs, DontoW* >*w»r90b«iin*ia to-nuke cuoh blqbaamaM'ietwigiUM*odt 61 Veourtge aaa hopt. Bo*'th4?l) mmit ignorance, no natter where you iu MM itWhat ailed Ur. Knowtoa wa* iaditM* asTkaldftpeptUi—nothing elae. The «to*h :** t^Mt-jMUjth were tyoptom* of that, aot o/lh* d« *&&pt lttnir whiuno*. Next krep l*v\H |i, at*)that all our eomoou (saltdiei iit>8{ S:: Smoehlnery for difetttag food It cut oT*iC!l»1•henit (WXleok to7th. aomeU -M| 4««i lhat la the Otcni tf. tlie uxKMs .jpiSttal'a Syrup, It tJea t- tba<tUt »Mtt*|55••/ tbeu tbe water of U .tvmiiSSj i m Sm

«tW«i»«t wh«w £&M * immmm

a>B*l*BBBBBBi I till ¦aB*BB*aaB'*BVl l*B'B*Bl IflBi aBBBBBBBBBBf taBBBEaaBBr & ¦aEBBBBBH ilBBBBBl

h CTa i asa ^ lil BB fc aa taaHBH^EjgSJBEB^BHffWB

Page 4:' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS


];.' ;¦ :; . :-; f : [- ^J CABMa^frsuiB.] :;f :|: : i ; ii ' .: - ThWeluehe cWipter.of the promise* on' which! W th« bidding of tbe Whigs,' « seoH»a of the Itithi i jeople (threw overboard the man, whohad worW: •• • : M } 6agl .taiitai »xio.6ai\rfor their!; welfare*, to $£i . ' gfnntug to 4»nn on the mioda of »otbe,: at least, i»(I thfl FedentiohiBts. At the last meeting of: the

, . GrurdUni here Mr. John Shee complained that; ¦ ¦ \ . J ¦ •jricttoai wei>e .carried ont just as frequently pnder: '- ¦• the ' prwnfc ' regimt as at any - «me lu -tBe¦ ' ;! Mat He r«tifeased an entire ignorance of : the

I ' : i circumstances to whioh tnis statei pf thingsi ' It Btiributeble, so for MB enlightenineBt we wighi be ullowed to tell bim thBt Ihe senility of the Irt»hi /Whig Party in '"West minster to their Bogbahj : masters is of such a ebaraoter that they dare n$tI ! ''¦: press any question, on wbiob , tbey evince suob ani ' eTideht reluotincetodeal with as that'otfhe evictedj '¦ tenants on the notice of the Party la ¦ powerj : A<3-I ¦' ; vocation the cause of th* eyioted tenants |migbtI ' Otnbarrao tbe Qoveinment, and . this is :a very

eerlbus matter in view of the " place's " which they! will distribute amongst their faithful followersj '.; shortly. •' • ' •' • j ' ,¦ .! i -;f . :¦ l i ; The local Independent Nationalists are making: ¦" eTery effort to' seoore tbe success of: tbe. Indepeu*¦ dent Home Kale Fund In their dfatrioL ' ; Ttie

general collection will bn held on /Bunday: nest,but a goodly number of subscrlptiona has alreadybeen «ont in to the looil organisers. | ; :

i A rumour whioh was nbioad In tbjs town i a fewdays sgo occasioned much, consternation 'amongstthe local Whigs, and not a little ourlostty aalongstthe general public. It was rumoured that the ('.an;-purchosenble " proprietor of your olty Whig! coo/temporary had aotually visited Csrriok i .Iinmedlateljon learning of hia advent a large' number of theCortiea In the to.nn suddenly recollected thatltheyhad business of a oboracter that brooked no delayin the country, and suoh was their unwillingnaBa toencounter the mat), the glare of wliose optics snmuoh disturbed tbe peace of mind of the Cxar ofBnssio, that tbtv could not be induced on any COD.oideration to wait and seo bim. It is possible theirobjection to being obliged to become: contributorsto the "Bat " was a more potent factor in deoidingChoir movements than the consequences of comingnithin range of this gorgen eyed journalist, foiyour OTorage Carty cannot number aa dne of hlavices a readiness to subscribe to 'support : anjpolitical advocate ; and tbls disposition was onlyintensified when it was proposed that the gentlemanwho controls tbe " truly National and Catholic)"paperehould be tbe recipient. ' ; ! : " '.

But tbe best of it was, that after the exit of thegentlemen above mentioned, ft was foand that amistake bad been mada as to the identity of thevisitor, and that after all the dreaded personagehad not arrived. On hearing it rnmoured that . behad arrived a crowd of the juvenile section of thepopulation, most of whom, judging from theirapparel, evidently considered hats and boots BIsuperfluities, and whose acquaintance, with Pear'sor any other brand of »oap seemed to!bav,e been ofthe most limited character, ran towards the station£Hd snrro'ubded a " commercial 1' wboEeemed to baquite perplexed at the not very flattering recepfcon given, him. It was some time before tnafcitstake was discovered, and then .tho "icommercial/f5>bd may bave been totally innocent |>f any designon the Czar's happlnese, and may bave been even a" FftCtlonist" in disguise, was allowed to depart inpeace. Tbe shopkeepers who bolted on the firstrtunour of the " Hat" being sent around have re-turned to tbeir counter*, *nd ore pursuing tbolratcCatloDS with tbeir usual Equanimity, but I amafraid the announcement of a visit from tbe gentle^in'aa expected last week vould bave a most injuriousefle<it on the trade of the town. | ; • • ¦'• ; ¦ ;

;By Borne curious precoss of reasoning the ClonmelWhig sheet has arrived at tb« cooolneion that thedisgraceful row amongst the members of the WhigParliamentary Party over the corpse of tbe " Fallen1

Journal" will only; serve to " forward the sacred(Uuee of Home Eule." If such disgraceful pro-ceedings as bave been enacted since tbe oomaieDoe-tnent of the quarrel aod tbe. epithets applied by"bonotnblft" gentlemen to one another ore tendedto increase tbe probabilities of the Home Buls BillbecomiDglaw it ia certainly very curious, and tbeJonroal in question ImoBt bare a very j poor opinionpf the intelligence ordtscerning powers of its leadersor it would not submit eucb palpable bpah as thie iaitH columns to them. . i , I .' Tbe police are actively engaged itt prosecutinginquiries to discover 1 tbe Identity of some ruffinnsnbo. on Satnrday night lost, attacked ihe house ofUfa McGrath in Loogh Street, and smashed tbeirlndbws with etonea. Some furniture intide tbehonso was also broken, and tbe owner on coming totbe windows tO' diicover the canse of the attack ,narrowly escaped being struck with one of theinisaileB. The police arrived on the scene o fewminutes after the assailants, becoming fatigued fromtbeir effort*, desisted from the attack, and clearedOVTBJ. i ¦ ' : - ' '¦ ' I '

: Tne fortnightly Besaions were not held in Caijrlek-begr on Tuesday, no; magistrate putting in an ap-pearance. Tbe cases for bearing were . of the ino'ttrivial character. : . !"

At Church town, near Lord Waterford's demesne,Mr Power1, conbty coroner, held an inquest onMonday Iwt on the body of a young girl namedBridget Halford who was silled while playing iwithher lister and brother on the previous: Friday: Itappeared that while out amusing thfmaelsefl theycane across a timber cart belonging to a man namedHnrpby into which tbe elder of the abildren placedthe other two, intending' to wheel them nbout in it,When tbe vehicle got under weigh it ran down theroad, the little girl losing all control over it, ;«iththe result that it shortly became overturned, pre-cipitating tbe two occupants on tb« road. Tt-o boywas hot injured, but the skull of tbe .little giil nasfractured, and death resulted immediately. TbeJury returned a verdict of accidental death.

; BEtf" BOSS.¦ The comments of tbe Wexford Wbig papers onthe refusal by tbe 'Dublin Corporation to pars nneddreaa of congratulation to royalty are amusiog.One of them makes a speciality of attacking Aid.llodde for the position he assumed in regard to tbeproject, and ¦ evidently taking its cue from ttequondam editor of tbe Sij66cTeen Eagle threatensbim that in future they ' will "keep their eye onhim." Whetter the&lare of tbe optics of onrWezford contemporary will he aote effective thanthat of the i.i dtsant proprietor of tbe Carty organin Waierford is a question upon whioh differentopinions may be entertained, bat few will, I thick,be found to dispute the a£Buroption..that AldermanMcade will not be much troubled by the stricturespaused on him by tbe cleno-leader-writcr of tbePiople. : '

On Sunday last an address accompanied by a sub-stantial token of tbeir regard was presented to Rev.J. Browne,CO, Barntown, by bis former parish-

' ionen in Earoagiange. Tbe presentation was madeby Mesars :Ma«ee, J&oobs, Oevereux and 6unoip.

: DnscannOD, end Morpby of Arthuratowri, and be-: aides the eddress consisted of a hone and car, as

well : M'« parse of sovereigns. Tbo rev. gentlemanBuitftbly acknowledged the presentation. :

1 Tbe dispute between tbo landlord and the teniDUOn tbe Templemore estate, wbich gave promlFj todevelop into a struggle folly aa serious as aoy of

I those witnessed on tbe adj&cest estates tio'ce the\ inception of tho "Flan of Campaign," baa como to1 a' termination, thaoks to the interrtntion of Capt.; Barrett-HamiltOD, the cecUl owner of Eilujonook,| Tho result cannot, however, be regarded ei otherI than ft Tlctory for the landlord, inasmucb os the| tenants have been obliged to accept the terms

originally offered by the ngent, viz—a ; reduction <>t15 per cent on all ients due. Tbe question as to

"whom tbe liability for the costs incurred in troi frade of rjectaent proceFaes, &c, should -rest with! has been happily solved by Capt. Himilton geoer-I ously offering to pay all tbe cost! incurred so far,I and he thus removed a "bone of contention " wbk-hI seriously threatened to upset the whole oe*ocia.; tiom tor » settlement of the dispute. A. number of! cslSe belonging to the tenanta wbiob bad beeni aeited for tent have been returned to the ownerr ,' and «ll crcceedings Instiluled for the rtcotery of| po«se«iion o< the holdings.bave been stoppod. ;! BT the wBT It has been the subject ,of generali comment bere that not onoof the member* of ;tbe

"Irish National , Parry." who prohss luoh^a deep

| wlidtude for the welfare «'.*^»»


niMged In ench a struggle with the " lord of ;tbeJ goil^o* b«s been the case on the T<mplemorei haseterThought It worth bl. wblle U, jUit

V«< or giteone •M» «<-"»1WRynJ "

Jhrttfl fflMiaea in the fight- Why did not Mr. John

I SoU I K :career cosoe down end . awlst jtoej MBmh

bf whew mu *be " pure-wawa *r »»o,«fcM*heart bleed* ttevery mention of eviction P '"¦¦¦h ^CtoUthe>SrtloiS wWob h«.been i«ltetlnqthe

i fadTof totTuioant* »od tbe^ friend* /or

time• :j-ane p»st, »nd -tblr* »re gwduMly bjcoming^ to

• MWIM thatl£m emtarrtwrnent of a Qorernnjent¦> ¦ '¦¦* '

iMM wiU J«»T« »Wrfly ««wl>* unmberef ;» pl«cie« "¦• Tttti di*p6*lU« matter of Jriuoh greater moment\ '¦ S MeMHTMlon, O*BrUn Md their cWpr t* than

Se frt e of M«y;bo*y 6f tenante. ¦:¦ •: ; bi'- . »>B«aiijto raise foods for the renovation of,the

' nuUh hW l wUl be


in TiatOT ¦»i<w"/- ? «' 5nSt**4Tth. hiad» of tbe Ber. J«tb}r Murphy,

i:ffl^M «K«tlo oo*««tte^^ wd U;cn»xb«refied

1 ¦ ¦ mul,muimm± Ortez Forw Honrr Aaolruionfintii '¦' li ffiStb «3ehT4rjiinWi» "• AiiSB»Hiii.n

r=> ;1- S SSitifff ii rl **1*8""'"* **¦ pf¥ fl*" f"0

:«ompo«ition aie to |ftaM-inr * wir SJtSeA4»mftown Br»wih; Mb!ltbed"n!i:TSil'.WhigMp«,-^TriVwa tl4wti»^p4rtof thi'»*p*t<j |ih4^ o»lflo•towJ| Bl»d »^ m wb^h:: «l« to \oxiT

:bpn secretarir k* s tltiue < f grosa and fllhrecCHlieJhoods, *Sd we oallon Cbj lenttown to turtiirf theirfoal charge* by naming I lie membera of iouticom-mittea who ibpplled tbem with aaoh inbrmaHoh fti1remain branded as a-feetlm of oow«rdly_ llsri." Weboldly assure tbe Ooihiwtown committed that! weba«e the faUe«t coofldbncc In tbi poUtteal hdoestyM our secretary, and that • e have not the're»ote«tnotion of expelling, maol less censuring, him, «tthe bidding of a clique of loreheidt, wobaa fondesthopes and. highest ambiti >n appear to be to'ibelie,malign,'- and discredit oeMain member* of theAdamstown oommitteei : \ re don't want any dicta-tion from tbe Outblnaton n Federation. : We arequite orpable of looking etwr.onr own dUiticfc. Wewould advise them to keep tbeir own hopies1 in:order beforo they come to clean up ours/5 'And stillthe'Carties, in tbe face ofjtbe conditioa of- thingshere revealed, persist in asking ua " FactionisU *?to come over. totbem "for[unity sake." 1 , ¦ [ j ¦. '

A road race from here ti Glenmore and ba k- adistance' of ten : miles— w^s. decided on i Tofesday

evening,- : J. . Sdmers winning_-tb6 r»ce, i-with \K.Qtfrman- second; a.nd' Thomas >lemfug.tb£rd.; Thatime was not up to the standard, but then .ittaUBt|be| remembered that ojoliata here a e not ria'merouB

Md Ib6 facilities for acquiring.speed Ac *not exist! to:the eaaie extent as in" many^ other places; : { !

The baziar in aid of Sti Mary's Cburcb, whichwas; held iu the Military Barraoks on Thursday,supported as it «u by tho. town* people of everydenomination, was a complete success, and it gives-me pleasure to be able tot annonnce that a sub-stantial sum was reilised lor the objeqt abovementioned obiect. ' ' h ' ¦ ¦" ' ! ¦' Ob Monday* last the ceremony of the reception ofa young lady, Miss Marion B. Neville, Battfeatown,into'tbe community of tb^ ,Bister? of Meroy; wasperforjned. by , His Iiordsbip! the Bishop of Ferns,at the Convent here. Tbe ceremony was witneeaedby| a number of¦ olergytneo, " os well ns ; byi thefriends of tbe postulant . | i ' : i ; ¦

On Safoiday a thunderstorm accompanied ,bylightoDing vitired the district, andi during ;tbe; pro-cess of the storm a girt named Mary Walsh,daughter of a respectablo farmer residing near Baly-gTjbin, was. struck by the H^htlnlng aod killed.In'Ballvniagllla man nnm^d Murphy was plough-ing, when the.two''horses vr ioh be was driving werestruok dead-whiler be was sqyerely injured hidsolf.' At^ew Boss Ouardiana on Saturday there wfli avory full meeting to discuss 'a petition forwarded byMr: Cbarles Taylor; of Wesfoxd, against the pro*ppsal to free Monntgarrett Bridge. j iAfter an Intelligent and! lengthened disousslonit was decided to reject tbe petition. ;

. .KCtll^CIHOElAS. :Tbe number of case3 4f drunkenness, which

came before the Petty"-Sessions ;C6dt6 be>e 6nTuesday last, reveals a'state of affitiira .whioh is Oofat: aU creditable. That drdflkennesa is Urgely onthe '.lncreaBe in the locality, For the past few months,tbe petty seBiionB court'statistics uodenlahly show,and tbis inorease was tbe subject of some remarksfrom tbe presiding magistrite at the Ust sessions.Mr. lynch seem* to ima iuje tbabthe infliotion ofan extra penalty on each/offenders &s may be bronghtbefore him will have the¦'leffe'ot" "of reducing theamount of' drunkenness generally, but one mightreasonably be allowed; to [' entertain , a " differentopinion as to tho effectiveness of the course pointedout by him. I would imagine the remedy lay inanother direction. 1 !

There was no meeting of the Board of Guardianaon Tuesday last, a sufficient number of guardiansnot attending to form a,quorum.

It is to be hoped that the' Guardians will lose notime! In putting the works !ln . connection w>th thescheme tor supplying our >Ulage : with water intotbe bands of a contractor. .There has already beensufficient delay in the mattet, and the local MedicalOffber of Health has given .ty as his opinion tbac theproject is absolutely indispensable ; to the main-tenance of the health of tbe] town. : '

The butter trade in this village is showing sighof rapid Improvement, i To 'suit the convenience of8ollera two markets1 are now held each week onTuesday and Thursday, at| wbioh Waterford nndCork buyers attend. Mr. Kie sey, the local creameryowner, also purchase? a large quantity of butter ateach market. !

The farm attached to the Workbonsa seems tn hacarefully managed by tbe Mister, and the orops arelooking beautifully. Howeyer Mr. M'Keon man-ages, he generally soocvteds'in having the orops onthe Wqrkhoiise farm from a1

: fortnigbt to a monthahead of those all rouniWiai. . , |The grabbing of the Newtown farm has been

"condemned " by" the locaj:branch of the Wbigorganisation, but beyond tnia formal condemnationtbe Whiga are not likely to make it any way incon-venient for the grabber, fearing tbeir action mightbe construed into an attempt to embarrass theGovernment ia power whicb, of course, in theireyes, deserves core : consideration than eviatedtenants or any body else. Mr. Sbaoabon sill baveau opportunity now of jadpjng the sincerity of thoprofessions of sollcitndu for[tbe evicted, whlob : theCarty leaders have so often garen Dtteianco to whona .collection for some impeJunioua member of theparty was beiog made. I ; ¦ — ¦ i •* 1 "sincerely hope our Newtown friends' will inotforgeb:themeelves so far so tbj do anything resombling, even' In tbe most remote ;degro>>, an attempt toembarnjss "the Governments .'Perhaps 'some ofthe rnjcmbers of tbst angastj body may yet be ap-pointed to tbe Cbdncellorsbip of the Kxcbeqnor,the Poet Lautcatesbip, orj some otbor luerutl<epoaition, and, of course, tbat Is a possllility not tobe despised. I I¦

DUIJGAR^AE. * ' ' !ContemplatiDg with: an* unprejudiced mind' tbe

behaviour of tbat body of torn known as the Dun-garvan Town ComoDissioners we unhesitatinglycondemn tbeir condaot M .(contemptible and an-wortby of Irishmen, vrbo, If tbey bad the welfare oftheir country at heart, woul^ cease to be a subjectof ridicule to its oppressors, ocd deujrve the anluicd-version of those whom they are eupposnd to re-present.. In tbe past no ratepayer took tbe troubleupon bimself to cbollange any net of theirs, but, asone concerned in tbe rates, 1 deem it my right toprotest against the manner ! u which our money issquacdered wantonly and to 10 purpose. ' ¦¦

As a proof of this atateme it it is only necessaryto direct the attention of ;le ratepayer* to tbelamentable motions of tbe Setter Market of late.Any man gifted with an ordi laiily intellectual miodoan see at a glance the im >ecility of those monopposiog the appointment of ; Mr. Ussber, : who, inu»y opinion, will be steadfast io retaining bis pos-ition, though I would be glad if be were eentle-manij;enough to resign it ;for let tbe market bepaying or improvable be stil can insist upon beibgpiid,J and If the matter be brought into law, un-doubtedly it aboil bej dtcldiid in his favour with'exorbitant oosts against the Conncl l, who; being ingenera l but weekly tenant , shall not suffer bytheir own Imbecility. '. Bnt.j alas ! the ratepayersHill be crushed with heavy rates and must bar.

There are, no doubt, amongst the Commissionerstrustworthy men who are worthy of the confidtneoof , their constituents, but they ore handioapped bythose bot-braTned fops who jrere never influentialratepayers, and never compelled to UM everystratagem to meet those excikslve demands whlobare now BO freely Boittered by ourrulere; If theCommissioners or the CouncI of tradesmen whoseattention Is to bring grit to| their own mill were 'influenced by any suohfnotioo; tbey woald cease toexpend money in a useless manner, and oould easilyarrange, by arbitration i lo tbe! Butter Market, thar>dl pate vrirh its ato >mpanimpnts which U a DubliodUgtace. . : f

¦ ( : _ ' :Tbo difference of agreemeat Is only a few poucdi,

and bow abort would a few be expended in payingthe firkin-snappers, whj aldfd tbe soHjalled Com-missioners ut tbe rrcent market. If the smnnnt go'squandered wss^in-n 'to tbelsaioo Btaff'tj oleaase'

itheiewers at DuDgar»an and bbbjeide, from'whichiaiie loathsome thealfi-deiirpylng cdonrrjit would ¦

i be money will applied, aad more creditable to the:I dlspacaeri of tne publio trait. jWben tbe opportunity!iegain offers the ratepayers and electors moitj replnce those peculators by honeit-mioded men—]j Influential ratepayers — be : they ParneUlte ori McCartbyite or soy other it?, if not amongst the'enemies of Faith and Fatbe; lind—who will be in-terested in the promotion of the happiness of tbepoor without eilravogant outlays. " ; : , !

The prcceedlrjgs at Monday's meeting of, tbeCommissioners will reaitnn no one. Instead of,making some intelligent e'ffo rt to bring tbe absurd'dispute with Mr. Dinner to a,1

clot?, the Commis.lslr.ners ocoupled their tico ii"bitter personal re-:crimlontlon B. -Sbof exhibition* b«ve made tberatepayers of the town heartily eick of their CouncilBoard.:

' ' • • ¦ ¦ • ¦ • .']| ' ¦ " ' . ' , ;¦- :, CAPPQ ira. : I ;

: Tbo iotioees at last Petty ( esalon* wasunasnally!heavj. : The case of Veals'* atiault occupied the!

J OODO ' tot about, two hoors. It was a great Ai *-ippalbtment to Jer Veale'l rjfxt of kin, wbea lbej

I mi sentenced to a qjontb'sl iruprUonemeot, abd|Ithey found tbat the bitef wis bitten, Mr.iJ: F.iyriUiaiit, of crtorte, kept thtj homouroos elempntalive by bl* witty remarks »t every appropriatejopporlunity. ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ' , '¦¦ . I

¦¦¦ ¦ • . - .-• :• : ¦

i The- iwork of laying down Ufe new foot-paths intbe town I* progrerelog satuiwiorur.|l i gni glad to note that tbi ' be*ltby and ever.JpopoUr game of orioket if low Uklng iu hold•here «f well a* Inibe *u;ro,ui ding ,to«m«. A olpbjhuibeen formed tint*Ht p«k, embracing M ; ttimember* all the avail*blp at jUte* in the toirjo.O.ffaBedroond, M.D.,i«i*;B wddwt J Captain; U./. BUtitTtiii T.etiHrer, ¦ 'ti ¦ J.-> MoG(mtb,. aodaecretarf, F. By*n, A good i oriJoir oomtrilttee ofdx Mi 'also been elects »odl *eeno rea*oo wby'ltibould B6» be * thorough Jocci«.' : ; " ; . < j

I1 TM FpoMry OriiketiOlW I goiw on «l»o tief/utuUoiorllj. Mr. P, k 'Kit J to Prirident, Mr.Danoin (tfan*gee'o(tb«(F»and rjritoCanttlb: wbll»rMr.-Ml flUoe/ •tiy fUM < ibt jdoftbla potitten ofUoi&tt •Bd%«»*ure7. Afi Hbtsftto* ol nine hi*


«eij;(#l*»ted;»nd it iUiopfom «*«o>bo;*, *noc»Mf :ia-*f o- *A'i ^>y;:iK<:.%y< ;'-?-;' "-'i -^|i] v'i* i .H j j -i > >^ftAY ¦ ^ fi H 9tt 'X' 1 ^ Ipil^ ff ¦" ' ' t ¦'¦ ¦ '< v *~ * -v

.i if^Sl^^Si ^^Sthrough the «|«ne»t< the JPedeiiUc*. then i* boti «j*»t^oTl'fo>'tlifeit faop i™"™^think otbU Idea* r5«|ardlo?the " Tempoha'PowP1of tbe Popef Llki Tim-l5eJTl he I.fut beoofflfDgan uoomiortable torm-biutit >on: ^ Jd -e*pAsUUjm thi* Warm weatter;'"; :j ''!v ' i- ^T*¦¦¦: :¦¦ '^v; r

;;; \ijua|bii>:,:- y -' - ™ "

¦ The Board ^GitMian* on W:e4ne«aa> l*«i/n*a"lor declrfoa by thed'the o.o.*Uon pf the'-Bdoptionor1 otherwise o' tbe| Ubouian'-Arieodment Aar,p&tsed ¦ by Parliament. last ye*r, : Allowing th«GuardUns to acqdih> an ¦ore' of; •Krbuna to1 baallowed to the labot^ert' cotUgtt, whioh they pro-powd.bttUding, in eid of half an (tore •» hereto-fore,' , and the proposition to increase :the amoutltof land given, was rejeoted by a lark* majority.: btrange to s»y fa view of alt the pralee wbiobhai . been lavished! on Dr. Tanoer, :M.P.,; as theoriginal mover of the amendment to tbe Aot veryfew Boards of Guardians in., the country haveadopted it. Tbe majority of the Guardians evidentlythink that half an acre Is abont the extent of gtoundwbibh «n * ordinary. . .labourer, oanl convenientlycnltivate. '. ' ' I I ¦ ' ' '

: ' . ' ¦ . ; :' ¦".: ' ¦ ¦ . [ ' :/ '- ' '\ Tbe.crops in Ibis portion of the. country arelooking well , and i give every indication, of'«riabundant harvest. ' Tbe great drought has so'farsoaroely affected s ihem, if I except.[flrst icropmeadows, which are. biing out, and which, are ratherlight-' ' j ; ' . ' ' ¦ : ', ' . • ; .

. Wednesday's fair I here' was a poor one. Therewere plenty.of animals of all,classDs pfjlered, brit thedemand was poor all round. ' '

The Board of Guardians bad two appointmentito make on Wednpsduy'.' Mr. .Michael Biary, Dtt'n-»hi»«n ... oic»»»4 r..' r-.i.'— _if«i«' -MJ ri.ivFtfrmr.y, :w«8 elected as Veteiioary rnspector folr 'the'tmton. Tbete weri ihree candidates for theifltsr,and tnoi for the lattfcr position. , ; '' The crabbing of Mr. :McQr»th's fttrai has not' us

yet called forth tbe ' condemnation of the looilbranch of the Fede^ktlopV This tardiness may bjaccounted for on ' the prinCltjli that grcat:; bodiesmove slowly, or it (say; bia nitri but able to the facttbat tbe members thereof art extremely 'seriiitlye 6tembarrassing^ the Government. "' : '•• " : "'•

Mr. Hanrahao,' good pious Carty as he is, cetainstbe farm evidently aware that the member* of thelocal branch of the 1 Whi; organisation <»re no maredesirous pf embarr^gsing him tbaor(hey .ar4 of em-barrassing the Government ". , ' . -O" ¦:' ' !:

Tenants, for other evjoted farms in . the neigh-hood are being ioond withontdiffla'nlu.and, Jtill the'Federation are. powerless or unwilling todutvfere.The evicted tenants are beginning to appreciatethe quality of . the sympathy which .their, suffering*evoke . .from the. Wbigs. They see -thatsince; theWbjg.' .'Barty.'got tbe upper; band their;,farm* arebeiBg grabbed with absolute impunity 'j no pecuniarygrants have been given Hem, though 'colleciionsinnumerable have boon made, through .the coujntryOD :. the pretence of * supporting them,; and there iirory little prospect of any legislation , being 'ens.o'tedto restore them. Tbey' are begirjijlng'to sbe '.thatthey were Wmply used as a weapon' to attack; ,thethe Irish Leader In his troubles, and' that whentbey bad done tbeir work they were cast aside bythe Whig leaders as! being of no furthW use. Tills isthe ¦ view expressed by not a ferr of those who iwerothe most ardent Supporters of the Irish WbigParty, ' ¦ ¦ ¦ < ¦ " ;

When hoaaiiog 6t the fact that he was awarethat you in a recent Issao would call attention to aflagrant case of laod^rabbiog in tbls locality, yonrCarty- contemporary should have told bis readershow be acquired tb(i information, the possession olwbioh he seemed to 'make so muob of. And still noextraordinary feat of ,journalUtio ability was used toobtain it. Eaves-dropping pure and simple,accounts for tbo possession of the ieformatiop. Itis, of course, not by j any means the first time thata private convenidtion bos been overheard, andbos found its Way ]Into the columns of the Whigpaper in qnestion/ Bo' that the mitter is not one tooccasion much surprieo, but , really, it U tlme sqchgross breaches of professional etiquette Should babrought nnder the notice of tbe Institute of Jouroc-lists to which; the..^ettleinan responsible for , tbeconduct of the paper! claims'to belong.

, ; TALLOW.Deep regret was j expressed by every section of

the inhabitanta of 'this town on learning of thedeath of Father Wtlliam Power, and ¦ on-the dayof the funeral oil tba housosof business in tbe town,nitboat distinotiou as to the'eroed of the owoers,nere shuttered, and the chapel bell was tolled.Tbe deceased revj gentleman had been connectedwith the parish for tareo or four years.

. KLLKEHHY.Mr. Binrrie, Medical Eleotrfcian !of Messrs.

Wetton and Co., the celebrated Manufacturers ofcurative appliances, will visit Kllkonny. for a nook,commencing on' Monday. ' :

The Nationalists 6f this city are taking practicalsteps to establish 'ati independent 1 weekly -newspaperhere, and already a : large nnmbar of; subscriptionshave been received In support of thei project. ' Tho'Workingmon's Club subscribed £10 from its funds,while tne individual members subscribed liberally.Dr. J- B. Backertl* Cbsirmnn of t!he Committeewho have taken the natter into bandB.

POETLAW. :Tbo MlD9ion here, conducted by tbo Eedomptoridt

Fathers, has been attended with the most 'gratifying8UC?BSO. Bev. Fathers Magaer and : Laogisy nroconducting tbo various eorvio?s, Tne : splendidsermonti aro listened to with tho closest: attentionby very crowded coogrogatlon.i. It: is now- closeupon 30 "ypttrs eince a mUilon was 1 held io tblsparish. Tbe closing services will dommonce onSnnday evenihi; at 71 o'clock. !


Bclloville , Net? Eoaa,! Jane 12th, 1893.

DEAB SIB—I will (eel obliged if you will insertthe following in your: next issue i— : :

As a, member o! St. Mary's Ohurch EepairsCommittee I tbink itVight to oxpress our thanks toour Catholic friends for their kind support in variousways at oar boznar on Thursday and Friday last,thereby helping us to raise money to domplete thorepairs of our Churchy-Youra vc«y t'nSly, • ' ¦i:

E.^'A. N AFrBn, Mojor-Genorol.


TTJ E V E E E N D ; J O S B P H H O L M E SJOu improved Mexican .Prescription, as. discovered1in tbe hot table lands of OM'MexIco, ii 'a guaranteedcure to all those who teffer from the errors and india-cretjons of youth, nervous weakness, physical exhaustionaid early decay. To tritrddrice. it intp" England, theSleiican Preccriptjon 4ttl be sent, frae of charge, uponreceipt of a ,eelf-addracaed stamped envelope. Onlyaddress: Joseph' Hollies' Somedy Co.', BloomsboryMansions, ' Bloomsbury Sijuore, London, Kngland.Mention this paptrj - \ . . . . ,

VATEa?0R» nAIlBOVB BOAED1 ' ¦ '; "MbNDAv, ' !- ' - '£ ' ¦ '¦ '

Tbe monthly meeting: of the Harbour Com-rolesionocs was held oh Monday last, lbs Mayor, AidJohn Manning, presiding. ¦ ' !. Tbe otbpr members present were-7»Mo8sr* ACados«n, W J Smith, J P. I A Byan, E J Jacob,John W Downey, Alexander Nolton, J P, S B PirnA Pftrrell, T C, E M^Ardag b, J 8trangman, J PH Denny, H W Crai(r.

Tho Secretary (Mr J AUIng bam, jnnr.), and Hr JOtway, C E. were in Attendance.TBC PB0P06BD STBAU VEBBT.

Mr Alllngham reid tbe following minuto ofa meeting of the Quay Committee :— i

¦• Tta Qnay Committoo find th«V accommodaUoo for (bopropoaed tteam ferry . «* be boatffiien b; remoring tbatmall balk at BOOT , Una ;»nd mooring th» {err/ balk oen-trallj between ths nppar Mllford «nd Loadba balks, and Ifthe .B»U halk ao dUfl«o«d wen . betihed above, and im-jaeototoly idiotaloi.'tW jM>Md.ov«r hullr, the two tintjMovjn conld berthed th. » oonTesUntlr centrtl pojltlou.Thi», however, would entail taking the lowor ooWer berthS?1 !i?

alSIt >al?*1"Sf>nl 5lltta*' erefore, reqnest

the board to oon«» matter." . -. ¦ ¦ ¦. . t . . 7r. .MtCadodan i»id bd i bad changed hit opinion on

the sabject ; since bit: attendance at the meeting.He bad made strict inquiries, and be upw foundth«t:Brra5gement* <joold be m»do for th? btrtbinrof collier* »ati«facior^ to both parties,- .; Xby onlyperson woo might .object to the arrangement wasMr Downey, bat be ^boqgbt that matter could beentity ftrranjed. It ( would. ba unreasonable andimproper to interfere ; «ith the present berthingarnosement* of tbo collier*, «nd Re.wai^f oplqioothat the 8teamebip Cctnpaov abould be MtisBed Ingetting the us? of the Aberd<my iholk for theirriver iteamera for which they paid nothlDjf, *DJ by• little arrangement I It would b*'4oond able toacooasiDdatA the twp vcr iteameiiL- JForinstano ,tbey oonld lle elde by idde, aod wh>a hp« had beendischarged abe oould do oat In the' river «nd makeroom for the other. TbU arrangemeiit woold Io» wtWaetory one,: and woold be tare to work wall;

Tbe M»yors*id thai perhaps at tbat ttsge of theprooe*diai{B be •bould rtate that the secreury hadreceived • petition tlgied Urgrly by the city *»per» ; and nrroliMts, pruylng ; ttra .hotrd tooentrdllte tbe berUug* fcr tbe twotiurjUamtttkttbe Aberdovey hulk orf the ground of general poblloconv«Di«nce. • ', ¦¦ ¦ :¦ i - . , ;. . • : :- .!¦ ¦.<. • ; • . ¦• : .- Mr AUlngbain (Setf«Ury) read tbe memorial.ft i« rigned by, all % • abopkeapon on \,M« t QaTrMd (h. leading! Iri if e * In Barron.twnd itroet,Bro»dtjt«^ Ujb*l

*en, 0'CooaeU.itptej. Th»nwmortol ttrgrt on U •¦bbMd to jrruit *he W«t«r-fordSteamabip Comp* if a,' cental berthag« .wy •«tb«At*rdort/nult5 * thrir Eo««dOaWnnoaitcamtn.'. '¦ ¦¦¦-.( ¦ ; ¦.. -.-I-- -y ' : > . . - ¦• '¦¦s, .^ir ,...o.- ... I .


¦ . v . , - '¦ ¦? ; - . ; • : V -:M-|:M -.i v - i ¦

;:.;jtr faoob..aid: tbal iK* whole ttingbaa«u>cijr4m,p t-U*\-linr/ii SnHbg tht H i heffltebtiMy thatthe , *ct bad ootoonl* formiiUyI 'W oootenati 1

1b* ludW»»h *m« ot

^MwK tfJw miltBtW tioi^7t>a«tiiTofHiiuwo*i4i >mb Mi«iipT *»fiS |1J^i>

®*"ffSf^ *W«b6oror.*iit* sto.BIUS<*• ffaoEidr ittnftl6: id*

tet^^muu^MraaTwtt^m^tv1 «^«QaftT^B IHie/fi l^ U't^'ihmieper,6«v& tteffic* a«a T)rA^nqn!%We -totwiiMd

*>ffi W WonialiC'' :<WM -,|5& '*mtj.with oae of' tbe collier b. > j> -that Imnfsdutely'aajojnlbg1 We AbeWofey hul»r ^Wb'. dld.nit '»Wthsti B j J Mrloo* iinconTeuiknOe IWildirU*tocoti.meroniinti i f lMHg"th;bj',"b6rtb; TBtiskn»W.tb hadHoOjI^eWana ^ben ttere !f M>jglu t;- :th«» was•ufaoient f aecoT)m6d»tloh: above!tbe M '>k'9t-bousefor «k>nier«;;:'H« believe*thiat if th» the t«i»rdl:gaTethe BrTdfi rpnrietori the »oii laae, Enflf tt t»ouldWlrfwHfceWferjW b*t«15* *Wtm ftrry jfaid hedid not-thiok thftby thetoard«ddptic> thesuMecIon'that ta4 besn-nUd* to .'Oontralles.-lthe-Bc'si and Don-CinnrjaU»^e>Jj>.a,cBmnKmberth»g« ai th»;:Aberd()ve»*OW , thejr,oa.iiM.po«alW« ,doVtt«,,Mi'it wpoid b» of

WfiTOW. W,«h> prppoiAi new: atsjun forrr mtert)i. °"."«««>,'n9veoTn»?,tpe p nats Vemmm onei * gettte tae.W Bosfll LluisliflK for W'OTOM* saw(ttam ferrr. : . : . •' ''' - - f

•'¦•--> I- I :'¦'*<'¦'• . .- Mr8mlth WM of-'opinWthat Mr Jacob wa*aitinnrather prematurflly itB the "Bri'dg* OomtniaaloiCTi hadnot Jdt it4iia<i«t ecosldaraUoftrthdiatibjeit of repl icingthejBiUtingfatr, »rtt«nv, by »«^eam ferry »rriooL andon,"!i w had done so, it wonld ;be...prematDn .1c r th»ePpao ioner* to .uwet-iil.thei .praaen.t;4naj.»rri jf»imtnui. ! : . ' j . ' -; . ¦ . ¦ . . ¦ ,;)« Mr H*0" e*'1* 'fee? migbtjtiike' It that tte. B ridge'Commissidh'efs' would 'abt in igp' mSSer. fffi >ogbonLtersatibh with . tomp ' of tbe'ric bo' hod aftowi, inedtnatthiy would. '¦

¦ '¦> ¦ "'•'¦ "

" ' "' •'' • ¦ ¦¦• ¦ ¦ ¦••¦ - ' - ' .~

Aid Eyan was of opinion that the beet oonrt* t<k theboaJd.tB^op-t wahl.toMefer tfio- *objecV baok tj>theoommlttee to »ee.if:the intone^*: ot all paHie*. theooal merchant, the, Bjidire: proprietor*, add the ia-tejesta ,pf,th». Htyi trader* n.ere ;jrscp.rwll»ble io thephangopropoac-d to be made. As regarded , »ha.berth-•°SJfn!i.a. propoaed terry .steamers, he wa* entirely"Fk^oMi

vu vuu KroDaa yi oaouq qopvenience, to mestalinn Wrihom b Jog away rfo^a at thi) lower cad ofthe Qo»y in the'Bose Ifth'e direction. His oplnton wasthat.thr.f«rrj'«te«mer ahould be berthed »qrhe» herenpa» tbe. Aberdovey hoik, and Ouki; Io' ;oro»«in| • ,thqriver it ihSald run diagonally; so a* to *'uis the oon-venionoe of tbe pabno^ residin? in tEe 8lon' Sowdirootiohi and tho.great mass pf people who'pass thatr ait f

the north sid* of

the river on'th4r'w»r theoity: •' 9y : the «t«ai^er running id 'ihaV diriotlon itwonld.l»nd-people down it> the very ooritx* of the city,while if would be equally of avftlf to those ra'sidiAa >nthe direotlon of the old ferry, station. He thoQgh ; them'pre- Central 'tbey-iobufel 'make .tho' Brbposed rerry^Warner berth'tho'greater would be. the advanf*g< , thepublio woald"florive. He wa* entiralt opposed to anyiiiwrfererioa ;;wlth the exietinff coal berth age: I Hewould therefore' move 'that tho eirtiro anbjott bi io>lorred to aoommittoB bf the whole board to conMdoiand to report on. ¦ ' : '' ' " ' " ¦ F

• S11?.!4*?1?11?11 "« scoorided by Mr Smith. iMr:Nel*on protested against ftnr enoroaohroont ontb» acommodatloaof oolllara. whiahi 1 hW- anid: If Wm>.thing, was not laffident dt present. He would pEt gointo the question of What inpreMod a«ootnmodatiofi theboard ahoqld give the Watorford 8t«am»blp'Comnanyin Hen of the Eoao 1 jane hnlki bn' he would deoMedlyonpoee ilny luterferenoa with tle'cplllor' berths. { Hobelieved thai by giving the Steamship Company tbeAberdovey hoik o*jt stood ' at present it would : givethem sufficient accommodation, because adjoining itwas the 01 jdo Company's" hulk, sad 'five , days oat oftho »ix it : would rbe available for one of the nverntoaraers to lie at, and he was sure ths board Wouldmake an order to-give tbe ' Htcamship Company thatprivilege, *» it oonld not in tbe least interfere witn tbeClyde Company nnder the axisting'' eaitloQ cr-ranKem»nts. ; .

Mr Downey eald thai speaking- for bis Company heconld! say : that they woald acosct with Dleosnre thoorrangflme'nt proposed provided the small hnlk at SosoLane was berthed immediately adjoining tbe Aberdovoyhulk. His company were not the prime mover* in thomatter at all as it had bben forocd on tbera more orltss, bat ho thought it only fair tbat when trie KOEOLane hn'k vu being taken away from them eotno Otheraooromodation for their river steamer* mlgkt be giventhem instead. ' Tbe river ateimer* paid notbinir forbor'hage, but then, they should not forgot thut thecompany who oviEod tbom paid tbe greaUat amount ofduos to the pott. What he asked tbe board to do wasto fix a berthage plane 'or their steamer* definitely, sothat people (ending good* abroad would not be sandingthem np and down the quay to Sod whew tho steamerby whioh they wantod to send thorn wo* berthod.

Mr Jacob montiospd that at the next tDOetinu of theBridge Commissioners bo would bring tbo mattsrbefore them. : '

In answer to Aid Eyan, ho paid thi* would bo tono-timo in July next.Aid Byon's roeolutlon to refer tho nubjoct bsok tothe committee was oTtmtoally adopted. 'It was deoidod thut tho committee abonld bo cno oithe whole board.

I^MeiiiiitlsripNeuralgia, Backache,Qout, Sprains, Bruises,Aches aind Pains, arecured byIo JACOBS Oil-do

. ..IPEIEOES! 2L/ILJ ciaacl 2/G.



10d| PEB LB.

1 j ¦ i

JAMHS: QWBI3L3L,PaB3IS»I3I7C. Cf 13 tf

A R T I F I C I A L TEETH:¦ ¦ , IIr. . iTt .U E-O n ,


MB. MTIBCH wlebea to inform bis Patrons endthe; Publio generally that he la now cup-plyiog Teeth of tho beot quality at tho lowest price,computable iwith good, workmanship, otrongth andappearance. Teeth ertrauted, stopped ood scaled atmoderate ob«BC». Old Tcath romddckd to tho NewPotent Snctloa Prinolple

. . ; : ' LAVAL ; 'O RE A M,



THE : FARMERS' ALPEIA. ^Separates 60 UaUons[per Hour, and can be worlicd

; , by a Lad.

. - . . . jBill p*iacn l?n »ppl}eation to

;' '; '

12, IiBifijSTBB; STBIBlj, ; D U 0 LI If '.¦ ' '• • • i :|Solf.4gei it# liQ:2ra|ipdfew i : \ '\'\ '

DAIftST BpptTij«JMJPAKy, LTO, ,- \'" ¦

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' '" -' i 'W^'Olfe SAlit BBPABATOB. ^, .^

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',*te^'M mnB& io hfJH&p tt ^t B^rowr**\i *vpm»<mi toM » im&dMc'«u«BtinLl«Stw«'«iiBW::*ort^

jWii ?"r .. '>f.;;;;>'r;|:.- ; i ,

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Q@^=^33ST I :^8 .GTi© rS'JOTI ' WYL Hy

wmqte3alQ::.:;£adL .Eamily-.:;(5yfjeerj:,:f6S, Ccffea and: : ; Spice jjealer,

Begs to anDOiince to hio Friends

To his Grocery Trade, .ind is prepared to supply all kinds of [COFFINS nt the SHORTEST¦ j j " NOTICE aad r ' .;

<£Jrt®®1P \ JZI<B>l&'n]}ff lc£L3riS- - JPMM€IE8. (*w*a°

11, -ilickael 'Street. ' • WaterfordM izwm VD n\(s> EJ

*y:. ^QMMSL ¦ SULLIYAM, *Wm\ - Intacta . Mneral Wator Faotoiy

¦ I [ ¦ : AND! BOTTLiisra- STOBB S, :

H I G H -8 T £ 1E T , W A T E E F 0 R I).!;OWIKG to tbe greet imcreaae In hla Boainecj, bo bos been obliges to EXTEND HI8 PBEMISES.Having taken the whole of the Old Meat Markot In HiaH-8TBEET, he i» now '»•¦'-pMlikm tomeet all Orders with doo promptitude end tbe fullest esU:f«tlon. Eo juatly attrtbuU* hWWonderfBlSuccec3 in Burincaa to the ; ; • . . . . :


Sft-B Al?1 HOT . BT^Sf ci&^

VmNEBff ii BT0DT> f SS *¦C0'8 ^' D^^EB

In tho MINEBAL WATER FACTOEY, tho Machloory and Materials UBed In thomftlina of HhbeMineral Waters are of tbe Very Best Description thst tso poaibly be hid, ' Therefore, hoaik* tbiv'Pnbllc'to compare bl* ;M. W. with any other make or Brand. . " ~i

His GniOBB AtE,: LIUOHADB, OBAHOB CauipioaE, for Purity, Aeration, Aroma aod Excellenceof Flavour cannot bo. excelled. He would c*ll special attention to hi* EcuTflE SODA. For'Partlyand Aeration it baa no equal . *

vx,M r«la RPrp?.rSU£LnT °Dd PEICE8' ha ld teTtto the attention ol .tho PubUc to bia TEAS '

WINE8, BFIBIT3, &o , ; i . . (ray27.6ta)I . AT j lO, BARRONSTBAND STREET. ; WATEEFORD.

High Street and Barronstrand Siteet; Watsrford


Bono Compound, Bone Hanuro Compound, Suparphosphate, &o-, All Irish Unuf acture and Analyses .Guarantied.V E R T


niqlicrabon'o i Bicsolvcil , Gar^LOGicrcatecd 8 per cent. Aramnnia (Cied).

,, :.... 25per cent. Phosphatca.Abont 20 per peat. Soluble.'

, . GIVES GOOD KESCLTS.i ( ! Delivered free at our Depota.

i ,,, ; , lAlap , : HT3JRA.TE OP 30DA and KAINIT.BUeSIAN |AND AMBBICAI?.LINSEED CAKES, : COTTON CAKES, LIN8ED MEAL, &c' . .: i ' : '' ''A GE N T S : " ' '

- • ' ' ' '. OEOBQE WHITE & B0N3, Waterford, EDWABD CEOTTY, Tr»moro.'JOHJJ O'DONNELL, Clonnwl. ;J. CUMMIN8, aralwo.WILLIAM' DTJGGAN, Owickbcj.OHBISTOPHEB MUBP1IT, GratsEo.Mn*. . aLOTJQHNAN, i C»bU.Mns.; D0TLE. New BOM.

, JAMES rVATTS, Bonoabon.

EnQouraga Home Mamifecture• . . i ¦ .: ¦¦ i ; : BY .U . 8 I NO

¦ ' [ \'

; ^ :. . ,1 §. E'S,E3:i"'©3j i /w£L'Tpl 'E3-© . ' '

?I0T(MA SLATE QUlI^S, iCarriok-on-SuirFOB jpiCE8 AND PABTIGITLABft APP/JT TO I: ;- :: .'.i • - . . : i ' •¦ • [• • ;

. - rT ; ;. MA'NAQI^C ^ ' DOCTOR



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W«t*rftr4 j *'. TjBUKf ici k ¦; WWpty ] Cfo,TWrOTJOB ia aEBEBt!%»VTOJthkrUi.'bUki'

PMT** DepbtDttS 8tooV^pl .W Qloia**!*: tb«t^Mi 'Ui &«S '4^mMUir<«ii tbL

mm(-'.¦¦:' - -.i:Ti:.k#

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m . .' • ! A^ mafjiFfciKT ooutecTioir I oi'

m ' '¦ ¦ ;iPttndtttre» .' CaJrpeta,: ¦¦¦ ¦: - ] . b \ \ '^- ;*

I . : : ¦ ¦-::- ' \;• ^BedB andBeddjngf Z "[

I :6aolo^M4j itingB,Onijt^'¦• • i i .

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' ¦ . ;' ' '¦ •

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; We ken> a rtaff of FtEVClM* UpboWteWt: and CabtaeT'Makcir*, aad *h*il be hippy to

farnUh Eutimaia* for the .


¦ . : ' - . , . HOUSE, : . - ' ' ¦';• '

Or for any tingle Article of FornKure inMaJiogaby, Oak, Ath, Batln, Walnut, Pitch .Rae

¦or De»L ; . ¦ • ':

Bsidlas Ha»ufaoto«d on : tie. i ; : Eromisss.





czr pazoEs SEE LOWEBT; Ja


• I



and the Public that he haa added a

© W IP EL LL JiR E 0 [B £3





Cflt7 2?c?U7iaa Gnaao.Aa IHFOETID

GENUINE AND UNADT7LTERATED.OfBctal Aiulyisgs aad 8amplc* os application.

Special TarmB to tho Trade.

II. HEALY 4 80N8. Kilkenny.JAMES 7. HltL, KOmaotbonss.T. A. KtoJBIDK:, y*th*rd.BOBEBT. (yLEABY, ¦ EooUcorthy.F. A B. QUILBBIDB. N.wtownUrry.MICHAEL QDINN-CMtlobridjo.B, A. UlLLEBj DnnjMraa.T. H. CUBTI3,, Pottlaw.



'" :' '¦ ¦

BE<?8^ H^^ts^ i flrsi , j dHN^fMriir;GBooSBiEf* pj yisi re; :ffii , &&*

OOAU Wfft* }<»i*H iv^miM ^ f SZ ^ f- .^: vl:-^^^ i'>7r# 4-;.^ ?'-:,>.nv,1:i

Page 5:' THE, WATEBFOBD VBWS ": : ; EaTABt48HEB—1847. ' . ::- ¦ .;. ; Eciwtoat Circulation in StrUtlr'of'&filbiiiS

i«i»h Sheriff, presiding. Toother goverapwjprev

i Sa-BeSoH *>r. •<*• LMack J.?. j toj Ai^ny:! CaKiof5R)ao Atkins, Medichl $ijp«riB)ht^ i&

Mr. GidrgeJ.'Briscoe, Clerfc ito hp governors, tirereI «bo present ' • • . »- . . * - - - : I . > * j • ¦>¦ . '¦- ^ ¦v * : ¦. ; ; '¦!:

TeDder8forthehalf yeariy8| pUefT ; Bnder i.;;For the bread oontr&bt there were 'three1 tttideW,

.5. Mr8..Hanraban at 4W pet 4 lb loaf :j(jMr;:'Wv;JvgKt4id;abd Mr. J. J. &xM;&4f liW* -?l ^; Mr Codogaa said the contract1 shoitid bf ven'to!Mr Smith as be had teen itbe contrictotfot list'J£r and faad'supplied very gOod'tread; "!';:-;!' -: jJ AlTiBedipond said be failed;to^see ^ V tWlowest tender should not bejapcnj ted peplalJ^'iBii

tATilj folfil the contract as tJnyiMelelBe;V,¦"; ' ' ;!V' v;u; '(

Mr. Cadogan—He la not a goodi$ thjtotiher, ¦

Aid. Bedqaohd—He is ju6t (is1 gf6od;:a d.'<>fler8;

to.OnpWit obeaperV -;¦¦ . :rvp:;::., ¦•^'V.^-^-i^V

ThiChairman said he would be lnoUne l o gfyethe contract to the lowest t en Ser, Tb;et6We8t ae£ms usually taken at tbis boiird.:.:

¦; ' ; , , ! ", , . ; • v, ; ;Mr. Cadogan moved and Mr. Ward seconded that

jlr. Smith's tender be accepted; ; ' ^

;:',j, '/;; [ ¦ '' ^

Aid. Redmond moved aa on amendment (that thelowest tender be aenepted. £; Yl' j j ' - '

^The Chairman said Mr.. Breen supplied the jailtfith bread. ' ' .' '. ) . 'V: '¦ ':, -J. r \i'., '. ;,. ;, !].

Aid. Bedmond—And often the Fanmng'B Institute!;Sir Eobert Paul said that both being equally good

men, it; was only fair play to take the lower tender.On examination of the'sa'tople's pf] Ijreiid sept, in

by Mr. iBreen and Mr. Snjlth by ,thVg£vi«nprs fol-lowed resulting in the general declaration tbat theywere of an equally good quality;.: '¦. ] ' ¦ '. '. '. .A/- , . , ', . ;":. -. ¦

On a division Messrs. Cadogan and,Ward.v6ted infavor of Mr. Smitb, while Sir Bobert PiuV!Ald.Bedmondj and the Chairman supported . Jin Breen;who was accordingly declared contractor* >;!; , ,' 7 ' ,. ', •:.¦

Mr. Cadogan complained that: thia bbafid f iad optaccepted Mr. Smith's tender, and alleged that ! Aid.Bedmond In moving the acceptance of Mr. Breen'swas preiudioed towards the other. * , , ¦ '¦• ,; ' ; ,.

Aid. Bedmond—You are prejudiced very much infavor of Mr Smith or you would' not ask: UB to takelaia tender when we can get the game article oheaper.

Dr.' Maokesy, who arrived after the topper .wastaken, examined the sample loaveB of Messrs. Smithand Breen. He* said'they'..were both good—and Jheonly difference he. saw betweeni them was that Mr,Smith's lost was somewhat whiter than Mr; Breen's.

MBAT—There were two tenders' for meat, .viz,Flynn Bros, who offered ; to supply beef at 4$d.and mutton at 6d per lb, and, Mr. Stafford whoseprice for beef was 4jd and for mutton 5fd. - : ¦;,- ¦ i i ; .

The latter,tender was accepted. '- . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ; ¦ . . . . . '{• - \.MILK--Mr. Gough tendered to supply new milk

at 6d and skim milk at l§d per gallon. Mr. -Walshtendered at 6d and 2d par gallon for new and Bkinjmilk respectively. i ! - ; ! ' ; ' ' ; ' ; "; '" ;

Mr. Qougb'a tender was accepted.1 ; * ' ¦] [ ". j;PIOB': HBADS—For supplying plg«* heads:there

Were four ienders, viz., ilr. Baldwin atf348 ;~Mrs.Honrahan at 40i; Mr. Breen at S83,, and 'Mrs.MoNamara at 86s. ; . . ; ¦ . '¦. ; . . • '; ,- -y ' :

' : :< - -rAid. Bedmond moved that Mr. Baldwin's tender"

be accepted] and said beaidea having' *tbe loweBttender Mr. Baldwin was an cxcPlle'nt contraotof.'Be had lor a* long time been: the work-;house aid had always qlyen the.qtmost Batiefactjon.-

Mr. Baldwin's tender was acqfepted.j.r . . i , iil;, !BCTTSE—Mr. Baldwin tendered at ¦ :98s;j. Mrs.

Morria at 9Ss, and Mr. Davidson at l(es. - '; '¦} ¦ - ¦,Mrs. Morris'tender was accepted. •!;'f .¦' ¦[ • . ¦ 'Eoa8—Mrs. Morns' tender at Is per dozen \faa

accept- ' _ . ' . i * -^!- .1 ."• .:!: ; * ;Lv 'j; ;;

OATUKAi'-Mr. A. Farrell's tender for oatiiieal atX12169 per ton and indian meal at J5B per'ton, wasaccepted. : "

. ¦ . . i i ¦'. :¦ '

. ':• • • ! . . ¦; . .; ¦ • . -^i- . - :!

5acK—Mr. Walsh's tender at 10a 6d per ; stoneT7E3: accepted. Mr. Gough tendered i bt 9a 9d andMr. fliggins at 10s.

' . ¦ ¦¦ : ¦ : , ¦ ¦¦ . • : ¦ ;- ; ¦ ¦• ';"

: • : ¦ ¦¦• ' ;- ; ''-v


SuaAB—Mr. • Biggins' tender ta supply sugar at203 9d and 17s 2d per p*6 was accepted. Therewere two other tenders, viz ',, Mr.' Wabh at 203 and23s Ad and Mr. Gongh at 2|88# &)a and 18a. '; .?:. , ' i

MUSTABD—Mr. HiggloB"jtender at Is ;2d - wasaccepted.. : . ¦ '

. . , ¦. . . ¦¦¦ ' ¦¦ ' ' •

'• ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦.¦' '

• ! . -• > ¦ >' ' '

\ PKPPEE—Mr. lEiggins at Is 2d. • i : : ¦ ¦ ; '¦.:. '•. .CoAiii-Mnrphy! Bros tendered to supply steam

coal ot 16s lid and best Cardirf ; coal at; 143 8d'; A Id.E. Power tendered at 17s and 17s 4d for tbe'eamequalities of coal.

¦ ' •' ' : ;

. ' ' ¦ : " "' ¦ ' " ¦ '. ' • ;' ;' : ' .' ' ¦¦

The first named tended waa accepted. , .; . '; '' " ' .THB PBOPQBED SDTEBAKHVATION OP ME. BMITH. fBeferring to the proposal to superannuate Mrj

Smith, v?ho bad been employed by the governors a ia mechanical engineer in the house, a letter wasreceived from the Inspectors of Lunatic Asylumsintimating that any officer or Bervant whose Wholetime bad been devoted to the eervice and becomingthrough continual sickness,.age, or infirmity incaipVable of performing the duties attached to his officean annuity might be granted to bim i by, way ottuparannuation proportionate to bis merits. > •«• '_:

A further letter on this subject wus read from Ihesame body. : Beferring to the resolution' passed.bythe goTernora on , 7th ult strongly recommending'that the Inspectors would grant Mr. Smitb, theirlate esgineer, Be small annuity, they wrote tbat theyhad no power whatever to make such an allowance.If, however, the board of governors would furnishthe particulars of the case and tbe medical certificate:stowing that the 'confirmed siokness or infirmitjreferred to by Mr. Smith waa of Bach a character aato incapacitate him from further duty and had slpcecontinued the Inspectors might reconsider hla case.

Mr. Ward suggested that the; jptprmatJon con»tained in the letter should be commaoieated to Mr,Allingham, : who waB acting for Mr. Smith n thematter. ! ' ¦ ¦

\ ' \ " ' :

¦ ¦ '¦• ¦; ¦ • ¦ ¦¦¦! '- ;_ ' ; •;;

Mr. Cadogan spoke against the prbposal to allowMr. Smith remuneration. ; v ; : ; ;' . /!

Aid. Kedmond was of opinion it was a^nioat'de:serving- case. Had Mr. Smith:; remained *- fewmonths longer In their employment be would havebeen entitled to superannuation as a matter of right.Be wa8 :over lS yearsih the setsicei' : i y . ;

Mr. Ward'proposed that Mr. Allinghani be fur.aished with1 on extract from the communication judtreeo, < ' ' - ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ •

This was seconded by Aid. Bejlmond and agreed to.Tiermo aovEBNOB'fl B?POBT. ,:

The folloRlng' was read:-rf '¦ .

'¦¦ ; ) / y [ <] : \^ . ':. ,I visited the Afrrlujn to-day, and found the.fflrioas.depart-

MfltB In mort eatlBlaotory order. |. Heard, no complaiiito,Sod believe the inmates ate rece fing tie greatest care and«tt«ntlori. The bread, batter, meat, and other proTidopawoe of fers' good quality, aud Ur. Atk ns 'and bis etoS»ppeMed to leave nothing1 ¦nndobe'ito' pronioto tUe weUorewdcomlort ol those committed to tjhair care.' : .. ; ;" ,

I inspected the lann,*nd am;'happy to Bay that, uu;«ropsappeai mo8t promising, refleotrng tfie highest, redltj uponiperienced and painstaking Land Steward,. • '_ _ .. , . .,

: ' (Signed),; - ; ' WILLUU E. W*B». 'June 7th, 18D3. ' ¦ ' ' . ' '\ : ' j" •' j ' ¦'.: ' • ¦ [ . . ' [ . ; '

IHCBE1BB ;DF ; 8AIiABT. ,Jt was proposed by Mr- Wa'nj and seconded by

i[r. Cadogan "that the Inspectors of Asjriums barequested to recommend to the Privy Council theaddition of JS10 o year to the salary of tbe land'teward applied for in September last, the objection 'made to it at the time' beintr no longer in force astoe additional land has npi? b^n;taktn

ap : - f , ;;^' .

; ' ' , ' " - :,'. , ;8AP9TION»»V:: '¦ " ,. :- - ; ' - i - ; i ' - ; >:'::V^The Board of Inspectors sanctioned;the appoint-

ment of Dr. Tobin aa hlocuni tau**. during ;De.Atkins1 six weeks leave of Bbsenc . The sanctionwas given on tbe distioct tthderstandiugr that the1

•lootor would reside and 8le*p llj the Mjluna. ( v ¦< >

during tne'progresa of theinew, bdliaiog j a^tbe .•Vtam..i

¦ ¦-* ; * :! : i . . -^:l ji :ri ! - l=-i? -ms'-c .;-»|'

The phairman said 0iey i bad. not. reached the«t&ge in the proceedings ai: t»hjob-i -jtji.wful(l ibenecessary to1 make such wk appoiDt«»ec>i J^?i;J«F?i?

;Aid. J&dooud s»ld |J^Kberl a6}«gT.e^

Perienced end competentjperiou for iiucbiia powMpp*.M Atkiw-Ye>, tmtiittij' i^mm,} !:***&;}

v "L i - .:; /¦ ¦¦:> . - i 'r . T : j, • ; , - H

Wks &niwf ^(h%htW)L'ij;S4:' mw$*jr ?:Si v?v^ -.v-?!f[!fy - ; •!:;

^S»* * |P *re tton»|ri **taken , to prevmt thT^poeiioillty of m outbreak ol

': ¦¦ Dr. EaogTA -AtkimTt Medical iSnptrinten entireport (m;th* naitton o<>thft hdwM folldwt!-^

eMeBent and^ tt«j,o<«4p« otj-tta^ ^diS S fiKSorJ^

ohronlo !di»«uie; aoyUrt U»«r«ij^ fiitHfcjr«i ,t6JdaT SStiWaem« thf) Urrat) ujnjbi it dditnoBdi ¦, 'jxm ho»d*tt«pd«i»|on th« tatlB slda—Thomal Setinedv—«n«i |L #«r«t6 61 'it.yeM»taflomp)4|W owlnrf to adfiMni; tt 'Kiailjr'i '**&.

for & ?aperahnuition ipeniriJon'. for he, 6oSid«ritiph of i bioVnotice of raaUbUmxoK be given /to day. inin n -{:. < , - ¦¦.

¦June, 12th, X893;-, :¦.¦¦¦¦.; l-^-y ^ -n U.inry : « ;• 'h ^- • :- '- r ¦ ¦ ¦^h

y \}-:-:- ^':.\ "i - \ a*i:f*wr!i*n*Oti.i\r.- :v i .: ¦• ••! ' ¦> ¦/ ?;• ;, u Dr. AtkinB sa.ld the- Board of ,,Worka, adva aped•j£6Q0;at;4 peijceaito h,ayrtb* new. Seldj dded ti?tbeaaylam. Tbe w^all rqiind it>was,very;well bui t by%tk Gteorgo Kolan, wh > .also; built the late add tionto the asylum.; :uh-^\ - < i ] < \ \ .,0 v\^rr: - - . - . , -y¦

> : ' ' ¦ . - ' ': • . i - ; .i < .- .;(; 'i;vv^esj*^^StP:sic; ¦J . u ^-.: ;^ . .^i Tbe Doctor, also me itioned that: SsLwas. paldi for

ujusic toamuee the inmatesjtor twoevenlugei <. -¦¦< Al«(Kodmond—|2s odau eveningifottwo eyebings

might be (joneldered ci ieap ttusic (laughter).- < ¦/ :j:r.^:"'i.x-v/ - ' i ;;.; :|i;'wiBjL y( »CTaiH. .IOSll8.'. :r..: ¦¦¦ : ¦ ¦' ¦• : a ,.¦ The Doctor alB(i stated that the* governors had to

their credit ta barik JBSi700; i : :• ¦;.,* ^ &u,v. :¦¦ ; . \ !. :-iCMr. BriBcoeisaid the Clonmel Asy^mVhad'to get

a;loan df 3,000 or-JM 000; . '¦•: : :> ¦ K > ; > V. , . I ! !- .> . I - - i t; . . .

' ¦. ; . .

' , i - .i'HiOB-'WAIi.

: : ' ¦

. : ' '• ! ¦ / { • ¦ > '¦} . :'¦¦ Dr. Atkins stated th it the mare- belonging to thi>

eatabliBbmenthada Bi !efoal> ibyah6raethepropertyof Mr. Widgbr. j •^;-- , f: - ¦¦*' : ?¦«¦

r . ; .;,; - |- :-, T-Aid. Bedmond eaid he MesBrs. Widger bad 86me

of the very best hpreea in the country. ¦ ¦ :¦•; > ' - • ;•: vraiTisa OOVEBNOB. "i : . • .

•¦-¦' Sir Bobert Paul' waa uppoioted visiting govetnorfor nett month; • • .] i > - ]i . r. ¦. :.v :< ' :w ' -:; - . : . > - '¦: • - - - - n ¦ ¦ :;

Cpjx oh-Aii-Snir TTnion—SATOHDAT{ '

, .¦,;', ''., ."." , ., '. ': ) / [ '.. (ff ^^ SJepf ifi erh '¦ '¦. ' "

,.. • -. '. '} ' ' ¦¦

¦ ] '.:¦-. .'Mr, -W;Aiwr?B;Wii8Hi.y,.0. .in the obair. : {

'. .. -. . ¦ ! ;.

Also present—Mesati, John Shee, Walter Fqwer,Thomas Bockett, Peter Welsh, J P, Pierce Lyons. .

. ¦'• •• : - ¦ '"..'-

' .j "i

'PPKsiAW. i.V V'.;.'- . \ . . -.h «!,; ; ¦:

. The Lo l Governjbent Board wrote ioqu^rlngwhat order tbe guart iana' had;! made on the.! com-plaint, made j by i Mr Mpirley of the unsanitaryconditioni of; 8Otne!8launhtei¦ houBea'in Portla J ; :|

'jMrf QuirVe, B 0, wd the:mattero referred; inthe report were being ktteuded to. , '.- ".; '. . :v , I. V. | .

The Clert asked M r,'Q'j«rke^ '.wh,'ether he knew ilthe committee bad bien. doing anything to et anew,pump' there..!!, '¦ '] i

'. -/\ ' , \\ i'- - -.-' [ , ' •: ':. " .- • :.-v i-: ' -'-'

Mr Quirke replied that be did not,know } he bednot Been anything1 doijie about it. , ' ¦ '¦ < ¦ •',

¦ !¦ j ' SiflOTlOHS.

¦ '¦ ¦¦'¦ • !- r '

A notice waB .received frdni Mr Bobprt B Ken sedyof hio intenti6n tio

; evict Th'diras' Bleating it >m a

house and lands at Mt jiiBboro. ;.v '"';' • ' ,';' ¦ ' .. -. > '"

Mr $hee remarked that evictions seemed, t >' begoingon the same under the present govorrimsnt 63under, jb'p last, and .thought publicity to the pri isentevlotion ehould beigiviD, . , i : . , , : . i.:v , ¦¦

' ; The Clerk—Take carei afraid you would emb rrnStbe government by, yohr retnarks. ^ v: ' * "'; Mr Shee -I think tbe landlords who fire ' evictingohould be embarrassed" by exposing thetti In publte¦Press. '- •"• :

.i '- ::

¦>':' ••"

•'¦!•:• • ¦ \' - ;f --• : • ¦¦•• • ' •- ¦ ¦ ' 1 " :


, The Ghairman~"I think they.ought. '; ;: i . "; :1 Mr tihee'said there :¦ weri cases of harsh eylctioCf

and ezpresaed the 'opiaton that such cases.should bom ppbii?. ., ': 1 :; . -

. ;!! -; : ;r , ;- ' • • • : , ¦;;¦.¦/

¦:• .¦¦

'4 . r i ;:¦ . . - ! ; . , .

'' . \: ¦' . J . . . SANITABTv;/ '

. . : , , ¦ ¦ , ¦¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ ,. , ; ¦

The" Sanitary Officer of the district reported aQdieance uj the Vjcinlty of the creamery fit Pitt >wa.

An order to have the usual notice served oi t'ho'occupier of tbe premicea waa made. ¦ : '¦ : - . j

THB- PBCJTOWI^ WAWSB l8tJPi».r.| ; : ., ,A lengthy report on the condition' of the water

supply to the toWnlatids of Owing,! ran^inROtj)WD<and Belline was ..tecelsed from Dr. Quirk ,Tilt jwn.

The question had'been postponed' ainpe last .boardday for .the. attendance of the local , guardians ,b0as, with one exception, they failed to attend to-dayit was bn the motion of Mr Peter Waleh fuitboradjourned. / ' ' ¦ ¦ » } £ :

" ¦-?-= v I v - ¦¦¦-- : •

¦•' -.

¦ .¦ : -v ;- ' •

; l

>- !- ¦¦


Mr Shea made a long -speech in oppobitu n totbe proposaL!';'' ) - - :

:i i

'¦ ¦¦ ¦ '. - :¦¦ ¦ ' -¦ ¦ • ¦ • , • * : •¦¦¦ ¦ ¦;

¦ •" ' ¦1- . ¦ •• • ¦¦¦ • ¦ ,¦ '; ¦ ¦

• : BATtSPOAtOBt. ;• ¦/¦ '

< '¦ i ' '¦'¦' ' ~

. Hit uirfei , B O: repbrted rt t .there was no baseof fever in Portiaw;' . He had inspected a4nt»pibet otthe houses j«r tbe^qwnL |:p ascertain - whiether thoywere in a Banitary;condition orpthJor.wise. , | 'j, ".. ..'

PBOPOSEDJ NEW; DI6PHN8ABT AX, BATHCK)EII4Pv 'The Clerk mentioned that the proposal to lujld a

dispensary and doctor's residenceln Bathgormao badbeen referred, to the c^mmitlee

of that district! forconBlderation. Tbis body.had met on two or thjreooccasions, and at their! last: meeting theyliad pe&aengaged In selecting a site out of two or tbreowhich had been pfft-red. They ;were to meet onFriday last io i finally recommend a site and toappoint Mr puffin' or Bo ne <>thor 'engineer, to drawnp plans for( a bQuse, hu^ the'meeting fell thrc u>fhowjng tt> the non atl endance of a quorum. Hethought under, these qrcumstanees the board mightfairly take it lout of the bands of the committee and

'arrange'it'themselves.' ^¦¦,} r ^ • • • ¦¦ • v 'f- . ; ' • ' ; ¦'; Mr Shee was of : oj inion that the board ¦ sh >uldlagain Bend'it'oaick'to t lje committee.; V ^ ¦ '' Cbalrma,n—I .wa8 tb 3 only member Wbo att^i dedye8t»rdayand I dp not 'see wfcy, we sbobld refer kt Itoa body v?ho w^ll npt',.iiijB»t 'to; conaidef; ii;'- ''- . '¦.; ' , '

Mr Shee made a speech in favour of the-Dtobosilto send it to the coinpittee.

¦; , ¦.; . .. , ; ; . , . - ..; • ¦ .! .-/; , .¦' , ; i \ ¦ . ¦¦

Chairman—'When ihe' Local Government Boar<] andthe people of the distriot are in favour qf h&vi ng ahouse bnilt for the doctcr I do not see why it should bedelayed.

'¦ ¦ ;; .- ''¦ " ¦¦ '

. . ..;.;•'.* " " '¦' " ¦ ,

Mr Bookett moved th it the board take the matter inhandB and mnploy Mr Daffih to prepare plane for! theproposed bnifdiBg and the inbtion Was; after a ehortdlsoussion, agreed to. , : ' ! •" ."- : r

Th«;Clerk eaidi the oostvof the dispensary 'andresidence would iiot exceed^500. Mr Dnffld'a ol argewould be, he! presumed, Uvai per cent on the total out.l»y« ¦ ¦.: :'l ¦¦ >. - ',• . -•

' ' ¦•

', - - ¦ ¦ ¦

. !. « !xn EATE COl-IiECTIO . O '!.X:>The rate collectors, in accordance with an ordpr of the

guardians made on this day weok, ; attended before thebeard and went at length into the arrear sheets sent them, the sheets i rere evbntufklly adppted bt t ontheoondiUon that they solleot the recbveratlo arrears

'inside a week." ":.

" : ./ ' ¦:;' :' i i '¦> • ' •

¦• ¦¦ -¦¦ '' '< [ ¦ " ¦ -* ''

'¦ " •- ¦ : . ;¦• . ' . : i ! ' i BTATE Or THS'HOUBS."' ! ; ¦ ¦ • .' : -. Bemaimng on abova dati, i76 ; samo period last

/ear, 176 : amount received i during thtf week, JB1S 12a8d ;. amout paid, ifil H lls ; ,b»lnuoe, ip favorir ofunion, £3239 «« Hd; No. - on ,out-dop.r,. relief , 211;coav i38a 2d. , ";¦. . v : .' ;r .|,. ,;¦¦;, ;.• ; ' .. .. ... .- , . . :¦,•. , , „ .. . .

! :i-; . -^• .•Perfect . iEroportiono. ,; • . •• ¦ ¦ .

i The height of a pe leooTirith*^iperleob, .figure"should be.etiotly- eaaal ipl the -diataftfe -bef eeii>he tips:of th0 middle fingers of: eithjer hand ^hen'the arms are'ifdlly.Vxtettdedjiv'y. >:. .-X i . , ¦:;:¦¦•¦

¦¦! : . !! Tentlujea the lehgtl of tbff hkud, or seven-e od «half times jthef len tii < i- theffoe*.

or five :tlmej( thediatneter of the ohejt from one arm pit to theotbe^should alapigive toe hWghtof the whole body, r; The dlitonce from the Junction of the tbfgl *¦ to

the grouUd^hObld be dxactly|the«ame at from «i«tpblntV6 mHo**of tttf b«*d ; The*aeeshbti d ksperfecUy midway betw ;en the flrst-OAtnedpofn ;andthe ground!«j!fiiheihee -»r4 -~-^ .

¦ ' , ' :¦ ¦ •! r .'.j/ ;Tbe distance" from (Jfafe elbowto thetip of the tnjd-

die floger abpuldbe th 8 eame'«froto the81bo r toto the middle Of t:»e Jbreasf.--««w Tort Boms

¦' ••:-> - .'" ' ; ':t¦,¦:¦/ '¦ '. '. - . -i -r I - !*:':L\ ' . •'r - i i U li h ¦ ', •¦ ..r.

i^The'Idng of the avi r iaa'o C9nfefive ?q«(art«

:>'p k&iti ¦• ¦¦ DanM&! tt I wl&it'. MSi'? Wtei.& »wn,.

\iA .r.',:ti ¦ : < { ¦¦!f tpf - } iy , v- •r- . :j -t»-<- i. . r : $ \- M > i i i ibu c. .- .-. . .¦ • :

Se t^ nie oie l tarno nea . ' : ' * Wf J>TOe|lgia I ll 11/ M^7 ¦ ¦IHvTfefelfMillf ;- - i '

drnnkenne^ .t the same ^^t ;„ . . Mf t kf i * Dn 'mht Fki*k0 *3n* PLr0nWit *f einiTM

Balljaott'ifa•« iliiUar oha«e; ! .: . - : W MCKtT fl^UlKt WITHOUT yft/, . ,- #<»>« ¦ .. ' / / H i . \':£fe'£ L " VI vGpWitaDW Bellly - sammoned! Patriok Connolly',!' ll|AAmv«);Aiil.i^pli>«){e;l> i ¦¦• ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦': ¦V: .VlSi

{:.*' ;

:,j ; >He: wM fifc«d iti'ailk'e;i8um;-M : 'S l ' ' ¦ ¦ ' 'v '/ \; .. Z ^i ABcUef;)< t anj;wa8 .aunimoftea> ,ftri being ,dxpnk

i tt Graigpeijhonevo, it b!eing the 8f th ocoaaiop! wjthlntwelve nionths on which a similar charge had beenmade ogtinsb hlmi On the laifc court day there hadbaen-iwp*fi<ies{f6r drankennesiimposed upon him.1 '

The mbtber of 'ihe defendant appeared' in Court,nrtfl tfiMiKoh4^ *i1fii. OtiH-wA ^Ana

"' ¦ ¦' • ¦ '- ¦; ¦ ¦'-. ¦¦¦¦!:i -':l!;:

SWgeatJt|WhiteVl do not mind that, /l.jc ve the!f«H of a bn pf^ ert Jcates at hpme. eiidj .jieej lhe!people who got them drunk on the doy after—apjwg? tftk o . under'coercion! W never kept, .by iep.:

OK. Ljnoh: l^ntortohately, I cannoi3~Ben4 hlni;to jail tyithont the option, of ajflne. , 1 wish,X;could.

The motbtrof the defendant pleaded for alenient;¦penalfer. .- ,^:-^: :.- ,:- .. -: :

¦¦ • ¦ • :i ! ¦ ¦/¦ ¦ < < > < ¦1- - 1 . - ' - '

MrJ Lynoh : Do not be paytng the fines fof hiu;but let him go to jsil, and it Would be much 'betterfor him. . ; I[ will Moe him £1 and costs. .. ! i'

:: Tbe;niofhet pitid/tbe!fibeV ¦. { '¦. ! :' '", '!,? ': ' -^j:%

Constable StephenB summoded Bobert Pfe|lan forbeiugldtunk at GraJtfueBhoneea pn 11th nit.,; ¦<

'' :- , l : "

Tlned 6si «nd coBts. , , !;; !:; , . .\ ' ¦ ' , . •"• ' ¦• , . ; : ! ¦ ¦¦; • <A roan- nampd Thomson woo flnel 7fl- 6di land

costs ifot drunk«oness at , Eilmacthomas ion - : 10thMayv-vM' \\ : - : : ': '.- - ¦• : ¦ ¦ !:(•: • •. v 3 ' ; • - •

¦ • ¦. '

¦.¦ ¦!¦!¦¦ H ¦¦:•'

Mr. Lynch remarked that there was a tre1 uietidousnumber of jcasea --f drunkenness to* be disposed off.''

Sergeant: White : It is greatly on the increase inthVliwafiiy./^

1/ , , :¦¦;/• "' ? ,.;{;.. . • , ' . • . .¦ -:;;-;.1;'- .;

Lawrence Foley was. summoned by CopstobloStephens fpr drunkenpeaa at Cjlyaiguesboneei ., / , -f

It aj?p«ared that tbe defendant had been engagedin a pugiliBtio contest witu his father in his housebeforetho police arrived and arrested bim.' He Wascalling bia father "old Gladstone," and, as1 tbeparent resented the, application of such, a appel-atiouWhim, a row enBued.Laurenca Foley' waB nowfined 7s. 6d, and costs, or hatf-a-cronn mote thanthe fine usually inflicted for a Bret offence. . ' , . , ,

The extra fine was probablyiuapoBed on account ofthe enormity :of the crime tbe defundant had com-mitted in aesdrtiag tbat a similarity of appearanceesteted betwean his father and the Grand Old Man.

Patrick Mara was "charged with haivipg 1, been,drunk and disorderly at KilriaotbomaB on June 6tfoi

A.: remark bf Sergeant Whit6, to tbo effect that thedefendant was.obming from towurde the TemperaipeHal), and that be was, very drunk, occasioned someamusement in tho Court. | ; • .. . -. ' . , r f

It was further stated that his j had used languageof a.'mOat offensive character, and that be wab Bgb't-ing inith another man on tbe occasion. ' v ;' Asked as to his character, the sergeant oaid ' bewas a f?l»id" case^ ' \'

rl - \ ' : ' "" • :' '¦ '.'¦;"

¦•• 'A fin'eotl0sl atj'd <»8ts was imposed.

¦ '; ,Patrick Hariris was charged wttb disorderly con?

duct and drunkenness on the same evening, j , V, Th^ sergeant Elated tbat there was a circus in tbe

town;tbat nlghtj and after tbe performance had con-cluded/a row took place on the road between someof thosb who patronised the .entertainment.1' Onhearlpgjthe police advance, ; the combatants • die-pereed, but the defendant was overtaken and arrested. ; ¦ ! ' ;; : '\ - v . ; ] ' . .¦;. ',} ¦ '•:. '/ ' ' ' ;

!. ' : ] '] '

Mr. Lynch fined the! defendant 5s, and .'costs,remarking that tbe reason he: bad not imposed aslarge a flpe < on him as on the jjontlcman figuring osdefendant in the last case was on a«<nnnt of hin"decent appearance." t , ; .- "

Edward Moloney was cba'g«d mth being diunkand diebrderly at Ellmaethomas on the day of the/'hiring! fair.7 ' ' .. ¦ ' , ' : l ' ! ¦ ;

/ ' ' ;" ' ; ' !1;Mr. Lynchinqiiked: if the public-houeea in the

villagb had not been closed bnj the day of the fair P ,. Sergeant White said they bad been closed from

three o'clock In the evening, bat a large number ofthese in the town had g >t drunk by tbat time. Thereweie.five or eix CathoHc clergymen vwltb a numberof policd on the streets! in the evening endeavouringto get the people homo. , ; , i ', - •

Mr. Lynch : Were the piiblio houo'ea closed vol-untarily P I

The Sergeant eaid thoy wore. 'Mr. Lynch: It is a pity they wera not closed for

the whole day. ; I ' '

'The Sergeant said tbe defendant had been finedXI for an assault on a girl botllong ago. ; : v ¦

Constable Connolly, who prosecuted, caid M6loneyhad made use of • very J' Unbecoming " language.

He Waa fined 15a. arid costs.! '¦< •¦ ' , ; < -• ¦¦ Constable Oohnolly summoned Edward Mbpheyfor drunkenness at £ilmaothomaa on 12tb'inst. !p_ ¦

, Sergeant; Wbite atAted thaji a large number ofthose who attended1 'the* hiring fair on finding thepublic houses olo90d in the evening bad resort to thebouse* in the country; where liquid refreibmehtwas dispensed,) bnd hod there gV't intoxicated.' ;"'' : .

Mr. Lynch; We bad a lot of them in Boiunahon;In faotj it 'was a1 regular outbreak, ^ ' - • ! !

Aifine df 10a'. and costs was mpos-d. ' • ' ~ ' -. P/ttrick Burke was charged'(with drunkenness at

Kilmaotbomason the 30;h ultJ y] ' ' '¦ ' :The defendant, whose facial ! appearance Wag in-

dicative df the faot that bio imbibitions of tiloobolrecently bad bet-h both large and numerous, re-marked In a some'wbttt loud tone that he had' onlytaken a couple of pints on that ; occasion", aUd'thithe hadu^bad^head. - ' ' '¦ '¦

¦¦ ¦[ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ - • ¦¦ ¦¦ ; - ;!!

; » ' j !

Mr. Lynoh eaid be was of opinion that defendantwas suffeiing frotn' a ei'iniiar com binatloa of oircum-itsn'ces then as he had been when airested. ' .-, /.

Defendant admitted the truth of the temarkl' < ;. JHe was fined 6s. and costs.' j

: ': ' " ''' / !Thomas Murphj, charged by Constable Stephens;

with drankottnes8 on tbe task { fair1 day at : Kilm'ac*:thomasi'was ffned Bi. and costii :: i ; i •

Jeremiah Fbley, ''Ballyduff; :wfls obdrged v vJith!being drunk at B:ilmaotbom9e on the 21sr ulti,' :; ( .

; It was EOentioried by tde pblice that'Foley; hadbeen on o tbar ] among the public houses 'within' aradius of eix .miles around bis place, and that, while1so engaged he had been obliged to accept: the hbs-|pltality of SergeantM'Lure oh>two ocoaslone.i hiscondition at'tbe time being such that tbe serffeant'could not trust him to take sufficient oard - of Tiim-eelf. He was now ordered to pay fines of 5v and7e. 6d,;!idrtj obfltB, as a penalty tor the Hltle jollifi-cation in which bo bad indulged. ¦ ¦: ¦] ¦ '<

At tbeconuluBlon of the baslneBS, Mr. Ly nch Sttidhe wished to inform the people-that in future bewould inflict the severest peualtlea be could on thosewho Were ! brought before bim foe drunkenness.Tbere wero fifteen cases' on tho book to-day, all ofwbiah ' fwre for druokenned. ' The bishops hedpreached, and the clergy of all donomioationa wereinveigblng: against the ein of i drankehness here inKllmacthomas, and yet tbuy jsair the result.; Airorder bwHwen made to close the houses on the dayof th0"hirin'(f ¦ fair, but what j did': they, do ? 'M. Tneparties irbo came to the: fair j went to Bonmabbnand to neighbouring?, publioj houeea where theydnmk, >8 ^Ke- stfyieg wagg ling* around them. Ifthe same: amount of; drnnkenness came i under hi«pptite at! theme*t oourti dayi jhe would iputvon inevery ca ethe highestpenalty he

could.: };i: 4*-:'!i -¦ • vi v f . ; . ; - ;• ¦—< j-r- - . ' - .X. Xk: ':' :¦



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Coil unb'w very'cheap in Wfttierford, vte—Wj^t'tte1' i^ ^ . i^wi^^ viiii m

^rdemind'fci'Itpowy 6f cburga. 'Wfiri i'n onlf

for cooking pnrpoBeB. There ia <a. i large enpply pf Itht;thei Quay »ndtethiryards;. • • j » i."/:- ¦ . - < -f . uh T\- ,¦) '¦¦ ¦'¦.¦¦' ¦¦¦"¦ )i. .-.x . l .M - .v.-r.M-

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;c.:y 'EAR8 '" - E X P E R I E N C E , J -, ;

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I ' j % ' ¦'t 'Wm: Plot's.' ¦t ' :. ¦. ; ¦ .;.

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,I^U!SIO» ; TIie Beat Selection in Irclaad. PIECELS daily . Post Free.; Half Prko. ! " ' ;

- *S*B I Skll l l/^ ' -Tifners connected with ourll^anufactory visit all parU of Irelanrt ' 'I ' -:- "" I vf FJ I fSI \3U; . ' ' Annual Tnnings: contracted for. : r •• - i ;

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Mates and Dealers. '

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Qss Bld.iBS^FSk

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M tllKIa A Ha iLf Of%l^W^P5 to 200 Guineas. UltUnll lAll InstramentD ! "'ff k ' : [ l l^Pff l f %C&.FerCashl . «| 'W i o ilM^. 1 ,or onthr - ;; ! ! V I E|f 11^

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BANJOES, fUSIOAi: BOXES, /gLPTES.I Etc. : J lBTB:FJaSB;; ines3Tfi.:!P. & Co^ have the Finest Violin,.Banjo, ana Quitar Strings. .:. .i

':•-. ¦, .r . -.["-i v:^;*.- - Gto»t ¦;lloorgo>i »trwt. W*Urfo»4 , ; , •-'¦> ¦ »• • :••! I*¦¦ ,-.

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CANT)SEiL & COCHRANfi,,.. - ., Btmreef Sp uriow Oaapounda. , •

¦ " • .' ; : ' . MflJiB .ONLY by ; ;

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OANTRELL & COCHRANE,' ' Under Special Begitfration.

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Sftj Drink f o r the Chtdy tstd Bhaetzsiis.¦¦¦¦ '¦ ¦ ' Mada only .by '

C/iOTm, if; COCHRANE,. ;;Und97,Spocial .BegtEtrfiMoa. ;

SYSTEM «-y |O ¦ till Month.

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JjlOB OLEANSINO aia OI ikW^tW IBLOODJ from »U ImpuritiM, ItbianoVW tootifhi*i*-

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Pimple* and Bon* of «U kSd«, tt to*utttiidOag aadpemuMat onw. ;.; , > . ,' :.-, - ¦ i 'i".-V ¦;¦' .'¦

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, ! Oxmt Uloarm. I ' :' ]_ ¦ ^ ' . . . ; ¦1 COTM Blood «nd SUg SlaMMa. . ' i • . '

Cnretqii>nrtnl«rBnaUtog«.. . ; . .* •/ i. .Oletn the Blood frori iXLhamxp TtixUiil*roniwl»»tBTer<S«n»e «rUln». ; '

A thUMrfnUU t.le*a»ntW tbiu«S5»ki**»rr«aUdrrehorn Mjrtolng inteton*to tte Wo«ftdaUa«aj« ati«ittai <fcltta ML trpmlnfiinOT to old ¦«,«>• ftoKWon •olldt

THOUSAMIJB Oft TE9Tfofi3L^&; j" CLAEK'8 BLOOD MIXXUEB li entoelrfree from any potooal or inet«Dl» Unpurfmtion,does not contain My toJnrionsiBtredknf, »sd toa good, saffl «Dd: tiMfalf m«dfiiw.,':-AirMDSwiiH TADUJB, H.D.;.->.&&, Leotam onMedical Jar ^ 'and ao^ri

" I thonght it til xny <aWtdl«| jSntaowwhat Ck^«BJoodi Miitawiaidowrfor me.After anfierinr fox three yean -irithateoeatei onmy arm and %, and;the doctor* sot beingaUsto do me asv good,JiunUuu)kfalto aar aftertatid? s few SotoaTi? yontClarta'J KOS liS-ttue.1 am restored fo-petfeot hatltb ants, andwouM hare , the .tehofe wnM Ipum - of j jroorwondcrfal medicine.—youra;tmlyr: i

• . , ' i- . ! ;;" "Jt«,EopaHtp«.w

7, Canonbury.iHaJtiHoitbfLottdon, N.,¦' • • '¦¦¦¦ ¦

„,,.!;; - •

¦• ; '! - %M»,- - i •

"I had a Terr bad. arm tat flfeht ornine months,and had medloal adviee, which did »oibenefitme much. I net: a genUeinan at 1i» CrnUPalace, and he told me r«BToi^Sd a carbunole on htolef. toa that yewrBlood Mixtureoured hto right bu • Be advised ale to try it,which l dJd1*rfaJ^WU».toi»ak»d. bot0es,lam elad toteU joaUw da«h«afal nnltiuti.and I have notW aojthlii of It attci \**I have no objection to yotrr ttnNlshlni thlacure..' . , . i ','Tonn fatthfolly, >

HCPORTANT ADVICE T6 *IjT, -aeai)sej the vitiatedblood whenever yon find Its InporiU^M hqMtnw throoch tbefind it obetnicted and aloniah!iii the veins Vplemnse it Whenit is fonl—jonr feeling* wifl ten yon when.' XeepfcxirbJoodyore, and ihe health5 the system" will follow.1.". i 7-8oWHt bott)e»2s 9d rnrtntir titiktMTmiiteHTitnt; rii tt—the quantity, UsHromeie&t to «fl»<* a-nentaaenteore in the

great majority -of k>nr-rtandln» eajo?- vr <i. !By all CHEMISTS and PATEST3tED10IHK VEKD0H8

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