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VOL. XXVIL— NO. 52 '• TUK "WATEKFORD NEWS. " ISTADLISnED 1S47. (Alderman HKI IJIONH , Proprietor.) LMIRKST ClliCi:l.ATION IN THE Solill Or lBELAKD. J tillislu'J evtry Friday Evening, at No. 49 King Street lonofiTr. TIII rxoviNciAL BASK .] 1' IUCK TiiuKr. Vr.scK; YEAUI .Y ( IV ADVANCE) 13B.; Bv 1' OST , Y EARLY , 15s , IN ADVASCE . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATKKKOHD—llr. W. KELLY , Little Ocorgo' s-strcct. TKAMORK—Mi >a CLANCY , Itefrcslirueut Booms, in Strand.street. FASSAGK EAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel , Square. CAKltICK-ON-SUIK—Mr.J.SI . lIURHiv . NewsAeent, LONDON' (For Advta.) Mr. Wsi. CABKOLL, 123, liougliboro' -read (North) , Brixton. DUBLIN—ADVKIITISINU AOENTS: Messrs. W. H. .S MITH & SON, Abbey street. DONGAHYA N—Mr. EDWARD BREKKAN , Stationer , &c, Post and Telegraph Office., The Square. KILKENNY—ilr. J OHN AI URI -IIY , Hose Inn-Btroot. CASTLKCOMKK—Mr. J. IIOI .OHAN , Main-street. AMERICAN . LIKE.- «^ UNITKD. KTATES MAIL STEAMEHS, UM L MJ^T Liverpool to Philadelphia « 3i^\ t^ . KVKLY WKDNKSIWY. ^ESEmm tr ( - ' ailing nl (jurriittunu cvtry THURSDAY . Kirbt-class Kull-powereJ Iron Steamshi ps aic appointed tc Sail :— •KKNILWOKTIl Sq>:. S!0 "CITYuf IMIlSTOI-.Ocl.2C 1'KNNsYLVAXlA Oct. 0 OHIO... Oct. 27 INDIANA Oct. 13 ILLINOIS Nov. 3 No iuti-tuu limit l\n»e»HKf is carried uu voyapis m*irkr>d tliuk * The onl y Tiitti!»Atl;iiitic Line «¦ a11iu ,; under the United States Khijr , ;ud rang ing tbc- Amurtcnn Hafts for having lif.\ hmdes ilie usual cum]iliiiiuit of Lili-loal*, ond BBt-xtrn numb, r of Lili- l' n>iinrs. The iii-cuiniiiod.itiuu for nil clussrs of pnt-sciiccrb is iquit l lo an) (if Ili« Kutupran Steamshi p Lim-A. Every Slriuiier rarrii'sa Surgion i.ii.l Stewardec* . l'assrnnirs mid c ods me liiiiilrd at I'liilauVlpliin oil Ilir W'hiirl ol 1 ]>•• IVnnyj Imnia ltailiond Compaliy, which I IBB llu- f.|ioili>t and lroi.tdit.-ct route lo !>ll places in tbe West- ern Elates , l' &^scuinTv l>y this Uito CMI \iass dinct into ttic Uailroatl Cars vcitlirut U-nvine I lie Lmidini: Wb.trl , and unilir t lie t;uup tool , tl.m- :nc liclmlinirul liiKtn , United Ktntn. Lit- Icr l>ox , Ti-U-grui'li Oilier , K>cliangc UtVicr, ar.d Unggnge Digress Ollici-. Ujkius 1'AM ^ AGB , £15 15s. to i-1 Is. ltituru Tickets at tedund rate* . SjKtn*OK l ' .i. 'MOB us lt.iv as bv ?liv nlhcr f.ift liln- , indudir.j; an amp le i-unnly of pnuil I'M, n,ions Slri-raic r l' a'-l.tiisi-M aie foi wnrdfii lo New Yolk , Iiobtou , or ltnltimoii- without itdtlilional t'luir^e. lsixKMiiDiAiK 1'AsbAor., including IVtls , Kcdilinp, and ell litce;miry Ulrlisils lulu scpaiuti- Ttilili' , £8 tis. App l y in l'liil:>tl i'l |.lnB to 1'nr.B W KICHT A SONS, General Aftu\t- , ^j 7 , WuliiM-s-tnet ; in Qutrii*lo\vn , to N. & J. CUM.Ml.iBi HiiitliriK ; and in l-imponl , to HICHAKII. ' -ON , SI'KNCK * Co., tf 1" and 1(> Water-Hint; or JOHN DEYEltEUX , Qui.y, Wutcrford. NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORK g£T K0T 1CK. —Tliih COUIIWD }- talc Ihv libk of Insur- ance (up to Jtlw . fXOJ on i-aihut its Wti-ls., thus giving l' a^oiip'rs I he besl posHbli- puniautri' for entity nnd avoid- ance of timber ai >•¦» . ' i he ini'ft Kiulbirl y roule baf liei n «lwavi adopted t y this Company to avoid Ice and Head- lands. —— tj^Qg^v LA KG KST STKA M KKS AFLOAT. Tjj^tfM^ - ' >'<"•> J-ivKiu ooL fo N EW YOIIK BDS ^aS iTiTy Wednesday. riTilK MuKiiUit ciil l- ' ull-l'owcrcil Iron Screw X. MKAM-MIH 1 . - S/ II ;./ . T<™» . "hi yi . Tuu.. Er.vrr , «r« ' ¦"' ' •I i K. MILAM ., Kinip fM> SPUN 4W1I TllEyUKES , Uragf 4W1 ITAl.Y . 'l l,;.u,. -. ' .ii.: -«:»y ! lUjI.l.A. ND . Kimpsou SS47 FltANCK . 'J'liciiiiuu iD WT1 : KK1N , Alul rcwp S.W CANADA , WtlwtiT :<- ' *«' ' UELVCTIA, Spcncr 39,-» (iKKKLK , Thi lna! ' ' MM I)E>MA11K , fcumner Ji-i \ ill >a\i Irom LiMipi'id to Nrw Yi it us umlrr: 71IK QUKKN' ,..... Wednesday, Oct. Gth £]>. \JN Wudncsday , Oct. 18 KH1N ' . ' ' . ' . "' . Wednetduy, Oct. 30 LenviiiK QuiinstoiMi tlir lollowlng daj t- . " And I- OMION lo Ntw YouK ns follows : HOLLAND WidiiesJuy, Oct. Oth CANAI'A Wediiodny, Oct. 13 GHKKCK ........... WtliBKbDAt . Oct. 20 Tin¦ iNdw'ii ..ic inii nlulii'ii i- umun osM il , ilic aialr. imi:> U.iit iii-ii-iiiill> la lft , i.i.d I -| MII oil tin- SaloMia riluulid in I ii nn diiV. li..te 'il i.iic;iyi—Ilv l-i»ni.W"l SlcamiTJ, 12, lo, mid 17 tiuitiiK-: l y L.,nd, II Siu- uu r. -, U> . 12, and 16 Guinea? , ac- fOldil.(( t" MI i.llal-mi m :-).,!.-lllin-all h;nilip ?Hlne ,,tiv:!,l-i- in .Si!.,oi. . lli-lum Tukel , TW I.M i 1-UUH ° t!e ; ' " nc C0ilK0KT ol STEKKAGK 1'ASSKNGKKS ?I^-i-i.iil y -tin- aen iuinidaii n Wing utuqualliu foi v|McV, licbl , anil ventilation. ltatix>t I' tttaet— M«- I » III - , i' o . vtliiili includrs abuml- ance ol Kuvb l'iiivi>ioii» nrvid . upMid cook.d b) Company ' s tvrvitutr. Mulical alleudance Flu- . Sttwardit.-ts in ulttlld- »Dce ou Kemali ^uciaue l' .^sMigerf. __ Me. r»Ki. l' n..!.u.g<i!. lorwmili-d 10 Quibi c. Ilobton , l'lul- tilel pliis , and lialtiinc-r.- . «itl.f.ut Kxiia Cb.rfH , : ud bouked tlimuRlU.. San Kisiu-in-i> , ami »» inland towns ol tinted Mat.s untl Canada 111 lavoinl.le turns, l' as-cnurs tliiotiKU to Au^ralia , Nov Z.aUuil , Chin.. , »Ld J span , via the Kric- lUiluoy. For P' riiyht or IVsnpc apnl y t'i 'Jbe National Straws-hip Company (l.imitid), ^'1 and 23 , Watu-stuit , Liveipool. soi r AliKM FOK WAThBIOIID : JEKHMIA1I lIURl'ilY , Uurrouslraud Street. J. M. AIL'i:l 1IY , CaiKik-on-Suir ; lliciu m> I. VNUV , Maiii-sittci do. ; HiciiAKU l'liKUis , lirowii-htici i , I'oit- law ; W M . KoKtii-TAl.. <irc.iTr , New ltoss ; 1' ATE. LA SO A N, lioiimahon Joexru -MRA JIY , tiioct-r, IJiiiiftnrvBti ; or to N. and .). CLMJII . NS ami liaos., ^u. eusto» n. l'llF»|in> HIP a'lvi.-rd to M.ule their I'a«acrs from the Local Alrrnte b. l..l<- JfaviUf hulliC. T11K IU1S11 liOATS ! WHITE STAK LINE. UMTKU SITATKS MAIL STKAMKUS. S, t:LO Ti.nsi llurtl.i-n. 3,001 il«'i>"-|-i>»« i l- iucngei. to all parts of <U United S- . I . I . K and Can.da , Heturuing fr. m X-w Volt every Sjlunlaj . Thii well-known fa-t Mail . S»mjr« of tU.» hue all con- •tmcu-d <jy Meo -«. IIABIAM. ^ WoLFt , of I.ellast , Mil n< uoder - . From I.IVKKI'OOI., l-l ' u QlKE.WOW* - _ GKHMANIC... Tiiurtday , ... Oct. /th ttl-TlC ... Thursday , ... Oct. l ull ADULA'l IC ... Thursday, ... Oct. 21ht. HAI.T1C ... Tliurnlay, ... Oct. 2I1I 1. lilUTANNIC Tliurnday, ... Nov. 4lli. I-KCM NKW >011 K : CELTIC ... Saturday, ... Sept. 25th. riii-sc new and vihwls reduce the passa K .: t<i tli klorttst possible litiir, and atlord to l\i»mgi:r» the hlg hcl decree of comfort hilht-i-i. attainablo at «*. AveriKr I' lifsupi- , in Suiuiucr , H day- ; W inter , «>} days. Fah " vsel«»..».-t«l •» - «"'«-"^ 1 compamueuu. •1 , SiEtlliiK* »'c unusuall y n.acious . «ell lighted , isSsSSss Htierajf e Fai cat Induced Kate , , 1. ,,. ih» Ollicrs For In vht and p«.luul»r f a|.p lj »l H ;r O tic s of the Cou.p»uy, , Iti-aduay. Nnv \oik , " ' d I ; ( ' 1 . ^' IU & dol ph mitl " CI:.. -.K..i iu «u. n..lo«ru , to JAMLS. ¦ COIT 4. ^ TsMAy . IXIUKA C,, 10, Wi->[«t , I.ivyujj .1 . ; ,,d3) |.,;,d...l.«M-si.r. t , L.. nd,u , K. I. U»" 'I s 1IAKVKY Liith- GeiTKi-c-^'K-' 1 . " 1 " 1 , . AMK^nKNNKSSY^.ea. Gr;- -t , >v n,c, f ,,rd. .1. M. MLltl'HY , 43, >.-»-l«w , Uinl l-oii huir. JOHN WALL , Jui... 1> UIIK »I '»»- JOHN HOLJHAN .^tlwomi-r. ^F^L^^^^^^^^ n^ WATE»rOKI. AM- C -M«M L IKKLASI. L »; CH - SHOKTEST ROUTE and REDUCED FARES E.rj'rt -ss Trains uwl J' « Fatt Matt ^ f ^T gg& SU*»>™ Kl'KR Y WEKK DA Y. fW» !"H5 _] VAVK I, ,,sws (I' addinttiirti) at 5.1i, ,,,ii Aiiiiivt AT WATKIIKOKI . (weiither aiid c i cum am,^ ,*n..itlin0 a>.mi t .-Ic-von a.m., >n time for the Train. <-.. tl.o Mutcrford and Limerick ami Central Ireland Lim*. Lr. -Lcavc -\\ A IM « Jjimurick , and l(. .3i a. D,. !*S5i *S. " p t fSJrTCA U.Y »t the a,.l«inU,l time. F A K t .^r/'fr,^ ) lat Clash and S.iloon , life Od 81K0UW (avaUable -I LU} H ^ O af g (in| 1 Sll](!0D > 35s od n >• 3r(] cliifs and Fore Cabin , 20s Od » - ' - ' i \\o fnr l month) let Claes A: Saloon, 76 ' fi BlSTTJItSS (avaUahlc for 1 mo. . ^^^ & Salooll i -,.,, . 11 , . " , - .!. ' ., |, c obtained from Mr. J. M. Further mformation c.a ',e . tk A]f ^ ^ J ]CN A DowNFv aulway l«nnnin- . i. j {KI , L . cf: ,, KA«I MARA , Adelphi Wliarf , Vi gtc r «' i. ^ between otter "ni-" rUl »J bt f °" Jf U ji r. w. J. II UKSEM -, Wharf , Witerford. j^ GiaK1 . suN > G^ncr^l M«i.. t ' .v. Pad4ipgton TcrmimiH. J' _ l . "^Eir For KriLtr L ' U.WS , "I fvuy ii«i:ri|iiiu. -i ai. il J^rintcd to order, come to Tli* *N^-^ O HICI : . -I U SHIPPING CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY. OC-rOBEB , 18?6. Regular 8TEAX C0MXVMCAT10N hetween WATERPOED and LONDOB, Via Southampton, and London nnd Sooth Weitern Kmlway, PLYMOUTH aDd SOUTHAMPTON, and SOUTH of ENGLAND, COlfK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, and GLASGOW. . "\ *W A. . fTIHE new nnd powerful Screw 'Slfamet 8 SVqO^ . i- COl'KLAKU . TOWAltU , FANDA, 2^^K^-*KEKIiYVOllE . CUM BKAK , K1>UY. 3^Hl! * S. 8T0NK , W1CK1.0W, »ud AHK10W . are intended bail as under (weather pwoiilliBg, onWsa pre- tenttd by »ny nnforeiwn circumstances), with lirxrty to Tow Ye«s*l», and to render »fM»tauce to Vessels In U»tie«s : FU0M WATEUF0KD TO GLASGOW, rnitj, i»t Oct. 1 p.nj., ria Cork and UcVtot ^»lurd»v 2ud 0 p.m., via lMlnsl Taetday , 6th ,, 1 p.m., »ia Wubl.n. Wedue»d«y, Gib 1 p.ra>l T j t Cork. Fridsy, 8tli 1 p.m., via Cork nnd Belfast h»tuid«y, 9.h S>ig. vti Iklfavt. Tacsdny, 12th' 1 " •" /• ' ., TI * Onblio- \\ educday, 13th 1 p »-!i., vis Cork , tnday, 16th 1 p.m., via Cotk and Bolfait BatunU y, mtli C p.m., via Belfast Tui-iday l»ih 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wtduefduy, SJOili 1 p.m., vis Cuik. iriday, 22nrS 1 p.m., via Cork and Uilfakt Saturday, 20rd 0 p.m., via llilfast. fuisday. 2Cth 1 p.m., via Dublin. WeducsJay, 27th 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, "QiU 1 p.m., iia Cork and Belfast Saturday, 30lh 0 p.m., vis Belfast HiOXI GLASGOW TO WATKUF01U), Kvny MONDAY , \\ EDNKSDAY , and FltlDAY , 2 p.m. ; Kail to Grceuock , 8 p.m. NoTB. ~Tbe Steamer on Friday goes via Cork. FliOM WA'lEltKOUU TO BELFAST. Kvcry FiilDAY, Via COKK , at 1 p.tu Kvcrj bATUK DAY , direct , - at 6 p.m BKLKAST TO WAT EUFOU1) Every MONDAY „, via Ulafgow. Kvcry THUKSUA V, direct. From WATKKl'OUD TO DUUL1N , diicet , Kvery TUKSIMY , ... at 1 p.m. UUII1-1K lo WA'I KUKOKD , Via (. .lasgow , Kveiy WEDNESDAY. FKOM WATKltfOlvU TO COKK. 1 A . ly WKUN LMJA Y, - nl 1 p.m. Kuiy Kid DAY , - - at 1 p.m. M10.M COllK TO WATKKFOUH. direct , Every -MONDAY. WATEKKOKD TO LONDON , Strainer to boulhauiptun , thence by Loi.don mid South lUilnay to Nine Kln.b Station, at Through lutes Kvcry SAT UUDAY , at 1 p.m. LONDON 'JO WATl-:i:l-OlSI)- Kvc-iy TUESDAY , Goods lUceived. at m>y ot the Iteieitmg lli-usc>- of the London nnd S.uih liailway Company, and at Nine Elms Station up lo C.3U [• .»>« WATKltFOKD '10 1 1.YM0UTII , diiect , Kveiy SA'I L'KDAY, at i p.m. l l.YMOUTU TO W ATKKFOKD , diiect , Kvny F1I1DAY , ot 2 p.m. WATEltFOKD to SOUTHAMPT ON, via l'lymouth , Evciy SATUHDAY , at 4 p.m. .SOUTIIA-MI'JON '10 WATKKFOUD , via l'lymouth , Every WEDNKbDAY, at lOa.m These SteaiLirb have iicillcnt accommodation lor passcc gors. rASSAGE-MONEY. Calnu. lteturn. Deck Waieilord lo Glatgou or Bellnbl 17i>. 6d. 26s 10s. Cork ... 9s 14s 6s Dubli n, ... 10s, fls Plymouth and Southampton 2U>. 30s. 10s. London , ... -ot. 37a Cd 15*. Hi NOT E. —T in Cl y de shipp ing I'on.pmiy Insure all CJOOOS hhi ppeil by these Liu. 8 of Mcuuiers , at 3s 4d. jiercmt to rs having; yearl y agu-i iutrutt- , and 6s per cent to oc- casional Shi ppeia— values to be declared at tiuie of shi p- ment . Forms and nl! ii.loi inaliou to be bad at the OfliceB. For Itaies of Frei Kht , *c, app l y to J. C. 1 ' IKXEK- IOK , Belfast ; HKKKT J. W A KII I O, l'lymcuth ; II . W. W ILLIAMS, London and Njuth-Wt-euru llailvrny Compaoy, Klilir l>uildmg> , Arlbur-fctmt , \Vib! , ulid iheir Keceiving Ilonsea tbiou^Uout Londou ; Cly de Ship|>ing Co., 40 , U pper Cccil-btnei , Limerick , Southampton , 20, Eden Quay, llun- LIN , a nd 1' atiickV Quay, COBK . CLYDt SlIIl'l'lNG COlll'ANY , Custom lloueo Quay, Walrrlord. Special 1' otuia of ititU of LudinK required by tic Clyde Shipp ing Company, to bo had Irani the Agents. WATERFORD STEAMSHIP COMPANY. (UM1TSU). 1XTEXLE1) OUDEll OF ISAJLIKG—OCT., 1875 STEAMEllS. GIPSY , LA11A , ZEl'UYK, CLIO, or JUVEBNA. ^ijv ^ M OTICE.—ThcWaterford Stearnihi p (miK4\ J.1 Company receive Goods for Shi pment V JJ KJ^ on the follovfiDg Terms onl y:—They reserve WBfBOOm * the ri ght to carry by any, not by particular VcM>els , with liberty to Tow Shi ps and call at other l' orts auc! Kill not be accountable for injuries or losses arising from ael*y, iccidenls of the Seas, Kiveis , Fire , the Queen ' s Ene- oiici , defective Narigatiou . or accidents from any other cause nor for ai>v]ost> which might have been covered by Insurance , nor for Leakage , Hrrakage . Condition , Quality, or wntents ot any l' arcelb orl'aclta^es, unless specially entered and adva~ orem Frei ght paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the risk and opeuse ot the Consignees. V A T E K >' 0 li D AND 11KI S T 0 L. Fiotn W;iterloid lo Bristol : I 1 torn Bristnl to Waterfoid . lilKKCT lilurCT. Tucfdny, Oct. S ... 10$ Horn Tliumlaj, Oct. 7 ... 10 Mora Tuesday, ., 1:1 ... 3i Afl'li Tliui>day, ... 6 Jlora TueFda7, ,, 11> ... lot MorniThurcday, 21 ... 10 Mora Tuesday, ai ... Jt Affn Klbursil.ij, 2B ... C ilorn CIIO or J WEEK A. From Wat.rfoul to llrislol , From Hrintol to Watcrford , Direct . calling at Pembroke Dock. Friday Oct. 1 ... K Morn Tuewlay, Oct. 5 ... 3 Mora Friday i, ... 1- Soon'Tucsday, ,, IS ... I Aft'c Friday ¦ ¦ l r ' ... S Mbrn|TucMlay, ,, VJ ... 8J Jlorn Kriduy -' - ... 1- Soon Tuefday, 26 ... * Afl'u Friday, VJ ... 6 Muru ' Tussilay, Nov. a ... 8 Mor n %S,' . On early Mornini; Sailings , the Cabin ot the Steam ers wili be Open turecuivu TaswuKe's arriving from London by the Night MailTraii:. (. ' aljin Fare , 16» 0d.; Servants and Childna , 10s. Od. Keturn i!o., 26^. ; or with liberty to return from Dublin Cork , or \\' eiford , 3]s fl .. Steward's fee included ; Deck 7s. Ud. Females attend the Ladies ' Cabin. WATKKFOKD AND LIYElU'OOL. TH11KE SAILINGS WEEKLY. PI011 WAIZBFOIIl i . 1KOS1 LI\KK1 'UO1. : Kriilr.y , Oct. 1 —11 SIorn'Kriday, Oct. 1 —11 Mora Monday, 4 ' i A(t' u!.Mou.lay , ,, 4—1 Jlorn "Wnlueiduy, ,, * } yit .Si»ilinn l W.-«hiebday, ,, G 1 Aft ' n Friday, ^ *> Morn Kriduy, S No Sailiug .Muudny, li —1« Jlwu ' jIomJay, 11 S Jloni Wtilneid.iy . 1 ,, 13 —11 MoriiiWiiliicrday, ,, '! I) Moru FrWiiy, u IS —11 Moru 'Friday 15 —10 Mora jlcu.lay, 1* 2 Aft' U | Mo]iUay, lh 1 Morn Wwluesday, !iu 2 Aft' ulWnluc-bday, 20—1 Aft ' n Kriduy, ,, ' -- <i Mnrii Friday, SH 4 Mora Muudar , " ¦> —'" Morn Monday, 25 8 Morn WMluvulay, 27 —11 Muru WidLeedny, 27 B Morn Friday ,, - "J —II MornlKriOay, 2D —lo Mora Cabin Faie , 17f. Od j Servants (Travelling wiib lamiliei.) nnd Children , IDs ; Deck , 10s. ; Childicr , 6s. Females at- tend the Ladies 'Cabin- Goods received at Clart-ucc Dock , Liverpool. " WATEIU'ORD AND DUNGAltVAN. VK0M WATEKfOKD. JROM DL' . NOAKVAX. Friday, Ocl. 1 , 12 noon Saturday, Oct 2, 7 morn Monday, <i , 1 aft' n Tuesday, 5, 8 morn Wednesday, (i , !i aft ' n Thursday, 7, ii morn Friday, ,, M, 2 aft ' n|Saturd iiy, 0,11 morn Muudny, ,, 11, ' •> morn Tuesday, 12, 1 aft ' n Wednesday, 111, lOmornjTliureday, 14, ' i. alt ' n Friday, ,, 1T> , 11 raurujSuturdny, 10 , 6 morn Monday , IS , 1 nft' iiJTuesday, l'J , 7 morn Wednesday, 2D, ' J aft ' oiThursday, 21 , S morn Friday, Tl , 3 aft ' n^Saturday, 23 , 11 morn Monday, 25, O inornj'fuesday, -b" , 1 aft ' n Wednesday 27, 12 moru Thu rsday, 28, 2 nfL'n Friday, 2'J , 12 noon Saturday, , 30, 0 morn WATK K F O U D A N D N 1- . W K 0 K S. i-' HOM W AIKKJOII IJDail y, Sundaj s eicepted . al 3.15 p.m F KOM N B « licBB—Dail y, Sundays cici-pttd , at 8 45 a.m. W A T E It F (J 11 D AN D D U N C A N N 0 N. FnoM WAI KHFoHl )—Dail y, Sundays eicepted, at 3.20 a.m. FKOM DuiscAMiOS— Dail y, buhd.iya cxreplid , bt 8.IB a.m. llrillm MTUIII I nud neiy »Ai,\n\»\\nu (jivm b y njniH »t lillltlOL— The General Sleainpaclct Office , 32 l' rincc-st. ; D C N O A KV A K — Mr. T. Duwury, Main-itm t j LIVEHPOOL— Wal.itoid Mc:lln^lli p Company, 23 Hiuiifwi.k-»lrrei , Wash- tt)(. - l>'" liuiliiings , nnd nt the Ciupan) ' a Olliitf , Ibe M ALL , W ATKBFOBII . CA itKlCK-ON-SUllt EJ11GHAT 1ON OFFICE. GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION TO NEW ZEALAND , O . UF.KXSLAND , & CANADA. FKKK l'AKSAGES to NEW ZKA LAXI) K rantcd tu eli giLle App licants. ASSfSTEU 1'ASSAOES Grunted tu CAKAUA. 1' artictilDrs of which can bo had on appplicatiou to J. 31. II LHJ -IIV , Agent. Steamers to Xuw Yoik twice a week , i' rom Queens- town , Liverpool , Derry, Dublin , (jla.sgow , and Ijondon. Firijt-clai-H Sliitm from Liverjiool ;md London to Aus- tralia mi'i Queensland onco a month. Emigration Oflicc—la NEW LANE , CAR-KICK- oN-suin.] MORRISSY'S CAKRIAGE MANUFACTORY BEKESl' OHD-STltEET & HATII.isTllEET, WATKHFOKU. C\A1UUA(;E.S of every ilivcri plinii lniilt I o Order, ' ol bett Ali.ti-ri.ii-' , and by (iiat-elafeb Workmen, A \*aru-ty IJ I'N L - W tit;il Si-eoiiil-hand Curiiiiges , Croy- dniif , iVc, of tin: N I - UI - K L Debi yn. " , which ho feels i--urc <1 will hear conijiiuiKi. -i with any as regard s 1' iicv , l!:it ^-ri;ilH , \V<trkir ,ni:til >i ]i , and Finish. Jdrj.airs aiid i' uintiiig c- .vc-culcil "itli .Nciituess , aud at iloderutu Uhiirgeit. twriaKes uud Cum tukun iu ExcLungu. juS.ti ' . ! « . ( - ) "^WimY BANQUET. " ' .. ' ^^ .tSnrng list, n banqaot , ou an ejton- On f atUl J olegunt Boalo . was givon in tho Imporial ' or < °' lr '»] his city, to tho present and tho late Hi gh TU > r ln 1 >y geutlonica who usually sorTe on tho allegea aoB •y, to testif y thoir appreciation of thoir April nncl . . tho fulftlmout of tho responsible duties of «»ug T ™? ,t olRco , nnd in recognition of the splendid mont ol Ji« they havo dispensod during thoir years >? r . , WUen wu say that tho eutortainmont was on wnlon l l tho best sty lo or the Imporial Hotol , we one, and ho ouough to indicato that it was superb, with '&« °» lmn f 'ant ing in quantity, quality, or oxcollonco. aBmaoueu. was occupied by a goutlemau who on all tuB salmon woll and aatisfactorily discharges tho dotios mncU roaso ast, Captain J OHNSON , J.P., who had on his " io )' car > D . William Fennensy. Esq., UigU ShoruT , and ">y ouo c jr of Clonmel , Aid. Woods , J.P. ; to the which be a ~ tho Mayor of Waterford, Junios T. Ilynn, rcmoro Un th thoir wotahips wearing their chaius of troycQ tlio VBid tho cx-Ui gh SherilT, Jouoph U. Dobbyn , and Bonou o vioo-ohairs woro occupied by Messrs. Wm. People tho - W. G. D. Goff , Thomas P. Koily, T.C., and °f °' a " b Maokcsy, oach of whom had filled tho office would thei IT. Tho general company, which numborcd BOI TOS but r«ty, included tho following:- __ . _ f ™' n ?'«>• ¦¦*HI| lUWIHU^U VUU IUIIV" •«[, * ,. ten St. Georgo Freeman, J .P., and P. A. Powor, iniea tho g ;prs. Abraham Stophons , J.P , N. Lumsden, J.P , thoy had I' ;. Sargent , Henry V. Mackesy, J. J. Voely, spider, an ClonWJ.P.^rd. ! To 5' n lu C JS r ^j , Louiu Strangman , wore dost 1ipr>crafj ' . ' .;r. "' .!r ' B 15 111 « * 1 5N J 30 Z Z it XV' " Junction... arrif. 8 sj n 40 2 10 S 2u 11 M I OBLI U _ nrrltal ... 115 s 411 I" 0 ... .„ 4 5 Coax. __arriral ... 2 n ! 4 U 9 16 2 0 lub'in ie:. ... 9 0 j 10 3'J 1 n .- ... 7 45 Coik... 8 0 12 30 3 45 ... 10 0 Junction™ 8 38 IS U 1 1 25 ' S 45 14 23 limerick...Biritl 9 45 12 52 ' 3 15 I 6 So I 30 Dotcn Traint f rom Limerick. | TBAliCaoN VftlK PAT S. |8dj ' l L1MH1ICK I !i4 3 l l2t3 142 12*3 '* * " l lj m 10 w^Tcvroitii cinu. Cloi. Claaa Cl»»«. Cl»b» data Cla«« ¦ L A ^?' *¦"• A. M. r.M. p. m. r.ti . r.u. l lroc riclt ,.._ C(<;.; " G (7 ~ a n vo T~ u TFai " . ' .. ' iuTu Junction arrirni 7 lo 8 20 12 20 3 15 il in , i. S5 Cork™.^... ... 1 30 2 0 8 15 2 l> ... 2 0 I'UbliB 1 Is 5 15 10 0 4 S ... 4U IIUBLt»™...^i(,j, ...DO (ORI....._ | ... _ co J uoclion.._... 7 20 0 20 12 30 S 35 12 S3 \" it 'ii 1'ipporaty _.... 7 35 I) 45 12 40 5 45 12 5 12 50 Clonmtl _ 8 55 ... 1 tu 0 « 2 20 ... i 20 Vanick | » 40 ... 2 5 7 35 3 t ... 3 a M Bt«llliKl ...orirl . lU 25 ... 2 45 B 15 3 4&J ... 3 45 FABii-rir.tCl»«* Single Ticket , Hi. W ; SecOn.i do, Ilr. j 1 bird ilo., (j«. id. lloturn-FlrH C!ai» , Sli 8d ; t-cc. nd ¦:.. ., 16f. 'a. J. K. Sicou. Sccrcliicr. WATKKl 'OBD AND CLNTKAL 1UELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION KA1LWAY& TRAIN ALTERATIONS—The 8.30 ».m. down and C.5 ) p.m. op . suoda; Excumions ilitcontlDUed. Tlie flioncn route from Wkterfi rd and Killcnny lo Dublin , Itlilooe , 1*. itutnnit , r»rt<jnitown , br Neongh , it TfMMar j boro' . ICy* In.piovcd quick aod tbrougb daily cummuniCHiion ho- •irrea Mar>ioiough aod otber 6(atioos to Wateilerd , ibencd ii»Nc» Mlllnrri 10 IKJDI IOD and all ttitiom on the Great Wc»t- 1111 [>U«a;ul KnKland. yKOlI WATEKrOBO. 1 TRAI. M OK WKm UAY8. KL'^nAY8 utATiust 1 la aTI~5" i ' ai3it !i i ' ai3 i\t: Cla i.ClakS. Closi. Class . Clam Cla ib . _ A>M - P- M - r.H. i r.M ln» oii p m li ni Ii m h ~ in , li in li m ITni Waterl iiril... </,;.«rinr 7 15 110 10' 12 u r.Humcu* _._ 7 - .5 i 1 10 4 10 ' 1^ 13 . Mullinavat 7 3i | 4 to : li as llallylulc 7 65 1 :J5 4 ;o { - 1^ i,. . ' . ' 'J'lioiiiarionn 8 10 I 1 to 4 05 : 1 i ]ler.uetf> bii.l f;c 8 -JS ! 2 5 5 5 1 20 Kilkenny arriral 6 40 j 2 21- 5 20 1 In Do itpurturc b 55 2 30 a :iu 1 §v liallyrii KKCl.~ - 0 15 - . > 511 5 60 ' 1 )o y.ttana iili 5 'Jj 3 0 0 (1 2 Is Jibbeyleix !. 50 i 3 16 : C IS - 3<i " Marjboro " nrrirc; 11 10 ' 3 "A ' , li is a li ' llajljoiou b li iif;i _u;, lo il ¦ 4 2 1 7 H; 3 :4i 1' uriarllngion June ' n II II 4 17 ; 8 7 ' 3 j;,| . I'ublin nrrital ; 1 15 j 0 4u 10 U 0 «o| ... .Ublcco Junction arri i 4i fc Jo ' iimyhoio '.-dtp Jou n ' iO M \ ' 7 11 Halbbri'}-_ ' 10 5U i ' 7 48 HOECICII ill 34 I - 13 _ ] l' araon>tuwu \l l 2 4 j ' U 0 ..! . " . ISirlumna _ 112 44 I 9 10 Nonaul 12 ry _ I !; 20 ... Tcrnplnnoro 1 j b 17 . Tliurlet arrhal 1 31/ i B 35 .. _ TO WATER FOB D I-Jtlt 'I A.»» 1.,. KL-NII1VB « A111 , \s 12MU43I481 i! ; ClnBi.Clii6B. Cljft. CUiB . I a 4c3 ] 2j3 ¦ I .M. , A.M. I A.M. I r.H. CUn .,ClaiB ... , li ra h ni ; li m li in h rii u in rburlii.»..rfrj,nr(urr _ ' : in : . 155 _ ' , n 1' cinpll Il l-I t .„ _ ' 7 2U ! - 2 13 - ! 2 211 .llll)btO|.b} ' 7W 2 43 ; 2 47 »«n»lf h - U30 1U _,_ ..oituiimn ....„„..„,., 6 I' _ I' arioi.xunt n _ , e 40 _ I 20 :tujcria ' ¦ 7 13 1 65 - _ ]ij«rj|. "io - ...urrl ...<,,, _ 8 38 3 10 _ 3 24 .Ubli-ne J UM. - II .- U ...«. ' I _ g 16 .. ; Dublin ......dijmillo c I 6 I) 9 tl 1 II 9 30 I' .-ilailiiuton Jure. 'II 8 3 10 13 2 45 _ 11 13 l!uryl>i<ro ' ..<irw_tficn 8 25 10 Oi, 3 t) _ |1 5j »•*» TkA^s. I _ MB j| I2fc3 _ ! llHryburu ' ... del nrtfre 6 40 10 35 3 30 _ 14 0 iibl.eyleix | 6 0 10 56 3 50 4 20 y ; ilBuaga _ 0 15 - . 4 5 _ < F5 lIsllyraKKtl.- ¦ _ : V 26 11 15 4 15 4 45 l.llkeuliy .... urriral . 1) 45 11 4U 4 38 _ & 10 Uo ~drymlt,r< 7 3') '10 I 11 45 4 So 5 20 llenneubrldKC J 45 10 12 : 5 3 5 32 rhnmaMuwii S , 10 Ss ;I2 6 i 20 5 4} llallytale 8 2S -III 40 112 16 3 3(1 0 0 Jlullinsvol b 6U i-J Ol 0 0 6 25 Ilimacow u 6 11 10 : 12 46 6 If _ 6 35 Itater/ord .....orriro/l S 50 11 3(i 1 I 0 0 30 7 0 Kl'ttlal >altb an cluiccd 10 l'im and Ktcond clau l' anen - |:eit U.okioK 10 Haiti by the Kxpiein Mail Tnioi 011 Uieal tuuihem aad WLSUID Lina. Tickets limed (or Siogle Journey am atailablt only (01 the 1 rain bj which they are isiued. Market TIIKI U tu Watcrkrd and back will be Issued on Muul..)i , «tilr culojj, »nd Sulurda;> , at Maiyl orough , An- «yini , .Altuingb , « Ld Uall)tagi, tt , by tlo 8.40 u.m. down I tain , at&iiiiblc liTtcluiu b> ibe 4.0 p.m. up Uaiu on daieol insiifr. I' lici-Hi.t Cli>f , ]S>.. t!et-0U4 Clau. >•., >n<l Third C I»» B, Ci. Keldrn TicVcla in- igtucd bctHten »ny t»o SlatloDi aiailablr lor the date ol utttc and d«j /vllo»ing j those issued (or any distance eiccediug 50 mll«, will bo aiailable (or return on tbe caj o( Ibeoe urjd tiiu two lollowinRilajB ; &ud (or dixtarjees ex- ceedinft 100 miles , tl.tiy aie at; ilublo (or relaru on tile day ot iiiuue »nd tbtt ttiree (i>llo»iug usjs—tioDdajt not reckuued . I:elurn Tickets issued ou Skturday kio returntible on Saturday, £u nday, or .Muiiday. SU^DAY KXCUIISIONS-Ejtuiaion Tickets lo Water(ord uill bi- tfatuiu by ll.f II ^ III learlDg Mar> lK>tuuf; )i at8^J0 a.m , .i<inilul:e it. (tuin It] ilit o ' 5i> ji .iii 'iiuin mm Watcrivrdi Kale* fi iMt.ijLoii 'U|: >i , Abbijitu , AtauaKb , jr.d Uoll;ia_ - |;il , 10 WeliiloiO niid btck—J-irrt CJai-h , ti ; Cl/Vcied Car. liaccs , ?^. t uu K I IL IUUJ 10 \\ aluli'ld i*nd back— 4 B u&d Ui i) d . lliuLcnljiiun und '1L. li.skti «i - :!» on 1.1. a n. Uall j. l.ale-2> '¦" and It id. Alullii.kT it—Is tid and Jr. Kiluiacov -Is. 3d kitd inl - . mid lu and 11. m ull iDteiuitdiatt Stations al 'fioglc l- ' ate^ . luketn i.ul tioukfeubli , no luggage ullowco , 1 nd no luil-lares. . ^ Vi. Vlu.lAMt , Iiciclai). WATKlU'Oltl) AND TKAJIOKK KA1LWAY. Week Day Traint. IHOM ¦ ' 2 a 4 5 6 7 . 8 II ._. ' ..'! ra J}_ '" . P ¦" _ P ni I'm I' i" p m I p 111 1. in I h 111 : li 111 li 111 li in ii in lTiii|li m |li 111 11 ui 'V'lo.l •» 0 11 0 -12 15 *2 n 4 II 5 31' 7 15' 0 0 - 'l'lii ' rt) ' .I 15 I'll 31 ¦! I 15 / 3 11 ¦ 4 311 , »6 Cl\ 7 li! ' ¦> 3" Sunday Trains. ¦ ?OH ' - ^ * * ' r^ « » " ' « n. _ p _ 10 ji _ m , p in _ p _ ni p BI ) p _ m p m n in ; li 111 h in . h in li 111 ! It m li m li m VnT " b ** rn " H- iord , b 0 , ll 15 la 15 1 3" I 2 ' M 1 30 5 30 : 0 3i 11 0 T^iiorej 0 15 . 11 43 .] -J 4i ' '2 0 | 4 _ 1 _ - 5 _ u, li _ U _ - 7 45 0 SO *Mniltrain * G. N. UAK «H . Secretary HEALTH LOST AND REGAINED. —A Guide lo the IlrmnTrealmcut of INKIl' . JilTlKS or VOUl'II *nil MAKJiOOJ> l «ilirr]Jrrcdilkrj' ur Acquired. ,iy II KKIIY SUITII , M.l J., ol the Unirmiryof Jena , Anllior ¦)l " The Voluntu-r' s Jlnniiiil , " " Woman , " Ac. IIKAL'III LOST AND liKU<MNKlJ tncs Di. bHliu ' s Jleulinciit (the uoult ol IVemy biz jcaib' i-pecial prnctice) for the Oorc of all Diicatiisol I he Nervous Sy. tiu> , Niivou.s Dtbilily, Mental aud 1'lijsical Dipicebioii , 1' al pitaiiou of the Heart , .Noises io tbc Iliad oinl K;us , JnditMoii , Inipnueil Si ght nud Memory, Indigc&tiou , L< BS ol Energy. 1' aiiii in the liack , Coii9ti|iatiun , lilubhiiig, lljbtnia , '1 uiidity, btll-Didrust l)izil\inr , Love of Sohludt , GrouI)dlc^!i 1-car.- * . M jscular Kelujitiou , A e. , resnltiui; from Eihaustiuu ol Nerve Power , the effect of Over-tmcJ Kuerg iea, Kuerratiug Unbits , auu ether «liu»s« ol the sytttm. (JIVKS INSTIIUCII9NS AXD l'UESCBll'TJONS , illustrated with Teitimouiuls Irom pralelul patitnta; with means of Cur.: u^cd in each case, bent free b y Tost on re- cei pt ol Two Penny Stamp;. Also hy the tume Author , post free in »n envelope , for 13 Stamps , WOMAN: her Duti. d, Hulalions , aud Position Subjects tieuul :—Uirlbood , Slaideuliowl , Courtshi p, Mar- ruj :e , Mothciliouil, Kiiualo Eilucitiuii , I- ' einalc Health, E». male ll yg ien.- , Uomertic Meiliciui - , Ac , Ac. Tl.ii isa ' work 011 suljeots 01 vital inteicbt lo woiuuu. Hi-antilull y Illus- trated by Kngraving s on W00J . Or. 11. SMITH. 8, llurtou CrtTXint , London , W.C, [n!3-tfl I MPOUTAKTIO COUBTK V PilinMs. —iJr. II. SMITH , the eiuiiitut Sprcialist , who may he cnusulttd with the greatest! lor the Cure ot all Dtbililatin n ami contag ious DusraMw , will , lor tliebtui tit ol rountry paticntu who can- uot consult him perbuimlly, on receiving » dctcri ption ol tlieir C4M- , kend bis opinion , with adtire and directions lor tho most buccesslul ics ' oratiun to health anil vigor. Ad- drt-fcs, Dr. II. SMITH , b, liurton Cima-ut , Londen , W.C. -VTEKYOUS DEBILITY, and all NEKVOUS J_^( AKt ACTIONS , whether the result of earl j. errors or otherwise , me by very simple anil incjpci.sive lucaus quickly cuieu In both France and Ueininny. Tin: mlvi-ilisci- a 11 si- di-nt in thif i-iibiniy, will bt- hiippy to »eml free to all appli. cauls full p.ulicular.ul Iheinoile ol tifiitiniut ibem adopted ou receipt uf :i dm ttul ri.veli.p.- . All peiKons nmy cure them- srlve» , anil thm not ( iin (he rUk ol Um R m-timi,, J. AdJrteii M.,ns. A. IJL'VAL , 13, Newinakit-tlnel , llirruinuluia HEALTH AMI ; .MANLY V1UO1: . -A .M.-dic-l ruauol 2OJ.HII, ' experience , III the llentment ol NKIlVOUS UK- l ill.lTY . SpeiniiituiLec an.l III I HT iillertic.ns nbirb lire olleu mqiiiiid in early life , and uiilii >ii)] lor marring and otber bocial duties I IHS publi>lieil a hwk giving the lull hi iu fil ol hia IUIIK t-ipi-ritiiu' giutis , wilh plain directions fur th« riionry ol Heallh mi.l Slreugtli. A n uglu cupy sent to any oililn-ks ou ntei ptol Ola- Stamp. Addu-js lu the ffcirtnrj, Institute nl Anal.iny, J Jiiuiiuilinm . illi 10 UK U1VKN AWAY I A New .Medical Woik c. -i llnniaiie , the cauic aud cure of pienialuredeeline ii, mau , N.-,vou» lability, I HIIK. .), uty, ic, with l.ul.-s t..r r. moving certain iliniualificatioi.B that de«IMy the lmpp ii;cs« ot Wedded l.ile , or EVEJI Y .MAN 11JS OWN DOCTOR. Kur Twii Sluuip> suilrrers may nvoiil the numerous iin|ioi>tuia n il" . -i-nd Ilii-ir hook* lor u.iihnitf, tesli- inoiii.ils ninth they write tli.-n.n. Un , li. : titiuus i.-vi.-ws from iiniiKimiiy J..liru..!> ,|,i..l.->h tot-nrc di^-e, n illi iiMlrmncuti iiisttM.I ni .Mnliciut> , nnd o:L.i absurdities as cruel as they arc iler.-j. live . A pli>Mei.ii , , -Jj j t.,i.M.j:,n-n,-l j eui i , 'i;,l in ihetr.ntmrut of in-i.UU> mi.l il,.- vaii.m- 11.1 nii.l »|;.J nrivnus iillectiona re- itillin;. ll.u.ti,,,,: , wi!l M-IMI II. ,. . ,,„ ,,,. i ,,i 0| Two i' eiiny hthtnp- . ' .. i-n-p.n p. M..i: t , a |., .jM,, , - ..,,iainiiig liU highl y SUU.. -H. ' 1.I.1I . Iijj fill. , llial i,. .,, !, ,. . ::!, ,,|| , ll0 lim . M . lty pri->cnp- i-i aii.i .liiM . h..,,. l,v «|.j,i. .U| I crit . s ,nHV ,.,,„ theniMh.b at i,,riing tu.1. AJdn- iir. Liwji . , Medical ' uhluLer. U Uaud Court. Ilulbotu. London. AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS, Wo beg lo announco tho return of onr TMCA-HSTTI J E A.3STX3 3VfriXiiiI3>TES.75r BTJ-5TEB.S With a Largo and wall.Belooted STOCK suited for the present nnd coming Seasons, iu PLAIN AND CHECKED COSTUMES, REAL SEAL , JACKETS.; THE HYDE PARK MANTLES, CIRCULAR PLAID MANTLES , THE ULSTER INVERNESS ASD BOURNEMOUTH WATERPROOF CLOAKS , &c FURS , REAL SEAL , POLISH ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, GREBE, AND BEAVER ; MUFFS . COLLARS, A. ND BOAS. MILLINERY. BONNETS, FELT AND STRAW HATS, FLOWERS AND FEATHERS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BABIES' DRESSES, CLOAKS, AND LADIES ' UNDERCLOTHING M, O'BBIEN & CO., 4:7% QXJ-A. -3T (OPPOSITE THE MAJIKET H OUBE) N.B.—A gents for the LITTLE WANZER SEWING MACHINE. TO BUST GaTTI Bi-IE IR S I EsTAKLisuiii-MK—KILKENNY AKD CAKL0W. ilS-h " THE PEOPLE. " WEXKOW )—KSTABL LSHED JANUAUY , 18o3. The " \\ EXFOHU O UABDIAM " was ii.corporated with " THE 1' HOPI.B," Jauuaty, 1857. THE PEOPLE in n Commercial , Agricalttiral ami Lin- rat} Journal , as well an a Nvw^pnper , anil command* au cileiisiTc circulation in tho counties of Woiluril; Carlow , Kilkenny, Walcrlord , WiikloH ,|Oublin , the United Slates , Canad a anil Auatrali 1 . It fcivcs lull ti'ports of the proccedinRB ol all public boilii-.s in the County ol Wtiloid , bditlious Iroui Kug lisli , Irish , and Forei gn picas , together with correspondence and lending articles upon »ll> matters ol local and general inleriM. It is a Wi'tkly Newspaper , published on Saturday, price 4d As an adtrcrti siuK medium it cannot tie crjualh-d in the County, aa it is taken by the nobility, gcutiy, clergy, mer- cantile classes, nnd farmers of every denomination. PKOPKlETOll-E. WALSH. OmcB-31, SOUTH MAIH -BTUKBT , WKCFORD . WK A11K KOT AWAKE OF ANY LARGE A STOCK OF SO MANY VA1UET1ES TO SELECT FROM—WHERE ALL CLASSES CAN HE SUITED $3)° And PRICES BO Moderate , as at M. SMITH'S, THE 39, BAKRONSTRAND STREET, WATERFORD SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES MR. E. SOLOMONS , OPTICIAN , 19 , NASSAU STREET, DUBLIN , AUD 22 DENHIGII PLACE SOUTH BELOIUYIA, LONDON , (Who has been SOyi-arB professionally established in Dublin) BEGS to caution the Public against tbc use of the common, improper, and budl y-manuactured (jlasses and Pebbles generall y told , which are so hi g hl y detrimental to Vision , that numbers havu strioual y saflcrc! from ttiem, and frosts that it is now unnccetBary to dwell at lerjglb ou the eitellcnce ol bisSpcctaclct (so dilferetA from pebble or similar substance, which he neither constructs , »pproTe», nor disposes ol ,) and ou the advantages deriiable from his accurate method of adapting Glasses to Detective Sight (a matter ot much deeper importance than is Ire- quentl y inppored), as such arc admirably calculated to pre- serve the eyes unimpaired to extreme old age. They hart) been nscd b y. tbe most distinguished persons and Memberi of tbe Faculty ot tbe King dom OI3SEKVE. Persous can be suited by cuclosing a pair of Spectacles, or one of the Glasses, in a letter , statiag the distance from the eye they can read small print with it , and those who have not employed spectacles by mentioning their age and describing si g ht. Communications from Water- ford; sud its Vicinity to be directed to M B. SOLOMONS' Establishment , No. 10, NASSAU.STUEET,(£ntro«ci! by Ball Door), within one Door of DAWSON-STltKET, DU11L1N. %SS~ Repairs of all kinds promptly atteoded tc NEWLY INVENTED TELESCOPES, Combining portability with extraordinary power and clear- ness of Vision , nbich supersede every other kind lor the Waist coat Pocket , Deer Stalking, Military, Sea, and al pnrposea , both by dny and nig ht , and some from i inches will show distinctly Jupiter ' s Satellites , <Sx. Price— 10s. 6d 12«.6d., 16s., 21i., 30*., Ac. NEW DAY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE, PRICE £6 COMPLETE—With superior 3 inch achromatic object g lass, two improved uyo pieces , tun glass, portablt metal jointed stand. This extraordinary iiibtrument will clearl y show thu most iniponaut heavenl y bodies , and exhibit with dibtinclui'bt tbo luce o! an individual , or ol a clock , sbii'p, cattle , <&c, ut many miles ' distance, equalling in the most essential points thotc g lasses usuall y supplied at £60 or £70. IMPROVK'J DOUBLE OPEKA , HACE , & FIELL' GLASS ES—I ' ricu 1U>. 6d., loii., 21i. ; noinc «u iinnuto iu size thrl tl. :y »lip iutu a Watch l' otkct , jet rival iu extent ol' powir many ol Hit lurgcst tmidc ; ;ils» , ilieio.seoLi" ol Kltat power , lioui 3s. &)., and invisible Photograp hs. MAGIG LANTERNS AND DISSOLVING VIEWS- Clear , brilliaut , kimp lu, thoug h unsurpahsed for dlitt.Slidi-a in Kii-''it- varitty— CULDIC , Sccuic, Kducatioiul , lllubtra. ling l;ilea , wars , ti:ivel» , Ac. A supirior Laiituru nnd It slides Iron) 7«.U.l. A Calulonue ou application. ADMIKAL l-TlZHUY'S l.MPltOVED liAHO.MKT>i Accuratel y luretelliti ^ the Weath.-r , haudMiniely ujuunti'ti iu .Miili<i(. ' .iiiy, \ulli Theruiomitci , pneo onl y 159. SOLOMON S NEW MODEL UAROJIEIKR, piicc 12s (id. Cor.ict Tlifrmooietub , at Is. upwards. IMPROVED ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS for extreme and every decree or deafness. - CAUTION 1—lu coubiqucncc of numerous attempts at imposition , it is necessary to note name and address , aud to purtkuiml y War in miud , that IIn. E. SOLOMONS , yNLY Ksliiblislimtut is Numbn NINETEEN , NASKAU-STHEET , DUHL1N (Entrance by Hull-Dour), within onodocr ol Dawson-strert , Dublin. 2io connexion with any other house or pert im of same , similar or other name. NO AGENTS or 1'RA- VELl-EltS Kmployed. NINETEEN NASSAU STKKET , DUBLIN OHLT. THE COAL TAR TILL (Wri ght 's Tilula Car- bonis Deleigtus), " Kilkenny, january lst , 1874— Plea se rend me two toxes of your valuable Tar Pilli , lor wbicli I encloie 2>. Od. I nm bound to conftsa that I have derived more hemfit Irnm them than any other pills.—John Kjun , SUfT Sergeant. " Tbey act opon tl.c stomach , the liver , aud kidneys j ire apeiient , ionic , and purif ying. Tbey sweeten the breath , ure the host female pills known , anil a sure remedy for tliosc painful affections , Hemorr- hoids (Piles). Hy all chemists , in boxer, Is. lid and 2s Od. W. V. WRIGHT and CO., Soothwaik-strret , London , pro- prietors of tbe celebrated Coal Tar Soap (Wri ght ' s Snpo Carboois Detergeue). au!3. "ow Food Adulteration Act. MONTAUBAN and CO'S CH0C0LAT1NE, an abso- lutel y pure aud hi ghl y conctutratcd ex- tract from the fiuest Cocoa. /^IIIOCOLATINE is rccoinmeuded by tbe Medical Pro. \J feasion , aud obtained Eight Prize Medals. (See Circular and Testimonials), CIIOCOLATINE is sold hy GroctK , Jhemists , &c., in Csnistera of Is., 2<., and 3s . OJ . etch— Wholesale of MONTAUbAN and CO., 6, hUGAK-LOAK-COURT , Leadenlull-sl., London. (slO-Oui) AotniB WAHIBD. Improved White Soft Soap, FREE from smell , for the Laundry and House- hold purpoBOH. It renders linen bcautifnlly whito, cleanscB better , and is cheaticr than any other Soap. It IK>niiCKfiCs determent qnaliticH , and is a disinfectant when uued for eltuuising aud purifying WOIIH, Floors, Beddinp, <ic., uud is rccomendea as a Vermin Killer. Tho Suuu dihinfect Drains, &c. Mannfacturors and solo Patentees , PIKE and CO., by appointment to tho Military and Naval Lanndrios , Carlton Works, Pcokhani . London, S.E. Agont for Watcrford—Mr. 'IHOMAB PUKCELL, Bar- ronBtrand-stroot. CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT BANK, MANSION HOUSE CHAMBERS QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, B.C. FIRST Issue or CAriTAL—£500 ,000, in Sub- scriptions of XI and upwards . Intercut in. lieu of Dividend , 18 per cont. por an- num, paid monthly. Current Accounts opened, and S JKT cent, intercut allowed on the Minimum Monthly Balances. CHEQUE DOOKB KUI-I' ^IF.l) The Uank {jranU CrcditH , and IRSUM CireuJar NoleH for tho Continent und America , and tranisnelii every de- Hcription uf fcountl iiniuiciul huoinesH. i)ook-kcepiii(, ' in the liiiudd of tho Sul)neriliora , iin.l u i|uarterly Uuhmec Sheet ifinucd by Anditom apjiointed hy them, independ- ent of tho management. Vor particulars apply to (jy!W) R- H. 0AKI.KV , Miumtjor. lh> " *' or riiiMTl.Mi, of ovoiy descri iniuu , cheap ui- .d ;ood, y ivo your orduru ut Tun N tws Olliw, King-st. •WATERFOKD HOUSE WHERE TUERE IS SO BOOTS AND SHOES GLASGOW HOUSE WANS on DEUEN 'JVltKS or VEBENTUllt! STOCh LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT . milE DIRECTORS CF THE WATEIUOII D A M. JL CENTRAL I RELAND KaiLWAY COMI 'AKY (for the purpose of KEI'LACING the INSTALMENT'S of the (JOVEKNMKNT LOAN and I30NDS falUn ff due) arc prepared, until further Notice , to accept LOANS ON MORTGAGE BONDS at 4J per Cent., payable upon One Year' s notice, or for Huch term of Years ns may lie iixed j and for the Debenture Stock, having ciiuul priority with the Mortgage. Bonds, bearing Interest at •li per Cent, in perpetuity. They will also accept LOANS on DEPOSIT, bearing Interost at 4-i PER CENT., payable on Ono Ypar' a notico ; at 4 per Cent, payable on Six Months ' Notice ; at 3J per Cent., payablo on Thrco Months' Notice , and at 3 per Cent., payablo yn Ono Month'B notico. For tho year onding 25th March , 1875, tho Traffic Receipts were ^634,63-1 08. Od.—the Working and othor Expenses being 419,383 11s. 3d. —leaving a balance of .£15,250 9s. Cd., being moro than donblo tho amount required for the Interest on Loans , after the payment of which there is, therefore , a considerable uurp fns for dividends to Shareholders. They will , every Half-year, -«end to oach Creditor a Statement showing the full particulars and Amount of the several Loans duo by tbo Company. Applications to bo addressed to the undersigned , at the Company' s Offices , Watcrford Terminus. (By Order), WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary. Waterford , May 20th, 1874. (mh84-tf) 1'ost Free for Si ' s Stamps , open endt, or 12 stamps tn on . .. .Envelope. TUE MEDICAL ADVISER , ou premature decay of the jjstern, and its speedy restoration ; chapters on Mtlain disoiders , and the bei.t means for thei r removal ; the microscope »i an aid lo diognosii ; Marriage , it> disqualifi- cation* ; rules and prescrip tions lor Belt-treatment ^ &c.; illuetrnted with numerous cases. By Dr. Walter Do Root , Holfnrd House. Holford Squaro , London, W.C. DR DE KOOS' celchrated . GUTTit; VIT^E, or LIFE DROI'S , for Spermatorrhcea, Nocturnal Emiisioua , Impotciicy, Scmal Iocapflcity, Debility, Epilepsy, and all those diseases for which llercuiy, Sarsupnrilla , ic., are too often employed by Eng lish Physicians to the ultimate ruin I tho Sufferer' s health. Thn QWXX VITA! are the result of long practical in- vesti gation ot the remedies best ndsptcd for these diseases. Their rich , stimuhitiug, stomachic qualities , and , nbovc all , their complete renovation of the nervous system, render them in every retpi ct worth y their significant title. Tbey may ho taken without hindrance or restraint of diet , &c., and iu thiB respect also tbty may claim pre-eminence o»er most otber advertised medicines. By promotiug di gestion— nourishing the constitution—ennchiug without infiaovog tbc blood—br.icing without BtirouUUug Ibr ncrtous syKem too violentl y—they strengthen thu general habit , and restort the natural hcaltny tone of the nervous and muscular Sbres, thus enlivening and ?i |ioruting bot h body and miud. The GUTT JE VITA! have been particularly successful with yunng people who have the Bppearaucc of oid Bge; who are pale and efteminutc , and iv lio, having an utter fii»ta9tcror eviijiliiDg , are incapacitated tor study, business or enjoy- ment. Thousands of apparentl y hopeless cases, g iven up by the fatuity, have been permanentl y cund, aud have burne of the lact . lJ3y l*i ice lls. und 33t . of nil Chcnr&t? , or direct on ri-CL-ijit of stumps , or vost-oftice order nddresbed to Dr. De Usos , Iloltord House , llolloid Spunre , London , W.C. Hold by MsMattcr & Co., li!l , C- pi 1-strttl , Dublin ; Mr. White , Ot«TKrtifliii -, Itiilijiniiiii : Mi. ll.ib>ilt , Soutlurn Ch ronicle Office , Lilniiici; ; Mi. 1'oUon , Fermanag h Mail Cdlce, KiinisUllen j or at The A' o«» Office , Waterlord i 1 ' ains in tbc liiick , Gmvi- 1 , l.umbat:o, IUii-u in iilibm , Ciout Klalulcucy, IIi-2i)aihr , Ncivoii^nt'iB , Di-hihty, Strictuio , &i; Dli. DB liOOS' COMPOUND KENAL TILLS (as llnrir IOIDC Reun), Or tlj_- kiilnrys , in- dicsteiO aio eclthrated all ovir the world , as the safest and Remedy lor the above danfsiiout complaintu , Discharges o( any kiud , and Dibiase ol the Kidneys , Bladder , and Urinary Organs generall y, which , if neglt-cted , frequenlly ei.d iu Slone in tbc Bladder , nnd a lingering, painful ilcnth . For dcpreniion of Sp irit? , Eicitcment , Incapncity for So- ciety, Stud y or linsineba , Lo&s ol Memory, Wrelclicduce ", Neivoomes;, ond even lnsnnity itself , Kben <^» is often the case) ariciug from or combined with Uriimry Diseases , they are unu|ii,ilUd. Hy their «:ilul.iry action on ltilc nud Aciili'y ol * the Stomach , they purif y and promote tho Kcnal si'cieiious, theieb y prevent the formation of Stone , and thus eblahliih lur ;life the hrnlthy luiictions of ihcso orsnns. 1' iice U. ljd. , 2s , Od., 4' . Od., lls. nnd 33a. per box , with full ilirectiomt through all chcroibli> . The Cit-nuine hate the woitls " Walter Dcltoov , London , " in white letter*, on the Stamp Hfllied to rnch box , by rpeciul direction of Her Ma- jesty ' s Honorable Commissioners , to protect the public from frAud , and 'o imiUte which is felony and trninpotljtion. CAUTION.—Some unprinci pled Vendo. -n wheu asled for Dr. De Roos' I'ills , have attempted to foist other medi- cines or compouuds of thuir own upon tbe purebaeer , from which tbfj obtain a Urfc profit , but xliich invanbly entail difappointidcnt. Aik for Do. Djt ROOB' COUFODKU RBNH FILLS , uud .o not be persuaded into try iug any thing elbe j but should the least difficulty occur, tncloM. - th« omoout by post-officu order or stamps as aboTP, and tbey will be sent pel- return. Sold by MrMaster & Co., 121, C-ipel-street , Dublin; lit. White , Observer Office , Bsllyraena ; Mr. Hassett , Southern Chronicle Odic.-, Limerick ; Mr. Poison , Fermanagh Mail Office, Enn ' sliillen ; and at 40. Kine-strert , Watertord. DK. DE ROOS' PILULiE VIT^! , or VEGE - TADIX LIFB PILLS, arc rapidl y superseding castor- oil and tbe old-lashioned disagreeable medicines formerl y ad- ministered by the faculty, which , it is now admitted, too frcqaentl y resulted in a confirmed stnto of costivenem. The Filuiic VitK , on the contrary, cleause tbe stomach , purify thi secretious , remove headache, indi gestion, &c., and inMead ot rendering it necessary to be always swallowing medicine , a few dosts only, taken occasionally, will be found all that is required to kftp up a health y state ot the njbtrio. Kquill y adapted to all alien, it beiug merely necessary to reguhue the. dose according to tbe age Hnd strength of the pal ient j whilst fur female cotnp luiula they are altogether unrifalled. Price U. Ud., It. 9d., 4i .6d.. Us. and 334. per box, Sold by Mc.Matlcr & Co., &c., &c. \»s nbotej, and at The Wtttrfori Knee Office. GLENFIELD GLENFIELD TILE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVEE USED. GLENFIELD- GLENFIELD. m6,tf McLEAN & McINTOSH, PLUMBERS, LEAD MERCHANTS , frc , BEG to intimate that thoy htwo now addod to their business a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINJCSH- ING ESTABLISHMENT , wheroBrass Work of ovory i ascription will bo cast nnd finished off in First-olasB sf.y le, and with as littlo dolny as possiblo. .MCL EAN nrnl MCI NTOSII also bog to tender their sincere thanks for tho kind patronage bc-Btowoil on them, and hope, by their constant attention to buti- UCBB , to merit a contiuuaiico of s:uno. f2^^~ Lcoj l, [/r-«s5 , C' rtjipcr, and hon Works 3 , LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATER FORD N.B. (iieon-hoiiaos . ConscrvatorieB, anil Public Buildings Heated ou tho moat improvod principle by tho circulation of hot water. (myl5-6iD> HOTELS DTJ BLXN. Tho European Hotel, Bolton Street, milE EUROPEAN is the largest , the beat situate , JL and tbe most comfortable Hotel in the City. All modern improvements have been recentl y introduced , and the entiro Hoaso pqppr^paiuted, and decorated. Twenty Snitcs of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing BooaB f rom 2B. 6d. to 6s. Sitting Booms on tbe ground floor free of charge. f2T Sonp, Fisb, Joints, Fowl , and Entreo in Coffee Boom and Restaurant from THO to Beven o'clock dail y. Bed, including Servants, 2s. Cd., 2s. and Is. 6d. [m31-tf] J. 1IOL0NY, Proprietor. THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL, DUBLIN (Established 40 Years), i, 5, C, and 7, LOAVER BBIDGE-STEEET , RICHARD COFFEY, Proprietor. npHE abovo FIRST-CIASS FOTEL has been newly JL Painted, Papered, and ro-Decorated , several new Booms added, and nil fitted np, in a superior st ylo of elegance and comfort , with, the most modern improve- ments, and continues to reecivo the undivided per- sonal attention of Mr. and Mrs. CorPEY. From its central position it will be found moBt convenient for the visiter, being in tho immediate vicinity of tho Law Court* , fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City Bai}way Terminus , and afow doors from King ' B Bridgo Tramway Lino. Supplies of first-class quality. Notwithstanding present high rates, the terms will bo found most mode- rate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Table d'Hoto, 2s. ; on week days at threc : o' clock ; on Sundays at five o' clock. Gentlemen ' s Coffee aud Smoking Rooms. Ladies ' Coffee and Private Sitting Rooms, Accommodation for 181) persons, and Night Porter in attendance . .. .i ;. ' . J BRAZEN HEAD -HOTEL , 20, LOWER BRIDGE STREET , DUBLIN, UNDER new management, thoroug hly renovated, central and convenient, combining Cleuuliness and Comfort with Cbcnpucss. Beds , le. lols. Gil. per ni ght;Hrcnkfn6t , Is. to la. Gd.; Dinner from Is. Cd.; Tea, lOd. Jameson' s fivo yea r old Jin It , guaranteed , 4d. per gloBB. Table d'Uolo at 4.30 , la. Hd. W.C. and Balli- rooms recentl y ndded ou each landing. Ni ght Porter in attendance. 825" Within livu minutes walk of King ' s lirid go Terminus, jaS-ly. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL , MONCK STREET, WEXl-'OKD. T'lHS is a (V-iitiiil anil Comloitablu Hotel in X wliich everything i-an 1K> had on the most inoderulc terms. Hest Dublin ami Woxford Spirits; also, Ilrandies, Wines , Porter , Ale , kv. (uuli-tf) Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. D U B L I N . Commercial and Private Lodging House, 41) MARLBOROUG H STREET. PARTIES Visiting Dublin cmi be nccomtnoduted, with or without Boiird , nnd nil tho comforts of a home, on Moderate Terms. [«2o-tf] U35" Situation central , closo to Sackville-street. CITY MANSION HOTEL 30 LOWKH 15R1DGL" STREET, DUBLIN. I bog to inform my numerous Friends ond Or Public that , through elision of time , I have become Proprietor of the above old-established Hotel . I havo completely and most comfortably re-furnished it , and have considerabl y enlarged it, fitting it up througcout in best modern Ktylc. I trust by careful and constant attention to the wants and comforts of my visitors to merit the patronage so liberall y bestowed on my late father, and respectfully solicit an early trial. MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor. Son of lute MinmcE COFVET . Plcafio note Addrcss-30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET* DUBLIN. dll-3m THE WASHINGTON HOTEL, 34 , USHEH' S QUAY , DUBLIN , Under tho personal mnnogement of J. C. WALSH , late Proprietor of tbo College Hotel , Fleet-street and College-street. ' THI S HOTEL is most Central and Convenient ; Tnim Cars pass to and from King' s Bridgo and Wcstland-row Station s every 10 minutes j is onl y threo minutes' walk from Smithficld and the Fonr Courts , nnd is in the centre of the prinoi pal merchants' offices. Charges will bo found moderate. Beds, 1«. and Is. Gd j Breakfast, Is. to Is. 4d. ; Chops, Steake, Kidneys, Ac. A largo stock of Wines of the choicest vintage. Spacious Dining-rooniB set apart for tho reception of Club, Dinner, or Supper Parties. IMPROVED and ECONOMIC COOKERY U»e LIEUIG COMPANY 'S EXTRACT ol MEAT as " Stock" fur hi-L-f-tm, soups, mndc disbe? , and saucet , nifp» fin« flavour and gnat strength. Invsriabl j adopted in houneholdt whrr. (niil j tried. Ceution*-GenuiBe (inl y with Karon Liebig ' » fascimile acrosa tbe label. n21t CASSELL'S CHOICE /COFFEES. V/ CELEBItATED FOR GREAT STRENGTH AUD i'ULL FLAVOUR. /CASSELL'S ORIENTA L CO* FEE consists \^ > of a bcluitiou of lite Hunt giowlhs ot KHB I Iudi» In tho [irccoa ol rowin g nud grioiliug the full strength and litift nroinii arc picsvivttl , rendering it to tl'e Coffee eo miidi piia-d iu OKIEKTAL COUNTRIES , THE 1'KR- KKCT1ON o( COFKKE. 1'ricc Ss. ptr lh. /SAtJSKLL'S COFFEKS arc also supplied at \y Is., Is. 4(1., . till., Is. 8J., aud If . 1UJ. prr lb., by Uroctis lliiulighout Iiilitud , iu Canisters und air-lig ht Packages truin one ounce to one p(>uuu. /~ ^ AStiELL'y COFFEES havebccurcd tbe most V^ widi'-t-priwd l.puutiou , and I hey h*ve been hi ghly esteemed i.t. d uteiiaivul y ussd Ihroushout Ireland lor nearl y A QUARTER OK A CENTUHY. Ask at jour liroccra lor CABSBLL ' S COPIKZ , nud be sure you get tbc right Article. Iu6-ly) Bt'I'I-LlKn WHOLESALE IIY CASSELL, SMITH & CO., 80 FENCUURCH ST. LONDONj 0gg" And Sold l y Grocers throughout Ireland. BISHOP & SONS' aUININE WINE- THIS invigorating WIND , SO strongl y recom- mended by tho highest Medical Authorities for its Tonic and Restorative Qualities, ia prepared with tho most careful attention to the purity of its ingredientB , and contains Ono Grain of Quinine in each Glass. Sold ovorywhere. Dutlin : Wholesale by BOILEAU & BOYD, M'MABTEB, HODOSON , & Co., Huon MOORE & Co., ALEX. FINDLATEH & Co., FAWCETT & Co. , CANTBELL la COCHRAHE . Retail by HENRY TOBIN, JAMES FLAN- AGAN , JOHNSTON & OLDHAM, and'OtherB. lilackrock ; J. RICHARDSON . Corfc : TOMKINB & SON, WOODITOBD, BOUKNE , & CO., H. M0RB18 , J. . MOROAN SuYTH. Belfast : WM. DOBBIN & Co., CLARKE & MCMULLAN, J. & J. HASLETT, HUQH WHITE, AV. EAKIN & Co., LKATHAM , COULTER, & HOWARD, W. GILMORE & Co Londonderry : OSBOKNE & PATTXN, JAMEB THOM PSON 4 S ON. Manufactured and Bottlod by Messrs. BISHOP & SONS, Finsbury Distillery, London. my28-6m DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF, OR TURN GKKY , SK . ? If »o, nse ROSALIE COU- PELLE'S CltlNUTRIAR , noted all overthe wotld for its miraiuloua propertiiv, and at the otily romtdj thitt can be depeuded upon. It n guaranteed to produoe whiskera , oioustachioa, &e., iu a tew weeks, and will be fonnd emi- nently auccoalul in uonrishio jt, curling, and beautifying the hair; checking grcynees , strengthening weak hair , prerant- ita falling oil, and restoring it in baldness from whiteter caoae. Upwards of 100 physiciini h.ivo recommended it in tho nureery, for promoting a fine , healthy head ol hair, and avdrliun balduess in alter yearn. In buttles price 2i. each. OllsERVE thut a 16 page pamphlet ia enclosed with each Dockage , which has a red stamp outside beariDg the words Rosalie Coupelle iu white letters ; the wjrda Coapello' s Criuutriar are alto moulded in each bottle. 111 waa bald nine jean, but I fiad new hair coming ra- pidl y. " —J. lloue. "Th^nH 10 your ttuff , I h»re an ex- celleut moustache and whiikera." Slnjor Urownf. " 1 bad lost my hair in patchei , but it hiu teitoied it." —Miss Hewitt. " Alter 20 years haldneu, :it bus acted miracul- ou»ly. " -H.Moir. (d26.lf.) $&• Sold at THB NBWS OIJICI, Waterford. " For tlic Wood is the Life. " —Seo Deuteronomy, chap xii , verse 23. Clarke' s World Famed Blood Mixture. 1?OR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from ¦ ALL lNl'UKI'flES , whether anting irom youthful iuilisciettou or auy olbtr cauBe , cannot be too hi ghly recom- mended. It cure* Old Korea i curea Ulcerated S«r« in the Neck ; Ulcerated Sore Legs; WacUwade or Pimplee on th- Face ; Scurvy Soreii Cmiceruus Ulcen; Blood and Skiu Dis- eases , Glandular Swollings , aud clears tho Ulood trom all Impure Matter , from wbjtcter cause irisiug. As ilits mixture is pleanaut tu tbe taste , aud warranted fret frum mercury—which <t(J p illi an.l ino«t meditines aold lor Hie <l.ove di»easc» cuulaiu—ibe Proprietor solicits sufferers lo gin-it u I n»l lo lest its value. THOUBA MJS 01 TBSTtJlOMULS UBOJC ALL PABTH . HuM in liutlles 2s. 0.1. i-KL-h , and iu Cases, coutsiuing 0 l> , 11»- e-tb , sufficient to flfrct H ptruiuu«nt euro in !..i jc-n^u'lii'K ruM-s , by all Chemists and Fa'tiH Medicine Veiiuoi's; ur «nt lo «ny aJilim on ricoi pt ot 30 or 132 * 3 ' O1 1\ J. CLAHKE , Cbcmibt . Higb-slreBl , Lincoln. WHOLESALE AaBBT* : Barclay & Sons, London , and all tb« Wholnalt Hoojo. BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO THE CATHOLIC CLEBGY, B00KSELLEES , Ac. On Sale al ' The News Office , With tho Eecommenaotion of the Biahop of Wdtorfoia .. and Lismore , the Bight Eer. Dr. P OWSB , A Cathechiflm for the Instruction of Children BT Ttna . , ¦ MOST Bey. Dr. JAMES BUTLER , Arch, biahop of Cashel and Emly. RECOM MBNDATION: I approve of of this Edition of tho Eig ht Eev. Dr JAMES BDTLEE ' S Catechism, and recommend it to tho Faithf al of theso Dioceses. * " JOHN POWER, R.C.B. " Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1875. " Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Typo. ORDERS from any part of tho Dioccso, sent in and directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher , Waterford News Office , 49 King-streot, promptly at- tended to. Tho Trade supplied on moderate terms. May be had B«tail from every Catholic Bookseller in the Diocese. nEVEjusuxas j ^. CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE 70B THE DIOCESE OF FERNS. ¦ ¦ NOW PUBLISHED , Revised, and Corrected, with tho Approvnl of tho ....Most .Rcv. Dr. J' UIUONO, Bishop of Ferns mHE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE -1. POE TUB UBE OP PASTORS AND CATECIIISTS, In order to Instruct Children and Illiterate Person?, By tbo REV. F. W. DEVEREUX , Vicar-General of the Diocese of Ferns in 1015; To which aro added Acta of Faith, Hopo, and Charity and Instructions for Serving Mass. Revised and Improved under tho directioti of The Right Rev. Dr. FURLO . NC, Bishop of 1' crns IJgJ* Orders to bo sout to T HE NEWS Omen , King street, Waterford, whero tho Corrected aud Author- ised Edition can now bo had ; rr of tho Booksellers in the Dioceso. Ask for Dr. FURLONG ' S Corrected Edi- tion, printed onl y nt VJ Kipg street , Waterford. fi&? H ATS! ^fflH mUIS DEPARTMENT is Supplied by * ^^^ « J.. tin most eminent London Milkers (includiug CHKIST T & Co.) , with tbo leading Shapes in SILK ASM i'ELT HATS, Delivoriea bi-monthly. SPECIAL SIIAI - KS and EXTIIA LICHT II ATS made to order in a week. rf55" Worth y of particular notice, " Our CLERICAL 11 AT, " wurruiiled to stand weather autl keep lite color. UENTLEftl EN'S SHOOTING und TRAVELLIKO H^VTS and CAPS, tic. The ETON STRAW HAT j LADY ' S RIDING HATS P. TOBIN & SONS, 58 .V D'J , QVAY , WATEltFOKD.—liats Isold by us, d ressed, witliout Charge. . GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES. I lll'ORTED direct Irom tbe Jlunulucturcre , Mc-esia Col.LAKU & COLLAKU , KllaSMAN , DA LSIAINE , lilllNS- M£AO, &C, &C., at U. A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT. 12 0 , U V A Y , W A T E li F 0 R D. II A R M O N I U JI S iu great variety, Eng lis h und French make ; Violins , Cornets , Concertinos, Drums , Flutes , Banjoes, Music Jioi^ -d, &o. &.C., AT 0. A. JONES' Jfl/SIC L ENDING liUUA UY , WATERFOUD. 20,000 NEW bONGS aud 1'lECES , at ONK TIIIHD the Muiktd l' ricc lor Cash, the entire STOCK now SELLING OFF AT A GREAT REDUCTION ! C. A. JONES , mi'OHTER of l'JAXOFGSTES , HA RMONIUMS, S' c 1^0 QUAY, WATERKORD, AND BAGWELL STREET, CLONMEL, Begs to call special attention to his oxtenBivo TUNING and REPAIRING business. His Tuners visit, all the Sonthern and Midland Counties of Ire- land Quarterly. tS) " Pianofortes' and Harmoniums hired by kho Month or Year , with option to purchase, and ou iho Threo Ycars ' * 8ystem. C. A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE. Crickctting, Archery , Croquet , nnd other Games, at unusuall y Low Prices . [my 4-tf] MUSIC- MR BILTON , PROFESSOR OF MUSIC JS"A'0. 18 , HENRIETTA STREET. Terms , on application. fcU-3m] COTJPELLE .De ROOS & Co. ' s PREPARATIONS A FRESH ASSORTMENT of tho following Preparations bnro jnst been receiver! at T HE ftiiws Office , King-street , Walerlord , from CouraiLB, K B l(oo> & Co., Lundon :—Gutta Vit*> , or VegJtable Li' o Drops, tbo great remedy tor Nervousness , &c. Dr. DE ROOS' I' ompound Renal Pills , for Paius in the back , gravel , rheumatism, gout , &c. Price Is. lid. to 33i per box. tiee udrertiscment elsewhere, for particulars. Dr. DB ROOB ' Vegetable Life Pills , (or regulating the stomach and demising thu blood. Mndame COUPBLLB ' B Hair- Itestoring Fluid , which has beeu found wouderfull? efficacious in bringing the hair to itaorigiunl color; also . CouPBLLs ' s llair Dye. HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS. All descriptions of Printing on such Car ds J25" Execute *! al THE WATEK fOKD N EWS Off ice. FRIEND OF ALL1 A' noii'ii in all l' arts of the WoWii. Here' s our Remedy HOLLOWAY'S PILLS IMI- UIUTIES oy THE BLOOU. —Those wonderful 1'ilU nre vulncd al the huuiblutit bcitrtbs at well 8b in (ha boubi-s of cotnfuri uud wealth. Tliojr work a thorough pur ficution through the wtole syst-m, without disordering the uiilnral actiou of Roy organ , and eradicate those genna of complaints wliich cousigu tens of thoujnuds lo an earl y grave HsoscniTis, DiPTiiKRii , Couoite , AND COLDS.—N O diseases Brc more iVequcut , aud fiw mure dHUgerous than affections of the respiratory orgnus ; no condition giirs rise to more latat uialadies than a " Simple Cold." Thu first rymptoms may alvviiya be removed by these renowned I'ills, as the-/ quickly remedy the sta^untiou uf bloo.1 , moderate tbe hurried broalbiug, sud enable tho wiod-ptpo And lungs to lhiiforin their (unctions with ease and rrgu- larily. They II I BO, by tbi-ir purify ing prupcrtitrs , CI CIDJO tbo bluod Irom nil iuj|iurilit ~< ,aiid thus torlily the system atfaiusl Cousumpliuii , Aistbuia , ..tid otbtrr puluiuunry complaiuls. DBUILIIV , LOS or AH'tu m, IU AUACUB , A» D LowMiss i.y SpiBlTa. 'l'l.ioe 1'liU will , iu a tew Jjy 3 > ell' ect a trul y tvouderlul chauge iu Debilttulid Constitutions (no matter thi-ir txcit;n^ cause), ai they create t healthy app.titr , cornet iudigt- stioil , rtiuoTe enw« of bile, over- turne giddiness , coulustun , sick headache , and nil those gloomy forebodings a riniug trow a bad slomucb or d.tforderrd di geation. 'Inx ilEUicisz VOB FEMALES , louiiG ABD OLD.For oveicomiu^ all obdlructiouH , aud rvstuneg suspeu.led secrettous, lbei« i* uo uifdicine to be curopiired tu tbrse- l' i!U. UiiiT«isall y a-lupletl iu tbe one grand remedy fur Female Cump la.uts , tbe>e 1' illn cacnot fail they strengthen the HysteuJ , aud always bring about what ts rrquirtd. Tu (eainle* cnteriog into wumauboud , or at the turu ut hli-, they are invaluable , being a perieci HtlcKUdnl igaiutt dropsy, headaches , pal pitation ol tha heart , uud all uervous affections often distressing at those periuds. C' OMPLAISTB I BCIDBIIIIL io CHILDREH . Wbooping coug h, rueasles , scarlaiina , levers , and all diseases ol tba skin , may ba immediatel y checked , aud *oon cured, by thesu punl y iug Pills. No mother should be without them. One two , or threo [reduced to powder], may be given uigbtl y with the certainty ol doiugguod . ' N EBTODS DISORVEKS .Any derangement of tbe nerves , affects disastrootl y both the body aod tbe miud. To tbo nervous invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as they impart tone and vi gour to the iuteroal organs, aad conse- quently to tbe neivoos system which pervades and conuecta them. Hence their maivelluns cures of hysteria, luw spirits, spasms , fits, nervous twitchinge , and other kindred com- plaint*. Bolloway ' t Pitts are tke best remedy known in tie uorld for thefollowinj . dUoant ; Ajue Fevers of all Scrofula, or King ' s Evil Av.bma kinds Sore Throats Billions com- Gout Stone aad plainta Head-ache Gravel Blotches on Iudi geslion Secondary Symptoms the Skin Liver com- Tic Doulemeoi Bowel Cum plaints Ulcers . plainta Luml/ gu Venereal Affections Debility l'ilea Worms of all kinds Drop3y Rheumatism Weakueu, Iroiu Female lrregn- Retention of whatever cause , lariticj Urine Sec , ic. The PilU and Ointmtnt are Said at ProleuorlloLLOWAt' s eBtablisbmenl , 633 Oxfoid-street , Londou ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Mediums throughout tha civil ized world , in bolts »ud Pots at la. lid., 2s. 9J , 43, 6d., lls., 22s., aod 83s. each. Tbe smallest Box ot PilU cuntaint four dozen ; and the smallest Pot of Oiutuient ooo ounce. N.B. —Full-priuted directiuns ore Hffixed lo each b»x and pot, and can bo had in any langu*ge, evtu in Tntkisb, Arabic, Armenian , Persian , or Cuiuete. RECLINING and SHOWER BATHS WITH AM UNLIMITED Surra* WAIIB , -\r ow 0PEN at th8 TTJBKI8H BATH ESTAB. IN LISHMENT, PARK EOAD , WATEBFOED. Tho Turkish Bath is prononnoed b y the hi ghest Medical authoritieo, and by tbe many thoasands who have need it, to be the -very best remed y in existence , for tbe prerention sod cure of disease , and for tbo preaerration of hefclth. M7,

May 22, 2020



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ISTADLISnED 1S47.(Alderman HKI IJIONH , Proprietor.)


J tillislu'J evtry Friday Evening, at No. 49 King StreetlonofiTr. T I II rxoviNc iAL BASK .]

1'IUCK TiiuKr. Vr.scK; YEAUI .Y (IV ADVANCE) 13B.;Bv 1'OST, Y EARLY , 15s , IN ADVASCE .

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:WATKKKOHD—llr. W. KELLY, Little Ocorgo's-strcct.TKAM ORK—Mi >a CLANCY , Itefrcslirueut Booms, in

Strand.street.FASSAGK EAST—Tho Misses LOVE, Hotel , Square.CAKltICK-ON-SUIK—Mr.J.SI . lIURHiv .NewsAeent,LONDON' — (For Advta.) Mr. Wsi. CABKOLL, 123,

liougliboro'-read (North) , Brixton.DUBLIN—ADVKIITISINU AOENTS: Messrs. W. H.

.SMITH & SON, Abbey street.DONGAHYA N—Mr. EDWARD BREKKAN , Stationer,

&c, Post and Telegraph Office., The Square.KILKENNY—ilr. J OHN AIURI -IIY , Hose Inn-Btroot.CASTLKCOMKK—Mr. J. IIOI.OHAN , Main-street.


UM LMJ^T Liverpool to Philadelphia«3i \t^. KVKLY WKDNKSIWY.ESEmm tr (-'ailing nl (jurrii ttunu cvtry THURSDAY.

Kirbt-class Kull-powereJ Iron Steamshi ps aic appointed tcSail :—

•KKNI LWOKTIl Sq>:. S!0 "CITYuf IMIlSTOI- .Ocl.2C1'KNNsYLVAXlA Oct. 0 OHIO... Oct. 27INDIANA Oct. 13 ILLINOIS Nov. 3No iuti-tuu limit l \n » e»H K f is carried uu voy apis m*irkr>d tliuk *

The only Tiitti!»Atl ;iiitic Line «¦ a11iu ,; under the UnitedStates Khijr , ;ud rang ing tbc- Amurtcnn Hafts for havinglif.\ hmdes ilie usual cum]iliiiiuit of Lili-loal*, ond BBt -xtr nnumb, r of Lili- l'n>iinrs . The iii-cuiniiiod.itiuu for nil clussrsof pnt-sciiccrb is iquit l lo an) (if Ili« Kutupran Steamshi pLim-A. Every Slriuiier rarrii'sa Surgion i.ii.l Stewardec*.

l'assrnnirs mid c ods me liiiiilrd at I'liilauVlpliin oil IlirW'hiirl ol 1 ]>•• IVnnyj Imnia ltailiond Compaliy, which I IBBllu- f.|ioili>t and lroi.tdit.-ct route lo !>ll places in tbe West-ern Elates ,

l'&^scuinTv l>y this Uito CMI \iass dinct into ttic UailroatlCars vc itl irut U-nvin e I lie Lmidini: l , and unilir t liet;uup tool , tl.m- :nc liclmlinirul liiKtn , United Ktntn. Lit-Icr l>ox , Ti-U-grui'li Oilier , K>cliangc UtVicr, ar.d UnggngeDigress Ollici-.

Ujkius 1'AM ^A G B , £15 15s. to i-1 Is. ltituru Tickets attedund rate * .

S j K t n *O K l' .i.'MOB us lt.iv as bv ?liv nlhcr f.ift liln- ,indudir.j ; an ample i-unnly of pnuil I'M,n,ions Slri-raic rl'a'-l.tiisi-M aie foi wnrdfii lo New Yolk , Iiobtou , or ltnltimoii -without itdtl i l ional t'luir^e.

l s ixKMiiDiAiK 1'AsbAor., including IVtls , Kcdilinp, andell litce;miry Ulrlisils lulu scpaiuti- Ttilili', £8 tis.

App ly in l'liil:>tl i 'l |.lnB to 1'nr.B W KICHT A SONS,General A f t u \ t - , j 7 , WuliiM-s- tnet ; in Qutrii*lo\vn , to N.& J. C U M . M l . i B i Hii it l ir i K ; and in l-imponl , to

HICHAKII. '-ON , SI'KNCK * Co.,tf 1" and 1(> Water-Hint; or

JOHN DEYEltEUX , Qui.y, Wutcrford.

NATIONAL LINE to NEW YORKg£T K0T1CK.—Tliih COUIIWD }- talc Ihv libk of Insur-

ance (up to Jtlw .fXOJ on i - a i h u t its Wti-ls., thus givingl'a^oiip'rs I he besl posHbli- puniautri' for entity nnd avoid-ance of timber ai >•¦» . 'i he ini'ft Kiulbirl y roule baf liei n« lw avi adopted t y this Company to avoid Ice and Head-lands. ——tj Qg v LA KG





Tjj tfM - ] ¦'>'<"•> J - ivKiu ooL fo N EW Y OIIKBDS aS iTiTy Wednesday.riTilK MuKiiUit ciil l-'ull-l'owcrcil Iron ScrewX. M K A M - M I H 1.-

S/ I I ;./ . T<™» ."hi yi . Tuu..Er.vrr, «r« •'¦"''•I i K.MILAM ., Kinip f M >S P U N 4W1I TllEyUKES , Uragf 4W1ITAl.Y . 'l l,;.u,.-.'.ii.: -«:»y ! lUjI.l.A.ND . Kimpsou SS47FltA NCK . 'J'liciiiiuu iD WT1 : KK1N , Alul rcwp S.WCANADA, WtlwtiT :<-'*«' ' UELVCTIA, Spcncr 39,-»( i KKKLK , Thi lna!' 'MM I)E>MA11K , fcumner Ji-i

\\ i l l >a\i Irom LiMipi'id to Nrw Yi it us umlrr:7 1IK QUKK N ',..... Wednesday, Oct. Gth£]>.\JN Wudncsday , Oct. 18KH1N '.

' '

. ' ."'

. Wednetduy, Oct. 30LenviiiK QuiinstoiMi tlir lollowlng daj t-.

" And I-OMION lo Ntw YouK ns follows :HOLLAND WidiiesJ uy, Oct. OthCANAI'A Wediiodny, Oct. 13G H K K C K .. . . . . . . . . . WtliBKbDAt . Oct. 20

Tin¦ iNdw'ii ..ic inii nluli i 'i i i- umun osM il , i l i c aialr.

imi:> U . i i t i i i - i i - i i i i l l> la l f t , i.i.d I-|M I I oil tin- SaloMia

r i luul id in I ii nn d i i V .li..te 'il i . i ic;iyi—Ilv l-i»ni.W"l SlcamiTJ, 12, lo, mid 17

t i u i t i i K - : l y L.,nd, II Siu- uu r.-, U> . 12, and 16 Guinea? , ac-fOldil . ( ( t" M I i . l l a l - mi m :-) ., !.-lllin-all h;nilip ?Hlne,,tiv:!, l-i- in .Si!.,oi.. l l i - lum Tukel , TW I.M i 1-UUH

° t!e;'"nc C0ilK0KT ol STEKKA GK 1'ASSK NGKKS

?I^-i- i. iil y - t in - aen iu in idai i n Wing utuqualliu

foi v|McV, licbl , anil venti lat i on.ltatix>t I' t t t a e t — M«- I » III - , i'o. v t l i i i l i includrs abuml-

ance ol Kuv b l'i i ivi > ioi i » n r v i d .upMid cook.d b) Company 's

tv rvitutr. Mulical alleudance Flu-. Sttwardit.-ts in ulttlld-»Dce ou Kemali ^uciaue l'.^sMigerf. __

Me. r»Ki. l'n..!.u.g<i!. lorwmili-d 10 Quibi c. Ilobton , l'lul-

tilel pliis , and lialtiinc - r.- . «itl .f .ut K x i i a Cb.rfH , : ud bouked

tlimuRlU.. San Kisiu - in- i> , ami »» inland towns ol tinted

Mat.s untl Canada 111 lavoinl.le turns, l'as-cnurs

tl i i ot i KU to Au^ralia , Nov Z.aUuil , Chin.. , »Ld J span , via

the Kric- lUiluoy.For P'riiyht or IVsnpc apnl y t'i

'Jbe National Straws-hip Company (l. imitid) ,'1 and 23 , Watu- s tui t , Liveipool.

soi r Al iKM FOK WAThB IOIID :JEKHMIA1I lIURl'ilY , Uurrouslraud Street.

J. M. AIL 'i : l 1IY , CaiKik-on-Suir ; llicium> I. VNUV ,Maii i - s it tc i do. ; H i c i i A K U l'liKUis , lirowii-htici i , I'oit-

law ; W M . KoKtii-TAl.. <irc.iTr , New ltoss ; 1'ATE. LA SO A N,lioiimahon • Joexru -MRA J IY , tiioct-r, IJiiii ft nrvBti ; or to

N. and .). CLMJII.NS ami liaos., u. eusto» n.l'llF»|in > HIP a'lvi.-rd to M . u l e their I'a«acrs from the

Local Alrrnte b. l. .l <- J faviU f hulliC.

T11K IU1S11 liOATS !


S,t:LO Ti.nsi llurtl.i-n. 3,001 il« 'i> "-|- i>»« i

l- iucngei. to all parts of <U United S-. I.I . K and Can.da ,Heturuing fr. m X-w Volt every Sj lunlaj .

Thii well-known fa-t Mail . S»mjr« of tU.» hue all con-

•tmcu-d <jy Meo-«. IIABIAM. WoLFt , of I.ellast , Mil n<

uoder -.—From I.IVKKI 'OO I., l-l'u QlKE.WOW* -— _

GKHMANIC... Tiiurtday , ... Oct. / thttl-TlC ... Thursday , ... Oct. l ullADULA'l IC ... Thursday, . . . Oct. 21ht.HAI.T1C ... Tliurnlay, ... Oct. 2I1I lUTANNIC Tliurnday, ... Nov. 4lli.

I-KCM N K W >011 K :

CELTIC ... Saturday, ... Sept. 25th.riii-sc new and i- -udiil vihwls reduce the passa K.: t<i t l i

klorttst possible litiir, and atlord to l\i»mgi:r» the hlghcl

decree of comfort hilht-i-i. attainablo at «*.AveriKr I'lifsupi- , in Suiuiucr , H day- ; W inter , «>} days.

Fah"vsel«»..».-t«l •» - «"'«-"^1 compamueuu.

•1 , SiEtlliiK* »'c unusuall y n.acious . «ell lighted ,

isSsSSssHtieraj f e Fai c a t Induced Kate , , 1. ,,. ih» Ollicrs

For In vht and p«.luul»r f a|.p lj »l H;r O tic s

of the Cou.p»uy, 1», Iti-aduay. Nnv \o ik , " 'd I;

( '1. 'IU&

dol ph mitl"

CI:.. -.K.. i iu «u. n..lo«ru , to JAM L S . ¦ COIT 4.

^ T s M Ay. I X I U K A C,, 10, Wi->[«t , I.ivyujj .1.;, , d 3 ) |.,; ,d. . . l .«M-si .r . t , L..nd,u , K. I . U»"

'I s 1 I A K V K Y Liith- GeiTKi-c- ^'K-'1 . "1"1 ,. AMK ^nKNNKSSY^.ea. Gr;- -t , >v n,c, f ,, rd.

.1. M. MLlt l 'H Y , 43, >.-»-l«w , Uinl l-oii huir.

JOHN W A L L , Jui.. . 1> UI IK »I '»»-JOHN H O L J H A N .^tlwomi-r.


WATE»rOKI. AM- C - M « M L I K K L A S I . L»;CH -

SHOKTEST ROUTE and REDUCED FARES„ E.rj'rt-ss Trains uwl J'« Fatt M at t

f Tgg& SU*»>™ K l'KR Y WEKK DA Y. fW»!"H5_] VAVK I,,,sws (I'addinttiirti) at 5.1i,

,,,ii Aiiiiivt AT WATKIIKOKI . (weiither aiidc i cum am, ,*n..itlin0 a>.mi t .-Ic-von a.m., >ntime for the Train. <-.. tl.o Mutcrford andLimerick ami Central Ireland Lim*.

Lr.-Lcavc -\\ A I M « Jjimurick , and l( . .3i a.D,.

!*S5i*S."ptfSJrTCA U.Y »t the a,.l«inU,l time.

F A K t.^r/'fr, ) lat Clash

and S.iloon, life Od

81K0UW (avaUable -I LU} H

O af g (in|1 Sll](!0D > 35s odn >• 3r(] cliifs and Fore Cabin, 20s Od» - '-'i \ \ o fnr l month) let Claes A: Saloon, 76'fi

BlSTTJItSS (avaUahlc for 1 mo. .^^ & Salooll i -,.,, .

11 , . " , - .!.'., |,c obtained from Mr. J. M.Further mformation c.a ',e .tk A]f J]CN A

DowNFv aulway l«nnnin- . i. j{KI,,, KA«I:«MARA , Adelphi Wliarf , Vi gtcr «' i.

^between otter "ni-"rUl»J btf °" Jf

Ujir. w. J. II UKSEM -,

Wharf, Witerford.j^ GiaK1.suN > G^ncr l M«i..t'.v.

Pad4ipgton TcrmimiH. J' _l ." Eir For KriLtr L

'U.W S , "I fvuy ii«i:ri|iiiu.-i

J rintcd to order, come to Tli* *N^-^ O

HICI :. -I U


OC-rOBEB, 18?6.Regular 8TEAX C0MXVMCAT10N hetween

W A T E R P O E D and L O N D O B ,Via Southampton, and London nnd Sooth Weitern Kmlway,PLYMOUTH aDd SOUTHAMPTON, and SOUTH of


. "\ *WA.. fTIHE new nnd powerful Screw 'Slfamet 8SVqO . i- COl'KLAKU . TOWAltU, FANDA,2^^K^-*KEKIiYVOllE. CUM BKAK , K1>UY.3 Hl! *S.8T0NK, W1CK1.0W, »ud AHK10W . areintended t« bail as under (weather pwoiilliBg, onWsa pre-tenttd by »ny nnforeiwn circumstances), with lirxrty to TowYe«s*l», and to render »fM»ta uce to Vessels In U»tie«s :

FU0M WATEUF0KD TO GLASGOW,rnitj , i»t Oct. 1 p.nj., ria Cork and UcVtot^»lurd»v 2ud „ 0 p.m., via lMlnslTaetday , 6th ,, 1 p.m., »ia Wubl.n.Wedue»d«y, Gib „ 1 p.ra>l Tjt Cork.Fridsy, 8tli „ 1 p.m., via Cork nnd Belfasth»tuid«y, 9.h „ S>ig. vti Iklfavt.Tacsdny, 12th' „ 1 "•"/•'., TI* Onblio-\\ educday, 13th „ 1 p»-!i., vis Cork ,tnday, 16th „ 1 p.m., via Cotk and BolfaitBatunU y, mtli „ C p.m., via BelfastTui-iday l»ih „ 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wtduefduy, SJOili „ 1 p.m., vis Cuik.iriday, 22nrS „ 1 p.m., via Cork and UilfaktSaturday, 20rd „ 0 p.m., via llilfast.fuisday. 2Cth „ 1 p.m., via Dublin.WeducsJay, 27th „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, "QiU „ 1 p.m., iia Cork and BelfastSaturday, 30lh „ 0 p.m., vis Belfast


2 p.m. ; Kail to Grceuock , 8 p.m.NoTB. ~Tbe Steamer on Friday goes via Cork.

FliOM WA'lEltKOUU TO BELFAST.Kvcry FiilDAY, Via COKK , at 1 p.tuKvcrj bATUK DAY , direct , - at 6 p.m

BKLKAST TO WAT EUFOU1)Every MONDAY „, via Ulafgow.

Kvcry THUKSUA V, direct.From WATKKl'OUD TO DUUL1N , diicet ,

Kvery TUKSIMY , ... at 1 p.m.UUII 1- 1K lo WA'I KUKOKD , Via (..lasgow ,


1 A . ly WKUN LMJA Y, - nl 1 p.m.Kuiy Kid DAY , - - at 1 p.m.

M10.M COllK TO WATKKFO U H. direct ,Every -MONDAY.

WATEKKOKD TO LONDON ,Strainer to boulhauiptun , thence by Loi.don mid South lUilnay to Nine Kln.b Station, at Through lutesKvcry SAT UUDAY , at 1 p.m.

LONDON 'JO WATl- :i:l-OlSI)-Kvc - iy TUESDAY,Goods lUceived. at m>y ot the Iteieitmg lli-usc>- of the

London nnd S.uih W . M . r u l iailway Company, and atNine Elms Station up lo C.3U [•.»>«

WATKl t FOKD '10 1 1.YM0UTII , diiect ,Kveiy SA'I L'KDAY, at i p.m.

l l.YMOUTU TO W ATKKFOKD , diiect ,Kvny F1I 1DAY , ot 2 p.m.

WATEltFOKD to SOUTHAMPT ON, via l'lymouth ,Evciy SATUHDAY , at 4 p.m.

.SOUTIIA - MI 'JON '10 WATKKFO UD, via l'lymouth,Every WEDNKbDAY, at lOa.m

These SteaiLirb have iicillcnt accommodation lor passccgors.

rASSAGE-MONEY.Calnu. lteturn. Deck

Waieilord lo Glatgou or Bellnbl 17i>. 6d. 26s 10s.Cork ... 9s 14s 6sDubli n, ... 10s, — fls

Plymouth and Southampton 2U>. 30s. 10s.London, ... -ot. 37a Cd 15*.

Hi NOT E.—T in Cly de shipping I'on.pmiy Insure allCJOO OS hhi ppeil by these Liu. 8 of Mcuuiers , at 3s 4d. jiercmtto rs having; yearly agu-i iutrutt- , and 6s per cent to oc-casional Shi ppeia— values to be declared at tiuie of shi p-ment. Forms and nl! ii.loi inaliou to be bad at the OfliceB.

For Itaies of Frei Kht , *c, apply to — J. C. 1'IKXEK-IOK , Belfast ; HKKKT J. W A KIII O, l'lymcuth ; II . W.W ILLIAMS, London and Njuth-Wt-euru llailvrny Compaoy,K l i l i r l>uildmg> , Arlbu r-fctmt , \Vib! , ulid iheir KeceivingIlonsea tbiou^Uout Londou ; Clyde Ship|>ing Co., 40, U pperCccil-btnei , Limerick , Southampton, 20,Eden Quay, llun-LIN , and 1'at i ickV Quay, COBK .

CLYDt SlIIl 'l 'lNG COlll'ANY ,Custom lloueo Quay, Walrrlord.

Special 1'otuia of ititU of LudinK required by tic ClydeShipping Company, to bo had Irani the Agents.




ijv M OTICE.—ThcWaterford Stearnihip

(miK4\ J.1 Company receive Goods for ShipmentVJJKJ

on the follovfiDg Terms only:—They reserveWBfBOOm * the right to carry by any, not by particularVcM>els , with liberty to Tow Ships and call at other l'ortsauc! Kill not be accountable for injuries or losses arising fromael*y, iccidenls of the Seas, Kiveis , Fire, the Queen's Ene-oiici, defective Narigatiou .or accidents from any other causenor for ai>v]ost> which might have been covered by Insurance,nor for Leakage, Hrrakage.Condition , Quality, or wntents otany l'arcelb orl'aclta^es, unless specially entered and adva~orem Freight paid. Goods not removed to be Stored at the

risk and opeuse ot the Consignees.V A T E K >' 0 li D A N D 11KI S T 0 L.

Fiotn W;iterloid lo Bristol : I1 torn Bristnl to Waterfoid .lilKKCT lilurCT.

Tucfdny, Oct. S ... 10$ Horn Tliumlaj, Oct. 7 ... 10 MoraTuesday, ., 1:1 ... 3i Afl'li Tliui>day, „ 1» ... 6 JloraTueFda7, ,, 11> ... lot MorniThurcday, „ 21 ... 10 MoraTuesday, „ ai ... Jt Affn Klbursil.ij, „ 2B ... C ilorn

CIIO or J WEEK A.From Wat.rfoul to llrislol , From Hrintol to Watcrford ,

Direct . calling at Pembroke Dock.Friday Oct. 1 ... K Morn Tuewlay, Oct. 5 ... 3 MoraFriday i, *¦ ... 1- Soon'Tucsday, ,, IS ... I Aft'cFriday ¦¦ lr

' ... S Mbrn|TucMlay, ,, VJ ... 8J JlornKriduy „ -'- ... 1- Soon Tuefday, „ 26 ... * Afl'uFriday, „ VJ ... 6 Muru'Tussilay, Nov. a ... 8 Morn

%S,'. On early Mornini; Sailings , the Cabin ot the Steamers w ili be Open turecuivu TaswuKe's arriving from Londonby the Night MailTraii:.

(.'alj in Fare, 16» 0d.; Servants and Childna , 10s. Od.Keturn i!o., 26^. ; or with liberty to return from DublinCork , or \\'eiford , 3]s f l .. Steward's fee included ; Deck7s. Ud. Females attend the Ladies ' Cabin.


PI011 WAIZBFOIIl i . 1KOS1 LI\KK1 'UO1. :Kriilr.y , Oct. 1 —11 SIorn'Kriday, Oct. 1 —11 MoraMonday, „ 4 — 'i A(t'u!.Mou.lay, ,, 4 — 1 Jlorn"Wnlueiduy, ,, *} yit .Si»ilinnl W.-«hiebday, ,, G — 1 Aft 'nFriday, „ — *> Morn Kriduy, „ S No Sailiug.Muudny, „ li —1« Jlwu 'jIomJay, „ 11 — S JloniWtilneid.iy. 1 ,, 13 —11 MoriiiWiiliicrday, ,, )¦'! — I) MoruFrWiiy, u IS —11 Moru 'Friday „ 15 —10 Morajlcu.lay, *¦ 1* — 2 Aft 'U |Mo]iUay, „ lh — 1 MornWwluesday, „ !iu — 2 Aft'ulWnluc-bday, „ 2 0 — 1 Aft'nKriduy, ,, '-- — <i Mnrii Friday, „ SH — 4 MoraMuudar , „ "¦> —'" Morn Monday, „ 25 — 8 MornWMluvulay, „ 27 —11 Muru WidLeedny, „ 27 — B MornFriday ,, -"J —II MornlKriOay, „ 2D —lo Mora

Cabin Faie, 17f. Od j Servants (Travelling wiib lamiliei.)nnd Children , IDs ; Deck , 10s. ; Childicr , 6s. Females at-tend the Ladies 'Cabin-

Goods received at Clart-ucc Dock , Liverpool.— " WATEIU'ORD AND DUNGAltVAN.


Friday, Ocl. 1, 12 noon Saturday, Oct 2, 7 mornMonday, „ <i, 1 aft'n Tuesday, „ 5, 8 mornWednesday, „ (i, !i aft'n Thursday, „ 7, ii mornFriday, ,, M, 2 aft'n|Saturd iiy, „ 0,11 mornMuudny, ,, 11, '•> morn Tuesday, „ 12, 1 aft'nWednesday, „ 111, lOmornj Tliureday, „ 14, 'i. alt'nFriday, ,, 1T>, 11 raurujSuturdny, „ 10, 6 mornMonday , „ IS, 1 nft'iiJTuesday, „ l'J, 7 mornWednesday, „ 2D, 'J aft'oiThursday, „ 21 , S mornFriday, „ Tl, 3 aft'n^Saturday, „ 23,11 mornMonday, „ 25, O inornj'fuesday, „ -b", 1 aft'nWednesday „ 27, 12 moru Thursday, „ 28, 2 nfL'nFriday, „ 2'J, 12 noon Saturday, , 30, 0 morn

W A T K K F O U D A N D N 1-. W K 0 K S.i-' HOM W A I K K J O I I IJ— Daily, Sundaj s eicepted .al 3.15 p.mFKOM N B « licBB—Dail y, Sundays cici-pttd , at 8 45 a.m.

W A T E It F (J 11 D AN D D U N C A N N 0 N.FnoM W AI KHFoHl )—Dail y, Sundays eicepted, at 3.20 a.m.FKOM DuiscAMiOS— Dail y, buhd.iya cxreplid , bt 8.IB a.m.

llrillm MTUIIII nud neiy »Ai,\n\»\\nu (jivm by njniH »tlill ltlOL— The General Sleainpaclct Office , 32 l'rincc-st. ;D C N O A KV A K — Mr. T. Duwury, Main-itm t j LIVEHPOOL—W a l . i t o i d Mc:lln ^lli p Company, 23 Hiuiifwi . k-» lrrei ,Wash-tt)(.- l>'" l iuil i i ings , nnd nt the Ciupan) 'a Ollii tf , Ibe M ALL,W A T K B F O B II .



tu eli giLle Applicants. ASSfSTEU 1'ASSAOESGrunted tu CAKAUA. 1'artictilDrs of which can bohad on appplicatiou to J. 31. II LHJ -I I V , Agent.

Steamers to Xuw Yoik twice a week , i'rom Queens-town , Liverpool , Derry, Dublin , (jla.sgow, and Ijondon.Firijt-clai-H Sliitm from Liverjiool ;md London to Aus-tralia mi'i Queensland onco a month.

Emigration Oflicc—la NEW LANE , CAR-KICK-oN-suin. riau .tr]


WATKHFOKU.C\A1UUA (;E.S of every ilivcri plinii lniilt I o Order,

' ol bett Ali.ti -ri. ii- ', and by (ii at -elafe b Workmen,A \*aru-ty IJ I 'N L- W tit;il Si-eoiiil-hand Curiiiiges, Croy-dniif , iVc, of tin: N I - U I - K L Debiyn.", which ho feels• i--urc <1 w ill hear conij iiuiKi.-i w i th any as regards1'iicv , l!:it ^-ri;ilH , \V <trkir ,ni:til >i ]i , and Finish.

Jdrj.airs aiid i'uintiii g c- .vc-culcil "itli .Nciituess, audat iloderutu Uhiirgeit.

twriaKes uud Cum tukun iu ExcLungu. juS.ti

'. ! « .

( -) "^WimY BANQUET. " ' .. '

^ .tSnrng list, n banqaot, ou an ejton- On f

atUlJolegunt Boalo.was givon in tho Imporial 'or< °' lr'»]

his city, to tho present and tho late High '°TU> '°r ln 1>y geutlonica who usually sorTe on tho allegea aoB

•y, to testify thoir appreciation of thoir April nncl .. tho fulftlmout of tho responsible duties of «»ug T ™?,t olRco, nnd in recognition of the splendid mont ol J i«

they havo dispensod during thoir years >?r. ,WUen wu say that tho eutortainmont was on wnlon l

l tho best stylo or the Imporial Hotol, we one, and hoouough to indicato that it was superb, with '&« °»lmnf'ant ing in quantity, quality, or oxcollonco. aBmaoueu.

— was occupied by a goutlemau who on all tuB salmonwoll and aatisfactorily discharges tho dotios mncU roasoast, Captain JOHNSON , J.P., who had on his "io )'car> D

. William Fennensy. Esq., UigU ShoruT, and ">y ouo cjr of Clonmel, Aid. Woods, J.P. ; to the which be a~ tho Mayor of Waterford, Junios T. Ilynn, rcmoro Un

th thoir wotahips wearing their chaius of troycQ tlioVBid tho cx-Uigh SherilT, Jouoph U. Dobbyn, and Bonou

o vioo-ohairs woro occupied by Messrs. Wm. People tho- W. G. D. Goff, Thomas P. Koily, T.C., and °f °'a "b

Maokcsy, oach of whom had filled tho office would theiIT. Tho general company, which numborcd BOITOS but

r«ty, included tho following:- _ _ . _ f™'n ?'«>•¦ ¦*HI| lUWIHU^U V U U I U I I V " •«[, • * , .

ten St. Georgo Freeman, J .P., and P. A. Powor, iniea tho g;prs. Abraham Stophons, J.P , N. Lumsden, J.P , thoy hadI';. Sargent, Henry V. Mackesy, J. J. Voely, spider, anClonWJ.P.^rd. !To5'nluCJSr j ,Louiu Strangman, wore dost1ipr>crafj'.'.;r."'.!r 'B 15 111 « *1 5N J 30 Z Z it XV' "Junction.. . arrif. 8 sj n 40 2 10 S 2u 11 MIOBLIU _ nrrltal ... 115 s 411 I" 0 ... .„ 4 5Coax. __arri ral ... 2 n ! 4 U 9 16 2 0lub'in ie:. ... 9 0 j 10 3'J 1 n .- ... 7 45Coik... 8 0 12 30 3 45 — ... 10 0Junction™ „ 8 38 IS U 1 1 25 ' S 45 14 23limerick...Biritl 9 45 12 52 ' 3 15 I 6 So I 30

Dotcn Traint f rom Limerick.| TBAl iCaoN Vft lK PAT S. |8dj'l

L1MH1ICK I !i4 3l l2t3 1 4 2 12*3 '**" l lj m

10 w^Tcvroitii cinu. Cloi. Claaa Cl»»«. Cl»b» data Cla««• ¦ LA ?' *¦"• A.M. r.M. p.m. r.ti. r.u.l lroc riclt ,.._ C(<;.;"G (7 ~a n vo T~u TFai ".'.. ' iuTuJunction arrirni 7 lo 8 20 12 20 3 15 il in , i. S5Cork™.^... „ ... 1 30 2 0 8 15 2 l> ... 2 0I'UbliB 1 Is 5 15 10 0 4 S ... 4 UIIUBLt»™...^i(,j , „ . . . D O(ORI.. ..._ | ... _ c oJ uoclion.._... „ 7 20 0 20 12 30 S 35 12 S3 \" it 'ii1'ipporaty _.... 7 35 I) 45 12 40 5 45 12 5 12 50Clonmtl _ 8 55 ... 1 tu 0 « 2 20 ... i 20Vanick | » 40 ... 2 5 7 35 3 t ... 3 aM Bt«llliKl ...orirl. lU 25 ... 2 45 B 15 3 4&J ... 3 45

FABii-rir.tCl»« * Single Ticket , Hi. W ; SecOn.i do, Ilr. j1 bird ilo., (j«. id. lloturn-FlrH C!ai» , Sli 8d ; t-cc. nd ¦:..., 16f.'a. J. K. Sicou. Sccrcliicr.


TRAIN ALTERATIONS—The 8.30 ».m. down and C.5 ) p.m.op .suoda; Excumions ilitcontlDUed.

Tlie flioncn route from Wkterfi rd and Killcnny lo Dublin,Itlilooe , 1*. itutnnit , r»rt<jnitown ,br Neongh , it TfMMar j boro'.

ICy* In.piovcd quick aod tbrougb daily cummuniCHiion ho-•irrea Mar >io i ou g h aod otber 6(atioos to Wateilerd , ibencdii»N c» Mlllnrri 10 IKJDIIOD and all ttitiom on the Great Wc»t-1111 [>U«a;ul KnKland.


utATiust 1 l a aTI~5"i 'a i 3 it !i i 'ai3 i\t:Cla i.ClakS. Closi. Class . Clam Cla ib

. _A > M - P - M - r.H. i r.M ln» oii p mli ni Ii m h

~ in , li in li m ITni

Waterl iiril... </,;.«rinr 7 15 1 1 0 1 0 ' 12 ur.Humcu* _ ._ 7 -.5 i 1 10 4 10 ' — 1^ 13 .Mullinavat 7 3i | — 4 to : — li asllallylulc 7 65 1 :J5 4 ;o { - 1^ i,. .'.''J'lioiiiarionn 8 10 I 1 to 4 05 : — 1 i]ler.uetf> bii .lf;c 8 -JS ! 2 5 5 5 1 20Kilkenny arriral 6 40 j 2 21- 5 20 — 1 In

Do itpurturc b 55 2 30 a :iu — 1 §vliallyrii KK Cl .~ - 0 15 -.> 511 5 60 — '1 )oy.ttana iili „ 5 'Jj 3 0 0 (1 — 2 IsJibbeyleix !. 50 i 3 16 : C IS — - 3<i "Marjboro " nrrirc; 11 10 ' 3 "A ', li is — a li 'l l aj l j o i o u bli iif;i _u;, lo il ¦ 4 2 1 7 H; — 3 :4i1'uriarllngion June 'n II II 4 17 ; 8 7 ' — 3 j;,| .I'ublin nrrital ; 1 15 j 0 4u 10 U — 0 «o| ....Ublcco Junction arri i 4i fc Jo ' — i imyhoio '.-dtp Jou n ' iO M \ — ' 7 11 —Halbbri'}-_ '10 5U i — ' 7 48 —HOECICII i l l 34 I - 13 _ ]l'araon>tuwu \l l2 4 j — ' U 0 ..! .".ISirlumna _ 112 44 — I 9 10 — —Nonaul 12 ry _ I !; 20 — ... —Tcrnplnnoro „ — 1 — j b 17 — ... —Tliurlet arrhal 1 31/ — i B 35 — .. _

TO WATER FOB DI - J t l t ' I A . » » 1 . , . KL-NII1VB

« A111 ,\s 1 2 M U 4 3 I 48 1 i! ;ClnBi.Clii6B. Cljft. CUiB . I a 4c3 ] 2j3¦ I.M. , A.M. I A .M. I r .H. CUn.,ClaiB

... , li ra h ni ; li m li in h rii u inrburlii.» ..rfrj ,nr(urr _ ' : in : . 1 5 5 _ ' , n1'cinpll Il l-I t .„ _ ' 7 2U ! - 2 13 - ! 2 211.llll)btO|.b} — ' 7 W — 2 43 — ; 2 47»«n»lf h - U 3 0 — 1 U _ , _

..oituiimn ....„„..„,., 6 I' — — _ I'arioi.xunt n _ , e 40 _ I 20 — —:tuj cria ' — ¦ 7 13 — 1 65 - _]ij«rj|."io- ...urrl ...<,,, _ 8 38 — 3 10 _ 3 24.Ubli-ne J UM.- I I .- U ...«.' I _ g 16 .. ; Dublin ......dijmillo c — I 6 I) 9 tl 1 II — 9 30I'.-ilailiiuton Jure. 'II 8 3 10 13 2 45 _ 11 13l!uryl>i<ro '..<irw_tficn — 8 25 10 Oi, 3 t) _ |1 5j

»•*» TkA ^s. I _ MBj| I 2 f c 3 _ !l lHryburu ' ...del nr tf re — 6 40 10 35 3 30 _ 1 4 0iibl.eyleix | 6 0 10 56 3 50 — 4 20y

;ilBuaga _ — 0 15 - . 4 5 _ < F5lIsllyra KKtl.- ¦ _ : V 26 11 15 4 15 — 4 45l.llkeuliy ....urriral — . 1) 45 11 4U 4 38 _ & 10

Uo ~drymlt , r < 7 3') '10 I 11 45 4 So — 5 20llenneubrldKC J 45 10 12 : — 5 3 — 5 32rhnmaMuwii *¦ S ,10 Ss ;I2 6 i 20 — 5 4}llallytale 8 2S -III 40 112 16 3 3(1 — 0 0Jlull in svol b 6U i - J O l — 0 0 — 6 25Ilimacow u 6 11 10 :12 46 6 If _ 6 35It ater/ord .....orriro/l S 50 11 3(i 1 I 0 0 30 — 7 0

Kl'ttlal >altb an cluiccd 10 l'im and Ktcond clau l'anen-|:eit U.okioK 10 Haiti by the Kxpiein Mail Tnioi 011 Uiealtuuihem aad WLSUID Lina.

Tickets limed (or Siogle Journey am atailablt only (01 the1 rain bj which they are isiued.

Market TIIKI U tu Watcrkrd and back wil l be Issued onMuul..)i , «tilr culojj, »nd Sulurda;> , at Mai y l orough , An-«yini , .Altuingb , « Ld Uall)ta gi, tt , by t lo 8.40 u.m. downI tain , at&iiiiblc l iTtcluiu b> ibe 4.0 p.m. up Uaiu on daieol

insiifr. I'lici-Hi.t Cli>f , ]S>.. t!et-0U4 Clau. >•., >n<l ThirdC I»» B, Ci.

Keldrn TicVcla in- igtucd bctHten »ny t»o SlatloDi aiailablrlor the date ol utttc and d«j /vllo»ing j those issued (or anydistance eiccediug 50 mll«, will bo aiailable (or return on tbecaj o( Ibeoe urjd tiiu two lollowin Rilaj B ; &ud (or dixtarjees ex-ceedinft 100 miles , tl.tiy aie at; ilublo (or relaru on tile day otiiiuue »nd tbtt ttiree (i>llo»iug usjs—tioDdaj t not reckuued.I:elurn Tickets issued ou Skturday kio returntible on Saturday,£u nday, or .Muiiday.

SU^DAY KXCUIISIONS-Ejtuiaion Tickets lo Water(orduill bi- tfa t uiu by ll.f I I ^III learlDg Mar> lK>tuuf; )i at8^J0 a.m ,.i<inilul:e it. (tuin It] ilit o' 5i> ji .iii 'iiuin mm WatcrivrdiKale * fi iMt.ijLoii 'U|: >i , Abbij itu , AtauaKb , jr.d Uoll;ia_ -

• |;il , 10 Weli i lo iO niid btc k—J - irrt CJai-h , ti ; Cl/Vcied Car.liaccs , ? . t uu K I IL IUUJ 10 \\ aluli'ld i*nd back— 4 B u&d Uii)d. lliuLcnlj iiun und '1L. li.skti « i - :!» on 1.1. a n. Uall j.l.ale-2> '¦" and It id. Alul l i i .kT it—Is tid and J r. Kiluiacov• -Is. 3d kitd inl -. mid lu and 11. m ull iDteiuitdiatt Stations al•'fioglc l-'ate ^ . luketn i.ul tioukfeubli , no luggage ullow co ,1 nd no luil-lares.

. Vi. Vlu.lAMt , Iic ic la i ) .


IHOM ¦ ' 2 a 4 5 6 7 . 8 II

._ . '..'! ra J}_ '" .P ¦" _P ni I 'm I' i" p m I p 111 1. inI h 111 : li 111 li 111 li in ii in lTiii| l i m | l i 111 11 ui

'V'lo.l •» 0 11 0 -12 15 *2 n 4 II 5 31' 7 15' 0 0 -'l'lii 'rt) '.I 15 I'll 31 ¦! I 15 / 3 11 ¦ 4 311 , »6 Cl\ 7 li! '¦> 3" —

Sunday Trains.¦?OH ' - * *

' r « »"

' « n. _p_ 10 ji_m , p in _p_ni p BI ) p_ m p m n in; li 111 h in . h in li 111 ! It m li m li m VnT "b**rn"

H-iord, b 0 , ll 15 la 15 1 3" I 2 'M 1 30 5 30 : 0 3i 11 0T^iiorej 0

15 . 11 43 .] -J 4i' '2 0 | 4_1_ - 5_ u,li_ U_ - 7 45 0 SO

*Mniltrain * G. N. U AK «H . Secretary

HEALTH LOST AND REGAINED.—AGuide lo the IlrmnTrealmcut of INKI l'.Ji lTlKS

or VOUl'II *nil M A K J i O O J > l «ilirr]Jrrcdilkrj' ur Acquired., iy II KK I I Y SU I T I I , M.l J., ol the Unirmiryof Jena , Anllior¦)l " The Voluntu-r's Jlnniiiil ," " Woman ," Ac. IIKAL 'IIILOST AND l iKU<MNKlJ tncs Di. bHliu 's Jleul inci i t(the uoult ol IVemy biz j caib' i-pecial prnctice) for theOorc of all Diicatiisol I he Nervous Sy. tiu> ,Niivou.s Dtbilily,Mental aud 1'lijsical Dipicebioii , 1'al pitaiiou of the Heart ,.Noises io tbc Iliad oinl K;us, JnditMoii , Inipnueil Sightnud Memory, Indigc&tiou , L< BS ol Energy. 1'aiiii in the liack ,Coii9ti |iatiun , lilubhiiig, l lj btnia , '1 uiidity , btll-Didrustl) izil\ inr , Love of Sohludt , GrouI)dlc^!i 1-car.-* . M jscularKelujitiou , Ae., resnltiui; from Eihaustiuu ol Nerve Power,the effect of Over-tmcJ Kuerg iea, Kuerratiug Unbits, auuether «liu»s« ol the sytttm.

(JIVKS INSTIIUCII 9NS AXD l'UESCBll'TJONS,illustrated with Teitimouiuls Irom pralelul patitnta; withmeans of Cur.: u^cd in each case, bent free by Tost on re-cei pt ol Two Penny Stamp;.

Also hy the tume Author , post free in »n envelope, for 13Stamps , W O M A N : her Duti. d, Hulalions , aud PositionSubjects tieuul :—Uirlbood , Slaideuliowl , Courtshi p, Mar-ruj:e, Mothciliouil, Kiiualo Eilucitiuii, I-'einalc Health, E».male ll yg ien.-, Uomertic Meiliciui -, Ac , Ac. Tl.ii isa 'work011 suljeots 01 vital inteic bt lo woiuuu. Hi-antilull y Illus-trated by Kngraving s on W00J . Or. 11. SMITH. 8, llurtouCrtTXint, London, W.C, [n!3-tfl

I MPOUTAKTIO COUBTK V PilinMs.—iJr. II. SMITH , theeiuiiitut Sprcialist , who may he cnusulttd with the! lor the Cure ot all Dtbililatin n ami contag iousDusraMw , will , lor tliebtu i tit ol rountry paticntu who can-uot consult him perbuimlly , on receiving » dctcri ption oltlieir C4M-, kend bis opinion , with adtire and directions lortho most buccesslul ics'oratiun to health anil vigor. Ad-drt-fcs, Dr. II. SMITH , b, liurton Cima-ut , Londen , W.C.-VTEKYOUS DEBILITY, and all NEKVOUSJ_ ( AKt ACTIONS, whether the result of earlj. errors orotherwise , me by very simple anil incjpci.sive lucaus quicklycuieu In both France and Ueininny. Tin: mlvi-ilisci - a 11 si-di-nt in thi f i-i ibiniy, will bt- hiippy to »eml free to all appli.cauls full p.ulicular.ul Iheinoile ol t i f i i t iniut ibem adoptedou receipt uf :i dm ttul ri.vel i.p.- . All peiKons nmy cure them-srlve» , anil thm not ( iin (he rUk ol Um R m-timi,, J. AdJrteiiM.,ns. A. IJL 'VA L , 13, Newinakit- t lnel , llirruinuluia

HEALTH AMI ; .MANLY V1UO1: .-A .M.-dic-l ruauol2 O J . H I I , ' experience , III the l lentment ol N K I lV O U S UK-li l l . l T Y . SpeiniiituiLec an.l III I HT iillertic.ns nbirb lire olleum q i i i i i d in early life , and uiilii >ii) ] lor marring andotber bocial duties I IHS publi> lieil a hwk giving the lullhi iu fil ol hia IUIIK t-ipi-ritiiu' giutis , wilh plain directionsfur th« riionry ol Heallh mi.l Slreugtli. A n uglu cupysent to any oililn-ks ou ntei ptol Ola- Stamp. Addu-js lu thef fc irtnrj , Inst i tute nl A n a l . i ny , J J i i u i i u i l i n m . i l l i

10 UK U 1 V K N A W A Y IA New .Medical Woik c.-i llnniaiie , the cauic aud cure of

pienialuredeeline ii, mau, N.-,vou» lability, I HII K..), uty,ic, with l.ul.-s t..r r. moving certain iliniualificatioi.B thatde«IMy the lmppii;cs« ot Wedded l.ile , or

E V E J I Y .MAN 11JS OWN D O C T O R .Kur Twii Sluuip> suilrrers may nvoiil the numerous

iin|ioi>tuia n il" .-i-nd Ilii - ir hook* lor u.iihnitf , tesli-inoiii. i ls ninth they w r i t e tli.-n.n. Un , li.:titiuus i.-v i.-ws fromiiniiKimiiy J..liru..!>,|,i..l.->h tot-nrc di^-e, nilli iiMlrmncutiiiisttM.I ni .Mnliciut>, nnd o:L.i absurdities as cruel as theyarc iler.-j. l ive .

A pli> Mei. i i , , -Jjj t.,i.M.j :,n-n,-lj eui i,'i;,l in ihetr .ntmrutof in-i .UU > mi.l il,.- vaii .m- 11.1 nii.l » |;.J nrivnus iillectiona re-itillin;. l l .u.ti , , , , : , wi!l M -IMI I I . ,.. ,,„ , , , . i ,,i 0| Two i'eiinyhthtnp- . ' .. i-n-p.n p. M..i: t , a |., . j M , , , -. . , ,iainiiig liU highl ySU U . . -H. ' 1.I .1I . Iijj f i l l . , l l i a l i,. ., , !, ,.. ::!, ,,|| , ll0 lim.M.ltypri->cnp- i-i .» aii .i . l i iM .h..,,. l ,v « | . j , i . .U| Icrit.s ,nHV ,.,,„then iMh. b at i , , r i ing tu.1. AJdn-.» iir. Liwji ., Medical'uhluLer. U Uaud Court. Ilulbotu. London.

AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS,Wo beg lo announco tho return of onr

TMCA-HSTTIJE A.3STX3 3VfriXiiiI3>TES.75r BTJ-5TEB.SWith a Largo and wall.Belooted STOCK suited for the present nnd coming Seasons, iu






L A D I E S' U N D E R C L O T H I N G

M, O'BBIEN & CO.,4:7% QXJ-A.-3T





The " \\ EXFOHU O UABDIAM " was ii.corporated with" THE 1'HOPI.B," Jauua ty, 1857.

THE PEOPLE in n Commercial , Agricalt tiral ami Lin-rat} Journal , as well an a Nvw ^pnper , anil command*

au cileiisiTc circulation in tho counties of Woiluril; Carlow ,Kilkenny , Walcrlord , WiikloH ,|Oublin , the United Slates,Canad a anil Auatrali 1 .

It fc ivcs lull ti'ports of the proccedinRB ol all public boilii-.sin the County ol Wtiloid , bditlious Iroui Kug lisli , Irish ,and Forei gn picas , together with correspondence and lendingarticles upon »ll> matters ol local and general inleriM.

It is a Wi'tkly Newspaper, published on Saturday, price 4dAs an adtrcrti siuK medium it cannot tie crjualh-d in the

County, aa it is taken by the nobility, gcutiy, clergy, mer-cantile classes, nnd farmers of every denomination.




$3)° And PRICES BO Moderate , as atM. SMITH'S, THE




22 DENHIGII PLACE SOUTH BELOIUYIA, LONDON,(Who has been SOyi-arB professionally established in Dublin)BEGS to caution the Public against tbc use

of the common, improper, and budly-manuactured(jlasses and Pebbles generall y told , which are so highlydetrimental to Vision , that numbers havu strioualy saflcrc!from ttiem, and frosts that it is now unnccetBary to dwellat lerjglb ou the eitellcnce ol bisSpcctaclct (so dilferetA frompebble or similar substance, which he neither constructs,»pproTe», nor disposes ol,) and ou the advantages deriiablefrom his accurate method of adapting Glasses to DetectiveSight (a matter ot much deeper importance than is Ire-quently inppored), as such arc admirably calculated to pre-serve the eyes unimpaired to extreme old age. They hart)been nscd by. tbe most distinguished persons and Memberiof tbe Faculty ot tbe King dom

OI3SEKVE.— Persous can be suited by cuclosing a pairof Spectacles, or one of the Glasses, in a letter , statiag thedistance from the eye they can read small print with it , andthose who have not employed spectacles by mentioning theirage and describing sight. Communications from Water-ford; sud its Vicinity to be directed to M B. SOLOMONS'Establishment , No. 10, NASSAU.STUEET,(£ntro«ci! byBall Door) , within one Door of DAWSON-STltKET,DU11L1N.

%SS~ Repairs of all kinds promptly atteoded tcNEWLY INVENTED TELESCOPES,

Combining portability with extraordinary power and clear-ness of Vision, nbich supersede every other kind lor theWaist coat Pocket , Deer Stalking, Military, Sea, and alpnrposea, both by dny and nig ht , and some from i incheswill show distinctly Jupiter 's Satellites, <Sx. Price— 10s. 6d12«.6d., 16s., 21i., 30*., Ac.

NEW DAY AND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE,PRICE £6 COMPLETE—With superior 3 inch achromaticobject glass, two improved uyo pieces , tun glass, portabltmetal jointed stand. This extraordinary iiibtrument willclearl y show thu most iniponaut heavenl y bodies, and exhibitwith dibtinclui 'bt tbo luce o! an individual , or ol a clock ,sbii'p, cattle , <&c, ut many miles' distance, equalling in themost essential points thotc g lasses usually supplied at£60 or £70.

IMPROV K 'J DOUBLE OPEKA , HACE, & FIELL'GLASS ES—I 'ricu 1U>. 6d., loii., 21i. ; noinc «u iinnuto iusize thrl tl. :y »lip iutu a Watch l'otkct, jet rival iu extentol' powir many ol Hit lurgcst tmidc ; ;ils» , ilieio.seoLi" olKltat power, lioui 3s. &)., and invisible Photograp hs.

MAGIG LANTERNS AND DISSOLVING VIEWS-Clear, brilliaut , kimp lu, thoug h unsurpahsed for dlitt.—Slidi-a in Kii -''it- varitty— CULDIC , Sccuic, Kducatioiul , lllubtra.ling l;ilea , wars , ti:ivel» , Ac. A supirior Laiituru nnd Itslides Iron) 7«.U.l. A Calulonue ou application.

A D M I K A L l-TlZHUY'S l.MPl tOVED liAHO.M KT>i— Accuratel y luretelliti ^ the Weath. -r , haudMiniely ujuunti'tiiu .Miili<i(.'.iiiy, \ul li Theruiomitci, pneo only 159.

SOLOMON S NEW MODEL UAROJIEIKR, piicc12s (id. Cor.ict Tlifrmooietub , at Is. upwards.

IMPROVED ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS for extremeand every decree or deafness. -

CAUTION 1—lu coubiqucncc of numerous attempts atimposition , it is necessary to note name and address, audto purtkuiml y War in miud , that IIn. E. SOLOMONS ,yNLY Ksliiblislimtut is

Numbn NINETEEN , NASKAU -STHEET , DUHL1N(Entrance by Hull-Dour), within onodocr ol Dawson-strert ,Dublin. 2io connexion with any other house or pert imof same , similar or other name. NO AGENTS or 1'RA-VELl-EltS Kmployed.


THE COAL TAR TILL (Wright's Tilula Car-bonis Deleigtus) , " Kilkenny, january lst , 1874—

Plea se rend me two toxes of your valuable Tar Pill i , lorwbicli I encloie 2>. Od. I nm bound to conftsa that I havederived more hemfit Irnm them than any other pills.—JohnKjun , SUfT Sergeant." Tbey act opon tl.c stomach, theliver, aud kidneys j ire apeiient , ionic, and purifying.—Tbey sweeten the breath , ure the host female pills known ,anil a sure remedy for tliosc painful affections, Hemorr-hoids (Piles). Hy all chemists, in boxer, Is. lid and 2s Od.W. V. WRIGHT and CO., Soothwaik-strret , London, pro-prietors of tbe celebrated Coal Tar Soap (Wright 's SnpoCarboois Detergeue). au!3."ow

Food Adulteration Act.MONTAUBAN and CO'S CH0C0LAT1NE, an abso-

lutel y pure aud highly conctutratcd ex-tract from the fiuest Cocoa.

/^IIIOCOLATINE is rccoinmeuded by tbe Medical Pro.\J feasion , aud obtained Eight Prize Medals.

(See Circular and Testimonials),CIIOCOLATINE is sold hy GroctK , Jhemists , &c., in

Csnistera of Is., 2<., and 3s. OJ. etch—Wholesale of MONTAUbAN and CO., 6,hUGAK-LOAK-COURT , Leadenlull-sl.,London. (slO-Oui)


Improved White Soft Soap,FREE from smell, for the Laundry and House-

hold purpoBOH. It renders linen bcautifnlly whito,cleanscB better, and is cheaticr than any other Soap. ItIK>niiCKfiCs determent qnaliticH, and is a disinfectant whenuued for eltuuising aud purifying WOIIH, Floors, Beddinp,<ic., uud is rccomendea as a Vermin Killer. Tho Suuudihinfect Drains, &c. Mannfacturors and solo Patentees,PIKE and CO., by appointment to tho Military andNaval Lanndrios, Carlton Works, Pcokhani.London, S.E.

Agont for Watcrford—Mr. 'IHOMAB PUKCELL, Bar-ronBtrand-stroot.


QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, B.C.FIRST Issue or CAriTAL—£500,000, in Sub-

scriptions of XI and upwards.Intercut in. lieu of Dividend, 18 per cont. por an-

num, paid monthly.Current Accounts opened, and S JKT cent, intercut

allowed on the Minimum Monthly Balances.CHEQUE DOOKB KUI - I ' ^IF.l)

The Uank {jranU CrcditH, and IRSUM CireuJar NoleHfor tho Continent und America, and tranisnelii every de-Hcription uf fcountl iiniuiciul huoinesH. i)ook-kcepiii(,' inthe liiiudd of tho Sul)neriliora , iin.l u i|uarterly UuhmecSheet ifinucd by Anditom apjiointed hy them, independ-ent of tho management.

Vor particulars apply to(jy!W) R- H. 0AKI.KV , Miumtjor.

lh>" *'or riiiMTl.Mi, of ovoiy descri iniuu , cheap ui-.d;ood, y ivo your orduru ut Tun N tws Olliw, King-st.






LOANS ON CALL OR DEPOSIT.milE DIRECTORS CF THE WATEIUOII D A M.JL CENTRAL IRELAND KaiLWAY COM I 'AKY (for thepurpose of KEI'LACING the INSTALMENT'S of the(JOVEKNMKNT LOAN and I30NDS falUnff due) arcprepared, until further Notice, to accept LOANS ONMORTGAGE BONDS at 4J per Cent., payable upon OneYear's notice, or for Huch term of Years ns may lieiixed j and for the Debenture Stock, having ciiuulpriority with the Mortgage. Bonds, bearing Interest at•li per Cent, in perpetuity.

They will also accept LOANS on DEPOSIT, bearingInterost at 4-i PER CENT., payable on Ono Ypar'anotico ; at 4 per Cent, payable on Six Months' Notice ;at 3J per Cent., payablo on Thrco Months' Notice, andat 3 per Cent., payablo yn Ono Month'B notico.

For tho year onding 25th March, 1875, tho TrafficReceipts were 634,63-1 08. Od.—the Working and othorExpenses being 419,383 11s. 3d.—leaving a balance of.£15,250 9s. Cd., being moro than donblo tho amountrequired for the Interest on Loans, after the paymentof which there is, therefore, a considerable uurpfns fordividends to Shareholders.

They will , every Half-year,-«end to oach Creditor aStatement showing the full particulars and Amount ofthe several Loans duo by tbo Company.

Applications to bo addressed to the undersigned, atthe Company's Offices , Watcrford Terminus.

(By Order),WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.

Waterford, May 20th, 1874. (mh84-tf)1'ost Free for Si's Stamps, open endt, or 12 stamps tn on

. .. .Envelope.TUE MEDICAL ADVISER , ou premature decay of

the jjstern, and its speedy restoration ; chapters onMtlain disoiders , and the bei.t means for thei r removal ; themicroscope »i an aid lo diognosii ; Marriage , it> disqualifi-cation* ; rules and prescriptions lor Belt-treatment


illuetrnted with numerous cases. By Dr. Walter Do Root,Holfnrd House. Holford Squaro, London, W.C.

DR DE KOOS' celchrated.GUTTit; VIT^E, or LIFEDROI'S , for Spermatorrhcea, Nocturnal Emiisioua ,

Impotciicy, Scmal Iocapflcity, Debility, Epilepsy, and allthose diseases for which llercuiy, Sarsupnrilla , ic., are toooften employed by English Physicians to the ultimate ruinI tho Sufferer's health.

Thn QWXX VITA! are the result of long practical in-vestigation ot the remedies best ndsptcd for these diseases.Their rich , stimuhitiug, stomachic qualities, and , nbovc all ,their complete renovation of the nervous system, renderthem in every retpi ct worthy their significant title. Tbeymay ho taken without hindrance or restraint of diet, &c.,and iu thiB respect also tbty may claim pre-eminence o»ermost otber advertised medicines. By promotiug digestion—nourishing the constitution—ennchiug without infiaovogtbc blood—br.icing without BtirouUUug Ibr ncrtous syKemtoo violentl y—they strengthen thu general habit , and restortthe natural hcaltny tone of the nervous and muscular Sbres,thus enlivening and ?i |ioruting bot h body and miud.

The GUTTJE VITA! have been particularly successfulwith yunng people who have the Bppearaucc of oid Bge; whoare pale and efteminutc, and iv lio, having an utter fii»ta9tcroreviiji l i iDg , are incapacitated tor study, business or enjoy-ment. Thousands of apparently hopeless cases, g iven up bythe f a t u i t y , have been permanently cund, aud have of the lact .

lJ3y l*i ice lls. und 33t. of nil Chcnr&t?, or direct onri-CL-ij it of stumps, or vost-oftice order nddresbed to Dr. DeUsos, Iloltord House, llolloid Spunre, London, W.C.

Hold by MsMattcr & Co., li!l , C- pi 1-strttl , Dublin ; Mr.White , Ot«TKrtifliii-, Iti i l i j inii i i i : Mi . ll.ib>ilt , SoutlurnChronicle Office , Lilniiici ; ; Mi. 1'oUon, Fermanag h Mai lCdlce, KiinisUllen j or at The A'o«» Office , Waterlord i

1'ains in tbc liiick , Gmvi- 1 , l.umbat:o, IUii-u iniilibm , CioutKlalulcucy, IIi-2 i)aihr , Ncivoii ^nt'iB , Di-hihty, Strictuio , &i;

Dli. DB liOOS' COMPOUND KENALTILLS (as llnrir IOIDC Reun), Or tlj_- kiilnrys, in-

dicsteiO aio eclthrated all ovir the world , as the safest Remedy lor the above danfsiiou t complaintu ,Dischargeso( any kiud , and Dibiase ol the Kidneys , Bladder , andUrinary Organs generall y, which , if neglt-cted , frequenllyei.d iu Slone in tbc Bladder, nnd a lingering, painful ilcnth .For dcpreniion of Spirit? , Eicitcment , Incapncity for So-ciety, Study or linsineba, Lo&s ol Memory, Wrelclicduce ",Neivoomes;, ond even lnsnnity itself , Kben <^» is often thecase) ariciug from or combined with Uriimry Diseases, theyare unu|ii,ilUd. Hy their «:ilul.iry action on ltilc nudAciili 'y ol* the Stomach , they purif y and promote tho Kcnalsi'cieiious, theieb y prevent the formation of Stone, and thuseblahli ih lur ;life the hrnlthy luiictions of ihcso orsnns.

1'iice U. ljd., 2s, Od., 4'. Od., lls. nnd 33a. per box, withfull ilirecti omt through all chcroibli> . The Cit-nuine hate thewoitls " Walter Dcltoov , London," in white letter*, on theStamp Hfllied to rnch box, by rpeciul direction of Her Ma-jesty 's Honorable Commissioners, to protect the public fromfrAud , and 'o imiUte which is felony and trninpotljtion.

CAUTION.—Some unprinci pled Vendo.-n wheu asledfor Dr. De Roos' I'ills, have attempted to foist other medi-cines or compouuds of thuir own upon tbe purebaeer, fromwhich tbfj obtain a Urfc profit , but xliich invanbly entaildifappointidcnt. Aik for Do. Djt ROOB' COUFODKU RBNHFILLS, uud . o not be persuaded into try iug any thing elbe jbut should the least difficulty occur, tncloM.- th« omoout bypost-officu order or stamps as aboTP, and tbey will be sentpel- return.

Sold by MrMaster & Co., 121, C-ipel-street, Dublin; l i t .White , Observer Office , Bsllyraena ; Mr. Hassett , SouthernChronicle Odic.-, Limerick ; Mr. Poison , Fermanagh MailOffice, Enn'sliillen ; and at 40. Kine-strert , Watertord.

DK. DE ROOS' PILULiE VIT^!, or VEGE-TADIX LIFB PILLS, arc rapidly superseding castor-

oil and tbe old-lashioned disagreeable medicines formerl y ad-ministered by the faculty, which , it is now admitted, toofrcqaently resulted in a confirmed stnto of costivenem. TheFiluiic VitK , on the contrary, cleause tbe stomach, purify thisecretious , remove headache, indi gestion, &c., and inMead otrendering it necessary to be always swallowing medicine, afew dosts only, taken occasionally, will be found all that isrequired to kftp up a healthy state ot the njbtrio. Kquillyadapted to all alien, it beiug merely necessary to reguhue the.dose according to tbe age Hnd strength of the pal ient j whilstfur female cotnpluiula they are altogether unrifalled. PriceU. Ud., It . 9d., 4i.6d.. Us. and 334. per box,

Sold by Mc.Matlcr & Co., &c., &c. \»s nbotej, and at TheWtttrfori Knee Office.






BEG to intimate that thoy htwo now addod to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINJCSH-

ING ESTABLISHMENT , wheroBrass Work of ovoryi ascription will bo cast nnd finished off in First-olasBsf.yle, and with as littlo dolny as possiblo.

.MCL EAN nrnl M CI NTOSII also bog to tender theirsincere thanks for tho kind patronage bc-Btowoil onthem, and hope, by their constant attention to buti-UCBB, to merit a contiuuaiico of s:uno.

f2^ ~ Lcoj l, [/r-«s5, C'rtjipcr, and hon Works3, LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATER FORD

N.B. — (iieon-hoiiaos. ConscrvatorieB, anil PublicBuildings Heated ou tho moat improvod principle bytho circulation of hot water. (myl5-6iD>


Tho European Hotel, Bolton Street,milE EUROPEAN is the largest, the beat situate,JL and tbe most comfortable Hotel in the City. Allmodern improvements have been recently introduced,and the entiro Hoaso pqppr^paiuted, and decorated.

Twenty Snitcs of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing BooaB f rom 2B. 6d. to 6s. Sitting Booms on tbeground floor free of charge.

f2T Sonp, Fisb, Joints, Fowl, and Entreo inCoffee Boom and Restaurant from THO to Beveno'clock daily. Bed, including Servants, 2s. Cd., 2s.and Is. 6d.

[m31-tf] J. 1IOL0NY, Proprietor.

THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL,DUBLIN (Established 40 Years),


npHE abovo FIRST-CIASS FOTEL has been newlyJL Painted, Papered, and ro-Decorated, several newBooms added, and nil fitted np, in a superior stylo ofelegance and comfort, with, the most modern improve-ments, and continues to reecivo the undivided per-sonal attention of Mr. and Mrs. CorPEY. From itscentral position it will be found moBt convenient for thevisiter, being in tho immediate vicinity of tho LawCourt*, fivo to ten minutes' drive from any City Bai}wayTerminus, and afow doors from King'B Bridgo TramwayLino. Supplies of first-class quality. Notwithstandingpresent high rates, the terms will bo found most mode-rate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Table d'Hoto, 2s. ; onweek days at threc: o'clock ; on Sundays at five o'clock.

Gentlemen's Coffee aud Smoking Rooms. Ladies'Coffee and Private Sitting Rooms,

Accommodation for 181) persons, and Night Porter inattendance . • . . .i ;. '. J


UNDER new management, thoroughly renovated,central and convenient, combining Cleuuliness

and Comfort with Cbcnpucss.Beds, le. lols. Gil. per night;Hrcnkfn6t, Is. to la. Gd.;

Dinner from Is. Cd.; Tea, lOd. Jameson's fivo yea rold Jin It , guaranteed , 4d. per gloBB. Table d'Uolo at4.30, la. Hd.

W.C. and Balli- rooms recently ndded ou eachlanding. Night Porter in attendance.

825" Within livu minutes walk of King's lirid goTerminus, jaS-ly.


T'lHS is a (V - iit i i i l anil Comloitablu Hotel inX wliich everything i-an 1K> had on the most inoderulc

terms.Hest Dublin ami Woxford Spirits; also, Ilrandies,

Wines, Porter, Ale , kv. (uuli-tf)Cars on Hire at the shortest notice.

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

41) M A R L B O R O U G H S T R E E T .PARTIES Visiting Dublin cmi be nccomtnoduted,

with or without Boiird , nnd nil tho comforts ofa home, on Moderate Terms. [«2o-tf]

U35" Situation central , closo to Sackville-street.


I bog to inform my numerous Friends ond OrPublic that, through elision of time, I have becomeProprietor of the above old-established Hotel .

I havo completely and most comfortably re-furnishedit, and have considerably enlarged it, fitting it upthrougcout in best modern Ktylc.

I trust by careful and constant attention to the wantsand comforts of my visitors to merit the patronage soliberally bestowed on my late father, and respectfullysolicit an early trial.

MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor.Son of lute MinmcE COFVET.

Plcafio note Addrcss-30 LOWER BRIDGE STREET*DUBLIN. dll-3m


Under tho personal mnnogement of J. C. WALSH , lateProprietor of tbo College Hotel , Fleet-street and


THIS HOTEL is most Central and Convenient ;Tnim Cars pass to and from King's Bridgo and

Wcstland-row Station s every 10 minutes j is onlythreo minutes' walk from Smithficld and the FonrCourts , nnd is in the centre of the prinoipal merchants'offices.

Charges will bo found moderate. Beds, 1«. and Is.Gd j Breakfast, Is. to Is. 4d. ; Chops, Steake, Kidneys,Ac. A largo stock of Wines of the choicest vintage.

Spacious Dining-rooniB set apart for tho receptionof Club, Dinner, or Supper Parties.


as "Stock" fur hi-L- f-tm, soups, mndc disbe?, and saucet ,nifp» fin« flavour and gnat strength. Invsriabl j adoptedin houneholdt whrr. (niil j tried. Ceution*-GenuiBe (inlywith Karon Liebig'» fascimile acrosa tbe label. n21t



/CASSELL'S ORIENTA L CO* FEE consists\ > of a bcluitiou of lite Hunt giowlhs ot KHB I Iudi»In tho [irccoa ol rowin g nud grioiliug the full strength andlitift nroinii arc picsvivttl , rendering it to tl'e Coffee eomiidi piia-d iu OKIEKTAL COUNTRIES, THE 1'KR-KKCT1ON o( COFKKE. 1'ricc Ss. ptr lh./SAtJSKLL'S COFFEKS arc also supplied at\y Is., Is. 4(1., l» . till., Is. 8J., aud I f . 1UJ. prr lb., byUroctis lliiulighou t Iii l itud , iu Canisters und air-lig htPackages truin one ounce to one p(>uuu./~ AStiELL'y COFFEES havebccurcd tbe mostV widi'-t-priwd l.puutiou , and I hey h*ve been hi ghlyesteemed i.t.d uteiiaivul y ussd Ihroushout Ireland lor nearlyA QUARTER OK A CENTUHY. Ask at jourliroccra lor CAB SBLL 'S COPIKZ , nud be sure you get tbcright Article. Iu6-ly)


L O N D O N j0gg" And Sold l y Grocers throughout Ireland.

BISHOP & SONS' aUININE WINE-THIS invigorating WIND , SO strongly recom-

mended by tho highest Medical Authorities for itsTonic and Restorative Qualities, ia prepared with thomost careful attention to the purity of its ingredientB,and contains Ono Grain of Quinine in each Glass. Soldovorywhere. Dutlin : Wholesale by BOILEAU & BOYD,M'MABTEB, HODOSON, & Co., Huon MOORE & Co.,ALEX. FINDLATEH & Co., FAWCETT & Co., CANTBELLla COCHRAHE. Retail by HENRY TOBIN, JAMES FLAN-AGAN, JOHNSTON & OLDHAM, and'OtherB. lilackrock ;J. RICHARDSON. Corfc : TOMKINB & SON, WOODITOBD,BOUKNE , & CO., H. M0RB18, J.. MOROAN SuYTH.



Manufactured and Bottlod by Messrs. BISHOP &SONS, Finsbury Distillery, London. my28-6m


PELLE'S CltlNUTRIAR , noted all overthe wotld for itsmiraiuloua propertiiv, and at the otily romtdj thitt can bedepeuded upon. It n guaranteed to produoe whiskera ,oioustachioa, &e., iu a tew weeks, and will be fonnd emi-nently auccoalul in uonrishio jt, curling, and beautifying thehair; checking grcynees, strengthening weak hair, prerant-ita falling oil, and restoring it in baldness from whitetercaoae. Upwards of 100 physiciini h.ivo recommended it intho nureery, for promoting a fine, healthy head ol hair, andavdrliun balduess in alter yearn. In buttles price 2i. each.

OllsERVE thut a 16 page pamphlet ia enclosed with eachDockage, which has a red stamp outside beariDg the wordsRosalie Coupelle iu white letters ; the wjrda Coapello'sCriuutriar are alto moulded in each bottle.

11 1 waa bald nine jean, but I fiad new hair coming ra-pidly."—J. lloue. "Th^nH 10 your ttuff , I h»re an ex-celleut moustache and whiikera."— Slnjor Urownf. " 1 badlost my hair in patchei , but it hiu teitoied it."—MissHewit t. " Alter 20 years haldneu, :it bus acted miracul-ou»ly."-H.Moir. (d26.lf.)

$&• Sold at THB NBWS OIJICI, Waterford.

" For tlic Wood is the Life."—Seo Deuteronomy, chapxii , verse 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture.1?OR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from¦ ALL lNl'UKI'flES, whether anting irom youthful

iuilisciettou or auy olbtr cauBe, cannot be too hi ghly recom-mended. It cure* Old Korea i curea Ulcerated S«r« in theNeck ; Ulcerated Sore Legs; WacUwade or Pimplee on th-Face ; Scurvy Soreii Cmiceruus Ulcen; Blood and Skiu Dis-eases , Glandular Swollings, aud clears tho Ulood trom allImpure Matter , from wbjtcter cause irisiug.

As ilits mixture is pleanaut tu tbe taste, aud warranted fretfrum mercury—which <t(J pilli an.l ino«t meditines aold lorHie <l.ove di»easc» cuulaiu—ibe Proprietor solicits suffererslo gin-it u I n»l lo lest its value.

THOUBA MJS 01 TBSTtJlOMULS UBOJC ALL PABTH .HuM in liutlles 2s. 0.1. i-KL-h, and iu Cases, coutsiuing 0

l>, 11»- e-tb , sufficient to flfrct H ptruiuu«nt euro in!..i jc- n^u'lii 'K ruM-s , by all Chemists and Fa'tiH MedicineVeiiuoi's; ur «nt lo «ny aJilim on ricoipt ot 30 or 132

* 3'O11\ J . CLAHKE , Cbcmibt . Higb-slreBl , Lincoln.

WHOLESALE AaBBT* :Barclay & Sons, London, and all tb« Wholnalt Hoojo.


TO THE CATHOLIC CLEBGY, B00KSELLEES, Ac.On Sale al ' The News Office ,

With tho Eecommenaotion of the Biahop of Wdtorfoia.. and Lismore, the Bight Eer. Dr. POWSB,

A Cathechiflm for the Instruction of ChildrenBT Ttna . , • ¦

MOST Bey. Dr. JAMES BUTLER, Arch,biahop of Cashel and Emly.

RECOM MBNDATION:I approve of of this Edition of tho Eight Eev. Dr

JAMES BDTLEE'S Catechism, and recommend it to thoFaithf al of theso Dioceses.

* " JOHN POWER, R.C.B."Waterford, Sept. 16th, 1875."Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Typo.ORDERS from any part of tho Dioccso, sent in and

directed to C. REDMOND, Printer and Publisher,Waterford News Office , 49 King-streot, promptly at-tended to. Tho Trade supplied on moderate terms.

May be had B«tail from every Catholic Bookseller inthe Diocese.



¦ ¦ NOW PUBLISHED ,Revised, and Corrected, with tho Approvnl of tho....Most .Rcv. Dr. J'UIUONO, Bishop of Ferns


PASTORS AND CATECIIISTS,In order to Instruct Children and Illiterate Person?,

By tbo REV. F. W. DEVEREUX,Vicar-General of the Diocese of Ferns in 1015;

To which aro added Acta of Faith, Hopo, and Charityand Instructions for Serving Mass.

Revised and Improved under tho directioti ofThe Right Rev. Dr. FURLO.NC, Bishop of 1'crns

IJgJ* Orders to bo sout to THE NEWS Omen, Kingstreet, Waterford, whero tho Corrected aud Author-ised Edition can now bo had ; rr of tho Booksellers inthe Dioceso. Ask for Dr. FURLONG 'S Corrected Edi-tion, printed only nt VJ Kipg street, Waterford.

fi&? H A T S !


Supplied by* ^ « J.. tin most eminent London Milkers(includiug CHKIST T & Co.), with tbo leading Shapes in

S I L K ASM i 'E L T H A T S ,Delivoriea bi-monthly.

SPECIAL SIIAI - KS and EXTIIA LICHT II ATS made to orderin a week.

rf55" Worth y of particular notice, " Our CLERICAL11 AT," wurruiiled to stand weather autl keep lite color.



58 .V D'J, Q V A Y , W A T E l t F O K D—liats Isold by us, d ressed, witliout Charge.


Illl'ORTED direct Irom tbe Jlunulucturcre , Mc-esia

Col.LAKU & COLLAKU , KllaSMAN , DA LSIAIN E, lilllNS-M£AO, &C, &C., at

U. A. JONES' MUSIC DEPOT.1 2 0 , U V A Y , W A T E li F 0 R D .

II A R M O N I U JI S iu great variety, English undFrench make ; Violins , Cornets, Concertinos, Drums,Flutes, Banjoes, Music Jioi -d, &o. &.C.,


the Muiktd l'ricc lor Cash, the entire STOCK nowSELLING OFF AT A GREAT REDUCTION !



Begs to call special attention to his oxtenBivoTUNING and REPAIRING business. His Tunersvisit , all the Sonthern and Midland Counties of Ire-land Quarterly.

tS) " Pianofortes' and Harmoniums hired by khoMonth or Year, with option to purchase, and ou ihoThreo Ycars'*8ystem.

C. A. JONES' MUSIC WAREHOUSE.Crickctting, Archery , Croquet, nnd other Games,

at unusually Low Prices. [my4-tf]


JS"A'0. 18, HENRIETTA STREET.Terms, on application. fcU-3m]


FRESH ASSORTMENT of tho followingPreparations bnro jnst been receiver! at THE ftiiws

Office, King-street , Walerlord , from CouraiLB, K B l(oo>& Co., Lundon :—Gutta Vit *>, or VegJtable Li'o Drops, tbogreat remedy tor Nervousness, &c.

Dr. DE ROOS' I'ompound Renal Pills, for Paius in theback , gravel , rheumatism, gout , &c. Price Is. lid. to 33iper box. tiee udrerti scment elsewhere , for particulars.

Dr. DB ROOB' Vegetable Life Pills , (or regulating thestomach and demising thu blood.

Mndame COUPBLLB'B Hair- Itestoring Fluid, which hasbeeu found wouderfull? efficacious in bringing the hair toitaorigiunl color; also.CouPBLLs 's llair Dye.

HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing on such Cards

J25" Execute *! al THE WATEK fOKD NEWS Off ice.

F R I E N D OF A L L 1A'noii'ii in all l'arts of the WoWii. Here's our Remedy

H O L L O W AY ' S P I L L SIMI-UIUTIES oy THE BLOOU.—Those wonderful

1'ilU nre vulncd al the huuiblutit bcitrtbs at well 8b in (haboubi-s of cotnfuri uud wealth. Tliojr work a thoroughpur ficution through the wtole syst-m, without disorderingthe uiilnral actiou of Roy organ, and eradicate those gennaof complaints wliich cousigu tens of thoujnuds lo an earlygrave

HsoscniTis, DiPTiiKRii , Couoite, AND COLDS.—N Odiseases Brc more iVequcut , aud fiw mure dHUgerous thanaffections of the respiratory orgnus ; no condition giirsrise to more latat uialadies than a " Simple Cold." Thufirst rymptoms may alvviiya be removed by these renownedI'ills, as the-/ quickly remedy the sta^untiou uf bloo.1,moderate tbe hurried broalbiug, sud enable tho wiod-ptpoAnd lungs to lhiiforin their (unctions w ith ease and rrgu-larily. They II I BO , by tbi- ir purify ing prupcrtitrs, CI CIDJO tbobluod Irom nil iuj|iurilit ~< ,aiid thus torli ly the system atfaiuslCousumpliuii , Aistbuia , ..tid otbtrr puluiuunry complaiuls.

DBU ILIIV , LOS or AH'tum, IU AUACUB , A» DLowMiss i.y SpiBlTa. — 'l'l.ioe 1'liU will , iu a tew Jjy3>ell'ect a trul y tvouderlul chauge iu Debilttulid Constitutions(no matter thi-ir txcit;n^ cause), ai they create t healthyapp.titr, cornet iudigt-stioil, rtiuoTe enw« of bile, over-turne giddiness, coulustun , sick headache, and nil thosegloomy forebodings ariniug trow a bad slomucb or d.tforderrddigeation.

'Inx ilEUicisz VOB FEMALES , louiiG ABD OLD.—For oveicomiu^ all obdlructiouH , aud rvstuneg suspeu.ledsecrettous, lbei« i* uo uifdicine to be curopiired tu tbrse-l'i!U. UiiiT«i sall y a-lupletl iu tbe one grand remedy furFemale Cumpla.uts , tbe>e 1'illn cacnot fail they strengthenthe HysteuJ , aud always bring about what ts rrquirtd. Tu(eainle* cnteriog into wumauboud, or at the turu ut hli-,they are invaluable , being a perieci HtlcKUdnl igaiuttdropsy, headaches, pal pitation ol tha heart , uud all uervousaffections often distressing at those periuds.

C'OMPLAISTB IBCIDBIIIIL io CHILDREH .— Wboopingcough, rueasles, scarlaiina , levers , and all diseases ol tbaskin , may ba immediately checked, aud *oon cured, by thesupunlyiug Pills. No mother should be without them. Onetwo, or threo [reduced to powder], may be given uigbtl ywith the certainty ol doiugguod. '

N EBTODS DISORVEKS .—Any derangement of tbe nerves ,affects disastrootly both the body aod tbe miud. To tbonervous invalid these Pills are of vital necessity, as theyimpart tone and vi gour to the iuteroal organs, aad conse-quently to tbe neivoos system which pervades and conuectathem. Hence their maivelluns cures of hysteria, luw spirits,spasms, fits, nervous twitchinge, and other kindred com-plaint*.Bolloway't Pitts are tke best remedy known in tie uorld

for thefollowinj .dUoant;Ajue Fevers of all Scrofula, or King's EvilAv.bma kinds Sore ThroatsBillions com- Gout Stone aad

plainta Head-ache GravelBlotches on Iudigeslion Secondary Symptoms

the Skin Liver com- Tic DoulemeoiBowel Cum plaints Ulcers.

plainta Luml/ gu Venereal AffectionsDebility l'ilea Worms of all kindsDrop3y Rheumatism Weakueu, IroiuFemale lrregn- Retention of whatever cause,

lariticj Urine Sec, ic.The PilU and Ointmtnt are Said at ProleuorlloLLOWAt's

eBtablisbmenl , 633 Oxfoid-street , Londou ; also by nearlyevery respectable Vendor of Mediums throughout thacivil ized world , in bolts »ud Pots at la. lid., 2s. 9J, 43, 6d.,lls., 22s., aod 83s. each. Tbe smallest Box ot PilU cuntaintfour dozen ; and the smallest Pot of Oiutuient ooo ounce.

N.B.—Full-priuted directiuns ore Hffixed lo each b»x andpot, and can bo had in any langu*ge,evtu in Tntkisb, Arabic,Armenian , Persian , or Cuiuete.



Tho Turkish Bath is prononnoed by the highestMedical authoritieo, and by tbe many thoasands whohave need it, to be the -very best remedy in existence,for tbe prerention sod cure of disease, and for tbopreaerration of hefclth. M7,




MORTGAGEE'S SALE.To Corn or Butter Merchants, nrnl Cabinet Makers.


r \^O VK SOLD by VUBLIC AUCTION, on SA-JL TUUUAV , 2nd OCTOBER , 1875, at 2 o'Clook

ia llio Afternoon, on llio 1'remisos, QUEEN-ST REETWATERFORU,

Tho LARGE STOKE, containing Six Stories ;A HACK ONE adjoining, containing Four Sroroyi,Anil a KOUR-STOUEY DWELLlNU-UOUSb nud

YARD adjoining.Tho Uouso contains Parlour, Drawing-room, FITP

Bod-rooms, Kitchen, 4c.Tho l'romiaos, which moaeuro to tho North (Qaoon

Street) 15 feot, 2 iaches j to tbo South, 41 feot, 3 in.;to tho East, 83 feet 4 inchO3, and to the West, 80 ft.,nro hold under tho Municipal Corporation of Water,ford, under Lenso dated Gth October, 1878, lor 75years, from 25th March, 1S72 , at tho Yoarly Rent of.£61 12s., pajftblo on ovcry 25th March and 29thSeptombor.

Tho entire Premises woro Into in poaeosaion of Mr.CKOKUX DK.UO.V. Tho Poor-law Valuation i3 Io6iiumodiato poitseasiou will bo given. •

For iurthor particulars as to Title, Conditiona orSale., Ac, npply to

1'ElllSB KELLY, Solicitor for Mortgogee*,-', Liitlo Gcorgo'a-Btrcct , Wutorford.

THOMAS WALSU <fc SON, Auctioneers.Tho Mall , Watcrford.

Srptoinlivr l!3rd. 1875. s2l"2t


1'ASTUliK and AUAliLE FARM , with R ESIDMCK ,immcdiatuly adjoining tho Towu of TbomnBtovrn,County Kilkenny.

TUB Owner , purposing to reside near Dublin, wildi»poeo ot his Interest in tho above Farm. It

contains 15UncriM Jri th , and U held under an nncon-tliiioual leaso for Gl yearn, tinting from tho lot N OT.Jbi' Tho land is in priruo condition. Tho Dwell-ing .home, with walled-in Garden, is commodious,rvull situated ubovo tho town , sheltured by trees, andin every tCDSO lit for a respectable family. Tho Out.offices aro suitable to tho requirements of the farm.All aro in perfect order, »ud require no outlay, " theproeeut owner baa only quite recently determined ondisposing «f •'"» Interest.

There is ubuudiinco ol labour to bo had at all sea-BOUB in tliu town , and tho railway station to Water-ford ami Kilkenny is distaut only aboat 5 minuteswalk. It would bo difficult to lind iu Ireland a farmin oT-ory way so conveniently situated.

About 37 acrvs of tho outly ing part aro sot to twosolvent yearlv tenants. Another comfortable dwell-ing-liouso oil the land , willi large , walled-iu fruitg.nlen , anil about :l:icros ,ai-o set to tbo parish prieat.All brine in a profit rout. There are alao 6orao emailtenements.

IWessiou of the entire, fioo of all olairos, can bohad on the 1st d:iy of November next. It

V i.i i l y to J' O'Di> .vov.\.v, Abbeyriuw , Thomastown ;.,r u Mr. T. CUAl 'LlN , Auctioneer, Kilkeiiuy


" K 1 1, 1.0 U G H K V. "KILLOUCHKY i-i a dark Ulu -stunt Horse , IS

hands II inches I H'K'', wirh good bomi anil mus-

cular power, friw h .mil MIU III I. Ho was got by" Hiindv ," own brother of " H.iron ;" his daro " May( i i i I ," by " Watt 's lllacklotk." Sue Stud Uook andRacing t 'ali'iuliir as to performances.

Further particulars , with pe-d^reo, can bo bid onapp lication to TIIOJIAS CI. I.LK.N, lSullyorano, Castle-bridge , \Vexforil .




in tht Mutter of the Es tate of an arrang inj Dtltor.Important Sale by Auction of Stock»

Amounting to about , £-i\\\ 4i. Sd.—viz. :LOT 1—Clover , Turnip, Grass, Cabbage,

and other Seed*,... ... £211 18 10Lor 2— .Manure*, . . . ... <J!» 3 2LOT 3—A gricultural audothor Implements 117 2 8

£131 4 8

TO UK SOLI) by AUCTION on FRIDAY , tho 8thOCTOlir;!!, 1S7."I , at VI o'Clock precisely (by

i.nW <>f il> " court) on the Debtor's Premises, situateAT NOS. 5 and 6. LITTLK UEOKOE'S-STREET,

WATKKFOUD ,Tho nbovo STOCK-1N-T11ADE, which has been caro.full y selected aud purchased from tho beat parties inthe Trades.

See fosters. All will ) >n Sold in Lots to suit pur.ohasers. Terms, Cash.

S i l l JAMES MAC 'KKV, Trustee,Westmorelaud-streot , Dublin.

LUCIUS 11. DEE1UNU , Eaij., OHieial Assigueo311, Upper Orinord Quay, Dublin.

M ESSRS . LA11K1N & CO., Solicitors foren-duo™ , Damo street , Dnbliu.

JOSEl'lI A. WALSH , Auctioneer.Waterford, b'eptcmbcr 2Utli , 1S75. ol.H


JO.SKl'H ULAMl'KTl1,.4if(i>iiic.T '( ¦••( Va l u- i l - r , i/««»•.• "»c.l i.uml /l yt i i f .


Whyro all ontcis arts punctuall y nlteuded to, nullCIiKjds taken in Iwr Sale.

F O R S A L E ,

AVKKY HAXO .SOMK CUli J 'O N Y , about 13

hands ; bultliss to riile <ir drivo j also, Trap,Jl.irix.Bs, Saddle, Ac. A pjily at Ollicc of this Paper.

OLD OATS.A I K W 1 1 U X D 1 1 K 1 ) HAH11KLS of I'rimo OLD

li l .A C K OATH (for Sale , at Messrs. COLK &I* I ; H ~ M ' J I :'M Ollicf , Xew i ,'ii:iy. Sampled wil l !»-• ahoivnsmil price nann-i l by M. O'"( i i n ; M A \ . slO-tf

Auctioneer and Valuator.

f I VI E uiidi .Tfif iM -i l lwj ;s to iiif'nni his numerous_|_ Kriei. il>; •mil tho Public at hir^v, that he haa

CMIliiK 'ni '1 '1 Hi i - i "i- .-- n^ Aucti 'mei-r and (jenera lY :iluat ( >l* in a'hlil inn l < » his <itln * r llusinei;y.

l- 'nr tl.o CJtiveiiiiNice of Jfc.-Mi -ij t s in the Countryw i - h i « K l" dispose c- 1 thrir Propmty in TuA'M , he haaJ.::i ' ;>l up J'is lii i 'u imd r'tiiiinoilious pretnii-es inUri 'li'u-i-trctt (sidjiiinin^ I

ho Cattle ilarki't , Iiall y.l u i ' kenj, Mutable lbr llorsi.s, Cattle, Machinery, anda'l'iuisi'lo etpjctu.

Alan Ihu e.\ti:ti!-ive Waritbou>i: in Thomas-street lorl"ur:iitur i .', and all insido t ;tK- ct *.

J-'niT.iture rcmiivrd under personal supervision atiiiTinimly low pliers. Trum his uxtensivi ) cotiuccliouw i s h * residents in Town and Cuonly, and by htrictii t l i ' i 'liou to busine.-s , he hi.p'-s ID im rit a share ofiiubliu support. Piii tnpt Ffllh -tiifiii and security if{•....p ^reil. W I L L I A M W10HTMAK.

July ] tu ~> < Thomas-Blreel , Waterford.


OUR JlAKKfcTS THIS WKKK.liv TTKI 1..—The supply thi"«wk was fair , with a little

itn' .pivcmi'nt in iiunlity. I t i" (fcncrallj- tlioii^'lit lli.itf.n!' :md mouth .li-ea-i- lia-i IM-1 ?ometiti» to do ill injur-in-' tho i inal itv 'if imr buttiT fur the past two month*.Prime firsts M >M ut i:W< tn i:i'!s ; wimo mihl saltc-I fromMi ^-r-i . Power , Uarnm , an-1 lliill y, l.rounht V*) *. to 15i«.

WIIKAT .Supply lar^'f, lull ) |iiulity and i.onditiononlv midiliiu).'. I'ri'me White Wheat sold at '1U. ti» t:, *.;),,..'t red, 'S M . to iSK :M- : .-"ft , »r infurmr, :Ms. tn 21s.K-inm-r-'nri! eoinplainini: »f tin: l»w prices pay ing-, ImtW

'I - lliirk unlesv the. i |imlity and eonditimi improve from

w h i t t hoy urrat present , no advance ran take j'luee.Ki.rcinn \Vhi-a l »t L''>». t" -'s- 's :l L-htiip, cnnsiderini,'the condition of it. . .

ijvrs —TV •¦i''l'l'I .v W11" '"'•'" ll"s ww'Ic - I rici -'H,.i,,-,,rd in th" early |

'-:irl uf Hi" wi:i-k at 11s. lid. to 11s.<i.| ami to-day l i-< M u> 1J- . :M. «a- freely i«id , onn..;'onnl of tli.- "s«aircity ..r it iii our niiirkrt.

IlMit.KV — Maltin«, \r». t» I / - - : B"ndiiuf, l l s. ( KI. to

15lsniAS O.HN 'lull at los. t" lH-i. M.jt l( -(,s.—(j(wl demand fur \Vati:rford 15:icon at 8..S,

f o.l> . li^o" 1'ips eomiiis down as reason »lvance»,

Vrii-i; to-day (i-'ts . per cwt.C 'l M H — CoaN down , (o-day, U> lSs. per ton.yV'-H —Soli- this wok , nu'Oi'vl the extraordinarily

liiL-h' pr'i'-e of Is. Sd. f.r II,. On Wtilnceday it wan downt» Is. 1-1.. and to-diiy 1 H . per 1b.

Tut Ui.vnu SiurriMi COMI 'A N V .—H UB companyLas K«t »P c*cell(!l11 no* «ffices on thu yunJ"> corucrof KujBOr'a-Hlrcct. The work w..s executed withgreat toste and ataliility by Mr. John llearne, con.trader, II«nrio t ta-Htaet.

Coals oro nelling to-day, ex-shi p, at l«i. por Bing lo(on. I" ((uautity, ICBR .


What is the iilureil of " Daddy LODB IOKS" ?K IJOHI US E !— VOT the TEETH uud D KBATII .—A

fmvdious of the liquiJ FloriUiu, , «piiukli-d oa » wet looth

bru-h produces a l>l««»" la'li*r, w U i c i tii..ruuf blr dcimsM

tuc • 'c.- u liuni all P ir..-i'« •" iu'l-unHt. . ImrJen, the gurn.,llu. ic' iu • ,,oD< ,1,,. „-, K i » . « to tU Teeth * peculiar

PT hi"" ' IZ d'lVl -Hu l lr«r .-w lo tbt Wctli.j r /mov «U ul/p i-..t o l.,ur ur i- ine from d«c.jcd IbcU

[ »^o smote. The Fmirani F online being coinpoudOr5" MJ - !.«!¦• . h. driieioni to ibe tMto

F H' ,',• i

°n-t' T..ilft .litrove.}- ol the »Rr. I'ricr. Sa. M

$ all Ube'.»'

'f ""J IVH«u.« . . l'.rp«cd b, II. C. OAU.OJP

*93 Oxford Slretrt , LoBdoD.



TO HE LET, in MAIN-STKEET, TBAMOHE, thoTory excellent HOTEL now , and for many

yenra pant , in possossion of Mrs. KAVANAOH , whero olnrgo and prolitablo Business has boon transaotod,and is to bo Lot for tho solo reason that tho Pro-prietress is unablo to doTOte sufficiout attention toitBmanagomort, owing to her other engagements at thoGreat llotol.

Tho Uouso is iu excellent condition, not requiringone penny outlay, and baa all tho requisites fsr aoomfortablo Hotel, admirably recommending itself toone desirous of entering upon a profitablo trade, witha good connection already roado. Tbo llotol is atpresent Licensed, and tho basiuosa carried ou asusual. To parties wishing to obtain a llotol, SOruro nn opportunity seldom prosenta itsolf.

For further partieulara apply to Mrs. KivAMAon ,Great llotol ; or to Mrs. HontoN, Patrick-stroot, Tra-mum alOtf.



Dining Koom, Drawing Boom, 26 x 16 feet ; foureicollont Bod rooms, Dressing l{oonj ,Servant8' Boom,and two Attics, Ac.

Also, No. 4, J3KLLEVUE TERKACE, containingDining Hoom and Drawing Room, 18 x 18 fcot each ;four Bedrooms, two Attics, and two W.Ca.

Apply to JOHN WAHK 14.tfTramore, 1st Juno, 1875. 1, Bollovuo Terrace.

TO BE LET, from 29th Inst.,

A STOKE on tto QUAY, epposito the GlasgowSteamers ; vury Buitablo for Shippers of goods.

Commodious Offices attached.App ly to T. P. KEILY, 9, Georgo's-stroot.

Soptombor 1st.

T R A M O R E .fjp o BE LET, by the Month or SeasoD, at modorotoJL Hunts, several comfortably famished HOUSES,

nt, D0NERA1LE l'LACE, TRAMOKE, with a goodsnpply of water, and Stabling, if required.

Also, Three Houses at I'A LACK SQUAHK , famishedor unfurnished.

Apply to ilrs. RIA .V, Strand street, Tromoro.

TO CAPITALISTS.TO BE LET by the Year, or Interest Sold.

EOnit largo and comfortably furnished DwolliogUOUsKS, bituatod iu tho oentro of QUEEN-

S'"REET, TRAMOKE. They aro fit for immediatem<-.npation. i'or particulars apply to JU ISI P/ IKLAN,1) , Queeu-strcet , Tramore.

TO BE LET,fl^Il E I/AMt i K STOKES nt KI .NU -STUEKT, K I L K K .INT ,JL with comlortablo Itoaidt'iice thereon. ThoseStores arc uear tho Market. Thero oro Four Floors,measuring SO feet by » 1 ; ull in thorough repair ;Kent about X-0. Apply to It. UfSSK , Koso lun-slroet ,Kilkenny. jy9.


T O B E L E T ,|7*OU such term aa may be a|prccd on , the MANSIONX! Htjust : and DEMKNUE of TAL1J0T HALL ,situate within one mile of .New Ku.s.s, in tho County ofWuxford, eoutaiuiug about GU Acred Statute MeasureThe House is in capital order, and tliero is a food Uar.don, with two Gate Lodges, > e.

Apply to CllKISTOl 'HLR TAL1IOT K EUISOTOX , Esq.,Ivilcuruau, Ontimiore ; Air. VKSEV DALV , Solicitor, J2Dainc-strect , Dublin ; or to Messrs KinvAUD C'AUK andSON, Solieitorn , New Kos*, and J , Collcue-grccn, Dublin.


COMMISSION AGENCY.\ GEN'TLEltAN nith nu old aud Urst-cluBs con-11. necliou , is open to a Commission with a goodHouse iu tho Corn aud Provision Trade, for the Eng-lish EaHtcru Couutios. First-class references.

Address II. K I U U L K , Esq., Chapel Fiold Road, Nor.wicb. sa4-2t

Licensing Acts, 1872 and 1874

SIRS—Tako Notico tbat I will apply at tbo nextGeneral Quarter Sosaious of tho Peaco, to bo

boldon at Duugarran, iu tho County of Waterford, ontbo iifth day of October, 1875, to obtain a LICK -SSKfor thu Sale of Beer and Spirits by Retail , to bo con-aumed in the House where sold, for my House, situateou tho North side of tho Main-street , in tho Townand Parish of Dungarvao , Barony of Decies WithoutDrum, und County of W'uterl'ord ; and that I willpropose Messrs. J OHN W I L L I A M S and J O I I X LTNCII ,both of tbo JIuiu.street, in tbu Town of Dungarran,SbopkeeperR, nnd both Householders in 6aid Couuty ,to bo my sureties. MARY CLEA11Y, Applicant

^To Win. J. Deuuehy, Esy., Clerk of tho Peace fcrbuid County ; Oliver Milling, Esq., Sub-inspec-tor ; Sir J. Nugent iiuuiblo, Uurt., and 11. E.Redmond, Esq., R.M., two Dearest magis-trates , aud to nil whom it may coucoro.

D. F. SLATTERY, Solicitor, Dunifarvan.

Public Notice for a Spirit LicenBe


rpAKK NO'LIGE, that 1 will uppply at theJL next Ciuucrnl Quarter Scxbions of the l'cacc to be

bullion at Dunfarvan, in tho County of Waterford, onthe lSUi day of October, 1B75, to obtain a LtCENSE forthe Sale of Beer and Spirits by Retail, to be consumedin the House where sold, for my House, situated on thoNorth side of the road, iu the Townland of Bullygambon,Parish of Whiteehureh , .Barony of Decies WithoutDrum, ttud County of Waterford.

Dated thin "Jiud day of September, 1875.JAMES FLYNN , Applicant.

To all whom it may concern.

NOTICE.SIRS—Take Xoticc, tliat 1 will apply at, the

next Cieneral Quarter .Seshious of the Peace to beholdcn at Duiifarvan , in the County of Waterford, onthe 18th day of October, 1875, to obtain a LICKN .SK torthe Sale of liter and Spirits liy Kctuil , to be consumedin the house where sold for my house, Mtuiilcd on theNorth side of lihickiiool-street in the to«n of Diuijjur-van , l'ari.'rh of 1>II » ';I.I*VU ]I Uaruny of iJceies AVithontdrum und County of Waterford; and that 1 will proposeMr. J O H N K. (.' 'Ji 'HKi: , of liolicnud , Dun^arvmi ,imd Mr.JuiiN LYNCH , of Duii|;u.rvun , hotli Househol-ders in suid County, to lie my .Sureties.

Dated this lUth day of Septeinber, lSTo.DAVID 1JUY1.K Applicant.

TU W M . .Ions D K N N K U Y , K»j , Clerk of the Peace for.s:iid County. Oliver Millin -,-, K M (., .Sub-liispeelor ;Sir John Nujj< tiL lluiiible , B:irt, Henry K. KeiliiiomiKs'i., two Nearest MiiL'islratos..

Supreme Court of VictoriaiIlltlTlSH COLUMBIA ,


liy idreclioiiK of tlio Itegiatn ir of Uio aliovo Court ,dated the lblh uf Auyuat , 1875, tho Next of Kin oftho abovc-iinnied deceased, formerly resident iu thoCounty jt Wuiurfurd (exact locality uukuown), andwho died in Bntish Columbia iu tho month of Octo-ber, Ib7-1, Intestate, are requested to furuish parti-culars (in writiug) of their relationship, to tho Uu-deisi gned Solicitors fur C'IIAIU .KS K I I W A K D 1'UOLEY ,OQiciul Administrator for said Colony.

Dated this 27th day of September, 1S75.M. & T. DELANDKE , Solicitotslor said Admiuisrrator, Walurfoid.

To all whom it mny couceru. It,



WINTKU KKSSION 1875-fi.UTic Hospital is Visited Daily ut Nine o'Clook, A.M .

T11K Hospital is connected (liy Aledieal O(lieers)with leadiiig Mcdiial School*, which are situated

in its immediate vicinity.Medical und Surgical Clinical Lectures will t>c (,'ivcn

twin: a Week , and Operations, admitting of. delay, willbe performed on Fridays , at III :W A.M .

At the be iiii iiii K i'l em-h Winter and Summer Sen.niou two Resident Pupils will lieneleeted by ComjictitivcEiuiuiuation.

At the cud of the Winter Sewon nl«o the Kxaminationwill he held for the Prizes in Clinical Medicine mid Snr.Kery. A pnrtion of all these Examinations will bo con-dnetod at the beilside.

PHYSICIANS.FIIAN '.IS J. 11 QH 1N1.AN , ll.A , M.D , Triu. Coll., Dub.,

L (IC A; Oj C P, Li t C.S J , l'tolvf imr of Mutcria Mcdi-i:sil (,'utholie Cniversity ; one of the Medical OIIiccrnof the Government Prisons ; late ElumiiieriiiMateriaMedicu , O.ue''n's University.

KOIIKKT CIIYAN , F (K «t 1(1 CP, L K C S I , Mil l A ,Professor of Aiiutomy nnd 1'liyi-ioloiry, CutholieUniversity.

SURGEONS.EUWAUD D. MAl 'OTHKK , M D, Fellow, Professor of

Anatomy and Physiology, and Member of Council ,Royal College of Surgeons ; late Examiner in Surgery,Queen's University.

WILLIAM H. O'LXAK T, M P, Fellow and hxaminorKoy&l Collogo of Surfcons, Ireland ; late Lecturer ouAnatomy and Physiology, Ledwich School of Medi-

Htir 'jeon Doifisl—WILLIAM J.DOHKKTY, L.D.S.R.C.S-K.^liot/iecary—CiimtiTOi'iiKK T. BOI ND , L.A.H.I.

TERMS OF A'JTKNDANCK.Winter nnd iSnmmer ScKsions , Eight Guineas ; Win-

ter Session, Six Guinciis ; Summer Session, ThreeGniuca*.

Peri>etual Pupiln, Twenty Guineas.I*ructical Instruction in Compounding Medicines wil)

be given in the Pharmacy of the Hospiuit.Further particulars may he learned on application to

Dr. QuiNl-A.v, 2<J Lower Fitzwillium-Ktrcut; Dr. M AI'O-TIIEU , 18 Mcrrion B'niare, North ; Dr. O'LEAKY , M.I 1.,38 Yorlc-Htrect : Dr. CKYAN , 51 Rutland mjuarc, We«t ;or at the Hospital. ol ,4t



TURK REPOSITORY, MORGAN STREET,Waterford , for different Ownors, a l&rgo andvaried assortment of

"j mUUNITUItE, HORSES, CBOYDENS, 4c.JC Salo at 12 o'Clook.

JOHN FENDER, Auctioneer

ON THURSDAY, OCT. 7th,At TRAMORE, for Mr. BKOTO, who bus

gold the Houso, tbo entireHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other

Effects. Suln at 12 o'Clock.

ON MONDAY, OCT. 11th,At LAKEV1EW, Co. Watorford, for FRANCIBKNOX, Esq., who is going to rosido in Dublinfor the winter,

C Highly-bred In-calf DAIRY COWS;1 StroDg COB HORSE ;HARNESS, CROYDEN, &o.2 well-bred SOWS in young ;O H i gbly-bred CALVES;1 Riok of UAY ;2 Acros of TURNirS ;A few Tons of POTATOES;And Bomo Sundries.

J. P. would direct at ton tiou to tbig Salo, astho Cows are cuporior, and eome ou tb*point of Calring.

Sale at 12 o'Clock.

JOHN PENDEll, Auclioucor


W I N T E R G O O D S 1

MR. & MRS. KELLYBog to announce thoir Roturo from

PARIS AND LONDON,Whoro they hato mado


MOST EASHIONABLE GOODSFor tbo Soason , in orory Dopartmout , and which

they will ofler for SaloOn ami from OCTOBER 1st, 1875.

W. KELLY,«55" 75 , Q U A Y, WA 'l'Ell t ' O H D .


(g£J" WASTKU —A pprentices to the Millinery andDress-Making.



(Successor to W. Lander).

Mil. O'REILLY bega to inform tbo Nobility,

Gentry, aud Public of tho County and adjo n-ing Counties that Business is RE SUMED in tboaboreold-established Factory. A largo rariety of Carriagos,Cars, Croydons, ite., on hands, und overy descriptionof Carriage, Cars, &c., will bo found equal to Dublinor London built sllt.tftUT Ropairs dono in snporior stylo at Low Prices.


M A T T H EW H.U N TBegs rospeotfull y to intimate to the Pablio generally

that having, within tho past few months, mndoEXTENSIVE ALTEKATIONS AND IM-

PROVEMENTS in the above Establishment,(rendered uccesBury by hia iucrcaaing business), ho hasmuch greater facilities than heretofore for the execu-tion of all orders entrusted to him , which shall alwaysrcccivo his beat aud careful attention , with duo regardto ptomptitudo, effic iency, and a MODKKATE SCALEof CiiAKCiKH.

CONTRACTS for IJUILDINO and HOUSE RErAiitH en.tcrcd into, and uvoty description ot

CARPENTRY and JOINERY WORKcarried out. Plans and Specifications furnished.

Ucresford street, Watcrt'ord, July 17, 1875. icly *


Iu returning tbauka to bis Customers and Friends fopast luToro , begs to inform them that, in conse-quence of thu RAl 'lll INCREASE in his

WINE TRADE, ho lias found it, necessaryto moku arrangements for

DIRECT SHIPMENTFrom the leading Growers. The various Vintages will,therefore, in future bo Inii>qrtcd in WOOD , and Bottledunder hiu immediate supervision , thug enabling him toguarantee their purit y and offer upccial advantages asto (Quality and Price.

He alBO respectfully asks a trial from thoso who havenot previously bought from him, which he is certainwill load to future orders, us ho can with confidence saythat while each Wino is of tho highest class, his Priceswill bo found to compare favourably with thoso of anyother first class housn in thn Triiiln.

TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEE, SPICES, Ac,and all other urticlos connected with the GROCERYTKADE , supplied , of best <iuulity and at most modo-rate prices. j cl8.3mj


BEG to ititorm their Irienus and I ho public thatthey have cominuuced businos iu the

WHOLESALE W I N K A N D SPIRIT TRADEand having procured a largo and varied assortiiient oftho tiuestbrauds ol O LD \Y M I S K K V .«, W I N K S , und IJ KA .N .Diy .s, ou .•iiJvauluyooua terms, they uro uoiv pro-pared to execute auy orders entrusted to them.

Tho selection and bottling ol H'nie.s and Jiruudieswill bo coaducted under ihu supervision of carefu lund experienced m«ti.

in Whiskeys uouu but thu-io of the beat Irishmakers will bo kepL in stuck , and thoy guarauttu totheir customers a puro irish Spiritj l reclioiu auy blondof " Silent Scutch Whiskey," now so much in uso bywholesale dealers, and which is fat>l destroy ing tboreputation of our Irish distilleries.

Tbo most complete arrangements havo bocn madofor carrying on u hig h-clusu trudo iu yooda of » su-perior description j and by euro und atteutiou thuybopo to merit a share of public favor.

Tbo most Liberal Terms allowed to tbo Trade.Q $° A TJIIAL UOLICirKJ ) .


Aug. ^Otb , 1B75. tf


EDWARD'S CONCENTRATED SPECIFICSThese npecifies are being extensively employed with

signal KtiuccriK , and if used in time they will prove efEea-eiouh for curing tbo <liw;inc , now HO prcvuleut.

Sold iu bottles sullicient for one animal at Is. each.AI BO in lurgcr-rizcd bottles , and by the gallon, with fulldirection* lor line.

Sole Wholesale Acents—JJOILKAU AND iiOYD,

Wholesale DnigprintK.VI DRIDK-STKEET, DUBLIN. »10-Ct



W I L L I A M P O W E RBcga refpectfull y to intimate to his Friends and tho

Public generally, that he bunNOW OPEN , the abovo STORES, whero ho hopes,

by Btrict uueutiou to business, and keepingtho very BEST WINES and SPIRITS merit aelipro of patronage.

IIOI'SKKKE I 'KHS will find it their interest to patron ,iso tho above utabli abmcnt.

f } ' Plcust observe tho uddreB S:No. 86 THE yUAY,

(Corner o/ Conduit Lane),f?8 WATEllFOllD.

S H I R T S-(Fit Warranted)

SHIRTS AND COLLARS mado to moasnro in asuperior manner.

f £ S " To meet urgent requirements, wo are at alltiroes provided with Leading Sizes, ready for imme.diste UBO.


Worth y or vpicial attention—Our FINE WHITESHIRTS, MILITARY FRONTS aud CUFFS, 3Us.per Hall Dozen.

Patterns aud lufctrLCtion s for Sulf-Mcusurcmcnt onapplication.

V . T 0 li I N & S O N S ,Shirl 'AlakcTs and, llusici t; Indian ,y Cvlonial Outfitter!.



jiN AiD orTUE ?.It!c.S. BOARD OP GUARDIANS-SATURI JTHUNDS FOB THE SUPPORT J . Mr. H. W. BRISCOE in tho chair, i-*• o? waa infec- Also present—MossrH. Clement Sadleir, J1

THE SISTER Q ftP CHARITY I took tho Thoman Lalor, D.L., John Richardson, P. PhcWill hl mJ? fTv f f Tn? h • ?h« T!tT ? »mPhor ^d Bewbo^gh, Thomas B. Wilson, J .P.,Will be mado at the different Cbnrohes ia tho City jt that my Browno, John Sh(i, and Picrso Hcncbcry

ON SUNDA Y, tin 10th of OCTOBER, Inst. od that cs- O'Eyan, medical officer.*T-j- r>~.. r iL v i ii _ A _:n> 03 it may SMTB or THE HOOSE.—Rcni.uDing- »t List ropor«5B" DONATIONS from thoso who cannot attend will^V * admitted during wcok, 10 j dischnrA 13 ; born, 0bo reoeived by the Most Eer. Dr. POWER , the ClorgJ . .A remaining on above dnto, 212 ; at tbosamo pcri<

of tho City, aDd »t tbo Content, Lady lane. 2t , ,BbB0Sbo ^^d^ ^/ ioit™^;7^,coet of protUiom. io.. rewired, £23 153. (kl. ; <lo.rNEER. £!X> 12s. 3d.j balance ngninst tbo onion, £1.17712a. Si

arerngo cost, 2s. 6d. ; infirm«ry ditto, St. td. jpital, 78. lOd.; No. ou out uoor-relicr, 150 ; cost, 13 5

ftTJ Ti'AT' R A P P A T NS t ¦ .An old mun named Cooko appeared for adVxttHiiH UAK^AIIN & I Utroot.- Tho Rolioving Officer informed tho board th.extremely can t wna from tho Clonmol onion district.Story of n mnn : You must go to Cloomel ; wo cannot ndCrTi IT! AT "RAT^P A T~\TQ 1

our obtvp " hcro> Bcfuscd. Jlichaol Morrissoy and a fe\ -L*lJ^ tj O.X XJl\. i\\TJ\±±M KJ • imtncncod app licants of tho ordinary typo wero admittsent , piirt out any discussion,akespcro. Thoro wns DO application for oafc-door relio°»° b°no- THE LATE SUIIOEN DEATH . — Tho Local, and tho ment Board acknowledged tho rccoipt of tl:xtremely dians' minutes of tho 4th inst., containing a

By Telegram we bare been advised of tho 3t atlrae * of a report from tho ma6tor, stating that nnman namod Bridget Walsh , recommended t










WEDNESDA Y Next, 29th Inst



• 5 J - L A R G E D I S C O U N T



CLEAll A L L O F F Q U I C K L Y ,




M. POWER & SONS,|fc>- 2 AND 3, B 11 0 A D - S T R E E T

B.2 t



ST. GEORGE FUIEMAN , Esq., Chairman.The IU. Rov. Dr. Day, Bishop \T. G. D. Goff , Esq.

of Caflhel and Watcrford. Edward Garnctt , EsqThe Rt. Rev. Dr. Power, lt.C. Very Rev Dean Hoaro

Bifhop of Watcrford. Dr. Georgo Mackcsy.C. N. Bolton, Esq. H. Ridgway, ERII -Dr. Cavet. Dr. Scott.Henry Denny, Esq. J. A. Tobin, Esq.Rov. J. DeHeniy. G. Walpolo, EBO .Dr. Elliott. Henry Whito , Esq.W. H. Fonnessy , KHq. J. N. White , Ksii.William Gallwcy, Esq.

J. N. WHITE , rsq., Hon. SccrcUryand Treasurer.


Comprises Freehand, Model and Elementary Draw-iii|f, Fainting in Oil and Water Colonrs , ArchitecturalDrawing, Modollint;. Artistic Anatomy, and Class Lcc-liiren on Practical (jcometry and l'erxpcetive.

HOURS OF A'lTENDAN'CE AND FEES.MOKNINO CI.AHKKK (Monday, Wednesday , anil Friday),

from 11 till 2, Ono Guinea per Session of Five Months.K VKNISO CI.ASSKK , (Monday , Wedncmlny, and Fri-

day), from half-past 6 till !>, life, f ir], jjer Scsion.Two SKSSIONS EACH Y EAH .—First Session to com-

mence 1st of October. FCCH for Goveruossos at MorningClasRCB , 10H . Gd. Reduced fecK for Famlic^ and Schools.

d&fij" All FCCH payablo in advance. (ol.2t


second baud.Apply to X. Y. Z, office of this papor. s21 It



MANUFACTORY,49 & 50 KING STREET (opposito Provincial Bank).


In a manner that will not, we feel confident , fail togivo satisfaction,


S A M EH , at Vricetiii Tht Nttet Printed List, which aty\«t hull on ui'plicatian.

To Wholesale and Family Grocers, Tea. Wineand Spirit Merchants-

Alloit rospectablo Young Man, of eight years'

experience, at the nbovo bupinoea, is now openlor an angagemont. Cau Rivo first-chinu disobargcafor honesty nnd sobriety ; uudertsandi mii'Dg ofTons and refiniog of Wine, ifcc. Address, " iGrocer,"office of tbid l'upor, for four duye. ol.

Tkre8hing Machine for Sale

A First-class Three-Horso T1IRK3HING MA.CHINE, by RA.VSOMCS and SIMS, in perfect

workiug ordor. App ly to TnoiMs W. CONDON,Iraplo.meut Workf, Waterford.


SUPPLIEsTwANTED.TI1E Guardians of tho abovo Union will, at thoir

Meeting to bo held on TUESDAY, tbe> 12tb dayof OCTOBER, 1875, receive Proposals for Supplyingthe Workhouso with :

BEST BEEF, without bono, at per 1b j HOUNDSwithout Laps, at por Ib. ; BEST MDTTON, nt per lb tBEEF HEADS, not less than 201b each j HOUGHS ,,not IOHB than lGIb oaeb j Uest POBK, at por Ib.

Sealed Tenders, addressed to tho Chairman , will borceeivod by mo up to Twelve o'Clock on tho above-mentioned day. Contractor mast name ttro solventSureties.—By order,

WM. HUNT, Clerk of Union.Clork'e OQAco, 29th Sept., 1875. ol.2t

KILKENNY UNION.THE Board of Guarclimw will , up to 12 o'Clock ou

THURSDAY next, tho 7th OCTOUEll , rocoivoTenders for

30 TONS of Best SECONDS or Dost HAKEK'SFLOUR , at per Suok , on which tho usual bag moneyis to be allowed.—By order,

il. M0L0NE Y, Clerk of Union.Boatd Room, 30th fiopt., 1875. \t

fI"he Sonthern and Waterford and LimerickRailway Companies.

AT a mooting of tho Local Shareholders of the

Southern Railway Company,' and of tho Land-owners along tbo Lino, hold at FETIIARD (CountyTipperary), ou SATUKDAY , the 25th September, 1875,pursuant to a Notice, of whioh tbo following is acopy :—

" 20th September, 1875.*•' We, tho undersigned, roquost a meeting of tho

Shareholders and Landowners on and in the vicinity oftho Jino of tho Southorn Railway Company, to bo heldat tho Commissioners' Koom, Court-Houec, 1'ethard, onSaturday next, tho 25th Soptcmbor, 1875, at tho hour oftwolvo o'clock noon, for tho purpoao of taking into con-sideration ' the present position of and unsatisfactoryrelationship which for a considerable timo has existedbotween tho Southern and tho Watorford and LimerickRailway Companies,' with the object of suggesting suchmeans as to tho meeting may appear necessary for thepurpose of preventing further delay, and ensuring thespeedy completion of the Railway.

" SAM. H, BAKTON, D.L., J.P., Grove," ROUT. COOKE, J.P, Kiltinan Castlo,

Fothard, Tip." H. F. MASSET, J.P., Roeklow."DAVID TENNANT, J.P., Mobaraane."

It was unanimously rcsolvsd that tho chair shouldbe taken by SAMUEL H. BARTON, Esq., D.L., J.P., ofGrovo, aud that FREDERICK. SAVERS , Esq., of Fothard,be requested to act as hou. secretary of tho mcoting.

Jlr. BARTON having taken tho ohair, and sovoralBharoholders and landowners having addressed thomeotiag, which was vory Humorously attoadod, tbofollowing resolutions woro passed unanimously :—

l'roposed by DA V I D TKNNANT, Esq., 3, 1'., Mobar-nano, seconded by J OHN LANOLKY Esq., J .I'., Knock-anuro:—

" Resolved , That this incetin^ having taken into con-sideration tho statement published by Mr. Kcrnajjlian ,on bcha'f of the Southern Company, in the Vl'inmvlChronicle ou the 4th instant, anil in the Tii 'pcronj J- 'rvel'ress on the 7th instant, giving ;i report of the ncgotia-tioim mi'l nature of tlio conlntet.s aii'l .•i^'reoiiient.s en-tered into by tho Southern Company with the Water-ford ami Limerick Company, as name were varied fromtiino to time by the latter Company, in reply to the state-ments made ou the same subject (as reported iu tho.-:cnewspapers) hy tlio .Secretary and •Solicitor of the 1V«-terford and Limerick Company at their last half-yearl ymeeting ; thoso attending this meeting did for the fir.-ttimo lcnrn, from that published statement made on be-half of tho Southern Company, the full particulars andcauso of the delays which have occurred in the comple-tion of the .Southern Railway, to the great loss of theShareholders in both C'onpanies , of the landownersalong the line , ami of the inhabitants of the SouthRiding of the County Tipperary generally."

Posdod unanimously.Proposed by M AITHEW LA X G L K Y , Esq.,Knockiuf;lass;

BOCOnded by J. LA N I M I I K K , Eaq., Now lirimingham ;"Ilesol ved , That inasmuch us those statements have

been -widely circulnfeil in thu public, newspaiicrs in thocounties of Tipperary and Watcrford, topic* of which ,this meeting in informed, were immediately laid beforethe Secretary and Directors of tho Waterford and Lim-erick Railway Company, ami as no contradiction or ex-planation has been given by the latter Company to suchpublished statement of the Southern Company, thismeeting is justified in relying on the accuracy of theSouthern Company's statement, olid ill assuming thatits substantial , if not its technical , correctness is thusadmitted by tho Watcrford and Limerick Board of Di-rectors und their Secretary ; more especially as copiesof three very important docuineutH referred to in thatHtatement in general terms, viz. :—M r. Young's letterto Mr. Nicoll on tho 4th September, 187-t ; ilr. Wood-lock's letter to Mr. Kernaghan on tho 10th Feb., 1875 ;and the advertisement of the Waterford and LimerickCompany iu February, 1875, as to tho issue of 1,000 oftheir X60 preference. Huaros, for tho pi 'poso of complot-ing—as roforrod to in tho statement—their Hnbflcriptionof .£50,000 to tho Southern Company, biti which unssubsequentl y withdrawn, wcro laid before and takon' lto consideration by tho meeting, documents whichfully confirm that portion of Mr. Kcrnaghan's state-ment to which they relate."

Passed unanimously.Proposed by ROIIKRT COOKE , Esq., J.P. , KiUitian

Castlo ; s- joudod by G EORGE LA X U L E Y , Esq., J I'.,Coalbrook :

" Itesvlveil , That , with these materials to form anopinion on the facts of the cane, this meeting expressesits dec]) regret that the Southern Company should havebeen so long delayed by tho Boards of Directors of theWaterford and Limerick Railway Company in the com-pletion of tho main line of the Southern Company,thereby alao delaying the commencement of the branchlines ; and also their regret that tho Waterford Com-pany should have disregarded, and so long and un-necessarily dcta \jed carrying into effect the verbal in-structions given on tho 21th July, 1874, ami repeatedby their oi'.n legal referee (Mr Young) iu his letter o£the "1th September, 1874, notv thstauding tho strongrepresentations conveyed verbally iu that letter, amicontinually represented by tho Southern Company asthen calculated to cause that <(isas<ro«s loss to bothcompanies which , it has now been ascertained, Bucli mis-chievous delays have Bincc, unfortunately, dono —Therefore, thin mect -ig t. Jsts that the Waterford amiLimerick Ka!lwny Board will adopt such immediatesteps as may be requisite to make reparation for thepast, and jircrciU « continuance of that loss to tho twocompanies, by moro cordially co-operating with the¦Southern Company for the inimciliiitc completion of themain line between Thurles und Clomucl, no as to haveit open for traffic before or during next spring."

Passed unaniinouslv .Proposed by Alderman I l . wKKrr , seconded by

WI L L I A M TKX .V .IXT, K>i|., Ballin.-inl :" lUi 'ilcal , That while possessim; every confidence

iu the attention given by the Director* uf theSouthern Company tn their duties a.s a i!t>:ml , :m<l totheir busiuess capacity, as well :is their unceasing exer-tion.i to complete the unilerlakiiig, withunl having re-course to legal niea>nre.", this meeting fc^ls il to be itsduty to roiniiu 'Mii'iito to the Southern iJirwlors the ex-pression of its opinion that they should ,without furtherdelay, adopt ull proper slops to put uu end to the con-tiiinaiico of lho iinpeii:iiu'iit..i which have hitherto beenplaced in their way ; ami this meeting desires to recordtho assurance of those present (mid , it bbl'evc*, it canspeak for those who are absent Imt interested) that iuevery way they can they will be prepared to supportand co-opcrato with the Board of Directors of tho^Southern Company, for securing ami preserving therights of its Shareholders ."

Proposed by HKXRY B. SAVKRS , Esq., Fothard ; so-conded by J. MCCARTHY , Esq., Chairman Town Cofti-mis.tionors, Fotliard .•

" Jfwolml , That it is also the opinion of thiH meetingthat the interests of tho (shareholders , not only in theSouthern but in thu Watcrford and Limerick KailwayCompany, as well aa of the public, who arc and will bocustomers of both companies, imperatively demand thocontinuance of tho alliance with tho Great WesternRailway Company of England (for the mutual benefit oftho three companies^ on terms which will be fair, libe-ral, and profitablo to tho Waterford and Limerick Com-pony ; nnd this meeting trusts that the Board of theGreat Wostorn Company will continue to uso their gooiloffices to enablo thoHontimenta expressed at this meetingto be speedily carried out j and also, that they will takean early opportunity of considering how host they canremedy tho defects which at present exist in carrying onthe ' throngh truffle' over their Kyutcm hotweon Wa-terford and tho South and West of England, which iscapable of mnch improvement and development, in re-turn for which they must rely on tho cordial Bupport ofat least tho residents of tho wholo of tl.o South Hidingof Tipperary, and, as thin mcot'iig believe;", of tlio whol eof tho South of Ireland."

Passed unanimously.Proposed by W I L L I A M GO I X H , Esq., D.L., J.P ., Bui-

lypllilip : seconded by Cnpt. 11. M A .SSV , llockloiv .-" Resolved , That this meeting bo niiw adjourned until

Friday , the 15th October next , with tho object of receiv-ing from tho board of the Southern Company a reporta« to what Hteps tho Watcrford and Limerick Companyhave tnken to give effect to the terms of lho :jrd Reso-lution, iu tho full expectation that on receiving such re-port no further action by this meeting will bo renderednecessary."

Passed unanimously.Proposed by Hur.u T. SA V K R S , Esq., Cushfcl ; so-

conded by J. N. LANII LEY , ES J . |" Resolved , That tlio foregoing resolntioim be adver-

tised thrco times in tho l7»Hinrl Chronicle and 'Vimic-ranj Free Press, and also once in tho Dublin and >Yu-torford papers, as tho Secretary of thin meotiin/ mayselect nnd arrange, and that printed conies bo sent bythe Secretary ol this meeting to each Shareholder iutho Southern Company, tho local Shareholders of theWatcrford and Limerick Company, anil to tho membersof tho Boards of Directors and Secretaries of tho GreatWestern, Watcrford and Limerick and Southern Com-panics ; idso to Joseph P. Ronayne, Esq., M.P., theContractor for tho Works,"

Passed unanimously.SAMUEL 11. HAltTON, Chairman.

On tho motion of tbo Rev. J. A. LIIXU ; Becondcd byMr. BY R N E , Fetiiard , it was

"Resolved , That tho chairman do vacate the chair.atulWILLIAM GOING , Esq., having been called thereto, itwan unanimously rosolveil that the thank* or tho meet-ing bo given to Mr. BARTON for his proper ami di"iiiflcdconduct in tho cluvr."

Passed unanimously.ol. WILLIAM CiOINli , Chairman.

MICHAEL- D () \VNKY ,Commission, Forwarding, and Ship Agent

Office— 19, UERCUAttra ' y UA Y, WATERfORD.tn20.

Waterford. Dungarvan, and I smoreRailway-

H OTICE of L0DQUENT of ARBITRAT OR'*I DRAF TAWARV , pursuant to the p rovisions of the Railways

^Act (Ireland) , 1851, and the Acts continuing an*amending tht same, and of the Watcrford , Ihrnnar-van, and Lismore Railway Act , 1873.

I JOSEPH FISHBOURNE, of Ashfield Hall , in

9 tho Queon's County, Esquire, tbo Arbitratorduly appoiuted Uy tbo Commissioners of rnblioWorkB iu Ireland, and acting under tho powers anaprovisions of " the Railways' Act (Ireland), I8ol>and tho Acts cootiauiog and amending tho same, anathe Watcrford, Dungarvan, and Lismoro RailwayAct, 1873, haw framed a Draft Award setting fortntho - Price or Compensation to be paid by the Water-ford, Dungarvan, and Lismore Railway Company inrespect to the several Interosta in Lands and Prem-ises required to bo takon for tho purposes of tneWorks of tho said Railway, Bitnate in the County otWaterford, or injuriously affeoted thereby, whichsaid Lands and Premises BO required aro more par-tionlary described on certain maps or plans and IDnnrtjvin cntwwintoR and estimates of samo herotoforedoly deposited by tbo said Railway Company in ro-speot of said Works with the Clerk of tho Peace forthe County of Watorford, and with the Clerks of thePoorXuw Uuiono of Watorford, KilmoctbomaD, Don-garvan, and Lismoro, as by lho Statnto iu that bo-half required.

And I a\io Givo Notice that such Draft Award wason or bol ire tho 23rd day of September, 1875, do-posited wi ':h tba Commissioners oi Publio Worko inIreland, at tber Office in tho City of Dublin, andCopios ther.xjf wero, on or beroro tho 20th day ofSeptomber, 1875, deposited with tho Clork of thoPeace for lho 'County of Waterford, at bia office mthe Conrt-honBO, in tho City of Waterfoid, and withthe Clorks of tho Poor Law Unions of Watorford,Kilmacthomas, Dungarvan, aud Lismore, at their »o-spectivo offices, at tho Poor Houses in or near thoCity of Waterford ; iu or near tho Town of Kilmac-tbomas : in or soar tho Tow", of Dungarvan , and inor near tho Town of Lismoi 4j

And I horoby givo further Notico that a MEETIM*will be held oa tho 2nd Day of NOVEMBER, 1875,at tho Hour of Two o'Clock, p.m., iu tho Board-Roomof the Wuterford, Dungarvao, and Lismore RailwayCompany, at their Offices iu CATHBDKAL SQUARE , intho City of Waterford, for boaring Objections againBtBach Draft Award by any pcrsou interested tbcroin,and I heroby appoint tho timo and plac. aboro-mentioned foe holding such Meeting.

Given undar my hind this 30th day ofSoptember, 1875.


Solicitor for tbo Company. ol&o

Birth*, ittiivrmejcfi, ?* ««*)»*?innnuncemcit l tolDir lht.Mvr iage iSs UcalU, , mull he pre-JMU

B I It T K S .On tlio 2-ttli ult., at TUomas-btrctt, Clonmd, tUo vifo of Mr.

\\ niter Drcuimu, of :i ilauKlitvr. , . , ,„ . . „,On tins •.'Jinl "It-, nt Katlikutmj-, Fctli.-inl, Tii>pcrary, tbu

wifis ul l'alriok Hutlerimn, li«i.. »f " *";¦- ., .(j» Hi.: l:;ih ft:iit., at .Mom.-,lu«u , .\.;w Jusiy , tho wlf« ol

Mr. Ilunry Ki-iiwi iril (e Went (liiiiu littr ot Mr. 1. brink) , 1U(Jiinvl. uf ailiiugliler.

M A R R I A G E S .On tbu ^TtU ult., at, thu Catlidlie Cathwlnil , WaU-r[<.ril , liy

tho «ev. ItobcrL 1'owcr. iwai-tt-a by the ll«v. K. llnuly, O M- .,Tbi>ui:i-i J . Oui2 l<-<\ l->i., lotrchiuit , Qiiiiy, to Jliimii', Jtc-nadauKliUrof N. -M .Alku, K« |.. T.C., Colbcck-at., Wiitirrlord

Oil, Sept. IV , ;.l tbu i;iHliolie Clmvcli , 'Inuuorv, bylho ltc». W J. Briwnu, M. J . CI .IVUIB, o? Wuicrtunl, to Uuwliah uauKhicr ot thu hitc T. liyrut , li'i-, Callan, t-ouuty Kil.

"Sipt '-"J at tlm parochial church, Ibilhfarnuain , by tho lttv .Fniueis C.IlTt-y <J.O., cousin to the briilu , ua.-islcd l>y thu Kgv.Koucri .M.-yler, I'. J' ., Tliuiiuw fraueii Supjilf , uiurehiiut, MI IKJ--streirt, Dublin , u,,.U Walthaai-tcrmcB. Wiickrock , eo. Uublm'on uf J VIIL-S Simple, Efii., Umllon-rtrfct, lluuhu, to Marfaretfo'q,l.iae"eiac"? l,taLBl,tl;; ot th, IHUI KUwurd T. Kn.ii. , li-q..KiuniKifiu. 'lVrcuure, county Uublm.

(Ju tho aytU ult., at l'uwurtcoart Church, Jolm .Nl'Duiinvlllttiyti! »'i ifceond sou of tlio latoT. 11. ltuysc, fc*|., of au.lunau. Cdiiutj Liuiorick , to the Hou. E. LonUo Jlury Mouek ,sctoud diiuii liccr of Viscouut uiui V iscouutra.-; Mouck.

lk-c. 2 'J , 1S7 I, at St. l'nul's, Wtlliiijjiuu, New Zualaml, by tinsHcv . 11. V>\ Hartcy, (Suurgc Wilfou , Keq., jouugest soa ut thel»tc John Wilsiiti , muehuut, (ilitguw, t« LissotU) M.iry, rdicto( Julia James iM.ittni.-wrf , ami uldc^t ilaiij-hter of the late JiiH.ArruwMiiiili , of I'ortlaw, couuty Waterfiml.

On tuo 'iird Ht:pt., at Chriat Churcli , Kiu^'slowu, John l.Ioyil ,M . I ) , .Surgeon JJt-JJKJil Mcilicul Service , lo Mary Lloyil, onlydaiij ihtur ol Joiuiih Muulows, Esii., of Thoroiilk-, county Wcx-fnril.

D E A T H SOu thu moroiug of the -iOth ult., ut h':r residence, Darkcr-

atrcct , iu this city, iu th>; tilth year of her IUJC, .MarianneEvcrara, rclicl of J . Bverard lothan , Km \., J.1'., for manyyears tli« re.")«d postmaster of this city. Ou TucAlnr moru-inir, Offico aud High M aaa we™ i-flercd up iu the parish churchot Trinity Without, Ually b: i.kou , lor the rcpo;o of her soul,before a larju coutfret'ratli,-.. of rcbtiTM und other friouds.The HOT. J V l'lii-lan, C.U., Trinity ^S'ithiu, waB the celebraut»t tho M:w« tho UCT. W. Qucaly, U.C., 'friuitjr Without , dea-con, anil Hcv. 1". Walsh, C.U., ililto, tnbKleucou. The HOT. I>.Solan, P.I'., the resiKjctcJ piutor of the paruh, presided, nnUthero were also in lha choir tho Jtuv. 1*. Keut, l'.l'., G. Coui-mius C.C St. Patrick's, with uiue uthe-r clcrgvmcn. Afttrthe soleuiu wrviee the remains, attended by a large, Uinhlyre-»pectablo fuucral proccnsiou, vrerc couvcyed to St. Marj'?,Kuoekboy for intcrmuut.—U.I.I', Tho fttnoral arrangement*wero uuiler the conduct of 5tr. It. Morrasey, Ucrwford-st.

September 15, at the residence of her daughter, Trittoo, nearLowMtotf, Snllolk, at ihu ad»unced nsrc of nighty years, JlaryAnne, relict of Captain Blwuiid Keuncy, formerly of Ure-atYaxnioutli, ami ft nMWc ot Walerford. She was a devoted wifennd !\a cxcelltnt mother, whoso dvmbc u deeply lamented byfamily ami fiie-mis. Australian ii.ijicri plcaso ccyy.

Ou I'Jth September, ut Hallyhussyi, near Kilmacthomas, co.Wati rlord , 51r. Jobu Molony, u isl 77 years.—U.I.I'.

At Ulonkuntiu , couuty Wrterford , uu tho Hal ult., of brou-cliitis , Maria Clarissa, wife of John yuitilan , Esq.

Ou Suuday night, Sept. »>, at hec rosiduuer, Ho. 27 Oeurfc-.'trtct , Limerick , Funny, tint hclovcd <vite of Zueliari.u Li-dgtr,Esq., 6cc .ml dausihter of the lato Thomiu Palmer, Esil., ofH. A!. L'lL-louis. Waterford .

At Kilkenny, Ann* Waters, tlie oalr lurrmng ilnuguttr vlthe- late John IJriUiths , Ksq., ot Waterford.

At Eiiuijcocthy, Cecelia, wife of Jamci Devcreux , Eaq.On the L'Jnl ult., at Ariliooro, couuty Wntrrfonl , i'rnnces

Lady MuiRrave, iu thu SiJth year of her iu;e.On thu -Idt nit., ut llL-lleviilc P.irk , Capporiuiu , county Wa-

tcrford, Suoiucl l'oer, K»'|., J.I'., a«ed « jcars.

A R R I V E D .!Mth—Arklow , .", Cihisifow , g c . Waterfonl , f , Mdtocd.•J7th—Cumbra.-, ?J , Cork , y e.'Jcth—liiphy, Colluy, Liverpool , JJ c ; Grecian liend , Koarqu ,

Bahia, ^ueelintowu , Mij,*ar ; Clio, Coffey, Liverp(Kil , e ; Kriu ,a, Walsh, Dunpirvau , g c.

'jyth—Towartl, s,,'inv, z c ; Limerick , F, Milfurd , J,' e ' ;/.ikiub'i ltyaiut.n , Huston , win at; Jure- rua, lirutol , I)avi> , K C ;ritauiforO, s, Haiti , .Suliua, tu:ii/.t.- .

S A I L E 1) .i'ith—Alic.M, -N'. ivpi/rt , l>, uii>.-y, hullii.-t; ICrin , s, Dungarv.-iii ,

WaUli . s e ; Tliistl .- , l.'ardilV, Power , ballait ; La 1'laLt , 1'IIIM ,Litcrpool , iialhul ; Hound lilwt , CardilT, ballast ; Dibson ,Ciil-dilf , tal!:i«t ; Ull.'y Ui-c, S.-fkiii -.', Ijalla.t ; JCnternrisu ,CardilT , Imilast.'tt 'J Tlh—Kriu, Uuiii:arvan , j.'o ; l.imrrir!: , Milfui M , % e.' I'sih - I-l iu rl i - .-, l.'riil Kit '.'iter, «.i l.. ; Uv.-s .N'.-wi>.»rt , "Hi ; Cor-delia, Whili'liavi-u , l .Lll .u-t .

J:lth—Mary ><-vui'ji u-, .\li .l .H ' .- , t.iLWuud ; l lr it i -h L:ldvOlKlilf . tialLvt.

LOCAL R A I L W A Y THAH- 'h;, the lff.-A- nulinj Fri. lmj, .b'- -."/. 2 1 , 1.S75. Alh.-ury Wal-:i-C\ Kilk. nnyami uiu i and Kil- Jutn.- ti.jii

l.iiMi: |-irk , Kll l i i i k e l l l i v i . '.l li.iilwil il l H i i i n l . 3 :;¦! iiiik -s mil.n J^J iuile-j

ii|n .-ll l. "I"-". II |»- II . i'l»:u.

t .-. .1. i; .-> . d. .c s. a. l: «¦ d.

Paro-hC*1!- . 1 17.-. •: I \!K> !"• s ¦ :U.". 17 1" H* >- W

UuuU . VuUlu 1 ' > U I'' '"s l7 1 i 'I - 11^ 1 0

Total ... ¦>•>' ,:< Ih 2 W> 12 [) uw i> u -'• - 11 -Ieorr<-.-p'.|inf . , . .week hu-t v -r ••osij :: 1 JK' I'J 7 «W 17 V J* 10 5

^Corri;cle.l t/n.< ¦(¦u.i (...- The ll'«l«r(»p( iVe-cs.)l'ill'lVISKi SS.

IU CUN Vl'iF , l"-r nrt . — — <;N . I] 1. to &U. M.JSTI :.\K!I d". — — l,iu . lil . wli. HIr'KKT 11". — — li<. '»l. i:i-. 'Hilli:.U)» il". — — !>' . IM . -M'. U lSeic.ii-.s il". — — IK . nd. IK 'i ILilil i U-liaudh r.--' ) — — I":'. I'd. ¦!¦'«. IK I

jirTc iiiiiw MI :AT,Br.r.y, per »«., sl "ll l0 llH l ; I-A an , |H T .|r., 0.. n | t,, n, nil

Do. »t«ik , 1">1 lo It V I-.A I ., JKT II I . "il t,, (M.MuiTO S . pe-r Ui M '" '¦•• I 1'U K K , per Hi . ".1 :„ ( ,,|

POTATO KS.Avcra,--.! ti rii-u. H<l. to ftl - - M ti: O.< HI IHT »ton...

l i l ( KAI) .WHITE , jn-r tHi- f i M- "' I


'y-l?'""- "' '"' r '"' 'M '" W

D U I I L I N , pcrnullon , a1 '.-- <''J. I Oi-u CORK , gallon , is,, y,]CoitK , piinclaon, ''''•



K' f «in.Ki i , iirc»-t , ""'¦ to 21 >. I'l.-.ii. - ,,f ui . ,„ 0 caII KH U IMUH , i»-rl.rt , Ul^. t" 2k.. ;s,,i.i:, — ii s ii, |. ,,, i., Mmi«M«lb. C,

^^^Inj j Kj r .-^ „,. ,„ „,

MCuie-KK Xs per pnir, l^ to la. :*l I Kiius , JI .T I-Ji, IJ . (M to 8- IM,H-C«. *6. .o j f.»&ltT«««^W .l»U. . ..i,W IIITK , per cwt. j!"*. t" :!)«. I M, I CI .I ., |,l!r ,] ,„. lbs IU H to i*»«„*». ..0. -v^,;?^!,"/^^

1- -• 5i'- «» *' *».

SK I S Wool., u= 1IM to la ihl uALV > Os. Wj_ „;, ' r ,,

-T 1 M li K K .

It. Pix>: per ton , SSs (kl V* M I Snvts, pur I«O Mcf,V KLU I W 1'I S K , do K.., W tu Om | l.ATiia , iwr do Us. Io lib ud'* 0 A L Ij ,COILS, por ton, l«*. u<l Ui ls» Oil. | COKE , i«r ton.lfij to 17s ftlFOI ID KU AND UltlCEN CHOPS. 'IU V . IHT urn, new (Hi bi 70s- TuKSU'a , per ton , 00a to 00aSTIMW, wbi-ntvu, Ki to UUs. iU.Mi0i.O3,i«;r ton, UO« toOV»

Do. oiiU-u, loa to 50a. I CAIIUOTS, per ton. 00a to Us

lAH'OKTS UK >'OKE1GN GliAlN.Lauru (i illiev, f , l'nwluii , Suliua, 500)1 iiunrU'n inatzu—L, A.Hynu. Stiujfuld, *, Itt-it, Sulina, KtlM qrs. Galats mvi e—:

White llrotlu-rs & CM. /ikinif, Kyauiou, Boston , 2700 nunrtorswheat—Colo & Pros or. '


SIK —Uo you notico tlmt coining oa tho ejections,tbo dirty literatoro about Watorford, in your nastycoiemporHry , bag been givou np ? After tho dec-tioua, of coui-3O it will bogiu again. I looked overBomo of Ibo filth y letters from Cloomel and othorpluoe-s, in Tuosdny 'g issuo, witb tho viow of givingyuu extracts from thorn. But , on roflectiou , theywei-o too bail. Thoy woro unfit to bo road. It isstruti^c any onu iu this olil , moral , good city,could be found to [my fur such rubbish. Would anyjiursuu imagine, a few years ago, that a livelihoodcould be eked out iu Wntorford by 8iich meauB ? Idon't sue it dono iu tiny other place. Nevertheless,it is moro than Btraugo that '.do publisher, and pro.'pagatur, of this duDg-hill Bluff should havo a scat iatJio Corporation. CITIZE.V,

VJBLAtertotn ittarUctsWatcrford , Octuber 1, 187B.

Weather unsettled. Moderate supply of Native Wlioat, andBarloy anchanged,

Now OATS tho turn dourer ; 01.1, 15i. per Barrel.

FOREIGS;WIIEAT—Good demand, at 9J. to la. por brl.alrancc.

ISDIAS C0RS—Silo alow. So change.Jf LOOK—No change. Good sale.


P R I C E S C U R R E N T .IRISH. I Kcw. ; OH

WHEAT, por barrel of 2801b*. I «. d. a. d. « . d. ¦. d— White - - - -! at 0 to iil 60-1 0 to 00 0— Red - - - -| SI 0 23 6 00 0 00 0— Shipping do - J 20 0 20 0 00 0 00 0

BARLEY, per barrel of 22HI>5. I— Grinding - - - IS 0 16 0 CO 0 00 0— Maltiuif . . .' ( M 0 00 0 CO 0 00 0

OATS, per barrel of llfflbs.— Bhiek - - - . 1 0 0 12 600 0 IS 0— White - - 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0— Grey - - - 00 0 00 000 0 00 0

FLOUR, per sack, of 2801ba. i— Superfine! - - •' 00 0 ' on 0 40 I) 41 0— Inferiors . . 00 0 OT 0 00 0 00 0

OATMEAL, per Sack - 0 0 0 09 (139 O 3 9 0BRAN, por Cwt. . : 6 6 7 0 0 0 0 0POLLARD do - . 7 6 8 0 0 0 0 0

FOREIGN. Fnnr.WHEAT, per barrel of 2S01lis. «. d " j. "d

— American, Spring and Winter - - 27 0 to 27 0— Mnrianoplo 110 0 0 0 0— lJerdini»ki 00 0 00 0— Ghirkn, Tngnnrop, and Olcs.°a - - U0 0 00 0— Ibrail - . , . . -O' i 0 0 0 0

INDIAN CORX, Ycllpnr, Odessa and Onlutz -18 0 K 3— — Ibrniland Foioniau - - - <X) 0 00 0— — American, - - - -18 0 00 0— — French and American White -, 0U 0 00 0— — Egyptian - - - - 00 0 Oij 0— — DamiiKiil - - - - 00 0 00 oFliOUR, American, per barrel of liXilh.i. - - L'G 0 00 u— French, per suck, of 2S01bs. - - -W 0 00 0

ItiDIA2< MEAL, American, per sack ol 'iSOllis. W 0 W o— — / "ouio -Manufacture, i,cr ) !,„ ., m „1 «»ck , of 2Wlb.. ( I 10 8 °° 0

WATERFOItU BUTTER MARKET.Numhcr of Firkins Ke i 'j hed at the Publ ic liutUr if arko 1

for vieek enditvj Friday (this day j , and prices.Saturday, - 5W - ll'.j. od. to 152 .. OdMonday, — 51 _ j: , y,i , lVl l .Tucsiluj-. — 0 — UODJ . Od. 0o0». u.\Weilntactiy - 331 _ I:( H . 0,1. u5,. MThuradaj, _ .m _ 1:i5j - „,,_ ,M) _ (>,iriany, — u _ (),,),_ QUQ, rt(

Jvo. of tirkius corrcf ponding wa'k last year — O601 nco jicr eivt _ J^J. u,j. i0 15,-), ,u

Imports If Exports for Week ending Thursday, 30th.IMPORTS. KXPOllTS.

Indian Corn 1JM00 Qnarti-ra. Indian Corn QuartersWheat - ^v) ,[„ , ,win.-at 110 UnrrettOat-; - do. lOats - - 4ij(2 do.JJarley - Sucks. liarlcy - S5D Sackj.Flour ! m ll0- i l'l'iur - • '•»« ilo.nour


n.lrrc|s_ ;OiltIU0ai . do_Meal - Siickii. lludiau meal do.

TO CORU ESl '0XVE.\T&fdr" Ailverti.-:i!nicnts, iiltenitions, ami notices of with-

drawal , should rL-:u:li tlii^i ollk-o :i« early as possililo onThursday, to ensure attention mini; week.


Three per Cent. Consol s — 'Ml —Sow •'( per C'ynt .Stock — 'M i —llauk of Ireland 1I KI 30U National Hank IJ0 (J'jjj Minister Hank , Limited — — —Hibernian Hank — 5SJJ i'rovineiul Jiank — — National of Liverpool (limited) 15 — —City of Dublin Steam Company... 100 — —

UAIIAVAT.S.(.ircat Sonthern A: Western X1W paid... IK!} —Waterford and Limerick 01 I'lDublin , Wicklow, and Wexford 02 U2

MOON'S CHANGES.First Quarter ThursdayOct7th t 5p.m.Full Moon Thursday, 1-lth 11 I t p.m.

(2lhe 8®ater£orb ^ebs"BE JUST , A>"D KEAR SOT."

1'IUDAY j aVKNING, OCT. 1, 1875.

OUli RAILWAYS.A very important meeting of tlio shareholders

nnd landowners on and in tho vicinity of the linoof the Southern Kailway Company, was held atthe Commissioners' Koom, Courthouse, Fetiiard,on Saturday hist, for the purpose of taking intoconsideration Che present, position of and unsatis-factory relationship which for a considerabletime has existed between tlio Southern and thoWaterford and Limerick Companies, by which ,on the ground of alleged non-fulfilment of mone-tary engagements by tho latter company, lhoworks on the former, which should now be openfrom Clonmol to Tliurlcs , have been brought toa dead lock. The meeting, which was presidedover by JJAJU K L H. U AUTOX , Esq., D.L., withMr. FutDEiucK SAVERS as secretary, was most,numerousl y and iufincntiall y atteuded, aud thowhole state of the case was at longth , and withgreat ability, laid before the shareholders by Air.J. B. KKU .NM JU AX , solicitor to the SouthernCompaq-, the facts being as already stated bythat gentleman in letters in our paper, the lastof which wo print to-day. The resolutions,which will be found in our advertising columns,were of a most reasonable and amicable charac-ter , and wo aro glad to notice that the SouthernCompany declare their interests identical withthose of the Waterford and Limerick Kailway,and that the customers of both imperatively de-mand a continuance of the alliance with theCireat Western of England through the port olWaterford. This declaration is all the moro im-portant whan wo remember that it was stated axthe recent meeting of the Watcrford Company,and is now repeated in a, Dublin paper, " that'I the geogra phical position of the Waterfordand" Limerick line shows that if allied to any other," tluio other .should be the Great Southern uud" Western , and we are informed that an Oiler ol" the linei on specific terms yielding ii, 3J, and i11 per cent., io Uio Walerford aud Limerick ordi-¦• ..;'.".v stock , has bceu made to the Great South-" urn i».:il Western Company. The speciflt" terms are; ..' ner cent, for tho first two years," ;'•! por cont. for the following two years, and 4" per cent, henccfoi-ward in porpetuity." Ofcourse, any such arrauj ^oruent would be disas-trous to the trade of Waterford. if carried out;but we are sure that tho Great V/.istern Com-pany, with its twenty-ono years' lease in exist-ence, will nuver allow the line to pass 'in themanner iudicntcd into the hands of a companjhostile to the development of the trade througfthis port .

AMT liIII\G you AN ELECTION Cm,* Yes, anything for an election cry. Somethinmust be done. Time is pressing—tho odds ar '

against. What is tho best cry to get up ? rcry against the Water Works, for the hundredtltune. It is tho last shift. Tho Water Ac'passed through Parliament unopposed. Thold Obstructionist wont in for it then, and agaia few weeks ago he did the sarao, to tho dismaof his few followers. But, now, ho opposes iaud goes in for something else—somo wiltheory, or Will-u '-the-Wisp, enveloped in a baof lUlsc figures, ending in nothing !The old Obstructionist, says the Wator A<has lapsed. This is his law. Now, tho answ<to this is simp le and clear -.—Did any one evehear of tho Board of Worka—or Government-

giving the loan of £12,000, and permission tdraw £3«,u00 more, on a lapsed, or bad Act ?The Board of Works has alrcadv trivp .n t.VCorporation 112,000, as a first instalment Tgive up tho Water Act now, would bo to' cmback the £12,000, and get no more. We doulif 40 members of any Lunatic Asylum would ain for this. If the Obstructionist himself hadfow thousand pounds from Government , and iyears to pay it buck, ^vould ho return it at onceNow that the Water Works Committee argoing to turn the first sod, and begin praoticioperations, is this the timo to abuso and vilifthem, and throw in the apple of discord } ifono but a vicious Obstructionist would act Ibad u part . Is it not a desperate, yet fruitlescfj ort to mar tho progress and welfare of ttL»ity r

liy the Obstructionist's inconsistencies, an'the erratic conduct of his paper (read amiaughtcr before tho Lords' Committee), he brolthe back m tho late Improvement Bill.About four years ago, Mr.lMoomfield, J.P..MHenry White, Air. E. Power, J.P., Mr. Golf aoseveral other influential gentlemen , took up ti^luce Bridge question, with every hope of «Tcess ; but , when tho Obstructionist put hia u)d°is u"fC d iUt° 5fc> th°y tbro^ 5t UP 'r '

On somo impracticable crotchot, tho OhsiruUoiust, objected to granting a lease for buildkthe l ubhcOlHccs on the C^uay. Tho lease W '¦moved by Aid. llcdmond, seconded by Aid.A, 1 owor, J.P., Ulld passed. Only for this, t •building would not now be going on, Is G ¦.Yonuuent never builds without a leWWe well remember when the Milford Stt i


were l>cini; staricd. sumo IS or IS years age, tliovery Miiiui Obstruct umiia u|\t>o.seil the iirojuct , litB meeting in tlio Town Hall , stating that itTTOUUI not pay. Well , tin: line was started—ithas paid splendidl y, and lias since broug ht tliou-gands of pounds iiito the collers of tho HarbourBofird , tin: Corj innaion , nud citizens generally.

Then the Obstructionist had another object inview. Xnw it is an flection cry, wliich everybody can see. With all his experience indodging, and changing of sides, never did manmskc ft worse selection than this.

l' lIK DU BLIN AVATKR WORKSOur esteemed and talented friend , Mr. A. Cu-

dpjju u . "ow '" >'' ' s '''s 11!lt'vo city, informs usthai lli i ". IHiblin Corporation has extended theirwater w»rks to Lakelands, Terenure, outside thecilY or abmil four miles from Sackville-street.Mr. Cadoi::iti livt-.-s at Lakelands, where he hasnn e.\all^ni pump . Notwithstanding, he hasjust go' i" tin' pi pe-water , all through his house,oven io the very toj> , where he has a nice bath.The charge is very trilling, though, ho says,the supply is worth JL'lO per annum , at least ,bccaiiMJ '.in-, water is pure, sot"'., abundant ,and u.-'ci 'itl tor all purposed. The pipes beingnlwrtvs lull , no barrels or tubs are necessary.Now", In' says , no one of his household everthinks of using t i e pump, the handle of whichis gelling (pmc rusty. -Mr. Cadogau says theunanimous opinion now is, that the late Sir JohnGrny. the failior of the Water Works , has con-ferred a boon- -never to be forgotten—on thecitizens of Dublin.

MONU.MKN T TO THE LATH SIK J. VAIWWe are happy to perceive that t in t peop le uf

Dublin have in contemp lation the erection of amonument to the late Sir .lohn Ciray, who, nextto O'C'innell , has done more for our countrythan any man uf the time. His tireless laborson the Dublin Water Works—the Church , Land ,Oaths , and other •|iiy>ti "ns , can never bu for-gotten. All l ix-land will spontaneously subscribeto Mich a mumum-nt. when fairly set on foot. I tshould be erected not far from O'CunneH' s, inSack. vilh.- -Mreel , and not distant from the otlieeof the great j ournal , in which he labored , bothnight and day, for so many years.

IN SKAltCU Of AN OLD CAST-OFF !l>y the llnrbuii r Board it-ports, we poreeive

thai Mr. Abraham Stephens, .1.1'., engineer to theBoard , has bten di .-spatehed on a roving com-mission , in search of a hu lk for the Quay. Hobas bei-u in l.ivi -rpool , and saw nothing butold th ing--, nii t worth repairing , and unlit tobring t<> Wati-rfnn]. >"nw, what is the meaningof all ' !ii- , when a new pontoon can be admi-rably bui l t , as others wen- , in ill ' .' Neptune I ronWorks of lhi-i ci ty •* A in:\v hulk , no doubt,will C'"- l more than an old one- -so would a newCoat. Hi: i . M i tv lv , no ilwi .-nt. person who canat nil a -.ll'v! ii . fmv- an "Id , tu- second-handcarmen! . Tin- new hulk , or pont 'ioii , in l ikrmaini '-r. -houM be pivi '.- m->l. I f it co>ts moreat ih '- b'-ix 'mnnig, it w i l l last for years withoutativ repair.-'. .Moreover, i t . - building will alUirdculpl"vi i ii.'iit in > . i i r city, when; all the harbourduei "are rai-i .-d. Tin * j irinci ple is bad. andopposed to local ( i i lerpri-e , to buy anythingout of the city that can be gol within it . Thepeople of th ' -" eounty and city are indebted tothe great firm of .Malcoiii'un for the vast ein-

plovinum. th ' .-V ii:Vord, mid the enormous amountof rales lh-y "pay. and when a local public bodyhas u piece" of work to do, it is hardl y reason-able or fair to .-earc h other countries for per-sous to cxe'-ini : i i .

J1KALT H UF THK CIT1The health of :h« .- city i- fair, bin yet not what

il should be. There an: IMV U *« e'.i^e^ m theJ-Yv. r ll" .-p ital. which i- about the averageliunib '.-r . l lw , what is mo-t n niarkable aboutthe-' ca-e.- i- , four of them IVJ the ollicial lelUu.- i , a:r !r> 't:i a locality not remarkable lor clefiu-line.-.s-Al'..'\and'--r-lre< .t. It is crowil'-d withinhabitants a', both Mile* , and there is not adrop nf pi pe-water in the whole .street. Thebame ollicial informs us that by far the greaternumber <IJ ' C:IM ;S come from the dirty parts of thecitv. I: is M range that the very poor people , asn riil '- , K ' t well over attacks of fever ni thisJocaiifv. ' f'j i- sonic- t ime back , whereas several inbelter'circum-ianees , have succumbed.

BALLYUU ie i - CKN NEWS ROOM.v n.n; or A so< u/n .

We are glad to perceive that the ever patrioticaid r-p iri -.'-d men "f liall ybricken have greatlyimproved and beautified their news-room on theGreen. Ii is in u central situation , and wellfurnish.*!, including a large and handsome gaxa-lir-r. Th<- room is supplied with a good selectionOf papers , home and forei gn. '11ns room ism,4 valuable as a place of mental recreation foryoung and <.l d . and ospt'cwlly for the membersof the new i' rotcctiou Society, who, we under-btand were chietly instrumenta l in getting itup. In line , we congratulate the members, andinhabitants generall y of liallybricken , on theostiibiishmciii of t»uch an institution in then;mid-t. Since the formation of the Pig BuyersSociety. w<; are informed from the best authoritythat farmers have g'. -t much higher prices thanfor any period for a number of years previously ;the average price of bacon pigs ranging lromt>t>«. iu >i *-i 'id- per cwt.

Till: WALSH A SVLC.M.Ti-i" n'-w a-y lum, for respectable citizens in

redured eircuinsvinccs , N about the most com-fjrtal.le :,<..! Wi lill«.l up in Walerford. It has

L nice parlour (called a kitchen,, and bed roomf,,r rach inina t. ..-. of whom there are 1--.;V.,!-o a !i.,,-, i/ed, nicel y tiagg'.-d yani , wiili

I. :, ..!- '. '- wat .- r. The room, and be.!-- are very

c'm'ortablv furni-i ^d. There is an excellent

_ „'. .. , . , , • 'om- ;d.- t in - bui idi .'iL'-, common to all ,

?. ',r;r.-v i'i- - ' 'i.'"-!-» i:- 'n* ch;i i":1 1 ~ '";"'" li ut;(i• , • ii iv ill be adm.rabiv lighted , an.l eo.,ven,e,,t

f r k ; l l,,- inn,a -<.- = . T,.e u), ,, !, ^ ,a!,h,hment is

very er-:di;able to lh- la- ! '- .v.d . |udgn,ei, l •.- ! t "-'

Tru-tee.- -^ I--** l* i - l . "I- - I""- > '. •¦"•;. - 1 "1 "1

SK L. T V , J . I - ., and Mr. David krogh, . v.. ; •'>

Vr/ ih'= archUecl , . Mr. \Va^:r 1 .,. n,. .M..1I ,-md the buihi- :r. M r. Jam..-a M'.ra.i . the Manoi .

L .B I.K A7 . . ..V M Jin. L. I-V. I :I» A V . T. C. -Atv, n..V'- -ek oi, Tu.:,day morning, Mr. Lr.ughlm

KrV™ .n V C. our old and won by fellow-

Jw'J wa- iib .:rate<l lrom W,-.1'-rford jail , alter

iwo'month^ im|.n-......»..- ..t. II , - was me, at th '

pri-,',11 door , and a.:..-. ,mpan.< .-d io h.-i residence n.

C-sfonl-Mr.-.- !. bv Aid. l { . .J. , ,:,n.l . and nl.,.. l,j

h ^wo --ns. Dr. Kn^ , K..\ ..a... Mr. J l.o,I- ,,.,-m W.- W-M: triad io -. e .Mr. L. I- iceman

' ¦ ' ; ; , ..I . h l i e .-i-ok. ! v.:rv kindl y of all tin

'. ;. ,1 math.- .l e-.'-iaion a plea-urable sojourn.""

•r i ( ¦l ,v > u l . i ,'. > M . — J l u;i.l-t»i. .s!alil» (iraT , now

L , ,1 v li :. l i ;«< i» iu: t , c>. Wuu.-rfoi.l , r..-ctiTi.-d h'.mBtauo:.<-.< l^


i (| ii( R<|| | j. ,, r,i. iw , nus.r Clou^li-¦n,oirv's isu- ' 1

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J'7Tv \Jr a\*J . W. >)"" '<«»¦••""«» "; ¦' ,"" «" "V-"" *°' ,„[ t..,Mii "" o( l.uad.poi.stahle . (,oin|.lim. .-n-hl" VX .. B w'¦

'n- m.'i- in th« .MHro« v, tl,.- cour-

t!iry ¦¦'I!'1-

B .,„,, M t |.c „«...-• t.m.- , lli» veryI. .OUH , f.- rl< " .n "V. . ¦

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.,,,,,0.1 HI U 'J - 'J lu .lblc({o,d W!,icl. , oii which tl.-re

u.lim,,i..«l «a- » ;;;1)1|: >cri li l lIl f tertify inK f «">

¦ cn^r a% l - .m^rita

of Ui«-T'C 'l"V "j . ( ,n .Monday ovwiing a manN- AKli ,nv . ' ¦* l t :- .;il iin.l.-r U, .- influonco of drink ,

walkert from ¦ - ¦ , , )iU1,. i( .,, UTcr „, scc

-\i' n"r:::: \ ;^M. .-r {... .•.i B.% r'« w»iki:l .i"wl '!'l n^U

, I ' . I H, «m K.,i .,«U.y l«u ..r il.oail "r U

,r'. l i ". "aicli , r.-crivi.« n-diin,' bevond a

'l U(iy r , ,,. 1 i lU :r»» X >> i l i t - ncli i i fr.Bl't aii.1 - 'r - |X J l l M A N ,! K I N ,,s.-

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Uo alao M "us , , ; "„,,. .,- of ]»-..|.l- hvin« in that

muciicaH'1 l» •> • > V I n. , u ,n,s „,„. very much tli«

district ; •""" ;•, ( , , III i ir-k the .IL-MH C in tatil.- , tlm

samu as Hi"-1 ¦ , , ist,.rt.,i , ;,,,.! » hiinilar soreticBH

moutU ljC1"8 Mr ^'"ho rwlt. Thu caufc U r.M to ... thj . t tai,(r

bo tbo UH .- of uolk of in .i ( W(1 ,

made from such » k- . 'l n - . . wi l l , twA „„,.Btote.1, lh<""" . f |.ita|| should Im lii»ilu .l provwuHmonth <lif'-3 '- < > . -

, crmjui y it should not <>e1° iV ':L ,n, l'i n t l i f sl.;.po ..f lmtu-r.turned to .U.C01MU _t i, . ilTt : io «.cn-ty a ruiii . d

A *MkC« W' !l memory that »i l

character ..


ilu | jn ;, f80011

7 • , m l. S.. IT'.W us humanity i n a f-.-l.lo

tfacir- I I TCR , a «oO „,,„„,. j j,,m. , y8ncUccn-pi'l «-'. <-a

n,,,rulica l i ,,, , iis | ,,,,il.l

brillg up on Urn . ,» ,:,„„., , . , W , , .,,,. VIT

heart, u h f e of » U ' ' , ., ir .. nl ..| b...,».. ,.ll. ... -..Hi

my premature d: ¦ « ; • -, ,„._,. (

„,„, ,,,cof my" .,<• ;i i l r i . i i k ( . . i ,„.„„..romembrance t ' . S,,,, (J,;; ,,, „,..,„ :i> .romeinu..""-- • ,, , . <= !„-,. K;,V» .S.«.iJ.:.'d iv. M :.>-

^^"tbe i un , cV ol ' <ue ik,s,y, l-iv r,H.ol.

S t uUi^ U.nhe

Ww c a!,:,,l , ,1.dl l we,o

/•' .1 S 1 1 1 0 X A 11 L K N E W S .I'he ceremony of turning the first sod of the

water works willtaku place on Tuesday next , the Mayorand party leaving tlm City Hall , nt Vi o'clock. Oiriiiffto tin- iitici'rhiiuty of tlia weather , it has l)ocn decidedthat the luncheon will luko place in the Council Cluim-I HT on tin- return from Kiioikiiilerry ut 4.30.*y, C K., will im ivc in town ou bunday next.

Captain and Jli-s. Winchester and suite, lmvoleft Ciistlutown , Currick-ou-Suir , for Uromaua, on avist to Lord mid Lady Stuart dc Dceies.

Kev. Wm. O'Neill , 1\ 1\, (Uastlebridgo), Dr.O'Koutkc , and Mr. mid Mrs. Hoarc, loft Tramoro,whero they had been sUvyinsj for somo days, on lastSaturday, for Enniseorthy.

^ \N e have to anuounco tho death of Colonel

PonL-tt Oeoi-fe Henry Somerset, C.U., which occurredu few days ai;o nt biuulrum, at tho comparativelyearly uyo of .W. ]Iu was the only son of Genoml Lordt-'harles Henry Somerset , second eon of Henry, fifthj)uko of lJeaufort , by his second marria^o with Lady-Mary, second daughter of John, fourth Karl Poulcttlie entered the army in March 1839, and served in thoCoMstream Guards. Thu lato Colonel Somerset mar-ried, first 15th April , 1817, Barbara Aut iata Norah,dmiRhter of the lato Mr. John Mytton, of HalatonHull , Salop. This lady died in June, 1870. Ho married,secondly, Emily, daughter of Mr. John Hubert Moore,and leaves issue by both marriages.

M-AitiiufiE or Miss PIKE , UOKK.—An extremelymsliionablo ami interesting marriugo took place onThursday ut the mooting houaeof tho Society of Friends,Dimean-Ktreet, Cork, between Miss Henrietta Sophia1'ike, fifth daughter of Khenezer Pike, Esq., of Bessboro,'Jllack rock , and Kcgumld Riley, Ksq., of London, son oftho lato George JJilcy, i-Vq., of Lancoshiro. Tho lovelyhridn wore a drcua of rich white satin, and tho brides-miiids, Miss Anno Emily Piko, Mias Florence Pike,cintcM to the bride ; Miss I'iko, of tho Islo of Arran ;Miss Ushornc and Miss Baker, woro drcHsod in palo1'hie satin. Tho ceremony having concluded, a longline of carriages, ull draw n by white horses, formed avery guy procession , and convoyed tho visitor*, to thoresilience' of the bride's father, where a splendid df junerwus prepared.V COMPLIMEXTAUY PHKSKXTATIOJJ TO THE

MAYORESS.At the late meeting of the Corporation Aid St. G.

1'l iKMAN , .I.P., in vorv happy, and appropriate terms,brought before the council u happy event which had re-cently occurred in thu Mayor's family, ouo, which nsmembers of the council , they were called upon by time-honored custom to observe, one which had already beentaken in hands tocoininemorati-. They were alliiwarctlmtduring tin; present year the Mayoress had presented hisworshi p with a Bon (hear, hear), and they wero alsoaware that , ace 'ing to the custom to which ho hadbriefly alluded , .- i, would bu their plensiny duty to pre-sent the Mayoress lii iii .1 silver cradle- in commemora-tion of the happy event (hear, hear). He (Aid. F.)could assure tho council tknt ho had not spoken oneword to t)io Mayor upon tlic subject ; the idea waxwholl y his own uiif'l he now put it before the council .His idea 'vas to have a resolution put upon the minutes..¦ongratulating the Mayor and Mayoress upon the birthof it son , ami under which resolution authority wouldhe givi-n to cany out the details of a presentation. I.astyear they paid a similar Compliment to their then chiefmagistrate (Aid. Commitis), and having iiasscd such amotion liu u'uiilil ask for a mnnU couunitteo to assist ingetting the requisite subscrijitions. Ho would leave itIn the council to determiiic whether the subscriptionsshould In: confined to members of their own body, orextend it so as to admit any citizens who might wish tosubscribe, merely observing upon point that in Lime-rick , when a similar compliment was recently paid tothu Mayor there, the Mib>:eriptiou list was not eimlinedtu member.-.- of tin: Corporation ; it was left open to Hiei- iuciis , and then- a presentation was made of over X .VM.Capl. .1"|I N M ..X said he kid g.-rat pleasure in sccondi-igthe ri-.» .liiti.iii cf Aid. F I:KI :M A S , as he hold that their•Mayor deserved tu have sudi a <¦ 'inplimcn t paid Io Iiim(hear , hearl. He remindi.d the cur icil that there weren number of member* who had not yet filled tho ollieeuf Mayor , but who bad every reason to look forward iothat liuiiiir , and it might , in ;' "' probability, bo .vomt'oftheir lots to have a similar cumplimcnt paid them (hear,hear, and laughter). H>: trusted the col icil would co-o|i*-ratc warml y ii. the mutter , and support Aid. FliKE-MA .V. It W ;IM ultimately dccideil topo-t iioiic the motionuntil the time for the pri- s-cntittioii arrives , and we arcglad In say that that v '11 not be at a distunt day. Atthe request of many, it has beuii decided not to limitthe list to the Corporation. Aid. KK K E M A N liasalreadyobtained some very hainlsonuMlcsigns for the presen-tation ns we have seen, mid the only d 'liculty will behow to be able tu make ;i relu-tion where nil lire ho at-tractive.

DEATH OF J OHN M . 1) H W K K , IN.,.., J.P., JJ KKWKIIYLuiniK. —Deep, heartfelt .-nriuw was the one Ivelingpi.Tvading all cla.-rsCn in this luw u en lieuriiiv r , by telegraph, on Sunday, of th- unexpected death same luorr-ing, at Saudymount , en. 1 iiiblin , uf John I i . Dower ,Ks..,J.I' ., lircvery Lodge, Dungarvau . The Koleniu tollingof the bells of the several churches joined in impressiveuuUon with the KU<1 feeling of our inhabitants , for theloss, of one whom they hud so much reason to regret andregard, and who, so short a time before, they had teenamongst them, the strong man, full of life md hope, thehirge employer, excellent magistrate , the true, gcnial-hcarted merchant. For several years tho deceasedgentleman occupied the position of chairman of theTown Commi*"ioner.*, aa wel l u.s vice-chairman of theboard of guardians, where he rendered invaluuble «cr-viccs. He also acted as an efficient magistrate at thepetty sessions court, in which latter capacity the fa' •-ness of his decisions was invariably ii subject of praise.Ki!\i- gentlemen could have led a moro houorablo l ife—a benefactor to those beneath him, whilst auiuugnt annmcrous circle of friends he was revered and respected.Wcll-knoivii throughout the south and west of Ireland;vs uu extensive brewer ; possessing business qual-*ica-tions uf a superior order, and prized by the town'speople as n large employer and popular magistrate, it isnot strange that the prcvuling feeling at the melancholyevent should be one of deep regret , wide-spread and un-affected. In private life Mr. Dower was kind, and so-cial in disposition, ciidvarinjf himself to those friendsw)io had the pleasure of J IM intimacy, uud to his fiuuily,by his many good qualities , causing his loss to be themore keenly felt. 'I'he deceased was attended duringhis last illness, by cue of the roligious of tlio order ofCharity , and departed this life happy ""dpeaceful in the enjoyment of tho consolationsuf religion. His. age was about 51 years , and heleaves u widow, one sou and three daughters, tomourn his loss. At a meeting of the board of guard'ansof this union, yesterday, at which were prefent : Messrs.11. A. Fitzgerald , J.I'., and subsequently K. J. Uashcr,J.P. (in the chair) , M. Haeket t , J. Tobin, Capt. E. Fit?.-gorld , J. Wulsb , K. G. J I . Udell , J.P., D. Downing, andJ. Huekett , the news of Mr. Dower's demise was re-ceived with vci ' poi;, mnt regret. 'With ouo accord,the guardians, il.claicd , on motion of Mr. JI. A. Fitz-gerald , seconded by Mr. E. 0. H. Odell , that they havolrarued with deep sorrow of the death of John Ii. Dower ,K*q., J.l* , who fur many years was one of their mostzcaloiK , active members, and desired, by adjourningtheir meeting, to give expression , inadequate though itbe. to the high esteem in which they hold his memory,and to convey to his bereaved widow and children anditlllicted brother their sincere sympathy in their irrepar-able lu.-s. The board accordingly adjourned. — Vv.n-•/-T '. i'u L\-rr:->n"lu U- l i t .

MKDICAL CHAI i lTV.TO Till ", r . i . i i .nc OK T I I K W A T K I :K.. I :[> N K W S .

SI I :— Not lun-J w'sT'. a yuuiig frii .-ud, tho >l . <). of ui,..ii:hbuiiriiig di^p.-iis:iry. was rci|uircd by red ticket l>.vi-it :i patient at a di.-tiiii 'X- wf seven iniI..-< . l ta was re-:'ci.ived wi lli " Von are the tenth doctor that has see" ;mi. . " The la-t visit another M.O. paid, before ho lcltlh- -mintry, wits ul three in the morning. The licke'was pri- si-ii't.:d i:i the cveningand was marked " urgent ;'¦thu p:ili'-nt had tuoihache. In the tarly davH of ourdi-pen.-ary in l.ady-lanc , the holders of r.d tickets u-cdmint-times tu call at a tlmjx .T° >: sho]> at the .-"rner andmark them " urgent." I have .-cell one pre-outcd diite.1ill- dav b< fur- , but tho ink of " urgent ' scarcely dry.Wiicti 't-mporily du'uig duly lln-ru I was once culled ontu vi - il Hill I'ower , rvsidinu' i'l the lane by the old incii-di. - itv • I wan told that if 1 did not make lmslu I woul .l• ' IL .i \if likely to overtake him alive , I did not mak?li-i-l- and did nut visit for more than an hour when Ifi 'ii 'ind'ii Vlwit - looking young fellow by the Mv of n dunr,>\i lb b:^ ba.-k to tin- wall as if holding it up. " J^ucsj -ni 1','iw-r liv .- her- :" 1; I am l i i l l Power." I was ni-. . i i i i . O t" -H! Tim l.'yan , living in Juhn- .-trcct ; I didrut .'u till tl i.- .-.ft.-r»'> "ii ; 'I'ii'i was not at Imin- : " 111

!,\.l "iv.-n up my '-oiniii!.'nnd gone to taki; a walk."I have attended at .luhn's Hill tu see :t young woman ui•ib'.iur • sin; had only a pain in her side , but thought it

\v»uM l.rii.K me- suwi-r if sin; said .-hi; wus in vcar- ag" I was .'u/ning doivn JJarrack-strcct.N'. urly upi.u .-ii. i .- Duylf 's-lan- u woniiin rushed out of.aiiuus-tu in. ct me, and said " Doctor , it "uuld bi; the"r.:iit. "- t ••liarity i-vt-r j-./ii did to visit this p'Kir man."? wciii with I I.T ; tli- Minn wus suffering from Hinn 'rtdiarrh'r . or mild cholera. Having made my examina-tion I f'.r :i pen, ink , and paper ; tho two firstw-ro l" be h;i'l, but not the lust " Can't we make outany :" I looked about, and under a |.late on a chelf Ifound a prescri ption of Dr. C, dated the same mornii.g.'• Any more uf these r" " No." I looked about in thesame shelf and iii.i.b: out two others, one from Dr. :}.,anulh-r from Dr. K. All three hiwl seen the man beforeme, but th- advice of uono had been followed. I vasunc- sent for to visit a man in a lane leading out: ofSt-plntn—trc-t. I went with littli ; loss of time; founda du.-tor by tin; i-atiwit 'ti bed side; a second came'inbefore 1 left tlm room, and a third was coming tip :hclane as I wi .-nt down ii. I need hardly say that I .li- 1not expend much charity in cither CUKC.

Not a w— k passes in which ono or more [.ersons donot nf. 's-nt thciiis-lvos , who have been already treatedbv other professional men. " What doctor liavi .- , ,'ouf vni '?" " iir. su and so of the dispensary." " il(;,voften did you go to him r" " Once, und what hi; g.iv.iHI. , did not 'Io me a ha'purth of good."

.Sur-ly the poor art; i>vi;r-doi!tor-.l , and the miKfurtinuiis that th-y put no value on tho advice t)«-y fan oV-iiinso -h-iiply. I'"'11 't is -i) i-ii>y to be chariutble ulithcci|»:iis.:uf the dispensary doctors. Man , says SydneySmith, is essential ly a benevolent animal. A never sawIi in dislrc-s, but hi; calls on C to help him.—Jam ,.Mr.K'lilor , very truly yours , MEKie us.

'I'dt Ci / .NMKi. HuriKii M A U K F.T.—The disj .utgwhich has Ut-rly k-pt out the merchants, particularlyfrom Wat-rfurd , has , we learn from the Fm: 1'ress ,b—n partlv settled , a iniijority of Hie butter nii.rk.-t.¦',miiiitt( . .;'b"ving II loj.t-1 , at their last meeting, i;. ri> -srilntion in -tfect re-establishing the old system of t :ans-:>. < -tiiitf business within tho market. Tho fact is themerchants combined together , carried the thing with aliiifh haii'l , •I"'! 'he farmers and committee " caved in ,"nu'twith-tanding their j iri-vious ruHolves on tho snbji-ctof n fonn. It is but right to observe that the chai •manof the cumiuittc-, Mr. Krr/.<iKUALi > , was of upiniunfr.-m ih. .- out-et that th- n-iv systc.-n would not mirk :it wits equall y true that the farmers , a* a body, stolidlyblind to;tln ir'intcrists , failed in -(..operating with thocommit le- , and the latt-r , believing tin ; int-rests ( f thel.r:ul- I" b- scrioii-l y iiiiptrill.- ' l , wnn ab.suliit. 'ly : com-p. 11. -I bv th- m-r.'liants t '0i . :c<i1i-t ..their every r-ijuin-hi .- iil . V'or th "; two prirviuus butte r marki.-ts the - -Mi l 1-lni-iiii-s was iraiisa-t-'d uu the public strceti ami.1sts.'fii- . - *.t ' r i . i i J n - i 'on , uii 'l fo Ot if titiiinvnii '-v ituA ntr 'tii-v i- iii i 'in -- of all parties intcri'-'ti-d , »hil<! the lmv- staff. iii pluy- 'd by the commilt-o Mere left inactive biKaust" they hud uo work to Uo."

CITY GRAND JURY BANQUETOn Tuesday ovening l»at, a banquot, ou an exten-

sive and very oleg>uit8oalo,wns givon in tho ImperialUotol , in this cily, to the present and tho late HighSlu riflV, by gentlemen who usually sorvo ou theGrand Jury , to testify thoir appreciation of thoirconduct in tho fulfilment of tho responsible duties oftbia ancient offico , tmd in recognition of tho splendidhospitality thoy haro dispensod during thoir yearaof otBcc. When wo say that tho entertainment wassupplied in tho beat sty lo of tho Imperial Hocol, irehavo Baid ouough to indicato that it was Buporb, withnothing wanting in quantity, quality, or oxcollenco.Tho chair was occupied by a gentleman who on alloccasions woll and satisfactorily discharges tho dntioaof that traat, Captain Joiixso.s, J.P., who bad on hisleft hand William Penueasy, Esq., High Shoriff, andtho Mayor of C/oumol , Aid. Woods, J.P. ; to thoright sat tlio Mayor of Watorford, Jumos T. Kyna,Esq. (with thoir wot ships wearing their chaius ofoflice) , aud tho ex-Uigh SborilT, Josoph B. Dobbyn,Esq.. Tho vioo-chaira woro occupied by Messrs. Wm.Galv/cy, W. G. D. GolT, Thomas F. Koily, T.C., andDr. p. 1. Mnokcsy, oach of whom had died tho officoof SborilT. Tho general company, which nuuiborednearly sixty, iucluded tho following!—

Aldormcn St. Gcorgo Freeman, J.P., and P. A. Powor,J.P, Mossrs. Abraham Stephens, J.P, N. Lumsdon, J.P,Har:y R. Sargent, Henry V. Mnckesy, J. J. 1'ocly,Joseph Vf . Howard , Town Clerk j Louis Stiangman,John Strongman, S. Straugman; Mr. Stratford, IndianCivil Sorvico; Dr. Scott, J.P. , Joseph E. Tobin, JohnA.Tobiu, David Kent, John Wilson, John JI . Fanning.John BIcKuery, T.C., John Slattcry, J.P., RichardRidgway, J. White, William Cherry, H. Clibborn, J. It.Koraaghan ; Mr. Heard, County Inspector ; Georgo 0.lilaik, Siib-Ins|ioctor; P. V. Hanrahan, Sub-sheriff ;Gorald Fitzgerald , Sub-sheriff , Tipporary ; Counsellor14. iFogarty, William John Denuehy, Clork of thoCro|wn ; John Powor, J. K. Curtis, Robert H. Ryan, W.0. .'Doolin , C.K., AVm. Cla-ke, Vf . B. Sargent, Dr.Dcfandrc, uud Edward S. Kcimy, Mayor's Secretary.

When utnplo justico bad been done the good thingsprovided for man's onjoyment, tho Chairman calledon ,1110 company to fill their glisscs for doing honortu th'n usual toasts on such an e vasion—a callwhich was cheerfull y responded to, nud tho " Quocu,"" tho I'rinco of WnleB," and tho " Lord Lion tenant,"wero honored in a ri^ht royal mnuuer. la proposingtho toast of tho evening—" Our Guests, tho Hi ghSheriff and tho Ex-Hi gh Sheriff"—tho gallant Chair-mt.u , in very woll-chosen and efTectivo language,dn'clt ou tho advantago of having ytung gontlumculiko thoso two . taking thoir placoa in tho publicpositions of tbo city, fulfilling their duties with ontirosatisfaction, uud in a mamior indicating that theywill provo highly beneficial accessions to tho ranks ofth.) useful public men of our city (b( ;r, hoar) .

flio tonsC liartog been honored by "throo timesth -eo and a bumper," Messrs. Fcunr \j and Dobbynrei.urued thanks in very npptopriati) addresses, ex.prossing their hearty appreciation r' tho high com-pliment paid them by bciug cutortniucd so aplondidlyby. the leading men of tho city, and venturing a hopothat they may continue to merit by their actions tlioapprova l of thoir folloiv-citi/.eDs. During tho de-livery of their addresses, each of tho guests w.isreceived with cordial manifestations, which weredul y appreciated aud acknowledged.

Tho Hi gh Sheriff, iu proposing the health of theirhiybl y-cstecmcd chairman, paid fittiog tribute to agi;titlcmali so deeply regarded by all classes of ourii How-citizens , ami expressed bis earnest hopo thath>) may be spared long to preside over many such en-tertainments aB tho present. Tho toast having boonhumored in ihu heartiest manner possible by the entirecumpnny, the chairman suitably replied, assuring thoassembly Lhat bo is never ntoro-h:tppy than when hoU, surrounded by his fellow-citizens ou all i-uch)))e;isaut occasions (applause).

i Tho Mayor of Walerford , in n. vory appropriateBpeech , proposed tbo licultb of the Mayor uf Glumnol ,t> which his worship replied in a happy stniiu , ex-pressing a hope tlint Tipporary will soon commenceto imitate Wnterford in those happy re-uniona, andthat on the occasion of tho first entertainment in(•loumel ) lit- hoped to meet all those now present en-joying tlio hospitality of the munici pality over whichlie has tlie honour to preside (laughter) .; The next toast , by tho chairman, was " Our guests

(iouncctcd with tho Grand Jury, " which was re-sponded to by Messrs. W. J. Dcuueby, W. Sargcut,ami 1'. ]•'. llnnriibiiu.

Mr. T. F. Koily, V.C., proposed "Tho Constabu-lary ," which brought a rcspunso froinCuunty-Inspec-ior Heard ; and tbo \'ice-cliairnian, as ox-Sheriffs,¦ivoked appropriate replies from each of thoso four¦joutlcmcu—Messrs. Uolf, Koi ly, Mockcsy, andUalway.! Mr. I I . R. Sargent said he had been entrusted ^?itlla most importuni task, "Tho Comn.iltco," withoutwhom no banquet would havo been epread before thocompuily that evening, and to whcVe eompctoncy andiittouliun to tho duties thoy lud uudertakco, waaentirely duo tho splendour of tho jutertaiumont, withtho groat success altcndaut or*, it in otcry depart-ment (upplause).

Mr. Joseph K. Tobin, who had taken a very nctivopart iu thu arraugoments, was now loudly called, onto respond , aud in obedicuco to tho domaud , made amost fuliuiloua e^ccti , iu Trbicb ho stated * lbut tUulabours of tho committee, so freoly diaehargod, hadbeen amply rewnrdod by tho great success of thoeutertaiumcut which they wero now enjoy ing (hoar) .

Mr. II. It. Sargeut propoaod tho health of tho in-defatigable hon. secretary, Aid. St. Georgo IVeoman,who never tires iu his exertions to briug all good anddeserving objects to a successful issue. That gentle-man reKjKjuded in his usual happy vein, his romirkabeing received with hearty applause.

Dr. fc'cott , J.P., iu an eloquent' speech, proposed11 Tho l'rcss," to whic h Messrs. E. S. KcDiiey andWin. Clarke responded j and tho liBt of toastsnow being exhausted , tho company proceeded to thoenjoyment of mirth and music, tho last of this verypleasant and enjoyable party not separating until thoday hud well passed.

OUR CITY MEMBERS.Pursuant to a circular , issued a t'->y or two beforo,

several of tho friends and political * ipporters of ourcity niombeiH, Richard Power, 'Ssq., and MajorCI'Gormau , nssumbled at tho City Hail , on Fridaynight , to meet tho Right Worshipful tho Mayor, toarraugo preliminaries for tbo purpose of affordingboth hooomblo members an opportunity of address-iug the electors, aud.if doomed desirablo,of entertain-ing them to a bauquet. Tho ni ght was very unpro-piiioii B, and althoug h ihu Muyor, us ho always is, WUH

up tu lime.haK-past seven, it was u considerable periodbefore theiu was a Kullicent attendance to justifyproceeding with business. Whilst waiting for themeeting wliicli , to judge hum tho carpetted platformin the large room, and array of chairs thereon , wasintended to bu a public one, Mr. Henry Sargent ,M n.or, 'cru now u well.know aspirant for I'nrliumen-tiiry honors, enlerci ihe front seats, wearing a largoKi-eeM rusetu: iu his left breast , and was grcotod byrounds uf applause by several jovial Bp irits who, bythis time, had got, in and around tho gallery. Ateight, o'clock the Mayor camo upon tho platform fromtho Council Chamber, accompanied by several mem-bers of the election eomuiiltuo of our two represen-tatives , aud, addressing thoso present, expressed hisregret at the small attendance, adding ho had nodoubt it would havo bien much larger, wero it notfor tho inclemency of ihc- weather. Mr. JamesDohi .-rty and Mr. Henry Sargent here rose simulta-neously to oddrcsx tho chair , but tin; Mayor stoppedboth by say ing it was dolcnnined , under the circum-stances, io hold the meeting i" privali- , and ho wuiililropiest all those who had received circulars to meethim fur a few u«iiutcs iu the next room. 11 is worshi pthen rctiixt to tl- i; Council Clmmer, followed by lliojuwhyvhail. receiTi-d circulars , and theio u short meet-

"Xii" was held in private, thu result of which was theappointment of a cuminiltuo to prepare, preliminaries,and to carry them out.

Whilst ll.i.-< was being douu inside, a rather ludi-crous Hcene was taking plaeu in tho outer chamber.Some 0'ic desirous of crculiug a sensation suggc-Ktoilto Mr. Sarg. nt to makii a speech ; tho idoa wascaught at; Mr. .Sargent ascuudud tho platform cheering, and addressed tho audience forabout n quarter of mi hour, »» well an oould bogutbered from ihe disjuinted mauner in which hisbolstc-rouB hearers allowed him to bo heard , iu favorof Homo Rule , in support of liin OKTI grout claims tosit lor Wnturford , uud strong ly expressivo of hiBopinion of tho uiiiiuilubility of the juuiur member tocuniiiiu. - his represenlation of Wulcrfurd. Tbcrowas considciiiblc challing during this address, withvery much nuisc and confusion , all of which Mr.Sargent look in the best spirit , gutting in a wordwbcru ho could , ami holding his tonguo where hocould not. When hu was heard ho waa found full oflovo and admiration for Waterford , aud his fellowbi;ingrt, mill rea ly to do anything for tho public good.During tlm proceedings tho audience wero surprisedto find tho gas suddenl y lowered , but Mr. Sargentwaa quite cipial to the occasion. Iu the confusionho utilized n pair of mould caudlea which wore ontho tablo befnro him , und again wont swimmingly oufor a time , until theso lights wero removed, and tbospeaking c.imo to nn end amid greut cheering for" Homo Rule ," " Sargent ," and "Old Ireland ."

On Monday nvcumg, according to printed announce-ment,, extensivel y posted, Mr. Henry Sargent ad-dressed a largo OHsemblngo in i '.io Mauor from hisparlour window upon tho topict of tho previonB Fri-day night. Tho audienco wero qu 'o as demonstrative-as they nvrv on Friday, und tnonj to thoir JikiDfj, asthoy had a wider scopo for their .inticB. This nightnquibs , crackers, syringes, ni.d other matters of I hutkind wero iu requisition , and strong ly to bo con.demiied , eo also wero sticks nnd Btoucs , tho lattor ,happily, uut to n great or very injurious effect. Thespoaker did not succeed in enunciating any pro-nounced jt oUlicul oiiiniouM ; tho nmnserncnln outsidedoors wcrn so varied tlint no ono individual couldhopi! to liuvu i invi i i i half his own way ; tho iuvila-tious to Mr. H.irgi nt weiu exceeding ly Humorous ,and *OMII ; exceeding ly comical. Ho was requested totoll l. i s visitors snmiMliiiig about bis grandmother ,and tli-ii to inspect a pcwlcr at Miss I'lielanV , withany natu bcr } <*: f iioos 't t<t invite , hut tu w/> wrty w;j.gho put uut. lie »toud tho brunt manfull y, anil closedfor tho night ut uiuu o'clock.

TUB IRISH FISHERIES.On Satin-day last, Major Hayes, ono of tho inspec-

tors of Irish Fisbories, sut at tbo Court-houso, Wator-ford, for tho purpoEO of hearing evideneo as to thoalleged destruction of salmon fry in tho months ofApril and May by tront fmhora, and, generally, any-thing whioh could bo stated for tho further improve-mont of Irish fishories.

Major nAVEs, hU court, said tho bnsinosson whioh thoy wero ontoring waa a very importantono, and bo trusted thoy would approach it with allthat oalmnoss aud attention which that importancedemanded. Tho objoot they had In view WBB-to inoreasotho salmon fry in their rivers , whioh there was toomuch reason to know was largely destroyed throughtho year, but in doing so not to inflict hardship uponany ono class in the community in aoy mousurowhich ho and his colleagues would doom advisablo toremovo tbo causo of complaint. PoraonB who des-troyed tho fry in thi3 way novcr considered tbo greatand soiious mischief thoy wero doing. If thosopcoplo thought, for ODO moment, of tho largo amountof ora which was necessary to form one fry, thoywould then BOO tho ovil , aud not only deBist thom-BOI FOS, but exert thomsolvcB to induce others to re-frain also. Lot thorn romombor tho number of one-raieB tho gravelin bad to oontond with ia tho water ;thoy hnd tho cols, tho trout, ond a kiod of watorspider, and kuowing tho fact that numbors of thornwore destroyed in that way it would bo, at onco, soonhow nocoasury it was to do all thoy could to oxortthomBolvofl in ovory way iu the preservation oftho fish.

Mr. PRENOEKGAST, Ardfinnan Casllo, Clonmol , ODO

of tbo consorva:ors ol,, tho Wutorford district, askedMajor Hayes hi3 opinion as to what wero gruveliu ?Woro they salmon or not ?

Major IIAYIS said thoy wero salmon fry. Ho waswoll awaro of tho doatruotiou dono to this fish bytrout fiahcrs. At ono timo, when not no much iu-torcBtod in tho preservation of tho fish as ho hadsince become, bo was wnlking by tho bank of a riverin tho north of Iroland and ho met a gentlomaufiahing. On coming up to him ho found ho had hisbasket half full of salmon fry . Ho asked tho g-ntlo-mau if that was not a great destruction to tho fish ,whereupon tbo gentlomau replied " Oh ! thoy nro dc-licioua when properly dressod." At this moment thowator bailiff waa not ompownrod to oxtttnin* any-ono's basket ho would find fiahing, and hcoco thodifficulty of detecting tho extent to which tho frywas boiog destroyed ; but it wns a quostion with thoinspectors whether thoy would not aak tbo govoru-ment to improve tho law in that roapoct, and givothem powor to do BO. UO would now bo happy tohoar any ono who bad evideneo to givo upou tho sub-joct.

James Grant deposed he was n water bailiff sta-tioned at 1'ooncoin for tho past twenty-eight years ;his district ran up to Coolnamuck weir, at Carrick-ou-Suirj is in tho habit dt fleeing trout fishors everyyear upon tho Suir ; about two years ago ho found achap fishing for troat under tho Castlo at Carrick ;discovered that ho was catching salmon fry ; ho hadabout two dozen and three in his basket ,- used therod himself for a fow minutes , iwl caught half adozon , which ho threw back into tho river ; saw abouthalf a dozon tront fishing at Fiddown of a day ; sawabout from tivcuCy-fmi to thirty trout fishing fromCoohiaburtia to Cloneu on a Suuday.

Mr. liarron Xcwcll , J.I'.—Upon a inilo of tho river !Grant : It is over a mile, sir. Mr. Xowull : It in notmoro than n milo and a half. It is all my property,and I never saw ao many, by any moans, fishingthere, and I am very particular in having tho fishpreserved.

Witness continued his evidence—Thoso fishermenonl y go out on a Sunday or holiday ; the salmon frygo duivn l» Ihu st-a tbo most iu April nnd in May ;they were to bo seen tbo thickest then at MountCoiigrovu in tin' shade ; witucs.s saw them in tboriver Clodajjh in thousaudd iu lig ht water; that iswhen thero aro uo floods. JJo has socu them on thatriver do so in Juno.

William Crawloy deposed he was an inspector ofwator bailiffs fur about four or live mouths fromCarrick to Kilshcclan ; sees a great many salmon frygo down the river in A pril and in May ; beforo wit-ness becamo connected with the conservators ho haskilled as many as a doze n fry iu tlio day in thesomonths ; fished every day, that wus every fishingday ; know several others to do tho same. To Mr.Prondergnst : Has seen as mauy as six or aovon eu-gaged fishing tho samo way, and they would killabout the same as ho did ; tbia fishing is much prac-tised from Carrick to rCilsheolan; oftou killed a dozenand a half of this gravoliu; saw this upon tboClodagh.

To Mr. Newell—Would not kuow the difference bo-tween brown trout nnd graveliu. To tbo Inspector :Ia awaro that graveliu , when going to tho sea, isbright in tho color; whou witness took them theyhad all their Bilvor coats on ; tho BCO I CS would eomooff iu tho hand. To Mr. Promlorgaat : Thinks if thorowas a small liconso, say Is. Cd. or 2s., put upontrout fishers, it would stop tho boys from killing thefry ; thoy aro to bo soon fishing along tho quays atCarrick with sallow rods and worms. To Mr. J. M.Rivors : I IIHTO SCCU thorn catching fluko along tboquays at Carrick.

James Graat, recalled, stated to Mr. Prondorgastthat if thcro was a small liccuso duty put upon trontCshiug it would havo tho effoct of making tho youngchaps, who now " mooch" (raitoh) from school forthu purposo of fishing, giro up tho practice, andkcop to school.

Mr. 1. Uarron Ncwoll , J.P., deposed—I wiab ,Major JIaycs, to confiuo my cridenco to tho particularlocality of which I havo a thorough knowled go, andiu which I tako tho doopost iutorcst. Upon thoClodagh, which is my property, I admit thoro ia acurtain destructio n of fry, but not to any groat ex-tent ; putting on a liconso duty for trout fishingwould do no good in tho way of provontion, and bo agreat hardship upon tho poor; many a poor manmight wish to catch a trout, and to allow thorn thoopportunity hi* rivor is alway s open to thorn j itwas so from timo immemorial.

Tho inquiry hero closod, Major Hoyos sitting ioKilkenny on Monday, and Uagualatown on next day,reserving tho ovidenco taken for tho decision of hiscollcuL'iicu and himself, upon consultation,

LOCAL ITEMSUA S K KU I T SALK.—On Saturday last Mr. Josoph

Clampctt , Auctioneer, Henrietta-street, sot up forsale upon thu premises tho interest of tho lato ten-nnt , Mr. Thomas Mahcr , in the busiuoss houso, No. !) ,I'atrick-strcct , hold under feo farm grant , nt tlioyearl y rent of till 10s., in conjunction with premisespartly in Castle-street , nnd partly in Littlo Patrick-street, the latter held under loaso dated Sth June ,WJo, for :I7 years, with covenant for renewal ; tholast renowel was lK -.h November, 1339, for 2S years,subject to tho annual rent of £28 103., payablo halfyearly. Tho biddings, which wero taken subject tothe approval of tho court , woro as follows:—Mr.JiimoB I'ower , leathor merchant, Broad-street , openedwith JCIIJU ; Mr. ]'. Redmond, Barroustrand-streot ,followed with .CIHO ; Mr . James Powor, £200 ; Mr. P.Redmond , £220 ; Mr. J. Power , £300 ; Mr. MicbaolO' llrien , Patrick-atreet , jtli.OO; Mr. J. Power , C100 ;Mr. Michno! O'Jin'en, £'110, nnd i(r. Jampg I'ower ,£150 , at which fi gure ho was declared tlm purchaser.Mr. Clampctt did everything possiblo to givo satis-faction in this, his opening auction, :md received ngeneral verdict of approval.

TI I K CONSTAIII :I.A U V .—Snb-Coiialable lli ggins, furmany yeara assistant clerk in tho olfico of the CountyInspector , and detailed on tho Manor station ,has bc-npromoted Acling-Cotistablo , and Acting ConstableIlickey, Cappoquin, has been advanced to the rank ofConstable, both promotions dating from tho first hint.

A I'oDi.isii K O I I I I E U Y A girl named Kllen fJurrun,of about IK , well-looking, but lame, arrived hero ouWednesday by tho enr from Dungarvau , nt a fowminutes past twelve , and in an hour aftorwards camoa telegram from the JXJ HCC at Dnngarvan to thoauthorities here, stating that Miss Currun had Btoleu£12 from her parents, small farmors living nt Ring,and pray ing for her arrest. IMtcotiro ConstableWalsh ulmoHt immediately soiled tho runaway in aruspccUblo houso of public entnrtainuicut on theQuay, the owners of which bonne, not being bouudby law to suspeot their neighbours, seeing no reasonto deny sustenance to ono who was clearly a traveller.Sl:o met her mother yesterday morniDg boforo thoMayor and Mr. Slattcry, at thu polico offico , word otbo arrest having been wired to Dungarvan tho pre-VIOUH evening, and tho old lady auccecdod in gctliugher truant offspring hnmlcd over to her without afine. Tho officer fortunately succeeded in getting£11 7s. 3Jd. of the money iu possession of the pri-soner, nn J tho only statement mntlo by tho foolishgirl was, sho did tho act in a fit of passion, and wasboun'l for Liverpool—to her destruction.

SA N I T A R Y M KA SUKES .—Mary Anne Lnnignn, a voryUnsanitary opidemio in this city , was brought upouyesterday morning at the polico ofh'co for liaviug beondrunk and disorderly on tho Quay on Wednesdaynight. Tho fact couldu 't bo denied, neither couldunothor fact lhat nho was niuo times convicted before,and Mnry Anno has disappeared for n mouth, exceptto privileged oves.

AccrioN AT H AM.I N V O I I E H .—On Thursday aud Mon-day Inst, Mr. John Petidor, auotionoor, couduotod amost BUCCCSB I UI Ea'o of out-door property and houso-hold furniture, tho property of M. Shalloo, Esq., whohas changed his rosidenco to near Now Ross. Thoattcndaiico of buyers was uumorous, and all was soldoff quickly at remunerative prices.

EKRATUM .—In our last, tho ublo and celebratedauthor, R. II. Home, Esq. of Loudon/was errouoouslyinserted ns " Howo." Ho is still nt the residenco ofCapt. C. B. Wyse, J.P., tho Jfauor of St. Johu.

CATTLK Smi'MKNTs. —Mr. Wee, V.S., governmentinspoctor ofcuttlo at this purt, informs as that thoatitlo skipped iiom thin cily, aru healthy, and fruofrom disease.

Tins W K K K 'S I M I 'UII 'I A 'I I I . N S .—Whito Uro*. & Co.have just reci-ivod S,:i()0 qr.s. (lalatz maino , and Colo& I'riMKor 2,700 > |IK. wheat from lioiton , U i). Mr.L. A. Ryan , 5,u'00 qrs. maize fro m Sulina.

The death of Mr. Rober-.suu Gladstone, uf Livrjiriol, in announced . Ho w:m n ) r:idii)f ! Li v erpool r-'r

chai.t , tho older brother of Ibo cx-l'rouiiur, aprouiivout Liboral. iit

A. .

•"»¦ ifTlI \<m\of tho H . @ U Am I - iW \houso ^ i to -' ¦ I Jroauso os u JM f /^kiP / ^Jsmall farm l v >^^ f ^£S>

as woll as foi ' Jdischarged, but , . T , „_ Vv ^order had not be8)W JoiliiUU May 9, tho bouse. Ho ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fcho flint. ? - "* ^ " "

The MASTER said tb l O ^ t Cpursuan t to order, | j J .O/0Mr. J. FiT/.iiF.iiAl,D''!in

Buch could uut bci the fnrwoman m tho bouso tho^vc

Cunsidcrablo quostiooingtbia statement, tho masterFitzgornld and Morrissoy IW /vj-rrMr. N KWELC suggested that( ll j JKto soo if tho'woman waa in "" ^"" *boforo tho board.

In tho mestntimo tho etcsaid ho found nn ontry.whiir i

-r- -r?

book upon tho 2nd of Jur-17 Q- .-i—l J=J ,mado tlio order to havo thher two .ohildreu , and iftbo master must havo ni

¦a—-. BARGAINS !tho board. After a fow qto retire, and thon

Mr. BLOosiKiiit,i> , sayingbad neglected hii duty, mt'le to mark off ftcharged tho coat of tbo minnd her two children frorrdata. Mr. (7L A M P F.IT necon-

In answer to tho CIIAIR Shad so explanation beyond soversight. )Io wns now fiftei ~v g ^

~rT tbouao, aud this was tho first I J f ; J^_ 'brought against him during th.keop down th-J numbers weroho bad sent out. from timo to tit,wero carried out;, soveral moro •them.

Mi. BREX .VAN —With ft good tmight ovorlook tho first offonco.

Mr. LEASI Y said it was a greatand tho master ought, himsolf, totlio cost incurroil.

Aid. FIIEKMA V concurred with Mr.that, feeling the raastor was n good tmovo that ho ho reprimanded.

Mr. CONN observed that us ho wastive of tho division to which this worn;tho coBt would fall upon tho ratcpnbo bad, perhaps, tho moat right toiKlRTS,that tho mastor was a good officer , a. -rmtiTPDV Xbis first offoHco, ho thought tho juc ¦"u^1E'"- * > *-<would bn met with a reprimand.

Dr. SCOTT 6aid that after a good a-years, it would bo very harsh, imoffence , to visit tho master with BUC Q A T T?as to charge him wilh this amount. , l3-*». A-'1-'

AM. FRKKM A S 'S amendment, to r.ben: divided on 03 follows :—

/•'or— Capt. Power, Messrs. Scott ,Vciilc , Urennan , O'Oorman , and Freen

I JI '. HIS !—Messrs. Carow, BloomlioldFitzgerald,Loamy, Lawless, 0'Shea, Claods wil l bo marked—10.

Tho a -'cudmont was declared lost , .Hloomfield's motion to charge tho mast<on with tho following result:—

For—Messrs. Carcw , liloomfiold, JvcFitzgerald , Loamy, Lawless , Vcale , Clnmpinud Xowcll—11.

A 'jnin .sl—Captain Power, Messrs. R*'Brcntian , 0'Gorman, and Fir man—G. ,';]^r\T> T\

Declined— M essra. Morrissoy, Couii ,;" l*i- v7Xl»X/Tho motiou waB declared carried , t c"

that thu onl y way the order could JQ//.'placing it boforo tho auditor, whi/ anj "'to ih) . ' e, be;,,

Mr . KKoiiii said ho was Toneee/po "occu rred , but in voting aa he t0 ,., f OINTSbad only performed his duty Joi,. ° L\JX \ kj.tho question was, whetht-Mr. Hnun .maater was to pav, and li r 'v " ctuc-u u.ahould be liablo for bis c " c«o p0U(J(J '

THE SANITARY SAL , "1 fo orcr £"_.

M^S0:%^fept-^RStioo of tho saniVor / , ¦"". iUcX)0Vv '8 Seasons, inis now ly ing ,ovJa;r /l ;

Aid. jACOidba op has. ° deputnt;tako tho ad.. °7.- *«»« for Zir tES ,Binaries u-orj- ralQ / '"*«*«/«/ to ' >

Gotn^^tfe-^ CLOAKS, &cout of tho ratec, I ' th*

p 'au*iio u Jauythmg of thB kfi > »>»Uer, toe

«Mr. CLAxrCTT (- *' bo< *uau ' K V V T)tboy should net stultify tben.Jt u

yv-«JiAV±-K ;to tho Local Goveruinont Boarii. 0 j>.u thMr. Carew Baid—allow tho Dublin board toa 7«a?ntamus,» step ho was auro they woutd ixliiib.but if they did numbers of ratepayers wore ito subscribo to onablo tho board to resist it.' Dr. SCOTT said bo would again warn tho .against doing a foolish act. Lot them settlequestiou now, and not foolishly depend upoiscriptions to resist tho power of tho Local G.mont Board, a powor which that board cou'think of forogoing (hear, hear) .

Messrs. B LOOMKI F.LII and LF.AMY adviaod 'coimo, but tho cry " postpono" prevailing Jman bad to tako tho opinion of tho boar-' aproposition, and it was given as followa j, JJ0U8I;-)

Fnr— Cnpt. I'ower, Messrs. Keogb, Cor . 'Kent , Lawless, Veato, O'Oorraan, Ua2.aud Clampett—11. '.

A 'jain st — Moasrs. Frcoman, beLeamy, Brennan, and Rogers—G.

Tho subject was accordingly postrnight.

Brief reportB woro road from Dr. goTramoro j Cauo, Eilmacovogao ; and %moadon, spoakiDg in general torms o H tJ t o itory Sanitary Btoto of their district

SUITFDUinn broko up. ' 'Wr.DNKSDAY, SEI -T, 20.—Aid. T. Vi.

V.O., i» the chair. Also present : Cn TTr . , ,D.V.C., Messrs. P. UarronKewell , J.I'., C. M I Ss U ,I'. Vwih.', M. O'.Shua, E. l-'orristal , M. Hai 1 K->*- 'lMorrissey , i i . Kockett , J. Devereux , J. tI'ower J L. Conn , Aid. St. Cleurgu FrccmiMaekesy , M.D., T.C.

Tho applications for reliof, intern andnot ninny, and showed nothing of ma' J^"1)Tho first business attracting tho atl : ;board was tho rosolnlion comprised or 12 stamps in anthe Clerk (Mr. John Maekeyj, forv.Chairman of tho board, Sir Robert 1'omatuie ilroay ofpreasivo of thoir deep regret at his resit ion ; chapters onchair, nnd their extreme desiro thur lluir riim.val; ihoconsider his determination , and Sir i"»j»'. its ilin]iwlifi-thorcto. Mr. Mackcy'a lottor was aa ffell- trintini 'Ul , Ac. ;

"Clerk's Office, Workhouse, Septcmt. wa'- ir "e Ko0*'

" Si it—I have the honor to acknowledge — your letter of the 21st init., in wlrrJF. VITA:, or LlFKyou are constrained to declinei to jaj Jfoctunul KmiatiouK ,ex-odicio guardian of tho unioV fbiliiy, Kp ilepis .v, and allcoiitiiincd iu your letter. y, Sgrwiparillii , i<-., BTO too

" Your letter was read by me Uicians to Ihc ultimat e luinaud 1 am now to forward you,uf a resolution passed unanin.e nsult ot limit piacticnl in-ri.-soliition will , perhaps , best CM aJsplrd for iheie di-mscs.pervading sentiment which ]> chic qualities , and , . bovc all ,which ea-li member vicl with t the netvoui ty tttm , renderance to the deuji re^.ot which sei/ t i r signilicum title. Theyof the board losing the service-* or mtraiut ofdict , &«.,distinsjui^hed president. Ihe nsuiu claim uir- rniimnceuversphere aro rcivched by simply transn. promoting ilim'siion—the boards but if , actuated by a persi-K without iuflmnMixteem and respcct , I nntoos fytttinwill trnstto your indulgence to excuse tlil biliit , and rmtortbo considered, under other circumatanccs ,! muscular fibiet ,erty accompanying tha earnest appeal 0 1 miod.Keinbly, comprising tho majority of tho lcaa.|u|j fucassfulof tho board. It wonld he futilo ui mu t<jf o d age; whothe rcsjicctfnl and humblo mito of thin niter rinlMte foriu.ttitution, beRtfing a rcimd lor atndy, buiineai or mjor-tion, could influence ycarently liopeleea casn, given up byfeel it a .lnty to my br prrmaoentlj cured, and have bumahow severely wo would (net .ne.stly we join in thdd S3<. of all Chemi|t>, or direct ODhonor to be , Kir , yourr post-office order addressed to \) t. D«

"J OHN , Hullotd Spnnre, London, W.C." To Sir Robert I'ai & Co., 121, C»pe)-6lieet , Doblin j Mr.To that Jeller Sire, llsllynirDa: Mr. H BM U, Southern

follows:— merieli j Mi. PoKon, Feraanajhitail" Hallviflai jr Hl J*# Hnc» Office, Waterfordi

¦' DE A R Sin 'Giarel , Lumuago, ni.cumatuiD , Goatfeel grateful in tlic , Ntt,m,nf,, ,' 1,,v . Strictire,AcHay, affectionato iniw q> rinMTJnTTiun T> I?HT V Tboard, nnd if tho unja COMPOUND BENALtho chairmanHhi p, I we'' »•»• K«.l, or thj kidney., in-of the Kuarnians. If »u »«' lb» »»rld. ,. tl.. wfe.t >»dL'uardian, I should onlyve <l«nK«on. touipliiioli.Di«cli.rge... AiiirmM "*• ot lhe Kidney> , Bladder, andaS

-'hr ave%-ith pain to'>. «*«\}< °<* '*.. '"?««"'/

my frieitiU, reKolved not""' "ld. » •'"J'ni.g, p.infal death.'Perhaps tho board w.t""«I»"'«. Incapacity for So-

.pea, uUh you, ^ ^^gf it tS iU" Th &1 Governme. " -'{«¦ """«" »»*™. ">V

occasionR W-th that cm .¦.„„,,„ .. in wbu, ,,,,„ „ lb,j fontlomcn who aro unp b) . ttHxM dlreetha 0, }}fr M,.cuHtomou. , ..-u inn j.r«' f ,, «.n,»» ,i.n n» #.*™u .. rt • -~ ^¦¦6iooer» to p.otect lbe public from"Our opinion ,onwbicll j b (||;,iy ^nd ,„„,,,*„,,ion .with fy n»- U-Sjome unprinci pled Vecdo.» whin ukedto the boca ,,. pj))j) jjaTe atiempted Io foial other iB«li-to rcmoiJiujpou,,,),, „, t|10ir owu U puu ll)e pujtinje^ f,omthu n 'Vey obtain alar^t urofit , bul which luvanbly entail

'ointment . Ask lor hu. OB ltoos' COMPODKU HERALt'»"i, and • a not he rxr/iuoJcd iuto Uyiog tuylbioK slue ;boi'khould the leaat dilRcully occur, enclose th« amonut byUi-oltica order or 6l»m|u an above, and they oiil be aeutIr retorD.tiula liy AkMastor <fc Co., 121 , Capel.itreer, Dubliu ; Mr.

A hue, Obterver Oflic, IShll j nirn* ; Mr. llwaelt , SouthernChronicle Urbc , Luntiiik ; Mr. I'oUun , Fermanag h MailOlliu', Kunokitu - n : ,md in W, h.iiK-ttrett , WHtr t lord .

BflS" For I'SINIIKO, of every deaoription, cheap andgood, K>vo yoar ordera ut THE NXYTS Office , King-st.

''V WW J**>* <+1



34, USHER'S QUAY, DUBLIN,Undcr ihe personal raanogemcot of J. C. WALSH, late

J'ropriefor of tho College Hotel, Fleet-street andCollege-street.

fTUlIS HOTEL is tnoft Central nnd Convenient ;JL Tr.,m Cars pass Io and from KiDg's Bridgo nnd

M'ostland-row Stations every 10 minutes ; is onlythroe minutes' walk from fc'milhfield and the FourCourts, nnd is in the centre of the principal mocbants1cftices.

Charges will bo found modernte. Beds, .'s. and Is.fid j Urenkfast, Is. to la. 4d. ; Chops, SteA>",s, Kidneys,ic. A la>go stock of Wines of the choicest vintnge.

Bpacious Dining-ibonii] set npnrt for the riceptionof Club, Dinner, or Supper Parties.

D O B L I N .Tho European Hotel, Bolton Street.

a llE EUROPKAN is tho lnr{,'Ci t, the bett situate,. nud tho most comfortable Ilotcl in the City. All

modern improvements bnve been recently introduced ,and tho entire House papend, painted, aud decorated,

Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw-ing Booms from 2s. 6d. to Cs. Sitting Rooms on theground Boor freo of charge.

83£* Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl , ond Entrco inCofi'co Hoora nnd Eeptuurant fiom Two to Seveno'Clock daily. Bed, including Servants, 2s. Gd., 2s,and Is. 00.

[m3I.t(] J. MOL0NY, IWielor.

THE GREAT GLOBE HOTEL,DUBLIN (Established 40 Years), •

4, 5, 6, and 7, LOWER BKIDGE STKEET,KICIIARD COFFEY, Proprietor.

THE nbovc FIHST-CLASS FOTKL has been newlyPainted, Papered , and rc-Dccorated, several now

Kooras ndded, and all fitted np, in a superior stylo oielegance and comfort , with tho most modern improve-ments, and coutintics to receive the undivided per-sonal attention of Jlr. and Mr«. COFKEV . j'rom it«central i«>sition it will be found most convenient for thevisitor , being in the immediate vicinity of the LnwCourts, five to ten minutes' drive from any City KailwayTerminus, and a few doors from King's Bridge TramwayLino. Supplies of first-class quality. Notwithstandingpresent, high rates, the terms will be found mor-t mode-rate. Eiciikfusts from Is. 3d. Table d'Hole, ±-.: onweek days at three o'clock ; on Sundays at five o'clock.

Gentlemen's Coffee anil tfniokini; Koouts. Ladies'Coffee and Private Sitting Komns.

Accomniodation forlbn pencils, aisil Niyht Porfcr inattendance. f'Jli .Iv


TTNDKlt new tr. iiiiii gitnLUt , thorouji iiiy ri- iiovm.-il ,\J central mid -iiiciit , combiuing Cleanliness

aud Comfort wilh ChcnptK^v.llads, Is . tols. rul. iiri tii»l,t;llrcaU: ist , J.*. io 2f. (.U;

Dinner rrom Is. (Ji l . j Tni , lOd. Jameson's live yearold Hall , guiinmtccd , Id. j:i r g lass. Table li'llolc at¦1.30, Is. Sd.

W.C. ond Bath-roums lccenll y addid on eachlanding. Night l'orli-r in atlei.diincc.

S3} " Wilhiu five niihiilcs walk of King's JSrid goTerminus. j j t i - l r .


r|'HIS is ii Ccnliiil and Comiortalilu Hotel in-I which everything can be had on the most moderate

terms. 'Host Dublin and Wojtford Spirits ; also, Brandies ,

WincB, Porter, Ale , &«. (aulo-tf)Cars on Hire at tho i-hortcst notice.

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

49 M A B L B O H O U ' G H ST11EET.PAHTIKS Visiting Dubliu enn be occommoduted,

with or without liootd, nnti all the comfoita ofa home, on llodcrnto Terms. [oi5-tl]

tj tf T Situation centrul , close io Snckville-street.


1 heg to inform mv numerous Friends and thePublic that , through elicion of time , I have becomoProprietor of the above old-established Hotel.

I have completely and most comfortably re-furnishedit, and have considerably enlarged it, fitting it upthrongeout in best modem style.

I trnst by careful and constant attention to the wantsand comforts of my vibkors to merit the patronage KOliberally bestowed on my Me fothpr, and reni>cd fullysolicit an early trial.

MICHAEL COFFEY, Proprietor.Son of late M AUBICE COKFEY .

Phase noto Address-30 LOWER BRIDGE STKEKT-DUBLIN. dll-3ra


as " Stork" lor href.lca , scupji, mode dihhe ^ , mul fcuutrs ,diff» fine H»vuur nnd gt.-ut uti iDgti. . Invurtabl; nJoptrdin hnojrhulds u*h.-n fniil^ trii-d. Cmition—tiei.uiiie onlywith lSumii Liebie 's Imcimilp srronn Hie lat pl. n21t



ClASSKLL'S OIUKNTAL CO!l-'EE consistsI ..I A uli'i I : MI ul Hit! tini' .-t |I1 I.» I I IK nl Kurt Ii.ih:i

Ih I he Jin'cihs ol I.,;.Mi ' K :, j .'iu:ilinc il c lulUirtii^lli .nidtino muii^.i a,c jn i M- ivti l , iri . i l irn^ u .{|ii..: io tt v Collm i-ou ntil |-i.».ii in OU1KNTAL L'OUM 'KIKS , 111K l'Eli.KKCT1ON nl COKKKK. l'rin-a s-. pir II. .CIASSEIJL'S COl-'l-'KKH arc also supplied tit

' Is., 1- . 4d., K IM., It. Bl ., ;-uil \>. lUil . jitr ll... i i i r i i h Il.i (, ii> :l.ouL ln-laml , in C,mi»U'is mul ^ir-li ^'acWis lm» wr imiic to one |.: uml.f YA S SELL 'S CUFFKES liavcvccurcdtlic most\y w iili ' - rpieai l n p u t i i l i o n , ai:d l l i cy (¦tt .ii l i> |t l i i yciilcciiii'ii i>, il i i l l u s i v e l y UKMI t l i i i .u ' l itiu '. l t r l tu id lur ne.u lyA y L 'A l l T K K Or' A CliN'l L'KY. A.k at yourCniKt ib fur t'AS.-KLL 'li CoFPtK , nud be fllic you K^' l'"-'ri^hl '. inli-lj


L O N D O N ;Q23" And Svld by O'roco'.s ihruvg hout lrtlaml .

BISHOP & SONS' QUININ E WINE.FTnlllS invigorating W IXK , so strongly rccom--L mended by thu highest Medical AuthoriticH for it.s

Tonic and Ueatorative QunliticH , ia jircparcd with themoKt careful attention to the purity of its ingredient*,aud coutaiiia One Grain of Quiiiiuc in euch Glass. Soldeverywhere. Dublin : Wholcsulo by B011.EAU & Bovu ,M'MASTKU , HODOSOK , & Co., Huuii MOORK & Co.,ALKX. FlNDIJlTKK & Co., I'AWCEIT <£ Co., C'ANTKELI/A: COCHKANK. Itctail by HENKY TOUIK , JAMKS FLAN -AUAN , J OHNSTON <t OLDHAM , and others. Jllackrock :1. KICUAUDBON . Cork : TOMKINS & SON, WOODPOUD,BOUKNE , ii CO., I£. JfOHKtK , J. MOKOA.V SMTTH.



Manufactured and Bottled by MesBrs. BISHOP &SONS, Finsbury Distillery, London. my28-u'm


PKLLE'S L 'UINUTHIAK, uotrd nil oter the world lor itsisiriiulous propcrtiir , and u tlie only rrmnlT thiit cau bedepended upon. It in guaranteed to produoe whihl ter.*,moinUcliiuf , ic., in n lew weelm, and will be found emi-nently aucosfu) iu uDurubin^, curling, ami beautify iuK thebair; checking greynest , alrcpitbeDing weak hair, prevenl-itj falling oft, and restoring it io buldness from whatevercause. Upwards of 100 phyiiciani taie lecomueoded it intbe nursery, for promoting * fine, bealtby bead ol bair, andaverting baldneat in alter yeara. in bottles pries Si. each.

OU»EKV E tbnl a 16 page pamphlet it encloeed with eachpackage , which baa a red ulatnp outiide bearing tbe worttaJfoialie Coupells in while lfttir» ; tbe wjrJs t'oopellt 'sCrinntriar are also moulded in each bottle.

'* 1 WHS bald oiDe years, but 1 find new hair coming ra-pidlr."—J. lloor. "Tluusn to yonr stuff, I hare an ex-cellent mouatacbe and whiskers."—Major Urownr . " 1 badlost my bair ia palcljei, but it bos resto.ed it."—AliasHewitt. " Alter 20 f ears haldpEsa , it bna ncled miracol.OU»lv. "— H. Moir. Id26.lf.)

JSP* Sold «t Tn» Ht VB Or»tc», Waterford.

" For the Vlood is the Life."—See Dcufcronomy, c/tqnxii , verse 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture-F0K CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD fiom

ALL lMl 'UKlTIEb, whether arising from youthfulindiKietmn or a ay otber cnuse, cannot be too bigl.lj recom-mended. It cure* Old Sores ; cures Ulcemted Sons in tbeNe.k; Ulcerated Sore Legs; Ulackbead s or Pimples on th«Face ; Hcortf Sores; Caucerou> Ulct-t»; Bluod auj skin Di«-eairs , GlaudoUr Swellitins, and clears the Ulood lrom allImpure Matter , from wbAleter CKUSD ir.siug.

As this milluro is pluaiaut ti> tbo taste, aud wnrrnuled fretfrom mercury—which ali j t i t ls and most mediiiues Ruld tortbe above dise«»ts contain—the i'roprietur solicits du/ttcento giie it a trial to test its Talue.

TDOUS1IIUS 07 TB5TIU0 1U1LS FE0M ALL PA ETD,Sold ill lli.tth's 2«. Od. raih , uud iu Case*, coutainiug 6

Hull Its , 11". tnch , sufheient tu rffrct H peruiuuvut cure inliuig->Uiidi..|! cntrt, by all Cluruisls uud l'uttni MedicineVendors ; or MMU tu uiiy addiecs uu iec«pt of 30 or 132* ""'i'. J. L'l-AKKK, Cbeuiiit, liigb-slrccl , Lincoln.

>rnOLBSALK AQEHTB:BatcUy & Sous. Loudou , and. »U tbo Wbolctalo Houses,


On Sule al 77. c A'CU -JS Of 'ic<\Witli the Recommendation of the Bishop of Wtitcrfoi d

and Lismoro, tho Kight l>cv. Dr. POWEU

A Cathechism for the Instruction of ChildrenBY THE

T\/rOST Rev. Dr. JAiMES IJUTLK1 !, Aid. -•"¦JL bishop of Cashel and Emly.

RECOMMENTJATIOK :" Iapprovo of of this Kdition of the lliyh t l'cv. L> r

JAMES ISUTLEB'S Catcdiism, und reccniun nd ii to theFaithful of these Motives.

»J| " J O H N l'OWKlt , K.C.i:." Waterford, Sept. ICth, 1875."Printed on Good Paper, and in large clear Ty|-e.ORDEIJ S from any part of the Diocese, «-!it ii. mul

directed to C. KKDMOND, Printer and I' ui !i-h. r,llarcr/oril Kews Office, -111 Kiug-strect , I .IIIIH ]. I 'V at-tended to. The Trade (supplied ou moderate terui>r.May be had Kctail from every Catholiu JJuol^eller in

the Dionnse.


/OK TII KD I O C E S E OF F E l lK S .

NOW PUimSUKti,ItcTiscd and Corrected , with the Approval uf Iho..Wost Jler. lir. V\:ttl.nstt, Uishoii of KTII *nj UIE GATJIOLIG CH1USTIAN DI .'GTKkM-;


In older (o Instruct Children and I llitcniti- 1'crson--By the KEV. F. W. DKVEKKUX , '

riVftr-6'f»icr«J nf the Divccsc of Fa ns ia 1G I.") ;To which fire added Acts of 1'uith, Hopo, and Charily

and liiBtructions for Serving Muss.Kevised nnd Improved under the direction of

The Kujht Jltv. Dr. KL- I :I.O.\( !, Jlix h up ol 1 'vnn.{§}" Orders to be cent to TI I K X KWS O KHC K , King

streit , Wutcifoiil , where thu mul Autl .ur ?isi-d Kdiiinn can now bo had ; c i- i.f the liij ll. . i < ;„the Dioeisi - . Ask fm- Dr. FUI . I.O.VI .'S Cuir i-c- ii - .I Kil i .tion , printed on 'y nt, ; 'J K IL » S I I I X I , Wuitriu, !.

lTF *f ti ti A 7' S .'-jB^

rt^H 'S IJKl 'AI'.TMKN 'i' i.; Sup| ,; i , . , l l. v™ 5» JL t h; nii 'St i i n i i . e i : 1. Lin, i i i. i i M i ik i ' i


(incluilii i 1 Cnic i .vrv &¦

Co.) , w i t h t l ; i r :eadii,< ! ;SI::.p. < m

S I L K .\.NII J-' K J . T H A T S ,Ueliverii.'S bi.ui ';, ,ti.!-, .

Sl'M • IA1. S l iAI -Ks 1111(1 K.VIIIA Lli.l! !1 f .'.M^ II IM II.' I U Klirrin a week.

teUti" Worthy of piiriieulnr 1:1 ! i ip , " Ouv (J I .K U H M .H A I ," wji rrauii'il to ttand \\ r; ,t l. i-i ;unl /,-..¦. . ;/. . .¦ ..' .. -

GENTLEMEN'S SHOOTIXC. ; :.i:d T U A V K l . l . l N t .;HATS and CAl':- , A- . .

1'he ETON STIIAW HAT : LA I .V.S J . i M M ; HA 'lsi'. TU LiLS A h'O.VS

5S .) ¦ ii 'J , 11 IS A 1', \Y A T K il I' l l l; / ; .N.H .— l i n t s M.hl by us, ¦J. -a.-.d -n- itl, , , ; l rl .,, _ ¦¦.


IJll UWi El i c.iu tl 11. in II >¦ .Mill u|:ii:luitl> , .'•!• .-¦: •:

Cdi.i.Aiu. A C'ot.i .Aun , Kiiv.i.M.\.\ , I;A I .M A I M ., I : ; : ; . . ...iff .AD , ic, Ac, at

V. A. JOiSE.V ML> i C D FAX .T.1 2 0 , y (.' .-I y , \r .1 T i: u F :> /.- ;• .

H A K Jl O N 1 U M S in yi i-nt v n i i i v , K,.^ ii.,;; :,iiilFrench make ; Violin? , Cornels , Cv .iiee,°tma:ij l.) ; u in >1'lutes, liaujoes, .Mu>ic IIUMV, >tr. i';e.,

AT <J. A. JO.N'K.S'J/WIC LStWlK U LinUAUV , t \ATl: l : i-< ¦• ,'.'/'.

^0,000 NKW SONCIS and 1'iECK S , UI O M; 'I n ; : ; . ,ti.r Mai kid l'riec lor C;:>h , tl ;t: ci.tire S'l'JCK IK .W


C. A . J O X E . S , of l- iAKuFtitri - : *, lLiuM ' ty i m .- , ,\ ,

1-JO Cil 'A Y, W A TK R c U H D , A SU I I A H W I - J J .S'l HEET, CLDNMEL ,

Begs to call fpicinl alii -mii. t i :u hij i . \ t , i i-, iT U N I N G and K E l ' A I K l M i busii.ets . Hi .- Ti:... .viM t, all the Southern und Mid!m ,U Cuu i il it .; u: In-loud Quarterl y.

IP45" I'ii.iiofoiti s ;.nd ] l i ir i : int i i i: t i-.s hi n d i:v i ¦¦..iluul l i or Yi-i-r, t ij'iJ, «{.tii..i, io ;;i/rflia>,- , :,:. . • , :, : / .,Thri-o Years' fiynti-m.

U. A. JOiS'KS' JIUS1C WA KK J IUOi : .Ci i ikettmp, Arehery, Crcqiii-i , and oil . IT i;;i:- .i\- <

at uuufi i i i l l y Low Prices. ' v, \ I. - I

M U S I C-M n D I L T O N , pjiuK>;s.soit OK vrs i c

84)" JVC KS, iiExim-riTA ari;i;i;r.Terms, ou application. [,i |.;jr: , '

SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES.OiisKiivj i-11), KASSAU STJlEJiT, DUJiLlA '(l'Vom lato ilight Jftvil. Dr. U 'l iR lBK , lli .,l)cp of lVj.fcr/iiril)11IAVK U»tll Mr. SoiOMUKS^Iwctrclr... with ^

ri i.t ;\.l ^rai.U g e t o n.y t>i K lti . their cnolui(t «,,d o.inlortin;; pro.

pirlin |.rurii.|; moht ugrreaMc null bemnciiil. i fTicts >1 |iichI ntrer cipniruivil ftnu. any otJj i- i tun) of glass . r pi M.le

"t Ii. O'U BIK .N , Ili ^l op ol W,,t, . ,!,,,J ."(KrointUc lit. Utv . Ur.CoxwjT, Lord lii- hop ol Kilhi la) .

*' Tlie fi[.cii.lice i I.uvc Imd lor nome Mine ol .\!r. K .Solcmom' S p ectacles cmiMc-s iin- tv tl.ilu thry sic id,. ,',,,{j."li'iihrh wliicli iifT nl mi: iho mi- .in.I ci'inlnrt lo I •¦ I ] I .S, , , - I ] n,ri'iiiliii^, n*i!l i i> K, iVc,, 1 ii m, iitil . i'J , L'l.ul ;li . i l 1 i . tu >tirr ' lll» M: I. IIIH J si^L' pii-M:. »vi f , li.r tin- u« oi . . II: , r cl - M . Ipt-l>l;lij, ha,I raii.-t-il me l'> luiii -iut; tlul MICII >;I » IS I .H-( ( U:.could not U'. v. cuud.

'• t l l u u n UMI J T , l;^ln.|i ui K l l . l , , i ;.|:,i,.,. "[l-'ii .m il«. I I I . lii-v . l) r D CC C A .V , I.,,:.! lJ - .-. 1, ,. ..(• (j;,,., , , ., | j

"J liavt - loi'I|>ii;5> n,y i n l i i V N i f . -if i iL-lii,. .. M i l ! , il... .-i j ,;.,.t Hcl, -?)-0ll Mlppl .L 'd , ;.H.l w i n c h I li . ivv l.-, , l u u l i ci e , ; ( .M I ; -'orl for i i i i ihv ,\ r ; i i> . f Lav, - i.i.u^i uut: I i!ii - i - .^r i .- .,1 ;...w. r1 prt>ni l id u i i _- lua! ty 'n .in \ < tl.

'• t I'A I U I I ' X l'l : i ;ri .\ .N , l ;i.-l.. |. ol I"! .,, ., , ; i . n l u - ."Tu M i . », l ) , \u - ..:i , l i ,:i, :n:." ' * ' "

ib ' iciii Uiu V I I \ K. v. J)i ; . i . U i . I ' l l ; .,, I- . iu,.:u ..: ihoCaVliui ic Vvtllni ; -\i'\,'> So^ imit . ).

I f i l l I fi it i t l t ^ III luM I '1' f i I;:! ,:. \ .'., I. . .. f vtj l . inwf

III.- l iL i s o ia u i l h u h u h 1 h:.Vi . l . . i u -i-; p !;,-.1 !IJ \1,. S. I...Mul. -j . l l, iv n:; L.I .I uii-.i-.iu-.. U. I U |.:I .I ii.. ,I, |.., I |, l,v ,i.,y•Hid nie lli ti,i >OI1I'-' \ r : l l > , 1 li ' l l > . ;V 'V. ; ! i f, |! . .h l ) U:.\lt in - i r l u l Mhi c l i I lu -J iillcnf n n d i l l- ;I -«:> : ., I .IV a l u i ii || :,ygivt .I I C qiu:« lumi- Io u i. ,I ,M i .,! « i :|( r.

" I t . II. U'l l U I K . s , I ' .;. ., |:..i,i, .,! l i » ,|. , -i.\,» C.IM :.-, C,.. l . , ,n ,-n,k. -

' ' ' '

(Fniiii tl .c H . V . I'A I I M C K f . A \ i r. i. i., r.i'.j" DtAR M R — 1 h.iv ,. !n-ll loi <, I I I I :I. l , i . . . . I . , : , , . . . . . . . . . . ..*'m'^** ' l l v • l - * > * \ a l l I t t V* J \ t i t . \ l l l a | * ' | ( N * J J - ' V i l l ' * *" *

tndi- j, i-fpcci.iily :<< i . i^ l ;, :,h.hi:n Imj- p ; t . , ,„ •„:,', ,, .,' ../...,the j irenleb l bi-,,1 til , t>i . , t , Ml, cu in t l 11. 1 I .,-.,. (,",:. n

' ,,.,. |wil li It ii- m lot tl .u-n Ii in .- i i i .u . l i r i i ti',.:. .'t i \ .. i. . .i , ( v . i i i m -th « blig litot u r m i viM i i.e.- i.i .!i.|ri".. ,.-. - ,

^ :. — I , , ',. x .., , strul y, •' I' AU - I C K l.wi ti.i.i , I 1 I' .. !.?.,, .- , i;,,. j||ivu ' "

" To Mr. Sjii-uiu 'i.-, U| .:ii-iaii , | i ii l<l:n. " '" Arcl:.]. MUM O'.- I^ A , IM' ., - i: ..||...¦ ;,. ,„ •„;¦.;. -... |.-

SoloiOulis t lml (lie .s|n.clarli -> Mip|.! . il 'l ; . l :.:i , ...,„, ^ .uVo -ir.!aiure li.ivi- l.ti li i-ln i.. i . t iy -inc. -. - n. u- :,;j. ; ; ;; , ; i.¦,„,',.

',,,'.and I'olii l i 'i l , wl.ieli In: linil ui.l i-.\| :-i:t uciu in. in II , :,>.,>"anil pel.t'is IK- '. ;».! uctl . iihiuu | .t .,1,-. A i t h , - . -O'She» I M S I I OW i-ujuj iiinit m r i -ulm; .,,,J „-,„„,„ | . ,i.,'..-urnig lit , and Ins si ght a| piurs to IM V L- I' I .- II - t u u ^ n , ,., , , ,,*,jimpruvrd. Heciiisii'l 'is tlml I.c i-, i .iilil . :, ,i it i . \ ii . .-.,j] ,,,;,',,, aSprtjucle* f or tiiuch ol die tn-iu lii i.Vnvc.l. — It , it\ !, ,\v ^\,Kilkenny. "

The l i ir . IU TIIICK K E.IT, IM'., („„. n , , , j JI , SU - U .HOI ,, 1Spectncle.1 II .any y<-:ir» oincr-. .in.l I .. I I I M 1 I I ,. m i,, ,.e ,„„.,cumloitatle and ben.ficial. l ie ?,till H O J I S .Mr, So:.m:i.i,, 'It-nari , which convi-y a cuohu»> , exst ; and mivai.i.ij ,. hecoold at-tuio lioin no otlnrr giarm-a nnd iebLI» , . I

'VI ml

niauitieibut the Kev. Mr. Knit 's liiimly , ul»> l;;.'vu ni .i | ,',|Ihtnuflrcs of Mr Soloinous' Spict;,tli> , l.avi- :ii» o denvidtDUCb tenifit truni llieir oai\— St. l'aliii-L'a, Wat, ,|,,,,|

Mr. E. bOLosioso' Sprclnclis lime bnii U M I I tr iu:'iucut

llembcm ot the Fuoiliy. ihc N>lnhly, Clci-gy.&e ., includin -the late Loiil CfnVf Justice ol Irelnml , the M.irqui i m Clai "ricatdc , Ule Katl i.l Koden , Lords i.f ll.rnnv , - , ii .f'l.iilbl ock, Dunhojne, Athlmuuey , Ins linice the Mn.-t l i iV . lj rH'Gttligan , ArcliL'thop ui Anim^li ; bis Li Alo'iKe» . I)r. Leahy, Archbishop ot Cishel j Ki K l,i K,- v. l)i . llo-tiarijr , Ui»Lop ol Kerry ; Hight Ui-v . Dr. Leahy, l{ rn

',,, . t ,tDroiuore ; Ki nh t K-f. U.-.Uarian , li.shou ol Ijoun and Con-nor ; Ki|:bt Hev. Dr. LJuffnu , Iii>l,op ol C'luu.eii ; lCi. l;, vDr.Hjan.Uinhop ut Killdioc ; Higbl Kev. Or. : one. li

'slu i,ot Waterlord , Ac., 4c. '

•»• 1'eitons ip tbe country c«u be »upj lied with SpcctnclcsAc., by Po.t. lUp»ir» promptl/ aituaiinl to., Opera, Katf , and Kic-ld Uluira j a:»j .Micr0M.-i.nisat most moderate prices ; Uarometers, 1 lifnucraetrr s MagicLanterns, Ac. '

CAUTION 1—In consequence of nntiiermi allruint i atimpObitiou , it is Drcrssary to note klncll y imirc nud addru9and to obicrfo-Only io be bud from Mr. K. KoLOJloBaOptician (profetsioual ly eslublUbr.l in Dublin 51 years

Number N1NKT> ;ES, NAsNAU-sTKEEl', DUULIN(Eutt.uce by Hall-Door), wiih .u out door ul l)»v» si,n.6trc*t'Dublio. Ho co»Mx»on with any other hmiic or f c rx mof tame, timilar or othtr name. NO AGENTS or THA.VELLKKS Employed. u6 1v.eow



£X. Tiepatatious bate ju»t been reccneil at THI K»W»Odicf, Kinu-street , Wolerlorii , CODPBUB, KB K OO«& Co., Luodon i-Uolla) Vile, or Vegoubls Li'o Dropi. tbegreut rrmidy lor Nervousness, &c.

Dr. DB UOOS' Compound Ken.l I'I II H , for l'aius in thoback, uravel , rbiumalisui , Rout , &c. I'nce 1«. ljd. to 33sper box. bee adTerli ftemeul el&f-Hhera fur particulars.

Dr. DB HOOB' Vegetable Lif-a Klin, for reguhiting thostomach nnd cle»nsiu|; tbe bluod.

Madame CouPBLLu 't llair-Heatoring Fluid, nhkb hagbet-n louud wondnrtullv efficucions in bringing the bur toitsoriginr.l color; also , COUPSLLK'S Hairbve. ' '

HALFPENNY POSTAGE 0AEDS.All descriptions of Printing on sudr Carda

(aS* Ezecutea al THE Yf ueuom K»w» Ofcu-'-' .*.- ., '¦¦> ' .UK




MORTGAGEE'S SALE.To Corn or liullcr Merchant*, and Cabinet Makers.


rpO UE SOLD by I'UULIC AUCTION , on SA-1 TUUDAY , 2nd OCTOBER . «»• *l|T°Jg°£

in iho Aftoruoon , on tbo Vremisos, U bk.N-STKhhiWATERFORD,

Tho LARGE STORE, containing Six Stories ;A HACK ONE adjoining, containing Four Scoreyi ,Ami a KOUR-STOUEY OWELLlNG .UOUSb and

YARD ailjoiniog. . _.Tbo llouso couuins Parlour , Drawing-room, *ivo

Ued-rooms, Kitcbou , 4c.Tho Promises, wbich moasuro to tbo Nortb (.yuoen

Street) lo fcot ,-2 incboB ; to tbo South , 41 feet , 3 in. jto iho East, S3 feet -1 inches, and to tho West. KM t.,nro bold under tbo Municipal Corporation of Water-ford , under Lcnso dated 6ih October, 18W, for /»yean., from 25th March , 1872, at tho Yearly Runt of£61 12s., payable on every 25tU March and ^OthSeptembor. . r ,,

Tho entire Premises woro Into in possession of Mr.(J KOKUK DEACON . Tho I'oor-inw Valuation is £5oImmodiato possession will bo given. ¦

For further particulars as to Title, Conditions ofbale., ^•JPP.J, l j .LLY> Soiicit or for Mortgagee*,

•' Littlo Gcorgo's-Btrcet, Watorfora.THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.

Tbo Mall , Watcrlbrd.Soptcmh-.-r 23rd. 1875. B'-4'2t


PASTURE and AHAI 1LE FARM , with KESIDUCK ,immediately adjoining iho Towu of Tbomnstown,Couuty Kilkenny . *

THE Owner , purposing to reside near Dublin , wildiiposc til hia Inierest in tho uboro Farm. It

contains l&Uncro s Irij b , null is held undor &n uncon-ditional lcuso for 01 years, dating from thtt 1st NOT.

ibOJ . Iho laud is in prime- condition. Tho, with wulled-in Garden , is commodious,TVUII situated itboTO tho towu , sheltered by trees, andin every tenso lit for a respectable family. Tho Out.uQicej aro Kuitnblu to iho requirements of the farm.All arc in perfect order, »ud require no outlay, us thopresent owner has only quite recently determined ondisposing of his Interest.

'i'nuru is ubuuduuc o ol lnbour to bo hnd at all sea-sons in thu town , mid tho railway aUtiou to Wator -ford and Kilk enny it distant only about 5 minutes'walk. It would bo difficult to lind in Ireland a farmin every way so convenientl y situated ,

About 37 "acres of tho outly ing part aro Bot to twoEolvcnl yearly tenants. Another comfortublo dwoll-ing-houso »» the land , with large , wallcd-iu fruitfiideii , and about ;)acres ,avo set to tho pariah priest.All bring in a prulit rent. Tlieru are also 6omo smalllem'iiienis-.

Possession of tho entire , fioo of all oluini B, can bo

had on the 1st day of November next. It.

Appl y to 1' O'Di'Sov .vS, Abliuyviuw , Tbomastowu ;

IT lu Mr. T. CllAl'LlN , Auctioneer, Kilkouuy


" K 1 li J i O U G 1L K Y. "KlLLOUfil lKY ii a dark Uht-sluiil llorjp , 1 ,r>

hand.,:'. inches hi gh, wi th good bonu and mus-

cular power , fresh timl .-uund. Ho was got by

*' Itandv ," own brother of " llaron ;" his dam " May

li i r l ," by " Watt 's Blacklock." Seo Stud Uook and

Itacinj; I 'nlriidar as to perlormunees.Further particulars, wiili pedigreo , cau bo had on

application to TiiDM.vs CYI.LV.S, iiallynraiie, Castlo-

brid ge, Wexford.




In Hit Matte r of the Estate of an arrang ing DeMor.

Important Sale by Auction of Stock.Amounting to about , £131 4*. b'd.—viz. :

LOT 1—Clover , Turnip, Grass, Cnbbnge,and other Seeds,... ... £211 18 10

LOT 2—Manures , ... ... CU 3 2Loi 3—Agricultura l and othor Imp lements 117 2 8

£131 I 8mO HE SOLD by AUCTION on FRIDAY , tho HthJL OCTOHKli , )S7.'>, at 12 o'clock piecisely (by•• MIT of tli '- court) Oil tbo Debtor's l'rcmisca, situate


Tho abovo STOCK-IN-TRADE , which lias beencaro.fully selected »«<! purchased fro m tho best parties inthe Trades.

See I'o.itcrs. All will bo Sold in Lots to suit pur-chasers. Terms, Cash.

SIR JAMES MACKEY , Trustee,West.noroland-slrcot , Dublin.

LUCIUS II. DEEMING , Esq., Ofiicial Aan igueo33, Upper Ormord Quay, Dublin.

M F.SSK *. L.V KK IX & CO., Solicitors forCreditors , Damo street , Dnblin.

JOSEPH A. WALSH , Auctioneer.¦\YaterfoT<l , Svji'.cmbcr 2'Jtli, 1S75.


JOSKJ'H CLAMl 'KTT ,.•li/rd'oicor l i f t I'o 'icii'.r, 7/»u.v .' a>i'! Lum l A -j a t l .

(i t l l L K S AND MART :C^i" HENR IETTA STREET , WATERFOKD , nil u ide i^ are punctuall y ottiiuled to, nud(jood» taken in tur iSak'.

F O R SA L E ,1 VERY HANDSOME COU TO N V , about 13i\ bund 3 ; laukk ^ .H to riile or drivo ; alao, Trap,

Harnes s , Saddle , Ac. App ly at Oflicc of thia 1'uper.


Al-T.W 1H NDUE! ) J t A H R E L S of Prime- OLD

1U.ACK l)AT«Oor Sal,. , at Messrs. Coi.K &l* l;n^;'i!: 'n 'Mlici - , N L W l v>nay. Samp led wil l lie ftholvllund priee iiani ' d by M. O'C O U M A S . slU-lf

Auctioneer and Valuator.r iV l K u i n I e r f i fc' ii i-l Ih-ps In :!, (»• in hU numerous

X r'ri' i.ds ind I lie 1'uUic :.l lurf,-e, that he liasfi , iniii i ' iii: i '> l I'.u-invs ^ as Auctioned- ami (.iencralValirito r in tn l i l i i ion t<> his oi lier Husincss.

V'lr ll.o c'ji iveiii i-iice of l!c.-idents in the Countrywi- i . i - ^

to ili .-jmsij i.f I l i i - ir I'n, |>etty in To*n, lie has

l'. - : . d °up lii« h'i"^o and commwlious premi>es injV-. l-c. -lrect. (adjuiiiiii !} the Cattlu Market , llall y-l.i

'i'. -kon ;, .-uitablc for llor^s, Cattle , Machinery, and

a I • lUl f id " 1 ellectu-A:?u ihv (• .vtcij-ive Warehouse in Thomas-street lor

J u t :irtore , mill »'¦' inside elVrcls.l- 'urui lurc removi-d under personal supervision at

c:X 'tem''l y low priors, i'rom his extensive couuectiouwilhj residents in Town anil Comity, and by strictt t i t i - u i i i i u to busine.-^ , he liopfs to iin.'rit a fchare ofidiblio supj ioit. i'rouipt fi 'tllimi ill. and security ifr. q.nred. W I L L I A M W10HTMAK.

Jul y, lh70. TbomaB-street , Watcrford.


OUR MARKETS THIS WEEK. .li, r. KK. -The Mipp ly tl. i- week was fair , will, a littlo

I ,,, , n vemeiil in -|iulity. H i- K«*~lly tl,ou«ht thatI- A .i"uth .li-ca-e hii- h-'d sometin^ to do m

,, -Vhn .iimlity of our ln.U . r for the past lw.. months

l'rini- lir-ls sold lit 1-U t» V-V* ; some iml.Ualte.1 from

>Cri.i"r,'-rr- i:»»>l"»ainin« »f til ' ! low !"«<:«« |«yin|f, l'«t»; ,1,1,4- unless Hi.! quality uud eon.lition improve fro m

w ,.r.::.t i-n^-nt, no advance ran Uiko j .l'iee.Von-ii' i Wli .-at. ..tals. to 27s. is as cheap, considerinff

the condition of it. uwfc> ,>riot.H

,„ ,* i in" 11 ™riv ?«rt of 11.., w.H.k at 11s -id. to 11-.

i' 'In, , li* M >" »?"• :-»• "aWreel y paid , on

'i^^l^i^Uor^Ll lUcon at 85s.f p U Jta.-on pics coiniiis down as season advances,

^^cS^io^i^ lSs. pcr'-Vi -Soi" tin-, wi-k, nw.h.d tho eitniordinaril y

|,ipi" 'ri'^f is. 8.1. ,« «.. On W«lne«lV itw« downto Is. l.L, and to-day l^per lli.

Tut'it SI I I I T I M ; CO M I A N V .—This companylias cot up cxoellent n«* offices on tlio Quay, corner

Of KeTM?'*«t«ct . Tho work w,.s executed with

great WH US and mobi lity by Mr. John Uearne, con.trirtcr Uenriotta-ftnet. .

Coals' nro Belling to-day, ex-nli ip, at l»i. por sin elo

^OM^n'r^'oTK K«T0»0MK,.CAL F..END5-

Wb "t "tho plnK.1 of " Dadd y LongleKs" ?KmKILIVE '-l'or UlC TEETU Uud BKEA.TII.-A

few d.ops °f 'U'1X.1ul la-lier , wl.icb lii..tou*Uly clckti.eibrash , produce* •' P'1- *{\ ' M j, i i.unl iM . imrOen. the gumj ,U,0 Tc,>l. '7"' a P;;, .°V i n to tU T««. .|i.HM

p^rlv .h.ton^s , ami .. d*l « "' > £ ^ d (llel6

lt "I"0"5 ^ok"' The FrlilrZ F .rllh. being c«inpo«d

in part ol ho,.e> and "£ „', t ,,e „„,. Mce !i. 6d

i"d.,S cnS'« K.?f - " by "• °- GiLl"493 Oxfor d Su«« t . London.

rHE WATERFORD NEWS AsP 6ENEBAL ADVERTISER-OCTOBER 1, 1875.VVNOAHVAN COR R ESPONDENCE. i pressivo rccponse greeted tho opouinc of tho sub- I having thorn snpplied with what they asked for <

; | ~ BJription. In a few minutes ovor £40 waj realized , Clerk : Tho board thought so, seomicgly, ns they re-HOUSES TO LET


TO UK LET, in MAIN-STKEET, TRASIOHE, thoTory oxcellent HOTEL now, and for many

years past, in poBBOBsion of Mrs. KAVA NAOH , whoro alurgo and profitable Businosa has beon transacted ,and is to bo Lot for tlio solo reason that tho 1 ro-prietrces is nimble, to dorote BUfficiout attention to itsmanagement, owing to her other ongngementa at thoGreat ilotol.

Tho ilon«e is in cxcellont condition, not requiringone ponny outlay, and has all tbo rcquisitoB fsr acomfortablo Uotol, admirably recommending iUolf toono desirous of entering upon a profitable trade, witha good connection already mado. The Uotol is atpresent Licensed, and tho busiuoBS carried on asusual. To parties wishing to obtain a Hotel , sorare nn opportunity seldom prosenU itsolf.

For further partisulars apply to Mrs. KAVANAGII ,Great Hotel ; or to Mrs. HOBTON, Patrick-stroot, Tra-moro. "10tf-



Dining Room, Drawing Room, 26 x 16 feet ; fourexcollent Bedrooms, Dressing Koum.ScrvantB Room,and two Attics, &o.

Also, No. 4, BELLEVUE TERRACE, containingDining Room and Drawing Room, 18 x 18 fcot each ;four Bedrooms, two Attics, and two W.Cs.

Apply to JOHN AYARK U.tfTramore, 1st Juno, 1875. 1, Bollovno Terrace.

TO BE LET, from 29th lust.,

A STORE on iho QUAY, epposito tbo GlasgowSteamers ; very suitablo for Shippers of goods.

Commodious Offices attached.Apply to T. i\ K KILV , 9, Georgo'B-stroot.

ij uptombor 1st.

T R A M O R E ^ , ,r iM) BE LET, by tho Womb or Season, at modorstoI Uouta, several comfortably fnrnisbed HOUSES,

at DONL'KAILE PLACE, TUA1I0RE, with a goodsupply of water, nud Stabling, if required.

Also, Three Houses at PALACE SHUAHE , furnishedor unfurnished. jll )-tf

Apply to Mrs. RYAN , Strand Btroet, Tramore.

TO CAPITALISTS.TO BE LET by the Year, or Interest Sold,

FOUK large and comfortably furnished DwollingHOUSES, Bitoated in the centro of QUKEN-

S'"UEET, TRAMORE. Thoy aro lit for immediawooonpation. For particulars upply to Miss VHELAN ,i), (^ueeu-atreot , Tramore. jj'--^

TO BE LET,r fVIE LAHCE STORES at KINU -STIIECT, K I L K K .IM,JL with comfortablo Residence thereon. ThoseStores uro near tho Market. Thero aro Four Floora,meu»uriii^ bU feet by

-1 ; all iu thoroug h repair ;Kent, about, X-0. Apply to K. U U.N N K , ROSO lun-slreet,Kilkenny. jy 'J.


T O B E L E T,17*011 such term a.-i may be ajjrecd on, tho M ANSION! llousK and DKMtNsE of TAL15OT HALL,

tsituate within one mile of New Koss, in tho County ofWexford , containing aliout 00 Acres Statute Measure.Tlic Hi»i"-tl is in capital order , and there i* a good Uar-den, witli two Oate Lodges, A;e.

Apjlly to CllKlliTOfllEU TALIIOT KEMSUTOX , ESIJ - ,Kilcornan , Oranmorc ; Mr. V ESEV DALY , Solicitor, 12Dainc-ntreot , Dublin ; or to Messrs KII W A U U C'Alti t andSON, SulicilorK , New Kos^ , and t , ColleKe-grccn , Dublin.

ol -'t

COMMISSION AGENCY.AGENTLK1IAN nit li au old aud lirat-class con-

nectiou , ia open to a CoaiiDission with u goodHouse in tbo Com mid Provision Trad e, for tho Eug-lish Eastern Couutios. i'irst-class refe rences.

Address 11. R IUULK , Esq., Chapel Fiold Road , Nor.wich. B24-at

Licensing- Acts, 1872 and 1874

SIRS—Take Notico that I will apply at tho nextGeneral (Quarter Scanioua of tho l'oaco, to bo

boldon at Duugarvan , iu tho County of Waterford , ontbo 18th d»y of October, 1875, to obtain a LICENSEfor tho Salo of Beer and Spirits by Retail , to bo con-Bumod iu tho Uoaso where sold , for my House, sitnatcou iho North sidu ol tho Main-street , in the Townand 1'ariBh of Dungarvnn , Barony of Decies WithoutDrum, und Couuly of Walurfurd ; and that I willpropoj u ilessrs. J OHN W ILLIAMS aud JOHN LTNCH ,kolh of tho Muiu.street, in tbo Towu of Dungar*an)Sbopkeepers, mid both Householders iu said Couuty )to lio my Burities. ilAKY CLEARV , App licaut.,To Vim. J . Deuuehy, Esy.# Clerk of tho Peaco fcr

said County ; Oliver Milling, Esq., Sub-inspec-tor ; SirJ. Nugent Huuib lu , Bart., and U. E.Redmond , Esq., K.M., two nearest magis.trutes, and to all whom it may concorn.

D. F. SLATTKRY, Solicitor, Dungarvan.

Public Notice for a Spirit LicenseCOUNTY or WATERFORD, DIVISION or DUN-

GAUVAN.mAKE KO'llCE, that 1 will appp ly at tUo.JL next General Quarter Subbions of tliu l'eacc to belioldeii at DungarTan , in tho Couuty of Watcrford , onthe 18th day of October , 1875, to obtain a LICENSK forthu Sale of Beer and Spirits by Retail, to be consumedin the House where sold, for my House, situated on thoNorth side of the ftad , ill the Townland of Ballygambon,Parish of Whiteehurcli , Uarony of Decics WithoutDrum , and County of Waterford.

Dttted thin UJud day of Soptcmbcr , 1875.JAMES FLYNN, Applicant.

To all whom it may concern.

NOTICESIRS—Take Notico, that I will apply at the

next General Quarter Sessions of the Pence to beholdcn at Dungarvan , in the County of Waterford , onthe ISth day of October, Ib75, to obtain a LICENSE forthe Sale of beer aud Spirit* by Ketuil , to bo consumedin the house where sold for my house, Mtunted on theNorth side of liluekj iool-street in the town of Duliyar-vim , Parish of lliinjj aiviin liarony of Ueeies Withoutdrum and County of Waterfurd ; und that 1 will pio)io.-eMr. JO H N K. CIIUISTO I' I I K U , of llolicnird , Duiigurvan ,and Mr. JOHN LYNCH , uf lJun(,':ii viui , tjotli Hounchol-ilers iu .-*aid County, to he my Sureties.

.Dated this Kith day of September, lS7o.1>AVJD liOYl.K A]>plicant.

To W M. JO H N DK.N N K H V , KMI , Clerk ot tbo Pence for«iid County. Oliver Milling, K«i., Sub-Inspector jSir Joh n Nu^ i nt Humble , Hart , Henry E. KedmoiuiKs'l., twu Nearest Muy i-straWs. .

Supreme Court of Victoria,1S1UTISU COLUMBIA ,


l(y direction!) of lliu Registrar of tbo ubovo Court ,dated tho lblb af Augnat , lb"o, tbu Next of Kin oftbo above-named deceased , formerl y resident iu thoCouuty j l W.ittrford (exact locality uukuuwu), andwho died in J i ' i l i ih Columbia iu tbo inonib of Octo-ber , 167-1, Intestate, are requested to furnish parti-culars (in writing) of their relationshi p, to tlio un-deisi gned Solicitors fur CilAii I.tb EII W A K I I PUOLKV ,Ofliciul Administrator for said Colony.

Dated this 27th day of September , lb'75.JL & T. DELANJWtE, Solicitors

lor Buid Admiuisrrator , Watorford.To all whom it may concern. lt



WINTKlt SESSION 1870-0.ITic Hoi-pital is Visited Ouil y at Nine o'clock, A.M.

THE Hospital is connected (by Medical (Jllieerfi)with leading Miilirul Schools , which are nituatod

in its iinineiliate vicinity.Medical and Surg ica l Clinical Lectures will lie (j iven

twice a Week , and Operations , admitting of delay , willbe on Kridays, ut 1« :*• A. M.

At the beKinninK «•'' earh Winter aud Summer Ses-sion two Resident 1'up iU will be selected hy CompetitiveKiaiuinatinn. , .

At the end of the Winter besnon also the hxatniuationwill be held for the l'rizes iu Clinical Medicine and Sur-gery. A portion of all the.-e >;iitmination« will bo con-ductcd at the bedsiile.

PHYSICIANS.FUANCIS J. H QU I N LA N , JI.A , M.D, Triu. Coll., Dnb..

I (K A. Q) U I', L KCS I , Profei-sor of Matena Medi-cal Catholic University ; one of the Medical Officersof tin; Government 1'r i fun s; late Kxuimiiei- ill MittvriaMedica , Quci-n '* University. T „ „„ , ,, „ , ,

Roi.KUT CicvAN , y {K tc Ml CP , L K C S I , M K I A .Professor of Aniitomy and Physiology, CatholicUniversity. .., .,,SURGEONS.

EuWAitr , D. MAI -OTIIKK , M D, i'ellow, Professor ofAnatomy and Physiology, and Member of Council ,Royal College of Surgeons j late Examiner in Surgery,Qucon 'B University.

W ILLIAM H. O'LEAKY , M P, Follow and fcxaminorRoyal Collogo of Hurgeonn , Ireland ; late Locturer onAnatomy and Physiology, Lcdwich School of Mcdi-

Hun *>n Dent .sf-WiLLlAM J.DOIIKRTV , L.D.S.R.C.S K.Apothecary— CunisTOi'HKU T. UOLAND, L.A.H.I.

1 -rKKMS OF A'JTKNDANCK.AVintcr and S ummer SCKSIOHH, Eight Guineas ; Win-

tcr Session , Six Gnincan ; Summer Session, ll.reoGnineax. .

Penietual Pupils, Twenty Guineas.Practical IiiRtrnction in Compounding Medicines will

be given in the Pharmacy of the Hospital.Further particulnrs may be learned on application to

Dr. Q.UINJ.AN , '2!> Lower Fitzwilliam-strcet; Pr. M ATO-THEH, 18 Merrion S(inarc, N orth ; Dr. O'LEAKY, M.I.,•J8 York-Htreet : Dr. t'KVA .s.51 ltutlaud bquare, Went;gr at the HospiUl. olM


BY J O H N P E N D E R . ,,S;

¦- ,nd A.

ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 4th ,At tho HORSE, CARRIAGE , and FDRNI. pointed to

TURK REPOSITORY, MORGAN STREET, aT raormDS'Wu terford, for different Owuora , a lwge ondr uU .-, ,,btainodvaried assortment of

¦FURNITURE, HORSES, CROYDENS.Jb Salo at 12 o'Clook. • H°Iobuu , wlnto and

lniiK -PPKJTiPB A T - U8> Indian meal 21s,JOHN PENDLR, Aj .d d{ fiud floar a(.

ired boa t boot nt S'J., andON THURSDAY, OCT. Ur. P. Ryan lendored for

At TRAMORE, for Mr. BnoVlid> Pur !b> , ., expressed their regret thatBold the UOUBO, tbo ontire owest > M h(J wll3 aiv!aysHOUSEHOLD FURNlTURfctor. H was agreed to that

Effects. Sale at 12 • asked if he wonld reduce¦ ucstioncd , Mr. Drury said

Homo littlo pressure, how-ON MONDAY, OCT. lon 0( Air. Murph y, Mr.

At LAKEV1EW, Co. Watorford,. hulfnonuy per 1b. off thoKNOX, Esq., who is going lo resided lo amend his ten-

° o had doiio so it was ac-tor tho winter, L TBACMEUS.G Highly-bred In-cal( DAIRYmion, said that tho uext1 Strong COB HORSE; ioo of an application fromHARNESS, CROYDEN, io thnt thoy should bocomo a2 well-brod SOWS in yonng r tbo National TenchorH'5 Hig hly-bred CALVES j ablo them to oblaiu a foir1 Rick of HAY j vices. Mr. Mabony Btntod2 Acres of TURNIPS j .vbich would bo ir.currodA fon- Tons of POTATOES; 233, and that would comeAnd aomo Sundries. >uud ou tho rates.

J. P. would direct attention "<= was afraid thoy proposedtho Cow* are superior, " J^Mf ""1point of Calving. ,mt, there- was a deputation of

Salo at 12 o'Clock. 'ishing to have an interviewL IIU subjeot.

JOHN fupou admitting tho dcputatio»,table,

'L, K.S., Fcroda, addressed theho rogrcltcd that Iho chairman

VTUCI < nr1 waB unavoidably absent, as het itwi JJ^ho casu of tbo teachers than ho°f ad ho would wish that tbo sense

\V T N T 1? Tl aart^'ans would cover uDy dcBuion.

" ¦'¦•'¦' "*• J-' av ent. Tho guordiaus were, no doubt,alario9 paid to tho teachers iu Iro--cry small scale, fur too littlo to en-

> in any dogreo of comfort or of res-MR> & J"thoy hoped that tbo guardians would

hat serious ground of complaiut byBog to onnouDOj .ibutorj r uuioli undur tbia Act ofPARIS AJ. ururugo of the salaries paid tbo

Whoro tlu°d "¦»« Jb'102 a year ; iu ScotlandV V T V W ^ J v^^ n 7eIU>, whilst iu Irulaud tho" VJ

olarics was but i,'5(i WH ., far too small•UTIQT V 4 QV"> lue teachera submitted , to co'm-auox iaoror lLuir ,.lbol.s Tli0 reiult SJ.slcm

For tho Soaaon , in ov- ul;m.ii t_iu lact , it would have uu iu-they wi f tho buurd declined to become a cou-

On and from ( ^ u l'113 couvent schools it wouldloss upon tho fees received. Last

1 of fees received iu Ihcso schools wxvs"• , and if tho uuion was not coutribu-

93ST 7 5 , y Uild lofco upwards of Sl'Al iu Uio year,illLLlNKJiY, i1 receipts but £18 10s. in tlio twelvo

Ij ., , ,,,. other schools would suffer iu a Similar

$&" WANT >:«—AIIKLAN —Your case ha« bceu very full yDress-Making. j ublic, aud does uot require much to bo

ypj'AXAuii—Tho contributions fro m localL'laud to tbu payment of tlio teachers doca

PTTV Off KTTW 1U l) rop°l'tion of 2s. 10id. iu tlio pouud ,n ?\ G r Euuma > at Ul a t > ™ther discrcditublo to1U0MAS Cbut it. should bo romeuibured tbut , llicro

ri,Tt ($f c?ttra Jifferoutl y circuniitauccd fro m tlioso1\ITR. O RtlLL.i(cra Wu ila70 tuo cbiiareu , iu a greatO.TX. Gentry, and, Bcut to lllB Christian Brothers ' schools,ing Counties that Bii0 rcsult fc.c8j ali,i tbo with rc-old-CBtablishcd l:act so|loola of lbu uuu8 nud i'rotustantCars, Croyoons, &c.:of Carriage, Cari", &(| ailOtber of tho deputation , said thator London built , ,ho resu it, fu( .a (lid uol g0 UTur . G(l(2T Repairs dono ;u gomo schools tbo whole amount, did

in tho year. In his Bchool tbero weroBUILDING Avud but 25 of that number wcro nay-

BERESFORD !ELL (Foroda)—1 get no tchool fees at

•MATTBega respectfull y to i'n hero retired , thankiug the guar-

tbat having, witbinind reception , and tlio ruemborti thenEXTENSIVE A-n-SS tho question.

PROVEMKNT5I , M.P., said lio had a proposal to(rendered necessary byd, aud ho dosircd to Bay a few wordsmuch greater facilities the course ho was going to take intion of all orders cutrusar of being charged with iuconsis-rcccivo his host and caror siaco h(. bad bad lbo bouor o{ 0

I CU"KGK« j i"lC1'°f Commouaho had always opposed

CONTKACTB f,OTOntr nuring for ita object, anything iii.o aitcred into, aud i ° 'uca l '"xatiou , whero that object >vas ,

(JARP u£8> '"r imperial purposes (hear , hear) , iucarried out. 4>u "tcp, whicli ha was now about to do, bo

iicrcsfon' purtiug fro m that, courso because ho hopud to—olo to recoinmoud tho guardiun s to become a

butory union for this yea r, aud ho thoug ht ho5 & 6'r t'loull ds lor doing so. Ou fully considering

In returuiu 08110" '10 did believe [hat in Ireland they didpast furor1" t'JL' ' should do in thu support of education,queuce of t° rauat admit that such VVUB tho l'uct. In

WINE T"J'U '°°a' contributions came to Si. lOJd, iuto makd 'u ^cotlaud they wcro 10s. 3d., aud in

JJ£ wora ou\y 2s. 9d. Thosu calculationsFrom the leading C1 bJf J^r. Farren , of tho North Dublintherefore, iu future '?ade(1 man , whom ho kuciv very woll ,nndor his immediato i!ut tD ein before tho publio if ho wasjuaron lee their purit heir accuracy, lio (Mr. K.) did uotto Quality and Price. >positiou lo mako tho union cun&ri -

Ho also respectfulljy for tho education of tho children ;not previously bougli.t nil , the provision making tbo lateawill load to future onjoae bu t ho coufeased ho was nt a IOSBthat while each Wii- tlur lb )d do u tbo s

oWther firs


0U-»-">/ ^c«d with i,ho ^te^ont of

they wero uot paid , enough for thoTKAS, SUGA'eir duties, aud something should be

and all other arti' i (bear , hear) . It waa au undoubtedTRADE , supplit : teachers, trained teachers, did not ro-ratc prices. y ol u skilled laborer, und no one would— " .s tho position which they bhould occupy

WINE ). Observing that whilst ho believed Ihoncreaso of pay ought to como Horn the

11. Fund , and not from tho nues, Mr. Kavn-BEG to inforti could not see what , else they cimld do

they hav j nti ibutury under this act, lor tho pro-WHOLESALE " ml for that purpoeu ho would proposenod having procu .—tho finest brands ol'liat having considered the apiilie.itiou ofiilK s, ou most ailv 1 this union for an increase of pay, wepared to oxecuto a J'orary (.¦xjM.ilii.-ut , to muko DIM imioii

The selection ai-'er this |aet , for one year , for , in ourwill bo conducted'110 "u nicuricd should be borne by theand experienced I.')'! l'ou,r rilUiV,'

I., Whwk xiMi JJ<- cl l''° '""lorablo geutlcman, if il.cyIu WlliskeVS ..v#..w*..w.^ ^^ub ^^uitiu , u uieymakers will bo 'l lllis expedient, they would loso wbattheir customers li pur^ 1'10"1 Boven.inout fur education ,of " Sileut Scuiob Whuu d uot al ora l ' b"vu "!'•wholesale dealers, and ,-. nocoiidcd Iho moliou , without,reputation of our Irish di : "ourd.

Tbo most complcto an0 «ro to contr.biuo out of thofor carrying on u high-cl ' vo«*> ¦¦ ' "'« selection of theperior descrii>tion ; and b. .bopo to merit n sburo of y . l3 " \ar!t "'"Port.iut sugges-

The uont Liberal Tern; ™\"^ '"lo ellca this yi.;ir.

<ry A T| "ig broiigbt, in by Sir Michael11 M A ll m '"'"' "' tl''° lrls'1 Onico to ,'isk

.,'' ' u,r . )r » lime, but hurt-p lied ho could

lllUilAb bl.pplieatiou , becuuso he was pledgedAug. 20th , 1S73.O <lo something for them.

-There is no doubt tbat , gun-rally,FOOT AlVuntoi lair remuneration , Uio tu.-ichcrd

.ded from wlwi tlioy wero thirty yoarn

BD\VAKD'SVA #'"I—That is I ho fact.These npi.-cifics faid h.o oilid not l iko j mtt ing this Iu

Hipiial mice-ess, und if used in til 1 bu obliged to go .i^ii/isteious for curing tho disease, now livided as I'U II OW .H con.

Sold in bottles Bidlicient for r.. '

&%& j £UMi"' aBA h'*- JI -» . »«••«>»> ' .Solo Wholesule Agen

JJOJ LiKA U A N D B '-kx "> ^ '">«y, Cass,Wholesale DruKffis

<e HRIDK-STiiEET , Dl«, declared lliu mo-

W11OLKSALB AND KI a!;"'" ol s""lu r'!W

WINE AMD SPIBIT Jru"' our l {*onur80 QUAY, 'iud (Jornur of CC,ic,Miui r ,.u.t wn,KWA TERFOUh. Z i .-uliuiiuil , U; Iwi-u !

W I L L I A M I'!*; '-u- «¦'»'•>"«•• --r^ 1BegiJ respectfully to intimate t^;^^^^,^;Public generally, thnmuuut ol raUi col icitJ"VT OW OPEN , the abovo STf; >'<.'• niicoH.-ctnl .i-i'. !ii W ;JN "y «'i«t»"•-•*» to .r^Kr-f. Stbo wry BbST WlN i- S H^majrli , :i ; linllyrn-.-!-, t, 1;shiiro of pntrouuge. "¦ Kilmacur , U ; ilolbcll , i;

HOI'SKX KEI 'KK S wil l find i}^Z.iBO tbo above ytablishment.i|K M A I U X K . -An inquest

$35-l'loa6» observe tho ud.vening in tho Mayor 'sha. iiG Jio coroner , K. N. I'owcr,

(C'obrporal Frederick Shire,f ?-8 boat OrircH, Lieut-Corn.

.-——--_¦ •--¦_»ued in one of thnt ubi p'sS H I R T b—(F 2nd tjeptembor , about

QUIRTS AND COLLARS - ."K^rToO superior manner. "Wudneaday

(SJ- To meet urgen t requirements, we iu ft vc,^_times prorided with Leading Sizes, ready fo'., il8 r0disto UBO. Mnjrd

Our SPECIALITIES for tho SEASON includ*. ,. 'INDIA GAUZK , ZKPUVR , ond Colored FRKN ,CAMBRIC SUIlmNGS. .3

Worthy of vptcia l attentioL—Our FINE \YH1T*SHIRTS, MILITAR Y FRONTS and CUFFS, 3ya.per Hall Dozen.

Patterns aud Instructions for Solf-Mcasureinent onapplicatiop.

V . T 0 li I N & S O N S ,Shirt.llakcrs and Uush-H; Indian >Jr C'oioiu'ai Outfitters,

yUAY, WATKUi'OliD. mhl?,


USSIIEII , J.V., V.C., and finally Lord STUART DEDECIES, in tho ohair . Also prosent :—Messrs. JamesUalwoy, J.P. ; John Wall , Jeremiah Harty, JohnCrotty, Jnmoa O'Brien , dipt. Edward Fitzgerald, J.Walsh , Patrick Currau , William O'Brien, and PutrickFlynn .

THE NATIONAI, TEACUEUS' (IHELAND) ACT.—Thoquestion whether tliU union , would or would not becontributory undor tho Act; camo on for diBcnssionupon the roadiu£ oi a memorial from tho nniontenchors , signed ou their bohalf by Messrs. JohnMcGratb .Carriglen ; John Birming ham, Whileohurch jaud ltichnrd Fitzgerald , Bulliutay lor. In thiB doou-raeut tlio memorialists told tho board, respectfully,thnt "if you rcfuso to comply with tho Act, you do-privo ovory teaoher iu tho union of £2 out of ovory£3 bo or bho enrns iu results. Ic may bo eaid it is aBhamo for tho Government to ask tho country to raisetho monoy. Wo heartily wish they had not , but hadgiven it to us from tho samo souroo as tho rest; butyet, when it is considorcd that this country has en-joyed a freedom from taxation for educational pur-poios for tho lost forty yoara—the Government allthis tinio paying noarly the wholo cost—it ought notbo considered unjust to ask iv tiiflo from Irolnnlagainst nearly half a million from tho treasury. E»-sides, geullomon. it will avail littlo to opposo thoGovernment in tho matter. It ia now cortain thattho majority, or at least a respectable minority, oftbo unions will contribute , and it is not to bo snp-posed thnt tho Gororument will stand by, allowingthoso to be paying and lotting tho othora go free.No; tlioso who rofuso this year may bo suro to suffortho humiliation of being compelled next year."

Mr. Galwoy—M y lord , I consider it vory hard thatsuch a ruspectablo aud usoful body of men should bopaid ut tho samo rato aB farm labourers. Mr. Gatwaycontrasted this stato of things with tho salaries paidin EnglnnJ nud Scotland , and tho contrast was mustunfavourable to this country.

Captain Fitzgerald—What would bo tho additionalrato if wo puss this ? Clork : Ono ponuy in tbopound in this uuion , uud this would bo dividod be-tween landlord and tonaut.

Mr. Wall—Tbi>ro ia nothing swampirig this countrybut tbo want of oducatiou.

Mr. Ussher obsorvod that it would bo conferring alasting bonofit on tho community by pay ing theteachers reasonably ; education would bo onbaucedtborcby, and , as a result, crimo and pauperism wouldbo decreased.

JHr. Ilacfcctt observed tbat bo thought it most an-reasonable; to bavo men who wcro moulding thomiuds of tho rising generation compollad to liro onthe means of au agricultural laboarcr!

It was then proposed by iXr. Galway, seconded byMr. XJa shor, and unanimousl y passed, that thia union.becomn contributory uudor tbo National Teacher!,'(Ireland), Act, 1875.

THE LATB EAHL or HUNTINGDON .—Tbo followingvote of condolence, moved by Mr. R. J. Uasher , J.P.,seconded by Mr. J. Oalwoy, J.P., was unanimousl ypassed :—" That tho board of guardians havo hoard ,with extromn regret, of tho decoaso of tho Earl ofHunting don , wbosu kiuduoss of heart und goodnessof disposition liuvo so long endeared him to allclasses iu this country, and they beg to tender to bis9on , tho prooent Earl of Hunting don , aud LadyHuutingdoti , their sincoro sympath y ou this muuru -ful event." It was also ordered that a copy of theabove be forwarded to tlio present Eail of Uuut ing-dun, Tbo board Uien roso.

SKIT . ^.'i.— H E .V K V A. FrrzfiEiiAi.i i iu the chair .Also present—Maurico Hackott, John Wall , and Cnpt.Edward Fitzgerald.

Tho board having heard of tho death of Mrs. Quin-lau , Cloukordon , udjourm d tlio proceedings, merelysigning tl;o rato books,wliicli wns absolutely necessary .Tli u lollo ivin^ resolution of condolence was proposedby Mr. Wall , seconded by Mr. Hackett , audpassed :—" Tlio board having learned , with reqret ,intelli gence of the death of -Mrs. John (j uiulau , desire,us u (ributo of respect to bur memory, to adjourn f ur-ther proceedings to this day week, and to convey tuilr. Quintan , who for years had been their worthyDeputy vice-Cbairinuu , their sincere sympath y in higpresent nflliction. " lt was ordered that the guardiansbo informed by circular of the luttor of tho NationalBoard of Education declining to place tho workhousoschools in connection with thoir boa rd , in cousetMtoueoof books used therein not having their sanction , audthat the lette r will be considered this day week.


Mos8rH. H. A. Fitzgerald , uud Henry E. Redmond , H.M.Tbo court was occupied for somo timo disposing of

charges of assault, \nd then took up tli3 followingI'UHLICAN 'B CASK .—Constublo McNamara charged

Catherine WulBh , Maiu-street, with haviug her publicboimo open ou Sunday last ut probibitod hours. Thoconstablo said ho wuu paS6iug Jhroug h the Main.Btreotou laat Sunday und saw the shop-door of Mrs. Wnleh'spublio house open ; ho cautioned her to oloso thedoor, which she promised to do ; in tho course ofsomo time after bo wua rc-pasaing ; the door was thenopen ; ho cautioned her sou-iu-law to closo thedoor ; tho third time bo paosed tho door waa stillopou ; iln cu women wero at tbo counter , but therewus uo sign of li quor. Mrs. Blctvott (daughte r todefendant) suited that parties cainn iuto the ebop topurchase sumo incut ; tnat waa lbo cnuso of havingtbo door open; thoro was uo hall-door by which tuenter. Court : Is there li hanging leaf lo thecoun.ter ? Mrs. Blewott : There is not. Constable : Yourworships, 1 prosecuto under tho 78th section of thonew Licensing Act, for haviug her public bouse oponut prohibited hours. Fined 10s. aud costs, it buingher first oU'euce. Tho court then reaa.

SKIT. 25.—Ucl'oro Sir Nugent Huinblo, Han . Tbobusiness waa extrcmuly light uud uuiutereating,there being only two cusos worthy of nolico, boforotho court. The lirst was ono iu which CatherineBrieu charged Jano Mooru with using abnsivo lan-guage towards her, whilst standing at nor own door ,and not haviug given her tbo hliirbtest- provocation ,on tho 23rd iuat. Tbcro woro informn'ious sworn intbo case. Tho lunguugo used ou thu occasion iswholly unfit for publication. Tho charge beingproved, tho court severely roprimuuded dofoudanl ,informing her that if Bhe should agaiu bo chargedwith tho uso of such improper oxpreaaious abo wouldnot bo dealt with so leuicutl y us at present. Bailwas accepted to tho amount of JC20 ; herself in £10aud two securities of i,'5 each, to bo of good behaviourfor twelvo months , or in default two mouths' impri-sonment. Tho bails wero procured .

Patrick Joy sued John cilattery lor a sum of £'112s. lid., alleged to balance due for siuking of :i pumpat JJiilliuacourty, lor which defendant WHS contractor,Mr. Denis F. Slatlery, solr., appeared for dulendant.The caso was udj nurnud lo next court, day for theproduction ol' a witness, tho bench advising tlio do.fuuUaiit lo settle with Joy in thu interim. This cou.eluded the business.


A well-attended meeting of iho uational teachersoi' Ihi.-i um'oj i was held in our spacious Town iiall , onSaturday last—Firstly, for o&tablishiiig a Teachers,'Association an in other parts uf Ireland ; locoudly, toroturn thanks to tlio guardians for haviug bueuiuucontributory lo iho result fees j aud thir dly, for rais-ing funds lo I.ij uidate tho expenses incurred by Ihorecent agitation of tho local working body. Mr.JOHN M CO UATII wua moved to the chair, and Baiil thatbefuiM proceeding wi th any other business, hothoug ht it their duty lo thank tho g^niloiueu whohud independentl y uud unanimousl y come forward iutho cans'; of education. It was ll.ou proposed byMr, J. Birning liaiii , seconded by Mr. J- Dulauoy, audunanimousl y passed—"That Uio thunks of thu na-tioual touches of Dungarvun uuion aro eminentl ydue, and hereby sincerely and cordially tendered bythem, to thu 'j uiiid of guardiaux , for thoir spii ited andliberal uclion on (In ; 17th iust., in agrouiug unani -mously to becoui'! a coutibulory uuiou within thomeaning of thu National School Tcachki'V Act , audthut , whilu congratulating ourselves ou our owu 1stbeing caul in a uuiou district whoso a (fairs uro ;ul-miuialurud by glmlumou un innitud by n kucu senaoof right and justice , wu also congratulate lbu boardon Ihu fresh impetus they hiive given to oducatiou iutheir union , having thus earned for iheiuselvcu Jiraiao mid tlianks of t 'tcry friend oteducational progress."

Tho next business tiM .isaoled wus tho forming of"Thu Dungarvan Niitionat Teachers' Asj ociiilion,"by resolution , proposed and n-comlcd respectively byilessrB. Deliinuy and IJirniu g baui. Then followed ucordial vulu .if thanks to tbo Town Commissioners,for granting lbo uso of lbu bail , uud uext a hand.HIIIIIO vote ol thiinks to tho local press, for their ud-vocucy upon every oecusion iu the interest ulf thotc:ich<-r.-3. Alj . McGraLh was ajipointod chairman of(he association , Mr. Birmingham , secretary, anil Mr.RuWiin , Irensurer. Thieu hearty cheurd for ihoguardians of Duugurvau uuiou coucludud tho pro.oeedingH.

TKi.Kiii iArniu DKrAi i TMENT. —Mrs. N. E. Hell , ofDublin , Iris, for some ti .no post , uctod in tho capacityof rolief clerk hero, uud rarel y tins it been our pro-vince to moot with a lady bo thoroughly conversantwith tho duties of her orlicc, nail BO courteous audobliging to thu public. Much rugre t will bo felt atbor departure from this towu.

TK8TIIIONIA I. TO E. M CDEUMOTT, ESQ., S.I.—A pro-limionry meeting of thu inhabitants wag held a fovrdays sineo ut the " Devonshire Arras" Hotel, to takomeasures to present Mr. McDormott , S.I., lato ofDungiirvuu , with u suitable IUK I wcll-deserrcd testi-mouinl. Mr. M. Hacketl occupied tho chair, and hehad around him a large, warm-hearted mooting. Thooppression of opinion evoked relutivo to tho career ofilr. MeDeruioll for a poi iotl of 12 years, dariug wLiuhIi.i re.-ided hero, M IIH liiglil y flcttciing—u.imcJy, tbat,whether viewed as an ulliecr iu tlio constabulary, oriu his privato capacity, Im nl ull linic -.H uud under"veiy circtimstaners " di- .-erved woll" of tho peoplo

' Dung .irvnr. i tv.-r /.ealnus in discharg ing tho duties^k'lis profo«si<"i, thoug h r.uver f«nml wanting whej i18 t<.-tj ,eal to his purse was made for tho recreatiou of

ment of lbo townspeople. A boat ty anil ex.Baal

Mr. James Lynch heading tho list with £5. A com-mittee for collection was appointed, and the proceed-ings ended.

BBAVERT.—-About half-past six o'clock on Saturdayovening, after tho Villierstown regatta, ns the forry-boat, which contained Lady Anne Lloyd's carriage,and a largo number of passengers, bosido her lady-ship's family, was crossing the Blackwater to tho pierat Camphiro, tbo horses became restive and began topaw tho dock of tho boat furiously- Tho plankingwas porceived to give way, and tho boat was settlingdown as if sinking, when Sub.constables Plnnkottand McMahon immediately rashod into tho water,which nearly reached thoir necks. The latter sab.conBtablo succeeded in qnieUng the horses, and holdthorn firmly by tho beads, while Sub-constable Plnn-kett rcscuod a lady who had fallen from tbo boat ;on turning ho observed another lady swoon, and wasjast in timo to catch an infant which had fallen fromher arms ero it reached tho wator. A few minutesaubscqnontly tho passengors and horses woro got onBboro at Yilliorstown, all Bafe. It should be addedthat Mr. P. O'Connor, Strancally, rendered valuable



. PETTY SESSIONS—THURSDAY .Before H. W. BIIISCOE (chairman), Curbery Scully,

and Clomcnt Sadlicr, Esqrs. Mr. M'Louglilin, S.I., oc-cupied a Beat on tho bench.

M ASTEII AND SERVANT.—Mr . Richard 0'Donnell hadhis servautmau summoned for quitting hid employ-ment before tbo period for whioh ho hnd engaged toBcrvo had expirod. Defendant refused to roturn.Tho magistrates gave him his ohoico to do so, or togo to gaol for a month.

STOLEN POTATOES.—Margarot Kol ly and BridgetUickoy wero charged by Mrs. Anastdlia Quirkc,Grcensidc, with havin g stolen aomo potatoes from hergardcu on the 10th iust,. Mary Fleming aud Brid getRyan,two servants in tho omp loymentof Mrs. Quirko,appeared against tho dofondaots. Mary Flemingwas first sworn, and deposed that sho was in tbo em-ployment of Mrs. Quirko j ou tho 10th inst. sbo waswocdiug turni ps opposite Mouutrichard Lodgo, whensbo saw tho woainn Uickoy in tho fiold with somo po-tatoes in her apron ; tbo defendants ran nwiy as soon08 they saw her and Bridget Ryan approach them ;witness demanded tho potutoes, and said they belong-ed to Mrs. Quirko | tho defendants thon told her notto toll Mrs Quirko that sbo kucw them ; Iho stolenpotatoes weighed ebout a ttono, worth about Gd.—Bridget Ryan corroborated the tostimony of tho for-mer witness, and added that potatoes wcro taken onsoveral occasions before. Tbo defendants pleadedguilty, and faid " tho potatoes wcro for tho littloorphans." Thoy wero each sent to gaol for fourteendays.

A BUSIVE LAN CUAOE .—Uonora Ay lward had Marga-ret Phclna auminoucd for using abusivo lnnguago to-wards her ou tlio 12th iust. Tho Chairman said hocould not havo cases of thia eorl coining before thobouch day after day. He dimnlsBcd the charge, auddirected Mr. Harding, C.P.S., who was writing downthe result , not I'.' be filling iho books with such uou-si'iisu in future.

AN OissTKtCTioN.— Pa t rick Mura u, better known bythe soubri quet of " cheap John ," was summoned byJlr . James iJyruc , West line, for causing :tn obstruc-tion to his business by vending divers small wares byauction immediatel y in front of his premises iu thoMain-8lrcet. Mr. Ji jnio, on being sweru, said thatJlorn n held an auciion opposite hij dulph shop iu thoHaiti-street, lie wautcd Morau to produce- liio l icense.Chairman : Aro you a revenuo olliccr (laug hter) ?Witness : N-j, 1 am uot. Cbairumu : Can you demanda inan 'd license from him ? Witness : No, but I ' l lhavo to lock my door if he does uot leavo it. Chair-man : Well lock it (laug btoi). Witness : I'll put mycrates opposite the door. Chairman : Put anythingyou like ; yourself foi iustnuce. Witness : I'll keephim out of it. Chairman : A great many liko to livethemselves, and liku uo otic else to do bo. Wilucss :I binder nobod y to live. Chairman : Well , you'd bet-ter go homo now. After hearing somo twenty-twotrivial cases, at tho suit of tbo constabulary, and im-posing the usual lines, tho court adjourned.

BOARD OF GUA11DIAXS— SATL- KUAT .HEKI CY W. BKISCUK , Esq., J.P., occupied the chair.

Other fruardiun.s present : Messrs. Thos. Lalor , D.L.,John Kirwun , James Wallace, John O'Connell , JamesHiekcy, P. Walsh , Walter Power, and Patrick O'Dou-nell. Dr. O'R-yau iu attendance.

STATK OF Tli c llocsi:.—JUnu.umng at last report , -« jtuhuittcd (luriuji week, 17 ; di. cliarKUtl , 5 ; hurn , 0 ; (licil , 12 ;n.'1/miuiijtf ou ubovo date, 2'J'J j at the mwu iM .-riod in 1371,£W ;J ducn.iwe past year, li ; iu iulirmary, 80 ; fever, H ;rcceivedl during tin: week, XUU OW. Ud. ; faiid , JU.KIO UB. UJ. ; o[ pruvisiuiii1, &c, reeuivou, j ?l\ IU. Bd. ; do. cuusuiueil ,i'.'51 Us. Uil, j balance a^uinat tlio uuiou , bl,of t>J VOn. OU. ; gnneralimirasf.! tort, 2s. 5,M.; iulirmury ditto, 'M. 5(1. ; fever bus-pit,d , G.i. 1U.I. j No. oujout door- rclfcf, 158 ; cost, ill 153. !W.A UMISSIONS —El fou Fuby, a married woman , whoso

husband died iu Juuo last , came before tho board isau app licant lor :i continuance of out-door relief.Chairman : Did you get £5 from Mr. Brcuuuu latel y ?Applicant ntatod Bho had received that sum, but itviut oxponded on her buaboud'u funeral. The chair-man said iho board could not continue tho relief un-dor tho circumstances. Mr. Lawrenco, R.O., informedtho board ithat Mrs. Fuby had been in receipt of us.per week lor « considerable time. Chairman : Untilyou biiug a letter from Mr. Tliom ia Feehan , stalingthut the mouey wus so expended , wu cauuot coutiuuotbu relief. Havo it lor us at lbo next muoting Ap-plicant promised to attend to tho chainnau 's dirco-tious.

Bridget Hahcssy, a woman having two illeg itimatechildren , wanted clothoa for them in order to leavntho workhouB -.'. Tho application was rufusud.

Margaret Power, au interesting looking young girl ,applied for clothes for bor iufuut, as sho was aboutleaving lbo workbouso. Chairman : Havo you workto gel outsido ?. Applicant replied in tbo uegative,but stated sho wished to go out. Mr. Lawrence, R.O.,said that tbu girl had no chauco of remaining outside.Shu had lived with a person named Holmes, and tbopriosts and peoplo of tho neighborhood objected. —Applicant : I waut to see wha'. he'll do for my child ;ho promised ho'd marry mo. Chairman : Did you gotany money from the futhcr of your lirst child ? Ap-plicant stated she had receivud several sums amount-ing to £'M 10s. ; BIID got nothing fro m Holmos. -Mr.Lalor : Wh y not prosecute in this caso ? Mr , Law-rence , R.O. : Holmes U u pauper, and ihcro would boDO result from it. Mr, Lalor : If ho works iu ihofactory, how can yen call him n pauper ? Mr. Law-rence said ho hail been expelled for his conduct.Tho chairman questioned app licant as to where herfirs t child had been born , receiving rather evasive re-plien. the was finally granted Us. lor clothes.

Joseph Furuiss , a blind buy, wrote , requestin g usuit of clothes and hi.-i faro to Dublin , whuro ho wasBuro of obtaining emp loyment al brush making . TheChairman said it was not in their p nver to grant , histrain fare, but they cjuld y ivo him clothes. Mr,DIIHIIO (master) , in reply tu lbo chairman , said hethought the cost of clothes could nut b<; less than£2. This sum mi ght, ull'ord him a littlo balance tohul p him on hii journey . Chairman : Ah , I knew wollwhat ho wua about j wo will not givo him any euchthing (laug hter) . Ho got clolhos from tho union be-foro when goiu:j up to the Blind Institution. App li-caul said ho did , and that iio was accompanied byIho schoolmaster. Chairman : That was when wosent him up lo loam his trado. Mr. O'Doimell : Cma blind person make brushes ? Chairman : They urotaug ht mat uud brush makiug. Tbo app lication wasput back for u week.

A SAI I CASE .—A married woman, uauied CalliorincB.-ieu , app lied for admission , her husband havinglefl her to get work. Chairman : Did your husbiiuddesert you ? App licant : Ho diJu 't , sir, but wentfor work. 1 didn 't seo him thoso ihrco weeks. Wocamo here to work , front Kil gobinot,, near Duugar-Tiin. Mr. Lilor : Aro you williug to prosecuto him ,if wo admit you iuto iho house ? Applicant : I won'tproaocuto him , because ho only went to look for worklor myself and Jus child. Chairman : Wo cannot ad-mit you otherwise. Tho poor woman persisted inrefusing to prosecute, thoug h she, seeming ly, waa ina destitute condit ion.

H ARMLESS L UXATICS .—Tho Local Government Boardforwfinluii a circular relative to iho reception ofharmless luiialic-i into tho workhouso. From thisdocumont , which was length y, it, appoarod that undertho new act tho cxpensea of this class would bo do-frayed ou app lication to thu governors of tho ad join-ing asylums. Chairman : Wo have no accommoda-tion lor them hero, and don 't want them ciihur. Mr.Kirwan said tho lunatic asy lums wero the properplico for them. Chairman : Decidedl y, and let themkeop them there.

R ATE COM.I-XTOII s IIO.VKS .—Mr . J!. O'Dmincll , solr.,wro to in reforenco to costs of Mr. Martin Carroll' shoud. Tlioso costs, amounting to L'5 (!.<. U., remain-od unpaid. Chairman : Let Mr. U'Dounell app l y toCarroll for tho costs ; ho mad o a promise to pay themou demand. Mr. Wallacu : Aro you sure, Mr. Chair-man , that thia board is not liable for tho costs ?Chairman : Cortninl y, 1 am. Tho subject was notdicussod further.

THE M EAI , CoSTiucr.—Mr. Mull inx (clerk) in t i -mated that Oaptuiu Hamilton , having recuived coni-pluiuta of iho quality of meal supp lied by tho latocontractors , hnd sealed two samples for uiinlysntion.Mr. Kirwiu inquired if , whon the samples were senlodany persons ou behalf of tho contractors wero pre-scut. Tho Clerk said it wna not nccuaanry, therebeing no complaint m.idu by tho workhouse officials ;the meal wus to bo Eeut to Dr. Oaineroti for anal ysis,;\a Captaiu Hamilton had hoard comp laints of its•uality.

TH E SCI-I'LV OK W H I S K E Y .— Mr. Wallace naked themaster what quant i ty of whisk y waa consumedin tho workhouso auuuall y ? Air. Dunne (maator) :Somolhiug ubout 28 gallons. Mr. Wiillnco : Whenwas tho last order ina lo for a supp ly ? Master :About lliroo wceka bcfnro tenders were lukon. Mr .Wallace said ho thouphl it uuu.-ual in havi: an ordermado to netr thu tin. ) of contract. Master : Weoould no; dn wi l l rmt it at. t in . lime. Mi . Wnlhicosaid ho would wish to kn i ,w Ll i>» ns i luru i,f Messrs.Strangman 's letter , rrad al. l!ii! last meeting of thoboard ? Chairman : They wanted lo yet :i list of lboprices ut which eonlrats were taken for WII ICB audwhiskey. Mr. Wallace : Aud wud thoro uuy harm in

fuaed to give them. Mr. Wallace : Aro not tho pnoeBpublished to tho public afterwards ? Clerk : Theyare, I believe. Mr. Wallace : Thon , I can't see whythe liBt they wrote for should not be sent them.Chairman : See here, Mr. Wallace, that questioncame beforo us at tho last meeting, and tho boardrefused to supply tho list Messrs .Strangman askedfor.TENDERS woro then gone into for a supply of twino,

brnshen, black load, combs, Ac.STOCK.—Messrs. Hiokey, Powor, Wallace, Browno,

and Phelan wero named as a committeo to take stockand report to next board. Adjourned.

SANITAKI BOARD.-—This board met immediately ontho adjournment of tho guardians' . mooting. Thechair was ocoupiod by Mr." J. WALLACE , and lbo re-ports of the varions sanitary officor3 wero gonethroogh. Mr. Wra. Harding, clerk to the town com-missioners,' wroto, apprising the board that tho nrbansanitary authority had fixed Dr. Fitzgerald's salaryat £15 por annum: Nothing 0U0 of interest trunB-pirod during the proceedings.


TO THE EDITOR OF TUE WATERVO kD NEWS.SIR—In conseqnenco of my lotter which appeared

in your jonrna l, I havo recoived two enquiries fromlocal shareholders requesting information , and asmany of their colleagues may wish to receivo simi-lar information, perhaps you will portnit mo to com-raunioate throug h your papor, which I hopo will1)0 the last occasion. One sharoboldor suggests thopropriety of publishing tho full text of Mr. Young'slotter, dated 4th September, 1874, roforred to inmine, to and on bohalf of the Wntorford Board , de-scribed in mina aa an " urgout lotter," unless thereshould bo " tome logal objection." As tho Southern:Company havo not and novcrbad anything to con-Iceal from Iho shorohj ldors of either compauy, I ap-pen 1 horoto a copy of that letter in extenso, shouldyou havo spaco for its insertion ; though tbo Water-

j ford Company appear to aot on a differen t princi ple,j os in your paper of 1st inat. you report tho solicitori of tho Watcrford Company as having said, iu reply, to Mr. Hackott's inquiry— " Thero was such an agreo-ment, aud the roason tho money had not boon claimed(meaning from tbo Southern Board) was bocauso therewas a Uobnical legal objectiom whioh he did not thiuk

j it prudent to go into ;" though 1 am awaro that it is, tbo opinion of tbo Southern Board, aa it is. my own ,. tbat shrcholdera arc outitlod to the fnllcst informn-. tion. Tho (paragraph in that letter referring to thocoutraclor, omOraoing too words " moro rila))y ioi-portaut ," is what I doscribed , from recollection , as

, " urgent," not having tho copy boforo mo when mino, was written. Tho other paragraph, showing '' ur-goucy," is that containing thr> words—" i.e., £5,000,or £2 por sliaro, at once on allotment. Yet, by reasonof tho Waterford Board altering the form of tho let-ter of npplicalion for allotmont of tho Bharos contrary

. to the cxpross instructions given by Mr. Young to their, solicitor by loiter written , tie well as I rocolloct , onthe tamo date, and which ho wroto on my own sug-gestion , that thoro should bo no alteration —they didou Sth September, 1S7-1-, iu Mr. Young 's absence,during his vacation , idler that document so aa to makoit wholl y i>u<}icrulive. They thereby prevented thoullotmeut being mado until loth September, o:i whichday ihey woro advised by tho secretary of thoSoulhorn Company I bat the allotment was then mado—(Mr. Young's form having beon adopted m ihomuaulime)—who lollouriug tho examp le of Mr. Young,also reminded them that, ,C2 per " was payableou allotment ." Disregarding Mr. Young's and thoSouthern Board's prominent anil rep eated requests asto the absolute necessity for that payment boingmade " ut ouco on allotment ," tho allotmontnot buing legally completed as a " subscri ption" toouablo Iho Southern Board to act until the £5,000should be paid , they iigaiu 'delaycd carry iug out thoseinstructions unt i l tho :trd (recoived by tho SouthernBoard on the 5th) Uct 'Ar ir , when for the first timo tliocoutract was Completed. Iu tho rneautimo tho con-tractor, wearied by tlioso delay*1, dismissed his raeuuud stalf along tho whole lino on lUth September,which would not havo becu douu had iho SouthoniBoard been iu a position to havo assured him on iho15th September, 1S7-1, that thoy had received thedo-posit, and that tho subscription contract (wbichshould havo becu completed in Xovembcr , 1873) wasut leant coinplctod by allotment and payments ; nudyet iho Waterford Board , ihroug h their secretary, attheir halt '-yu;irly meeting, endeavoured to justify theiraction and to throw blame on tho Southarn Companyfor non-completion, by permitting Mr. Nicoll tOBtatoin reply to Mr. Slice's enquiry —" With regard to theSouthern Railway Company, tho Waterford aud Lim-erick had aj rcod with tho Great Western to subscribe£50,000, tho Suuthcru Railway Company giviug nsolemn engagement to open thoir lino iu cortuiu scc-tiouB from timo to timo. Tho Watorford and Lim-erick had paid £30,000, but ho was sorry to way theSouthern Railway had failed to opon up their lino ,and tliorcforo £20,000 wus withheld (hear, hoar)." IfMr. Nicoll had dimp ly ailrlod « lio w o3 cuirj to saytbo Southern Railway hud failed to opeu up theirlino in cousequeuco ol the Waterford nud LimerickRailway Compauy having wholly failed iu the perfor-oianco of any contract wbich thoy eutored iuto withtho Southorn Company, ami by rca3ou of tho Water-ford Company having abstained from promptl y car-ry ing out , even at a lato poriod , tho instructions oftheir owu legal referee, Mr. Young, then tho truestato of the caso would havo been disclosed to theshareholders of both coinpinics, uud it would havebeen quite unnecessary lo troublo you , or tho share-holders cither, with uiy letter published ou tho -Kbiust., or with this letter._ Tbo oihor shareholder puts a question hinging on-

tho foregoing, aud to those not awuro that such contraots uro likn mtvohinery, aud cannot, be carriod outauccesslnlly if any tnatorial portions go wrong, it idnot surprising that this question should bo pub touio—" la your letter in the Clonmel Chronicle on -1thinst. you admit that tho Waterford Cpmpany J inalbjperformed their "subscri ption contract" on 5th Oc-ober, 187-1. What has becu iho causo of delay Bincothon f Wh y woro Iho works not immediatel y ro-aumod f "

Tho answer is simp le ;—1. It is much moro dilfcult to ro.itimo works after

a total disruption thau to keep works going in theabscucu of such disruption.

2. Tho continued delay ou tho part of tho Water-ford board iu fulfilling their contract , and thoir dis-rojar-i of Mr. Young's instructio n whon , linn countedby liiiius was iho csseuco of tho contract , until Sth ofOctober, 1S74, after the works had been slopped , pro-veuiud tho .Southern board from putting in foreo toiheir full extent tliu Southern Couiupauy 's borrowingpowers, as the " Justice's ccnilicaco" could uot hoobtained until ihu deposit, of " £5,000 waa paid on al-lotment ," i.i-,, on tbo 15lh September, 187 1, whichShould liuvo been made in Novumbor , 1873.

3. It was ibon (Sept. 1S7-1) in tho power of theSouthern ^o;ird to liaro consented to ret-eiro furtherportions of tho loan. " for completion to Laff.iris-brid ge," and ihcy had arranged to do so, subject tothe immediate performance by tho Waterford Com-pany of their contrac t, aud especiall y beforo anystoppage of tho works ; bul as tho thirl breach ofngreeemeut liy the Watertord board , and the paymentof tho £0,OUU ou uth of Octobor , eveutuall y relievedtho Southern board from personal liabilities undertheir scparato agreement (of December, 1S73) withtho Watcrford board, either to complete to Fothard,on or boforo tho lnt January, 1S75 (which tho actiouof tho Watcrford board jncraik 't heiii 'j tlone) ; or iutho ulteroativo, to repay to the Waterford board thofirst moiety of £25,000 paid by them ; and also lefttho Waterford board no redress as to the £30,000 al-ready expended by them , save by pay ing up £2u ,0UObalance, aud by n iu ftt at ( tn< ( friendl y co-operation withthe Southern board aud tho contractor arranging tocomplete, And ;i3 acceptance of tho loan means per-sonal liability, even thoug h only for a limited period ,on tho part of lliu Southern directors , I might. «u |lbo excused, having regard to pasl experience of thoWatorford bouril , whou 1 advised tho Southern boardnot lo undertake i-uch pcrsonul liability, unless anduntil tho Watcrlbrd board should , with returnin g wits-clom, carry out tlicir promises m,«lo between Octo-ber and March last, to pay thoir balance of Si'M 000evidouced iu their advertisement oll'eriug to the pub -lio iu March, £50,000 of their stock for that purposeuud whicli , us explained iu my previous lutuur , IhoSouthorn board placed at their disposal with ob-ject, but whicli iho Waterford board , after firs t re-questing tbat assistaneo, thon ileolined to loj eiro it !AS no stiitoinuft in my previous lotlor or in thiscau bj controverts , I trust ibis in the, last occasion Ishall havo no trespass ou your spaco ou ibis uubiect—Yours faithfull y, U. K ERSAOU AN .

The fullowing is u copy of Mr. You'lg's luttor totho Secretary of tho Wuierford and Limurick Com-pany :—

UK EAT WESTER N RAILW AY." Solicitor 's Otlice, 10, Eastbourne Torruce,

I'addington , W., 4th Sopt., 1871." Svillhrrn Hi t i lwuy Comx-any.

" DKAR Silt— .Mr. Ambro sj will no doubt have ro-porled to you tho result of the conference which wobavo hnd with Mr. Kerung han aud Mr. (iricroon , asto Iho position of this mutter, and tho courso whichwo all think it would bo expedient to pufeoo, in orderto forward tbo completion of tho proposed urruugc-monts.

" 1 havo this morning received from Mr. Keruogbanoao part , uf lbo working nguoomeut, soulcd by, thoSouthern Company, with tho requisite certificato np.peuded , signed by the Chairmau .und Socrolary of thoCompany. This I propose to send to Mr. Ambrosoto-nig ht , in order that ho moy yet tbo seal of yourcompur.y adixed lhi:ro;.o, so us to mako it a completodocument ; and 1 slull requobl Mr. Ambroso lo returnit , together «j in the duplicate , Bctilcd by your com-puiy, und wilh n siiiii lur ccrlilicato Ihi-rcon, eo thatboth parts DI HV bo liul yed with tho Railway Commis-sioners, with iho lo.i-r L possible delay, r'rom en-quiries made at. iheir otlico (a3 Mr. Ambroso willdoubtless , havo inl'nrnicd you) thero is no roason tonuticipaio any dilliculty whatever ia obtaiuing thoirformal approval uf rho agreement iu a few days.

" Tbo uext, aud perhaps (for rcusoua connected

with tho relations between the Sonthern companyand their contractor, Mr. Honayne), tbe more Titallyimportant matter, in point of timo, is tbe completionof tbo subscription of your company to the capitalof the Southorn company, as requited by tho resolu-tion of your committee of the 30th July. I haregivou this question tbo best consideration ia mypower ; and on a full and carefu l review of all thathas passed on the subject, I am of opinion that youaro liablo, and stand committed, to sabscribo thowholo sum of £50,000 towards tho undertaking^tbo Southern company, pursuant to tbe resolutionsof the shareholders of tho 18th November, 1873, andI givo this opinion with the fall approval and COD-carrenco of Mr. Griorson, the general manager of theGreat Western Company, whoso interests aro, ofconrse, directly involvod in the question.

"Tho torma aud conditions of the subscription,and the limo whoa tho amount thereof is to bo pay -ublo, aro clearly indicated—i.e., £5,000, or £2 pershare AT ONCE OX ALLOTMENT ; a further sum, of£10,000, or £-1 por sboro, when the railway is com-pleted to LaSau's Bridge, and tho remaining £10,000when it is completed and opened for traffic toThurles.

" I enclose with this latter tho following papers :1. A statement of tho financial affairs of the South-

ern Company, signed by Mr. Quinton , thoir occonn-tnnt , aud dated first oi Septorn bor inst.

2. An ostimato of cost ami available) assofs of tbecompany to coapleto thoir main line , dated 31«t ofAugust." 1 also send a copy of tho undertaking, which has

already been given by Mr. Ronayno. A similar ouowill be given by all tho principal parlies named intho paper A, which forms part of Mr. Quiuton's state-ment.—I am, dear sir, faithfully yours,

" Signed, " JOHN YOUNO ." J. V. Nicol l, Esq., Watorford and Limerick

Railway, Waterford."[NOTE.—Tbo Southern Company hnd nothing what-

ever to do with tho completion of any of the abovodocumonts, as a condition precedont to their right torequire tbo Waterford Company to complete their sub-scription in November , 1873, but as tho WaterfordBoard wcro continuall y requiring (not nil at once,but from time to time) fresh documents, tho SouthernCompauy did not refuso any document in roason,provided the completion of Ibom was not made acauso for further delay. Tho Sontbcrn Companywould havo bceu ready nt any timo after February,1873, to bavo supplied samo as a favor, though not aaa ri ght, savo as to iho working agreoraent, which itwns their right to Obtain from tho Southern Com-pany, approved of by their shareholders, which , in•February, 1U73, thoy askai tho Waterf ori} Companyto call a joint special meeting for the pnrposo of rati-fy ing, and thoug h tho Southern Company then didso, tho Waterford Company deferred doing so untilNovember, 1873, but in tho meantime the SouthernCompany, having thrice convened their special meet,ing for that purpo30, instead of udjonrning it anylonger, did, on tho 21th of May, 1873, approve of ihoagreement to tako effect, subject to tho WatcrfordCompany completing their subscriptien contract.Tho opinion [par. No. 3], us given by Mr. Young,was simply a repetition of what bo had eaid ou tho21th Jul y pr crio 'isly, but ho repeated it in thoabovo loiter, in consequoiico of Mr. Ambro3O having,on the 31st August , requested him aud Mr. Griorsonto reconsider it. Tho letter sent ou same date toMr. Ambrose wiis, according to my recollection, ovenmuch moro urgent aud specific.—B.K.]

MONTHLY FAIRS IN MUN'STER.IS.muun - lit WediiL -sday. Durius f lato Cariickboy}—l<i.siiiorti...l 'iiu Wednesday. 3id \V nlut-sday.Miu:i'uuiii.. °.l'Jth. Waterfurd— 1st Monday.M.dlun° ...l»l Tuuadny. Talluw...2nd^liid .. 1st Monday. ' Duugarvau...3rd Wvdnos-CluiMliilly...l ->t Moiul. iy. day .liallniL 'iii— 2ml NS't-iliH-sday, Limi- iick City... l»t Tucis*Feriuoy—l.ant Tuu.-id.iy. d;iy.Kii malu—U rd Wtducsd.i; . Ti >>perary...2ud Tuesday ,—Lasl 'i'uuaday ' L'loumi;l...ldt Wcdia-eda)

KXOLLSl t TL'UK FIXTURES FOR 1875.Xcwinarkul li. K. li. ffaudicup Tuesday Si-pt. 28.Mi wiuaiket Ociulu-r IIuudic» [i Fridny October 1.Cc-mcwilch Tuesday October 12.Middle I'aik I'l.iti: Wedsday Oct. 13.Criterion Sukis Mouday, Oct. 25.Cainhrid ^i- .-. liiic Tuesday October 20.Liverpool Cup Friday November 12.Great Shropshire H,uiiiic;i p Wednesday Nut . i7

BIKTII A N D D EATH I.V A R AILWAY CARRIAGE .—Aninquiry was hold Friday night at tho Coroner 's Courtfor St.. I'aucnis as to tlic death of Julia Wj att , aged17, who, whils t travel/ing with her husband , gavebirth to a chilli and subsequentl y died in a railwaycarriage ou tho London and North-Western Railway.Mr. John, husband of dcccaso.1, an American,said his wil'u was also au American , and they hadloft Arkansas, Xew Jersey, iu the Whito Star Linesteamer Republic, arriving iu Liverpool on Tuesdayovening last. lie was awaro of his wife's state beforoleaving America, aud consulted a medical gentlemanin ref erence to her travelling, iio said sho mightsuffer from sickucss, but ho did not approhond anyother danger. They arrived in Liverpool at six p.m.ou Tuesday, and left at ten minutes jiast eleven thesame night, fcr London in a third-class carriage. Thodeceased bad beon exceeding ly unwell , and bad notoaten any food for two or tbrco days beforo iheirarrival , but ut Liverpool sho was enabled to tako alittle toast and tea. They wero coming to London tovisit somo friends, aud knowing no ono at Liverpool ,deceased, us well us ho, wero desirous of getting ODto town. Ou reaching Watford tho deccasod becamevery ill. lio iuf otmud tho guard, and asked bini Utako her out and seud for a doctor, but tho guanBaid whilst they wero sending for a doctor, tbo tria iwonld be at Huston , whoro medical ndvice could b:immediate ly obtainable. They arrivod at Kustotabout 5.30 a.m., and deceased was at ouco atlendocto by a lady counected with tho first-class waitingroom. Tho child , whon boru , was dead. A doctar was scut for , but did uot arrivo till half-pastsix , aud deceased died soon after, lio did noistay it Liverpool to givo deceased rest , because hiwus short of moue;,aud did not know whoro togo toMrs. Mary Breut , of the refreshment dcpariniom ,deposed that sbo saw decoased iu tho carriage, amadministered tea and brand y aud wator amiDr. Thompson , who was sent for, came. Dr. JThompson , of Oakloy-square, said bo saw deccasecat half-past six ou |Wednesday morniug ; sho waily iug ou u seat in a third cla«s railway carriageShe huJ given birth to ft child , ivliieli teas dead, aiitwas in a vory exhausted stato, too bad lo bo removed.Ho attended lo liur aud administered stimulantsbut a lio died iti about uu hour from exhaustionThe jury return ed a verdict iu accorduueo with thimedial t-vid i-nce.

i IIK M AI I M .IS .— 1 he milk market , and tho meat athu Sqaaro , wero never iu a better condition thaithoy aro at present , owiug to tho closo supervisioiexorcised over them by Hi gh Constnblo Mnbony witlhis Ht:ilV, under tho directious of his worship tb,Mayor. On Tuesday " i-j ornim;, in testing tho milkthe hi gh constable could not Had any with moro thaithruo per cent, wator. This ia a gteat public boouparticularl y to tho poor.

Tl I K CUSIDMS .—An open competition for ' fift y appoiutments in Iho Customs (oui-door) ia to bo held i.Dublin on tbo 1st of October next. Afros of BDDlicants—1!) to •>:,. *vK ITS S COCOA — U JIATEFUL A.ND COMFORTISO— " ll y -.i Ihnr.iujh knowled ge of the natuial liovrrtt I lie opuraiious uf Uigi-^iuu aud nutrition anihy a caii-luU pi'lir.itiu ii ot the tine properties of nell-selectetcocuu , »lr. K|.|u h..a piuvi.Ud i,ur brc»kf rtH tables wi»h i:lehc.i:ely dnvurnl hevempo wiii cb may »<vo UJ many beai\duciors bills. It H by tho judiduua use of »uch ailicltuoliiii t ih.i t a iMiiali tutio n may |,e (jraduall y built up untilKtioni; (iiuucli iu resist every tcudeuuy to disea.e. Hundredsof ?ulil!c uiiiladiei are lloati.iB around us ready to attackwliiM>vvr thon. is a we.ik point. We may escape many afatal shall hy kn-pini; uuruel fcs well forti fied n- ith noteMuoil nud a properl y nourished lrom»."— Civil Sertict

a"'"'- ., . . (»17-iylADVICK TO -MOTH BUS !—Aro you broken iu yourres t l,y - > t k clul.l aiiU 'cring with the pmu ol cuttiog teeih ?Uu lit urn* lu :> ft.i-iui .-.l imd get a bullle ol &lM.Wi .i3iOw'8SomniN G r-Yiu r. h will rnlinelhe pcor su^ercr unine-dim fl y. It i> |u r' irtly harudeM JII ,1 pleataut lo ta>te Jtpr.iiliuvM.«tur..l <iui ,- i ,1,,-p by relien.u ll.echilj f roiu painand Hie hliie rhiiub nwiikem " us bright ai a button 'Its uutlies the i-lidil , it »,, lieii - Ibp gimin, idlnjs all pain rc.hove* Y.- IIK I , ri^ulairs llic howcU , und is the bi«t known remeily for u>euiery .mil ilianhuj a, whethe r arisiug fromteoihiiig orol l i - r cnuse.i. Mrs . WmsWs Sootliint- Kvruni s» Old hy Mt | d«I.T« everywhere, »l li l^d per boltl,Mauufuctured in New York , auj ut -193 Oxford Street London. 'TH IIOAT AFFECTIONS A.VD UOI H S E S Z S S —Allsuf-fHruif irrila l iuii ol Iho tliro^.t :,,,d U Oilt!len e., „;,,Oe a/i« «"'!¦'¦ >•¦••' nt ll.c almost i.n.u.-di.t,. relief ufford«Jhy the u« u. " Urow.. ' roU ch M| Trocl.u.." The., f.moa,• lozeiiis M arc iimv s.lil hy most rt..p«t,l,|e cbumut. intins ci.ui.lry at l slj , Fr boj . PtOp|e lroubud itJ '»

•' Lacking cu^b ," a " Myhi eold," ,,r bronchial .aZ on.cann-.l l.y tkcin ton fOU,, , . .SMIU. I.., irouble., if allowded topr^r.K.1. r.-.ult iu -.miuu, l'uluio..«y and Aithmat^ affec-l,o,.S. r,c llml .ho .word, - H r0lvn 's bruucl.uT Trocbt.'are «.. ll.e J ov..,n !lll.,,i j ,,:llll? aroun a tadl boL-Manufic-K i loa iii ;¦ s,mv1,'- f srs- Uoiton' v°™ S" .

HoLi.oM Av 'b i> iLLs-lndigcation-In oU ca8e8oi

SS ~!H 3H»fTo keep your wifo in constant chcok, mako herdress iu p laid .DoC3 a youn^r man with t-xie arm haTO an off-bondwny of doing fJiiugs ?

WATKKKOKII : l'ruitcd and Published by EDWASDSTEI 'I IKN K UNNKY , at The Waterford New GeneralI'rintiu^, liook-liinding, and ilachicc-HnliDg' Eftj kb *lishmcnt , VJ King street, ic tho Perifih of IriaitsrWithin, City of Waterfoid.