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Apr 14, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H




  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H



    I am student of MBA 2nd Year from DNS, Amroha my summer training project report topic

    Training & Development at Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula. In this project I

    have tries to analysis training & development needs of the employees of Shri Venkateshwara

    University, Gajraula


    In the present industrial era, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility

    and adoptability of employees. Inadequate job performance a decline in productivity or

    changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological break -through require some type

    of training and development efforts.

    As the jobs become more complex, the importance of employee development also increases

    in a rapidly changing society.

    "Employee training and development is not only an activity that is desirable but also an

    activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and

    knowledgeable work force."

    Thus it shows that training and development has been becoming more and more important

    par of any industrial undertaking. Moreover management ability does not come

    automatically. It comes slowly and gradually from training experience and growth, since the

    days of the early Management pioneers, training has been recognized as vital and legitimate

    area of corporate concern.

    Definition of Training:

    Following are some of the major definitions given by various scholars:

    According to Flippo," Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an


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    employee for doing a particular job

    According to lucius, "The term training is used to indicate only a process, by which

    the aptitudes, skills and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs are


    Characteristics or Nature of Training

    On the basis of different given by various scholars and on the basis of general knowledge

    the following facts can be presented about the nature or training and its characteristics:

    Expense on Training is investment and not wastage:

    The most important characteristics of training is that expenditure incurred on it is

    investment and not wastage. In other words the expenses on training of employees will

    be a recurring advantage for the enterprises for a long run, which will be in the form of

    an increased efficiency of the employees.

    It relates to special jobs:

    The purpose of training is not to increase the general knowledge of the employees but

    to make them proficient or skillful in a special job.

    It is beneficial both to the organization and the employees:

    Training is a process which benefits both the organization and the employees. on the one

    hand ,the dream of the enterprise to have more production is fulfilled, and on the other

    hand, because of increased proficiency the employee get better remuneration by

    increasing production in less time. Because of a decrease in the numbers of accidents

    their life is also safe and secured.

    Training is a continuous process

    Training is not a process which can give all the knowledge to an employee regarding a


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    particular work for all time to come. Whenever some new procedure, and new

    technology are adopted in the enterprise, training becomes imperative.


    Employee development and training software helps companies invest in their people so that

    they will be ready for the challenges of the future. By making career and personal

    development more relevant, timely, and social, you can redefine your approach to employee

    development and training for increased engagement.

    Development program activities become relevant and timely when they are embedded

    within goal, succession, and career plans. Taleo performance review integration ensures that

    development plans are revisited regularly and are tied to employee career successes. Social

    networking tools enable your people to create, share, and rank development activities that

    unlock the hidden knowledge within your organization. With Talent Intelligence, you can

    identify and address skill gaps and ensure that employees are guided to the right

    development activities.


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    Difference between Training and Development:

    Basis Training Development

    Meant for Operatives Executives

    Focus Current job Current and future jobs

    Scope Individual employee Work group or organization

    Goal Fix current skill deficit Prepare for future work demands

    Initiated by Management The Individual

    Content Specific job related


    General Knowledge

    Time- frame Immediate Long term




    Trained worker works more efficiency. Training makes an employee more useful

    to a firm. Hence he will find employment

    more easily.

    They use machines tools, materials in a

    properly is thus eliminated to a large


    Makes employees more efficient and


    Fewer accidents, Trained worker need

    not be put under close supervision as

    they know how to handle operations


    Training enables employees to secure

    promotions easily.


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    Training makes employees more loyal

    to an organization. They will less in

    client to leave the unit where there is

    growth opportunity.

    It can enable employees to cope up with

    organizational social & technological



    Need for Training

    Training is needed to serve the following purposes:.

    Newly recruited employees require training so as to perform their tasks effectively.

    Training is necessary to prepare existing employees for high level jobs. Existing

    employees require refresher training so as to keep abreast of the latest developments in

    job operations. In the face of rapid technological changes, this is an absolute necessity.

    Training is necessary to make employees mobile and versatile.

    Training is needed to bridge the gap between what the employees have and what the job

    demands. Training is needed to make employees more productive and useful in long run.

    Training Methods

    There is a range of teaching methods available to the trainer. Each method has its

    advantages & disadvantages in terms of the objective of a particular training programme or

    training situation. The differences between the training methods lie mainly in terms of the

    trainees personal involvement or participation in the process of learning. This can be

    represented on a continuum from least to highest involvement. It is difficult to establish


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    whether one method of instruction is superior, in every way, to another method. Each

    method of instruction has its use in a training programme.

    The choice of method is a matter of experience & competence of the instructor. It is also a

    matter of his judgments of how much & what a particular group of trainees could learn from

    using one method or another.

    However, in management training the principal problem is not how to deal with specific

    subjects & functional areas. It is much more important to:

    Explain the relationship between various functions of the enterprise & highlight the

    complex character of the management process;

    Help participants not to take a one-function & over-simplified approach to multi-

    dimensional situations in business organizations.(one-function approach means

    marketing manviewing everything from marketing point of view, production man

    viewing everything from production point of view etc.)

    Promote general management skills, which essentially lie in an inter-disciplinary systems

    approach to management.

    In simple words, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities,

    knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training and development is

    determined as follows:

    It is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an

    employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude

    or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.

    The need for training and development is determined by the employees performance

    deficiency, computed as follows:


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    We can make a distinction among training, education and development. Such distinctions

    enables us to acquire a better perspective about the meaning if the term training. Which

    refers to the process of imparting specific skills, Education, on the other hand is confined

    theoretically learning in classroom

    To distinct more, the training is offered in case of operatives whereas development programs

    are conducted for employees at higher levels. Education however is common to all the


    Inputs in Training and Development

    Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the participants

    to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into the distant

    future. The inputs of training and development are as follows:

    1) Skills

    2) Education

    3) Development

    4) Ethics

    5) Attitudinal Changes

    6) Decision making and problem solving skills

    1) Skills


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    Training is imparting skills to the employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines,

    and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is basic skills without which the

    operator will not function.

    There is also a need of motor skills or psychomotor skills as they are refer to performance of

    specific physical activities .These skills involve learning to move various parts of their body

    in response to certain external and internal stimuli. Employees particularly like supervisors

    and executives, need interpersonal skills mostly know as people skills. These skills helps a

    person understand oneself and others better and act accordingly. Examples of

    interpersonal skills include listening. Persuading and showing an understanding of others


    2) Education

    The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning

    and judgment. That any training and development programme must contain an element of

    education is well understood by the HR specialist.

    In fact, sometimes, organizations depute or encourage employees to do courses on a part

    time basis. Chief executive officers (CEOs) are known to attend refresher course conducted

    in many Business schools. The late Manu Chabria, CMD, Shaw Wallace, attended such a

    two month programme at the Harvard business school. Education is more important for

    managers and executives than for lower-cadre workers.

    3) Development


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    Another component of a training and development programme is development which is less

    skill oriented but stress on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment,

    management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the

    like is useful for better management of a company.

    Development programme should help an employee to be a self-starter, build sense of

    commitment, motivation, which should again helps him being self generating. It should

    make their performance result oriented and help them in being more efficient and effective.

    It should also help in making the employee sensitive towards the environment that is his

    work place and outside. This programme should keep the employee aware of him i.e. his

    potentials and his limitations. Help him see himself as others see him and accept his self

    image as a prelude to change. It helps teach an individual to communicate without filters, to

    see and feel points of view different from their own. Also helps them understand the powers

    in their hands and thereby develop leadership styles which inspire and motivate others. And

    finally helps install a zest for excellence, a divine discontent, a nagging dissatisfaction with

    the status quo.

    4) Ethics

    There is a need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development

    programme. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses. They

    are less seen and talked about in the personnel function this does not mean that the HR

    manager is absolved if the responsibility. If the production, finance or marketing personnel

    indulge in unethical practices the fault rest on the HR manager. It is his/her duty to enlighten

    all the employees in the organization about the need for ethical behavior.

    5) Attitudinal Changes


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    Attitudinal represents feelings and beliefs an individual towards others. Attitudes affect

    motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitudes needs to be converted into

    positive attitudes. Changing negative attitudes is difficult because of

    (1) Employees refuse to change

    (2) They have prior commitments and

    (3) Information needed to change attitudes may not be sufficient.

    Attitude must be changed so that the employee feels committed to the organization and give

    better performance.

    6) Decision making and problem solving skills

    Decision making and problem solving skill focus on methods and techniques for making

    organizational decision and solve work related problems. Learning related to decision

    making and problem solving skills seeks to improve trainees abilities to define and structure

    problems, collect and analysis information, generate alternatives. Training of this type is

    typically provided to potential managers, supervisors and professionals

    Importance of Training and development for the organization

    There are many benefits of Training and Development to the organization as well as

    employee. We have categorized as under

    1) Benefits for the organization

    2) Benefits for the individual

    3) Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation and

    policy implementation

    1) Benefits for the organization

    a) Improves communication between group and individuals.


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    b) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or


    c) Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.

    d) Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.

    e) Improve interpersonal skills.

    f) Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.

    g) Builds cohesiveness in group.

    h) Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination.

    i) Makes the organization a better place to work and live.

    2) Benefits for the individual

    a) Helps and individual in making better decision and effective problem solving.

    b) Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition achievement,

    growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised.

    c) Aid in encouraging and achieving selfdevelopment and self confidence.

    d) Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.

    e) Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and


    f) Increases job satisfaction and recognition.

    g) Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.

    h) Satisfies personal needs of a trainee.

    i) Provides the trainee an avenue for growth in his or her future.

    j) Develops a sense of learning.

    k) Helps eliminate fear in attempting new task.


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    l) Helps a person improve his listening skill, speaking skills also with his writing skills.

    3) Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation

    and policy implementation

    a) Improves communication between group and individuals.

    b) Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or


    c) Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.

    d) Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.

    e) Improve interpersonal skills.

    f) Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.

    g) Builds cohesiveness in group.

    h) Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination.

    i) Makes the organization a better place to work and live.

    Training Process

    The steps of Training Process are as under:

    a) Organizational objectives and strategies

    The first step in the training process is an organization in the assessment of its objectives

    and strategies. What business are we in? At what level of quality do we wish to provide this

    product or service? Where do we what to be in the future? Its only after answering these and

    other related questions that the organization must assess the strength and weakness of its

    human resources.

    b) Needs assessment


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    Needs assessment diagnoses present problems and future challenge to be met through

    training and development. Needs assessment occurs at two levels i.e. group level and

    individual level, an individual obviously needs training when his or her performance falls

    short or standards that is when there is performance deficiency. Inadequate in performance

    may be due to lack of skills or knowledge or any other problem.

    The following diagram explains performance deficiency



    Lack of skills other causes

    Or knowledge

    Training Non training measures

    c) Training and development objectives once training needs are assessed, training and

    development goals must be established. Without clearly-set goals, it is not possible to design

    a training and development programme and after it has been implemented, there will be no

    way of measuring its effectiveness. Goals must be tangible, verifying and measurable. This

    is easy where skilled training is involved

    d) Designing training and development program

    Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? What methods and techniques?

    What is the what are the where to conduct level of training principles of learning the


    e) Conducting training activities

    Where is the training going to be conducted and how?

    At the job itself.


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    On site but not the job for example in a training room in the company.

    Off site such as a university, college classroom hotel, etc.

    f) Implementation of the training programme

    Program implementation involves actions on the following lines:

    Deciding the location and organizing training and other facilities.

    Scheduling the training programme.

    Conducting the programme.

    Monitoring the progress of the trainees.

    g) Evaluation of the results

    The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of the results.

    Since huge sums of money are spent on training and development, how far the programme

    has been useful must be judge/determined. Evaluation helps determine the results of the

    training and development programme. In the practice, however organizations either

    overlook or lack facilities for evaluation.

    Methods of training

    A multitude of techniques are used to train employees. Training techniques represent the

    medium of imparting skills and knowledge to employees. Training techniques are means

    employed in the training methods. They are basically of two types.

    1) Lectures

    It is the verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The lecturer

    is presumed to possess knowledge about the subject. A virtue in this method is that it can be


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    used for large groups and hence the cost of training per employee is very low. However, this

    method violates the principle of learning by practice. Also this type of communication is a

    one-way communication and there is no feedback from the audience because in case of very

    large groups it is difficult to have interactive sessions. Long lectures can also cause


    2) Audio Visuals

    This is an extension of the lecture method. This method includes slides, OHPs, video tapes

    and films. They can be used to provide a range of realistic examples of job conditions and

    situations in the condensed period of time. It also improves the quality of presentation to a

    great extent.

    3) On- the Job- Training

    It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their present jobs. Majority of the industrial

    training is on the job training. It is conducted at the work site and in the context of the job.

    Often, it is informal, as when experienced worker shows a trainee how to perform tasks. In

    this method, the focus of trainers focus is on making a good product and not on good

    training technique. It has several steps; the trainee first receives an overview of the job, its

    purpose and the desired outcomes. The trainer then demonstrates how the job is to be

    performed and to give trainee a model to copy. And since a model is given to the trainee, the

    transferability to the job is very high. Then the employee is allowed to mimic the trainers

    example. The trainee repeats these jobs until the job is mastered.

    4) Programmed Instruction (PI)

    In this method, training is offered without the intervention of the trainer. Information is

    provided to the employee in blocks, in form of books or through teaching machine. After


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    going through each block of material, the trainee goes through a test/ answers a question.

    Feedback in the form of correct answers is provided after each response. Thus PI involves:

    Presenting questions, facts, and problems to the learner.

    Allowing the person to respond

    Providing feedback on the accuracy of the answers

    If the answers are correct, he proceeds to the next block or else, repeats the same.

    However it is an impersonal method and the scope of learning is less as compared to other

    methods of training. Also the cost of preparing books, manuals and machinery is very high.

    5) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

    This is an extension of the PI method. In this method, the learners response determines the

    frequency and difficulty level of the next frame. This is possible thanks to the speed,

    memory and the data manipulation capabilities of the computer.

    6) Simulation

    It is any equipment or technique that duplicates as nearly as the possible the actual

    conditions encountered at the job. It is an attempt to create a realistic for decision-making.

    This method is most widely used in Aeronautical Industry.

    7) Vestibule Training

    This method utilizes equipment which closely resembles the actual ones used in the job.It is

    performed in a special area set aside for the purpose and not at the workplace. The emphasis

    is placed on learning skills than on production. It is however difficult to duplicate pressures

    and realities of actual situations. Even though the kind of tension or pressure may be the

    same but the employee knows it is just a technique and not a real situation. Also the


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    employees behave differently in real situations than in simulations. Also additional

    investment is required for the equipment.

    8) Case study

    It is a written description of an actual situation in the business, which provokes the reader

    to think and make decisions/ suggestions. The trainees read the case, analyze it and develop

    alternative solutions, select the best one and implement it. It is an ideal method to promote

    decision making skills. They also provide transference to an extent. They allow participation

    through discussion. This is the most effective method of developing problem solving skills

    The method /approach to analysis may not be given importance. Many a times only the

    result at the end of the case may be considered and not the line of thinking to approach it.

    This is a major disadvantage since case studies must primarily be used to influence or mend

    the attitude or thinking of an individual.

    9) Role Playing and Behavior Modeling

    This method mainly focuses on emotional (human relation) issues than other ones. The

    essences are on creating a real life situation and have trainees assumed parts of specific

    personalities (mostly interchanged roles of boss and subordinate to create empathy for one

    another). The consequence is better understanding of issues from the others point of view.

    Concept of Behavior Modeling:

    Fundamental psychological process by which new patterns of behavior can be acquired and

    existing ones can be altered.

    Vicarious process learning takes place not by own experience but by observation or

    imagination of others action.


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    It is referred to as copying, observational learning or imitation implying that it a

    behavior is learned or modified through observation of others experiences.

    This change may be videotaped and showed to the trainee and he can review and critique it.

    It also helps him see the negative consequences that result from not using the behavior as


    10) Sensitivity Training

    It uses small number of trainees usually less than 12 in a group. They meet with a passive

    trainer and get an insight into their own behavior and that of others. These meetings have no

    agenda and take place away from the workplace. The discussions focus on why participants

    behave the way they do and how others perceive them. The objective is to provide the

    participants with increased awareness of their own behavior, the perception of others about

    them and increased understanding of group process. Examples: Laboratory training,

    encounter groups.

    Laboratory training is a form of group training primarily used to enhance interpersonal

    skills. It can be used to develop desired behaviors for future job responsibilities. A trained

    professional serves as a facilitator. However once the training is over employees get back to

    being the way they are.

    11) Apprenticeships and Coaching

    It is involved learning from more experienced employee/s. This method may be

    supplemented with other off-the-job methods for effectiveness. It is applied in cases of most

    craft workers, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. This approach uses high levels of

    participation and facilitates transferability. Coaching is similar to apprenticeships. But it is

    always handled by a supervisor and not by the HR department. The person being trained is


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    called understudy. It is very similar to on the job training method. But in that case, more

    stress is laid on productivity, whereas here, the focus is on learning.

    In this method skilled workforce is maintained since the participation, feedback and job

    transference is very high. Immediate returns can be expected from training almost as soon

    as the training is over the desired outcomes can be seen in the trainee.


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    The following training objectives in keeping with the companys goals & objectives:-

    1. To prepare employees for higher level tasks.

    2. To prepare them to occupy more responsible positions.

    3. To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.

    4. To promote individual and collective morale, a sense of responsibility, co-operative

    attitudes and good relationships.

    5. To evaluate the training and development efficiencies of Shri Venkateshwara



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    Human resources can be viewed as the sum of knowledge, skills, attitudes,

    commitment, values and the like of the people of an organization. Development is

    acquisition of capabilities that are needed to do the present job, or the future expected job.

    Human Resources Development (HRD) is a positive concept in human resources

    management. It aims at overall development of human resources in order to contribute to the

    well-being of the employees, organization and the society at large. Simply stated, HRD is

    the process of helping people to acquire competencies. HRD has become a major subsystem

    of human resources management.

    John Ingalls observed the necessity for the emergence of HRD thus: The 1980s will be the

    decade in which personnel as it has traditionally been known may cease to exist. He

    outlined the problems faced by traditional personnel function thus:

    1. Not being respected by members of management.

    2. It has no unique technology to drive it forward.

    3. It doesnt know how to appeal to new worker values.

    Hence, he says the new concept which can solve the above problem in HRD. HRD enables

    employees to sharpen their capabilities and serve the organization in a more productive

    manner. Further human beings also have a need to develop themselves professionally.24

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    Development of their capabilities keeps themselves professionally. Development of their

    capabilities keeps them psychologically vital. This development needs to be mention in

    terms of making it with organizational requirements.

    According to Lippitt the HRD system depends on:

    Work itself which generate a higher degree of responsibility for the employees.

    The individuals personal and professional growth.

    The improved quality output as a result of increased responsibility.

    Organization as an open system.

    The HRD system should be such that it should maintain all people involved. It should

    develop newer and creative qualities in employees.

    Career Planning and Development

    It would be useful to make new employees aware of the various phases of development in

    the company and plan their specific career paths with senior employee. Necessary help can

    also be given to those employees who may find it difficult to cope with realities in

    beginning. Many seminars may be held on career planning for this purpose. In its first

    seminar, the Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources held in 1981,

    recommended that the employees should be able to convey their goals clearly to the

    management. This is very sensitive concept as it succinctly brings out the joint responsibility

    of the individuals as well as the enterprises in formulating policies regarding career planning

    and development. The organization on its part should try to identify the goals and aspirations

    of the individual employees, their development needs and try to match with the available


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    opportunities for implementing schemes of career planning, a various measures have been

    recommended in the seminar. These are:

    1) Setting up manpower planning cells in each enterprise.

    2) Job analysis and job descriptions in respect of all categories of posts.

    3) Appraisal system.

    4) Job rotation.

    5) Training & development etc.

    6) 2.3.5 Feedback and Counseling

    If proper climate for the skill of providing critical and supportive feedback to the

    employees by the boss is not organized, HRD becomes a fruitless experience. The

    differences between self-assessment and superiors assessment should be discussed and a

    programme for further development of the employees should work out jointly. Feedback and

    counseling subsystems includes performance feedback, potential feedback, career

    opportunities feedback etc. Feedback should be given through counseling sessions. It should

    enable the individual to identify his strengths and weaknesses so that he will plan a career

    that suits his potentials. The assessment-centre approach aims at giving such a feedback

    through simulation exercises and discussions. In certain organizations where assessment is

    not in existence, the management should use some mechanisms to give feedback to the

    individuals. Communication of feedback should also be done properly, failing which all the

    lofty aims of feedback may be lost in wildness.

    Research and Organizational Development

    Research is a vital input for any organization intending to scale new height continually. It

    is only through research, organizations find the need for change in them to cope with the


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    conditions leading to their development. Research and organizational development are

    clubbed together as one subsystem of HRD mainly because organizational development

    depends on the results of the research carries out from time to time. This system aims

    developing and maintaining an active profile of organizational health, conflict resolution

    helping department/ units self-renewal leading to overall development of the organization.

    Research can also be done on the trends that develop other subsystems.

    Data Storage System

    A Data Storage System provides complete information about the skills, capabilities,

    biographic data, performance appraisal ratings, potential appraisal rating, training data etc.

    of every individual in the organization. Good maintenance of data will help in the

    development of human resources systematically, identifying people having the required

    qualities whenever a vacancy arises. Every organization should take steps in maintaining

    personnel inventory for this purpose.

    Importance of the Training+




    In the organizations effected by rapid change the need for leadership is

    greater than ever from the individuals responsible for his or her own career to the executive

    responsible for many.

    Leadership development is where people learn how to be master of



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    It is a primary lever that a CEO uses to create and execute the companys

    vision, values and strategies. The mission of executive development is to develop the

    organizations leaders, so that the strategic development of whole company follows.


    Management development is the education; training and knowledge

    transfer of those individuals who are defined as managers by their respective organizations.

    To develop the best managers and to ensure competitive position training

    is important.


    The supervisory management force, holds the power to turn on-or-off the

    productivity of the organizations, Their efforts ultimately ignite or diffuse the productive

    spirit of more than 70 million employees who generate the nations output of goods and


    Without training a good supervisor development cannot be implemented.


    It is a continuous involving the individuals participation in his or her

    own performance, professional growth and development, which cannot be done by proper



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    1) Reduction in cost of production:

    Efficient workers do their work in the best possible manner.

    They make the maximum utilization of material and machines. Thus, the cost of

    production is reduced.

    2) Maximum Utilization Of Materials And Machines:

    Training teaches the employees of the enterprise the

    method of doing their job in the best possible manner. As a result of it they make the

    best possible utilization of the material and machines of the enterprise available to them.

    3) Minimum possibility of accidents:

    Trained workers know the methods of doing their jobs in

    the required manner. They know how to use the machines in the best possible manner. It

    reduces the possibility of accidents to the minimum.

    4) Stability in organisation:

    Training brings stability in the organization, because it

    reduces the rate of absenteeism and labor turnover. It enables the workers to do their

    works in the absence of any supervision. It brings stability in the organization.

    5) High Moral:

    As the trained workers are capable in doing their jobs inmost suitable

    manner and can understand the procedures and methods easily, it increases their morale.

    It gives them satisfaction in their work.


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    6) Improvement in the quality and quantity of production:

    Training improves the efficiency of worker, which increases the

    quantity of production and improves its quality.

    7) Difference between efficient and Inefficient employees:

    Training provides an opportunity to evaluate the ability and

    capability of all the employees. An efficient employee learns the methods to do a work

    efficiently while an inefficient employee learns the methods to do a work very lat

    8) Minimum need of supervision:

    A trained worker can do job himself efficiently. Thus, the

    training reduces the need of supervision to minimum.

    9) Helpful to managers:

    As there is minimum need of supervision, it helps the managers

    of the enterprise to concentrate upon the important problems of enterprise. They have

    not to waster their valuable time on supervising the workers.

    10) Increse in understanding:

    Trained workers can learn the methods and procedures quickly.

    Training improves the power of understanding among them. They can follow the

    technical attitudes and changes themselves easily and quickly.


    The employees who are to be trained can be of different types and each type would

    require a different type of training.

    1) Unskilled workers are given training in improved methods of handling machines

    and materials. The objective here is to secure reduction in cost of production and

    waste. Immediate superior officers give training on the job itself.


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    2) Semi-skilled workers require training to cope with requirements arising out of

    adoption of mechanization and technical processes. It may be given in the section or

    department of the workers or in the segregated training shops.

    3) Skilled workers are given training through apprenticeship in training centers or in

    the industry itself.

    4) Salesmen are trained in the art of salesmanship, in handling customers, planning

    their work and facing challenges of market place

    5) Supervisory staff constitutes a very important link in the chain of the administration.

    They have to cope with increasing demands of the enterprise in which they are

    employed and to develop team spirit among people under their charge. A training

    programme for them should aim at helping the supervisor to improve their

    performance, and to prepare them for assuming greater responsibilities at higher

    levels of management.


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    The evolution of every organization towards the changes being offered in the

    international creates a great impact in the life of the business. Through the various

    technologies and application of an innovative system, continuous product development

    and immense services offered, there is no doubt that the business tycoons in today valued

    the importance of their resources and knowledge. Aside from the form of the new driven

    technology, the business leaders also believe in the ability and capacity of the natural

    resources the people.

    The human resource department or the HRD is the only one department wherein a

    good decision is being carried out from the start of their hiring process up to the point of the

    promotion and retention. Their planning and organizational model of application is affected

    through the series of changes that might affect the entire business. Still, the propellers look

    to the department as one of the most essential part of the organization. One purpose of HR is

    to produce a talent that would be fit in the needs of the organization and be suitable the

    human knowledge in their position. The idea of having a right people in the right position is

    not impossible through the integration of the training.

    Training and development of the employees depends on how well the organization

    wants to achieve their full potential. Different organizations encourage the human resource

    management to involve every employee into assessment. As a result of the assessment, the

    HR and business leaders can decide on whom among their people needs to undergo in

    intensive training. In the meantime, the employee belong the training program have the

    natural feeling of anxiety because it is new to their everyday task (Meek, 2007). Most of the


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    employees look forward to the training to build their career path. Training is also available

    for the corporate leaders to recognize the importance of their control and leadership style in

    managing their organization (Portway and Lane, 1994). However, the development of the

    employees should also begin form the employees own initiative to improve. The essence of

    training is not that effective if there is no application on the side of the employees. Training

    and development is a call of the organizations need for the effectiveness most especially in

    the establishing a strong foundation of the customer relationship (Shea, 2008). The

    responsibility of the training facilitators is to encourage the development in the employees

    and casting out the doubts and anxiety, and build the sense of the responsibility of the

    employees (Rexam, 2007).

    Due to the high competency available in the market, the usual employee performance

    should place on the level where the people can accommodate the flow of the changes. The

    harmony of the people working under the umbrella of the organization is an advantage for

    the company. But this harmonization of the people will not last for long and there will be

    challenges that might create affect the members and leads to its own destruction. Through

    the awareness of the business leaders that the globalization and international threats can

    affect the performance of their entire organization, the areas of training were emphasized

    (Juere, 2009). Business leaders are always looking forward for the success of the

    organization and therefore, they should create a kind of strategy that can endure the midst of

    challenges (Meek, 2007). Historically, the training suggests that there are benefits that the

    training might deliver in the entire organization. One inevitable result is the improvement or

    the increase in the level of performance of the people. Another is the minimization of the

    organizational cost and the capacity of the employees to answer the consumer needs (Shea,


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    2008). There are many other results which are all advantageous for the organization. Also

    the business leaders or the business managers are not exempted in the area of training.

    People, as the key for the organization, are the main target of the training therefore the

    training among the business leader help them provide the valid reason in creating the

    appropriate decision for the entire organization or/and have a great impact on their

    managerial skills and styles (Johnson, 2001; Farvaque, et al., 2009). The training suggests

    that there is an assurance that the employees can create another milestone that is very

    beneficial to the entire organization. Tailing the training is the idea of development that can

    be in many ways and can be applied in many areas.


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    Uttar Pradesh is home to some of the best universities in India and in the world offering an

    array ofcourses in various disciplines. IIT Kanpur, Banaras Hindu University, Aligarh

    Muslim University, University of Allahabad, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, IMT

    Gaziabad are some of the universities and institutes in Uttar Pradeshoffering the

    best courses and research options for students.

    1. Aligarh Muslim University

    2. Allahabad Agricultural Institute

    3. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University

    4. Banaras Hindu University

    5. Bhatkhande Music Institute

    6. Bundelkhand University

    7. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies

    8. Ch. Charan Singh University

    9. Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology

    10. Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University

    11. Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical Uni

    12. Dayalbagh Educational Institute

    13. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

    14. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar University

    15. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University

    16. Gautam Buddha University

    17. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya

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    18. Indian Institute of Information Technology

    19. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

    20. Indian Veterinary Research Institute

    21. Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad

    22. Integral University

    23. Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University

    24. Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT)

    25. King George's Medical University

    26. M.J.P. Rohilkhand University

    27. Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth

    28. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology

    29.Narendra Deva University of Agriclture & Technology

    30. Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya

    31. Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences

    32. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology

    33. Shobhit University

    34. U.P. Rajrarshi Tandon Open University

    35. U.P. King George's University of Dental Science

    36. University of Allahabad

    37. University of Lucknow

    38. Uttar Pradesh Technical University

    39. V B S Purvanchal University

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    Shri Venkateshwara University is the outcome of the dream of a visionary who had a desire

    to create an education system where even a deprived background student will get equal

    opportunity and motivation to learn and receive education in order to become an achiever

    par excellence.

    The dreamer, our Founder Chancellor, Shri Sudhir Giri, an Engineer by profession, a down

    to earth person with human values by childhood and family experience, an achiever and

    leader, an educational entrepreneur, knows how to translate his dream to reality. He

    analyzed and observed very keenly the changing global scenario and its demand on

    education system especially the applied sciences, including management and technical

    education. With this in mind, a world class facility had been created in Gajraula to develop

    products to be the most integrated and well tuned professionals, technocrats who will serve

    the society with dedication, value and proper mindset.

    Shri Venkateshwara University is strongly wedded to orienting education capable of

    meeting the rapidly changing needs and challenges of the universe at large and of India in

    particular. The University education is an organized attempt to help people become

    intelligent, self reliant, able to face real life situation and have an economic and ethical

    relevance to the society. We at Shri Venkateshwara University evolved and adopted the

    teaching programs, requiring the students to undergo the rigor of the professional world in


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    forms as well as in substance providing them an opportunity to apply their class-room

    knowledge to live situations. Thus, to build the long needed bridge between the professional

    world and the educational world.


    One of the most popular flexibilities provided in the University's Educational structures is

    the dual degree integrated programs. Under the scheme, it is possible for a student to work

    for and complete concurrently two programs within a reasonable period of time (normally

    one year is saved). We have introduced some value aided programs and also the course

    structure has been designed in a way where a student can earn while learning.



    The District has been the part of Moradabad in the past which was a part of 'Sarkar of

    Sambhal' of Delhi Province during the Akbar regime.


    District Jyotiba Phule Nagarlies in the west of Moradabad District adjoining Meerut,

    Ghaziabad & Buland Shahar. The district came into being on 24th April 1997 in the memory

    of famous social reformer Sant Mahatama Jyotiba Phule by combining Amroha, Dhanora &

    Hasanpur Tehsils of Moradabad district vide UP Gazette no. 1071/1-5-97/224/sa-5 dated

    15/4/1997 whose head-office is situated in the ancient city Amroha.


    The district consists of 1133 villages, 3 Tehsils, 6 Blocks & 11 Police Stations. Its

    geographical area is 2470 Sq. Km. It extends from Latitude 28 54' North to 39 6' North

    and Longitude 78 28' East to 78 39' East. The maximum & minimum heights from sea


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    level are 240ft. & 177ft. respectively. In the north of the district lies district Bijnore, Tehsil

    Sambhal of Moradabad is in the south; Tehsil Sadar of Moradabad is in the east and in the

    west are situated districts Meerut, Ghaziabad & Buland Shahar. Ganga river separates it

    from district Ghaziabad, Meerut & Buland Shahar.

    Moradabad is a hub of commercial activities and is called "Brass City". There are several

    hundred of units engaged in the manufacturing and export of Brass Products. Average

    annual export of Brass and handicraft items from Moradabad is estimated to be worth 3000

    crores, which constitutes 40% of the total export from India in their category. Amraha is a

    historical city with Mazars, Masjids, Temples and Gates as old as 1325 AD-1351 AD.


    Gajraula is situated on National Highway 24, 53 km. away from Moradabad & 100 Km.

    from Delhi. It has been developed as an important industrial city. Many large & medium

    scale industries are established here, to name some are Vam Organics, Chaddha Rubber,

    Shivalik Cellolose of Hindustan Lever, Jubiliant Life Sciences, INSILCO, Coral Newsprint,

    EOU, Raunaq Automobiles, and the list goes on.

    The University is surrounded by industrial towns like Moradabad, Rudrapur, Hardwar,

    Roorkee, Meerut, Kashipur, Noida, Ghaziabad and Delhi, providing a wealth of

    opportunities to the graduating students to get trained and absorbed both in Indian and

    Multinational companies.


    1. Dr. Binod Kumar

    Vice Chancellor , Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula

    Former Professor ,IIM Calcutta, Director IMT, Ghaziabad


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    2. Dr. Ashish Banarjee

    Prof. & Head of Marketing, IIM Calcutta

    3. Prof.(Dr.) S.P. Sabberwal

    Former Director, Energy Center, IIT Delhi

    4. Prof( Dr. ) A K Raghav

    Former Dean(IRD), IIT Delhi

    5. Prof. (Dr.)Binita Srivastava

    Prof. & Head of Paedodontistry Santosh Medical College,


    6. Dr. Ashok Agarwal

    Former Professor ,IIM Calcutta and Former CMD, SQL Star International,

    Professor (Adjunct) BITS, Piliani.

    7. Dr. (Prof.) Nand Kumar

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

    8. Dr. S.C Sharma

    Registrar, Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula

    9. Dr. Sunita Saxena

    Director, ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research)

    Safdarjung Hospital Campus, New Delhi

    10. Dr. S.R. Sen Gupta

    CMD, QUEST HR SDN., BHD, Kualalumpur Malaysia

    11. Dr. Piyush M. Sinha

    Chief Technical Manager, Portland Oregon USA

    12. Prof. Jagdish Kapur

    Ex Prof. & Head, IIPA , New Delhi

    13. Mr. Hemant Sharma

    Director, India T.V.


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    14. Mr. Anup Srivastava

    Director, HR, Air India

    15. Dr. Abhay Kumar Srivastava

    Head, Disaster Management,

    Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurgaon

    16. Sh. Mayank Manshingh

    Director, India T.V.

    17. Mr. Ajay Anand


    18. Prof.( Dr.) N.K.Sinha

    CEO, Venkateshwarta Group of Institutions,Meerut



    To create a world class academic system with best infrastructure and learning resources in

    order to produce global level achievers.

    To facilitate integration and tuning of personal excellence among our pupils that will be

    demonstrated through their balanced personality, adjustability under all conditions,

    creativity, dedication, passion for learning, value orientation and foresight.

    Development of high standard of professionalism among our products with global vision

    and managerial leadership to build and lead a winning team.

    To organize national and international seminars for sharing of knowledge and also

    meaningful understanding and networking among schools and scholars.


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    To facilitate research of high quality and publication of standard Books & Journals.

    To inculcate passion among the university community including students to apply

    knowledge for the development & growth of community, society & mankind as a whole.


    To be a recognized as a centre of academic excellence imparting quality education,

    producing research of high standard and developing talents with balance of personal and

    professional excellence.


    Class Rooms & Tutorials at Shri Venkateshwara University are spacious, airy and well

    ventilated. They are designed in a manner that even when there is a power failure, the

    student and the teacher will not feel any type of discomfort as the flow of natural light will

    provide enough light to continue with their teaching activities. The furniture is designed

    keeping in view the comfort and the necessities of the students. The class rooms are

    equipped with modern teaching aids such as Over Head Projector, LCD projector, Magnetic

    Boards, Power Presentation Techniques (PPT), Public Address System etc.


    SHRI VENKATESHWARA UNIVERSITY is well equipped with laboratories which have

    been aesthetically designed and arranged with modern equipment and infrastructure to

    completely cover the syllabus of each branch and school of study.

    School of Engineering & Technology Labs include Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Electrical

    Lab, Electronics Lab, Mechanical Lab, Professional Communication Lab, Workshop,

    Computer Lab, Graphics Lab etc. In all these labs, hands-on training is imparted for students

    to keep pace with modern technology. The Central Workshop is divided in different sections

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    i.e. Carpentry Shop, Smithy Shop, Fitting Shop, Welding Shop, Painting Shop, Sheet Metal

    Soldering & Brazing Shop, Plumbing Shop, Machine Shop, Foundry Shop and each section

    is equipped with adequate number of latest machines and tools to cater to the syllabus and

    needs of the students capable of meeting the challenges of the industries.

    School of Nursing Labs include Nursing Foundation Lab, CHN Lab, Nutrition Lab, OBG

    and Pediatrics Lab, Pre-Clinical Science Lab, Computer Lab. These labs are equipped with

    required articles and equipment needed for practicing nursing procedures. Clinical facilities

    have also been created. The University also has a hospital consisting of three hundred beds

    with community service center.

    School of Pharmacy Labs include Pharmaceutics Lab, Inorganic Chemistry Lab, Human

    Anatomy & Physiology Lab, Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab, Organic Lab, Physical

    Chemistry Lab, and Computer Lab. All the above said labs have latest equipment in

    sufficient number to meet the requirement of the industry and of the PCI. We have also

    planned to have an Animal House, for which the appropriate authorities have been

    approached for a license.

    School of Hospitality Management. Arrangements have already been made to establish

    modular kitchen, restaurant, flower room, service room, guest room and front office.

    School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Three studios have been planned with

    latest cameras and other equipment for imparting print and electronic media techniques to

    the students.

    School of Management and School of Computer Science. Dedicated Computer labs have

    been set up. In addition to these, dedicated computer labs, common computer labs have also

    been planned for other schools. Computer Laboratories include Artificial Intelligence,


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    Operating System, Graphics Multimedia, Networking, Visual Studio Dot Net, Advanced

    Java, Database, Mobile Computing and Advance Computer Network.

    The Computer laboratories have a large number of P-4 IBM, HCL, HP, DELL, Lenovo

    machines with high-resolution color TFTs, Scanners, Printers, CD/DVD writers, CISCO

    switches, Hubs and UPS. Each Laboratory is networked through an appropriate IBM server.

    The Centre is equipped with 24 Mbps leased-line-based Internet facility, workstations

    running Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows7 and XP.

    The University is recruiting well-qualified and experienced technical staff with all resources

    to develop the technical skills of the students in all fields.

    Shri Venkateshwara University has a well-stocked and fully computerized multimedia

    library for the various schools. To ignite the intellectual spirit in young minds, a stock of

    about 25,000 latest books, large collection of video/audio CDs, Magazines, Journals,

    industry and company information sources are made available to the students, faculty and

    staff. The University also has school-wise libraries to provide adequate support for complete

    academic pursuit. Additionally, separate reference section for each school with

    recommended books for each course have also been provided.

    The very purpose of the Library is to support and supplement teaching, learning and

    research in the University by developing and promoting access to relevant and useful

    information resources. It is also to contribute to the wider section of the world with the

    transfer of knowledge by collaborating and cooperating with other organizations. We give

    access to information of the world and can help the university community at large, to

    develop a mindset and make the most of it. The timings of the library are extended during

    the examination periods to cater to the needs of the students.


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    Major features of the Libraries include:

    A rich collection of Reference & Text Books

    Large collection of National & International Journals

    Spacious & Airy Reading Halls

    Separate reading room for Researchers & Teachers

    Computerized Library Management System

    Audio-Visual Library Section

    Career Guidance Section

    Magazines and Periodicals Section

    Easy operation through automated library procedures and Bar Code system

    Digital Library to provide access to e-Journals, to download desired materials

    Photocopy facilities

    Small team discussion center

    Therefore, our Library can be redefined as a place where students can get unrestricted access

    to information in many formats and from many sources. It extends beyond the physical walls

    of a building by including material accessible by electronic means and by providing the

    assistance of librarians in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with

    a variety of digital tools as well as manually.


    Separate hostel facility has been created for men and women keeping in view the need of

    discipline, security and comfort. Shri Venkateshwara University provides immaculate hostel

    rooms for both men and women. A high level of hygiene is observed in the campus.

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    We strive to provide the best facilities to hostellers. Uninterrupted power and water supply is

    in the hostel rooms. 24 hours security is deployed on the campus to ensure the safety of the

    students. High standard of discipline is also ensured on the campus. Hot water is supplied

    during the winter. Water coolers are attached with R.O. installed on each floor.

    Single, Double, Three and Four students are accommodated in a room depending on its size.

    Common rooms in every hostel are equipped with modern recreational activity equipments.


    We believe that a healthy body is a healthy mind. We have the required infrastructure for the

    various outdoor sports. Students are encouraged to take part in sports so that they imbibe

    various attributes that are helpful in life. It allows the individuals to make constructive use

    of their leisure time.

    A fully air conditioned gym on the campus with all the latest equipment's are a matter of

    envy. We have the luxury of providing personal coaches for students who aspire to become

    future body builders. It is pleasing to see the students staying fit in their journey of life. We

    would like to have our own team of builders to represent us in various events.


    A cafeteria is a place where students come to hangout and relax between lectures. We

    believe that a student must enjoy his/her social life as much as he/she enjoys his/her

    academic life. We offer a lavish menu to cater to the taste buds of the students. The menu

    comprises of dishes from across the states. The mouthwatering dishes served at our cafeteria

    are prepared maintaining high standards of hygiene and cleanliness. The sumptuous meals

    are served round the clock at our cafeteria.

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    The basic amenities in the college campus are available at a comfortable distance. Regular

    supply of drinking water in the campus is ensured.


    Students should not come across any kind of problem with regard to Transport. For the

    purpose, Shri Venkateshwara University has ties with cab and bus services. You can apply

    for cab or bus service in the office by submitting an application and we will notify you about

    the services we can provide in your respected locality.


    We also touch upon the spiritual aspect of individuals. With the high level of stress and

    anxiety prevalent in the lifestyle today, we have highly qualified instructors to help cope

    with same. Mental strength is equally important as is the physical might. Yoga is important

    as it helps to remove negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body. It also helps

    in building attention, focus and concentration, especially in children.


    Students securing desired merit in the SVU Entrance Examination will be informed of their

    selection. These students will then need to report to the University Admissions office to

    complete further formalities, deposit required documents and University Fee. In case a

    student fails to report for admission on a given date or an extended date, his/her admission

    will be cancelled and such a student will not have any right to admission subsequently.


    Admission in Shri Venkateshwara University will be through Entrance Examinations

    conducted online at a several centers across the country. The Entrance Examination schedule

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    will be notified in the Admission Notification circular. However, for some of the courses,

    admission will be merit based. For admission in MBA, GD & PI will also be conducted in

    addition to entrance exams.



    Every student is required to make full payment of the requested course fee for confirmed

    admission. All admissions will be treated as provisional till the realization of full fee.

    Further a student is not eligible to attend classes till the full payment of all components of

    the course of SVU fee is paid.


    Fee once paid will not be refunded in any case if a student wants to get his/her admission

    withdrawn on his/her own reason. However, in case a student is found ineligible for

    admission due to certain criteria, fee paid may be refunded after deducting processing



    If a student withdraws admission in the middle of the tenure of a course, the security

    amount, if any, will be refunded only after the completion of the tenure of the course.


    Students who fulfill Shri Venkateshwara University's admission eligibility criteria are

    allowed to appear in the examinations. Every student needs to attend 75% theory and

    practical classes. However, in some exceptional cases (to be notified separately), relaxations

    may be granted by the Vice Chancellor.

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    Engineering (ME)

    Electronics &


    Engineering (ECE)

    Computer Science

    Engineering (CSE)


    Technology (IT)

    with above combination may also apply.

    3. Merit in AIEEE/ UPSEE 2011-12




    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    2. B.Tech.(Integrated)

    Automobile Engineering


    Aeronautical & Space

    Engineering (ASE)

    Civil Engineering (CE)

    Mechanical Engineering


    Electronics &

    1. For admission in First year of B.Tech

    (Integrated), a candidate should have passed

    High School or 10th from any Board or its

    equivalent from any recognized

    Board/University. Candidate is essentially

    required to pass in each subject of the

    qualifying subject group.

    2. Compulsory : Science Group

    6 Years

    (12 Seme

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    Engineering (ECE)

    Computer Science

    Engineering (CSE)

    Information Technology





    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    3. M.Tech.(Full Time)

    Automobile Engineering


    Aeronautical & Space

    Engineering (ASE)

    Civil Engineering (CE)

    Mechanical Engineering


    Electronics &


    Engineering (ECE)

    Computer Science

    1. B. Tech. in relevant field.

    2. For CSE/IT B. Tech. CSE/IT, MCA and

    M.Sc. in CSE/IT

    3.For ECE B. Tech. ECE/EI, M.Sc.


    4. GATE Score or merit based on percentage

    of marks secured in the qualifying

    examination 2011-12 will be preferred.

    2 Years

    (4 Semeste

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    Engineering (CSE)

    Information Technology





    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    4. M. Tech. (Part Time/


    Automobile Engineering


    Aeronautical & Space

    Engineering (ASE)

    Civil Engineering (CE)

    Mechanical Engineering


    Electronics &


    Engineering (ECE)

    Computer Science

    Engineering (CSE)

    Information Technology

    1. B. Tech. in relevant field.

    2. For CSE/IT B. Tech. CSE/IT, MCA and

    M.Sc. in CSE/IT

    3.For ECE B. Tech. ECE/EI, M.Sc.


    4. GATE Score or merit based on percentage

    of marks secured in the qualifying

    examination 2011-12 will be preferred.

    5. Sponsorship or employment certificate

    from the employer is essential.

    2 Years

    (4 Semest

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    Technology (IT)




    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    6. B.Tech. +

    M.B.A. (Dual


    1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 (intermediate)

    levels from any Board or its equivalent from any

    recognized Board/ University with Mathematics,

    Physics and Chemistry / Computer Science/ Bio-

    Technology/ Biology can apply.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate with

    above combination may also apply.

    3. Merit in AIEEE/ UPSEE 2011-12

    4 Years

    (8 Semesters)





    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    1. B.B.A. 1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or intermediate

    levels from any Board or its equivalent from any

    3 Years

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H


    recognized Board/ University with English are eligible.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate may also


    (6 Semesters)

    M.B.A. (FULL TIME)



    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    2. M.B.A. (Full Time)



    International Business




    Hospital and



    Tourism and


    Entrepreneurship &

    1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or

    intermediate levels from any Board or its

    equivalent from any recognized Board/

    University with English are eligible.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate

    may also apply.

    3. Merit/ Percentile in MAT/ CAT/ XAT/


    will be considered.

    4. GD/PI

    2 Years

    (4 Semesters

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H


    Retail Management




    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    3. M.B.A. (Part Time/

    Weekend/ Executive)



    International Business


    Information Technology

    Hospital and Healthcare


    Tourism and Hospitality

    Entrepreneurship &

    Retail Management

    1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or

    intermediate levels from any Board or its

    equivalent from any recognized Board/

    University with English are eligible.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate

    may also apply.

    3. Merit/ Percentile in MAT/ CAT/ XAT/


    will be considered.

    4. GD/PI

    5. Sponsorship or employment certificate from

    the employer is essential.

    2 Years

    (4 Semesters)

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H


    B.B.A. + M.B.A. (DUAL DEGREE)



    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    4. B.B.A. + M.B.A.

    (Dual Degree)



    International Business




    Hospital and



    Tourism and


    Entrepreneurship &

    Retail Management

    1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or

    intermediate levels from any Board or its

    equivalent from any recognized Board/

    University with English are eligible.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate

    may also apply.

    5 Years




    S. Name of Program Eligibility Duration

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H



    5. B. Com (Professional) +

    M.B.A. (Dual Degree)



    International Business


    Information Technology

    Hospital and Healthcare


    Tourism and Hospitality

    Entrepreneurship &

    Retail Management

    1.Candidates who have passed 10+2 or

    intermediate levels from any Board or its

    equivalent from any recognized Board/

    University with English are eligible.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/

    intermediate may also apply.

    5 Years






    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    1. B.C.A. 1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or intermediate

    levels from any Board or its equivalent from any

    recognized Board/ University with English are eligible.

    3 Years

    (6 Semesters)

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H


    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate may also





    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    2. M.C.A. 1. Candidates who have obtained Bachelor's degree in any

    discipline or equivalent higher qualification with mathematics

    as a compulsory subject in 10th standard can apply.

    2. Candidates appearing in final year in Bachelor's degree can

    also apply.

    3. Candidates who have obtained or appeared in final year of

    BCA may apply.

    3 Years

    (6 Semes




    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    3. B.C.A. +

    M.C.A. (Dual


    1. Candidates who have passed 10+2 (intermediate)

    levels from any Board or its equivalent from any

    recognized Board/ University with English & Math

    5 Years


  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H


    can apply.

    2. Candidates appearing in 10+2/intermediate may also







    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    1. B.Pharm. 1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in 10+2

    with Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry/ Computer

    Science / Bio-Technology can also apply.

    4 Years

    (8 Semesters




    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    2. M.Pharm. 1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in

    10+2 with Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry/

    Computer Science / Bio-Technology can also apply.

    2 Years

    (4 Semesters

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H






    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    1. B.Sc.


    Tourism &


    1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in

    10+2 or intermediate class can apply.

    3 Years

    (6 Semester




    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    2. BHMCT

    (Bachelor of Hotel

    Management &

    Catering Technology)

    1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing

    in the 10+2 (intermediate) levels with

    Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry/

    Computer Science / Bio-Technology/ Biology

    can apply.

    4 Years

    (8 Semesters)

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H






    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    1. B.Sc. Multimedia

    (Animation and


    1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in

    10+2 or intermediate levels can apply.

    3 Years

    (6 Semesters




    Name of


    Eligibility Duration

    2. B.J.M.C 1. Candidates who have passed or are appearing in

    10+2 or intermediate levels can apply.

    3 Years

    (6 Semesters)





    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    3. Post Graduation Program in

    Television Production,

    Direction & Broadcast

    1. Candidates who have passed in

    Bachelor Degree from a recognized

    University or equivalent are eligible.

    1 Year

    (2 Semesters)

  • 7/27/2019 Shri Venkateshwara University H



    2. Candidate appearing in final year

    bachelor degree may also apply




    Name of Program Eligibility Duration

    4. Master Program in

    Advertising, PR and


    1. Candidates who have passed in Bachelor

    Degree from