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8/14/2019 Shish Ram Summer Training Project on API Department 00 1/86  ‘ANALASYS OF API DEPARTMENT’ PROJECT REPORT OF SUMMER TRAINING  SESSION (2008-10) Reliance Communication Vatanasi, U.P. {INDIA} 1

Shish Ram Summer Training Project on API Department 00

May 30, 2018



Shish Choudhary
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SESSION (2008-10)

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SAMS-IBM&IHM Varanasi(U.P.)


For the partial fulfillment of the two years MBA degree2008-2010


Mr. Aashish Sir Mr. ManishTripathi Sir

Faculty of Marketing CustomerCOSD Head

(SAMS-IBM, Varanasi) R-Com.,Varanasi (U.P.)



MBA 3rd Semester


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Roll No. 810867085


  I here by declare that the research entitled ‘Analysis of API(Accusation Process Interface) Department in Reliance Communication’ has been prepared by me under the guidance of faculty and through references books & News papers.

I also declare that this research which has been training conducted in partialfulfillment of the requirement for the degree of “MASTER OF BUSINESSADMINISTRATION (M.B.A)” of the PUNJAB Technical University,JALANDHAR has been the result of my own efforts and that this research has notformed a basis for the award of any other Degree/Diploma/Fellowship by PUNJAB

Technical University, JALANDHAR of any other university.


I would like to express my deep felt thanks to Mr. AJAY SINGH

CHAUHAN for giving me an opportunity to undertake, this research on “CAF 


Communication” .

And also but not the least I would like to acknowledge the Head of CAF

Department and respondents who gave me invaluable help and cooperation during

the training period.

Place:_____________ SHISH RAM KHARESIYA

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Date:_____________  MBA/3rd Semester(810867085)


Towards the beginning of the new era, people often feel a growing

uneasiness about the future and unsafe for the life. Today’s markets are changing

at incredible pace. After globalization and changes in technology, we are

witnessing a power shift from manufacturing to giant customers, who are now

 price and value sensitive and set a trend for a market.

To get through knowledge of market and to achieve positive & concrete

results along with theoretical concept, I have undergone summer training

 programme, which from a part of my curriculum and completed the research by


“Reliance Communication” at VARANASI U.P.

After this study, specific ways for the success of CAF Management could be

achieved which would largely depend on their ability to take best CAF

Management in terms of the cost and research capability.

This research gave me ample of opportunity to view overall working and

evaluation of 

CAF Management in telecommunication companies Management attitudes

with special reference to CAF Receiving to CAF Dispatch.

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1. - Training

2. - Introduction of RCOM

3. - Introduction of Project4. - Objective of Project5. - Introduction of API Department6. - Function of API Department7. - Structure of Varanasi Cluster  8. - Work Process of API Department

9. - Check Points10. - RIM Sign in Process11. - POI & POA12. - CAF Dispatch Process13. - Finance Quarterly Report

14. - Complication Analysis

Between 2Quarter 

15. - SOWT Analysis

16. - R-Com GSM Service17. - Comparative Analysis with Other  

Communication Companies18. - R-Com Information Services19. - Force Shaping the Contemporary20. - R-Com Business Environment21. - Changes in Communication Sectors22. - R-Com Strategies

23. - Hypothesis

24. - Questioner  

25. - Conclusion26. - Recommendation27. - Bibliography


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7. Promote the work ethos, which emphasize performance orientation,  participation and innovation. Management is committed to provideopportunity to all employs, time and resource to develop their full potential.


It is the process of imparting of specific skill for doing a particular job.

It is a planned program design to improve performance & bring about measurable

changes in knowledge, skill, and attitudes social behavior of the employees.

Process of Training

1. Organizational objectives and strategies the first step in the training processin org. is the assessment of its objectives and strategies at what level of quality do we wish to provide this product or services and where do wewant to be in future.

2. Assessment of training need-need assessment identify present problem andfuture challenges to be complete through training, org. spends vast sums of money on training, before commute mating such used resources org. woulddo well to assess the training need of their employs.

3. Establishment of training goals-without clears set goals it is not possible todesign a training program. Goals must be tangible, verifiable, andmeasurable.

4. Designing training program-very training must address certain issues- a.

who particular in the training program b. who are the trainers c. whatmethods and techniques are to be used for training d. what learning

 principals are need.5. Implement of training program- once the training program has been

designed it needs to be implement, by using following tips- a. deciding thelocation and organizing training and other facilities b. scheduling thetraining program c. conducting the program d. monitors the progress of 

  program evaluation of results-the last stage in the training process isevaluation of result. Since use sums of money are spent on training, how far the program has been useful must be determine.



The study was carried out at VARANASI.

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The Proposal is supported by company Employee and CSD Team Leaders.

The Projection was made on the basis of a set of assumptions and policy

statement as practiced by Reliance Communication, Varanasi (U.P.).

To suggest the most suitable media for educating the consumers about the new

 process of CAF Management.

Understanding from dialer’s satisfaction.

Searching new market as uncovered market.


• To get a practical Corporate Exposure.

• The task to analyze the product management system of reliancecommunication Ltd.

• To analyze the current programme in managing the product.

• To analysis the major project to minimize the product.

To analyze the corporate sufficiency in managing the product.• To analyze the postpaid connection plans procedure.• To analyze the current procedure of product development & rating.

Purpose of the study

1. To improve communication skill & the quality.2. To help the company achieve target.3. To help the company achieve max. profit.4. To help the company fulfills its future requirement.5. To increase the productivity & requirement.

6. proper training can help prevent corporate looses.Scope of the study

1. To improve the organization effectiveness & demand.2. To motivate the employees for achieve max. goal.3. To increase satisfaction label of the employees.4. To heighten the morale of the employees.

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Benefits of the study

1. It ensures that the correct training is performed.2. Limited training resources are not wasted.3. Knowledge of Business environment.4. Aware about the work environment.

Limitation of the study

1. The finding of the study are based on the assumption that respondent have

disclosed correct information.

2. The study is helpful in analyzing training effectiveness in Reliance

communication in Varanasi .

3. As the information was collected during the working hours, the respondentmay have answered in any sans giving adequate consideration due to lack 

of time.

4. There is a possibility of result not being accurate due to small size of the


The time constraints are limiting factor for an in-depth analysis of subject as wellas response.

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“A dream come true the late Dhirubhai Ambani dreamt of a digital India – an India where the common man would have access to affordable means of information and communication. Dhirubhai, who single-handedly built India’slargest private sector company virtually from scratch, had stated as early as 1999:“Make the tools of information and communication available to people at anaffordable cost. They will over come the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility.”

It was with this belief in mind that Reliance Communications (formerlyReliance Infocomm) started laying 60,000 route kilometres of a pan-India fibreoptic backbone. This backbone was commissioned on 28 December 2002, theauspicious occasion of Dhirubhai’s 70th birthday, though sadly after hisunexpected demise on 6 July 2002. Reliance Communications has a reliable, high-capacity, integrated (both wireless and wireline) and convergent (voice, data andvideo) digital network. It is capable of delivering a range of services spanning the

entire infocomm (information and communication) value chain, includinginfrastructure and services — for enterprises as well as individuals, applications,and consulting. Today, Reliance Communications is revolutionizing the way Indiacommunicates and networks, truly bringing about a new way of life.

RCOM joins hands with for air and hotel bookingsConvenient travel and hotel bookings for over 1500 hotels via Reliance

Mobile World Payments collected right from homes. Credit cards also accepted from

mobile phones 

Tie-up to benefit millions of Reliance subscribers 

Reliance Communications and have launched a mobile service to

 provide hotel and air ticket bookings in a convenient manner over all Reliance

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Mobile handsets. This service offered by Yatra Online (Pvt) Ltd, (, a

leading online Travel Company can be accessed using Reliance Mobile World (R 

World), the multimedia application suite of Reliance Communications. This is

the first time that such a facility is being offered by a travel portal on amobile phone.

Over the Reliance Mobile phone, the service allows users to enter request

for hotels and air travel bookings via a user-friendly interface of Reliance Mobile

World. The customers just need to provide basic information like date of travel,

number of air tickets required to make the bookings on mobile phones. Yatra

executives will call customers providing them with numerous choices from a

database of over 1500 hotels and resorts as well as options for flights. The added

convenience is that Yatra will offer this on 'Cash-on-Delivery' basis in 15 cities

in the country. Bookings can also be done on the mobile phones and payment by

credit/ debit cards for completing the bookings.

This application is the latest initiative that Reliance Mobile World now

offers in the area of Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce). Reliance Mobile World

hosts a suite of M-Commerce applications through which customers can book 

railway, movie and airline tickets, purchase lottery tickets and even pay

electricity and mobile bills anytime, anywhere without the need to look for PCsor internet connections.

Commenting on the tie-up with Yatra, Krishna Durbha, Business and

Marketing Head-Value Added Services, Reliance Communications, said,

"Mobile phones today have simplified many services and made them accessible

to millions of Indians. Booking hotels, railway, and air tickets is now only a few

clicks away, for millions of Reliance subscribers. This association will bring

convenience to the users across the country. Yatra has been offering attractive

choices in air fares and hotel bookings. Reliance Communications' customers can

now make all their travel plans from Reliance Mobile phones and enjoy the cost

and comfort benefits."

Speaking on the launch of this innovative service Dhruv Shringi, Co-

founder and Director,, said, "In its continued endeavor to offering

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cheapest and best air and hotel booking deals, has tied up with

Reliance Communications. This tie-up will not only make services provided by

Yatra accessible to millions of Reliance mobile phone users in Tier I, Tier II, Tier 

III cities, but also take us to the next level of technology innovation. Our aim isto make travel easier and get closer to our customers."

Harshal Shah, on Board of Directors of Yatra Online and CEO of Reliance

Technology Ventures Pvt. Ltd. said, "Since we invested into Yatra, it has been

our constant endeavor to leverage all new technology medium including mobile

internet to offer value added services to Yatra's customers. The tie-up between

Reliance Communications and, which has been independently won,

has further reinforced that." Online hotel sales account for 6% of total sales and

expected to increase to 10% by 2008. Currently, Yatra books around 4,500

tickets every day including 250 room nights. With this tie-up, Yatra spreads it

wings to millions of Reliance Mobile users. has recently been

nominated for World Travel Awards 2007, the most prestigious awards program

in the global travel industry. It has endorsed Yatra's position as a leading player 

in the online travel space. was launched in August 2006 and within a

short span of time it has seen a 40-fold increase in revenue with an employee

 base touching 400. Currently, Yatra is posting an average revenue of over Rs 38

crore (US $9.5 million) a month with a volume of 4,500 tickets and 250 rooms aday. The company projects a turnover of Rs 485crore (US$120 million) by the

end of 2007 and expects to breakeven in 2008.

About Reliance Mobile World

  Reliance Mobile World has gained popularity as a one-stop-shop for 

entertainment, communication, gaming and m-commerce. Thanks to the wide

range of applications it has endeared itself to users from all walks of life.

Reliance Mobile World's applications include mobile TV, videos, cricket

updates, music, ringtones, M-Commerce, mobile mail, messaging, city and TV

guides, railway reservations, banking, bill payment and examination results. Dial

1234, which is the voice interactive service of the Reliance Mobile World suite,

has a bouquet of services such as Talking Message Service (TMS), My Tunes

(Caller Ringback Tones), apart from the popular find-a-friend, play-a-song,

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ringtones, cricket and other services. Over 2,500 useful applications on Reliance

Mobile World make the lives of the subscribers simple, productive and efficient.

About Yatra Online helps consumers and corporates to book airline tickets, reserve hotel

rooms and plan holidays online by visiting or by calling Yatra's

24x7 customer care center. Yatra provides travel-related information, pricing,

availability and reservations for airlines tickets, hotel rooms, holiday

destinations, buses and cabs for both domestic and international travel. Yatra's

customers will benefit from instant booking, customized travel packages and best

 buy deals as a result of their exclusive tie ups with the leading travel suppliers.

The company will also offer free travel-related news and travel advisory servicesto customers. Yatra's world-renowned investors include Norwest Venture

Partners (NVP) - Promod Haque's leading venture capital firm, Reliance Capital

(a member of Reliance - Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group), and Television 18

Group (TV18)-India's premier news broadcaster (CNBC TV18, CNN-IBN and

Awaaz) and a leading Internet player (running, and founded by Raghav Bahl. For more

information, please log on to or call Yatra on 1800 1800 800 /

987 1800 800

About Reliance Communications:

Reliance Communications Limited founded by late Shri. Dhirubhai H

Ambani (1932-2002) is the flagship company of the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai

Ambani Group. Rated among Asia's 'Six Topmost Valuable Telecom

Companies', Reliance Communications is India's foremost truly integrated

telecommunications service provider. The Company, with a customer base of 

over 35mllion including 1.2 million individual overseas retail customers, ranks

among the top ten Asian Telecom companies. Reliance Communications'

corporate clientele includes 600 Indian and 250 multinational corporations, and

over 200 global carriers.

The Company has established a pan-India, next generation, integrated (wireless

and wireline), convergent (voice, data and video) digital network that is capable

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of supporting best-of-class services spanning the entire infocomm value chain,

covering over 10,000 towns and 300,000 villages. Reliance Communications

owns and operates the world's largest next generation IP enabled connectivity

infrastructure, comprising over 150,000 kilometers of fiber optic cable systems inIndia, USA, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific region. Website:

About Reliance Technology Ventures Limited:

Reliance Technology Ventures Limited ( was launched in

2006 with an investment mandate to incubate new business ideas and invest in

emerging and high-growth technologies. It seeks out and invests in promising

technology (IT, ITES, hardware and semiconductors), media & entertainment,

and telecom (TMT) companies worldwide. Its investments focus is on

established and new technologies that advance the computing, communications,

media and convergence platforms. RTVL aims to create an ecosystem which not

only maximizes investor returns but also provides a fertile environment for the

growth of the invested companies. RTVL has advised and/or invested in deals to

the tune of over Rs.2828 crore ($700 million).

“We will leverage our strengths to execute complex global-scale projects tofacilitate leading-edge information and communication services affordable to allindividual consumers and businesses in India. We will offer unparalleled value tocreate customer delight and enhance business productivity.We will also generatevalue for our capabilities beyond Indian borders and enable millions of India'sknowledge workers to deliver their services globally.”

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Few men in history have made as dramatic a contribution to their country’seconomic fortunes as did the founder of Reliance, Sh. Dhirubhai H Ambani. Fewer still have left behind a legacy that is more enduring and timeless.As with all great pioneers, there is more than one unique way of describing the truegenius of Dhirubhai: The corporate visionary, the unmatched strategist, the proud

 patriot, the leader of men, the architect of India’s capital markets, the champion of shareholder interest. But the role Dhirubhai cherished most was perhaps that of India’s greatest wealth creator. In one lifetime, he built, starting from the

 proverbial scratch, India’s largest private sector enterprise.

When Dhirubhai embarked on his first business venture, he had a seedcapital of barely US$ 300 (around Rs 14,000). Over the next three and a half decades, he converted this fledgling enterprise into an Rs 60,000 crore colossus— an achievement which earned Reliance a place on the global Fortune 500 list, thefirst ever Indian private company to do so. Dhirubhai is widely regarded as the

father of India’s capital markets. In 1977, when Reliance Textile IndustriesLimited first went public, the Indian stock market was a place patronized by asmall club of elite investors which dabbled in a handful of stocks.

Undaunted, Dhirubhai managed to convince a large number of first-timeretail investors to participate in the unfolding Reliance story and put their hard-earned money in the Reliance Textile IPO, promising them, in exchange for their 

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trust, substantial return on their investments. It was to be the start of one of greatstories of mutual respect and reciprocal gain in the Indian markets. Under Dhirubhai’s extraordinary vision and leadership, Reliance scripted one of thegreatest growth stories in corporate history anywhere in the world, and went on to

 become India’s largest private sector enterprise.Through out this amazing journey,Dhirubhai always kept the interests of the ordinary shareholder uppermost in mind,in the process making millionaires out of many of the initial investors in theReliance stock, and creating one of the world’s largest shareholder families.

Regarded as one of the foremost corporate leaders of contemporary India,ShriAnil D Ambani, 48, is the chairman of all listed companies of the Reliance ADA

Group, namely, Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy andReliance Natural Resources limited.He is also Chairman of the Board of Governorsof Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology,Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.

Till recently, he also held the post of Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector enterprise. Anil DAmbani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief Executive Officer, and was centrallyinvolved in every aspect of the company’s management over the next 22 years. He

is credited with having pioneered a number of path-breaking financial innovationsin the Indian capital markets. He spearheaded the country’s first forays into theoverseas capital markets with international public offerings of global depositaryreceipts, convertibles and bonds. Starting in 1991, he directed Reliance Industriesin its efforts to raise over US$ 2 billion. He also steered the 100-year Yankee bondissue for the company in January 1997.Regarded as one of the foremost corporate leaders of contemporary India,Shri AnilD Ambani, 48, is the chairman of all listed companies of the Reliance ADA Group,namely, Reliance Communications, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy andReliance Natural Resources limited.He is also Chairman of the Board of Governors

of Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology,Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat. Till recently, he also held the post of Vice Chairman andManaging Director of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest privatesector enterprise. Anil D Ambani joined Reliance in 1983 as Co-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, and was centrally involved in every aspect of the company’s managementover the next 22 years. He is credited with having pioneered a number of path-

 breaking financial innovations in the Indian capital markets. He spearheaded the

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country’s first forays into the overseas capital markets with international publicofferings of global depositary receipts, convertibles and bonds. Starting in 1991, hedirected Reliance Industries in its efforts to raise over US$ 2 billion. He alsosteered the 100-year Yankee bond issue for the company in January 1997.He is a member of:

• Wharton Board of Overseers, The Wharton School, USA

• Central Advisory Committee, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

• Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

• Board of Governors Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 

In June 2004, he was elected for a six-year term as an independent member of the

Rajya Sabha, Upper House of India’s Parliament a position he chose to resign

voluntarily on March 25, 2006.

Awards and Achievements:

• Conferred the ‘CEO of the Year 2004’ in the Platts Global Energy Awards

• Rated as one of ‘India’s Most Admired CEOs’ for the sixth consecutive year 

in the Business Barons – TNS Mode opinion poll, 2004

• Conferred ‘The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award’ by the BombayManagement Association, October 2002

• Awarded the First Wharton Indian Alumni Award by the Wharton IndiaEconomic Forum (WIEF) in recognition of his contribution to theestablishment of Reliance as a global leader in many of its business areas,December 2001

Selected by Asiaweek magazine for its list of ‘Leaders of the Millennium inBusiness and Finance’ and was introduced as the only ‘new hero’ in Business and

Finance from India, June 1999.

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• Shri Anil D. Ambani - Chairman

• Prof. J Ramachandran

• Shri S.P. Talwar

• Shri Deepak Shourie

• Shri A.K.Purwar

Looking back, looking forward

Reliance – Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, an offshoot of the Reliance

Group founded by Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani (1932-2002), ranks among India’s

top three private sector business houses in terms of net worth. The group has

 business interests that range from telecommunications (Reliance Communications

Limited) to financial services (Reliance Capital Ltd) and the generation and

distribution of power (Reliance Infrastructure Limited).

Reliance – ADA Group’s flagship company, Reliance Communications, is

India's largest private sector information and communications company, with over 

80 million subscribers. It has established a pan-India, high-capacity, integrated

(wireless and wireline), convergent (voice, data and video) digital network, to offer 

services spanning the entire infocomm value chain. Other major group companies

 — Reliance Capital and Reliance Infrastructure — are widely acknowledged as the

market leaders in their respective areas of operation.

Reliance Energy Ltd. Reliance Mutual Fund

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HarmonyReliance Communications

Reliance Life Insurance Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group


Reliance General Insurance Reliance Portfolio Management Service

Reliance Big Entertainment

Organizations, like individuals, depend for their survival, sustenance and growthon the support and goodwill of the communities of which they are an integral part,and must pay back this generosity in every way they can...

This ethical standpoint, derived from the vision of our founder, lies at the heart of the CSR philosophy of the Reliance – ADA Group. While we strongly believe thatour primary obligation or duty as corporate entities is to our shareholders – we are

 just as mindful of the fact that this imperative does not exist in isolation; it is partof a much larger compact which we have with our entire body of stakeholders:From employees, customers and vendors to business partners, eco-system, local

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communities, and society at large. We evaluate and assess each critical businessdecision or choice from the point of view of diverse stakeholder interest, driven bythe need to minimize risk and to pro-actively address long-term social, economicand environmental costs and concerns. For us, being socially responsible is not anoccasional act of charity or that one-time token financial contribution to the localschool, hospital or environmental NGO. It is an ongoing year-round commitment,which is integrated into the very core of our business objectives and strategy.Because we believe that there is no contradiction between doing well and doingright. Indeed, doing right is a necessary condition for doing well.

Reliance World

Reliance World is a nationwide chain of world-class retail outlets for all

Reliance Communications products and services. It is designed to give the

customer a delightful experience of the digital world of information,

communication, entertainment and utility services.

Besides a wide range of phones and associated services, you will find awhole array of digital offerings at the Broadband Centre @ Reliance World. All

Reliance World outlets are connected to Reliance’s countrywide optic fibrenetwork. The Broadband Centre @ Reliance World leverages this broadbandnetwork to bring you offerings like Broadband Surfing, Online Gaming, VideoConferencing, Digital Electronic News Gathering, Digital Services, eLearning,eTicketing, Virtual Office & many more services.With 241 Reliance World outletsacross 105 cities in the country, you are sure to find one in your vicinity.

Reliance Mobile Stores

Reliance Mobile Stores are franchised retail and customer service outlets inthe neighbourhood of our customers for their convenience. Reliance Mobile and

Reliance Hello products are showcased and retailed at these Reliance Mobile

Stores & WEB World.

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(4.5.2009 To 09-05-2009)


API is the department in which from CAF (CustomerApplication Form) Receiving to CAF dispatch all activities comesunder it. CDMA & GSM both type of services are providing by onlyRELIANCE TELECOMMUNICATION.

Functions of API department:-

1. Physical verification of CAF.

2. Check POI (Proof of Identity) & POA (Proof of Address).

3. Online CAF entry.

4. Online CAF verified.

5. Making CAF Excel.

6. Dispatch all valid CAF at warehouse.

7. Rejection CAF resend to Sender.

8. CV of the customer.

9. Physical AV of the customer.

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10.Process of handling the CEF related problems.

11.The way of find out the salutation of CAF department.

12.The time management.

13.The optimal utilization of all available resources.

14.Check out the original document if any doubt.

15.lf any problem then Physical verification by head of department.


To determine the Management’s attitudes towards the CAF


To determine the satisfaction level of API Department to the CAF

fulfilling and Document’s witch are attached and various aspects to

the Reliance Communication.

To determine the usage of the CAF.

To know about the API Department & CSD Member’s preference and

their perception about the Reliance Communication.

To trace the CSD Member’s & customer profile.



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GSK sticker to be placed at top left hand corner 

Photograph must be pasted, not stapled.

Personal data to be completely captured in relevant fields including DOB

PAN no. / Form 60/61 should be enclosed/ filled, and signed.

POI & POA must be checked / ticked in the boxes printed on CAF.

Signature of the subscription should be present on the CAF and FORM 60IF NOOF PEN CARD and all document attached.

Data of subscription should be mentioned.


Well-focused customer acquisition process for effective conversions.

The process of customer acquisition is a simple planed and executed well.

Many of business fail in their customer acquisition efforts due to improper 

 planning of the entire process.

The ideal customer acquisition process comprises of a few steps:-

Define the objective/ requirement and gather pre-campaign analytics to help

with data outline.

Define geographic scope and work out a media plan for enhanced reach.

Recognize customer-related challenges and work out approaches to

overcome the same.

Identify options to capture customer contacts – E-mail address, contact

number, etc.

List them in the way applicable for your business – B2B, B2c, etc.

Gather opt-in names for lists to avoid bad leads later.

Believe in permission-based contacts.

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Do not ask for sensitive information from customers –be attentive to privacy


Work on highly targeted messages to captures the most relevant prospectus

View it as a away to strong relationship with customer.

Customize your message for the varied targets –based on interests.

Depends on permission-based marketing for best prospects, with high

chance of conversion to customers.

Maintain updated database on contact details by cross-checking the

information provided.

Track and monitor response –click, conversion rates, etc.

Once you have won a customer, find ways to retain them.

Customize your message for the varied.


S.NO Audit point for CAF acceptance S.NO Audit Point For CAF Persuasion

1 Photo with signature 18 Address-2

2 First name 19 Date of birth

3 Last name 20 CAF filled in black ink  

4 Gender 21 Form 60 or Pan card

5 Nationality 22 Availability of MDN/RSN sticker

6 Father’s/Husband’s name

7 Address-1

8 Town

9 State

10 POI

11 POA

12 Common POI & POA (if this is selected then

POI& POA field is not mandatory)

13 Local POA

14 Customer signature

15 Retailer stamp & signature

16 Distributor stamp, signature & code

17 Pin code

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All these fields will be

considered for accepting CAF.

These field are required to

be uploaded in simplify but

shall not be considered for

CAF acceptance



DISTRIBUTOR POINT NAME:-_____________________ CONTECT NO:-


SYSTEM EXECUTIVE-1___________________________ CONTECT NO:-


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SYSTEM EXECUTIVE-2___________________________ CONTECT NO:-


SYSTEM EXECUTIVE-3___________________________ CONTECT NO:-












5 PC








13 i-CARE

















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Subscribe now, keep talking

 Now set yourself free with the new Reliance Mobile. Choose from our wide range

of handsets and then choose a SIM of just Rs 99 to get connected or Rs 299 SIM to

stay connected for lifetime.

Step 1: Fill up a Prepaid Customer Application form

To get a Reliance Prepaid connection, you need to submit a Customer Application

Form. You can get the form at nearest Reliance Outlet.

Step 2: Get your documents ready

If you want to submit both of Identity & address proof at one go, then you cansubmit any one from the list below:


Telephone bill of fixed line (Not older than last 3 months)

Electricity Bill of state company(Not older than last 3


Income Tax assessment order 

Vehicle registration certificate

Registered Sale/Lease Aggrement.

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The documents acceptable as PROOF OF ADDRESS

A. Ration Card (Other then BPL).

B. Election Commission ID Card.

C. Recent water tax bill* (Recent 3 months).

D. Recent fixed line telephone bill* (Recent 3 months only BSNL).

E. Recent electricity bill* (Recent 3 months).

F. Income tax assessment.

G. Appointment letter of any company/institution (“A” Category companies

PSU, private limited / limited company).

H. Passport (Valid).

I. Arms license (Valid).

J. Driving license (Valid).

K. Vehicle registration certificate.

L. Registered sale/ lease agreement (in case of sale deed original copy must be

check) on Notary (Recent not more then three months).

M.Allotment letter of GAS connection.

N. Certificate from educational institution (Govt. recognized).

O. Certification from postmaster/ Panchayat Head/ MLA/ Class 1 gazetted

officer – Original to be attached with SEF.

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P. House Allotment letter issued by govt. Organization to its employees.


A. Driving License.

B. Passport.

C. Income Tax PAN Card.

D. Arm’s license.

E. Photo debit/ credit card.

F. Voter ID Card.

G. Any other Govt. / PSU/ Public limited company issued photo identity card.

H. Membership card of Recognized Professional Institute.

I. Student ID card of state/ Central Govt. / AICTE affiliated colleges- for student


J. Election commission ID card.

K. Ration card with photo (for holder only).

L. Certification from postmaster/ Panchayat Head/ MLA/ Class 1 gazetted

officer (attestation accompanied with telephone number) – Original to be

attached with SEF.

M. Other legal entities/ Bank Manager Book issued by bank with photograph.

It may be emphasized that all the above documents MUST have photo of 


Proof of identity for an individual

(any ONE of the following)

• Passport

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• Voter ID Card

• Valid PAN Card

• Driving License

• Photo credit card

• Any other photo identity card issued by the government or a statutoryauthority

Proof of residence for an individual

(any ONE of the following)

• Paid Telephone Bill

• Ration Card

• Electricity Bill

• Credit Card Statement

• Bank Statement

• Employer's certificate

Note:  All documents except a Ration Card and lease agreement must be datedwithin the previous three months.

Existing Reliance Mobile postpaid customers can also avail the On-net talktime


The free talktime benefit, as a part of the zero rental plan, can be used for calls to

other than Reliance phones within the circle. On-net benefits are not availablewhile roaming.

Get on to Reliance: The most reliable wireless network in India.

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Walk into your nearest Reliance World or Reliance Communications outlet or any

other leading handset outlet in your city. Or Simply call 3033 4343.

You can also email us at [email protected]

The on-net calling facility to Reliance numbers is meant only for personal use

and not for PCOs, telemarketing, or any other commercial use. The company

reserves the right to withdraw and/or alter any of the terms and conditions of 

this offer at any time without prior notice. Marketed by Reliance

Communications Infrastructure Limited. Conditions apply.

If you want to submit separate document for identity and for address then the

options available are

For Identity

Income Tax PAN Card

Photo credit card

For Address

Ration card

Water Bill (Not older than last months)



1. The CAF need to check as per the norms provided in for acceptance at dist


2. THE acceptance list of is also attached with this document.

3. An excel of all entered CAF (CDMA) need to be prepared.

4. CAF need to be bundled and kept as per the serially entered in Excel file.

5. The CAF need to be courier/send manually to CDC along with the printed copy

of the serially arranged Excel.

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6. And the Excel of the same need to be mailed to be AV/CV Head having mail


7. Distributors will Mail the same Excel as soon as they dispatch the CAF from

their end so that it is receive before CAF reaches CDC.8. The CAF when received at CDC will be matched with the Excel print-out and

receiving of the same will handed over to the person depositing the CAF or will

 be kept as record.

9. On spot Hard copy receiving will only be provided if the CAF are serially

arranged and kept in order.

10.Distributors will get the same mail of same Excel as receiving Max by next day

after the CAF is physically received at CDC.

11.The Excel format for CDMA CAF’s mentioned below with all required

columns in CDMA CAF RECEIVING DATED…/…/……….

12.The CAF dispatch mail in the predefined Excel format should must reach

 before CAF is physically received at CDC so that it may be compared with the

 physical CAF receiving.

13.CAF sent without this proper required format in both i.e. in soft as well as Hard

copy will not be accept and no queries will be entertained pertaining to the CAF

without the proper mail of the CAF dispatch.

14.No other medium of communication will be targeted against any CAF related

disputed with CDC.

15.Excel format to be prepared and attached and all columns need to displayed in

the file also.

16.This excel file receiving will be named as “CDMA CAF DISPATCH DATED00/00/0000”.

17.The subject of the mail should be “CDMA CAF DISPATCH DATED

00/00/0000- location (town only)”.Example:-

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S. No.



















 Nor mal








1 111 931 20th


Xyz Prof  Change

2 112 932 20th


Xyz A


3 113 933 20th


Xyz Modified


4 114 934 20th


Xyz Y


Organisation Structure

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 Tanveer Ahamad
















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REPORT  June30,2009…………………………………………

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FOR THE FIRST QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2009Reliance Communications LimitedRegistered office: H Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, NaviMumbai – 400710July 31, 2009Supplemental Disclosures

Safe Harbour: Some information in this report may contain forward-lookingstatements. We have based these forward-looking statements on our current

 beliefs, expectations, and intentions as to facts, actions and events that will or may

occur in the future. Such statements generally are identified by forward-lookingwords such as “believe”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “continue”, “estimate”, “expect”,“may”, “will” or other similar words. A forward-looking statement may include astatement of the assumptions or bases underlying the forward-looking statement.We have chosen these assumptions or bases in good faith, and we believe that theyare reasonable in all material respects. However, we caution you that forwardlooking statements and assumed facts or bases almost always vary from actualresults, and the differences between the results implied by the forward-lookingstatements and assumed facts or bases and the actual results could be materialdepending on the circumstances. You should also keep in mind that any forward-looking statement made by us in this report or elsewhere speaks only of the date onwhich we made it.

 New risks and uncertainties come up from time to time, and it is impossiblefor us to predict these events or how they may affect us. We have no duty to, anddo not intend to, update or revise the forward-looking statements in this report after the date hereof. In light of these risks and uncertainties, any forward lookingstatement made in this report or elsewhere may or may not occur and has to beread and understood along with this supplemental disclosure. General Risk:Investments in equity and equity-related securities involve a degree of risk and

investors should not invest in the equity shares of the Company unless they canafford to take the risk of losing their investment. For taking an investment decision,investors must rely on their own examination of the Company including the risksinvolved. Convenience Translation: All references in this report to “Rs” are toIndian Rupees and all references herein to “US$” are to United States Dollars. We

  publish our financial statements in Indian Rupees, the legal currency of theRepublic of India. All amounts translated into United States Dollars in this report

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are provided solely for the convenience of the reader, and no representation ismade that the Indian Rupee or United States Dollar amounts referred to hereincould have been or could be converted into United States Dollars or Indian Rupeesrespectively, as the case may be, at any particular rate, the rates stated in thisreport, or at all. Others: In this report, the terms “we”, “us”, “our”, “the Company”or “the Group”, unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise implies, refer to Reliance Communications Limited (“Reliance Communications”) and itsaffiliates, including, inter alia, FLAG Telecom Group Limited (“FLAG”), RelianceTelecom Limited (“RTL”), Reliance Communications Infrastructure Limited(“RCIL”) and Reliance Infratel Limited (“Reliance Infratel”). Further abbreviations are defined within this report. Any discrepancies in any table

 between total and sums of the amounts listed are due to rounding off. Disclaimer:This communication does not constitute an offer of securities for sale in the UnitedStates. Securities may not be sold in the United States absent registration or an

exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.Any public offering of securities to be made in the United States will be made bymeans of a prospectus and will contain detailed information about the Companyand its management, as well as financial statements.1. Performance SnapshotQuarter ended

ParticularsUnits March-2007# March-2008 March-2009 June 30, 2009 (Q1 FY10)

Total Subscribers 000’s 28,007 45,794 72,666 79,616Consolidated financials

Revenue Rs. mn 144,683 190,678 229,411 61,452EBITDA Rs. mn 57,207 81,991 92,875 24,525

Cash profit from operations Rs. mn 56,291 82,064 100,789 28,353Profit before income taxes Rs. mn 32,247 70,762 61,353 19,475  Net Profit Rs. mn 31,632 54,011 59,077 16,366Total Fixed Assets Rs. mn 330,423 523,126 729,476 716,059Shareholders' Equity Rs. mn 202,719 254,609 370,003 377,165  Net Debt Rs. mn 18,238 99,700 225,943 221,630Key RatiosEBITDA Margin % 39.5% 43.0% 40.5% 39.9%  Net Profit Margin % 21.9% 28.3% 25.8% 26.6%Return on Networth % 26.8% 33.7% 37.1% 39.7%

 Net Debt to funded equity ratio Times 0.09 0.39 0.61 0.59KPIsWireless APRU Rs. 371 340 244 210Wireless RPM Rs. 0.74 0.74 0.63 0.58Wireless MoU per sub Min/month 503 460 389 365Long Distance Minutes Mn Min 23,238 30,045 39,724 12,558

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Chart:- Performance Snapshot Quarter ended

Reliance Communications Limited (“Reliance Communications” or “theCompany”) is India’s largest integrated communications service provider in the

 private sector with over 85 million individual, enterprise, and carrier customers.We operate pan-India across the full spectrum of wireless, wireline, and longdistance, voice, data, video and internet communication services. We also have an

extensive international presence through the provision of long distance voice, dataand internet services and submarine cable network infrastructure globally.1. Wireless

We offer CDMA and GSM based wireless services on a nationwide basis,including mobile and fixed wireless voice, data, and value added services for individual consumers and enterprises.Following the recent roll-out of our GSM network, we are now the only player inthe country offering both GSM and CDMA (dual technology) services on anationwide basis.We not only provide telecom connectivity to the mass market consumer segment

  but also, as an Integrated Telecom Service Provider, we offer total telecomsolutions to our corporate, SME & SoHo customers.Our portfolio of products includes mobile handsets, fixed wireless

  phones/terminals, high-speed internet data cards and Blackberry services. Our  primary brands are Reliance Mobile for the mobile portfolio of services, RelianceHello for the fixed wireless portfolio of services and Reliance Netconnect for 

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wireless data services. We offer a unique wireless multi media experience under the brand Reliance Mobile World.We also offer public calling office (“PCO”) services over our wireless network through independent retail operators of such facilities. We have pioneered ruraltelephony initiatives that are supported by the Government of India’s UniversalServices Obligation(USO) Fund. Additionally, we provide connectivity for devices such as point of sale terminals, lottery terminals, and ATM terminals.We are among the top two providers of wireless communication services in thecountry, with a wireless subscriber base of over 79.6 million as of June 30, 2009representing a market share of 18.9%. We are also the second largest seller of mobile handsets/devices in the country, and the largest service provider engaged inthis activity. Due to our unique strength in high speed wireless data transmission,we have nearly 60% market share of the data card and USB modem market for 

laptops and PCs. In addition, we are the largest PCO operator in the private sector with over 50% market share.

Reliance Mobile has been rated as "India's Most Trusted Service Brand"amongst all service brand categories in the most reputed pan-India consumer survey conducted by "The Economic Times".Network and Operating Facilities

We have India’s widest network coverage encompassing 23,000 towns, 600,000villages & all major railway routes & highways which covers 90% of the country’s

  population. Our national inter-city long distance network is the largest nextgeneration network in India, with over 160,000 route kilometres of ducted fibreoptic cables, We have a totally unique asset in over 25,000 route kilometres of ducted fibre optic cables installed in the leading cities in India. The entire inter-cityand metro fibre optic backbone Network is deployed in a ring and mesharchitecture and is MPLS enabled.

The Reliance Data Network has over 180 MPLS integrated network nodes.We have over 304,000 sq. ft. of IDC capacity in multiple locations and plan to addmore IDC capacity to meet growing demand. Our network operating centre in NaviMumbai, India, is one of the most advanced in the world. The entire range of our 

 products and services is enabled by streamlined, fully integrated, flow through

operating and business support systems. These facilities provide us with by far themost superior platform in India for offering bandwidth intensive, feature rich,converged services and solutions for consumers, enterprises, and carrier customerswith virtually limitless scalability. Our national networks are integrated with our international networks. With the acquisition of Vanco, Reliance Globalcom willget significant advantage through Vanco’s relationship with over 700 global,regional and domestic carriers capable of offering services in 230 countries.

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Vanco’s Managed Network Services are currently available in over 40,000locations across 163 countries. Through our acquisition of Yipes Holdings Inc. weown 22,000 kms of metro fibre network in the U.S. in 14 metros. Our customerscan get seamless end-to-end connectivity to these key business markets.

Our consumer and SME offerings are supported by one of the mostextensive and powerful distribution networks in India with throughput capacity for over 24 million handsets per annum. The backbone of our retail presence is nearly2,000 exclusive Reliance World and Reliance Express stores with a presence inover 700 Indian cities.These stores offer customer activation and after sales service. Reliance Worldstores also operate as broadband experience centres offering a range of broadbandinternet and video conferencing applications. Together with preferred retailers, wehave a branded retail presence in over 1,300 towns. We have a plan for aggressiveexpansion in our branded retail outlets during the course of this financial year.

Furthermore, we have over 600,000 retailers who offer sale of Reliance Mobileconnections or recharge of our prepaid mobile and FWP’s in our coveragefootprint. Our customer service is further supported by about 10,000-employee,multi-lingual contact centre facilities.Financial Highlight

Financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2009 as per Indian GAAP. In thetables below, “Qtr ended 31/03/09” refers to the three month period ended March31, 2009 and “Qtr ended 30/06/09” refers to the three month period ended June 30,2009. Exchange rate for conversion of Indian Rupees to United States Dollars is Rs50.72 = US$ 1.00 for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 and Rs 47.90 = US$ 1.00for the quarter ended June 30, 2009, being the revaluation rate as announced byForeign Exchange Dealers’ Association of India (‘FEDAI’).

3.1. Summarized Consolidated Statement of Operations(Rs Million, except ratios)Particulars Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09 Q-on-Q Growth (%)

Total revenue 61,237 61,452 0.4%  Net revenue 51,731 53,607 3.6%EBITDA 23,832 24,525 2.9%Cash profit from operations 26,595 28,353 6.6% Amortisation of Compensation under Employee Stock Option Scheme (1,570) 111 NA

Profit before tax 15,654 19,475 24.4%  Net profit 14,544 16,366 12.5%EBITDA margin (%) 38.9% 39.9% -------(US$ Million)

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Particulars Qtr ended31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09 Q-on-Q Growth (%)

Total revenue 1,207 1,283 6.3%  Net revenue 1,020 1,119 9.7%EBITDA 470 512 8.9%Cash profit from operations 524 592 12.9% Amortisation of Compensation under Employee Stock Option Scheme (31) 2 NAProfit before tax 309 407 31.6%  Net profit 287 342 19.0%EBITDA margin (%) 38.9% 39.9% ------

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Summarized Consolidated Balance Sheet

(Rs Million, except ratios)Particulars As at 31/03/09 As at 30/06/09 Assets

 Net fixed assets, including capital work-in-progress 729,476 716,059Investments 2,857 1,318

Total current assets (excluding cash & cash equivalents) 136,983 151,937Total assets 869,316 869,314Liabilities and stockholders equityTotal current liabilities and provisions 265,142 263,518  Net debt 225,943 Total liabilities 491,085 485,148Stockholders equity (Net of Goodwill) 370,003 377,165Minority interest 8,228 7,001Total liabilities and stockholders equity 869,316 869,314  Net debt to annualized EBITDA (x) 2.37 2.26  Net debt to stockholders equity (x) 0.61 0.59Book value per equity share (Rs) 183 186

(US$ Million)

Particulars As at 31/03/09 As at 30/06/09

Assets Net fixed assets, including capital work-in-progress 14,378 14,947

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Investments 56 28Total current assets (excluding cash & cash equivalents) 2,700 3,172Total assets 17,134 18,147Liabilities and stockholders equity

Total current liabilities and provisions 5,226 5,501  Net debt 4,453

Total liabilities 9,679 10,128Stockholders equity (Net of Goodwill) 7,293 7,873Minority interest 162 146Total liabilities and stockholders equity 17,134 18,147

Summarized Statement of Operations by Segment

Wireless(Rs Million, except ratios)

Particulars Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09 Q-on-QGrowth (%)

Gross revenue 45,015 47,931 6.5%  Net revenue 33,683 38,086 13.1%

EBITDA 16,629 18,489 11.2%EBIT 9,020 11,365 26.0%EBITDA margin (%) 36.9% 38.6% -------EBIT margin (%) 20.0% 23.7% -------

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Broadband(Rs Million, except ratios)

Particulars Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09 Q-on-Q Growth (%)

Gross revenue 7,075 6,842 -3.3%  Net revenue 6,178 5,997 -2.9%EBITDA 3,160 2,994 -5.2%EBIT 2,090 1,842 -11.8%EBITDA margin (%) 44.7% 43.8% -------EBIT margin (%) 29.5% 26.9% -------Note: “Net revenue” in wireless & Broadband above represents gross segment revenue less license

fees and access charges.

Contribution to Revenue by Segment(Rs Million, except ratios)

Segment & Revenue Qtr ended 31/03/09 % of Total Revenue Qtr ended 30/06/09% of Total

Wireless 45,015 61% 47,931 62%Global 18,803 25% 18,844 25%Broadband 7,075 10% 6,842 9%

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Others 3,132 4% 3,031 4%Sub Total 74,025 100% 76,648 100%Eliminations (12,788) (15,196)Total 61,237 61,452

Contribution to EBITDA by Segment(Rs Million, except ratios)

Segment Qtr ended 31/03/09 EBITDA  % of Total  Qtr ended 30/06/09 EBITDA  % of Total 

Wireless 16,629 70% 18,489 75%Global 5,025 21% 4,515 19%Broadband 3,160 13% 2,994 12%Others (977) -4% (1,381) -6%Sub Total 23,837 100% 24,617 100%

Eliminations (5) (92)Total 23,832 24,525


Investment in Projects by Segment

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Qtr ended 30/06/09 %

of Total Revenue










Segment &




Qtr ended 31/03/09 %

of Total Revenue

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(Rs Million, except ratios)

Segment & Cumulative to 30/06/09 Rs Million % of Total Qtr ended 30/06/09 Rs Million % of Total

Wireless 512,935 69% 9,402 97%Global 149,995 20% 182 2%Broadband 55,217 8% 136 1%Others 24,503 3% 33 0%

Total 742,650 9,753


  Investment in projects comprises gross fixed assets, intangible assets(unamortized portion of one time entry fee paid) and capital work-in-progress. The

categories of assets allocated to each segment are set out .

Key Performance Indicators

The financial figures used for computing ARPU, RPM, SMS revenue, non-voice revenue, and ARPL are based on Indian GAAP. Data used for computingwireless market share is derived from reports published by industry associations.Although we believe that such data is reliable, it has not been independentlyverified.Definitions of terms are set out in Section 7. “Qtr ended 31/03/09” refers to thethree month period ended March 31, 2009; “Qtr ended 30/06/09” refers to the threemonth period ended June 30, 2009.WirelessMetric Unit Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09

Service areas operational* Nos 22 22Wireless customers Nos 72,666,192 79,616,300Wireless market share (All-India) % 18.8% 18.9%Wireless net adds Nos 11,321,060 6,950,108Market share – wireless net adds % 25.6% 19.5%Pre-paid % of total wireless customers % 93.5% 94.0%Pre-paid % of wireless net adds % 99.9% 99.0%

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Wireless ARPU Rs/Sub 224 210Wireless churn % 0.8% 1.3%Wireless minutes of use (MoU) Bn Mins 74.8 83.3Wireless MoU per customer/month Min/Sub 372 365Wireless revenue per minute (RPM) Rs/Min 0.60 0.58Wireless EBITDA per minute Rs/Min 0.22 0.22* Considering Tamil Nadu and Chennai as one combined circle


BroadbandMetric Unit Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09

Service areas operational Nos 18 18Towns active (wireline only) Nos 42 42Access lines Nos 1,385,000 1,422,000Access line net adds Nos 50,000 37,000ARPL Rs/line 1,735 1,626Buildings directly connected Nos 929,600 967,154

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Basis of Presentation of Financial Statements

Reporting PeriodsThe financial year end of Reliance Communications Limited is March 31. Eachfinancial year (“FY”) is referred to by the calendar year in which the particular financial year end occurs. The current financial year will be for a period of 12months, commenced on

April 1, 2009 and ending on March 31, 2010

Consolidated and Segment Financial Results

RevenuesRevenues of the Company have been reported in the following manner:Consolidated Revenues and Segment Gross RevenuesConsolidated revenues of the Company have been classified as “Services andSales” revenue. This represents revenues earned from the provision of services and

from the sale of network infrastructure on an IRU basis.For the purposes of business segment reporting, revenues have been classifiedunder three segments namely “Wireless”, “Global”, and “Broadband”. The lines of 

 business included in each segment and the basis of segment revenue reporting isdescribed in Section 5.3 below. Revenue earned from operating activities notincluded in these segments (as defined) is shown as “Other Income” under “Others” in the segment analysis.

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Elimination of Inter Segment RevenuesRevenues for each business segment are reported at gross level where inter segment revenue is also included. Hence, revenue of one segment, from inter segment source, is reported as the expense of the related segment. Eliminationtakes place in determining consolidated revenues for the Company.For the purpose of determining transfer pricing between segments, open marketwholesale rates for comparable services or, where applicable, rates stipulated bythe regulatory authorities have been adopted.

Net Revenues by Segment

“Net Revenues” represent revenues earned less direct variable operating expensesin the nature of: (1) revenue share (including levies for Universal ServiceObligation), and spectrum fees (referred to collectively as “License Fees”); and (2)charges for access, carriage, interconnection, and termination (referred to

collectively as “Access Charges”).Expenses included under License Fees are currently incurred as a percentage of adjusted gross revenue. Expenses included under Access Charges, on the basis of fixed or ceiling cost per minute, or are determined by commercial negotiation withother carriers and between our business segments, as appropriate.Access Charges and license Fees are disclosed in aggregate as part of theclassification of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statement of operations.

 Net Revenues are reported for each business segment.

Operating ExpensesOperating expenses of the Company have been reported in the following manner: Consolidated and Segment Gross Operating ExpensesConsolidated operating expenses of the Company have been classified under four categories of costs, namely “Access Charges and license Fees”, “Network Operations”, “Employees”, and “Selling, General & Administrative”. Elimination of Inter Segment ExpensesPrinciples, as stated in 5.2.1 above, have been followed for reporting grossoperating expenses of each segment and elimination of such expenses indetermining consolidated EBITDA for the Company.

5.3. Composition of SegmentsFinancial performance of the Company has been reported under the following three

 business segments: Wireless Global Broadband

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Others comprise operating activities not included in the segments as defined above.These activities include DTH services, retailing (Reliance World), property leasingand investments. Assets shown under Others mainly comprise properties owned bythe Company, including the Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, and property andfittings (including electronics for video-conferencing and other digital services)used by Reliance World retail outlets.

Financial Statements

Financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2009 as per Indian GAAP.An explanation of the basis of presentation is set out in Section 5. In the tables

 below, “Qtr ended 31/03/09” refers to the three month period ended March 31,2009 and “Qtr ended 30/06/09” refers to the three month period ended June 30,2009. Previous quarter’s figures have been re-grouped, re-arranged and re-

classified wherever necessary.6.1. Consolidated Results of Operations(Rs. Million, except ratios)

Particulars Qtr ended 31/03/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09

Total revenues 61,237 61,452Services and sales 61,237 61,452Total operating expenses 37,405 36,927Access charges and license fees 9,506 7,845  Network operations 13,582 13,Employees 4,213 4,112SG&A 10,104 11,114EBITDA before exceptional item 23,832 24,525Finance charges (net) (1,678) (6,205)Depreciation / amortization 11,426 11,144

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Amortisation of Compensation under Employee Stock 

Option Scheme (1,570) 111Profit before tax 15,654 19,475Provision for tax (including Deferred tax) 485 2,267Net profit after tax (before adjustment of share of 

Minority Interest/ Associates) 15,169 17,208Share of Minority and associates 625 842Net profit after tax (after adjustment of share of 

Minority Interest/ Associates) 14,544 16,366RatiosEBITDA margin (%) 38.9% 39.9%  Net profit margin (%) 23.8% 26.6%

6.2. Consolidated Balance Sheet(Rs. Million)

Particulars As at 31/03/09 As at 30/06/09

ASSETSCurrent assets

Inventories 5,427 5,390Debtors 54,785 53,797Other current assets 16,912 21,679

Loans and advances 59,859 71,071Total current assets (excluding cash and cash 136,983 151,937Fixed assets

Gross block 756,489 775,059Less: Depreciation 141,069 162,527  Net block 615,420 6Capital work-in-progress 114,056 103,527Total fixed assets 729,476 716,059Investments 2,857 1,318

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Total assets 869,316 869,314


Share capital 10,320 10,320Reserves and surplus (net of Goodwill) 359,683 366,845Stockholders equity 370,003 377,165Minority interest 8,228 7,001Current liabilities and provisions

Current liabilities 225,980 224,206Provisions 39,162 39,312Total current liabilities and provisions 265,142 263,518

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Secured loans

Foreign currency loans - -Rupee loans 30,000 30,000Unsecured loansForeign currency loans 186,906 182,875

Rupee loans 118,614 101,756Less: Cash and cash equivalents 109,577 93,001  Net debt 225,943 Total liabilities and stockholders equity 869,316 869,314

6.3. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows(Rs. Million)

Particulars Qtr ended 31/3/09 Qtr ended 30/06/09

Cash flows from operating activities:  Net profit/(loss) before tax A 15,654 19,475Add: Non cash/non operating items B 6,915 (600)Depreciation and amortization 11,426 11,144Provision for doubtful debts 404 235Finance charges (net)* (2,643) (11,306)(Profit)/loss on sale of investments (702) (784)Exceptional items (1,570) 111Cash generated from operations before

working capital changes

A+B 22,569 18,875(Increase)/decrease in working capital 6,298(2,549)Cash generated from operations 28,867 16,326Tax paid (1,117) (1,218) Net cash provided/used by/in operating activitiesC 27,750 15,108

Cash flows from investing activities: (Purchase)/sale of property, plant, and equipment (net)(42,424) (8,780)

(Purchase)/sale of investments (net) (80) -Interest income / (expense) (net) (6,578) (4,911) Net cash provided/used by/in investingactivitiesD (49,082) (13,691)Cash flows from financing activities:Increase/(decrease) in borrowings 50,162 (17,993) Net cash provided/used by/in financingactivitiesE 50,162 (17,993)Cash and cash equivalents:Beginning of the period F 80,747 109,577End of the period C+D+E+F 109,577 93,001

Notes to Accounts.(As reported to stock exchanges)1. On account of various factors including, in particular, an amendment to

Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 (“the Act”) withdrawing the requirement

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to adjust changes in the amounts of liability relating to Loans and Liabilities inforeign currency attributable to Fixed Assets acquired by the Company in the costof the said Fixed Assets, the Company has decided after the end of the FinancialYear 2008 - 09 and after the approval of the Unaudited Financial Results for theYear ending on 31st March, 2009 that it would be more appropriate to account for the changes in the amounts of liabilities, consequent to changes in foreignexchange rates, as part of the profit or loss of the Company for the year in whichthe changes take place without adjusting the amount of the change in the cost of fixed assets. The accounting policy now adopted by the Company is in line withthe Accounting Standard (“AS”) 11, “The Effect of Changes in Foreign ExchangeRates” as also in line with the accounting policy adopted by the Company in thePrevious Year ending 31st March, 2008 and the accounting policy followed by theCompany for similar changes relating to liabilities expressed in foreign exchangeother than those relating to fixed assets. Accordingly, in respect of the Year ending

on 31st March, 2009, Rs. 599,856 lakh being the foreign exchange differencerelating to such loans/ liabilities, which were earlier adjusted in the cost of fixedassets, have now been charged to the Profit and Loss Account. Rs. 586,603 lakhhas been withdrawn from the General Reserve of the Company in accordance withthe terms of the Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and RelianceInfratel Limited approved by the Mumbai High Court on 18th July, 2009 andconsequently, there is no impact vis-à-vis profits of the year ended 31st March,2009 of such charge except for consequential effects relating to Depreciation, etc.which have been appropriately dealt with. However, aforesaid adjustment bywithdrawing from the General Reserve shall be reversed in case, for any reason,the Order does not become effective. The revised accounting policy is continued inrespect of the Current Year and he financial results for the Quarter ended on 30thJune, 2009 have been arrived at on the basis of the revised accounting policy. Theaccounting treatment in relation to changes in amount of liabilities consequent tochanges in foreign exchange rates was the subject matter of reference in theReview Report of the Auditors for the previous Quarter ending on March 31, 2009.2. During the quarter, the Company has repurchased and cancelled 297 ForeignCurrency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) of USD 1,00,000 each, at a discount. Thishas resulted in a saving of Rs. 2,449 lakh which has been reflected as part of Other 

Income. Consequent upon such repurchase and cancellation, the Company’sobligations to convert the said FCCBs into Shares, if so claimed by the FCCBHolders and/ or to redeem the same in foreign currency, have come to an end vis-à-vis the cancelled FCCBs.3. (i) Pursuant to the Scheme of Amalgamation under Section 391 to 394 of theCompanies Act, 1956 sanctioned by the Honourable High Court of Bombay videOrder dated 3rd July, 2009, Reliance Gateway Net Limited (“RGNL”), a Wholly

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Owned Subsidiary of the Company has been amalgamated into the Company witheffect from the Appointed Date as 31st March, 2009. As required by the Scheme,the Company has considered the accounting effects of the Scheme into unauditedaccounts for the year ended as at 31st March, 2009. All the assets and liabilities asappearing in the books of the RGNL as on the Appointed Date have been recordedat their respective fair values by the Company. Excess of Rs. 1,433,205 lakharising on such transfer of assets and liabilities, in proportion to its Shareholding inReliance Globalcom Limited, Bermuda, after making the adjustment, inaccordance with the Scheme, for cancellation of investments of Rs. 2,09,643 lakhin RGNL and net effect on revaluation of assets and liabilities of the Companyselected by the Board as required to be revalued for this purpose (“IdentifiedAssets”) of Rs. 1,275,481 lakh has been credited to General Reserve, to be dealtwith in accordance with the Scheme. Further to the above, during the currentquarter, additional depreciation of Rs. 28,934 lakh arising on account of fair 

valuation of Identified Assets, have been adjusted by drawing an equivalentamount from General Reserve, leaving no impact on Profit and Loss Account of the Company.(ii) Pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (“the Scheme”) under Section 391 to394 of the Companies Act, 1956 sanctioned by the Honourable High Court of Bombay vide Order dated 19th June, 2009, the Treasury Activities, as defined inthe Scheme, of Reliance Communications Infrastructure Limited (“RCIL”), awholly owned subsidiary of the Company have been transferred and vested intoReliance Telecom Limited (“RTL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Companywith effect from the Appointed Date as 1st April, 2008. Since the Scheme betweentwo wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company does not involve any movement of assets or liabilities to any company outside the group controlled by the Company,RTL is not required to issue any shares or pay any consideration to either RCIL or to its shareholders.(iii) Pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement (“the Scheme”) under Section391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 sanctioned by the Honourable High Courtof Bombay on 18th July, 2009, the Optic Fiber Undertaking, as defined in theScheme, of the Company has been transferred and vested into Reliance InfratelLimited (“RITL”), a subsidiary of the Company with effect from the Appointed

Date as 1st April, 2008.However, the detailed Order of the Court is yet to be received. Also, the said Order has not become effective as the Company is still to file the said Order with theRegistrar of Companies. In the interest of providing relevant information, theCompany has decided that, notwithstanding the aforesaid position, the Companywould reflect the transactions forming part of the Scheme sanctioned by the said

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Order in compiling the accounts both for the Year ended 31st March, 2009 and for the Quarter ended 30th June, 2009.4. The Company has provided for Current Tax based on Minimum Alternate Tax(MAT) rate of 15% with applicable surcharge and education cess and discontinued

 provision of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT), in view of the proposals contained in theFinance Bill (No.2) 2009.5. The Board of Directors have declared Interim dividend of Re. 0.80/- per equityshare of Rs. 5 each i.e. 16% for the financial year 2008 - 09. The interim dividendwill be paid on or after 6th August, 2009.6. The Company is operating with Wireless, Broadband, Global, Investments andOthers / Unallocated segments. Accordingly, segment-wise information has beengiven. This is in line with the requirement of AS 17 "Segment Reporting".Key Performance Indicators and Financial TermsWireless Segment

Wireless market share Total wireless customers (CDMA Mobile + GSM Mobile +FWP + Wireless PCO), at the end of the relevant period, divided by All-Indiawireless customers, at the end of the same period. All-India wireless customer numbers are sourced from industry reports.

Market share of wireless net adds Wireless customer net additions during therelevant period, divided by All-India wireless customer net additions during thesame period. Wireless ARPU Computed by dividing total wireless revenue for therelevant period by average customers; and dividing the result by the number of months in the relevant period. Wireless net ARPU Computed by dividing netwireless revenue for the relevant period by average customers; and dividing theresult by the number of months in the relevant period. Wireless churn Computed

 by taking average monthly wireless disconnections divided by opening monthlysubscriber base in the relevant period. Churn is expressed as a percentage. Totalwireless minutes of use (MoU) Sum of all incoming and outgoing minutes used onthe wireless access network by all customers in aggregate

Wireless MoU per customer per month Total wireless MoU divided byaverage number of wireless customers on the network in the relevant period. Theresult is expressed as the average per customer per month. Wireless revenue per minute (RPM) Wireless ARPU divided by the average wireless MoU per customer 

 per month. SMS revenue (% of ARPU) Comprises both charges for customer tocustomer messaging services and for applications accessed by customers over theSMS platform. SMS revenue is divided by wireless revenue, and expressed as a

 percentage of ARPU. Non-voice revenue (% of ARPU) Comprises SMS revenue,charges for applications accessed by customers over the wireless multimedia

 platform, wireless internet access services, wireless data, and other value addedservices. Nonvoice revenue is divided by wireless segment revenue, and expressed

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as a percentage of ARPU. Global Segment ILD minutes Total of incoming andoutgoing international long distance minutes carried by the Global business. Thisincludes minutes originating or terminating in India, international transit minutes,and global calling card minutes. NLD minutes Total of national long distanceminutes carried by the Global business. The domestic carriage of all ILD minuteshas been included in NLD minutes. Broadband Segment Buildings directlyConnected The number of buildings directly connected to RelianceCommunications's own network (either by wireline, fiber optic, or other fixedaccess technologies) at the end of the relevant period.

Access lines Number of narrowband and broadband voice and data accesslines in use. ARPL (average revenue per line) is computed by dividing totalBroadband business revenue by the average number of access lines in use duringthe relevant period; and dividing the result by the number of months in the relevant


Financial Terms Net revenue Total revenue less (1) charges for accessdeficit, USO levy, revenue share and spectrum fees (referred to as “License Fees”)and (2) charges for access, carriage, interconnection and termination (referred to as“Access Charges”). Cash profit from Operations Is defined as the sum of profitafter tax, depreciation and amortization. ARPL (average revenue per line) iscomputed by dividing total Broadband business revenue by the average number of access lines in use during the relevant period; and dividing the result by thenumber of months in the relevant period.

Reliance Communications [RCOM] its financial results for the financial year

ended March 31, 2009

Reliance Communication [RCOM] announces its financial results

For the financial year ended March 31, 2009

 Net Profit up by 9.4% to Rs. 5,908 crore [us$ 1,165million]

Revenues HIGHER BY 20.3% AT Rs. 22,941 Crore (US$ 4,523 MILLION)

EBITDA higher by 13.3% at Rs. 9,288 Crore (US$ 1,831 MILLION)

EBITDA margin stable at 40.5%, among the highest in INDIA

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Reliance is the first company which incoming call rate free

in India & also give mobile of 500 & 3350 rupees of 10000


Reliance is providing high level signal transmission for stableand ensure network.

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Reliance provides the widest coverage more than any othercircle provider in country.

Customer user group free in Reliance communication.

Reliance no. network of India.

Reliance best service provider compares any other company. Reliance chipset & best service provider no.1 company of 


It has 24 hrs customer care service.

Wide range of franchises and marketing associates withenthusiastic sales.

Reliance first company of India which provide at 495, allIndia R to R free (post paid).

USB MODEM chip compare other any company & Roaming

free in Data card.WEAKNESS:-

A lot of customers are not satisfied from billing system.

Courier service is not good for bill.

Retailers which belong out of city are not satisfied from

service because sales man not able to reach for this type of 


Before inform through message that deposited bill of mobile,

otherwise will closed of your connection but nowadays ,

closed connection of mobile, after that inform that deposited

the bill.

Due to low profit margin some retailers have no interests to

keep Reliance product.

Somewhere the service of distributors and salesman are notgood.

Business of customer care department reduces the

satisfaction of customer.


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Reliance is providing 3G technology to its customers.

Cell phone should be launch itself in market.

 There are huge opportunities in cellular market.

Reliance is providing internet and E-mail facilities to its


There is very tuff competition with BSNL, Airtel , Vodafone, Idea, & Tataindecom.

There will tuff competition with coming competitors as like shyam telecom,UNI tech telecom etc.

Market is too price sensitive.Government has given the license to other companies to providing their cellular 

service in U.P. so there is no monopoly of Reliance.


The research undertaken for this project is both descriptive and analytical in nature.

It is descriptive because it attempts to describe the state of affairs, as it exits in the

market at present. It is analytical for its user available facts, information for 

analysis to make a critical evaluation of the material.


I surveyed shops, showroom and Malls in Vanarasi. I have used percentage

method and comparative study method to analyze the information that gathers from

the questionnaire and informal meetings.



. The primary data is collect through questionnaire.

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Authorized Dealers Reliance



The survey approach is used to collect the primary data from the potential

retailers and subscribers.


Questionnaire of the copy which has been provided in the appendix


Sampling unit- top middle & lower class & office.


Market study- Visited the Reliance outlet and markets at various shops in


Field survey- visited the respondents personal.

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The purpose of my research was to know to the size of the subscribers of 

institutional segment and find out the potential market of Reliance products. The

 purpose of the company to allotting these objectives to us that are as follows:-

To create awareness of newly launched schemes related to retailers and

among the customers of institutional segment.

To help in sale of Reliance products by observing their needs.

To estimate the success percentage of Reliance in institutional segment.

Find out the satisfaction level from the retailer and subscribers

that are already using Reliance.

R-COM launched its GSM Services all over India:

R-COM announced the world’s experience and launched GSM services in11,000 towns all over India. RCOM has launched its GSM services in just 11

months from the receipt of start –up GSM spectrum in January 2008. RCOM

added over 11.3mn wireless subscribers during the quarter, an increase of 110%

compared to the previous quarter and also increased its own coverage from 11,000

to 20,000 in jests 3 months.

R-COM GSM is the state of the art next generation network with digital voice

clarity and India’s first nationwide enhanced EDGE network for fast internet

access. R-COM GSM will also offer widest R-World mobile content offeringentertainment, music, news, cricket, bollywood, maps and search and one-click set-

up and access to Email and social networking offering commission

RCOM announced India’s faster internet services “Netconnect Broadband Plus”

RCOM recently rolled-out its faster internet services “Broadband Plus” with the

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Commenting on the launch in Mumbai, Dinesh Gulati, Regional Head – West,

Reliance Communications, said: “The Reliance Mobile GSM entails offering a

unique value proposition fine-tuned as per the needs of every segment of the 250

million GSM customers market in the country.”

“Over 16 million GSM customers in Mumbai can now avail of state-of-the-art,

next generation, EDGE ready Reliance Mobile GSM Network - the only network 

that offers digital voice clarity and up to 100 per cent cost savings for the cost-

conscious mobile user segment,” added Gulati.

Other CDMA operator Tata Teleservices is also expected to roll out its GSM

services this year. While new entrant, Shyam-Sistema is also eying the GSM space.

With 75 per cent of the entire telecom space dominated by GSM operations this

 proves to be a lucrative option for the CDMA as well as new telecom players.

Value Proposition for GSM Customers Enhanced with Reliance


The launching of Reliance GSM services has proved to be boon for manycustomers. These services not only cater to the needs of their corporate customers

 but have also proved their mark in the rural areas. Since we all know that the mainfocus of the company is to cater successfully to the growing demands of their customers.

In order to do so, Reliance Communications has added a new leaf to their alreadyexisting Customer Experience Programme. The previously launched Customer Experience Programme proved to be a huge hit and was much appreciated bycustomers.

Value Proposition by Reliance Communications

This new value proposition was designed to address the issues faced by customerswith regard to talk time and incoming validity. In their previous schemes thecompany offered either 3 months or 6 months validity to their subscribers, but withthis new schemes Reliance subscribers can now enjoy life time validity at nominalcharges.

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To wrap it all up, we can say that Reliance Mobile GSM services new offer thefollowing features:

• Lifetime Validity to their subscribers• In addition to this, a daily talk time credit of Rs. 4 for a period of 90 days

and a total talk time of Rs.360

The benefit of this service is that Reliance GSM subscribers can also avail lifetimevalidity and a double talk time benefit by recharging with a special tariff voucher of Rs. 26. Customers can use their additional talk time to make local calls or sendSMS to any mobile networks.

Additional Facilities Subscribers Can Avail from these Services

Reliance communications has offered special packages to attract the youth segmentin India. Youth are the major populations that make use of the value added serviceof mobile phones. Making use of this opportunity Reliance has introduced an SMS

 pack this offers subscribers to send around 500 free local SMS for Rs. 32

The other additional facilities are as follows:

• These new GSM services provide superior voice quality and better  performance

• Superb coverage on state highways, railway routes with mobile towers

located at various locations• Customers can use their owned fibre networks for unlimited capacity and

can be used both in national and international locations• It also provides unmatched internet access and high speed• Using the R world offered by this wonderful service, customers now can

access and download music, wallpapers and many more facilities directly totheir mobile phones

What the Company has to Say about Their Latest Discovery

Reliance Communication is very proud about their value proposition for their customers. Using these services Reliance will be able to introduce a number of strategies and creative innovative technologies and services to their customers.

Mr. R. Swaminathan, The Regional Head of Reliance Communications inKarnataka and Andhra Pradesh stated that the demand for GSM services is gainingrapid popularity amongst customers. Facilities like life time validity and other 

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services enhance the communication experience of their customers and attractingthem more towards their products and services.

Bharti Airtel Vs Reliance Communications Vs Idea Cellular – 

Analysts TakeNow that we have results from all the 3 listed cellular companies andresearch reports pouring in from various brokerages, i wanted to comparewhat research analysts think of these 3 companies post q3 fy 09 resultsand the conference call with the management.before we discuss the analyst ratings, you may read the entire discussionof results here – [airtel, rcom and idea cellular ].Analysts rating and view on Bharti Airtel:-

 j p morgan – good quarter of execution. neutral on the stock asindustry headed into tougher times. citigroup – wireless delivers strong topline. buy hsbc – traffic growth to assume focus. overweight  merrill / bofa – healthy outlook. best in class. buy abn amro – balanced scorecard. buy

Analysts rating and view on Reliance communication:- j p morgan – results below expectation. expect consensus cut. neutral  citigroup – balance sheet normalization will affect gsm upside. downgrade to sell from hold hsbc – retail skeptics about gsm strategy. neutral 

merrill / bofa – subscriber quality – focal issue. neutral Analysts rating and view on idea celluler:-

 j p morgan – continued margin pressure. underweight  citigroup – new circles to drag down ebitda. hold hsbc – expansion in a competative environment. neutral  merrill / bofa – slow profit growth. neutral  abn amro – margins slip. sell 

Related posts:-

Airtel analyst call - m-commerce efforts on + infratel neutral topositive in 12 months latest customers + revenue market share of top 5 telecom cos in india reliance communications q1 fy10 results lackluster  skepticism on tata wimax broadband reaches dalal street  reliance communications - integrated telecom company with global ambitions

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Reliance Infocomm ServicesReliance Infocomm offers a complete range of telecom services, covering mobileand fixed line telephony including broadband, national and international long

distance services, data services and a wide range of value added services andapplications. Reliance Infocomm network is a pan India, high capacity, integrated(wireless and wireline) and convergent (voice, data and video) digital network,designed to offer services that span the entire Infocomm value chain -infrastructure, services for enterprises and individuals, applications and consulting.The network is designed to deliver services that will foster a new way of life for a

 New India. "Make the tools of infocomm available to people at an affordable cost,they will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility", DhirubhaiAmbani charted out the mission for Reliance Infocomm in late 1999.

Plan namePlan250





Monthly Plan Charge (Rs.) 250 500 1000 1500 2000

Free Calls Worth (Rs.) 200 500 1000 1575 2000

Rate per Call Unit # (Rs./Pulse) 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.85

Refundable Deposit for ILD (Rs.) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Service and Feature Phone Installation / ActivationCharge* (Rs.)

800 800 800 800 800

# Applicable for Local and NLD calls. * Applicable only if the Feature

Phone is opted for.Terms and Conditions - Fixed Line Phone (FLP)

Feature Charges

Monthly Recurring Nil

Usage 1. Call Forwarded leg to be charged asper applicable rate in the chosen plan.(Currently restricted to Reliancenumbers in the same SDCA only).

2. 3-way conference shall mean twocalls if both calls are outbound.

3. Call to Reliance Customer Care(*377) shall be Toll-Free

CPE Repair Charges to customer 

Manufacturing defects No charges to the customer  

Damages 1. Handset - Rs. 400

2. LCD - Rs. 300

3. Keypad- Rs. 100

4. Speaker - Rs.200

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Loss of CPE / damages requiring complete replacement Rs. 1250

CPE Ownership Reliance

Other terms and conditions

Maximum temporary suspension period 6 months

Charge during suspension Rs.250 per month

Shifting (installation) charges Rs. 500 per connection

Service tax Extra as applicable. (Not levied ondeposits)

Bill periodicity Monthly

Transfer of ownership Rs. 200 per connection

Reconnection charge (after disconnection) for non payment cases Rs. 100 per connection

Deposits To be paid in the first bill

Effective Rate/Min is indicative. Charging would be done on the basisof Call Unit Length (Pulse). Call Unit Length (Pulse) is the duration of a call after the expiry of which, a new call starts. E.g. in a rate plan1000 of FLP , a call to a local fixed line will be charged at Re. 1.00 for 

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Reliance Fixed Line Phone Call charges (Effective Rate/Min - 24 hrs)  Call unit


@ Rs.1.20 /Pulse


@ Rs.1.10 /Pulse


@ Re.1.00 /Pulse


@ Rs.0.90 /Pulse



0.85 /Pulse

Calls to Fixedlines

Local Calls (including Intra-circle < 50 kms)

180 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.30 0.28

Intra-circle > 50 kms 60 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.85

Inter-circle 0 - 50 kms 90 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.60 0.57

> 50 kms 30 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.70

Calls to RIM Intra-circle 120 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.43

Inter-circle 60 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.85

Calls to other mobiles

Intra-circle 60 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.85

Inter-circle 30 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.70

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a 180 second call (or part thereof). Once you cross the 180 second CallUnit Length (Pulse), you will be charged another Re.1.00 which willallow you to talk for another 180 seconds.

 Note: Calls between Mumbai-Maharashtra, Chennai-Tamilnadu,Kolkata-West Bengal, UP(East) - UP (West) will be treated as Intra-Circle calls.International Long Distance Rates


Call UnitLength (Pulse)


Rates (Rs.)






USA^, Canada & UK (Fixed) 60 7 6.5 6 5 5

UK (Mobile) & Rest of Europe 60 9 8.5 7.5 7 6.5

South East Asian Countries

(Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia,Indonesia, Thailand)

60 9 8.5 7.5 7 6.5

Rest of the world 60 12 11 10 9 8.5

^ For Alaska & Hawaii, call rates of "Rest of the world" apply.Call Rates to Satellite Phones

Region Call UnitLength (Pulse) (Sec.)

Rate (Rs.)

Atlantic Ocean - East 1 5.83

Pacific Ocean 1 5.83

Indian Ocean 1 5.83

Internet Usage Rates

Depicted for Plan 1000 ISPCharges(Rs./Min.)

Call Charges Total ChargesRs/ Hr.

Call UnitLength(Pulse)(Sec.)

Rate / Call Unit(Rs.)

EffectiveRate / Min (Rs.)

Peak Hour Rates on alldays

(06:30 - 22:30)0.10 450 1.00 0.13 14

Off-Peak Hour Rates onall days

(22:30 - 06:30)0.10 900 1.00 0.07 10

Call rates for other plans can be calculated based on the applicable Rate per Call Unit in.Forces Shaping the Contemporary Business Environment


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Reliance Communications is in the process of setting up best-in-class work facilities across major cities in India. At Mumbai, theDhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City (DAKC) hosts more than 10000

 professionals with a range of office complexes, food courts, avenuesand boulevards, fountains and video conferencing.

Apart from the physical work setting, Reliance Communications isfostering a work culture marked by positive energy, team work and

 performance ethic. RCom are committed to building a non-hierarchicaland open work environment and a result-driven meritocracy.

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How good is your vision for the future – Innovation and R&D

Direct Sales Training

Direct Sales Training is way by which company aware the trainee about the

fundamental business environment and customer behavior. It is the base of 

generating the Revenue for the company.

Advantages of Direct sales

1. Company can customize as per customers.

2. Company can select specific target.

3. Company can reduce of advertising cost.

4. Company can take feedback of customer.

Disadvantages of Direct sales

1. Lac of customer receptivity.

2. Culture


In today time there is a big competition between telecom companies. All are

 providing better services for satisfaction of the customer and good feed back of 


After the market survey for postpaid & Data card net connect for Reliance we

observed that when customer have already a postpaid connection they don’t want

to change them without any solid reason. So maximum customers whom we got

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was not interested And some were planning to change their connection by some



On the base on collective data we find out that customer are not interested in

taking new postpaid connection because they already have postpaid connection of 

some other service provider and they don’t want to change them because they are

satisfied from their services providers.

So most of customer ignore us and according to whole data analyses we find out

that 55 % customer are not interested in taking new postpaid connections, means

they are not interested (Cold customers categories).

And 28 % customers want to change their service providers means that are

something interested(Worm customers categories) in new postpaid connection &

17 % customers want to take immediate reliance postpaid connection means that

customers are highly interested (hot customers categories).

So we divide customer in three categories – 

1. Highly interested customers.

2. Interested customers.

3.  Not interested customers

Highly interested customers – Highly interested customer means that those customers who heard plans

about the reliance postpaid & they are sharing our views & ask the question

about other products & compare to competitor’s product. That type of 

customers are known as Hot customers or highly interested customers.

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• Interested Customer – 

Interested customer means those customer who heard our plan about the

Reliance postpaid and they are interesting in taking new postpaid connection

in future.

That type of customer as known as Interested Customer.

•  Not Interested Customer -

 Not interested customer means those Businessmen who already have the postpaid

connections of other telecom operator and they are happy with their services, so

they don’t want to change their operator so that types of customer are known as

“Not Interested Customer”

Under our training period we have been fulfill the questioners by the customerswhich we got some ideas & perception to the reliance communication. Totalcustomers who have filled the questionnaire 150


PRIMARY : Company to Distributor.

SECONDARY: Distributor to Retailer.

TERTIARY: Retailer to End user.


The objective of the marketing research are as follows:

A. To find out the Reliance awareness among the subscribers and retailers.

B. To find out the factors affecting the purchase of Reliance products.

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C. To find out which cellular phone service is preferred by retailers and


D. To find out the purpose of having Reliance products.

Communicating Change:

The Influence of Information, Communication, Uncertainty and

Cynicism on Readiness for Change

Purpose: In previous studies we have shown the influence of information andcommunication on the success of organizational change. We extended that research

with the inclusion of cynical responses to top management about the change,change fatigue and turnover intentions.Methodology: This study was conducted by the Organizational Members’ Supportfor Organizational Change (OMSOC) questionnaire, an extension of a previousquestionnaire. The questionnaire was used in four different Dutch organizationsFindings: We found that various information and communication variables had asignificant influence on those uncertainties created by organizational change thatrelated to employee support for the change, and willingness to contribute to thesuccess of the change. We also found that the role of top managers and that of 

uncertainty had a significant influence on change fatigue and employee cynicalresponses to the changeManagerial implications: This study empirically supports the important role of communication during organizational change, and the crucial role that topmanagement and direct supervisors have in creating a workforce prepared to facethe challenges. If not done properly, the organization will face several employeeuncertainties concerning the direction the organization is heading in, the futurearrangements in the organization, and job insecurity. These uncertainties can then

 produce negative organizational consequences.Key words: Organizational change, Communicating Change, Uncertainty, Change


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Reliance Communication Strategy:-We recently met the management of RCOM for a business update and to discusstheir GSM & 3G strategy, growth in overseas business and concerns related tocapex funding and accounting practices.

• GSM Strategy: Subscriber numbers in Jan’09, the first month of nationwideGSM launch, were strong at 5 million (GSM & CDMA), much above marketexpectations driven by both first time subscribers users and existing wireless users.The management further expects to maintain subscriber acquisition momentum asservices have been rolled out in all circles and town/population coverage is beingrapidly expanded. RCOM’s innovative GSM launch strategy has been to use lowcost airtime minutes for subscriber acquisition with zero spend onadvertising/promotions. The company may be able to achieve multiple objectivessuch as: 1) gaining strong subscriber growth marketshare,2) Optimization of the new network through active feedback, 3) no spend on

initiation of GSM services, 4) acquiring additional spectrum (1.8MHz) based onsubscriber acquisitions. We were positively surprised by the magnitude of GSMadditions but need to see the impact on profitability over the next few months.• Operating performance metrics: Management expects operating margins toremain around the current range the next 2-3 quarters. Decline in the short termmay be marginal as 3Q financials already factor in some impact of the GSMnetwork operating on co-location sites. Management is confident of its dualstrategy and sees positives from participation in the large GSM market, leverage of GSM/CDMA to create unique propositions, introduction of MNP and participation

in some high revenue contribution areas. Reduction in FY09 capex from Rs 30bnto Rs 25bn was achieved largely from lower equipment costs and supplementaryaccess to USO-funded towers for nationwide expansion. RCOM plans to increaseits tower base from current levels of ~43,000 to ~48,000 by end of FY09 and~55,000 by middle of FY10 while maintaining its tenancy ratio around currentlevels of 1.6x.• Funding: Our estimate of capex in the next 15 months is ~Rs. 21bn (excluding3G & Wi-Max). In addition, the company needs to refinance/ repay its short termdebt and vendor credit liabilities. These will be funded from operating cash flows,cash balance of Rs. 8,000 crores and issuance of additional debt largely to roll over 

existing obligations.The first debt repayment on FCCB/ECB is scheduled in May‘11.Current Net Debt/EBITDA of 2.02x is expected to increase going forward.• Profitability to be impacted by depreciation expenses  – As the network isoperationalized, a part of the existing capital work-in-process of Rs 19bn, will becapitalized in the gross block resulting in higher depreciation expenses goingforward. Tax rate has been low due to telecom-related tax benefits and deferred tax

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  benefits. These benefits are likely to continue going forward. Our concernshowever relate to the aggressive accounting policy related to foreign exchangefluctuations on borrowings and vendor payments, where RCOM follows ScheduleVI of the Companies Act.Valuations

Based on management’s guidance, we expect RCOM’s near term margins toremain relatively stable at the EBITDA level. However, PAT is likely to bear theimpact of higher depreciation and interest costs. We also need to account for higher debt relating to the upcoming 3G rollout.We have reduced our FY10 target price based on lower EBITDA expectations. Atthe CMP of Rs 145, RCOM is trading at 5.2x based on a TTM EPS of Rs 29.6. Wetherefore upgrade our rating from RCOM fromSELL to a HOLD with a revision in target price from Rs 150 to Rs 171 implyingan upside potential of 14.0%. At the target price the stock would be valued at 5.1x

FY10E EPS of Rs 33.6.

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Sir/ Madam

I am Shish Ram Kharesiya pursuing MBA from Society of Advance

Management Studies (SAMS) IBM in Varanasi.

 Now I am doing two month summer training in Reliance Communication at

Mahmoorganj in Varanasi, for purpose of my summer training project, I would like

to ask some question from you, please help me.

Name:- ----------------------------- Contact no.:- ------------------

Occupation:- ---------------------- Date:- --------------------------

Topic:- API Department Analysis & Direct Sales training.

Q.1) Age group

a. 20-25 b. 25-30 c. 30-35 d.>35.

Q.2) Occupation

a. Govt. servant b. Buss. Man c. private sector d. Unemployed.

Q.3) Your satisfaction level

a. highly satisfied b. satisfied c. dissatisfies d. highly dissatisfied.

Q.4) Reason for dissatisfaction

a. poor customer service b. over billing c. poor network 

Q.5) Which company connection you will prefer at next time?

a. Reliance b. BSNL c. Vodafone d. Idea e. Airtel f. Tata Indcom

Q.6 ) Which company connection you are using?

a. Reliance b. BSNL c. Airtel d. Vodafone e. Idea f. Tata Indcom

Q.7 ) Which company provide cheapest service?

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a. Reliance b. BSNL c. Airtel d. Vodafone e. Idea f. Tata Indcom

Q.8 ) Which connection would you like ?

a. post paid b. prepaid

Q.9) If post paid, Then why?



Q.10) Do you receive your bill on time?

a. yes b. no

Q.11) How do you rate collection team who serve you?

a. good b. average c. bad

Q.12) Will you like to pay the due bill?

a. yes b. no

Q.13 ) If no, Then why?


Q.14 ) How do you rate us with competitors.

a .good b. average c. bad

Q.15 ) Advice to Reliance communication



Signature of customer________________ Thank you

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• Reliance should be launching itself cell phone attracting to customer.

•  Number of tower should be increase or new technology should be research for 

increase frequency power.• Customer care should be work proper ways.• Bill should be reach proper ways to the Customers because lots of customers

are not satisfied from service.

•  Number of franchise should be increase because a lot of customer face problemfor deposited bill.

• Relationship should be good between customer and Reliance employees.

• Always should take feedback of customer that they are satisfied or not.

Reliance should be launching some attracting plan to its customer.

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In the market survey we learnt so many things. We interacted with different types

of customer and also their behavior. In the market we found customer view that

which type of services make them satisfy.

This project is fulfilling with challenges. We noticed that there are big

competitions in the market and Customers are also very intelligent. They know that

where they will get benefits, so customers also do market survey before buying any

 products. So Company also does market survey for knowing customer week point

and also for that in which types of services attract to customer.

In the Reliance market survey we learned all these things that how should talk with

customer and how should interact with the customer.

In the Reliance market survey we know that how motivate of customer, how sales

 product in market where a lot of competitor stay in market.

We learned that how survived our self in competition market and how cooperate

each other in organization.

We work a lot of department as like sales department, Retention, Bill collection

web world & Franchises

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Reference books:-

Marketing Management by Philip kotler 

Research Methodology by C.R.Kothari.

By Ajay Singh Chuhan Sir Mr. Manish Tripathi, Sunil Sir Mihir Sir , Anurag Sir,

Ansul Sir,

Reference Websites: