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ADDITIONS TO SFB ACTA. V1 1)NEW Movement Rules: First "No Lumbering Rule" it just Doesn't exist In SFB well maybe for Juggernaught or The Doomsday Machine. Alternate Turning Rule's: Turn mode (change turns from 45* to 60* turns) Agile ships still make 90* turns. 2"- Gunboats ,Corvette's and Frigates. 3"- Destroyers and Light Cruisers (this Includes the D5,D6 & D7 Class as it was designed for high manuverabilty & Is classed as a Light cruiser! in all the cannon Trek Literature, and has a lower turn rate before this mod) 4"- Heavy and Battle Cruisers ( so a CA can do a gentle 180* In one turn but not out manuver smaller ships.) 5"- Dreadnoughts (at normal speed !2" only two Turns! but with all power to movement almost as Agile a as a CA but at the cost of Putting some weapon power to movement) 6"- Battleships this is going to be the Enterprise "D", D'erderix or Negh'Var Class or similar Sized Big ship's. 8"- Doomsday Machines (and Juggernaughts Lol!) they also Have the Lumbering rule. Agile ships may make an Immediate turn at the start of a move but this reduces subsequent turns allowed by 1 so a Light cruiser with Agile could only ever make 4 turns in a move. Agile ships may only make half their allowed turns as 90* turn's so the Light cruiser above could make 2 of 4 turns it could complete in a turn as 90* the others are 60*. 2)NEW Weapon fire Rules: Seeking weapons : seeking weapons are -1 to hit with defensive fire by all but anti- drone ,Gatling phaser's, Escorts or vessels with the Enhanced bridge trait. Agile ships are +1 to The ships CQ Check when evading seeking weapons, an Agile ship may make a seeking weapon CQ Evasion check if it moves 10"+ 3)NEW Special order Rules: HOLD HEAVY WEAPON - Any Heavy weapon once Powered or Overloaded may be held until used, if overloaded it must be used in the following turn or ejected, If Holding Overloaded Heavy weapons a ship may not use all power to Engines. I Know this allows Disruptors to be held, but never quite agreed with the Disruptor rules in SFB, Surely the Disruptor using races would have developed a Disruptor capacitor.. Oh yes that's the Mauler isn't it.Launch Suicide shuttle - Dose NOT cause energy drain and may be used by crippled ships. Fire weaponised probe - May only be used by crippled ships and may be fired in addition to normal rules. fires a probe armed as a seeking weapon. Range Arc AD Special Weaponised Probe 6 T 2 Accurate +1, Multihit D3,Seeking

Sfb Acta House Rules

Nov 24, 2015




Sfb Acta House Rules
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1)NEW Movement Rules:First "No Lumbering Rule" it just Doesn't exist In SFB well maybe for Juggernaught or The Doomsday Machine.Alternate Turning Rule's:Turn mode (change turns from 45* to60*turns)Agile ships still make 90* turns.2"- Gunboats ,Corvette's and Frigates.3"- Destroyers and Light Cruisers (this Includes the D5,D6 & D7 Class as it was designed for high manuverabilty & Is classed as a Light cruiser! in all the cannon Trek Literature, and has a lower turn rate before this mod)4"- Heavy and Battle Cruisers ( so a CA can do a gentle 180* In one turn but not out manuver smaller ships.)5"- Dreadnoughts (at normal speed !2" only two Turns! but with all power to movement almost as Agile a as a CA but at the cost of Putting some weapon power to movement)6"- Battleships this is going to be the Enterprise "D", D'erderix or Negh'Var Class or similar Sized Big ship's.8"- Doomsday Machines (and Juggernaughts Lol!) they also Have the Lumbering rule.

Agile ships may make an Immediate turn at the start of a move but this reduces subsequent turns allowed by 1 so a Light cruiser with Agile could only ever make 4 turns in a move.Agile ships may only make half their allowed turns as 90* turn's so the Light cruiser above could make 2 of 4 turns it could complete in a turn as 90* the others are 60*.

2)NEW Weapon fire Rules:Seeking weapons : seeking weapons are -1 to hit with defensive fire by all but anti-drone ,Gatling phaser's, Escorts or vessels with the Enhanced bridge trait.Agile ships are +1 to The ships CQ Check when evading seeking weapons, an Agile ship may make a seeking weapon CQ Evasion check if it moves 10"+

3)NEW Special order Rules:HOLD HEAVY WEAPON- Any Heavy weapon once Powered or Overloaded may be held until used, if overloaded it must be used in the following turn or ejected, If Holding Overloaded Heavy weapons a ship may not use all power to Engines.I Know this allows Disruptors to be held, but never quite agreed with the Disruptor rules in SFB, Surely the Disruptor using races would have developed a Disruptor capacitor.. Oh yes that's the Mauler isn't it.Launch Suicide shuttle - Dose NOT cause energy drain and may be used by crippled ships.Fire weaponised probe - May only be used by crippled ships and may be fired in addition to normal rules. fires a probe armed as a seeking weapon. Range Arc AD SpecialWeaponised Probe 6 T 2 Accurate +1, Multihit D3,Seekingthis is a weapon of desperation but can be a nasty surprise the ship can fire one such probe per probe rating so a vessel with Probe 2 could fire 2!

4)NEW Weapons Rules:Mauler's: The Mauler is a massive Heavy weapon System deigned to Smash Starbasesa ship with a Mauler has the its turn rate Increased by one and replaces all its weapons but Phaser II & III mounts with the Mauler System, although Phaser II mounts may be converted to each weapon Lost to the Mauler conversion adds its full attack dice t the Maulers Attack dice pool so a D7 Would have NINE attack dice for the Phaser I's, Disruptor's and Drone's & could add up to SIX more attack dice by converting its Phaser II's to the Mauler system.

The Mauler has the following stats & traitsMAULER - Range - 12, Arc- Limited Arc, Attack dice - *(see above example),Special - Devastating +2, multihit - D3**, Killzone - 6**, Killzone - 3 x2***.** This means you double the damage rolled at 6" range or less so park 6 " from the base and Fire! and you should be outside the explosion radius when the Base Blows up!.

*** Yes at 3" double double damage (But expect to die yourself!)SUPER MAULER (Anti-Proton Beam) - Range - 16, Arc- Limited Arc, Attack dice - 10Special - Devastating +3, multihit - D4**, Killzone - 8**, Killzone - 4 x2****, Planet Killer****Yes at 4" double double damage (But expect to die yourself!)Only fitted on the Doomsday Machine.

5)NEW Trait & Special Rules:Limited Arc - The weapon fires in a straight line from the front of the firing ship along the centreline of the ship in a 2" Stream Out to its Maximum range.Killzone - # x #, Multiply the damage by the second modifier after the normal Killzone Rules of double damage, e.g. Killzone 3x2 at 3" the weapon dose "double double" damage, Killzone 3x3 the weapon dose "Triple double" damage (this makes the Anti-Proton weapon of the Doomsday Machine lethal!) Planet killer - This weapon is so powerful it can destroy planet's given enough time, the Damage the Planet can absorb is as follows, Small Planet - 150Medium Planet - 200 Large Planet - 250.The Weapon when fired at a planet must do so every turn otherwise the planet will regenerate some of the Damage inflicted to it each turn as follows,Small Planet - 1D6Medium Planet - 2D6Large Planet - 3D6When a planet Explodes all vessels in its Gravity well are also destroyed! Unless they Have the Trait Pure Neutronium Hull!.

6)NEW Damage Control Rules:Shield repair/Regeneration - In the End Phase of a turn a ship may use Damage control to try and regenerate some of its shields, To do so role a Crew skill check as normal on a success the ship may regenerate some shields as follows.1D2 - Gunboats ,Corvette's and Frigates.1D3- Destroyers and Light Cruisers 1D4- Heavy and Battle Cruisers 1D5- Dreadnoughts & Battleships1D6- Starbases.This is instead of other Damage control and not as well as!.

7)NEW Fighter Rules:FightersThough space belongs, ultimately, to the big warships of warring governments, fighters are highly effective supporting forces. Small Warp capable craft, the archetypal fighter is fast, agile, and capable of delivering a punishing strike on even the largest warship when multiple flights are used in a co-ordinated attack. Their pilots are intelligent, daring, and among the best any race has to offer.

These Fighters are not to be confused with the small single or Dual seat Craft of earlier era's Nor are they simply Boosted up Shuttles They Are sleek, Large and Heavily armed, a Squadron WF 19 Peregrine Warp Fighters for Example is quite capable of hunting down and destroying a Pirate Raider.

Federation WF 19 Peregrine Mk1 & Klingon B'atleth class Warp Fighters (seen in DS9). Using FightersFighters are represented as flight's in A Call to Arms SFB, using either a single counter or base (if you are using miniatures).Though counters and bases show three separate fighters, the entire flight is treated as a single entity in the game, much like a ship. In fact, a flight of fighters is treated as a ship for all purposes, unless otherwise mentioned below.All ranges for Fighters are measured from the edge of their base or counter, rather than the centre.Note that fighters do not normally have Crew Quality scores.

DeploymentUnless otherwise stated by the scenario, all ships carrying flights of fighters may deploy one flight before the game begins.This flight may be placed anywhere in your deployment zone, and may even be left in Reserve if those rules are being used.Flights purchased separately from ships are deployed normally.

Movement PhaseA fleet with fighters moves all its ships in initiative order as normal. Once all the ships of all the fleets involved in the battle have been moved, the player who won the initiative must then choose whether to move his fighters first or force his opponent to do so. Once this decision has been made, then all the flights of fighters in a fleet are moved at the same time. Then the opposing fleet does the same with their fighters. This is done to reflect the relative freedom of movementsmall craft have in battles involving huge warships and also keeps things quick and easy in battles featuring many flight's of fighters.

Anti-Fighter WeaponryMany warships Especially Escorts mount highly specialised point defence weaponry, developed to pinpoint small, fast-moving Targets Like fighters and knock them out before they can launch a devastating attack.Ships with the Anti-Drone X, automatically roll against any fighter's within 4 at the end of the Movement Phase. They will roll as many dice as their Anti- drone X indicates, splitting this between multiple flights if they desire. Any dice that equal or exceed the Hull of a flight will automatically destroy it, ignoring any Dodge trait the fighter possesses however a fighter with Shields or Stealth may attempt to save using the rating given for its Shield/Stealth Rating.

Vessels without Anti-drone X but With the Escort Trait may Instead use any Phaser-3 Or Gatling Phasers in Arc up to 4" These are fired as -2 to the Role above so a fighter with HULL - 5 fired on by a Gatling phaser (Accurate +1) needs a 6 to be destroyed, (+1 = 4+ -2 = 6) Anti-Fighter rolls may not be made against flights involved in dogfight's. However, some special fighters may also have the Anti-drone X, which may be used just before a dogfight is initiated, as enemy fighter's move into contact (if opposing fighter's have the trait, they are resolved simultaneously). Once the dogfight has started, the trait may not be used.It should be noted that the Anti-Drone X and Escort Anti-Fighter traits are not counted as weapons for the purposes of these rules and will not be affected by a ship being Crippled or under Special Actions, nor will they be affected by traits on fighters, such as Stealth. However, as traits, they can be lost as normal when the ship is Crippled.

Attack PhaseThough the bigger guns mounted on warships are designed to hit other large vessels and not small fighters, there is always a chance that a flight can be hit and destroyed by these huge discharges of energy.A flight may be attacked in the same way as a ship. Any successful hit that equals or exceeds a flights Hull score will automatically destroy it, but the flight may use any Dodge trait to Avoid destruction.

Fighter AttacksFighters make their attacks in the Attack Phase, before any other ships may fire. The player who won the initiative for the turn attacks with all of his flight's first, followed by his opponent. Simply nominate targets for each flight and then resolve their attacks, just as if you were nominating targets for a ships weapon systems against different targets in effect, all of your flights act as a single ship in the Attack Phase, with each flight being one weapon system.Flights attack as normal, though you will usually find some of their weapons have a very limited range. You may fire on other fighter flights, treating their attacks as if they were ships, as described above. However, you will find fighters are far more effective at destroying one another in dogfights.Any number of flights may attack a single ship in any one Attack Phase, and you are free to place them on top of a ships counter or base, though you may not stack flights upon each other. Flights that are in contact with a ships base or counter may ignore its Stealth trait, if present.DogfightingThough most fleets rely heavily on Anti-Fighter weaponry for defence against hordes of fighters, there is only one sure way to effectively clear space send your own fighters to destroy the enemys, so you are free to attack heavier warships without interference.Once you move into base contact with an enemy flight, you are considered to be dogfighting and so follow these rules.Fighters may only conduct dogfights against other flights, not ships. A dogfight starts automatically once two or more flights are in contact with one another and no flight involved may move until the enemy has been destroyed you will soon find it is very important to retain the initiative when fielding large numbers of fighters! Every flight has a Dogfight score, as found in the Fleets of ACTA SFB FIGHTERS section below. This is a reflection of a fighters potential to move into position and destroy its enemy.You resolve all dogfights your flights are involved in when you nominate your fighters to attack in the Attack Phase. When two opposing flights are engaged in a dogfight, both players roll one dice and add the Dogfight scores of their flight.Add +1 to your dice roll for every extra flight you have in base contact with the enemy flight you are dogfighting. A Flight may support any number of dogfights in this manner but a flight supporting a dogfight may never initiate a dogfight itself.Other than this, it is up to you how you arrange your dogfights for the best advantage!The player who scores the highest will win the dogfight and automatically destroy the enemy flight that attacked it (it will not destroy flights that merely supported). If the scores are equal then all flights involved will be locked together and may not move until another dogfight has been fought and won. You may only destroy one enemy flight in each dogfight, no matter how many are arrayed against you. Once a flight has won a dogfight it still counts as being in a dogfight for the rest of the current turn.In general, flights will only dogfight once each turn. However, it is possible for a flight to dogfight twice if a player nominates his fighters to attack and only gains a draw in a dogfight or is fighting against multiple flights. The flights will remain locked together until his opponent declares his fighters to attack, in which case another dogfight is fought immediately.The Stealth and Shields traits are always ignored during dogfights, and have no effect.A flight may not shoot normally in a turn in which it has won a dogfight.

Multi-Flight DogfightsYou may occasionally come across a situation where several flights have all Entered into a mass brawl where every flight is touching another. In cases such as this, working out who is dogfighting who can be confusing!There is an easy way to resolve fights like this. Simply remember the following. The player who nominated his fighters to attack chooses which of the enemy flights will be attacked by each of his own flights, and which of his remaining flights will besupporting.If the defending player has any flights not directly engaged, only then may theysupport.No flight may both dogfight and support!Each separate dogfight will destroy just one enemy flight, no matter how many flightsare supporting on each side.Fig. 1

Fig. 2


Launching and Recovering FightersA few ships are able to carry a squadron or two of fighters. Other ships act as full-blown carriers and may have many such squadrons on board. Fighters act as point defence for larger vessels and are able to deliver precision attacks that, while light, can still cause a large amount of damage to an enemy.

A ship that has not performed a Special Action may launch one flight per hanger. At the end of the End Phase, place the flight anywhere within 3 of the ship. In the next turn, the flight is free to act.Recovering a flight also requires a ship to not use any Special Actions, and for flights to be moved into contact with it. A ship may recover any friendly flights it could normally carry, even those belonging to other ships. However, it may only do so if it has less flights already on board than are listed in its Craft score on its roster. A Federation CVA, for example, could not recover a wandering WF 19 Wasp flight unless it had already launched its own.Unless otherwise stated by a scenario or special rule, a ship carrying flights may deploy just one of those flights at the start of a battle, representing a routine combat space patrol as the ship searches for the enemy.

Supporting Ships and FlightsMost fighters are used to launch fast strikes at enemy ships or provide a long-ranged screen to stop such attacks. However, fighters are also adept at providing close escort for ships and other fighters, protecting them from any sudden attack.Up to four flights may be moved onto the base or counter of a friendly ship, and one may be moved in contact with another flight. When this happens, the flights are automatically considered to be supporting the ship or flight and will be moved whenever the ship or flight is moved (though they will be forced to leave its base if the ship or flight travels further than their Speed). Flights may also be placed on the base of a ship before the battle starts.

Whenever an enemy fighter or breaching pod flight attempts to attack the supported ship or flight, one or more supporting flights may be immediately moved in base contact with it, starting a dogfight. Whatever the result of the dogfight, the attacking flight may not go on to attack the ship or flight, even if it destroys all supporting flights. All defending flights that survive the dogfight may be returned to the base of the ship in the End Phase (even if they are locked in the dogfight).

If a supporting flight is not involved in a dogfight, it may attempt to shoot down incoming attacks aimed at the ship it is protecting. Each supporting flight adds +1 to the ships Anti-Drone X trait (or temporarily grants it the Anti-Drone X trait if the ship does not possess it). However, if any dice roll a 1, then a flight is automatically destroyed!. A Flight acting as an Interceptor's must do so for a whole turn you may not choose to withdraw it in the middle of the turn.

Any flight that only has weapons with the Weak trait may not be used to add to a ships Anti-Drone X Trait, as its weapons are simply not strong enough to repel heavy attacks.

Firing into DogfightsDogfighting flights, and flights that have just won a dogfight in the same turn, may not be fired upon by either side for fear of hitting their own fighters. However, in multiplayer games, it is quite possible that two or more sides will be engaged in a dogfight and another force will be quite ready to fire into the melee if none of its own fighters are present. In this case, you must randomise each Attack Dice used in an attack against the dogfight. A ships Anti-Drone X or Escort Phaser - 3/G's may also be used to fire into a dogfight in this way.In practice, this can simply be done by rolling the number of Attack Dice you plan to use and then separating the dice. All dice that score 1-3 will be the Attack Dice used against Fleet A, while all those that score 4-6 are the Attack Dice targeted at Fleet B. Attacks are then resolved normally against both sides.

Fighter TypesFlights of smaller craft may be purchased separately and used as units in their own right A fighter Flight costs 25 pts.Some ships are converted into Carriers for these craft carrying one or more flights of fighters on board. One or more of these flights may be deployed as normal at any time before or during the battle and do not cost anything extra the cost of these flights is included in that of their parent ships.Gorns don't use normal Fighter's there just TOO Dam big to get in one, instead they employ a vessel known as the Pseudo-Fighter a much bigger craft more like a very small police cutter, these come in flights of two rather than the 3 craft of other races.

Standard FightersNation /Class Speed Turn Hull D/F weapon ARC/AD/Rng special

Federation 16 SM 5 +3 PH-G FH / 6 / 4 Accurate +1,Killzone 2,PrecisePeregrine class Fighter Drone T / 3 / 16 Devastating +1,Multihit D6,Seeking Traits - Dodge 2+,Anti-drone 1, Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Shield 5+

Klingon 16 SM 5 +2 PH-2 FH/ 6 / 12 Accurate +1,Killzone 4,PreciseB'atleth class Fighter Drone T / 3 / 12 Devastating +1,Multihit D6,Seeking Traits - Dodge 2+,Anti-drone 1, Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Shield 6+

Romulan 14 SM 6 +2 PH-3 FH/ 6 / 6 Accurate +1,Killzone 2,PreciseCenturion class Fighter Plasma -D T / 6 / 16 Devastating +1,Multihit D6,Seeking Energy Bleed Traits - Dodge 4+,Anti-drone 1, Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Stealth 4+

Kzinti 14 SM 5 +1 PH-3 FH/ 6 / 6 Accurate +1,Killzone 3,Precise Long Fang class Fighter Drone T / 4 / 16 Devastating +1,Multihit D6,Seeking Traits - Dodge 3+,Anti-drone 1, Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Shield 5+

Orion 16 SM 5 +2 PH-3 FH/ 6 / 6 Accurate +1,Killzone 3,PreciseBuccaneer Class Fighter Any * T / * / * use's the HW of any race above (but only 4 AD Plasma -D max) Traits - Dodge 3+,Anti-drone 1,Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Stealth 5+

Gorn 14 SM 6 +2 PH-3 FH/ 6 / 6 Accurate +1,Killzone 2,PreciseRaptor Class Pseudo- Fighter Plasma -D T / 6 / 16 Devastating +1,Multihit D6,Seeking Energy Bleed Traits - Dodge 4+,Anti-drone 1, Re-arm Limited HW, SM Super Manuverable, Shield 4+

New Fighter Trait'sAnti-drone -X : The Fighters anti drone rating.Dodge -X : Die role required to avoid destruction from "Big" none Anti-drone/Escort weapons.Re-arm Limited HW : The weapon limited Ammo on a roll of 1 or 2 on any attack role with the weapon it is out of Ammo until re-armed: accomplished by docking with a Friendly Carrier or BaseFOR one turn.SM Super Manuverable : Fighters may move any direction and ignore the normal turning rules, they are still affected by Gravity well's though when moving through them and conform like any other craft.Shield -X : Vessel has A regenerating Deflector Shield, Saves at Vs Anti-fighter/Escort systems on Big ships.Stealth -X : Vessel has Advanced Ecm Systems or a rudimentary Cloaking, Saves at Vs Anti-fighter/Escort systems on Big ships. Fighter Hangers New Traits :Carrier- Vessel is equipped with hanger bays & Launch/recovery systems for fighter craft.Hanger- It is possible to create a carrier from any class of ship. Carriers sacrifice some or even all of their heavy weapon capacity for Fighter Hanger's, These may be Internal hanger's or external Areas of mooring clamp's either way they serve the same function.For each AD Of heavy weapons Convert's to hanger's a ship may instead carry two flights of Fighter's so a D7 with 4 AD of disruptors could convert 2AD to hangers giving it a capacity to carry 4 flights of fighters and Converting it into a D7CV.Each flight of fighters carried also costs 5pts so the D7CV Above Costs 205 points.

How many bay's: As previously stated any vessel equipped to carry fighters may launch 1 flight per "BAY" Each Turn the number or BAYS the Hanger/Mooring area's are organised into depends on the size of the vessel as follows,

Starbases - 8 bay'sBattle or Base station's - 6bay'sBattleship's - v4 bay'sBattle cruiser's/Tug CV Pod's/Mobiles base's - 3 bay'sHeavy/Light cruiser's/Destroyer's - 2 bay'sAll smaller & Small Civilian classes - 1 bay

New Vessel's:Fleet Tug'sEvery race's fleet has A Non-glamours side the fleet of Auxiliary's that do the day to day logistics of supplying the fleet, Most Captain's assigned to tugs regard them as a punishment or as the result of poor service record's, the Tug however can be a powerful opponent when equipped with the right pod, as proved by Captain Zackary *Zeke* Mitsumoto during the first days of the Four years war.

Mitsumoto's ship The USS IBN DAUD NCC-806 was assigned to convoy duty and ordered to escort convoy SDS 125671 & take two pod's of supplies to Battle station 23 near the Planet Arcanis, tensions with the klingon's had meant the convoy had no escort but the tug, So Mitsumoto chose to couple a Combat Escort pod to his vessel as the lead pod, this would allow him to jettison the supply pods in the event of trouble but give him much greater combat ability.

Escorting Eight small freighters the USS IBN DAUD approached the Station's location and as the convoy passed the ring system of Arcanis 7 a Class Gas Giant Science officer Kermish Vhor (an Edoan) detected a huge Neutrino spike in the ring system, Informing Captain Mitsumoto, Sure enough at that point an Old D6 & D4 War cruiser dropped out of cloak and began an attack run towards the convoy, The Klingon Captain had assumed the Tug and freighters would be easy meat! he was surprised however when his sensor officer informed him the Tug had dropped two of its pods, Launched a squadron of warp Fighters and was arming a huge Battery of Photon torpedo's he is recorded as saying "My commander! The Enemy vessel now has the power curve of a Heavy Battle cruiser!", In the ensuing Battle the two Klingon ships were crippled leaving the USS IBN DAUD almost unscathed, Mitsumoto and his crew got a Commendation and he was offered command of a New heavy cruiser in the following weeks but he refused saying "Who else is going to be there to pick up the pieces when the big boy's finish playing at war!"Mitsumoto served another 30 years as Captain of the USS IBN DAUD eventually being promoted to Rear Admiral in charge of Klingon sector Logistics, the Klingon Captain in charge was later Executed for incompetence and his family disgraced from the hall's of Honour.

FLEET TUG 100 point'sThe basic fleet Tug is roughly the same for each race based on a Light cruiser heavy destroyer hull equipped with huge docking grapples to attach one or more cargo pod's and with much larger Impulse drives they Look ungainly, it is fairly lightly armed until it gets a Combat pod of some sort.

Turn: 3 Shields: 20Damage: 20/6 Marines: 4Craft: 2 Shuttles Traits: Enhanced Bridge (F*), Escort, Labs 2, Tractor Beam 2, Transporter 2 Cargo pods 1-3. Cloak(R)Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialPhaser-1 18 FH 2 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise.Phaser-1 18 PH 1 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise.Phaser-1 18 SH 1 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, Precise.Photon Torpedoes (F) 15 FH 2 Devastating +1, Multihit 4, Reload.Disruptor(K,Kz) 24 FH 2 Accurate +1, Multihit 2Phaser-G (F*) 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise.Drone (F,K,Kz) 36 T 1 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, Seeking.Plasma Torpedo-D(R/G) 16 PH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking . (F) Federation tug only. (F*) Federation tug only for other races change to.Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialPhaser-3 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise.(F,K,Kz) Federation, Klingon & Kzniti only.(K,Kz) Klingon & Kzniti only.(R) Romulan Tug only. (R/G) Romulan/Gorn Tug only. New Trait: Cargo pods -X the vessel is a tug so can tow up to 3 Cargo/Special pods, for each pod increase the Turn rate by +1" and add 10 Extra damage point's to the tug's Total Hull, Its Crippled status point stays unchanged.Choose up to 3 pod's from the following, No more than 2 Combat pods may be carried, A tug with 3 pods gains the Lumbering trait.

Bulk Cargo pod - +5/1 hull, Transporters 2, Marines 2, Shuttle 1, +5 points.Traits - Independent action, Tractor beam 2.

Assault pod (Combat pod) +10/3 hull, +10 shields, +20 points. Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialCommon to allPhaser-1 18 FH 4 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, PrecisePhaser-3 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, PreciseTraits - Marines 30,Transporters 10,Shuttles 10, Independent action

Light Combat pod - +10/3 hull, +10 shields, Transporters 2, Marines 3, Shuttle 1, + 40 points.Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialCommon to allPhaser-1 18 FH 4 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, PrecisePhaser-3 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, PreciseTraits - Independent action, Tractor beam 2.Federation only HWPhoton Torpedoes 15 FH 4 Devastating +1, Multihit 4, Reload Drone 36 T 2 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingKlingon/Kzinti only HWDisruptor 24 FH 3 Accurate +1, Multihit 2Drone 36 T 3 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingGorn/Romulan only HWPlasma Torpedo-G 16 FPS 4 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 PH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 SH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking

Heavy combat pod - +20/6 hull, +20 shields, + 60 points. Counts as two pods but only adds +1 turn rate. Transporters 2, Marines 4, Shuttle 2.Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialCommon to allPhaser-1 18 FH 4 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, PrecisePhaser-3 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, PreciseTraits - Independent action, Tractor beam 2.Federation only HWPhoton Torpedoes 15 FH 6 Devastating +1, Multihit 4, Reload Drone 36 T 2 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingKlingon/Kzinti only HWDisruptor 24 FH 4 Accurate +1, Multihit 2Drone 36 T 4 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingGorn only HWPlasma Torpedo-G 16 FPS 6 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 PH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 SH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingRomulan only HWPlasma Torpedo-R 16 F 7 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 PH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 SH 1 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking

Carrier pod (Combat pod) +10/3 hull, +10 shields, Transporters 2, Marines 3, Shuttle 2, +40 points.Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialCommon to allPhaser-1 18 FH 4 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, PrecisePhaser-3 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, PreciseTraits - Hangers 6 (in 3 bays, can carry 12 flights of fighters at 5 pts per flight), Carrier, Independent action, Tractor beam 2.Escort pod (Combat pod) +10/3 hull, +10 shields, Transporters 2, Marines 3, Shuttle 2, + 30 points. Weapon Range Arc AD SpecialCommon to allPhaser-1 18 FH 4 Accurate +2, Kill Zone 8, PrecisePhaser-3 * 6 T 4 Accurate +1, Kill Zone 2, Precise*changes to PH-G on federation pod.Traits - Hangers 3 (in 3 bays, can carry 6 flights of fighters at 5 pts per flight), Escort, Carrier, Independent action, Tractor beam 2.Federation only HWPhoton Torpedoes 15 FH 3 Devastating +1, Multihit 4, Reload Drone 36 T 1 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingKlingon/Kzinti only HWDisruptor 24 FH 3 Accurate +1, Multihit 2Drone 36 T 1 Devastating +1, Multihit D6, SeekingGorn/Romulan only HWPlasma Torpedo-G 16 FPS 2 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, SeekingPlasma Torpedo-D 16 T 2 Devastating +1, Energy Bleed, Multihit D6, Reload, Seeking

New Cargo pod Traits:Independent Action - The Cargo pod can be dropped as an Independent vessel in the end phase of any turn, though this is counted as a special action for that turn so the player can do no other special actions the turn he wishes to drop a pod, any Number of pods can be dropped at once and the pod/s then become a separate Vessel/s with the hull/crippled & Shield Bonus levels indicated in its description becoming it own hull & Shields (note unless the pod is dropped the crippled level for the pod is ignored), If so deployed they are only capable of 6" move with a turn rate of 3", A pod so deployed is "Lost" at the end of a battle if there are no Friendly Warp capable ships (Tug or otherwise) to tow it as they are Sub warp vessels and only have limited range.

The Doomsday Machine:Turn: 8 Shields: -Damage: 100/25 Marines: -Craft: - Traits: Planet Killer, Pure Neutronium Hull, Tractor Beam 8, Automated weapon, Ignore small target, Fatal flaw, Slow, Lumbering,

Anti-proton beam - Range - 16, Arc- Limited Arc, Attack dice - 10Special - Devastating +3, multihit - D4**, Killzone - 8**, Killzone - 4 x2****, Planet Killer

****Yes at 4" double double damage (But expect to die yourself!)Only fitted on the Doomsday Machine.

Doomsday machine Traits:Limited Arc - The weapon fires in a straight line from the front of the firing ship along the centreline of the ship in a 2" Stream Out to its Maximum range , all targets in the beam are hit.

Killzone - # x #, Multiply the damage by the second modifier after the normal Killzone Rules of double damage, e.g. Killzone 3x2 at 3" the weapon dose "double double" damage, Killzone 3x3 the weapon dose "Triple double" damage (this makes the Anti-Proton weapon of the Doomsday Machine lethal!)

Planet killer - This weapon is so powerful it can destroy planet's given enough time.

Pure Neutonium Hull - The Hull is impervious to all Normal known weapon's and is -3 to all Damage role's, Asteroid collision's with a vessel so equipped have no effect.

Tractor Beam 8 - the Vessels tractor beam has a range of 8", it can only be used to tractor Large objects such as Starship's, Asteroids or Planetary Chunks, A tractored ship is drawn toward the Doomsday machines Furnace in its forward arc at the rate of 3 " a turn. If a ship is tractored it can attempt to break free as normal with the following changes the Doomsday machines Crew Quality is 2, For every 5 points hull damage the Tractored ship has taken add +1 to the Doomsday machines crew Quality rating.IN the Tractored ships favour each ship within 8" of the Doomsday Machine that fires at least 4 AD Of weapons at the Doomsday machine adds +1 to the tractored ships Crew rating for distracting it and helping the vessel break free, however if the vessel breaks free the Doomsday machine will select the nearest firing ship as it new victim and pursue and tractor it.

Automated Weapon - The weapon has no crew and Is computer controlled, Crew Critical hit's only count as Bulkhead hits!, The Doomsday machine only fires at vessels that fire upon it Otherwise it will automatically seek to destroy the nearest Largest Planet/moon which it continues to do until the Planet is destroyed, it then will seek to destroy the next Largest/Moon planet until the Planet is destroyed and so on. The Doomsday machine will ignore any vessel unless it comes within 8" or fires upon it were upon if less than 8" away it will tractor the vessel to draw in to the Furnace at the Maw, or if in arc of its Anti-proton Beam it will fire until the Vessel is crippled and then Tractor the vessel and draw it into the Maw.

Ignore small target - Anything as small as a vessel is Ignored if more the 8" away from the Doomsday machine Unless it fires upon it, Any Vessel over 8" will be pursed if it fires on the Doomsday machine unless a Planet is closer or another ship is closer and tractored. Any vessel within 8" will be pursued and tractored to be drawn into the Doomsday machines Furnace unless a planet is closer or another vessel is already tractored.

Fatal Flaw - The Doomsday machines Weapon/Furnace aperture is also it's Fatal flaw any ship of Cruiser size or Larger that is Drawn into the Furnace can be exploded at the last moment as it is drawn in to the Furnace in an attempt to deactivate the Machines Mechanism, This is Suicidal so to do so the Crew must play "The Kirk Manuver" Special order before committing there ship to this course of action, the crew then abandons ship leaving a small team aboard to guide the ship and arm the self destruct, in theory these brave souls will beam off the stricken ship to safety at the last minute.The ship is then considered to be crippled! on entering the Furnace the ship is exploded and inflicts regular explosion damage to the Interior of the Machine, this by passes the Nuetronium Hull Trait and inflicts normal hull and Critical damage to the Doomsday machine, it also has a chance of deactivating the It equal to 1 for every 8 points of damage inflicted this way so a Federation heavy Cruiser exploding in the furnace could inflict 16 points of damage to the Doomsday machine internally giving it a 33% chance of deactivating it. this translates to a score of 5+ on one die.

Tactical challenge - THE DOOMSDAY MACHINEThis scenario is to recreate the Doomsday machine Episode.It can be played solo as the Doomsday machine follows the Automated weapon Trait rules.use a table at least 6' by 4'.The Fleet player gets 1 crippled Heavy cruiser with half of all its critical boxes marked and one undamaged Heavy cruiser of his nation's fleet (The undamaged ship can be smaller or larger depending on choice but no Dreadnoughts or Battleships!)A small Planet is placed at one end of the Table 18" from the edge, the crippled cruiser is in orbit of the planet at a speed of 4" a turn on the opposite side of the planet to the Undamaged ship (and can only orbit until boarded),The undamaged Cruiser enters from the short edge nearest the planet & must approach the crippled ship and beam over two Marine parties after which the crippled vessel can be moved as a regular "crippled" ship.Each turn Role 2d6 and add +1 for each turn after the first ON A ROLE OF 10+ The Doomsday Machine appears on the far Narrow edge and heads towards the Planet to destroy it.

Victory conditions - If the Planet killer destroyer the planet you lose! Stop it.

Variant "Armageddon away" inspired by the SFC Scenario of the same name, in this the Doomsday scenario is two player, And enemy nation has learnt how to control a Doomsday machine and set it on Course to destroy a Major Inhabited world , To stop it being interfered with a Vessel of the Enemy nation has tagged along.

The Defender gets Two Undamaged ships no bigger than Heavy cruiser class.

The Attacker gets a Vessel up to Heavy cruiser class and a Doomsday machine,The Doomsday machine follows its Automated Trait rules with one exception it has been programmed to ignore the Attackers ship. Victory conditions - Attacker-Destroy the planet, Defender- save the planet.