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Session 7 Marketing Planning

May 30, 2018



Narayana Reddy
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Marketing Planning

Surveying the environment

Internal appraisal of the firm

Setting the marketing objectives

Developing the functional plans of marketing

Developing the marketing strategy

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Surveying the Environment 

 Analysing the environment and spotting the opport unities

and threats.

Pinpointing and short listing the opport unities act ually 

available. Analysing the market / c ustomer.

 Analysing the ind ustry and competition.

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I nternal Appraisal 

Opport unities ±Threat Profile

Macro environmental factors:

Political Environment 

S ocial Environment 

Economic Environment 

Technology Environment 

Nat ural Environment 

Legal Environment 

Environmental factors specific to the ind ustry:Consumer/Demand 

I nd ustry/Competition


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I nternal appraisal 

 Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the unit.

 Assessing the health and stat us of the different prod uct lines

 / prod ucts / brands.

  Assessing the competitive advantages and corecompetencies of the firm and examining the one¶s that are

usef ul to the unit.

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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 



Manufact uring/Operations

Research and Development 

H uman Resources

I mage of the Unit 

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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 

Marketing: Marketing standing

Market S hare

I nnovation in Marketing,

C ustomer satisfaction level 

C ustomer service level 

New prod uct capability 

Pricing Channel position

Marketing communications on the whole


S ales promotion

Personal selling

Market research capability  Marketing organization

Marketing costs

Prod uct Mix and Prod uct Lines

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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 





Cash flow 

Cost of capital 



Quality of financial management 

Knowledge and dynamism in tax planning

Overall resource position

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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 

Manurfact uring/Operations:

S ize or capacity of prod uctionLocational advantage

Prod uction facilities

Post-prod uction facilities

Capacity Utilization

Raw materials ± their cost, quality and delivery 


Cost of Prod uction

Break-even position

Prod uctivity 

I nventory Management 

Val ue engineering capability Experience c urve benefit 



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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 

R & D:

Nat ure, depth and quality of R&D cpability 

Resource allocation for R&D


ality, expertise and experience of R&D personnel S  peed of R&D

Capability for engineering prod ucts based on R&D

Record of patents generated 

Comparisons of R&D investment vs new prod u

cts lau


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S trengths and Weakness of the Unit 

H uman Resource:

Quality, Knowledge, expertise and experience of personnel 

Morale and motivation of personnel 

Personnel t u

rnover Labour costs

I nd ustrial relations

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S trengths and Weakness in marketingOverall market growth

Firm¶s Market S hare

Competitors shares

Firm¶s Prod uction Capacity in relation to market potential 

Lifecycle stage of the various prod ucts

Brand equity 

Prod uct quality/sophistication/technology 

S ynergy in the prod uct-mix 

C ustomer perception/c ustomer satisfaction level Profitability, prices and margins vis-à-vis competition

Marketing capability overall 

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S etting the marketing objectives to the unit Deciding which of the spotted opport unities should be

 pursued considering the unit¶s capabilities and limitations.

Pinpointing the areas in which marketing objectives have to

be set. (eg. S ales vol ume, profits, market share)

 Assessing the c urrent performance in the key areas.

S etting measurable, clear-c ut and clear objectives in each key 


S etting the objectives for each prod uct/ market.

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Growth in investment, assets, revenue, profits

Market S hare and Competitive Position

Resource utilization, cost-savings Adoption of new technology, modernization, innovation.

Ret urn on I nvestment, Ret urn on net worth

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The S trategy provides the design for achieving objective.

Prod uct-market scope, growth vector, competitive advantage

and synergy are the constit uents of corporate strategy.

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Corporate Objectives of I TC :

I ncome should double from the present level of 6000 crore

 per annum.

Ret urn on Net Worth should reach 22 percent.Forex earnings in the coming 5 years should be double that 

of c urrent 5 years of U S$ 1100 million.

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Prod uct Market S cope:

Tobacco and cigarettes

Hotel and tourism

Packaging and printingPaper and Paperboards etc. I n all these businesses national 

market and foreign market.

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Growth vector:

Expansion of cigarettes unit through intensification and 


Expansion in hotel businesses mainly through acquisitionand alliances.

Divestment of troubled businesses like agri-business,

financial business

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Competitive Advantage and synergy:

I n cigarettes:S trength in tobacco farming

S trong brands

60 percent market share.

I n hotel and tourism:

S heraton connection

Used to strengthen the Welcomgrou p Chain.

More than 60 percent of Welcomgrou p t urnover is in forex.

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Developing the detailed f unctional plans of marketingS trategy 

Prod uct plan/Prod uction Plan

S ales forecast/ S ales plan

Physical distribution plan

Channel plan

 Advertising and sales promotion plan

S ales force plan

S ales organisation plan.

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Developing the marketing S trategy 

1. S electing the target market 

S t udying the c ustomer, his buying motives and buying


S egmentation of the market using relevant bases.

Eval uating each of the segments.

S electing the appropriate segments as the target market.

2. Deciding the positioning S trategy 

3. Developing the marketing S trategy 

Deciding the approach in respect of each of the four P¶s.

Deciding the relative weightage to be assigned to each of 
