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461 Select Bibliography Abasi, Ali. R. & Barbara Graves. ―Academic literacy and plagiarism: Conversations with international graduate students and disciplinary professors‖. Journal of English for Academic Purposes , 7 (2008):221-233. Abbott, G. Motivation, materials, manpower and methods: Some fundamental problems in ESP. Individualisation in language learning ELT Documents 103,. London: The British Council, 1978. 98-104 Adamson, H. D. ―ESL students‘ use of Academic Skills in Content Courses. English for Specific Purposes , 9 (1990): 67-87. Adamson, H. D. Academic Competence. Journal of Intensive English , 5(1) (1991): 55-79. Afros, E. & C. F Schreyer. ―Promotional (Meta) discourse in research articles in language and Literary studies. English for Specific Purposes , 28, (2009): 58- 68. Alderson, J. C. Assessing Reading . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Alderson, J. C. & A. H Urquhart, The effect of student background discipline on comprehension: A pilot study. In A. Hughes & D. Porter Ed., Current developments in Language Testing. London: Academic Press. (1983): 121-127.

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Select Bibliography

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