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Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )

Dec 30, 2015




Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 ). A. Division 1. Visceral efferent (motor) nerves ( 内脏传出神经 ) [The Autonomic Nervous System ( 自主神经系统 )] → smooth m., cardiac m. and gland. 2. Visceral afferent (sensory) nerves ( 内脏传入神经 ) ← sensory of viscera. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )
Page 2: Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )

A. Division 1. Visceral efferent (motor) nerves ( 内

脏传出神经 ) [The Autonomic Nervous System ( 自主神

经系统 )] → smooth m., cardiac m. and gland.

2. Visceral afferent (sensory) nerves ( 内脏传入神经 ) ← sensory of viscera.

Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )

Page 3: Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )

. somatic( 躯体 ) motor nerve visceral ( 内脏 ) motor nerveeffectors ( 效应器 ) skeletal muscle smooth m. cardiac m. & glandnerve fiber one kinds: two kind ( 神经纤维 ) sympathetic. parasympathetic .

n. to effector directly ( 直接 ) indirectly( 间接 ): ( ( 至效应器 ) pre & postganglionic fiber .

lower nervous general somatic motor nuclei general visceral motor nuclei centers special visceral motor nuclei intermediolateral nucleus ( 低级中枢 ) nuclei of ant horn sacral parasympathetic nucleus

form of distribution nerve trunk ( 神经干 ) nerve plexus ( 神经丛 ) around ( 分布方式 ) viscera or blood vessel ...

nerve fiber‘s axon myelinated ( 有髓 ) thin or unmyelinated ( 薄或无 ) .

controlling ( 管理 ) voluntarily by consciousness involuntary and unconscious─────────────────────────────────────────

B. The Difference Between Somatic Motor Nerve and Visceral Motor Nerve

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous System ( 交感神经系 )

1. Introduction 1) lower centers ( 低级中枢 ): intermedi

olateral nuclei (lateral)

( 中间外侧核 ) of T1-L3

2) paravertebral ganglia of sympathetic trunk ( 交感干椎旁节 ) i

nterganglionic branches ( 节间支 ) 3) prevertebral ganglia ( 椎前神经节 )

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4) communicating branchs ( 交通支 ):

a. white communicating branch ( 白交通支 ): myelinated, spinal n. → sympathetic ganglion

b. grey communicating branch ( 灰交通支 ): unmyelinated, spinal n. ← sympathetic ganglion

C. The Sympathetic Nervous System ( 交感神经系 )

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2. Distributions 1) The cervical portion of the sy

mpathetic trunk ( 颈部交感神经干 ) a. composition i. superior cervical ganglion ( 颈上

神经节 ) ii. middle cervical gangion ( 颈中神

经节 ) iii. inferior cervical ganglion ( 颈下神

经节 ) iv. cervicothoracic ganglion (stellate

ganglion) ( 颈胸神经节 ) [Horner's syndrome 霍纳氏征 ]

C. The Sympathetic Nervous System ( 交感神经系 )

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 )b. Innervations i. communicating branch ( 交通支 ) → the bloo

d vessels, sweat glands and arrectores pilorum of upper limb.

ii. arterial branch ( 动脉支 ) → arterial plexuses → the iris dilator pupillae.

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 )iii. visceral branch ( 内脏支 )

sup. cervical cardiac n. ( 颈上心神经 ) cardiac pl

exus → the heart mid. cervical cardiac n. ( 颈 中心神经 ) cardiac pl

exus → the heart

inf. cervical cardiac n. ( 颈下心神经 ) cardiac ple

xus → the heart

laryngopharyngeal branchs ( 喉咽支 ) → 咽喉

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 )2) The thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk ( 胸部交感神经干 )

a. composition thoracic ganglia ( 胸交感神经节 ) (11-12 pairs)

b. Innervations i. communicating branch ( 交通支 ) → blood v

essels, sweat glands and arrectores pilorum of thoracic and abdominal walls.

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 ) ii. arterial plexuses ( 动脉丛 ) → thoracic aorta, esophagus and lungs.

iii. visceral branch ( 内脏支 ) - greater splanchnic n. ( 内脏大神经 ) (T5-T9) → c

eliac ganglia ( 腹腔神经节 )

- lesser splanchnic n.( 内脏小神经 )

(T9-T10) → aortorenal ganglia ( 主动脉肾节 ) → the upper abdominal organs and the alimentary tract as far as left colonic flexure ( 上腹部脏器 - 结肠左曲

前消化道 )

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 )3) The lumbar portion of the sympathetic tr

unk ( 腰部交感神经干 )

a. composition lumbar ganglia ( 腰交感神经节 ) (L1-L4,L5)

b. Innervation i. communicating branch ( 交通支 ) → the

blood vessels, sweat glands and arrectores pilorum

of the lower limb.

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous System ( 交感神经系 )

ii. arterial plexuses → abdominal aorta., celiac, superior & inferior mesenteric plexuses.

iii. visceral branch → superior hypogastric plexus ( 上腹下丛 ) and pelvic plexus ( 盆丛 ) (inferior hypogastric plexus

下腹下丛 ) → the lower abdominal and pelvic organs

[lumbar sympathectomy 腰交感神经切除术 ]

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C. The Sympathetic Nervous Sys

tem ( 交感神经系 )4) The pelvic portion of the sympathetic trunk

( 盆部交感干 )

a. composition i. sacral ganglia ( 骶交感神经节 ) (2-3 pairs)

ii. ganglion

impar ( 奇神经节 )


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C. The Sympathetic Nervous System ( 交感神经系 )

b. Innervations i. communicating branch ( 交通支 ) → the

blood vessels, sweat glands and arrectores pilorum of the perineum and lower limb.

ii. arterial plexuses ( 动脉丛 ) → internal iliac a.

iii. visceral branch ( 内脏支 ) → inferior hypogastric plexus

( 下腹下丛 ) (pelvic plexus 盆丛 ) → pelvic organs.

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D. The Parasympathetic Nervous System ( 副交感神经系 )

1. Introduction 1) lower centre ( 低级中枢 ): a. cranial portion ( 颅部 ): general viscer

al motor nuc. b. sacral portion ( 骶部 ): S2-S4

2) paraorganic or intraorganic ganglion ( 器官旁或器官内神经节 )

3) pelvic splanchnic nerve ( 盆内脏神经 )

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2. Distributions ( 分布 )

paraoculo-motor nucleus

( 动眼神经副核 )

ciliary ganglion ( 睫状神经节 )short ciliary n. ( 睫短 N)

ciliary m. ( 睫状肌 )

sphincter pupillae

( 瞳孔括约肌 )


[platycoria 瞳孔散大 ]

D. The Parasympathetic Nervous System ( 副交感神经系 )

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Lingual n. ( 舌神经 )

submandibular ganglion

( 下颌下神经节 )

submandibular gland ( 下颌下腺 )

sublingual gland( 舌下腺 )


ptergopalatine ganglion

( 翼腭神经节 )

chorda tympanic ( 鼓索 )

lacrimal gland ( 泪腺 )

glands of nasal& palatine( 鼻额腺 )


salivatory nucleus(上泌涎核 )

D. The Parasympathetic Nervous System ( 副交感神经系 )

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3 inferiorsalivary neu.( 下泌涎核 )

IX otic ganglion

( 耳神经节 )parotid gland

( 腮腺 )

4 dorsal neu.of vagus n.

( 迷走背核 )X


parasympath.neu.( 骶副交感核 )

5 intraorganicganglia

( 器官内神经节 )

alimentary tract

( 降结肠下消化道 )


( 器官内神经节 )

thorac& pelvic viscera

( 胸腹部内脏 )

pelvic splanchnic n.( 盆内脏神经 )

D. The Parasympathetic Nervous System ( 副交感神经系 )

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( 内脏感觉 )IX, X

visceralcenter( 内脏

感觉中枢 )

nucleus ofsolitary tract

( 孤束核 )



( 内脏感觉 )

sympath.n.( 交感神经 )

post. Horn( 后角核 )

E. The Visceral Sensory Nerve

Page 20: Section 3 Visceral Nervous System ( 内脏神经系统 )

Items( 项目 )

somatic nerve( 躯体神经 )

visceral nerve( 内脏神经 )

afferent way( 传入方式 )

pain threshold( 痛阈 )

localizing the pain area

( 痛区 )

concentrate ( 集中 )

low ( 低 )

sensitive to pain( 对痛觉敏感 )

very clear( 很清楚 )

nerve fibers( 神经纤维 ) much, thick ( 多厚 ) less, thin ( 少薄 )

disperse ( 分散 )

high ( 高 ) insensitive to

pain(cutting, crushing, burning) and tensioncontraction of smooth muscle and certain pathological

condition ( 牵掣敏感 )

not clear( 不清楚 )

2. The Referred Pain ( 牵涉性痛 )

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Definition: The pain is felt in a surface area far from the stimulated organ. In general, the area to which the pain is referred and the visceral organ involved are served by nerve fibers from the same segment of the spinal cord ( 内脏与皮肤至脊髓同节段 ). [angina pectoris 心绞痛 ]

T1 -T4 Thoracic skin and heart.

2. The Referred Pain ( 牵涉性痛 )

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2. The Referred Pain ( 牵涉性痛 )