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SCRA 2013 Conference Schedule

Apr 02, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 SCRA 2013 Conference Schedule



    Page 1

    LastName FirstName SessionTitle Room DayofWeek Month Day BeginTime EndTime Role(s)

    AbdelMalek Tiya NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Abdelaziz Basma NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Abdelmonem Deena NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Aber Mark WhatDoesCommunityPsychologyhavetoOfferBacktoMainstreamPsychology?:Community-


    LC192 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Aber Mark EthicalDilemmasinYouthParticipatoryActionResearch MM214 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10:30am Chair

    Aber Mark InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Discussant

    Aber Mark Ittakesavillage:Community-basedresearchandinterventionwithjuvenilejustice-involved


    MM314 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Aber Mark WalkingtheTalk:Sec urin gMean in gfulParticipation inYouthPartic ip atoryAc tion Researc h MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Abraczinskas Michelle Addressingorganizationalvariabilityrelatedtoprogramimplementation:Qualitative


    MM209 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter


    Adams Adrienne Statisticalproceduresforcomplexcommunityphenomenon:latentgrowthcurves,


    MM312 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Adams Adrienne ConceptualizingandMeasuringConstructsrelatedtoDominationandMarginalizationof


    MM218 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    A dk in s L aT re se T he ol og y an d Pr ac ti ce : Un de rs ta nd in g Th ri vi ng i n Af ri ca n Am er ic an F ai th C om mu ni ti es M M 21 8 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 8 :3 0a m 9 :3 0a m P re se nt er

    Agagianian Noemi DevelopingCulturally-AnchoredPreventiveInterventionsandPolicies:MulticulturalandGlobal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    A gu ia r R it a P ro mo ti ng T ra ns fo rm at iv e Ch an ge i n Me nt al H ea lt h: Cr ea ti ng a n In te rn at io na l Ne tw or k L C 19 2 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 9 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Aguiar Rita Thewayforward:Criticalreflectionsonbarriersandfacilitatorsformeaningfulparticipatory


    MM313 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Akin Joanna Addressingparticipantattritionandotherthreatstovaliditywhenevaluatingcommunity


    MM218 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    A kk ar i A bd el ja li l S uc ce ss fu l ap pr oa ch es f or p ro mo ti ng c it iz en i nv ol ve me nt i n co mm un it y co al it io ns M M 31 2 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Ali Amira EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Allen James InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Allen Nicole WhatDoesCommunityPsychologyhavetoOfferBacktoMainstreamPsychology?:Community-


    LC192 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Allen Nic ole Inn ovativeMeth od ologic alApp roac hestoCommu nity-Based Researc h:Theoryan dAp plic ation MM215 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Allen Nicole Ittakesavillage:Community-basedresearchandinterventionwithjuvenilejustice-involvedyouth

    MM314 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

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    Page 2

    Allen Nicole Survivor-CenteredApproachestoExaminingtheQualityoftheSystemsResponsetoIntimate


    MM314 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Allen Nicole TheSCRABookSeries: Process,Progress,andFutureEndeavors LC180 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10: 30am Chair

    Almas Ins InternationalResearchonHousingFirst MM215 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Alpuim Margarida Unleashyourhustle:Thinking,learningandpracticingchangeinyourcommunityandbeyond MM312 Saturday June 29 4:00pm 6:00pm SessionOrganizer


    Alpuim Margarida OccupyCommunityPsychology:Acalltoactionforstudentsinmovingtowardsacreative


    MM314 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Alsharif Khadiga NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Alston Brian Peace-buildingthroughcommunitydevelopment MM215 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm SessionOrganizer

    A ls to n B ri an C om mun it y Co nf li ct t ra ns fo rm at io n th ro ug h hu ma ni ta ri an s us ta in ab le i nt er ve nt io ns M M 21 6 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Amer Mona ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Amer Mona NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer



    Amer Mona StigmaattheIntersectionsofHealthandRace:RaisingAwarenessandReducingHarmful


    MM216 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Chair



    Ames Ryan FacilitatingChangeinComplexCommunitySystems MM217 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Amon MaryJean Buildingaprofessionalbrandandactionplan:Acareerdevelopmentworkshopforwomenin


    MM213 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm Presenter

    Amon MaryJean LinkingPolicy,Planning,Development,andEvaluation MM214 Saturday June 29 4:00pm 6:00pm Presenter

    Amrhein Kelly NeighborhoodContextEffectsonJuvenileDelinquency MM214 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    And erson Carolyn Inn ovativeMeth od ologic alApp roac hestoCommu nity-Based Researc h:Theoryan dAp plic ation MM215 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Ande rs on Cl inton C omm uni ty Ps ycholog yand Human Ri ght s: E xpl or ing the Conne ct ions M M 21 1 Fr iday J une 28 8: 30am 9: 30am S es sion Org ani ze r


    Anderson Valerie NeighborhoodContextEffectsonJuvenileDelinquency MM214 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter


    Anderson-Carpenter Kaston UsingtheStrategicPreventionFrameworktoImplementComprehensiveCommunity


    M M 31 6 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r



    Andrew Caroline PerspectivesonVolunteeringandSocialCapital MM214 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Angelique Holly PreparingforTenureandPromotion LC190 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Ang li n As hl ey P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 45pm P re se nt er

    Anglin Cynthia D oCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

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    Page 3

    Ansell Sara PromotingWellnesswithNarrativesofResilience,Recovery,andHealingthroughParticipatory


    MM316 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Arcidiacono Caterina GenderCommunityProfiling MM211 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:30pm Chair

    Arc id iacono Caterin a Thrivin gdefinition s.Participatorystrategiesofh eu ristic and transformativekn owledge MM313 Friday Jun e 28 3:15p m 5:15p m Session Organ izer

    Arci dia cono Cat eri na S ens eof c ommuni ty, di ve rs it ya ndi nt ercul tur al re lat ions hips L C19 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 9: 00am 10: 30am P re se nt er

    Armstead Theresa TheRangeofPracticeCareersforCommunityPsychologists LC192 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Arms trong Mi chae l U nde rs tandi ng and Pr omot ing P os it ive Out come sAm ong At -Ri sk Yo ut h M M 20 9 Fr iday J une 28 3: 15pm 4: 45pm P re se nt er

    Arnold Nate' ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Asiamah David Alternativeclinical-communitypredoctoralinternships:Formalinternshipexperiencesforcommunitypsychologistsinclinical-communitypsychologyprograms

    MM215 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Aubry Tim InternationalResearchonHousingFirst MM215 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Chair


    A ub ry T im P ro mo ti ng T ra ns fo rm at iv e Ch an ge i n Me nt al H ea lt h: Cr ea ti ng a n In te rn at io na l Ne tw or k L C 19 2 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 9 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Aubry Tim PromotingWellnessthroughHousing,SmokingCessation,andExercise:AnExplorationof


    MM317 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Non-Presenter

    Aubry Tim PublishingwiththeGlobalJournalofCommunityPsychologyPractice LC180 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm Presenter

    Austin Alison KeynoteAddress:SeeMeasISeeMe Friday June 28 8:00p m 8:45p m

    Back Lindsey PuttingthePowerbackinEmpowerment:Conceptualizing,Assessing,andApplying


    MM315 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Back Lindsey HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Baker Charlen e TeenDatingViolenc e:Th eImportan ceofUn derstand in gth eIn fluenc eofFamilyan dFriend s MM215 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15pm 5:45p m Session Organ izer


    Balcazar Fab ricio Criticalconsciou sn essraisin g:Comparingstrategiesac rossacademican dcommun itysettin gs MM316 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15pm 3:45p m Presen ter

    Ba lca zar Fa bri cio U nde rs tandi ng t he R ol eof M ent ori ng on Pr omot ing Y outh sWe ll -be ing M M 31 4 Thur sda y J une 27 9: 00am 10: 30am D is cus sant

    B al ca za r F ab ri ci o T he r ol e of c ri ti ca l th eo ry i n th e ed uc at io n an d tr ai ni ng o f co mm un it y ps yc ho lo gi st s L C 18 4 F ri da y J un e 2 8 3 :1 5p m 4 :4 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er


    Balcazar Fabricio TownMeetingwiththeSCRAExecutiveCommittee LC190 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Discussant

    Balcazar Fab ricio Useofth eCommun ityToolBoxtoSu pp ortTeac hing,Training,an dTech nicalSu pp ort LC190 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:15p m Discu ssan t

    Balcazar Fabricio HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Discussant

    Bar-Tal Dan iel Beyon dPTSD:Id en tity,Mean in g-Making,an dContext in Und erstan dingViolenc ean dTrau ma MM213 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 3:15p m Non -Presenter

    Barile John PastLessonsandFutureDirectionsforCommunityCollaboration MM208 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Barile John Participatoryactionresearchinpreventionandhealthpromotion:Communitydynamicsand


    MM318 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Barlow Jameta SocialJusticeintheClassroom:TeachingControversialTopics MM209 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Barned Claudia TheContextofCommunalThrivingintheCaribbean:Successes,Challenges,andFutureDevelopments

    MM312 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer

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    Barnes Ashlee NeighborhoodContextEffectsonJuvenileDelinquency MM214 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter


    Basford Becky PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Non-Presenter

    Bate' Venoncia DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Bate' Venoncia CommunityHealthWorkersandPatientEmpowerment:MultisectorialApproachesto


    MM218 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Beasley Christopher InnovativeMethodologicalApproachestoCommunity-BasedResearch:TheoryandApplication MM215 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Beeble Marisa ConceptualizingandMeasuringConstructsrelatedtoDominationandMarginalizationof


    MM218 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer


    Beeble Marisa EmotionsinResearch:TheProcessofStudyingMarginalized,Traumatized,andOppressed


    MM214 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Beehler Sarah Evidence-BasedPracticeandThriving:ACriticalAssessment MM212 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    B ee hl er S ar ah A n In qu ir y in to T oo ls o f Em po we rm en t: I mp li ca ti on s fo r Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gy M M 21 6 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 9 :0 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Behrens Teresa FacilitatingChangeinComplexCommunitySystems MM217 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Bejarano Anabel S upportingunauthorizedLatinoimmigrants MM217 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm SessionOrganizer

    Bellinger Kelly TheComplexityofCoalitionDevelopmentandMaintenanceinFourDifferentOrganizationsand


    MM314 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Belyaev-Glantsman Olya DifferentLenses-ACommonGoal:FacultyandStudentsShareServiceLearningExperiences LC180 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Be lyae v- Gl ant sman Ol ya Wom eni n Re se arch: Gi vi ng V oi ce t o the Fe mal eE xpe ri ence M M 31 2 Thur sda y J une 2 7 2: 15pm 3: 15pm P re se nt er

    Be lyae v- Gl ant sman Ol ya S oci al J us ti ce i n the Cl as sroom :T eachi ng C ontr ove rs ial T opi cs M M 20 9 Thur sda y J une 27 9: 30am 10: 30am P re se nt er

    Belyaev-Glantsman Olya GuidingCompetencies:CriticalSkillstoEngageinCommunityWorkfromthePerspectiveof


    MM312 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Belyaev-Glantsman Olya Plann in gan dImplemen tinganUn dergradu ateProgramin Commu nityPsych ology LC184 Saturday Jun e 29 8:30am 10:30am Session Organ izer


    B er ar di L uc ia no U nd er st an di ng t he R ol e of M en to ri ng o n Pr om ot in g Yo ut h s We ll -b ei ng M M 31 4 T hu rs da y J un e 27 9 :0 0a m 10 :3 0a m S es si on O rg an iz er



    B er ko wi tz B il l S uc ce ss fu l ap pr oa ch es f or p ro mo ti ng c it iz en i nv ol ve me nt i n co mm un it y co al it io ns M M 31 2 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm C ha ir

    B er ko wi tz B il l U se o f th e Co mm un it y To ol B ox t o Su pp or t Te ac hi ng , Tr ai ni ng , an d Te ch ni ca l Su pp or t L C 19 0 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 4 :1 5p m 5 :1 5p m D is cu ss an t

    Be rk owi tz Wi ll iam H ow toC onduct Com muni tyP sychol og y Pr act ic e as a Facul ty me mbe r L C18 4 Fr iday J une 2 8 9: 30am 1 0: 30am P re se nt er

    Berkowitz William Exp an dingOnlin eLearninginCommun ityPsyc hology:MovingfromPlan ningtoAc tion LC184 Saturday Jun e 29 10:30am 12:00pm Session Organ izer


    Berman Amy Navigatin gth eRoad Ahead :Su stainingCommu nityPartn ersh ip sin Grant-b ased Environ ments MM217 Saturday Jun e 29 3:15p m 4:15p m Session Organ izer


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    Page 5

    Berman Amy Givin gVoic etoPsych ologyGrad uateStu dents:ASoc ialJu stic e&WorldCafMen toringMod el MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer


    Bess Kimberly CollectiveImpactInitiativesforEducationandCommunityChange MM212 Friday June 28 8:30am 9 :30am SessionOrganizer


    B es s K im be rl y Fu ll s te am a he ad : Re me mb er in g th e li fe a nd c on tr ib ut io ns o f J. R . B ob Ne wb ro ug h L C 18 0 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 3 :1 5p m 4 :1 5p m C ha ir

    Bethune Magaela NewMediaandAdolescentSexuality:ADecade'sReview MM318 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Bhu kh an Jaynik Tellingtoth eEyes:HowYoun gPeop leUseVisualArtan dMediatoCon stru ctMeaning MM317 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Binder Sherri BeforeandAfter:DisasterPlanning,Response,andRecovery MM212 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Binder Sherri EngagingSeniorsforHealthierCommunities MM214 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Birman Dina AcculturationandWellbeingofImmigrants MM215 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer


    Bishop Brian MakingSenseofSenseofCommunity MM211 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Chair

    B is ho p B ri an I nt er na ti on al p er sp ec ti ve s on c om mu ni ty p sy ch ol og y pr ac ti ce c om pe te nc ie s M M 20 8 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Bishop Jennifer Student-CommunityEvaluationPartnerships:AGraduateStudentPerspectiveonHowBoth


    MM317 Thursday June 27 8:30am 9:30am Discussant

    Blair Bailey Unintendedempowerment:Theconsequenceofusingqualitativemethodswithmarginalized


    MM209 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Presenter

    Bloodworth Michelle TheRangeofPracticeCareersforCommunityPsychologists LC192 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Blough Joan BuildinganEffectiveEarlyChildhoodSystem:LessonsLearnedaboutCriticalLeversforSystems


    MM208 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Bl yt he Char lot te Ar t as a me di um for com muni ty , tr ans ce nde nce and soci al cha ng e L C18 2 Fr iday J une 28 3: 15pm 5: 15pm S es sion Org ani ze r


    Boal Ash ley Und erstan dingand Imp ac tingPolic y:TheCon textand ProcessofPolicyRelevan tResearch LC190 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Session Organ izer


    Boal Ashley WhattheFirstRoundofSCRAPolicyGrantsCanTellCommunityPsychologyaboutPolicy


    MM218 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Bond Meg PreparingforTenureandPromotion LC190 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Bond Meg Transformingsettingsforsocialchange:Conceptualframeworks,assessmentapproaches,&


    MM316 Thursday June 27 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer

    Bond Meg CommunityPsychologyandHumanRights:ExploringtheConnections MM211 Friday June 28 8:30am 9:30am Chair

    Borkman Thomasina MutualSelf-HelpGroupsCreateInnovativeStrategiestoEnhanceIndividualandCommunal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Chair


    Borkman Thomasina PromotingCommu nalTh rivingthrou gh Wid espreadUseofSelf-Help /Mutual-Su pp ortGrou ps MM315 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15pm 3:45p m Disc ussant

    Borkman Thomasina Role-playasadvocacy:Expandingthecommunityofempathybeyondthemutual-helpgroup


    MM313 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Borkman Thomasina HiringEffectiveMentalHealthPeerSpecialists MM312 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer

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    Page 6

    Borom Greg Soc ialCh an gethrou gh Polic yAd vocacy:HowtoEvalu ateEffortsan dDemonstrateEffectiven ess MM313 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15pm 3:15p m Session Organ izer


    Borom Greg WhattheFirstRoundofSCRAPolicyGrantsCanTellCommunityPsychologyaboutPolicy


    MM218 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Bowen Alexandra Praxis:MovingintoAction MM315 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Boyd Neil OrganizationStudiesInterestGroupRoundtable LC194 Thursday June 27 2:45pm 3:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Boyd-Ball Alison InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    BrartdeBoisanger Fanny Theroleofcommunitypsychologistincontextofcontextofsocialconflicts:Reflectionsbased


    MM314 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Breen Lauren PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    B re en L au re n I nt er na ti on al p er sp ec ti ve s on c om mu ni ty p sy ch ol og y pr ac ti ce c om pe te nc ie s M M 20 8 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm S es si on O rg an iz er


    Breen Lauren FeedingtheNeo-liberal'beast':HowCommunityPsychologistsstayinthe'game'while


    MM211 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Presenter

    B ri tn er P re st on H ou si ng a nd C hi ld W el fa re : Ne w, I nt eg ra te d Ap pr oa ch es t o Sy st em s Ch an ge M M 21 4 S at ur da y J u ne 2 9 8 :3 0a m 9 : 30 am S es si on O rg an iz er

    Brodsky Anne PuttingthePowerbackinEmpowerment:Conceptualizing,Assessing,andApplying


    MM315 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Brodsky Anne Senseofcommunity,diversityandinterculturalrelationships LC192 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer



    Br omf ie ld Se an H ous ing F ir st: Pr og ram Di ss emi nat ion, Adapt at ion and Fi de lit y M M 21 4 Thur sda y J une 2 7 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Broomfield-Massey Kimberley Ben efitsofUsingAdu ltsan dPeerstoInflu en ceRiskySexualBehavior MM218 Thu rsday Ju ne 27 2:15p m 3:15p m Session Organ izer

    Broomfield-Massey Kimberley En gagingFront-Lin eStaff:Pilotin gaToolforApp lied and AcademicResearch ers MM313 Friday Jun e 28 8:30am 9:30am Session Organ izer

    Broverman Sherryl Creatin gIn terven tion sTh atAreDeeplyCu ltural:Meth od s,Examp les,and Discu ssion MM215 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Brown Abigail StigmaattheIntersectionsofHealthandRace:RaisingAwarenessandReducingHarmful


    MM216 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    B ro wn A bi ga il P la nn in g an d Im pl em en ti ng a n Un de rg ra du at e Pr og ra m in C om mu ni ty P sy ch ol og y L C 18 4 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 8 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Brown C.Hendricks AdvancesinBridgingResearchandPractice:IgnitingtheInteractiveSystemsFrameworkfor


    MM211 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Brown Kyrah YouthEmpowermentImplementationProject:PromotingCommunalThrivingThrough


    MM217 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Brown Kyrah HelpingStudentsThrivebyCreatingEquitableSchools MM209 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Brown Kyrah GuidingCompetencies:CriticalSkillstoEngageinCommunityWorkfromthePerspectiveof


    MM312 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Brown Louis MutualSelf-HelpGroupsCreateInnovativeStrategiestoEnhanceIndividualandCommunal


    M M 21 3 Thur sda y J une 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r


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    Brown Lou is PromotingCommu nalTh rivingthrou gh Wid espreadUseofSelf-Help /Mutual-Su pp ortGrou ps MM315 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:45p m Discu ssan t

    Brown Molly HousingFirst:ProgramDissemination,AdaptationandFidelity MM214 Thursday June 2 7 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Brown Molly Enh an cingCommu nityOpenn esstoInd ivid ualswithHomelessnessand Inc arceration Histories MM211 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:45p m Session Organ izer



    Br own N ata li e L anding Work amo ng t he D iv er se Ca re ers f or Com muni tyP sychol og ist s L C18 4 Thur sda y J une 2 7 2: 15pm 3: 15pm P re se nt er

    Bruck Demaree Community-BasedParticipatoryResearch(CBPR)andYouth:Partners,ParticipantsorPassive


    MM217 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Bru nson Liesette Suc cessfu lap proach esforp romotingc itizen involvementincommun itycoalitions MM312 Saturday Jun e 29 10:30am 12:00p m Session Organ izer


    Bru nson Liesette Practic eportfolios:Areflexivelearningtoolforpromotin gprofession ald evelop ment MM213 Saturday Jun e 29 8:30am 9:30am Session Organ izer


    Buchholz Annick EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Buckingham Sara Senseofcommunity,diversityandinterculturalrelationships LC192 Saturday J une 2 9 9:00am 1 0: 30am Non-Presenter

    B ud ze k M ic he ll e P re ve nt in g Ho me le ss ne ss , Id en ti fy in g Ri sk , an d Ex pl or in g Ho us in g (I n) St ab il it y M M 21 5 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm N on -P re se nt er

    B ul le n P at I nn ov at iv e Ap pr oa ch es t o Me as ur in g Tr an sf or ma ti ve P ro ce ss es a mo ng Y ou th M M 31 4 T hu rs da y Ju ne 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm S es si on O rg an iz er


    Bullen Pat AccommodatingCulturallyDiverseGroupsinYouthProgramming MM209 Thursday June 27 8:30am 9:30am Presenter

    Busch Robbie Voicesfromthemargins:(Re)conceptualisingdiversity,inclusivityandsocialjusticein


    MM314 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Discussant


    Busch Robbie Informedcitizenshipinundergraduatepsychologyeducation:Integrating,personal,


    MM313 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Butler-Barn es Sheretta Theologyan dPrac tice:Un derstand in gTh rivinginAfricanAmeric an Faith Commu nities MM218 Thu rsday Jun e 27 8:30am 9:30am Presen ter

    Butterworth Iain University-governmentpartnershipstobuildcommunitycapacity:Howcanwefostergenuine


    MM212 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer

    B yn um L in ds ay T he C om mu ni ty a s Te ac he r: L ea rn in g Ho w to H el p Co mm un it y Or ga ni za ti on s Th ri ve M M 21 6 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Cabral Carina CommunityPsychologyResearchUnitatISPAUniversityInstitutePortugal:Contributions


    MM208 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Camacho Carlos AcculturationandWellbeingofImmigrants MM215 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Cambray Miguel DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday J une 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm SessionOrganizer

    Campbell Christina ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Non-Presenter

    Campbell Christina NeighborhoodContextEffectsonJuvenileDelinquency MM214 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter


    Campbell Jamie CommunityHealthWorkersandPatientEmpowerment:MultisectorialApproachesto


    MM218 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Discussant

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    Page 8

    Can etti Dap hn a Beyon dPTSD:Id en tity,Mean in g-Making,an dContext in Und erstan dingViolenc ean dTrau ma MM213 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 3:15p m Non -Presenter

    Caplan Rachel InternationalResearchonHousingFirst MM215 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Cap lan Rac hel PromotingTransformativeCh an geinMentalHealth:CreatinganIn tern ationalNetwork LC192 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Carbone Agostino GenderCommunityProfiling MM211 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:30pm SessionOrganizer

    Cardazone Gina GuidingCompetencies:CriticalSkillstoEngageinCommunityWorkfromthePerspectiveof


    MM312 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Carrillo Amy DevelopingCulturally-AnchoredPreventiveInterventionsandPolicies:MulticulturalandGlobal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Carrillo Amy Senseofcommunity,diversityandinterculturalrelationships LC192 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am PresenterC as te ll ow J en ni fe r F ac il it at in g an d En ha nc in g Re ad in es s in C om mu ni ty -B as ed O rg an iz at io ns : R = M C 2 L C 18 0 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :4 5p m P re se nt er

    Castellow Jennifer Bridgingresearchandpracticetopromotecommunalthriving:Implementingwithquality


    MM316 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Non-Presenter

    Cattaneo Lauren PuttingthePowerbackinEmpowerment:Conceptualizing,Assessing,andApplying


    MM315 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Chamberlain Patricia AdvancesinBridgingResearchandPractice:IgnitingtheInteractiveSystemsFrameworkfor


    MM211 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Chambor Mario Spirituality,CommunityCohesion,Cultural-ReligiousEmpowerment,andEnvironmentalJustice:


    MM315 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Chan Wing CommunityEngagementFail:LessonsLearnedFromCommunity-BasedActionResearch


    MM217 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Chaney Lisa UsingtheStrategicPreventionFrameworktoImplementComprehensiveCommunity


    MM316 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter


    Chavira Dina AdolescentsinvolvedwithChildProtectionServices:Longitudinalanalysesofchild,family,and


    MM209 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Chavi s Da vid L anding Work amo ng t he D iv er se Ca re ers f or Com muni tyP sychol og ist s L C18 4 Thur sda y J une 2 7 2: 15pm 3 :1 5pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Chen I-Chien BuildinganEffectiveEarlyChildhoodSystem:LessonsLearnedaboutCriticalLeversforSystems


    MM208 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    C he ry om uk hi n A le xa nd er Me as ur in g Ps yc ho lo gi ca l Em po we rm en t: A dv an ce s in T he or y an d Me th od ol og y M M 31 5 F ri da y J un e 2 8 9 :0 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Chien Victoria Alternativeclinical-communitypredoctoralinternships:Formalinternshipexperiencesfor


    MM215 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Chien Victoria PublishingwiththeGlobalJournalofCommunityPsychologyPractice LC180 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5 :15pm Presenter

    C hi en V ic to ri a I nt er na ti on al p er sp ec ti ve s on c om mu ni ty p sy ch ol og y pr ac ti ce c om pe te nc ie s M M 20 8 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm D is cu ss an t

    C hr is te ns B ri an M et ho do lo gi ca l Ap pr oa ch es t o Ex am in in g Em po we rm en t, P ow er , an d So ci al J us ti ce M M 20 9 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    C hr is te ns B ri an M ea su ri ng P sy ch ol og ic al E mp ow er me nt : Adv an ce s in T he or y an d Me th od ol og y M M 31 5 F ri da y J un e 2 8 9 :0 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Christens Brian SupportingtheDevelopmentofNewGraduateEducationProgramsinCommunityPsychology,


    MM318 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Presenter


    Chun Maria TheRangeofPracticeCareersforCommunityPsychologists LC192 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Ciofalo Nuria Spirituality,CommunityCohesion,Cultural-ReligiousEmpowerment,andEnvironmentalJustice:ADemandforIndigenousHumanandEcologicalRights

    M M 31 5 Thur sda y J une 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze rPresenter

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    Page 9

    Ciofalo Nuria Towarorn ottowar:Criticalcommun itypsyc hologyp ersp ec tiveson ap roblemofglob alscale MM208 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 2:45p m Presenter

    Ciofalo Nuria OpeningourHearts:TheInterplayofConsciousandUnconsciousDynamicsinAcademic-


    MM218 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm SessionOrganizer


    C io fa lo N ur ia P ra ct ic e po rt fo li os : A re fl ex iv e le ar ni ng t oo l fo r pr om ot in g pr of es si on al d ev el op me nt M M 21 3 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 8 :3 0a m 9 :3 0a m P re se nt er

    Clements Kathryn StrengtheningaThrivingSenseofCommunityinAcademia MM316 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Discussant

    Cloud Marilyn Und erstan dingand Imp ac tingPolic y:TheCon textand ProcessofPolicyRelevan tResearch LC190 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Non -Presenter

    Cloutier Katherine TheContextofCommunalThrivingintheCaribbean:Successes,Challenges,andFuture


    MM312 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Cloutier Katherine Walkin gth eTalk:Secu ringMeaningfu lPartic ip ationin You th ParticipatoryActionResearch MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15pm 5:45p m Presen ter

    Cochran Casey ConceptualizingandMeasuringConstructsrelatedtoDominationandMarginalizationof


    MM218 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Cochran Lindsey Addressingparticipantattritionandotherthreatstovaliditywhenevaluatingcommunity


    MM218 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Codella Victoria Spirituality,CommunityCohesion,Cultural-ReligiousEmpowerment,andEnvironmentalJustice:


    MM315 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    C oh en R ob er t E ar ly C ar ee r Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gi st s: I mp or ta nc e of t he M en to ri ng R el at io ns hi p M M 21 4 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :1 5p m P re se nt er

    Cohen Robert Participatoryactionresearchinpreventionandhealthpromotion:Communitydynamicsand


    MM318 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Chair

    Cohen Robert HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Coker Crystal UnderstandingandPromotingPositiveOutcomesAmongAt-RiskYouth MM209 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Coker Crystal SchoolContextsShapingYouthBehavioralandSchoolOutcomes MM211 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Cole JennieAnn Communitywork,activism,andtheOccupyMovement MM212 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Cole JennieAnn CreatingHealthyEnvironmentsthroughCommunity-generated,Community-engaged,and


    LC182 Saturday June 29 8:30am 10:30am Presenter

    C ol em an B re tt T he C om mu ni ty a s Te ac he r: L ea rn in g Ho w to H el p Co mm un it y Or ga ni za ti on s Th ri ve M M 21 6 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Collins Charles BuildinganEffectiveEarlyChildhoodSystem:LessonsLearnedaboutCriticalLeversforSystems


    MM208 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    C ol li ns C ha rl es U si ng p ar ti ci pa to ry r es ea rc h to f ac il it at e re la ti on al e mp ow er me nt a mo ng y ou th M M 31 3 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm N on -P re se nt er

    C ol lu ra J es si ca M et ho do lo gi ca l Ap pr oa ch es t o Ex am in in g Em po we rm en t, P ow er , an d So ci al J us ti ce M M 20 9 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm N on -P re se nt er

    COLTER MELISSA RedComu nitaria:An app roac hforcommun ity-baseddevelopmen tan dpartic ip ation. MM315 Thu rsday Jun e 27 8:30am 9:30am Session Organ izer

    COLTER MELISSA CitizenParticipationtowardsSocialTransformation MM213 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10:30am Chair

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    Page 10

    Cominsky Cynthia Buildingaprofessionalbrandandactionplan:Acareerdevelopmentworkshopforwomenin


    MM213 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm SessionOrganizer

    Cominsky Cynthia L inkingPolicy,Planning,Development,andEvaluation MM214 Saturday June 29 4:00pm 6:00pm Presenter

    Con ch ar Lau ren Whatdoresearc h,atrain and c hoirh avein c ommon?Commu nalth rivinginSouthAfrica MM216 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:15p m Presenter

    C on ne ll C hr is ti an C u rr en t Tr en ds a nd F ut ur e Di re ct io ns i n th e Ed uc at io n of C om mu ni ty P sy ch ol og is ts L C 12 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3 :1 5p m D is cu ss an t

    Con nell Christian Und erstan dingand Imp ac tingPolic y:TheCon textand ProcessofPolicyRelevan tResearch LC190 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Connell Christian AdolescentsinvolvedwithChildProtectionServices:Longitudinalanalysesofchild,family,and


    MM209 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    C on ne ll C hr is ti an P ro mo ti ng C om mu ni ty P sy ch ol og y an d Co mm un al T hr iv in g th ro ug h Te ac hi ng L C 18 2 S at ur da y J u ne 2 9 3 :1 5p m 4 :4 5p m P re se nt er

    C oo k B ri tt an y F ac il it at in g an d En ha nc in g Re ad in es s in C om mu ni ty -B as ed O rg an iz at io ns : R = M C 2 L C 18 0 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :4 5p m P re se nt erCook Brittany Addressingorganizationalvariabilityrelatedtoprogramimplementation:Qualitative


    MM209 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Cook James TownHallMeetingProposaltoInc reaseVisibilityand Interorganization alCon nections LC194 Thu rsday Ju ne 27 10:30am 12:00pm Session Organ izer


    C oo k J am es C ur re nt T re nd s an d Fu tu re D ir ec ti on s in t he E du ca ti on o f Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gi st s L C 12 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3: 15 pm D is cu ss an t

    Cook James PastPresident'sBreakfast MB318 Friday June 28 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer


    Cook James HowtoConductCommunityPsychologyPracticeasaFacultymember LC184 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Cook James TownMeetingwiththeSCRAExecutiveCommittee LC190 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Discussant

    Cook J am es P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4 :4 5pm P re se nt er

    Cooper Adina ReflectionsfromtheField:Howdosystemsandsettingsshapetheempowermentstrategieswe


    MM212 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Presenter

    Corbett Christopher PublicPolicy:LearningtheIn'sandOut'sofPublicPolicyWorkfromaCommunityPsychology


    LC184 Wednesday June 26 9:00am 5:00pm Presenter

    Corbett Christopher PublicPolicy401:LegislativeBillAnalysistoInfluencePublicPolicy:ACoreCompetency


    MM216 Thursday June 27 8:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Corbett Christopher TheRangeofPracticeCareersforCommunityPsychologists LC192 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Corker-Dukowitz Jacob MiamiThrives:WeavingaPovertyReductionNetwork MM316 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Ct Louis-




    MM314 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter



    Karen Unintendedempowerment:Theconsequenceofusingqualitativemethodswithmarginalized


    MM209 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Presenter



    Karen Emancipated:Multi-DisciplinaryCollaborativesforCommunitiesfreefromHumanTrafficking MM213 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Criado Marcia ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    C ru st o C in dy U nd er st an di ng a nd I mp ac ti ng P ol ic y: T he C on te xt a nd P ro ce ss o f Po li cy R el ev an t Re se ar ch L C 19 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 9 :0 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Cruz Irene ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Cuevas Carlos TeenDatingViolenc e:Th eImportan ceofUn derstand in gth eIn fluenc eofFamilyan dFriend s MM215 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Culbertson Mic hael Con textualizingCau salTh eoriesforProcessEvalu ation:WhatMakesorBreaksth eProgram? MM213 Friday Jun e 28 8:30am 10:30am Session Organ izer

    Cummings Lawan da Creatin gIn terven tion sTh atAreDeeplyCu ltural:Meth od s,Examp les,and Discu ssion MM215 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

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    Page 11

    Cunha Olga CommunityPsychologyResearchUnitatISPAUniversityInstitutePortugal:Contributions


    MM208 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    CurryVanEe Erica FacilitatingChangeinComplexCommunitySystems MM217 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    D al to n J am es C ur re nt T re nd s an d Fu tu re D ir ec ti on s in t he E du ca ti on o f Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gi st s L C 12 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3 :1 5p m C ha ir

    Dal ton J am es P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 45pm P re se nt er

    Dan iel Julia WalkingtheTalk:Sec urin gMean in gfulParticipation inYouthPartic ip atoryAc tion Researc h MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Darlaston-Jones Dawn Voicesfromthemargins:(Re)conceptualisingdiversity,inclusivityandsocialjusticein


    MM314 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Chair


    Darl as ton- Jone s Da wn S oci al J us ti ce i n the Cl as sroom :T eachi ng C ontr ove rs ial T opi cs M M 20 9 Thur sda y June 27 9: 30am 10: 30am P re se nt er

    Darlaston-Jones Dawn Informedcitizenshipinundergraduatepsychologyeducation:Integrating,personal,


    MM313 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Darlaston-Jones Dawn FeedingtheNeo-liberal'beast':HowCommunityPsychologistsstayinthe'game'while


    MM211 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Discussant

    Darnell Adam PastLessonsandFutureDirectionsforCommunityCollaboration MM208 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    D av en po rt V er on iq ue B en ef it s of U si ng A du lt s an d Pe er s to I nf lu en ce R is ky S ex ua l Be ha vi or M M 21 8 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Davidson William N eighborhoodContextEffectsonJuvenileDelinquency MM214 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    D av is B et sy F ac il it at in g an d En ha nc in g Re ad in es s in C om mu ni ty -B as ed O rg an iz at io ns : R = M C 2 L C 18 0 T hu rs da y J u ne 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :4 5p m N on -P re se nt er

    D av is B et sy P ro mo ti ng T ra ns fo rm at iv e Ch an ge i n Me nt al H ea lt h: Cr ea ti ng a n In te rn at io na l Ne tw or k L C 19 2 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 9 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    D av is B et sy S oc ia l en vi ro nm en ts a nd t he w el l- be in g of p er so ns e xp er ie nc in g ps yc hi at ri c di sa bi li ti es L C 19 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 3 :1 5p m 4 :4 5p m N on -P re se nt er


    Davis Betsy StigmaattheIntersectionsofHealthandRace:RaisingAwarenessandReducingHarmful


    MM216 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Davis Betsy Thewayforward:Criticalreflectionsonbarriersandfacilitatorsformeaningfulparticipatorymentalhealthresearch

    MM313 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Davis Shara Survivor-CenteredApproachestoExaminingtheQualityoftheSystemsResponsetoIntimate


    MM314 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    deFreitas Claudia HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    DelosReyes Wendy MiamiThrives:WeavingaPovertyReductionNetwork MM316 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Deacon Zermarie SocialJusticeintheClassroom:TeachingControversialTopics MM209 Thursday J une 27 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    D ea ne K el se y I nn ov at iv e Ap pr oa ch es t o Me as ur in g Tr an sf or ma ti ve P ro ce ss es a mo ng Y ou th M M 31 4 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Deane Kelsey AccommodatingCulturallyDiverseGroupsinYouthProgramming MM209 Thursday J une 27 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer

    Degirmencioglu Serdar Towarornottowar:Criticalcommunitypsychologyperspectivesonaproblemofglobalscale MM208 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Chair


    Degirmencioglu Serdar Participatoryactionresearchinpreventionandhealthpromotion:CommunitydynamicsandpowerIssues

    M M 31 8 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r

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    Page 12

    DeJonckheere Melissa EradicatingMosquitoes:TheUseofParticipatoryResearchMethodsandApproachesto


    M M 31 2 Thur sda y J une 27 10: 30am 12: 30pm S es sion Org ani ze r


    DeJonckheere Melissa Community-BasedParticipatoryResearch(CBPR)andYouth:Partners,ParticipantsorPassive


    MM217 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Delgado Vincent AddressingComplexProblems:AnInterorganizationalNetworkAssessmentofCommunity


    LC194 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Demchur Nora Addressingorganizationalvariabilityrelatedtoprogramimplementation:Qualitative


    MM209 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Deus Lori MiamiThrives:WeavingaPovertyReductionNetwork MM316 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am SessionOrganizer


    DeYoung Sarah BeforeandAfter:DisasterPlanning,Response,andRecovery MM212 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10: 30am Presenter

    D ie tz S am an th a P ro mo ti ng W el ln es s Th ro ug h Ga me s an d Onl in e En ga ge me nt : An I nt er ac ti ve W or ks ho p M B 22 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Dill LeCon t Beyon dPTSD:Id en tity,Mean in g-Making,an dContext in Und erstan dingViolenc ean dTrau ma MM213 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 3:15p m Presenter

    Dittmer Livia Promotingsocialjusticethroughcriticalconsciousnessraisingandcommunityservice-learning


    LC190 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm SessionOrganizer


    Dittmer Livia Usingcommunitypsychologytoengageyoungpeopleinenvironmentalaction:Anempirical


    LC182 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Dittmer Livia PromotingWellnessthroughHousing,SmokingCessation,andExercise:AnExplorationof


    MM317 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer


    Domanico Ellyn Addressingorganizationalvariabilityrelatedtoprogramimplementation:Qualitative


    MM209 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Doyle Orla VoicesfromIreland:SocialConnectionandCommunityService MM218 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Duarte Teresa CommunityPsychologyResearchUnitatISPAUniversityInstitutePortugal:Contributions


    MM208 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Duckett Paul FightingBigPharmaintheUK: Asocialactionworkshop MM217 Saturday June 29 8:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    ChairDunn Shebia TheComplexityofCoalitionDevelopmentandMaintenanceinFourDifferentOrganizationsand


    MM314 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Dutko Myra DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm SessionOrganizer

    Dutta Urmitapa EthicalDilemmasinYouthParticipatoryActionResearch MM214 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Dut ta Ur mi ta pa N avi gat ing Co mpl ex Et hi cal T errai ns in Com muni ty R es earch and Acti on M M 21 6 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 15pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Dutta Urmitap a WalkingtheTalk:Sec urin gMean in gfulParticipation inYouthPartic ip atoryAc tion Researc h MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Session Organ izer


    Dut to n Ti m I ns ide Out fro m the Ins ide O ut: Ne ig hbor- Ini ti ate d Com muni tyC hang e M M 31 3 Sa tur da y June 2 9 4: 00pm 6 :0 0pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Dworkin Emily SocialJusticeintheClassroom:TeachingControversialTopics MM209 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Dworkin Emily Identifyingandmixingphilosophiesofscience:Astrategyforcommunalthrivingthrough


    MM216 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm Presenter

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    Page 13

    Dworkin Emily Survivor-CenteredApproachestoExaminingtheQualityoftheSystemsResponsetoIntimate


    M M 31 4 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Dworkin Emily Survivor-CenteredApproachestoExaminingtheQualityoftheSystemsResponsetoIntimate


    MM314 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Dworkin Emily MediatingGenderedExperiences:UnderstandingRepresentationsofRace,Sexualityand


    MM312 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Dworkin Emily MediatingGenderedExperiences:UnderstandingRepresentationsofRace,Sexualityand


    MM312 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Dzidic Peta MakingSenseofSenseofCommunity MM211 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer


    Dz idic P eta I nt ernat ional pe rs pe ct ive son comm unit y ps ychol og y pract ice co mpe tenc ie s M M 20 8 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm P re se nt er

    Eady Allison MeasuringCommunityImpacts MM215 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm SessionOrganizer


    Echetebu Miatta EthicalDilemmasinYouthParticipatoryActionResearch MM214 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Ech eteb u Miatta WalkingtheTalk:Sec urin gMean in gfulParticipation inYouthPartic ip atoryAc tion Researc h MM315 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Ecker John PromotingWellnessthroughHousing,SmokingCessation,andExercise:AnExplorationof


    MM317 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Eglinton Kristen InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    El-Sayeh Salma TheSpaceBetween:TheChallengesandOpportunitiesofPracticingCommunityPsychologyin


    MM213 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Elgar Frank PerspectivesonVolunteeringandSocialCapital MM214 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Elias Mau rice DifferentLen ses-ACommon Goal:Fac ultyand Stu dentsSh areServic eLearningExp erienc es LC180 Thu rsday Jun e 27 10:30am 12:00pm Discu ssan t

    Elias Maurice HelpingStudentsThrivebyCreatingEquitableSchools MM209 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    El ias Ma uri ce U nde rs tandi ng and Pr omot ing P os it ive Out come sAm ong At -Ri sk Yo ut h M M 20 9 Fr iday J une 28 3: 15pm 4: 45pm D is cus sant

    Elias-Rodas Dina SupportingunauthorizedLatinoimmigrants MM217 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Elias-Rod as Din a Emanc ip ated :Mu lti-Disc ip linaryCollaborativesforCommun itiesfreefromHu manTraffickin g MM213 Saturday Jun e 29 9:30am 10:30am Session Organ izer

    E ll is on E ri n U si ng p ar ti ci pa to ry r es ea rc h to f ac il it at e re la ti on al e mp ow er me nt a mo ng y ou th M M 31 3 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Emshoff James Addressingparticipantattritionandotherthreatstovaliditywhenevaluatingcommunity


    MM218 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Discussant

    Emshoff James PastLessonsandFutureDirectionsforCommunityCollaboration MM208 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Discussant

    Emshoff James HowtoConductCommunityPsychologyPracticeasaFacultymember LC184 Friday June 28 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    Emshoff James TownMeetingwiththeSCRAExecutiveCommittee LC190 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Discussant

    Erickson Steve PastLessonsandFutureDirectionsforCommunityCollaboration MM208 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

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    Page 14

    Espiritu Rachele DistinguishingBetweenPrimaryPreventionandHealthPromotion:AFrameworkfor


    MM211 Thursday June 27 8:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Esposito Francesca GenderCommunityProfiling MM211 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:30pm Discussant

    Estrada Arman do Red Comun itaria:Anap proach forc ommu nity-b ased d evelop mentand p articipation . MM315 Thu rsday Jun e 27 8:30am 9:30am Session Organ izer


    Estrada Armando CitizenParticipationtowardsSocialTransformation MM213 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Etemadi Shabnam InquiryandPracticeinImmigrationasaCulture MM214 Thursday June 27 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer

    Evans Arthur PromotingWellnesswithNarrativesofResilience,Recovery,andHealingthroughParticipatory


    MM316 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Evans Meredyth StigmaattheIntersectionsofHealthandRace:RaisingAwarenessandReducingHarmful


    MM216 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Evans Scot ChildrenandYouthSpecialInterestGroupWorkingSession LC182 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm SessionOrganizer

    Evans Scot ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Evans Scot Criticalconsciou sn essraisin g:Comparingstrategiesac rossacademican dcommun itysettin gs MM316 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:45p m Presenter

    Evans Scot Con tinu ou sCommun ic ationin Partn ersh ip s:UsingCollectiveImpacttoIn creaseSoc ialCh an ge MM211 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 2:45p m Presenter

    E va ns S co t T he r ol e of c ri ti ca l th eo ry i n th e ed uc at io n an d tr ai ni ng o f co mm un it y ps yc ho lo gi st s L C 18 4 F ri da y J un e 2 8 3 :1 5p m 4 :4 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Evans Scot MiamiThrives:WeavingaPovertyReductionNetwork MM316 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am SessionOrganizer


    Evans Scot EducationforCommunalThriving:Master'sLevelCommunityPsychologyTrainingProgram


    MM212 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Ezzeldin Omar DifferentLen ses-ACommon Goal:Fac ultyand Stu dentsSh areServic eLearningExp erienc es LC180 Thu rsday Jun e 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Fahmy Hana TheSpaceBetween:TheChallengesandOpportunitiesofPracticingCommunityPsychologyin


    M M 21 3 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r


    Far re ll Anne H ous ing and Chi ldWe lfa re : Ne w, I nt egr at edAppro ache st o Sys te ms Chang e M M 21 4 Sa tur da y J une 29 8: 30am 9: 30am S es sion Org ani ze r

    Farvid Pani Challengingthewesternpedagogy:Helpinguniversitystudentsthrivethroughcollaborative


    MM318 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Farvid Pani EmpoweringyouthviaCulturalLiteracy:Aprimarypreventionstrategyandwellness


    MM209 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Fawc ett St ephe n P uz zl es and Chal le ng es i nP ar ti ci pat ory Com muni ty R es earch and Acti on M M 31 7 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 15pm P re se nt er

    Fawcett Steph en Useofth eCommun ityToolBoxtoSu pp ortTeac hing,Training,an dTech nicalSu pp ort LC190 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:15p m Discu ssan t

    Fedi Angela Senseofcommunity,diversityandinterculturalrelationships LC192 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Fe lme t K andi U nde rs tandi ng t he R ol eof M ent ori ng on Pr omot ing Y outh sWe ll -be ing M M 31 4 Thur sda y June 27 9: 00am 1 0: 30am P re se nt er

    Fernandes Kelly TheatreoftheOpressedascommunityaction MM217 Thursday June 27 8:30am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Fernand ez Cesareo Exp an dingOnlin eLearninginCommun ityPsyc hology:MovingfromPlan ningtoAc tion LC184 Saturday Jun e 29 10:30am 12:00p m Presenter

    Fernandez Jesica Praxis:MovingintoAction MM315 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

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    F er na nd ez J es ic a E mp lo yi ng I nn ov at iv e Me th od s to E ng ag e Yo ut h in P ar ti ci pa to ry A ct io n Re se ar ch M M 21 1 F ri da y J un e 2 8 9 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am C ha ir

    Fikry Marwa NeedsandResourcesAssessment:AnEssentialKeytoEffectiveCommunityPracticeina


    MM314 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    F in e M ic he ll e K ey no te A dd re ss : On P ar ti ci pa to ry P ol ic y Re se ar ch i n Ti me s of S we ll in g In equ al it y Ga ps T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 4 :1 5p m 5 :0 0p m

    F is he r B en ja mi n P re ve nt in g Ho me le ss ne ss , Id en ti fy in g Ri sk , an d Ex pl or in g Ho us in g (I n) St ab il it y M M 21 5 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 12 :0 0p m P re se nt er

    Fisher Benjamin TransformingSchoolstoSupportStudents:ACaseStudyofOneStatesEffortstoImprove


    MM213 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Fisher Stefany Addressingorganizationalvariabilityrelatedtoprogramimplementation:Qualitative


    MM209 Friday June 28 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Flament Martine EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Forden Carie DevelopingCulturally-AnchoredPreventiveInterventionsandPolicies:MulticulturalandGlobal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Forden Carie Predictors,ConsumerChoice,HousingandCommunityFactorsinAchievingSocialandEconomic


    MM318 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Forde n Car ie P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 45pm P re se nt er

    Formoso Diana DevelopingCulturally-AnchoredPreventiveInterventionsandPolicies:MulticulturalandGlobal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Fortin-Pellerin L aurence Accessibilityoutsideprostitution MM208 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Foster-fishman Pennie TheABLeChangeFramework:AnAction-OrientedApproachforImplementingSystemsChange


    MM208 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 30pm Presenter

    Foster-fishman Pennie BuildinganEffectiveEarlyChildhoodSystem:LessonsLearnedaboutCriticalLeversforSystems


    MM208 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Chair


    Foster-fishman Pennie PromotingYouthLeadershipDevelopmentinCommunities:UsingResearchtoFosterYouth


    MM214 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Chair


    Foster-fishman Pennie CommunityCollaborationsandPrevention:DomesticandInternationalPerspectivesonCoalitionBuildingtoAchieveCommunityChange

    MM216 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Non-PresenterPresenter

    Fowler Patrick AdolescentsinvolvedwithChildProtectionServices:Longitudinalanalysesofchild,family,and


    M M 20 9 Sa tur da y J une 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r



    F ra nc es ca to D on at a I nt er na ti on al p er sp ec ti ve s on c om mu ni ty p sy ch ol og y pr ac ti ce c om pe te nc ie s M M 20 8 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Francisco Vincent GettingYourWorkoutThere!Publishing&DisseminatingtheFullRangeofProductsof


    LC184 Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:30pm Presenter

    Fra ncis co V ince nt P ubl is hi ng wit h the Gl obal J ournal of Comm unit y Psy chol ogy P rac ti ce L C18 0 Fr iday J une 28 3: 15pm 5 :1 5pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Franc isco Vin cent Suc cessfu lap proach esforp romotingc itizen involvementincommun itycoalitions MM312 Saturday Jun e 29 10:30am 12:00p m Presenter

    F ra nc is co V in ce nt P uz zl es a nd C ha ll en ge s in P ar ti ci pa to ry C om mu ni ty R es ea rc h an d Ac ti on M M 31 7 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 3 :1 5p m 4 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Franc isco Vin cent Useofth eCommun ityToolBoxtoSu pp ortTeac hing,Training,an dTech nicalSu pp ort LC190 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:15p m Discu ssan t

    Freedman Darcy PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

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    Freed man Darcy Discrimin ationamon gAfricanAmeric an s:Whatdoesintersectionalityh avetod owith it? MM208 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Freedman Darcy CreatingHealthyEnvironmentsthroughCommunity-generated,Community-engaged,and


    LC182 Saturday June 29 8:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Freib erg JoAn n Und erstan dingand Imp ac tingPolic y:TheCon textand ProcessofPolicyRelevan tResearch LC190 Friday Jun e 28 9:00am 10:30am Non -Presenter

    From m- Re ed Suz et te D oC omm unit y Ps ychP rog ra ms N ee da S ense of C ommuni ty? M M 21 2 Thur sda y J une 2 7 10: 30am 12: 00pm P re se nt er

    Fromm-Reed Suzette EngagingSeniorsforHealthierCommunities MM214 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Gagnon Myriam PerspectivesonVolunteeringandSocialCapital MM214 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Gallo Diane ConceptualizingandMeasuringConstructsrelatedtoDominationandMarginalizationof


    MM218 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Ganzon Vincent ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Non-Presenter

    Garcia Alejandra FacilitatingChangeinComplexCommunitySystems MM217 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer

    Garcia-Ramirez Manuel AcculturationandWellbeingofImmigrants MM215 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Garcia-Ramirez Manuel HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Garc a-Ram rez Man uel Theroleofc riticalth eoryinth eed uc ationan dtrainingofcommun itypsyc hologists LC184 Friday Jun e 28 3:15pm 4:45p m SessionOrganizer

    Gardella Joseph TransformingSchoolstoSupportStudents:ACaseStudyofOneStatesEffortstoImprove


    MM213 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Gattino Silvia Senseofcommunity,diversityandinterculturalrelationships LC192 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Geller Joanna CollectiveImpactInitiativesforEducationandCommunityChange MM212 Friday June 28 8:30am 9:30am Chair

    Geller Joanna TransformingSchoolstoSupportStudents:ACaseStudyofOneStatesEffortstoImprove


    MM213 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Genkova Ana AcculturationandWellbeingofImmigrants MM215 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Gervais Mathieu -Joel Researc h-prac ticep artn ersh ip s:Whatdowehavetoin vest.. .and withwh atresults? MM215 Saturday Jun e 29 8:30am 9:30am Session Organ izer

    Ghantous Stephanie ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Gib son Jen nifer DifferentLen ses-ACommon Goal:Fac ultyand Stu dentsSh areServic eLearningExp erienc es LC180 Thu rsday Jun e 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Gibson Jennifer TheSchoolInterventionInterestGroup:TransformingSchoolstoSupporttheSuccessofall


    LC184 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Discussant

    Gillum-Roberson Eulalia TheComplexityofCoalitionDevelopmentandMaintenanceinFourDifferentOrganizationsand


    MM314 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Gilmore Devin Addressingparticipantattritionandotherthreatstovaliditywhenevaluatingcommunity


    MM218 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Glenwic k David Inn ovativeMeth od ologic alApp roac hestoCommu nity-Based Researc h:Theoryan dAp plic ation MM215 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:00am 10:30am Chair

    G od fr ey E ri n T he R ol e of N ei gh bo rh oo d Ec on om ic C on te xt i n th e Pr om ot io n of H ea lt h an d We ll -B ei ng M M 21 6 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 4 :1 5p m 5 :4 5p m P re se nt er


    Goetzman Beverly TransformingSchoolstoSupportStudents:ACaseStudyofOneStatesEffortstoImprove


    MM213 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

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    Goldfield Gary EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Gone Joseph WhatDoesCommunityPsychologyhavetoOfferBacktoMainstreamPsychology?:Community-


    LC192 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Gone Joseph InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer




    Gone J os eph L oo ki ng Cl os el ya t Cul ture i n Re se ar cha ndP ract ice f or Com muni ty T hri vi ng M M 21 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 8: 30am 9: 30am P re se nt er

    GonzalezDrigo Marisol StigmaattheIntersectionsofHealthandRace:RaisingAwarenessandReducingHarmful


    MM216 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Goodkind Jessica WhatDoesCommunityPsychologyhavetoOfferBacktoMainstreamPsychology?:Community-


    LC192 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Goodkind Jessica InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Goodman Lisa PuttingthePowerbackinEmpowerment:Conceptualizing,Assessing,andApplying


    MM315 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Gorman Beverly InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Govia Ishtar TheContextofCommunalThrivingintheCaribbean:Successes,Challenges,andFuture


    MM312 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Graham Doug UsingtheStrategicPreventionFrameworktoImplementComprehensiveCommunity


    MM316 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Gray Dr.Brenda CommunityHealthWorkersandPatientEmpowerment:MultisectorialApproachesto


    MM218 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Discussant

    Grayman Justina Beyondresearchasscience:Tipsandtoolsforstudentsandearlycareerscholarsjourneying


    MM317 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Green Marian Improvin gAc cesstoJu stic eforLinguistic Min orities:Commu nityThrivin gth roughPartnership MM316 Thu rsday Jun e 27 9:30am 10:30am Session Organ izer

    Greenberg Sarah GreaterThanorEqualTo:Empowerment,Acceptance,Self-determination,andVoiceforAdults


    MM218 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Non-Presenter

    Greene Sheila VoicesfromIreland:SocialConnectionandCommunityService MM218 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Gre enwood R onni H ous ing F ir st: Pr og ram Di ss emi nat ion, Adapt at ion and Fi de lit y M M 21 4 Thur sda y June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm S es sion Org ani ze r



    Greenwood Ronni Predictors,ConsumerChoice,HousingandCommunityFactorsinAchievingSocialandEconomic


    MM318 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    G re er A nd re w P re ve nt in g Ho me le ss ne ss , Id en ti fy in g Ri sk , an d Ex pl or in g Ho us in g (I n) St ab il it y M M 21 5 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 12 :0 0p m S es si on O rg an iz er



    Greeson Megan Statisticalproceduresforcomplexcommunityphenomenon:latentgrowthcurves,


    MM312 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Greeson Megan EmotionsinResearch:TheProcessofStudyingMarginalized,Traumatized,andOppressedPopulations

    MM214 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

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    Gregory Katie ConceptualizingandMeasuringConstructsrelatedtoDominationandMarginalizationof


    MM218 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Gregory Katie EmotionsinResearch:TheProcessofStudyingMarginalized,Traumatized,andOppressed


    MM214 Saturday June 29 9:30am 10:30am Presenter

    Gregory Tara Unintendedempowerment:Theconsequenceofusingqualitativemethodswithmarginalized


    MM209 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm SessionOrganizer

    Grohe Heather SocialJusticeintheClassroom:TeachingControversialTopics MM209 Thursday June 2 7 9:30am 10: 30am Presenter

    G ro he H ea th er P la nn in g an d Im pl em en ti ng a n Un de rg ra du at e Pr og ra m in C om mu ni ty P sy ch ol og y L C 18 4 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 8 :3 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er

    Gu B eiy e P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y June 2 9 3: 15pm 4: 45pm P re se nt er

    Gubrium Aline InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Guillaume Casta TheContextofCommunalThrivingintheCaribbean:Successes,Challenges,andFuture


    MM312 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm Presenter

    Guillaume Casta CommunityEngagementFail:LessonsLearnedFromCommunity-BasedActionResearch


    MM217 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Guti err ez R obe rt P rom ot ing Comm uni ty P sychol og ya ndC ommuna l Thr iv ing t hroug hT eachi ng L C18 2 Sa tur da y J une 29 3: 15pm 4: 45pm C hai r

    Hagan Syb rand Whatdoresearc h,atrain and c hoirh avein c ommon?Commu nalth rivinginSouthAfrica MM216 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:15p m Presenter

    Hakim Sharon ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    H ak im S ha ro n C ur re nt T re nd s an d Fu tu re D ir ec ti on s in t he E du ca ti on o f Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gi st s L C 12 0 F ri da y J un e 2 8 1 :4 5p m 3 :1 5p m C ha ir

    Hakim Sharon GuidingCompetencies:CriticalSkillstoEngageinCommunityWorkfromthePerspectiveof


    MM312 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Hall Diane AdvancesinBridgingResearchandPractice:IgnitingtheInteractiveSystemsFrameworkfor


    MM211 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Hall Kelly UsingtheStrategicPreventionFrameworktoImplementComprehensiveCommunity


    MM316 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Non-Presenter

    Hall-campbell Niambi TheContextofCommunalThrivingintheCaribbean:Successes,Challenges,andFuture


    MM312 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer


    Hamill Alexis GreaterThanorEqualTo:Empowerment,Acceptance,Self-determination,andVoiceforAdults


    MM218 Friday June 28 9:00am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer


    Hampton Chynna DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 2 7 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Hanakahi Vanda PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Non-Presenter

    Handwerker Dr.Steven Peace-buildingthroughcommunitydevelopment MM215 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Discussant


    Han dwerker Dr.Steven Commu nityCon flic ttran sformation throu gh h uman itariansu stainablein terven tion s MM216 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 3:15p m Discu ssan t


    Hanni Aggie DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Harbaugh Jessica Criticalconsciou sn essraisin g:Comparingstrategiesac rossacademican dcommun itysettin gs MM316 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15pm 3:45p m Presen ter

    Harkins Debra Participatoryactionresearchinpreventionandhealthpromotion:Communitydynamicsand


    MM318 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    S i

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    Ha rpe r Chri st ophe r P as tL es sons andF ut ure D ire ct ions for C ommuni ty Col la borat ion M M 20 8 Fr iday J une 2 8 3: 15pm 4: 45pm S es sion Org ani ze r



    Harr Niki Usingc ommu nityp sych ologytoengageyoun gpeop leinen vironmen talac tion : Anempirical


    LC182 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Harr Niki Challen gingthewestern p ed agogy:Helpingu niversitystud en tsthriveth roughcollab orative


    MM318 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Presenter

    Harr Niki Artasamediumforcommunity,transcendenceandsocialchange LC182 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm SessionOrganizer


    Harr Niki KeynoteAddress:TBA Saturday June 29 1:15pm 2:00pm

    Harrison Jay Thewayforward:Criticalreflectionsonbarriersandfacilitatorsformeaningfulparticipatory


    MM313 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10: 30am Non-Presenter

    Hartman Megan ImplementingaWellnessandResilienceParadigmwithinHealthCareandCriminalJustice


    MM212 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Hartmann William InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    Hastie Shanna CreatingHealthyEnvironmentsthroughCommunity-generated,Community-engaged,and


    LC182 Saturday June 29 8:30am 10: 30am SessionOrganizer

    Haynes Michelle Transformingsettingsforsocialchange:Conceptualframeworks,assessmentapproaches,&


    MM316 Thursday June 27 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer

    Headley Andrea ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Helm Susana DevelopingCulturally-AnchoredPreventiveInterventionsandPolicies:MulticulturalandGlobal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:45pm Presenter

    Helm Susana TeachingRuralCommunityPsychology MM218 Thursday June 27 9:30am 10:30am SessionOrganizer


    Helm Susana PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer



    Helm Susan a TeenDatingViolenc e:Th eImportan ceofUn derstand in gth eIn fluenc eofFamilyan dFriend s MM215 Saturday Jun e 29 4:15p m 5:45p m Presenter

    Henderson Dawn Beyondresearchasscience:Tipsandtoolsforstudentsandearlycareerscholarsjourneying


    MM317 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer

    He nde rs on Da wn U nde rs tandi ng and Pr omot ing P os it ive Out come sAm ong At -Ri sk Yo ut h M M 20 9 Fr iday J une 2 8 3: 15pm 4 :4 5pm P re se nt er

    Henderson Katherine EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Henry David Evidence-BasedPracticeandThriving:ACriticalAssessment MM212 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Discussant

    Hernandez Eduardo CommunityCollaborationsandPrevention:DomesticandInternationalPerspectiveson


    MM216 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Hernandez Michelle GreaterThanorEqualTo:Empowerment,Acceptance,Self-determination,andVoiceforAdults


    MM218 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Hess Julia InPursuitofEmicPerspectives:IllustrativeVignettesfromResearchPartnershipswith


    MM317 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Non-Presenter

    Hill Jean PublicPolicy:LearningtheIn'sandOut'sofPublicPolicyWorkfromaCommunityPsychology


    LC184 Wednesday June 26 9:00am 5:00pm Presenter


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    H il l J ea n T ow n Ha ll M ee ti ng P ro po sa l to I nc re as e Vi si bi li ty a nd I nt er or ga ni za ti on al C on ne ct io ns L C 19 4 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm S es si on O rg an iz er


    Hill Jean Enh an cingInd ivid ualan dCollec tiveCap ac itytoInflu en ceSoc ialPolicy:ARoun dtab leDiscu ssion LC184 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 2:45p m Presenter

    Hill Jean TownMeetingwiththeSCRAExecutiveCommittee LC190 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm SessionOrganizer

    Hipp Tracy SociopoliticalDevelopment&InternationalEducation MM316 Friday June 28 8:30am 9:30am SessionOrganizer


    Hob foll Stevan Beyon dPTSD:Id en tity,Mean in g-Making,an dContext in Und erstan dingViolenc ean dTrau ma MM213 Friday Jun e 28 1:45p m 3:15p m Non -Presenter

    H oc hm an V an in a H ou si ng a nd C hi ld W el fa re : Ne w, I nt eg ra te d Ap pr oa ch es t o Sy st em s Ch an ge M M 21 4 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 8 :3 0a m 9 :3 0a m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Hole David EnhancingCommunitythrivingthroughPartnershipforplacebasedresearchandknowledge


    MM209 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Non-Presenter

    Holland Barbara University-governmentpartnershipstobuildcommunitycapacity:Howcanwefostergenuine


    MM212 Friday June 28 1:45pm 3:15pm SessionOrganizer

    Hollman Ruth MutualSelf-HelpGroupsCreateInnovativeStrategiestoEnhanceIndividualandCommunal


    MM213 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Hollman Ruth PromotingCommu nalTh rivingthrou gh Wid espreadUseofSelf-Help /Mutual-Su pp ortGrou ps MM315 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15p m 3:45p m Discu ssan t

    Hollman Ruth Role-playasadvocacy:Expandingthecommunityofempathybeyondthemutual-helpgroup


    MM313 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Hollman Ruth HiringEffectiveMentalHealthPeerSpecialists MM312 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm SessionOrganizer

    Holt Christina DifferentLen ses-ACommon Goal:Fac ultyand Stu dentsSh areServic eLearningExp erienc es LC180 Thu rsday Jun e 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    H ol t C hr is ti na E xp an di ng O nl in e Le ar ni ng i n Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gy : Mo vi ng f ro m Pl an ni ng t o Ac ti on L C 18 4 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    H ol t C hr is ti na U se o f th e Co mm un it y To ol B ox t o Su pp or t Te ac hi ng , Tr ai ni ng , an d Te ch ni ca l Su pp or t L C 19 0 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 4 :1 5p m 5 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er


    Hope Elan University-CommunityPartnershipsforSocialChange:CreatingandTeachinganExperiential


    M M 31 3 Thur sda y J une 27 10: 30am 12: 30pm S es sion Org ani ze r

    Hop e Elan IntegratingSoc iopoliticalDevelopmen tin toSoc ialan dEmotionalLearningInterventions MM208 Saturday Jun e 29 3:15p m 4:15p m Session Organ izer


    Hor gan H arry P rom ot ing J us ti ce and We ll -B ei ng i n Mi ami 's Mult icul tur al Com muni ty M M 31 8 Fr iday J une 28 9: 00am 10: 30am P re se nt er

    Hostetler Andrew EngagingSeniorsforHealthierCommunities MM214 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am SessionOrganizer



    H os te tl er A nd re w P ro mo ti ng C om mu ni ty P sy ch ol og y an d Co mm un al T hr iv in g th ro ug h Te ac hi ng L C 18 2 S at ur da y J u ne 2 9 3 :1 5p m 4 :4 5p m P re se nt er

    Hou ston Jac lyn MethodologicalAp proach estoExamin in gEmpowermen t,Power,an dSocialJustice MM209 Thu rsday Jun e 27 10:30am 12:00p m Non -Presenter

    Houston Jaclyn WomeninResearch: GivingVoicetotheFemaleExperience MM312 Thursday June 27 2:15pm 3:15pm Presenter

    H ou st on J ac ly n R el ig io us C on gr eg at io ns a s Co mm un it y Se tt in gs f or S oc ia l Ju st ic e an d Be lo ng in g M M 31 7 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 9 :0 0a m 1 0: 30 am P re se nt er


    Howe Steven PublicPolicy:LearningtheIn'sandOut'sofPublicPolicyWorkfromaCommunityPsychology


    LC184 Wednesday June 26 9:00am 5:00pm Presenter


  • 7/27/2019 SCRA 2013 Conference Schedule



    Page 21

    Howe Steven Buildingaprofessionalbrandandactionplan:Acareerdevelopmentworkshopforwomenin


    MM213 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm Presenter

    Howe Steven Predictors,ConsumerChoice,HousingandCommunityFactorsinAchievingSocialandEconomic


    MM318 Friday June 28 3:15pm 4:45pm Presenter

    H ow e S te ve n P re ve nt in g Ho me le ss ne ss , Id en ti fy in g Ri sk , an d Ex pl or in g Ho us in g (I n) St ab il it y M M 21 5 S at ur da y J un e 2 9 1 0: 30 am 1 2: 00 pm P re se nt er

    Howe Steven LinkingPolicy,Planning,Development,andEvaluation MM214 Saturday June 29 4:00pm 6:00pm SessionOrganizer

    Huang Cindy AdolescentsinvolvedwithChildProtectionServices:Longitudinalanalysesofchild,family,and


    MM209 Saturday June 29 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Hun ter Bronwyn Enh an cingCommu nityOpenn esstoInd ivid ualswithHomelessnessand Inc arceration Histories MM211 Thu rsday Jun e 27 2:15pm 3:45p m Presen ter

    Ibanez Gladys ImplementingaWellnessandResilienceParadigmwithinHealthCareandCriminalJustice


    MM212 Saturday June 29 4:15pm 5:45pm Presenter

    Imm Pamela Bridgingresearchandpracticetopromotecommunalthriving:Implementingwithquality


    MM316 Saturday June 29 3:15pm 4:15pm Non-Presenter

    Ingleby David HealthPolicySpanningTimeandPlace:UnderstandingtheImpactofPoliciesonVulnerable


    LC190 Saturday June 29 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Iniguez Jose DoCommunityPsychProgramsNeedaSenseofCommunity? MM212 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    Ivers Mary VoicesfromIreland:SocialConnectionandCommunityService MM218 Saturday June 29 10: 30am 12: 00pm Presenter

    J ac ob so n L is et te E ar ly C ar ee r Co mm un it y Ps yc ho lo gi st s: I mp or ta nc e of t he M en to ri ng R el at io ns hi p M M 21 4 T hu rs da y J un e 2 7 2 :1 5p m 3 :1 5p m S es si on O rg an iz er

    Jacquez Farrah ThrivingintheUndergraduateCommunityPsychologyClassroom:ExperientialLearning PosterSessionBallroom Thursday June 27 10:30am 12:00pm Presenter

    Jacquez Farrah Community-BasedParticipatoryResearch(CBPR)andYouth:Partners,ParticipantsorPassive


    MM217 Friday June 28 1:45pm 2:45pm Chair

    Jacquez Farrah Buildingaprofessionalbrandandactionplan:Acareerdevelopmentworkshopforwomenin


    MM213 Friday June 28 3:15pm 5:15pm Presenter

    Jacquez Farrah PromotingCommunalThrivingthroughCommunityHealth MM317 Friday June 28 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    James,MSW,PhD Dr.Leah Peace-buildingthroughcommunitydevelopment MM215 Thursday June 2 7 10: 30am 12: 00pm SessionOrganizer


    Janulis Patrick Statisticalproceduresforcomplexcommunityphenomenon:latentgrowthcurves,


    MM312 Thursday June 27 9:00am 10:30am Presenter

    Jason Leonard PublicPolicy:LearningtheIn'sandOut'sofPublicPolicyWorkfromaCommunityPsychology


    LC184 Wednesday June 26 9:00am 5:00pm Presenter

    Jason Leonard YouthEmpowermentImplementationProject:PromotingCommunalThrivingThrough


    MM217 Thursday June 27 10: 30am 12: 00pm Discussant

    Jason Leonard Enh an cingCommu nityOpenn esstoInd ivid ualswithHomelessnessand Inc arcerat