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Page 1: Saikat (1) Role of Government for Female Education in Bangladesh
Page 2: Saikat (1) Role of Government for Female Education in Bangladesh

Presentation Topic:

Role of Government for Female Education


Bangladesh Bangladesh

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Members of Group D :

� Sykat Mondal (111605)

� Kaniz Fatema Nisa (111611)

� Salma Aktar (111616)

� Md. Shariful Islam (111619)

� Samia Yeasmin (111625)

� Saddam Hossain (111628)

� S.M. Shamimur Rahman (111633)

� Debasish Saha (111641)

� Raimohon Sarkar (111644)

� Anusuya Sarkar (111649)

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�What is Education?

�Why Education is Important?

�Education System in Bangladesh

�Female Education in Bangladesh

Aims and Objectives of Female Education�Aims and Objectives of Female Education

�Importance of Female Education

�Impediments of Female Education

�Benefits of Female Education

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�Role of Government for Female Education

�Achievements of Government

�Failure of Government

�Future Plan of Government




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�Education is the founding stone for the development ofour country and society. A large number of women of ourcountry is deprived of education for various social,economic and cultural reasons.

�Women constitute half of the country's population.Women's scope of work is usually limited to familyWomen's scope of work is usually limited to familywelfare, child care and domestic chores. Women aregenerally allotted a passive role in national development.

�This existing trend must be changed. Emphasis will begiven on women's education to ensure women'scomprehensive development and empowerment andwomen’s participation in a balanced social advancement.

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What is Education?

�Education means mental and moral training. It is the light

that clears off the darkness of ignorance from our mental

horizon. It opens wide to our vision the vastness of God’s

creation and enables us to think about the merciful creator

of this universe. It is a blessing. It ensures a perfect and

harmonious development of our innate qualities andharmonious development of our innate qualities and

makes us worthy of the name `Ashraful Makhlukat’

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What Is Education?What Is Education?


�Education is the realization of self.

�Education is for liberation.

�Education is something which makes man self-reliant and�Education is something which makes man self-reliant and


�The act or process of acquiring knowledge.

�To live for a time close to great minds is the best


(source:Tanvir Nabi ,28th january,2013)

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Why Education Is Important?Why Education Is Important?

�Opens up the possibility of more opportunities.

�Good education, Best relationship.

� People are glad by your side (now and in the future).

�Be a correct teacher for your sons in the future.

�Knowledge is personal gratification.

�Be a good citizen for your country.�Be a good citizen for your country.

�Learning time management skills.

� opens up the possibility of more job opportunities.

�An educated person is secure.

�An Educated person is tolerant.

( Source: Ashwini,2010)

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Why Education Is Important?Why Education Is Important?

�Views of Prominent People:

� “Education made us what we are" C.A. Helvétus

� “Man is the only creature which must be educated"

Immanuel KantImmanuel Kant

� “Ask me my three main priorities for government and I tell

you: education, education, education" Tony Blair

� “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use

to change the world" Nelson Mandela

(source :Margarita,2011)5/13/2013 10

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Education System In Bangladesh:

� The three main educational systems in Bangladesh:

�General Education System

�Madrasah Education System

�Technical - Vocational Education System

Each of these three main systems is divided into five levels:

�Primary Level (years 1 to 5)

�Junior Level (years 6 to 8)

�Secondary Level (years 9 to 10)

�Higher Secondary Level (years 11 and 12)

�Tertiary Level

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Education System in Bangladesh:

� Board - The primary and secondary levels of education

are controlled by the seven General Education Boards,

each covering a region.

( Source :Sunny, Sanwar ,2011)( Source :Sunny, Sanwar ,2011)

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Female Education In Bangladesh:

�Male female student proportion =58:41.

�However under 20, about 64 percent of males and 57

percent of women have attended school now.

�Bangladesh is divided into four main regions. These regions

are determined by the cultural background of the native

people and their geographical situation.people and their geographical situation.

� In Chittagong, Male: Female =84: 72percent.

� In Dhaka, the primary school completion ratio is, Male:

Female=56:51percent among the younger generation, these

figures are 47:46 percent.

�Rajshahi has the largest number of female enrollment

compared to any regions of Bangladesh.5/13/2013 13

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Female Education In Bangladesh:Female Education In Bangladesh:

� In Khulna, it is only 47 percent for males and 39 percent

for females.

�After more than two decades of effort, Bangladesh has

succeeded in boosting education for girls to the point

where they have the same schooling opportunities as


� In fact, at the country level, some 23 percent of females

of all ages.

( Source :Shahriar Sharif,2012)

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Aims and Objectives of Female Education:

The main aims and objectives of women's education are:

�To foster awareness and confidence among women and to

strengthen women's outlook in favor of demanding equal


�To motivate women at all levels to acquire skills in order

to participate in the affairs of running the participate in the affairs of running the country.

�To strengthen them in a way that they can play their roles

in the socio-economic development of the country

through self-employment or being employed in various


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Aims and Objectives of Female Education:Aims and Objectives of Female Education:

�To change their existing subordinate position and to

empower them.

�To ensure equal rights and to resist dowry as well as

violence against women.

�To ensure women's participation in poverty alleviation�To ensure women's participation in poverty alleviation

and socio-economic development programs.

(Source: National Education Policy, 2010)


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Importance of female education:

� Female education is not a new thing in our country. Islam

has encouraged education and training to women folk.

The prophet(sm) of Islam has made education

compulsory for both men and women.

�No nation can make real progress keeping a full half of its

population in the dark. Without the uplift of women’s.population in the dark. Without the uplift of women’s.

�Once Napoleon said “give me a good mother and I will

give you a good Citizen’’. A good mother obviously

means an educated mother. So it needs no telling the

importance of female education.

( Source:Matin ka,1985)

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Importance of Female Education:Importance of Female Education:

�There is a saying in English that the hand that rocks the

cradle rules the world. So every woman is a potential


� "When you educate a man you educate an individual; when

you educate a woman you educate a whole family" (Charles

D. McIver)D. McIver)

�Moreover, if a woman is educated she is treated with

respect. She has not to lead a life of dependence on men,

since she can earn her own living (bread and butter).

Education fills her with confidence and she is able to win

her due place in society.

(Source :Syeda Suraya Jahan,2008)5/13/2013 18

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Impediments of female education in Bangladesh:Impediments of female education in Bangladesh:

� Poverty and societal attitudes -- the main obstacles toeducation for girls -- have also left them vulnerable.

�Child marriage, Majority of rural and as well as urban girlsare to be married at very early aged that’s why the rate ofwomen education can’t grow rapidly.

�Human Trafficking.

Bangladesh has no comprehensive education policy suitable�Bangladesh has no comprehensive education policy suitablefor the challenges of the modern world.

� In every school there is a school management committee.But women are hardly included in those committees.

� Families cannot meet direct costs, so children do not enrollin school or they drop out.

(Source: Melissa Kelly,2012)

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Impediments of female education in Bangladesh:Impediments of female education in Bangladesh:

�Rural areas women are less educated.

�Traditional division of labor often disadvantages girls.

�Limited involvement of parents in schooling and early


�Girls more likely to care for family.

�The fact that women are less educated than men is largely�The fact that women are less educated than men is largely

due to ancient tradition and common mentality.

�Lack of separate sanitation facilities particularly affects

adolescent girls.

(Source : IRIN ASIA,2013)

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Benefits of Female Education:Benefits of Female Education:

Women should be educated in Bangladesh and also all nations

in the world. Some advantages of women education are given


�Economy: Bangladeshi women contribute substantially to

their households and to the country’s Economy. The majority

of women workers are primarily involved in the informalof women workers are primarily involved in the informal

sector of the economy. Within the formal sector, a large

number of women work in export-oriented industries (e.g.,


�Country Development: There are over 1,000 local and

national organizations in Bangladesh that generate Self-

employment opportunities for over 8 million poor,5/13/2013 21

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Benefits of Female Education:Benefits of Female Education:

mostly women, through micro credit and training in

literacy, technical skills, and legal rights.

�Decrease Mortality Rate: The infant mortality rate has

decreased recently.

�Decrease Early Marriage Rate: Once upon a time in our�Decrease Early Marriage Rate: Once upon a time in our

country early marriage was a trend. A woman, on an

average, is married before reaching the age of 20 years

(BBS 1998). But now a days, it has decreased.

(Source; LTStajul,2012)

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Benefits of Female Education:Benefits of Female Education:

� Increase Nutritional Status: Women are more

malnourished than men at every stage of life. This

phenomenon is more visible in the case of adolescent

girls and pregnant mothers. Due to education this trend

has been changed.has been changed.

�Personal Security: Violence against women is rampant.

Its manifestations range from teasing, hijacking, severe

assault, kidnapping, acid throwing, and murder (dowry

deaths).If a woman will be educated than she can give her

own security. She will not dependable another person for

economic and also mentally. (Source:Melissa,2012)5/13/2013 23

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�Education Policy:

In education policy 2010,Government had taken some

strategies and stipend steps in 16th number to improve

female education these are given bellow:


There will be special allocation for women's education in�There will be special allocation for women's education in

the budget. A special fund will to be mobilized to promote

women's education at all levels.

� Steps will be taken to minimize the dropout rate of girl

students and to find ways to get them back in mainstream


�Attention will be given to create opportunities for women5/13/2013 24

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�More girls will be included in institutional education. In

view of this, positive opportunities for women's education

will be created in various educational institutions.

�The curriculum of the primary level will reflect a positive

and progressive image of women.

�The course contents at primary and second levels will�The course contents at primary and second levels will

include in larger volume the biographies of great women and

pieces written by women.

�The secondary level curriculum of last two years will

include gender studies and issues of reproductive health.

� Girls will not be persuaded to take up some specific courses

like home economics.

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�Necessary transport will be arranged and where necessary,

safe girls’ hostel will be established.

�Girls will be encouraged to study science and professional


�Women's enrollment in the proposed upazila level technical

schools will be encouraged. Adequate opportunities will beschools will be encouraged. Adequate opportunities will be

created for them.

� Special stipends will be provided for the poor and

meritorious girl students to pursue higher education and

undertake research.

�The regulations for punishment relating to sexual

harassment and repression on women must be strictly

followed in the educational institutions.5/13/2013 26

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�Stipend Programme:

� Female students have been provided stipends in secondary

schools in 460 rural upazillas.

� Stipend programs have been able to play a landmark role

in reducing dropout and increasing enrollment in

secondary education. As an outcome of stipend programsecondary education. As an outcome of stipend program

the rate of teenage marriage has decreased rapidly.

� Poor students, especially female ones are being benefited

more from the stipend programme.

�With this end in view, several female hostels have been

made in District and in Thana levels to provide

accommodation to the female.

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RoleRole ofof GovernmentGovernment forfor FemaleFemale EducationEducation::

�According to the finance ministry, Bangladesh currently

disburses 40 billion taka ($488.8 million) annually for

stipends at primary and secondary level, out of a total

education budget of Taka 215 billion ($2.6 billion).

(Source: National Education Policy 2010, equip123,2006)

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�Steps Taken by NGOs, International Organizations

Associated with Government-

�BRAC: BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement

Committee) introduced a Non-Formal Primary Education

Program (NFPE) in 1985. This program emphasized mainly

on the education of girls in rural areas giving them theon the education of girls in rural areas giving them the

opportunity to attain higher levels of education by

providing flexible learning hours and scholarships

depending on educational performances.

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RoleRole ofof GovernmentGovernment forfor FemaleFemale EducationEducation::

�The key strategies of UNICEF:

� Promoting girls’ education and empowerment in national


�Networking and building alliances and partnerships

� Promotion of multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral


� Support to formal and non-formal channels

� Promotion of girls’ education at every stage of the life


� Promotion of girls’ participation and empowerment

(Source: UNICEF,2007)

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Role of Government for Female Education:

�Grameen Bank: Grameen today is the focal point of a

global network of institutions and individuals who

provide micro-credit to fight poverty.

�World Vision Bangladesh: This is a world wide NGO

which enable the society to become free from the curse of

illiteracy. Emphasis is given of education. They areilliteracy. Emphasis is given of education. They are

providing University Girls Scholarship for higher

education of university level girls. They are also

providing various training and workshop programme for

development of girls for working sector.

(Source :Tina S,2009,)

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Achievements of Government:

�Today the boy-girl ratio in primary school is 52:48.

�The current boy-girl ratio in secondary school is 46:54.

�According to the DPE, Bangladesh’s over 80,000 primary

schools teach more than 17.5 million students, of whom

roughly half are girls. (IRIN,2013)

�Girls walk to school in rural Bangladesh. A co-ordinate effort�Girls walk to school in rural Bangladesh. A co-ordinate effort

by the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

[Ziaul Islam/Khabar].

�Among the eight South Asian countries Bangladesh is the

fourth to achieve gender parity in primary education.

(Source :Shahriar Sharif,2012)

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Achievements of Government:Achievements of Government:

�Free distribution of text



�Now we see the boys are

falling behind girls in

primary and secondaryprimary and secondary

school levels," Education

Minister Nurul Islam Nahid

told Khabar.

�Boys and girls attend

school six days a


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Failure of Government:

�The situation is worse in slum areas where enrolment rates

are only 61 percent, and 26 percent of primary-age girls

have never enrolled in a school. (

�Here are still approximately 1.5 million primary school

aged girls out of school (UNICEF).

�Government has not prevented child marriage yet.�Government has not prevented child marriage yet.

� Steps taken by Government are not fully and strictly

implemented in sphere of female education.

�Government could not take proper measure to prevent

sexual harassment of the school going female students.


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Future Plan of Government:

�Millennium Development Goal (MDG 2): Universal

primary education (all children, boys and girls should

complete their primary education. The timeframe is


�Millennium Development Goal (MDG 3): Equality

between boys and girls and empowerment of women.between boys and girls and empowerment of women.

(Source : GOUTAM ROY,2009)

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�The Govt. should build various work sources so that the

women can work for their higher education.

�Take actions to consolidate a sector-wide system for

public expenditure tracking survey in education.

� Prepare and execute an action plan for the completion of

secondary curriculum revision and implementation ofsecondary curriculum revision and implementation of

revised curriculum.

�Establish an independent accreditation mechanism for

private universities.

�Create widely the strategic plan for higher education for


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�Establish quality assurance mechanism for public and

private colleges and universities.

�Govt. can give Quota system in public universities of

Bangladesh for women.

(Source: Tina S,2009)

�Take strong steps to stop marriage against women’s will.�Take strong steps to stop marriage against women’s will.

� In school management committee women should be

involved more and more.

( Source : GOUTAM ROY,2009,)

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�Today, government has become aware that female

education is as important as that of men. A Sanskrit

shaloka says that “ a woman is under the

guardianship of her father before marriage,

dependant on her husband after her marriage and on

her son after the death of her husband.”her son after the death of her husband.”

�But this attitude of treating a woman as a ward or a

dependent has been in existence for centuries. But

now all these have changed.

�With the spread of education women have now

begun to claim equality with men.

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� Sunny, Sanwar(2011). Green Buildings, Clean Transport

and the Low Carbon Economy: Towards Bangladesh's

Vision of a Greener Tomorrow. Germany: LAP

Publishers. ISBN978-3-8465-9333-2.



UNESCO Institute for Statistics Data 2009� UNESCO Institute for Statistics Data 2009

� Khabar South Asia, Shahriar Sharif for Khabar South

Asia in Dhaka June 22, 2012

� Asian Studies Network Information Center.2000,

Bangladesh WWW Virtual Library, Texas, U.S.A.:


ountries/bangla/bangladeshm.html5/13/2013 39

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[email protected], Monday, 26 October 2009 03:32

�1985;12(1-2):41-53.Matin KA.

�Banladesh.bureau of education information and statistics.


�UNICEF,promoting child rights,Mahabubur Rahaman


�Paragraph Main Blog4u.comLTStajul at 7:07 PM,2012

� stipend

Program in Bangladesh.pdf.

�UNICEF/HQ01-0472/Shehazad Noorani.5/13/2013 40

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