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MOUNT OLIVET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH March 2019 06 Ash Wednesday Services 09 Cockram Baby Shower 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins Administrative Council 15 Crossroads Deadline CROSSROADS NEWSLETTER Family Night Saturday March 30 6:30pm Bring your favorite Covered Dish to share and stay for the fun! Player Sign-up sheet in the Narthex *************************************************** ********* Wednesday March 6 11am and 6:30pm
10 · Web viewNursing Home Residents Bob Patterson Shut-ins Tyler Stokes Margie Stroud Tony Tickle Travelers Unspoken Requests Ellen White Cindy Williams Our Youth General

May 29, 2019



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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March 201906 Ash Wednesday Services09 Cockram Baby Shower10 Daylight Savings Time Begins Administrative Council15 Crossroads Deadline23 Gym Reserved30 Family Night



Family NightSaturday March 30


Bring your favorite Covered Dish to share and stay for the


Player Sign-up sheet in the Narthex

Wednesday March 611am and 6:30pm

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The Musings of Pastor Jimmy

Hello Friends,

 “Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.” Matthew 19:14

We all have heard Matthew 19:14 many times in our life and I tell you, it’s one of my favorite verses in the Bible because of the visual I have in my mind.  Can you imagine seeing all the kids playing and climbing on Jesus lap to hear him tell stories of Heaven? As a Dad I have learned that kids only go to people who they are drawn to. So naturally it’s clear that children would want to be around Jesus because of his love and purity.              When the disciples tried to break up the party Jesus told them to leave the kids alone. Jesus was clear that we should always possess a childlike faith. In order for us to understand what a childlike faith is we only have to remember our own childhood.              When we were children, we believed what we were told and would respond accordingly. If our parent would tell us they would catch us if we jumped of a pier, we never doubted that they would catch us. I remember sitting in Sunday School hearing about Jesus. The teacher told us about Jesus and how he healed the sick and would forgive us for out sins. I clearly remember that while I didn’t understand it all, I believed it!              How do we as adults reclaim that part of our faith today? We have to believe! We have to believe that Jesus is who He claims to be, God in the flesh and the Savior of the World. We have to embrace that Jesus loves us and is not a liar, His truth is unshakable. We have to believe that Jesus loves us no matter what we have done, and will still use us and bless us despite our failure.              I challenge us all to take a moment and just believe.   

Keep Loving One Another!

Pastor Jimmy

Crockpot Theology

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01 Shirley Elliott

02 Kolby Puryear Joe Calhoun

03 Barbara Mackey Todd Thomasson

04 Steve Kent Chuck Richardson

10 Karen Conner17 Alicia Gregory

18 Kyle Calhoun24 Wilsie Payne Brianne Conner26 Elizabeth Gregory

29 Danny Woodson

Prayer RequestsLarry Mann

Nicole Maxey

George McDonald

Our Military

Andy Mills

Boy Newton and Family

Nursing Home Residents

Bob Patterson


Tyler Stokes

Margie Stroud

Tony Tickle


Unspoken Requests

Ellen White

Cindy Williams

Our Youth

2019 Budget Infoas of February 17, 2019


03 Bridget Kemp & Judy Pena10 Michelle & Samantha Owen17 Dustin & Cheryl Cockram24 Kelsey & Mark Shelton31


03 Brenden Lahti10 Dianne Harr17 Mylie Dillion24 Alicia Gregory31 Pastor Jimmy


03 TBA10 TBA17 TBA24 TBA31


03 Steve Kent, Lyn Hill10 Michelle Owen & William Hall17 Joan Holley & Bill Kent24 Cheryl Richardson & Bridget Kemp31 Vann Dillion & Andy Mills


03 Michelle Owen10 Leslie Christian17 Stacey Moreau 24 Dustin & Cheryl Cockram31 Dianne & Mary Harr


Bill Kent

Carolyn Adkins

Judy Bailey

Mike & Susie Bennington

Margie Blankenship

Kyle Calhoun

Our Church & Church Leaders

Our City

Our Country

Jimmy Dillion

Josh & Amy

Kat Dodson

Marty Eanes

Nina Giles

Elizabeth Gregory

Frankie Hampton & Family

Dianne Harr

Vickie Jones & Family

Brian Keith

Harriet Keith

General FundYearly Budget Amount

$ 121,153.00Needed Per Sunday:

$ 2,339.48Collected to Date:

$ 12,368.00 Should Have Collected:

Building FundYearly Budget Amount

$ 15,825.12Needed Per Month

$ 1,318.76Needed Per Week

$ 304.33Collected to Date

22 Charles & Sandra Hylton

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What God’s Word Says About? Life!Ps. 113:9; He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!

Ps.127:3–5; Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,    the fruit of the womb a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior    are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Ps. 128:3; Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.

Prov. 17:6; Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.

Matt. 19:14; but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.””

Why Should We Value Life?

Psalm 100:3; Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Isaiah 44:24; Thus, says the LORD, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb:“I am the LORD, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself,

Isaiah 64:8; But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand

Who Is the Creator of the Preborn?

Psalm 139:13-16; For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed, and in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them"

Jeremiah 1:5; Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

How Is God Concerned with the Preborn?

Galatians 1:15; But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace.

Ephesians 1:3; Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,

Are the Preborn Human Beings?

Luke 1:41, 44; When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit…[saying] ‘As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy'"

Luke 2:6-7; While they were there, the time came for the baby to born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.

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Who Is Responsible for Life and Death?

Exodus 20:13; You shall not murder

Deuteronomy 30:19; I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before your life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live

Are Humans Permitted to Take Life Before Birth?

Exodus 21:22-25; If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

Should a Child Conceived as a Result of Rape or Incest Be Aborted?

Deuteronomy 24:16 “Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor children for the sins of their parents. Those deserving to die must be put to death for their own crimes

Should a Child Who Might Be Born Deformed or Disabled Be Aborted?

Exodus 4:11; Then the LORD asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD

Isaiah 45:9-11; Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker, to him who is but a potsherd among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands?' Woe to him who says to his father, 'What have you begotten?' or to his mother, 'What have you brought to birth?' This is what the LORD says—the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question Me about My children, or give Me orders about the work of My hands?"

1 Corinthians 1:27; Yet, to shame the wise, God has chosen what the world counts folly, and to shame what is strong, God has chosen what the world counts weakness.

How Should A Woman View Her Body and the Preborn Life Growing in Her Womb?

Psalm 127:3; Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body.

Does God Forgive Those Who Have Had Abortions?

Ephesians 1:7; He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.

Isaiah 43:25; “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake,  and I will not remember your sins.

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The Circle of Friends will meet Sunday, March 3rd, immediately after worship in

the Youth Room. Please bring your Sack Lunch.

Our speaker will be Kimberly Baldridge,

Executive Director for Danville-Pittsylvania County Habitat for Humanity, who will be telling us

about their campaign, Building on Faith.

Please note: anyone wishing to learn more about this program

is welcome to attend.

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15pm Volleyball


39:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship5pm Volleyball

46pm SIP

55pm Volleyball

610am XYZ Movie6pm SIP6:30pm Bible Study

76pm SIP

85pm Volleyball

93pm Cockram Baby Shower

109:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship5pm Volleyball

116pm SIP

125pm Volleyball

1311am Bible Study6pm SIP6:30pm Bible Study

146pm SIP

15Crossroads Deadline

5pm Volleyball


179:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship5pm Volleyball

186pm SIP

195pm Volleyball

2011am Bible Study6pm SIP6:30pm Bible Study

216pm SIP

225pm Volleyball

23Gym Reserved

249:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship5pm Volleyball

256pm SIP

265pm Volleyball

2711am Bible Study6pm SIP6:30pm Bible Study

286pm SIP

295pm Volleyball

306:30pm Family Night

319:30am Sunday School

10:30am Worship5pm Volleyball