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Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    a O l O [ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e ~ o r t a ~ . q , . r e d ~ t ~ Z , h i ~ "in Go~rnmcnt Act of 1978~,~. ~ a o ~ o ] FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 ~ 5 u . s , c ~ p p . . ~ , ~ " / o / . H O[ I, Person Repe~i~g (las~ name, twst, mk[dlc init ial) 2. Cour t or Organiza~ a 3. Date of Re~

    Brg~ter, Rudi M. So. Dis~ic t of Californ ia ~120120104 . T i tl e (Ar t i c l e I l l judg~ ~ a~ ~ iv c o r s en io r s t a i n s ; 5 a . Rep~ Ty ~ ( ch c ck a pp r op f i a t~ t~c ) 6. R~tng P~r~d

    ~ Sominauon. Date 01 /01 /2 ~9Senior O.S. Dis~ct Judge ~ Ini~ ~Annul ~Final ta12131/2~97. Cb~m~ or O~ ~ddre~ 8, Oa Ihe h~ of tEe infatuat ion con~aln~ in th is Repo~ aa d auy

    S~ Diego, CA 92101-8902 R e n e w i n g O ~ c e r Date

    IMP ORT ANT N O TE St The ir~trucdons accompanying this farm m u.~t be fotlowe~ Camplete all parts,checking the ?CONE box for each part where yon ha)e no reportable information. Sign on last page~

    [] N O N E ( N o reportable l~sitions.)POSITION NAM E OF ORG ANIZATI~ N/I~ NT|TY


    NO~ ~o reportable agreements.)~ pARTIES


  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D IS C L O S U R E R E P O R T r ~ , ~ , o f t . . . .. R , p o n i , gPage 2 o f 7 Brew xter, Rudi M. 0 4 / 2 0 1 2 0

    IIl. NON-INVESTMENT INCOME. t~,~,,i,~ ~ai,~duolo~,,~:,~,p~.A. Fliers Non-lnvestment Income

    N O N E ( N o repor tab le non-inves tment income. )DATE SOURCE AND .TYPE (yours, n o t spouses)

    I.2 ..3.4.

    ~ NONE ~o reportable non-investment income.)~ SOURCE AND Tg PE


    IV . R E I M B U R S E M E N T S - ,~o.~.o.~,io~,N O N E (No repor tab l e re imbursemencs . )



  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009



    ter, RudiM.age 3 of 7 ~ / 2 O ~ O l O

    ~ NONE ~o reportable g~s.)~ DESCRIPTION

    1.2.3 .4.


    V I . L I A B I L I T I E S . a~ t ,~ , ,~o~ o~ .~ . . .. . . ~ ~ ,~ , ~ ,~ : , ,~ e~ ~2-~ o f~ t~N O N E (No repo rtable liabilit ies .)

    C R ED ITOR D ESC R IPTION V A L U E C O D gI.2.3 .4.


  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F INANCIAL DISCLOSURE R E P O R TP a g e 4 o f 7

    ~ N O N E (No reportab& income, assets, or transactions.)

    D ~io n o f A s ~ l s ~ lnco~ du~ng G r o s s v a l ~ a ~ e n d T~cti~t during r~ingPl~e (~ a f l c r c~h a~ t lA~unl~ T~i.g. , ~ Val~ V a l u e T y ~ ( . g . , Date ~ Val~ ~ G~n [ Id~tilyof

    ~ (A-H) ~im.) i (J-P) C~ r~mplmn) : ~ (J-P) ~ (A-H) ~ (if~val

    1. C ~d c s $ ch~ Mo n ey M~k ~ t A l n t~s~ L T2. CA St~e GO 4% ~e 9/09 A I n t e r e s t Matured 0 9 / 0 1 / 0 9 K A3. ~s Ange les CA 4% Due 9/09 I B In~st Matured 09/01/~ K A4. CA Sure GO 5.25% Due I0/09 B I n t ~ r ~ = Matu~d I 0 / 0 1 / 0 9 K A5. C~ Sa te GO 5.25% ~e ~10 B I n t e r e s t K T6. CA State GO 5% Due 4/10 B I n t ~ e s ~ L T " ~ . CA SUre GO 6.125% Due 10fl I B l n t ~ e s = K T8. PIMCO goal Return C Dividend L T9. Vaag = r d B o M l n ~x C Dividend L T

    10 . VanguardHi-YildCo~ B Divid~ K T1 . Vaag=rd lnf la t ionPro t~=~ Bon d B Divide~ M T2. Vang~d ST Bond Index C Dividend M T3, Vang~ d ST Inves t Gr it A Di~dend K T

    1 4 . Vanguard ST Tre~u~ B Dividend M T5. vangu~d GNMA B Dividend K T "

    1 6 . DFA CA ST Muni B DivideM L T Buy 09,~g/~ K7. P I M C o C A S h o ~ D u r a t i o n B Divided K T

  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL D ISCLOSURE REPORT I~ .... fP ....Repor t ingPage 5 of 7 Brewsier, Rudl bl. ~4120/2010

    NONE (No reportable income, asse~s, or transactions.)

    (includlng ~ ~c~)P~ce(X)" after lh ls~ ~ :Am~nl Type (e.g.. ; Val~ Value ry ~ e.g.. .: Dale ; Va uc Gain I dm ~ ly of

    1 8 . Vanward CA Ins lnt C Divide~ M T Bu y ~8/09~ K(add l)1 9 . DFA ~ge ~p A Dividend K T

    20 . DFA~Cap Value A Dividend K T~l. TR Phce~ u i t y Income A Dividend J T

    22 . VanguardGro~ l~cx A Dividend K T23 . Vanguard 500 A Dividend K T24 . V~g~rd Di~dendGrow~ r A Dividend J T25 . DFA US Mic roCap A D~vid~d J T~6 . DFA US Smal l Cap Valu~ A Dividend J T27 . DFA US Smal lC~ A Divided J T2 8. V an~ rd S m a l l C ap Gro~ h I ndex A D ividend J T29 . TCS Stock None J T30 . Key Riv~ch St~k N o n e J T3 I . Vang~rd CA Tax Exempt B Dividend M T B uy 07 /141~ K T~ns~ fromIRA,Savings32. Cabfil]o FedC~it Union A Interest L T B uy 1 1 1 6 1 0 9 K Savings

  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    I~arae o f Person, Repor t i ngFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT I Brewsler, Rudl M. D a f e o f R ~ p o r ~Page 6 of 7VIII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS.

  • 8/3/2019 Rudi M Brewster Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 7 of 7 Brewstcr, Rudi M.[


    IX. CERTIFICATION.I certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent children, If any) is

    accurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-disclosure. "I further certify that earned Income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 el. scq, 5 U.S,C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.


    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMa i l s i g n e d o r i g i n a l a n d 3 a d d i t io n a l c o p i e s t o :

    Co m m i t t e e o n F i n a n c i a l D i sc l o su r eAdm in i s t r a t ive Off i ce o f the Un i t ed S la t e s Cour t sSuite 2-301One Co lumbus Ci r c l e , N.E.Washing ton , D.C. 20544