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Experiencing the Renaissance By: Emily Recupero & Renee’ Wilson Mrs. Nicastro Honors English Period 2 December 8, 2009
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Page 1: Ren Honors Pres

Experiencing the Renaissance


Emily Recupero & Renee’ Wilson

Mrs. Nicastro

Honors English

Period 2

December 8, 2009

Page 2: Ren Honors Pres

Food & Drink Of The RenaissanceFood & Drink Of The Renaissance

Wealthy were very healthy, but peasants usually died of little food especially in the winter

European explorers brought back spices, fruits, vegetables, and meats from the East Indies

New Foods: tomatoes (hardly ever eaten, “new” thing), peppers, potatoes, maize (corn), ginger (spice), and turkeys

Lavish feasts of the medieval times are important to life in the Renaissance

Usually eat two meals a day unless it was a holiday (feast all day usually)

Wealthy were very healthy, but peasants usually died of little food especially in the winter

European explorers brought back spices, fruits, vegetables, and meats from the East Indies

New Foods: tomatoes (hardly ever eaten, “new” thing), peppers, potatoes, maize (corn), ginger (spice), and turkeys

Lavish feasts of the medieval times are important to life in the Renaissance

Usually eat two meals a day unless it was a holiday (feast all day usually)

Renaissance: Eyck-Government Emily Recupero

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Peasants Daily & Winter Meals

Peasants Daily & Winter Meals

Diet is mostly of grains (wheat, oats, barley, millet) that are made into coarse bread

Typically eat thin vegetable soup made of beans, peas, and cabbage with bread; sometimes cheese and eggs, but rarely ever and salad sometimes

Whatever soaked bread the wealthy had left over they gave to the poor

Pork and beef were rare delicacies that were salted over fires (few times a year)

Food storage: preserved lots in vinegar (like vegetables)

Food storage problems: rats and weevils, bacon turned rancid, cheese got moldy

Summer: lots of fruit, Winter: hardly any

In the winter, they had to rely on food they preserved earlier in the year

Health suffered a lot, many die (especially with the plague getting around)

Diet is mostly of grains (wheat, oats, barley, millet) that are made into coarse bread

Typically eat thin vegetable soup made of beans, peas, and cabbage with bread; sometimes cheese and eggs, but rarely ever and salad sometimes

Whatever soaked bread the wealthy had left over they gave to the poor

Pork and beef were rare delicacies that were salted over fires (few times a year)

Food storage: preserved lots in vinegar (like vegetables)

Food storage problems: rats and weevils, bacon turned rancid, cheese got moldy

Summer: lots of fruit, Winter: hardly any

In the winter, they had to rely on food they preserved earlier in the year

Health suffered a lot, many die (especially with the plague getting around)

Renaissance: Eyck- Government Emily Recupero

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Daily Meals for the Wealthy

Daily Meals for the Wealthy

Ate vast amounts of food everyday (like feasts), washed down with wine

Meat served with spicy dipping sauce to disguise the fact that it was salted or not very fresh

Held large banquets to show off their wealth

Ate vast amounts of food everyday (like feasts), washed down with wine

Meat served with spicy dipping sauce to disguise the fact that it was salted or not very fresh

Held large banquets to show off their wealth

Renaissance: Eyck-Government Emily Recupero

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The Chefs for the Wealthy

• Most important people in the kitchen staff

• Especially important during a banquet or celebration

• Responsible for how the food is prepared (looks like)

• (People did not really care for how the food tasted just mainly how it looked)

Life During the Renaissance Emily Recupero

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Drinks Water was irregular unless it was

meant for religious purposes

Cider was good, but not very popular

Mead (honey and water) and wine were popular, but not as much as beer was.

Beer was what most people, including kids, drank every day in the form of ale

Renaissance: Eyck-Government Emily Recupero

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Beer BrewingBeer Brewing The main occupation of women was to brew beer /


Women dominated the production of beer / ale for the community market

Many women thought of brewing beer / ale a dangerous and hard working job

5% of women died because of falling into the buckets of beer / ale

The main occupation of women was to brew beer / ale

Women dominated the production of beer / ale for the community market

Many women thought of brewing beer / ale a dangerous and hard working job

5% of women died because of falling into the buckets of beer / ale

Life During the Renaissance Emily Recupero

Beer Brewery

Page 8: Ren Honors Pres

Special Occasions

Special Occasions Saint’s Days, Weddings, holidays (feasts are most

popular on these days, plentiful food) Large game birds were often as one of the many meat

dishes served Popular custom to serve pork alongside fried chestnuts Popular foods: root vegetables; salad greens and fruit

(fruit course, now known as dessert) Even though fruit was very popular, physicians warned

that if you eat it raw it was deadly (poisonous) Desserts: “hot pies” containing either vegetables, meat,

or fish and pastries of all varieties

Saint’s Days, Weddings, holidays (feasts are most popular on these days, plentiful food)

Large game birds were often as one of the many meat dishes served

Popular custom to serve pork alongside fried chestnuts Popular foods: root vegetables; salad greens and fruit

(fruit course, now known as dessert) Even though fruit was very popular, physicians warned

that if you eat it raw it was deadly (poisonous) Desserts: “hot pies” containing either vegetables, meat,

or fish and pastries of all varieties

Wedding Emily Recupero

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Diet & Health Problems

Diet & Health Problems In this time period, people were just now

understanding that overeating was bad for your health

Governments tried limiting the number of dishes served at a wedding / special occasions

Table manners improved: -feasts replaced with more civilized meals

(except holidays) -tables lined with table cloths and napkins -people stopped eating with their hands (fork

introduced) -trenchers (thick bread slices served as plates)

replaced with real plates

In this time period, people were just now understanding that overeating was bad for your health

Governments tried limiting the number of dishes served at a wedding / special occasions

Table manners improved: -feasts replaced with more civilized meals

(except holidays) -tables lined with table cloths and napkins -people stopped eating with their hands (fork

introduced) -trenchers (thick bread slices served as plates)

replaced with real plates

Renaissance: Eyck-Government Emily Recupero

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~ Julius Caesar ~ ~ Julius Caesar ~ • Written by William Shakespeare• Believed to be written about 1599• Julius Caesar is a Tragedy

• Written by William Shakespeare• Believed to be written about 1599• Julius Caesar is a Tragedy

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Renee’ Wilson

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Background and Setting

Background and Setting Julius Caesar was a powerful ruler Julius Caesar was a powerful ruler

of Rome. Caesar was loved by his of Rome. Caesar was loved by his citizens, however, some began to citizens, however, some began to grow jealous of his power. grow jealous of his power.

Cassias, a roman senator, convinces Cassias, a roman senator, convinces Marcus Brutus, Caesar's most loyal Marcus Brutus, Caesar's most loyal friend, to join the demise of Caesar. friend, to join the demise of Caesar. Caesar is killed on the steps of the Caesar is killed on the steps of the senate by these trusted men.senate by these trusted men.

Caesar's friend Mark Antony and Caesar's friend Mark Antony and Octavian, Caesar's adopted son Octavian, Caesar's adopted son (nephew), join the fight to find the (nephew), join the fight to find the conspirators. Antony and Octavian conspirators. Antony and Octavian eventually bring to trial the eventually bring to trial the conspirators avenging Caesar's conspirators avenging Caesar's death and restoring order to Romedeath and restoring order to Rome. .

Julius Caesar was a powerful ruler Julius Caesar was a powerful ruler of Rome. Caesar was loved by his of Rome. Caesar was loved by his citizens, however, some began to citizens, however, some began to grow jealous of his power. grow jealous of his power.

Cassias, a roman senator, convinces Cassias, a roman senator, convinces Marcus Brutus, Caesar's most loyal Marcus Brutus, Caesar's most loyal friend, to join the demise of Caesar. friend, to join the demise of Caesar. Caesar is killed on the steps of the Caesar is killed on the steps of the senate by these trusted men.senate by these trusted men.

Caesar's friend Mark Antony and Caesar's friend Mark Antony and Octavian, Caesar's adopted son Octavian, Caesar's adopted son (nephew), join the fight to find the (nephew), join the fight to find the conspirators. Antony and Octavian conspirators. Antony and Octavian eventually bring to trial the eventually bring to trial the conspirators avenging Caesar's conspirators avenging Caesar's death and restoring order to Romedeath and restoring order to Rome. .

The Play is set in Verona and The Play is set in Verona and Mantua Italy.Mantua Italy.

Takes place within the confines Takes place within the confines of Julius Caesars life and death.of Julius Caesars life and death.

Historical timeline places the Historical timeline places the play at the beginning of the play at the beginning of the Roman Empire.Roman Empire.

The Play is set in Verona and The Play is set in Verona and Mantua Italy.Mantua Italy.

Takes place within the confines Takes place within the confines of Julius Caesars life and death.of Julius Caesars life and death.

Historical timeline places the Historical timeline places the play at the beginning of the play at the beginning of the Roman Empire.Roman Empire.

Renee’ Wilson

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Main Characters

Main Characters


PortiaBrutus's Wife


in theMurder

CassiusRoman Senator


Brutus Best Friend


CalphurniaJulius's Wife

LepidusLoyal Friend

to Antonyand Octavius


Adopted Son1st Roman Emperor

AntonyLoyal Friendto Caesar and


Julius CaesarRuler of Rome


PortiaBrutus's Wife


in theMurder

CassiusRoman Senator


Brutus Best Friend


CalphurniaJulius's Wife

LepidusLoyal Friend

to Antonyand Octavius


Adopted Son1st Roman Emperor

AntonyLoyal Friendto Caesar and


Julius CaesarRuler of Rome

Renee’ Wilson

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Julius Caesar ~

Acts I & II

Julius Caesar ~

Acts I & II

Act ISetting the stage for the bigger events to come. The play starts with Caesar talking with Antony about his superstitions. Many people of this time were superstitious and Caesar was one of them. Cassius, knowing this tells Caesar to beware of the Ides of March (15th of March). Caesar somewhat heeds his warning, but continues along his normal routine. The conspirators plotting to kill Caesar continue to build supporters.

Act IIBrutus, Caesar's best friend joins the fight to kill Caesar. On the eve of the Ides of March Caesar’s wife Calphurnia tells Caesar of the horrible dreams and urges him to stay home. Decius, a conspirator to Caesar's death convinces Caesar that his future is not one of death but rather of a future that contains his hand at saving Rome. At the end of this act Caesar is almost warned but the warning misses Caesar sealing his fate.

Act ISetting the stage for the bigger events to come. The play starts with Caesar talking with Antony about his superstitions. Many people of this time were superstitious and Caesar was one of them. Cassius, knowing this tells Caesar to beware of the Ides of March (15th of March). Caesar somewhat heeds his warning, but continues along his normal routine. The conspirators plotting to kill Caesar continue to build supporters.

Act IIBrutus, Caesar's best friend joins the fight to kill Caesar. On the eve of the Ides of March Caesar’s wife Calphurnia tells Caesar of the horrible dreams and urges him to stay home. Decius, a conspirator to Caesar's death convinces Caesar that his future is not one of death but rather of a future that contains his hand at saving Rome. At the end of this act Caesar is almost warned but the warning misses Caesar sealing his fate.

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Renee’ Wilson

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Julius Caesar ~ Acts III & IV

Act IIICaesar dies! He is stabbed in the senate as everyone looks on. At his funeral Brutus speaks how things may be better now. Antony speaks of Caesars greatness and his love of his Roman people. The people of Rome are outraged at Caesars murder and take to the streets hunting the conspirators.

Act IVBrutus is sought after for the death of Caesar as well as Cassius. Although Brutus being Caesars best friend is feeling some sorrow at his actions. He is visited by Caesar’s ghost whom tells him that they will meet again. This worries Brutus.

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Renee’ Wilson

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Julius Caesar ~ Act V

Julius Caesar ~ Act V

Act VOctavius and Antony try to meet with Cassius and Brutus. However they cannot put their differences aside. In the midst of all of this turmoil Cassius hears that Brutus has ben captured, he then kills himself and others follow suit. Brutus hearing the news of the suicides, justifies them to the ghost of Caesar making sure that the murderes pay for their crimes with death.

Act VOctavius and Antony try to meet with Cassius and Brutus. However they cannot put their differences aside. In the midst of all of this turmoil Cassius hears that Brutus has ben captured, he then kills himself and others follow suit. Brutus hearing the news of the suicides, justifies them to the ghost of Caesar making sure that the murderes pay for their crimes with death.

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Renee’ Wilson

Page 16: Ren Honors Pres

Review of Julius Caesar

Review of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar although a great historical figure. The play lacks passion. It seems that the play is drawn out. Caesar himself is dead in Act III and from there on end they are just trying to find the killers and punish them. The part I found most interesting is that ghost of Caesar coming back to haunt Brutus. Is it because of the guilt Brutus feels because of his betrayal or is it Caesars way of proving that even from the grave his control will last.

Julius Caesar although a great historical figure. The play lacks passion. It seems that the play is drawn out. Caesar himself is dead in Act III and from there on end they are just trying to find the killers and punish them. The part I found most interesting is that ghost of Caesar coming back to haunt Brutus. Is it because of the guilt Brutus feels because of his betrayal or is it Caesars way of proving that even from the grave his control will last.

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Renee’ Wilson

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~ Little Known Facts ~

about the Play - Julius Caesar There are 20,933 spoken words in the play Julius

Caesar. The most well known line from the play is, “Et tu

Brute?” Julius Caesar is only in 3 of the 5 acts. The play was 1st printed in 1623. Brutus’s wife Portia died by swallowing hot coals. In the 1953 version comedian Rodney Dangerfield

played a spectator in the Caesar death scene. Julius Caesar was stabbed 33 times.

Renee’ Wilson

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Works CitedBrown, Lorri. Popular Renaissance Foods. 6 May. 2007<>

Iannuzzo,C.T. Renaissance Food. 1 Jan. 2004<>

Netzley, Patricia D. Life During The Renaissance. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

Renaissance Drink. 30 Dec. 2003<>

“Daily Life”. Renaissance: Copernicus-Exploration. 2002 ed. 3.

“Food and Drink". Renaissance : Eyck-Government . 2002 ed. 4.

Emily Recupero

Page 19: Ren Honors Pres

Works CitedWilliam Shakespeare net. 4 Dec. 2009 < .htm>

William Shakespeare. 4 Dec. 2009 <>

Online literature. 4 Dec. 2009

Spark Notes. 5 Dec. 2009

Orlando Shakes. 6 Dec. 2009 <>

Shakespeare Julius Caesar. 4 Dec. 2009 <>

Renee’ Wilson