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Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    T o b e

    s u b m

    i t t e d a t

    A x i s

    B a n k ( C

    o l l e c

    t i o n C

    e n t r e s )

    One Indiabulls Centre, Tower 1, 11th & 12th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841,Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai-400 013 APPL N :

    Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan(An Open Ended Inde Linked Scheme)

    Na e S le / 1s appl anE s n F l N .2. ExiStiNg uNit hoLdEr iNFormAtioN For e isting investors please ll in your Folio number, name & proceed to Investment & Payment Details.

    Unitholding Option - Demat Mode Physical Mode (If demat account details are provided below, units will be alloted by default in electronic mode only)3. DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS -(Please ensure that the sequence o names as mentioned in the application orm matches with that o the account held with anyone o the Depository Participant.) Demat Account details are compulsory i demat mode is opted above. (Re er Instruction No. II 8) (Optional)


    Depository participant Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________DP ID No.Beneficiary Account No.


    Depository participant Name ____________________________________________________________________________Target ID No.

    I N

    Received rom ______________________________________________________________________________in Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan Cheque / DD No. ____________________ Dated ____________________ Rs. ________________________drawn on ________________________________________________________________________________

    Signature, Date & Stampof receiving office

    APPL N .

    Growth Option Bonus Option

    2nd holder PAN

    Name o Second applicant Mr. Ms.

    Name o First / Sole applicant Mr. Ms. M/s.

    1st holder PAN PAN Proo Enclosed

    M a n d a t o r y

    Date of Birth**D D M M Y Y Y Y[Are you KYC Compliant Please ( ) Yes or No ]

    KYC Mandatory or investment o Rs. 50,000 & above

    M a n d a t o r y [Are you KYC Compliant Please ( ) Yes or No ]KYC Mandatory or investment o Rs. 50,000 & abovePAN Proo Enclosed

    Name o Third applicant Mr. Ms.

    3rd holder PAN

    M a n d a t o r y [Are you KYC Compliant Please ( ) Yes or No ]KYC Mandatory or investment o Rs. 50,000 & above

    PAN Proo Enclosed

    Guardians PAN

    *Incase of minor as joint applicant

    Name o Guardian (In case o Minor-Contact Person/Designation - In case o non-individual Investors) Mr. Ms.

    M a n d a t o r y [Are you KYC Compliant Please ( ) Yes or No ]KYC Mandatory or investment o Rs. 50,000 & abovePAN Proo Enclosed

    Relation with Minor/Designation

    (**Date of birth mandatory if theapplicant is minor)

    5. Mailing Address of Sole / First Applicant (P.O. Bo Address may not be sufficient. Please provide your complete Address) (Refer Instruction No. I.3)


    Add 1

    Add 2

    Add 3

    Country PinState


    Tel. No. STD Code __________ Office ________________________ Residence _________________________ Mobile No. _______________________________E-mail ID. _________________________________________________________________

    Overseas Address (Mandatory for NRI/FII Applicants) (Please provide your complete Address P.O. BOx address is not su cent)

    PinCity Country

    Name & Broker Code / ARN Bank Serial No. Registrar Serial No.

    Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment of various factors including the servicerendered by the distributor.

    Sub Broker / Sub Agent Code1.


    Single Joint (Default)Anyone or Survivor(s)Former or Survivor *Minor

    (In case of minor with JointApplicant)

    Resident Indian Minor NRI Repatriable NRI Non Repatriable

    2nd Holder RI NRI3rd Holder RI NRI

    Partnership firm FIIsSociety AOP/BOI BanksFIs Trust

    Company/Body Corporate HUF

    Others ________________

    Business Professional Service RetiredStudent Housewife Civil ServantPolitician Forex Dealer OthersPolitical Party OfficialCurrent/Former MP/MLA/MLC/Head of StateSenior Executive of State owned corporation


    Dividend Payout Option Dividend Reinvestment optionQuarterly Hal Yearly Annually



    ARN - 25682

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    I/We would like to invest in Reliance Index Fund - Sensex Plan subject to terms o the Statement o Additional In ormation (SAI) and Scheme In ormationDocument (SID) and subsequent amendments thereto. I/We have read, understood (be ore lling application orm) and is/are bound to the details o the SAI andSID including details relating to various services including but not limited to ATM/ Debit Card. I/We have not received nor been induced by any rebate or gi ts,directly or indirectly, in making this investment. I accept and agree to be bound by the said Terms and Conditions including those excluding/ limiting the RelianceCapital Asset Managements Limited (RCAM) liability. I understand that the RCAM may, at its absolute discretion, discontinue any o the services completely orpartially without any prior notice to me. I agree RCAM can debit rom my olio or the service charges as applicable rom time to time. The ARN holder has disclosedto me/us all the commissions (in the orm o trail commission or any other mode), payable to him or the di erent competing Schemes o various Mutual Funds

    rom amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us. I hereby declare that the above in ormation is given by the undersigned and particulars givenby me/us are correct and complete. Applicable or NRI Investors: I con rm that I am resident o India. I/We con rm that I am/We are Non-Resident o IndianNationality/Origin and I/We hereby con rm that the unds or subscription have been remitted rom abroad through normal banking channels or rom unds in my/our Non-Resident External / Ordinary Account/FCNR Account. I/We undertake that all additional purchases made under this olio will also be rom unds received

    rom abroad through approved banking channels or rom unds in my/ our NRE/FCNR Account.

    9. dEcLArAtioN

    8. NomiNAtioNI/ We do hereby nominate the person(s) more particularly described hereunder in respect o the Units


    Name of Nominee(s)Date of Birth Name of Guardian Proportion (%) by which the units will be shared

    by each Nominee (should aggregate to 100%)(to be furnished in case the Nominee is a minor)

    10. SiP Auto dEbit rEgiStrAtioN mANdAtE with hdFc/AxiS bANk oNLy (t e 2n SiP ns all en s l n e e e 2n N e e ,2010) (R f r I s ru io for SIP Au o D i )

    Name of the Scheme : Reliance Index Fund - Sensex Plan SIP Date 2 10 18 28 (Select any one Date) (Default 10th) Enrolment Period (Regular) From: To:Enrolment Period (Perpetual) From: To: (Default)

    I/We, Mr./Ms./M/s. ____________________________________________________________hereby authorise

    debit (as a Standing Instruction) from my/our Account No. _______________________________________________for Rs.(In words)_______________________________________________________________________________ and remit the same on account of RelianceMutual Fund, as per declaration(s) mentioned overleaf.

    Monthly (Default)Quarterly1 2 9 9

    HDFC Bank / AXIS Bank to



    A/ . pe SB Current NRO NRE FCNR



    6. bANk AccouNt dEtAiLS (mANdAtory For rEdEmPtioN / dividENd ANd rEFuNd PAyout) (rEFEr iNStructioN No. iii)

    9 Digit MICR Code M a n d a t o r y IFSC Code F o r C r e d i t v i a N E F T

    Account No. M a n d a t o r yM a n d a t o r y Branch M a n d a t o r y

    M a n d a t o r y M a n d a t o r y

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP (To be filled in by the Applicant)

    Toll Free

    Sole / 1st Applicant / Guardian /Authorised Signatory

    2nd Applicant / Authorised Signatory

    3rd Applicant / Authorised Signatory

    M a n d a t o r y

    M a n d a t o r y

    M a n d a t o r y




    dEcLArAtioNThis is to in orm you that I/We have registered with Reliance Mutual Fund through their respective banks or Auto Debit Facility and that my payment towards my investmentin Reliance Mutual Fund shall be made rom my/our below mentioned bank account with your bank. I/We authorise the representative carrying this Auto Debit mandate toget it veri ed & e ecute. I/We undertake to keep su cient unds in the unding account on the date o e ecution o standing instruction. I hereby declare that the particularsgiven above are correct and complete. I the transaction is delayed or not e ected at all or reasons o incomplete or incorrect in ormation, I would not hold the MutualFund or the Bank responsible. I the SIP debit date to my/ our account happens to be a non business day as per the Mutual Fund or a Bank holiday, e ecution o the SIP willhappen on the ne t working day and allotment o units will happen as per the Terms and Conditions listed in the Scheme In ormation Document/statement o additionalin ormation o the Mutual Fund. The above mentioned Bank shall not be liable or, nor be in de ault by reason o , any ailure or delay in completion o this service, where such

    ailure or delay is caused, in whole or in part, by any acts o God, civil war, civil commotion, riot, strike, mutiny, revolution, re, food, og, war, lightening, earthquake, changeo Government policies, Unavailability o Banks computer system, orce majeure events, or any other cause o peril which is beyond the above mentioned Banks reasonablecontrol and which has the e ect o preventing the per ormance this service by the above mentioned Bank. The ARN holder has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (inthe orm o trail commission or any other mode), payable to him or the di erent competing Schemes o various Mutual Funds rom amongst which the Scheme is beingrecommended to me/us.

    Sole / 1st Applicant / Guardian/Authorised Signatory

    2nd Applicant /Authorised Signatory

    3rd Applicant /Authorised Signatory

    SigNAturE (As n ban re ) p n SiP

    7. InveStment & PAyment DetAIlS (S para App i a io For is r quir d for i s i a p a /Op io (R f r i s ru io o. Iv ) PAyment by cASh IS nOt PeRmItteD.Plan op n g ss A n dd c a es Ne c eq e / dd A n rs.c eq e / dd N . & da e ban / b an

    Growth Plan Growth Bonus

    Dividend Plan Reinvestment Payout

    Quarterly Hal Yearly Annually(De ault-Reinvestment/Quarterly Option)

    (Re er instructionNo. IV.4 )

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    i. gENErAL iNStructioNS For FiLiNg uP thE APPLicAtioN FormS1. Please read the Key In ormation Memorandum and the Scheme In ormation

    Document /statement o additional in ormation care ully be ore investing. Allapplicants are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the terms subjectto which this o er is being made and bind themselves to the terms upon signingthe Application Form and tendering payment.

    2. The application orm must be lled in English in BLOCK letters using Black orDark Blue colored ink. Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected. Pleaseensure that the requisite details and documents have been provided. This willhelp in avoiding processing delays and / or rejection o your Application Form. Allsubscription application orms should be submitted only at designated brancheso the collecting banks appointed by Reliance Mutual Fund.

    3. The Applicants name and address must be given in ull (P.O. Bo No. alone isnot su cient). In case o multiple applicants, all communication and paymentstowards redemption will be made in the name o / avoring rst applicant only.I the rst applicant is a minor, the name o the Guardian who will sign on behalo the minor should be lled in the space provided. Please ll in your date obirth as this may be required or validating your identity or certain transactions/communication. Also, please provide Telephone No./E-mail Id. o the rstapplicant, so as to acilitate aster and e cient communication.

    4. All applicants must sign the orm, (quoting e isting Folio no, i any). Thumbimpressions must be attested by a Judicial Magistrate/Notary Public under his/her o cial seal. In case o HUF, the Karta should sign on behal o the HUF.Authorised signatories, signing on behal o a Co./Body Corp./Society/Trust etcshould sign under their o cial seal, designation. A list o Authorised Signatorieswith their names & designations duty certi ed / attested by the bankers shouldbe attached with the application orm.

    5. Please note that i no Plan is ticked / indicated in the Application orm, the unitswill, by de ault, be allotted under the Growth Plan o the Scheme. Similarly,Growth Option o the Growth Plan and Dividend Re-investment Option o theDividend Plan shall be the de ault sub-options.

    6. Incase o Mode o Holding is not mentioned or Joint Holders the de ault modeo holding would be Joint.

    7. Joint applicant with a Minor shall be permitted only where the Minor (representedby guardian) is the 1st named applicant / bene ciary and only natural parentsshall be permitted as joint applicants with a minor and the Holding basis shall beFormer or survivor only. A Court-appointed Guardian shall not be permitted toapply as a joint applicant.

    8. Incase your PAN is KYC compliant. The address you have given in KYC willsupercede the address provided in the orm

    9. I the SIP Application is rejected, your main application with initial investment issubject to rejection i the the minimum amount criteria is not satisi ed

    10. For Direct Investment Please Mention Direct in the Column Name & BrokerCode/ARN

    11. NFO Application orms shall be accepted only at the A is Bank designatedcentres.

    ii. APPLicANtS iNFormAtioN1. In case the application is made under a Power o Attorney (PoA), a duly certi ed

    copy thereo , duly notarised should be submitted with the application. The POAdocument should contain the signatures o both the Applicant & the constitutedAttorney.

    2. Application made by a limited company or by a body corporate or a registeredsociety or a trust, should be accompanied by a copy o the relevant resolutionor authority to make the application, as the case may be, alongwith a certi edcopy o the Memorandum and Articles o Association or Trust Deed / Bye Laws

    / Partnership Deed, whichever is applicable.3. In case o non-individual applicants, i.e. HUF / Companies / AOP / BOI / Trusts

    / Societies / FIIs e tc. the name, email-ID and telephone number o the contactperson to should be provided.

    4. As per SEBI circular number MRD/DoP/Cir- 05/2007 dated April 27, 2007,PAN shall be the sole identi cation number or all participants transacting in thesecurities market, irrespective o the amount o transaction w.e. . July 2, 2007.Accordingly, it is mandatory or investors to provide their PAN alongwith a selattested copy o PAN card.I the investment is being made on behal o a minor, the PAN o the minor or atheror mother or the guardian, who represents the minor, should be provided.Applications received without PAN/PAN card copy will be rejected. Re er SAI ormore detail

    5. Prevention o Money Laundering & Know Your Customer (KYC):

    In terms o the Prevention o Money Laundering Act, 2002, the Rules issued there

    under and the guidelines issued by SEBI regarding the Anti Money Laundering(AML), all intermediaries, including Mutual Funds, have to ormulate and implementa Client Identi cation Process, commonly re erred to as Know Your Customer or KYCProcess, veri y and maintain the record o identi ty and address (es) o investors.The investors must ensure that the amount invested in the scheme is derived onlythrough legitimate sources and does not involve and is not designed or the purposeo any contravention or evasion o the provisions o all the applicable laws, rulesand regulations, directions issued by the appropriate authority (the applicable laws)in orce rom time to time including the Prevention o Money Laundering Act, theIncome Tax Act, 1961, or the Prevention o Corruption Act, 1988, etc.

    Pursuant to the above, the AMC may seek in ormation or obtain and retaindocumentation used to establish Customers identity. It may re-veri y identityand obtain any missing or addit ional in ormation or this purpose.Reliance Mutual Fund / Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limited / Reliance CapitalAsset Management Limited reserve the right to take all steps and actions, includingrecording investor(s) / unitholder(s) telephonic calls, and / or obtain and retaindocumentation or establishing the identity o the investor, proo o residence,source o unds etc. in accordance with the applicable laws, rom the investor(s)/ unitholder(s), as may be required, to ensure the appropriate identi cation /veri cation / re-veri cation o the investor(s) / unitholder(s), the source o undsetc. under its KYC Policy.The AMC, under powers delegated by the Trustee, shall have absolute discretionto reject any application, prevent urther transactions by a Unit Holder, delayprocessing redemption as per applicable laws or regulations i(i) a ter due diligence, the investor / Unit Holder / a person making the payment

    on behal o the investor does not ul l the requirements o the Know Your

    Customer as determined by the AMC or the AMC believes that the transactionis suspicious in nature as regards money laundering.(ii) the AMC determines in its sole discretion that the application does not or will

    not comply with any applicable laws or regulations.In this regard the AMC reserves the right to reject any application and e ect amandatory Redemption o Units. Re er SAI or more details.I the payment or Purchase o Units are made by a third par ty (e.g. a power oattorney holder, a nancing agency, a relative, etc.), the investor / applicant maybe required to give such details o such transaction so as to satis y the AMC othe source and / or consideration underlying the transaction.

    6. In case o NRI/FII investors the Account Statements / Redemption Cheques /Other correspondence will be sent to the mailing address mentioned.

    7. All applications are accepted subject to detailed scrutiny and veri cation.Applications which are not complete in all respects are liable or rejection, eitherat the collection point itsel or subsequently a ter detail scrutiny/veri cation atthe back o ce o the registrars.

    8 I the details mentioned in the application are incomplete/incorrect, not matchedwith the depository data, the application shall be treated as invalid and shall beliable to be rejected. In case Unit holders do not provide their Demat Accountdetails, an Account Statement shall be sent to them. Such investors will not beable to trade on the stock e change till the holdings are converted in to demat

    orm.9. The Unit holders are given an Option to hold the units by way o an Account

    Statement or in Dematerialized (Demat) orm. Unit holders opting to hold theunits in demat orm must provide their Demat Account details in the speci edsection o the application orm. The Unit holder intending to hold the units inDemat orm are required to have a bene ciary account with the DP (registeredwith NSDL / CDSL as may be indicated by the Fund at the time o launch othe Plan) and will be required to indicate in the application the DPs name, DP

    ID Number and the bene ciary account number o the applicant with the DP.In case Unit holders do not provide their Demat Account details, an AccountStatement shall be sent to them. The details available with the DP regardingdemat account o the investor will be updated in the olio o the investor.

    iii. bANk dEtAiLS1. As per the SEBI guidelines, it is mandatory or investors to mention their bank

    account details in the application orm. In the absence o the bank details theapplication orm will be rejected. Wherever possible / availability o electroniccredit service, RMF will give instruction to the investors bank or direct / electroniccredit or dividend / redemption payments and such instructions will be adequatedischarge o RMF towards the said payment. In case the credit is not a ectedby the unitholders banker or any reason RMF reserves the right to make thepayment by a cheque / DD, in case it is not possible to make the payment throughelectronic credit. I the electronic credit is delayed or not a ected or credited toa wrong account, on account

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    Key In ormation Memorandum cum Application Formrel an e in e F n Sense Plan

    (An Open Ended Inde Linked Scheme)Off r for U i s of Rs. 10/- p r u i for as duri g n Fu d Off r P riod a d a nAv as d pri s upo r op i g

    SPoNSorc p a e o f e:rel an e cap al L eH Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City,Koparkhairne, Navi Mumbai - 400 710.Tel : 022 - 30327000, Fa . 022 - 30327202truStEErel an e cap al t s ee c . L ec p a e o f e:11th foor & 12th foor, One Indiabulls Centre,Tower 1, Jupiter Mills Compound, 841,Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400 013.Tel No. - 022-30994600 Fax No. - 022-30994699rEgiStErEd oFFicEReliance Capital Asset Management Limited/Reliance Capital Trustee Co. LimitedReliance House, Nr. Mardia plaza,O . C.G. Road, Ahmedabad 380006

    iNvEStmENt mANAgErc p a e o f e:rel an e cap al Asse mana e en L e11th foor & 12th foor, One Indiabulls Centre,Tower 1, Jupiter Mills Compound,841, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road,Mumbai - 400 013.Tel No. - 022-30994600Fa No. - 022-30994699

    rEgiStrArka c p e s a e P . L .Madhura Estate,Municipal No.1-9/13/C,Plot No.13 & 13C,Survey No.74 & 75,Madhapur Village,Serlingampally Mandal& Municipality, R.R.District, Hyderabad - 500081.Tel: 040-40308000 Fa : 040-23394828

    cuStodiANde s e ban A.g.Kodak House, 222, Dr. D.N. Road,Mumbai - 400 001AuditorS to thE SchEmEha a & c .c a e e A n an s

    42, Free Press House, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021E-mail : [email protected] [Customer Helpline] 3030 1111Investors using mobile phones need to preSTD Code o their respective city be ore 3030 1111.MTL/BSNL subscribers need todial 022 - 3030 1111.Overseas callers need todial 91 - 22 - 3030 1111.Website:

    New Fund Offer Opens New Fund Offer Closes Scheme re-opens for continuous sale &repurchase not later than

    September 09, 2010 September 23, 2010 October 06, 2010t s ke in a n me an (kim) se s e n a n, a p spe e n es n e e n es n . F e e am al F n , e l en e e f a e e Amc, ke Pe s nnel, n es s s & se es, s a s, penal es & pen n l a ns e . n e

    e e n es en , e e e S e e in a n d en & S a e en A nal in a n a a la le ee s a an e in es Ses s e e s e . el an e al.t e S e e pa la s a e een p epa e n a an e Se es an E an e b a in a (m al F n s) re la ns 1996, as a en e ll afle Se es an E an e b a in a (SEbi). t e n s e n e e p l s s p n a e n een app e sapp e SE

    e fe e a a a eq a s kim. t s kim s a e A s 25, 2010.DISCLAIMERS TO USE BSE SENSEx INDExThe Licensee agrees e pressly to be itsel bound by and urthermore to include all o the ollowing disclaimers and limitations on as is basis without any addition, deletionand modi cations in each o er document and registration statements and all other documents, relating to the Scheme or use o the Fund or any Derivative Product andupon request to urnish a copy thereo to the Licensor:Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by the Bombay Stock E change Limited (BSE). BSE makes no representation or warranty,e press or implied to the investors in Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan or any member o the public in any manner whatsoever regarding the advisability o investing insecurities generally or in Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan par ticularly or the ability o the Inde to track the sectors represented in the BSE Sense Inde . The relationshipo BSE towards Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited (as asset manager o Reliance Mutual Fund) is in respect o the licensing the use o BSE Sense Inde ; whichis determined, composed and calculated by BSE without regard to the Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited (as asset manager o Reliance Mutual Fund) or RelianceInde Fund - Sense Plan. BSE is under no obligation whatsoever to take the needs o the investors o Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan into consideration in determining,composing or calculating the BSE Sense Inde . BSE is neither responsible or nor has participated in the determination o the time or price at which the units o RelianceInde Fund - Sense Plan are to be issued or in determination or calculation o the equation by which the units are to be redeemed or the underlying securities. BSE is under

    no obligation or liability in connection with or relating to the administration, marketing or trading o Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan.BSE does not guarantee the accuracy and/or completeness o BSE Sense Inde or any data included therein and they shall have no liability or any errors, omissions orinterruptions therein. BSE makes no warranty, e press or implied, as to the results to be obtained by Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited (as asset manager o RelianceMutual Fund), investors o Reliance Inde Fund - Sense Plan, or any other persons or entities rom the use o BSE Sense Inde or any data included therein. BSE makesno e press or implied warranties and e pressly disclaims all warranties o merchantability or tness or a particular purpose or use with respect to BSE Sense Inde or anydata included therein. Without limiting any o the oregoing, in no event shall BSE have any liability or any special, punitive, indirect or consequential damages (includinglost pro ts), even i noti ed o the possibility o such damages.INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE -The primary investment object ive o the scheme is to replicate the composition o the Sense , with a view to generate returns that are commensurate with the per ormanceo the Sense , subject to tracking errors.ASSET ALLOCATION PATTERN OF THE SCHEME:Asset Allocation: Under normal circumstances, the proposed asset allocation would be:

    Instruments Indicative asset allocation(% of total assets)

    Risk Profile

    Minimum Ma imum

    Equities and equity related securities covered by the Sense 95% 100% Medium to HighCash/CBLO/Repo & Reverse Repo & Money Market instruments (CPs,CDs, Tbills, Mibor linked instruments with daily Put/Call options & overnight Interest rate Reset Linked Instruments)but e cluding Subscription and Redemption Cash Flow #

    0% 5% Low to Medium

    # Subscription Cash Flow is the subscription money in transit be ore deployment and Redemption Cash Flow is the money kept aside or meeting redemptions.The securities mentioned above including money market instruments, could be listed, privately placed, secured, unsecured, rated or unrated and o any maturity. The securitiesmay be acquired through Initial Public O erings (IPOs), secondary market operations, private placement, rights o ers or negotiated deals.For the purposes o this SID, equity and equity related securities include debt securities convertible into shares and rights or warrants to purchase shares. It is the intentiono this Scheme to trade in derivatives on the indices or the stocks comprising the indices, as permitted by the Regulations.The portion o the schemes port olio invested in each type o security listed above may vary in accordance with economic conditions, interest rates, liquidity and otherrelevant considerations, including the risks associated with each investment. The scheme will, in order to reduce the risks associated with any one security, utilize a varietyo investments.The Scheme may also enter into repurchase and reverse repurchase obligations in securities held by it as per the guidelines and regulations applicable to such transactions.Further, the scheme intends to participate in securities lending as permitted under the Regulations.The Scheme will not invest in securitised papers and in oreign securities.Gross investments in securities under the Scheme/ Plan (as the case may be) which includes equities, equity related instruments/securities, debt securities Money MarketInstruments and derivatives will not e ceed 100% o the net assets o the Scheme / Plan (as the case may be).The net assets o the Scheme will be invested predominantly in stocks constituting the SENSEx and / or in its e change traded derivatives. This would be done by investing in

    almost all the stocks comprising the SENSEx in appro imately the same weightage that they represent in the SENSEx and/or investing in derivatives including utures contractand options contracts on the SENSEx. A small portion o the net assets will be invested in money market instruments permitted by SEBI/RBI including (CPs,CDs, Tbills,Mibor linked instruments with daily Put/Call options & overnight Interest rate Reset Linked Instruments).as may be provided by the RBI, to meet the liquidity requirements

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    o the Scheme.The investment manager in line with the investment objective may alter the above pattern or short term and on de ensive consideration. However the same will be recti edat the earliest opportunity as may be available, but not later than 30 days, to minimize the tracking error.trAckiNg Error - Tracking Error is the e tent to which the NAV o the Scheme moves in a manner inconsistent with the movements o the total returns o the SENSExon any given day or over any given period o time arising rom any cause or reason whatsoever including but not limited to di erences in the weightage o the investmentsin the securities and the weightage to such securities in SENSEx and the time lags to deployment or ealization o unds under the Scheme as compared to the movement oor within SENSEx as well as the market liquidity cost o trading, management and other e penses. The tracking error is not e pected to e ceed 2% (simple annualized).INVESTMENT STRATEGYThe Scheme will be managed passively with investments in stocks in a proportion that it is as close as possible to the weightages o these stocks in the BSE SENSEx Inde .The investment strategy would revolve around reducing the tracking error to the least possible through rebalancing o the port olio, taking into account the change in weightso stocks in the inde as well as the incremental collections/redemptions rom the Scheme.It is proposed to manage the risks by placing limit orders or basket trades and other trades, proactive ollow-up with the service providers or daily change in weights in theBSE SENSEx as well as monitor daily infows and outfows to and rom the Fund closely.While these measures are e pected to mitigate the above risks to a large e tent, there can be no assurance that these risks would be completely eliminated.The und will, in general invest a signi cant part o its corpus in equities however pending investments in equities; the surplus amount o the und should be invested in Cash/CBLO/Repo & Reverse Repo & Money Market instruments. Also whenever good investment opportunity are not available, or the equity market is not likely to per orm in theview o the Fund manager the Fund will reduce its e posure to equity and during that period the surplus asset o the Fund shall be invested in Cash/CBLO/Repo & ReverseRepo & Money Market instruments. However there is no assurance that all such buying and selling activities would necessarily result in bene t or the Fund. The allocationbetween money market instruments and equity will be decided based upon the prevailing market conditions, macro economic environment, and the per ormance o thecorporate sector, the equity market and other considerations. At time such churning could lead to higher brokerage and transaction costs.


    Reliance Growth Fund Asset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments - 65% -100%, Debt Instruments & Money Market Instruments - 0% - 35%, P a in es enPa e n :The primary investment objective o the Scheme is to achieve long term growth o capital by investing in equity and equity related securities through aresearch based investment approach., Investment Strategy : The port olio shall be structured so as to keep risk at acceptable levels. This shall be done throughvarious measures including: 1. Broad diversi cation o port olio2. Ongoing review o relevant market, industry, sector and economic parameters 3. Investing incompanies which have been researched 4. Investments in debentures and bonds (where the tenure e ceeds 18 months) will usually be in instruments whichhave been assigned investment grade ratings by any approved rating agency, Differentiation : The core philosophy o the und is to ocus on high quality mid capstocks while having a small e posure to large cap stocks., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 7758.41, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 968,597

    Reliance Vision FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments- 60-100%, Debt Instruments 0-30% & Money Market Instrument 0-10%., P a in es enPa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to achieve long-term growth o capital by investment in equity and equity related securities througha research based investment approach, Investment Strategy: The port olio shall be structured so as to keep risk at acceptable levels. This shall be done throughvarious measures including: 1. Broad diversi cation o port olio 2. Ongoing review o relevant market, industry, sector and economic parameters 3. Investing incompanies which have been researched 4. Investments in debentures and bonds (where the tenure e ceeds 18 months) will usually be in instruments whichhave been assigned investment grade ratings by any approved rating agency, Differentiation : The und aims to achieve long term capital appreciation throughinvestment in high quality large size capitalization stocks with a small e posure in mid size capitalization stocks., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 :3653.99, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 476,209

    Reliance E uity Advantage FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and equity related instruments 70% -100%, Debt and money market instruments (including investments in securitised debt*)0% -30%.* Including upto 25% o the corpus in securitised debt., P a in es en Pa e n:The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek togenerate capital appreciation and provide long term growth opportunities by investing in a port olio predominanatly o equity and equity related instruments withinvestments generally in S&P CNx Ni ty stocks and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and money market securities.Investment Strategy : The und proposes to invest 100% o the net equity investments in line with the sector ratio o S & P CNx Ni ty. The und will endeavorto replicate the sector allocation o the S & P CNx Ni ty on a monthly basis. At least 80% o the equity investments will be in S & P CNx Ni ty stocks andthe balance e posure in other stocks. This means that investment gamut will mainly be stocks in S & P CNx Ni ty inde and to a small e tent in other stockso belonging to any/all sectors, Differentiation : The und has a sector neutral approach & endeavors to give Inde plus returns. Sector weightage o the undwould mirror e actly that o Ni ty on monthly basis. Minimum 80% o stocks within each sector would be constituents o Ni ty, though not necessarily withtheir Ni ty weights.Ma imum 20% o stocks could be Non-Ni ty in each sector to provide the additional alpha possibilities & opportunities., AUM (Rs. Crore)as on July 31, 2010 : 1367.60, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 379,076

    Reliance E uity Opportunities FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-75-100%, Debt Instruments & Money Market Securities (including investments in SecuritisedDebt) 0- 25%. (25% o the Corpus in Securitised Debt), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek to generatecapital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a port olio constituted o equity securities & equity related securities and thesecondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and money market securities., Investment Strategy : The Fund will endeavor tocontinuously analyze the per ormance o economy and industry, which would be refected in the investment pattern o the und. The Fund would seek bothvalue & growth, which are likely to commence rom the ongoing structural changes in the government policies, in rastructure spending and continuous globaleconomic re orms which tries to integrate di erent economies across the globe. The primary approach to stock selection will be through the Top down approachi.e Sector -- Industry-- Company., Differentiation : The und has the mandate to invest across companies(belonging to di erent sectors) with di erent marketcaps; be it large, mid or small.The und manager would have the fe ibility to be overweight in a particular sector or market caps depending on the potential& opportunities as they arise. The investment horizon o the und is minimum 2 yrs., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 2319.97, No. of Folios as on

    July 31, 2010 : 320,381

    Reliance quant Plus FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-90%-100% & Debt & Money Market Instruments - 0%-10%, P a in es en Pa e n :The investment objective o the scheme is to generate capital appreciation through investment in equity and equity related instruments. The scheme will seek togenerate capital appreciation by investing in an active port olio o stocks selected rom S&P CNx Ni ty on the basis o a mathematical model. Investment Strategy: The Fund will ocus on large cap/liquid stocks and use stocks designated by NSE as members o Ni ty Inde . The und will have a signi cant concentration ostocks in the port olio while making active selective decision in stocks/sectors o S&P CNx Ni ty. Quantitative methods will be used or (i) screening mechanismto choose best picks and make the stock selection universe smaller, (ii) Deciding on the port olio weightage or better return as the investment will ocus oncompanys size and liquidity., The quantitative model which will be used or stock selection will be based on two broad parameters viz., Stock Price movement &Financial/ valuation aspects. The model will shortlist between 15-20 stocks (out o the resulting list) and the investments will be made in them on weightagesde ned by the und manager., Differentiation : An investment und which ocuses on stocks rom constituents o S&P CNx Ni ty. The stock selection processis based on quantitaive analysis, and the proprietary system-based model will shortlist between 15-20 stocks rom screening mechanism at pre-determinedintervals i.e. on weekly basis based on quantitative techniques., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 59.24, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 7,340

    Reliance E uity FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and Equity related Instruments 75-100% and Debt Instruments and Money Market Instruments (including investments inSecuritised debt) 0% - 25%, P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation & providelong-term growth opportunities by investing in a port olio constituted o equity & equity related securities o top 100 companies by market capitalization & ocompanies which are available in the derivatives segment rom time to time and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debtand money market securities., Investment Strategy, The Broad Investment strategy o the und will be to invest in equity & equity related securities o the Top100 companies by market cap & also in companies in the derivatives segment. The und will also use the derivatives route to hedge the equity port olio & thee tent to which the port olio will be hedged will be linked tothe P/E o the Inde . as mentioned in the Scheme In ormation Document.The e tent o hedgingo the port olio is determined based on the month-end weighted average PE ratio o the Inde , which in this case will be the S&P CNx Ni ty., Differentiation: The und ocuses on large cap stocks (belonging to top 100 companies by m-cap) and which are present in F&O segment with a hedging/shorting eature.,AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 1901.21, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 489,461

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form



    Reliance Ta Saver (ELSS) FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and Equity related securities 80%-100% and Debt and Money Market Instrument 0% - 20%, P a in es en Pa e n: The primary objective o the scheme is to generate long-term capital appreciation rom a port olio that is invested predominantly in equity and equity relatedinstruments, Investment Strategy : The investments in the Scheme shall be in accordance with SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 and Equity LinkedSaving Scheme, 2005 noti ed by Ministry o Finance (Department o Economic A airs) vide Noti cations dated November 3, 2005 and December 13, 2005.The und managers will ollow an active investment strategy taking de ensive / aggressive postures depending on opportunities available at various points otime., Differentiation : The und is an open ended equity linked savings scheme which gives dual advantage o ta savings & growth potential. It is a large caporientation und which aim to have minimum 50% e posure to top 100 companies by market capitalization., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 2276.12,No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 690,535

    Reliance Infrastructure FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equities and equity related securities including derivatives engaged in in rastructure sectors and in rastructure related sectors : 65%-100%Debt and Money market securities: 0% - 35% (including securitised debt upto 30% o the corpus in securitised debt), P a in es en Pa e n :Theprimary investment objective o the scheme is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equity related instrumentso companies engaged in in rastructure and in rastructure related sectors and which are incorporated or have their area o primary activity, in India and thesecondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt & money market securities., in es en S a e :The investment ocus wouldbe guided by the growth potential and other economic actors o the country. The Fund aims to maximize long-term total return by investing in equity andequity-related securities which have their area o primary activity in India .The Fund intends to invest in - (i) Companies in sectors related to in rastructure;(ii) Companies operating and listed in India engaged in In rastructure Sector and (iii) In diversi ed companies, where a major portion o their revenues (primaryactivity) is derived rom the in rastructure related activities.,Differentiation : The und aims to invest in companies operating and listed in India related toin rastructure sector and in rastructure related activities., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 1857.99, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 393,073

    Reliance Natural Resources FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and Equity related Securities o companies principally engaged in the discovery, development, production or distribution onatural resources in: 65%-100% ( Domestic Companies 65% -100 %, Foreign Companies as permitted by SEBI/RBI rom time to time 0 %-35 %); Debtand Money market securities :- 0%-35% (including securitised debt upto 35%), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o thescheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation and provide long term growth opportunities by investing in companies principally engaged in the discovery,development, production or distribution o natural resources and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and money marketsecurities., Investment Strategy : The Fund invests principally in equity securities o issuers in natural resources industries. The Fund may invest in securities oissuers located anywhere in the world and normally will invest in securities o companies listed on The Bombay stock E change Limited (BSE), London stockE change Limited (LSE), New York Stock E change (NYSE), Toronto Stock E change (TSE) and Australian Stock E change (ASx).Companies in natural resourcesindustries include companies that RCAM considers to be principally engaged in the discovery, development, production, or distribution o natural resources orare service providers to the Natural Resources Industry; the development o technologies or the production or e cient use o natural resources in addition also

    urnishing o related supplies or services.,Differentiation : A thematic und which invests in Indian & Global companies related to natural resources and not innatural resources themselves., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 3296.88, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 1,196,807

    Reliance Banking FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-0-100% & Debt Instruments & Money Market Instruments 0-100% (including upto 50% othe corpus in securitised Debt), P a in es en Pa e n,The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek to generate continuous returns by activelyinvesting in equity and equity related or ed income securities o companies in banking sector. Investment Strategy : The proportion o investment betweenequity and debt will be decided based on the view o the und manager on anticipated movement in both debt as well as equity markets. The Fund managercan also take aggressive calls on the market by going upto 100% in equity or 100% in debt at any point o time or any other appropriate ratio depending uponhis view. The allocation between debt and equity will be decided based upon the prevailing market conditions, macroeconomic environment, the per ormanceo the corporate sector, the equity market and other considerations. To achieve the primary objective, the und could invest in either debt or equity securitieso companies in banking sector, Differentiation : The und aims to generate consistent returns by investing in equity / equity related or ed income securitieso Banking and other associated companies.The und ollows an active strategy o management with endeavor to generate alpha and outper orm the BankingInde ., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 1232.40, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 102,951,

    Reliance Pharma Fund

    Asset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-0-100% & Debt Instruments & Money Market Instruments with Average Maturity o 5-10years-0-100% (including upto 100% o the corpus in securitised Debt), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is toseek to generate consistent returns by investing in equity and equity related or ed income securities o Pharma and other associated companies., InvestmentStrategy : The und under normal circumstances shall invest at least 65% o the value o its total net assets either debt or equity securities in the PharmaSector and associated companies o said sector. The proportion o investment between equity and debt will be decided based on the view o the und manageron anticipated movement in both debt as well as equity markets. The Fund manager can also take aggressive calls on the market by going upto 100% in equityor 100% in debt at any point o time or any other appropriate ratio depending upon his view. The allocation between debt and equity will be decided basedupon the prevailing market conditions, macroeconomic environment, the per ormance o the corporate sector, the equity market and other considerations.,Differentiation : A dynamic asset allocation sector und which aims to generate consistent returns by investing in large and mid cap companies spread acrossall important segments o the pharmaceutical industry., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 503.59, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 52,323

    Reliance Diversified Power Sector FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-0 100% & Debt & Money Mkt Instruments with Average Maturity o 5-10 years - 0 - 100%(including upto 100% o the corpus in securitised Debt), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek to generatecontinuous returns by actively investing in equity and equity related or ed income securities o Power and other associated companies., Investment Strategy,The Fund Manger will have discretion to completely or partially invest in any o the type o securities stated in the Scheme In ormation Document with a viewto ma imize the returns or on de ensive considerations. The debt part o the port olio will not necessarily be invested in the power sector, it would includeother debt and money market instruments., The proportion o investment between equity and debt will be decided based on the view o the und manager onanticipated movement in both debt as well as equity markets. The Fund manager can also take aggressive calls on the market by going upto 100% in equityor 100% in debt at any point o time or any other appropriate ratio depending upon his view. The allocation between debt and equity will be decided basedupon the prevailing market conditions, macroeconomic environment, and the per ormance o the corporate sector, the equity market and other considerations.,Differentiation : The und ocuses on companies related to power sector. It provides opportunity to diversi y within the sector, with ocused approach andfe ibility to invest in power distribution, transmission and generation related companies., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 5234.91, No. of Folios ason July 31, 2010 : 832,511

    Reliance Media & Entertainment FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments-0-100% & Debt & Money Market Instruments with Average Maturity o 5-10 years-0-100%(including upto 100% o the corpus in securitised Debt), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate continuousreturns by investing in equity and equity related or ed income securities o Media & Entertainment and other associated companies., Investment Strategy:The Fund will invest in equity securities whenever the equity market and shares rom the media sector are e pected to do well. However, whenever the equitymarket is not e pected to do well, the Fund will shi t its ocus in debt, which in e treme cases o bearish equity market can go upto 100%., The proportion oinvestment between equity and debt will be decided based on the view o the und manager on anticipated movement in both debt as well as equity markets.The allocation between debt and equity will be decided based upon the prevailing market conditions, macroeconomic environment, the per ormance o thecorporate sector, the equity market and other considerations., Differentiation : A sector speci c und which ocuses on investing in companies related to media& entertainment sector., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 119.23, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 24,351

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form



    Reliance Regular Savings Fund - E uity OptionAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and Equity related securities 80%-100% and Debt and Money Market Instruments with an average maturity o 5-10 years-0%-20%, P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o this option is to seek capital appreciation and/or to generate consistent returnsby actively investing in Equity & Equity-related Securities. Investment Strategy : Investment may be made in listed or unlisted securities. Listed securitiesre er to securities listed on any o the recognized Stock E changes. Investments may be made as secondary market purchases, initial public o er, rights o ersprivate placement etc. The Fund would identi y companies or investment, based on the ollowing criteria amongst others: 1. Sound Management 2. Good trackrecord o the company 3. Potential or uture growth 4. Industry economic scenario, Differentiation : Reliance Regular Savings Fund has been launched as anasset-allocator und which gives investor an option to invest either in equity,debt or both. RRSF-Equity option is a growth oriented aggressive equity und whichadopts a multi cap strategy to capitalize on market trends especially in volatile markets., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 2983.07, No. of Folios ason July 31, 2010 : 591,217

    Reliance Regular Savings Fund - Balanced OptionAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and Equity Related securities-50%-75%,Debt & Money Market instruments-25%-50%, P a in es en Pa e n :Theprimary investment objective o this option is to generate consistent return and appreciation o capital by invseting in a mi o securities comprising o equity,equity related instruments and ed income instruments., Investment Strategy : The Scheme will, under normal market conditions, invest its net assets primarilyin Equity and equity related instruments and balance in edincome securities, money market instruments and cash equivalents.For investments in equity andequity related securities, the Fund would identi y companies or investment, based on the ollowing criteria amongst others: a. Sound Management b. Goodtrack record o the company c. Potential or uture growth. Industry economic scenario, Differentiation : The und ocuses on reducing volatility o returns byincreasing / decreasing equity e posure based on the market outlook and using a core debt port olio to do the rebalancing The und can invest 50%-75% o itscorpus in equity & 25%-50% in debt related instruments., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 593.71, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 40,404

    Reliance Long Term E uity FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity and equity related securities 70% -100%, Debt instruments and money market instruments (including investments in securitiseddebt) 0%-30%., P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to seek to generate long term capital appreciation & providelong-term growth opportunities by investing in a port olio constituted o equity & equity related securities and Derivatives and the secondary objective is togenerate consistent returns by investing in debt and money market securities., Investment Strategy : The investment strategy o the Scheme is to build andmaintain a diversi ed port olio o equity stocks that have the potential to appreciate.The aim will be to build a port olio that adequately ref ects a cross-sectiono the growth areas o the economy rom time to time. While the port olio ocuses primarily on a buy and hold strategy at most times, it will balance the samewith a rational approach to selling when the valuations become too demanding even in the ace o reasonable growth prospects in the long run. Differentiation: The und is an open ended diversi ed equity scheme which ocuses on small & mid cap stocks with long term investment horizon., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on

    July 31, 2010 : 1738.33, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 355,860

    Reliance NRI E uity FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Instruments# -65-100% & Debt Instruments & Money Market Instruments * 0-35% (*including upto 35%o the corpus in securitised Debt # primarily drawn rom the BSE 200 Inde ), P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the schemeis to generate optimal returns by investing in equity and equity related instruments primarily drawn rom the Companies in the BSE 200 Inde ., InvestmentStrategy : The und will, in general invest a signi cant part o its corpus in equities however pending investments in equities, the surplus amount o the undshould be invested in debt and money market instruments. Also whenever good investment opportunity are not available, or the equity market is not likely toper orm in the view o the Fund manager the Fund will reduce its e posure to equity and during that period the surplus asset o the Fund shall be invested indebt and money market instruments. The und will in general ollow a strategy o higher port olio reshu fing with a view to capture the short term movementsin the markets as well as to encash the opportunity arising due to various events., Differentiation : The und is an ideal & e clusive o ering or NRI investorswho are seeking e posure to equity to participate in the India story & the Indian markets in the diversi ed equity space.The und primarily aims to invest in top200 companies by market capitalization., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : 136.35, No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : 4,355

    Reliance Small Cap FundAsset Allocation Pattern : Equity & Equity Related Securites o small cap companies including derivatives - 65% - 100%, Equity & Equity Related Securites o anyother companies including derivatives - 0% - 35%, debt & money market securities (including investments in securitized debt upto 30%) - 0% - 35%, P ain es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate long term capital appreciation by investing predominantly in equity and equityrelated instruments o small cap companies and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and money market

    securities., in es en S a e :The investment strategy o the Scheme is to build and maintain a diversi ed port olio o equity stocks that have the potentialto appreciate. The aim will be to build a port olio that adequately refects a cross-section o the growth areas o the economy rom time to time. The undshall primarily ocus on the small cap stocks. However depending on the views o the und manager and market conditions in the interest o the investors, the

    und manager will have the fe ibility to select stocks which he eels are best suited to achieve the stated objective. The und will have the fe ibility to investpredominantly in a range o Small Cap companies/ stocks with an objective to ma imize the returns, at the same time trying to minimize the risk by reasonablediversi cation.Differentiation : The und shall predominantly invest in small cap companies/stocks with an objective to ma imize the returns and at the sametime trying to minimize the risk by reasonable diversi cation. Small Cap stocks or the purpose o the Fund, are stocks whose market capitalization is in betweenthe highest and lowest market capitalization o companies on BSE Small Cap Inde at the time o investment., AUM (Rs. Crore) as on July 31, 2010 : N.A.,No. of Folios as on July 31, 2010 : N.A.

    Reliance Inde Fund Sense PlanAsse All a n Pa e n:Equities and equity related securities covered by the Sense - 95% - 100% & Cash/CBLO/Repo & Reverse Repo & Money Marketinstruments (CPs,CDs, Tbills, Mibor linked instruments with daily Put/Call options & overnight Interest rate Reset Linked Instruments)but e cluding Subscriptionand Redemption Cash Flow # - 0% - 5% (# Subscription Cash Flow is the subscription money in transit be ore deployment and Redemption Cash Flow isthe money kept aside or meeting redemptions.) in es en Pa e n:The primary investment objective o the scheme is to replicate the composition o theSense , with a view to generate returns that are commensurate with the per ormance o the Sense , subject to tracking errors. d e en a n:The und is anopen ended inde linked scheme which will be passively managed with investments in stocks in a proportion that it is as close as possible to the weightages othese stocks in the BSE Sense Inde .Aum (rs. c e) as n J l 31 2010 : N.A.,N F l s as n J l 31 2010 :N.A.r s m a n Fa s - Appl a le all e a e en ne S e esRobust measures implemented to mitigate Risk include, adoption o internal policies on investments and valuations, rigorous procedures or monitoring investmentrestrictions and e ective implementation o various norms prescribed by SEBI rom time to time.

    RISK PROFILE OF THE SCHEME:Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss o principal.Please read the SID care ully or details on risk actors be ore investment. Schemespeci c Risk Factors are summarized below:Scheme specific Risk : The scheme carries risk associated with investing in equities,bonds, oreign securities, derivatives, securitized debt, short selling and securitieslending.Trading volumes and settlement periods may restrict liquidity in equity anddebt investments. Investment in Debt is subject to price, credit, and interest raterisk. The NAV o the Scheme may be a ected, inter alia, by changes in the marketconditions, interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods and trans er procedures.The NAV may also be subjected to risk associated with investment in derivatives,

    oreign securities or script lending as may be permissible by the Scheme In ormationDocument. Please re er Scheme In ormation Document or details.

    PLANS & oPtioNS:The Scheme will have ollowing plans & options:

    (a) g Plan(1) Growth Option(2) Bonus Option

    ( ) d en Plan (Pa op n & re n es en op n)(1) Quarterly Dividend Option(2) Hal Yearly Dividend Option(3) Annual Dividend Option

    APPLicAbLE NEt ASSEt vALuE (AFtEr SchEmE oPENS For rEPurchASE & SALE):) S s p ns/P ases n l n s - ns:

    in espe a) valid applications upto Rs 1 lac & switches (o all values) , applications received

    through electronic mode (o all values) including our website, transactions throughChannel Partners and through Stock E change Plat orm, upto 3 pm and

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    b) valid applications o & above Rs 1 lac received upto 1 pm by the Mutual Fundalongwith a local cheque or a demand dra t payable at par at the place where theapplication is received, the closing NAV o the day on which application is receivedshall be applicable.In respect o valid applications received a ter 3 pm by the Mutual Fund alongwith alocal cheque or a demand dra t payable at par at the place where the application isreceived, the closing NAV o the ne t Business Day shall be applicable.Any Fresh/Additional Purchase o and above Rs 1 lac would be accepted only throughcon rmed status o RTGS mode and Trans er Cheques. The cut o timing or acceptingsubscriptions through RTGS mode and Trans er cheques shall be up to 1 pm.

    ) re e p ns n l n s - s:In respect o valid applications received upto 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund, closing NAVo the day o receipt o application, shall be applicable.In respect o valid applications received a ter 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund, the closing

    NAV o the ne t Business Day shall be applicable.MINIMUM APPLICATION AMOUNT/ NUMBER OF UNITSF s P ase A n :Minimum o Rs.5, 000/- and in multiple o Re.1 therea ter or both plans.A nal P ase A n :Rs.1000/- and in multiple o Re.1 therea ter or both plans.REPURCHASE (Redemption)Redemptions can be for any amount or any number of units. However, in order to keepthe account in operation, minimum balance equal to the minimum subscription amountunder each of the plans, is required to be maintained in the account.RCAM reserves the right to close an investors account if the value of the unitbalance in the account falls below the minimum subscription amount under eachof the plans. In such an event, RCAM reserves the right to compulsorily redeem thebalance units in the account completely at the applicable redemption price.DESPATCH OF REPURCHASE (REDEMPTION) REqUESTWithin 10 working days of the receipt of the redemption request at the authorizedcentre of Reliance Mutual Fund.BENCHMARK INDEx:BSE Sensex

    DIVIDEND POLICY:Dividend will be distributed from the available distributable surplusafter the deduction of the dividend distribution tax and the applicable surcharge,if any. Dividend will be distributed from the available distributable surplus after thededuction of the dividend distribution tax and the applicable surcharge, if any. Dividenddeclaration / distribution shall be made in accordance with SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.1/64057/06 dated April 4, 2006 or any amendment thereto from timeto time. Please referto the SID.NAME OF THE FUND MANAGER:Mr. Krishan DagaNAME OF THE TRUSTEE COMPANY:Reliance Capital Trustee Co. LimitedPERFORMANCE OF THE SCHEME:This scheme being a new offering does not haveany performance track record.ExPENSES OF THE SCHEMELoad Structure : The following load structure would be applicable during the new fundoffer and continuous offer including SIP installemnts in the scheme till further notice.Entry Load- NilExit Load-- 1% of the applicable NAV if redeemed or switched out on or before completion of 1year from the date of allotment of units.- There shall be no exit load after completion of 1 year from the date of allotment ofunits.c n en e e e sales a e (cdSc)- e s e e S :At the applicable exit loads in the respective e Plan/in e op n S :No load applicable or Inter Plan/Inter OptionSwitch.In accordance with the requirements speci ed by the SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIRNo.4/168230/09 dated June 30, 2009 no entry load will be charged or purchase/ additional purchase / switch-in accepted by the Fund with e ect rom August01, 2009. Similarly, no entry load will be charged with respect to applications orregistrations under systematic investment plans/ systematic trans er plans accepted bythe Fund with e ect rom August 01, 2009.The up ront commission on investment made by the investor, i any, shall be paid tothe ARN Holder directly by the investor, based on the investors assessment o various

    actors including service rendered by the ARN Holder.With e ect rom August 01, 2009, exit load/ CDSC (i any) up to 1% o the redemptionvalue charged to the unit holder by the Fund on redemption o units shall be retainedby each o the schemes in a separate account and will be utilized or payment o commissions to the ARN Holder and to meet other marketing and selling expenses.Any amount in excess o 1% o the redemption value charged to the unit holder as exit

    load/ CDSC shall be credited to the scheme immediately.Pursuant to SEBI circular No.SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 14/120784/08 dated March 18,2008, with e ect rom April 1, 2008, no entry load or exit load shall be charged inrespect o bonus units and o units allotted on reinvestment o dividend.New Fund Offer E penses: These expenses are incurred for the purpose of variousactivities related to the NFO like sales and distribution fees paid marketing andadvertising, registrar expenses, printing and stationary, bank charges etc.New Fund Offer (NFO) Expenses shall be borne by the AMCRecurring E penses :

    ** Estimated E pensesParticulars % of Net Assets

    Investment Management & Advisory Fee 0.75

    Custodial Fees 0.006Registrar & Transfer Agent Fees including cost related toproviding accounts statement, dividend/redemption cheques/warrants etc.


    Marketing & Selling Expenses including Agents Commissionand statutory advertisement


    Brokerage & Transaction Cost pertaining to the distribution ofunits


    Audit Fees / Fees and expenses o trustees 0.006Costs related to investor communications 0.006Costs o und trans er rom location to location -Other Expenses 0.120Total Recurring Expenses 1.50

    **The above expenses are estimates only and are subject to change as per actuals.The expenses under any head may be more or less than as specified expenses in thetable above, but the total recurring expenses that can be charged to the Schemewill be within the limits specified by SEBI from time to time. The expenses over andabove the limits specified above will be borne by the AMC.These estimates have been made in good faith as per the information available tothe Investment Manager based on past experience and are subject to change inter-se. Types of expenses charged shall be as per the SEBI (MF) Regulations. Pleaseread the Scheme Information Document for details.WAIVER OF LOAD FOR DIRECT APPLICATIONSPursuant to SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09 dated June 30,2009, no entry load shall be charged or all the mutual undschemes. There ore the procedure or the waiver o load or direct application is nolonger applicable.TAx TREATMENT FOR THE INVESTORS (UNITHOLDERS):Investors areadvised to refer to the details in the Statement of Additional Information and alsoindependently refer to his tax advisor.Daily Net Asset Value (NAV) Publication: The AMC will calculate and disclose thefirst NAV within five business days of allotment. Subsequently, the NAV will becalculated and disclosed at the close of every Business Day which shall be publishedin at least two daily newspapers and also uploaded on the AMFI site and Reliance Mutual Fund site i.e. INVESTOR GRIEVANCES PLEASE CONTACT :Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd. :- Madhura Estate,Municipal No.1-9/13/C,Plot No.13 & 13C,Survey No.74 & 75, Madhapur Village, SerlingampallyMandal & unicipality, R.R.District, Hyderabad - 500 081. Tel: 040-40308000Fa : 040-23394828Reliance Mutual Fund :- 11th foor & 12th foor, One Indiabulls Centre, Tower 1,

    Jupiter Mills Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai -400 013. Tel No. - 022-30994600 Fa No. - 022-30994699UNITHOLDERS INFORMATION :Accounts statement (on each transaction), Annual nancial results and Hal yearlyport olio disclosure shall be provided to investors by post or published as per SEBIRegulations.

    DESIGNATED BRANCHES FOR COLLECTION OF APPLICATION FORM ONLY DURING NEW FUND OFFERAxiS ban ma n L a nsA a:Shop No. 1, 3 To 16, Block No 51anupam Plaza II, Sanjay Placeagra 282002 (U.P.), A e a a :Trishul, Opposite Samartheshwar Temple, Law Garden, Ellis Bridge,Ahmedabad 380 006, Gujarat, A sa :29, Kennedy Avenue, Court Road, Amristar 143001, Amristar District, Punjab. ban al e:No. 9, M. G. Road, Block A, Bangalore560001. c an a :SCO 343-344, Sector 35-B, Chandigarh 160 022. c enna :82, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004. c n (k ):41/419,Ground Floor, Chicago Plaza, Rajaji Road, Ernakulum, Kochi - 682 035. c a e:Vigneswar Cresta, No.1095, Avinashi Road, Pappanaickenpalayyam, Coimbatore - 641037. de a n:Shri Ram Arcade,74(New No.250/466), Rajpur Road,Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand. g a a :Ground Floor, Chibber House, G.S. Road, Dispur, Guwahati781 005, Assam. h e a a :6-3-879/B, G. Pulla Reddy Bldg. First Floor, Begumpet Road, Hyderabad 500 016. in e:Kamal Palace, 1, Yeshwant Colony, Y N Road,Indore 452003. Ja p :O-15, Green House, Ashok Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 302 001. Ja s e p :Voltas House, Near Ram Mandir, Bistupur, Jamshedpur 831 001. kanp : 16/104 A , Civil Lines, In ront O ICAI Bhawan Kanpur 208001, Uttar Pradesh. k l a a:Ground & First Floors, 7, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700 071. L n :25 B ,Ashok Marg,Sikander Bagh Chauraha, Lucknow 226001. L ana:Shop No.3, Lg , Surya Towers, 108, The Mall, Ludhiana (Punjab) 141 001. man al e:Essel Towers, BuntsHostel Circle, Mangalore - 575 003. m a :Universal Insurance Bldg. Ground Floor, Sir. P. M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. Na p :M. G. House,Rabindranath Tagore Road,Besides Board O ce, Civil Lines Nagpur 440001.Nas :Mazda Towers, Tryambak Naka F.P.No.183, C.T.SNO.620/9 GPO Road, Nashik 422001, Maharashtra. Ne del : Statesman House, 148, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001. Pan pa :515-515B, Ward No. 8, Gaylord Hotel Building, G.T. Road, Panipat 132 103, Haryana. Panj : Siddharth Bandodkar Bhavan, P. Shir Gaonkar Road Panaji 403001, GOA. Pa na: Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Bhawandak Bungalow Crossing Patna 800001, Bihar. P ne: SterlingPlaza, Plot No.1262/B, Jangli Maharaj Road, Near Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411004. raj : TITAN, Near K K V Circle, Kalawad Road, Rajkot 360005.S a :DigvijayTowers, Opp. St. xavierS School, Ghod Dod Road, Surat - 395 001. va a a:Vardhaman Comple , Opp. G.E.Brace Course Circle (North), Vadodara 390007.

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form


    Key In ormation Memorandum cum Application Formrel an e L q F n - t eas Plan

    (An Open Ended Liquid Scheme)co i uous off r of R ia liquid Fu d-tr asur P a a nAv as d pri s p us app i a oad, if a .

    t s ke in a n me an (kim) se s e n a n, a p spe e n es n e e n es n . F e e am al F n , e l en e e f a e e Amc, ke Pe s nnel, n es s s & se es, s a s, penal es & pen n l a ns, e ., n e

    n es en , e e e espe e S e e in a n d en an S a e en A nal in a n a a la le ee s a an e in es s s e e s e . el an e al. .

    t e S e e pa la s a e een p epa e n a an e Se es an E an e b a in a (m al F n s) re la ns 1996, as a en e ll fle Se es an E an e b a in a (SEbi). t e n s e n e e p l s s p n a e n een app e sapp e SE

    e fe e a a a eq a s kim. t s kim s a e A s 25, es en je e :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate optimal returns consistent with moderate levels o risk and high liquidity. Accordingly,investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market Instruments.Asse All a n Pa e n :Call Money/Cash/Repo and Reverse Repo- 0 - 50%, Money Market Instruments (Mibor linked instruments,)CPs, T-Bills, CDs and/or other ShortTerm papers) 0 - 95%.r s P fle e S e e:Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss o principal. Please read the Scheme in ormation document (SID) care ully

    or details on risk actors be ore investment.S e e spe f r s :Trading volumes and settlement periods may restrict liquidity in equity and debt investments. Investment in Debt is subject to price, credit, andinterest rate risk. The NAV o the Scheme may be a ected, inter alia, by changes in the market conditions, interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods and trans erprocedures. The NAV may also be subjected to risk associated with investment in derivatives, oreign securities or script lending as may be permissible by the SchemeIn ormation Document.Plans an op ns :Under Retail & Institutional Plan: Growth option & Dividend option (Payout & Reinvestment option). Dividend Frequency: Under Dividend Payout Option:Monthly & Quarterly; Under Dividend Reinvestment: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly. I the dividend declaration date or any o the speci ed requencies is a non businessday then the immediate ne t business day becomes the record dateAppl a le NAv :P ases n l n S ns:In respect o valid applications received upto 12.00 noon on a working day and the unds are available or utilization on the same day, theapplicable NAV shall be the closing NAV o the day immediately preceding the day o receipt o application; In respect o valid applications received a ter 12.00 noon ona working day and the unds are available or utilization on the same day the applicable NAV shall be the closing NAV o the day immediately preceding the ne t businessday ; In respect o valid applications where the unds are not available or utilization on the day o the application the applicable NAV shall be the closing NAV o the dayimmediately preceding the day on which the unds are available or utilization, irrespective o the time o receipt o e p ns n l n S s:In respect o valid applications received upto 3.00 pm on a working day the closing NAV o the day immediately preceding the ne tbusiness day and In respect o valid applications received a ter 3.00 pm on a working day the closing NAV o the ne t business day.m n Appl a n A n :Retail Plan: Rs. 5,000 and in multiples o Re. 1 therea ter; Institutional Plan: Rs. 1,00,00,000 and in multiples o Re. 1 therea term n A nal P ase A n :Rs 1,000 & in multiples o Re. 1 therea term n re e p n :Redemptions can be or any amount or any number o units. However, in order to keep the account in operation, minimum balance equal to theminimum subscription amount under each o the plans, is required to be maintained in the account.despa rep ase (re e p n) req es :Within 10 working days o the receipt o the redemption request at the authorised centre o Reliance Mutual Fund.ben a :Crisil Liquid Fund Inded en P l :Dividend will be distributed rom the available distributable surplus a ter the deduction o the dividend distribution ta and the applicable surcharge, i any.The Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or assuring any dividend. Please read the Scheme in ormation document. For details. Further payment o all the dividends shall be incompliance with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 1/64057/06 dated 4/4/06.F n mana e :Prashant Pimplet s ee c pan : Reliance Capital Trustee Co. LimitedPe an e e S e e as n 30/07/2010:Based on NAV o Retail Plan - Growth Plan - Growth option. Date o Inception 23/03/98

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Period 1 Years 3 Years 5 years Returns Since InceptionScheme Returns % 4.32 6.59 6.47 6.73

    Benchmark Returns % 3.54 6.06 6.21 N.A

    ^ No comparable inde available during that period.

    Pe an e e S e e as n 31/03/2010

    Absolute returns or each Financial Year or the last 5 years

    Pas pe an e a a n e s s a ne n e

    Calculation assume that all payouts during the period have been re-invested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV. All the returns are of Retail Plan-Growth Plan - Growth OptionE penses of the scheme (i) Load StructureEntry Load : NilIn terms o SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load will be charged by the Scheme to the investor e ective August 1, 2009.

    Up ront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors assessment o various actors including the service renderedby the distributorE L a :Nil( ) re n E penses :As per SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, the maximum expenses that can be charged to a scheme are as ollows:First Rs. 100 crores 2.25%, Next Rs. 300 crores 2.00%, Next Rs. 300, crores 1.75%, Balance 1.50%A al e penses as n 31/3/10 : re a l Plan: 0.60% ins nal Plan: 0.56%(For the previous nancial year (2009-2010) Year to date Ratio to Average AUM)wa e En L a d e Appl a ns:Pursuant to SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load shall be charged or allthe mutual und schemes. There ore the procedure or the waiver o load or direct application is no longer applicable.ta ea en e in es s (un l e s) :Investors will be advised to re er to the details in the Statement o Additional In ormation and also independently re er tohis tax advisor.da l Ne Asse val e (NAv) P l a n:The NAV will be declared on all working days and will be published in 2 newspapers. NAV can also be viewed on and india.comF in es g e an es Please c n aNa e an A ess re s a :Karvy Computershare Private Limited, (Formely known as Karvy Consultants Limited),Madhura Estate, Muncipal No 1-9/13/C,Plot No 13 & 13C , Survey No 74 & 75 Madhapur Village, Serlingampally Mandal & Muncipality, R R District, Hyderabad 500 081.Tel: 040-40308000 Fax: 040-23394828 Reliance Mutual Fund, One Indiabull s Centre, Tower 1, 11th & 12th Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, Senapati Bapat MargElphinstone Road, Mumbai-400 013 Customer Care: 1800-300-11111 (Toll ree) / 3030 1111 Email : [email protected] e e a ls n e S e es, n es s a e a se e e e S e e in a n d en .

    un l e s in a n :Accounts statement (on each transaction), Annual nancial results and Hal yearly port olio disclosure shall be provided to investors by post orpublished as per SEBI regulations.

  • 8/8/2019 Reliance Index Fund-Sensex - NFO Form



    Reliance Li uid Fund-Treasury PlanAsse All a n Pa e n :Call Money/Cash/Repo and Reverse Repo- 0 - 50%, Money Market Instruments (Mibor linked instruments,)CPs, T-Bills, CDs and/or other Short Term papers) 0 - 95%, Primary in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate optimal returns consistentwith moderate levels o risk and high liquidity. Accordingly, investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market Instruments, in es enS a e :The und management team will endeavor to maintain a consistent per ormance in the scheme by maintaining a balance between sa ety, liquidity andpro tability aspects o various investments. The und manager will try to achieve an optimal risk return balance or management o the ed income port olios.The investments in debt instruments carry various risks like interest rate risk, liquidity risk, de ault risk, purchasing power risk etc. While they cannot be doneaway with, they can be minimized by diversi cation and e ective use o hedging techniques. The und management team will take an active view o the interestrate movement by keeping a close watch on various parameters o the Indian economy, as well as developments in global markets., d e en a n :This undbelongs to the amily o Liquid Funds. It is targeted towards varied investor categories like retail/SMEs/HNIs due to which the minimum investment amount inthe und is Rs 5000. Since the und is targeted towards a diverse investor base, the AUM o the und is relatively more stable in nature. This is refected in itsport olio wherein there is a relatively lower allocation to relative cash and cash like instruments. Also because o a more diversi ed investor base, the marketinge penses on an average are slightly higher than Reliance Liquidity Fund resulting in relatively higher e pense charged., Aum (rs. c e) as n J l 31,2010: 1905.89, N . F l s as n J l 31,2010 :35,566

    Reliance Li uid Fund-Cash PlanAsse All a n Pa e n :Reverse Repo & CBLO - 0 - 100% Mibor Linked instruments with daily Put/ Call Options and Overnight Interest Rate Reset LinkedDebt Instruments^ - 0-100% ^Investments in Overnight Interest Rate Reset Linked Debt Instruments (with maturity or put/call greater than one day) shallnot e ceed 50% o the corpus o the scheme., P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate optimal returnsconsistent with moderate levels o risk and high liquidity. Accordingly, investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market Instruments.,in es en S a e :The und management team will endeavor to maintain a consistent per ormance in the scheme by maintaining a balance between sa ety,liquidity and pro tability aspects o various investments. The und manager will try to achieve an optimal risk return balance or management o the ed incomeport olios. The investments in debt instruments carry various risks like interest rate risk, liquidity risk, de ault risk, purchasing power risk etc. While they cannotbe done away with, they can be minimized by diversi cation and e ective use o hedging techniques. The und management team will take an active view othe interest rate movement by keeping a close watch on various parameters o the Indian economy, as well as developments in global markets., d e en a n: This und also belongs to the amily o Liquid Funds. The scheme is mandated to deliver returns which are highly correlated with overnight money market rates.This is achieved by taking e posure to overnight instruments or by taking e posure to foaters which are benchmarked to overnight interest rate benchmarks.The und is suitable to park very short term investment surplus or a duration ranging rom a day to a week., Aum (rs. c e) as n J l 31,2010 : 34.57,N . F l s as n J l 31,2010 :1,775

    Reliance Li uidity FundAsse All a n Pa e n :Repo and Reverse Repo 0 - 35%, Money Market Instruments (Mibor linked instruments, CPs, T-Bills, CDs) and/or other Short Termdebt instruments (Floating Rate Notes, Short Tenor NCDs, PTCs) and/or Less than 1 year maturity Gsecs- 65-100% Securitised debt upto 40% o the corpus,P a in es en Pa e n :The investment objective o the Scheme is to generate optimal returns consistent with moderate levels o risk and high liquidity.Accordingly, investments shall predominantly be made in Debt and Money Market Instruments., in es en S a e :The und management team will endeavorto maintain a consistent per ormance in the scheme by maintaining a balance between sa ety, liquidity and pro tability aspects o various investments. The undmanager will try to achieve an optimal risk return balance or management o the ed income port olios. The investments in debt instruments carry variousrisks like interest rate risk, liquidity risk, de ault risk, purchasing power risk etc. While they cannot be done away with, they can be minimized by diversi cationand e ective use o hedging techniques. The und management team will take an active view o the interest rate movement by keeping a close watch onvarious parameters o the Indian economy, as well as developments in global markets., d e en a n :The und belongs to the amily o Liquid Funds. It isdesigned to handle e tremely large ticket size investments with the minimum application amount being Rs. 5 crore. Since the und is meant or large ticketsize investors, there ore, on an average maintains low total e pense ratio resulting rom low marketing e pense.The port olio endeavors to maintain a largerproportion o assets in liquid, cash and near cash instruments to handle the possibility o larger volatility in a smooth manner., Aum (rs. c e) as n J l 31,2010 : 7165.97, N . F l s as n J l 31, 2010 :224

    Reliance Floating Rate Fund Short Term Plan (Formerly Reliance Floating Rate Fund)Asse All a n Pa e n :Money market instruments and Floating Rate Debt Securities (including foating rate securitised debt & Fi ed rate debt instruments& Floating Rate Debt Instruments swapped or Fi ed Rate returns) with tenure e ceeding 3 months upto a maturity o 3 years 25% - 100%. Fi ed Rate DebtSecurities (including securitized debt, Money Market Instruments & Floating Rate Debt Instruments swapped or ed rate returns) 0% - 75% Securitised debtwill a part o debt securities upto 50% o the corpus, P a in es en Pa e n :The primary investment objective o the scheme is to generate regularincome through investment in a port olio comprising substantially o Floating Rate Debt Securities (including foating rate securitised debt, Money MarketInstruments and Fi ed Rate Debt Instruments swapped or foating rate returns) The scheme shall also invest in Fi ed Rate Debt Securities (including ed ratesecuritised debt, Money Market Instruments and Floating Rate Debt Instruments swapped or ed returns)., in es en S a e :The und managementteam will endeavor to maintain a consistent per ormance in the scheme by maintaining a balance between sa ety, liquidity and pro tability aspects o variousinvestments. The und manager will try to achieve an optimal risk return balance or management o the ed income port olios. The investments in debtinstruments carry various risks like interest rate risk, liquidity risk, de ault risk, purchasing power risk etc. While they cannot be done away with, they can beminimized by diversi cation and e ective use o hedging techniques. The und management team will take an active view o the interest rate movement bykeeping a close watch on various parameters o the Indian economy, as well as developments in global markets., d e en a n :The und belongs to thecategory o Ultra Short Term Funds. A signi cant portion o the und is mandated to invest in a combination o debt securities, money market instruments andfoating rate instruments with a maturity pro le o three months and upto 2 years. This und may have a slightly more aggressive credit and duration pro leco