Top Banner • Hundreds of courses to choose from • Certificates and Certifications • Flexible study options: On-site or Online • Get the skills you need to reinvent your career • Learn and have fun with general interest courses

ReInvent Flyer 2010

Mar 12, 2016



Fleming College

Course sampler for Fleming College part-time studies 2010
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Page 1: ReInvent Flyer 2010

• Hundreds of courses to choose from

• Certificates and Certifications

• Flexible study options: On-site or Online

• Get the skills you need to reinvent your career

• Learn and have fun with general interest courses

Page 2: ReInvent Flyer 2010

CertiFiCate PrOGramsFleming’s certificate programs have been developed in partnership with professional associations, regional agencies, businesses and industrial leaders and offer the current, relevant training employers are looking for. •ActivationTechniquesinGerontology •AmericanSignLanguage •FoodServiceWorker •FrenchasaSecondLanguage •Gas&OilBurnerTechnician •HomeInspection •HospitalNursingUnitSecretary •HumanResourcesManagement

(HRM) •KitchenAssistant •MedicalOfficeSupportStaff •NotforProfitSectorLeadership •PerioperativeNursing •SmallBusinessAccounting •SpaEsthetics •SupplyChainManagement •Teacher/TrainerofAdults •WebSiteDesign •WorkingwithDementiaClients

CertiFiCatiOnsFleming offers industry certifications to help you gain the needed credentials according to the most current regulations and safety standards.

•CanadianFirearmSafetyCourses •ChainsawOperator •FallArrest •FirstAid •FurManagement •GPS&WildernessNavigation •OntarioHunterEducation •PRE-FITTestingforForestFire

Fighters •RestrictedRadioOperator •TransportationofDangerousGoods •WorkplaceHazardousMaterials


sPeCiaLizatiOn series Combinecoursesintheseareasofstudytoenhance your knowledge, skill set and your resume.

•ComputerAnimation& GameDevelopment



CertifiCates, CertifiCations & speCializations

reinVent your careeryour self

Weallhavereasonstoexpandourskillsets,improveourearningpotential,continuetolearnnewthingsandenrich our lives by finding out how the world works.

Whateveryourreason,chancesarethatweatFlemingCollegehaveacoursethatwillhelpyouexpandyourknowledgeandboostyourresumeorevencompleteaCollegecertification.Thisbrochureoffersaglimpseatwhat we have to offer to the adult learner.

Careercoursescoverawiderangeofindustries,suchashealthcare,business,trades,andcomputers,availablein-classoronline,offeringyougreaterflexibilityforyourcontinuededucation.Learnandhavefunwith general interest courses covering subjects from motorcycle training to sustainable trails, cooking and the arts.

You can download the full course calendar by visiting or by calling us at 1-888-269-6929 for a printed version.


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Computer animation and Game DevelopmentLearntechniquesusedatmajorgameand animation studios using the softwarethatprosuse.Createa3Dgame or animation from concept to completion.Whetherit’simplementingvisuallyrich environments into a video game, compositing giant metal robots into a television commercial, or incorpo-rating live action footage with dynamic creatures in a movie, artists are using computer graphics in nearly every aspect of the entertainment industry.Studentschoosetheirspecializationinanimation,modeling,visual effects, or video games as they work together in a simulatedproductioncompany.Usingthelatestandmostpopular game technology, students will develop a fully playabledemo.Allofwhichisgearedtowarddevelopinga strong portfolio, essential to obtaining employment after course completion.

DOWNLOAD A COPY OF OUR CALENDAR AT fleMinGColleGe.Ca/reinVent OR CALL 1-888-269-6929


Health Care servicesCaregivingisavocationthatcombinesyournaturalabilitytohelp people with the skills and training needed in today’s health care institutions.

Roundoutyourresumewithupdatestoyourcurrentskillsetorlet us show you how you can achieve certification:









sustainable trailsOurbeautifulprovinceiscriss-crossedbyrecreationaltrailsthroughalltypesofterrain.Knowinghowtoeffectivelyplan,build and maintain these trails is a vital part in ensuring that future generations can enjoy these outdoor spaces without negative effects on the environment.


“ Fleming’s exciting line-up of practical Sustainable Trails courses will provide a full range of trails theory and skills that participants can apply immediately to their real world trail.”

– Al MacPherson, President, Kawartha Trans Canada Trail

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online learninG at fleMinG ColleGe

FlemingCollegeoffersover900web-basedcoursesthatyoucancompletefromanywhere.It’sliketakingyour classroom home!

Choosefrominstructor-ledCollege-accreditedsubjectsorparticipateinon-demandlearningthrough interactive video delivery.

Useindividualcoursestoroundoutyourresume,fillgaps in your skill set, or just for your own interest. YoucanevenearnaCollegecertificateentirelyonline!












Home inspection CertificateThisprogramhasbeendevelopedinco-operationwiththeOntarioAssociationofHomeInspectors(OAHI)andincorporatestheStandardsofPracticeoftheAmericanSocietyofHomeInspectors/CanadianAssociationofHomeandPropertyInspectors(ASHI/CAHPI).



not For Profit sector Leadership CertificateWithsomanycharitableandnot-for-profitorganizationsvyingfor the public’s attention in tough times, the need for the effective management of volunteers is more important than ever.

Whetheryouareorganizingafundraiserforyourgrouporarelookingforemploymentinthenot-for-profitsector,thiscertifi-cate will give you the skills to work effectively as a leader within yourorganization.

DOWNLOAD A COPY OF OUR CALENDAR AT fleMinGColleGe.Ca/reinVent OR CALL 1-888-269-6929

Find out if online learning is for you:

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Online expert –choosethisself-pacedknowledge-on-demandsystemforalessstructuredvideo-basedcourseofshorterduration.



OntarioLearnOntarioLearnisaconsortiumof22Ontariocollegesmakingavailablehundredsofcoursesinallsubjectareas.Fullyaccreditedandinstructor-led, choose these if you prefer a structured environment or are pursuing certification.Forlessstructured,knowledge-on-demandcourses,pleaseseeourOnlineExpertseries.

HOw DOes it wOrk?


– You will receive an email from us with your login and other information. You will not be able to log into your course until the start date.

– You may need to purchase books, which are not included in the cost of the course.

–Youwillworkatyourownpaceoff-campuswithinatimelineofduedatesforyourcourse(assignmentsandtests)withtheguidanceofcollege faculty.


–Uponcompletionofyourcourse,aprintedtranscriptofyourfinalgradewill be mailed to you.

reGistratiOn DeaDLine

You should register at least one week prior to course start date to ensure your online account is activated for the course.

start-uP Dates




AllOntarioLearncoursesstartonthesedates.Somecourseshavenewstart-upseverymonth,usuallyonthefirst.Classsizesarelimitedandcourse availability is subject to change.

Online expertLearnthroughonlinevideolectures.Ifyouprefertoworkentirelyonyour own to gain the knowledge that you need when you need it, choose thisstyleofonlinelearning.CD-ROMsareavailablefordial-upinternetservice. For a more structured environment and credit courses, please seetheOntarioLearnseries.

Allcoursesincludeexpertcontent,interactivelabsandpre-andpost-coursetesting.Onlineresourcesarefresh,accurateandtimely.Multipledelivery systems provide content anytime and anywhere even if you have a slow internet connection.

HOw DOes it wOrk?




– You will have access to your course for a maximumofsixmonthstocompletethecoursematerialandrequirements.

–Theonlinecoursesareself-paced,soitisrecommendedthatyoudevelop a regular study plan to ensure successful completion within the allotted time.



Inordertotakeanyonlinecourse,youmusthavefundamentalcomputerandInternetskills.Ahigh-speedInternetconnectionisrecommended.Ifyouare taking a computer course you should have the appropriate software on your machine.

For more information and courses, please visit

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OutDOOr skiLLs • Food self-sufficiency new!

• edible wilds

• GPs & wilderness navigation

• tracking Lost People

• wilderness survival

• Firearm Courses

• trail Design and management

• Chainsaw Operator

+ many more!

arts & reCreation CoUrsesTakingacoursecanturnahobbyintoapassion!Manyofourgeneralinterestcourseswillnotonlyteachyoua new skill but provide you with background and history, tool use, best practices and tricks of the trade by our expertinstructors.Meetlike-mindedpeopleinyourclassesandfindoutwheretotakeyournewinterestfromthere.


CuLinarY & BeVeraGesIndian,Vegetarian,Italian,scrump-tious barbecues and getting funky withthebestofFusionCuisine!Thisis a delightful series of unusual and entertaining cooking workshops. DiscoverJuliaChildorawholenewwayof looking at chocolate!



DOWNLOAD A COPY OF OUR CALENDAR AT fleMinGColleGe.Ca/reinVent OR CALL 1-888-269-6929


Getting started with Horses and ridingTheproperknowledgeandinstructionisessential if you wish to learn how to ride confidently and safely for a lifetime of pleasure. Thiscourseisacomprehensivepreparationcourse for anyone interested in learning about the world of riding, what it involves and what it has to offer.


independent wine education GuildTheIndependentWineEducationGuildoffersfivelevelsofstudy.AlllevelsarepreparedandgradedbytheWSETinEngland,recognizedworldwideasthepre-eminentwineandspiriteducationalinstitute.Uponsuccessfulcompletionofcoursesandexaminations,studentsreceivethe internationally respected professional CertificateorDiplomafromtheWSET.


How to Be a Happy CamperWell-knownoutdooradventureauthorKevinCallanwillsharehistechniquestohelpyouplan,outfitandtrulyenjoyyournexttrip.Camprecipes,gear,survival,basicmapandcompass skills and the perfect knot are included.

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Wealsohaveworkshopsforupdatesofspecificskillsforthoselookingforfast solutions.

Andthere’smuchmore!Downloadyourcalendartodaytoseeallofthecomputer courses available.

mOtOrCYCLe COurses

motorcycle trainingFornewridersorridersdevelopingtheirskills.CoursesofferedeachweekendinSeptember.

motorcycle m2 exit CoursePrerequisite:Possessionofan“M2”graduatedlicenseforaminimumof18months.

These courses will be offered again in Spring 2011:

–MotorcycleRefresherCourse(for experienced riders)

–IntroductoryMotorcycleCourse (for new riders)

arts at COBOurGImaginegettingpaintingclassesfromtheartistwhosedesigngracedCanada’stwo-dollarcoin.Oractinglessonsfromthefounderofthelargesttouringchildren’stheatreinNorthAmerica.


Socall1-888-269-6929andaskusaboutourwonderfulselectionof workshops in performing arts, fine art, photography, self improvement,andfunforkidsattheCobourgcampus.

PHOtOGraPHYWehaveaddedawholenewseriesofphotography workshops suitable for both thebeginnerandtheexpert.


microsoft Office 2007 updatesHaveyouupgradedtoMicrosoftOffice2007orareyouthinkingofmakingthechangesoon?Theseworkshopsareforexperienceduserswhoneedtogetusedtothenew2007interfaceandlearnhowtogetthemostoutofthisupgrade.

manage Files on your computerIfyourdigitalfileskeepdisappearingonyouoryou’renotquitesurehowtoorganizeyourfoldersandmoveyourfilesfrom one place to the other, this workshop will show you the tips and tricks for managing them.

55+ Computer workshopsDesignedfortheolderadult,thesebeginnerworkshopsareconducted in small groups at a comfortable pace.






LanGuaGes, CuLture anD writinGLearnanewlanguage!Varyinglevelsoflanguageclassesareavailableboth in class and online.












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Get your copy of our latest Calendar!

Continuing education and Corporate training office

McRae Campus 555 Bonaccord Street

P. O. Box 4350 Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1

peterBoroUGH linDsaY CoBoUrG

Our COmmitment tO tHe enVirOnment

Fleming College is committed to responsible environmental practices. This brochure is printed on FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council) paper that is manufactured acid and elemental chlorine free. Printing services are supplied by an FSC certified printer. Using FSC certified paper saves not only trees, but water, energy, air emissions and solid waste.

> Visit and browse our A-to-Z Course Calendar or download a pdf version

> Call 1-888-269-6929 and get a copy mailed to you

For Continuing Education Courses offered at the Haliburton Campus, please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.