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Refreshing Beliefs - Version to Create Your Own Powerful Belief Statements ..... 13 Developing Empowering Beliefs for

Apr 16, 2018



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Refreshing Beliefs - Version 3.0

Copyright © 2017 by WisdomWays Inc.; J. Richard Schultz. All rights reserved.

You may print this e-Book for personal use. You may also store it for personal use on local devices such as computers, e-book readers, or smart-phones. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, - other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews - without permission in writing from WisdomWays Inc.

For more information contact: J. Richard Schultz WisdomWays Inc.

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Contents About WisdomWays & Richard ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Purpose of This Book .............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Background ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Benefits of Affirmations and Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs .......................................................................................... 7

THE REFRESHING BELIEFS E-COURSE .............................................................................................................. 7

Mastering Your Mind to Unleash Life ..................................................................................................................................... 8

The Power of Beliefs and the Subconscious Mind ................................................................................................................ 10

How to Create Your Own Powerful Belief Statements ......................................................................................................... 13

Developing Empowering Beliefs for Your Life ....................................................................................................................... 17

1. Look at your life indicators or “problems” .................................................................................................................... 18

2. Work From Your Goals ................................................................................................................................................. 19

Muscle Testing Your Subconscious Beliefs ........................................................................................................................... 20

Muscle Testing Directions ................................................................................................................................................. 21

Muscle Testing Calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 21

Muscle Testing a Belief/Affirmation Statement ........................................................................................................... 22

How to Self Muscle Test Your Subconscious Beliefs ......................................................................................................... 23

Self Muscle Testing Techniques .................................................................................................................................... 23

Trouble shooting Muscle Testing problems & getting an accurate test ........................................................................... 25

Testing Subconscious Beliefs from Feeling ....................................................................................................................... 26

How to Reprogram Subconscious Beliefs ............................................................................................................................. 27

1. The Refreshing Beliefs Method .................................................................................................................................... 27

2. Saying the Affirmation. ................................................................................................................................................. 28

3. Getting into an Optimal Brain State .............................................................................................................................. 28

4. Other Belief Change Methods:...................................................................................................................................... 30

5. Working with Richard .................................................................................................................................................... 30

Private Sessions with Richard ....................................................................................................................................... 30

Life Coaching and Mentoring with Richard ................................................................................................................... 30

Suggested Reading ................................................................................................................................................................ 31

Appendix 1: How to Use the Belief/Affirmation List ............................................................................................................. 32

Find a Priority Belief Using Your Intuition ......................................................................................................................... 32

Find a Priority Belief Using Muscle Testing ....................................................................................................................... 34

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Alternative Ways to Find a Belief Statement .................................................................................................................... 36

Appendix 2: A general protocol for finding a priority belief to change ................................................................................ 37

Appendix 3: 1500 Beliefs in 20 Categories ............................................................................................................................ 38

Action ................................................................................................................................................................................ 38

Addiction Release (including smoking) ............................................................................................................................. 40

Body, Body Image and Weight .......................................................................................................................................... 42

Change, and Transformation ............................................................................................................................................ 44

Forgiveness ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46

Fun, Play and Adventure ................................................................................................................................................... 48

Grief, Loss and Letting Go ................................................................................................................................................. 50

Happiness and Joy ............................................................................................................................................................. 52

Health and Healing ............................................................................................................................................................ 54

Love and Acceptance ........................................................................................................................................................ 56

Money ............................................................................................................................................................................... 58

Personal Power ................................................................................................................................................................. 60

Prosperity and Wealth ...................................................................................................................................................... 62

Relationships ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64

Romantic Relationships .................................................................................................................................................... 66

Self Esteem ........................................................................................................................................................................ 68

Spirituality ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70

Sports and Fitness ............................................................................................................................................................. 72

Success and Achievement ................................................................................................................................................. 74

Work and Career ............................................................................................................................................................... 76

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About WisdomWays & Richard

Richard and his company WisdomWays support individuals and organizations in

discovering, integrating and actualizing their authentic power and potential; creating

the ultimate success and fulfillment experience.

Starting over 20 years ago, Richard began questioning his beliefs about who he was

and what would bring true fulfillment in his life. Within a short time, he courageously

walked away from his "safe" corporate career and the expectations of society, family and friends to take a powerful

journey into self awareness and personal transformation. This profound journey has continuously invited him to think

and grow beyond pre-conditioned limiting beliefs into a new world of ever-expanding potential, love and possibility.

Richard Schultz has extensive training and experience in transformational processes. He is an expert in subconscious

belief change, emotional release, 'shadow work' and forgiveness. From 2003 until 2010, Richard taught and facilitated a

process called PSYCH-K® to hundreds of people around the world. Richard was the first licensed instructor to teach

PSYCH-K® outside of the United States and was instrumental in its spread to other parts of the world.

From 2008, Richard continued exploring other methodologies for subconscious change and awakening which expanded

his capacity to assist people in even more rapid and successful change. Inspired by many teachings methods and his own

personal and professional experiences with transformation, Richard has developed his own online and in-person

workshops to help people go beyond the ordinary to extraordinary success in every area of life. Check out Richard's

online courses and workshops at

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Purpose of This Book

Background Throughout the ages many life mastery and spiritual teachers have said that our “reality” is an illusion. But how could

that be true? What could they be referring to? If it is an illusion, then it sure seems to be a very solid one! Or is it? What

if it was not so difficult to change our experience of this reality for ourselves? What if this reality was actually quite 'fluid'

and malleable? What if it was like a more solid feeling dream governed by our thoughts, beliefs and emotions?

At a minimum, many people are discovering that it is at least possible to change their perception of events so that they

experience peace and acceptance rather than sadness or anger. Others are finding that our reality is much more

interactive than we first thought. These people experience the seemingly impossible. Life altering experiences seem to

come out of nothing. Synchronicities and other “phenomena” that would seem impossible happen on a day to day basis.

For people in touch with their authentic power, life is a magical, enchanting fabric of the Divine.

Today, science is now playing in the quantum world. In this quantum world, the subatomic particles behave very

differently than the Newtonian physics. In the quantum world, when they do certain experiments, the beliefs and the

intentions of the observer can dramatically influence the outcome of the experiments. For example: if the physicist, sets

up an experiment to measure and prove that light is a “particle”, then the light will behave as the particle they expect. If

they set up the experiment to prove that light behaves as a “wave”, then it will behave as a wave.

The quantum reality is influenced by the observer of that reality.

Most scientists say these quantum phenomena do not apply to the larger physical world we live in. However, what if all

of our reality could operate more like the quantum experience, if we only believed it did? In the New Testament Bible,

Jesus continually said “You are healed according to your beliefs!” What if Jesus was a master of opening up quantum

space/rules for the people that he worked with? What if he created conditions for their positive beliefs to manifest

instantly at this larger level of life?

What if we could all be masters of the quantum possibility?

What if we could adjust our reality to behave according to beliefs we choose rather

than what we were taught or we inherited from our family?

What if it is really our minds that are the source of our reality and we could easily

change our minds to create different, more positive life experiences?

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Benefits of Affirmations and Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs Richard holds the belief that anything is possible and invites you to discover for yourself how powerful you are when you

take charge of your life and your mind.

Thousands of people over the years have found that saying affirmations (beliefs) have been a useful way to change their

circumstances and create healing in their lives. The most well known author for this is Louise L. Hay who linked issues of

the body with beliefs in the mind. By changing these beliefs through saying affirmations, people have been able to heal

their body and their lives. Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book, "The Biology of Belief" also describes how beliefs affect our


Although the typical way of doing affirmations is effective for some, it is not practical for most. Many people just don’t

have the focus or discipline to say affirmations hundreds of times per day to get it into the subconscious mind. However,

saying affirmations over and over is not actually necessary. Affirmations can be highly effective for everyone if you have

a technique or method that interfaces directly with your subconscious mind so affirmations work almost instantly.

This book contains an extensive list of positive and powerful affirmations. It is a source of 1500 beliefs in 20 different life

categories. It is meant as a empowering resource for people that want to take responsibility to change their experience

of life through conscious awareness and reprogramming their subconscious mind.

This e-book will:

Give you an extensive resource of powerful affirmations to 'install' in your subconscious mind

Give you tools to find out what specific subconscious beliefs are limiting you.

Give you tools to determine which beliefs in this book are of the highest priority for you to change.

Teach you how to create your own empowering affirmations that are specific to your experience.

Give you a few tips on how you can change your subconscious beliefs quickly and easily.

Point you to resources, methods and training to master your mind and your life.

THE REFRESHING BELIEFS E-COURSE Stop the struggle and achieve your goals with ease by learning how to effectively reprogram your subconscious mind with new, refreshing beliefs and emotions.

In this video e-course you will learn a simple, proven system to easily reprogram your mind for success in every area of life. Learn how to install affirmations and release emotional triggers to transform your Relationships, Health, Self Esteem, Wealth, and Personal Power. Click here to learn more.

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Mastering Your Mind to Unleash Life

Real Change Begins Within You

In our world today, change is accelerating at an ever increasing pace. There are more distractions than ever before and

time seems to be speeding up. Many people are experiencing increased drama or overwhelm. Others are escaping or

'numbing out' in playing video games, television, taking drugs, or Social Media. Staying in negative thought patterns,

emotions and limiting beliefs rob you of the precious energy you need to navigate in this world of change. They reduce

your capacity to evolve, grow and deal with the pressures and instability of this changing environment.

In this era of change, it is imperative that you tap into the power of your whole mind and take personal responsibility for

the inner and outer realities you are creating and co-creating. There may be challenges in your health, your

relationships, your prosperity or your spirituality, but within you are also immense powers to overcome those challenges

if you know how. You can proactively and effectively navigate any change and find peace and fulfillment if you know

how to engage the power of your whole mind.

7 Powers To Master for Unleashing Your Life and Accomplishing Your Goals

1. Awareness

One of the first steps in personal mastery is awareness. Although people think they are 'awake', human beings are

mostly in a hypnotic trance thinking the same thoughts and doing the same behaviors over and over again without

questioning it. They have become so accustomed to life drama and struggle that it has become normalized. They accept

what their senses are telling them without realizing that their lower mind is filtering and interpreting (not necessarily

accurately) everything they see, hear, touch, taste and smell. As such, they are aware of only a tiny portion of the

greater reality that is possible to them and only create inside the tiny box that they have built for themselves. For

personal mastery, you must be willing to consciously awaken to the limitations you have created in your mind and then

expand your awareness to the possibilities beyond your current experience.

2. Decision

When you are aware of how you are limiting yourself and the potential, possibilities and choices available to go beyond

your current state, then the next step is to make a decision. This is at the center of power. From choices and decisions

you can become a conscious creator of your reality and break the hypnotic trance. Without decision, nothing will likely

change. With decision, you can begin to engage all the powers of your mind towards accomplishing your desired goals.

This is the domain of the Conscious Mind which will be discussed in the next chapter of this e-book.

3. Surrender

As you become more open and aware, you begin to notice a greater intelligence that is available to assist you on your

path. When connected to this intelligence, there is KNOWING that comes with it. It is beyond beliefs. It is inner wisdom,

ultimate power, and truth. It has been called by many names - Spirit, God, Divine Intelligence, or Source. Some might call

it intuition. We will refer to it as the "Super-conscious Mind". When a decision is made to surrender ego and we are fully

open to receiving, accepting and following the wisdom and power of this higher KNOWING, our path to freedom is

accelerated beyond belief. It is a path of joy and delight!

3. Beliefs

Beliefs are the primary subject discussed in this e-book. Beliefs are powerful. They shape your reality. They are the filters

which shape what you perceive and experience in life. If you have limiting beliefs, you will have limiting perceptions and

experiences. If you have positive beliefs, you will experience a more friendly, inviting world. While you may have

conscious beliefs limiting you, in this e-book, we will be primarily looking at how to reprogram subconscious beliefs

because the powerful Subconscious Mind is the mind responsible for creating your physical reality on automatic or

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habitually. Through awareness, surrender, and decision, you have the power to change limiting subconscious beliefs to

empowering beliefs so that your powerful subconscious mind automatically moves you toward achieving your conscious


In this e-book you will get some tools to help you with identifying and changing your limiting beliefs plus a list of 1500

positive affirmations. However, if you really want to be faster and more effective with belief change, or work with others

to help them, you are encouraged to take our comprehensive belief change course called 'The Refreshing Beliefs

Method' This online or in-person course will give you a complete, step by step process, to change your beliefs quickly

and easily. It will give you a method to 'install' affirmations in minutes.

4. Emotions

Beliefs, both positive or limiting, are powered by your emotions. If the belief is the car, the emotions are the gas and the

size of the engine powering it. Nothing moves forward without an emotion propelling it. Emotions, such as fear, can also

inhibit or block your movement towards goals and keep you frozen where you are. Fear emotions can also send you

flying in the opposite direction of your goal. For example, even if you have a positive subconscious belief pointing in the

direction of your goal, it could be blocked by fear. In this case, you need some tools to shift or release emotions. A

method to release emotion is also taught in the 'The Refreshing Beliefs Method' course.

To learn more about emotions and the power of emotions, you are invited to take this free audio e-course from Larry

Wayne called "Emotion - The Kingpin of Power"

5. Wholeness

Having the capability to work with affirmation/beliefs and emotions are an important skill. You will go a long way

towards achieving many of your life goals when you work with these powers. However, they are just two pieces of the

puzzle and they are just a partial step in the direction of your owning your whole power.

In the process of life, in order to survive, you have lost, disowned or became separated from 'parts' of yourself. These

lost parts represent a significant source of energy and power loss. If you have done affirmations and emotional release

and are still not getting the results you want or you are not able to find peace, then it is time looked into the 'shadows of

your mind' to reclaim your all of your brilliance.

Wholeness, or 'shadow work' is the work of self love. It is the work of forgiveness. It is the work of becoming ONE with

Source. It is the decision to take a journey to love without condition and truth. To know that you ARE LOVE is the only

belief that you really need. If you are ready to work with claiming your brilliance and wholeness, contact Richard for

private sessions or take the Restoring Love Program.

6. Action

To manifest your goals and dreams in the physical world, you will need to take appropriate action. If you have done the

inner work of beliefs and emotions, your action steps are likely going to be clearer to you and it will be easier and

natural to take them. In many cases, the old limiting behaviors and actions will just fall away and you will find yourself

automatically taking the right action at the right time. After each belief change, consider what actions you need to take

to move forward toward your goals and commit to taking them. As you take them, be aware and observe what happens.

If you still feel blocked, then it may just be an indicator that you still have more inner work to do.

7. Freedom & Flow

As you work with mastering powers 1 through 6, you will notice more freedom and flow. Things will unfold as if by

magic. Be prepared to be surprised and delighted. However, the journey is not over. Continue doing the inner work to

evolve and expand to even greater heights and notice how you are guided to help others into their freedom and flow


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The Power of Beliefs and the Subconscious Mind

Henry Ford said, “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re right!”

For years now, we have been hearing about the power of positive thinking. A question we might ask of this is where

does this power come from and how do we practically harness this power and knowledge to bring greater health and

balance into our own lives?

In 1963, Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote a book called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”. This classic Self-Help title

explains that the power behind our thoughts is the subconscious mind. Although we really have only one mind, students

of the mind typically separate the mind into two functional aspects (conscious and subconscious), each with its own

attributes and powers. It turns out that the thoughts, beliefs and emotions held in the subconscious mind create the

bulk of the reality we experience. It is therefore the subconscious that we need to pay attention to if we want to make

rapid and lasting change in our lives and reality. For an even more powerful and fulfilling experience of life, it is also

important to connect with the 'Super-conscious' Mind.

For a video explanation of the conscious, subconscious and Super-conscious minds and their different roles in our lives,

please go to the following link:

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the volitional. It is the part of the mind that sets goals and judges the results. It is able to think

abstractly. For example, “wealth or happiness” are abstract thoughts/words that could mean very different things to

different people. The conscious mind thinks in terms of past and future, rather than the present. The processing capacity

of the conscious mind is limited to short term memories (about 20 seconds), multitasking of about 1-3 events at a time

and averages about 4 bits of information per second. Coaching, self help books and other change processes mostly focus

on the conscious mind. These processes can be highly effective for some change, or a waste of time and energy when

the subconscious mind is not aligned with the desired goal.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind has quite different characteristics. It is the part of the mind that handles all the habitual stuff…

our body functions such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, our learned body movements, and all other habitual

activities we do. Being habitual, the subconscious mind is typically resistant to change through normal conscious

processes. Whereas the conscious mind is abstract in its thinking, the subconscious mind is very literal and requires us to

be very specific in communicating with it. The subconscious mind is in the eternal present. The subconscious mind

behaves as if everything is happening NOW rather than a past or future experience. Compared to the conscious mind,

the subconscious mind has vastly expanded processing capacity, housing our long term memory, multitasking thousands

of events at a time and processing at 40 million bits of information per second on average! This is dramatically more

powerful than our conscious mind!

The powerful subconscious mind is a wonderful tool that allows us to do manage much of our life experience on

automatic. We don’t have to be consciously aware of everything that is happening around us or everything we are

doing, it just gets handled. Without the subconscious mind, the conscious mind would clearly be overwhelmed by the

vast amounts of information processing required to function in our complex reality.

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When we consider the power of the subconscious aspect of our mind vs. the conscious part of our mind, we definitely

want the subconscious on our side. If the subconscious is not aligned with our conscious goals, we usually go nowhere!

So why would the subconscious mind not be aligned with our conscious goals?

The subconscious mind primarily develops between birth and the age of 6 or 7. At this time, it is a sponge, accepting

whatever programming it is receiving from its environment in the form of experiences, attitudes, values and beliefs.

Based on these experiences and what might be told to us by our mentors and parents, we may take on beliefs such as “I

will never be good enough.”, “I have to work hard to live.” or “No one will ever love me.” or “I am always sick.”. These

belief programs will continue to run throughout our lives giving us the conscious thoughts and experience of “never

good enough”, “hard work for every dime”, rejection, and “ill health”. For example: If we have an experience as a child

of falling out of a tree, we may “install” a phobia program that generalizes to “all heights are dangerous”.

When we are “triggered” by our parents or partners and immediately react in anger, sadness, self condemnation,

anxiety etc, the “trigger” input is just like clicking an icon on our computer to start a reactive subconscious program

learned earlier in our life. Because of these limiting belief programs running in our subconscious mind, we may sabotage

our relationships, our health, our prosperity or our spiritual growth. These belief programs just continue to run, feeding

our thoughts and creating a “printout” in our life experience that matches the underlying programs.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could actually make a conscious decision about what 'programs' you will run or not run?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to erase and refresh all your programs about ill health or poverty and automatically

run new programs that bring you abundance in every area of your life?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could experience the world through loving and peaceful beliefs rather than limiting

beliefs that creates fear and stress?

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Some Exercises

Exercise: Stop reading for a moment and try consciously watching your thoughts for the next 10 minutes or so. Notice

how busy your mind is. Notice what positive or negative thoughts come up. Have you noticed these kinds of thoughts

before in the past? Do they represent a pattern? Behind these thoughts will be beliefs about something. Write down

what those positive and negative beliefs could be behind those thoughts. If you meditate, you might already be familiar

with your habitual thought patterns.

Next Exercise: Bring up in your mind a situation where you have been 'triggered' in the past and where you still have

some emotions attached to the experience. Perhaps when you think about the situation, you have negative thoughts

and feelings of anger or sadness. Next, try to stop the thought and emotion and shift to positive thoughts and emotions

about the experience instead. How well did that work for you?

In this second exercise, without effective tools to shift the subconscious mind, most people find that shifting negative

thoughts and emotions to positive thoughts and emotions difficult, temporary or even impossible.

These exercises of watching your thoughts can reveal to you what your beliefs are about yourself and your environment,

but just noticing them in a conscious process doesn’t usually make the change. It turns out that having these insights

consciously often has little impact on changing the underlying subconscious beliefs or behaviors. You could go to

workshops, read self help books, see psychologists and get great insights as to why you behave as you do, but few

people actually see a real shift in their lives as a result of this “hard and painful” and often expensive work.

Even saying affirmations over and over again often don't work to change the behavior unless you are saying the right

affirmation and also addressing the emotional aspect of that belief. In addition, most people are not disciplined enough

to keep saying an affirmation long enough to get it into the subconscious. It can take hundreds of repetitions over

months for some people to make a shift.

The good news is that there are easier, faster and more effective ways to work with the subconscious mind.

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How to Create Your Own Powerful Belief Statements

You have "programs" running in your subconscious mind. These programs take the form of "beliefs" plus "emotion".

Most of your existing programs are useful programs but others are limiting you. To change your life you need to know

how to reprogram your subconscious mind with new beliefs. These belief programs have a certain "language" or "form"

often called a belief statement or affirmation.

The structure of a good belief statement is covered in countless books on how to create affirmations and workshops. For

easy memory, the 5 P’s of a good belief statement are Personal, Positive, Present Tense, Passionate, and Precise.

1. Personal (I, me or my)

Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Change starts with you. You and I have very little

control of what other people do or what happens in the world. You cannot necessarily stop an “earthquake”

happening in your life. However, what you do have control over is how you respond to that “earthquake”. You

can choose your response rather than just react and you can choose what actions you will take, regardless of

what others might pressure you to do. You can choose your subconscious behaviour. A well formed belief

statement is not about what your neighbour must do to make you happy, it is about what you can change within

to be happy no matter what your neighbour does. Happiness is a choice once your subconscious mind is

supporting you.

Surprisingly, very often when we change our own reaction to a situation to be more accepting and loving, the

situation or the behaviour of the other person automatically transforms. But even if it does not, at least we are

in peace.


Situation Statement not in my control

(a “my” statement but it

tries to change someone

else’s behaviour rather than

my own)

Statement within my control

My neighbour is making a lot of

noise renovating and I can’t

focus in my meditation.

My neighbours stop their

renovation now.

When there is noise around me, I go into an

even deeper meditation.

My father is critical and I get

angry whenever I see him.

My father gives me positive

feedback all the time.

Even if my father criticizes me, I am calm,

loving, and completely accepting of him and


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2. Positive (What you Want, rather than what you don’t want)

Old Story (-ve) New Story (+ve)

Most people habitually talk about the old negative story (or it might be a current story) in our lives. However,

when we talk about that story, it does little except to reinforce that old pattern. If you are going to create a

belief statement, switch completely over to creation mode and direct the subconscious mind to what you want

to create, rather than what you don’t want or what you want to go away. The statement should be clear and

specific about the conditions that you want to show up in your life. The statement should be free of “not’s” and

“no’s”, “don’ts”


Old Story Still into old Story New Story

I am stressed about work.

I don’t have stress about


I am confident and in control at work.

My work is easy for me.

I joyfully let go of work thoughts and

feelings when I leave work.

I can’t seem to get ahead


I have no financial worries.

It is easy for me to save $_ _ _ _._ _ every

month and I do.

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3. Present Tense (As if it is happening now, or it is already a reality)

The subconscious mind always behaves as if things are occurring now, in the present. Think of a stressful

memory in your past, and you are likely to feel the stress come up in your body as if it is happening now.

Because of this, we always want to program our subconscious beliefs in the NOW as if it is already achieved,

even if it feels like a lie to the conscious mind. Therefore belief statements need to be in the form of “I am…” or

“I have…” , “I create” etc. Create statements with strong presence or action verbs of what you want. Do not use

words like “want” because that implies the future and a “wanting” but perhaps never “getting”.


Situation Belief Statement

(clearly a lie to the conscious mind, but this is a good

belief statement to program the subconscious into the

present, new reality)

A phobia of snakes

I am calm and comfortable seeing and holding snakes.

No romantic partner

I am in a loving, intimate romantic relationship.

4. Passionate (Really grabs you emotionally and is realistic)

Perhaps the most understated part of what is taught about change is the influence of that emotions play with

respect to successful belief change. The emotions are the motivator for the subconscious mind and the

motivator for you taking action after a subconscious change. There are two ways you can tell if you have landed

on the best statement to change:

a. The positive statement gives a noticeable negative reaction. You might feel resistance to the statement,

even though you think you want it. You might feel anger, fear, sadness, other “negative” emotions. This

means that the current motivator emotions are AWAY from your goal rather than toward it. It is a good

statement because you need to release this negative motivator and “neutralize it” or replace it with a

positive motivator toward the goal.

b. There is a strong positive emotional response to the Belief Statement. You may feel a rush of blood in

your body, tingling hands, tears of joy, the hair may stand up on your arms, or you just feel good and

become more alive with hope. This means the statement is “grabbing” you emotionally and is likely to

create a good result once you 'install' it and then take the appropriate action to make your dream come


After the belief statement is changed, feel the new belief goal. What does it feel like if you think about your goal

now? If you feel good about the goal, then you have evidence of the shift. If you still feel fears or other stress,

you probably have some more layers of limiting beliefs to find and change.

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5. Precise (Precise, Short, specific and to the point)

The best belief statements are clear, concise and to the point. There can be the temptation to put a whole

bunch of goals or concepts into a single statement to get it all over with, but it is usually best to break it down

into a few statements rather than combining them. Sometimes it is important to combine a couple of intimately

related concepts into a single statement using “and” in the statement, but it is usually not a good idea to go

“and…. and…. and …. and”.

The more specific the statement, the better. Keep the use of abstract words and ideas to a minimum because

the subconscious mind does not deal that well with abstraction… it needs to know specifically what you want to

it to create for you.


Abstract Statement or Unrelated ideas Good, Pointed Belief Statement

I easily attract lots of money all the time.

I am worthy of making over $100,000 every year and I


I make good money and I have a loving family.

I earn more than enough money for my needs and the

needs of my family.

I enjoy my loving, caring family.

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Developing Empowering Beliefs for Your Life

It is said that 95% or more of our behaviour is done automatically operated by our subconscious mind. Our movements,

our gestures, the language patterns we use, our emotions, our reactions, all of it! All automatic! That’s great because

then we don’t have to think consciously about how to move our arm or how to digest etc. However, some of our

automatic behaviour is just not that desirable. This undesirable and automatic behaviour is usually being determined by

our subconscious beliefs and emotions. The problem is they are subconscious... below the level of our conscious

awareness. We need to be able to find out which beliefs are limiting or not supporting us by bringing them into our

conscious awareness so that we can reprogram them.

How can we choose the priority beliefs to reprogram?

The best way to move forward in your life is to look at what life is mirroring back to you. Your reality, if you are paying

attention to what is happening within you or outside of you, will tell you exactly what your beliefs are... enhancing or

limiting. The “Universal Spirit” will even show you the priorities for transformation and change. This “Spirit” is always

interacting with you to guide you, if you choose to see and listen. If something happens “out there” or “within” that is

undesirable or uncomfortable, then this could be taken as an indicator of a belief that could be changed to transform

your perception of that incident or perhaps the reality itself.

The best beliefs usually have “emotion” around them!

The best belief statements are ones in which we have some “energy". They really grab us emotionally. They may feel

good, or perhaps there is a huge inner resistance to them (a negative emotion indicating a fear). The source of that

belief statement really does not matter. It could be one that you make up yourself or from being inspired by a book or a

song. The most important aspect of the belief statement is that you relate to it. In this way, the statements in this book

can be a valuable resource for belief statements to inspire you to a change and to help you figure out what might be

going on. In is suggested that you modify statements in this book to be more relevant to your own experience and


Here are a couple of methods which will help you can determine beliefs that are limiting you:

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1. Look at your life indicators or “problems”

Most people are very good at naming what they don’t want (“The problem”). Although this can be a useful starting point

in a process, it is of little value to you if you continue to focus on the problem. What you focus on tends to expand, so

focusing on what you don’t want will give you more of the same… what you don’t want!

The simplest way to get from what you don’t want to a good believe statement is to ask a question like, ”Instead of that,

what do you want?” The response to this question is typically “I want ___________.” Make sure you go to the positive

side of the experience or to at least a neutral position. You now need to drop the “want” from the statement and

reword it because “want” implies “future tense” and you need the belief statement to be in present tense as discussed

in the previous section.


Indicator or Perceived


ASK: What do you want

instead? Create Belief Statement(s)

I can’t find a job. I want a job that I love

which pays me well. I have a job that I love, and it pays over $100,000 per year!

I don’t want to have

this chronic pain


I want to be pain free.

(Note: This response

came back with the

condition (pain) as part

of the want. Although

this is acceptable, with a

little crafting you would

be better served by

coming up with a

statement such as the

second statement to the

right which does not

even reference “pain”.)

Even if I am in pain, I love and forgive myself.

I am pain free.

My body and I feel fantastic all the time.

I love my body for showing me where I have pain so that I can

discover the cause and easily let it go.

I’ve always felt stupid. I want to be intelligent. I am intelligent.

I am terrified of

speaking in groups.

I want to be calm and

comfortable speaking in


I am calm and comfortable speaking in groups.

I enjoy speaking to groups.

I am a great public speaker.

I am comfortable making mistakes because that is how I will

learn to be even better!

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2. Work From Your Goals

One of the most empowering things you can do in life is to set goals for yourself. Ahead on the horizon is a vision of

what you want to achieve in our life, your business or with your family. You then break up that vision into a set

manageable, attainable goals and an action plan on how to get there. Goals for the conscious mind have dates by which

you want to achieve them. You write them down and make a commitment to achieve them.

But do you have the underlying subconscious beliefs to support achieving those goals? Will your powerful

subconscious mind sabotage your goals because of limiting beliefs in its programming?

Why not turn all your goals and action plans into belief/affirmation statements and see if your subconscious supports



Conscious Goal Actions/behaviours needed to

achieve this goal

Belief Statements to support Goal or action

To earn $100,000 in

commissions from my sales

by year end.

I am worthy of making $100,000.

I am exceptional at sales.

I am successful at everything I focus my heart

and mind on.

It is easy for me to make money and I do.

Make 5 effective sales calls every


I am excited about selling and make a minimum

of 5 effective sales calls every day.

I ask great questions to determine the needs of

my clients.

I develop rapport easily and quickly with my


I am an expert in my products and I easily

communicate their benefits.

I manage my time effectively.

Close 3 sales every week I easily close 3 sales deals or more every week.

I am assertive.

I create an environment where people trust


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Delegate administrative and

follow up work to my assistant.

I easily delegate to others and trust the tasks

get done at the right time.

Muscle Testing Your Subconscious Beliefs

You can find out what your subconscious mind believes using Muscle Testing!

Muscle testing was introduced into the modern world in the 60’s by George Goodheart. George Goodheart was the

originator of a healing modality called Applied Kinesiology (AK) which he taught to chiropractors. Muscle Testing is based

on the fact that it is our subconscious mind that is running the operations of our body. We don’t have to think about

what signals we send to certain muscles to move or be still, because the subconscious mind has learned this and does it

automatically. It turns out that if the subconscious mind is under stress, as powerful as it is, signals to the muscles will

get interrupted and there is a physiological change. We also know this from lie detector tests. If someone tells a lie,

there is a physiological reaction... sweating, changes in heart rate etc. If we say something that is not true (from the

perspective of the subconscious), the weakened or reactive subconscious will also result in signals to our muscle going

noticeably weaker. In this way, we can know whether our subconscious believes in something (muscle stays strong) or

does not believe (muscle goes weak).

Practically, if we knew what beliefs are true or not true to the subconscious, we would have a very clear way to gauge if

our reprogramming has been successful. Through a process of pre-testing, then doing the change, then post-testing a

belief/affirmation, we will know if we have achieved the desired change and turned a limiting program into an

empowering one.

In the video below, you can learn how to muscle test beliefs of others or have someone muscle test your beliefs. Using

this method of someone else testing you is the most objective way to find out what your subconscious mind believes.

You will find addition written directions on the following pages.

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Muscle Testing Directions The easiest and most common way to muscle test is usually using the deltoid muscle in the arms. The participant being

tested stretches out one arm to their side. The person facilitating, tells the participant to “BE STRONG” or to “HOLD” and

then gently presses down on the arm. The facilitator and the person being tested then notice if the arm stays strong, or

goes weak. If there is no condition being tested (no belief being said), the arm should remain strong. Too much pressure

will cause any arm to go down or injure the person, so we start off with gentle pressure.

Muscle Testing Calibration

Before testing a belief/affirmation, a “calibration” is done. During the calibration process, the objective for the facilitator

is to determine how much consistent pressure is needed to give a clear distinction between a strong test and a weak

muscle test for that person.

To do the calibration, the facilitator has the person do the following:

1. First Calibration: Muscle Testing response to Stress

a. With arm outstretched, the participant is guided to go into a feeling of something they really LIKE. While

the person is thinking about this feeling, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and presses down

on the arm. Both facilitator and the participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases. The arm

should be STRONG or lock. If the arm releases/goes weak, then the process should be done again with

less pressure until the test is STRONG.

b. With arm outstretched, the participant is then guided to go into a feeling of something they really

DISLIKE. While the person is thinking about this feeling, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and

presses down on the arm with the same pressure they used in “Step a” above. Both facilitator and the

participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases. The arm should go WEAK or release. If the test is

strong then the facilitator should repeat the full process starting with (1. a.) using slightly stronger

pressure until this 'dislike' test is WEAK, while the first test in (a. 'like') remains strong with the

equivalent pressure.

2. Second Calibration: Muscle Testing response to Truths

a. With outstretched arm, the facilitator asks the participant to say their name out loud like this:

“MY NAME IS ____(name of participant)_____.

Immediately after the participant says this, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and presses

down on the arm with the same pressure established in “Step 1” above. Both facilitator and the

participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases. The arm should be STRONG or lock. If the arm

releases/goes weak, then the process should be done again with slightly less pressure until the test is


b. With outstretched arm, the facilitator asks the participant to say a false name out loud like this:

“MY NAME IS ____(someone else’s name)_____.

Immediately after the participant says this, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and presses

down on the arm. Both facilitator and the participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases. The

arm should be WEAK or release. If the test is strong rather than weak, the facilitator should repeat the

process using a little stronger pressure until this test is WEAK.

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3. Third Calibration: Establishing a communication system for Yes/No response

a. With outstretched arm, the facilitator asks the participant to say YES, YES, YES, over and over.


Immediately after the participant says this a few times, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and

presses down on the arm. Both facilitator and the participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases.

The arm should be STRONG or lock. If the arm releases/goes weak, then the process should be done

again with less pressure until the test is STRONG.

b. With outstretched arm, the facilitator asks the participant to say NO, NO, NO, over and over.


Immediately after the participant says this a few times, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and

presses down on the arm. Both facilitator and the participant notice if the arm locks in place or releases.

The arm should be WEAK or release. If the test is strong rather than weak, the facilitator should repeat

the process using a little stronger pressure until this test is WEAK.

What the facilitator is trying to do in the above process is find a consistent pressure that clearly distinguishes between

the participants strong and weak responses and does not over-stress the arm. When this is done to the satisfaction of

both the facilitator and the participant, then you are ready to test a belief statement.

If you are having problems finding a consistent pressure that gives clear Strong and Weak signals , then refer to page

23 on muscle testing troubleshooting.

Muscle Testing a Belief/Affirmation Statement

With outstretched arm, the facilitator asks the participant to say their chosen belief statement out loud:

Example: “I love myself”

Immediately after the participant says this, the facilitator says "Be STRONG" or “HOLD” and presses down on the arm

with the same pressure they determined during the calibration process. Both facilitator and the participant notice if the

arm locks in place or releases.

If the muscle remains STRONG (locks in place), then the participant’s subconscious mind accepts the belief

statement as true. You can celebrate, because this is a belief that is not limiting the person.

However, if the muscle test goes WEAK (arm releases), then the subconscious mind does not accept this belief

(it is false). By knowing this, then you can do a change process (such as the Refreshing Beliefs Method, Cross

Crawls, Ear Rolls, Figure 8’s for the Eyes or other process you know) to reprogram this belief in the subconscious

so that the subconscious accepts this belief. After the change process is done, then the facilitator retests the

belief in the standard way and it should now then be STRONG if the process has been successful.

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How to Self Muscle Test Your Subconscious Beliefs

Muscle testing can also be done by yourself using your own muscles... called Self Muscle Testing. The process by which

you do the muscle testing is exactly the same above, except you will be both the facilitator and the person being tested.

Muscle testing yourself can be less objective than having someone else test you because it is more possible for you to

influence the results when you self-test. However, if you can be curious and open to the outcome of the results, then it

is a highly desirable and empowering way to work. The benefits of being able to self muscle test are:

1. You can test and change beliefs wherever and whenever you want without the need for another person. This

convenience often leads to more self change than if you always had to schedule another person.

2. You can do belief testing and change in private.

Self testing can be an art and gets better the more you practice. Eventually you will develop a trust in the accuracy of

your self-testing. If you are having difficulty, then create some beliefs/affirmations so that your subconscious is

supporting your testing such as:

“It is easy for me to get accurate results when I self muscle test”

“I am open and curious to the results I get in self muscle testing”

Self Muscle Testing Techniques

On the following page are some descriptions of ways you can do self muscle testing. These methods are more clearly demonstrated in this video on the WisdomWays website:

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With self muscle testing, calibrate your pressure just as you would in starting muscle testing with another person as outlined in the section on muscle testing. This will ensure that you are getting more accurate results.

1. Make a strong ring with your thumb and a finger of the non-dominant hand. Put a finger from the other hand into the ring, and then push out through the ring at the weakest point where the thumb and finger meet. A STRONG does not push through, while a WEAK signal does.

Strong Position

Weak Position

2. Let one finger be the 'arm' you're pressing on, and let another on the same hand be the 'arm' you're pressing

with. Some people press on the index finger with the middle finger. Some prefer to press with the middle finger on the ring finger. Whichever feels most comfortable for you.

Strong Position

Weak Position

3. Rest your hand on a table palm down with your index finger raised up, but the rest of your fingers and thumbs resting on the table. The raised index finger will be the ‘arm’ you are pressing. Use a finger from your other hand to press down on the index finger. A STRONG signal holds steady and a WEAK signal moves the index finger down. Try to be consistent with the pressure and calibrate the pressure just as you would if you were pressing someone’s arm. Some people prefer to rest their hand on their chest rather than a table.

4. Standing up sway test: Standing up and balanced between your legs, ask your subconscious mind to show you a YES/STRONG by body movement. Then ask your subconscious to show you a WEAK signal. For the STRONG response, most people will sway forwards, while for WEAK response, they will sway backwards or remain straight up.

5. Pendulum -You can hold a pendulum between thumb and forefinger and ask it to show you a ‘YES' and a 'NO' response. The pendulum may sway in a back and forth motion or clockwise/counter-clockwise circles. The response may vary for each person so determine what is yes/no for you. There are lots of books on teaching people to use pendulums. Look for books on “dowsing”.

6. Some people use the “sticky-smooth technique”. Using any convenient smooth surface (some use their finger nail), let one finger rub gently across the smooth surface. You can ask your body to show you what a strong response feels like, or you can program it so that strong is smooth and for weak, the finger will just stick (or the other way around if you prefer).

7. Ideo-motor response -From the hypnotherapy field. Ask (or train) one finger to twitch for yes/strong, and another different finger for no/weak. This can be on opposite hands or the same hand. You may prefer a technique you can do one-handed. Some people have the result that their index finger twitches for a YES and their thumb twitches for a NO response.

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Trouble shooting Muscle Testing problems & getting an accurate test

If you are having a difficult time getting an accurate muscle test, then there are a few things you can do to improve the

reliability and consistency of your muscle testing:

1. Make sure the eyes are in a downward position.

2. Ask the person to get into the “feeling of the belief statement” when they say it.

3. Ask them to relax and be curious about the results rather than trying to make it strong or weak

4. Ask them to put most of their attention and feeling into the statement they are saying and a small part into

noticing if they are strong or weak.

5. Have them say the statement louder and with more conviction.

6. Adjust the pressure with which you are pushing their arm... lighter or heavier until you get consistent results

during the calibration process.

7. As a facilitator, be curious yourself on the results rather than trying to make something happen.

8. You could create some beliefs and change them so that your subconscious mind is supporting your muscle

testing ability.

9. Practice with a few different people to gain experience and see the variation of strength with people.

There are a couple of conditions you may encounter where muscle testing will not work as expected until corrected:

1. You get a WEAK response to everything, even things that should be strong such as muscle testing their real

name. If this happens, it is likely that they are dehydrated. Get them to drink enough water that they test

strong to something they should be strong to such as their name.

2. You get a STRONG response to everything, even tests that should be weak such as testing someone else’s

name. If this happens, it means they are over-energized. This is a stress state and is causing interference in

their mind/body system. To correct for this, have the person sit in a position called “Hook Ups" for 2-5

minutes or longer until they can test weak again. This posture comes from a system called “Educational

Kinesiology” or "Brain Gym". This system has assisted tens of thousands in expanding their learning

capabilities. To find out more about their program and the benefits of this system, contact them directly.

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Testing Subconscious Beliefs from Feeling

Besides muscle testing, it is often quite easy to find out which beliefs might be limiting you by the emotions and feelings

that thinking about or saying the belief creates. Most people can feel the resistance to a belief in their body in some way

and can even localize where that blocked energy is.


Say to a person (or to yourself): “You’re not good enough!” or “You are a failure!” (or some other belief that may be


Then ask them to notice if they feel a reaction to that statement in their body. If they do, ask them specifically where it

is in their body and what the intensity of the feeling is. You can now create an empowering belief statement that is the

opposite of this, such as “I am good enough!” or “I am successful”. Then go through a change process with the new

empowering belief and check back afterwards to see if the “limiting statement” now feels different in their body. If the

feeling is gone, you have been successful. If it hasn’t disappeared or has moved to a different location, then it means

that there are probably more beliefs around this experience that still need to be shifted to release it. Find/create and

change other beliefs until the blocked energy is released.

It is also possible that a positive statement causes a reaction in the body or that the energy of the statement does not

enter into the body (for example, it is “shielded”). For example, you could say to a person “You are loved!” and they

might block this energy from coming into their energy field. They might tell you that the energy of the statement stops

just outside their body. This “shield” would indicate that they have a resistance to this empowering belief and something

in their system does not want to let the energy in. After you do a change process for this belief, you could recheck to see

if the energy now is allowed in. If the energy actually comes in, but gets blocked somewhere, it could also indicate that

they are not strong to the belief. Everything is energy. Energy and emotions are meant to move and flow. Change the

belief through a belief change process and the energy is then likely to come into the body and flow through the body

indicating that there is now no resistance to this belief.

By feeling a belief in your body, you can tell whether you are making progress on a shift in the experience for the

individual. It can also be a secondary test combined with muscle testing to give yourself or your partner a measurement

that helps you believe consciously that something has changed.

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How to Reprogram Subconscious Beliefs

OK, so you now have this great resource of beliefs that you could change to make your life flow much better. You also

have from this book the knowledge of how to create your own belief statements. You also have a way through muscle

testing of finding out if a belief is being supported by your subconscious mind or not.

BUT, how do you quickly change your subconscious beliefs?

While the main intention of this e-book is to share with you many well-formed belief statements, we also want to give

you some tools to help get you started in changing any limiting beliefs to beliefs that are supported subconsciously. Here

are a few options to get you going:

1. The Refreshing Beliefs Method

The WisdomWays Refreshing Beliefs Method is a powerful, proven complete system that helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind with new empowering beliefs and engaging emotions to support you in achieving your goals and dreams! By learning this method you can improve your relationships, prosperity, self esteem, health & more! It's fast, easy, safe and life changing! You can learn the Refreshing Beliefs Method with Richard in his in-person workshops or in a self-study online interactive video course.

In the Refreshing Beliefs Method workshop or online course you will learn and come away with:

An understanding of the basic science behind why you need to master your subconscious beliefs to reach your goals

An understanding of the aspects of the conscious, subconscious, Super-Conscious minds that allow the you to make changes easily.

The skills to use kinesiology (the science of muscle testing) to communicate with your subconscious mind and determine which beliefs are limiting you.

The skills to create empowering beliefs and then quickly, easily and safely "install" them in your subconscious mind.

A tool to clarify your goals so that your subconscious knows exactly what you truly want. If your goals are not clear, you will have difficulty achieving them.

The skills to uncover deep or otherwise hidden beliefs that may be holding you back and keeping you from attaining your greatest goals or heart's desire.

Personal transformation as you learn and practice the tools to change your limiting beliefs and release limiting emotions.

The ability to change your own beliefs as well as work with others to help them.

For more information about the Refreshing Beliefs Method and how to take an in-person workshop or online course to

learn this powerful system, please go to this link:

To see a demonstration of the Refreshing Beliefs Method go to:

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2. Saying the Affirmation.

You could say the belief/affirmation over and over again in your mind and muscle test on occasion to see if it has been

accepted. Louise Hay apparently suggests saying it 2-300 times per day for up to a month to get it into your

subconscious, but it can happen much faster than that! Perhaps you could start with beliefs as follows? Beliefs like these

might allow your subconscious to accept new beliefs very quickly!

“My subconscious easily accepts new beliefs by saying them 10 – 20 times”

“Saying affirmations works well for me with rapid acceptance by my subconscious mind’

“My subconscious mind quickly responds to my conscious intentions”

“ I change quickly and easily”

Make up other beliefs from your intuition that you feel might be required for rapid change!

3. Getting into an Optimal Brain State

Learning is “state-dependent”. Years of research has shown that when people are in a particular state of mind

(exhibiting certain brainwaves) they can learn rapidly and retain the information. This is also true of subconscious

learning. Our specific brainwave frequency (β, α, δ, ф) are important to efficient subconscious programming. In

childhood up until 6 years of age, our brainwaves are highly programmable in delta(δ) and theta(ф) frequencies. As we

get older our brain frequencies begin to shift into more Beta (β) frequencies which gives us greater conscious choice, but

is less “programmable” for the subconscious.

Image from presentation by Dr. Bruce Lipton – “The New Biology”

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However, it is possible as adults to shift our brain frequencies back to delta, theta and alpha states where we can

achieve optimal subconscious programming and shift our beliefs. There are a variety of methods and practices that

assist in creating these states of consciousness.

They include:

Various forms of Meditation

Hypnosis or Self Hypnosis

Certain forms of music such as music by Bach

Silva Mind Method®

Hemisynch® and Holosynch® programs

Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym®

Many Healing Modalities

Once you create a more receptive state of mind, you can quickly program your subconscious by saying the affirmation

statement with intention to the subconscious.

Specific to this, you could use simple methods from Educational Kinesiology/Brain Gym® such as “Cross Crawls”, Ear

Rolls, and “Lazy 8’s” for this purpose. In the following video, we demonstrate these three “Whole Brain Movements”

that can be used for subconscious belief change.

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4. Other Belief Change Methods:

There are many companies that are developing technologies to create new beliefs in the subconscious because it is so

fundamental to the human condition right now. If we can change our own beliefs we can begin to change the whole

world. As Gandhi said, “Be the change that you want in the world”. Search the internet for methods to create change in

your life. In selecting a change method or a person, we suggest the following if you are going to spend a lot of money

with them:

Read their literature or website. See if they have testimonials for their work.

Get some references from them... can they do what they say they can?

See if they will do a short or trial session with you to see if you get an experience of change. You will get a

sense if it is an effective process for you and if you resonate with the facilitator.

If you are planning on learning a method, have a session facilitated for you first so you can to see if it is the

right process for you. Did you experience a change? Was it simple enough? Was it experiential?

If you are paying through a website, make sure it is a trusted payment and service provider.

Check out privacy policies and other company policies to make sure you and your investment is protected.

If you are buying a downloadable or shippable product, check out their return policies for the product.

5. Working with Richard

Check out the WisdomWays website regularly as we will be developing other products and services to assist you in this

area. To stay informed, subscribe to our Newsletter at:

Private Sessions with Richard

Richard Schultz has been facilitating this kind of change for people since 2001. Richard can work with you over the

telephone, through SKYPE or in-person. Using a wide variety of tools and techniques for change, Richard's clients usually

experience profound and rapid change within minutes which means you can often change several beliefs in an hour

session. You can schedule an appointment or contact Richard at or email

at [email protected].

Life Coaching and Mentoring with Richard

The preferred way to work with Richard is through a longer term relationship where you are supported from week to

week to discover your purpose, vision and values and take the necessary steps to fulfill your goals through subconscious

belief reprogramming and action.

What would it be like to have a devoted partner support you from week to week in accomplishing your goals?

What would it be like to have a coach that not only assists you with identifying the beliefs, emotions and shadow

integration you need to move forward, but assists you in clarifying your goals and being accountable in your actions?

Over the course of a coaching relationship, you’ll discover your purpose, core values, strengths, passions and your

unique abilities... all qualities which bring fulfillment to your life. You then learn to make choices and take actions in

using this self knowledge to create a better, more fulfilled experience of life. If you would like to know more about what

a coaching relationship involves, click this link:

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Suggested Reading

The Biology of Belief – Dr. Bruce Lipton. The new science behind how our thoughts control life, our cells and our


Heal Your Body by Louise Hay. The mental causes of physical illness.

Your Body Speaks Your Mind – Deb Shapiro. About how our body symbolizes psychological and emotional

beliefs and stresses. A great resource to find out what the root of a dis-ease is.

The Power of Intention – Dr. Wayne Dyer. Using intention to create the life you want.

Change Your Thoughts-Change Your Life – Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Excuses be Gone – Dr. Wayne Dyer. How to change lifelong, self-defeating habits

The Sedona Method – Hale Dwoskin. A method to change achieve emotional and mental freedom

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – Dr. Joseph Murphy. Popular and classic self help book on

understanding the role of the subconscious mind in health, wealth and happiness.

Ask and It is Given – Esther and Jerry Hicks. Teachings of Abraham about how to manifest Your Desires.

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief – Gregg Braeden. About changing our belief programming

Matrix Energetics – Richard Bartlett. A hands on guide to subtle energy and radical change

The Isaiah Effect – Gregg Braeden. About how to tap into the power of prayer

The Attractor Factor – Joe Vitale. Steps for creating wealth from the inside out

Zero Limits – Joe Vitale. The secret Hawaiian System for wealth, health, peace and more.

Loving What Is – Byron Katie. “The Work”, Four Questions that could change your life.

Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT) – Gary Craig website

Introducing NLP – J. O’Conner and John Seymour. Psychological skills for understanding and influencing


Power vs Force – David Hawkins. A look at using kinesiology or muscle testing to measure and develop human


A New Science of Life – Rupert Sheldrake. About "Morphic Resonance". How the past forms and behaviors of

organisms influence organisms in the present

The Field, – Lynne MacTaggart. A good primer on the research that supports the existence of an energy field we

call "mind."

Holographic Universe, –Talbot. Excellent theory and explanation of the quantum physics of consciousness

Vibrational Medicine – Gerber, M.D. A collection of research and theories on the non-physical energy systems

of the body.

The Biology of Transcendence – Joseph Chilton Pierce. Current biological understanding of our neural

organization to address how we can transcend our current evolutionary capacities and limitations

Eastern Body, Western Mind, – Anodea Judith. Psychology and the Chakra System as a path to the Self

Anatomy of the Spirit – Caroline Myss, PH.D. A classic book on energy medicine looks at how every disease

corresponds to a pattern of emotional and psychological stresses with a detailed look at the chakra system

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Appendix 1: How to Use the Belief/Affirmation List

Appendix 3 has 1500 beliefs/affirmations in 20 different categories to choose from. That is a lot of beliefs to check out!

With this many beliefs, it isn’t that practical to muscle test all of them to find out which ones are supporting you or not.

How could you find a belief from this large list that is relevant and a priority for you?

How do you make changes in the priority order designed specifically for you?

You may be astounded by the results you get from the following procedures!

Find a Priority Belief Using Your Intuition

Our intuition is the most powerful resource we have available to us. It is more accurate than any analysis or tool

available to us. To find a belief statement from intuition you could:

Intuit the belief statement by number.

1. First there are 20 categories of beliefs. Ask your intuition through intention to identify a number from 1 to

20 that will identify the most important belief for you to change now. Close your eyes and wait on that

number. It will usually be the first number to pop into your head. It could come as a visual picture, a “small

voice” or even a feeling. It may feel like a guess. Trust what your get.

2. Second there are 75 beliefs in each category. In the same way, ask your intuition for a number within the

range of 1 to 75. Trust what you get.

3. Look up the belief within the category you were guided to. Example: category #3/statement #47

4. Muscle Test the Belief Statement as in the Muscle Testing Instructions.

This statement is likely to go WEAK, suggesting that your subconscious does not believe this. You

can now use a process to change your subconscious mind to accept the belief.

If the affirmation you are guided to is already strong, then still trust that you were guided there for a

reason. It is possible that it just instantly programmed it, but also consider the following:

Try modifying the statement so that you relate more emotionally to it. Is there a

modification that would make it go weak? For example if the belief you discovered was “I

love myself”, but this was already strong, you might find it goes weak by modifying the

belief to “I deserve to love myself”.

What would be the opposite or “limiting” form of the same statement? For example if the

statement is “I love myself”, the opposite is “I hate myself”. Muscle test this opposite

statement to see if it is also STRONG. If it is strong, then you have a conflict in your

subconscious. You still need to make a change because you will want “I love myself” to be

STRONG and “I hate myself” to be WEAK in a muscle test.

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Intuit by just opening the page

1. Ask your intuition to guide you to the most important statement in the book to change.

2. Open the book to one of the pages which contains a belief list. Just let yourself be guided to a page. Don’t

think about what category it should be in. You could even close your eyes and let your fingers do the


3. Notice what statement on that page you are attracted to. What statement “jumps off the page” for you?

You could also let your fingers do the walking by closing your eyes, running your figure down the page until

you are guided to stop.

4. Muscle Test the Belief Statement as in the previous Muscle Testing Instructions.

This statement is likely to go WEAK, suggesting that your subconscious does not believe this. You

can now use a process to change your subconscious mind to accept this new empowering belief.

If the belief statement you are guided to is already strong, then still trust that you were guided there

for a reason. It is possible that it has already instantly integrated, but also consider the following:

Try modifying the statement so that you relate more emotionally to it. Is there a

modification that would make it go weak? For example if the belief you discovered was “I

am successful.”, but this was already strong, you might find it goes weak by modifying the

belief to “I deserve to be successful.”.

What would be the opposite or “limiting” form of the same statement? For example if the

statement is “I am successful.”, the opposite is “I am a failure.”. Muscle test this opposite

statement to see if it is also STRONG. If it is strong, then you have a conflict in your

subconscious. You still need to make a change because you will want “I am successful” to be

STRONG and “I am a failure.” to be WEAK in a muscle test. TIP: In this example, you might

consider other beliefs such as "It is OK for me to fail".

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Find a Priority Belief Using Muscle Testing

1. Muscle Test the following phrase while holding the intention of finding the highest priority statement for you. Say

this statement out loud then muscle test:

“There is a belief in this book that would be in my highest and best interest to refresh now”

If this muscle test is STRONG, this would mean YES, and there is then a belief in the book that would benefit

you. Go to step “2” below.

However, if the muscle test is WEAK/NO, then there is not a belief in the list that would be of benefit to you at

this time. There might be one in the future, but not now. You could still use the protocol in the Appendix 2 to

find a belief somewhere else or create a new belief if necessary from your intuition. See Appendix 2 for a

detailed protocol to do this.

2. Now, find out what category the statement is in. Test the following phrase by saying the statement out loud then

muscle testing:

“The priority statement is within categories 1 through 10”

If this muscle test is WEAK/No, then muscle test to see if it is within in categories 11 through 20

“The priority statement is within categories 11 through 20”

When you get a STRONG/YES, then it means it is in within one of the categories of 1-10 or the categories 11-20.

It cannot be in both.

Next, continue to muscle test and narrow down where the statement is by dividing the possible pages into two

sets again. For example, if the test above indicated it was within categories 1-10, then muscle test the following


“The priority statement is within categories 1 through 5”

If the muscle test is WEAK/No, then muscle test to see if it is within categories 6 through 10

“The priority statement is within categories 6 through 10”

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Continue to muscle test and narrow down where the statement is by dividing the possible pages into

two sets again. Follow the path of STRONG/YES responses. Example:

“The priority statement is within categories...

“1 through 3?” or “ 4 or 5?”

“1 or 2?” “3?” 4? 5?

1? 2?

Example: If the muscle testing was guiding us to Category 3 being the best statement for us,

then we would get the following from the decision tree:

STRONG to “within categories 1 through 10”

Then STRONG to “within categories 1 through 5”

Then STRONG to “within categories 1 through 3”

Then STRONG to “within category 3”

3. Now, find out which statement in the category it is. There are 75 statements in each category. Test the following

phrase by saying the statement out loud then muscle testing:

“The priority statement is within statements 1 through 40”

If the muscle test is WEAK/No, then muscle test to see if it is within statements 41 through 75:

“The priority statement is within categories 41 through 75”

As in finding the category, you will continue to divide the statements and muscle test until you find the

priority statement. Once you find the statement, you can muscle test it and it will likely go weak. It will

be your best statement to change. If the statement does not go weak, please refer to the process of

using intuition above for guidance as to what to do in this case.

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Alternative Ways to Find a Belief Statement

a. By Page number: For finding a statement using muscle testing, instead of finding the categories first,

you could go by page number. The belief lists are within pages 20 – 59. Muscle test in the same way as

above by dividing the pages and finding which page it is on. Then find out which statement number it is.

b. Combining Intuition and Muscle testing: For example, you could use your intuition to find the category

or the page number and then muscle test which statement it is. You could also muscle test which

category it is on and then intuit the statement number. There are lots of possibilities here.

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Appendix 2: A general protocol for finding a priority belief to change

“There is a belief that would be in __(person’s name)_’s Highest and Best interest to refresh now” Muscle Test this statement after saying it out loud (MT)

If WEAK/NO to this muscle test, then there is not a belief to change at this time… Try another day or time. However, If the muscle test is STRONG/YES, then there is a belief that would be supportive to you if it was changed in the subconscious. You now need to find the limiting belief. This can be done in the following way: ****Ask through a muscle test: “The priority statement needs to be created new” MT

If STRONG/YES, Then the next belief to balance will come from intuition. Ask the person to close their eyes and “go inside”. Say to them “A word or phrase will come to your mind about what belief you need next to support you.” When they have the word or phrase(they could get the whole belief statement), verify that they got the essence of the next statement with a muscle test like…

“The next priority belief statement has to do with…. ( insert the word or phrase identified above). MT If this muscle test is weak, then repeat “going inside” for a phrase until you get a confirmation that they have the right phrase. We do this verification with a muscle test because sometimes the person over thinks what the word or phrase is “should be” and changes what they initially get. With intuition, it is usually the first word or phrase that comes to mind. Once you have verified the essence of the belief, craft a belief statement of what they want from that phrase or word. Use the “Five P’s” of creating a statement. Once they have a created a belief statement, then verify that the belief statement is the best wording by muscle testing: ““This is the best wording for the next priority belief statement” MT If you get a weak to this statement, then continue using intuition to find the best wording and then MT to verify it is the best statement. When the best statement is found, pre-test the statement. It is likely to go weak. You can now change it with whatever tools are available to you.

IF the muscle test is WEAK to **** , then the statement exists somewhere(already written down). You’ll need to find it somewhere and the best place to start looking will be on the belief sheets within this book. You can use muscle testing to see if it is there and find it: “It is in one of the categories in this book”” MT If STRONG/YES Then find out which category/page it is on(continue testing below until you get a Strong/Yes for the sheet): “The priority statement is within categories 1 through 10”? MT If WEAK test: “The priority statement is within categories 11 through 20 MT etc.

Continue until you find out which category in the statement is in.

Next, find out which statement on the sheet it is(you can do this by narrowing it down by it down halving the numbers each time). For example for a list of 75 statements you could test:

”It is within statement numbers 1-40”? MT IF Weak/No test “41-75”? MT Then test “41-60”? MT or 61-75? MT

Continue until you find the statement, then pretest the statement and change it using a process available to you. Once you have made the change, you could go back to the top of this page and find the next priority belief to change

However if WEAK, then you will need to find it somewhere else. Where else could there be a source of belief statements that can be found? Example: “ It is in one of my other books?” MT. If this was STRONG/YES then continue muscle testing for which book and then on which page. The resulting belief that is found can be astounding!

Once you find the statement, then pre-test the statement, change it and then return to top of this page To find the next priority belief to change

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Appendix 3: 1500 Beliefs in 20 Categories

Action 1. I act calmly and decisively with clear focus.

2. I connect my positive thoughts with intelligent action to create my desired results.

3. I supplement my beliefs, thoughts and feelings with inspired personal action.

4. I take the appropriate actions to accomplish my goals.

5. My intelligent and focused action is ignited by the creative forces within me.

6. I attract all that I desire in my life through regular inspired action.

7. I am clear in my vision, work within my purpose, and take the appropriate actions to fulfill my life.

8. I take the necessary actions to receive what is mine when it comes to me.

9. My actions are congruent with my goals.

10. I combine thought and personal action to accomplish my goals.

11. Whenever I commit to a goal, I take immediate and continuous action towards its attainment.

12. I learn from the past, act in the present, and plan for the future.

13. I have the ability and wisdom to take appropriate action on every situation when it arrives.

14. I now live and act in the present.

15. I take action on my vision.

16. I take my great ideas and easily develop them through action.

17. I act now to bring my vision and passions into reality.

18. I act with a unified mind and singularity of purpose.

19. I now put my whole mind and spirit into my present actions.

20. All of my actions are effective and efficient.

21. I know what action to take now and I do.

22. I take actions from where I am right now.

23. Through positive action, my life changes to what I desire.

24. I create the circumstances I desire through intelligent, mindful action.

25. I act with all my heart, strength, and mind to attain my life desires.

26. I hold on to the vision of what I want and I act to make that vision my reality.

27. My vision, faith and actions set creative forces in motion to achieve my dreams.

28. I am doing all that I can do where I am right now.

29. I make every day a success, through my intelligent and purposeful action.

30. Every day I do all that needs to be done that day and more.

31. Every action that I take is focused, and efficient.

32. I take every important action to a successful completion.

33. I have the power to make each act a success.

34. Every action I take is an efficient action.

35. When I am called to action, I answer.

36. I take all the necessary action to create success in every area of my life.

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37. I imagine it and then I do it.

38. I make a plan and easily on it.

39. I easily act on my good intentions.

40. I act as if what I do makes a difference in the world and it does.

41. I show up, speak and act on what I believe.

42. I am successful because I take appropriate action towards all my goals.

43. I hold myself to action until my worthy goals are complete.

44. When I do something, I do it as a loving act.

45. My actions are rooted in grace and power.

46. I take action each today on everything that I need to complete.

47. I take action with the faith that my dreams can come true.

48. I break big projects into small steps and then walk them.

49. My actions have powerful, clear intention behind them.

50. Taking action builds my confidence and courage.

51. I have the courage to take action because that brings me experience and wisdom.

52. I am safe to take action now.

53. I always find the time to take the necessary actions to change my life.

54. I easily make the decisions to act and then follow through.

55. I know when it is time to stop talking and thinking about it and I just do it!

56. I hold my vision through to the completion of every act.

57. I put the whole power of my faith and purpose behind every action I undertake.

58. I now put all of my personal power into every action I undertake.

59. Every action I take leads to greater and greater success, so I am motivated to act now.

60. I get off my butt now and charge ahead with action!

61. I have the discipline to take appropriate actions to achieve my goals.

62. When I take action on my ideas, remarkable things happen.

63. I am in the flow of my purpose, so action is inspired and easy.

64. Every day I do all that can be done that day as I perform each act efficiently.

65. For every failure I make, I easily discover an alternative course of action.

66. The actions I take in support of my goals are contagious.

67. I purposely take my next step, trusting the one after that will be clear.

68. I inspire others to take action.

69. I trust the actions my heart tells me to take and easily move forward.

70. My purposeful actions are motivated and charged from within me.

71. I find joy in taking action towards my dreams.

72. I do what I love to do and love what I choose to do.

73. I forgive myself for just “trying” and do it and complete it now.

74. I forgive myself for all the excuses I have made and move to action now.

75. It is so easy for me to take the necessary actions I choose.

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Addiction Release (including smoking) (fill in blanks with addiction)

1. Even though I have this __________ habit, I still love and accept myself.

2. I am loved and accepted for who I am whether I __________ or not.

3. I love and accept the rebel within me that enticed me to ___________.

4. I deserve to be free of this ____________ habit.

5. I enjoy being free of this _________ habit.

6. I am completely free of the ____________ habit now. (or date)

7. If I feel an urge to ____________, I laugh instead!

8. I am ready, willing and able to live life free of this __________ addiction.

9. Quitting _____________ is a piece of cake for me.

10. I have the discipline and the will to do anything I want.

11. I am the master of my body and my mind.

12. I develop new healthy habits quickly and easily and let go of the old ones.

13. _____________ is the farthest thing from my mind.

14. I forget about ______________.

15. I am free of all desires to _____________.

16. My body and mind intensely rejects __________.

17. I forgive myself for taking on this ____________ addiction.

18. I forgive myself for all the times I have failed to give up _____________.

19. I forgive myself and let go of all shame and guilt about my addiction to ___________.

20. I forgive myself and everyone else I may have hurt as a result of this ___________ addiction.

21. I trust that I can find my way out of addictive behaviour now.

22. It is easy to go cold-turkey and stop addiction now.

23. I am in control of my cravings and I only crave those things that are healthy for me.

24. I am living a long and healthy life free of _____________.

25. If I have a craving, it is for something healthy for me.

26. My body is cleansed and purified.

27. My body is free of toxins.

28. I let go of all addictive thoughts now.

29. The energy of health flows freely throughout my body.

30. I am strong enough to do anything I choose.

31. I quickly and easily reach out to others to assist me.

32. I easily ask the assistance of friends and family to help me stay clear of addiction.

33. I am in control of my life.

34. I choose only to put healthy things into my body.

35. I am in control of my behaviours.

36. I feel calm and relaxed all the time.

37. I choose a long, prosperous and healthy lifestyle.

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38. I am good enough and powerful enough to choose what I want.

39. I am inherently good, regardless of any addictions I may have.

40. I am ready, willing and able to change any habit I desire.

41. I live a life with healthy habits.

42. My addictions fall away in the perfect time, and that time is now.

43. I have the power to choose what I want and what I don’t.

44. When I have anxiety, I take a deep breath and I feel great.

45. I accept my decisions to quit and have the strength of God to act on it.

46. I move forward with definite purpose toward a healthier life.

47. I can do anything with the strength of the Spirit within me.

48. Each and every day, I easily embrace new healthy habits.

49. I easily create new habits that support me and let go of those that are limiting.

50. I release the need for limiting habits in my life.

51. Old habits die fast when I choose to release them.

52. Good habits are my best friend.

53. My great affirmations get grounded in great habits easily.

54. I have a habit of doing what is good for me.

55. I form good habits easily and quickly.

56. I draw upon the Divine power within me to show the way out of addiction.


57. I desire only clean air in my lungs.

58. I am now and forever smoke-free.

59. I am a calm and relaxed non-smoker.

60. I choose to breathe fresh air into my lungs.

61. I have clean, clear and healthy lungs.

62. I love fresh air in my lungs.

63. I enjoy clean tastes in my mouth.

64. I deserve to be and am now smoke-free.

65. My breath, my clothes, and my hands feel and smell fresh and clean all the time.

66. I breathe easily and without effort because my lungs are healthy and clean.

67. My body is becoming healthier and healthier, as I continue to be smoke-free.

68. I feel healthier and younger than I ever have before because I am smoke free.

69. I am liked and easily fit in with smokers and non smokers alike.

70. I prefer to hang out with non-smokers.

71. My breathing is improving each and every day.

72. I enjoy eating because my food tastes better that it ever has before.

73. I breathe deeply and relish in the sweet fresh air.

74. I am grateful for my breath.

75. I choose to have healthy lungs.

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Body, Body Image and Weight

1. My outer frame is what it is but my soul is beautiful.

2. Being healthy is more important to me than being a thin.

3. I dutifully keep my body in good health.

4. My body is my friend, telling me everything about me.

5. I see myself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.

6. I put only healthy things into my body.

7. I love and approve of my body.

8. I feed my body with nourishing foods and beverages.

9. I exercise my body in fun ways.

10. I easily let go of all emotional toxins stored within my body now.

11. I am completely safe at any weight and my body knows this.

12. As I nurture my body, my joy expands.

13. My physical body has a built in wisdom which it readily shares with me.

14. My body has the intelligence and blueprint for perfect health.

15. My body is efficient and energized.

16. My mind makes my body, so I create a healthy mind.

17. I am health conscious.

18. I do whatever is necessary to develop my health every day in every way.

19. I eat nutritious, balanced meals.

20. I intake the perfect food that supplies me the vitamins and nutrients I require daily.

21. I enjoy eating green leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.

22. It is OK to leave food on my plate and I do.

23. My body eliminates toxins efficiently.

24. My mind has total control over all the cells of my body.

25. I replenish my body's supply of vitamins and minerals.

26. I eat just the right amount of food to maintain my ideal weight.

27. I am free of emotional eating.

28. My digestive system works perfectly.

29. My bowels function cleanly and normally.

30. The walls of my intestines cleanse themselves continuously.

31. My bowels extract all the vitamins and nutrients from the food I eat.

32. My mind and body work in perfect harmony to maintain my ideal weight.

33. Maintaining my ideal weight is fun.

34. My positive emotions strengthen my ability to maintain my ideal weight.

35. My attitude is totally positive as I consistently see myself at my ideal weight.

36. I notice changes in my life and I like them and I like myself.

37. I am always satisfied eating only what my body needs for ideal weight maintenance.

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38. My body releases the proper fluids to maintain proper nutrition and my ideal weight.

39. My system balances itself continuously.

40. I eat properly and my body's immune system functions optimally.

41. As my mind accepts nutritious, healthy eating, my entire being improves in every way.

42. I love and accept my body as it is and as it changes.

43. When I am emotional, it feels good to exercise.

44. I feel my emotions fully and allow them to completely pass through me.

45. It is safe to be attractive and thin.

46. I am fully seen even when I am thin.

47. I trust that I will always have enough to support me.

48. It is so easy for me to lose body fat that the extra fat just falls off my body.

49. Body fat falls off of me so fast that everyone around me is noticing.

50. My body feels light and easy to carry.

51. I am motivated to lose every ounce of body fat that I desire.

52. Letting go of body fat is easy and effortless for me.

53. I eat like a thin person.

54. I achieve my weight goals easily and stay there.

55. I think before eating.

56. I drink lots of water.

57. Healthy foods taste better to me.

58. I exercise because it makes me feel good.

59. I respect my body and treat it with respect.

60. I do everything I need to do to achieve my healthy weight.

61. I forgive myself for being heavy.

62. I am willing to change my eating habits and I do so easily.

63. I have non-stop daily determination to reach my healthy weight.

64. It is easy for me to stay on my plan to obtain my healthy weight.

65. I picture myself at my perfect, healthy weight.

66. I have a positive attitude about what I eat, how I eat, and when I eat.

67. My body burns fat like a raging furnace.

68. I stay on a healthy eating plan and maintain my healthy weight easily.

69. Each day, I automatically and successfully get healthier and healthier.

70. I am enjoying the process of being healthy and thin.

71. I feel thinner and thinner everyday as my clothes become looser and looser on my body.

72. Every day I get closer to my ideal weight.

73. I enjoy living a healthy and active life.

74. I am in control of my body and my weight.

75. My body is my friend which I listen to and respect.

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Change, and Transformation

1. I have the power to change.

2. I have wisdom to know what to change.

3. I can change anything I put my mind and heart to.

4. I am changing all the time and I embrace these changes.

5. Change is natural and easy for me.

6. I easily change for the better now.

7. I open myself up for change.

8. I am willing to leave my old ways behind and open myself up for something new and better.

9. I am comfortable changing at the deepest levels.

10. As I change, I feel better and better.

11. Change for me leads to happiness and fulfillment.

12. Change is good for me.

13. It is safe for me to let go of who I am now and change.

14. I am changing for the better, now and always.

15. As I open to change, my life improves in every way.

16. As I let go of the past and future, the present awaits me in grace.

17. The past is past, and I create my future right now.

18. As I change within, the outside changes too.

19. If something cannot be changed, I can easily change my attitude towards it.

20. As the universe changes, I easily flow with the ride.

21. I am a catalyst for my own change.

22. I change my life now.

23. I exist and therefore I change, recreating myself endlessly.

24. The past is past, but I can and do change my perception of it to make it positive.

25. Everything I do today changes my future, so I choose to change today.

26. Like nature, I am a miracle, always changing, and ever beautiful.

27. I choose my words carefully because they can change the world.

28. Change is freedom for me.

29. I easily let go of the past and embrace the changes occurring within my life every day.

30. I easily change the way I look at the world to create my own happiness.

31. The world may change, but my dreams last forever unless I choose to change them.

32. I have the courage to change.

33. Resistance to change is just a belief and so I change my beliefs.

34. I find joy in life through the constant change it brings me.

35. Change helps me to be alive and expand who I am.

36. I focus on change and get results.

37. I change my life by stretching my mind.

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38. I take the necessary risks to change my life now.

39. When I want to change the world, I stop, relax and change myself.

40. I am the change I want to see in the world.

41. I first accept what is and then I allow the change to happen.

42. I easily change the way I think, act and speak, and that changes my world.

43. I am good enough to change my world and I do.

44. If I want someone else to change, I first look within myself and change from there.

45. I accept with serenity the things I cannot change.

46. I have the courage to change what can be changed.

47. I have the wisdom to know what I can change and what I cannot.

48. I want to fly so much that I am willing to change what I appear to be now and become a butterfly.

49. Change always comes with gifts for me.

50. I am motivated to change.

51. I take personal responsibility to change myself now.

52. I know that this too shall pass, so I accept this for what it is now.

53. I want to grow, so I easily change.

54. With change, I plunge in, move with it and join the dance.

55. Transformation is a natural part of my life.

56. I experience transformation as normal habit of life.

57. I am pure in my request of transformation and miracles.

58. All my past can be undone through transforming my mind.

59. As I purify my mind, transformation just happens.

60. As transformation happens to me, I know that the world also transforms.

61. Positive changes happen every day in my life.

62. Miracles of transformation just happen all the time for me.

63. I am blessed by the transformation God guides me through every day.

64. I notice the miracles in my life and they bring me and others unending joy.

65. Miracles and transformation inspire gratitude within me.

66. My ongoing transformation restores me and my mind to its fullness.

67. I hold pure and sacred space for transformation to happen to me and others.

68. I have the power to work miracles in my life.

69. I have conviction to allow miracles to come to me and through me.

70. I am ready, willing and able to receive Inner Guidance for personal transformation.

71. My mind and God’s are united in the change and transformation I go through every day.

72. I deserve to have change and transformation in my life.

73. I know that all miracles are possible and easy regardless of the perceived size.

74. I direct transformation in my life and let go of controlling the outcome.

75. I devote every day to the change and transformation of my being.

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1. I easily forgive others and I am easily forgiven.

2. I choose to forgive as I take responsibility for my creations and attractions.

3. Forgiving myself restores my love and light.

4. I forgive myself and release all my past.

5. I forgive and communicate love, easily and effortlessly now.

6. I now liberate my past from my mind, body and affairs.

7. I forgive my family and embrace them with love and compassion.

8. God loves me and forgives me for everything.

9. I forgive the world and my light shines in.

10. I deserve to be forgiven and to forgive.

11. I am grateful to God for my ability to easily forgive.

12. I set my past free and forgive myself for my participation in things I am not proud of.

13. I learn from my mistakes, forgive them and move on.

14. I easily forgive everyone in my life.

15. Forgiveness is a gift I now give to myself and those around me

16. The past has no power over me now, I forgive it.

17. The more resentment I release the more love I have to express.

18. As I learn to love myself I find it easier to forgive.

19. I forgive and understand others and their motives.

20. Beyond all understanding, I forgive.

21. I bless and forgive everyone who has caused me pain.

22. I easily find freedom as I now forgive myself, all others and I let go of the past.

23. I forgive myself for love and affection I withheld from myself and others.

24. I forgive myself and others.

25. My forgiving nature is contagious.

26. I forgive (put name here) and embrace them with love, compassion and understanding.

27. I set myself free and forgive myself of any wrong doing.

28. I communicate love and understanding in all that I do and say.

29. Forgiveness comes naturally to me.

30. I forgive and release others as I grow in my spirituality.

31. Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

32. By forgiving, I recognize the light within myself and others.

33. Through forgiving, I find Truth.

34. I bring peace to every mind through my forgiveness.

35. Forgiveness brings me instant joy.

36. I love greatly and forgive easily.

37. I release the past and forgive (place name here).

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38. I am stronger when I forgive.

39. I willingly extend complete forgiveness to others.

40. Forgiveness brings me emotional and mental freedom.

41. I feel empowered when I forgive myself and others.

42. I release the past.

43. I am willing to forgive __________.

44. I release myself from my anger and let the past go.

45. Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself over and over again.

46. I let go of my hurt and anger toward _______.

47. I allow Divine love and forgiveness to permeate my thoughts.

48. My memory of this situation is healed and I move forward with renewed joy toward life.

49. The past is forgiven and I am thankful.

50. Forgiveness expands within me to let the past go and open my eyes to the happiness of tomorrow.

51. I completely forgive myself for my imperfections.

52. I completely forgive my mother and father for their imperfections.

53. I forgive everybody and everything, every night before I go to bed.

54. I forgive myself for fearing to fail and I am now willing to take the risks to learn and grow.

55. The past has no power over me, I forgive all those that need my forgiveness and I forgive myself.

56. I forgive myself for my separation from Divine Love.

57. I forgive myself for all I have done.

58. I forgive every person who has undermined my self-esteem.

59. My strength comes from forgiveness of those whom I have perceived to hurt me.

60. As I forgive, miracles happen.

61. When I have difficulty forgiving, I ask for assistance from Source.

62. I know that every act is forgivable and I let go of all blame and judgement now.

63. My ability and power to forgive increases every day.

64. I like forgiving, because within this blessed act, my world and I expand.

65. I notice how my whole perception changes when I forgive.

66. Forgiveness completely releases me from shame and blame.

67. I am worthy of God’s forgiveness.

68. I have the capacity to forgive everything and anything.

69. Even when my heart is broken, I find my way to forgiveness.

70. Forgiveness mends my heart and soothes my soul.

71. I move easily from betrayal to forgiveness to trust, as this is my nature.

72. When I forgive, I completely release all karmic implications for myself and others.

73. My love is unconditional and so is my forgiveness.

74. I see the rich learning in all my experiences and through this I gratefully forgive.

75. No person or event is beyond my capacity to forgive.

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Fun, Play and Adventure

1. I value having fun.

2. I live and I work, and in both I play and have fun.

3. By having fun, I am successful in everything I do.

4. My creativity makes my life a lot of fun.

5. I have fun making the impossible, possible.

6. I am willing to break the rules and have a little fun.

7. I let loose and just have fun and enjoy the game.

8. I bring the spirit of fun into my interactions with everyone.

9. Today and tomorrow, I choose fun and play.

10. Life is like a game, and I have fun at it.

11. Contributing to the world is fun for me.

12. I am worthy of having fun.

13. It’s OK for me to have fun.

14. I am fun and my life is too.

15. I never need an excuse to have fun, I’m just that way all the time.

16. I forgive myself for being so serious and commit to having fun now.

17. I encourage others to have fun in their lives.

18. I am a model of fun for others.

19. I have a habit of having and being fun.

20. I am fun to be with.

21. I love to socialize and celebrate Life.

22. I always know how to have a good time.

23. I am a fun social butterfly.

24. My social calendar is always completely filled whenever I choose.

25. I am silly at heart and it shows!

26. I attract fun and amusing experiences.

27. My social life is youthful and adventurous.

28. I love to laugh for the silliest reasons.

29. My childish sense of humour is attractive and contagious.

30. I playfully dance through the experience of life.

31. I am freedom in my play.

32. I play in everything I am and do.

33. Play enhances my creative expression.

34. Play helps me manifest my goals in life.

35. I play with my wonderful and vivid imagination.

36. I am open to playful creations in all areas of my life.

37. I play with my intuition and it gets stronger.

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38. I play in my work and purpose.

39. My life is an expression of my playful nature and I love it!

40. I am playful in my relationships.

41. I forgive myself for being serious and just play.

42. I make the time to play.

43. I am now positively adventurous and outrageous.

44. I have an adventurous mind and see new experiences regularly.

45. Life is an adventure to me and I love it.

46. I look at every situation as an adventure to be experienced.

47. I am safe when I am adventurous.

48. It is OK to step out of the box and be adventurous.

49. Adventure is a natural quality in my life.

50. I cheer myself on in every adventure I make.

51. I am curious as I explore my relationships with a sense of adventure and discovery.

52. I am open to new adventures.

53. I am excited about every new adventure I take.

54. Personal growth for me is an amazing adventure filled with treasures.

55. I am adventurous with my beliefs and actions.

56. I trust this life adventure that I am on.

57. I honour the adventure of others even if it is not one I would choose for myself.

58. Adventure is fun for me.

59. I am balanced in the adventures I take or do not take.

60. My greatest adventure is the path from my head to my heart and I love it.

61. My heart is rekindled as I step forward firmly in passionate adventure.

62. I let go off all stress and just play.

63. I take the “should’s” out of my life and just play with what feels right.

64. I present loving playfulness in my interactions with others.

65. I like to laugh and make people laugh.

66. I attract situations that bring on uncontrollable belly laughing.

67. I easily laugh at myself and just have fun.

68. I am in touch with the child within me that loves to just play.

69. It is safe to play.

70. I make the time to play a little or a lot every day.

71. Every time is play time as I explore this amazing world.

72. I easily get out of my own way and just have fun.

73. I join in and play with others and trust that they welcome me.

74. I am good enough to play with others.

75. It is OK if I look foolish when I play because I love playing the crazy fool.

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Grief, Loss and Letting Go

1. After every loss, I let go and know that I am guided to my next step.

2. I allow myself to fully grieve and let go of what I lost.

3. I open myself up to receiving the greater good and gifts that follow my experiences.

4. As one door closes, a new door in my life stands open for me.

5. I now forgive ______ for leaving me and I let go.

6. I forgive myself for leaving ___________.

7. Even when there are clouds are overhead, I am able to connect with the bright side of life.

8. I acknowledge and allow myself to fully feel as I naturally and quickly flow through my grieving process.

9. I embrace the endless potential in my future, knowing that I am guided and protected in God’s presence

10. Breaking up with __________ allows new possibilities and freedom in my life.

11. I let go of this relationship with ____________ with love and honour.

12. I am okay and I trust this experience was what my soul needed.

13. I am whole, complete and perfect just as I am.

14. I trust that within every experience I have, there is wisdom for my soul.

15. I am thankful for the gifts of love I received from __________.

16. I leave this relationship with appreciation for the impact it had on my life.

17. I appreciate this experience and now allow my life to move on to brighter days.

18. I honour who I am, I honour who __________ is, and I now honour the separate directions we are taking.

19. I trust that separating from ____________ is for the highest good of all concerned.

20. I release my attachment to __________ and embrace the Divine love within me.

21. I create a safe space for myself and others to fully grieve.

22. It is Ok for me to grieve my loss.

23. It is OK and safe for me to cry.

24. I allow myself to express my grief.

25. It is Ok if I express my grief in front of others.

26. In fully feeling my grief, and I easily let go.

27. I move straight through my grief to the other side, easily and naturally.

28. It is OK if I move quickly though my grief and I do.

29. When I grieve, I gain deep experience of how my heart was touched.

30. There is sacredness in my tears as they are the mark of my power.

31. My tears are signs of unspeakable love.

32. Through sharing my grief, my heart knits together with theirs.

33. Everything comes back around to me in another form.

34. In my grief, there is gratitude.

35. I release all dis-ease from my body and welcome health, love and happiness into my life.

36. I release old hurt, anger and resentment easily.

37. I release the need to be right all the time.

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38. I let go of judging others and I am free.

39. I choose to be in touch with my own needs and desires.

40. I release the need to please others.

41. I know that I have a right to all my feelings and emotions.

42. I let go of the need to feel important or loved by others.

43. I let go of the need to be liked.

44. Through Love, I let go of all grief.

45. I let go of all grievances and know that I am perfectly safe.

46. I wake to my Self by laying all my grievances aside and awaken to God.

47. My loved one is with me in countless ways right now.

48. I know that life is eternal and it does not end with the passing of the physical body.

49. Though I am not able to see __________, I have a deep knowing that __________’s life continues.

50. I know that life continues.

51. I trust that life continues for me.

52. I allow peace to fill my soul about death and dying.

53. I know that the Divine within each person is eternal.

54. I am intensely aware of the consciousness within myself and those that I meet and that consciousness never dies.

55. I know that life and love continues forever.

56. I allow my loved one to continue their journey and I know that they are at peace.

57. I accept death of people or relationships as a natural part of life.

58. I easily provide support to others in their grief and loss.

59. I know what to say or not say to people when they are grieving.

60. From every loss I experience, there is a new potential and a new life that emerges.

61. With every heartbreak, my heart easily mends and expands.

62. I love and accept myself, even when I am angry or sad.

63. On the other side of my fears, the other side of my grief, there is light.

64. I let God guide me into and through my grief as I am held in Divine love.

65. I trust that I will get through this and will be stronger and wiser.

66. I love with all my heart and grieve with all my heart.

67. I let my heart guide me through to the other side of this.

68. I know that this feeling of loss will pass and sunny days arise.

69. By feeling what I feel, I find freedom.

70. If I open the flood gates, it passes quickly and beneficially.

71. I take the time to grieve because it is good for me.

72. I allow and encourage others to grieve because it is good for them.

73. I lovingly give others the permission and space to deeply feel what they feel.

74. No matter what I lose in life, I always find wisdom and grace.

75. After any loss, I have renewed wisdom to easily and fully jump into life again, risking love and loss again.

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Happiness and Joy

1. I am happy in all that I do and don’t do.

2. I smile at the thought of everyone who is on my mind.

3. I only have happy thoughts and it shows on my face.

4. I am so content with my life that my joyful spirit is now contagious.

5. My happiness is my choice and I wear it well.

6. I can only think joyfully and it shows in the way I respond to others.

7. My happiness is reflected in my smile and cheerful personality.

8. My pleasing and joyful personality is contagious.

9. I am always kind and helpful to strangers.

10. My happiness is in my connection to God.

11. I am attracting joy and happiness into my life and environment.

12. My purpose and only function in life is to be happy.

13. God is love and happiness and God therefore only gives me happiness.

14. I spring out of bed with joy and excitement.

15. I choose to live my life in a way that makes me happy.

16. I am excited about the new day and look forward to it with anticipation and interest.

17. I laugh at myself with childish joy.

18. My happiness draws overwhelming amounts blessings into my Life.

19. Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises

20. I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

21. Happiness expands within me as it lightens my life and touches everyone I meet.

22. I choose to be happy.

23. Happiness exists where I choose to look for it.

24. Happiness and more happiness is mine.

25. Happy thoughts bring happy things.

26. I smile and my life lightens.

27. Circumstances are shifting to flood every aspect of my life with happiness.

28. I accept compliments and insults with humility and acceptance.

29. My happiness is contained in living my inner purpose every day.

30. I recognize what makes others happy and do my best to deliver it to them.

31. I extract happiness from common things.

32. I live happily ever after, every day.

33. I let go of trying to be perfect and choose to be happy and human.

34. Happiness runs after me.

35. I am happy because I realize I am everything I need to be now.

36. I am happy in the harmony of what I think, say and do.

37. My happiness is my gift to the world.

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38. It is OK for me to happier than others.

39. I am worthy of being happy.

40. It is safe for me to be happy around others.

41. I go with the flow and my life is easy and filled with joy.

42. I see the beauty in my surroundings and I radiate joy and love.

43. I regularly take time out to do the things I want and love to do.

44. I am joy.

45. I am worthy of a joyful life.

46. Joy is overflowing in my life.

47. I proceed from joy to joy.

48. Joy floods my thoughts and my life.

49. I release all negativity and hold joy in my heart.

50. I easily receive the impulses of joy that come to me every day.

51. I find the complete joy in the journey and activities I do to get to my goals.

52. My joy is explosive, breathtaking, and beyond belief.

53. It is Ok and safe to be in joy even if others around me are not.

54. I am in integrity with my soul which is joy.

55. My fountain of youth is the joy I take into every situation.

56. I let go of all resentment and step into joy now.

57. I am in harmony with my natural inner joy.

58. Just being alive is pure joy to me.

59. I naturally awaken joy in people I interact with.

60. The deeper the sorrows I have experienced, the greater my capacity for joy.

61. I find joy in stepping out of my comfort zone.

62. I nourish myself with joy every day.

63. My consistent smile radiates the joy in my life.

64. I measure my success by the joy I feel in the moment.

65. I easily find my way back to joy no matter what the experience.

66. The joy I express reflects the divinity within me.

67. Joy is the goal I seek from everything I do.

68. I choose and keep choosing to have joy in my life.

69. I receive joy in the simple and natural things of life.

70. My joy gives me infinite energy to be fully alive.

71. I take down all my walls to let joy in now.

72. I wake up every morning with a great desire to live the day in joy.

73. I go to sleep at night in gratitude for the joy my day given me.

74. Joy arises from within me, regardless of what happens on the outside.

75. As I live in my truth, I live in my joy.

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Health and Healing

1. I live and find sustenance with simple and healthy foods.

2. I make positive healthy choices for myself.

3. By deeply listening within myself, I know my path to healing now.

4. I have the power to control my health.

5. I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being.

6. I am healthy in all aspects of my being.

7. I am filled with energy to do all the daily activities in my life.

8. I love and care for my body and it cares for me.

9. I am immune to every disease.

10. My body's skeletal system is in perfect balance and health.

11. I am happy and healthy now.

12. I easily interpret and act on the messages my body gives me and quickly proceed to health.

13. I make the appropriate choices and take actions to live a vibrant and healthy life.

14. I accept the wisdom of my body as teaches me about myself.

15. I attract perfect health as being a natural part of my life.

16. I notice peace and comfort fill my body as I easily release all unnecessary stress.

17. I experience calm and safety through my healing processes.

18. I choose beliefs, consciously and subconsciously, that promote perfect health.

19. I lovingly release the root of dis-ease from my past and I now live with ease and grace .

20. Every day in every way I am getting better and better.

21. My body supports me with all the energy I need to accomplish my goals and to fulfill my desires.

22. My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.

23. I enjoy taking care of myself physically.

24. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health.

25. Loving myself heals my life.

26. I know that my healing is already in process.

27. I am healthy, healed and whole.

28. I choose and act in healthy ways.

29. I naturally make choices that are good for me.

30. I take loving care of my body as it responds with health, energy and a wonderful feeling of well-being.

31. I am glowing with health and wholeness.

32. I behave in ways that promote my health more every day.

33. I love nutritious healthy food, and I enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

34. I am healthy since my practices are healthy.

35. I let go of the past so I can create health now.

36. I create health by expressing love, understanding and compassion.

37. I find it easier and easier each day to let go and just be.

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38. My body is a temple of everything good and it reflects that good.

39. Every day I am letting go and allowing love to flow through my body.

40. Every day I grow stronger in mind, body and soul.

41. Today I begin a new life, restored and renewed.

42. My positive thoughts and actions renew my mind and body.

43. As I grow in spiritual consciousness, my health is renewed.

44. My body is my home and it represents all the good that is me.

45. I radiate good health.

46. My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.

47. Day by day, I am growing healthier and stronger.

48. I love and care for my body and it cares for me.

49. I am creating healing energy in my life and in my body.

50. I am living a long and healthy life.

51. I feel good and my body feels good.

52. Health is the foundation of my being.

53. I am rejuvenated, as every cell in my body is rejuvenated with God's love.

54. I am vibrant with energy and bursting with life in my renewed body.

55. I heal with peace, joy and ease.

56. My body already knows how to heal and thrive.

57. I am so grateful for my healing.

58. My _________ is healed, and I feel fabulous!

59. I listen to and trust my intuition to guide me toward healing.

60. God expresses through me as perfect health.

61. I am willing to release my disease and embrace perfect health.

62. I am worthy of perfect health.

63. I rest in my knowledge that I am being guided toward the people and processes that restore my health.

64. Divine life now flows through every cell in my body.

65. I now eat all the right foods for optimum health, energy, and peak performance.

66. I now alkalize and energize my body everyday by eating live green foods and healthy drinks.

67. My body is constantly healing and regenerating itself.

68. I now fill my body with life giving oxygen through deep breathing every day.

69. I create good health habits quickly and easily.

70. My body now eliminates all toxins quickly, easily, and healthfully.

71. In my relaxed state and in my sleep, my body repairs and heals itself quickly.

72. All of the cells in my body exist in harmony and peace with every other cell in my body.

73. The creative intelligence which made my body is now transforming every cell according to nature's perfect pattern.

74. Through peaceful sleep, my body and mind are renewed and restored to perfect health.

75. When I sleep, my mind is at peace and the healing powers within my body are magnified.

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Love and Acceptance

1. I know that I deserve love and I accept it now.

2. I am a loving, beautiful creative person and this is reflected in my relationships with others.

3. Loving myself unconditionally brings healing and an abundance of love into my life.

4. The love I give out returns to me multiplied.

5. Love flows through my body, shines in my face and radiates out from me in all directions.

6. I am open to love and it is safe.

7. Love created me like itself, Holy, Kind, Helpful and Perfect.

8. I am Love, unblemished and unchangeable in my essence.

9. I see everyone as my friend that I may remember they are a part of myself, and come to know myself more.

10. As I learn to love myself I can feel the love and joy from my own heart flow through my body and radiate out to others.

11. I easily attract love into my life.

12. I act out of love for myself and others.

13. The warmth of love surrounds me.

14. I know, without a doubt, that I have met the love of my life.

15. I am ready for a relationship filled with love to enter into my life.

16. I am willing to give love to someone else.

17. I appreciate those who love me.

18. I unconditionally give my love.

19. I radiate love in everything I do.

20. I am in love.

21. I have the honour of sharing my life with my love.

22. I am ready to be in love.

23. As I love, miracles happen.

24. I can love without being in love.

25. I know that I deserve to be loved.

26. I give out love and it is returned to me tenfold.

27. I love and appreciate myself just as I am.

28. I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life.

29. I do all I can every day to make a loving environment for all those around me, including myself.

30. I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe.

31. I have power to love and be loved.

32. As my breath moves in and out effortlessly, I am energized with love.

33. The fire of love that burns in my soul, lights my path.

34. I love and accept myself as I am.

35. I accept that everything in my life is happening perfectly for me.

36. I am free of practice and realization and accept it all now.

37. I accept others as they are.

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38. I release any expectations and accept what the universe has to offer me in every moment.

39. I accept myself as I am and as I change.

40. I let go of my expectations of myself and others, and move into acceptance of what is.

41. I accept others as they are and as they change.

42. I increasingly relax and accept the good that I now know I deserve in my life.

43. My acceptance of what is brings me complete peace now.

44. I accept that my truth may not be the same as others and that is OK.

45. I accept and love my life exactly the way it is and as it changes.

46. I accept things the way they are.

47. I accept the things that I cannot change.

48. I accept that I have the perfect life, designed just for me and the growth of my soul.

49. I accept that the universe always gives me what I need, even if it isn’t what I want.

50. I am willing to accept the universe brings me exactly what I need in the perfect time.

51. I accept that I create my reality from my mind and I can change my mind.

52. My acceptance of others brings me an abundance of friends.

53. I am loved and loving.

54. I am accepted and loved by any and everyone I meet.

55. When I don’t see love, I change my perception.

56. The more I love, the more that love is returned to me.

57. I embrace the joy of loving freely now.

58. I am whole within myself in every way.

59. I embrace the Divine Lover within me now.

60. No matter what happens to me, I find a way to perceive it through love.

61. I trust that the universe is a love machine, taking us all back home to love.

62. Even if I can’t see it, I trust that at some unseen level, there is always an act of love.

63. I accept that everyone is just trying to do their best with what they have.

64. My love reaches out and reaches in to explore the Source of all.

65. In every situation I look for the possibility of love behind it.

66. I constantly practice sending and receiving loving energy.

67. I choose to love and accept that everything that happens, happens for a reason.

68. With every decision I make, I ask myself what the most loving choice would be.

69. In love and understanding, I meet people exactly where they are.

70. I understand that love is a state of being that accepts everyone and everything as it is.

71. As I love, a ripple goes out to the whole universe which vibrates in joy.

72. The power of my love can move the biggest of obstacles from anyone’s path.

73. The power of my love is the power to heal.

74. My love is a sweet and tender embrace that surrounds those with me.

75. The love within me guides me to open my heart wider and wider.

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1. I always have more than enough money to meet my needs.

2. Money and I have a great relationship... we are buddies!

3. Money allows me to do lots of good in the world.

4. Attracting money is one of my gifts.

5. I enjoy taking care of the money I earn.

6. There is always enough money for me to do what I want to do.

7. I release all fear of losing the money I have.

8. I am good at attracting money and money is good.

9. It is simple to make money as it just flows to me.

10. I easily adapt to new ways of making money all the time.

11. I let go of any and all anxiety about money

12. I am confident that money just flows to me.

13. I let go and forgive traumatic losses and events about money now.

14. It is easy to manage money and I am good at it.

15. I am in full abundance and have all the money or material items that I desire to live my life in fullness.

16. Money works for me.

17. My money is now creating more money.

18. I now earn, save, spend, and invest my money wisely.

19. Every dollar I spend returns to me massively multiplied.

20. I manage my money effectively with precision.

21. I now have all the money that I want and need.

22. Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a surplus.

23. All the money I desire is flowing into my life…and then some.

24. There is always a surplus of money for me.

25. I earn good money doing what I enjoy.

26. Money for me is just energy in manifest form and I easily work with energy.

27. I deserve great sums of money and use it to help myself and others.

28. The more money I have the more money I have to give.

29. Money is attracted to me.

30. I am a money magnet, and prosperity of all kinds is drawn to me.

31. Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources.

32. Every dollar I spend circulates, enriches the economy and comes back to me multiplied.

33. I see money as a useful tool.

34. I forgive all past betrayals I have experienced with money.

35. Losing money is just another opportunity to learn.

36. All the money I lose comes back to me multiplied.

37. Having more than enough money is important to me.

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38. It is Ok to have more money than those around me.

39. It is Ok to earn a lot more money than my family members.

40. Money is a welcome reward for the work I do for others.

41. It is OK to get paid lots of money for doing God’s work.

42. It is OK to make lots of money as a healer.

43. Giving and getting money is a spiritual exchange.

44. I am wise with money, earning it, spending it, giving it and saving it.

45. I am responsible with money.

46. I understand the great power and responsibility that comes with money and choose to have it now.

47. Money flows through me in increasing amounts every day.

48. I am free of compulsive money behaviours.

49. I let go of past resentments on money matters.

50. I am discerning with money.

51. I easily make decisions about giving and receiving money.

52. My generosity with money is balanced with my needs.

53. Money is the root of all GOOD for me and it is safe.

54. Money flows to me with a minimal amount of work or sacrifice.

55. I earn money even while I sleep or vacation.

56. I am grateful for the money that rewards my efforts every day.

57. Money flows as a natural reward for my spiritual awakening and growth.

58. Even when I have lots of money, I am honest, humble and giving.

59. The money that flows to me benefits its source even more.

60. Its OK if people know I have lots of money.

61. The more I love others, the more money that flows.

62. I am free in how I spend money and I do it wisely.

63. There is always enough money to pay my bills and the people I owe.

64. I let go of being on guard with money matters and just trust.

65. I am relaxed about money.

66. It is OK to love money and I do.

67. Money brings me joy and freedom.

68. Having money or not has nothing to do with my happiness.

69. I forgive myself and others for judging me based on how much money I have.

70. I have enough money today to enjoy my life fully.

71. My inner quality of life is separate from how much money I have.

72. I accept my money situation as perfect for me now and I have the power to change it.

73. My money needs are just as important as everyone else’s.

74. My passion for my work in the world attracts huge monetary reward.

75. I let go of the need to watch my money and I just enjoy life as it grows naturally.

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Personal Power

1. I trust each and every decision I make.

2. I immerse myself in a powerful environment on a regular basis.

3. I receive Divine guidance and I trust it.

4. I am willing to accept the power within me.

5. I release all fear of abusing the power within me.

6. I see and embrace the opportunities that come with changes in my life.

7. I take responsibility to create my life the way I want it by taking initiative.

8. I have a vision for my life and I am true to it.

9. I am the best I can be in every thought and every action.

10. I am Divinely empowered, and I express that power in everything I do.

11. I see a Divine plan in my life as it takes shape in each and every experience.

12. I am worthy of my visions and dreams in coming true.

13. I easily speak my personal truth with confidence, love, and passion.

14. It’s OK for me to make mistakes and because I know they bring me wisdom.

15. It’s OK for others to disagree with me as I accept my truth may not be the same as theirs.

16. I learn from every experience as they lead me to wisdom and power.

17. I am committed to making being fulfilled in my life and work.

18. I recognize the potential and beauty in myself and others.

19. I am assertive and confident in meeting my own needs.

20. I accept and trust the perfect timing of the universe and proceed confidently with my life.

21. I am committed to creating a fulfilling and purposeful life, consciously and unconsciously.

22. I am a clear channel for Divine inspiration and I follow through with action.

23. I see the Universal power within me as I creatively express my highest potential.

24. I relax and let God do all of the work as I flow with life.

25. Universal Law dictates that my desires manifest, so I know that good is on its way.

26. I am a powerful body, a powerful mind and a powerful soul.

27. I know that I have been heard and that my world is changing.

28. Everything in this world is connected to me and my choices.

29. My core is always calm, always relaxed, always peaceful and always filled with love.

30. The only truth that exists is what I know when I close my eyes and dream.

31. I have a divine purpose and it is clearly revealed to me.

32. My mountain is important to climb, so I am now on my way.

33. I am strong and secure with the power to fulfill my dreams.

34. I have inner resources to be anything I dream.

35. I take charge of my life and flow to my destiny now.

36. I am valuable and firmly belief in myself and my abilities.

37. People like me and respect me.

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38. I am confident of my capabilities, expertise, and know-how.

39. I am genuinely interested in the welfare of others.

40. I recognize and honour my talents, abilities, and skills.

41. I see each part of my life as a lesson.

42. I feel confident from the inside out.

43. I now have all that can contribute to the power, elegance, beauty, and richness of life.

44. I change my beliefs to empower my dreams.

45. I am motivated by both successes and failures.

46. I am capable of doing anything I choose.

47. It is not what happens to me, but how I handle it, that determines my emotional well being.

48. I know I am supported in each action I take, and my path unfolds with ease.

49. I have a purpose that I am fulfilling to my divine potential.

50. My presence makes a difference in the world.

51. Positive energy flows through me and every cell of my being is awake and alive with joy.

52. I am more than capable of bringing my dreams to life.

53. All of my thoughts are pointed toward my positive intentions.

54. I release all negativity that is blocking the divine expression of who I am.

55. I create the very best that life has to offer.

56. I am my own expert, and I allow others the same privilege.

57. I strive to improve myself.

58. My potential is unlimited.

59. I am powerful, magnificent and extraordinary.

60. I have faith in my ability.

61. I achieve with confidence.

62. I see myself as the person I want to be.

63. I am grounded in my commitment to who I am.

64. I have a powerful personality.

65. I know that I am capable of the impossible.

66. I make a difference in the world.

67. I can positively impact all of humanity by just being me and following my passions.

68. I have a purpose; I discover it and live it.

69. I am worthy of doing great things in my life.

70. I am creating a life for myself that powerfully shows what one person can be and do.

71. I trust myself to do what is right.

72. Even as I do great things, I remain in humility.

73. I have the capacity to powerfully impact the whole of life through my loving choices.

74. Every day the power that I am expresses itself in fully in the world.

75. Even in my darkest of days, I find strength and power within me to go forward.

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Prosperity and Wealth

1. Prosperity and wealth are flowing to me now.

2. I am passionate about building a life of financial freedom.

3. I deserve to have and enjoy prosperity and affluence in my life.

4. I feel relaxed and confident when I ask for business and for payment.

5. I am enjoying prosperity and abundance in every area of my life.

6. I am grateful that I am an honest and generous rich person.

7. I am a success in all that I do.

8. Everything I touch returns riches to me.

9. I am constantly adding to my income.

10. I am rewarded for all the work I do.

11. I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds.

12. The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful.

13. I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

14. My income is constantly increasing.

15. I deserve all good in my life and that includes prosperity.

16. I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now.

17. My good comes from everywhere and everyone.

18. New opportunities to increase my income open up for me now.

19. I awake each morning excited to pursue my passion which provides generous financial prosperity.

20. I deserve prosperity, and I accept prosperity in my life.

21. Prosperity is mine and I choose to live it.

22. I prosper in everything I do.

23. I attract prosperity with each thought I think.

24. My circumstances are changing and prosperity is flowing into my life.

25. I am so grateful now that I possess the prosperity that graces me with security, freedom and joy.

26. I desire the highest good for everyone I meet as I know there is ample prosperity to bless everyone.

27. I give everyone more value than I receive in cash value.

28. I place myself in position to receive a continuous stream of unlimited wealth and abundance.

29. I realize with grateful faith that I am now getting exactly what I desire.

30. I accept and embrace wealth in my life.

31. Wealth flows to me easily and abundantly.

32. I am grateful for my wealth.

33. I see feel and hear the wealth I desire.

34. My actions draw wealth to me in all that I do.

35. Wealth comes to me more and more every day.

36. I am easily and openly accepting the wealth that is inherently mine.

37. I am now claiming the wealth and abundance that is rightfully mine.

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38. I have great wealth and share it freely with those around me.

39. I allow wealth to shine through me and make the world a more loving place.

40. I recognize and embrace wealth building opportunities.

41. My increasing wealth is a positive expression of my Divinity.

42. I release all negativity around building wealth.

43. I allow my passions to perpetuate good in the world through my wealth.

44. I am wealthy.

45. I deserve to be wealthy.

46. My wealth is increasing massively every day.

47. My outstanding ideas, energy, and passion are now creating new wealth for me and others around me.

48. Every thought I have is now being transformed into massive financial abundance for me.

49. I am now creating all of the wealth that I want and need.

50. Through my power of intention, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I need and desire.

51. I am now accumulating vast amounts of wealth consistent with my integrity and honesty.

52. I am now receptive to unexpected gifts of wealth.

53. I am a gracious giver and receiver.

54. Through my power of my subconscious mind, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I need and desire.

55. I have a responsibility to accumulate vast sums of wealth through useful service to others.

56. My wealth is growing everyday because I am taking action to creating wealth.

57. I take intelligent, bold, courageous and immediate action towards the creation of wealth.

58. I now desire a richer, fuller, and more abundant life and that desire is becoming my everyday reality.

59. It is of supreme importance for me to be rich.

60. I desire and receive massive amounts of wealth so that I am able to help as many people as possible.

61. I now give my best and fullest attention to creating new wealth for myself and for others in everything I do.

62. I now understand and believe that getting rich is an exact science that I can do.

63. I am now getting rich with mathematical certainty.

64. Every action I take is in perfect harmony with the laws of wealth and increase.

65. I know that accumulating wealth is the result of applying universal laws of wealth and attraction.

66. I now have all the talent I need to accumulate all the wealth I desire.

67. I now have all of the intelligence I need to accumulate large amounts of wealth.

68. I have the ability to get rich exactly where I am right now.

69. I have the ability to get rich in any business I am attracted to.

70. I now have the ability to accumulate all of the capital I need to increase my wealth.

71. I now take immediate action to consistently increase my wealth.

72. New opportunities to be, to do, and to have are showing up in my life every day.

73. I know there are always opportunities for me to accumulate more and more wealth.

74. My opportunities for increasing my wealth are infinite.

75. I think and act according to the laws of the universe to create wealth.

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1. I am clear about what I want in my relationship with __________.

2. I maintain and know who I am in relationships.

3. I let go of attachment and any expectations of _____________.

4. I easily set boundaries with others and they are respected.

5. I am open and free to express myself in my relationships.

6. I readily and easily experience freedom in my relationships.

7. I lovingly allow others to learn their own lessons in relationship.

8. I continually learn in my relationship experiences as I create even better ones in the future.

9. I gain the gift of wisdom from every relationship experience.

10. I take responsibility for my actions in relationship with others.

11. I experience and maintain long term stable and loving relationships.

12. I trust myself in relationship with others

13. I accept that my relationships change and I trust that is good for me.

14. I easily acknowledge and express my feelings in a relationship.

15. I respond in my relationships with calm thoughtful feedback.

16. I choose to allow joy into my life through my relationships.

17. I love and respect myself and that allows me to have positively enriching relationships.

18. I emit positive energy to everyone I interact with.

19. I feel a deep connection with my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend.

20. I trust those that I am in a relationship with.

21. I am at peace when others break commitments to me.

22. As I love myself and others the more fully the gates open wide for them to love me.

23. All my relationships are now loving and harmonious.

24. I attract only loving and uplifting people into my life.

25. My friends are mutually loving and supportive.

26. I love and accept myself the way I am and I love and accept others in the same way.

27. Everyone I come into contact with appreciates me for the wonderful person that I am.

28. I make friends easily wherever I go.

29. I know who I am and what I like in personal relationships.

30. I easily connect with everyone I meet.

31. All of my relationships are fun, friendly and productive.

32. I attract powerfully positive and healthy people into my life.

33. I am caring, smart, supportive, loyal, and fun to be with.

34. I feel completely at ease and comfortable with all types of people.

35. I am a positive and valuable contributor in my relationships.

36. I possess complete ability to articulate my thoughts and feelings to everyone with wisdom.

37. I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships.

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38. ___________ and I have healed the past and our relationship is stronger than ever.

39. I make good friends quickly and easily.

40. Good people are attracted to me every day and they want to meet me.

41. I create outstanding rapport with other people quickly and easily.

42. I hold myself and other people in high esteem.

43. I surround myself with positive, proactive people.

44. I always create harmony with others through cooperative effort.

45. I succeed by attracting to myself the cooperation of other people towards our common objectives.

46. I encourage others to help me through my willingness to help other people.

47. All of my relationships are honest, loyal and trusting.

48. I cause other people to believe in me because I believe in them and in myself.

49. I actively listen to what others say without interrupting them.

50. I create synergistic, positive relationships that are fair, honest, and healthy.

51. All my facial expressions are now pleasant and pleasing to myself and other people.

52. When I greet people, I greet them with gladness in my being.

53. I now have a magnetic, warm handshakes and hugs.

54. When people first meet me, they like me instantly.

55. My subconscious mind properly prepares the subconscious mind of every person I meet before I meet them.

56. I now accomplish my goals with benefits to others in involved.

57. I listen to others carefully before responding.

58. I now develop cooperative relationships with others.

59. I now have a keen understanding of myself and of other people.

60. I treat every person I meet with respect, mercy, tolerance, and understanding.

61. I look for the good in every person I meet and I find it.

62. I inspire and empower others to greatness.

63. I have favour in the eyes of every person I meet.

64. I have a highly pleasing personality.

65. All of my contacts with other people are smooth and pleasant.

66. I express my honest and sincere appreciation and praise for others easily and often.

67. I now arouse a feeling of enthusiasm for good things in other people.

68. When speaking with others, I look at things through their point of view as well as my own.

69. I am now genuinely interested in other people.

70. I wear a sincere, heart-warming smile everywhere I go.

71. My genuine smile comes from deep within my innermost being.

72. I remember the names of other people easily and effortlessly.

73. I encourage other people to talk about themselves and I listen intently.

74. When I speak to others, I focus on their interests, knowing it will come back into balance with me.

75. When I need someone to do something, I invite them to feel happy to do it by pointing out the benefits to them.

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Romantic Relationships

1. I am ready for a deeply connected and loving relationship in my life now.

2. I am ready and worthy for a powerful, respectful, intimate relationship now.

3. I deserve to be in a mutually loving relationship.

4. I easily take the necessary risk to give love and receive love.

5. I am loveable and able to receive love from others.

6. I lovingly let go of all attachment to __________ now.

7. I embrace all that is masculine(feminine) within me now

8. My partner likes to spend time with me and they do.

9. It’s OK when my partner and I disagree on things.

10. I let go of needing to be right in my relationship.

11. I am easy going in relationship as I accept and honour the ups and downs of our experience together.

12. It is safe for me to be open with my feelings.

13. Letting myself be vulnerable brings me to deeper love and connection.

14. I fully open up and allow myself to be vulnerable with my partner.

15. I recognize and appreciate my partner’s positive intentions.

16. I am goofy with love for __________.

17. I am open to letting someone into my life.

18. Life with my love is blissful.

19. I let go of all fears of commitment now.

20. I now attract the perfect partner into my life.

21. I deserve love and happiness.

22. I only attract healthy and loving men/women into my Life.

23. My relationship with ____________ is leading to love and commitment.

24. ____________ and I have bonded into a full-blown loving relationship.

25. My relationship is blossoming into love and passion in every moment.

26. I am in a fulfilling and nurturing relationship.

27. The love I give in relationship is mirrored back to me.

28. I attract a mutually loving relationship now.

29. I am respected by my lover.

30. I love and accept my partner just the way he/she is.

31. I am attracted to women/men that love themselves unconditionally.

32. I am attracted to women/men that are worthy of deep intimacy.

33. I am attracted to women/men that are ready, willing and able to receive my love.

34. I am attracted to men/women that are free of judgement of the opposite sex.

35. I am ready, willing and able to attract the perfect partner for me now.

36. I let go of all attachment to women/men loving me because I love myself.

37. I attract a partner that is interdependent with me.

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38. I attract a partner that is emotionally available.

39. I am free of the fear of abandonment of men/women.

40. Women/men like to be with me.

41. I create deep trust with my partner.

42. Women/men seek intimacy with my open heart.

43. Women/men open their heart and soul to me.

44. Women/men find me approachable and feel safe with me.

45. I am calm and comfortable when women/men reject me.

46. Approaching women/men is easy to me.

47. I let go of the need to help men/women in difficulty.

48. I let go of trying to fix my lover.

49. I forgive the wounded lover within me.

50. I am a balanced and capable lover.

51. I feel the presence of my Divinity in the presence of my lover.

52. I forgive my past lovers for rejecting me.

53. I attract women/men that trust themselves in relationship with me.

54. I am free of being shy around men/women.

55. Women/men accept me just the way I am and as I change.

56. I attract romance in the most magical and unexpected ways.

57. Romance finds me everywhere I go.

58. I find romance during the simplest moments of my day.

59. My relationship with _____________ is growing more romantic and loving every single day.

60. Romance and sensuality are natural feelings in my relationship.

61. My husband/wife always finds a reason to show his/her romantic feelings toward me.

62. My boyfriend/girlfriend is sensitive, romantic and understanding to my desires.

63. I easily express my romantic feelings to _______________.

64. It is easy for me to express love and in return, it is easily expressed back to me.

65. I am attracting emotionally available partners to my loving and giving spirit.

66. Love is attracted to me and I am attracted to love.

67. I am ready to love again and I welcome love with open arms.

68. I clearly see myself in love with the man/woman of my dreams.

69. I give and am given ecstasy and fulfillment in sex beyond my imagination!

70. I am comfortable, confident and enjoy expressing my sexuality in a relationship.

71. I am in bliss and ecstasy with my partner.

72. I excite my lover every day.

73. I am open to the pleasures of my body that are as normal and natural as the air I breathe.

74. I release all outside thought and influence that do not serve me during sex.

75. I am the embodiment of sexual joy.

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Self Esteem

1. I deeply appreciate and accept myself as I am and as I change.

2. Other people find me to be a fascinating and interesting person.

3. I am my own unique self; special, creative and wonderful.

4. I am comfortable in my skin.

5. I accept all my feelings as part of myself.

6. I am unique and loving, loved, and free.

7. I am precious in the eyes of God.

8. I only care about what I think of myself.

9. What others think of me is their choice, what I think of myself is my choice.

10. I have great character.

11. My personality traits are endearing and warm.

12. I celebrate my beautiful soul.

13. I stand tall in any adversity.

14. I love myself unconditionally.

15. I love all of my mind and body.

16. I just do my best and my best is good enough.

17. I deserve to love myself and I do.

18. I deserve to love others and be loved by others.

19. Criticism is just feedback that I can discern and grow from if I choose.

20. I am confident and self assured.

21. I am unique and I love that uniqueness.

22. I am a valuable and important person, and I'm worthy of the respect of others.

23. I express my ideas easily, and I know others respect my point of view.

24. I am aware of my value system and I make based on my current awareness.

25. I have an expectancy of reaching my goals, as I bounce back quickly from any perceived setbacks.

26. I have pride in my past performance and have a positive outlook to the future.

27. I accept compliments easily and share my success with others who have contributed to them.

28. I am actively in charge of my life and direct it in constructive channels.

29. I am my own authority.

30. I'm a success to the degree that I feel warm and loving toward myself.

31. No one in the entire world is more or less worthy, more or less important, than I.

32. I count my blessings and rejoice in my growing awareness.

33. I am warm and friendly toward all I contact

34. I treat everyone with consideration and respect.

35. I am kind, compassionate and gentle with myself.

36. I am beautiful, warm-hearted and intelligent.

37. People love me and accept me for who I am.

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38. I have a magnetic and dynamic personality.

39. My character traits appeal to everyone I meet.

40. I am easy to love and it is easy for me to give Love.

41. I am lovable, tender and passionate.

42. My magnetism and charm are noticed as soon as I walk into the room.

43. I am at peace with myself.

44. I’m happy being who I am.

45. All I have to be is me.

46. My life is important.

47. I now recognize my talents and skills.

48. The more I accept and love myself, the more I can accept and love others.

49. I have compassion for myself and the way my life has developed.

50. I am deserving of all the good things in my life.

51. I am loveable.

52. I am worthy of love and friendship.

53. I have a solid sense of self-identity.

54. I see myself realistically and objectively.

55. I find deep inner peace within myself as I am.

56. I say positive things about myself to myself.

57. I am a kind, caring and decent person.

58. All false images of myself from the past are now dissolved.

59. I am an interesting person.

60. I love and accept all of my thoughts and feelings.

61. All false messages about me are now dissolved in total grace.

62. Every day I am getting better and better.

63. I love and approve of myself aside from my accomplishments.

64. I share my feelings with others and they accept me.

65. I am loving and accepting of myself just as I am and who I am becoming.

66. I know how to promote my emotional and physical well-being.

67. I am attracted only to those people and situations that support and nurture me.

68. I radiate divine light to all those around me.

69. I am an expression of the Divine, perfect and complete just as I am.

70. I am open to my divine potential.

71. I approve of myself.

72. I light the world with my smile.

73. I radiate love and joy to all I meet.

74. I am whole, complete and perfect just as I am, right where I am at.

75. I am trustworthy.

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1. I am part of the Divine plan and I am important within it.

2. God loves me deeply and completely.

3. God expresses through me to impress upon the world what a divine creation I am.

4. I allow everyone of my experiences to bring me closer to God.

5. God is within me and I know this through and through.

6. Divine Love and I are the same essence.

7. Life is unfolding perfectly for me in a Divine way, even if I cannot see it that way now.

8. I am an open channel for Divine love, wisdom and joy.

9. I am free to be myself.

10. I am a model of Divine Love.

11. I am a forgiving and loving person.

12. I am responsible for my own Spiritual Growth.

13. I give myself permission to be at one with the Universe.

14. I am worthy of Divine love.

15. My love is eternal and ever-lasting.

16. I nurture my inner child, love him/her and have allowed him/her to heal.

17. I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and be in joy.

18. I visualize clearly with amazing focus.

19. I have a vivid imagination.

20. I am in continuous connection with God.

21. I draw powerful energy from daily sunrise and sunset.

22. My perfect love casts out all fear.

23. I surrender to God’s Love.

24. I trust the flow of life.

25. I am divine humility.

26. I am the Divine infinite love that attracts all substance to me for my success.

27. I live the Divine Law of Gratitude every day.

28. I have faith and trust in the Divine Plan.

29. My spirituality boldly expresses my faith in God.

30. My spirituality is drawn from a deep faith in God.

31. I practice my spirituality daily.

32. I tap into my spirituality to make any minor or major decisions.

33. My spiritual progressive path grows stronger with daily practice.

34. I am filled with a calm that comes from God.

35. I let My Higher Self direct my actions.

36. I release my thoughts and meditate with ease.

37. I am a vital piece of the Oneness that encompasses all things.

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38. I allow the flow of life to guide me in every moment.

39. I am a vehicle for Divinity to express Itself.

40. I embrace my spiritual transformation now.

41. I relinquish all goals I have invented for myself and receive inspiration of God’s goals for me now.

42. I clean my own slate and let God write my life for me now.

43. The only function I have is God’s desires for me.

44. My purpose is God’s purpose for me, they are the same.

45. I arrange my day to set apart time for God.

46. I allow God to guide me toward becoming the most open, the most loving and the most fulfilled that I can become.

47. I clearly hear my intuition guide me toward my highest good.

48. I am graced with God’s creative energy.

49. I openly express the true nature of the Divine.

50. I remember my divine nature, my soul mission and my enlightened purpose.

51. I generate Divine Love continuously.

52. I open my heart to be the perfect expression of God in every moment.

53. I give to God everything I manifested into this world imperfectly.

54. I am easily receiving God's love in every moment.

55. I am fuelled and energized with the force of universal love.

56. I am a living expression of God's divinity.

57. I am a limitless expression of God's love.

58. I am transforming my body and mind into the perfect expression of God.

59. I bring the perfection of my spiritual body into the physical.

60. I am in God's love where no harm can come to me.

61. I am living in God's divinity, and this abundance is ever present.

62. I am raising my vibration to radiate love and harmony to all beings.

63. I easily fulfill all my perceived needs and true desires through my expression of God's divinity.

64. I am refused nothing as divine daughter/son, as long as what I desire causes no harm.

65. I radiate the love of God in every cell in my body.

66. I bring forth love and harmony into my life, expressing the love of God.

67. I express God, with all wisdom in the universe available to me in this Divine being.

68. I am shinning the light of my heart into the world, touching all that are near me.

69. I am reflecting the beauty of my inner light, through my body and mind.

70. I am living a peaceful oneness with God's love.

71. I am expressing unconditional love to all other beings.

72. I am overflowing with healing energy in my body, in my mind, and the space around me.

73. I am moving with harmonious ease in my life, despite what happens in the world.

74. I am accepting my own divinity, as I bring forth the knowledge and wisdom of my past learning.

75. I am generous and giving with the love of God.

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Sports and Fitness

1. I am a perfect example of health and fitness.

2. My fitness routine is enjoyable, energetic and easy!

3. I am a lean, mean, fat burning, muscle building machine.

4. My daily fitness routine gives me excellent results.

5. During my work-out routine, I feel healthier and healthier by the minute.

6. I enjoy exercising and my fitness routine gives me amazing results.

7. My physical fitness clearly shows the value I place on fitness.

8. It is obvious that I enjoying working out daily.

9. My body is firm, healthy and metabolically fast.

10. My metabolism speeds up by the minute during my fitness routine.

11. I have a fast metabolism, a healthy spirit and friendly personality.

12. My body quickly heals and regenerates itself naturally.

13. I put on muscle easily and effortlessly.

14. It is easy for me to stay in shape and I do.

15. I work hard to condition my body for optimal performance.

16. I visualize the way I want to look.

17. I take the time to develop my body daily.

18. My mind and body work together to achieve my physical goals.

19. My endurance improves every day in every way.

20. I have a 6th

sense of every relevant aspect of the game and set myself up for optimum performance.

21. My focus stays at a heightened, optimal level, no matter what happens during the game or off game.

22. Injuries are foreign to me and I never even consider this possibility

23. I trust my body to tell me when to play hard and when to rest.

24. My full attention is focused on skillful and successful execution.

25. I easily take any errors I make and quickly integrate the learning for future results.

26. I set aside any outside influence in my life to focus on my game.

27. It is okay for me to win.

28. It is okay for me to lose as I quickly let go and use the experience positively in my life.

29. I am a winner and I love to win.

30. I learn and adjust quickly to the skill and performance of my opponents to improve my own game.

31. It is okay for me to be the best.

32. I celebrate my achievements and those of my team members

33. I receive appreciation others with pride, humility and joy.

34. I am open to learn from the comments and feedback about my performance.

35. Criticism is just feedback and I receive the feedback with ease and gratitude for it.

36. I am a team player and I am valuable to the team.

37. It is easy for me to connect with my teammates.

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38. I recognize that my teammates are as important to my success.

39. When I have a breakthrough, I include and acknowledge my teammates in my celebration.

40. I communicate my insights and concerns to teammates with respect.

41. I create an environment of comfort and open communication with my teammates.

42. When I practice, I am fully engaged as it is an important contributor to my game.

43. I look forward to practice as much as the real game.

44. The more I practice, the better I get

45. It is natural for me to perform at my best in every game.

46. My competition is always with myself and how I stretch myself to the limits.

47. I forgive myself and let go of all the any situations where I underperform on my abilities.

48. I am always safe when I play because I intuitively avoid injury.

49. I accept my current level of performance and consistently improve upon it.

50. I am in the perfect physical condition to safely play at my best.

51. I believe in my own ability as an athlete.

52. I do excellent mental preparation for my event.

53. I am in control and focused.

54. I am a capable and competent athlete and I have fun.

55. I believe in myself and easily perform at the top of my game.

56. My mind and body are relaxed when I play.

57. I easily get into the zone where my mind and body has unlimited potential.

58. My attitude is always great before, during and after my game.

59. I easily generate the intensity necessary to win.

60. I have fun and others have fun with me, even when I play at my highest level.

61. I am confident that I can perform at my highest level in every game.

62. I easily adapt to any situation arising in the game.

63. I quickly assess my opponent’s weaknesses, and take advantage of the opportunity.

64. I intuitively anticipate the play before it happens and move into position.

65. My talk about the game is positive, including my self-talk.

66. I enjoy challenging myself and others to optimal performance while I play.

67. When I am under pressure, I play even better.

68. I place the team goals ahead of my own.

69. I respect the choices of my coach, even if I do not agree with them.

70. I give constructive feedback to my teammates.

71. I consistently treat my opponent(s) with respect.

72. I recognize my unique abilities in the game and use them to the max.

73. My great attitude is infections to everyone on the team.

74. Even when I am losing, I have a positive attitude and still play at my best.

75. I trust my teammates to do the best they can.

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Success and Achievement

1. Whatever I conceive and believe, I can and do achieve.

2. I create my own luck every day.

3. I can do and be whatever I imagine I can.

4. I am now making amazing progress towards all of my goals.

5. I see and feel my goals as already accomplished.

6. I achieve my goals with joy and laughter.

7. I visualize, hear and feel what I want to be and act as if I am already there.

8. My goals are achieved with ease and grace.

9. I now create any reality that I desire.

10. I create goals that are definite and specific and easily move towards them.

11. I have all the resources I need to achieve my goals easily and effortlessly.

12. I maintain a feeling of absolute certainty that I can create any positive result that I am committed to.

13. I am now living a life of my design.

14. I have steady and massive momentum towards the results I desire.

15. I am guided from within and excited about how perfectly life unfolds for me.

16. I am absolutely clear about the specific results I want in every area of my life.

17. I celebrate the achievement of my goals all the way to manifestation.

18. I spend my time, energy, and emotion on the goals that are most important to me.

19. I carefully measure and manage my progress towards my desired results every day.

20. I carefully monitor the results that I am getting and quickly adjust my actions to achieve the results I desire.

21. I easily model the success patterns of people who have been outstanding in the area of my goals.

22. I have a hunger and commitment to achieve my goals every day.

23. I set aggressive and realistic goals that I easily achieve.

24. I am totally committed to and congruent with my goals.

25. I am focused on the results I want, and driven with passionate purpose.

26. With every decision I make, I commit and resolve to achieve the end result I desire.

27. I celebrate my achievements in advance.

28. I know that I am capable of achieving anything I desire.

29. Every interaction I take contributes to the achievement of my goals.

30. What I imagine I can do, I can do.

31. I am a success.

32. I am easily successful at whatever I do

33. I motivate myself to every success.

34. I choose to be successful

35. I am all I want to be.

36. I am successful because I get things done

37. Success and achievement are natural outcomes for me.

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38. All of my thoughts, plans and ideas lead me straight to success.

39. Opportunities and advantages come with each door that I open.

40. Prosperity and success is my natural state of mind.

41. Everything I do turns into success.

42. I am filled with success.

43. Success comes effortlessly to my direction.

44. I am open to success.

45. Success is my natural state and I am grateful for all the universe gives to me.

46. Prosperity and success flow to me and through me every day.

47. I am a success magnet and everything I do is successful.

48. I create abundance and success in all that I do.

49. I am drawing success to myself today and every day.

50. I am successful, as success follows me everywhere I go.

51. I attract success and share it with others.

52. Success is my birthright, I was born to be successful and I am successful.

53. My success benefits all those around me.

54. I help others succeed, and in turn, I succeed.

55. All of my dreams are coming true.

56. I achieve that which I believe.

57. I am willing to be successful.

58. Releasing all fear, I step into the success of accomplishing my dreams.

59. I am confident that success is a passionate, joyful experience.

60. I have the know-how to overcome any challenges that arise out of success.

61. Success only adds positively to my life.

62. I am successful and people are proud of me, excited for me and open to friendship.

63. Success gifts me with security and peace.

64. I choose to be successful in each area and every area of my life.

65. I have a keen capacity to learn new skills that support my success.

66. I release my fear of failure and move to success now.

67. I love myself, even when it appears that I have failed.

68. I easily and quickly learn the lessons life presents me with.

69. I know that every failure is a step on my ladder to success.

70. Failure is actually impossible for me as it always guides me to success in the end.

71. When I fail, I laugh, get up and go at it again using the wisdom of what I just learnt.

72. Failing a few times makes success all the more sweet for me.

73. I easily let go of my failures and marvel in my success.

74. Even if my family sees me as a failure, I know my life is successful for me.

75. Following my purpose is worth the risk of falling down a few times on the way.

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Work and Career

1. My career takes off like a rocket.

2. I am an expert in my field and I receive the perfect pay for my expertise.

3. My career rewards me with freedom and monetary abundance.

4. I am passionate about my career and it reflects in monetary reward.

5. I am promoted up the career ladder with matching funds and matching benefits.

6. I am the top in my field with clients lined up for miles.

7. My phone is ringing off the hook with additional clients.

8. My career is overflowing with so much success that I hire additional help.

9. My company is booming with more than enough business.

10. My career affords me the luxury of all the comforts of complete abundance.

11. I am respected by everyone in my work environment.

12. I am acknowledged for all of my good efforts at work.

13. I love and enjoy my work and I receive the perfect pay.

14. Divine guidance causes me to do an exceptional job.

15. I hold the vision of myself in the career I want, while I act with purpose on the job I have now.

16. I am a success magnet at work.

17. My employer recognizes my hard work and rewards me for it.

18. Every day, I wake up and do the best job in the world.

19. I know my calling and the work I am supposed to do in my Life.

20. The type of work I do is miraculously in complete demand.

21. I have created the perfect business for myself and my pay is overwhelming.

22. I feel safe to change careers now.

23. My intuition clearly guides me to my new career.

24. Each morning I wake up energized and excited for my day because I am passionate about my work.

25. I am willing to recognize the opportunity to change careers.

26. Changing careers is easy and joyous.

27. My career lets me express who I truly am.

28. I add value to and feel valued by my company.

29. I earn an abundant salary in my new job.

30. I easily find a new job that I love.

31. I am working as a __________ and loving it.

32. My new work environment is fun and supportive.

33. My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me.

34. There is a huge demand for my particular skills and abilities.

35. I can pick and choose what I want to do.

36. My work is enjoyable and fulfilling, and I am appreciated.

37. Wonderful new opportunities are opening up for me to use my unique creative skills and abilities.

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38. I am successful at whatever I choose to do.

39. I am now developing all of the skills and talents I need to create infinite abundance.

40. I am now successfully doing what I love to do.

41. I move into the right business and the right environment for personal growth and self-improvement.

42. I am surrounded by opportunities to create wealth and abundance doing what I love to do.

43. I am patient so when it is time to wait, I wait.

44. When it is time to act, I act with courage, certainty, and confidence.

45. I only move forward with definiteness of decision, courage, and confidence.

46. I set aside regular quiet time to contemplate my vision, knowing it becomes my reality.

47. As I move forward, opportunities are coming to me in increasing numbers.

48. I am calm and steady in my faith, purpose, and gratitude for my work.

49. I advance towards my goals deliberately, methodically, and at exactly the right pace.

50. Everything is now flowing towards me at exactly the right pace and speed.

51. I now strengthen my faith and renew my purpose through the continuous expression of gratitude.

52. My work is always recognized positively.

53. I give myself permission to do what I love and take the necessary actions to be fulfilled.

54. I feel good about the way I do my job.

55. I ascend to the top of the corporate ladder and my salary tops the charts.

56. My management skills open the doors of opportunity.

57. I make powerful and enjoyable business relationships that I can treat as my friends.

58. I am very fortunate to work at what I love to do.

59. I attract, welcome and accept talented and successful people to my team.

60. I am successfully climbing the corporate ladder and I am compensated heavily for my efforts.

61. I respect my abilities and always work to my full potential.

62. I easily delegate to others.

63. I focus on my strengths and delegate or hire out the rest.

64. I have a unique ability and this is what I bring to my life and work.

65. I cultivate my strengths and unique abilities in the perfect career to express them,

66. I easily live my values in my work, so I am fulfilled.

67. My career is aligned with my purpose.

68. I make decisions based on my values.

69. Work is a breeze for me as I enjoy overcoming any and all challenges.

70. I take my full being to work and work from my authentic self.

71. It is safe for me to express my truth with my colleagues.

72. I speak my truth without blame or judgement.

73. The universe has designed the perfect job for me.

74. My career gives me the perfect opportunities to learn and grow.

75. I easily maintain the perfect balance between my work and play.