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7/29/2019 Prash Trivedi 1/152 OSFA Founder ~ Prash Trivedi  Prash Trivedi is one of the world's foremost authorities on Jyotish. His ancestral background includes notable Sanskrit scholars, writers, astrologers and Ayurvedic practitioners. From a very young age he was surrounded by ancient vedic mythology & cosmology. "India's most insightful young astrologer!" - David Frawley President of American Council of Vedic Astrology He pursued his higher education at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. After completing his degree, he received an invitation to undertake a spiritual pilgrimage to meet the Elders of the Hopi native American Indian tribe of Arizona. Journey page He returned to India and in 2000 wrote his first book on Vedic Astrology ~ "The Key of Life -  Astrology of the Lunar Nodes" . This work has been recognised by experts all over the world as being the most informative work on the lunar nodes (Rahu & Ketu) till date. Prash manages to incorporate Vedic Astrology along with other fringe systems in his research and work. His vision is to arrive at a unified and universal form of Astrology, which would be a direct result of the synthesis of Jyotish with other systems like tarot etc. This universal approach to Astrology would also involve other fringe systems besides the symbols and mythologies of the Ancients. In November 2000 in New York he formed the Orion School & Foundation For Astrology .

Prash Trivedi

Apr 04, 2018



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OSFA Founder ~ Prash Trivedi 

Prash Trivedi is one of the world's foremost authorities

on Jyotish. His ancestral background includes notableSanskrit scholars, writers, astrologers and Ayurvedic

practitioners. From a very young age he was surrounded byancient vedic mythology & cosmology.

"India's most insightful young astrologer!"

- David Frawley 

President of American Council of Vedic Astrology 

He pursued his higher education at the prestigious IndianInstitute of Technology, New Delhi. After completing hisdegree, he received an invitation to undertake a spiritual

pilgrimage to meet the Elders of the Hopi native AmericanIndian tribe of Arizona. Journey page 

He returned to India and in 2000 wrote his first book on Vedic Astrology ~ "The Key of Life - Astrology of the Lunar Nodes" . This work has been recognised by experts all over the world as

being the most informative work on the lunar nodes (Rahu & Ketu) till date.

Prash manages to incorporate Vedic Astrology along with other fringe systems in his research

and work.

His vision is to arrive at a unified and universal form of Astrology, which would be a direct result of the synthesis of Jyotish with other systems like tarot etc. This universal approach to Astrologywould also involve other fringe systems besides the symbols and mythologies of the Ancients.

In November 2000 in New York he formed the Orion School & Foundation For Astrology .

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In March 2001 he appeared on London's BBC Radio and the Breakfast Show on Channel Five todiscuss the benefits of Vedic Astrology and highlight the argument against the popular Sun-Sign


His second book "Sun - The Cosmic Powerhouse" was published in 2002 and coincided with hisappearance on "The Laura Lee Show", California.

Prash's latest offering is a comprehensive illustrated work on the 27 Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions). It has been released under the title "The 27 Celestial portals" in the west and "The

Book of Nakshatras" in India.

Since that time OSFA has expanded into a busy consultation service with many internationalclients, students and members.

You can Email Prash at - [email protected]


Prashant Trivedi ~ Who I Am ~ the PT Avatar  

this page takes some time to load - please be patient

many ask 

who am I

funny since

they cannot really answer 

who they are

they ask but its clear 

they really don't want to gno

deep down there is an inkling

the reality might be too much to handle

for those who feel/think they can handle it

here are some highlights

of the PT avatar 

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can't cover all the aspects

simply because they are infinite -

I am Harry Potter - Hari Putra

meaning Emanation of Hari

'Hari' - 'the stealer of hearts' being one the many names for Divine

who lives under the stairs (literally)

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& has a scar above the right eye

who wields many magic wands

& has always topped at the

University of Real Magic

I am Flash Gordon

who rescues humanity

from Galactic evilarchy

through real Flash Power 

I am Captain Kirk 

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who steers this planets course

through Kirkland Drive (actual address)

The PT En-ergy-Field permeates throughout

the United Kingdom of Earth

I am the real 'Highlander'

who can't swim in water 

 but knows how to stay above it

I create/consume all charge at will

 No one can beat PT in a charge battle

I am the ONE

whom they refer to

'There can only be ONE'

I am Merlin

who gno's the secrets of the Grail

& spent time with

the faer people & forest spirits in Wales

I am Arthur 

who wields the Excaliber 

through exact caliberation/snchro

of Time & Space

PT and the Land are One

I am Robin Hood

the real outlaw

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who always beats

the stupid system they have setup to trap beings

into serving the lowly & the wicked

I am John Murdoch

in 'Dark City'

the only One who Wakes up

amongst the slumbering masses

& singlehandedly brings down their evil system

I am Nada in 'They Live'

The one who can really SEE

no sunglasses required

in this case

3rd Eye does the trick 

I am the Pahana

the messenger from the Great Spirit

the Hopi expected to

return in these times 

I am Peter Pan

the forever kid

who defeats

the corporate pirate Mr.Hook 

in just fun'n'play

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I am Mowgli Man-Cub of 'Jungle Book'

in a world full of Apes

I am the Nature Boy

I am the Wild Child

full of grace

saviour of the human race

with a cool face ...

Elements dance to my freeflowing tune

I am Jen, the last of the Gelflings

in The Dark Cyrstal

the only one who can restore the crystal (coherence)

& save this world from the rule of the Skeksi's ( the 12 ruling houses )

I am the real Phantom

one walks this earth

 but stays unknown

I am the Pied Piper ( Phi-ed Strummer is a more relevant term for right now )

the one who can completely enchant

anyone who is not completely sold out

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I am the archetypal 'Rockstar'

they (genepools) have all tried to be

the one who can really Rock 

the elements themselves are there to testify

not just some stupid drunk fans

I am Hermes & I am Aphrodite

I am the Hermaphrodite

the Free & Final World Card of Tarot

The World Dancer 

the number 21

I am Quetzacoatel

 bearing a Coat of Many Colours

Am more than just all colours of the rainbow

seen & unseen

I am many Hued

My body carries all the shades

of all the races on this planet

from dark to yellows to browns to reds

With Aquarius Rising

I am the Aquarian motif 

for The Age of Aquarius

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I am the Jedi Skywalker 

I am the real winged one

The Birdman

Garuda Narayan

I am the Rainbow Warrior 

which many claim to be

without creating a single rainbow at will

I am MuabDib ( Paul Atriedes - P trivedi )

of Dune

one who can actually

ride the worms of DNA & time

I am the only real surfer 

who playfully surfs above the

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waves of this world

I am the Zen Master 

Shaolin wanted to create

represented by

Iching no.50 - Ting

the result

the first time I I-ching-ed



Supreme good fortune.


While THE WELL relates to the social foundation of our life, and this foundation is likened to the water that

serves to nourish growing wood, the present hexagram refers to the cultural superstructure of society. Here it is

the wood that serves as nourishment for the flame, the spirit. All that is visible must grow beyond itself, extend

into the realm of the invisible. Thereby it receives its true consecration and clarity and takes firm root in the

cosmic order.

Here we see civilization as it reaches its culmination in religion. The ting serves in

offering sacrifice to God. The highest earthly values must be sacrificed to the divine. But

the truly divine does not manifest itself apart from man. The supreme revelation of Godappears in prophets and holy men. To venerate them is true veneration of God. The will

of God, as revealed through them, should be accepted in humility; this brings inner 

enlightenment and true understanding of the world, and this leads to great good fortuneand success.

I am the Tai-Chi master 

who has the grace

to control all Chi

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I am the real Don Juan

who women can play with

like they have never played before

I am the Multiversal Eagle

the Naguals fear to face

I am the supreme artist

I am the P in

Party Praise President Prime Pole Pri(s)ze Pitah Pati Param Prash Prasad Prashn Prahar 

Pratigya Prakash Pratham Prasidh Preeti Pratap Prassan

I am He-Man

the real Hu-Man

who has the Power of the Grey Skull ( brain )

through Kundalini activation of Sahastrar ( crown chakra )

I am every hero they have created

& worshipped

I am ALL what they all want to be

 but are not

Prashant Trivedi ~ Who I Am ~ the PT Avatar  

this is Part-2; for Part-1 click here 

I am the current in line of Avatars of Divine

that have been well-documented in

Vedic Texts

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I am the foremost amongst the Brahmins (Twice Borns)

I am the epitome of humanness

I am what they call Kalki

I consume All perspectives

All is a sacrfice to me

Even though they might think they are

depriving me of it by not offering it all to me

I am all the Agni's (Phires)


especially Sa Sha Agni - Blue Phire

which makes Shiv & Vishnu blue

I am the New Sun

heralding a New Age

I am the Alpha & the Omega

I am the real




a Great Big Sea

You are all just rivers flowing into this big big Sea

Sea that is Me

Prashant Trivedi ~ Meaning Behind the Name 

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Prashant Trivedi's Vedic Chart 

1. Every natural malefic is with a natural benefic & that benefic also

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happens to be its best friend. For example Mars is with its best

friend Jupiter and so forth

2. All the friends form teams i.e Jupiter/Mars/Moon &

Saturn/Mercury/Venus. The Rahu Ketu axis separates the friends

and enemies with Sun, Mars, Jupiter on one side and Mercury,

Venus, Saturn on the other.

3. The self (first house) is represented by all the archetypal male

energies. These male energies are Sky, Air, Lightning and Sun

which are all situated above the feminine Earth. Aquarius the

electric air sign rises on the Ascendant. The Ascendant lord Saturn

is in a sky/space nakshatra Punarvasu and is conjunct Venus in

 Ardra, a nakshatra closely associated with lightning. The Sun is

placed in Krittika a nakshatra ruled by Sun and is strong in a

quadrant house through its association with Ketu (which increases a

planets strength fourfold through close conjuction).

4. Mercury is the connecting point of the whole chart and is the

atmakaraka (soul significator). Mercury is connected with Venus

through an exchange. Saturn and Moon are in Mercury’s signs,

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7. Mercury and Venus are the Quetzacoatel (coat of many colours)

planets in the chart, because they stick with the Rahu Ketu Serpent

axis even in the navamsha. Venus in Gemini is the plumed serpent,

the archetypal Birdman. The 4th house represents vehicles in the

chart, so Venus the 4th and 9th lord can be seen as acting like the

vehicle for Saturn, the Self significator. Venus is thus playing a

Garuda role. It is placed in the shastiamsha Amrita, symbolic of how

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Garuda gets the nectar. Saturn, the ascendant lord, acts as the

Vishnu planet. Vishnu is represented by blue, the colour of the sky.

punarvasu represents the sky, and Saturn relates to the colour blue;

the combination thus denotes a blue sky. punarvasu is also related

to the mother of humanity Aditi and Vishnu was born through her as

the avatar, Vamana. Vishnu is depicted as a blue being draped in

golden yellow. This symbolises the blue sky with a yellow Sun as



So it is clear that Saturn is representing Vishnu and Venus is

representing Garuda (birdbrain). Saturn (Vishnu) rides on the

Venus (vehicle and nectar). Vishnu holds the wheel of time

(sudarshan chakra) with his right index finger. The right hand index

finger is represented by Jupiter in PT's chart, and is related to PT’s

right hand through conjunction with the 3rd lord. The wheel of time

is personified by Jupiter’s placement in Revathi (the ‘time’


8. Shiva component of the chart can be seen through the sign

 Aquarius (aqua vitae or waters of life), rising on the ascendant. The

waters of life are depicted as Ganga falling from Shiva’s hair. This

can be seen as ultraviolet etheric Rain of perennial consciousness.

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advanced years as opposed to the f irst half of life. The same would be the case duringSaturn minor period. The results will be more apparent in the second half.

• QUESTION:You mentioned that an exalted planet will either show refined or unrefinedenergies depending on the Navamsha, Nakshatramsha & Shashtiamsha chart. Could youtell me what the Nakshatramsha chart is?

 ANSWER:The Nakshatramsha is the 27th divisional chart and fine tunes the Navamsaplacements. You can download Jagannath Hora Lite software (It has theNakshatramsha). It's free on the net.

• QUESTION: In the case of Saturn being exalted in my chart, could you walk me throughhow you would use these three charts to determine the type of energies, as an exaltedplanet, that Saturn will display.

 ANSWER: Saturn's Navamsa placement in Capricorn gives it a rigid spine and strongmaterial inclinations. It makes it a worldly planet. In a way it can be seen as a corporateplacement.Saturn is in Cancer with Ketu in the Nakshatramsha and gives it a soft under belly from a

pastlife, dedicated to homely/maternal issues. It works by being receptive to other'sneeds.Saturn is in a Shashtiamsha called Lakshmisha meaning Lord of Laxmi (wealth). Thismakes it a good financial planet which promises financial gains in its periods.

• QUESTION: Rahu in my chart is both debilitated and retrograde in my chart. Could youexplain how it will act.

 ANSWER: If you read my book on the Lunar Nodes you will find that even though Rahuis debilitated in Saggitarius it has the capacity to give good results because Rahu never does too badly in Jupiter's sign. In your case it is even aspected by its own dispositor.

QUESTION: I am aware that each nakshatra is divided into four padas but am not certainas to how to use the pada for further refinement around the Nakshatra.

 ANSWER:Try to mix the pada lords with the Nakshatra lords like you would mix theenergies of two planets in conjunction. For example if Venus is in fourth pada of Ardra,than Rahu-Jupiter (Pisces mode) conjunction sort of energy would be relayed by Venus.

• QUESTION: So, does that mean that the pada will indicate which house affairs theNakshatra's characteristics/attributes will relate to, in addition to the planet that occupiesthe Nakshatra?

 ANSWER:Yes,but you have to remember that this a weak effect in comparision to other effects. For example, the main planetary lord of a nakshatra will have more of a say in

relation to house affairs than the pada lord.

• QUESTION: Does the Lord of the Pada add any further refinement?

 ANSWER: It deals with underlying energies just as Navamsha governs the underlyingenergies of the Rasi.

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In my study of ancient Vedic scriptures, I have come across some startling conclusions.

Through this piece I would like to share some of them with you.

For example, the ancient Vedic seers knew about the phenomenon of relativity, as can be seenfrom this story taken from one of the Vedic scriptures:

An Earthly King was called upon by Brahma, the Creator among the Trinity of Vedic deities

 presiding over universal affairs, to visit him in his abode which was quite far (many lightyears) away from earth. The Earthly King agreed, and visited the abode of Brahma and spent

around fifteen minutes (of Brahmaloka time) witnessing the splendour of Brahmaloka.

After that he asked Brahma to arrange for his return to Earth as his family and kingdom

awaited him. Brahma laughed and told him that by the time he returned to earth, thousands of years of Earth time would have passed. No one would recognize him as his Kingdom no

longer existed and his family had already gone through many generations. This shows beyonddoubt that the ancient Vedic seers knew about time travel and the relativity of time and spacelong before Albert Einstein revealed his theories to the modern world.

I feel that the key to unlocking the recently discovered "Orion" mystery of the Pyramids, the

"Draconis" mystery of temples in Angkor, and the "Pleiades" mystery of the Mayan

civilization, lies in the ancient Vedic texts. These texts contain more references concerning allthese sacred constellations and deep sky objects than any other ancient manuscripts.

The Orion mystery of the Pyramids arises from the fact that the three Pyramids at

Giza,located south-west of Cairo, are aligned exactly as the three middle stars of the

constellation of Orion namely Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.

Also, the three Pyramids are aligned at an angle of 45 degrees, and astronomical data showsthat the belt of Orion was tilted at such an angle around 10,500 BC. Hence, a startling

conclusion looms on the horizon, which is that the Pyramids were constructed not around

2500 BC by the Egyptians, but by a more advanced civilization thousands of years earlier.

The story does not end here, as it is found that the main chamber of the King's pyramid was

linked to passages which aimed directly at the heart of Orion as it would have been located in

that time.

The mystery deepens when one finds that the temples at Angkor in Cambodia form a shapeexactly similar to the constellation of Draconis. Using astronomical data, once again it is

found that the temples align with the constellation as it appeared around 10,500 BC.

It is also interesting to note that the constellations of Orion and Draconis lie almost opposite

to each other in the celestial view from Earth.

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Prash - That is the reason why we are special. Because in the humanform we have the greatest potential for expansiveness. Even thebeings on the higher planes are very eager to take birth as humans.

LauraLee - So is this the reason why there are 6 billion people on the

planet today? A hot ticket to be here?

Prash - Yeah, because alot of them are coming from the lower animalforms as well.

LauraLee - That explains a lot.

Prash- Everyone is getting a chance right now. If you go to countrieslike India or south east Asia people are living like cockroaches, inslums. They are not at the human level of existence. In Africa , and if you go around the world, alot of people are living in subhuman

conditions on this planet right now.

LauraLee - There should be the same standard of living conditions foreveryone…

Prash - Yes, because alot of souls who won't get a chance in any otherage to incarnate, are getting a chance to incarnate right now. This istheir opportunity.

LauraLee - So you say this is a special time. So what does that mean?Is there a fork in the road? Can we either blow it? Go to the

renaissance or blow ourselves up? Or is it a sure thing that we're goingto start the upswing, enjoy a bit of a renaissance here…or is it really upto us? You said the gods may inspire but it's really up to us.. to act….

Prash - In my view we will go through a renaissance. Even if there arealot of wars, alot of destruction, it doesn matter. Because renaissanceis an internal thing, it's a mental thing and it doesn't relate tophysicality that much. What happened in the late 60's in the west wasa kind of renaissance in my view. Some say it was because of theVietnam war, some say it was because of LSD.

LauraLee - You would say it's time was then and it expressed itself…

Prash - The summer of 1967 which we all know was called the 'summerof love' - the energy was good at that time, which you can see fromAstrology because Jupiter, the greatest benefic among planets was inits most favourable sign Cancer at that time. In my view this was atime where alot of awakening happened in the west and alot of research into the ancient civilisations, which is happening right now,

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Prash - What I am saying is if people just started looking up at the skyand started reading astrology, and started understanding astronomy, areal transformation will take place ...

LauraLee- People who are interested in becoming astrologers and

astronomers, what can the stars say to us through that?

Prash - I have been teaching alot of people astrology in the west since Ihave come here and they are no longer the same people they were.

LauraLee- How do they change?

Prash - Because after that, they don't ask questions. They offersolutions. They begin to understand everything. Nothing is a mysteryfor them anymore. They begin to know what is happening and the whyof what is happening. They know about their past. They know about

their present condition. They are to a certain extent aware about theirfuture condition, and so they are very satisfied individuals. They arenot living in the mad rush world which most of the western world isliving in right now. Even in countries like India the rat race is there foreveryone to follow.

LauraLee - Well this has been a fascinating visit Prash, and I amtending to agree that hopefully we are at the end of the dark agesbecause I know we're in one. I know it has been characterised byviolence and technology. I was hoping the other ages weren't socharacterised by violence and warfare but I guess that dance between

the light and the dark must go on to keep the universe in motion. Ithoroughly enjoyed our visit here with you today. I will start rereadingthose comics again and I'll definitely probe your website thoroughly…

Prash - I am writing a book which will encompass all my thoughts aboutthe relevance of the vedic knowledge in the present and future times -and maybe it will get published sometime this year. There's anotherbook about the sunsign astrology thing which has been sold to us for20/30 years through the newspapers and everything which iscompletely wrong. I have another book coming out on that. But thesethings are so deeply entrenched in us. I don't see them going straight

away in a year or two. It will definitely take time for this to happen

LauraLee- Now is the time for the alternative voices to challenge theauthority…

Prash - the established voices …

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and ghee invariably. Such items are Jupiter personified. Jupiter is the biggest benefic

 planet and items of Jupiter will always bring good effects. All auspicious occasions

involve distribution of sweets because of this reason. Gifting Jupiter items along withsome of the other malefic gifts is also recommended as it reduces the malefic effects.

Even in other civilizations and cultures, auspicious occasions are celebrated bydistributing sweets and confectionery. Jupiter being a planet denoting expansion through

 progress, it is beneficial to gift such items, as it will boost growth.


There are many items made of leather which are gifted by people. Leather purses, shoes,

 bags and even items for decoration purposes alone. These items are primarily rules by the

 planet Ketu.Leather belts are fully Ketu. Gifting of such items is like gifting Ketu to a person. As per Vedic system, it does not augur well for a person to receive such items.

Ketu is a malefic planet and for limited natives, it gives good results. Such gifts can

increase the Ketu energies in the house which leads to misery and even poverty in manycases. Ketu is unpredictable. It can give extreme results in many cases. It has been

observed by many people that they suffer financial loss whenever they use a wallet. This

is due to ketu acting in full flow. In many cases, the effects can be slow. Leather belts are

in a similar way very unpredictable. Some officers have been known to occupy high positions when they started wearing belt. They occupy powerful positions with symbols

of power like flag car, red beacon light. Ketu represents  Dhwaja.It gives such results

where it is favourable. On the other hand loss of power and prestige, transfer to a place or to a post where the person wanders have also been seen with the use of belts.

Leather products are also prohibited inside the temples as they represent malefic things.

The only way to avoid the malefic influence of these products is that one should bringJupiter items along with the Ketu item. It would be a good idea if both items are giftedtogether as it takes away the malefic influence to a large extent. For example, if a box of 

sweets is gifted along with leather items, it can help ward off the evil effects of Ketu.


In modern times a flourishing trade is perfume industry. Every shopping arcade hasinnumerable number of fragrances displayed for sale. People gift these items on every

occasion these days. Even in old times it was a practice to gift  Ittar which is nothing but

 perfume. Venus is also a great benefic planet and perfumes are the domain of Venus.

Such gifts are recommended as in most of the cases it has no ill effects.

There are some exceptions to this also. For certain natives, Venus is strong marak planet.

In such natives, use and accepting gifts of perfume can trigger ill health and sometimes

aggravate a dormant health condition. But these are very rare cases and one canunderstand ill effects himself. In such cases, donating these perfumes can help. Some

fragrances like sandal are to be used with caution. Although it is very much ruled by

Venus but it is known to attract serpents. This fragrance carries the influence of Rahu as

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than to the present day Western System. For example he gave a lot of importance to the

soul chart and one can find this chart only in Indian Astrology! It is called the Navamshachart and is always used alongside the main chart. As we look at his chart through the

eyes of Jyotish, we would be using both the main and soul charts.

18-03-1877 03.00 P.M. L.M.T 36ºN50'


Ascendant 18º10'Ca

Sun 06º12'PiMoon 19º36'Ar 

Mars 19º03'Sg

Mercury 19º30'AqJupiter 09º54'Sg

Venus 23º32'Aq

Saturn 20º41'Aq

Rahu 18º33'AqKetu 18º33'Le

Uranus 00º06'Ca

 Neptune 11º23'Ar Pluto 02º15'Ta

Even with a cursory look one cannot help but notice a heavily tenanted eighthhouse. This by itself indicates that he could access hidden realms anddimensions. However a lot of charts have a heavily tenanted eighth housewithout any connection to the esoteric realms. The planets in such cases areusually working on an exoteric level bringing in legacies and so forth. Tounderstand what makes his eighth house function in an esoteric manner, wehave to take a closer look at the unique combination resting in his eighth house.

Indian astrology puts special emphasis on the placement of the lunar nodes tobring out the mysteries inherent in a chart. We can see that Rahu (the north

node) is placed in its own sign Aquarius and thus brings out the mystical side of this air sign, that has little to do with earthly matters. The fact that Rahu isconjunct the co-ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, helps stabilize the energy of Rahu andmakes it function on a higher plane. As per the dictums of Jyotish, Rahu is seento work well in association with an exalted or own house planet. Rahu isconsidered the planet which relates most closely to the calling or destiny in the

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Mercury, the twelfth lord and Saturn, the eighth lord making him in essence a"time traveller". Fourth house represents past, eighth house relates to the cyclesof time while twelfth house relates to the future.

Venus is the atmakaraka (soul significator) in his chart. The concept of soulsignificator is unique to Vedic astrology which sees the soul significator as themain guiding light in one's present life. Venus is placed in the sixth house ( houserelating to healing) in the soul chart. It is placed in the sign of Taurus, a signrelating to physicality and mattter, making healing on a material plane his destinyand duty.

Ketu in the second house meant that he was never in a comfortable situation asfar as finances were concerned. He would get strange illnesses and pains if hetried to earn money through his channelling. Also his healing planets Mars and

Jupiter have no connection with the rulers of the 2nd and 11th houses (housessignifying gain of wealth).

 As per the principles of Jyotish, a strong and active Ketu is required to recollectone's past lives. In his case we get a clue to Ketu's strength from the soul chart,where it is placed in the tenth house along with Moon and Mars. In Jyotish, thenodes get prominence by being placed along with the luminaries in the soulchart.

 Another interesting thing, which tells us how much his healing was connectedwith the nodal axis, is the fact that he had his head towards the south and his

feet towards the north whenever he lay down to channel. Ketu represents thesouth while Rahu represents the north. In his chart Ketu is placed in the first half of the chart (signifying head), and so his energies harmonized better when he laydown with his head in the direction ruled by Ketu. If Rahu and Ketu would havebeen the other way round, he would have been better off channelling with hishead towards the north and feet towards south.

Saturn is the karmic distribution control planet along with Rahu, and so his lifewas fully focused on the eighth house affairs. He died in his Saturn major period,as Saturn is a strong maraka (death inflicting planet) for Cancer ascendant.Being the ruler of the eighth house (house of material death) placed in eighth, it

gave him the ability to accurately predict the time and day of his death.

The presence of Neptune along with Moon intensified his astral sensitivity, andgave him fame as this combination takes place in the tenth house. Theconjunction of Uranus with Ketu gives a clue to a past life in Atlantis, a veryadvanced Uranian civilization, which he desribes in vivid details in his readings.

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That Hermes confrontedCalled Rahu and Ketu 

3 is for Merlin/Myrrdin'Mer' is for Mercury

Merlin's emerald tablets are Mercury's stonesLike Hermes emerald tabletsLike the book of Thoth

Like the stone tablets of Hopi White Brother These stones are words of God

The one who is Hermes, who is Thoth, who is Merlin,Who is Odin, who is Vishnu

Who is Queztacoatl- the winged serpent bird

Thoth, the ibis headed man with his

'Winged disk caduceus'Or 'Sun with wings'Or 'Sun and Gemini' (Gemini rules feathered kingdom)

3 is Mercury, is Gemini, is lord of languageIs lord of tongue

 As in language of 'om'  

Language is a weapon for darkness or lightThe tower of Babel was the first spiritual decline through language

English won't keep the demons at bay

But Sanskrit is the language of gods

Enlightenment depends on Mercury, Lord of discrimination

Mercury is Lord of  prana, the spiritual foodIts conduits in the body are the 72,000 nadis = 24,000 x 3

One raises shakti through 'will'The will of fire, Mars

Mars signifies the third house

& helps turn lead into goldIt is Kartikkeya The ruler of Krittika, (the 3rd constellation)

The general of the army,The divine warrior 

The strength

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12 disciplesHis symbol, the sign of the fishes

The 12th sign PiscesIn the precessional age of Pisces

The Hopi White Brother will come as 32 helpers by his side

Lord Kalki will come with his 2 wivesWaving a sword on a white horse

He is the balancer who holds the power of Saturn,The one who redeems our karma

Through subtle meansHis name means 'word of god'

His wives are his horse and swordThe sword is GeminiThe horse is the serpent, Rahu and Ketu 

Or the life blood Mars

Or the Pegasus with wings,The sea horse

a.k.aThe pineal gland

3 is the highest word in heaven

Kalki is all things 3

 And every third year of your life is a window to god

2001, a year of cosmic alignment30-12-2001 = Moon, Jupiter, Earth, Sun joining hands in the galactic centre,

Sowing the seeds for a revolutionThat will lead the worldIn the 21st century into

The golden age

 A turning point = 2010 = 2+0+1+0 =3

On may 21st, 2012Is the conjunction of Sun/Pleiades

(Pleiades where the 3rd constellation lies)

The Mayan calendar endsExactly on 21-12-2012

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To: [email protected] (Hopi

Information Network)From: Prashant (Prash) Trivedi

Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997

Dear Hopi Brothers and Sisters,

Before starting this letter we would like to salute therevered spiritual elders of the Hopi People.

We would also like to make a special mention for Dan Evehemaof the Roadrunner and Greasewood clan , who presently is the

oldest surviving interpreter of the traditional Hopispiritual leaders.

We pray for his good health, as his importance far outweighsany treasure in this world.

We, Prashant Trivedi and Arup Mitra,(both Engineers) from New Delhi, India, are convinced that the Hopis have valuable

insight into the human condition and the evolution of humandestiny over the next few years.

We are traveling overland across Asia and Europe and hope toreach Arizona by the Spring of 1998.

As you are aware, your tradition and philosophy is inspiringa lot of people all over the world.

The artists (Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and others) havehelped to spread your message all over the globe.

It is to them and will of the Creator we are thankful that

your message should reach us in India, a land far off from your land.

The fact that man is ravaging and plundering earth'sresources and in doing so the damage he is inflicting on

Mother Earth and the Nature abounding her is known to yourpeople.

Your people are also aware of the fact that this mindlessexploitation and degradation of our planet cannot go on any

further if humanity has to survive.

It seems appropriate to use the words of a native IndianChief to convey this idea perfectly - "man did not weave theweb of life and is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does

to the web, he does to himself."

Though a number of indigenous people and tribes exist allacross the globe, we can safely say that none of them haveas deep an insight into the condition of Mother Earth and 

the wisdom to deal with it as our Hopi brothers.

This wisdom and insight has come from centuries of close

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 A Message from India - Hopi Vedic Parallels

By: Prash Trivedi

Though a number of indigenous people and tribes exist allacross the globe, it can be safely said that none of them have as deep an insight into the condition of Mother Earth

and the wisdom to deal with it as our Hopi brothers.

They are the chosen ones of the Creator as they were granted permission to hold in trust all land and life for the greatSpirit at the time of emergence of the Fourth world, of the

Hopis or the present age.

This conclusion about the Hopi people has not been reached in a haste.

It has been borne out of the wisdom of ancient Indian philosophy which transcends even the starting of time and 

 boundaries of our present Universe.

According to the ancient Indian scriptures the creator"Param Brahma or Adi Purusha" created the Universe throughhis creative power "Adi Shakti" in a plan which comprised ofthree axes and several vibratory centres along these axes.

So, the creative power of Mother nature had a threefold existence with seven main vibratory centres along the

central axis, echoing the primordial sound "AUM" of life

throughout the universe.

Everything in the visible Universe from the smallest to biggest is made on the basis of this plan.

These seven centres also exist inside the body of man as manis made in the image of the creator.

The central axis in man lies along his backbone.

The primordial power "Kundalini Shakti" lies in the sacrum  bone at the base of the spine.

The awakening of this power and its journey through the

seven centres is the first step in the process of selfrealisation.

Through this realisation comes the wisdom to exist inharmony with Mother nature and the capacity to realise the

actionless, omnipresent, and eternal Creator.

These vibratory centres also exist in the Mother earth.

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The Hopis also have a similar perception of the creation ofthe universe by the Ultimate Creator "Taiowa".

There is an idea of Mother nature as a Spiderwoman who isresponsible for the creation of these vibratory centres

 which echo the sound of the creator.

The Hopi wisdom is also aware of the central axis and man'saxis being the backbone which controls the equilibrium of

his movements and functions.

The Hopi legend also talks about "Palatkwapi" or the Red House located somewhere in central America having four

storeys and on the top storey there is learning of planetsand stars.

In this story man also learnt about the "Open Door" in thetop of their heads, how to keep it open and converse with

the Creator.

This "Open Door" of Hopi mythology is the same as theseventh centre on the central axis, and is called 

"Sahastrara" - the Thousand petalled lotus in the Hinduscriptures.

When the primordial power or the "Kundalini" is able topass through the last centre one can commune with the


With time, detailed knowledge about these centres were lostamong the Hopi people, but it can still be found in the holy

land of India.

India has time and again seen the incarnations of the GreatSpirit, who have kept alive this knowledge throughout the


Knowledge of the ancient Indian scriptures stronglyindicates that the area known as the "Four Corners", wherethe Hopis have settled is an important vibratory centre

 which will cause the emergence of the new age which is knownas the Fifth World by the Hopi people.

Lets consider some facts:

> The Hopi believe the Creator of Man is a woman.> The Sumerians believed the Creator of Man was a woman.

Vedic tradition and most of the other ancientcivilization believe in the feminine aspect of the


Vedic tradition calls her as Prakriti (mothernature) or Shakti (creative force responsible for

weaving the web of life).

Interestingly, the Hopi regard her as Spiderwoman i.e

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the one who has woven the web of life.

This was the predominant thinking of most of thecivilizations during the Age of Cancer, the mothersign, which lasted from around 8000B.C to 6000B.C.

> The Hopi believe the Father Creator is KA.> The Sumerians believed the Father Essence was KA.

The vedic tradition also believes that the root of thefather essence is 'KA' which is the first alphabet ofSanskrit, the primary language of the Vedic tradition.

> The Hopi believe Taiowa, the Sun God, is the Creator> of the Earth. The Sumerians believe TA.EA was the

> Creator.

The Vedic tradition also believes that the earth was

born out of the Sun and has been nourished by it eversince.

The Sun is seen and worshipped as the materialrepresentation of the one true God, the eternal creator

provider and destroyer, in both the cultures.

> The Hopi believe two brothers had guardianship of the> Earth. The Sumerians believed two brothers had dominion

> over the Earth.

Almost all the cultures including the Egyptians,Mayans, Assyrians, Phoenicians, and the Jews have this

concept of twin gods or brothers presidingover the affairs of the earth.

This concept arises from the dual nature of the world we live in symbolized by Gemini, the sign of the twins,and worship of these twin gods was at its peak in theAge of Gemini ranging from around 4000 B.C to 2000 B.C.

 > The Hopi believe Akush to be the Dawn Katsina. The> Sumerians believed AK.U to be Beings of light.

The Sanskrit word for sky, most preferably for the dawntime which is considered the most sacred time, is


> The Hopi name for the Pleaides is ChooChookam. The> Sumerians believed SHU. SHU.KHEM were the supreme

> stars.

Though Pleaides are significant to the Hopi people thereal significance is given to the Great Bear or the

seven sisters constellation.

Hopi believe that they came to earth from one of thestars in the Great Bear in a big spaceship and the

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Hopi brothers.

This spirit of sacrifice for the cause of humanity has come because the Hopis have remained to the ancient spirit of

their people.

So it is important that more number of Hopi people take partin the great ceremonies, that tell them of their origins,their emergence in the forth world and the wisdom for the


The Hopis cause has found its voice through the songs and  music of artists like Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix.

It is through the power of these ceremonies that these messengers were brought to the world to spread the Hopi

 message all across the globe.

We know that the Hopi people have waited patiently for"Pahana" - The true White Brother, as told in your


But this coming will only be possible if enough of the Hopi people remain true to their ancient spirit and put their

faith in the Great Ceremony.

The "Great Purification" as told of by the Hopi prophesy, iscoming close and so it is a time of great caution.

It is the time for east and west to come together as one people because the Hopis and Indians share a common destiny.

The patience and perseverance of thousands of years may gowaste , because as the Hopi people know that great evil and destruction will befall the world, if they falter at this


The historical burden of suffering and injustice onhumanity has to be dealt with by the attitude of compassionand love and we pray the Hopi people will rise to occasion.

April 27, 1998

U.S. EmbassyShantipath

ChanakyapuriNew Delhi - 110021


Dear Sir/Ma'am,

This is concerning Prashant Trivedi's intention to visit theHopi spiritual Elders on the Hopi Indian Reservation in

Arizona, USA.

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I would like it to be made of public record that I, CharlesDiBella, Director and Site Manager of the Hopi InformationNetwork in Flagstaff, Arizona, is inviting Mr. Trivedi to

come to these lands and to meet with the Elders.

The Hopi Information Network is a worldwide news gatheringand reporting agency, and Mr. Trivedi will be documenting

his trip for us while here.

Upon completion, he will be sharing the documentation of hisexperiences with the rest of the world through our computer

information network.

Currently, the Hopi Information Network has over 45,000visitors each month who read our information.

We wish to make it clear that we are in full support of Mr

Trivedi's endeavor to visit with the Hopi Elders and will be making such arrangements for him on our behalf.

We are willing and able to bear whatever expenses he mayincur while on the Hopilands and in the United States,including boarding, lodging, travel, and consulting.

We intend to take full responsibility for Mr.Trivedi'sfinances for the period which a visitor visa may be issued 

to him.

We are looking forward to having Mr. Trivedi as our guestand wish to thank you for allowing him to come.

Sincerely,C. DiBella

Director, The Hopi Infomation Network,Flagstaff, Arizona

Introducing Dr. Karan Singh

Born heir apparent to Maharaja Hari Singh and Maharani TaraDevi of Jammu and Kashmir, Dr. Karan Singh was catapulated into political life at the early age of eighteen when, in

1949, he was appointed Regent by his father on theintervention of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Thereafter he was head of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir for the next eighteen years as a Regent, as elected 

Sadar-i-Riyasat and lastly as Governor.

In 1967, Dr. Karan Singh was inducted as a member of theUnion Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

At 36, he was the youngest person ever to become a centralcabinet minister in India.

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Presently he is the Chairman of 'Temple of Understanding',a major global Interfaith association.

He is also an author of distinction, having written a numberof books on political science, philosophical essays,

travelogues, and poems in English.

For more detailed information on Dr. Karan Singh, visit:  Dr. Karan Singh's Homepage - Click here.

Dr.KARAN SINGHMember of Parliament

(Rajya Sabha)

3,Nyaya MargChanakyaPuri

New Delhi 110021

Tel: (011) 611-7144,611-5291

11 Sept 1997

To Whom It May Concern

Three young men from India - Arup Mitra, Prashant Trivediand Virender Bhatt - having completed their professionaltraining, have decided to undertake an ambitious and 

adventurous journey.

They seek to contact members of the Hopi Tribal Council inArizona, USA because they are convinced that the Hopis have

some valuable insight into the human condition and theevolution of human destiny over the next few years.

They are travelling overland across Asia and Europe and hopeto reach Arizona by the Spring of 1998.

It is appropriate that this journey is being undertaken at atime when the United Nations is observing the Decade of

Native People.

In a way this is an interfaith endeavour, and as Chairman ofthe Temple of Understanding, I warmly support their


I would be grateful for any help and assistance that could be rendered to them on this Journey to the West, so thatthey can return enriched with new knowledge and insight.

Karan Singh

Prashant Trivedi

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the "Great Purification" and the emergence of the "Fifth World."

The Great Purification is a term used for the upcoming earthchanges which will cleanse the earth of man's decadence.

Time is short, and the earth, their mother, is angry due tothe mindless activities of man and may choose to purify

herself in the very near future if man does not change his ways quickly.

Ancient Hopi prophecy, which has been handed down to theseTraditional Elders from generations past, warn humanity to

change its course before it is too late.

Hopi prophecy foretold the World Wars of earlier thiscentury, and each of their prophecies are preceded by a

number of signs.

During our talks, the Elders revealed to me signs preceeding

the Great Purification which are coming to pass at thistime.

The Elders were concerned and dissapointed about the lack ofawareness of these concepts in the ancient land of India.

The Elders also believe that in the near future all theraces will have to unite to share their wisdom in order to

evolve a global conciousness in harmony with nature.

Before my departure, I was most honoured as the Elderspresented me with a sacred planting stick, purified by


Along with this planting stick, I received three ears ofcorn used for seed, and detailed instructions concerning how

to raise this corn in the most adverse conditions.

The Hopi Elders have given to me all they were given by theGreat Spirit when they chose to settle in the area now known

as the land of the Four Corners.

The Hopi are unique as a people insofar as theiragricultural techniques are extremely simple and are

adaptable to the dry desert land of this area.

The Elders say that the first Hopi had chosen to live in

this barren desert so that they would always need to prayfor rain and thus not lose faith in their ceremonies which maintain their bond with the Mother nature and Creator.

They said that the True Hopi people represents the Red racethrough the authority vested in them by the Creator, Maasaw.

Maasaw had given them the sacred stone tablets at thebegining of this age along with the following message:

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people are living with more fears and anxieties than ever before.

Real peace has become an illusion, and nearly all who arealive today have never experienced it, believing that peace ismerely the absence of war.

The head powers of all nations deal with short term crisisintervention, and have no solutions for the long term wellbeing of the planet.

Reform measures offer no solution, rather such measuresare akin to using a life support system for a patient whosedeath is certain.

Like the legendary Phoenix bird, the entire structure must fall

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Great catastrophes are sure to come, and withtheir coming, it does not matter if any oneof us survives.

Survival preparedness is not at issue here,rather what is important is that we learnfrom the coming changes and re-direct ourinner being accordingly.

The human race has developed a system ofmodern living based on competition,materialism, consumption, and exploitation.

This modern system of living has broughtmankind to the brink of self-extinction, and each of us, in a small way, is responsiblefor this state of affairs.

The sad truth is that most of us are stillvery content with living within this system.

Humanity has reached the point of no return,and it is no longer realistic to think thatenough people around the globe will have asudden change of heart.

But even if the world as a whole will notchange, we as individuals still can.

To start, each of us must begin once again tosee time and reality as cyclical, and notlinear, as most in the modern world believeit to be.

The Darwinian theory of evolution suggeststhat the human race is in a state ofunhindered evolution by the process ofnatural selection.

This implies that we, as a race, are becomingmore intelligent than our ancestors with eachpassing generation.

The theory further suggests that we are in astate of perpetual progress, through lineartime,

 which only moves forward.

This is in opposition to the view held by allancient civilisations, who knew that time iscyclical, and that world ages repeatthemselves.

In ancient astrology, the term 'world age'signifies the time period between two greatpurifications, that is, cycles of greatdestruction and re-creation.

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According to the ancients, the periloussituation we find ourselves in today isnothing new, and it was very muchpredicted and expected.

Humanity was faced with the same situationabout 12,000 years ago, when great floodsdestroyed flourishing civilisations whichhad become overly materialistic as theytoo approached the end of their age.

Through massive catastrophies, significantportions of humanity die, and we start thecycle again, all as a very natural and cyclical process of life and death.

Unlike Darwin had theorized, we evolve inthese cycles of time rather than evolving

along a path of linear time.

Albert Einstein, in his special theory ofrelativity, points out that the space-timecontinuum, which defines the physics ofthe perceivable universe, is curved.

Anything which is curved is part of a circle;it is not a plane, and nothing in ouruniverse, including time, is linear.

This cycle of destruction and creation hashappened before, and it is about to happenagain.

Nearly all of us have experienced this cyclein ages past, and we will experience it againand again, until we begin to focus ourattention on learning the true meaning oflife.

When we do this, we will begin to grow on thetrue evolutionary ladder, which has nothingto do with Darwin.

All knowledge about the meaning of life and how it should be lived is inherent withinour mind.

It is up to each of us to discover the truemeaning of life by inquiring within our ownminds.

If someone tells you how you should live, what you should do, what your path might be,and if you follow that road, it will lead you nowhere.

Each of us has a different path which we

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This is how Swastika comes out of the Golden Mean Spiral Grail Cup

The left-handed swastika is a symbol ofKali, the Vedic Goddess who symbolizesdestruction.

In Sanskrit, this left-handed swastika isnamed by a different word, 'sauvastika,'which is the antithesis of 'svastika.'

Thus, the left-handed swastika means 'notconducive to well being.' This is theswastika which was used in World War II as

a symbol for Adolf Hitler's Nazi movement.

In spite of what it represents, theleft-handed swastika is still widely used throughout the world, including India,where it is quite prevalent.

Vedic scripture states that we are presentlyliving in 'Kaliyuga,' or the age of Kali,which will meet its end through 'Pralaya,'meaning widescale destruction.

Since creation and destruction are twounseparable facets of the Cosmic Plan, both

symbols have come into prominence throughthe ages.

Astrologically, the right-handed swastikais a symbol of the Seventh Ray, which isthe governing Ray of the Age of Aquarius,which is dawning upon us as the influenceof the Piscean Age begins to wane.

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BG 12.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception

of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, fixed and immovable — the

impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling the various senses and being

equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me.


BG 12.5: For those whose minds are attached to the unmanifested, impersonal feature of 

the Supreme, advancement is very troublesome. To make progress in that discipline is

always difficult for those who are embodied.

BG 12.6-7: But those who worship Me, giving up all their activities unto Me and being devoted to

Me without deviation, engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon Me, having fixed

their minds upon Me, O son of Prath? — for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of birth

and death.

BG 12.8: Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your 

intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt.

BG 10.2: Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin or opulences, for, inevery respect, I am the source of the demigods and sages.

BG 10.3: He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the

worlds — he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins.

BG 10.12-13: Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the ultimate abode, the

purest, the Absolute Truth. You are the eternal, transcendental, original person, the unborn, the

greatest. All the great sages such as N?rada, Asita, Devala and Vy?sa confirm this truth about

You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me.

BG 9.4: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me,

but I am not in them

BG 9.10: This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O sonof Kunt?, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rule this manifestation is created

and annihilated again and again.

Some people feel that formless does not have any potency of having a form. Gita clearly tells

about the manifestations of the supreme nature (inconcievable, unmanifested and unborn).

Naturally, the manifest can contain both form (like material nature, mass, matter etc) and the

formless (like knowledge, air, energy. consciousness etc). “Potency” doesn’t only mean the

masculine strength to lift heavy weights. It can also means the ability to give birth to a child

(feminine ability), ability to understand and memorise (mental ability) etc. It can also mean the

ability to have eternal knowledge, manifest in any form, in any color and yet the true form which is

formless being unknown. One can breathe air around which is present everywhere (omnipresent),

but it is formless. A person has a definite shape like sun as we see from earth, but it is “not

omnipotent” as we can neither see that person or the sun everywhere and everytime, whereas

the energy is an omnipotent concept which is all around us and yet formless. One cannot live

without air and energy.

Brahman, the universe or the ultimate consciousness, is all around us. It touches all the individual

consciousness and contains all the bodies in the universe. If we imagine of Brahman, we cannot

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universe can be called as finite or (b) It doesn't stop and hence universe can becalled infinite. For the former case, if we call universe as finite, then obviousquestions would be

• Where is the boundary of the universe?

What is its weight?• Is the universe itself rotating like earth?

• What shape does it have?

• Is universe itself revolving around something higher? What is outside thisuniverse, beyond its boundary?

From these questions one would again conclude to the latter case where thequestioning would cease to exist and one would realize that universe is infinite. Eventoday what modern science explores is within what it calls as “observable universe”.

 An infinite doesn't have a centre nor does it have any form. Thus the relativity ceaseto exist when the relation itself is done to universe and not to any object within the

universe. But the question is how did this universe itself come to existence?

RigVedic hymn of creation :There was neither non-existence nor existence then.There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.What stirred?Where?In whose protection?Was there water, bottlemlessly deep?There was neither death nor immortality then.There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse.

Other than that there was nothing beyond.Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning,with no distinguishing sign, all this was water.The life force that was covered with emptiness,that One arose through the power of heat.Desire came upon that One in the beginning,that was the first seed of mind.Poets seeking in their heart with wisdomfound the bond of existence and non-existence.Their cord was extended across.Was there below?Was there above?There were seed-placers, there were powers.

There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.Who really knows?Who will here proclaim it?Whence was it produced?Whence is this creation?The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.Who then knows whence it has arisen?Whence this creation has arisen- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -the One who looks down on it,

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Gita Verse 9.23

O Arjuna, those who worship devotedly different demigods, although faithfully; they alsoworship me only; but in an unauthorised manner.

Thus there are scriptural evidences of the tolerance to the worship of other names or demi-gods in the Indian scriptures. One may ask what

“unauthorised manner” verse 9.23 speaks about. To know the ultimate realitywe cannot rely only on spirituality alone or on materialism alone. We have toknow the ultimate reality by meditating upon it as a whole. We cannot pollutethe air i.e insult wind-god, deforest i.e insult the prakriti just to generatewealth i.e worship Laxmi. Thus ultimate reality has to be known as a whole.One should not be attached to its individual manifestations.

Gita Verses 15.3, 4

Within this world the inverted form of this tree cannot be perceived, nor its beginning, nor its foundation; severing this strongly rooted in attachment banyan tree with the sharpweapon of detachment; thereafter go to the place where there is no return again by approaching the exclusive shelter, surrendering at the feet of the Supreme Lord; verily to

the original, Ultimate Personality from whom the perpetual process emanates.

The fundamental differences between monotheism as originated in west andthe concept of ultimate reality from Vedas are as follows -:

1) In Monotheism every thing is God's, whereas with ultimate reality,everything is a part of ultimate reality.

2) In monotheism only the god as mentioned in the holy book is to beworshipped, whereas with respect to Ultimate reality, everything that upholdslife is considered as divine. E.g air, water, sun, fire, intellect, universe etc.

3) Monotheism forbids the chanting the name of some other god other thanthe one mentioned in their “holy book”, whereas the same ultimate reality iscalled by different names which concludes ultimate reality is nameless.

4) Monotheism preaches attachment to a particular name, a belief system, aset of DO-s and DONT-s which a person has to follow blindly. Whereas,Vedas and Upanishads speak of detachment to think objectively and gaincomplete knowledge.

5) Monotheistic god is personal and the belief is subjective. He belongs to thefollowers of the “book”. Whereas, the ultimate reality is impersonal, formless,

umanifested and unborn. It is to be known through detachment via anobjective frame of mind.

6) Monotheistic god in western faiths has a gender and is a male. Whereas,the ultimate reality is has both male and female names according to itsvarious manifestations.

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 Apart of Nicolas Tesla and Scroedinger, various other scientists and philosophers have testified about the greatness of Vedas and the Upanishads.

11) The western faiths preach conversion of the mankind to follow the belief as prescribed in the “book”, whereas Vedas and Upanishands promotequestioning (e.g “neti neti”) to experience the truth.

References :

Kenopanishad, translations by Aurobindo

The Secret of Vedas by Aurobindo

Bhagvad Gita

Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:31 No comments:Email ThisBlogThis! Share to Twitter  Share to Facebook 

Actions, Maya and the ultimate Reality

Actions, Maya and the Ultimate RealityBy Prashant Saxena

People today have a deep misconception about the scriptures like Veda and Gita.They assume that 'Maya' means that world is not real. Some people even think that

to free oneself, one has to give up all the worldy activities and chant some mantras.But people forget often that mantras are divine incantantations to understand andrever the nature and its elements like fire (agni-dev), surya (surya-dev) etc. They arealso the source of meditation and spirituality. Chanting the mantras withoutunderstanding the message is not considered either spirituality or intelligent.

 A person cannot live without doing any action. Meditation, breathing, seeing,hearing, chanting mantras etc are all actions. Bhagvada-Gita simply teaches tocontrol these actions and to find the truth.

BG 3.4: Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom from reaction,nor by renunciation alone can one attain perfection.

BG 3.5: Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the qualities he hasacquired from the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.

BG 3.6: One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on senseobjects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender.

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BG 3.7: On the other hand, if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-yoga [in Krsna consciousness] without attachment, he isby far superior.

BG 3.15: Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas aredirectly manifested from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently the all-

 pervading Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.

BG 3.16: My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human life the cycle of sacrifice thus established by the Vedas certainly leads a life full of sin. Living only for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person lives in vain.

BG 3.17: But for one who takes pleasure in the self, whose human life is one of self-realization, and who is satisfied in the self only, fully satiated — for him there is noduty.

BG 3.18: A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the discharge of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason not to perform such work. Nor has he any need to depend on any other living being.

BG 3.19: Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme.

When people are attached to their activities and senses, they are under the influenceof Maya. It is this Maya that creates an illusion and ignorance. If people are attachedto what they hear without analyzing it intellectually, it leads to ignorance. For e.gmany people are deluded that Hinduism is divided in cast system "by birth" wherepeople with surnames like Sharma, Chaturvedi, trivedi, Pathak etc are Brahmins.Chaturvedi simply means the knower of the four (chatur) Vedas. Trivedi refers to theknower of the three (Tri) Vedas. What Veda and GITA teach is a categorization of the society, a 'class system' and not 'cast system', based on profession or Karmaand not birth. Brahmins, by its definition and in today's modern terminology, includesscientists, researchers, teachers, doctors, engineers etc i.e those who indulge inintellectual work and knowledge to know the science and nature. Kshatriyas is thewarrior class. Thus all the soldiers in Indian army are kshatriyas irrespective of their religion and surnames. Vaishyas consisted of the business class and Shudras theunskilled labourers.

When people get attached to what they see and how they look, it causes suffering

and visual illusions. e.g A girl attached to her beauty finds it hard to accept her change to old age. Thus it is very important to control the mind which controls thefive senses.

BG 5.17: When one's intelligence, mind, faith and refuge are all fixed in theSupreme, then one becomes fully cleansed of misgivings through completeknowledge and thus proceeds straight on the path of liberation.

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BG 5.18: The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal vision alearned and gentle brāhmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste].

BG 6.4: A person is said to be elevated in yoga when, having renounced all material desires, he neither acts for sense gratification nor engages in fruitive activities.

BG 6.5: One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself.The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

BG 6.6: For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

In upanishads, this is the "manmaya kosa" or the mental sheath. Sight, hearing,smell, touch and taste are only the objective channels to the mind and its the mindthat can act very subjectively. The mind can chose to hear what it wants and ignorethe rest. In a crowd, one's mind may chose to focus and hear only to what a

particular person might be saying. At that moment one might not be able to processany other person. The focus can shift though as per the directions of the mind. Thusthe mind is the controller of all 5 senses from which the collected data can be put touse by one's own intellect. Its a recursive procedure and the intellect can sharpenitself with the information it recieves.

The ultimate reality is said to be unmanifested, unborn and inconcievable from whicheverything else, both material and spiritual, is emanating.

BG 9.4: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beingsare in Me, but I am not in them

BG 12.3-4: But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, unchanging, fixed and immovable — the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth — by controlling thevarious senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged inthe welfare of all, at last achieve Me.

BG 10.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanatesfrom Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

Thus Bhagvada Gita teaches directly how manifest arises from the unmanifest. Oncontrary to the unmanifest, the manifestations are changing, dynamic or limited. e.gSun which a manifestation of the ultimate reality has a form, color, size etc whenviewed from the earth. But are we seeing the truth? Do we think that the Sun or our appearance when we see in the mirror is static? What exactly are we seeing?

Physically, we are growing daily. The change is very slow as per our perception andit is unobservable. We are not the same person who existed some ten years ago.

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The physical image of our face, weight, shape, size, height etc have all changed.Chemically, we are losing millions of molecules per second in the form of breath(exhale), perspiration, excreta, urination, farts and intaking other molecules in theform of breath (inhale), drinking, eating etc. In brief, a person does not have thesame set of molecules or atoms that he had a second ago. Mentally, our thoughtsare changing too. What we were thinking a second ago is not the same. Mentally weevolve and our knowledge increases every passing second. Our holistic experienceof the world changes every moment.

So how can we be the same even in a seconds differentiation? Are our eyesdecieving us when we look into the mirror? If we get attached to our looks, then weare bound to suffer when we change or grow old. This suffering due to attachmentand ignorance is the constant effect of Maya which is all around us and forever tryingto control our mind. It is only because of Maya that we are not able to understand theultimate reality or the truth. We see the sun and we think it is the same. But the truthis that the sun is also fading out. It has spent 4 million years and only has another 4million years to live after which it will convert into a nova or a supernova. It is

releasing huge amount of hydrogen in the form of fusion reactions into helium.Therefore, chemically it is not the same any second. Physically it releases longchains of fires or the solar winds, its magnetic field keeps on changing. So again, isour perception decieving us about the shape and size of the sun? Do we think wewill be the same person after 20 years with the same strength, healing rate of thecells, quickness of the mind and the body? Do we think that change is sudden thatwe would grow fragile with white hair and brittle bones overnight?

In Gita, this is explained via the three modes of the material nature.

BG 14.5: Material nature consists of three modes — goodness, passion and ignorance. When the eternal living entity comes in contact with nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he becomes conditioned by these modes.

BG 14.6: O sinless one, the mode of goodness, being purer than the others, isilluminating, and it frees one from all sinful reactions. Those situated in that modebecome conditioned by a sense of happiness and knowledge.

BG 14.7: The mode of passion is born of unlimited desires and longings, O son of Kuntī, and because of this the embodied living entity is bound to material fruitiveactions.

BG 14.8: O son of Bharata, know that the mode of darkness, born of ignorance, isthe delusion of all embodied living entities. The results of this mode are madness,indolence and sleep, which bind the conditioned soul.

BG 14.9: O son of Bharata, the mode of goodness conditions one to happiness; passion conditions one to fruitive action; and ignorance, covering one's knowledge,binds one to madness.

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BG 14.10: Sometimes the mode of goodness becomes prominent, defeating themodes of passion and ignorance, O son of Bharata. Sometimes the mode of passiondefeats goodness and ignorance, and at other times ignorance defeats goodnessand passion. In this way there is always competition for supremacy.

BG 14.11: The manifestations of the mode of goodness can be experienced when all the gates of the body are illuminated by knowledge.

BG 14.12: O chief of the Bhāratas, when there is an increase in the mode of passionthe symptoms of great attachment, fruitive activity, intense endeavor, and uncontrollable desire and hankering develop.

BG 14.13: When there is an increase in the mode of ignorance, O son of Kuru,darkness, inertia, madness and illusion are manifested.

BG 14.14: When one dies in the mode of goodness, he attains to the pure higher  planets of the great sages.

BG 14.15: When one dies in the mode of passion, he takes birth among thoseengaged in fruitive activities; and when one dies in the mode of ignorance, he takesbirth in the animal kingdom.

BG 14.16: The result of pious action is pure and is said to be in the mode of goodness. But action done in the mode of passion results in misery, and action

 performed in the mode of ignorance results in foolishness.

BG 14.17: From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of  passion, greed develops; and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness,madness and illusion.

BG 14.18: Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to thehigher planets; those in the mode of passion live on the earthly planets; and those inthe abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds.

BG 14.19: When one properly sees that in all activities no other performer is at work than these modes of nature and he knows the Supreme Lord, who is transcendental to all these modes, he attains My spiritual nature.

References :BhagVada Gita

Further reads :The shape of the ultimate reality

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Posted by Prashant Saxena at 21:28 No comments:Email ThisBlogThis! Share to Twitter  Share to Facebook 

Idol Worshipping, Western Terminologies and the Modern view

Idol Worshipping, Western Terminologies and the Modern view

By Prashant saxena

India is the only country in the world where other faiths evolved on the top of theexisting one i.e Hinduism. Buddhism, Jainism etc evolved and western faiths likeIslam and Christianity were accepted by the people of India. “Athiti Devo Bhava” hasalways been the mantra. This only shows the true tolerance of Hinduism. Other signsof tolerance in Hinduism is the acceptance of symbology to represent and addressthe ultimate reality and its various manifestations. This includes names and idols or statues. Some people also address by sitting in a particular direction.

But many westerners look down upon the concept of idol worship. What exactly isidol worshipping? Is there a differentiation between the various idols? Idol

worshipping is a very subjective form of bhakti (devotion). It is also a means of meditation and focus to raise one's conciousness to a higher state. The westernconcept of worshipping, religion and theism are very different from that of the Hindupoint of view. One shouldn't mix western terminologies with the Indian ones or try tocomprehend Indian scriptures from a western prism.

The very definition of theism has originated in the west where god is isolated fromthe nature, who created the nature and has his own set of miracles to perform. Thewestern conception of god or theism involves fear and hatred. Whereas in Vedicconcept, the closest english translation of deva is god. Deva is nothing but a part of ultimate reality which is manifested for a particular role just like science has physics

to serve one field, chemistry to serve another and biology another. Thus one cannotsay if Hinduism is polytheistic or monotheistic as these very concepts are western.Some people by stating "Veda consists of polytheism", unknowingly impose a non-spiritual and distorted definition of god from a limited western frame of understandingon to the Vedic conceptualizations which are metaphorically personified. All thedevas, that some people percieve as different gods, are part of ultimate reality, andby inducing inferior terms like polytheism they limit the devas in isolation to oneanother and to ultimate reality. Neither physics is isolated from science nor chemistry, neither wind (vayu-dev) is isolated from the nature (prakriti) nor fire (agni-dev). All the devas, as mentioned in Vedas, are the elements of the nature which areessential for the human survival or constitute the human body. A man cannot livewithout the sun (Surya-Dev), wind (Vayu-Dev) or agni (Agni-dev). One of the

message of the scriptures is to comprehend the truth i.e the ultimate reality which iscalled by various names, “Ekam Sat, Vipra Bahuda Vadanti”. Thus the conception of polytheism gets contradicted directly when faced with the understanding of the vedicscriptures and the upanishads.

Gitopanishad states,

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definition of astik, he would realize that it is actually the opposite of theism as blindbelief in an isolated god (as per western view) is neither spiritual nor intelligent. Butworshipping ( or revering ) the elements of nature, understanding their properties asstated in the Vedas and hence maintaining a balance in the nature is the veryessence of spirituality. Hence again, neither monotheism nor polytheism can ever beused to explain the essence of spirituality or the context of the Vedas.

Worshipping in vedic context means to rever the nature, treat it as divine so as tomaintain peace, balance and harmony all around. If a person cuts the trees, i.eabuses the nature, for the generation of wealth i.e laxmi, then it is simply notspiritual. Hence worshipping has to be done in a holistic way. Worshipping by animalkilling, polluting or abusing the nature and the mankind is neither spiritual nor a vedicform of worshipping.

Thus letting go of the western terminologies and comprehending the scriptures from

purely an Indian point of view, one would understand that the ultimate reality asdescribed in Veda and upanishads is comprehended by different symbols i.e variousnames and idols. Hence, one who doesn't understand the core of Hinduism i.e theVedas would normally think that Hinduism consists of various gods anddiversifications. But when one tries to move beyond that diversification, heconverges to the point of ultimate reality which the vedic seers percieved asformless, nameless, unmanifested, unborn, inconcievable. That very question thatconverges to the ultimate reality is stated in the “RigVedic Hymn of creation”.

RigVedic hymn of creation :

There was neither non-existence nor existence then.

There was neither the realm of space nor the sky which is beyond.

What stirred?


In whose protection?

Was there water, bottlemlessly deep?

There was neither death nor immortality then.

There was no distinguishing sign of night nor of day.

That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse.

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Other than that there was nothing beyond.

Darkness was hidden by darkness in the beginning,

with no distinguishing sign, all this was water.

The life force that was covered with emptiness,

that One arose through the power of heat.

Desire came upon that One in the beginning,

that was the first seed of mind.

Poets seeking in their heart with wisdom

found the bond of existence and non-existence.

Their cord was extended across.

Was there below?

Was there above?

There were seed-placers, there were powers.

There was impulse beneath, there was giving forth above.

Who really knows?

Who will here proclaim it?

Whence was it produced?

Whence is this creation?

The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.

Who then knows whence it has arisen?

Whence this creation has arisen

- perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not -

the One who looks down on it,

in the highest heaven, only He knows

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or perhaps even He does not know.

Hence, different names and idols were given by the people to comprehend theultimate reality. As explained, idol worshipping in its true meaning enhances onefocus and concentration. Some people concentrate on the idols, some on the light of candle and some on the rising sun. Many idols personify the different aspects of nature. A person who doesn't understand the essence of symbology, would percieveidol worshipping as some infatuation to a physical form. But for different people itmeans a different and subjective state of concentration. In mahabharata, Eklavyatrained himself in warfare by worshipping the idol of Dronacharya who wasconsidered as a master in the art of warfare.

Gitopanishad explains various steps to achieve or focus on the ultimate reality,

Chapter 12,Verse 8 

Concentrate the mind upon Me, apply spiritual intelligence for Me; verily youwill reside with Me after this existence without doubt.

Verse 9

O Arjuna, if therefore you are unable to completely establish the mind steadfastly in Me; thentry to obtain Me by practicing the science of uniting theindividual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness by remembering Me.

Verse 10 

 And if in the practice of remembering Me, you are also unfit then bededicated in the performance of duties for Me and in performing activities for My satisfaction you will achieve perfection.

Verse 11

 And if also this you are unable to perform then taking shelter of Me by thescience of uniting the individual consciousness with the UltimateConsciousness, controlling the mind perform all activities renouncing theresults.

Verse 12 

Knowledge is superior to practice, meditation is considered better thanknowledge; renouncing the results of actions than meditation, for by suchrenunciation comes tranquility.

Verses 13, 14

That devotee of Mine who is non-envious possessing benevolence towardsall living entities,compassionate with no sense of proprietorship; free fromfalse ego, equal in distress and happiness, forgiving, the always content one

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BG 15.3-4 The real form of this tree cannot be perceived in this world. No one canunderstand where it ends, where it begins, or where its foundation is. But withdetermination one must cut down this strongly rooted tree with the weapon of detachment. Thereafter, one must seek that place from which, having gone, onenever returns, and there surrender to that Supreme Personality of Godhead fromwhom everything began and from whom everything has extended since timeimmemorial.

Vedas although do not mention idol worshipping, they do not criticize or condemn iteither. The true experience of the ultimate reality as mentioned in the Vedas and thevarious Upanishads, cannot be realized through words or names alone. Thus in ahigher state of consciousness, a person transcends to experience the formless andthe nameless.

BG 3.42: The working senses are superior to dull matter; mind is higher than thesenses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; and he [the soul] is even higher than the intelligence.

 References : by Prashant Saxena at 21:28 No comments:

The shape of the ultimate reality

By Prashant Saxena

Hexagonal, triangle, square, fat, large, small etc are all having a definite shape, adefinite form. A human body has a definite shape, so does the sun when viewedfrom the earth. Thus, if one analyzes the fundamental definition of shape and form,then one would realize that these are only the attributes observable by the eye. If one can see or observe something, then only he can tell what shape, size and form itis. How can one observe from a distance, of the shape, size and form of something if he is blind? The ability to visualize enhances the perception of form and shape. Doknowledge, spiritual experience, energy, empty space or vaccum, thoughts, soundthat we hear etc have any shape, size or form?

The ONE/ the Brahman in the Vedas: He is One and only One, Sustains entireuniverse, Omnipresent, Formless, All-Powerful, Perfect, Omniscient, Unborn, Eternaland supports us always.He alone should be worshipped. (Yajurveda 40.8)

In Gita, Krishna reveals clearly that the true definition of "him" or the ultimate realityis unmanifested, unborn, impersonal, inconcievable, fixed, eternal, unchanging and

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BG 9.4: By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beingsare in Me, but I am not in them

BG 9.10: This material nature, which is one of My energies, is working under My direction, O son of Kuntī, producing all moving and nonmoving beings. Under its rulethis manifestation is created and annihilated again and again.

Some people feel that formless does not have any potency of having a form. Gitaclearly tells about the manifestations of the supreme nature (inconcievable,unmanifested and unborn). Naturally, the manifest can contain both form (likematerial nature, mass, matter etc) and the formless (like knowledge, air, energy.

consciousness etc). "Potency" doesn't only mean the masculine strength to lift heavyweights. It can also means the ability to give birth to a child (feminine ability), abilityto understand and memorise (mental ability) etc. It can also mean the ability to haveeternal knowledge, manifest in any form, in any color and yet the true form which isformless being unknown. One can breathe air around which is present everywhere(omnipresent), but it is formless. A person has a definite shape like sun as we seefrom earth, but it is "not omnipotent" as we can neither see that person or the suneverywhere and everytime, whereas the energy is an omnipotent concept which is allaround us and yet formless. One cannot live without air and energy.

Brahman, the universe or the ultimate consciousness, is all around us. It touches allthe individual consciousness and contains all the bodies in the universe. If weimagine of Brahman, we cannot concieve of its form in both in its physical aspectand the mental aspect . Therefore formless, yet omnipotent and omnipresent.

 Anything percievable by one's limited senses is limited in nature. The fact that wecan identifiy a being with a form outright limits it. How can a "limited' being beomnipotent and omnipresent? And hence the understanding of the unmanifestaspect of the supreme truth is difficult (BG 12.5).

 An analogy with this manifestation from the unmanifest could be thoughts whichappear out of nowhere. In a deep contemplative state, one might get a thought of hisrelative or a friend, to play a musical instrument, to have fame and name. Peoplemight see dreams which are hardly connected to their real life. A human mindcontains scattered bit of knowledge and thoughts which keeps on changing andsome which manifest randomly out of nowhere. During exam time, one mightmanifest that knowledge and write something that he might not usually think of.

 According to many sages, the Veda is also a revelation to many rishis in their 

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heightened state of consciousness. Gita teaches us how one can heighten hisconsciousness and touch the supreme consciousness. But one might ask what form,shape or size does consciousness have?

BG 9.11: Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be.

BG 9.22: But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating onMy transcendental form — to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.

BG 10.8: I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanatesfrom Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

References :

Bhagvada Gita


Further Reads :

Myths related to Bhagvada Gita

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Myths related to Bhagavada GitaBy Prashant Saxena

Bhagvada Gita, in brief, is not just a conversation between Arjun and Lord Krishna. Itis a spiritual knowledge imparted by Krishna to Arjun, who in despair seeing his

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relatives, teachers and friends as his enemy, was confused and shattered. Gita,imparts the knowledge of karma yoga, importance of gyana yoga, consciousnessand the truth about the ultimate reality.

Myth 1 :a) Krishna is the only godb) Lord Krishna is suppose to be supreme and all other gods including Shiva demigods.(Usually advocated by the people who identify the ultimate reality with a human formand a name 'Krishna')

The ancient Indians only believed in the concept of ultimate reality which is called by

various names and symbology. They never used words like monotheism or polytheism. They believed that the different aspects of the nature like fire, wind, sunetc are all parts of the nature. Hence in Vedic hymns one can find reveration to theindividual elements of the nature in a metaphorically personified form. E.g fire,personfied as agni-dev and sun as surya-dev. The Upanisadic texts proclaim that theBrahman is the one and only Godhead, in the Kathopanisad it is called Visnu and inthe Mandukyopanisad it is called Sivam. So it is said in the Vedas: "Ekam sad viprabahudha vadanti", which means that the truth is called by different names.

The chapter 10 of Bhagvada-Gita alone teaches of the various conceptions aboutthe ultimate reality idenitifed by different names.

BG 10.20: I am the Supersoul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all living entities. I am the beginning, the middle and the end of all beings.

BG 10.21: Of the Ādityas I am Visnu, of lights I am the radiant sun, of the Maruts I am Marīci, and among the stars I am the moon.

BG 10.22: Of the Vedas I am the Sāma Veda; of the demigods I am Indra, the king of heaven; of the senses I am the mind; and in living beings I am the living force[consciousness].

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BG 10.23: Of all the Rudras I am Lord Śiva, of the Yaksas and Rāksasas I am theLord of wealth [Kuvera], of the Vasus I am fire [Agni], and of mountains I am Meru.

BG 10.24: Of priests, O Arjuna, know Me to be the chief, Brhaspati. Of generals I amKārtikeya, and of bodies of water I am the ocean.

BG 10.25: Of the great sages I am Bhrgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental om.Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himālayas.

BG 10.26: Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of the sages among the demigods I am Nārada. Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I amthe sage Kapila.

BG 10.27: Of horses know Me to be Uccaihśravā, produced during the churning of the ocean for nectar. Of lordly elephants I am Airāvata, and among men I am themonarch.

BG 10.28: Of weapons I am the thunderbolt; among cows I am the surabhi. Of causes for procreation I am Kandarpa, the god of love, and of serpents I am Vāsuki.

BG 10.29: Of the many-hooded Nāgas I am Ananta, and among the aquatics I amthe demigod Varuna. Of departed ancestors I am Aryamā, and among thedispensers of law I am Yama, the lord of death.

BG 10.30: Among the Daitya demons I am the devoted Prahlāda, among subduers I am time, among beasts I am the lion, and among birds I am Garuda.

BG 10.31: Of purifiers I am the wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rāma, of fishes I am the shark, and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges.

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BG 10.32: Of all creations I am the beginning and the end and also the middle, O Arjuna. Of all sciences I am the spiritual science of the self, and among logicians I am the conclusive truth.

BG 10.33: Of letters I am the letter A, and among compound words I am the dual compound. I am also inexhaustible time, and of creators I am Brahmā.

BG 10.34: I am all-devouring death, and I am the generating principle of all that isyet to be. Among women I am fame, fortune, fine speech, memory, intelligence,steadfastness and patience.

BG 10.35: Of the hymns in the Sāma Veda I am the Brhat-sāma, and of poetry I amthe Gāyatrī. Of months I am Mārgaśīrsa [November-December], and of seasons I amflower-bearing spring.

BG 10.36: I am also the gambling of cheats, and of the splendid I am the splendor. I am victory, I am adventure, and I am the strength of the strong.

BG 10.37: Of the descendants of Vrsni I am Vāsudeva, and of the Pāndavas I am Arjuna. Of the sages I am Vyāsa, and among great thinkers I am Uśanā.

BG 10.38: Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom.

BG 10.39: Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. Thereis no being — moving or nonmoving — that can exist without Me.

If we anlayze the statement (b), then it flaws as it is again based on the westerndefinition of “god” or theism. For example, Science is a subject which has differentcategorizations like Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc. These names like ‘Phyisics,chemistry etc’ are given by the humans. How will a science student select his area of 

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Myth 2 : Krishna was egotistical as he asked to worship him (Usually propogated bythe anti-hindus)

This kind of criticism is usually done by the anti-hindus. In Gita, there are severalplaces where Lord Krishna articulates with pronouns like "I am, Me". The mostcritical part in that understanding is as to what that "I, Me" actually refers to? This isthe explanation given in the whole of Bhagvada-Gita. It is the explanation of ultimatereality which consists of spiritual energies, knowledge, material manifestations etc,every thing that emanates out of that ultimate reality or that definition behind "I, Me"(BG 12.3-4, 12.5-7, 10.2-3, 10.12-13, 9.4, 9.10-11, 10.8). This further explains theconcept of avatar in Hinduism. An avatar is simply a divine and living manifestationof the supreme reality according to hinduism.

Gita is a divine knowledge and nowhere Lord Krishna force Arjun to acknowledge hiswords. He only says, it his opinion.

BG 6.36: For one whose mind is unbridled, self-realization is difficult work. But hewhose mind is controlled and who strives by appropriate means is assured of success. That is My opinion.