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POULTRY SCIENCE@ Ib- ici- tck be /er Volume 88 June 2009 Number 6 WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION INVITED LECTURE Thepoultry scicntist: Past. present.and future P. B. Siege1 ............... ................ 1133 ENVIRONMENT, WELL.BEING, AND BEHAVIOR Bchavior difTerenti¿rtiorr betrveen lr'ild Japa,riese quz,lil, domesticquail. and their first filial gcnerzrtion G. B. Chang, H. Chang, X. P. Liu, G. H. Chen, W. M. Zhao, D. J. Ji, R. Chen, Y. R. Qin, X. K. Shi, and G. S. Hu .. ....... 1137 Thestructure iif feeding beliaviol in courrnercial broiler lines selectecl for ciifferent growth rates J. A. Howie, B. J. Tolkamp, S. Avendano, and I. Kyriazakis ............ ...... L143 Evahlation of disinfectants comrnonlvusedby the comrncrcial poultry industry under sirnr-rlated fieldconditions K. Stringfellow, P. Anderson, D. Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Byrd, J. McReynolds, J. Carey, D. Nisbet, and M. Farnell ........ 1151 GENETICS Genetic variability in residualvariation of body weiglrt and corrforrnation scores in broiler chickens A. Wolc, I. M. S. White, S. Avendano, and W. G. Hi11 .......... . 1156 Research Note Domestic¿rtion-relatcd gencticeffects on social bcliavior in chickens trffects of genotypeat a ma.jor gror'vth qunrrtitativc trait iocus A. Wirén, U. Gunnarsson, L. Andersson, and P. Jensen ..... .... 1162 IMMUNOLOGY HEALTH, AND DISEASE Egg yolk ornega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids rnodifi' tissue lipici components, antioxidarrtsta,tus, andex vivo cicosanoid production in chick cardiactissuc J. Bautista-Ortega, D. E. Goeger, and G. Cherian .... .............. 1167 Research Notes Use of thcrmography to screen firr subclinicalbumblefbot in poultry C. S. Wilcox, J. Patterson, and H. W. Cheng ......... 1176 Inactirration of avi¿rn influenz¿r vilus usirrgfour cornmonchemicals and one cletergent R. L. Alphin, K. J. Johnson, B. S. Ladman, and E. R. Benson .............. 1181 Serum chcniistry reference valuesin ¿idultJapanese quail ( Cotu'rn'ir cot'urn,i,r japoni,ca) inclucling sex-rc1atcc1 diflerences N. Scholtz, I. Halle, G. Flachowsk¡ and II. Sauerwein ........... ................ 1186 METABOLISM AND NUTRITION Effect of Quantum phvtaseon nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying lierrsfed corn-soybcan meal-based cliets A. L. Hughes, J. P. Dahiya, C. L. Wyatt, and H. L. Classen ..1191 Effect of inciusiorr of cellulosc in thc dict on thc incvitable endosenclrs arnino acid losses in the ileurn of broiler chickerr H. Kluth and M. Rodehutscord .......... ..... 1199 tx- or ri- coNrENrs "r#W EDITORIAL Editorial: Conflict of interest The case for avoidance and the pririciples for ma,nagernent -tlna",.i t ".3ffi#

POULTRY SCIENCE@ · Effect of Quantum phvtase on nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying

Jul 12, 2020



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Page 1: POULTRY SCIENCE@ · Effect of Quantum phvtase on nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying





Volume 88 June 2009 Number 6

WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION INVITED LECTUREThe poultry scicntist: Past. present. and future

P . B . S i e g e 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 3


Bchavior difTerenti¿rtiorr betrveen lr'ild Japa,riese quz,lil, domestic quail. and their first filial gcnerzrtionG. B. Chang, H. Chang, X. P. Liu, G. H. Chen, W. M. Zhao, D. J. J i , R. Chen,Y. R. Q in , X . K . Sh i , and G. S . Hu. . . . . . . . . 1137

The structure iif feeding beliaviol in courrnercial broiler lines selectecl for ciifferent growth ratesJ. A. Howie, B. J. Tolkamp, S. Avendano, and I . Kyr iazakis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L143

Evahlation of disinfectants comrnonlv used by the comrncrcial poultry industry under sirnr-rlatedfield conditionsK. Stringfellow, P. Anderson, D. Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Byrd, J. McReynolds, J. Carey,D. N isbet , and M. Farne l l . . . . . . . .1151


Genetic variability in residual variation of body weiglrt and corrforrnation scores in broiler chickensA. Wolc , I . M. S . Whi te , S . Avendano, and W. G. H i11 . . . . . . . . . . .1156

Research Note

Domestic¿rtion-relatcd genctic effects on social bcliavior in chickens trffects of genotype at a ma.jorgror'vth qunrrtitativc trait iocusA. Wirén, U. Gunnarsson, L. Andersson, and P. Jensen.. . . . . . . .1162


Egg yolk ornega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids rnodifi' tissue lipici components, antioxidarrt sta,tus,and ex vivo cicosanoid production in chick cardiac tissucJ . Baut is ta -Or tega, D. E . Goeger , and G. Cher ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1167

Research Notes

Use of thcrmography to screen firr subclinical bumblefbot in poultryC. S. Wilcox, J. Patterson, and H. W. Cheng . . . . . . . . . 1176

Inactirration of avi¿rn influenz¿r vilus usirrg four cornmon chemicals and one cletergentR. L . A lph in , K . J . Johnson, B . S . Ladman, and E. R. Benson . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1181

Serum chcniistry reference values in ¿idult Japanese quail ( Cotu'rn'ir cot'urn,i,r japoni,ca) incluclingsex-rc1atcc1 diflerencesN. Scho l tz , I . Ha l le , G. F lachowsk¡ and I I . Sauerwe in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1186


Effect of Quantum phvtase on nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying lierrs fedcorn-soybcan meal-based clietsA. L. Hughes, J. P. Dahiya, C. L. Wyatt , and H. L. Classen . .1191

Effect of inciusiorr of cellulosc in thc dict on thc incvitable endosenclrs arnino acid losses in the ileurnof broiler chickerrH. K lu th and M. Rodehutscord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1199



coNrENrs "r#W

EDITORIALEditorial: Conflict of interest The case for avoidance and the pririciples for ma,nagernent

-tlna",.i t


Page 2: POULTRY SCIENCE@ · Effect of Quantum phvtase on nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying

Effects of diet particle size on digestive parameters in D+ and D- genetic chicken lines selectedfor divergent digestion efficiencyN. Rougiére, J. Gornez, S. Mignon-Grasteau, and B. Carré.. .. 1206

Effect of incremental levels of r,-lysine and determination of the limiting amino acids in low crudeprotein corn-soybean meal diets for broilersA. M. Waguespack, S. Powel l , T. D. Bidner, R. L. Payne, and L. L. Southern.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I2L6

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Gogu valley) protein as an antimicrobiai agent in the clietsof broilersS. H. Ohh, P. L. Shinde, Z. Jin, J. Y. Choi, T.-W. Ifahn, H. T. Lim, G. Y. Kim,Y. Park, K.-S. I lahm, and B. J. Chae . . . . .L227

Effect of aflatoxin cuiture on intestinal function and nutrient loss in laying hensT. J. Applegate, G. Schatzmayr, K. Pricket, C. Tboche, and Z. Jiang ....\295


PHYSTOLOGY ENDOCRTNOLOGY AND REPRODUCTTONCloacal reflexes and uptake of fluorescein-labeled polystyrene beads in broiler chickens

H. J. van der Sluis, R. M. Dwars, J. C. M. Vernooi j , and W. J. M Landman.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L242

PROCESSING, PRODUCTS, AND FOOD SAFETYTenderness, moistness, and flavor of pre- and postrigor marinated broiler breast fillets evaluated

bv consumer sensory panelA. Saha, A. V. S. Perumal la, Y. Lee, J. F. Meul lenet, and C. M. Owens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12b0

Comparison of quality attributes of shell eggs subjected to directional microwave technologyD. G. Lakins, C. Z. Alvarado, A. M. Luna, S. F. O'Keefe, J. B. Boyce, L. D. Thompson,M. T. Brashears, J. C. Brooks, and M. M. Brashears.. . . . . . . . . . . .1252

The effects of edible coatings on chicken egg quality under refrigerated storageA. M. B i ladeau and K. M. Keener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1266

Validation of commercial processes for inactivation of Escherichza coli OI57:H7, SalmonellaTyphimurium, and Ltster'¿a monocytogenes oL the surface of whole-muscle turkey jerkyA. C. S. Porto-Fett, J. E. Call, C.-A. Ilwang, V. Juneja, S. Ingham, B. Ingharn,and J . B . Luchansky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L275

trffect of dry-air chilling on sensory descriptive profiles of cooked broiler breast meat deboned fourhours after the initiation of chillingH. Zhuang, E . M.Savage, D. P . Srn i th , and M. E . Ber rang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L282

Interventions for control of Salmonella: Clearance of microbial growth from rubber picker fingersJ. W. Arnold and tr . E. Yates . . . . . : , : : . . . . . . . . .1292

Analysis of risk factors for Campylobacter species infection in broiler flocksG. Náther, T. Al ter, A. Mart in, and L. El lerbroek.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L299

Research Note

Chemical composition, cholesterol content, and fatty acid profile of pigeon meat as influencedby meat-type breedsJ. F. Pomianowski, D. Mikulski, K. Pudyszak, R. G. Cooper, M. Angowski, A. Jóíwik,and J . O. Horbaúc2uk. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1906


Nonlinear mixed modeis to study metabolizable energy utilization in broiler breeder hensL. F. Romero, M. J. Zuidhof, R. A. Renerna, F. E. Robinson, and A. Naeima.. . . . . .1810

Broiler incubation. 2. Interaction of incubation and brooding temperatures on broiler chick feedconsumption and growthN. Leksrisompong, H. Romero-Sanchez, P. W. Plumstead, K. E. Brannan, S. Yahav,and J . Brake. . . . . . . . . . . . .L921

Research Note

trffect of different egg storage periods on some egg quality characteristics and hatchability of partridges(Alectori,s graeca)T. Qai layan, S. Alaqahan, K. Krrrkgr, and A. Günlü.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1BB0



Page 3: POULTRY SCIENCE@ · Effect of Quantum phvtase on nutrient digestibility and bone ash in Wliite Leghorn laying

SYMPOSIUMFuture of Poultry Science

The future of poultry science research: Things I think I thinkR . L . T a y l o r J r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 3 4

The future of poultry science: Student perspectiveM . Y e g a n i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 3 9


Nunc D imi t t i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1343

Positions Available ......... 1344