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Physical and mechanical metallurgy of high purity Nb for accelerator cavities T. R. Bieler, 1 N. T. Wright, 2 F. Pourboghrat, 2 C. Compton, 3 K. T. Hartwig, 4 D. Baars, 1 A. Zamiri, 2 S. Chandrasekaran, 2 P. Darbandi, 1,2 H. Jiang, 1 E. Skoug, 1 S. Balachandran, 4 G. E. Ice, 5 and W. Liu 6 1 Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226, USA 2 Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226, USA 3 National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1321, USA 4 Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA 5 Division of Materials Science & Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 6 Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA (Received 29 November 2009; published 15 March 2010) In the past decade, high Q values have been achieved in high purity Nb superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities. Fundamental understanding of the physical metallurgy of Nb that enables these achievements is beginning to reveal what challenges remain to establish reproducible and cost-effective production of high performance SRF cavities. Recent studies of dislocation substructure development and effects of recrystallization arising from welding and heat treatments and their correlations with cavity performance are considered. With better fundamental understanding of the effects of dislocation substructure evolution and recrystallization on electron and phonon conduction, as well as the interior and surface states, it will be possible to design optimal processing paths for cost-effective performance using approaches such as hydroforming, which minimizes or eliminates welds in a cavity. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.13.031002 PACS numbers: 81.05.Bx, 74.70.Ad, 61.72.Ff, 66.70.Df I. INTRODUCTION The continuing efforts to improve cavity performance to attain a high electric field and quality (efficiency) factor, Q, have shown that the theoretical limit for the maximum field of about 42 MV=m is within reach [1]. As this limit is approached, identification of factors accounting for sub- theoretical performance becomes increasingly important in order to reduce variability in performance. A number of hypothetical reasons have been put forward, many of which are linked to the metallurgical state of the Nb, particularly in welds. As there are many possible variables, discussion will become less speculative if fundamental understanding of the physical metallurgy processes that occur along the fabrication path is clarified. This paper provides an overview of what is known about the evolution of metallurgical state, and identifies areas needing further examination; a condensed version of this paper is in [2]. The primary focus will be on factors that affect form- ability of Nb and cavity performance based upon classical [35] mechanical and physical metallurgical knowledge. These topics are insufficient to identify all that accounts for variability in performance, as there are additional factors related to electromagnetic and superconducting states in the few nanometers near the surface of the interior, which are discussed in other papers [68]. This paper will focus on the evolution of defect structures, primarily dislocation substructure, and how it affects cavity manufacturing and performance. The basic crystal structure is discussed first, followed by physical metallurgical changes that occur with forming, welding, heat-treating, etching, and baking. II. BCC DISLOCATION CHARACTERISTICS Pure Nb is a body centered cubic (BCC) metal similar to steel in structure only, as steels contain other elements (always C, S, P, Mn, sometimes Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Nb, Mo). Much of the metallurgy of steel is focused on ex- ploiting the phase transformation from face centered cubic (FCC) to BCC (Fig. 1) that occurs around 700900 C, and controlling the distribution of C in interstitial positions and carbide precipitates. Interstitial carbon and small precip- itates have a large influence on the generation of mobile defects such as vacancies and dislocations (terminated half planes of atoms), which determine the strength and ductil- ity of the alloy. In FCC metals (e.g. Al, Cu, Pb, some stainless steels), dislocation and mechanical twinning pro- cesses are confined to f111g planes with dislocation motion in the h110i and h112i twinning directions. 1 Conversely, dislocations in the BCC structure move in h111i directions on f110g, f112g, and f123g planes. In FCC metals, there are 12 slip systems of three slip directions on four slip planes. In BCC metals, there are six f110g slip planes on which there are two slip directions, which also provide 12 slip systems. Because BCC metals are also able to slip along the same four h111i directions on f112g, and f123g planes, 1 The symbols fg and hi around ‘‘Miller indices’’ are used to describe families of similar (symmetric) crystallographic planes and directions, respectively, in terms of the cubic lattice. The symbols ( ) and [ ] refer to specific members of the family of planes and directions, respectively, arising from any permutation of positive and negative integers in the family. For example, four h111i directions, six f110g planes, 12 f112g planes, and 24 f123g planes are present in any cubic structure. PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS - ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 13, 031002 (2010) 1098-4402= 10=13(3)=031002(13) 031002-1 Ó 2010 The American Physical Society

Physical and mechanical metallurgy of high purity Nb for ...

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Page 1: Physical and mechanical metallurgy of high purity Nb for ...

Physical and mechanical metallurgy of high purity Nb for accelerator cavities

T.R. Bieler,1 N. T. Wright,2 F. Pourboghrat,2 C. Compton,3 K. T. Hartwig,4 D. Baars,1 A. Zamiri,2 S. Chandrasekaran,2

P. Darbandi,1,2 H. Jiang,1 E. Skoug,1 S. Balachandran,4 G. E. Ice,5 and W. Liu6

1Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226, USA2Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1226, USA

3National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1321, USA4Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA

5Division of Materials Science & Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA6Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA

(Received 29 November 2009; published 15 March 2010)

In the past decade, high Q values have been achieved in high purity Nb superconducting radio

frequency (SRF) cavities. Fundamental understanding of the physical metallurgy of Nb that enables these

achievements is beginning to reveal what challenges remain to establish reproducible and cost-effective

production of high performance SRF cavities. Recent studies of dislocation substructure development and

effects of recrystallization arising from welding and heat treatments and their correlations with cavity

performance are considered. With better fundamental understanding of the effects of dislocation

substructure evolution and recrystallization on electron and phonon conduction, as well as the interior

and surface states, it will be possible to design optimal processing paths for cost-effective performance

using approaches such as hydroforming, which minimizes or eliminates welds in a cavity.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.13.031002 PACS numbers: 81.05.Bx, 74.70.Ad, 61.72.Ff, 66.70.Df


The continuing efforts to improve cavity performance toattain a high electric field and quality (efficiency) factor,Q,have shown that the theoretical limit for the maximum fieldof about 42 MV=m is within reach [1]. As this limit isapproached, identification of factors accounting for sub-theoretical performance becomes increasingly important inorder to reduce variability in performance. A number ofhypothetical reasons have been put forward, many ofwhich are linked to the metallurgical state of the Nb,particularly in welds. As there are many possible variables,discussion will become less speculative if fundamentalunderstanding of the physical metallurgy processes thatoccur along the fabrication path is clarified. This paperprovides an overview of what is known about the evolutionof metallurgical state, and identifies areas needing furtherexamination; a condensed version of this paper is in [2].

The primary focus will be on factors that affect form-ability of Nb and cavity performance based upon classical[3–5] mechanical and physical metallurgical knowledge.These topics are insufficient to identify all that accounts forvariability in performance, as there are additional factorsrelated to electromagnetic and superconducting states inthe few nanometers near the surface of the interior, whichare discussed in other papers [6–8]. This paper will focuson the evolution of defect structures, primarily dislocationsubstructure, and how it affects cavity manufacturing andperformance. The basic crystal structure is discussed first,followed by physical metallurgical changes that occur withforming, welding, heat-treating, etching, and baking.


Pure Nb is a body centered cubic (BCC) metal similar tosteel in structure only, as steels contain other elements(always C, S, P, Mn, sometimes Al, Si, Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Nb,Mo). Much of the metallurgy of steel is focused on ex-ploiting the phase transformation from face centered cubic(FCC) to BCC (Fig. 1) that occurs around 700–900�C, andcontrolling the distribution of C in interstitial positions andcarbide precipitates. Interstitial carbon and small precip-itates have a large influence on the generation of mobiledefects such as vacancies and dislocations (terminated halfplanes of atoms), which determine the strength and ductil-ity of the alloy. In FCC metals (e.g. Al, Cu, Pb, somestainless steels), dislocation and mechanical twinning pro-cesses are confined to f111g planes with dislocation motionin the h110i and h112i twinning directions.1 Conversely,dislocations in the BCC structure move in h111i directionson f110g, f112g, and f123g planes. In FCC metals, there are12 slip systems of three slip directions on four slip planes.In BCC metals, there are six f110g slip planes on whichthere are two slip directions, which also provide 12 slipsystems. Because BCC metals are also able to slip alongthe same four h111i directions on f112g, and f123g planes,

1The symbols f g and h i around ‘‘Miller indices’’ are used todescribe families of similar (symmetric) crystallographic planesand directions, respectively, in terms of the cubic lattice. Thesymbols ( ) and [ ] refer to specific members of the family ofplanes and directions, respectively, arising from any permutationof positive and negative integers in the family. For example, fourh111i directions, six f110g planes, 12 f112g planes, and 24 f123gplanes are present in any cubic structure.


1098-4402=10=13(3)=031002(13) 031002-1 � 2010 The American Physical Society

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BCC metals have as many as 48 distinct slip systemsavailable; 12 on the six f110g planes, 12 on the 12 f112gplanes, and 24 on the 24 f123g planes. While slip on f123gplanes is observed in Nb at large strains that occur inrolling [9], it appears to be less active in forming opera-tions of recrystallized material, where strains are smaller.There are two equivalent descriptions for each systemillustrated in Fig. 2, where each slip system is definedwith a plane and shear direction; the same sense of shearcan be accomplished by dislocations on either side of theslip plane, moving in opposite directions. Dislocationsources often generate matched sets moving in oppositedirections [10]. Operation of several slip systems is usuallyrequired to change the shape of an object such as a grain ina polycrystal, leading to intersections (Fig. 2). When dis-locations interact, they become curved, which alters thestructure of the dislocation core into a mixture of edge andscrew components, as illustrated in Fig. 3.

In the BCC structure, dislocations reside in deep energywells, and their motion requires significantly greater me-chanical force than in FCC metals. Thermal vibrationprovides a large fraction of the energy needed to movedislocations in BCC metals. This makes all BCC metalsvery strong at cryogenic temperatures, as illustrated inFig. 4 [11], which shows how the flow stress for Nb dropsby an order of magnitude as the temperature changes fromnear-0 to ambient. The shear stress � and the shear strain

rate _� on a slip plane are related by the Orowan equation_� ¼ �b �v, where � is the dislocation density, �v is theaverage velocity, and b the Burgers vector (unit of motionof a dislocation, i.e., the atomic spacing on the slip plane).The velocity v is a strong function of stress, given by v ¼voð�=�oÞm, where vo and �o are a reference velocity andstress, and m is a large positive exponent, (e.g. �25).Observations of dislocations in BCC metals show mostlythe screw orientation, which implies that the edge disloca-tion has higher mobility than a screw dislocation [4]. At animposed strain rate, a yield drop is a natural consequenceof dislocation multiplication from an initially low density,such that the average velocity decreases, and with it, thestress. The yield stress in BCC metals is also highlysensitive to interstitial atom content, as interstitial atomswill diffuse into dislocation cores to lock them, even atroom temperature. These interstitials raise the mechanicalenergy needed to force dislocations to break away from thesolute atoms that pin them, leading to an initial yield droponce the stress is sufficiently high. This sudden yield dropis commonly observed in plain carbon steels and lowerpurity Nb.

FIG. 2. (Color) Two f110g slip planes with a common [111] axisperpendicular to the page are illustrated on a cubic unit cell.Motion of dislocations from sources S arise due to an imposedshear stress � that activates two slip systems. The plane normaland slip directions are described with Miller indices such that thescalar product is zero; each system can be equivalently describedin two ways using opposite signs (bars over numbers).

FIG. 3. (Color) Curved dislocations have edge and screw com-ponents.

FIG. 4. (Color) Temperature dependence of Nb flow stress, usedwith permission from AIP [11].

FIG. 1. (Color) Comparison between BCC and FCC crystalstructures. Examples of slip planes are shaded, and slip direc-tions identified with dotted lines.

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Pure Nb is a much simpler metal than steel because itlacks the complexities of the FCC-BCC transformationcoupled with precipitation of second phases that enable awide range of microstructures and properties. In contrast toFe, only the dislocation substructure, the grain shape, size,orientation, and misorientation distribution can be modi-fied in pure Nb. Furthermore, the elastic anisotropy of Nbis the opposite of Fe, as illustrated in Fig. 5 [12], whichaffects the core structure of dislocations in Fe and Nb. InFe, the direction of h111i dislocation slip is in the stiffestdirection in the crystal, whereas in Nb, it is the most

compliant direction (low spring constant). Nb is the mostcompliant of all the BCC metals, which may arise from Nbbeing the only group 5 metal with an extra d shell electroninstead of a filled s shell. These differences make extrap-olations of properties of steel to Nb rather dubious.As dislocations on a slip plane impose an elastic repul-

sive force on neighboring dislocations, a pileup of samesigned dislocations generated by strain against a grainboundary (which controls the yield stress) leads to internalelastic back stresses that resist formation of more disloca-tions. The stress imposed on a barrier by a pileup ofdislocations (e.g. a grain boundary or an entanglement) isproportional to n�, where n is the number of dislocations ina pileup and � is the stress needed to initiate slip [10].Consequently, to achieve the same internal stress in Nb asin Fe, Nb would require more than 3 times the number ofdislocations, as E111ðFeÞ=E111ðNbÞ ¼ 3:3. Because the in-teraction forces between dislocations in Nb are muchsmaller, dislocation entanglements lead to much smallerinternal stresses in Nb, and hence, dislocations are muchmore stable in Nb.Figure 6 shows stress-strain curves for nine single-

crystal orientations [13] on specimens cut from a 2.8 mmthick slice from an as-cast ingot produced by Ningxia(China), with a 18 mm long, 4 mm wide gage section.Table I shows how these specimens were cut to favordifferent slip systems or combinations of slip systems.Slip will occur when the resolved shear stress from animposed stress (quantified using the Schmid factor) ex-ceeds the critical resolved shear stress. The critical re-solved shear stress (CRSS) for f112gh111i slip is about5% lower than for slip on f110gh111i systems, but whenboth of these systems are nearly equally favored with thesame slip direction, their interactions raise the CRSS byabout 6%–8%. The work hardening rate is strongly depen-

FIG. 6. (Color) Stress-strain curves for nine single crystals described in Table I oriented to investigate slip system interactions; somehave a single slip direction (S) for much of the deformation (curves that are more nearly flat). Five specimens show softening, and threeothers have multiple slip directions activated (SD, DD) that cause stress increases (work hardening) from dislocation intersections,entanglements, and lattice rotations made evident by streaked diffraction patterns. The diffraction patterns from white synchrotronradiation represent orientations from a �1 �m diameter column of atoms about 100 �m deep.

FIG. 5. (Color) The elastic anisotropy of BCC metals is plottedon f100g and f110g planes showing maximum and minimumvalues of Young’s (tensile) modulus, E (the vector from theorigin to the curve gives the direction and magnitude). Themaximum stiffness in Fe is along h111i, which is the mostcompliant in Nb. Nb is the most compliant of BCC metals [12].

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dent on slip system interactions; when slip is favored ontwo planes with the same slip direction, the work harden-ing (rate of stress increase) is much smaller than when twoslip systems with different slip directions are favored.

These specimens were examined using the 3D x-raydiffraction microscope at the Advanced Photon Source(APL) at Argonne National Laboratory to obtain informa-tion about dislocation substructure. Specimens showedstreaked or spread diffraction patterns in most cases, asillustrated in selected areas of diffraction patterns for twospecimens. The streaks indicate the presence of orientationgradients, and by implication, geometrically necessarydislocations (GND [14]). In one case, the diffraction pat-tern did not show streaks, which probably resulted fromdislocations being able to pass completely through thespecimen without generating entanglements (investiga-tions on these specimens are on-going). Four of the ninesamples exhibiting flow softening (stress decreases after apeak stress), which may arise from large changes in mobiledislocation density, or other complex dislocation behaviordiscussed by other researchers [15,16]. Initial dislocationdensity present in the ingot (discussed next) may accountfor variability in hardening rates, as well as a higher criticalresolved shear stress than observed in other experimentalwork [17].


As high purity Nb is produced using multiple electronbeam remelts of a Nb ingot, the solidified lower part of theingot collects droplets of molten Nb, and hence the top ofthe ingot is at the melting temperature. This is done slowlyto permit evaporation of most of the impurity elements (Tais not effectively removed this way, as it has a low vapor

pressure). The slow production rate and the lack of impu-rity atoms enables grain growth, so that large grains such asthose shown in Fig. 7 are present in ingots. However, thewater cooled mold causes a large spatial temperature gra-dient, which causes strains associated with thermal con-traction. Figure 8 shows a region in a large grain ingot withsignificant populations of tangled dislocations (white) thatare between cells of low dislocation density material (dark)[18]. It is not yet known if this heterogeneous dislocationstructure is typical, but such dislocation structures causeseveral degrees of orientation spread within a grain, whichhas been observed consistently in inverse pole figuresobtained from orientation imaging microscopy [OIMTM,or electron backscattered diffraction pattern (EBSP) analy-sis] data sets (Fig. 9). This orientation spread implies thatthere are more geometrically necessary dislocations thanare observed in recrystallized grains (discussed later).

FIG. 7. (Color) Cross sections of two ingots from differentmanufacturers illustrating large grains, and differences in mor-phology arising from different processing conditions.

TABLE I. Intended slip system activation in single-crystal tensile specimens from Ningxia ingot slice.

Name Initial order of Schmid factors on slip systems �CRSS, MPa, initial slip behavior

U3 f112g, f112g 3.3% lower � in different direction, 16.2 extremely high hardening

2–3> 0-DD f110g 5% lower same, f110g 8% lower different All four have low Schmid factors

P3 f112g, f112g 1% lower � in different direction, 16.5 high hardening

2–1> 0-dd f110g 4.5% lower same, f110g 4% lower different Four slip systems with high Schmid factor

V3 f110g, f112g 1.2% lower � in same direction 16.6 moderate hardening

0–1> 2-sd f110g 1.8%, f112g 4% lower different directions Four slip systems with high Schmid factor

W3 f112g, f110g 2.3% lower � in same direction 16.3 slight hardening

2–2> 0-s f112g and f110g 9% lower in different direction

X3 f112g, f110g 8.5% lower � in same direction 16.7 upper yield point, slight softening

2–9> 0-s f110g 22% lower in same direction

R3 f112g, f110g 1.4% lower � in same direction 19.0 initial hardening, then softening

2–1> 0-s f110g 30% lower in different direction

Q2 f110g, f112g 0.35% lower � in same direction 18.6 slight softening

0–0> 2-s f110g 17% lower in different direction

S3 f110g, f112g 3.0% lower � in same direction 17.3 slight softening

0–3> 2-s f110g 15% lower in different direction

T3 f110g, f112g 9.3% lower � in same direction 17.6 high initial hardening, ends up softest

0–9> 2-s f110g 17% lower in different direction

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Rolling accomplishes two goals: to break down theinitially large grains to create a uniform fine grain size,and to change the shape from a slab or billet into sheet.Ingots are sectioned into billets (which may only contain afew grain orientations) and cold forged to a suitable shapethat is then rolled using multiple reductions according totypically proprietary schedules, and annealed at strategictimes during this process [19]. As high purity Nb is not amass produced product, the billet is commonly smallenough to allow rolling in multiple directions, which canimprove the formability of products made from rolledsheet.

The rolling process causes different deformation modeson the surface and center; the shear on the surface activatesslip systems that rotate crystals differently from the plane-strain compression in the center, as illustrated in Fig. 10(a)[5]. These differences in strain-path typically cause f111gto be approximately parallel to the sheet normal direction

(ND) in the interior, and grains on the surface to have f100gparallel to the ND, for example, the f100gh011i2 rotatedcube orientation. More commonly, a range of orientationswith a common crystal direction normal to the sheetare found, such as f100g k ND [i.e. red orientations inFigs. 10(b) and 10(c) [20] ]. Similarly, f111g k ND pre-ferred orientations are also common (named the � fiber;

FIG. 9. Representative discrete inverse pole figures fromOIMTM measurements from different specimens. The spread ofcrystal orientations is greatest after deformation, and signifi-cantly lower after heat treatments to cause recovery or recrystal-lization.

FIG. 8. Electron channeling contrast image of dislocationstructure in an as-received ingot.

FIG. 10. (Color) Schematic diagram (a) illustrates how the strainpath differs between the surface and center of rolled sheet,resulting in different distributions of grain orientations basedupon the color convention illustrated (b, where the electron workfunction values are also indicated for different surface normaldirections [21]). Five examples of full thickness orientation maps(c) from high purity Nb commercially rolled to �2 mm thick[20] show a trend of preferred f100g orientations near the surfaceand f111g orientations in the interior. The microstructure andtexture gradients vary widely from sample to sample. Theseorientation maps are with respect to the vertical sheet normaldirection (ND).

2The fplaneghdirectioni nomenclature identifies an orientationabout which there is commonly a spread of about 10�. Thenotation f100gh011i indicates that f100g planes are approxi-mately parallel to the sheet (i.e. the plane normal is perpendicu-lar), and h011i directions are aligned preferentially with therolling direction. It is usually written so that the scalar productwould be zero, consistent with the orthogonal relationship be-tween the sheet normal and the rolling direction.

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blue orientations). These orientation map colors are basedupon a convention that has been established for visuallyassessing the texture and microstructure of rolled cubicmetals, with f111g blue, f110g green, and f100g red, asviewed in the sheet normal direction Fig. 10(b). This isthe default color code in EBSP data acquisition programs ifthe measured surface is the sheet normal (but if the crosssection is measured, the orientation data must be rotated tobe consistent with this convention). Rolling generallycauses rotations that increase the fraction of the � fiber,but the rate at which this occurs depends on the startingorientations. For example, the rotated cube orientation isstable up to a 70% thickness reduction, after which slipcommences on f123g planes that alters the texture to gen-erate more of the � fiber [9,21]. The �-fiber orientationsare also stable. Other orientations are less stable, so crys-tals naturally rotate toward orientations between f001g andf111g, and hence, orientations between these two terminalstable orientations dominate (pink and purple orientations).Thus, orientations with f110g k ND (green orientations)cannot be achieved with rolling.

Because the surface and center strain paths have differ-ent stress states and strain paths, they cause differentrotations and different levels of stored strain energy (dis-location density), so subsequent recrystallization is rarelyuniform. Often, the surface shows larger grain sizes than inthe interior. To achieve a sufficiently uniform small grainsize (to meet specifications), producers have often given asmall reduction prior to the final anneal that selectivelyputs more plastic work into the surface grains. While thisleads to a more consistent grain size, it also increases thefraction of f100g grains on the surface. From about tencharacterizations of different batches of rolled materialfrom different suppliers, the same combination of grainorientation distribution (texture) and grain size has neverbeen observed twice, even among pieces from the samebatch of material. One of the examples in Fig. 10 evenshows the upper half with f111g and the lower half withf100g planes preferred in the sheet normal direction. Thisimplies that a method to reproducibly obtain the samemicrostructure from a billet has not been achieved bycommercial suppliers, and this can cause variability informing half cells.

Some of the variability in cavity performance may betraceable to the variability of grain orientations on thesurface, which etch at different rates, and have differentwork functions (the work function varies with surfacenormal direction as indicated on the inverse pole figuretriangle in Fig. 10 [22]).


Processes have been developed in many metal and alloysystems to optimize uniform in-plane formability of sheetmetal by controlling texture (distribution of grain orienta-

tions) and microstructure. Perhaps the most finely tunedexample is the control of microstructure and texture that isnecessary in the aluminum beverage can industry. It is wellestablished that a small grain size favors more uniform andlarger strains, and also minimizes surface roughness (or-ange peel) that arises from heterogeneous strain in differentgrains. Minimizing surface roughness minimizes perturba-tions that can initiate damage or fatigue cracks, and asimportant, the fine grain size improves the application andappearance of paint.The two orientation types commonly found on the

surface and center of Nb sheet have very different me-chanical and formability properties. On the surface, the redf100g k ND is relatively soft in tension tests, resulting fromall four of the h111i slip directions having a �35� inclina-tion from the sheet that causes high resolved shear stresseson many slip systems. In-plane tension will activate from4–8 slip systems in most f100g k ND orientations thatcause the greatest amount of change in thickness possibleper unit of strain, leading to preferential thinning. A domi-nant red orientation will lead to preferred deformation,while other minority orientations deform much less, lead-ing to self-amplifying strain localization and considerablesurface roughness [23,24]. In contrast, the blue f111g k NDorientation � fiber typically has three activated h111i slipvectors that are inclined 20� from the plane, and with the4th h111i direction perpendicular to the plane, it has noresolved shear stress acting on it. Because of the smallerinclination angle, more shear strain is required to attain agiven thickness reduction, so a larger applied stress isneeded to accomplish the same strain, making it a harderorientation. These orientations resist thinning because alarge strain causes the least amount of change in thicknesspossible, and hence less surface roughness. This is also astable orientation because if two slip systems operatepreferentially, they will rotate the crystal in a directionwhere the third one becomes favored, causing a counterrotation. Because the blue orientation is hard, minorityorientations will strain in a manner that is constrained bythe majority blue orientations, resulting in uniform defor-mation. With biaxial forming, the slip behavior is morecomplex, but the f111g orientation is still more desirablefor uniform large strain formability.In processing for optimal formability, strategic changes

in rolling direction combined with heat treatment can biascrystal rotations toward a desired f111g orientation, butwhen the final thickness is reached, strain can no longerbe used to change the texture. This limitation on theavailable strain to control microstructure and texture canbe overcome to obtain highly desirable textures with finegrain sizes using the equal channel angle extrusion (ECAE)processes prior to rolling (Fig. 11 [25]). In a study thatexamined different processing paths, different billets ofmaterial were pushed through the 90� die several timeswith different 90� or 180� rotation sequences, which alter

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the texture evolution, but do not change the billet shape.Every preconditioning path tried led to a nearly homoge-neous texture and grain size after annealing. Using thesepreconditioned billets, subsequent rolling led to more con-sistent microstructures and textures than usually observedin commercial sheet, which would lead to more consistentformability. Four examples (of about 20 examined) ofannealed rolled sheet are illustrated; each had differentECAE preprocessing schedules, but they had the same roll-

ing and final anneal schedule [the annealing temperaturewas 1000�C for reactor grade (99.98%), and 700�C for>99:99% high-RRR Nb (residual resistance ratio of theresistance at 298 K to that at 4.2 K)]. The resulting micro-structures, textures, and even final thicknesses differ sig-nificantly even though they had the same annealing,rolling, and final annealing history after the ECAE prepro-cessing step. It is noteworthy that >95% gamma fiber wasachieved with one process history in the reactor gradematerial using a particular process path that was not triedfor the high-RRR material, but the path closest to thissuccessful path used in the high-RRR material is shown.

Because solute atoms control the migration rates of grainboundaries, what is achieved in one composition may ormay not be achievable in another.An interesting outcome from orientation analysis is the

complete absence of f011g texture in any of the commercialNb sheet, or any of the 20 ECAE preprocessed rolled sheets(Figs. 10 and 11). This f011g orientation is attractive forsuperconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities because ithas the highest electron work function of any orientation[Fig. 10(b)]. In grain oriented silicon steels, a very highfraction of the f011gh100i Goss orientation can be obtainedwith a strategic combination of strain and recrystallizationannealing [26–28]. In Fe, the highest magnetic permeabil-ity and minimal hysteretic loss occur in the h001i direction,so steels with strong Goss texture are used in transformers.Goss grains form predominantly from shear bands in de-formed f111gh112i orientations, which naturally arise dur-ing rolling. Silicon steels are similar to high purity Nb, asSi is in solution, Si stabilizes the BCC structure, and theyhave very low interstitial (O, C) content, but Si steels alsohave second phase particles that are important for control-ling grain size. The fact that Goss grains do not form in Nbwhen it has so many other similarities with silicon steelindicates that the presence of small particles in Si steelsand/or the opposite elastic anisotropy and its effect ondislocation energy dramatically affect how recrystalliza-tion proceeds.Computational plasticity modeling strategies can be

used to simulate forming processes, and computationaloptimization methods can be used to identify desirableprocessing strategies. Using the measured texture as aninput, these orientations can be computationally deformedin a manner that ensures compatibility in strains (so that novoids occur) on an average (statistical) basis [29,30]. It isalso possible to computationally deform particular micro-structures to assess heterogeneous deformation character-istics [31,32]. As each grain has different combinations ofactive slip systems, the amount of slip on each systemvaries within grains so that compatible deformation occurswith neighboring grains. These modeling processes arecomplex, and must consider how accumulation of disloca-

FIG. 11. (Color) Very different kinds of rolled sheet microstruc-tures and texture gradients can be obtained for samples prepro-cessed with ECAE; the color scale is the same as Fig. 7 [25], andthe white labels indicate a characteristic grain size.

FIG. 12. (Color) Simulations of biaxial bulging using two vari-ants of crystal plasticity finite element models with differentassumptions [33,34]; the better one used an evolving yieldsurface based upon texture evolution.

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tions causes rotation, hardens the microstructure, and in-creases the stress needed to accomplish the next incrementof deformation, such that the flow properties evolve.Figure 12 shows two outcomes starting with the same setof initial grain orientations, but using different ways oftracking hardening behavior; the more sophisticated modelis able to predict locations where failure is more likely[33,34].

Slicing ingots to form cavities

There is growing interest in bypassing the cost anduncertainties associated with rolled material by slicingdisks from ingots and forming cavities from the multi-crystal slices [19]. When pressed in molds, the deformationis often much more irregular than from fine grain sheetmetal, requiring extra pressing operations and jigs to obtaincircular mating surfaces needed to weld two half cellstogether. Thicknesses are much more irregular, even withinthe same grain orientation, because the direction of hoopstress varies spatially with respect to the grain orientation,such that different slip systems will be activated in differ-ent parts of the same large grain. Grain boundaries imposebarriers to slip, so that less strain occurs along grainboundaries, leading to easily detected ridges along grainboundaries (easily felt with fingers). These irregularitiesmay be worth tolerating for benefits that come with re-duced waste material and reduced cost of rolling and heattreating, but this also introduces an element of variabilitythat must be either tolerated or overcome with strategicprocessing of ingots to obtain consistent grain orientations,or strategic choices of which pieces (and orientations)should be welded together.


In both deformation processing to make sheet and informing of the cavity, heat treatments are required torestore ductility, or drive out hydrogen, or modify theinterior surface of the cavity. These processes removedislocations generated by plastic deformation, but thisprocess is extremely sensitive to details of deformationhistory, preferred grain orientations, microstructure/grain

size, temperature, time, heating rate, and thermal gradienthistory, making this process challenging to control.Compared to steels, niobium recrystallizes in a more ran-dom manner [35], making preferred textures more difficultto obtain. Having fewer processing variables available(compared to steel) also limits the ways that recrystalliza-tion can be strategically used to obtain desirable grainorientations and microstructures.Heat treating causes changes in the microstructure by

the mechanisms of recovery, recrystallization, and graingrowth, which are briefly described in Figs. 13 and 14 [35].During plastic deformation, entangled dislocations causedislocation multiplication processes [3–5]. Formation of amobile dislocation defect results in separation of intactplanes of atoms to become two terminated half planes ofopposite sign which are separated by shear displacements.Dislocation intersections also cause generation of excessvacancies. Neighboring half planes with opposite signshave attractive stress fields, so with diffusion processes atelevated temperature and a much higher vacancy concen-tration than equilibrium allow most of these terminatedhalf planes to find neighboring half planes with the oppo-site sign. As they join to recover a whole plane, twodislocations are removed (i.e., recovery). Such dislocationreactions eliminate statistically stored dislocations, so theremaining geometrically necessary dislocations [whichcause lattice curvature, Fig. 13(b)] reorganize with theaid of diffusion to form planar low angle subgrain bounda-ries. This process occurs three dimensionally to form poly-gonized subgrain boundaries consisting of equally spaceddislocations, Fig. 13(c). These low angle boundaries canmove under the influence of stress, but they are very stabledue to their low energy. They can most easily be removedby sweeping a high angle grain boundary through thematerial.The minimum temperature for recovery occurs at a

lower temperature than recrystallization and grain growth,so partial recovery events precede recrystallization. Therecrystallization temperature depends on many factors,such as strain history, dislocation density, rate of heating(full recovery can prevent recrystallization), and purity.Impurities segregate preferentially to grain boundaries

FIG. 13. (Color) Schematic diagram of recovery: (a) after plastic deformation, statistically stored dislocations climb and glide to findannihilation partners (e.g. location marked with þ), leaving only (b) geometrically necessary dislocations which can (c) arrangethemselves into low energy low angle boundaries with time.

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and dislocation substructures, and can stabilize boundariesand dislocation structures, so that a higher temperature isrequired to facilitate their motion, and this is why reactorgrade Nb has a higher recrystallization temperature thanhigh-RRR Nb.

There are many kinds of recrystallization mechanismsthat depend on specific details of different materials andcompositions [36]. For high purity niobium, where hotdeformation is not needed to form complex shapes, defor-mation plus annealing to get recrystallization causes pri-mary recrystallization. The driving force for primaryrecrystallization is removal of dislocations and subgrainboundaries, which is accomplished by sweeping a highangle boundary through the deformed crystal. As a grainboundary moves through a region with subgrains, atomsfrom grains with subgrains jump into perfect lattice sites,resulting in elimination of subgrains and most dislocations(there are always some dislocations present to satisfy theneed for entropy). Because the strain energy of dislocationsis so small in Nb, the density of dislocations in recrystal-lized grains is likely to be greater than in steels or mostother metals. Figure 14 shows two ways this can occur. InFig. 14(a), subgrains that recover in a shear band develop amobile high angle boundary that grows into lesser de-formed adjacent material. Figure 14(b) illustrates a differ-ent scenario, where the smaller subgrain size in one grainhas higher defect density, so the neighboring grain bound-ary bulges into this grain (known as strain induced grainboundary migration).

Once primary recrystallization occurs to the point wherea high angle grain boundary has swept through deformedmaterial, the driving force for continued grain growth is toreduce the interfacial energy of grain boundaries, leadingto larger grains. Hence, the same volume element may haveseveral boundaries pass through it. In Si steels that form theGoss orientation, a secondary recrystallization takes place;a Goss oriented grain becomes larger than neighboringgrains, and thus gains a growth advantage and consumes

the surrounding grains. Secondary recrystallization can becontrolled using second phase particles which pin grainboundaries in a way that facilitates development of aminority large grain that can gain the growth advantage.The lack of particles in Nbmay preclude the ability to growa Goss orientation even if it once existed in suitablyoriented shear bands [37]. It is of great technological valueto control which grain boundaries move in order to obtaindesirable recrystallized orientations, but in high purity Nb,grain boundary mobility is especially hard to control aseven very small changes in composition can dramaticallyalter how alloy atoms segregate preferentially to someboundaries [38].


Welding is a necessary part of fabricating acceleratorhardware, although there are methods to reduce the numberof welds or even make weldless cavities with spinning orhydroforming processes [39]. In current practice, half cellsare e-beam welded together. As welding progresses, so-lidification, recrystallization, and recovery occur near theweld, dramatically altering the parent microstructure in theheat affected and fusion zones [40]. Figure 15(a) shows apolycrystal weld in undeformed material that was exposedto air prematurely, so that differential oxidation rates re-

FIG. 15. (Color) (a) Test weld on an undeformed polycrystalplate exposed to air while cooling shows differential oxidationthat reveals the microstructure present in the material. (b) Weldbetween two deformed single crystals has a single orientation oneither side in the fusion zone, but recrystallization occurs in theHAZ. Grains with high Schmid factors from OIMTM map(c) deform preferentially during a tensile experiment (d) [40].

FIG. 14. (Color) Schematic diagram of two forms of recrystal-lization: (a) subgrains within locally rotated shear bands nucleateto grow into surrounding lesser deformed material; (b) grain withlarger subgrains (left) grows into grain with smaller subgrains(right).

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vealed the grain structure. The fastest oxidation rates oc-curred on grains with f111g plane normals. Deformedsingle crystals recrystallize in the heat affected zone(HAZ), but the fusion part of the weld is often a bicrystalwith a boundary along its centerline [Fig. 15(b)]. Grainswithin the fusion zone of polycrystals are large and havevaried orientations [Figs. 15(a) and 15(c)], which give theweld very different properties from the parent material.The HAZ adjacent to the fusion zone of the weld has adramatic gradient of grain sizes, and the heating allowsadsorbed interstitial atoms to diffuse beneath the surface,altering purity in complex ways that depend on tempera-ture and time. Adjacent to the weld, recrystallization anddramatic grain growth occur, and farther away, some graingrowth and recovery occurs to varying extents. The largegrain sizes lead to a slightly lower yield stress and muchmore nonuniform strain, with elongations about half to 2=3of the parent material. As the two parts to be welded areheld in fixtures, cooling causes thermal contraction andlocalized strain in the weld and HAZ. In instrumentedcavity tests, hot spots have most often been found in theHAZ of the equator weld, making the weld a suspicioussource of defects that degrade cavity performance [39].

Figure 16 shows a detailed investigation of effects ofwelding, recrystallization, and recovery. Tensile specimensof single crystals were deformed to about 40% strain,similar to the stretching that occurs at the iris of an ellip-tical cavity, cut in half, and two different halves werewelded together in a manner similar to that used for weld-ing cavities from deformed large grain slices. The two ends

of the tensile specimens were clamped, providing a heatsink, as well as constraint during cooling that causedthermal contraction strains. From the weld to the shoulderof the specimen, the thermal history varied considerably, asindicated schematically in Fig. 17 [41]. Figure 16 shows anorientation map of a welded tensile specimen from one endto the other, and beneath it, a kernel average misorientation(KAM) map, which identifies the magnitude of local latticecurvature among the tens of pixels immediately surround-ing each pixel of orientation information. The physicalmetallurgy state of each zone of the specimen is described.Weld (fusion zone).—In the solidified region grains have

clearly grown into the fusion zone from the adjacent HAZ,and are nearly defect free. In particular, the small greenorientation just to the right of the weld in Fig. 16 is arecovered grain orientation (with the same orientation asthe deformed orientation). Analysis with OIMTM and syn-chrotron x rays showed that the recovered grain had ori-entation gradients, but the same orientation in the weld hadno gradients [35].HAZ.—There is evidence in Fig. 16 that the red and blue

orientations on the right side (C), and all the nonblueorientations on the left side (F) are recrystallized grainsin the HAZ. Even within this recrystallized zone, there areorientation gradients evident along grain boundaries, e.g.,surrounding the light purple grain on side F, and betweenthe red and blue grains at the triple point with the greengrain on side C. There are regions with lattice curvaturewithin recrystallized grains, particularly on each side of thelight purple grain in the middle of side F, which may have

FIG. 16. (Color) Two deformed single-crystal tensile specimens with initial orientations shown with white prisms were deformed tonominally 40% strain, cut in half, and welded together to simulate welding of single-crystal cavities [35]. The specimen recrystallizedin the heat affected zone (HAZ), but the temperature gradient halted the recrystallization front about 4–5 mm from the weld.

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developed from straining during cooling. Details regardingthe recrystallized grain orientation relationships and pos-sible mechanisms are discussed in [35].

Recovered regions of the HAZ have the same orientationas the deformed grain, and they contain more orientationgradients and, hence, GNDs [scattered green (gray) colorsin the KAM plots] than the recrystallized grains. There isevidence of subgrain boundaries in the recovered bluegrain just to the left of the three recrystallized grains onthe left side (F) and planar slip traces in the green grain justto the right of the red and blue recrystallized grains on side(C). These orientation gradients oscillate, as the orientationmaps do not show long range color gradients.

Slightly heated regions near shoulder.—Shear bands areevident as bands of green-yellow color inclined to thestress axis on KAM maps on side C in Fig. 16. The leftside (F) shows cells on the KAM map where dislocationentanglements caused local regions of higher latticecurvature.


After welding, the interior surface is chemically re-moved to eliminate a ‘‘damaged layer’’ of about100–200 �m [40]. Etching clearly removes any deforma-tion features arising from handling, but it also removesf100g orientations that have a lower work function, whichoften predominate on the surface (Fig. 10). An 800�Cvacuum heat treatment is often used to drive out hydrogen,and this causes a mixture of recovery and recrystallizationthat depends on the strain and location with respect towelds, so dislocation density is clearly reduced, but notin a uniform manner. While grain boundaries have beenshown to trap magnetic flux vortices that cause localheating [6–8], it is not yet clear if dislocation substructureis also able to do this. Correlations between hot spots incavities and higher geometrically necessary dislocationcontent have been identified in the context of experimentsinvestigating the effects of the final 120�C bake that im-proves cavity performance [42]. There are also correlations

between hot spots and etch pits in the HAZ, which are oftenindications of dislocations [43]. The nature and mecha-nisms of dislocation rearrangement during the 120�C bakeremains an open question.


Thermal conductivity (k) is also sensitive to dislocationcontent. Normally conducting electrons conduct heat, buttheir number decreases with temperature, so consequently,k also decreases as more electrons become superconduct-ing with decreasing temperature, as illustrated in Fig. 18. Itis well known that lattice defects interfere with normalelectron conduction (i.e. resistivity), which is a componentof k. Electrical resistivity is one of the earliest methodsused to measure dislocation density, and this method hasbeen extensively used to characterize recovery and recrys-tallization [3]. High Q values have been obtained becausethe high purity increases k by removing impurity atomsthat disturb electron flow.With decreasing temperature, the fraction of normally

conducting electrons decreases, and the dominant mecha-nism of heat conduction changes from electron to phononconduction at about 3 K. Dislocations can also affectphonon transport [44]. When unpinned segments of dis-locations are aligned with the heat flow direction, a passingphonon can be dissipated by causing the dislocation tovibrate within its energy well, and thus reduce energytransport to the He bath surrounding the cavity. Theseconsiderations indicate that thermal conductivity is tiedto the RRR, which is illustrated in Fig. 18 [45]. The black

FIG. 17. (Color) Schematic diagram of heating and coolinghistory in different zones of a weld [41].

FIG. 18. (Color) Measurement of thermal conductivity, k: thetwo curves from Singer [45] show how strain in a single crystalremoves the phonon peak. An as-received polycrystal (orangesymbols) showed no phonon peak, but after a 1400�C anneal, thephonon peak returned, but due to a low quality vacuum, thethermal conductivity at higher T dropped extensively. A bicrystalspecimen (blue symbols) shows modest effects of grain orienta-tion and boundary on k.

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lines show how the peak in phonon conductivity between 1and 3 K disappeared after a strain of 8.5%, indicating thatdislocations greatly reduced phonon conduction, as thethermal conductivity follows the trend arising from thedecreasing population of normal conducting electrons.The red symbols illustrate a polycrystal specimen thatwas annealed in a vacuum furnace with a low qualityvacuum, such that the electronic thermal conductivitywas degraded, yet the annealing increased the conductivityin the phonon conduction region below 3 K. Thus, themeasured RRR may reflect both purity and dislocationcontent. In recent bicrystal experiments, differences in kwith respect to crystal orientation, as well as resistance at agrain boundary, are resolved in the measurements indicatedby blue symbols. As the RRR is unknown, it is not clearwhether the lack of grain boundaries, purity, or dislocationcontent was responsible for the higher normally conduct-ing k, and the differences arising from the grain boundaryor the grain orientations. Recent work with deformed andannealed single crystals is even more dramatic; k at thephonon peak is an order of magnitude larger. Clearly,dislocation content is a significant contributor to the valueof k in cavities, and the presence of residual dislocations isgenerally undesirable.


This overview of the mechanical and physical metal-lurgy associated with the production of SRF cavitiesclearly shows that dislocations are an omnipresent facili-tator for and detractor of the performance of cavities. Thereis only a small amount of knowledge about the underlyingphysics of dislocations on functional performance.Processing paths can be optimized to obtain desirablemicrostructures for forming, but there is also evidencethat dislocations affect thermal conductivity and rf currentson the interior surface. Two exemplary forming historiesillustrate where deeper understanding of the metallurgicalstate is needed: Cost saving can be achieved by slicingingots to avoid the cost of making rolled sheet, but it is alsolikely to bring variability arising from large crystal orien-tations and welds. Cost savings may also be possible ifstrategic deformation processing is used to optimize poly-crystalline Nb for hydroforming in order to remove thevariability arising from welds. Perhaps a recrystallizedsingle-crystal or large grain cavity with few dislocationsaligned with the direction of heat flow may lead to optimaland reproducible performance of a cavity. Whether this canbe done without compromising other practical design con-straints (such as strength or dimensional stability) presentsan optimization challenge.


This work was supported by DOE (ILC), under ContractNo. DE-FG02-06ER41433, and Fermi National

Laboratory. Use of the Advanced Photon Source was sup-ported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office ofScience, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under ContractNo. W-31-109-Eng-38. G. E. I. was supported by theDivision of Materials Sciences and Engineering, U.S.DOE.

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