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Persentasi Individu Rock Meck

Sep 15, 2015



Azelia Bonita

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  • CONTENT :Rock BoltingRip RapBIO ENGINEERINGCase Study Shoreline Stabilization

  • I. Rock Bolting

  • A method of reinforcing a rock formation with rock bolts

  • building using rock bolts (after Jack Parker). Fugure of Bolt

  • Photoelastic model of bolt strengthening (after Lou Panek).

  • Wires used to reinforce sprayed on concrete (shotcrete).

  • Applying shotcrete with the operator well back from the face (Evert Hoek) in a shotcrete wall. (Evert Hoek)


  • II. Rip Rap

  • Riprap lining a lake shore Concrete rubble used as riprap along the San Francisco Bay shoreline Riprap also known as rip rap, rubble, shot rock or rock armour or "Rip-rap" is rock or other material used to armor shorelines, streambeds, bridge abutments, pilings and other shoreline structures against scour, water or ice erosion. http://en.wikipedia.orgIt is made from a variety of rock types, commonly granite or limestone, and occasionally concrete rubble from building and paving demolition. Riprap works by absorbing and deflecting the energy of waves before they reach the defended structure.

  • Origin of Shoreline cross

  • Rip Rap installation following some of conditions :

    The riprap must not cover emergent aquatic vegetation.Only natural rock (cannot average less than 6 inches or more then 30 inches in diemeter) mey be use that is free of debris that may cause pollution or siltation. A filter of crushed rock, gravel, or filter fabric material must be placed underneath the rock.The riprap must be no more than 6 feetWaterward of the ordinary high-water levelThe riprap must conform to the natural alignment of shore and must not obstruct navigation or the flow of water.The minimum finished slope waterward of the OHWL must be no steeper than 3 to 1 (horizontal to vertical).The riprapped area must be no more than 200 linear feet of shoreline along lakes and wetlands or, along shorelines of streams, must be less than five times width efective watercourse.The site must not be a posted fish spawning area, designated trout stream.

  • : Installation of riprap is allowed only to stop erosion or to restore an eroded shoreline. Rip Rap cross section.

  • Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, British Columbia., 2000, Riprap Design and Construction Guide, Canada. Not less than 350 mm, Not less than 1.5 x D50; and Not less than a D100.D15c/D85f < 5 < D15c/D15f < 40(Brown and Clyde (1989))(Brown and Clyde (1989))

  • Five Methods of Toe Protection for Revetments (Neill 1973)Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, British Columbia., 2000, Riprap Design and Construction Guide, Canada.

  • Preparing for Sampling Rock Gradations in a QuarryPlacing Rock Riprap Over a Filter Layer on a 2H:1V SlopeMinistry of Environment, Lands and Parks, British Columbia., 2000, Riprap Design and Construction Guide, Canada.

  • III. BIO ENGINEERINGbioengineering (including biological systems engineering) is the application of concepts and methods of biology (and secondarily of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science) to solve problems in life sciences, using engineering's own analytical and synthetic methodologies and also its traditional sensitivity to the cost and practicality of the solution(s) arrived at.

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Stokes et al. (eds), Eco- and Ground Bio-Engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability, 91109. C. 2007. Springer.

    Schematisation of root reinforcement. A root passing a shear zoneindicated by the dashed horizontal linesis extended from its original length L0 Lc. This generates the root force Fr = r Ar that can be resolved by the angle of root inclination into components normal and parallel to the shear plane, respectively, Fn and Fs.

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Morgan, R.P.C., Rickson, R.J., 2005, Slope Stabilization and Erosion Control, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall

  • Mill Creek Access Road Reclamation -- work completed in 2005 with photo taken in 2009. Columbia

  • IV. Case Study of Shoreline Stabilization

  • Carton of Natural Shorelines Conditions

  • Preserving the Natural Shoreline & Planting Along the Shoreline

    The ways prevents erosion caused by rain, wind, wave and ice action, and it provides food, shade and cover for fish and wildlife

  • Bioengineering (Soft Structures)

    - Bioengineering incorporates plants in combination with natural materials such as logs, live stakes (e.g., cuttings from species like willow), and brush bundles (i.e., branches from live woody plants), creating a natural appearance and habitat for fish and wildlife. - Bioengineering designs can lead to long-term stabilization of a shoreline, reducing the need for future work.

  • Rip Rap

    Rip rap stabilization designs should include appropriate bank slope and rock size to protect from wave and current action and to prolong the life of the embankment. A final slope ratio of at least 1:2 (vertical to horizontal) is recommended, and a more stable 1:3 slope should be used where possible. A layer of gravel, small stone, or filter cloth placed under and/or behind the rock helps prevent failure http://www.dec.ny.gov

  • Gabion Baskets

    Gabions (from Italian gabbione meaning "big cage"; from Italian gabbia and Latin cavea meaning "cage") are cages, cylinders, or boxes filled with soil or sand that are used in civil engineering, road building, and military applications.

  • Cross section of gabion revetment

  • Gabion boxes & beach huts, South Beach Studland Gabion revetments (foregound) are generally preferred to gabion walls (background) in coastal environments being less reflective of wave energy and more stable. Blown sand is also better able to accumulate on revetments, potentially softening their appearance.

  • Retaining Walls

    Retaining walls are not encouraged and generally are not approved.