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Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    Performance Management

    Employee Performance Management is a process for establishing a shared

    workforce understanding about what is to be achieved at an organisation level.

    It is about aligning the organisational objectives with the employees’ agreed

    measures, skills, competency reuirements, development plans and the delivery

    of results. !he emphasis is on improvement, learning and development in order 

    to achieve the overall business strategy and to create a high performance


    Performance management includes activities to ensure that goals are

    consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance

    management can focus on the performance of an organi"ation, a department,

    employee, or even the processes to build a product or service, as well as many

    other areas.

    !he PM approach is used most often in the workplace but applies wherever 

     people interact#schools, churches, community meetings, sports teams, health

    setting, governmental agencies, and even political settings. PM principles are

    needed wherever in the world people interact with their environments to

     produce desired effects. $ultures are different but the laws of behavior are the

    same worldwide. %rmstrong and baron &'(()* defined it as +% strategic and

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  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    integrated approach to increasing the effectiveness of organi"ations by

    improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing

    the capabilities of teams and individual contributors


    '* the fastest known method for career promotion-

    * the uickest way for career advancement-

    /* the surest way for career progress-

    0* the best ingredient in career path planning-

    1* the only true and lasting virtue for career success-

    2* the most neglected part in teachings about management and leadership


    3* the most complete and sophisticated application of performance


    )* the best integration of human behavior research findings, with the latest

    management, leadership and organi"ational development principles-

    (* the best automated method for organi"ational change, development,

    growth, performance and profit-

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    !o review the performance of the employees over a given period of time.

    !o judge the gap between the actual and the desired performance.

    !o help the management in e4ercising organi"ational control.

    5elps to strengthen the relationship and communication between

    superior6 subordinates and management6employees.

    !o diagnose the strengths and weakness of individuals so as to identify

    the training and development of the future.

    !o provide feedback to the employees regarding their past performance.

    Provide information to assist in the other personal decisions in the


    Provide clarity of the e4pectations and responsibilities of the functions to

     be performed by the employees.

    !o judge the effectiveness of the other resource functions of the

    organi"ation such as recruitment, selection, training and development.

    !o reduce the grievances of the employees.

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    !he world of banking has assumed a new dimension at dawn of the 'st century

    with the advent of tech banking, thereby lending the industry a stamp of 

    universality. In general, banking may be classified as retail and corporate

     banking. 7etail banking, which is designed to meet the reuirement of 

    individual customers and encourage their savings, includes payment of utility

     bills, consumer loans, credit cards, checking account and the like. $orporate

     banking, on the other hand, caters to the need of corporate customers like bills

    discounting, opening letters of credit, managing cash, etc.

    Metamorphic changes took place in the Indian financial system during the

    eighties and nineties conseuent upon deregulation and liberali"ation of 

    economic policies of the government. India began shaping up its economy and

    earmarked ambitious plan for economic growth. $onseuently, a sea change in

    money and capital markets took place. %pplication of marketing concept in the

     banking sector was introduced to enhance the customer satisfaction the policy

    of privati"ation of banking services aims at encouraging the competition in

     banking sector and introduction of financial services. $onseuently, services

    such as 8emat, Internet banking, Portfolio Management, 9enture capital, etc,

    came into e4istence to cater to the needs of public. %n important agenda for 

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    every banker today is greater operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    !he mew watchword for the bank is pretty ambitious: customer delight.

    !he introduction to the marketing concept to banking sectors can be traced back 

    to %merican ;anking %ssociation $onference of '(1). ;anks marketing can be

    defined as the part of management activity, which seems to direct the flow of 

     banking services profitability to the customers. !he marketing concept basically

    reuires that there should be thorough understanding of customer need and to

    learn about market it operates in. hitehead

    +% ;ank is defined as an institution which collects surplus funds from the

     public, safeguards them, and makes them available to the true owner when

    reuired and also lends sums be their true owners to those who are in need of 

    funds and can provide security.

    ;anking $ompany in India has been defined in the ;anking $ompanies act


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    +=ne which transacts the business of banking which means the accepting, for 

    the purpose of lending or investment of the deposits of money from the public,

    repayable on demand, or otherwise and withdraw able be cheue, draft, order or 


    !he banking system is an integral subsystem of the financial system. It

    represents an important channel of collecting small savings form the households

    and lending it to the corporate sector. !he Indian banking system has 7eserve

    ;ank of India &7;I* as the ape4 body for all matters relating to the banking

    system. It is the central ;ank of India. It is also known as the ;anker !o %ll

    =ther ;anks.


    %ncient banking system of India constituted of indigenous bankers. !hey have

     been carrying on their age6old banking operations in different parts of the

    country under different names. !he modern age of banking constitutes the

    fundamental basis of economic growth. !he term ;ank is being used since long

    time but there is no clear conception regarding its beginning. %ccording to the

    viewpoint, in good old days. Italian money leaders were known as+; anchi

     because they kept a special type of table to transact their business.

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    !oday banks have become a part and parcel of ?otak ;ank@s life. !here was a

    time when dwellers of the city alone could enjoy their services. Aow banks

    offer access to even a common man and their activities e4tend to areas hitherto

    untouched. ;anks cater to the needs of agriculturalists, industrialists, traders and

    to all the other sections of the society. In modern age, the banking constitutes

    the fundamental basis of economic growth. !hus, they accelerate the economic

    growth of a country and steer the wheels of the economy towards its goals of 

    +self reliance in all fields. It naturally arouses ?otak ;ank@s interest in

    knowing more about the B;ank’ and the various men and the activities

    connected with it.


    C!he success of the economic reforms is therefore all to see and the driving

    force of these reforms is the banking sectorC.

      P. $hidam ;aram


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    !hus, economic development of a country depends upon success of banking

    industry and success of banking Industry is determined to a large e4tent by now

    well then needs of its customers have been understood and satisfied..


    !he ;anking system is an integral sub6system of the financial system. It

    represents an important channel of collecting small savings from the households

    and lending it to the corporate sector.

    !he Indian banking system has !he 7eserve ;ank of India &7;I* as the ape4

     body from all matters relating to the banking system. It is the +$entral ;ank of 

    India and act as the banker to all other banks.

    F#nct$on% of RBI:

    $urrency issuing authority

    ;anker to the government.

    ;anker to other ;ank.

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    Reserve Bank of

    Commercial Banks Co-operative Banks evelopment Banks

    !ationali"e# Private $%ort-term cre#it&ong-term cre#it

    'gric(lt(ral Cre#it )r*an Cre#it +,. n#(strial 'gric(lt(ral

    Organ$&at$ona' Str#ct#re of Ban(% $n In)$a:

    In India banks are classified in various categories according to differ rent

    criteria. !he following charts indicate the banking structure:


    On t*e +a%$% of O,ner%*$


     Aationalised banks or public banks dominate banking Fystem in India. !he

    nationalisation of banks in India took place in '(2( by Mrs. Indira Gandhi the

    then prime minister. !he major objective behind nationalisation was to spread

     banking infrastructure in rural areas and make available cheap finance to Indian

    farmers. ;efore '(2(, Ftate ;ank of India &F;I* was the only public sector bank 

    in India. 8espite the entry of many new domestic and foreign private banks

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    since liberali"ation, public sector banks continue to dominate the commercial

     banking industry.


    Private sector banking in India received a flip in '((0 when 7eserve ;ank of 

    India encouraged setting up of private banks as part of its policy of 

    liberalisation of the Indian ;anking Industry. 5ousing 8evelopment

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    !hese are the banks that do banking business to earn profit. !hese banks make

    loans for short to business and in the process create money. $redit creation is

    the main function of these banks.


    !hese are those banks that are incorporated by foreign company. !hey have set

    up their branches in India. !hese banks have their head offices in foreign

    countries. !heir principle function is to make credit arrangement or the e4port

    and the import of the country and these banks deals in foreign e4change.


    Industrial banks are those banks that offer long term and medium term loan to

    the industries and also work for their development. !hese banks help industries

    in sale of their shares, debentures and bonds. !hey give loan to the industries for 

    the purchase of land and machinery.


    %gricultural banks are those banks that give credit to agricultural sector of the



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    !he principle function of these banks is to collect small savings across the

    country and put them to the productive use. In India department of post office

    functions a savings banks.


    $entral ;ank is the ape4 bank of the banking system of the country. It issues

    currency notes and acts a banker@s bank. Economic stability is the principle

    function of this bank. In short, it regulates and controls the banking system of 

    the country. 7;I is the $entral ;ank of India.


    8ifferent countries of the world have different types of banking systems.

    5owever, commercial banking had grown under all these banking systems. !o

    understand the structure of banking system, let us take up various types of 

     banking systems one by one. !hese types are:

    201 UNIT BAN!IN"

    Dnit ;anking originated in the Dnited Ftate of %merica. It grew in the Dnited

    Ftates of %merica.

     +%n independent unit bank is a corporation that operates one office and that is

    not related to other banks through either ownership or control.

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    2.1 BRANC3 BAN!IN":

    !his the most popular and important banking system. In branch banking, a bank 

    has a large network of branches scattered all over the country. ;ranch banking

    developed in England. Fubseuently most of the countries of the world adopted

    the system. In terms of branches, the Ftate ;ank of India has emerged as one of 

    the largest banks in the world. Dnder the system branches can operate without

    keeping large idle cash reserves. ;ranch ;anking tends to bring

    homogeneity in the prevailing Interest 7ates. !he choice of securities and

    investments is larger.

    >ith the growth of large scale business it is no wonder that the trend is almost

    every country towards the branch banking i.e. big banks with a network of 

     branches all over the country. !he ;ank of %merica has now more than 1

     branches in the state of $alifornia itself.

    241 C3AIN BAN!IN":

    Dnder the system there is pooling of resources. $hain banking overcomes

    certain limitations of unit banking. ;ut the system suffers from certain

    limitations of its own. !here may be a lack of co6ordination, proper control etc.

    !he system is infle4ible.

     251 "ROUP BAN!IN":

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    It is similar to $hain ;anking, the difference being that under Group ;anking

    two or more banks are brought under the control of the same management

    through a 5olding $ompany. ;oth the systems aim at gaining the advantages of 

    large scale operations. !he banks are able to pool their resources in case of 

    emergency or when large amount of cash is reuired to meet the loan

    reuirements of the customer.


    Dnder $orrespondent banking, small banks serving local communities hold

    deposits with joint banks serving in big cities. !his kind of banking is prevalent

    in D.F.%. !he correspondent banks perform two important services of outstation

    cheue clearing and loan participation for the respondent banks while they

     benefit for the deposit funds of respondent banks.

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    01 Accet$ng of Deo%$t%: % bank accepts deposits from the public. People can

    deposit their cash balances in either of the following accounts to their 



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     b. Favings %ccount: !his type of deposit suits to those who just want to

    keep their small savings in a bank and might need to withdraw them

    occasionally. ;anks provide a certain rate of interest on the minimum balance

    kept by the depositor during the month.

    c. $urrent %ccount: !his type of account is kept by the businessman who

    are reuired to withdraw money every new and then. ;anks do not pay any

    interest on this account. %ny sum or any number of withdrawals can be

     presented by such an account holder.

    .1 A)7anc$ng of Loan%: !he bank advances money in any one of the following


    a. =verdraft

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    c. Hoans: Hoans are granted by the banks on securities which can be easily

    disposed off in the market. >hen the bank has satisfied itself regarding the

    soundness of the party, a loan is advanced.

    d. $ash $redit: !he 8ebtor is allowed to withdraw a certain amount on a

    given security. !he debtor withdraws the amount within this limit, interest is

    charged by the bank on the amount actually withdrawn.

    e. 8iscounting ;ill of E4change: It is another method of making advances

     by the banks. Dnder this method, bank give advance to their clients on the basis

    of their bills of e4change before the maturity of such bills.

    f. Investment in Government Fecurities: Purchasing of government

    securities by the banks tantamount to advancing loans by them to the

    Government. ;anks prefer to buy government securities as these are considered

    to be the safest investment.

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     bank is accepted by the public in settlement of their debts. In this process the

     bank creates money.

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    ii* Purchase and Fale of Fecurities : !he modern commercial banks also

    undertake the purchase and sale of various securities like shares, stocks, bonds

    units and debentures etc. =n behalf of the customers, banks do not give any

    advice regarding the suitability or otherwise of a security but simply perform

    the functions of a broker.

    iii* !rustee and E4ecutor : ;anks also acts as trustees and e4ecutors of the

     property of their customers on their advice. Fometimes banks also undertake

    income ta4 services on behalf of the customers.

    iv* 7emittance of

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    vii* Purchase and Fale of

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    iv* 5elp in !ransportation of Goods: ;ig businessmen or industrialists after 

    consigning goods to their retailers send the 7ailway 7eceipt &$onsignment

     Aote* to the bank.

    v* Issuing of gift cheues: $ertain banks issue gift cheues of various

    denominations, e.g. Fome Indian banks issue gift cheues f the denominations

    of 7s. ', /', 1' and '' etc. !hey are generally issued free of charge.

    vi* 8ealing in

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    I8;I ;ank 

    Indian ;ank 

    =riental ;ank of $ommerce

    Punjab Aational ;ank 

    Dnited ;ank of India

    %llahabad ;ank 

    %ndhra ;ank 

    ;ank of ;aroda

    ;ank of Maharashtra

    $anara ;ank 

    $entral ;ank of India

    $orporation ;ank 

    Indian =verseas ;ank 

    Fyndicate ;ank 

    Dnion ;ank of India

    9ijaya ;ank 

    Punjab J Find ;ank 


    %4is ;ank 

    ;ank of 7ajasthan

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    $atholic Fyrian ;ank 

    $ity Dnion ;ank 

    8hanalakshmi ;ank 

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    need not have to carry moneycash with him when he travels or goes for 


    $redit cards have found wide spread acceptance in the Bmetros’ and

     big cities. $redit cards are joining popularity for online payments. !he major 

     players in the $redit $ard market are the foreign banks and some big public

    sector banks like F;I and ;ank of ;aroda. India at present has about / million

    credit cards in circulation.

    * 8ebit $ards: 8ebit $ard is a +prepaid or +pay now card with some

    storedvalue. 8ebit $ards uickly debit or subtract money from one’s savings

    account, or if one were taking out cash.

    >hen % $DF!=ME7 makes a purchase, he enters this number on

    the shop’s PIA pad. >hen the card is swiped through the electronic terminal, it

    dials the acuiring bank system N either Master $ard or 9isa that validates the

    PIA and finds out from the issuing bank whether to accept or decline the

    transaction. !he customer never overspread because the amount spent is debited

    immediately from the customers account. Fo, for the debit card to work, one

    must already have the money in the account to cover the transaction. !here is no

    grace period for a debit card purchase.

    !he major limitation of 8ebit $ard is that currently only

    some /60 shops country wide accepts it.

    /* %utomatic !eller Machine: !he introduction of %!M’s has given the

    customers the facility of round the clock banking. %!M card is a device that

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    allows customer who has an %!M card to perform routine banking transaction at

    any time without interacting with human teller. !his can be done by inserting

    the card in the %!M and entering the Personal Identification Aumber and secret


    %!M’s are currently becoming popular in India that enables the

    customer to withdraw their money 0 hours a day and /21 days. It provides the

    customers with the ability to withdraw or deposit funds, check account

     balances, transfer funds and check statement information.

    0* E6$heues: !he e6cheues consists five primary facts. !hey are the

    consumers, the merchant, consumer’s bank the merchant’s bank and the e6mint

    and the clearing process. !his cheuring system uses the network services to

    issue and process payment that emulates real world cheuing. !he payer issue a

    digital cheues to the payee ant the entire transactions are done through internet.

    Electronic version of cheues are issued, received and processed

    !he e6cheuing is a great boon to big corporate as well as small retailers. Most

    major banks accept e6cheues. !hus this system offers secure means of 

    collecting payments, transferring value and managing cash flows.

    Electronic cheue handling process with computer networks and other electronic

    euipments. !hese banks are dispensing with the use of paper cheues. !he

    system called electronic fund transfer &E

    from one account to another. !his system facilitates speedier transfer of funds

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    electronically from any branch to any other branch. In this system the sender 

    and the receiver of funds may be located in different cities and may even bank 

    with different banks.

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    2* Internet ;anking: Internet banking involves use of internet for delivery of 

     banking products and services. >ith internet banking is now no longer 

    confirmed to the branches where one has to approach the branch in person, to

    withdraw cash or deposits a cheue or reuest a statement of accounts. In

    internet banking, any inuiry or transaction is processed online without any

    reference to the branch &anywhere banking* at any time.

    I$I$I bank was the first one to offer Internet ;anking in India.

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    3* $yber ;anking: It refers to banking through online services. ;anks with web

    site +$yber branches allowed customers to check balances, pay bills, transfer 

    funds, and apply for loans on the Internet.

    )* 8emat: 8emat is short for de6materialisation of shares. In short, 8emat is a

     process where at the customer’s reuest the physical stock is converted into

    electronic entries in the depository system.



    Performance Management began around 2 years ago as a source of income

     justification and was used to determine an employees wage based on

     performance. =rganisations used Performance Management to drive behaviours

    from the employees to get specific outcomes. In practice this worked well for 

    certain employees who were solely driven by financial rewards. 5owever,

    where employees were driven by learning and development of their skills, it

    failed miserably. !he gap between justification of pay and the development of 

    skills and knowledge became a huge problem in the use of Performance

    Management. !his became evident in the late '()s- the realisation that a more

    comprehensive approach to manage and reward performance was needed. !his

    approach of managing performance was developed in the Dnited ?ingdom and

    the Dnited Ftates much earlier than it was developed in %ustralia.

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    In recent decades, however, the process of managing people has become more

    formalised and specialised. Many of the old  performance appraisal  methods

    have been absorbed into the concept of Performance Management, which aims

    to be a more e4tensive and comprehensive process of management. Fome of the

    developments that have shaped Performance Management $n recent years are

    the differentiation of employees or talent management, management by

    objectives and constant monitoring and review. Its development was accelerated

     by the following factors:

    '* !he introduction of human resource management as a strategic driver and

    integrated approach to the management and development of employees.

    * !he understanding that the process of Performance Management  is

    something that’s completed by line managers throughout the year N it is not

    a once off annual event coordinated by the personnel department.


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    !he first step in the process is the setting up of the standards which will be used

    to as the base to compare the actual performance of the employees. !his step

    reuires setting the criteria to judge the performance of the employees as

    successful or unsuccessful and the degrees of their contribution to the

    organi"ational goals and objectives. !he standards set should be clear, easily

    understandable and in measurable terms. In case the performance of the

    employee cannot be measured, great care should be taken to describe the

    standards. ?P%s are set for each employee and they are prioriti"ed. 3O

    weightage is given to technical skills and /O weightage is given to

     behavioural skills. ;ehavioural skills e4pected from employees are same for all

    employees. %ssessment is done by the head of the department.


    =nce set, it’s the responsibility of the management to communicate the

    standards to all the employees of the organi"ation. !he employees are informed

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    and the standards are clearly e4plained to them. !his will help them to

    understand their roles and to know what e4actly is e4pected from them. !he

    standards are also communicated to the appraisers or the evaluators and if 

    reuired. !he standards can also be modified at this stage itself according to the

    relevant feedback from the employees or the evaluator 


    !he most difficult of the performance appraisal process is measuring the actual

     performance of the employees that is work done by the employees during the

    specified period of time. Is is a continuous process which involves monitoring

    the performance throughout the year. !his stage reuires the careful selection of 

    the appropriate techniues of measurement, taking care that personal bias does

    not affect the outcome of the process and providing assistance rather than

    interfering in an employees work.



    !he actual performance is compared with the desired or the standard

     performance. !he comparison tells the deviations in the performance of the

    employees from the standards set. !he result can show the actual performance

     being more than the desired performance or, the actual performance being less

    than the desired performance depicting a negative deviation in the

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    organi"ational performance. It includes recalling, evaluation and analysis of 

    data related to the employee’s performance.


    !he result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the employees

    on one6to6one basis. !he focus of this discussion is on communication and

    listening. !he results, the problems and the possible solutions are discussed with

    the aim of problem solving

    and reaching consensus. !he feedback should be given with a positive attitude

    as this can have an effect on the employees’ future performance. !he purpose of 

    the meeting should be to solve the problems faced and motivate the employees

    to perform better 

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    !he foregoing list of major program pitfalls represents a formidable challenge,

    even considering the available battery of appraisal techniues. ;ut attempting to

    avoid these pitfalls by doing away with appraisals themselves is like trying to

    solve the problems of life by committing suicide. !he more logical task is to

    identify those appraisal practices that are &a* most likely to achieve a particular 

    objective and &b* least vulnerable to the obstacles already discussed.

    ;efore relating the specific techniues to the goals of performance appraisal

    stated at the outset of the article, I shall briefly review each, taking them more

    or less in an order of increasing comple4ity.

    !he best6known techniues will be treated most briefly.

    Broa)'9= a'' t*e met*o)% of erformance ara$%a' can +e c'a%%$f$e) $nto

    fo''o,$ng t,o categor$e%:

      Tra)$t$ona' Met*o)%

      Mo)ern Met*o)%

    Met*o) of erformance ara$%a'


    E%%a9 ara$%a'

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    In its simplest form, this techniue asks the rater to write a paragraph or more

    covering an individual@s strengths, weaknesses, potential, and so on. In most

    selection situations, particularly those involving professional, sales, or 

    managerial positions, essay appraisals from former employers, teachers, or 

    associates carry significant weight.

    "ra*$c rat$ng %ca'e

    Tra)$t$ona' Met*o)% Mo)ern Met*o)%

      E%%a9 Met*o)

      "ra*$c Rat$ng Sca'e

      F$e') Re7$e, Met*o)


    Force) C*o$ce Met*o)

      Ran($ng Met*o)

      C*ec('$%t Met*o)

      Management +9 O+>ect$7e%

      A%%e%%ment Centre Met*o)


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    !he field review is one of several techniues for doing this. % member of the

     personnel or central administrative staff meets with small groups of raters from

    each supervisory unit and goes over each employee@s rating with them to &a*

    identify areas of inter6rater disagreement, &b* help the group arrive at a

    consensus, and &c* determine that each rater conceives the standards similarly. .

    Force)-c*o$ce rat$ng

    Hike the field review, this techniue was developed to reduce bias and establish

    objective standards of comparison between individuals, but it does not involve

    the intervention of a third party.

    Ran($ng met*o)%

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    0/ @A'ternat$on ran($ng

    :7anking of employees from best to worst on a trait or traits is another 

    method for evaluating employees. Fince it is usually easier to distinguish

     between the worst and the best employees than to rank them, an alternation

    ranking method is most popular. 5ere subordinates to be rated are listed and

    the names of those not well enough to rank are crossed. !hen on a form as

    shown below, the employee who is highest on the characteristic being

    measured and the one who is the lowest are indicated. !hen chose the ne4t

    highest and the ne4t lowest, alternating between highest and lowest until all

    the employees to be rated have been ranked.

    ./  @Pa$re)-comar$%on ran($ng:

    !his techniue is probably just as accurate as alternation ranking and might be

    more so. ;ut with large numbers of employees it becomes e4tremely time

    consuming and cumbersome.

    ;oth ranking techniues, particularly when combined with multiple rankings

    &i.e., when two or more people are asked to make independent rankings of the

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    same work group and their lists are averaged*, are among the best available for 

    generating valid order6of6merit rankings for salary administration purposes.


    Management +9 o+>ect$7e%

    !o avoid, or to deal with, the feeling that they are being judged by unfairly high

    standards, employees in some organi"ations are being asked to set 6 or help set 6

    their own performance goals. >ithin the past five or si4 years, M;= has

     become something of a fad and is so familiar to most managers that I will not

    dwell on it here.

    A%%e%%ment center%

    Fo far, we have been talking about assessing past performance. >hat about the

    assessment of future performance or potential In any placement decision and

    even more so in promotion decisions, some prediction of future performance is

    necessary. 5ow can this kind of prediction be made most validly and most



  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    Many firms have e4panded the idea of upward feedback into what the call /26

    degree feedback. !he feedback is generally used for training and development,

    rather than for pay increases.

    Most /2 8egree

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    which can be discussed objectively and constructively, with little or no need for 

    a supervisor to Cplay God.C


    Instead of assuming traits, the M;= method concentrates on actual outcomes. If 

    the employee meets or e4ceeds the set objectives, then he or she has

    demonstrated an acceptable level of job performance. Employees are judged

    according to real outcomes, and not on their potential for success, or on

    someone@s subjective opinion of their abilities.

    !he guiding principle of the M;= approach is that direct results can be

    observed easily. !he M;= method recogni"es the fact that it is difficult to

    neatly dissect all the comple4 and varied elements that go to make up employee


    M;= advocates claim that the performance of employees cannot be broken up

    into so many constituent parts, but to put all the parts together and the

     performance may be directly observed and measured.


    !his approach can lead to unrealistic e4pectations about what can and cannot be

    reasonably accomplished. Fupervisors and subordinates must have very good

    Creality checkingC skills to use M;= appraisal methods. !hey will need these

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    skills during the initial stage of objective setting, and for the purposes of self6

    auditing and self6monitoring.

    9ariable objectives may cause employee confusion. It is also possible that fluid

    objectives may be distorted to disguise or justify failures in performance.


    • Measures an employee’s performance.

    • 5elps in clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives.

    • Motivates the employee through achievement and feedback.

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    Performance appraisals are subject to a wide variety of inaccuracies and biases

    referred to as @rating errors@. !hese errors can seriously affect assessment results.

    Fome of the most common rating errors are: 6

    Len$enc9 or %e7er$t9:

    Heniency or severity on the part of the rater makes the assessment subjective.

    Fubjective assessment defeats the very purpose of performance appraisal.

    7atings are lenient for the following reasons:

    '. !he rater may feel that anyone under his or her jurisdiction who is rated

    unfavorably will reflect poorly on his or her own worthiness.

    . 5eFhe may feel that a derogatory rating will  be revealed to the rate to

    detriment the relations between the rater and the ratee.

    /. 5eFhe may rate leniently in order to win promotions for the subordinates

    and therefore, indirectly increase hisher hold over him.

    Centra' ten)enc9: -

    42 | P a g e

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    !his occurs when employees are incorrectly rated near the average or middle of 

    the scale. !he attitude of the rater is to play safe. !his safe playing attitude

    stems from certain doubts and an4ieties, which the raters have been assessing

    the rates.

    3a'o error:-

    % halo error takes place when one aspect of an individual@s performance

    influences the evaluation of the entire performance of the individual. !he halo

    error occurs when an employee who works late constantly might be rated high

    on productivity and uality of output as well a4 on motivation. Fimilarly, an

    attractive or popular personality might be given a high overall rating. 7ating

    employees separately on each of the performance measures and encouraging

    raters to guard against the halo effect are the two ways to reduce the halo effect.

    Rater effect:

    !his includes favoritism, stereotyping, and hostility. E4tensively high or low

    score are given only to certain individuals or groups based on the rater@s attitude

    towards them and not on actual outcomes or behaviors- se4, age, race and

    friendship biases are e4amples of this type of error.

    Pr$mac9 an) Regenc9 effect%: -

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     !he rater@s rating is heavily influenced either by behavior e4hibited by the ratee

    during his early stage of the review period &primacy* or by the outcomes, or 

     behavior e4hibited by the ratee near the end of the review period &regency*.

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks




    !he main objective of this study was to know performance management system

    in the organi"ation.!he sub objectives that we wanted to achieve are as


    '* !o know whether the employees are aware of the appraisal system

    followed by the company.

    * !o ascertain that what the factors are those are considered while

    appraising the performance of employees.

    /* !o know that whether there is any biasness in the performance appraisal

    system of the organi"ation.

    0* !o find out the satisfaction level of employees regarding companies

    appraisal system.

    1* !o analy"e the various factors that can motivate employees in their work.

    2* !o invite suggestions for the welfare of the employees of the company.

    7esearch is an art of scientific investigation. In other word research is a

    scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

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    !he logic behind taking research methodology into consideration is that one can

    have knowledge about the method and procedure adopted for achievement of 

    objectives of the project. >ith the adoption of this others can evaluate the

    results also. Its main aim is to keep the researchers on the right track.

    !he methodology adopted for studying the objectives was surveying the saving

    account holders of %gra 8istrict. Fo keeping in view the nature of reuirements

    of the study to collect all the relevant information regarding the comparison of 

    saving account of state bank of India with other banks, direct personal interview

    method with structured uestionnaire was adopted for the collection of primary


    Fecondary data has been collected through the various maga"ines and

    newspapers and by surfing on Internet. %nd the guide in the organi"ation was

    consulted at many times.


    % sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given

     population. It refers to the techniues or the procedure the researcher would

    adopt in selecting items for the sample. Fample design may as well lay down

    the number of items to be included in the sample i.e. the si"e of the sample.

    Fample design is determined before data are collected. 5ere we select the

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     population as sample in our sample design. !he selected respondents should be

    as representatives of the total population.

    POPULATION:- !he persons holding saving account related to business class

    of %gra 8istrict were taken into consideration.


    8ata was collected by using main two methods i.e primary data and secondary



    Primary data is the data which is used or collected for first time and it is not

    used by anyone in the past. !here are number of sources of primary data from

    which the information can be collected.

    UESTIONNAIRE:-!his method of data collection is uite popular. 5ere in

    our research we set 3 simple uestions and reuest the respondents to answer 

    these uestions with correct information.

    RESPONDENTS:-7espondents helps in creation of more accurate idea about

    our research. >e personally meet the respondents inside and outside the banks.


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    Fecondary data is the data which is available in readymade form and which is

    already used by people for some purposes. !here may be various sources of 

    secondary data such as6newspapers, maga"ines, journals, books, reports,

    documents and other published information.

    BAN!S ANNUAL REPORTS:-;anks issues there annual reports to get the

     people informed with the profitability and growth of the bank. !hese annual

    reports helps us a lot to get the latest data and other related information for our 

    research. It tells us about the increase or decrease in profits and other facilities.


    take into consideration the journals and publications issued by the bank at

    different times. we come to know about the ;ranches, %!M, locations and other 

    useful information.


    help of bank staff and other people who gives us deep information and data

    which may not be available at anywhere. !hey gives us there full co6 operation.

    INTERNET:->e also take into consideration the internet facility with which

    we collect lot of latest information.


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    SAMPLIN" UNIT:- F!%!E ;ank of IA8I%, ;ranch in %G7% city. 8ue to

    nature of study, we also visited various different banks I$I$I, 58

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks




    -01 Do 9o# (no, t*e re%ent Performance management %9%tem #%e) $n

    9o#r organ$&at$on

    50 | P a g e

    Re%on%e yes Ao




  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks






    Interretat$on >e can say that (1O employees know the performance

    management system used in the organi"ation 1O are unaware of that.

    -.1 %re you satisfied with the present PMF used in your organi"ation

    Re%on%e yes Ao Fome how $an’t say

    Re%on)ent% 0 '

    51 | P a g e

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    >e can say that )O employees are satisfied with the performance management

    system used in the organi"ation and no one is unsatisfied. 'O employees are

    some how satisfied and 'O are not able to say anything.

    -41 T*e c#rrent roce%% $% too t$me con%#m$ng.

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    agree neutral disagree Ftrongly




    ) '' ''

    52 | P a g e

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    >e can say that 12O employees are agree, O are neutral and O are

    disagree with the above statement.

    -51 Do 9o# t*$n( t*e a%%e%%ment g$7en +9 9o#r 3OD $% on #n+$a%e) +a%$%/

    7esponse Ftrongly


    agree neutral disagree Ftrongly


    53 | P a g e

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    ' / 1 /


    >e can say that O employees are strongly agree, 2O are agree, 'O are

    neutral, 2O are disagree and 0O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    -61 Team o+>ect$7e% )ont e$%t/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly %gree neutral disagree Ftrongly

    54 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    agree disagree



    ' ' 1 '1 '


    >e can say that O employees are strongly agree, O are agree, 'O are

    neutral, /O are disagree and O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    55 | P a g e

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  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    -1 Reg#'ar fee)+ac( of t*e ,or( $% g$7en.

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree neutral disagree Ftrongly




    '1 3 / /


    57 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    >e can say that /O employees are strongly agree, 10O are agree, 2O are

    neutral, 2Oare disagree and 0O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    -G1 PMS of 9o#r coman9 mot$7ate% 9o# for ,or(/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral 8isagree Ftrongly




    ( /' )


    58 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    >e can say that ')O employees are strongly agree, 2O are agree, '2O are

    neutral, 0Oare disagree and O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    -H1 PMS $% effect$7e $n 9o#r organ$&at$on/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral 8isagree Ftrongly




    '/ 3 2

    5/ | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    >e can say that 2O employees are strongly agree, 10O are agree, 'O are

    neutral, 0Oare disagree and 0O are strongly disagree with the

    -0?1 Part$c$at$on $n t*e erformance management roce%% $% # to t*e

    re8#$re) 'e7e'/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral 8isagree Ftrongly


    60 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks




    ) 1 ' 1


    >e can say that '2O employees are strongly agree, 1O are agree, O are

    neutral, 'Oare disagree and 0O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    -001 Per%ona' )e7e'oment 'an% e$%t/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly %gree Aeutral disagree Ftrongly

    61 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    agree disagree



    2 / 1 1 0


    >e can say that 'O employees are strongly agree, 2O are agree, 'O are

    neutral, 'Oare disagree and )O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    -0.1 Fee)+ac( on goo) or oor rogre%% $% %a7e) # to t*e en) of t*e 9ear/

    62 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral disagree Ftrongly




    ( /3


    >e can say that ')O employees are strongly agree, 30O are agree, 0O are

    neutral, 0Oare disagree and O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    63 | P a g e

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    -041 I% #n%at$%factor9 PMS )$rect'9 re'ate% to t*e em'o9ee t#rno7er/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral disagree Ftrongly




    ( /1 / '


    >e can say that ')O employees are strongly agree, 3O are agree, 2O are

    neutral, 0Oare disagree and O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    64 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    -051 Se'f rat$ng $% 7er9 #%ef#' for PMS/

    Re%on%e Ftrongly


    %gree Aeutral disagree Ftrongly




    ) / 2 0


    >e can say that '2O employees are strongly agree, 20O are agree, 'O are

    neutral, )Oare disagree and O are strongly disagree with the statement.

    65 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    -061 ,*at factor% from t*e fo''o,$ng are con%$)ere) $n 9o#r organ$&at$on

    ,*$'e ara$%$ng t*e erformance/

    Re%on%e !echnicality

    J behavior 











    /2 0 )

    66 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    >e can say that 3O employees says that technicality J behavior are

    considered while appraising the performance, )O think team work, '2O says

     productivity, 0O says waste management and O says other.


  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    >e can say that ')O employees think that appraisal should be done only once,

    )O think that it should be done continuously.

    -01 If g$7en a c*ance or oort#n$t9= ,o#') 9o# '$(e t*at t*e c#rrent

    roce)#re %*o#') +e re7$e,e) 

    Re%on%e Les no $an’t say




    68 | P a g e

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    2O employees want that the current procedure should be reviewed and 0O

    says that it should not be reviewed.

    -0G1 Ba%e) on 9o#r 8#a'$f$cat$on= c#rrent ro'e= re%on%$+$'$t9

    ac*$e7ement= *o, )o 9o# ran( 9o#r o,n erformance

    Re%on%e E4cellent 9ery good %verage Good

    Re%on)ent% 0 ) ')

    6/ | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks



    >e can say that )O employees rank their performance as e4cellent, '2O as very

    good, /2O as average and 0O as good.

    -0H1 ;*at accor)$ng to 9o# $% t*e +e%t %trateg9 for $ncrea%$ng t*e

    em'o9ee erformance

    Re%on%e Increase




  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


    t for work t other  



    ' 2 /


    >e can say that 0 O employees think that increase in benefits can increase the

    employee’s performance, O says negative reinforcement, 'O says freedom

    for work, 20O say positive reinforcement.


    71 | P a g e

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    'O employees know the performance management system used in the


    • More than 1O employees agreed that the present system is time consuming.

    • 2O of the employees agreed that assessment given by their 5=8 is on

    unbiassed basis.

    •  /O of the employees are agreed that team objectives do e4ist.

    • 1O of the employees agreed that the focus of PMF is developmental.

    • More than 1O of the employees are agreed that PMF in their organi"ation is


    • 5alf of the employees agreed that participation in the PMF is upto the

    reuired level.

    • 2O of the employees are agreed that personal development plans e4ist.

    • 3O of the employees are agreed that unsatisfactory PMF directly relates to

    the employee turnover.

    • 20O of the employees are agreed that self rating is useful in PMF.

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    Employee satisfaction is vital factor for the performance of organi"ation

     because it provides the basis for the foundation of the organi"ation. =n the basis

    of study which I gone through, I came to know that employee satisfaction level

    is high but there are chances of improvisation.

    !o increase the level of satisfaction, some more steps can be taken by banking

    sector in %gra such as self rating by the employees and positive reinforcement

    system for increasing the performance of the employees. !he primary objective

    was to study satisfaction with regard to performance management system of the

    organi"ation and from study, I came to know that majority of the employees are

    satisfied with policies of the organi"ation. !o increase the percentage of 

    satisfied employees, organi"ation should work for them.

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    • %ppraisal of the performance should be done continuously.

    • Positive reinforcement should be used for increasing the employee


    • =rgani"ation need to ensure role clarity among the employees.

    • %ppraiser should have proper knowledge regarding the different rating

    scales in the appraisal report.

    • It is suggested that involvement of appraisal in performance management

    activities should be increased.

    • Employees should be given chance to give suggestions regarding

     performance management system.

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     ?evin .F, securities and portfolio management,

  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks







    Q6'* 8o you know the present Performance management system used in your 


    R'S Les RS Ao

    Q6* %re you satisfied with the present PMF used in your organi"ation

      R'S yes RS no R/S some how R0S can’t say

    Q6/* the current process is too time consuming.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q60* 8o you think the assessment given by your 5=8 is on unbiased basis.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q61* !eam objectives don’t e4ist.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q62* !he focus of performance management is developmental.

    76 | P a g e

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      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q63* 7egular feedback of the work is given.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q6)* PMF of your company motivates you for work.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q6(* PMF is effective in your organi"ation.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q6'* Participation in the performance management process is up to the

    reuired level.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q6''* Personal development plans e4ist.

      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree


  • 8/17/2019 Performance Appraisal at Public and Private Banks


      R'S strongly agree RS agree R/S neutral R0S disagree R1S strongly disagree

    Q6'1* >hat factors from the following are considered in your organi"ation

    while appraising the performance.

      R'S !echnicality J behavior 

      RS team work 

      R/S productivity

      R0S waste management

      R1S other 

    Q6'2* 5ow often the appraisal should be done

      R'Sonce during the service period RS continuously

      R/S never R0S can’t say

    Q6'3* If given a chance or opportunity, would you like that the current

     procedure should be reviewed

      R'S yes RS no R/S can’t say

    Q6')* ;ased on your ualification, current role, responsibility J achievement,

    how do you rank your own performance

      R'S e4cellent RS very good R/S average R0S good

    78 | P a g e

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    Q6'(* >hat according to you is the best strategy for increasing the employee


      R'S Increase benefits RS negative reinforcement R/S freedom for work

    R0S positive reinforcement R1S any other