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The Engagement and Participation Team Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND WWW.SOMERSET.GOV.UK A handy guide for practitioners If you work with children and young people who have a Special Educational Need and or a Disability, whether you work within education, health, social care or the voluntary sector, we are available to offer support on the following: The Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms - what’s changed? Engagement and Participation with children and young people with SEND Effective communication Transitions - what good looks like Raising aspirations We can also deliver bespoke workshops if you need something more specific. We are also able to: Attend your meetings Present at events Review literature to enhance readability Offer support for consultations If you would like to get in touch, please contact Jemma on (01823) 359868 or 07469 413359 [email protected] E n g a g e m e n t & P a r t i c i p a t i o n T e a m S p e c i a l E d u c a t i o n a l N e e d s & D i s a b i l i t i e s

people who have a Special Educational The Engagement and ...

Feb 23, 2022



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Page 1: people who have a Special Educational The Engagement and ...

The Engagement and Participation TeamSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND


A handy guide for practitioners

If you work with children and young people who have a Special Educational Need and or a Disability, whether you work within education, health, social care or the voluntary sector, we are available to offer support on the following:

• TheSpecialEducationalNeedsand Disabilityreforms-what’schanged?

• EngagementandParticipationwith childrenandyoungpeoplewithSEND

• Effectivecommunication

• Transitions-whatgoodlookslike

• Raisingaspirations



• Attendyourmeetings

• Presentatevents

• Reviewliteraturetoenhancereadability

• Offersupportforconsultations

If you would like to get in touch,please contact Jemma on

(01823) 359868 or 07469 413359

[email protected]


gement & Participation Team

Special Educational Needs & D




Page 2: people who have a Special Educational The Engagement and ...

Are you engaging and participating effectively with children and young people?

1.Doyouhaveastrategytoengagechildren andyoungpeopleinyourdaytodaybusiness?

2.Doyouhavearangeoffeedbackmethods thatareaccessibletochildrenandyoung peoplewitharangeofabilities?

3.Doyouevidencethatyouarelisteningtothe feedbackfromchildrenandyoungpeople?

4.Canyougiveanexampleofhowchildren,young peopleandtheirfamiliesareinvolvedindecision makingwithinyourservice?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, then we can support you.


ement & Participation Team

Special Educational Needs & Disa



Involving children, young people and their families is at the heart of the SEND reforms

Inautumn2014changesweremadetothewaywesupportchildrenandyoungpeoplewithspecialeducationalneedsanddisabilities.Thesechangeshaveanofficialname-theSpecial Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)reforms.TheywereintroducedaspartoftheChildrenandFamiliesAct.

ThereformsrequireustodeveloplinkswithchildrenandyoungpeoplewithSEND and theirfamiliesinSomersettomakesuretheyarefullyinvolvedinplanninganddecisionmaking.





The team have a county-wide SEND children and young people’s forum in Somerset called The Unstoppables: Theymeetregularlyandareavailableforconsultations.

Our aspiration is to ensure that children and young people with SEND and their families are represented and have their voices heard.