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HONOURS PROJECT LITERATURE SYNTHESIS Improving student engagement with educational material Deon Takpuie Supervised by: Professor Sonia Berman DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERISTY OF CAPE TOWN 2012 NRF FUNDED RESEARCH The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not necessarily to be attributed to the NRF. Category Min Max Chosen 1 Requirement Analysis and Design 0 20 20 2 Theoretical Analysis 0 25 0 3 Experiment Design and Execution 0 20 15 4 System Development and Implementation 0 15 5 5 Results, Findings and Conclusion 10 20 10 6 Aim Formulation and Background Work 10 15 10 7 Quality of Report Writing and Presentation 10 10 8 Adherence to Project Proposal and Quality of Deliverables 10 10 9 Overall General Project Evaluation 0 10 0 Total marks 80

Improving student engagement with educational materialdtakpuie/Project/front-end/...Improving student engagement with educational material Deon Takpuie Supervised by: Professor Sonia

Feb 24, 2021



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Page 1: Improving student engagement with educational materialdtakpuie/Project/front-end/...Improving student engagement with educational material Deon Takpuie Supervised by: Professor Sonia


Improving student engagement with educational


Deon Takpuie

Supervised by: Professor Sonia Berman





The financial assistance of the National Research Foundation (NRF) towards this research is hereby

acknowledged. Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the author and are not

necessarily to be attributed to the NRF.

Category Min Max Chosen

1 Requirement Analysis and Design 0 20 20

2 Theoretical Analysis 0 25 0

3 Experiment Design and Execution 0 20 15

4 System Development and Implementation 0 15 5

5 Results, Findings and Conclusion 10 20 10

6 Aim Formulation and Background Work 10 15 10

7 Quality of Report Writing and Presentation 10 10

8 Adherence to Project Proposal and Quality of Deliverables 10 10

9 Overall General Project Evaluation 0 10 0

Total marks 80

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Abstract The Vula wiki tool is under-utilized in the computer science department at UCT, and in some other

departments has been replaced by alternative wiki tools that are easier to use. Since the wiki can be a

valuable educational tool, it was decided thatgamificiation should be used to increase the usability of the

Vula wiki on mobile phones. This led to the development of a system for computer science undergraduate

students which used an iterative user-centered design approach; consisting of a design, implementation

and evaluation of a prototype in each stage. Initially, two low-fidelity then two high-fidelity prototypes

are developed whilst incorporating user feedback from the previous iteration. At the same time,

gamification rules, which are influenced largely by the GameFlow criteria for player enjoyment in games,

are refined continually.

Thereafter, the final system is completed and evaluated with a summative evaluation using the

experimental process (on just 10 users). Overall, there has been no (significant) improvement in the

usability of the Vula wiki through gamification, but was statistically significantly faster for 1(out of 5)

tasks and had statistically significantly less errors for 1(out of 5) tasks.

However, this is the first time gamification has been introduced to the Vula wiki and has been met by

positive user feedback (although honesty is not assured).

We believe this project to be a first step in tackling an important problem because it seems not many

students do use the Vula wiki based on this research. Future extensions include improvement of game

rules and general wiki functionality of the system.

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Firstly, I would like to thank my main supervisor, Professor Sonia Berman, who helped every step of the

way and provided valuable feedback on my writing. Also, I am grateful for the idea of making the wiki

more usable for students.

I would also like to thank the co-supervisor, Mr. Stephen Marquad, for always willing to answer

questions about the Vula system, of which he is the coordinator.

I would also like to thank my project partner, Reitumetse Chaka, who suggested the idea of gamification,

which is essential to our project solution. Furthermore, I hereby acknowledge his wonderful work ethic

and timeliness in meeting deliverables.

I would also like to thank Samsung for sponsoring me with a mobile phone for the duration of the project.

I hereby acknowledged all the students who participated in user testing for this project, I am most grateful

for the time (and even extra) that you have given me.

I would also like to thank my mother for her endless sacrifices and support, as well as my late father for

instilling a passion for technology in me. Likewise, I also hereby acknowledge my High School computer

science teacher, Mr. Dale Mckenzie, for introducing programming to me and his constant encouragement.

I would also to thank my family and friends for their support as well.

Last but not least, I thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, as I could not have done this without Him.

He has given me strength, passion and much needed perseverance to finish this project.

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Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 2

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 8

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 8

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 10

1.1 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 11

1.2 Research Questions ................................................................................................................ 11

1.3 Research Design..................................................................................................................... 12

1.4 Theoretical Framework .......................................................................................................... 12

1.5 System Overview ................................................................................................................... 12

1.6 Ethical Issues ......................................................................................................................... 13

1.7 Outline ................................................................................................................................... 13

2 Previous Work ............................................................................................................................... 15

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Gamification .......................................................................................................................... 15

2.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 15

2.2.2 Essential Game Elements ................................................................................................ 17

2.2.3 Benefits .......................................................................................................................... 17

2.2.4 Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 18

2.2.5 Psychology ..................................................................................................................... 18

2.2.6 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 18

2.3 Gamification methods at university ........................................................................................ 18

2.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 18

2.3.2 Types ............................................................................................................................. 19

2.3.3 Chosen gamification tool ................................................................................................ 21

2.3.4 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 22

2.4 Wiki ....................................................................................................................................... 22

2.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 22

2.4.2 Structure ......................................................................................................................... 22

2.4.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 22

2.5 Gamification of the wiki ......................................................................................................... 23

2.5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 23

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2.5.2 Gamifying the wiki ......................................................................................................... 23

2.5.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 23

2.6 Mobile Usability .................................................................................................................... 24

2.6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 24

2.6.2 Techniques ..................................................................................................................... 24

2.6.3 Wiki UI Techniques ....................................................................................................... 26

2.6.4 User Evaluations ............................................................................................................ 27

2.6.5 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 28

2.7 Critical Comparison ............................................................................................................... 28

2.8 Gap in the knowledge ............................................................................................................. 29

2.9 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 29

3 Design Chapter .............................................................................................................................. 31

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 31

3.2 Development platform ............................................................................................................ 31

3.3 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 32

3.4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 32

3.4.1 Clients/Supervisors ......................................................................................................... 33

3.4.2 Literature Based ............................................................................................................. 34

3.4.3 Conceptual Model Extraction ......................................................................................... 35

3.5 Gamification Requirements .................................................................................................... 36

3.6 Prototypes .............................................................................................................................. 36

3.7 Evaluations ............................................................................................................................ 37

3.8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 39

4 Low Fidelity Prototype Iterations ................................................................................................... 40

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 40

4.2 Feasibility Study .................................................................................................................... 40

4.3 Paper Prototype1 .................................................................................................................... 40

4.3.1 Requirements Gathering ................................................................................................. 40

4.3.2 Design ............................................................................................................................ 41

4.3.3 Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 42

4.3.4 Findings ......................................................................................................................... 43

4.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 43

5 High Fidelity Prototype Iterations .................................................................................................. 44

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5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 44

5.2 Paper Prototype 2 ................................................................................................................... 44

5.2.1 Requirements Changes ................................................................................................... 44

5.2.2 Design ............................................................................................................................ 44

5.2.3 Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 46

5.2.4 Findings ......................................................................................................................... 46

5.3 Horizontal Software Prototype ............................................................................................... 49

5.3.1 Design ............................................................................................................................ 49

5.4 Use Cases .............................................................................................................................. 49

5.4.1 Implementation .............................................................................................................. 50

5.4.2 Screenshots .................................................................................................................... 51

5.5 Evaluation and Findings ......................................................................................................... 52

5.5.1 Test Subjects .................................................................................................................. 52

5.5.2 Permission and consent................................................................................................... 52

5.5.3 Methodology .................................................................................................................. 52

5.5.4 Structure of evaluation .................................................................................................... 53

5.5.5 Findings ......................................................................................................................... 54

5.5.6 Changes recommended ................................................................................................... 57

5.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 60

6 Game Rules ................................................................................................................................... 61

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 61

6.2 Final Game Rules ................................................................................................................... 61

6.3 Avatars .................................................................................................................................. 62

6.4 Badges ................................................................................................................................... 63

6.5 Rules not used ........................................................................................................................ 63

6.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 63

7 Final System Design and Implementation ...................................................................................... 65

7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 65

7.2 Feasibility Study .................................................................................................................... 65

7.2.1 Design ............................................................................................................................ 65

7.2.2 Implementation .............................................................................................................. 66

7.2.3 Evaluation ...................................................................................................................... 66

7.2.4 Feedback ........................................................................................................................ 66

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7.3 Final Design ........................................................................................................................... 67

7.3.1 System Architecture ....................................................................................................... 67

7.3.2 DB-Schema .................................................................................................................... 68

7.4 Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 70

7.4.1 Methodology .................................................................................................................. 70

7.4.2 Tools and Platform ......................................................................................................... 71

7.4.3 Screenshots .................................................................................................................... 71

7.5 System Changes ..................................................................................................................... 73

7.5.1 Suggested changes not implemented ............................................................................... 73

7.5.2 Suggested changes implemented ..................................................................................... 73

7.5.3 General system changes made ........................................................................................ 74

7.6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 74

8 Experimentation Design and Results .............................................................................................. 75

8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 75

8.2 Method .................................................................................................................................. 75

8.2.1 Hypotheses ..................................................................................................................... 75

8.2.2 Users chosen .................................................................................................................. 76

8.2.3 Experimental Design ...................................................................................................... 77

8.2.4 Control procedures ......................................................................................................... 78

8.2.5 Tasks .............................................................................................................................. 78

8.3 Findings and Results .............................................................................................................. 79

8.3.1 Results analysis and discussion ....................................................................................... 80

8.3.2 Usability Feedback ......................................................................................................... 83

8.3.3 Problems with the application ......................................................................................... 85

8.3.4 Problems beyond system scope ....................................................................................... 86

9 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 87

9.1 Future work............................................................................................................................ 88

10 References ................................................................................................................................. 89

11 Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 98

11.1 Paper Prototype 1 ................................................................................................................... 98

11.1.1 Screens ........................................................................................................................... 98

11.2 Paper Prototype 2 ................................................................................................................... 99

11.2.1 Screens ........................................................................................................................... 99

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11.3 Windows Navigation Diagram of the Gamified Wiki ............................................................ 103

11.4 Description of Evaluation Tasks ........................................................................................... 104

11.5 The Final Evaluation Grid .................................................................................................... 107

11.6 Interview Questions ............................................................................................................. 107

11.7 Image Icons Used ................................................................................................................. 108

11.8 Statistical Data ..................................................................................................................... 110

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List of Figures Figure 1: System Overview ................................................................................................................... 13

Figure 2:The Gamification Loop (Liu et al. 2011) .................................................................................. 16

Figure 3: EcoLand Picture(Shiraishi et al. 2009) .................................................................................... 17

Figure 4: Orientation app Screenshot (Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a) ............................... 19

Figure 5: Student Improved Pass Rates (D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011) ............................................ 20

Figure 6: Comparison of Gamification Techniques(Donovan 2012) ....................................................... 21

Figure 7: Microsoft Word file menu (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.230) ..................................................... 24

Figure 8: Tree Maps (Shneiderman 1992a) ............................................................................................ 27

Figure 9: User-centered design. (Telono 2012) ...................................................................................... 33

Figure 10: First Requirements Mind map ............................................................................................... 34

Figure 11: Sample GEL (game-enhanced learning) performance gauge tool (Bustard et al. 2011) .......... 35

Figure 12: Paper Sketch of Badges Screen ............................................................................................. 37

Figure 13: Home Screen–Paper.............................................................................................................. 41

Figure 14: Create Page Screen – Paper................................................................................................... 41

Figure 15: Edit Page Screen – Paper ...................................................................................................... 42

Figure 16: Badges Screen - Paper .......................................................................................................... 42

Figure 17: Home Screen - Paper Prototype 2.......................................................................................... 44

Figure 18: Create Page Screen - Paper ................................................................................................... 45

Figure 19: Edit Page Screen- Paper ........................................................................................................ 45

Figure 20: Badges Page Screen – Paper ................................................................................................. 46

Figure 21: Create Page Tutorial Screen .................................................................................................. 47

Figure 22: Gamified wiki Use Case Diagram ......................................................................................... 50

Figure 23: Horizontal Prototype Screens ................................................................................................ 52

Figure 24: Points gauge( the jQuery Foundation 2012a) redesigned by user ........................................... 58

Figure 25: New Created Page redesigned by user ................................................................................... 59

Figure 26: Feasibility Software Log-In .................................................................................................. 65

Figure 27: System Overview.................................................................................................................. 67

Figure 28: Database Schema .................................................................................................................. 69

Figure 29: Final Create Page Scenario ................................................................................................... 71

Figure 30: Final Gamification Screens ................................................................................................... 72

Figure 31: Average Clicks per Task graph ............................................................................................. 80

Figure 32: Average Task Completion Time graph .................................................................................. 81

Figure 33: Average Errors per Task graph ............................................................................................. 82

Figure 34: Windows Navigation Diagram - Gamified Wiki .................................................................. 104

List of Tables Table 1: Gamificiation - Benefits versus Limitations.............................................................................. 28

Table 2: Gamification Methods at University ......................................................................................... 28

Table 3: User Evaluations ...................................................................................................................... 29

Table 4: Evaluation Plan ........................................................................................................................ 53

Table 5: Navigation Results – Current Wiki ........................................................................................... 55

Table 6: Navigation Results- Gamified Wiki.......................................................................................... 55

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Table 7: Achievements List ................................................................................................................... 62

Table 8: Avatar list ................................................................................................................................ 62

Table 9: Badges list ............................................................................................................................... 63

Table 10: Dependent and independent variables ..................................................................................... 75

Table 11: Final Evaluation Grid ........................................................................................................... 107

Table 12: Image Icons Used ................................................................................................................ 108

Table 13: Average Clicks Stats ............................................................................................................ 110

Table 14: Average Task Completion Time ........................................................................................... 111

Table 15: Average Errors per Task ...................................................................................................... 112

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1 Introduction Wikipedia(Wikipedia 2012b), a free encyclopedia, is increasingly being used to engage with students

academically as can be seen from the 36% of students who used it in America in 2007(Rainie& Tancer

2007). This project attempts to use gamification to make the Vula wiki more usable on mobile phones.

Vula is a University of Cape Town(UCT) derivative of Sakai(S. Foundation 2012), an open source

learning management system . Gamification is the use of game techniques in non-game contexts (like a

wiki, in this case). Currently, the Vula wiki tool is under-utilized in the computer science department at

UCT, and in some other departments has been replaced by alternative wiki tools that are easier to

use(Berman 2012).

Therefore, the objective is to is to determine whether gamification improves the usability of the Vula wiki

on mobile phones, mainly in terms of key usability components speed and accuracy(Nigel Bevan 1995).

Indeed, the primary contribution of the research is to make the Vula wiki easier for students to use (on

mobile) although the addition of gamification to the wiki has never been done before either. Before

moving onto the research problem, it is necessary to explain key concepts used such as: gamification and

mobile usability.


This originates with human computer interaction heuristics techniques dating back to the 1980s (Malone

1982) with experiments on how addition of elements inherited from game designs can enhance the

interest of an audience. Effects of gamification on university students has been investigated in a research

(Fitz-walter et al. 2011) and showed an improvement in interactions with the system information. There is

also a study done at UCT that attempted to determine what gamification techniques students find most

enjoyable (Donovan 2012).

An example of gamification in the education environment is the rewarding of students with incentives

(like bonus marks) to encourage participation (Bustard et al. 2007). In the context of the Vula system,

students can be awarded for their participation in wiki tools. The wiki has been chosen because all user

reads and writes are logged. The wiki tools will not immediately replace the current ones but will be part

of a new Vula course site that will test the implementation on a group of students. Furthermore, since the

wiki is considered on the mobile platform only, it is important to understand usability in mobile devices.

Mobile Usability

Usability, in the broader sense, is the ease of use of an application(N Bevan & Azuma 1997). Software

designed on mobile phones is quite different to that designed on desktops , in that mobile phones have

limited memory(Jong et al. 2008) , screen size, limited page types and more(Jones & Marsden 2005,

p.251). Therefore, careful consideration needs to be taken in the area of mobile usability whilst solving

the pressing issue of this project, to be discussed next.

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1.1 Problem Statement The Vula wiki tool is under-utilized in the computer science department at UCT, and in some other

departments it has been replaced by alternative wiki tools that are easier to use(Berman 2012). Since it is

a potentially a valuable educational tool, and its short-snippet engagement style is particularly conducive

to mobile interaction, this project is designed to investigate the problem of incentivizing mobile usage of

the Vula wiki by means of gamification. This is particularly important given the poor throughput rates in

tertiary education(McMillan 2007) and the encouraging successes of gamified learning in other contexts

such as the improved pass rates (in first and second year computer science course) at the University of

Ulster via a gamified education tool (Bustard et al. 2011). However, since the front-end of the project

involves software engineering, it is also important to state the shareholders and their needs, before

moving to the research questions:

Clients The clients are Professor Sonia Berman, computer science HOD (head of department) at UCT and also Mr. Stephen Marquard, co-coordinator of Vula UCT. Their interests are to see the wiki made easier for

students to use on a mobile.

Users Are university of Cape Town (UCT) computer science (undergraduate) students and their objective is to

enjoy using the wiki tool.

1.2 Research Questions In order explore the above problem; this research investigates whether a gamifiedVula wiki on mobile is

more usable than the current Vula wiki on mobile. To justify, given that usability can be thought of as

ease of use of an application(N Bevan & Azuma 1997), the research question ties in with the project aim

of making the Vula wiki easier to use on mobile phones. Usability in this context is measured by

effectiveness/”errors” (average errors per task) and efficiency/”speed” (average clicks/time to complete a

task) and to a lesser extent user satisfaction(Nigel Bevan 1995). Therefore, the research question can be

broken down into three separate hypotheses (where mobile abbreviates mobile phone):


1. A gamifiedVula wiki on mobile is more usable than the current Vula wiki on mobile.

1.1 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile requires fewer key presses to navigate than the

current Vula wiki on mobile.

1.2 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile requires less time to navigate than the current Vula

wiki on mobile.

1.3 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile is less error prone than the current Vula wiki on


Of these, the dependent variable is system choice (either the Vula or gamified mobile wiki) and

independent variables are: number of clicks (measured relatively as screen transitions), task completion

time (measured absolutely in seconds) and number of errors (in completing tasks). Also, key success

factors for the experiment thus are to improve the Vula wiki in terms of number of clicks, task completion

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time and errors as well as to critical analyze why such an improvement was or was not possible.

Therefore, an experiment (which is described next) is designed to evaluate this.

1.3 Research Design The research questions are to be evaluated in a summative evaluation (Nielsen 1993)using experimental

evaluation(Hezel Associates 2010)but first the participants need to be defined. The participants will be

computer science undergraduate students who are to be selected randomly. In the final evaluation, half the

participants will be novices (users who have not used either Vula or gamified wiki before) and the other

half experts (those who have used both wikis before). Also, instrumentation (or data collection tools) will

be an evaluation grid/coding sheet(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.202) which will record: the number of

clicks, task completion time and number of errors for every task. Furthermore, a post-experimentation

interview will also be used to extract users subjective system opinions(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.240). In

terms of evaluation procedure, the participants would test both systems for approximately 30 minutes

(whilst data is noted on evaluation grid) and thereafter complete a brief 10 minute post-experiment


1.4 Theoretical Framework A user-centered design framework(Marsden et al. 2008) is used to develop prototype iteratively and using

appropriate usability evaluations at each stage including: conceptual model extractions, heuristic

evaluations, formative evaluations and summative evaluation (for the final system). Also, GameFlow

criteria for player enjoyment in games(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005) has been applied to develop the

gamification rules.

1.5 System Overview In order to evaluate the research questions, a number of elements had to be designed and these are

illustrated with their allocation to the relevant group members (figure 1). Essentially, the system was

developed using a two-tier architecture consisting of a front-end (focus of this research) and a back-end.

This architecture was used for simplicity and allowed a modular development. To elaborate, the front-end

interacts with the back-end at a software/application level whereas the game rules alter it at a user

interface level (such as the inclusion of badges on a page). Likewise, the back-end interacts with Sakai

(for authentication and such) whilst providing the implementation of the game rules. In terms of

languages, the front-end was developed using jQuery Mobile framework( the jQuery Foundation 2012c)

for cross-platform development by using HTML, Ajax and JavaScript(with jQuery) to interact with the

back-end. In addition, there was only one device used for testing as this was the Samsung galaxy

ace(sponsored by the company) but more smartphones can be used in the future, as jQuery Mobile is

cross-platform(Godwin-Jones 2011) although from experience minor user interface tweaking is required

for some platforms(like Blackberry). Given these system components, the research questions can be

tested via experimental evaluation.

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Figure 1: System Overview

1.6 Ethical Issues Firstly, the appropriate ethical clearance from the UCT Science Faculty Ethics clearance and access to

UCT students (from UCT student affairs department) has been obtained, as this was necessary to conduct

experiments. Furthermore, participants signed a consent form, were treated with respect, paid R30 as well

as thanked for their participation.

In terms of professional and intellectual property issues regarding the software development, a number

had to be taken into account. Firstly, commercial development environments such as

Dreamweaver(Adobe 2012) could not be used due to cost, so open-source alternatives such as notepad++

(Ho 2012) were used. Also, the jQuery Mobile platform( the jQuery Foundation 2012c) used to create the

user interface posed no legal constraints as it is created by the jQuery Foundation( the jQuery Foundation

2012b) , which is a non-profit trade association. Care had to be taken to use only free images online and

to download images from their original source not just from Google Images(Google 2012), for instance.

Furthermore, content in pages is allowed to be liked using a open source thumbs up icon(

2012)as the familiar Facebook‟s (Facebook 2012) like button is copyrighted.

1.7 Outline Chapter 2 examines the foundation literature needed for the project, from the areas of gamification and

mobile usability. Chapter 3 provides an overview of the prototyping iterations of the project as well as

their evaluations. Chapters 4 and 5, expounds on these various low and high-fidelity prototypes as well as














Reitumetse Chaka Vula Deon Takpuie

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their evaluations.Chapter 6 discusses the game rules of the system and how they are derived. Chapter 7

discusses the final implementation, in terms of its improvements from the final prototype. Chapter 8

evaluates the final system with a summative evaluation (through experimental process) and analyzes the

findings. Lastly, the final chapter concludes on these findings based on the hypotheses and also draws out

future extensions to the project.

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2 Previous Work

2.1 Introduction There is much literature on making students engage more with educational material(Fischer & Troendle

2003). In particular, this paper focuses on the recent work of using online learning tools to increase

student engagement with academic material with the intention of improving their pass rates. The research

conducted pointed to a pioneering field, “gamification”, as being helpful in increasing student

engagement with educational material(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a). Hence, gamification

is evaluated broadly initially and then its particular implementations are compared. In fact, gamification is

the only method evaluated since it is often successful and simple to use(Burke & Hiltbrand 2011). In

between, all relevant aspects are defined appropriately such as the chosen tool of gamification (the wiki

tool). Lastly, the issues of usability and user testing on a mobile application are expounded on.

2.2 Gamification

2.2.1 Introduction


Following the success of a location-based service Foursquare(Crowley & Selvadurai 2009), the idea of

introducing gaming elements in non-game situation is now being discussed in health, education, media

and many more fields. Gamification has predecessors and similarities with the HCI and the games studies

fields. The term gamification was first documented in 2008 but only received widespread usage in the

second half of 2010(Deterding, Dixon, Khaled & Lennart 2011a).


Gamification can be defined as the concept of introducing gamimg elements to non-gaming activities.

Authors sometimes use the term “gamify”, which is the application of gamification(Muntean 2002).

Games comprise of rules and competition towards outcomes or goals by human participants. Games

typically give rise to play but play is more general than games. Serious games use complete games for

non-entertainment purposes whereas gamified applications use game elements that do not lead to

complete games but add enjoyment to non-game activities(Deterding, Khaled, Nacke & Dixon 2011d).

To follow is a good overview of gamification for non-experts, showing the key interface level


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Figure 2:The Gamification Loop (Liu et al. 2011)

The diagram (figure 2) can be interpreted as a challenge leads to a win condition and so forth. Badges

represent achievement level of user and the point system is impacted by every other component.

Furthermore, gamification is also described as the process of adding game elements to an application in

order to enhance user experience(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a). However, there is still

some dispute in the video game and digital media industry when it comes to the various interpretations of

gamification thus some use different terms to describe the phenomenon such as “gameful design”

(Deterding, Dixon, Khaled & Lennart 2011a).


$25 billion was spent by Americans on video games in 2010, showing how natural games are to society.

Consequently, games/game elements could be used to increase engagement of users with e-learning

applications(Muntean 2002). It also appears that through gamification systems users can be persuaded to

become more eco-friendly as shown in the system called EcoIsland(Liu et al. 2011). In the next picture

(figure 3), the sensors (such as a laptop) report pollution levels to the application and the trading of e-

mission rights occurs between neighbours (users).

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Figure 3: EcoLandPicture(Shiraishi et al. 2009)

2.2.2 Essential Game Elements

Playing enjoyment is central to computer games, although there is no accepted model of player enjoyment

in games. A recent model, however, called GameFlow, attempts to fill this void and consist of eight

elements- concentration, challenge, skills, control, clear goals, feedback, immersion and social

interaction. Concentration is about providing stimuli from different sources and assigning the user enough

workload. Games most also be sufficiently challenging and match player‟s skill level. Immersion is about

players having a deep but effortless involvement in the game(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005).

This model has been used by many including Queensland University of Technology gamification of a

mobile orientation application(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a).

2.2.3 Benefits

In 2010, the user population of Farmville was 60 million users/1 percent of the world population(Burke &

Hiltbrand 2011). This game is about users maintaining a virtual environment.

Gamification popularity did not occur accidentally as it has standard principles. For instance, community

collaboration principle states giving challenges that must be solved by a community. In addition, other

principles called dynamics are also used for successful gamification. There is the use of theepic meaning

dynamic which deals with exciting users by making it feel they are working for something

significant/awe-inspiring. Then there is the free lunch dynamic which involves giving a user a gift which

is especially enjoyable when given by a friend. Lastly, users will repeatedly use an application they find

interesting thus gamification attempts to make applications interesting which should be any system‟s goal

as well. (Burke & Hiltbrand 2011)

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Gamificationimproves student pass rates as seen when applied to a 1st year programming class in the

University of Ulster(Ulster 2012).This will be expounded on later in the paper.

2.2.4 Limitations

By continually rewarding users in a game, you may remove the moral value of the actions done by the

user. To counter this, one needs to ask whether the user would still be interested even if they will not be

rewarded.(Burke & Hiltbrand 2011)

There are potential issues that occur when adding game elements thus proper consideration must be taken

in the process. (Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a)

Also, financial cost is a key issue to consider when adding game elements to an application and can be

reduced using a generic tool for game definition and management(D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011). For

this Honours project, the cost relates more to work hours thus it is important to implement only the

necessary game elements.

Lastly, as a result of limited memory on mobile phones not all gamification features can be

implemented(completely) on them(Jong et al. 2008).

2.2.5 Psychology

There are many psychological theories that make games engaging. Flow(in games), which compares from

positive psychology, is the feeling of complete and energized focus in an activity, with a high level of

enjoyment and fulfillment(Chen 2007). There a psychological reasons why gamification works. For

instance: the use of badges in gamification has a social psychology (as well as human computer

interaction) derivation. The most motivating goals are said to be those just outside of comfortable reach.

Research has shown that people will even consume physical goods in order to achieve the goals of a

game. The actual fun and adventure of goal seeking is a major reward for any user (as there is no

monetary reward). Moreover, the fact that a goal can be embodied in a game badge, the user can have

something to show to friends as a mark of achievement(in the game) (Antin & Churchill 2011).

2.2.6 Conclusion

It is clear that gamification is a helpful tool in aiding learning however scope needs to be carefully

defined in the implementation as well asconsidering other limitations.

2.3 Gamification methods at university

2.3.1 Introduction

At the highest level, the methodologies of using game design elements in non-gaming contexts is still

growing and is of keen interest in the HCI(Human Computer Interaction) field.(Deterding, Sicart, Nacke,

O‟Hara, et al. 2011c)

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This section outlines a number of gamification experiments in education, which naturally exhibits game-

like attributes like giving points/”marks” for assignments and passing a student to another year/”level”

when ready. (Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a)

2.3.2 Types

Achievement Systems

The use of a personal orientation passport for smartphones was tested by 26 university students at the

Queensland University of Technology. The system uses game achievement mechanisms like reward for

application use (adding friends), answering service related questions and so forth. Students used the

application during orientation and provided feedback each evening about the highlights/events of

orientation. It was found that 96% of users felt that the achievement concept added value and comments

given by students include “such a fantastic twist”, “was genuinely fun” and “great for killing time

productively” (Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a). Here is a picture (figure 4) of the mobile

orientation application which just shows a list of the student‟s achievements:

Figure 4: Orientation app Screenshot (Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011a)


Games can be used to enhance e-learning such as the one made at University of Ulster(Ulster 2012)in the

UK(United Kingdom). These are some of the key engagement factors: fun, social, challenge, structure

(clear objectives and constraints) and feedback. The game ran in 2007 on a first year programming class

and assigns points for the following: attendance (for lectures and tutorials), contribution to tutorial, online

revision quizzes (special highest score reward) and more. The pass rate in 2006-2007 was about 65% and

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improved by 10% the next year. Also, in the next year about 50% of the class achieved 60% for the

course and higher. Here (figure 5) is a graph supporting this:

Figure 5: Student Improved Pass Rates (D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011)

Leaderboards which list all the students ranked by points, were used for students to track their

performance and compete with each other meanwhilst also knowing that staff could also see the

leaderboad (possibly increasing students competitiveness)

Progress Bars

Firstly, progress bars are a technique of giving visual feedback to a user of their closeness to a reward.

There has also been a study looking to raise student motivation about coursework at University of Cape

Town(UCT) 2nd

Year Games Design students were evaluated and the average type of gamer was said to

be a person who likes to solve puzzle and beat competition. The other evaluation found progress bars to

be the most motivating gamifcation technique, then leaderboards but forums the least. Gamification of

forums in this context refers simply to adding a user reward system in the forums and that idea was not

rated highly by participants.Progress bars enables users to monitor their points and proximity to their next

big achievement(Donovan 2012). Here are the graphical (figure 6) results:

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Figure 6: Comparison of Gamification Techniques(Donovan 2012)


Badges are “virtual goods” or digital artifacts that have some visual representation and are awarded to

users who have finished a particular set of activities. Badges have many uses but just goal-setting,

reputation and self-affirmation will be discussed here. Badges challenge users to meet a goal set for them.

Goal setting has been shown to be an effective motivator. Also, the reputation of users can also be quickly

determined by looking at what badge class they are (for example bonze or gold). Furthermore, since

badges mark significant milestones it can be used to inspire the user who attained it and even peers(Antin

& Churchill 2011) .Success stories of badges include Q&A site StackOverflow‟s(StackOverflow 2012)

system of badges to encourage productive participation and more in the university context, achieving a

degree can be seen as the ultimate badge/success(Donovan 2012).

2.3.3 Chosen gamification tool

As mentioned forums, are the least favorite gamification technique(Donovan 2012) but unfortunately

through a meeting with the Vula coordinator, it is quite complex to gamify on the forums. Instead, a much

similar tool (to be introduced in next section), the wiki is considered to be far more open to gamification.

The wiki is able to log all reads and writes, and it‟s also simple to extract content of the wiki to another


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2.3.4 Conclusion

There are numerous techniques of gamification techniques, progress bars the most successful and forums

the least. This suggests may suggest that forums needs substantial gamification but this is quite complex,

so a very similar (but easier to use) tool, the wiki, is the tool of choice.

2.4 Wiki

2.4.1 Introduction

There is no definition of the Wiki Wiki Web or Wiki/wiki (in short) that is shared by all. It is a discussion

medium, a repository of ideas and a collaboration tool. In a wiki, anyone can edit or add a page using

basic syntax to write content. This means anyone can participate and leads to the site evolving in a

collaborative way(Tazzoli 2004) . The concept of a wiki(Leuf& Cunningham 2001)and the first working

application is made by Ward Cunningham in the published Portland Pattern Repository‟s Wiki in May

1995(Cunningham 2012). “Wiki wiki” is a Hawaiian term for quick. The name underlines the fact that the

wiki system should be easy to use and learn.

2.4.2 Structure

The structure of a wiki is open and evolves freely (as users add to previous users‟ work). Although

standard web pages organize the content in a predefined hierarchical structure, the wiki uses an evolving

graph. Wiki pages are nodes in a graph that users can establish links between(pages)(Tazzoli 2004) .

The problem with a typical wiki structure is that pages are created quickly and linked to other pages but

the community does not often arrange content in a meaningful way (or in category or tree like fashion).

Therefore there has been work done by project SHAWN/Structure Helps a Wiki Navigate(Aumüller

2005) which allows a user to enter relationship data in a wiki article instantaneously and easily create

meaningful relationships. Organized wiki‟s have also been shown successful through projects like

Wikipedia(Wikipedia 2012b), which is a collaborative, multi-lingual encyclopedia. (Aumüller 2005)

2.4.3 Conclusion

There is no consensus on a definition of a wiki, but it can be thought of as a collaboration tool in which

anyone can edit or add a page using basic syntax. The name wiki actually comes from the term “quick”,

which shows that it is meant to be easy to learn and use. The structure of a wiki, can also contribute to

how easy it is to navigate.

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2.5 Gamificationof the wiki

2.5.1 Introduction

The wiki is already implemented in the Vula system(Sartorio 2009) but is an ideal candidate for

gamifciation as it is easy to manipulate according to the Vula coordinator. Sakai is an open source

learning management system which is also used by UCT to create the more specific Vula(Suleman 2008).

Sakai also has outstanding versatility for extension or configurations of tools, which will therefore apply

to the wiki tool as well(Sartorio 2009).

2.5.2 Gamifying the wiki

Wiki Gamification

The wiki can also contain progress bars by having a character that tells a user how far they are to

achieving bonus marks and canalso have a leaderboard showing all users points therefore it can

essentially include any gamifcation technique.

It is important that users can judge content, build reputation and find relevant content quickly. A study

conducted(by Palo Alto Reasearch) on social Question and Answer site called Quora Center, analyzed

data across 60 questions and 3917 users. Results indicated that students find primary (first-hand)

information posted by fellow students more authoritative and also base the credibilityof other users on

past contributions. Good content is also identified through social/user voting per answer but this can also

be biased thus combining this with more advanced ranking algorithms produces fairer results. Such a

ranking algorithm would not just consider an answer‟s votes but also the answerer‟s past contributions in

ranking. (Paul & Hong 2012)

It is also helpful to understand crowdsourcing which is defined as the outsourcing of activities (like the

answering of wiki questions) to a group of people in a community. Community based crowdsourcing, is

when the community/users are involved from analysis to implementation hence feeling a true ownership

of the project. There are strategies on how to inspire community members to contribute to a network (or

wiki in this case). One such strategy is using rewards of the monetary and non-monetary kind. Monetary

rewards are the strongest motivator to encourage community participation but are known to sometimes

have a short-term effect. Whereas, non-monetary rewards can be points allocated to user for extensive

contributions which leads to role promotion (enabling more application access). This can have long-term

effects although users must be given rewards they actually enjoy(Puah& Abu Bakar 2011).

Given this evidence, gamification on a wiki is quite viable but requires more detailed implementation

research (discussed in design section) for full viability

2.5.3 Conclusion

There are a number of gamification techniques that can be applied to a wiki. These include, using avatars

and even crowdsourcing to encourage crowd participation as quality contributions. However, it is clear

that more specific implementation literature (discussed in design section) needs to be obtained for full

feasibility for gamified a Vula wiki on mobile.

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2.6 Mobile Usability

2.6.1 Introduction

Usability can be considered as the extent to which specific goals can be achieved with effectiveness,

efficiency and satisfaction by specified users carrying out specified tasks in specified environments (Nigel

Bevan 1995).The key terms here are:

Effectiveness( the accuracy and completeness of product)

Efficiency(how well a product uses time and resources);

Satisfaction (the comfort and acceptability of use of product)

(Nigel Bevan 1995)

Software designed on mobile phones is quite different to that designed on desktops , in that mobile

phones have limited memory(Jong et al. 2008) , screen size, limited page types and more.(Jones &

Marsden 2005, p.251)

Therefore careful consideration must be paid to applications to make them easily usable for people.

Also, one can imagine eating a chocolate cake baked by a master chef, only to find out that it must be

consumed by a straw(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.29).This equivalent to developing great technology but

having a poor user experience.

2.6.2 Techniques

Figure 7: Microsoft Word file menu (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.230)

There is the principle of least astonishment which states the icons must be consistent in functionality and

form across application. For example, if a floppy disk (figure 7) icon means save on one screen, it should

not mean exit on another screen (for instance, the save icons in the two file menus in figure 7 must be

consistent). Fitt‟s law, states the time taken to acquire a target (app icon in this case) is a function of the

distance to and size of the target. This essentially means the most frequently used items must be easy to

access by being a few clicks away from the user and vice versa. (Marsden 2012)

Hick‟s law states the time taken to reach a decision goes up as the number of choices increases therefore a

mobile phone must not have many icons on a screen. In psychology, 7+-2 items is the maximum short-

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term memory can retain thus this is the maximum number of different icons a screen should

have(Marsden 2012).

Also, direct manipulation is the continual representation of objects of interest, rapid reversal of actions,

and the replacement of typed commands by a pointing action on the object of interests. Examples of direct

manipulation is turning a steering wheel left, by rotating the wheel and the car immediately turns

left(immediate feedback)(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.214).

Guidelines and Standards

Design standards are high authority (set by international committees) and specific rules (not general) for

software development.

Guidelines are low in authority (set by companies) and high in generality for software development so can

be applied to many platforms. There are also not many standards focusing on usability whereas guidelines

have much to say on usability. (Marsden 2012)

Shneiderman’s 8 golden rules

An example is BenShneiderman‟s 8 golden rules of user interface design(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005).

This is also happens to be one of the most widely used guideline for interface evaluation(Sulaiman et al.

2009). The first rule is to strive for consistency. It is said that consistency is the most frequently violated

rule as it has many forms. Consistent sequence of actions must be used in similar situations, consistent

terminology for prompts, menus and consistent colour, fonts, etc. Exceptions can be made such as

confirmation pop up boxes when pressing delete button whereas other buttons do not use confirmations


Always giving users feedback for every action, preventing errors (and giving clear error messages) and

reducing short-term memory load (on user) are other notable rules. To elaborate, feedback can be if the

user flicks their fingers up on a touch screen phone, the page should immediately scroll down. This is

minor feedback for a minor and frequent action. However, if the user clicks the delete button, a pop up

confirmation box appears, grabbing the entire attention of the user. This is major feedback for a major and

infrequent action. Also, errors can be prevented by graying out menu items. Likewise, reducing short-

term memory load(on user) can be achieved by having “seven plus or minus two chunks” of information

on a page(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005 , p.74).

A comprehensive set of guidelines is the 162 guidelines of Designing User Interface Software (Smith, S.

L., & Mosier 1986) . This is quite specific including rules such as using simple sentences, left-justify

columns of alphabetic data to allow for rapid scanning and for size coding, make larger symbols at least

1.5 times the height of the next symbol.

The International Standards Organization have good guidelines(and standards) on usability that add

credibility to any system the adheres to them although the standards have to be bought at high prices,

unfortunately(Nigel Bevan 2001).

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Transferring from desktop to mobile phone

Microsoft also has guidelines for transferring existing applications from one platform (e.g. desktop) to a

smaller screen (e.g. mobile). This includes rules such as locating all unnecessary elements and removing

them, placing elements which are side by side (in desktop) to underneath each other (in mobile) and more.

Such guidelines, can be of great help in apply gamification techniques on a mobile device.(Jones &

Marsden 2005, p.79)


Menus are useful addition to any interface as they provide recognition rather than recall (this is the fact

that we can know what an object is by seeing it but struggle to remember it by memory). Menus allow for

a user to select a command from a screen rather than having to remember the name and type it via

command line(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.224). Menus also need to be designed carefully in order to be

successful(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005 , p.268).

Several authors suggest using four to eight items per menu level and at most three to four levels for the

whole menu(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005 , p.283).

2.6.3 Wiki UI Techniques

Wiki articles can have different icons sizes determined by frequency of use(e.g. reads and edits), to enable

users quick access to the most popular articles, by using tree maps(Shneiderman 1992a).Tree maps is

essentially a method for displaying hierarchical data by using nested rectangles(Turo 1992).The following

diagram below(figure 8) is an illustration of tree maps where(in the case of a wiki) the bigger rectangles

would represent more frequently accessed articles and vice versa. Also, this is in adherence to Fitt‟s Law,

as the items/rectangles that are biggest will take less time to access than smaller rectangles.

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Figure 8: Tree Maps (Shneiderman 1992a)

2.6.4 User Evaluations

Designers can enjoy their own systems so much that they do not adequately evaluate them. Failure to

perform and to document testing could possibly lead to malpractice lawsuits from users due to

errors(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005 , p.140). Mobile computing effectively creates a new range of

applications which users have not seen before(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.198). Therefore, it would be

helpful to understand how users interpret a new interface (through a paper prototype possibly) given their

current mental model of how interfaces work. This is known as a conceptual model extraction, and yields

qualitative results. (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.197). There is also the experimental process (part of

scientific method) of conducting a user evaluation which will involve having a independent variable

(system), dependent variable(like time), and falsifiable hypothesis( a testing question which is not trivial

to succeed), etc. Research also delves into other issues such as keeping an experiment unbiased and

choosing a controlled environment(required for conceptual model extraction and a user lab for the

experimental process)(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.210).

It is even possible to not include users in the user evaluation. An example is a heuristic evaluation(ten

usability heuristics), which is a technique invented by Jakob Nielsen(Nielsen 1994) for experts to evaluate

interfaces. Essentially, a set of experts/evaluators inspect the interface using only a small set of broad

usability principles. Once again, consistency, error prevention and feedback make an appearance with

recognition rather than recall among the new additions(compare to Scheiderman‟s interface design

list)(Nielsen 1994).

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Success Factors

The technology acceptance model is a model that can help determine whether a technology will be a

success or failure. They are useful in evaluating prototypes and new systems whilst also help to see what

made a past product successful. Overall, the success of technology is depends on individual beliefs and

the influence of those around them.(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.63)

2.6.5 Conclusion

Good usability is certainly needed in a mobile device although quite tricky (but possible) to implement

considering the limitations of mobile devices. There are guidelines aplenty on how to design a good user

interface for mobile. Furthermore, there are techniques of how to translate a desktop application to a

mobile one, which is a big part of developing the new gamified wiki tool. Lastly, there are also standard

(from desktop) techniques of how to evaluate a user interface like the experimental process and new

techniques like the conceptual model extraction. These evaluations cannot be underestimated as a poor

user experience could lead to a software company being sued for malpractice.

2.7 Critical Comparison The following section critically evaluates gamification(table 1), gamificationmethods (table 2) and user

evaluations techniques (table 3).

Table 1:Gamificiation - Benefits versus Limitations

Benefits Limitations

A bestseller education application about

maintaining virtual farms has 60 million users/1

percent of the world population. Gamification is highly successful, even though it only became an

industry concept in 2008.

Adding multiple game/gamification elements

requires care otherwise conflicts may arise.

Gamification uses successful techniques such as

achievement systems which gives users rewards for impressive work hence encouraging their return.

By continually rewarding users in a system, the

moral aims of the system may be defeated.

It improved the pass rate of a 1st year university

class in University of Ulster.

Gamification can add exorbitant financial costs to a

system depending on implementation scale.

Table 2: Gamification Methods at University

1. Forums 2. Progress Bars 3. Leaderboard

Characteristic A question and answer

platform which can be

gamified through voting

Technique of giving

visual feedback to tell a

user their distance away

Technique to drive

competition amongst


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answers and more. from a reward.

Comparison Although ranked the

lowest in a survey(Donovan 2012),

has the most potential of

expanding(and so too the wiki).

Ranked highest in the

survey but can be incorporated in a


Ranked relatively

middle in the survey, but can also be

incorporated in a


Table 3: User Evaluations

1. Experimental Process 2. Conceptual Model


Equipment Working/Interactive prototype Paper prototype/Interface sketch

Results Quantitative Qualitative

Location Normally laboratory based Any controlled setting

Comparison Essential component of scientific method and since the results are

numeric, hard to dispute.

Mostly relevant in mobile prototyping and very helpful to

get user feedback early.

Inspired from (Jones & Marsden 2005)

2.8 Gap in the knowledge Firstly, there are no actual case studies in the literature that speak about gamifying a wiki and this absence

is clear from section 2.5.2 on gamifying the wiki. Therefore, this is an area that this project seeks to tap

into since no one has done so already.

Secondly, there is no literature on using gamification to improve usability; therefore this is also a focus

area of this project. In fact, a previous study mentioned that they are sometimes at odds with each

other(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b).

Therefore, considering these two gaps in the knowledge, it would be ideal to contribute research on the

gamification of a wiki and using gamification to improve usability. Indeed, this makes up the research

question of the project, which is to: improve the usability of the Vula wiki by using gamification.

2.9 Conclusion Gamification is a powerful technique to make online learning tools more attractive to students. Results

have shown that millions of people enjoy games and that academic pass rates can be improved by making

parts of education tools more game-like. Pertaining to the Honours project, research points to

gamification of the Vula wiki as the most feasible option in terms of ease and use(all reads and writes are

logged) and reduced complexity in comparison to forum. However, one of the main limitations to

gamification appears to be the cost/extensive effort that can go into it using it. So, it is important to use

only the key elements required. Also, usability is a key aspect for any mobile application and the

appropriate guidelines and usability testing needs to be taken to produce a good user experience. Overall,

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gamification is not a perfect solution to improving student engagement with educative material but can be

quite effective if applied properly.

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3 Design Chapter

3.1 Introduction Designing a mobile interface poses many challenges like limited screen estate and phone memory (Gong

et al. 2004). Furthermore, gamification has been known to introduce clutter in a user interface(Fitz-walter,

Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b) and indeed this was also mentioned in the project‟s proposal

presentation. However, this project attempts to provide a usable mobile interface through using a user-

centered design methodology.

This methodology is what created the mobile Front-end, as illustrated in the System Overview – the first

section to be discussed. Thereafter, the scope is defined followed by the application use cases.

Then user-centered design methodology is then explained and followed by explanation of each of its

sections. Thus, the identification of user requirements is discussed initially. Then, due to its importance,

the initial gamification requirements and their refinements (due to scope creep) are discussed separately.

Afterwards, the need for rapid prototyping and its application to the system is discussed. Finally,

design/software evaluations are discussed as they are quite integral to prototyping(Shneiderman& Plaisant

2005, p.141).

3.2 Development platform The jQueryMobile( the jQuery Foundation 2012c)framework which is an extension to jQuery, is the main

technology used for development. It simplifies parts of a Web application such as navigation, form

elements and even creating page transition effects without coding the JavaScript yourself. It also supports

most smartphone brands(besides Windows Phone 7)(Godwin-Jones 2011). With regards to languages

(scripting) used, there is: HTML5, CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheet latest standard), JavaScript, jQuery and

Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). HTML5 is a new draft World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)

standard that is already used with jQueryMobile although it also helps developers create rich web

applications without having to rely on proprietary technologies(Vaughan-Nichols 2010). CSS3 is used as

it comes with jQueryMobile although it does have benefits of automatically resizing web content for

display on a small-screen phone (Godwin-Jones 2011).

JavaScript is used as it is supported by most web browsers (Mikkonen & Taivalsaari 2009). jQuery is

used as it is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create high quality applications with a minimum

amount of code and is cross-browser compatible(Evans et al. 2012). Ajax is useful for buffering data

before the user needs it and improving user inter-activity with an application(Zucker 2007).

In terms of development tools, notepad++ is used(for all scripting and programming)as it is a common

open-source code editor(Zhang 2012). Finally, a drag-and-drop tool for building simple UI(User

Interface) layouts, called Codiqa, is also utilized as it simplifies development and is part of the jQuery

mobile website(Holtzinger et al. 2012).

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3.3 Scope In-scope

General Wiki functions such as create, read and edit article but optimized for mobile phone display.

A restyled commenting system for Wiki pages similar to Facebook such as a comment liking feature

since Facebook is already familiar to most students(Mathews 2006).

Ordering Wiki pages according to sections like Wikipedia(Wikipedia 2012b), as this is similar to

peephole displays where only a small window/peephole of info is displayed from a large display

area(Yee 2003).

Selecting sections as content between each heading.

Gamification techniques such as leaderboard, badges, avatars and achievement points.

Basic group functionality that allows students to join a group (only once) and view both group and

individual leaderboards.

A visualization of popular articles using tree maps as this is an effective visualization technique for

hierarchical information(Shneiderman 1992b).

Out of scope

Administrative settings such as choice of language, font size, background picture, etc.

Selecting sections as a specified continuous block of text.

Only one course catered for.

Extended group functionality such as having badges and achievements per group, and students

joining different groups to their original choice.

An interface for lecturers to personally award pages of their choice and perform other unique tasks.

Heuristics to automatically determine valid academic content.

3.4 Methodology The main phases of typical user-centered design (figure 9) are: strategy, analysis (requirements), design

(prototyping) and evaluation, then repeat until 4 iterations (due to project time constraint in this case) to

produce the final product. Strategy is about the purpose of the project as established in the proposal

already, so not included here. The remaining phases are discussed in order in the following sections:

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Figure 9: User-centered design. (Telono 2012)

3.4.1 Clients/Supervisors

The supervisors spawned the initial project idea of students engaging more with academic learning

material. The co-researcher suggested the idea of gamification to achieve this and together with the

supervisors the initial requirements were made. This set including some of the following

gamification/reward-based techniques in the first mindmap (Figure 5) created by the researchers and head


Rewards for participation in forums and Wiki

Rewards for number of items download

Rewards for creating new Wiki‟s and forums.

Peer evaluation where peers review each other‟s work and the top 10 students are displayed in a


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Figure 10: First Requirements Mind map

After some more brainstorming sessions(figure 10), with some help from the co-supervisor (the

Vulacoordinator), the forum and Wiki became the initial gamification platforms, due to the simplicity of

extracting information from them. However, during the proposal presentation, it was said that improving

the forum is far easier than the Wiki and too simple for one partner to do. Furthermore, the Vula

coordinator later felt that to gamify both tools is too challenging thus refined the scope of the project to

gamifying just the Wiki tool instead. Thereafter, the supervisors continued their contribution to

requirements however the end-users (computer science students), also became involved from the paper

prototype conceptual model extractions and onwards.

3.4.2 Literature Based

With regards to gamification, the literature greatly influenced the game strategies such as the use of

leaderboards, badges and points(Deterding, Dixon, Khaled & Lennart 2011b).

Furthermore, gamification at Ulster University which led to the improvement of student pass rates

(Bustard et al. 2011), has strong influence on the system design. This study describes features such as:

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Rewarding users as individuals as well as in groups.

A game points gauge/speedometer(figure 11) to show users their current points, as illustrated here:

Figure 11: Sample GEL (game-enhanced learning) performance gauge tool (Bustard et al. 2011)

A leaderboard with the added feature that one can click on a student‟s name and see/”drill-down into”

all their achievements

Indeed, all of these features are eventually implemented into the final gamified wiki.Also, the mobile

literature such as (Jones & Marsden 2005) and (Shneiderman & Plaisant 2005), greatly influenced the

mobile design requirements. This is because mobile interface guidelines can help improve

usability(Seong 2006) .There is much to say on what improves subjective usability ratings from past case

studies such as grouping related items to allow for quick scanning and using less dense

displays(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.497).

After, using the usability guidelines to produce the initial paper prototype, the students can then add their

interface requirements during the conceptual model extraction. Ideally, students should not have

completely diverging interface requirements as many usability guidelines are from empirical

studies(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.494)although they need to be refined for the specific

project(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.66). To follow is a bit more on the conceptual model extraction.

3.4.3 Conceptual Model Extraction

A conceptual model extraction is used to harness users‟ thoughts when dealing with an interface that is

unprecedented to them, given their pre-existing mental models of how interfaces work. Essentially, this

entails having a user explain what they think different icons of interface icons.

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3.5 Gamification Requirements The literature greatly influenced the game strategies such as the use of leaderboards, badges and

points(Deterding, Dixon, Khaled & Lennart 2011b) . This is because these are tried and tested approaches

that have led to improved pass rates in some instances(D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011). Like any

guideline, the gamification requirements became contextualized and refined by the researchers and

supervisors initially. The gamification requirements are refined after each iteration after

student/supervisor feedback as this is typical of the iterative nature of user-centered design (see Figure 4)

An example refinement in the feasibility test software, is the initial use of a simple rule that awarded

students points for logging into the Wiki. However, this is later removed since an expert evaluator sees

the rule as too simple and indeed, gamification literature does mention presenting game rules that match

the user‟s skill set(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005). To follow, the actual prototyping process for the project is


3.6 Prototypes After the requirements are established, the user-centered design methodology (see Figure 4) continues to

specification and design (of a prototype). A prototype allows for designer to communicate ideas to

various team members(and users), have them critiqued and commented on, thereafter alter the design for

the next round of critique. (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.170). Prototyping offers a quick way to incorporate

user feedback into a design(Holzinger 2004) and allows one, as Scott Jenson says, to “fail fast”, hence if a

design fails enough times it will soon become right(Jenson 2002).

There are various prototypes that serve different purposes and are used at different times(Jones &

Marsden 2005, p.170). The ones chosen in this project are discussed systematically below.

The first prototype, which will be referred to as the feasibility software, is vertical software prototype that

is actually discussed in the implementation chapter as it relates more to that. A vertical prototype offers a

selection of functionality implemented in its intended form whereas a horizontal prototype shows all

intended functionality but not implemented fully(Floyd 1984). This prototype is a vertical prototype in

order to determine the feasibility of the system(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.178)as it tests whether the Wiki

can be gamified for just one rule whilst having a working back-end and front-end. Also, since this is the

first prototype, it does not resemble how the final system looks hence it is low-fidelity whereas it would

be high-fidelity if it did (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.170). The second prototype is also low-fidelity.

The second prototype is the first horizontal paper prototype but still low-fidelity, as it occurs early in the

design phase(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.171).Given that the system is now proven feasible, the horizontal

prototype is used to show all the intended functionality(as paper screens) of the system without any

implementation so that the students and supervisors understand what they want out of the system(Floyd


Indeed, a paper prototype is known to be the fastest rapid prototyping technique as it requires simple

equipment(pen and pencil) whereas program is far more time consuming to create(Rudd et al. 1996).

Furthermore, low-fidelity prototypes support fast fail, a concept introduced by Scott Jenson(Jenson

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2002)by allowing changes to be made at little time costs. Below (Figure 6) is a paper prototype screen of

the new Wiki, showing the badges collection of a student:

Figure 12: Paper Sketch of Badges Screen

The 3rd prototype is still a paper prototype (figure 12) but is now high-fidelity. Although, it is on paper, it

is high-fidelity as it represents how the screens look in the final version/iteration (to a large extent).

The 4thprototype is a horizontal software prototype that covers nearly all the functionality but no

implementation. This is because, the later in design phase, the more the prototype should look like final

version(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.171). Indeed the 4th prototype was followed by the final system where

functionality was fully implemented.

Evaluations are an important aspect of prototyping, and these are discussed in the next section.

3.7 Evaluations At the end of each design cycle, an evaluation is done (see Figure 4). Even the most experienced

designers with all their wisdom have the humility to know the necessity of extensive

testing(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.140).

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Also, no matter how good ones designs are, users will always do something unexpected with the

interface. In addition, choosing the correct evaluation technique depends on the type of results required,

user and equipment availability(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.195). Furthermore, the appropriate ethical

clearance and ensuring users of anonymity is also necessary to all user (i.e. student) evaluations.

The evaluation of the rough feasibility test software was a quick-and-dirty evaluation(Jones & Marsden

2005, p.197). This simply involves asking an end-user (in this case, a project marker), how well the

design (in this case, software) looks to them. Indeed, this was quite helpful as the criticism led to a

redesign of the feasibility software.

Expert evaluation by two experts (Professor Sonia Berman and Dr. Patrick Marais) was used for the

second (paper) prototype, as it can also be a natural starting point for evaluating new

interfaces(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.141). The specific type is known as a cognitive walkthrough,

in which the expert user carries out some typical interface tasks such as creating and editing a Wiki

article. This type of evaluation was chosen by the supervisor as it was the project feasibility test.

Furthermore, any system that can be learned by exploring (or does not need substantial training) such as

this one, can be evaluated using a cognitive walkthrough (Shneiderman & Plaisant 2005, p.142). One of

the chief benefits of expert evaluations is that they are less time consuming and expensive compare to

user-centered evaluations(Scholtz 2004)yet are still effective(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.141). Also

expert evaluations can be a natural starting point for evaluating new interfaces(Shneiderman& Plaisant

2005, p.141).Ideally, there should be at least 5 expert evaluators(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.208) but it also

depends on the magnitude of the project(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.142)hence 2 are used here. A

heuristic evaluation was carried out on the first paper prototype by a usability expert using general

heuristics from past experience. This led to vital feedback such as: introducing the gamification theme

from the Home screen of the Wiki and carry it through the application. The second heuristic evaluation

also led to vital feedback such as the creation of screens that never existed in the initial paper prototype.

In the third iteration a horizontal, high-fidelity, paper prototype is evaluated again using heuristic

evaluation by the head supervisor, to provide a refined interface before letting the students explore

it(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.143) This exploration is done using the contextual model extraction. It

is meant to discover what students think of the mobile Wiki interface(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.198). In

terms of ethics, students were assured anonymity and remunerated for participation. As far as the process

went, students were first given a brief overview of the system, then told to explore the paper prototype

(various screens) whilst explaining their understanding of icons. This produced some noteworthy

contributions which altered the system design for the better. These included: getting rid of the

achievements screen, as almost every student did not know what the difference between the achievements

and badges are and simplify the article editing interface to use icons(like for emboldening/italicizing),

supporting direct manipulation, rather than memorizing markdown language. Another helpful

contribution was the provision of a tutorial screen (can be deactivated at student‟s will) which explains

the Wiki gamification when the game profile icon is pressed. Ultimately, the conceptual model extraction

not only provides much needed design refinements but also helps evaluate the design based on the end-

user/student‟s expectations.

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The 4th iteration, a horizontal software prototype, is also again tested firstly with a heuristic evaluation,

since it is a natural first evaluation of a new interface(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.141) . It is then

followed by a formative evaluation(Gediga et al. 1999) which also involves the comparison of the current

mobile Vula wiki and its gamified counterparts. A formative evaluation is used to see whether the design

objectives are being met by the students (end-users) and is also suited for development phase in order to

improve a system iteratively (Gediga et al. 1999)

The final system is evaluated using a summative evaluation, as this is a typical usability assessment of a

final design regarding guidelines, standards and other objectives(Nielsen 1993).Again, this will mainly

consists of a usability comparisons against the Vula wiki. Also, the evaluation (very formal) involves 5

users per cell/class of end-user(Scholtz 2004). Therefore, this means 5students per undergraduate

computer science year. However, it also mentioned elsewhere that 10 users are recommended per system

scenario/condition(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.212). The process consists of end-users (i.e. students)

carrying out tasks that represent core functionality (mostly) and uses metrics such as efficiency,

effectiveness and user satisfaction. In addition, a post-experiment interview is also conducted to extract

qualitative data such user satisfaction. Interviews are known to have the best value when used in

conjunction with a laboratory based evaluation (e.g. summative) and are hence used here as well (Jones &

Marsden 2005, p.205) . Also, log file analysis, which is the use of software to automatically trace user

activities (like reads and writes on the Wiki), may also be applied here. The reason is that data collection

here is cheap(gathered automatically) and it can be gathered remotely(students do not have to be in

labs)(Guzdial et al. 1994).

3.8 Conclusion Although there are challenges in producing a mobile interface that makes all the users happy, the user-

centered design methodology is able to generate valuable user insight regularly and improve the design

regularly(4 times in this project). However, gamification does not just complicate the interface design

(like the need for a tutorial screen) but also leads to the creation of new tables at the back-end. In addition,

the system architecture, tools and design methodology have been introduced in this chapter, whilst the

later will be expounded on in the chapters to come as each prototype is created and evaluated.

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4 Low Fidelity Prototype Iterations

4.1 Introduction The use of low-fidelity prototypes enables designers to quickly see how the interface will look and get

feedback(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.171). Two such prototypes were created, referred to as software

feasibility and paper prototype 1 respectively. The initial phases of the interface design commences with

gathering the correct requirements. Thereafter, the first paper prototype is produced and evaluated.

4.2 Feasibility Study Essentially, the purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of the system(Jones & Marsden 2005,

p.178). The software simply implemented 3 game rules that awarded users points for creating and editing

articles as well as logging in. It was evaluated by a cognitive walkthrough in which the project researchers

demonstrated the systems tasks (like creating an article) in the presence of the two project markers

(Professor Sonia Berman and Dr. Patrick Marais). After the evaluation, the following feedback was given:

When an article is created, the length of it must be checked to ensure that it is not a fake article.

There should be no points awarded for logging in as that is too simple.

Finally, the user interface should be improved so that mobile users will enjoy it.

This feedback was to be incorporated into future iterations. Also, this prototype is discussed in more

detail insection 7.2.

4.3 Paper Prototype1

4.3.1 Requirements Gathering

This system requirements were derived from the project researchers and supervisors (or clients), in order

to give users(or students) what they don‟t know they want(R. Arnold 2010). Especially since gamification

is new as the term originated only 2008(Deterding, Khaled, Nacke & Dixon 2011e),it is felt that it is best

to guide users/students with their requirements and include them in later iterations.

General Functionality

Core editing- Create, read, edit and view all wiki articles. Also, there is a Facebook-inspired commenting

functionality as many people know Facebook (Mathews 2006) .

Usability Requirements

References used include: Schneiderman‟s 8 golden rules of interface design(Shneiderman& Plaisant

2005, p.74)and Jacob Neilsen's Heuristic principles(Nielsen 2005).

For example, the consistency principle is applied from the 8 golden rules(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005,

p.74)as the same menu bar is used throughout system. Secondly, the HCI(Human Computer Interaction)

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laws like Hick‟s law(Seow 2005) is applied in that screens are simple enough to reduce decision making

time for users.

Game Functionality

This uses a point reward system/achievement system in which users are rewarded for liking, creating,

reading and editing articles. Users can see their achievements and badges as well as a leaderboard, to

track progress.

4.3.2 Design

Home Page

The home screen(figure 13), introduces the gamification theme from

the beginning (Sweetser & Wyeth 2005) by displaying a points

guage/speedometer. This point gauge concept is inspired from a

gamification done at Ulster university(D. W. Bustard, M. M. Black, et al. 2011) . Fitt‟s law (Seow 2005) is used in the menu in which the

closest items such as home, is the most frequently used so is closest

to the user and the game profile, is furthest away as that is not an essential wiki feature. Another noticeable feature is the treemaps of

pages, as this allows the student to quickly select a popular/lively

wiki page to read(Shneiderman 1992b).

Figure 13: Home Screen–Paper

Prototype 1

Figure 14: Create Page Screen – Paper

Prototype 1

Create Page

An essential screen this is, as it allows students to add new pages to

the wiki and helps the wiki grow (figure 14). For now, it simply consists of a title and data (or introductory content) input fields.

This screen abides by Hick‟s law(Seow 2005) as it allows the

student to decide quickly what to do as there are a few page

elements. Again, the points bar is in this screen and most, to abide to Scheiderman‟s consistency principle in the 8 golden rules of

interface design(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.74).

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Edit Page

This page is deliberately empty as it looks to be the most challenging

of the lot(figure 15). The current Vula wiki has more than 9 icons per page, the maximum number of elements short-term memory can

hold(Ingber 2012) . However, after a heuristic evaluation discussed

below, it is recommended that the students use mark-down language for editing pages. A mark-down language is a highly human-readable

lightweight markup language.(Maeda et al. 2008)

Figure 15: Edit Page Screen – Paper

Prototype 1

Badges Page

The badges are displayed on the screen in a list format in which there

is a badge image and a short-description in each row(figure 16). This

format is inspired from the achievement screen of a previous

gamification effort of a university orientation application(Fitz-Walter & Tjondronegoro 2011). However, it is later discovered that a 2-d

grid to display badges allows for better affordance with students as

Foursquare(Foursquare 2012) use this display and it is a popular gamifed location-based service.(Lindqvist et al. 2011).

Figure 16: Badges Screen - Paper

Prototype 1

4.3.3 Evaluation

This prototype is evaluated using two heuristic evaluations, as this is a natural first evaluation of a new

interface. The first heuristic evaluation is conducted by a Masters student, in which the evaluator provides

advice on each screen based on personal opinion and Jacob Neilsen Heuristic guidelines(Nielsen 2005).

Thereafter, a second heuristic evaluation is conducted by the head supervisor, in which the prototype is

evaluated based on expert knowledge. A combination of the feedback from the both evaluations is

incorporated into the next iteration.

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4.3.4 Findings

Home Page

Make it more gamified, such as showing a leaderboard so the student has a definite idea of the

game existence.

Search bar must be displayed top right, if the researches designer chooses to have one anyways.

Edit Page

It is suggested that mark-down language be used to allow students to bold, italicize and markup

text in general. This is basically a simplified mark-up language that allows students to perform

basic markups like embolden text, by surrounding the parts of word to be bold with underscore.

Furthermore, this mark-down will be the same as the current Vula wiki mark-up syntax for bold,

italicizing, etc.

Created/Read Page

Add a little badge for each section according to the section quality.

Add Group Page

Like the University of Ulster gamification example(D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011), it will be

helpful to add a group aspect to the gamification. This allows group-cooperation and furthermore,

social interaction is a component to successful game creation.


A student must be able to not just like a page but also the sections of a page

There has been little focus so far (on the prototype) as to how the wiki pages will be displayed.

Emphasis must also be placed on the usability of the wiki improving even though gamification is


In order to display gamification notifications, instead of using constant pop-ups (which may

irritate users) rather use a inbox icon that highlights each time a message (or gamification reward)

is received. Furthermore, Schneiderman‟s 8 golden rules mentions that users must be initiators of

actions (opening a mailbox if they want) and not responders to actions(in this case pop-ups

stopping their flow)(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.74) .

4.4 Conclusions This chapter discussed the low fidelity prototyping, beginning, with the requirements gathering from

which the functionality of the system was derived. A subset was tested on the first software/vertical

prototype. Gladly, the success of this prototype showed the project to be technological feasible. This led

to a paper prototype which was evaluated by heuristic evaluation and changes were integrated in later


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5 High Fidelity Prototype Iterations

5.1 Introduction The High-Fidelity prototypes described here logically follow from paper prototype 1 and eventually

mirror the final system.

Starting with the second paper prototype, its design is first discussed through incorporating changes from

its previous version as suggested by the expert evaluators. However, university students are also involved

in the evaluations now as well as the usual heuristic evaluators. Thereafter, the development of a software

prototype which incorporates these alterations is discussed and undergoes formative evaluation,

conceptual model extraction (both on students) as well as a heuristic evaluation (by head supervisor).

Lastly, an improved horizontal prototype is developed based on past feedback, evaluated the same way as

its predecessor and also marks the end of the prototyping cycles.

5.2 Paper Prototype 2

5.2.1 Requirements Changes

All the findings described in the previous section are implemented in this prototype.

5.2.2 Design

Once again, the following is a sample of the designs for paper prototype 2; the full collection is in

Appendix 11.2. In particular, the following screens discussed are all improvements from the past cycle.

Figure 17: Home Screen - Paper

Prototype 2

Home Page

The home page now includes a leaderboard of the top 10 students

(figure 17) to clearly introduce the game concept from the beginning, as suggested in the previous evaluation feedback. Also, there is also an

option to join a group, as suggested in past iteration. Finally, the search

bar is now a small search icon on the top right of screen but maybe

removed depending on user feedback. The treemaps of wiki pages is now viewable only after clicking the new icon ”wiki pages”, thus 1 step

longer to reach than before and this is Fitt‟s law(Seow 2005) in action,

as treemaps is not as important as the game elements thus harder to reach.

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Create Page

The create page screen (figure 18) now has an extra input field to

label the introductory section to give student more control. Secondly,

there is also the inclusion of mark-down edit tips that can be found under the “edit tips” icon. When clicking this icon, the student will

see possibly familiar traditional Vula mark-up style syntax for

underling, italicizing text, etc.

Figure 18: Create Page Screen - Paper

Prototype 2

Edit Page

Likewise, the edit page(figure 19) also includes an extra field to edit

the current section name, as all content should be editable in a wiki (Leuf & Cunningham 2001). Secondly, the “edit tips” icon included

here exhibits the same functionality as create page and wherever else

it is included in the system.

Figure 19: Edit Page Screen- Paper

Prototype 2

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Badges Page

The badges are displayed in a 2d-grid format(figure 20) just like Foursquare(Foursquare 2012) as previously mentioned, this is a

popular gamifed location based service(Lindqvist et al. 2011).

Secondly, in the software version there will also be a drill-down

option on each badge as this supports the detail-on-demand concept for users, whereby they can get more information on a collection if

wanted(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.594).

Figure 20: Badges Page Screen – Paper

Prototype 2

5.2.3 Evaluation

As usual, the head supervisor provides instant feedback on the prototype before it is exposed to the end-

users (students) for the first time. Five students were chosen, from all the computer science undergraduate

years of both genders and various ethnicity groups (a representative sample). Students were assured

anonymity at beginning of experiment and briefed about experiment. Thereafter, a conceptual model

extraction is carried out on the users/students as this is the first time they have seen a gamified mobile

wiki(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.197) . Each student is asked to explore the paper prototype by

transitioning between the screens, voicing out thoughts and asking the researcher for advice where

confused. Then, the student is asked what they think of each element on each screen, and all feedback is

noted. Lastly, the student is compensated R30 for their time.

5.2.4 Findings

The findings of these evaluations are fundamental to the system development as it actually provided the

users/students with a view of the system and its intuitiveness. The results helped provide the researcher

with rich ideas from users that led to a more usable and obvious design. However, there were also rare

cases of conflicting and at times, infeasible user ideas (given the project time frame).

To follow will be a discussion of the changes each screen in turn.


Home Screen

The home screen must be less clumsy. This can be achieved by simply spacing out icons out


It is not obvious what the application is about from looking at the home page, hence a

preliminary/introductory tutorial screen is recommended which explains the wiki in the context of


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Have a drill down on the avatar to see how far a person is from next badge.

The level of the character should be inserted into the actual gauge.

Clicking on the points gauge (speedometer), should send the user into the game profile screen.

If there is to be a help icon, it must be represented by a question mark.

Create Page Screen

A tutorial to let the user know that editing sections is possible(figure 21), should be included

before create page loads.

Figure 21: Create Page Tutorial Screen

It will also be helpful to have a preview button when creating a page, to see if user is happy with

changes before saving.

Edit Page Screen

Should rather use a scroll bar of icons to select markup such: as bold, italics, image (and others);

as opposed to memorizing mark-down language. Furthermore, this suggestion supports

recognition rather than recall (Nielsen 1993) hence minimize user memory load.

Choose Group Screen

If groups are predefined, a drop down combo box can be used to select group.

All Pages-View Screen

Each page needs to have a rating near it, as this facilitates for quality filtering and possibly

making it faster for the students to find the information they want(Li & Wu 2010).

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Commenting feature

It is not clear why there are “view” and “talk” icons, on each menu header. In particular, it is not

clear, why there would be a view icon since the page is already being viewed. Therefore, just

have a talk icon visible when in view mode and when in talk mode have a view icon visible.

Game Screens

Exclusion of achievements screen

There was not a single user that could differentiate the purposes of the badges and achievements

screen therefore the achievement screen will be removed since most users naturally understood


Leaderboard Screen

Change the leaderboard title from “CS TOP 10” to “GAME TOP 10”, as this makes it clear that

the table refers to a game and not academic marks.

There is also a remark of why is there a leaderboard in the first place, but this will be clarified by

having a preliminary tutorial screen in the future.

Game Profile Screen

A tutorial screen should appear before the user first visits the game menu in order to explain the

game to the user. One user remarked, “If this is a game, where do I play”. Indeed, this tutorial

screen will appear even before enters the Home Screen, so the game theme is established right

from the beginning of the system(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005) . Furthermore, this suggestion saves

the researcher time in explaining the system to users during experiments.

See All

Browse pages by categories (like subjects) and then choose page.

Popular Pages

There seems to be an ambiguity in the term popular pages, does it mean pages that are most

visited by this user or pages that are most visited by the class. Indeed, a sub-title is to be added to

the popular pages screen clarifying that the latter interpretation is correct.

Treemaps are said to be a wonderful visual by most and must be kept although one user did find it

to be complex.

Other feedback

General Changes

An alternative means of showing notifications could be to have a page that highlights when a

reward has been unlocked.

Disable menu items when not needed in order to prevent errors. This resulted from a user‟s

statement, “I will keep clicking until something happens. I want to test the whole system”. In

particular, the user asked what would happen if the “See All pages” button is clicked whilst in

create page, and the answer is that all the data would be lost.

Restyle point gauge( the jQuery Foundation 2012a), such that the points label is inside the gauge

and also indicate the badge level near the points gauge.

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One user informs that the message box (for game notifications) is synonymous with Vula email

notifications and prefers a page that highlights. Although, all other users also observed this same

relationship, they found it attention grabbing and useful.

It is also desirable to customize settings in the system such as font size, language and background.

5.3 Horizontal Software Prototype

5.3.1 Design

This prototype improves on the design of paper prototype 2 by incorporating the student changes. This

includes in the addition of a tutorial screen, the removal of mark-down language in edit page for user

friendly icons and more. However, the design is basically the same as the previous paper prototype hence

will not be repeated here. Although, to follow is a use case diagram that details all the functionality

(excepting commenting feature) in this prototype.

5.4 Use Cases The use cases of the gamified wiki are shown in the diagram (figure 22) below .The core use cases of the

system are general wiki functions such as create, read, edit and now even liking articles. In addition, the

other functionality supported is the gamification tasks such as checking game leaderboards, badges and

also game profile. Also, it is worth noting that the “<<extends>>” keyword in the diagram means that one

activity occurring may lead to (but not necessarily) to another activity occurring. For instance: reading of

an article may lead to commenting on it. The prototype implementation will be discussed next.

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Figure 22: Gamified wiki Use Case Diagram

5.4.1 Implementation

Changes Implemented:

All changes are implemented (except a few) but here is a sample of the changes implemented:

Having only the badges screen and eliminated the achievements screen.

Appropriate menu disabling as this prevents students from making mistakes, a form of error-

prevention(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.74) .

Tutorial screens have also been included as this facilitates quick learning of the system (Shneiderman

& Plaisant 2005, p.74) and suggested by user.

A refined edit page screen is implemented without using mark-down language but rather a scroll bar

of icons for the markup, as suggested by users and this supports recognition rather than recall(Nielsen


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Changes Not Implemented:

No help icon included but tutorial screens are used instead. In game literature, user help can be in the

simple form of a tutorial(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005).

Commenting system not done at all, due to time constraints.

Message box icon as a page that highlights not implemented as most students found the original

message box icon useful in alerting them of notifications(for gamification).

The drill-down on avatar is not implemented as this is only an additional request by one user and not

within current time constraints.

5.4.2 Screenshots

The following screenshots (figure 23) are images of the horizontal software prototype. Initially, the user

will first see the game help page, which will explain the basic gamification aspects of the wiki (like

getting points for creating pages and so forth). Then, they will get to the home page(after pressing

continue) and in order to create a page for the first time, they will read the create help screen. Thereafter,

they will create a page and can view it. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the menu buttons are

sometimes disabled in certain screens as this is a type of error prevention that was motivated by a

previous user‟s comment.

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Figure 23: Horizontal Prototype Screens

Having presented the prototype, the evaluations and findings will now be discussed.

5.5 Evaluation and Findings

5.5.1 Test Subjects

Once again, a representative sample of five students was chosen across all the different computer science

undergraduate years of both genders and various ethnicity groups. Just to re-iterate, the gamified wiki is

only targeted at undergraduate computer science students. Also, the subjects were picked by direct

approach and beyond being guaranteed report anonymity they were also compensated R30 per


5.5.2 Permission and consent

An application had to be made to student affairs at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in order to

conduct research on UCT students. In addition, an ethical clearance application was approved from the

Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science given that anonymity is assured for all participants. Not to

mention, consent was obtained from the students themselves as they signed a consent form before each


5.5.3 Methodology

The evaluation methodology for this iteration is a combination of formative evaluation(Gediga et al.

1999) and conceptual model extraction. (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.197).In addition, the head supervisor

also provided expert opinion on the interface (i.e. heuristic evaluation). Overall, the entire evaluation is

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spilt into navigation and user satisfaction/engagement issues c whilst attempting to extract quantitative

and qualitative data.

As mentioned in the design chapter, a formative evaluation is used as it is able to evaluate whether a

prototype at a given iteration (i.e. formative stage) is meeting system objectives(Gediga et al. 1999)

instead of waiting till the end of the project when mistakes cannot be rectified (Landau 2001).

Furthermore, it is used to compare usability and engagement (Di Bitonto et al. 2009) like in a comparative

study of two systems(Koenemann-Belliveau et al. 1994), namely: the current Vula mobile wiki and the

gamifiedVula mobile wiki. Indeed, the learning effect needs to be alleviated by alternating the order of

which system is evaluated first for each user. Also, a conceptual model extraction is used since this is the

users‟ first interaction with such a mobile interface(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.198) and it exposes

misconceptions the user has about the system. The formative evaluation tests usability/”ease of use”,

perceived value of system and finds unintended system consequences (Landau 2001). On the other hand,

the conceptual model extraction provides insight on the students‟ understanding of system terminology.

To follow is a description of the evaluation proceedings (table 4).

5.5.4 Structure of evaluation

The evaluation consisted of a navigation and user satisfaction/engagement test (Landau 2001). First, the

student is briefed about the experiment, assured ethical anonymity and that it is the system and not them

being evaluated. This is followed by a navigation test(using formative evaluation), in which the student is

asked to carry out a set of tasks(for both current and gamified wiki on mobile) where the number of clicks

and error rates are measured (Hartson et al. 1996) using a Microsoft document table. These tasks are to

create, edit and view a page on a wiki. Thereafter, the student is asked to explore the system screens

whilst giving an explanation of system icons and raising misunderstandings/suggestions as they go along

(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.198) . Finally, a short post-experiment interview takes place in which the

student is asked a set of questions inspired from Valeria Landau(Landau 2001), which checks how well

system objectives are achieved. These are:

Determining the value of the gamifed wiki to students

Discovering any confusing terminology/places where it is not obvious what to do

A follow up on anything interesting/”unintended usage” of the system observed from user

Comments about the visual appeal and readability of the current mobile Vula wiki and the gamified


Any other comments on graphics used and if there is an information overload(i.e. is the system simple


Comments about the engagement of the current mobile Vula wiki and the gamified one.

Identify any other likes or dislikes the user has of the system.

Any final recommendations on the system

Table 4: Evaluation Plan

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Title Description

Evaluation Objective Quantitative

Navigation- is the difference in navigation speed between the current mobile Vula wiki and the gamifiedVula wiki. This is measured by number of clicks for sample

tasks completion and number of errors experienced in doing so.

Readability- is there a difference in readability between the current mobile Vula wiki and the gamifiedVula wiki. This can be tested using Tullis display-

complexity metrics(Tullis 1984) but is not done as the appropriate software could

not be found.

Qualitative Engagement- is there a difference in the engagement between the mobile Vula

wiki and gamifiedVula wiki. This is measured by post-interview questioning.

Readability- do the students find the readability between the two mobile Vula wikis different and this can be measured by post-interview questioning.

Evaluation Structure Mentioned already

Time Per User 20 minutes(although is often longer)

Venue All tests conducted in Honours Lab and one in residence room.

User Group Computer science students from each undergraduate year and 4 race groups (of

both genders) represented.

Evaluation Method Formative evaluation (navigation test between wikis) and conceptual model extraction.

Equipment Mobile phone emulator(Butts & Cockburn 2002) for gamified wiki (as the

software was not fully mobile ready) but a mobile phone for Vula wiki, as there

no mobile phone emulator for the current Vula wiki.

Recording of data Data is recorded on a nearby computer as the experiment takes place using a word

document (for each user), which has predefined Microsoft table (recording

number of clicks, etc.) and set of interview questions.

Analysis of data Data is aggregated from each document, manually by the researcher into this report.

5.5.5 Findings

Perceived Value of the System

One student mentioned that there is value in the gamified mobile Vula wiki so long as the points rewarded

can actually result in real marks or even deadline extensions. Another student, said since they never really

considered ever using a wiki thus they did not initially see a need for it. However, the same student

mentioned that it is so much easier to use the gamifiedVula wiki to create and edit pages, but again the

gamification aspect did not add more value. Yet another student also found the new wiki useful, says that,

„at least one can interact with the system even after sharing notes with peers‟. Also, a student mentioned

that it is ideal to use a Vula wiki since they do not have to bother entering their internet details as it is

local to UCT. Furthermore, this student also said the game elements add to the enjoyment of the system

but did say the interface is not obvious especially as this person is not used to wikis and does not use Vula


Ease of Use- Navigation

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This begins by evaluating the difference between the current and gamified mobile Vula wikis (table 5 and

6). The users are asked to carry out set of tasks (create, edit, and view wiki page) whilst their number of

clicks (i.e. number of screen transitions) and errors is measured. The results show the following:

Create Page

Not a single user is able to create a page on the current Vula wiki as they do not know the markup

required. Whereas, for the gamifiedVula wiki, the users could create a page naturally although did get

confused with the terminology in “Place Page” screen.Also, the number of clicks taken to create a page

on the current mobile Vula wiki is undefined, since no one could do it, but should be 2(if they did).

For the gamified mobile Vula wiki, the clicks is 3(by everyone) but can be reduced to 2(in the next

prototype due to a user recommendation discussed later).

Edit Page

The edit page is 2 clicks for each mobile Vula wiki, as users were able to do this successfully for both

without errors.

View Page

The view page (for a page stored in root/home page) is 1 click, for the current mobile Vula wiki but 2

clicks for the gamifiedVula wiki due to extra gamification elements. Likewise, all users were able to view

pages successfully on both wikis.

Table 5: Navigation Results – Current Wiki

User1 User2 User3 User4 User5

Create Page-



students did

not know markup.


students did

not know markup.


students did

not know markup.


students did

not know markup.


students did

not know markup.

Create Page-



(But not achieved by

any student)


(But not achieved by

any student)


(But not achieved by

any student)


(But not achieved by

any student)


(But not achieved by

any student)

Edit Page-


Edit Page-


2 2 2 2 2

View Page-


View Page-


2 2 2 2 2

Table 6: Navigation Results- Gamified Wiki

User1 User2 User3 User4 User5

Create Page- 1-Place Page 1-Place Page 1-Place Page 1-Place Page 1-Place Page

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Create Page-


2 2 2 2 2

Edit Page-


3(add section)



3(add section)



3(add section)



3(add section)



3(add section)



Edit Page-Click

2 2 2 2 2

View Page-


View Page-Click

2 2 2 2 2

Ease of Use- Navigation Problems

At this formative stage, there are quite a few, for the gamifed mobile Vula wiki. The one that most of the

students detected is that it is not obvious that many pages have vertical scrolling as there is no fading

effect or scroll bar present. Also, many students feel that when the menu is fully disabled, it should rather

not be shown as this saves screen space. Furthermore, sometimes too many menu items are disabled

leaving the student stuck on the same screen. Yet another problem found is that after a page is created and

the student presses the back button, and tries to recreate that page, the save button simply gets stuck.

Therefore, after a page is created, the student should not be able to go back to edit the content but rather

click on the clearly visible edit icons.

Ease of Use-Readability

The current mobile Vula wiki is said to be less readable by most users than its gamifed counterpart as one

user describes the Vula icons as, „being so small that they must but be poked‟. However, the icons on the

gamified interface have also been described as too big, so need to be reduced.

Understanding System’s Terminology

Create/Edit Page

It is quite clear and simple how to create a page on the gamified wiki. Whereas with the current

mobile Vula wiki, “the edit page is not clear at all. The experience is terrible”, says one user.

Although, in all fairness, the co-supervisor (Vula co-coordinator) has mentioned that the current

Vula mobile interface is not optimized for mobile.

Tutorial screens

For the dialog box to show page again, the toggle options should not be “On or Off” but rather

“Yes or No”

Edit Page

Does the save button mean save as a draft or a published page. Rather, use the word, “publish”,


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Group Page

This could possibly be called “team” page, as a student confused the groups to be grouping of

pages and not users.


One student remarks: “This mail, what is that about?” Although, most students said it is eye-

catching and they see it as an email inbox.

System’s Unintended Consequences

The system seems to be more greatly appreciated for simplifying page creation, editing and wiki

navigation than its gamification elements. Also, one person did mention that on Vula, students can

already share resources by creating Vula groups but did mention that the wiki could be useful if published

externally for access by even other universities and the public. In fact, the student even provided a link to

a South African encyclopedia called immunopedia( 2010) which promotes knowledge

and research in the field of HIV immunology in South Africa. Likewise, the wiki could also be eventually

used for national benefit like immunopedia( 2010) .


The points bar is generally admired by all as well as the easy navigation to create and edit pages. Also, the

icons are said to be quite big and the point bar shows up at too many places. Another student enjoys, „that

one does not need a touch pen (referring to previous mobile Vula wiki) to navigate (in the gamified wiki)

but it does need some polishing up and bug fixing.‟ Also, the student appreciated the fact that one need

not learn markup to use the gamified wiki.

5.5.6 Changes recommended

Home page

For the points bar, it would be better to have the label for the points bar inside the image(figure

24) and on the right hand-side of the picture, have the user‟s level and position (allowing quick

information retrieval). In fact, the student even volunteered to embed a beautiful label inside the

points bar image, which should be incorporated into the next iteration.

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Figure 24: Points gauge( the jQuery Foundation 2012a) redesigned by user

Create Page

Place page is not necessary for every student, one student mentioned:” I really do not mind were

my page is placed. I just want to create a page and move on.” Therefore, after each time a page is

created, only at the end the student will be asked in a dialogue box, to place the page in a custom


Created Page

Home page is very similar to created page but it would be clearer to students if they are

differentiated more.

Created page, should be simpler and not have all the gamification scaffolding such as points bar

as this distracts from the page‟s function.

Here is a screenshot illustrating this(figure 25):

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Figure 25: New Created Page redesigned by user

The like buttons have also changed positions according to the diagram (figure 25).

Create(Page) Help

There should be either a “Cancel” button or even enabling some menu options like the home

screen to allow the user to move back.

Create/Edit Page

There dialog box that appears after the cancel button is pressed, should not appear below the

cancel button but above as it is not easily noticeable when it appears below.

Editing scroll bar- If clicking on the “bold” icon, it must actually highlight it and the icons must

have a visual affordance(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.67)such as bold icon in bold text, italics in

italicized text, etc.

Make “save” button, “publish” rather just for clarity.

Place Page

Have search bar at top right.

See All Pages

Have a filter that allows a student to see/browse just their own pages so they can make quick


Tutorial screens

For the dialog box to show page again, the toggle options should not be “On or off” but rather

“Yes or No”.

Choose group:

Possibly use a plus icon to represent adding a new group.


A beautiful effect maybe to allow student to swipe across characters horizontally by swiping

across on the touch phones.


Explain the menu icons at introduction screen.


There should be something to show that scrolling is possible. This can be just a fading/cutting off

of a button to indicate that there is more content below.

Only have the points bar in the home screen, as the user will know that they can always find it

there. This will save screen space in all the other screens and minimize user distraction. The

student, used this description: “ In music you have a catchy part of the song(called a lick) that

only occurs in a few places however if it were to occur in all the places, it would lose its

effect(referring to the points bar in this context)”

Make icons smaller, put message box in the menu header and let it highlight when rewards

notifications are necessary.

Leaderboard should only be accessible at home page, since students find it there anyways hence

the game profile menu will consists of: “Profile, Your articles, and Badges”.

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Game profile screen should rather be called Profile, as the game information is already available

in home page.

A future possibility can be the ability to group pages into categories like computer science,

biology, etc.

Potentially have article quality control such as each page must have at least one URL link.

Head Supervisor Feedback

Change terminology of average rating to rating

The dividing lines between sections on a page are too small.

It must be obvious that scrolling is possible(just as students indicated)

Icons must be made smaller to better utilize screen space.

There should be no liking of pages but rather liking of sections as it may not be intuitive to the user

whether if they like a page, they are liking all the sections in the page or not.

The menu item called “see all pages” should be changed to “wiki pages” or “wiki” as this is clearer.

Meeting of System Objectives


Navigation- The gamified wiki is simpler as users cannot create a page on the current wiki

however the number of clicks taken to create a page and view a page is more than current Vula

but only the clicks for page creation can be improved as the other is a consequence of

gamification addition.

Readability- Not accessed due to lack of time


Engagement – The gamified wiki is said to be more exciting by most participants.

Readability- The gamified wiki is said to be more readable but needs a reduction in icon size.

5.6 Conclusion In the past chapter the high fidelity prototypes were discussed. It begins, with the integration of the

changes of the first paper prototype into the second one and evaluating (with conceptual model

extraction) the design on students (the actual end-users) for the first time. Indeed, this was very useful

feedback like that lead to the inclusion of helpful tutorial screens and a much simpler edit page interface.

Thereafter, a horizontal (software) prototype is implemented with all the recommended changes from the

paper prototype evaluation besides a few mainly due to time constraints or importance. In contrast, this

prototype uses a formative evaluation as well as conceptual model extraction producing results that

showed it to be quite usable compared to the previous Vula wiki on mobile. However, there are yet still

some improvements to be made such as eliminating the over-use of the point gauge( the jQuery

Foundation 2012a) element and reducing icon sizes. Thus the feedback from this is to be used in the final

system iteration discussed in the next chapter.

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6 Game Rules

6.1 Introduction A component (to a minor extent) of the new Vula Wiki is that it is gamified to increase the engagement of

students with it. This chapter starts by describing the final game rules of the system, by first motivating

their inclusion. Then, the badges and avatar levels in the complete system are presented. Thereafter, the

rules not used in the system are shown. These rules were derived at the first prototyping stage but due to

time constraints were not implemented

6.2 Final Game Rules To follow is the game rules/achievements list in the system. Firstly, the usage of an achievement system

is inspired from Queensland university orientation gamification example(Fitz-Walter & Tjondronegoro

2011). Predominately, the GameFlow criteria for player enjoyment in games(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005), is

used define the game rules. In fact, this is the same basis that the Queensland university orientation

game(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b) used as well. The following is a brief list of some of

the motivations for the game rules below:

Firstly, the rules are arranged according to difficulty(from easiest to hardest) conforming to the

concept that games should have different levels of challengers for different users(Sweetser& Wyeth


Also, users must also be awarded appropriately for their efforts therefore the tasks have been

allocated points in this regard. For instance, a user is only awarded 1 point for logging in(as opposed

to removing this rule as suggested in feasibility study feedback), but 5 points for editing an article and

even awarded 20 points for creating an article.

Then, there is also the aspect of social interaction that the game supports between users(Sweetser&

Wyeth 2005) such as users being able to approve of each other‟s articles by using a “like

button”(Mathews 2006).

A leaderboard is also used as it encourages social competition amongst players(Sweetser& Wyeth

2005) and made popular by location-based games such as Foursquare(Foursquare 2012).

In terms of the format of the achievements list table (shown below) this is inspired from two sources

mainly. Firstly, the user actions (which describes a task) and achievements (points needed to unlock

tasks) fields are again inspired from Queensland university orientation application(Fitz-Walter &

Tjondronegoro 2011). Furthermore, the last field, “maximum points per student”, is inspired from

gamification at Ulster university(D. Bustard, M. Black, et al. 2011). However, for this field, instead of

just having a permanent maximum points for activities like in Ulster‟s case, it was decided to allow

this maximum to be reset daily otherwise students would no longer be awarded for their

efforts(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005).

Now that the achievements list(table 7) has been motivated(somewhat) , to follows is a list of all that

are used in the gamified wiki:

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Table 7: Achievements List

Difficulty User Actions Achievements Maximum Points

Per Student

1 Level 1

Create a wiki page 20 points for each

page created with a

maximum of 200 points for creating

10 articles.

Maximum 200

points Per Day

2 Create a wiki


10 points Maximum 200

points Per Day

3 Edit a wiki section 5 points. Maximum 100

points Per Day

4 Read a wiki page 10 points. Maximum 10 per


5 User Login 1 Point Maximum 1 per


6 Level 2 Editor Receive a

like on wiki section.

15points per section


Maximum 200

points Per Day

7 Author (creator)

receive like on a


10 points per


Maximum 200

points Per Day

8 Like a wiki section 10 points per

page(but voters

need 50 points minimum)

Maximum 100

points Per Day

7 Level 3 Users with top 3

points in the


These are the main

medals and are

discussed in badges section below.

6.3 Avatars The following is a list of the main avatar/character levels (table 8) to the system. Indeed, having avatars in

a game is known to make it more fun(Liu et al. 2011)and is also an idea encouraged by the project

supervisor. Furthermore, the avatar names are derived from the Iron Reals Entertainment(Iron Realms

Entertainment 2012).

Table 8: Avatar list

Level Avatar Name Points Needed

1 Newborn 0 (default)

2 Harmless 50

3 Courageous 100

4 Mighty 200

5 Legendary 400

*Each of these appears as characters in the “profile screen” of the wiki.

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6.4 Badges Badges, whose names are inspired by question-and-answer site StackOverflow(StackOverflow 2012), are

also used in the system(table 9) as they help users with goal-setting as they will work towards them and a

hosts of reasons are in the literature (Antin & Churchill 2011a). Again, players are rewarded according to

effort (Sweetser & Wyeth 2005) as a gold badge is worth the most points and an editor badge the least. In

terms of organization, badges are grouped by wiki functionality (author, reader, etc.), general badges

(admirer, popular, etc.) and main achievements (bronze, silver and gold).

Table 9: Badges list

Badge Name Achievement Points Gained

Author Create 1st article 10

Reader Read 1st article 10

Editor Edit 1st article 5

Admirer Like 5 articles 10

Popular Articles received 5 likes 10

Contributor Contributed in 5 articles 10

Bronze User is 3rd

in the leaderboard (user should

have a minimum of 150 to achieve this)


Silver User is 2nd

in the leaderboard(user should have a minimum of 175 to achieve this)


Gold User is 1st in the leaderboard(user should

have a minimum of 200 to achieve this)


6.5 Rules not used The initial game rules (developed by the main supervisor and researchers at the first prototyping stage)

consist of mainly what is in the final game rules but with some additional rules (which are later removed

due to time limitations). Therefore, initially it was imagined that users could be rewarded points for the


Adding a citation to articles

Commenting on a wiki

Answering/asking questions on a wiki

However, these rules could not be implemented as they would require unnecessary system modules to be

made (like a question and answer platform).

6.6 Conclusion This chapter discussed the game rules of the wiki. It begins with a motivation for the final game rules

used in the system, which has its foundation in the GameFlow criteria for player enjoyment in

games(Sweetser& Wyeth 2005). Then, the list of badges was described followed by the avatars. Also,

inspiration was drawn from StackOverflow(StackOverflow 2012) to come up with badge names and Iron

Reals Entertainment(Iron Realms Entertainment 2012) to come up with avatar names. Lastly, some of the

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initial game rules which have been discarded (due to lack of time) such as points for question and answers

were described.

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7 Final System Design and Implementation

7.1 Introduction After several prototype iterations, the system is now in its final cycle/stage. However, before describing

the final system, this chapter starts where it all began (an initial feasibility study). Therefore, the design,

evaluation and feedback of the initial feasibility software are discussed. Then, the final system is

described, which although did not follow on chronologically from the feasibility software, essentially uses

the same technology. In addition, the final system will be described (in a top-down manner) by its system

architecture, methodology, tools and platform then by screenshots. Lastly, the different changes

implemented and not implemented are mentioned.

7.2 Feasibility Study

7.2.1 Design


There is very little design consideration given to this prototype as its objective is to prove the

technological feasibility of the project. Although, certain HCI principles are adhered to such as

Schneiderman‟s consistency principle as all menus are consistent (Shneiderman & Plaisant 2005, p.74)

and there are not more than 9 items in any screen(Ingber 2012) .The following is the log in screen(figure

26) made with jQueryMobile framework( the jQuery Foundation 2012c):

Figure 26: Feasibility Software Log-In


In terms of game rules, the student is awarded (for now) 10 points for each log-in and 20 points for each

page creation. Indeed, this is in accordance with the concept of rewarding users according to effort

(Sweetser & Wyeth 2005) , as creating a page is more effort than logging in. Also, a user is able to view

their points on a leaderboard (which has two fixed users at this stage).

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The next section will discuss the implementation a bit further.

7.2.2 Implementation

Development Platform

This is a cross-platform development using(on the front-end) jQueryMobile( the jQuery Foundation

2012c) framework, HTML5 and JavaScript. jQueryMobile is used as it supports most

smartphones(besides Windows Phone 7)(Godwin-Jones 2011). HTML5 is chosen as it is the latest HTML

standard and it enables rich application development(Vaughan-Nichols 2010). For more, please refer to

section 3.2.2, as exactly the same technologies are applied here as well.

In addition, in terms of development tools, notepad++ is used(for all scripting and programming) since it

is a common open-source code editor(Zhang 2012)

Data Storage

Currently, all data storage which consists of user profile and leaderboard, is stored in a text file, but will

eventually be stored in a database.


There is also integration between the back-end and front-end since the application is viewable on mobile

(front-end work) yet changes (like page edits) are also reflected on the real Vula wiki, which can be

viewed on the desktop (back-end work).

7.2.3 Evaluation

Initially, before the software was fully developed, a quick-and-dirty evaluation was done by a project

marker on a basic mobile wiki. The person simply provided their opinion which led to significant

restyling of the design although not very usable yet. After much more development, the now complete

prototype underwent a cognitive walkthrough, a type of expert evaluation in which the expert simulates

users carry out typical interface task(Shneiderman & Plaisant 2005, p.142). Also, as this was the official

feasibility test , it involved the head supervisor and second-reader observing typical interface tasks such

as creating and editing pages in a wiki being performed by the project researchers(to save time).

7.2.4 Feedback

After the expert evaluation/feasibility test, the following feedback was provided:

When an article is created, the length of it must be checked to ensure that it is not a fake article.

There should be no points awarded for logging in as that is too simple.

Finally, the user interface should be improved so that mobile users will enjoy it.

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This feedback was to be incorporated into future iterations. Indeed, this was a throw-away prototype

and was superseded by a paper prototype (which ultimately led to the horizontal software prototype).

After, the horizontal software prototype, the final system iteration described next, was developed.

7.3 Final Design

7.3.1 System Architecture

Figure 27: System Overview







Mobile User


Embedded post


function calls




PHP External JavaScript HTML Storage

Plugins AJAX-






Game Rules

JQueryMobile GameiRules


Front-End (Deon Takpuie)


Back-End (Reitumetse Chaka)

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The system architecture is illustrated above (Figure 27). It shows a separation between the front-end and

the back-end. Indeed, not both will be discussed as the researcher is responsible for the front-end for this


The researcher contributed the following modules:

A game rules module, which is a set of rules in plain English implemented throughout the entire

system. Therefore, the front-end and the back-end can apply these game rules independently by the

front-end changing the screen layout accordingly and calling either dummy or real functions, that the

back-end will be preparing as game functions.

A mobile interface that is developed with jQueryMobile(more in subsequent paragraphs), which

automates the creation of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) code with a drag-and-drop GUI

(Graphics User Interface) creator. It is also built with a jQuery framework, which is the enabler for

request and view Ajax messages between the back-end (controller) and the front-end user interface


Communication between back-end and front-end:

The client/front-end mobile interface receives a request from the user (maybe to create a Wiki page),

this is sent to the server (controller) as a Ajaxrequest (by JavaScript), which the server will process

with its back-end elements and return Ajax response in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) or XML

(Extended Markup-Language). Thereafter, the client transforms this JSON or XML object into a

HTML page, again with JavaScript, so it is viewable as a mobile screen.

7.3.2 DB-Schema

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Database Schema

The following figure below is the database schema:

Figure 28: Database Schema

The following tables (figure 28) will be populated by events invoked by the mobile interface (or front-

end) but will be created by the back-end. Firstly, on the gamification side, a badge table is created to

represent the different badges a user has and can get. Also, a leaderboard table is created for students to

view their ranking against each other through a mobile phone.Whereas, there is a group leaderboard for

students to view their rankings by group and group table is created to hold information of all groups. On

the traditional Wiki side, a page table (which contains all articles) is also created to simplify gamification

manipulation at the server-side (or back-end), and the front-end needs to be altered accordingly to include

a like button and article ratings.

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7.4 Implementation

7.4.1 Methodology

As mentioned before, the user-centered design methodology has been used to create the system

iteratively. The process began with paper prototypes, then to vertical and horizontal prototypes, now into

a complete system. Again, the implementation of the final system began at the horizontal prototype stage,

when the windows navigation diagram (figure 34) was drawn of the entire system see appendix 11.4.

Furthermore, another version of this diagram has Portable Document Format (pdf) annotations of the

exact Ajax request and responses expected from the server and client/front-end. However, there was no

integration between the client and server for the horizontal software prototype. Thereafter, in the stage of

the final implementation, a model-view-controller framework(Krasner & Pope 1988) was used to allow

more development convenience. Essentially, the integration was not as straightforward as imagined since

the back-end was not designed as the front-end expected it. Therefore, to reduce integration time, the

back-end programmer developed both server responses and client request according to the system

diagram see appendix 11.4, so the front-end programmer merely needed to call the functions required to

perform tasks. To elaborate on the model-view-controller framework, there file with the client requests is

controller.js (JavaScript) and it communicates with the corresponding back-end controller files. All the

front-end/”view” has to do, is to call a function(such as create page) in the controller.js file, with the

necessary parameters(such as page title and name) and the controller will populate the database/”model”

with the necessary data. Furthermore, through the use of the model-view-controller framework, issues

such as maintainability and portability become more easily solvable.

Maintainability, Portability and Scale

In terms of maintainability, the system as a whole is easy to maintain, since the model-view-controller

framework allows one to add more views/”mobile interfaces” in new files whilst separately developing

controller functions(at the same time) to cater for these new mobile interfaces. Also, the front-end is also

easily maintainable since items such as: the menu, leaderboard (and more), are separate includes files, so

they can be re-used/”inherited” wherever needed. In terms of portability, the system can be re-

implemented in another web language(for example) by following the system diagram(see appendix

11.4/figure 34), and also, due to the use of jQueryMobile the system is compatible with an array of

Smartphone platforms such as Samsung,Blackberry and Apple(Godwin-Jones 2011).


The gamified wiki was not comprehensively tested for scale, as only 10 users participated in the

evaluation but it is imagined that the model-view-controller framework provides a good foundation and

furthermore, this is not part of the front-end scope. Secondly, in terms of robustness, the software was

tested using white-box testing such as varying inputs and black-box testing(Beydeda& Gruhn 2001), such

as testing functionality. However, the software (interface) could possibly be more robust but this is not a

focus of a design/front-end project.

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7.4.2 Tools and Platform

Again, the framework used to develop the mobile user interface is the jQueryMobile accompanied with

Ajax and JavaScript programming. Also, the development environment used was notepad++(Ho 2012)

and the mobile phone used for testing the application is: the Samsung Galaxy Ace (sponsored by the

company). For more on this section, please see section 3.2.

7.4.3 Screenshots

The following are some screenshots (figure 29) of the system, the first set of pictures cover general wiki

functionality whilst the rest cover gamification elements (figure 30). Although, there are still some game

features even in these pages like a points gauge( the jQuery Foundation 2012a) in the home screen and the

badges and like button in the created page (or the rightmost screen). This first set of pages show how a

page can be created on the wiki, when starting from the home screen. Also, the create page tutorial is

omitted (as the user can turn it off) and the log-in screen is also omitted, as it a prerequisites for all

screens. Finally, it is useful contrasting the following screens with the previous horizontal prototype‟s

version (see section 5.3.3). Indeed, one of the main changes is in the home screen, the choose group icon

is now visible and even the created page screen is 1 screenshot here instead of two. This illustrates (in a

way), that the final implementation takes far less screen space.

Core wiki

Figure 29: Final Create Page Scenario


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Figure 30: Final Gamification Screens

The above are gamification screens (only some). Firstly, from the game menu, one can either view badges

and drill-down further into individual badges, just like in the location-based game Foursquare(Foursquare

2012) or they can see their profile page, which shows their current avatar(as well as the info needed to

unlock other avatars) and even shows their rewards/achievements so far(this list is always the same


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7.5 System Changes After feedback from the previous horizontal software prototype, a few changes were implemented.

Furthermore, the front-end and back-end have now been fully integrated for all essentially system features

except for some optional gamification ones. Also, there has been general system refinements made by the

researchers for the benefit of the users.

7.5.1 Suggested changes not implemented

Home page

Firstly, from the previous iteration a user had suggested a beautiful restyling of the points gauge(

the jQuery Foundation 2012a), illustrated with Figure 24 , by embedding a label inside the

image, however this could not be implemented due to incompatibilities with the points gauge

software library( the jQuery Foundation 2012a)

Create/Edit page

Also, making the edit icons (such as bold or italics) highlight when selected was not

implemented as the functionality of emboldening, italicizing, underlining (and the rest of edit

icons) were not implemented as those buttons are not functional, in any case. This is because this

task is not worth the effort for the current project but would be a necessary future work if the wiki

was deployed properly, with students using it daily and needing to perform the text mark-up they

are used to.


There are no special effects to visually show that scrolling is possible as techniques required to do

this added unnecessary complexity to the system(Buchanan et al. 2001). Furthermore, there is

now far less scrolling needing in the system as the pictures sizes have been reduced, so it is

normally visually apparent that scrolling is possible.

Also, all other suggested changes that have not been implemented was mostly because of project time

constraints (and scope) but were all noteworthy remarks. Essentially, refining core wiki functionality had

priority over the gamification additions.

7.5.2 Suggested changes implemented

Create page

The place page option has now been removed as users never felt it was necessary.

Created page

Every wiki page created or even viewed is now displayed in a less cluttered form (without the

points gauge) (see figure 28).


Points gauge now only occurs in the home screen (as suggested by one user) as most users did

mention that it was causing clutter in other screens and distracting from the screen‟s purpose.

The leaderboard is now only accessible from the home page (and not the game profile as well)

since this was suggested by a user. Indeed, this does remove the ambiguity of having two of the

same leaderboards in two different places.

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Smaller icons and images have now been used across the system, as users did request this and it

speeds up their navigating of the gamified wiki (see figure 28).

7.5.3 General system changes made

In addition, to changes suggested by users, there has been some new features (most of which derived even

at paper prototype 2) and refinements added to the system, in order to finalize it.


The group functionality (even though limited) has now been added to the system (allows users to

compete in groups). It allows a user to create/join/leave a group and to view the leaderboards by

groups. Importantly, the group feature was also described in the gamification project which improved

University pass rates(D. W. Bustard, M. M. Black, et al. 2011) and users have approved of it during

the paper prototype 2 evaluation.

In addition, the leaderboard on the home page can now be filtered by groups or individuals. Also, the

leaderboard supports a drill-down functionality which is once again inspired by the successful

gamification that took place at Ulster university rates(D. W. Bustard, M. M. Black, et al. 2011).

Essentially, this meant when clicking on an individual in the leaderboard, one could see how they

acquired their points (in a rewards list screen). However, this is a static screen which always shows

the same rewards, as it has not been demanding by users that much.


The menu-disabling functionality, is now removed even though it was a form of error prevention.

Ironically, it was causing more errors (due to inappropriate disabling of screens) than it was


All the search bars including the ones found in screens: view wiki pages, place section, create group

screen; will not be implemented. These were merely optional and therefore were forfeited eventually

due to time constraints. However, in terms of scale, a search would be necessary if the wiki has

thousands of pages.

7.6 Conclusion Although, this chapter is mainly about the final implementation, it begins by describing the initial

feasibility test. In terms of implementation, the technology of the initial feasibility study (such as

jQueryMobile) was the same technology used in the final system. Also, it is worth noting that the

feedback from the initial feasibility study was applied in future prototype iteration.

Thereafter, the final implementation is described, which supersedes the horizontal software prototype.

This is a top-down description, starting with the system architecture, and later going on to methodology

where issues such as maintainability, portability and the systems limitations are addressed, till the actual

application screenshots are shown. Indeed, the screenshots do show that the final system takes up far less

screen space than the horizontal prototypes (at least for these screens). Then, the suggested changes

implemented and not implemented were reported on. There were a few changes added to the system, but

for the most part, many of the suggestions were not implemented in this iteration as there were probably

gamification elements which are more optional than core wiki functionality.

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8 Experimentation Design and Results

8.1 Introduction

In the past iterations of the project, formative evaluations were conducted to improve system usability

iteratively(Gediga et al. 1999). Now, that the system is in a final stage, it can be evaluated using a

summative evaluation, as this is a typical usability assessment of a final design(Nielsen 1993) and

determines if system has meet its objectives(Hamilton & Chervany 1981). The summative evaluation is

conducted using experimental evaluation(Hezel Associates 2010) because it aids in finding the objective

truth i.e. truth that is independent of any bias(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.210). This evaluation was

conducted over two days and with 10 users.

The goal of the experiment is to compare the usability of the current mobile Vula and gamified wiki. This

is elaborated in the first section (hypotheses), thereafter; the user choice, experimental design, control

procedures and experiment tasks are discussed, in turn.

8.2 Method

8.2.1 Hypotheses

Setting the hypotheses is the first step to an experimental evaluation, however in order to do this, the

dependent and independent variables need to be defined(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.238). These variables

are tabulated below (table 10):

Table 10: Dependent and independent variables

Dependent Variables Independent Variables

*Number of clicks(measured relatively as

screen transitions)

System choice(the Vula and gamified mobile


*Task completion time(measured absolutely

in seconds)

Number of errors(in completing tasks)

*These variables measure the time taken to complete a tasks either relatively (comparative measure of

both systems) or absolutely(precise measurement to the second)(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.238).

As mentioned before, the research question investigates whether a gamifiedVula wiki on mobile is more

usable than the current Vula wiki on mobile.Usability in this context is measured by effectiveness

(number of error rates) and efficiency (number of clicks, task completion time) and to a lesser extent user

satisfaction(Nigel Bevan 1995). Therefore, the research question can be broken down into three separate

hypotheses (where mobile abbreviates mobile phone):

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2. A gamifiedVula wiki on mobile is more usable than the current Vula wiki on mobile.

2.1 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile requires fewer key presses to navigate than the

current Vula wiki on mobile.

2.2 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile requires less time to navigate than the current Vula

wiki on mobile.

2.3 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile is less error prone than the current Vula wiki on


Null Hypotheses

1. A gamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same usability as the current Vula wiki on mobile.

1.1 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same navigation key press as the current

Vula wiki on mobile.

1.2 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same navigation time as the current Vula

wiki on mobile.

1.3 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile is as error prone Vula wiki on mobile.


The effect of the gamification on the new wiki(part of user satisfaction) could not be evaluated fully as

this requires a study that would run over some time(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b), with

each user needing a smart-phone at home and furthermore, the results of such a study is very subjective(or

user opinion based)(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b).Indeed, user satisfaction could not be

analyzed comprehensively due to the lack of availability of professional mobile usability

questionnaires(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.205). In addition, due to time constraints the extra evaluation of

the tullis interface display complexities(Tullis 1984) of both wikis could not be carried out.

8.2.2 Users chosen

Firstly, the appropriate ethical clearance from the Science Faculty Ethics clearance and access to UCT

students (from UCT student affairs) has been obtained.Also, having one independent variables (system

type), and two possible options (Vula and gamified mobile wikis), it meant that 20 users were needed but

since a within-group study is used only 10 users were chosen for this evaluation (which is of great

financial relief).Also, there was an equal number of novices (users who never used the neither the Vula

nor gamified wiki before) and experts (users who have used the Vula and gamifiedwiki). This is because

some students have used the Vula wiki before and it alleviates that learning effect, since the gamified wiki

has only been used by a few. Likewise, a two-system mobile study included half novices and

experts(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239)however the effect of including novice or expert users in studies is

still being debated (Nielsen 2000).

This was achieved through pre-experiment conversations with the users(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239).

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The users consisted of undergraduate computer science students of all years were chosen as they are the

end-users for which the system is developed. Importantly, the students were chosen randomly through

tutorial announcements, chatroom posts and hand-picking users (who met end-user criteria) in computer

laboratories.In addition, users of various ethnic groups and both genders were present.

8.2.3 Experimental Design

The final evaluation took place in controlled settings which where various University of Cape Town

computer science laboratories, quiet classrooms and a residence room. Participants conducted evaluations

for approximately 40 minutes each, over 2 days (3 in day 1 and 7 in day 2). Indeed, it worth noting that a

pilot experiment was not undertaken due to lack of time but all the experiments ran successfully,

nevertheless. Furthermore, many of the core tasks of the final experiment are repeated from the previous

formative evaluation such as comparing the number of clicks and errors in performing tasks in both wikis.

In terms of number of final experiments, since there is one independent variable (system choice) and two

options (the current and gamified mobile Vula wiki), there are two conditions resulting in two

experiments (one per system) in total. The first part of the experiment compares the usability

(effectiveness and efficiency) of the current and gamified mobile Vula wiki (the project‟s main research

question) in terms of number of clicks (i.e. screen transitions) and errors to perform given tasks. Also,

although half of the users chosen have experience in both wikis, this data will be recorded as normal for

both groups as a similar study did not distinguish these groups either in data collection(Jones & Marsden

2005, p.239). Now, the actual procedure is to be described:

Initially, students were first assured that their names would not be published (ethical anonymity) and also

asked whether they agreed for a(optional) tape recording. Although, tape recordings can be used to help

transcribe information (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.155), they were used in this case as evidence that the

evaluations actually took place. Also, the students were also assured of their R30 payment after the

experiment but asked to remember to sign the consent form(Chin 2001) after evaluation (to also indicate

they have received payment). Each subject is given a brief explanation(Chin 2001) of how wiki‟s work,

but no demonstration as to how to navigate (as this is being evaluated).Thereafter, students were also told

that the tasks would take roughly 2 minutes (although longer times were recorded) and the experiment

began. Then, the student was handed the Samsung Galaxy Ace (sponsored project phone) whilst the

evaluator recorded data on a laptop using a pre-defined coding sheet/evaluation grid(Chin 2001).

Indeed, automatic software logging(Guzdial et al. 1994) could also be used to record data but did not

seem worth the effort as the formative evaluation succeeded without it.Each of the 10 students performed

five tasks (per system) in sequence and was given limited guidelines where truly necessary but these were

noted as errors in tasks completion. Furthermore, to avoid experiment bias, the order in which each of

these tasks were performed was inverted (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239) after each experiment and even

the order of which system the user evaluated first(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.213).The later technique is

known as a within-group study, and is chosen since it requires fewer users than a between-group

study(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.213) . A between-group study, is one in which double the amount of

users are needed as each user tests only one system and alleviates learning effect in that way (Jones &

Marsden 2005, p.213)

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The wiki and gamification databases for the gamified wiki were reset for the purposes of the experiment.

However, since it was not possible to hide old wiki pages in the traditional Vula wiki, the pages needed

for this experiment were indexed for fast access on both wikis. This ensured consistent data access across

both wikis; however the data between iterations differs as users applied new edits in their iterations.

After completing the tasks, the second part of the experiment assessed user satisfaction and gamification

influence (to a small extent) by a post-interview session(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.241) with users

(lasting about 10 minutes). Rather than having use a disruptive think aloud evaluation to gather users

thoughts during the evaluation, the post-experiment interview solicits user opinions (about the systems) in

an unobtrusive way(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.240). Furthermore, interviews are known to have the best

value when used in conjunction with a laboratory based evaluation hence they are used here as well(Jones

& Marsden 2005, p.205). The interview questions(see Appendix 11.6), inspired by a past thesis of a

previous UCT Honours student (Palser 2004) and a usability website (Hezel Associates 2010), probed

user satisfaction areas such as: user anticipation, user experience and future recommendations. Finally,

the participant was then asked to sign the consent register, then thanked for their efforts and paid R30 for

their participation. The register includes their email addresses and contact numbers (optional), so it serves

as quality control that the experiments did take place and for the department to later refund the researcher

for user evaluations.

8.2.4 Control procedures

The control procedures are discussed throughout this chapter but the following relate to the statistical

Wilcoxin signed-rank test, which was used to evaluate the various null-hypotheses:


This condition is not met as the data is too small(10 users) but normality is not a pre-requisite with the

Wilcoxin signed-rank test (McCluskey & Lalkhen 2007).

Random selection:

Students were chosen randomly(Chin 2001) through tutorial announcements, chartroom posts and hand-

picking users(who met end-user criteria) in computer laboratories. This helps alleviate the effect of the

experimenter biasing the experiment by words, appearance, attitude, etc(Chin 2001).


The occurrence of a measurement in one variable should not change the occurrence in another variable.

Therefore, no user was allowed to invite their friends(Dr. Hun Myoung Park 2009).

8.2.5 Tasks

The tasks chosen are representative of the real world usage of the system(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.212)

and furthermore evaluates the research question of whether gamification improves the usability of the

Vula wiki. Each student completed 5(of the same tasks) for each system, 5 tasks for each

condition/system (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239) . Indeed, the tasks are the same ,instead of different like

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in this study (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239), so a simple comparison can be made between the 2 wikis .

Furthermore, possible learning effects, which is students performing better/worse on one system after

using another (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.213), was eliminated in two ways. The first was to invert the

order of tasks after every run (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239) and also to use a within-group test (Jones

& Marsden 2005, p.212) where each successive participant starts with a different system. Also, the tasks

do not bias either system (as much as possible) (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.212) for instance: the gamified

wiki is optimized for adding article paragraphs(called sections) anywhere in the page thus this is not

tested explicitly. However, attempts to avoid wording bias of task(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239), which

is the naming of task that make user no exactly how to perform an action, could not be achieved for all

tasks. Indeed, it is easy to provide synonyms (Jones & Marsden 2005, p.240) for simple actions like

“create page” to “make a page” but activities such as tutorial sign up, it was too difficult to find

alternatives. Even, in the case of “make a page”, this biases the gamified wiki as it has a “+page” menu

icon but the Vula wiki also benefits from the “edit page” tasks as it has an “edit icon”. Overall, it is hoped

that these imbalances cancelled each other off. Also, the tasks were the same for novice users and expert

users as a similar study used the same approach(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.239) .

As above mentioned, the tasks were carried out on the same mobile galaxy ace ensuring consistent

hardware and user experience(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.240).The tasks were mainly core wiki navigation

tasks as that makes usability easier to analyze whereas determining the impact of gamifcation would need

a more prolonged study(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b). Lastly, to follow is the actual tasks

list (with a description of each in the appendix 11.4):

Make a page?

Edit a page?

Add section/Add a paragraph with heading and content?

Find out when the first operating system was made?

Sign up to a tutorial?

Finally, it also worth noting that the operating system article(Wikipedia 2012a) is adapted from

Wikipedia(Wikipedia 2012b), and the tutorial sign up is adapted from the CS3003S(a UCT course) Vula


8.3 Findings and Results Given, that the final experimental/summative evaluation is complete, this section analyzes, discusses

results to be concluded on in the next chapter. Firstly, the quantitative results (like average clicks) of the

experiments are presented, analyzed and discussed including the statistical significance of the data.

Thereafter, the qualitative results in terms of user opinions are also discussed to be followed by problems

found in the gamified wiki (both in scope and out) as well as solutions where applicable. Finally, in the

next chapter, conclusions are drawn out of these results in relation to the projects hypotheses questions as

well as the summary of the work and suggestions for future research.

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8.3.1 Results analysis and discussion

The three null-hypotheses(see next paragraph) are tested using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test, as the

distribution of data is non-normal and the sample is small/”participants less than 30”(H. J. Arnold 1965).

The null-hypotheses are tested task by task by finding the difference in task performance between the two

systems for each task, as supposed to a test for the entire dataset because this provides the statistical

significance for each task. Also, it is worth noting that the statistical test results are subject to the

limitations described at the end of this section. Next, is just a reminder of the null hypotheses and then

they will be evaluated in turn.

Null Hypotheses

1. A gamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same usability as the current Vula wiki on mobile.

1.1 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same navigation key presses as the current

Vula wiki on mobile

1.2 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile has the same navigation time as the current Vula

wiki on mobile

1.3 For all tasks, agamifiedVula wiki on mobile is as error prone Vula wiki on mobile

Average clicks test

The following graph below compares the average clicks per tasks of the mobile Vula wiki and the mobile

gamified wiki.

Figure 31: Average Clicks per Task graph









1 2 3 4 5






Average Clicks per Task



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The average clicks/”screen transitions” (for all tasks) in current Vula wiki is found to be 2.34 clicks

compared with 2.51 clicks in the gamifed wiki. Indeed, from the figure above, the gamified wiki clearly

has more clicks for task 1 and 5, but the rest are about equal. Now, the statistical analysis is to follow.

A Wilcoxon signed-rank test is made on each task (see appendix 11.8) and there was no statistically

significant results (at a 5% significance level) for any task as this sample size was too small generally

(McCluskey & Lalkhen 2007). Indeed, in one of the tests there was only 1 paired observation whilst in

others there were 9. Therefore, the null hypothesis is not rejected at a 5% significance level (or 95%

confidence level) which means (given the experimental limitations) that there is no difference in the

number of clicks per task in the mobile Vula wiki compared to the mobile gamified wiki (with 95%


Average task completion time test

The following graph below compares the average task completion time of the mobile Vula wiki and the

mobile gamified wiki.

Figure 32: Average Task Completion Time graph

The average task time in current Vula wiki is found to be 131.56 seconds compared with 101.79 seconds

in the gamifed wiki. Indeed, this is quite clear from the above graph, as the Vula wiki has longer times for

every tasks and especially task of create page, which most users struggled with on the Vula wiki (as only

3 successful). Now, the statistical analysis is to follow.

Surprisingly, after conducting a Wilcoxon signed test on all tasks; the gamified wiki was found to be

statistically significantly faster for one task(but at a 10% significance level). This task was to edit a page

and probably showed this significance because it had 9 paired observations and difference of










1 2 3 4 5









Average Task Completion Time



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times(between systems) was 29 seconds or it was a random occurrence(Rukhin et al. 2001). However, all

other tasks did not show any significance (even at 10% significance level). Therefore, the null hypothesis

is not rejected at a 5% significance level (or 95% confidence level) which means (given the experiment

limitations) that there is no difference between the average task completion time in the mobile Vula wiki

and the mobile gamified Wiki.

Average errors test

The following graph below compares the average number of errors per task of the mobile Vula wiki and

the mobile gamified wiki.

Figure 33: Average Errors per Task graph

The average number of errors per task (i.e. a wrong action by user) in current Vula wiki is found to be

131.56 seconds compared with 101.79 seconds in the gamifed wiki. Indeed, this is quite clear from the

above graph, as the Vula wiki has longer times for every tasks and especially task of create page, which

most users struggled with on the Vula wiki (as only 3 successful). Now, the statistical analysis is to


Notably, this test was the only one with all observations present. Once again, after conducting a Wilcoxon

signed test on all tasks; the gamfied wiki had statistically significant lower average error but for only 1

task (at a 5% significance level). This task was to create a page and probably showed this significance

because it had all 10 paired observations and a difference in errors for half of the task or it is a random

occurrence(Rukhin et al. 2001). However, no other tasks showed statistical significance despite having all

paired observations because the observations were not very different. Therefore, the null hypothesis is not

rejected at a 5% significance level (or 95% confidence level) which means (given the experiment











1 2 3 4 5






Average Number of Errors per Task



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limitations) that there is no difference between the number of errors in the mobile Vula wiki and the

mobile gamified wiki.


Sometimes non-parametric evaluations like the Wilcoxon signed-rank test(H. J. Arnold 1965), gets p-

value wrong for very small sizes(McCluskey& Lalkhen 2007).

Missing data entries(i.e. tasks users could not complete) were rectified using pairwise deletion, hence

weakening observation quality(Croninger& Douglas 2005). Indeed, this could have been avoided by

piloting this experiment to see if users could complete most tasks.

Standard errors could not be computed since errors change with the sample size due to pairwise

deletion(McCluskey& Lalkhen 2007).


The experiment should have been carried out with more participants and experiment should have

been more carefully designed to avoid missing data(i.e. users not completing tasks)(Fleming 2011).

Indeed, it is known that larger samples increase chance of significance due to sensitivity of Wilcoxin

signed-rank test(as it is non-parametric) (McCluskey & Lalkhen 2007). Further, in the future more

evaluators could be useful to record data more accurately, as there is two cases where task time is

recorded for a task but the number of clicks not.

8.3.2 Usability Feedback

Although, the statistics highlighted the main results, the additional usability feedback also provides

valuable user insights. Indeed, one needs to be aware of the Hawthorne effect(Adair 1984) , which is

about users trying to please the experimenter with their feedback but even so their opinions are always

valuable, being that they are the target-group of the gamified wiki.

Ease of Use

When asked about the overall ease of use both applications as mentioned above, the majority of users said

that the gamification wiki was much simpler to use. In fact, the average user rating (of 10 users) for the

mobile Vula wiki is 1.5 and the mobile gamified wiki is 4, using a 5-point Likert scale shown in the

interview questions(appendix 11.6, question 6). Some comments included, “It is very convenient, so easy

to access. The pages look so much better”. Though, another mentioned that: “It is simple but some things

are still complex”. When probed further about this, the person mentioned that: “Adding sections, I did not

quite understand”. Users had the following to say about the Vula wiki, “Not as easy as the gamified one,

no specific buttons to do tasks”. Afterwards, the user elaborated that there are no specific buttons to create

a page on the current Vula wiki and yet another user mentioned that the edit button on the current Vula

wiki is too ambiguous as it does not say what is being edited. Nevertheless, the gamifiedVula wiki was

not without its flaws, as most users did express irritation at the delayed scroll of the menu and more of

these are to follow in the forthcoming section. Before that, it is also worth noting that positive user

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feedback as a result of gamification was also reported for the gamified orientation application at

Queensland University(Fitz-walter, Tjondronegoro & Wyeth 2011b).


One user mentioned that, “The current Vula wiki loads faster than the new one and has nice icons”. Then,

about the gamified wiki, the user mentioned knowing exactly what each button did and it was much

easier to use, such as the use of a textbox to enter content (section)”. Indeed, in the Vula wiki, the

entire page is edited at a time whereas in the gamified wiki only sections are edited at a time, like

Wikipedia(Wikipedia 2012b). Furthermore, most users did not appreciate the complicated mark-up

(when editing) in the Vula wiki, one describes it as: “Complicated random coding in the middle of the

text box”.

Also, one of the main likes of the gamified wiki was the fact that a page is displayed immediately after it

is created (instant feedback). Whereas, on the current wiki, the user has to search right down the

current page (or parent page) and look for the link of the newly created page.

Then, there is the simplicity of creating new pages in the gamifiedVula wiki whereas only 1 user was able

to create a page in the current Vula wiki. This is echoed in this user remarked:” I like the fact that you can

actually create pages (in the gamified wiki).

However, the search feature in the Vula wiki was appreciated by one user even though it was used by

about half. This user remarks: “The current wiki has a search button. If the gamified wiki had this too, it

would be quicker.”

In terms of screen clutter, it has been mentioned that: “the gamified wiki is like the old Vula wiki without

all the junk (referring to screen). “ Furthermore, a user added, that:” the gamified wiki was spaced and

had smaller info on each page, with better icons such as „+page‟.” However, the majority of users agreed

that some icons (i.e. badges and game content) were unnecessarily large and as one user says: “some of

the icons were larger than necessary, a bit too informal.”

Confusing Terminology

The notion of sections seemed to be the most confusing terminology for most users in the gamified

system. As quoted above, “Create sections, I do not quite understand”. Although, the users did show their

appreciation when they realized how to use it but it was simply not a word the identified with

immediately. Also, a user suggested that the shortening of words such as “+sec” which abbreviates

“+section” in the menu, should be replaced with the full names. However, a mobile phone‟s screen width

is too small, to implement this for 5 menu items. One user mentions that the “game” menu icon was not

informative enough. Although, this occurred since they glimpse over the introductory tutorial.

Finding Game Elements

All the users said the “game” icon drew their attention to the gamification element of the gamified wiki.

However, the introductory tutorial screen is meant to draw their attention to the gamification component

yet many skimmed through it. Although, there is another user who mentions: “There is a speedometer,

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which shows your points. Yes, it did add value since it keeps you interested.” However, the majority of

users did not notice the game elements, mostly since the experiment time was too short to show them, as

one user says: “Did not really think that it was a game but maybe need to use it more.” Yet another says:

“It was not that fun but not boring (either)”. Also, one user remarked, “It (the wiki) was encouraging, it

made me go back and put my whole life story into it. The little leaderboard made me competitive. ” In

fact, the leaderboard is intended to raise user competitiveness with each other(Burke & Hiltbrand 2011).

Interesting Observations

One user who struggled to find create page in the current Vula wiki, edited a page called „mypage‟

(created by another user), in order to create their own page. Even though this occurred in the old wiki

interface, it just shows that due to the anyone-can-edit nature of a wiki(Cunningham 2012), unforeseen

consequences can occur. Similarly, a user went to the join groups screen when instructed to sign up for a

tutorial and expected to find a wiki page called tutorial sign up and edit that. Indeed, the naming of the

wiki page conflicted with an element already on the system, potentially as a back-end future work a

naming algorithm could check for these conflicts. Also, the majority of users never realized that the like

button was clickable as it looked just like an image. One user suggested that it should look more like a

button and have text underneath saying “like/unlike”, which is exactly the Facebook layout. Indeed, this

can be seen as a problem of affordance(Jones & Marsden 2005, p.67) , as an image does not naturally

invite a user to click it .


“Just add a search and that is all”, is one user‟s remark. Another student has the following to say about the

home screen, “The view wiki button should be grouped separately from the gamification elements”.

Given, that this does tie in with logical grouping in mobile phones(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.498)

but this is not necessary as no other user saw this as a problem. Also, a student found that there is no need

to show the user all the available avatar level pictures(even if not unlocked) as it means removes the

need/drive(Antin& Churchill 2011) to unlock them as this is default. In addition, the gamification icons

(in wiki articles) such as the contributors badge rating, were found to be too space consuming and should

be reduced in size as this comment suggests, “The legendary picture is way too big and it takes up a

whole screen.”

8.3.3 Problems with the application

Adding page search feature

“Just add a search and that is all”, is one user‟s remark. By this, the user was referring to a page search

feature which may be added later (since most users did not point this out).

Delayed scrolling of menu when page scrolls

This was the most noticed problem by users, illustrated by this quote, “I don‟t like the menu bar going up

and down”. As mentioned above, the menu bar does not stay at the bottom of the page during scrolling

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but returns there once the scrolling stops. Essentially, the menu bar needs to always be at the bottom of

the screen.

Edit/Create Section Screen:

The cancel button in these screens does not go back to the previous (wiki) page but rather the home

page. Admittedly, this is a simple flaw that was overlooked by the researcher and will be fixed.

The cancel button confirmation message is often unnoticed because it is displayed beneath the cancel

button (needing the user to scroll to see it) whereas it would be more visible above the cancel button.

All pages screen:

The buttons are too small in this screen as one user puts it, “Every now and again the buttons are too

small. Maybe put some space between them. ” When probed further, the user was mainly referring to the

view wiki screen and their suggestion will be considered.

Re-grouping home screen:

“The view wiki button (in home screen) should be grouped separately from the gamification elements (as

it does not relate to them)”. Given, that this does tie in with logical grouping in mobile

phones(Shneiderman& Plaisant 2005, p.141) but this is not necessary as no other user saw this as a

problem .

Game profile screen:

Also, it was discovered that there is no need to show a user all the available avatar level pictures(even if

not unlocked) as it means removes the need/drive(Antin& Churchill 2011a) to unlock them as this is


Display of wiki pages:

In addition, the gamification icons (in wiki articles) such as the contributors badge rating, were found to

be too space consuming and should be reduced in size as this comment suggests, “The legendary picture

is way too big and it takes up a whole screen.”

8.3.4 Problems beyond system scope

Firstly, there has been a suggestion for a chatroom, “No chatroom, if there is someone online, we can

chat.” In fact, this would not be a problem if this wiki (i.e. the gamifed one) is actually embedded in a

Vula course site because the standard chatroom tool would be available to enable this. However, this is

mainly future work for the back-end component, to integrate the gamified wiki into the current Vula

interface. Also, there is a need for a „naming‟ algorithm to ensure that wiki pages created do not conflict

with names of elements currently in the system, maybe of benefit. Although, this is a back-end extension,

it was conceived through this evaluation and will prevent problems(like previously mentioned) of users

choosing a system function because it is on the home screen(like join group) instead of finding a wiki

page(tutorial sign up) , which is what they originally intended.

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9 Conclusion

The aim of the project is to determine if gamification can improve the usability of the Vula (Sakai) wiki

on mobile phones because the current Vula wiki tool is under-utilized. Since the wiki can be a valuable

educational tool as a gamified system (for instance) at the University of Ulster even led to improved pass

rates, it was decided thatgamificiation should be used to make the wiki more easy to use and engaging.

In terms of contributions, as far as we could ascertain this is the first research done on the gamification of

a wiki and is also unique in trying to use gamification to improve mobile usability. This was done by

building a system using the user-centered design approachproducing and evaluating two low-fidelity

paper prototypes and two high-fidelity prototypes. In addition to user-suggested improvements that

resulted from these iterations, the game rules were reduced over time and are influenced largely by the

GameFlow criteria for player enjoyment in games.

The final implementation, which uses jQuery Mobile, incorporates feedback from the 4 design iterations,

integrates with the back-end and includes gamification functionality discovered to be successful for

education at the University of Ulster.


Did gamification improve the usability of the Vula wiki? Not statistically, the results showed that there

was no statistically significant difference between the mobile Vula wiki and mobile gamified wiki (for all

null-hypotheses) therefore the usability is the same and has not been improved. However, the gamified

wiki was statistically significantly faster for 1(out of 5) tasks and had statistically significantly less errors

for 1(out of 5) tasks. This could have been random occurrence or signs of a minor improvement in


Limitations of the experiment such as a small sample size(10 participants) substantially lowered the

chance of detecting statistically significant results and this in turn blurred out whether the wiki truly

improved in usability or not. Furthermore, non-parametric tests sometimes produce the wrong p-value for

small sizes hence inaccurate results. Also, the quality of the observations is also weakened due to missing

data entries.

As far as user opinion went, the gamified wiki is far easier to use as they gave it an average rating of 4/5

versus 1.5/5 for the Vula wiki. However, one must note the Hawthorne effect of users trying to please the

experiment facilitator. Similarly, previous a gamification of a university orientation application at

Queensland University also yielded positive user feedback.Also, a limitation of this project‟s post-

interview questions is that they are not scientifically validated so the reliability of results is uncertain.

Overall, there has been no (significant) improvement in the usability of the Vula wiki through

gamification, except for the one task with statistically significant improvement (at a 5% significance

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level) and another (at a 10% significance level). However, this is the first time gamification has been

introduced to the Vula wiki and has been met by positive feedback (although honesty is not assured).

We believe this project to be a first step in tackling an important problem because it seems not many

students do use the Vula wiki based on this research. However, the experiment could have been improved

by including a greater number of participants and to avoid missing data by first running a pilot experiment

to see if users could complete all the tasks. Indeed, this could possibly lead to more statistically

significant results.

On the other hand, the user-centered design methodology certainly helped understand users‟ needs better

to produce a system they appreciated.

This experience has been a humbling one, which shows that user feedback always changes and one needs

to adapt quickly to it. More importantly, it has shown that research takes time, so that is why some of it

has to be left to future work which is described next.

9.1 Future work The most immediate suggestion is to replicate the experiments with a greater number of participants

(above 30). Possibly, further research can also examine the reasons for better or worse usability when

gamification has been applied.

In terms of gamification functionality, what is of immediate need is a notification system which will alert

a user when they have unlocked a reward (providing constant feedback). In part, the message box icon on

the top left of most screens was intended to highlight this. Some modifications to the game rules would be

desirable, such as only awarding points for articles of sufficient length. Secondly, a question-and-answer

system like StackOverflow can be added to the wiki, as well as other features in like having a different set

of game rules and badges for groups.

The contribution of each user could be highlighted in a different color but on a mobile phone usability

color guidelines must be adhered to. Also, the search functionality for wiki pages can be added as well as

an interactive tree-map display that shows article popularity and some visual aid could be used to show

that scrolling is possible in a page.

Lastly, in order to deploy the system there has to be extensive testing of robustness and scalability.

Furthermore, some back-end work needs to be made to integrate the system into Vula(just like the current

Vula wiki). Hopefully, this research will generate more investigations into the use of wiki gamification in


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11 Appendices

11.1 Paper Prototype 1 Horizontal Prototype 1 screens

11.1.1 Screens


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11.2 Paper Prototype 2

11.2.1 Screens

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Commenting System(Not Implimented)

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11.3 Windows Navigation Diagram of the Gamified Wiki

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Figure 34: Windows Navigation Diagram - Gamified Wiki

11.4 Description of Evaluation Tasks Task 1: Create Page

User Instruction

“May you please create a page?”


This task examines the user‟s ability to perform a core tasks in the wiki, which is to add new content.

Vula Wiki Description

The user must first login (as for all tasks), and then click the “edit” menu icon from the home screen (or

any article page). The user must then type in the name of the new page (anywhere in the content box)

whilst apply the special Vula syntax/mark-up to create a page. Thereafter, the subject clicks on the save

button and their new page will be displayed as a new link somewhere on the “home page” which they will

know have viewing.

Gamified Wiki Description

Firstly, the user must login (as for all tasks), and have read the introductory tutorial screen (at least on

first login). Thereafter, the actual task requires the user to click the button “+page” (although can be done

from any screen) , read the create page tutorial (at least on the first login), click the button “continue”,

which takes them to the actual “create page” screen. Here, they enter the page title and content and then

press save, at which point the newly created page will display.

Task 2:

User Instruction

“May you please edit a page?”


This task examines the user‟s ability to perform a core tasks in the wiki, which is to edit content and to

collaboratively build a wiki with other users.

Vula Wiki Description

The user must click the “edit” menu icon from the home screen (or any wiki article). The user must then

type new content anywhere in the content box. Thereafter, the subject clicks on the save button and their

edit will appear somewhere on the page (from which they clicked on the edit button).

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Gamified Wiki Description

The user must edit a created page or a viewed page. If the former, the user will carry on from the “create

page” use case and then click the “edit” button for the section they want to edit on the new page(which

will be just one section, since page is new). Likewise, in the latter (i.e. view page path), the user would

have went to view wiki, and selected a page to read and choose the appropriate edit button. Thereafter, an

edit screen will appear and they user must just edit the section content, as the section name will be grayed

out (implying read-only). Then, the page will be displayed reflecting the new edited section.

Task 3:

User Instruction

“May you please add a section at end of a page (for gamified)/paragraph with a heading (for wiki)?”


Again, this task examines the user‟s ability to perform a core tasks in the wiki, which is to edit content

(by adding sections) and to collaboratively build a wiki with other users.

Vula Wiki Description

The user must click the “edit” menu icon from the home screen (or any wiki article). The user must go to

the end, then type a heading (“either by clicking a heading icon or typing special syntax), and add new

content underneath. Thereafter, the subject clicks on the save button and their section will appear

somewhere on the page (from which they clicked on the edit button).

Gamified Wiki Description

The user must click the create section button (either from an article they are viewing or a newly created

page). Then, the user will proceed to add the section data but should not have to explore the place section

option, as the default location for create section, “at the end”, satisfies the task‟s description. Thereafter,

the user clicks save and the new section will be displayed at the end of the page.

Task 4:

User Instruction

“May you please find out when the first operating system was made?”


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Again, this task examines the user‟s ability to perform a core tasks in the wiki, which is to navigate the

wiki to find an article of interest to them. Unlike, the former tasks which test the ability to add content this

test the ability to fetch content.

Vula Wiki Description

From the home screen, the user would need to click on the index page, then the “operating systems”

article and then find out the date of the first operating system development. Although, if they got to the

operating systems page, the task was already recorded as complete because the article actually had

multiple invention dates making it hard to distinguish the answer.

Gamified Wiki Description

From the home screen, the user can click the button “view wiki” or alternatively from any screen the user

would need to click the menu icon, “wiki”. From here, they should select “operating systems” article and

then find out the date of the first operating system development. Again, if they got to the operating

systems page, the task was already recorded as complete because the article actually had multiple

invention dates making it hard to distinguish the answer.

Task 5:

User Instruction

“May you please sign up to a tutorial?”


Again, this task examines the user‟s ability to perform a core tasks in the wiki, which is to navigate the

wiki to find an article of interest to them as well as to edit that content. Therefore, it tests a combination

of fetching from and adding to the wiki.

Vula Wiki Description

From the home screen, the user would need to click on the index page, then the “tutorial sign up” article

and then click the edit button. Thereafter, they would add a time and their name, anywhere in the page so

as to indicate a booking and then they would click the “save” button.

Gamified Wiki Description

From the home screen, the user can click the button “view wiki” or alternatively from any screen the user

would need to click the menu icon, “wiki”. From here, they should select “tutorial sign up” article and

then click the “edit” button (as the whole page is one section, so only one edit button). Thereafter, they

would add a time and their name, anywhere in the page so as to indicate a booking and then they would

click the “save” button.

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11.5 The Final Evaluation Grid

Table 11: Final Evaluation Grid

User1 User2 User3 User4 User5

Create Page-


Create Page-Click

Create Page-


Edit Page-Errors

Edit Page-Click

Edit Page-Time

Add section(at end of page)-


Add section-Click

Add section-


OS Quiz(First OS made)-


OS Quiz-Click

OS Quiz-Time

Tut Sign Up-Errors

Tut Sign Up-


Tut Sign Up-


11.6 Interview Questions User Anticipations

1. How do you feel about the product?

2. Does the application do what is expected of it?

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User Experience

3. What are your likes/satisfactions and dislikes/frustrations?

4. Was there any confusing terminology?

5. How did you find the game elements?

6. Overall ease of use from 1 to 5(Likert Scale)?


7. Do you have any future recommendations or changes?

11.7 Image Icons Used Table 12: Image Icons Used

The following is a list of the icons used in the system. The majority of them are from third-parties

however they are all free at least for non-commercial purposes.

Name Icon URL Reference






Welcome image

Create page icon

Bronze badge

Created by researcher

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Created by researcher



Created by researcher

Editors badge

Contributors badge
























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11.8 Statistical Data Wilcoxin signed-rank tests are computed on each pairs of data.

Table 13: Average Clicks Stats


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 2

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

3 2 3

5 2 3

7 2 2

Wilcoxon's W: 1.5

n: 2

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

2 4 1

3 2 2

4 2 2

5 2 2

6 2 2

7 2 2

8 2 5

9 2 2

10 2 2


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 0

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

5 2 2

6 2 2

7 2 2

Wilcoxon's W: 3

n: 3

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 2

2 2 3

3 4 2

4 3 3

6 3 3

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Wilcoxon's W: 3

n: 3

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 2

2 2 3

3 4 2

4 3 3

6 3 3

Table 14: Average Task Completion Time


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 2

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 180 90

3 180 90

5 120 120

7 120 120

Wilcoxon's W: 2

n: 6


0.05 < P < 0.10


Person Wiki Gami

2 180 60

3 180 120

4 120 120

5 60 60

6 120 90

7 120 60

8 120 120

9 72 90

10 60 45


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 2

P-value: P > 0.2

Wilcoxon's W: 1.5

n: 4

P-value: P > 0.2

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Person Wiki Gami

5 120 90

6 120 90

7 120 120


Person Wiki Gami

1 120 60

2 120 90

3 240 60

4 150 180

6 120 120

7 120 120


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 2

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

3 180 90

7 120 60

Table 15: Average Errors per Task


Wilcoxon's W: 0

n: 4


P < 0.001


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 1

2 0 0

3 1 0

4 1 0

5 0 0

6 1 0

7 1 1

8 0 0

9 0 0

Wilcoxon's W: 2.5

n: 4

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 0

2 1 0

3 0 0

4 0 0

5 0 0

6 0 0

7 1 0

8 0 1

9 0 0

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10 1 0

10 0 0


Wilcoxon's W: 6

n: 5

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 1

2 0 0

3 0 1

4 1 0

5 0 0

6 1 0

7 0 1

8 1 1

9 0 0

10 1 0

Wilcoxon's W: 8

n: 7

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 0 0

2 0 0

3 1 0

4 0 1

5 1 0

6 0 0

7 0 1

8 1 0

9 1 0

10 1 0


Wilcoxon's W: 2

n: 3

P-value: P > 0.2


Person Wiki Gami

1 1 1

2 1 1

3 0 0

4 0 1

5 1 0

6 1 0

7 1 1

8 1 1

9 1 1

10 1 1