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Pauline KIDS Summer Reading List - Canadian Version

Apr 08, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 Pauline KIDS Summer Reading List - Canadian Version


    BeginningsWith gorgeous

    illustrations,Beginningsdescribes Godswondrous love andteaches children tocherish life at everystage.#11726 $16.25

    Little Lost Lamb

    After severaladventures, a littlelamb learns thattheres no placelike homeand nofriend like his GoodShepherd! Over60,000 copies sold!#45280 $11.25

    The VeryWorried

    SparrowThis tiny sparrowwas very worrieduntil he made avery importantdiscovery. Discovera comforting taleof faith, hope, andtrust.#80388 $16.25

    Little Book of Saints Volumes 1-6These are marvelous introductions to the lives of great friends of God, and each

    story connects to a young childs everyday experiences. $ 6.25 each

    Vol 1 #45108 the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sts. Francis, Bernadette, Juan Diego, and more

    Vol. 2 #45116 Sts. Patrick, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Michael, Catherine of Siena, and more

    Vol. 3 #45264 Sts Peter Claver, Anne and Joachim, Kateri Tekakwitha, and more

    Vol. 4 #45272 Bl. Andr Bessette, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Francis Xavier and more

    Vol. 5 #45302 St. Teresa of the Andes, St. Clare of Assisi, St. Benedict and more

    Vol. 6 #45310 St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Peter the Apostle, St. Stanislaus Kostka, and mor

    No Room forFrancieHow willFrancie comeup with aclubhouse toimpress herfriends? Meetthe lovable,feisty Catholicheroine!#5168X $8.75


    Franciesstarting secondgradecouldthings get anyworse? FollowFrancie as shediscovers thattheres morethan one wayto be a star!#7132X $8.75

    The 3 TreesThe story ofthree littletrees with

    big dreams.Adapted froma traditionalLebanesefolktale thathas enrichedthe faith ofgenerationsof children.#74264 $11.25

    BeautifulStory ofJesusJesus life comesalive with richand colorfulillustrationsand compellingstorytelling!#11777 $19.95

    My FirstBook aboutJesusBeloved Gospelstories are

    brought to lifeand childrendiscover thatJesus is with usalways throughhis Body,the Church.#48654 $9.95

    My FirstBook aboutMaryThis perfectintroductionto the BlessedMotherincludes: simpletext, brightillustrations,a sectionon Marianapparitions,feast days, andhow to pray theRosary.#48611 $9.95

    Joseph fromGermanyThis delightfullyillustrated

    biography ofBenedict XVIleads youngreaders toidentify with theadventures andchallenges thatmolded PopeBenedict intoa missionaryof Godsunconditionallove.#39884 $11.25

    Karol from

    PolandHere is the

    charming storyof the speciallittle boy whogrew up to

    become PopeJohn Paul II.

    #42095 $9.95

    2nd Grade

    1st Grade

    Summer Reading

  • 8/7/2019 Pauline KIDS Summer Reading List - Canadian Version


    Adventures ofSaint PaulStorms at sea,shipwrecks,dangerousbandits, a daringescape in the darkof nightnowyoung readers cantravel alongsidethis inspiringsaint!#07869 $12.50

    Saints andTheir StoriesThis splendidlyillustratedcollection ofmagnifcent storiesintroduces youngreaders to eighteenpopular saints.#71346 $24.95

    Family TiesChildren aresure to enjoy thiscollection of shortstories exploringthe rewards andchallenges offamily life.#2688X $9.95

    Friend 2 FriendThis collectionof twelve shortfction storieshighlights theups and downs offriendship withfaith, and goodhumor.#26855 $9.95

    Now YoureCooking!

    These short storiescook up talesof friendship,fun, and food.Complete withkid-friendlyrecipes andkitchen safetytips!#51671 $9.95

    GoodnessGraces!These fun andrelatable shortstories remindchildren thatreceiving thesacraments canstrengthen theirrelationship withGod.#31107 $9.95

    My Biblof GodsThis beauchildrensis packedsixty-twobest-lovedof the OldNew Test#48344 $

    3rd Grade

    Saint Martin de PorresThrough joyful serviceand personal integrity,Saint Martin grew closerto God and shows ushow to live in a wayworthy of our dignity aschildren of God.#70919 $9.95

    Journeys with MaryDiscover the stories ofnine apparitions of theBlessed Virgin, and seehow Mary shows ushow to follow her SonJesus. #39728 $9.95

    Saint Ignatius ofLoyolaSaint Ignatius amazingstory reveals the secretof his strength andhappiness.#70439 $9.95

    Saint Joan of AIn her shining athis young teenarode with her baying above herit were the namJESUS and MA#70331 $9.95

    Blesseds Jacinta andFrancisco MartoShare the joy of thesetwo children as theysee Mary. See how thecourage to love Jesuscan make a differencein the world.#11556 $9.95

    Saint Francis of AssisiFrancis was hoping tobecome a knight, but hediscovered that Godsplan for him was evenmore glorious.#70307 $9.95

    Saintly Tales andLegendsExplore a world of saintsand angels, wonders andmiracles, hope and love,and let storytelling workits wonders.#70838 $21.25

    Saints of NoteExperience the time-traveling adventures ofthese comic charactersas they meet saintsfrom around the worldand throughout history.#71206 $11.25

    Blessed John Paul IIHe never let oppressionand tyranny dampenhis dreams or his faith.He inspired youngpeople to live with joy,faith, and enthusiasm.#11785 $9.95

    John Paul IIThis comic bookrecounts the truestory of Pope JoPaul IIa witnethe whole worldthe power of lovcourage. #59575

    4th Grade

  • 8/7/2019 Pauline KIDS Summer Reading List - Canadian Version


    Blessed PierGiorgio FrassatiHis friendsknew him as alively pranksterwho enjoyedmountainclimbing andskiing. Readerswill discoverhow full and funlife can be whenwe follow Christ!#11653 $9.95

    Saint Damienof MolokaiSaint Damien,well-lovedaround the worldfor his lifelongdedication to theoutcast people ofMolokai, foundhappiness inserving those inneedno matterwhat the cost.

    #71265 $9


    Saint Bakhita of

    SudanShe is a heroicexample offorgiveness andcharity. Herdiscovery ofGods love amidextraordinaryadversitychallenges readersto respect thehuman dignity of

    all. #70943 $9.95

    Saint IsaacJoguesSaint IsaacJogues wasborn at Orleans,France andbecamemissionary to theHuron Indians.#70633 $9.95

    Stepping StonesJournalSee how Suki,Denver, Alberto,and Chantalsfriendshipssurvive thechallenges atschool and home.#7129X $11.25

    Stepping StonesWith these funand inspiringcomics, youllshare the ups anddowns, problemsand joys,successes andfailures of a greatgroup of friends.#71184 $12.50

    other to theore story ofother Teresaows how event one smallson can makeifference in therld by sharingds love withers.

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    5th Grade

    6th Grade

    Saint Joan of ArcThe Hundred YearsWar was raging, andhope was tricklingaway . . . But outsidethe besieged town ofOrleans, a seventeen-year-old girl wouldlead the French armyto an improbablevictory. Who was thisastonishing youngwoman?#71303 $11.25

    Saint BernadetteWhat on earth wasgoing on in the smalltown of Lourdes,France, in February1858? Based on

    historical records,this graphic noveltells the excitingstory of SaintBernadette and OurLady of Lourdes. #71311 $11.25

    57 Stories ofSaintsSome of the best-loved saints of theChurch are featuredin a revised and

    updated edition ofa classic collectionof lively, accessiblestories.#26812 $21.25

    Anna Mei, EscapeArtistOn the surface,summer vacationcouldnt be better.But why doesnt

    it feel that way?Read how AnnaMei discovers whatreal lifeand realfriendshipare allabout.#0794X $11.25

    Anna Mei,artoon Girlows Anna Meinderson ever goingft in with the

    ther sixth graders

    hen she has annusual name, andoptive family sheoesnt remotelysemble, and an

    nknown birthother somewhere

    ack in China?07885 $11.25

  • 8/7/2019 Pauline KIDS Summer Reading List - Canadian Version


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    Blessed Pier GiorgioFrassatiAn inspiring biographythat captures thespirit of an athletic,handsome young manwho was always goodfor a laugh. He was thecharismatic leader of aband of rowdy friends and secretly gaveaway his wealth to helpthe poor. #11629 $12.50

    Charles de FoucaldAfter early yearsof wrenching loss,rebelliousness,unbelief in God,reckless adventure,and the unbridledpursuit of pleasure,Charles experienced aprofound conversionwhere he met Godsmercy and love.#15764 $18.75

    Gods Plan for YouAre you confusedabout feelings andrelationships? Everbeen disillusionedabout marriage andfamily lifeand maybelife itself? Discover thepurpose of existenceand the answers toyour most deeply heldquestions about life,relationships, andsexuality.

    #45175 $21.25

    Saint Gianna BerettaMollaShe liked fashionableclothes, painting andplaying the piano. Sheenjoyed mountainclimbing and skiingin the Alps, vacationsin the country, andconcerts. Meet SaintGianna: a woman whotruly loved life, herfamily, and her God andchose to serve and loveothers. #30992 $18.75

    Five Loaves & TwoFishesUncover the unlikelytreasures writtenby a Vietnamesebishop. Arrestedby communists andimprisoned for thirteenyears, Cardinal VanThuan found thecourage to secretlycommunicate to theyoung people of hisdiocese these wordsof humility, greatjoy, sturdy hope, andconfdence in God.#267766 $11.25

    7th & 8th Grade

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