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PART 1 of 2 T206 Final Project

Mar 13, 2016



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Part 1 of 2
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  • It is breakfast time in a lower class African American household. A 10 year old boy, CHARLES, is sitting at the table eating breakfast. The Dad is talking with Charles about helping him learn to ride his bike later that evening. The Mum is putting together Charless lunch and fussing around the kitchen. We hear the horn of the school bus outside and Charles quickly runs out the door with an abrupt goodbye. As Charles is leaving, the Mum asks Charles for a kiss but he tells her that he doesnt have time.

    We see Charles staring at a red leaf on the ground. He picks it up and examines the textures he sees in the leaf. A loud bell rings and we find out that he is at school during recess. We see groups of kids talking together in the background but Charles is alone; he is somewhat of a loner at school. After Charles hears the bell, he quickly runs inside with the rest of the kids.

    All the students are at their desks now and working on an assignment put on the board by the teacher. A lot of the kids are not working but Charles is focused on his assignment. The classroom is really run down, dark, and dreary. All of the students are African American including the teacher. The school consists of mainly poor black children with minimal technology and other learning resources. The kids are at the elementary level of their learning. We learn that the boys name is Charles Roy when the teacher calls on him. He is a shy boy so he slowly stands up and walks to the front of the class. In the middle of reciting a poem he wrote the principal opens the door to the classroom, interrupts the class, and asks Charles to step outside. Standing in the hallway outside the classroom, the Principal says that Charless parents have been killed during the robbery of a bank. Charles at first seems confused but slowly starts to cry and breaks into very loud screaming.

    We now see Charles sitting on a bench by himself in the principals office. He is an only child and has no family except for his Uncle Walter who comes to pick him up from the school. The Principle and Uncle Walter enter the office and the principle introduces Walter to Charles. Uncle Walter tries to get out of taking care of Charles but the Principal insists that Charles go home with him.

    We now see Charles in his uncles small apartment. No words are said and the room is completely silent. A small clatter of footsteps comes through from the floor above. Charles starts to tear up and Uncle Walter admonishes Charles for crying. Uncle Walter gets increasingly angry with Charles and starts yelling


  • at him. Uncle Walter eventually storms out of the apartment in a rage, leaving Charles crying and screaming by himself.

    A couple of hours later Uncle Walter enters the room again, stumbling through the door. He looks at his nephew, who is lying on the couch, and we see the fear in his nephews eyes. Walter is obviously drunk. Charles tells Walter that he is hungry but Walter responds by saying that he will just have to wait. Charles starts to protest and again begins to cry. Walter tells him to stop crying and starts to aggressively tell Charles to quit crying or else. Walter stands up, towering over Charles and grabs Charless neck. Walter is chocking Charles and just as Charless eyes start to roll back, Walter throws him into a glass table and punches a giant hole in the wall beside him. While Walter is consumed in his anger, we see Charles crawl away towards the door. Charles sneaks out of the door and runs out of the apartment.

    We meet Charles running for his life on the street. Exhausted, Charles finds himself in a small park with a small crowd of people. Red leaves are piled up high all around him and the wind is swirling the leaves into tornado like patterns. Charles is frightened by subtle actions made around him as he walks and catches his breath. Charles meets a musician who is playing a guitar and singing in the park. The musician comforts Charles and offers to take Charles home with him. The musician is kind and Charles feels he can trust him. The next day we see the musician researching about foster care and the rightful place for Charles but the musician disapproves of foster care as an option. The musician goes to the police station and looks up the public records for Uncle Walter and finds he has multiple convictions. We see an ellipsis of time as Charles grows older while the musician brings out Charless talent for music. The musician suggests that they play in the city instead of the park in hopes of attracting a producer. We then see the day that two producers stumble upon Charles and the musician. In the final scene, the musician has gone to get lunch, leaving 18-year old Charles to play by himself. A number of their CDs are spread out in front of Charles. A man approaches Charles and buys a CD. This man is Uncle Walter but Charles cannot tell if his Uncle recognizes him as his nephew. Uncle Walter says that Charles looks familiar but does not elaborate. Charles laughs as he watches the man walk away.

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  • 1


    It is breakfast time in a lower class African American household. CHARLES, a 10 year old boy, is sitting at the table eating breakfast with his DAD. The MOM is putting together Charless lunch and fussing around the kitchen.


    Now you come straight home from school today, alright? CHARLES Aw but Dad, I was gonna go round Antons house to play with his new kittens. DAD Nope! Sorry son. Tonights the night we get you going on that bike of yours. Were taking off those goofy training wheels. CHARLES For real!?

    Dad laughs and nods his head Man, I cant wait!!! (Pause) But you think I can ride it all by myself? DAD (Giving Charles a playful shove) Of course you can, boy! You can do anything you put your mind to.

    The school bus pulls up outside and loudly honks its horn. Charles quickly jumps up, grabs his school bag and lunch, and heads towards the door. MOM Aint you gonna give your Mama a kiss goodbye? CHARLES (As he runs through the door) Sorry, Ma!! Dont have time!

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    Charles is staring at a red leaf on the ground. He picks it up and examines the textures he sees in the leaf. A loud bell rings and the other children begin walking towards the building. Charles quickly runs inside with the rest of the children but doesnt talk to anyone.


    All the students are at their desks now and working on an assignment put on the board by the teacher. A lot of the kids are whispering and passing notes. Charles is focused on his assignment and is scribbling away on a sheet of paper. The classroom is really run down, dark, and dreary. All of the students are African American including the TEACHER. The school consists of mainly poor black children with minimal technology and other learning resources. The kids are at the elementary level of their learning.

    TEACHER Okay so whod like to share their poem first? Hmmm How about you, Charles Roy? Come up here to the front of the room and read everyone what youve been working on.

    Charles stands up slowly and anxiously walks to the front of the class. He looks around for a couple of seconds and then starts to read from his paper.


    Red is my favorite color, red like your mothers eyes after awhile of crying about how you dont love her-

    The PRINCIPAL opens the door to the classroom and interrupts Charles in the middle of his poem.


    Hello class. Sorry to interrupt but can I please speak to Charles Roy out in the hallway?

    Charles walks to the door with a confused look and silently follows the principal into the hallway. The principal shuts the door behind him.

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    The principal looks at Charles for a couple of seconds without saying a word and then takes in a deep breath.


    Now, Charles Ive got some very bad news to tell you.

    He pauses and then takes in another deep breath.

    Im sorry to have to tell you this, kid, but your parents were killed this morning. They were shot dead during a bank robbery downtown.

    Charles seems confused at first and merely stares at the Principal.

    Now, everythings going to be okay. Were going to figure out who will take care of you

    The principals sentence trails off when he sees that Charles has started to cry. The crying quickly escalates into intense screaming and Charles begins to cry hysterically. We see a terrified look on the principals face as if he doesnt know what to do or say.


    Charles is sitting on a bench by himself in the principals office. He is no longer crying but looks extremely sad. The Principle and UNCLE WALTER enter the office. Uncle Walter is a tall, 60-year old, black man with a large dark moustache covering his entire upper lip. He has bags under his eyes and is wearing old dirty clothes.

    PRINCIPAL Charles, this is your Uncle Walter. Now, from what I understand you havent seen each other in a couple of years. But hes going to be looking after you, okay kid?

    Uncle Walter looks down at Charles with an awkward smile. Charles seems nervous and even scared. UNCLE WALTER

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    Well..uhhh.. Youre a lot bigger than I remember.

    Charles doesnt say anything and the Principal laughs awkwardly. UNCLE WALTER

    (Taking the Principle aside and speaking softly)

    No offense, Mister, but are you sure Im the only one who can take the kid? Im really not that good with children and Im sure there must be someone else who could- PRINCIPAL Mr. Roy, we already discussed this on the phone. You are the only living relative hes got left. There is no one else. If you refuse to take care of him then well be forced to place the poor guy in into Foster Care, and I know you dont want that for your nephew.

    There is a pause as Uncle Walter struggles to find something to say.

    PRINCIPAL Im sure youll get used to the idea of parenting once you spend some more time with the child.

    UNCLE WALTER I guess Id better take him home then, huh? PRINCIPAL

    Yeah, just show him around your place. Try to make him feel at home. (Patting Uncle Walter on the back) Youll know what to do. UNCLE WALTER (Unsurely) Alright then, come on little dude.

    When Charles does not move, Uncle Walter seems annoyed. He grabs Charless hand and walks him out of the office.


    Charles follows Uncle Walter into his small apartment. No words are said and the room is completely silent. There is

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    trash all over the floor. Beer and liquor bottles are scattered everywhere. A clatter of footsteps comes through from the floor above. Uncle Walter heads to the kitchen, pours himself a tall glass of bourbon, and finishes it quickly.

    UNCLE WALTER (Looking around)

    Well I know it aint much but its home. Ive only got one bedroom so youre gonna have to sleep on the couch. And you better not go into my room for any reason, alright? Alright!?

    Charles is looking around with wide eyes. He starts to cry again.

    UNCLE WALTER (Trying to sound comforting)

    Heyuhh..theres no need for tears. (Sounding more aggressive) Aint you a man?

    Charles nods his head through his tears. Charles is already starting to annoy Uncle Walter and there is an aggressive edge to Uncle Walters voice.

    UNCLE WALTER Yeah? Well men dont cry. So you better pack it in quick before you turn into a prissy girl.

    Charles starts to cry even harder. Uncle Walter pours himself another drink and quickly downs it. He pours another.

    UNCLE WALTER Now this is why I never had kids. All they ever want to do is cry and annoy the crap outta you. I told your Daddy to get your Mama that abortion but oh no! He wouldnt listen. And now Im stuck with your bullshit because your Pas has gone and got himself killed!

    Charles, still crying, runs to the couch and buries his head in a cushion. His screaming is muffled.

    Yeah, go on and cry your fucking eyes out. See if I care. Thats all kids are good for anyway-

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    fucking crying and ruining your life. What am I supposed to do now, huh?

    Uncle Walter walks over to the couch, holding his drink in his hand, and stands over Charles.

    You hearing me, kid? What the fuck am I supposed to do now!? No broads gonna wanna come home to this bullshit! A kid! Ive fucking gotta kid!

    Charles lifts his head up from the couch cushion and begins to scream and cry like he did in the school hallway.

    UNCLE WALTER (Pouring his drink on Charless head) STOP FUCKING CRYING!!!!!

    Uncle Walter marches back to the kitchen and pours himself another drink which he downs. UNCLE WALTER Screw this bullshit.

    Walter storms out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him, and leaving Charles crying and screaming by himself.


    It is a couple of hours later and the apartment is dark. Charles is asleep on the couch. Walter enters the apartment, drunkenly stumbling through the door, and turns on the lights. He looks at his nephew with disgust, who is lying on the couch. Charles wakes up and we see fear enter his eyes. Walter is obviously drunk. He stumbles into the kitchen where he begins to make himself a sandwich.

    CHARLES Im hungry. UNCLE WALTER Well youre just going to have to wait. CHARLES My tummy hurts! UNCLE WALTER

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    Dont push your luck, little Charlie. CHARLES

    But I want something now!! My tummy hurts so bad. I want my Mama! I want my Mama!!!

    Charles begins to cry again. UNCLE WALTER Youd better quit that hollering. Charles cries louder and more hysterically. CHARLES Mama!? Mama!? Mama!? Where are you Mama!? UNCLE WALTER (Slamming the refrigerator door shut)

    Your Mamas fucking dead! So shut the fuck up before I come and beat you into silence!

    Charless screaming intensifies. Uncle Walter puts his hands over his ears to try and block out Charless hysteria. UNCLE WALTER (Yelling)

    Dont mess with me, little boy! You better stop that screaming! Stop it right this instance!!

    Uncle Walter, still holding his hands over his ears, marches over to the couch and stands towering over Charles. UNCLE WALTER I said shut the fuck up!

    Uncle Walter lurches towards Charles and grabs his neck with two hands. Uncle Walter is chocking Charles. Charles gasps for breath and tries to struggle but cannot escape his Uncles strong grasp. Charles is making choking noises and his eyes are wide open in terror. Just as Charless eyes start to roll back, Walter lets him go, violently throwing his aside. Charles falls into a glass table which smashes under his weight. Uncle Walter lets out a roar and punches a giant hole in the wall beside him. While Walter is consumed in his anger, we see Charles crawling away

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    towards the door. He is gasping for breath and his head is bleeding heavily from the glass table. Crawling on his hands and knees, Charles heads towards the door. He manages to sneak out and he stumbles out of the apartment.


    Charles is running for his life on the street. Exhausted, Charles finds himself in a small park with a small crowd of people. Red leaves are piled up high all around him and the whistling wind is swirling the leaves into tornado like patterns. Charles is frightened by subtle actions made around him and he keeps jumping in fright. There is the faint sound of someone playing guitar and singing. Charles lifts his head up and looks around. On the other side of the park is a MUSCIAN playing guitar for spare change under a street light. Charles makes his way towards the musician and stands in front of him, just outside the light of the streetlight. He stands in the shadow watching the Musician in amazement. The Musician finishes his song, takes a swig of water, and then begins to play another song. The Musician sings the first couple of lines but then abruptly stops playing.

    MUSCIAN You alright, champ? Charles nods his head but tears start to dwell up in his eyes. Although the boy is in shadow, the Musician can see the light reflecting off of his eyes and he notices the tears. MUSCIAN

    Well you sure dont look alright to me. Has it been a rough night?

    Charles again nods his head. This time he wipes a tear from his eye. MUSCIAN

    Fancy something to eat? Ive got some snacks in my backpack.

    The Musician reaches for his backpack on the bench behind him and brings out some crackers, Rice Krispie treats, and a Gatorade.

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    Charles looks at the man hesitantly but takes a step closer, walking into the light. The Musician notices Charless injuries and gasps.

    MUSCIAN Dear Lord. What on earth happened to you?

    There is a pause. Charles bows his head towards the ground and his shoulders start violently shaking as he begins to cry to himself. MUSCIAN

    Now now now. Youre alright. Everythings alright.

    (Pointing to bench) Here, come have a seat and rest yourself. Charles sits down on the bench. He wipes his eyes, looks up at the Musician, and sees a warm smile spread across the Musicians face. Charles can tell that this man means him no harm. The Musician radiates a sense of kindness and goodwill and Charles knows that he can feel safe with him. The Musician places his guitar in its case and sits down next to Charles. MUSCIAN

    So you want a Rice Krispie treat? These things always help to cheer me up whenever Im feeling blue. CHARLES Okay. MUSCIAN I think Ill have one too actually.

    The Musician takes two Rise Krispie treats from his backpack and hands one to Charles. Charles is still sniffling slightly. Charles takes a small bite into the Rice Krispie treat. He realizes it tastes really good and then remembers his hunger. He starts to take larger, faster bites, devouring the whole thing. MUSCIAN (Laughing) You like that, do you?

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    CHARLES (With his mouthful) Its delicious! Can I have another one? MUSCIAN

    (Handing Charles another Rice Krispie Treat and the Gatorade)

    Sure! Here you go, Buddy. You can wash it down with this Gatorade.

    The Musician seems amused watching Charles stuff his face but he also looks concerned. MUSCIAN So you want to tell me what happened? Charles takes a big gulp as he swallows a large piece of Rice Krispie treat. He shakes his head. MUSCIAN Did your Pa do this to you? CHARLES No. My Dad was killed today. MUSCIAN Wheres your Mom? CHARLES She was killed too. MUSCIAN

    Were you with them when they died? Is that how you got all beat up? CHARLES No. I was at school. MUSCIAN Then who did this to you? CHARLES (Hesitantly, whispering)

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    My Uncle Walter. Today I went to live with him but he got real angry at me cause I couldnt stop crying.

    Charles begins to cry. The Musician puts his arm around Charles and comforts him.

    MUSCIAN ShhhIts okay. We dont have to talk about it anymore tonight. It seems like youve done enough crying to last a lifetime! How about you come home with me and well get you cleaned up? You can get a good nights sleep and we can figure out what to do tomorrow morning? CHARLES

    (Putting his arm around the Musician and hugging him)


    9 EXT. PARK - NIGHT 9 Holding hands, Charles and the Musician, with his guitar strapped to his back, walk off into the darkness together.


    The Musician is on his computer, reading the Child Services website. He has a concerned look on his face and shakes his head in disbelief. We see that he is reading about foster care. He sighs and seems deeply troubled. He leans back in his chair, thinking.


    Charles is enjoying a juicy burger while the Musician is reading the newspaper. The headline reads 20 Killed During Bank Robbery. The Musician takes a sip of his coffee, looks up at Charles, and smiles his heart-warming smile.


    The Musician is looking through a pile of papers. We see a mug shot of Uncle Walter on the front of the pile. The Musician flips through the pile of papers, each paper

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    containing a separate conviction or offense. We see the crimes of murder, assault, and rape as the Musician flips through the pages. The Musician calls to Charles who is playing with his guitar on the steps of the police station. MUSCIAN (To Himself)

    How could the school have sent him home with such a maniac? (To Charles)

    Come on bud, lets go home. A huge grin spreads across Charless face as he hears these words.

    13 INT. MUSCIANS APARTMENT - DAY 13 The Musician is giving Charles a guitar lesson. CHARLES

    Oh, man. I just cant seem to get these chords right!


    Youve just got to keep practicing. It will come in time.

    14 EXT. PARK DAY 14

    It is not longer the fall. Snow covers the ground. The Musician is singing and playing guitar with Charles playing a bongo drum beside him. A large crowd is gathered around the two musicians, cheering them on.

    15 EXT. PARK DAY 15

    It is now spring. There is blossom covering the trees of the park. The Musician and Charles are walking around the park, tearing down Missing Child posters attached to trees. We see that Charles is one of the children on the poster. MUSCIAN

    Im not going to let them find you just so they can take you back to your insane Uncle or put you into foster care!!

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    CHARLES I dont want them to find me either. I like living with you.

    (Shyly) I dont think Ive ever been happier.

    The musician looks away but we see that he has a slight twinkling of tears in his eyes. He has really grown to love Charles and doesnt want to lose him.


    Charles, who looks slightly older, is having another guitar lesson. He has greatly improved and is singing along with his playing. He finishes his song and the Musician claps. MUSCIAN (In disbelief)

    Wow, those lyrics were really somethin. I cant believe you wrote them yourself. They sounded so professional! Charles, you really are a talented musician.

    17 EXT. PARK DAY 17

    It is the fall and red leaves are falling around the park. Charles, looking even older, and the Musician are playing their guitars together and singing a duet.

    18 EXT. PARK DAY 18

    Charles and the Musician are taking a break from performing and are lounging on a park bench, counting the money people have dropped in their guitar cases. CHARLES

    It amazes me how much money we can make in one day! Who needs to go to school when you can make such a good living doing what you love? MUSCIAN (Excitedly) Well we really need to start playing downtown where more people can hear us. That way we can get our name out more. Maybe even record a CD.

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    Youve got real talent, kid and Im going to make sure its not wasted.


    Charles and the Musician are in the middle of the city, shaking hands with two men in suits. SUIT MAN #1 (Handing over his card)

    Well here is my card. Id like you to call me tomorrow so we can set up a time to record.

    SUIT MAN #2

    You guys really have a unique sound and I like the father/son image youve got going on. MUSICIAN (Blushing) Actually, hes not -

    CHARLES Alright well well be in touch tomorrow! It was great meeting you both and thanks so much for this opportunity!

    They all shake hands and say Goodbye. CHARLES (Turning to the Musician)

    Im proud to call you my Dad. I wouldnt have it any other way.

    They awkwardly embrace with their guitars in the middle. 20 EXT. MIDDLE OF CITY DAY 20

    Charles, now 18, is playing his guitar and singing by himself. The Musician has gone to get the pair of them lunch. A few people walk by and listen for a couple of seconds, dropping their spare change into the open guitar case. A 68-year old man stops to listen and stays longer than most passersby. Charles finishes his song and the man claps in applause. CHARLES (Laughing) Thanks a lot!

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    MAN Can I buy one of those CDs youve got there? CHARLES

    Yeah sure! Its usually 5 bucks for a CD, but seeing as youre such a fan Ill give it to you for 4.

    MAN (Handing over the $4) Why, thank you young man. That is very kind of you.

    Charles puts out his hand to shake the mans hand. As Charles looks into the eyes of the man, he takes in a sharp breath in shock. He realizes that the man is, in fact, Uncle Walter. Uncle Walter also notices that Charles looks familiar. MAN

    You know, you remind me a lot of someone I used to know. CHARLES You know, I get that a lot. I must just have one of those faces. MAN Well youve really got some talent there kid. Ill remember you when you hit it big and how you gave me that deal on your CD. (Chuckling) Thanks again!

    The man walks off, leaving Charles with a perplexed look on his face. Charles cant tell if the man recognized him as his nephew or not. Charles starts to play another song and he laughs as he watches Uncle Walter walk away.

    Soundtrack_ListT206 Group Project Final.pdfCostume and Location shotsLogoPosterResearchFederal recordsDepartment of JusticeNational Crime Information CenterNational Instant Criminal Background Check System

    ScriptShot listSheet1
