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PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 25 1 h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharas htra. BSE Code: 539143 To, The Compliance Department The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited 7, Lyons Ran ge, Dalhous ie, Murgighata, B B D Bagh, Ko lkata-70000 I, West Bengal CSE Code: 30010 Sub: Voting Results of26 1 h Annual General Meeting held on 24 1 h September, 2019. Ref: Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. Dear Sir/ Madam , Pursuant to th e Regulation 44(3) of the SE BI (L isting Obligation s and Di sclos ure Requirement s) Regu lati ons, 201 5, we a re pleased to encl ose here with deta il s of Voting Results of th e 26'h An nu al Ge neral Meeting of the Co mpany he ld on 24'h September, 201 9. We are al so encl os in g th e Co nso lid ated Scrutini ze r's Report dated 25 1 h Se ptember, 20 19 on remote e-voting and the ph ysica l ballot voting process ca rri ed out by th e Company at the Annual General Meetin g. The above are be in g upl oaded on the Co mp any's Website. Kindly ta ke the sa me on yo ur record. Thanking yo u, Enc l. : As above PANTH INFINITY LIMITED I ClN: L45201MP1993PLC007647 tFormer/1 knmi'Jtll.\ Bi:::nm Limift•d ') m 0261-2600331 0 •Ql-70439 99011 G Q OFfice: 404. Navneet Plaza, ':>12, Old r1adhya Pradesh. 1 Tel/Fdx. corporate Office: S-6, VIP Plaza, VIP Road, Near shyam 1empte, vesu. surat 395007, 0.1jarat.

PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

May 22, 2020



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Page 1: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.


251h September, 2019

To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra. BSE Code: 539143

To, The Compliance Department The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited 7, Lyons Range, Dalhousie, Murgighata, B B D Bagh, Kolkata-70000 I , West Bengal CSE Code: 30010

Sub: Voting Results of261h Annual General Meeting held on 241

h September, 2019.

Ref: Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to the Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201 5, we are pleased to enclose herewith details of Voting Results of the 26'h Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 24'h September, 201 9.

We are also enclosing the Consolidated Scrutinizer' s Report dated 251h September, 20 19 on remote

e-voting and the physica l ballot voting process carried out by the Company at the Annual General Meeting.

The above are being uploaded on the Company's Website.

Kindly take the same on your record.

Thanking you,

Encl. : As above

PANTH INFINITY LIMITED I ClN: L45201MP1993PLC007647 tFormer/1 knmi'Jtll.\ ·.~l'ne1gy Bi:::nm Limift•d ')

m 0261-2600331 0 •Ql-70439 99011 G Q

Reg1ster~:d OFfice: 404. Navneet Plaza, ':>12, Old PalclSio,lntlolt~-452001. r1adhya Pradesh. 1 Tel/Fdx. 07.:~1-4202.:~.57

corporate Office: S-6, VIP Plaza, VIP Road, Near shyam 1empte, vesu. sur at 395007, 0.1jarat.

Page 2: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Details of Voting Results of 26th Annual General Meeting of Panth Infinity limited

Date of the Annual General Meeting: 24/09/2019 Total number of Shareholders on record date: 1681 No. of shareholders present in the meet ing either in person or through proxy:

Promoters and Promoter Group: 4 Public : 17

No. of Shareholders attended the meeting through Video Conferencing: Promoters and Promoter Group: Not Arranged Public :

~-- - - ---- -- -------

Agenda wise disclosure (to be disclosed separately for each agenda item)

Resolution No. 1: To receive, consider and adopt the Aud ited F inancial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended 31st March, 2019 and the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon.

Resolution Required : (Ordinary/ Special) Ord inary Resolution

Whether promoters I promoter group are Interested in the agenda I resolution : No

Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No. of votes polled "to of Votes Polled No. of Votes - No. of Votes - "to of Votes in % of Votes on outstanding in favour against favour on vo tes against on votes

shares polled polled

(1) (2) (3)=[(2)1(1)]"100 (4) (5) (6)=[(4)/(2)]"1DO (7)=((5)1(21T10D Promoter and Promoter E-Voting 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 O.DO

5301113 Group Poll 5261 113 99.25 5261113 0 100.00 0.00 Total 5301113 5261113 99.25 5261113 0 100.00 0.00

Public- Institutional E-Voting 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 holders Poll 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00

Total 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 Pub lic - Others E-Voting 195696 2.79 195696 0 100.00 0.00

Poll 7023887

325021 4.63 325021 0 100.00 0.()0 Total 7023887 520717 7.41 520717 0 100 .00 0.()0

Total 12325000 5781830 46.91 5781830 0 100.00 0.()0 ----- - - ---- - -- - - - - ~-

Cont ... 2

Page 3: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

••. 2 .• .

Resolution No. 2: ITo appoint a Director in place of Mr. Sllwet Koradiya (DIN: 03489858), wllo retires by rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment Resolution Required : (Ordinary/ Special) Ordinary Resolution

Whether promoters I promoter group are interested in the agenda I resolution: Yes Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes Polled No. of Votes - No. of Votes - %of Votes in %of Votes

on outstanding in favour against favour on votes against on votes shares polled polled

(1) (2) (3)=[(2)1(1))"1 00 (4) (5) (6)=[(4)/(2))"100 (7J-[(5JI(2Jr1oo Promoter and Promoter E-Voting

5301113 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00

Group Poll <4192000 79.08 <4192000 0 101).00 0.00 Total 5301 113 <4192000 79.08 4192000 0 100.00 0.00

Public - Institutional E-Voting 0 0 0.00 0 0 D.OO 0.00 holders Poll 0 0 0.00 0 0 ().00 0.00

Total () 0 0.00 0 0 ().00 0.00 Public - Othens E-Voting 195696 2.79 195696 0 10D.OO 0.00

7023887 325021 Poll 4.63 325021 0 10().00 0.00

Total 0 520717 7.41 520717 0 10().00 0.00 Total 12325000 4712717 38.24 4712717 0 100.00 0.00

---- -------- -------- ---- -

Resolution No. 3: Appointment of Mr. Jinay Koradiya (DIN: 0 3362317) as a Managing Director

Resolution Required : (Ordinary/ Special) Special Resolution

Whether promoters I promoter group are interested In the agenda/ resolution: Yes

Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No. of votes polled % of Votes Polled No. of Votes - No. of Votes- %of Votes in %of Votes on outstanding in favour against favour on votes against on votes

shares .~led polled (1 ) (2) (3)=[(2)1(1 )]"1 00 (4) (5) (6)=[(4)/(2)]"100 (7J=[<s>t<21r1 oo

Promoter and Promoter E-Voting 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 5301113 Group• Poll 5261113 99.25 5261113 0 100.00 0.00

Total 5301113 5261113 99.25 5261113 0 100.00 0.00 P11blic- Institutional E-Voting 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 holders Poll 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00

Total 0 0 D.OO 0 0 0.00 0.00

Public-Others E-Voting 7023887

195696 2.79 195696 0 1()0.00 0.00 Poll 325021 4.63 325021 0 100.00 0.00 Total 7023887 520717 7.41 520717 0 1()0.00 0.00

Total 12325000 5781830 46.91 5781830 0 1()0.00 0.00

Cont .. . 3

Page 4: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

... 3 ...

Resolution No. 4: Shifting of Registered Office of the Company from the State of Madhya Pradesh to the State of Gujarat

Resolution Required : (Ordinary/ Special)

Whether promoters I promoter group are interested in the agenda/ resolution:

Category Mode of Voting No. of shares held No. of votes polled

(1) (2)

Promoter and Promoter E-Voting 0 Group• Poll

5301 113 5261113

Total 5301113 52611 13

Public - Institutional E-Voting 0 0 holders Poll 0 0

Total 0 0

Public-Others E-Voting 195696

Poll 7023887


Total 7023887 520717

Total 12325000 5781830 -------·- ------ -- --·------

Resolution No. 5: Approval to Sale of Fixed Asset o f the Company

Resolution Required : (Ordinary/ Special)

Whether promoters I promoter group are interested In the agenda/ resolution:

Category Mode of Voting

Promoter and Promoter E-Voting Group• Poll


Public- Institutional E-Voting holders Poll


Public-Others E-Voting



Total -

Chairman & Director DIN: 03489858

No. of shares held No. of votes polled

(1) (2)

5301113 0


5301113 5261113

0 0

0 0

0 0

7023887 195696


7023887 520717

12325000 5781830 ~·- -- ---

Special Resolution


'Yo of Votes Polled No. of Votes -on outstanding in favour


(3)=((2)1(1Jr1oo (4)

0.00 0

99.25 5261113

99.25 52611 13

0.00 0

0.00 0

0.00 0

2.79 195696

4.63 325021

7.41 520717

46.91 5781830 -- - --- -

Special Resolution


% of Votes Polled No. of Votes -on outstanding in favour

shares (3)=((2)1(1)]*100 (4)

0.00 0

99.25 5261113

99.25 5261113

0.00 0

0.00 0

0.00 0

2.79 195696

4.63 325021

7.41 5 20717

46.91 5781830

No. of Votes-against












No. of Votes-against










0 0

% of Votes in favour on votes


(6)=[(4 )/(2))•1 00











%of Votes in favour on votes

POlled (6)=[(4)/(2)]'1 00









100.00 100.00

Date: 25/09/2019 Place: Sural

%of Votes . i against on votes

polled '

(7)=[(5)/(2Jr100 '

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00



%of Votes against on votes

polled '

<7J=[!5JI<2Jr1 oo 0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00

0 .00 0 .00

Page 5: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 OS MANISH R. PATEL Email : [email protected] [email protected]

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent M.Com , DTP, DLP, ACS

105, :1.•1 Floor, Meghani Tower, Cinem a Road, Delhi Gate, Surat - 395 003, Gujarat, Tel: 0261 - 260:1.7:1.7, 3911717


Consolida t e d S crutin izer's R eport

(Pursuant to Section 108 and 109 of the Companies Act , 2013 read with Ru les 20 and 21 of the Companies (Managemen t a n d Administration) Rules, 2014

as amended from time to time)

The Chairman of the 26th Annual Genera l Meeting of PANTH INFINITY LIMITED (Formerly k nown as Syn ergy Bizcon Limited) (CIN: L45201MP 1993PLC00764 7) 404, Navneet Plaza, 5/2, Old Pa lasia, Indore- 452001 , Madhya Pradesh, In dia.

2 6 th Annual General Meeting of the Memb ers of Panth Infinity Limite d h eld on Tues da y, 24th S eptember, 2019 a t 12:3 0 p.m. at "Hote l President" s itua t e d at 163, R.N.T . Marg, Indore-452001 , Ma dhya Pradesh.

Dear Sir ,

l , Man is h R. Patel, Compan y Secretary in Practice at Surat have been appointed as "Scrutin izer" by the Board of Directors of Panth In finity Limited ("th e Company") to scrutinize remote e-voting p rocess as well as the physical ballot voting process carried out by the Compa n y on the below m en tioned resolutions at the 26th Annual Gen eral Meeting (AGM) of the Members of the Compa n y held on Tuesday, 24th September, 2019 at 12:30 p.m . a t th e "Hotel President" s ituated at 163, R.N.T. Marg, Indore-452001 , Madhya Pradesh, subm it m y report as under:

1. The Managemen t of the Company is responsible for the compliance of Section 108 & 109 of th e Compan ies Act, 2 013 read with Rules 20 & 2 1 o f th e Companies (Ma n agement and Administration) Rules, 2014 as a m e nded from time to t ime and my responsibility is only to th e exten t of making a Scru tinizer 's Report for ascertaining th e votes cast in favou r or again st for respective Resolution .

2. After the time fixed for closing of the Poll by the Chairman of the Meeting, One (1) empty Ballot Box kept for polling was locked in my presence wi th due identification marks p laced by m e.

3. Th e locked ballot box was subsequently opened in my presence and th e ballot papers were diligently scrutin ized. The ba llot papers were recon ciled with the r ecords maintained by th e Company and Purva Shar egistry (India ) Pvt. Ltd., Registra r and Tra n sfer Agent of the Company and the a u th ori zations lodged wi th the Company.

Page 6: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] [email protected] OS MANISH R. PATEL

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent M.Com, DTP, DLP, ACS

105, 1•1 Floor. Meghani Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate, Surat- 395 003. Gujarat, Tel: 0261- 2601717,3911717

4. F'our (4) ballot papers were found defective .

5. The remote e-voting period remained open from 21 s• September, 2019 (9:00 a.m.) and ends on 23n1 September, 2019 at (5:00 p.m.) and was disabled for voting thereafter.

6. After the closure of remote e-voting period and before the start of AGM, the Members' details such as their names, folios, number of lhe shares held, who have cast votes through remote e-voting, were downloaded from the e-voting website of National Secur ities De pository Limited (https : I / in o rder to ensure that such members did not vote again through bal lot paper at an AGM.

7 . After counting the votes cast at a n AGM, the votes casted through remote e-voting were unblocked in the presence of two witnesses, Mr. Shrey S heth and Ms. Khushboo Modi who are not in the em ployment o f lhe Company. They have signed below in confirmation of the votes being unblocked in their presence.

Mr. Shrey Sheth

8. The consolidated report on the result of the voting through bal lot paper and remote e-voting are as under:


Page 7: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] [email protected] us MANISH R. PATEL

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent M.Com, DTP, DLP, ACS

105, 1•1 Floor. Meghan i Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate , Surat - 395 003, Gujarat, Tel: 0261 - 2601717, 3911717

Resolution No. 1:- To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the Financial Year ended 31st March, 2019 together with the Reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon. (Ordinary Resolution)

(a ) Voted in favour of the Resolution:

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by %of total number members voted th em of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper 17 55,86, 134 96.62 Remote e-voting l1 1,95,696 3.38 Total 28 57,81,830 100.00

(b) Voted against the Resolu tion:

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by % of total number members voted th em of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper -- -- --

Remo te e-voting -- -- --Total -- -- --

(c) Invalid Votes:

Mode of Voting Tola l Num ber of members Total number of votes cast by whose votes were declared the m

invalid Ballot Paper 4 ] 0 5 000 Remote e-voting -- --

Total 4 1,05,000

Resolution No.1 passed with requisite majority .


Page 8: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] [email protected]. in

OS MANISH R. PATEL Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent


105, 1•1 Floor. Meghani Tower, Cinema Road. Delhi Gate, Surat - 395 003, Gujarat, Tel: 0261 - 2601717, 3911717

Resolution No. 2:- To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Shwet Koradiya (DIN: 03489858), who retires by rota tion and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. (Ordinary Resolution)

(a) Voted in favour of the Resolu tion:

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by %of total number members voted them of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper 16 44,77,021 95.8 1 Remote e-voting 1 1 1,95,696 4 .19 Total 27 46,72,717 100.00

(b) Voted against the Resolution :

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by % of total number members voted then• o f val id voles cast.

Ballot Paper -- -- --Remote e-voling -- -- --Total -- -- --

(c) I IIValid Voles:

Mode of Voting Total Number of members Total number of votes cast by who e votes wet e decl ared them

invalid ·-Ballol Paper 4 1 05,000 Remote e-voting -- --Total 4 1,05,000

Resolution No.2 passed w ith r equisite majority.


Page 9: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] [email protected] 0 MANISH R. PATEL

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent M.Com, DTP, DLP, ACS

105, 1st Floor. Meghani Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate, Surat- 395 003. Gujarat , Tel: 0261-2601717, 3911717

Resolution No. 3;- Appointment of Mr. Jinay Koradiya (DIN: 03362317) as a Managing Director. (Special Resolution)

(a) Voted in favour of the Resolution:

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by % of total number membe rs voted th em o f valid votes casl.

Ballot Paper 17 55,86 134 96.62 Remote e-voting 11 l 95,696 3.38 Total 28 57,81 ,830 100.00

(b) Voted against the Resolution:

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Votes cast by % of total number members voted them of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper -- --Remote e-voting -- -- --Total -- -- --

(c) Jnvalid Votes :

Mode of Voting Total Number of members Total number of votes cast by whose votes were decla red them

invalid Ballot Pa per 4 1,05,000 Remote e-voting -- --Total 4 1 05,000

Resolution No.3 passed with requ isi te major·ity.


Page 10: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] mailmanishpatel@yahoo. co. in

OS MANISH R. PATEL Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent


105, 1•1 Floor, Meghani Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate, Surat- 395 003, Gujarat, Tel: 0261- 2601717, 3911717

Resolution No. 4:- Shifting of Registered Office of the Company from the State of Madhya Pradesh to the State of Gujarat. (Special Resolution)

(a ) Voted in favour of th e Resolu tion:

Mode of Voting Nu mbe r of No. of Votes cast by % of total n u m ber member s voted them of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper 17 55 86, 134 96.62 -- - - -Re mote e-voting 11 1,95,696 3.38 Total 28 57,81 830 100.00

(b) Voted against the Resolution:

Mode of Votin g Nu mbe r of No. of Votes cast by % of tota l number member s voted them of valid votes cas t.

Ba llot Pa per -- -- --Remote e-voting -- -- --

Total -- -- --

(c) Invalid Votes:

Mode of Voting Total Nu m ber of m e mber s Tota l number of votes cast by whose votes were dec la red them

invalid Ba llot Pa per 4 1,05,0 00 Remote e -vot in g -- --Total 4 1,05,000

Resolu tion No.4 passed with r equis ite m ajority .


Page 11: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo. : 09426256711 Emai l : csmanishpatel@gmail. com mai [email protected] us MANISH R. PATEL

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent


105, 1'1 Floor, Meghani Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate, Surat- 395 003, Gujarat , Tel: 0261- 2601717, 3911717

Resolution No. 5:- Approval for Sale of Fixed Asset of the Company. (Spe c ial Resolution)

(a ) Voted in favour of lhe Resolu tion :

Mode of Voting Number of No. of Vote::; casl by % of lolal n umber mem bers voted them of valid votes cast.

Ballol Paper 17 55 86 13 4 96.62 Remote c-voting 11 1,95,696 3.38 Total 28 57,81 830 100.00

(b) Voted agains t the Resolu t ion:

Mode of Voting Num ber of No. of Votes cast by % of total number m em bers voted them of valid votes cast.

Ballot Paper -- -- --Remote c-voting -- -- --Total -- -- --

(c) Invalid Votes:

Mode of Votin g 1'o ta l Nu mber of me mbers 1'ota l number of votes cast by whose votes were decla red them

invalid Ba llot Paper 4 1,0 5,000 Remo te e-voting -- --Total 4 1 ,05 000

Resolution No.5 passed with requ isite majori ty.


Page 12: PANTH Infinity - NSDL · PANTH Infinity InTEnDED TO InSPIRE 251h September, 2019 To, Department of Corporate Services BSE Limited P. J. Towers, Dalal street, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra.

Mo.: 09426256711 Email : [email protected] [email protected] OS MANISH R. PATEL

Company Secretary & Trade Mark Agent


105, 1•1 Floor, Meghani Tower, Cinema Road, Delhi Gate, Surat- 395 003, Gujarat, Tel: 0261 - 2601717, 3911717

The regis Ler, a ll o lher papers a nd relevant record s relating to remote e-voting f physical ba llot form s a nd voting at the meeting sh all remain in my safe custody u ntil the Chairman of the mee ting considers, approves and sign the minutes of the a foresaid AGM, after which will be handed over to the Chairman for safe keeping.

Thanking You ,

Yours' fa ithfully,

Compa ny Secretary ACS No.: 19885 COP No.: 9360

Place: Surat Da te : 25 / 09/201 9