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P 129 P3 P48 Copy

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Aid. Oakmichael, from a Special Committee, presented

the following report


The Special Committee appointed October 4th, 1806, to confer with the Trustees

of the various Churches holding possession of and interested in the grounds for

burial purposes, with a view to cause the removal of the remains of the neglected

dead to cemeteries where they can be properly interred and cared for in a suitable

manner, respectfully report : That at a meeting of the Committee, held on the 12th

October, they addressed the following circular to the Trustees of the various

Churches interested in the grounds referred to


City Hall, Albaky, October 12, 1866.

Gentlemen : At a meeting of the Common Council of the City of Albany,

October 4, 1866, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted



" Whereas, The burying grounds between State and Hudson streets have not

been used as a place of interment for several years, and they have been almost

entirely neglected, the fences being destroyed, and the grounds used for pasturing

purposes; and,

" Whereas, This desecration of so sacred a spot is in the highest degree discredit-

able to the city authorities and the churches interested ; therefore,

" Resolved, That a Special Committee of five be appointed by his Honor the

Mayor, to confer with the Trustees of the various Churches holding possession of

and interested in the grounds for burial purposes, with a view to cause the removal

of the remains of the neglected dead to cemeteries where they can be properly

interred and cared for in a suitable manner." [Adopted.]


Page 4: P 129 P3 P48 Copy

The Mayor appointed as socli comniitTee Messrs. Car-

miclmel. Eecorder, Taylor, Jadson and Mulhall.

The Special Committee addressed to the several Churches

the following eommimication


'We icspeccUhr -pRseat tke fimgaiag RsntniaBS tar jrmr eaaadeialiaa, aad

vodibe •mihr ob^ed if jtm wovld &xir^ vttk joor xievs npoB tke salgect,

aad ssaxe ia vihii^^ as emrh- as camveaaeatk. 'mheAtx toot sooecr- vill rdease the

grammd maw ved br &aa as a ceaanefy. vidun the abefw mcmwmed boonds, and

nwarraTtir Ihi ii in il at Ibi iijaiin- Tkeiaa depoHted, pwwrided the dtrvill

JMrawh a f»i*-**» pl>oFm Ibe ADmiv Boxal Cemeseanr. or dbsewhoe. as may be

agreed mpam, far Aeir icnfeemeBt.


The folloiring are the replies of the churches and congre-

gations, which embrace all those interested in the burial

gionnds refened to


' Whenas, At a meeaag ai the Oaxoaiai Qwrnal vi the Otx of Albany, hdd

Ortober ^h. 18KL AUL Ondchad and Ub Btmx Beeoxder Paddotl:, and Aid.

^tIot, Jndsaa aad Malhaill wne a|ipohu«l a special wnwiillge to coolia' vith the

tiMJicB of tke Bengal Awaits hotfin^ pnmrTJnii or interested in the bioial

giiun^s bin»tcn State aad Hndsoa stmeiB, in the vestem pan of the my of

^ti»mw ^Kjsk a TKir to the FesBOTal and reiBtenn6g« of ibe mcslns thotu

' WThiiwi. Snd iiiiMniiHii has nddroBed «> tnis Board a eummawkation,

icqtatii^ or Tk-njnpm Ae ontjcci, and innniiinc whcdieT ourchmA corpoKn-

viD irb air the gni—fe wiAin the abore-acntiaaed boands, now naed bj

, iiMiiiij. and iiwiiiit to the lenotal of Ae vonains thevan depooced,

. ^he ci^ vin fmrms^ a amaUe plarr in the Albany Bmal Geneieiy, or

tiaew^n, as nny be agreed npoa, tor their icintEZBenx; therefixe;

Tbt we r*^'^^'^ i^e atsioB of the CuMjnun Coandl in this maner

lO' and jMiTii il—L and npon mmliiiw. that writaHe gronndB are for-

- imLmt at theifaiw in aar baonal gronndi^ in the Albany

III! iliiiiihf. mil at theexpeaaeof the city, this eo^om-

II ihi I I1M i ] I r lln nnninti in iiiii iiiikl biiiitl t,iunni1,

'I iwi iliiiMk— »mtl iTthr rrprnnf nf thr rlij, ind

aiMind asabore expceaeed, this un|miaiinw wiH- ^? as we mem mat fat bnrial prpoaea.

Page 5: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


' Remhied. Thai the abtrre preamble a^ resolEQce be entered oa like miffaies gf

§ Z ~ tiaaaantted to tLe sud coEniiiT:e<e of tLs C':<9E3Z3an CcaaciL

•• J. H. TEX ETCK,-Preaihtf i^ a« .B^ari^ rnuCMS «ftte £. P. 1>. CShvdL''

*'AIJ)ES MABCa"Preai&al efBoard cf TrmMee* efFir^ IVakftaia» Chmrk.



-PraidaU tf Board^ Tnts^^of Seetmd riv tkgtnimm CTwjiiifrfw

^iOHS T. FRASER,." Prrridnt^ ike Bomrd^ TrmM«fM TUrd Pnikglnmm CkmrdL

•^EOBZBT ^T^. ATX, Clerk.

'PrtwideiUBott PreAjfterimM Ckmrdi.

:aME5 KrSGSBrRT. Clerk.

-THBO. :: ^ -:zLi

' ::'B^"El tz-ZIBA3I : .



-JOES' W ^TSST" 7 .


-TH•"•:^^-- " zz:s~s"rTT

tmPrifpcr. j.



*- JnoCaa «f £if Ijt&ermik Eoemaer CmtrdL.


SeerrUry^BomrdtfTrmMoa tf WAtdiat l^puo9«I Cimrdk tfJEm^

Page 6: P 129 P3 P48 Copy

"F. B. HINE, President,

"GEORGE FELTHAM," Secretary of Board of Trustees, Garrettson Station.

"Methodist Episcopal Church.



" Trustees of First Universalist CJiurch in City of Albany.

'• NATHAN HAWLEY, Treasurer.

"W. H. ANTHONY," Trustee of African Methodist Episcopal Church.

"WILLIAM C. GARDNER," Trustee of African Baptist Church.

"JOHN S. WILLIAMS," Trustee of African Second Wesleyan Church.

Note.— The Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church does not include the

lot east of Snipe street, between Lancaster and Hudson streets, which is not used

as a burial ground. The Second Presbyterian, on the condition that each and

every church and congregation holding burial grounds in the vicinity of ours, and

by the same tenure, shall release the same upon like terms and conditions.

" The Society of Friends require not less than one-fourth of an acre for the

future wants of that society. ,,

"St. Peter's Chtirch, J

"Albany, November, 14, 1866. f

"To Peter M. Carmichael, and others,

" Commtttee of Common Council of Albany


"Gentlemen— In reply to your communication of the 12th of October last,

addressed to the warden and vestry of St. Peter's Church, in regard to the release

to the city of the grounds between State and Hudson streets, and held by the

church as a burying ground, we are authorized to say, that in case it should be

done by the other congregations holding the adjoining grounds, the vestry of this

church will be willing to consent to the release of the grounds in question to the

city, and to the removal of the remains of the dead who have been interred therein;

on condition,

1st. That suitable grounds, properly prepared for their reinterment, are provided

in the Albany Rural Cemetery, and placed at the disposal of the vestry.

2d. That such removal and reinterment, and the restoration of the monuments,be done at the expense of the city, and under the direction of the vestry.

3d. That such reasonable additional ground connected with that required for

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such reinterment be procured and placed under the control of the church, as mayenable it to continue to fulfill its accustomed duty of furnishing a suitable burial

place for those of its members who are not otherwise provided for.

Very respectfully, yours,


Committee of Vestry of St. Peter's Church."

" St. Mart's Church, December dd, 1866.

" Gentlemen— I am requested by the Rt. Rev. John J. Conroy, Bishop of this

Diocese, to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from you, embodying

resolutions adopted by the Common Council of the city of Albany on the 4tli day

of October last, in relation to the burying grounds between State and Hudson

streets, among which is included a burying ground known as St. Mary's Cemetery,

and heretofore used as a place of interment by the Catholics of this city.

The resolutions referred to, provided that a Special Committee of five be

appointed by His Honor the Mayor to confer with the trustees of the various

churches holding possession of and interested in the grounds for burial purposes,

with a view to cause the removal of the remains of the neglected dead to ceme-

teries, where they can be properly interred and cared for in a suitable manner. In

the same communication you desired to know whether our Society were wiUing to

release the grounds thus used by us as a cemetery, within the above-mentioned

bounds, and would consent to the removal of the remains therein deposited, pro-

viding the city will furnish a suitable place in the Albany Rural Cemetery, or

elsewhere, as may be agreed upon, for their reinterment.

In consequence of your communication, the Rt. Rev. Bishop caused notice to be

given on Sunday last (Dec. 2d) in the Catholic churches of this city, inviting all

who were interested in the matter to meet me at my residence. No. 14 Lodge street,

and express their views and wishes.

Such a meeting was held at the time appointed, and no opposition to the course

pursued having been made by any one present, I am authorized by the Bishop to

say, that, on the part of the Catholics of this city, he consents to the release of the

grounds in question upon the general terms proposed by the Common Council,

reserving for future and more special agreement all details in regard to the place

or places to which these bodies may be removed, and the mode of their removal.

Very respectfully, yonrs, &c.,

: CLARENCE WALWORTH,Pastor of St. Mary's Church.

' To Peter M. Carmichael and others,

Committee of the Common Council."

The several congregations having with such unanimity

assented to the proposition, your committee trust that this

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arrangement can be fully consummated, which will be honor-

able to the churches and creditable to the city.

All of which is resi^ectfully submitted.


Special Committee.


Aid. OARMICHAEL offered the following


Besolved, That the Special Committee on Burying Grounds

ascertain from the Trustees of Albany Rural and other Ceme-teries, what arrangement can be made for procuring the

necessary grounds for the reinterment of the remains of

those now deposited between Hudson and State streets, in

the westerly part of the city.


Page 9: P 129 P3 P48 Copy

OiTT Hall,^

Albany, Bee. 'dlst, 18G6. >

The condition of the Cemetery located in the westerly part

of the city of Albany, between State, Hudson, Snipe and

Eobin streets, and known since 1801, as the State Street

Burial Grounds, has long been matter of regret. The interest

attaching to the resting place of deceased kindred having

been almost entirely transferred to the Rural Cemetery, time

and neglect have produced their usual effects. Public atten-

tion being frequently drawn to this locality, the CommonCouncil during the past year, with a view to the careful

removal of the dead, and their decent reinterment in other

grounds, appointed a Committee, who took immediate steps

to give the matter requisite publicity. They conferred form-

ally with the recognized representatives of all denominations

interested, and also with many private individuals. The

response has been most gratifying. The different churches

have acquiesced unanimously, and without hesitation in the

proposed removal, and the individual citizens consulted, have

warmly coincided in promoting the object.

In order to afford to every person interested, all the

information possible, the Common Council, through their

Committee, have employed competent persons to copy the

inscriptions upon the tombstones remaining in the grounds

referred to, and have taken every means in their power of

discovering who are the actual tenants of these neglected


It is confidently believed that this labor has been faithfully

performed, and a correct result secured.

The names transcribed have been carefully arranged nnder

the heading of their respective religious denominations, and

are hereto annexed.

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It is the desire of the city authorities, that all persons

whose dead are here interred, should fee informed of the con-

templated change, and the friends of the dead are requested

to take the necessary steps for the removal of their remains.

All citizens are therefore requested to aid in distributing

such information, and in communicating to any member of

the Common Council or to the Trustees of the churches

interested, such intelligence as may facilitate the successful

accomplishment of a result at once laudable in itself, prompt

ed as it is, by the best impulses of humanity, and in every

view a matter of public pride and satisfaction.


Committee on helialf of the Common Council.

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Abbott, Lydia, consort of John,Abel, Henry,Abel, Elizabeth, wife of Henry,Abel, Henry Van Patten, son of Henry and


Abel, Elizabeth,

Abel, Andrew,Abel, Andrew,Abel, Johannah, wife of Andrew,Abel, Ann, daughter of Andrew and Johan-


Abel, Peter, son of Andrew and Anatie,

Ackerman, Gilbert,

Ackerman, Rachel de Garmo, wife of Gilbert,

Ackerman, Jacob,

Allen, Horace,Allen, Jane,

Andrews, Mary,Andrew;;, Amos,Armour, Caroline, daughter of John B. and


Armour, David, son of John B. and Eliza,

Armour, Angeline BrinckerhofF, daughter ofJohn B. and Eliza,

Arms, Noadiah L.,

Arnold, Seth,

Arnold, Magdalena, wife of Seth,

"A kind and affectionate Husband and kindParent." (No name),

Baker, John C,Baker, Benjamin,Ball, Margaret Louisa, daughter of Paul and

Maria M.,

Barnard, George H. (killed in the battle of

Antietam),Barnard, George A.,

Barnard, Joseph, son of George A. and Louisa,

Barrett, Thomas,Bassett, Daniel Henry, only son of Daniel E.

and Harriet,

Becker, Lewis,

Aug. 9,

July 19,

May 5,

Oct. 28,

Aug. 27,

Oct. 5,

April 22,

May 30,

April 16,

Feb. 15,

Oct. 11,

Aug. 10,

Oct. 26,

Nov. 1,

Sept. 4,

Oct. 13,

Dec. 31,

Jan. 13,

Feb. 6,

Aug. 26,

March 8,

April 12,

July 19,
























32 y. 5 m. 1 d.

60 y. 1 m. 25 d.

43 y. 1 m. 28 d.

1 y. 3 m. 29 d.

45 y. 4 m. 25 d.

48 y. 11 d.

March 22, 1779.

76 y. 3 m. 21 d.

27 d.35 y. 9 m.9 m. 25 d.

66 y. 10 m.54th year.

26 y. 4d.61st year.

72 years.

75 years.

80 years.

March 2, 1839.

Dec. 25, 1840.

June 7, 1843.

47th year.

60 years.

46 y. 4 m. 2 d.

Feb. 17, 1847, 25 y. 10 m.

March 9, 1864, Feb. 17, 1864.

April 10, 1791, 54 y. 6 m. 6 d.

Jan. 8, 1857, 21 y. 3 m. 5 d.

Sept. 17, 1862, 18th year.

June 19, 1854, 37 years.

Feb. 21, 1853, 2 y. 8 m. 21 d.

Dec. 6, 1813, 72 years.

Dec. 29, 1851, 2 y. 11 ra. 9 d.

May 31, 1846, March 20, 1807.

Page 12: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Becker, Henry P.,

Becker, !Mrs. Hannah,Bement, "William,

Beraent, Jane, wife of William,

Bement, Harriet, wife of Caleb N.,

Feb. 2, 1849,

Feb. 28, 1851,

Jan. 18, 1841,

March 8, 1827,

July 29, 1825,

Bement, Mary, dauditer of Caleb N. and

Harriet, May 1,1822,

Bement, Edward, son of Caleb K and H., Aug. 7, 1825,

Bement, Caroline, wife of Caleb N., Oct. 30, 1838,

Bement, Mary, daughter of Caleb N. and

CaroUne, ' J"une 11, 1836,

Bement, George, son of Caleb N. and Carohue, Feb. 18, 1827,

Beeckman, , daughter of Gerardus and ^Anne, Oct. 3,1821,

Bennet, Cornelia, wife of R. 0. K., ^Jan. IG, 1825,

Bennet, Catharine, daughter of E. 0. K.

Benninck, Beerent H., Sept. 29, 1853,

Benninck, Johannah Wm. Damkot, wife of

Beerent H., Feb. 20, 1864,

Benninck, Tuenes, son of Beerent and Johan-

nah, Jan. 8, 1852,

Benson, John, Aug. 19, 1834,

Bills, Carl H., Oct. 4, 1838,

Bigelow, Elizabeth B., wife of Jackson, Sept. 2, 1859,

Blanchard, Jane, daughter of Alonzo S. and

Maria, June 13, 1827,

Blanchard, Jane Ann, daughter of Alonzo S.

and Maria, Sept. 11, 1829,

Blanchard, WiUiam, son of Alonzo S. and

Maria, June 17, 1827,

Bleecker, John I, June 13, 1811,

Bleecker, Gerrite, widow of John I., Aug. 9, 1813,

Bleecker, Margaret A'an Deusen, Avife of

John I, April 13, 1794,

Bleecker, Jane, daughter of John I., and con-

sort of Isaac Truax,

Bleecker, Ann, daughter of John I.,

Bleecker, Jacob J.,

Bleecker, Elizabeth, widow of Jacob J.,

Bleecker, Ann Eliza, wife of John James,

Bleecker, John jST.,

Bleecker, Jacob,

Bleecker, Jacob I.,

Bleecker, John, Jr.,

Bleecker, Margaret Roseboom, wife of Nicho-

las, Jr., Aug. 16, 1794,

Bleecker, Catharine Cuyler Staats, wife of

Nicholas, Jr., May 11, 1826,

Bleecker, Catharine Cuyler, daughter of

Nicholas, Jr., June

Bleecker, Staats, son of Nicholas, Jr., June

Bleecker, Margaret, daughter of Henry T. and

Mary, Oct.

Bleecker, Hannah, daughter of John N. andMargaret, Oct.

Bleecker, Henry I., Jan.

Bleecker, Harriet Romeyn, daughter of HenryJ. and Mary Storm, Jan.

Feb. 3, 1799.

47 y. 1 m. 6 d,

74 years.

50 years.

51 y. 8 m. 7 d.

1 y. 5 m. 12 d.

7 weeks.

30 y. 9 m.

3 y. 6 m.

Ij. 2 m.

March26,1811,Sept. 3, 1811,

Feb. 20, 1838,

March 14, 1818,

Nov. 23, 1792,

Oct. 23, 1825,

Oct. 5, 1802,

Sept. 10, 1804,

Dec. 20, 1807,

2, 1825,

2, 1820,

52 y. 17 d.

38 y. 11 m.

59 y. 3 m. 25 d.

63 y. 10 m. 20 d.

16 y. 2 d.

36 y. 6 m. 10 d.

Born, 1805.

58th year.

4 y. 11 m. 3 d.

10 m. 26 d.

Not stated.

80 y. 24 d.

74 y. 9 m. 10 d.

47 y. 8 m. 23 d.

47 y. 9 m. 11 d.

40 y. 3 m. 11 d.

61st year.

65th year.

31 years.

86 y. 1 m. 21 d.

74 y. 3 d.

27 y. 8 m. 28 d.

39 y. 1 m. 22 d.

88 y. 3 m. 16 d.

33 y. 9 m. 28 d.

10 m. 29 d.

2 m. 3 d.

15, 1801, 1 y. 3d.

14, 1794,

29, 1808,

8 y. 6 m. 12 d.

30th year.

23, 1808, 4 y. 1 m. 28 d.

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Bleecker, Jacob, Jr., Nov. 30, 1806, 62d year.

Bleeckley, Sarah, daughter of George andSarah, Dec. 7, 1816, 21 y. 6 d.

Bleeckley, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, May 3, 1805, 76 years.

Bleeckley, David, Stone sunk.

Bloodgood, Mary, daughter of Ubin and Eliza, Stone sunk.

Bloomindal, Alburtus, July 4, 1817, 82d year.

Bloomindal, Anne Herser, wife of Alburtus, Xov. 18, 1797, 58 y. 8 m, 13 d.

Bloomindal, Bernardus, April 12, 1822, 54 y. 3 m. 18 d.

Bloomindal, Ann Shanklin, widow of Ber-

nardus, Aug. 9, 1843, 69 y. 2 m. 25 d.

Bogart, Henry J., June 27, 1821, 91 y. 7 m.

Bogart, Barbara, Avife of Henry J., Dec. 23, 1816, 88 y. 1 m.

Bogart, Cornelia, daughter of Barent andAlida, Jan. 31, 1806, 23 y. 6 m. 2 d.

Bogart, Alida, daughter of Barent and Alida, ISTov. 20, 1815, 27 y. 3 m. 1 d.

Bogart, Agnes, daughter of Barent andAlida, Dec. 16, 1818, 13 y. 2 m. 8 d.

Bogart, Alexander Hamilton. Oct. 1, 1826, 21 y. 9 m. 15 d.

Bogert, Catharine Ten Broeck, wife of John, Feb. 1, 1792, 33 y. 6 m. 29 d.

Borsboom, J. C, Jan. 14, 1851, July 17^ 1817.

Bosboom, Antonio Islaer, son of Cornelius, April 1, 1859, 71 y. 7 m.

Boyd, James, Feb. 22, 1839, 76 y. 21 d.

Boyd, Ahda, consort of James, Aug. 4, 1838, 76th vear.

Bowlsbv, Sarah Ann Stiles, wife of Levi N., June 16, 1834, Nov. 29, 1812.

Bradt, John A., July 29, 1829, Nov. 28, 1779.

Bradt, Henry, April 2, 1825, 78 y.

Bradt, James Henry (broken board), July 8, 1847, 13 y. 9 m. 10 d.

Bridgen, T. Atwood, Esq., Not stated. Not stated.

BrinckerhofF, Jacob, July 8, 1839, 61 y. 11 m. 1 d.

Brinckerhoff, Angeline, wife of Jacob, July 11, 1841, 63 y. 9 m. 21 d.

Brinckerhoff, Teunis, Oct. 20, 1843, 35 y. 6 m. 2 d.

Brinckerhoff. Alfred J., son of Teunis, June 13, 1839, 6 m. 18 d.

Brinckerhoff, Charlotte A., daughter of Teunis, May 4,1844, 1 y. 3 m. lid.Brinckerhoff, John, June 7, 1845, 32d year.

Brinckerhoff, Eve Maria, infant daughter of

Cornelius and Martha, Jan. 12, 1835, Not stated.

Brinckerhoff, John Derick, infant son of Cor-

nelius and Martha, July 24, 1836, 8 months.

Brooks. Frances, wife of Peter, April 25, 1818, 65 y. 6 m. 5 d.

Brooks; Peter, May 11, 1830, 53 y. 7 m. 2 d.

Brooks, Cataline, widow of Peter, June 21, 1843, 61 y. 5 m. 9 d.

Brower, Alabertus, son of Hessel and Mary, Aug. 19,1803, 9 m. 7 d.

Brower, Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas andElizabeth, Mar. 17, 1858, 17 y. 3 m. 19 d.

Brower, John, Sept. 30, 1844, 8oth year.

Brower, Mary, wife of John, Mar. 31, 1823, 68 years.

Brower, Robert R., Jan. 22, 1827, 33 y. 7 m.Buel, Elias, May 17, 1824, 87th year.

Buel, Sarah, wife of Elias, April 4, 1828, 86th year.

Buel, Jesse, born at Coventry, Conn., Jan. 4,

1778, died at Danburv, Conn., Oct. 6, 1839.

Buel, Susan, wife of Jesse, Feb. 4, 1847, April 26, 1783.

Buel, Charles, son of Jesse and Susan, May 11, 1854, Aug. 29, 1811.

Buel, Franklin Shepherd, son of Jesse andMary C, Dec. 22, 1841, 2 y. 5 m. 14 d.

Burroughs, Charles, Not stated. Not stated.

Burton, Ann Augusta, wife of John I., Nov. 29, 1833, 28 y. 23 d.

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Burton, Catharine, dauditer of Francis and Jan. 19, 1833,

Catherine, 22 y. 11 m. 20 d.

Burton, Isaac, Oct. 16, 1843, C6 y. 17 d.

Burton, Miss Alida, dauehter of Isaac and

Catherine, Jan. 17, 1828, 22 y. 4 m. 12 d.

Busboom, Antonio Iselaer, son of Cornelius, April 1, 1859, 71 y. 7 m.

Buxton, Catharine, wife of William, Dec. 20, 1825, 27 years.

C. H. B. (nothing else on board).

G. S. B. (foot-stone out of ground).

J. B. (nothing else on stone).

J. H. B. (nothing else on stone).

Cameron, Mary Brower, wife of James, anddaughter of John Brower, June 18, 1835, 54 y. 7 m. 12 d.

Campbell. Sarah, Not stated, Not stated.

Canfield. Jane, Nov. 15, 1839, 23 years.

Calhoun', Susan, Nov. 1, 1836, 32 y. 10 m.

Carr (Foot-board).

Carpenter, Charles Francis, son of Francis andSarah, Not stated, 9 m. 16 d.

Carpenter, Henry Gr., son of Wm. and Cyn-thia, May 9, 1854, 5 years.

Carpenter, Eugene, infant son of Nathaniel

and Margaret, July 26, 1837, 4 months.

Cater, John Henry, son of William and Chris-

tiana, June 22, 1825, 5 m. 7 d.

Chambers, Abraham L., Aug. 15, 1853, May 17, 1838.

Chiritree, Truman Sanford, April 21, 1855, 31 y. 9 m. 4 d.

Clark, James P., Aug, 26, 1832, 49 y. 1 m. 26 d.

Clark, Elizabeth, wife of James P., Nov. 5, 1832, 46 y. 7 m. 8 d.

Clark, Harriet, wife of Josiah, Oct. 29, 1838, 33 years.

Clark, Paul, Mar. 28, 1831, 66 years.

Clute, Elizabeth Kidnev, wife of Peter, June 21, 1861, 54 years,

Clute, Jacob N.,"

Nov. 21, 1841, 82 years.

Clute, Sarah Platto, wife of Jacob N., June 9, 1841, 85 years.

Cogburn, Philip A., Mar. 25, 1866, 42 years.

Colburn, Levi H., son of Daniel K. and Laura, July 22, 1845, 2m. 4 d.

Our Clara. (Nothing else on stone.)

Little Charlie, (Nothing else on stone.)

Conine, Eebecca, daughter of Philip andEitchey, Oct. 8, 1842, 21 y, 2 m. 23 d.

Cooper, Charles D., Jan. 30, 1831, 60tli year.

Cooper, Susan Cliristiana, wife of William,

and daughter of James and Anna Vander-poel, " Mar. 30, 1841, 29 y. 1 m. 12 d.

Cooper, Sharlot, Not stated, 78th. year.

Cooper, Hannah Vandenburgh, wife of Oba-diah, June 21, 1801, 50 y. 3 m. 15 d.

Courtney, Bridget Segar, wife of John, Nov. 22, 1834, 77 years.

Cuyler, Richard, Mar. 31, 1800, 32 y. 5 m. 22 d.

Cuyler, Jane, wife of John, Jr., and daughterof Geo. Wray, Esq., Nov. 16, 1789, 20 y. 1 m. 26 d.

Cuyler, Lydia, Feb. 21, 1808, 65 y. 7 m.Cuyler, William H., son of Tobias V., June 4, 1824, 18th year.Cuyler, Jacob, June 5, 1804, 62 y. 6 m.Cuylei', Elizabeth, widow of Abraham N., Jan. 17, 1842, 86 years.Crowder, Emily E., wife of Thomas, May 9, 1861, 38 years.

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17 y.

47 y.

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Dusenberry, Fanny, consort of Richard; also,

their three infant children,_

Nov. 2, 1825, 47 y. 9 m. 11 d.

Dusenberry, Eliza Ann, daughter of Richard

and Fanny, July 31, 1801, 10 m. 20 d.

Dusenberry, James, son of Jarvis and Ehza-beth., Sept. 23, 1805, 17 years.

De Grofif, Simeon, Mar. 31, 1842, 86th year.

Dygert, Alida, daughter of Elijah and MaryAnn. S. D. (foot-stone), Jan. 30, 1841, 1 y. 4 d.

Elliott, Rebecca Kidney, wife of James, Feb. ;i8, 1809, 85 y. 9 m. 13 d.

Elmendorf, Elizabeth Leonard, wife of JohnV. R., Jan. 10, 1851, 38th year.

Enders, Catharine Young, wife of Solomon, Oct. 14, 1815, 29 y. 2 m. 14 d.

Egberts, Anthony. Jan. 23, 1833, 80 years.

Evertsen, Bernardus, Jan. 24, 1802, 54 y. 2 m. 22 d.

Evertsen, Martena, widow of Bernardus, March 8, 1807, 57 y. 7 m. 4 d.

Evertsen, son of Bernardus and Martena, June 18, 1798, 19 y. 11 m. 6 d.

Evertsen, Angelica, daughter of Bernardus

and Martena, Mar. 22, 1799, 9 y. 7 m. 22 d.

Evertsen, Jacob, son of Bernardus and Mar-tena, June 18, 1800, 15 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Evertsen, Henry, July 9, 1814, 53 y. 3 m. 6 d.

Evertsen, John, Nov. 17, 1832, 53d year.

Evertsen, Mrs. Alida, July 9, 1829, 59 y. 5 m. 1 d.

Evertsen, John I., Esq., July 5, 1834, 45th year.

Evertsen, Jacob, July 12, 1829, 62 y. 11 m. 23 d.

Evertsen, Alida, daughter of John and Ahda, May 19, 1818, 2 y. 4 m. 19 d.

J. I. E. (nothing else on stone). •

Ewing, Maria, wife of Levi, Feb. 12, 1847, 47th year.

Ewing, William James, son of Levi and Maria, Sept. 5, 1844, 11 m. 19 d.

Fay, John (of Westborough, Mass.), Sept. 19, 1857, 74 y. 5 ra. 3 d.

Fay, Johanna, wife of John and daughter of

John Bogart, Esq., Feb. 8, 1822, 37 y. 4 m.

Finch, Hiram, Sept. 15, 1838, 34 y. 2 m. 13 d.

Fischer, J. W., Nov. 1, 1863, Aug. 17, 1863.

Flansburgh, Matthew, Dec. 30, 1843, 59 y. 5 m. 27 d.

Flansburgh, Margaret Winney, wife of Mat-thew, July 7, 1853, 77 y. 7 m. 23 d.

Findley, Alexander (native of Scotland), Feb. 2, 1837, 51 years.

Fitch, Simeon, July 8, 1838, 61st year.

Fonda, George, April 12, 1834, 23d year.

Fonda, David, Aug. 3, 1805, 48 y. 6 m, 22 d.

Foos, Elizabeth Cooper, wife of Edward L., Mar. 19, 1848, 44 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Foos, Rachel Vandusen, wife of Edward L., May 27, 1841, 25 y. 5 m. 17 d.

Ford, Capt. Eliakira, Oct. 22, 1845, 60th year.

Ford, Phebe, wife of Capt. Eliakim, Sept. 17, 1834, 46 y. 3 m.Ford, Eliakim, Jr., Nov. 20, 1854, 43 y. 18 d.

Ford, William Alexander, Jr., son of Eliakimand Jane, July 26, 1844, 19 months.

Forsey, Mary, Sept. 10, 1792, 55 y. 9 m. 4 d.

Gansevoort, Harme, Mar. 7, 1801, 88 y. 17 d.

Gansevoort, Magdalene, wife of Harme, Oct. 12, 1796, 78 y. 2 m.Gansevoort, Peter (a brigadier-general in U.

S. army. "Here Stanwix's chief and bravedefender sleeps"), July 12, 1812, 62 y. 11 m. 16 d.

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Hansen, Gertrude, dauo^hter of Isaac and

Jane/ April 28, 1808, 2 y. 8 m. 12 d.

Hansen, Gertrude, 2d daurfiter of Isaac andJane, July 27,1809, 2 m. 21 d.

Hagerty, Elizabeth, wife of William, Jan. 8, 1792, Stone sunk.

Hardenbergh, Herman M., member of Assem-bly from Sullivan Co!, Mar. 22, 1850, May 19, 1799.

Harbeck, Ann Hewson, wife of Samuel, Sept. 12, 1823, 36 y. 15 d.

Harrison, Martha, daughter of William andMargaret, Jan. 28, 1837, 3 y. 6 m.

Hartman, Catharine Louisa, daughter of

George Adam and Elizabeth, April 11, 1846, 1 y. 8 m.

Hasbrouck, Nancy, wife of Peter, Mar. 16, 1828, 42d year.

Hawes, Rachel, wife of Matthias, June 23, 1821, 42d year.

Hebeysen, Martin (native of Germany,) June 19, 1827, 88 y. 7 m 8 d.

Hendriks, Gysbert, May 28, 1855, March 23, 1804.

Hendriks, Melvina, Dec. 4, 1852, March 6, 1847,

Henry, Robert, May 14, 1828, 35th year.

Hetrich, Mary Ann, daughter of Michael and

Letitia, Oct. 9, 1857, 14 y. 5 m. 4 d.

Hewson, Sally Ann, wife of James A., and

daughter of David W. Groesbeck and AnnWiflet, Mar. 16, 1842, 34th year.

Hill, Joseph (stone broken).

Hill, Sarah, wife of James, Dec. 5, 1854, April 15, 1798.

Hilton, William I., June 19, 1825, 91 years.

Hilten, William, April 15, 1822, 22 y. 7 m. 5 d.

Hilton, Elizabeth, daughter of Simon 'V. A.

and Catharine, April 6, 1837, 5 y. 3 m.

Hilton, Catharine Hanson, wife of Jonathan, Dec. 16, 1838, 85 y. 1 m. 22 d.

Hogan, James, Not stated. Not stated.

Hofmes, Jothan, Sept., 1838, 72 years.

Holmes, William H., son of Jothan and Amy, Jan. 25, 1830, 17 years.

Holt, Elizabeth, wife of David, Sept. 10, 1845, 65 years.

Hockridge, Rachel, daughter of Granville and

Catharine, June 17, 1826, Not stated.

Hooghkirk, Abraham, May 1, 1807, 63 y. 6 m. 26 d.

Hooghkirk, Abraham, son of Abraham, Sept. 9, 1801, 19 y. 10 m. 21 d.

Hooghkii'k, WilUam, son of Abraham, April 26, 1803, 18 y. 2 m. 1 d.

Hooghkirk, Isaac, Sept. 12, 1800, 72 y. 5 m. 22 d.

Hooghkirk, Susannah, daughter of Lucas J.

and Mary, Sept. 28, 1808, 4 y. 9 m. 2d.Hotchkiss, Arthur, July 26, 1826, 53d year.

Hoyt, Armenia, daughter of Gould and Sarah, April 22, 1817, 15 y. 9 m. 21 d.

Hyer, Henry, Sept. 15, 1802, 27 y. 1 m. 2 d.

Hyer, Mary, widow of Henry, Sept. 24, 1831, 51 y. 9 m.

M. H. (nothing else on board).

Jackson, Peter C, son of James and Eliza-

beth, July 6, 1847, 2 y. 10 m.

Jackson, John W. (native of England). Feb. 24, 1848, 66 y. 7 m. 24 d.

Jenkins, Rebecca Kidney, wife of John, Mar. 17, 1860, 64 y. 3 m. 24 d.

Jewell, Margaret Thompson, son of Jeremiah

P., Dec. 10, 1840, 49 y. 5 m. 5 d.

Jewell, Joseph, son of J. P. and Margaret, Jan. 28, 1819, 2 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Jewell, Margaret Chambers, wife of Henry L., Jan. 7, 1853, Jan. 4, 1810.

Johnson, John Bedford, Jan. 13, 1825, 22 y. 7 m. 13 d.

Johnson, George B., son of George and Mary, Sept. 10, 1857, 8 y. 7 m. 19 d.

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Johnson, George B., son of George and Marv, Aug. 11, 1863, 1 y. 1 m. 11 d.

Johnson, John, May 4, 1829, 52 y. 27 d.

Johnson, Ehzabeth, wife of John, Sept. 22, 1846, 69th year.

Johnson, Wilham M., son of John and Ehza-

beth (drowned). June 16, 1827, 7 y. 7 m. 12 d.

Jones, Sarah (native of South Wales), May 7, 1826, G3 years.

Jones, John,_

Sept. 6, 1810, 21 y. 52 d.

Jonge, Sara de, daughter of Joks and Keetije

Jonge, Nov. 24, 1858, Sept. 27, 1858.

Kane, Wilham, Aug. 30,1812, 80th year.

Kane, Elizabeth, wife of William, Sept. 17, 1 793, 50lh year.

Kaue, Peter, son of William and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1805, 17 y. 4 m.

Kane, John, son of William and Ehzabeth, Aug. 15, 1837, 62d year.

Kane, Matilda, daughter of Elias and Deborah, March 5, 1819, 6 y. 5 m. 22 d.

Kearney, Maria, wife of Wm. H., and daugh-

ter of the late Sybrant Kittle, Nov. 14, 1846, 35 years.

Keese, Elizabeth Linn, daughter of WilUamand Rebecca, of the city of N. Y., July 16, 1811, 11 months.

Kidney, Angelica, July 14, 1857, 57 y. 1 m. 12 d.

Kidney, Jonathan, March20, 1849, Dec. 11, 1760.

Kidney, Hannah, wife of Jonathan, Dec. 30, 1833, Jan. 9, 1764.

Kilbourn, Harriet, daughter of George andCatharine,


Jan. 17, 1838, 4 years.

Kilbourn, Catharine, daughter of George andCatharine, Feb. 16, 1838, 7 y. 6 m.

Kilmer, Mary, March 18, 1862, 80 years.

King, William Henry, son of Vincent andPhebe,

Kittle, Sybrant,

Kittle, Ann, wife of Sybrant,

Kittle, Adam,Kittle, Jonah, son of Malachi and Maria, of

Canajoharie, Mont, co.,

Kittle, Charles,

Kittle, Daniel S.,

Kittle, Clarissa Ann, wife of Daniel S.,

Kittle, Catharine, daughter of Daniel S. andClarissa Ann, Sept. 28, 1829, 2 y. 5 d.

Kittle, William James, son of Daniel S. andClarissa Ann, Aug. 24, 1838, 2 y. 11 d.

Kittle, Charlotte L., daughter of Daniel S. andClarissa Ann, Feb. 24, 1842, 2 y, 5. d.

Kittle, Charles S., son of Daniel S. and Clarissa

Ann, June 2, 1842, 3 y. 6 m.Kittle, Daniel Van Schaick, son of Daniel S.

and Clarissa Ann, June 22, 1849, 18th year.

Kittle, John H., son of Daniel S. and Clarissa

Ann, Marchl7,1845, 19 y. 2 m.Klump, John, Dec. 11, 1862, 43 y. 14 d.

Klump, Mary, daughter of John and Theresia, Oct. 28, 1854, May 12, 1853.

Klump, Theresia, daughter of John andTheresia, Feb. 15, 1856, March 21, 1855.

Klump, Louisa, daughter of John and Theresia, Nov. 23, 1860, March 19, 1857.

Kip, John S., of city of New York, Feb. 27, 1796, 21 y. 10 m. 11 d.

Kenyon, Elizabeth, wife of Moses, June 15, 1850, 47 y. 2 m.Knock, Dirk, Jan. 6, 1865, April 23, 1804.

Koop, L. H., Nov. 8, 1850, 22 y. 1 m, 2 d.


Oct. 7,

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Koop, L. W., July 24, 1851, 9 m. 1 d

Koster, Albert, son of Albert and Catharine, July 8, 1847, 10 m. 10 d.

Knower, Audley P., Oct. 1, 1841, 27th year.

Kries, Poulina Wilhelmina, daughter of Jac.

Corn., May 18, 1854, Oct. 27, 1845.

Kryo-er, Carstiaan, son of L. and Johanna vd.

Bmg., Nov. 10, 1856, 7 y. 7 m.

Kryger, Alzoo Z., Jan. 1, 1858, 1 y. 3 m. 23 d.

La Grange, James, son of Christian La G. andGertrude McClaskey, Mar. 18, 1838, 2 y. 6 m. 24 d.

La Grange, Elizabeth Euss, daughter of Chris-

tian La G. and Gertrude McClaskey, April 5, 1838, 1 y. 2 m. 14 d.

Lansing Jacob G., Nov. 25, 1803, 66 years.

Lansing, Frances, wife of Jacob G., Mar. 26, 1807, 56 years.

Lansing, Elizabeth Burrows, daughter of JohnA. and Elizabeth, May 12, 1860, Oct. 5, 1788.

Lansing, Catharine, wife of John, Oct. 27, 1799, 61 years.

Lansing, Sander I., April 3, 1807, 84th year.

Lansing, Elsie, daughter of Jacob L, July 20, 1811, 62 y. 11 m. 20 d.

Lansing, Gerrit, Jr., April 31, 1860, Dec. 24, 1779.

Lansing, Thomas, Mar. 4, 1811, 83 y. 5 m. 2 d.

Lansing, John Jacob, April 19, 1808, 92 y. 3 m. 19 d.

Lansing, Catharine Schuyler, wife of JohnJacob, Mar. 31, 1797, 73 y. 7 m.

Lansing, Jacob, Jr., Jan. 18, 1791, 76 years.

Lansingh, Jeremiah, Oct. 7, 1817, 63 y. 5 m. 23 d.

Lansingh, Helena, wife of Jeremiah, Oct. 11, 1829, 68 y. 11 m. 20 d.

Lansingh, Elizabeth, daughter of Helena andJeremiah, Mar. 23, 1865, 79th year.

Lathrop, Eevillo Wells, son of William andElizabeth, May 5, 1828, 2 y. 9 m. 25 d.

Laughrey, Dennis, son of Patrick, April 12, 1803, 3 y. 10 m.

Lay, Francis Ezra, son of Francis and Maria, Mar. 1, 1825, 13 months.

Lee, Frances Minnie, daughter of W. H. andMaria E., Feb. 26, 1863. 8 m. 8 d.

Lee, Alice Eugenie Victoria, July -28, 1861, March 28, 1861.

Lester, George Henry, son of George H. andMargaret, Feb. 25, 1853, 6 years.

Linacre, James F., Jan. 12, 1838, 32d year.

Lloyd, Willard J., Jan. 15, 1845, 39 y. 1 m. 30 d.

Lloyd, Gertrude, wife of Willard J.,. Mar. 4, 1856, 47 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Locherty, Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1837, 77th year.

Lockwood, Alva M., Feb. 10, 1835, 24th year.

Lockrow, Charies, Jan. 4, 1848, 68 y. 17 d.

Lockrow, Gilly Eliza, daughter of Thomasand Harriet, Dec. 25,1818, 1 y. 6 m. 12 d.

Lottridge, Robert, Oct. 31, 1848, 75th year.

Lougee, James E., son of Noah and Maria, Feb. 16, 1821, 1 y. 18 d.

Ludlow, James R., son of Rev. John andCatalina V. S.,

_Dec. 16, 1823, 2 y. 2 m. 22 d.

Ludlow, Jacob, son of Rev. John and Catalina

V. S., Aug. 16, 1824, 10 m. 15 d.

Lyons, Elizabeth, wife of John, aud daughter

of Sybrant Kittle, Jan. 31, 1846, 43 y. 6 m. 10 d.

Lyons, David H., son of John and Elizabeth, Dec. 19, 1843, 18 y. 2 m. 26d.

Lyons, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Eliza-'

beth, Feb. 5, 1842, 19 y. 2 m. 5 d

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W. J. L. (nothing else on board).

McClelLan, James, Mar. 25, 1865, 26 y. 4 m.

McClellan, Edward James, Jan. 6, 1866, 7 y. 8 m. 26 d.

McClellan, Henry Albert, son of James andMargaret, Sept. 10, 1860, Nov. 18, 1859.

McCrea, Elizabeth, April 4, 1846, 75 years.

C. B. McA. (nothing else on board).

McCrosson, Mary Parker, wife of John, July 12, 1862, 66 years.

McFarlane, Eliza, March 3, 1852, 24 years.

McDowl, Catharine, wife of John, Nov. 30, 1790, 35 y. 2 ra. 28 d.

McLeod, Donald, June 22, 1834, 80 y. 1 m. 21 d.

McLeod, Margery, wife of Donald, May 4, 1841, 79 y. 1 m. 22 d.

McLeod, Duncan, son of Donald and Margery, Jan. 1, 1834, 39 y. 4 m. 10 d.

McLeod, Margery, Dec. 21, 1852, 67 y. 8 m. 22 d.

McLachlan, Agnes, daughter of John andAgnes, May 12, 1846, 38 y. 15 d.

McLachlan, Robert, son of John and Agnes, May 28, 1807, 28 years.

McKenzie, George, son of WiUiam and K., Nov. 8, 1851, Feb. 26, 1841.

McKenzie, William M., July 21, 1851, April 10, 1851.

Main, Abigail, wife of Thomas, Jan. 9, 1835, 18 y. 4 m. 29 d.

Mann, James V., Aug. 5, 1854, 37 years.

Marselus, Matthew Visscher, son of Gerrit

Machtel Visscher, Aug. 27, 1806, 7 y. 11 m. 27 d.

Marshall, Rebecca, daughter of Peter andHannah, Sept. 28, 1802, 11 m. 19 d.

Martin, William Benjamin, son of William

and Margaret, Aug. 31, 1842, 16 m. 2 d.

Marsin, Andrew Henry, son of WiUiam andMargaret, April 2, 1844, N. S.

Martin, Benjamin Bradt, son of WiUiam andMargaret,

_ _

Sept. 27, 1843, N. S.

Meir, Rev. John Hardenberg, minister of Re-formed Dutch Church in Schenectady, Sept. 11. 1806, 31 y. 10 m. 23 d.

Melvill, AUan (native of Boston), Jan. 19, 1831, April 7, 1782.

Miles, Clara Rebecca, daughter of M. and L.

A., Feb. 14,1862, 3 y. 21 d.

Miles, Hannah Eliza, daughter of M. and L.

A., Mar. 26, 1862, 4 m. 5 d.

Milton, George S., Dec. 18, 1860, 47 years.

MUler, Peter, Dec. 31, 1827, 40 years.

MUler, Elsie Gertrude, infant daughter of

Peter, Aug. 30, 1821, 13 m. 1 d.

MUwain, Jane Ann, daughter of John andPolly, Sept. 7, 1844, 15 y. 18 d.

MUwain, Mary CeUn, daughter of John andPolly May 28, 1840, 5 y. 4 m. 15 d.

Minders, EUzabeth, Aug. 27, 1823, 78 years.

Moore, WiUiam W., son of Andrew andMargaret, July 28, 1846, 3 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Moore, Andrew, Jr., son of Andrew andMargaret, Dec. 22, 1850, 12 y. 1 m. 16 d.

Morgan, Thomas, Jr., Jan. 20, 1852, 35 years.

MorreU, Samuel, 1843, 38 years.

Morrell, George Henry, son of Richard andJane, Aug. 19, 1835, 3 y. 11 m. 10 d.

Myers, Cornelia, wife of Benjamin, Dq.c. 5, 1851, 33 years.

Myers, Harriet, daughter of B. and C, June 29, 1852, 2 y. 10 m.

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Myers, Cornelia, daughter of B. and C, Feb. 17, 1852, 6 months.

Mynderse, Sarah, wife of Manta, Feb. 15, 1791, GG y. 1 m.

Mynderse, Mart, April 26, 1806, 79 y. 6 d.

Munsig, William (nothing else on stone).

F. M. (foot-board).

Nauman, Elizabetha, April 29, 1858, 2 y. 3 m. 15 d.

Nehmire, ]\Iary Ann H., wife of John H., May ], 1809, 52 y. 25 d.

Neuhans, Henrietta, May 3, 1864. June 2, 1804.

Nichal, Isaac K Aug. 10, 1856! 23 y. 4 m.Niemeyer, Hannah A., July 14, 1857, 2 y. 1 m. 6 d.

Niemeyer, Mary E., Aug. 14, 1857, 4 months.Norton, Elizabeth Radcliff, wife of Samuel, April 30, 1841, 77 years.

Oothout Maria, Jan. 9, 1835, 49 years.

Oosterman, Francina Klompenaar, wife of

Simon, and two children: Mar. 22, 1851, 18 Sept. 1825.

Simon, Mar. 23, 1851, Feb. 23, 1851.

Francina, July 22, 1851, Feb. 23, 1851.

Ostrander, Adaline M., Feb. 7, 1837, 20 y. 7 m.Ostrander, Harriet, daughter of Capt. William, Nov. 15,1830, 18 y. 10 d.

Outwin, John, Mar 14, 1833, 2 y. 2 m. 21 d.

Outwin, Alexander McDonald, Mar. 1, 1833, 3 y. 10 m. 23 d.

Outwin, Margaret, May 26, 1833, 5 y. 11 m. 5 d.

Owens, Isaac, 1814. 64 years.

Owens, Levena, wife of Isaac, 1825. 80 years.

Owens, John, Jan. 11, 1857, 46th year.

Parks, Samuel, Aug. 28, 1833, 31 years.

Peck, Alida D. Lansing, wife of Allen F., Mar. 1, 1842, 21 years.

Peck, Mary Amanda, daughter of Allen F.

and Hannah, Dec. 26, 1845, 1 y. 8 m.Pennoyer, Jessy, April 24, 1856, 80 y. 4 m. 18 d.

Peppenck, Todora, Feb. 14, 1857, 7 y. 3 m.Peppenck, Yan, kinder of Yan and Grade

Peppenck, Aug. 3, 1801, 1 y. 2 m.Pflug, A. (Nothing else on stone).

Pierce, Catharine, wife of Horace, May 15, 1860, 63 years.

Phelps, Caroline M., Juij^ 14,. 1836, 21 years.

Pillenger, John Thompson, My 18, 1307, 1 y. 12 d.

Platto, James A. and Eddy Gr. (Nothing else

on stone.)

Platto, Charlie Reed, July 25, 1862, 1 y. 11m.Pode, John, Dec. 18, 1854, 53 years.

Poinier, Jacob, son of Ch. P. and Elizabeth, Oct. 8, 1805, 2 m. 15 d.

Pond, Jennette Courtney, wife of Sylvanus B., Sept. 30, 1822, 28 years.

Pond, Julia Maria, daughter of Jennette C. andSylvanus B., Oct. 15, 1821, 9 months.

Price, John, Dec. 6, 1791, 68 y. 3 m. 11 d.

Price, Cornelia, July 15, 1813, 89 y. 8 m. 9 d.

Pruyn, Mary, daughter of Casparus F. andAnn, Mar. 19, 1824, 1 y. 1 m. 21 d.

Putnam, Samuel, only son of Stephen andMaria, April 7, 1832, 4 y. 11 m.

Putnam, Laura, daughter of Elisha and Esther, Jan. 18,1801, 3 y. 14 d.

Quackenboss, John, son of Peter and Mary, Jan. 3, 1803, 2G y. 8 m. 20 d.

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Radliff, Matthew, son of Jacob and Eve,

Eadliff, James,Radliff, EUoner, wife of James,

Eadliff", Fanny Ann, daughter of James andElloner,

Relay, Caroline E.,

Reynolds, Edward,Reynolds, George, son of Edward and Eliza-


Richards, Ann,Robbins, Louisa,

Robichaux, Margaret, wife of James,

Roseboom, Garret,

Roseboom, Henry,(First interment in ground).

Rotman, Peter Albertas,

Rotman, Anne, daughter of Gerret H. andJohanna C,

Russ, John Peter, son of Adam and Ehzabeth,

Russell, Charles (of New Bedford),

Russell, Martha, relict of Charles,

Ryan, Catharine, daughter of James and'Esther,

Ryckman, Peter,

Ryckman, Susannah,

Sacia, Jane Ann,Schmidt, Anna Henrietta,

Schermerhorn, Gertrude Abel, wife of Ryer,

Schoenmaker, J. C. A.,

Schradt, Minnie,

Schuyler, Cornelia K., wife of Lawrence L.,

Schuyler, Mary Staats, wife of Harmanus P.,

Schuyler, Mary Dean, wife of Harmanus P.,

Seymour, Jane, Avife of William, and their

daughter, Jane Seymour Bullock,

Shaw, Christiana, wife of Napoleon B. Shaw,Sharp, Sarah Ehzabeth, daughter of Jacob

and Eliza Ann,Sharp, James Henry, son of Jacob and Eliza,

Shields, Adam,Shields, Elizabeth, wife of Adam,Shields, Elizabeth, wife of Adam, Jr.,

Shields, Jennet,

Shields, Elinor, wife of Adam, Jr.,

Sharp, Barbara, daughter of Peter G. andMaria,

Shiffer, Joseph D.,

Shiffer, Matilda, wife of Joseph D.,

Shiffer, John James, infant son of Joseph D.

and Matilda,

Shiffer, Alida, daughter of Joseph and Matilda,

Sickles, Christopher,

Sickles, Eliza E., daughter of James and Mary,Sickles. Ellen, daughter of James and Mary,Sickles Mary, wife of James,

Skidmore, Nancy, wife of John,

Skinkle, John, Veteran of 1812,

Sept. 18, 1839,

Dec. 18, 1847,

Aug. 6, 1831,

July 12, 1817,

April 27, 1844,

Aug. 25, 1841,

Sept. 23, 1829,

Feb. 22, 1852,

June 28, 1844,

Aug. 20, 1795,

July 7, 1787,

April 21, 1790,

8 y. 2 ra. 22 d.

02 years.

41 y. 4 m. 25 d.

7 y. 24 d.

19 th year.

52 years.

6 y. 3 d.

8 1 st year.

1 1 m. 26 d.

37 y. 3 ra.

54 y. 5 m.25th year.

June 23, 1865, 10 y. 4 m. 24 d.

April 23, 18G2,

Sept. 11, 1802,

Not stated.

Nov. 24, 1849,

Oct. 21, 1802,

Jan. 15, 1811,

Sept. 3, 1821,

April 1,

Aug. 18;

April 10,

April 30,

April 16,

Nov. 16,















6 y. 10 m. 16 d.

1 year.

69th year,

77th year.

3 y. 1 m. 19 d.

79 y. 8 m. 6 d.

84th year.

33d yetvr.

April 24, 1860.

43 y. 6 m. 4 d,

Jan. 6, 1851.

April 5.

33 y. 10 m. 11 d.

20 y. 10 m.33 y. 2 m. 28 d.

40 y. 7 m. 8 d.

19 y. 2 m. 6 d.

28 years.

Sept. 31, 1827, 1 y. 2 m.

Aug. 16, 1829, 10 m. 17 d.

April 28, 1851, 86th year.

Oct. 29, 1846, 78 years.

July 30, 1836, 40 years.

Jan. 27, 1831, 28 years.

Dec. 1, 1844, 52 years.

Mar. 31, 1834, 10 y. 8 m. 5 d.

Sept. 14, 1830, 34 y. 9 m. 11 d.

April 7, 1828, 27 y. 4 m. 1 d.

Dec. 9, 1827, 8 m. 10 d.

June 4, 1825, 1 y. 6 m. 25 d.

Oct. 22, 1847, 42 y. 5 m. 3 d.

Dec. 21, 1829, 26 years.

Nov. 25, 1831, Not stated.

April 19, 1840, 65 y. 2 m. 6 d.

April 26, 1797, 35 years.

Feb. 21, 1861, 91 years.

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Slack, Francis Mary, daughter of Robert and

Francis, Sept. 21, 1830, 2 y 7 m. U d.

Slack, John, son of Robert and Francis, June 19, 1833, 7 y. 11 m. 22 d.

Slack, Anna Barbara, daughter of Robert and

Frances, Aug. 20, 1833, 3 y. 1 m. 22 d.

Slingerland, Hester, June 22, 1817, 38 y. 8 m.

Smith, J. I. Newton, son of Z. S. and Sarah

Beebe, his wife, Sept. 27, 1840, 2 y. 9 m. 9 d.

Snyder, Mrs. Femmirie, wife of Nicholas, and

daughter of Rev. Alpianus Sinderen, Stone sunk.

Southwick, Solomon W., July 31, 1835, 31 y. 6 m. 18 d,

Southwick, Mary Ann, daughter of SolomonW. and Sarah B., Jan. 1, 1833, 9 months.

Southwick, Frances, daughter of Solomon W.and Sarah B., Not stated. 3 years.

Southwick, Wilmarth, Aug. 19, 1849, 66 years.

Southwick, Hannah, Jan. 24, 1844, 7o years.

Smedes, Ann, daughter of Aldert and EHza-

beth, June 12, 1808, 22 y. 2 m. 12 d.

Spencer, Laura 0., daughter of the late

Alexander, of Dutchess County, died in

Greenbush, Dec. 2, 1835, 35 years.

Staats, Cuyler, son of Barrent G. Staats and

Catharine Cuyler, June 24, 1832, 25 y. 5 m. 18 d.

Staats, Lydia Cuyler, Dec. 24, 1864, May 8, 1814.

Staats, Isaac, Oct. 4, 1829, 44 years.

Staats, John Y., April 22, 1830, 53 y. 5 m.

Staats, William, May 22, 1825, 89 y. 15 d.

Staats, Anna, wife of William, June 3, 1829, 79 y. 5 m. 11 d.

Staats, Ann, widow of Henry, Feb. 25, 1829, 82 years.

Staats, Elizabeth Wendell, wife of Barrent, Stone sunk.

Staats, Wihiam I., son of John Y. and Maria, Oct. 7, 1808, 2 y. 5 m. 22 d.

Steele, Harriet Jane, May 4, 1840, 16 y. 6 m.

Stevenson, Stephen, June 7, 1842, 16 y. 1 m. 6 d.

Strain, John, son of John F. and D. Henrietta, Oct. 23, 1846, 5 y. 9 m. 12 d.

Strain, Samuel Harbeck, Sept. 15, 1847, 1 y. 1 m. Id.

Strain, William James, son of John F. and D.

Henrietta, July 14, 1843, 10 m. 8 d.

Strain, Catharine Harbeck, Nov. 28, 1850, 1 y. 11 m. 6 d.

Johnny (with Strain family).

Sueko, Karolina, Sept. 1, 1863, Jan. 4, 1861.

Sykes, Philo Duer, son of Asaph and Lydia A., Sept. 11, 1831, 3 y. 11 m. 27 dSykes, William Henry, son of Asaph and

Lydia A., April 11, 1833, 8. m. 3 d.

Sykes, Asaph, Sept. 3, 1836, 34 y. 11 m.

Swits, Schuyler, son of Brandt and Alida, April 15, 1799, 8 months.

Tayler, John, Mar. 19, 1829, 86 y. 7 m. 23 d.

Tayler, Margaret, wife of John, July 16, 1796, 53 y. 7 m. 4 d.

' Taylor, Sarah LiUie, infant child of Charles Land Mary, E., July 25, 1866, July 4, 1866.

Teelin, Maria Louisa, daughter of James andRachel E., Dec. 15, 1844, 3 y. 4 m, 8 d.

Ten Eyck, Abraham, Nov. 7, 1824, 80 years.

Ten Eyck! Anna, wife of Abraham, Jan. 26, 1823, 76 y. 6 m.

Ten Eyck, Jacob C, Sept. 9, 1793, 88 y. 4 m. 7 d.

Ten Evck, Catharine, Nov. 15, 1790, 81 years.

Ten Eyck, Bareut, Feb. 27, 1795, 80 y. 5 m.

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Nov. 27, 1791,

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Vandenburgh, Catharine, wife of William, Aug. 25, 1848, 53 years.

Vandenbergh,' William H., son of William I.

and Catharine, Feb. 17, 1829, 2d year.

Vandervoort, Charles, consort of Eliza Stanley, Feb. 12,1818, 24th year.

Van Dusen, Elizabeth, Not stated, 46th year.

Van Duesen, Getty, Nov. 29, 1837, 57 y. 3 m. 21 d.

Van Deuersen, Lydia, relict of the late Peter, April 26, 1832, 70th year.

Van Kleeck, James, Nov. 26, 1822, 35 years.

Van Ingen, Margaret, daughter of James andGertrude, Sept. 26, 1810, 1 y. 1 m. 6 d.

Van Ingen, Catharine Bleecker, wife of James, April 4,1798, 29 years.

Van Ingen, Elizabeth Schuyler, wife of James, Feb. 8, 1801, 29 years.

Van Nouhinis, Onzen Geliefden, son of M. L., Oct. 26, 1852, 20 y. 6 m. 18 d.

Van Ingen, Peter S., Aug. 3, 1809,

Van Reenen, Henry, Aug. 15, 1854, 1 y. 6 m.

Van Santvoord, Anthony, Feb. 17, 1852, 90 y. 5 m. 3 d.

Van Santvoord, Rachel Groesbeck, wife of

Anthony (died in Middle Dutch Church), Mar. 8, 1835, 60 y. 2 m. 3 d.

Van Schaick, John B., Jan. 3, 1839, 35 years.

Van Schaick, John, Mar. 1, 1820, 46 y. 2 m.

Van Schaick, eldest daughter of Wessel andMaria, Aug. 16, 1813, 07 y. 22 d.

Van Schaick, Jolianna Frances Bloodgood,

daughter of S. De Witt and Eliza, Aug. 6, 1826, Aug. 25, 1825.

Van Schaick, Nicholas,"

Sept. 22, 1831, 30th year.

Van Schaick, Margaret Ann^Linacre, wife of

Nicholas, Aug. 21, 1828, 19 y. 11 m. 1 d.

Van Schaack, Egbert Henry, son of John andElizabeth, April 29, 1830, 8 m. 20 d.

Van Schaack, Maria, Feb. 17. 1825, 54 y. 9 m. 13 d.

Van Schaack, Egbert, May 31, 1816, 52 y. 1 m. 25 d.

Van Schaack, Anna, daughter of John andElizabeth, Mar. 28, 1828, 1 y. 6 m. 14 d.

Van Schaack, Nicholas, son of Cornelius, Oct. 2, 1799, 15 y. 4 m. 27 d.

Van Schaick, Maria, relict of Wessel, Jan. 31, 1797, 79 y. 7 m.Van Schelluyne, Cornells, April 13, 1813, 74th year.

Van Schelluyne, Elizabeth Roseboom, wife of

Cornells, Mar. 18, 1800. 57 y. 9 m. 18 d.

Van Swol, Elizabeth E., daughter of J., Mar. 14, 1S53, Feb. 11, 1852.

Van Olinda, Angelina (nothing- else on stone).

Van Kleeck, two infant children of Lawrenceand Alice, Not stated. Not stated.

Van Veghten, Cornelius, son of Walter andAnna, July 11, 1814, 11 days.

Van Veghten, Abraham 0., son of Walter andCatharine, Jan. 13, 1816, 13 y. 8 m. 8 d.

Van Wie, Wilham, July 29, 1816, 76th year.

Van Wie, Jane, widow of William, July 19, 1821, 76th year.

Van Wie, Benjamin, June 9, 1837, 62 years.

Van AVie, Magdalene, wife of Benjamin, April 9, 1844, 67 years.

Van Wde, Casparus, Mar. 17,1818, 75 y. 4 m. 6 d.

Van Wie, Jane, wife of Casparus, Aug. 16, 1815, 75 y. 8 m. 28 d.

Van Wie, Rachel, July 25, 1842, 65 y. 9 m. 2d.Van Wie, Margaret, wife of Garret H., May 22, 1808, 28 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Van Woert, Henry (a revolutionary officer), Feb. 5, 1813, 65 y. 10 m.Van Woert, Catharine, widow of Henry, Oct. 4, 1825, 75 years.

Van Woert, Andrew, eldest son of Henry andCatharine, Sept. 27, 1798, 25 y. 2 m.

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Van Woert, Henry,Van Zandt, Eleanor, widow of William,Van Zandt, Mary Hilton, wife of Rykart,Van Zandt, Joseph,

Van Zandt, Jacobus,

Van Zandt, Mary, relict of Jacobus,Van Zandt, Rykert,Vedder, Hannah Weeks, wife of Alexander,Veeder, Gitty,

Veeder, Maria, daughter of Volkert and Ann,Veeder, Ann, daughter of Volkert S. and Ann,Veeder, Ann, daughter of Volkert S. and Ann,Visher, Garrit T.,

Visher, Rachel Vandenburgh, wife of GarritT.,

Visher, Garrit G., son of Garrit T.,

Visscher, Rebecca Brooks, late consort ofGarret G.,

Visscher, Peter, son of Henry and Rebecca,Visscher, Rebecca, wife of the late Henry,Visscher, Bastiaen T.,

Visscher, Angeltie, wife of Bastiaen T.,

Visscher, Teaunis G.,

Visscher, Alida, wife of Tennis G.,

Visscher, James, son of Teunis and Alida,

Visscher, Lansing, son of Teunis and Alida,

Visscher, Christopher Lansing,

Visscher, Alieda,

Voorhees, Mary Kane, wife of W.,Vosburgh, Hannah, wife of Jacob J.,

"Wakeman, Burr, (from Weston, Conn.),

Washburn, John B.,

Waterman, Hannah Vanderzee, wife of Jer-


Waterman, Samuel,Wemple, Rebecca V. Z., daughter of John D.

W. and Julia,

Wendell, John H,Wendell, CathaHna Van Benthuysen, consort

of Gen. John H.,

Wendell, Philip Van Vechten, son of Har-manus A. and Catharine,

Wendell, Sarah, widow of Philip,

Wendell, Harmanus A.,

Wendell, Catharine, daughter of Jacob H.and Gertrude Lansing,

Wendell, Ann, daughter of Harmanus,Wendell, Jane, daughter of John and Cath-


Wendell, Jane Maria, daughter of John andCathalina,

Wendell, Maria, daughter of Harmanus J. andBarbara,

Wendell, Harmen, son of John H. and Cath'


Wendell, Jacob H.,

Wendell, Gertrude, relict of Jacob H.,

June 21, 1814,

Dec. 21, 1859,

Dec. 13, 1830,

March 9, 1836,

Nov. 8, 1795,

May 22, 1814,

June 6, 1844,

Jan. 24, 1813,

Stone sunk.

June 13, 1803,

July 9, 1795,

Aug. 24, 1797,

Jan. 5, 1805,

Oct. 5, 1799,

Dec. 13, 1799,

30 years.

78 years.

83 y. 5 m. 20 d.

64 years.

62 y. 11 m. 19 d.

Stone sunk.'^" - 6 m. 16 d.78 y. . .

35 y. 1 m. 21 d.

Stone sunk.

17 months.2 y. 12 d.

66 y. 10 m. 29 d.

49 years.

27 y. 3 m. 12 d.





4, 1804,

19, 1807,

31. 1832,

9, 1809,

17, 1789,

19, 1829.

4, 1848,'

June 23, 1830,

Sept. 21, 1840,

Not stated.

Not stated,

Aug. 11, 1840,

May 10, 1848,

Aug. 20, 1832,

April 27, 1825,

Jan. 12, 1818,

Feb. 7, 1826,

June 27, 1838,

July 10, 1832,

30 y. 1 m.10 y. 1 m.57 th year.

81 y. 1 m.60th year.

64 y. 25 d.

80 y. 3 m.27 y. 6 m.43 y. 6 m.1 y. 2 m.1 y. 1 m.

69th year.

82 y. 5 m.

29 y. 7 m. 27 d.

39 years.

24 y. 8 m. 5 d.

32d year.

17 m. 19 d.

80 years.

10 d.

20 d.


20 d.

1 d.

4d.26 d.


14 d.

Jan. 1, 1817, 55 y. 11 m. 10 d.

Oct. 21, 1816,

April 20, 1830,

July 15, 1819,

Dec. 11, 1813,

Jan. 8, 1829,

Nov. 24, 1793,

Aug. 23, 1793,

Dec. 26, 1826,

July 11, 1810,

Mar. 23, 1826,

May 18, 1827,

26 y. 4 m. 26 d.

58 y. 2 m. 14 d.

75 y. 9 rn. 9 d.

24 y. 10 m.62d year.

1 y. 9 m. 21 d.

1 y. 9 m.

55th year.

20 y. 5 m. 11 d.

71 y. 5 m. 2 d.

68 y. 8 mo. 18 d.

Page 28: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Wetsell. Julia C, daughter of Jacob andAmeline, Dec. 19, 1839, 2 y. 9 d.

Whitney, William, March 6, 1854, Dec. 14, 1820.

Whitney, Henry Z., Oct. 8, 1847, Aug. 4, 1825.

Whitney, Caroline August, Jan. 27, 1832, 13 months.

Whitney, Stephen, Sept. 16, 1834, 13 months.

Whitney, Armenia, wife of William, Aug. 16, 1852, March 14, 1802.

Whalen, Elizabeth, wife of Jeremiah, April 27, 1848, March 18, 1785.

Whitney, Walter, July 18, 1846, 87th year.

Whitney, Anah, wife of Walter, Jan. 30, 1845, 80th year.

Wickham, E. (Nothing else on board. Two of these alike.)

Wickoff, Anna E. B., May 12, 1845, Aug. 27, 1822.

Willett, Catharine, wife of Elbert, May 15, 1823, 88 y. 11 m.

Willett, Edward, May 14, 1815, Oct. 12, 1786.

Willett, Margaret Cooper, wife of Edward, July 29, 1846, Dec. 24, 1788.

Willett' Edward S., son of Edward and Eliza-

beth, June 26, 1842, Oct. 23, 1838.

Willett Sarah, daughter of Edward and Eliza-

beth, April 17, 1845, April 1, 1845.

Willett, Ann Eliza, daughter of Richard andMargaret, Feb. 26, 1847, March 31, 1808.

Winne, David P., . June 6. 1843, Feb. 12, 1779.

Winne, Rachel, April 13; 1849, Aug. 13, 1782.

Winne, Mary, daughter of David P. andRachel, Mar. 7, 1817, 3 y. 2 m. 21 d.

Winne, Cornelius, son of David P. and Rachel, Sept. 22, 1819, Stone sunk.

Winne, Rachel Ann, daughter of Daniel D.

and Mary Ann, Dec. 9, 1839, 1 y. 2 m. 9d.

Winne, David D., son of Daniel D. and MaryAnn, April 1832, 2 y. 1 m. 19 d.

Winne, Ann Eliza, wife of William B., Oct. 28, 1849, 37th year.

Winne, Charles Augustus, son of William B.

and Ann Eliza, April 29, 1848, 5th year.

Winne, Ann Eliza, daughter of Wm. B. andAnn Eliza, Feb. 12, 1850, 4th year.

Winne, Minnie S., May 17, 1858, Stone sunk.

Winne, Henry A., Sept. 19, 1852, 10 y. 5 m.Winne, Dr. Naning V., June 23, 1858, Stone broken.

Winne, Sarah, wife of John W., and daughterof William and Rebecca Diamond, Nov. 15, 1830, 23 y. 11 m. 9 d.

Winne, Cornelius, Dec. 27, 1825, 33 v. 10 m. 5 d.

Winne, Myndert, April 18, 1831, 24 y. 11 m. 18 d.

Winne, Daniel J., Jan. 4, 1819, 49 y. 22 d.

Winne, Levinus, (re-interred, 1847,) Dec. 6, 1826, 81st year.

Winne, Maria, wife of Levinus, (re-interred,

1847), Mar. 29, 1824, 77th year.

Wood, Daniel. Mar. 13, 1836, 73 years.

Woodbury, Eunice, Feb. 9, 1848, 42d year.

Woodbnr}^^ Hannah, April 5, 1845, 73 years.

Woodhull, Capt. Samuel T. Jr., (of WadingRiver, L. Island), Aug. 14, 1834, 23 y. 3 m. 3 d.

Wolf, Jacobus, (born in Holland), Feb. 1861, Dee. 1845.Witt, Huldah, (of Chelsea, Mass.) Feb. 22, 1813, 19 y. 3 m. 22 d.

Wynkoop, William, son of James & Cathahna, Feb. 2, 1798, 3 y. 9 m. 27 d.

Wynkoop, Jacobus, May 4, 1795, 74 years.

Wynkoop, Alida, wife of Mr. Jacobus, Oct. 16, 1781, 58 y. 5 d.

Wnykoop, Anne Gansevoort, relict of C. D., Aug. 9, 1794, 49 y. 10 m. 3 d.

J. W. (nothing else on board).

W. W. (nothing else on board).

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Yates, Ann Mary, wife of Peter W., Esq., Nov. 23, 1794,Yates, Daniel, June 29, 1802,Yates, Judeth, Feb, 5, 1805,Yates, Abraham I., Feb. 10, 18 5,

Yates, Jane, wife of Abraham I., Nov. 22, 1802,

Yates, Rachel Van Zandt, widow of Henry, April 5, 1846,

Yates, Christopher A., Nov. 8, 1809,

Yates, Sarah A., daughter of Christopher A., Feb. 6, 1794,

Yates, Catharine, Mar. 16, 1791,Young, Thomas Harman, son of George and

Eliza, July 19, 1829,Young, George, Jr., son of George and Eliza, April 4, 1829,Young, Sarah, daughter of George and Eliza, June 25, 1825,Young, Catharine, daughter of George and

Eliza, Oct. 19, 1828,

Young, Eve, widow of Peter, Mar. 31, 1826,Young, Margaret, daughter of Peter and Eve, Stone sunk.

Young, Margaret Basset, wife of John, Sept. 4, 1800, 60th year.

45 years.

27 y. 9 m. 20 d.

77 y. 11 ra. 28 d.

71 y. 1 m. 24 d.

70 y. 9 m. 15 d.

80 y. 7 m. 27 d.

71st year.

22 y. 1 m. 21 d.

52 y. 3 m. 24 d.

2 y. 3 m. 4 d.

8 m. 4 d.

2 m. 25 d.

5 y. 6 m. 24 d.

74th year.


Abbot, George F., Mar. 23, 1811, 36 y. 9 m. 20 d.

Abbot, John James, July 19,1810, 84th year.

Abbot, Mary Catharine, wife of John James, Aug. 19, 1809, 64th year.

Adams, Ann Bassett, wife of Samuel, July 15, 1814, 22 y. 9 m. 9 d.

Adams, infant child of Samuel, July 14,1814, 19 days.

Adams, Ann Sophia, Aug. 15, 1813, 1 y. 3 m. 17 d.

Agnew, John, (native of Ireland), Sept. 9, 1837, 37 years.

Allan son, Isabella, daughter of Peter & Sarah, Dec. 24,1813, 11 years.

AUanson, Sally, Aug. 4, 1810, 7 y. 7 m.Allen, Anna Hall, wife of James, Nov. 12, 1832, 61 years.

Anderson, James, son of James and Mary, Mar. 17, 1825, 11 m. 6 d.

Andrews, John, April 4, 1816, 84 years.

Andrews, Thomas, (native of England), Jan. 23, 1839, 48 y. 9 m.Ashenden, James H., (native of England), Nov. 12, 1840, 29th year.

Atherly, Albert D., Not stated. Not stated.

Atkins, Margaret M., Sept. 11, 1860, 37 y. 13 d.

Atkins, Richard, son of Ben. and Elizabeth, Aug. 31, 1835, June 30, 1834,



Bamman, Edward,Bamman, Henry,Baker, William,

Baldwin, Cynthia L., wife of B. A.,

Baldwin, Ellen, wife of B. A.,

Barnes, Angelica Alexandria, daughter ofJohnand Catharine,

Barnes, Elizabeth Williams, daughter of Johnand Catharine,

Barnes, Elizabeth Caroline, daughter of

Samuel S. and Ann, natives of England,(Children of Henry Bartlett and Fanny Churchill), of Plymouth, Mass.Bartlett, Charles Henry, Jan. 22, 1824, 4 years.



29, 1827, 8 y. 5 m. 29 d.

4, 1849, 64 years.

11, 1863, 20 years.

17, 1849, 24 years.

12, 1855, 25 years.

18, 1840, 1 y. 2 m. 18 d.

15, 1840, 5 m. 8 d.

Aug. 28, 1840, 3 y. 2 m.

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Bartlett, Fanny,Bateman, Margaret, daughter of Edward andMary Ann,

Beckett, Thomas,Beckett, Ehzabeth, wife of Thomas,Bedford, David,

Beil, Charlotte Ahce, daughter of James andFanny,

Bell, William John, son of James and Fanny,Beecher, Theodore W.,Beecher, Francis Seger,

Bell, Isaac (native of England),Benham, Catharine Bedford, wife of James,Berger, Andrew, (native of France),

Blackail, Thomas, son of Charles and Mary,and infant,

Blackail, Martha, daughter of Charles andMary,

Blackail, Thomas, (native of England),Bleakly, William, (native of Ireland),

Black, Wm. J., son of John and Jane,

Bond, Alexander,

Booth, Harriet Fuller, wife of William,

Booth, Harriet, daughter of William, andHarriet,

Boyd, Mary Cathaline, daughter of Hugh andMary A. D.,

Boyd, Hugh, infant son of Hugh and MaryA. D.,

Boyd, Hugh,Boyle, William Spencer, son of Arthur andMary Ann,

Brainerd, Nancy D., daughter of Rev. Elijah

and Parthenia his wife,

Brammall, James,Bradstreet, John,

Briare, Peter (native of France),

Brown, Rebecca, wife of John,

Brown, Ann, wife of Nathaniel,

Bruckle, Rosen a,

Buckbee, David,

Bugbey, Abiel,

Bugbey, Maria, infant child of Abiel,

Burgess, Thomas,Burns, Mary Crawford, wife of Matthew,Burroughs, William,

Burroughs, Clara Francis Scarfe, grand-daughter of William,

Jan. 14, 1824, 6th year.

Aug. 13, 1840,

Feb. 2, 1862,

Aug. 24, 1834,

Mar. 20, 1813,

Aug. 14, 1855,

June 21, 1855,

Oct. 17, 1843,

Jan. 2, 1839,

Feb. 12, 1838,

Jan. 27, 1815,

Nov. 10, 1828,

July 12, 1839,

Not stated,

July 24, 1844,

Nov. 17, 1844,

Nov. 12, 1822,

Sept. 29, 1843,

Aug. 9, 1835,

Oct. 16, 1848,

Mar. 11, 1849,

Mar. 19, 1845,

June 13, 1839,

June 27, 1842,

1 y. 10 m,April 10, 1814.

40 y. 9 m. 24 d.

45 y. 5 m. 13 d.

2 y. 8 m. 7 d.

7 m. 7 d.

Jan. 10, 1811.

July 6, 1838.

23 y. 11 m. 12 d.

20 y. 9 m.72 years.

1 y. 9 m. 26 d.

3 days.

10 y. 8 m. 5 d.

75 y. 3 m. 18 d.

42 years.

3 y. 15 d.

58 years.

21st year.

1 y. 2 m.

2 y. 6 m. 19 d.

6 m. 21 d.

25 years.

Feb. 11, 1842, 2 y. 6 m. 8 d.

Mar. 21, 1849,

Oct. 21, 1848,

Mar. 7, 1813,

Nov. 10, 1828,

July 22, 1857,

July 21,1815,Aug. 20, 1859,

Feb. 3, 1819,

July 15, 1830,

Not stated,

Aug. 15, 1834,

May 10, 1843,

May 12, 1860,

60 years.

28 y. 2 m.8 y. 7 m. 10 d.

59 years.

57th year.

27 y."2 m. 17 d.

Dec. 30, 1858.

27 y. 4 m.45th year.

18 days.

46 y. 5 m. 2d.

25 y. 24 d.

75 years.

May 5, 1859, 10 months.

Calhoun, Lavinia, wife of John, Nov.Calvert, Edward, Jan.

Cantwell, James, Mar.E. C. (nothing else on board).

Carter, Catharine, Dec.

Carter, Theophilus, Dec.

Carter, Theophilus, Feb.

Chadwick, Anne Maria, daughter of James Stone sunk in

and Abigail, ground,

19, 1844, 52d year.

30, 1831, 23 years.

2, 1842, 41st year.

6, 1834, Not stated.

2, 1826, 72d year.

1835, Not stated.

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Dwyer, John Harbury, (Prof, of Elocution,

native of Ireland), Dec. 14, 1845, Born 1780.

Eaglestone, Tlichard (native of England), Aug. 21, 1835, 60 year.

Eggleston, Maria Catharine, wife of William, Feb. 13, 1845, 3G year?.

Eldridge, Typena Ann, daughter of Richard

and Typhena (native of Antigua, "West

Indies), Mar. 10, 1832, 9 years.

Ellery William, July 22, 1859, 19 years.

Ellison, Rev. Thomas, A. M., of Queen's

College, Oxford, Great Britain, one of the

Regents of the University of this State,

and for 15 vears rector of St. Peter's


April 26, 1802, 43 years.

Evertson, Eliza Selina, wife of Marta, and

daughter of Richard and Sarah Tillman, May 8, 1835, 45 y. 2 m. 7d.

Fanstone, James William, son of James and

Ehza, Aug. 18, 1858, 1 y. 7 m.

Fenno, Caroline, May 1, 1805, 14 y. 1 m. 3 d.

Fish, Lucy Ann Pierce, consort of Joseph, Sept. 18, 1832, 28th year.

Finegan, Wilham Francis, Sept. 25, 1847, 10 m. 25 d.

Fisk, Jemima, Sept. 4, 1857, 66th year.

Fisk, Francis, Feb. 15, 1849, 25 y. 13 d.

Fisk, Anthony, Aug. 14, 1832, 55 years.

Fitzpatrick, John, (native of Ireland), Sept. 7, 1834, 47 years.

Fleming, Grace, daughter of Peter and Mary, Sept. 4, 1846, 15 months.

Foot, Ebenezer, July 21, 1814, 41 y. 15 d.

Francis, Mary Eliza, daughter of Joseph and

Ehza, Feb. 8, 1842, 6 w. 4 d.

Francis! John Henry, June 29, 1846, 1 y. 4 m. 19 d.

Frey (?). Name indistinct. Not stated. Not stated.

Fryer, Isaac, June 13, 1802, 68 years.

Fryer Elizabeth HiIto>n^ Avife of Isaac, Dec. 27, 1794, 57 y. 10 m. 28 d.

Fryer, Isaac I., May 10, 1831, 68 y. 5 m. 2 d.

Fryer Sarah, wife of Thomas, and daughter

of Joseph and Sarah Norres,_

Oct. 16, 1793, 22 y. 30 d.

Fryer Catharine, daughter of Isaac and Eliza-

beth F., Oct. 3, 1791, 60 y. 2 m. 3 d.

Fryer William, son of Isaac and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1815, 51 y. 16 d.

Fryer; John, Dec. 16, 1815, 49 y. 15 d.

Fryer, William, son of John and Christiana, Dec. 10, 1817, 7 y. 6 m. 27 d.

Fryer' Catharine, daughter of John and

Cliristiana, April 25, 1818, 10 y. 2 m. 13 d.

Galxenne, John, son of John and Elizabeth

(native of Guernsey), June 22, 1852, 29 y. 1 m. lid.

Gates, Daniel, Sept. 6, 1854, 33 y. 3 m. 27 d.

G. G. (nothing else on board).

W. G. (nothing else on board).

Gibson, Eliza Anderson, wife of Robert, Sept. 2, 1847, 28th year.

Gill, Mary, wife of John, Mar. 10, 1814, 73 years.

Gilli Williams, June 9, 1839, 63d year.

Gill John W., son of WiUiama and Eleanor J., Sept. 25,1840, 7th year.

Gilll Matthew, Feb. 10, 1841, 67 y. 6 m. 4 d.

Gill, Rebecca, widow of Matthew, July 22, 1848, 80 years.

Gill, George, Feb. 17, 1816, 45th year.

Gill, Martha, wife of George, April 19, 1836, 61st year.

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Gill, Mary T., daughter of Robert and Eliza-

beth, May 22, 1836, 17 y. 6 m.Gill, John T., son of Robert and Elizabeth, July 24, 1840, 2 y. 2 m.Gill, WilHani H., son of Thomas and Ann, Mar. 9, 1854, 19 y. 6. m.Gillespie, Harriet E. de Normandie, Jan. 7, 1827, 20th year.

Gladding, Margaret J., wife of Timothy C, Jan. 30, 1832, 20 y. 8 m. 11 d.

and infant, Aug. 15, 1832, 8 m. 5 d.

Gladding, Rosetta G, wife of George W., July 29, 1846, 33 y. 8 m.Gladdirfg, J;ine McN. and Rosetta G., children May 9, 1845, 4 y. 6 ni. 11 d.

of George W., and Rosetta, June 2, 1845, 2 y. 4 m. 1 d.

Glass, John (native of Ireland), drowned, Aug. 5, 1848, 27th year.

Gould, Stephen G., son of Job and Mary, June 20, 1807, 4 m. 11 d.

Green, Ann Jane and Frances Elizabeth, April 5, 1839, 4 years,

daughters of Edward and Mary Ann, Nov. 5, 1842, 4 y. 8 m.Green, Mary Aldridge, wife of Benjamin, Feb. 27, 1858, 64th year.

Gray, Robert, 1837, Not stated.

Graham, Octavia Maria, Dec. 23, 1829,

Gregory, Matthew, Lieutenant in Revolu-tionary Army, 1848, 92 years.

Gregory, Elizabeth, wife of Matthew, (native

of England), Aug. 2, 1826, Not stated.

Gregory, John H. May 21, 1862, 6 y. 1 m.Gregory, Margaret, April 12, 1851, 4 y. 6 m.Gregory, Martha Jane, Sept. 11, 1855, 5 years.

Groesbeck, Ann Eliza, wife of John, young-est daughter of John C. and Eve Frederick, Dec. 22, 1830, 30 years.

Groesbeck, John, son of John and Ann Ehza, Oct. 28, 1831, April 2, 1828.

Ham, Jane E., Jan. 22, 1853, 10 y. 3 m.Harrison, Benjamin, Jan. 18, 1864, 48th year.

Hart, Thomas, (native of Ireland), Dec. 21, 1843, 39 y» 8 m. 27 d.

Hartley, Joseph J., son of Robert and Eliza-

beth, Feb. 19, 1841, 1 y. 1 m. 21 d.

Hanlfcy, Mary Louisa, daughter of Lcaman S.

and Gertrude L., April 16, 1848, 1 y. 5 m.J. H. and M. H. (Foot-stones.)

Heister, Alexander, Mar. 19, 1864, Oct. 9, 1858.

Henderson, William, Feb. 11, 1825, 57th year.

Hendrickson, Caroline, daughter of John andMaria, June 1, 1825, 2 y. 4 m. 9 d.

Hendrickson, Theodore, son of John andMaria, May 12, 1824, 26 y. 1 m.

Henkrickson, George R., son of John andMaria, April 16, 1830, 28 y. 8 m. 28 d.

Hendrickson, Ann Augusta Thorn, infant

daughter of George R. and Margaret, Time of death and age invisible.

Hewson, Thomas E., Sept. 28, 1848, 27th year.

Hill, Sarah, relict of Daniel, daughter of Johnand Ruth Gould, of Rhode Island. Sept. 5, 1812, 78th year.

Hill, John, Nov. 21, 1831, 65th year.

Hill, John Walter, son of John and Rachel, Oct. 11, 1844, 22 y. 1 m.Hill, Charles, son of John and Elenor, April 20, 1806, 1 y. 6 m. 6 d.

Hinman, James, lost his life by fall of State

street bridge. (Stone broke and apart fromgrave.) Aug. 22, 1840, 52 years.

Higham, WiUiam, May 9, 1813, 1 y. 9 m. 21 d.

Higham. Abraham, (native of England), Dec. 17, 1825, 63 y. 4 m. 5d.

Hodge, Catharine, wife of John, Oct. 26, 1841, 32 years.

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Hodge, John,Hoffman, Eliza,

Holden, Mary, wife of James,Holden, James,Hooker, Mary, wife of Philip,

Hooker, Philip,

Hooker, Sally Ann, daughter of Samuel, Jr.,

and Christiana,

Hosford, Mrs. Mary, wife of Harley,Hill, Mary, wife of Samuel,Hill, Samuel,Hill, Thomas, son of Samuel and Mary,Hudson, John, son of Moses and Amelia,Hudson, John, Robert, Richard, Christopherand Margaret, children of W. and M.,

Hughes, Sarah, wife of John,Hughes, George,Hughes, Sarah,

Hughes, Ann Maria,Hughes, John,

Humphries, Mary, Avife of Dr. Samuel,Humphrey, William Lightbody, son of George

and Eleanor, (Lansingburgh).Hunter, James,Hunter, Isabella, wife of James,Hunter, James, (for some years principal edi-

tor of Albany Daily Advertiser),Hurst, Elizabeth, wife of Henry,Hurst, Prudence, daughter of Henry and


Husk, Samuel and Sarah, father-in-law andmother-in-law of James Kelly.

Hyde, John W.,Hyde, Elizabeth, wife of John W.,

Iggett, Edward (native of England),Iggett, Johanna, wife of Edward,Iggett, John,

Aug. 30, 1850, 54 y. 7 m.

May 18. 1844, Sept. 27, 1794.

Sept. 5, 1833, 73 years.

Sept. 26, 1812, 39 years.

Jan. 31, 1836, 69 y. 3 ra. 6 d.

Oct. 15, 1806, 19 m. 12 d.

Mar. 3, 1815, 25 y. 1 m. 12 d.

Jan. 15, 1816, 44th year.

May 12, 1819, 52d year.

Aug. 12, 1825, 21 y. 3 m.

Oct. 6, 1809, 11 y. 10 m.

Time of death and ages not given.

Sept. 13, 1845, Feb. 24, 1816.

Aug. 23, 1844, Aug. 9, 1835.

July 17, 1840, Nov. 7, 1838.

Jan. 31, 1845, Jan. 31, 1843.

Aug. 20, 1845, Oct. 13, 1844.

Aug. 16, 1823, 25 y. 8 d.

Jan. 24, 1819, 1 y. 2 m. 11 d.

Jan. 11, 1805, 43 years.

Dec. 25, 1839, 80 years.

July 15, 1834, 38th year.

Aug. 7, 1838, 47 years.

N6t stated, 3 years.

Not stated. Not stated.

Dec. 19, 1831, 33 v. 7 m. 4 d.

Eeb. 16, 1824, 23 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Mar. 26,1819, 54 years.

Jan. 25, 1841, 77 years.

Feb. 7, 1847, 49 year.

Jackson, Adelaide,

Jackson, Augusta Mary, infant daughter ofCapt. R. H. S. of the British Army andElizabeth his wife, born in England, at

Staindrop Hall, and died in Albany, whileon the way to Canada.

Jackson, Henry,and infant,

Jamieson, Edward Bradstreet, son of Jamesand Ellen,

Janes, Chancellor, son of Wm. and Mary Ann,Jenkins, Mary,Jeacle, John Henry, son of Henry and Jane,W. A.J.,


Johnstone, William, son of John and Elizabeth,Johnson, Hugh (native of Ireland),

Jones, William (native of England),Jones, Harriet, daughter of William,

May 29, 1840, 46 y. 4 m.

June 18. 1851,Feb. 15, 1811,

Not stated.





11, 1844,

17, 1844,

28, 1817,

10, 1839,


30, 1834,

20, 1843,

31, 1849,

15, 1847,

July 29, 1850.

32d year.

2 years.

19 months.6 m. 9 d.

16 y. 2 m. 25 d.

1 y. 2 m. 13 d.

2 y. 3 m. 15 d.

1 y. 1 m. 14 d.

29 y. 8 m.35 years.

10 years.

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Jones. Anne Elizabeth, wife of Joshua I., anddaughter of David Thomas, of Rumney IronWorks, Wales, April 26, 1844, 35 y. 2 m. 19 d.

Jones, Jane Ingram, daughter of Joshua I.

and Anne E., Jan. 25, 1843, 7 y. 10 m. 18 d.

Jones, William David, son of Joshua I. andAnne E., Mar. 18, 1843, 1 y. 4 d.

Jones, Margaret Howard, daughter of JoshuaI. and Anne E., April 29, 1841, 11 m. 8 d.

Jones, Rowland, April 18, 1854, 80 years.

Jones, Margaret Davies, wife of Rowland, Mar. 19, 1854, 74 years.

Jones, Thomas Perry, May 10, 1843, 32 years,

Jones, Mary Jane, daughter of Thomas P. andJane, June 26, 1842, 5 y. 3 ra,

Jones, Georgiana, daughter of Thomas P. andJane, June 10, 1844, 2 y. 7 m.

Kampfer, Julia, daughter of Julius, Sept. 17, 1864, Oct. 30, 1860.

Kane, George, Feb. 16, 1824, 22 y. 5 m. 6 d.

Kane, Eliza! wife of George, Aug. 16, 1819, 32 y. 14 d.

Kane, Mary Jane, daughter of EUza & George, Feb. 8, 1822, Nov. 9, 1818.

Kane, Thomas, son of G. and E. Dec. 10, 1816, Stone sunk.

Kane, John, an infant, Nov. 16, 1816, Not stated.

Kells, Ann, (native of Ireland), April 6, 1844, 36 years.

Kelly, James, Aug. 16, 1848, 48 years.

Kelly, Pi-udence, wife of James, Feb. 4, 1849, 38 years.

Kelly, Joseph and Michael, sons of Prudenceand James. Not stated. Not stated.

Kelly, Sarah, infant daughter of Prudenceand James, Not stated. Not stated.

Kerr, Robert, Esq., Judge of Surrogate Courtof Niagara District, Upper Canada, Mason,&c., Feb. 25, 1824, 69th year.

Kimball, John Spencer, son of Alba & Lydia, July 17, 1825, 1 y. 20 d.

Kirk, Elizabeth, daughter of James and GracyMatchet, Jan. 7, 1831, 34 years.

Kirk, John T., Not stated. 1 year.

Kirk, G. (Foot-stone).

Lacey, Hannah, wife of Rev. Wm. B., Mar. 11, 1831, 37 y. 5 m. 23 d.

Lacey, William Spencer, son of Rev. Wm. B.

and H., May 21, 1821, 5 y. 5 m.

Lansing, Myndert, Apr. 10, 1844, 46th year.

Lansing, Mary, wife of Myndert, and daugh-ter of the Rev. John Usher of Bristol, R. I., Mar. 7, 1845, 78 years.

Lansing, Peter C, son of Myndert and Mary, Sept. 22, 1809, 13 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Lansing, Myndert, 4th son of Myndert andMary, Apr. 24, 1842, 43 years.

Lansing, Sallv W., 3d daughter of Myndertand Mary,


Sept. 10, 1822. 18 years.

Le Breton, Mary Ann, wife of Edward A., Mar. 3, 1808, 29 y. 3 m.

Le Breton, Edward, eldest son of Edward A.and Mary Ann, Feb. 22, 1811, 12 y. 3 m.

Le Breton, Amelia, daughter of Edward andMary Ann, Aue. 21, 1807, 8 m. Id.

Le Breton, John, Dec. 16, 1830, Jan. 12, 1803.

Leach, Susan, daughter of George and Mary, July 22, 1854, 1 m. 11 d.

Leach, Charles E.,'son of George and Mary, June 7, 1857, 1 year.


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Leach, John C, son of George and Mary,Leacli, George W., son of George and Mary.

Le Huray, Mary (native of Guernsey),

Lewis, Abigail, wife of James,

Lobdull, Mrs. Ruth,

Lockwood, Benjamin,Lockwood, Jane EHza, wife of Benjamin,

Lockwood, Elizabeth, daughter of BenjaminW. and Jane E.,

Lomax, Wm. Eaton, son of George and Mar-tha,

Lydius, Balthaser,

McAllister (small stone erected by Wm. andElizabeth, in memory of two little chil-

dren, ages and time of death not stated).

McCasky, William, son of Wm. and Jane,

McGuire, James,

McHugh, Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and


McKowne, Ann. daughter of Agnes and,


McKowne, Francis,

McKowne, Ann,McNiflF. Margaret, wife of Philip.

Maggies, David,

Magilton, Alexander, son of Joseph and Ann,Marshall, Edith H.,

Mascord, William,

Mascord, Susan, wife of William,

Matc'het, James,Matchet, Gracy,

Matchet, James, Jr.,

Matchet, Thomas,Matchet, Wm. Henry,Mazyck, Isaac, E.sq., late of South Carolina,

died in Albany while on a journey for

benefit of his health,

Maxwell, Eliza, wife of James,Menand, Alfred L.,

Merchant, George,

Merchant, Elizabeth, Avife of George,

Merchant, Samuel Leake,

Merchant, Elihu Spencer,

Merchant, Wisula,

Merchant, Henry Sargeant,

Merrifield, Louisa and Charles William, chil-

dren of George and Huldah,

Merrifield Eli, son of George and Huldah,

Metcalf, George, Jr.,

Metcalf, Catharine, widow of Simon,Middleton, Benjamin,Milham, Hiram,

Mills, Harriet, wife of John,

Mitchell, William James, son of James and

Ann,Moat, Francis, daughter of Bryan and Jane A.,

Moflfet, Joseph,

May 25, 1859. 12th year,

July 8, 1859, 11 days.

Feb. 15, 1852, 25 years.

Jan. 12, 1809, 49 y. 29

Julv 14. 1834. 60 V. 3

m. 5d.

Jan. iz, J5uy, ti) y.

July 14, 1834, 60 y. d

June 11, 1828, 34 years.

July 25, 1828, 30 y. 4

Sept. 26, 182.3, 1 y. 7 m. 17 d

Sept. 25, 1860, 15 months.

Nov. 19, 1815, 78 years.

Dec. 15, 1823,

Mar. 4, 1853,

1 y. 9 m. 15 d.

4 m. 17 d.

July 28, 1832, 8 y. 6 m.

Aug. 9, 1840,

Aug. 17, 1845,

Sept. 8, 1846,

Mar. 12, 1815,

Not stated,

Nov. 19, 1841,

, 4, 1854,

3, 1852,

Sept. 29, 1844,

Jan. 25, 1830,

4, 1833,

19, 1829,

April 2, 1825,

June 10, 1811,



Oct. 11, 1806,

Nov. 2, 1858,

July 18, 1843.

Aug. 14, 1830,

July 28, 1814,

Dec. 18, 1819,

Sept. 28, 1794,

Not stated.

July 29, 1839,

Nov. 26th and27th, 1829,

Mar. 11, 1842,

June 17, 1808,

July 8, 1818,

May 31, 1832,

Sept. 28, 1854,

Feb. 16, 1855,

April 7, 1847,

April 26, 1840,

Nov. 8, 1855,

1 y. 24 d.

11 months.13 months.36th year.

Not stated.

2 y. 9 m. 10 d.

March, 2, 1853.

52d year.

52d year.

80th year,

60th year.

24 y. 7 m.31st year.

2 y. 7 m.

40 years,

32 years.

2 m. 15 d.

73 y. 9 m.55 years.

28 years.

2 years.

76 y. 2 m.35 y. 11 m.

3d,26 d.

1 y. 10 m. 22 d.

3 y. 11 m.11 y. 9 m. 15 d.

74 y. 8 m. 9 d.

60th year.

29 years.

27 years.

6 y. 2 m.

2 y. 4 m.26 years.

11 d.

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Montgomery, Jacob H.,

Montgomery, Elizabeth S., daughter of Jessie

and Lydia,

Montgomery, Jesse H.,

Monroe, Margaret, wife of Archibald, anddaughter of John and Mary Agnew,

Moor, Ezekiel (native of Ireland),

Moore, Helen Frances, daughter of Joel andMaria,

Moore, John,

Moore, Harriet,

Morrow, Robert,

Morrow, William (native of Ireland),

Morrow, Samuel,Morrow, Mary Ann,Morrow, Samuel,

Morrow, Joseph,

Morrow, Mary Ann, Avife of Robert,

Morrow, William (native of Ireland),

Morris, Joseph, son of Samuel and E. B.,

Morris, David,

Mould, Mary Weston, wife of John, and three

infant children, Caroline, William and John.

Mossop, G-eorge Maffit (native of Ireland),

Muddle, Sarah, wife of William,

Mullin, John, son of William and Sarah,

Muslin, Celie E., granddaughter of ThomasAndrews,

Aug. 31, 1845, 29th year.


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daughter Ann,Penrose, Catharine Howard, only daughter of

Lieut. Jas. W. and Mary Ann,Picket, WiUiam,Picket, George,Patrick, William C,Pincott, Daniel,

Pincott, George,Pincott, Martha, wife of Thomas,Pollock. Elizabeth, widow of John,

Pollock, Robert, and George Lewis, sons of

John and Mary P.,

Pochin, Catharine, wife of John,

Porter, James,

Porter, John, son of Ira and Sarah,

Porter, Ira,

Porter, Charles, son of Ira and Jane E.,

Porter, Sarah, daughter of Ira and Jane E.,

Powell, Jane and Mary Ann,Powell, Martin,

Quackcnboss, Ten Eyck (printer),

E. R. (small stone sunk in earth.)

S. M. R. (Foot-board.)

G. N. R.,

Reed, William Burdett, son of Sanmel andLaura M.

Reed, Ellen, daughter of John and Jane,

Reid, Sarah,

Reid. John, son of John and Isabella,

Richardson, Amor, (native of England),

Richardson. Mary, relict of Amor,RilcV; Edward, (native of England),

Rec-ve, Charles M.,

Rigby. William,

Robechaux, Hannah P., Avife of James, daugh-

ter of Rev. John Usher, of Bristol, R. I.

Roberts, Sarah Prittie, wife of Meradith,

(native of Ireland),

Robins. George,

Robins, Sarah,

Robinson, John,

Romig, Emeline, (nothing else on board.)

Rutwid, John,

Rutwid, Anna Maria,

Foot-Stones : — M. G. S. — H. A. S.— J. L.

W. S. — E. A. S.— M. A. W. S.

Sarah (nothing else on stone).

Sayles, Margaret, wife of Charles.

Sanford, Eliza Le Breton, daughter of Nathan,

Sanford, Henry, son of Nathan,

Scott, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary,

Scace, Caroline, daughter of Edward andDinah,

Scott, William,

Scott, Nancy, wife of William,

Dec. 16, 1851, 25 years.










13, 183G,

2, 1853,

6. 1846,

24, 1842,

21, 1832.

9, 1845^

14, 1841,

21, 1832,

5, 1836,

1, 1830,

7, 1839,

14, 1805,

31, 1823,

27, 1844,

3, 1851,

20, 1807,

1, 1807,

2 y. 2 m. 4 d.

50th year.

1 y. 9 m.1 y. 11 m.19 years.

21 y. 4 m. 24 d,

67 years.

95 years.

2 months.

2 y. 9 m. 27 d.

47 years.

53d year.

1 y. 3 m. 10 d.

48 y. 2 m. 24 d.

9 m. 4 d.

3 y. 1 m. .

3 days.

1 y. 21 d.

Feb. 26, 1845, 25 y. lira.

Jan. 19, 1855, 1 y. 2 m.

Feb. 6, 1861, 5 m. 16 d.

June 2, 1835. 2 y. 2 m.Aug. 20, 1852^ 69 years.

July 18, 1864, 13 m. 20 d.

July 12, 1837, 63d vear.

April 15, 1844, 67 years.

Oct. 1, 1861, 52 V. 4 m. 2 d.

Feb. 1, 1835, Feb. 22, 1833.

Feb. 12, 1826, 77 y. 10 m. 21 d.

June 6, 1806, 41 y. 3 m.

Dec. 24, 1854, 30 years.

Dec. 18, 1856, 53 years.

Mar. 19, 1861, 64 years.

Sept. 14, 1853, 2 years.

Aug. 24, 18— Aug. 28, 1854.

Sept. 24, 1857, Aug. 15, 1856.

Aug. 31, 1858, Jan. 16, 1818.

Feb. 13, 1833, Aug. 2, 1803.

July 29, 1832, Feb. 16, 1816.

Dec. 3, 1852, sunk in ground.

Apr. 8,1828, 4 y. 1 m. 11 d.

Jan. 6, 1829, 56 y. 8 m. 10 d.

Dec. 27, 1828, 48 y. 3 m. 17 d.

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Scott, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 3, 1852, Stone sunk.

Scorsby, WiUiam (native of England), May 3, 1852, 37 years.

Schadt, Mary J., May 13, 1862, 4 years.

Schadt, Jacob, May 6, 18G2, 13 months.

Schoolcraft, Wm. Chapman, son of S. Y. R.and Eliza, April 14, 1822, 2 y. 7 m. 20 d,

Scudder, John, M. D., Jan. 4, 1843, 36th year.

Scarfe, Clara Frances, May 5,1859, 10 months.

Sewell, Anne, wife of James, July 7, 1865, 35 years.

Sewell, Anne, daughter of James and Anne, July 18, 1865, 33 days.

Sewell, Mary, daughter of James and Anne. Dec. 31, 1863, 19 months.

Sewell, John, son of James and Anne, Mar. 24, 1858, 10 m. 15 d.

Sexton, Levi, Jan. 22, 1830, 33 y. 3 m. 21 d.

Sellon, Rev. John (native of England), Mar. 2, 1830, 42 years.

Shearer, Elizabeth A., daughter of Andrewand Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1857, 2 y. 8 m. 20 d.

Shepherd, Robert, son of George and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1838, 19 y. 11 m. II d.

Shepherd, Mary Clench, Mar. 9, 1819, Stone sunk.

Shepherd, Eliza M., April 9, 1840, 41 years.

Shepherd, Thomas, Jan. 20, 1814, 38 y. 12 days.

Shepherd, Phebe, wife of Thomas, Dec. 1, 1836, 59th year.

Shepherd, Mary, daughter of Thos. and Phebe, July 17,1809, 4 y. 4 m. 4 d.

Shepherd, William, Feb. 27, 1819, 15 y. 6 m.

Sherman, Ann Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1846, 5 y. 9 m. 13 d.

Simpson, Patience, daughter of Daniel andLydia, Nov. 25, 1826, 1 y. 8 m. 18 d.

Smith, Susannah, daughter of Thomas andMary, ^ug- 25, 1854, 1 year.

Smith, Mary, daughter of Lucas and Deborah, July 17, 1828, 1 y. 11 m.

Smith, John, son of Lucas and Deborah, Jan. 15, 1835, 4 y. 4 m. 19 d.

Smith, Alexander, of city of Hudson, drownedin Albany Basin, April 6, 1829, 49 years.

Smith, William, July 31, 1840, 60 years.

Smith, Maria Howe, wife of Richard, Dec. 2, 1851, 57th year.

Smith, Henry, Dec. 17, 1825, 41 y. 11 m. 17 d.

Smyth, Mars^aret, wife of Charles, died at

Carleton Island, Sept. 11, 1823, 33 y. 3 m. 4 d.

Smyth, Margaret, granddaughter of Charles, Dec. 30, 1830, 8 y. 10 m. 8 d.

Smyth, Charles, Feb. 6, 1844, 61 years.

Southwick, Mary Ann, daughter of Wilmarthand Hannah, Aug. 28, 1824, 6 y. 2 m.

Southwick, William, son of Henry and Mary, Stone sunk. Oct. 22, 1800.

Southwell, Mary Brownell, wife of John, Jan. 2, 1854, 26 years.

Spencer, Henry, Aug. 20, 1 823, 75 years.

Spencer, John, Aug. 13, 1824, 44th year.

Spencer, Mary Ann Hughes, wife of John, June 6, 1847, 30th year.

Spencer, John Peter, son of John and MaryAnn, Dec. 17,1841, 27 y. 8 m.

Spencer, Joseph Henry," July 31, 1842, 1 y. 4 m.

Sparks, Presendentia, Nov. 14, 1837, 3 years.

Sprinks, James (native of Great Britain), Jan. 12, 1811, 34 years.

Sproull, Elizabeth, wife of John, May 14, 1825, 37 y. 10 m 17 d.

Stafford, Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Joab, Mar. 22, 1827, 60th year.

Stafford, Joab, Sept. 5, 1795, 65 years.

Stammers, Marv, daughter of William andMary,


Oct. 29, 1829, 3 years.

Stammers, Emily Harriet, daughter of Joseph

and Mary, Nov. 7, 1829, 14 years.

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Stanley, John, Not stated. 3 y. 5 m. 16 d.

Stanwix, George (native of England), Oct. 8, 1836,Stanwix, Jane, wife of George (native of

England, Oct. 15, 1825, 58 y. 6 m. 15 d.

Stanwix, John, son of George and Jane, Sept. 24, 1847, 39 y. 1 m. 3d.Stanwix, Jane, daughter of George and

Nancy, Aug. 4, 1828, 10 m. 15 d.

StanAvix, David, son of George and Nancy, Dec. 12, 1834, 4 m. 8 d.

Starks, Mary Ann, wife of A. W., July 14, 1838, 32 y. 8 m. 4 d.

Starks, Mary Ann. daughter of A. W. andMary, Aug. 7, 1834, 1 y. 14 d.

Starks, Amy Amanda, daughter of A. W. and. Mary Ann, Aug. 11, 1838, 6 weeks.Stevens, Alice,


Aug. 21, 1846, 2 years.

Stebbins, Mary, wife of Benjamin, April 22, 1811, 33d year.

Stewart,' Cap t. Charles, Dec, 22, 1824, 35 years.

Stone, Daniel D., April 6, 1843, 32 y. 8 m. 24 d.

Storey, Francis (native of Ireland), May 13, 1812, 62 years.

Storey, George, Nov. 6, 1799, 55 years.

Storey, Mrs. S., March 9, 1863, Not stated.

Storey, Mary, daughter of Mrs. S., Sept. 23, 1863, Not stated.

.Styles, Mary, daughter of John and Salinde, Nov. 9, 1815, 9 years.

Taylor, Eliza Cosgrove, wife of James, Nov 12, 1833, 27 years.

Taylor, Charlotte, daughter of Eliza C. andJames, Not stated. 11 weeks.And their infant son. Not stated. 3 weeks.

Taylor, Elizabeth, wife of James, April 14, 1830, 24 years.

And their infant son. Not stated. 4 days.

Taylor, Elizabeth Shepard, wife of Charles J., Oct. 1, 1829, 27th year.

Taylor, Richard, May 6, 1851, 53 years.

Taylor, Sarah Ann, July 7, 1837, 9 years.

Taylor, Elisha, July 9,1837, 7 years.

Taylor, Sarah Baker, Dec. 31, 1847, 52 years.

.Thirkell, Joseph, Sr. (native of Enjjland), July 7, 1810, 63 years.

Thirkell, Jane, wife of Joseph, " Oct. 24, 1802, 27 years.

Thirkell, Joseph, Nov. 1, 1802, 20 days.

.Terbos, Cornelia, Mar. 30, 1802, 67 y. 3 m. 13 d.

Thatcher, Abel Dockrel, April 13, 1804, 44 y. 7 m.Thompson, Geo., son of Henry and Charlotte, Stone sunk.

Thorn, Sarah Bleann, July 17, 1862 44 days.

Tilt, Wilham, son of Thomas and Jane, June 20, 1840, 3 y. 3 m. 5 d.

Tilt, Sarah Jane, daughter of Thomas andJane, March 2, 1843, 2 y. 8 d.

Thorn, Jane, daughter of William and Jane, Drownc^d Julj'-

12, 1836, 3 y. 6 m.Todd, Adam, son of Wilham and Mary, Nov. 9, 1844, 11 m. 14 d.

Todd, Jane Maria, Oct. 8, 1837, 25 y. 30 d.

Todd, Catharine EHza, June 11, 1839, 24 y. 10 m. 15 d.

Todd, William Henry, son of William andAnn Ehzabeth, May 24, 1834, 11 m. 2d.

Trowbridge, Benjamin Whipple, son of Cyrusand Nancy, July 30, 1813, 9 m. 13 d.

Torrey, Miss Mary Ann (a teacher in CedarHill Female Seminary ; member of the

Presbyterian Church in Mt. Joy, Pa. ; oneof the victims of the wreck of the steam-boat Swallow), April 7, 1845, July 18, 1814.

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Tullidge, Mary,England),

Turner, Ann,

wife of Benjamin (native of

Aug. 15, 1831, 48 years.

Feb. 17, 1858, 52 years.




Upfold George (native of England), Stone sunk.

J. T. B. V. V. (Foot-stone.)

Van Buren, Margaret, wife of Peter,

Vanderhoof, Caroline, wife of Michael,

Vanderhoof, James Henry, son of Michael andCaroline, Not stated.

Vanderhoof, Hannah, wife of Michael, Not stated.

Vernon, George, June 13, 1830,

Wakefield, Ehzabeth, April 13

Wakefield, Eliza, Jan. 1

Walker, Amos T. (from Georgia,) June 20

Walker, Elizabeth, mother of George Kane, Feb. 2

Waldron, Martha Maria, Jan. 25

Warner, Mary Goodrich, wife of Austin, Aug. 19

Waterman, Jeremiah, Aug. 21

Watkin, George, June 22

Watkin, Ellen Ann, children ofG. W. & Esther, Aug. 20

Webb, Henry Y., Nov. 20

Webb, Thomas K., Nov. 25,

Webb, Jennett, wife of Henry Y. Jr., anddaughter of Edward and Margaret Kirk-

patrick, Dec. 19, 1839,

Weber, Karohne, July 12, 1852

Wells, William S., Feb. 28, 1821

Wells, Elizabeth, wife of William S., Dec. 23,1819

Wells, Israel, Sept. 23, 1798

Wells, Hannah, consort of Israel, (stone broken

off), May 15, 1817

Wells, Fanny, May 9, 1805,

Webster, Emma, wife of Milton L., Feb. 19, 1848

Wesley, Nancy Barber, consort of James, May 15, 1834

Weston, William, Aug. 13, 1835

Whipple, Col. W., Aug. 18, 1824

Whipple, Orsemus W., son of Col. W., Nov. 3, 1838

Whipple, John, murdered at Cherry Hill, May7, 1827. He was born at Sunderland, Vt.,

Aug. 11, 1793. His father was an ofiicer in

the Revolutionary war,

Whipple, Catharine Abigail, Feb.

Wheeler, Smith, Sept.

White, Richard, Sept.

White, Jonathan, June

White, Elizabeth, April

Wilcox, George, Oct.

Wing, Mary Gregory, wife of Dr. Joel A., Sept.

Wing, Joel A., M. D., Sept.

Wing, James, son of Joel A. and Mary, Nov.

Wing, Matthew G., son of Joel A. and Mary, Dec.

Wing, Lydia, daughter of Dr. J. A. and Mary, Feb.

Wood, James, June

Wood, Glorianna Ward, wife of James, Aug.

Wood, Mary, daughter of James and G., May

Aug. 18, 1832, 46th year.

Jan. 31, 1840, 37 y. 1 m. 15 d.

2 m. 27 d.

26 y. 5 m. 11 d.

31 years.

66th year.

29th year.

32d year.

April 3, 1764.

Feb. 5, 1837.

28 y. 3 d.

45 y. 4 m. 17 d.

Sept. 10, 1853.

June 25, 1856.

4 m. 16 d.

1 y. 24 d.

29 y. 5 m. 12 d.

27 y. 3 m. if^'^10 d.

80, 1833,

17, 1828,

14, 1805,

11, 1856,

9, 1857,

11, 1849,

5, 1837,

6, 1852,

30, 1824,

25, 1824,

27. 1831,

14; 1846,

15, 1839,

31, 1841,

51st year.

40th year.

56th year.

61 years.

26 years.

21 y. 10 d.

May 9, 1793

72 years.

50th year.

32 years.

34th year.

18 y. 9 m.44th year.

52 years.

80th year.

80tli year.


18 months45 years.

64 years.

1 m. 27 days.

1 y. 4 m. 19 d.

11 months.Jan. 14, 1782.

Aug. IG, 1794.

22 years.

Page 42: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Wood, Elizabeth, wife of James, and daugh-ter of John Gill,

Wood, Anthony,Wright, John,Wright, Elizabeth Brooks, wife of John, and

daughter of Anthony Brooks,Wright, John,Wyatt, Amelia Caroline, infant daughter of

John and Charlotte,

Yager, Monroe,Yates. John Waters,Yates, Ann, widow of John Waters,Yates, Edward, son of John W. and Ann,Yates, Christopher, son of John W. and Ann,Yond, Hannah, wife of Robert,

Young, Margaret, wife of Francis,

On small stone, stirnames not given









27. 1814, 32 y. 10 m. 26 d.

19^ 1808, 37th year.

8, 1858, 4 y. 2 months.





44th year.

55 years.

July 16, 1841, Stone sunk.

June 27, 185- 23 months.

April 4, 1828, 59 years.

June 29, 1846, 75th year.

May 26, 1818, 11 y. 15 d.

July 2, 1833, 29th year.

Oct. 22, 1836, 65 years.

July 25, 1829, 55th year.

Aug. 4, 1839, 7 y. 7 m.JTuly 30, 1839, 5 y. 7 m.Oct. 29, 1838, 2 months


Abbott, John N., son of Sylvester and Louisa,

Annin, John,

Alvord, Susanna, daughter of Daniel,

Avery, Lee,

Avery, Matilda, daughter of Lee and Eliza,

Avery Galin,

Austin, Eliza,

Andrew.*!, Jannet, wife of John,Anniver, John,Allen, Bolah, wife of Rev. Solomon, of Mass.,

Anderson, Andrew,Avery, Huldah Russell, wife of Gardner, Jr.,

Allen, Harriet Sheldon, daughter of Plinnyand Louisa,

Adee, Clarrisa, wife of William,

Barclay, Janet, wife of James,Barclay, Elizabeth, daugher of Jas. and Janet, JulyBarclay, James,Bloodgood, Lydia, wife of James,Bloodgood, James,Bloodgood, Francis,

Bloodgood, Eliza,

Bloodgood, son andEliza,

Bloodgood, William,Bloodgood, James,Bloodgood, Francis,

Bloodgood, James 0.,

daughter of Francis and


Page 43: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Bloodgood, B. S. Morris, son of Mrs. Frances,

Bancroft, George,Bancroft, son of T. E. and E.,

Bloodgood, Abraham,Bryan, Huldah, wife of John Bryan, and

daughter of Alex. Carmichael, Esq.,

Barker, Wm. James, son of W. H. and Janette,

Boyd, Ann,Brown, EHzabeth, Avife of Sylvester,

Bulmore, Mrs. Fanny,Burbank, Capt. Abrara,

Burton, Josiali,

Burton, Stephen, son of Josiah and Susan,Bunnell, Nathaniel,

Blanchard, Mary Lucy Ann,Buckley, Caroline,

Buckley, Emily, daughter of B. and M.,

Boardman, David,

Boardman, Maria,

Boardman, Mary,(Children of William and Elizabeth.)

Brown, John,Brown, Margaret, wife of John,Bradt, Henry,Bradt, M. Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and

Mary,Bradt, Peter V.,

Boardman, Ann Eliza,

Boardman, Ann Eliza,

Boardman, John S.,

(Children of John and Abigal.)

Bloodgood, Eliza, wife of Frances,

Cobham, Ann, only sister of Elizabeth, wife

of Francis Bloodgood,Charter, Edmund (Stone broken and sunk).

Carmichael, Louisa, daughter of Charles andTempe,

Crosby, Edward D., son of Rev. Daniel,

Coats, Catharine, wife of Charles,

Charles, Henrietta, wife of Geo.,

Charles, George, born in Gloucester, Eng.,

Cogswell, Phebe,Cogswell, Smith,Carson, Sarah,

Carson, William, (wife and son of John).

Caswell, Andrew (native County Down,Ireland,)

Cogswell, Clara, wife of Geo. H.,

Carmichael, John (native of Scotland,)

Cesebrough, E. C,Carson, John,

Carson, Robert, son of John and Elizabeth,

Campbell, John,Campbell, Archabold,

Cook, Jesse C,Cadwell, Edwin, son of Ezra and Sarah S.,

Cooper, James,


34 years.

6 m. 24 d.

6 m. 17 d.

Feb. 17, 1807, 65 years.

Jan. 28, 1840,

May 24, 1838,

Nov. 23,

Jklarch 2,

Nov. 25,

Aug. 21,

May 13,

April 12,

Jan. 1,

April 14,

Aug. 6,

Feb. 13,

April 14,

May 11,

May 7,

Sept. 18,

Dec. 12,
















40 y.

5y.34 y,

50 y,

7d.5d.2 d.

29 d.

9d.14 d.

Feb. 5, 1799,

Dec. 22, 1801,

May 15, 1838,

Dec. 19, 1848,

Sept. 10, 1844,

Sept. 5. 1816,

Oct. 20, 1813,

Nov. 20, 1805,

7 m.1 m.2 m.4 m.

85 years.

05th year.

61 y. 3 m.31 y. 11 m.43 years.

9 m. 6 d.

6 y. 6 m. 20 d.

6 m. 15 d.

9 m. 29 d.

66th year.

51 years.

39 y. 6 m.

18 years.

46th year.

5 m. 28 d.

1 y. 9 m.2 y. 11 m.

9d.23 d.

Nov. 13, 1818, 49 y. 8 m. lid

Feb. 3, 1813, 38th year.










17, 1831, 23 years.

30, 1835, 4 years.

9, 1841.

24, 1825, 26 v. 3 m.

25, 1818, 50th year.

8, 1859, 83d year.

5, 1844, 73d year.

6, 1838, 19 years.

15, 1838, 6 m. 4 d.

17, 1838, 41 years.

5, 1849, 31st year.

16, 1805, 60 years.

18, 1813, 84 y. 9 m.

6, 1795, 41 y. 6 m.

18 d.

27 y. 3 m.57 y. 10 m. 23 d.

16, 179624, 1793

7, 1810, 30 years

18, 1814, 13 m. 10 d.

2, 1829, 55 years.

Page 44: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Campbell, John Gill, son of Thos. and Mary,C. S. R.,

Cande, Lansing, son of Medad and Betsey,

Cogswell, Phebe, daughter of Smith andPhebe,

Cheney, James,Cheney, Elenor, wife of James,Chapman, Jane, wife of John Chapman and

daughter of Robert Gregory, Ireland,

Campbell, Archabold (surveyor, &c.,)

De Witt, Eve, wife of Dr. Benj.,

Duncan, Thos., Jr., son of Thos. and Janet,

Duncan, Margaret,

Duncan, James, 2d son of Thos. and Janet,

Duncan, , daughter of Jas. and Elizabeth.

Duncan, William,

Dean, Charles A.,

Diamond, Thos. Smith,

Diamond, Mary, wife of Thos. Smith,

Davis, Polly, of Watertown, Conn.,

Dodge, Amanda,Dodge, Catharine Easterly,

Easton, John,

Easton, John, son of William Easton, of

Burnfoot Co., Scotland,

Egberts, Elizabeth, wife of Cor's Egberts, anddaughter of D. and E. Waters,

Easterly, Martin,

Easterly, William.

Egert©n, Asa,

Egerton, Justin M., second son of Asa andEmily,

Edgear, Jane, wife of David,

Everett, M. Morrey, wife of Jesse,

Fisher Charles,

Fitch, Anna K.,

Falconer Eliza,

Fay, Edward,Fay, Mary Price,

Fay, Cath'n Joanna, daughter of Edward,Fisk, Maj. George, late of Claremont, N. H.,

Fisk, Susan, wife of Maj. George,

Forman, Mary, wife of Dr. Wm.,Fulton, Isabella Dunlop, daughter of Walter

and Isabella,

Fitch, Sybal Augusta,

Fitch, Sybal A. B., daughter of Noah andHannah,

Fairman, Charles G., son of Gideon and Delia,

Fifield, Charles," Genet," under this stone are interred the re-

mains of Cornelia Tappan Clinton, Avife of

Edward Charles Genet, late Adjutant-Gen-

eral and Minister Plenipotentiary from the

French Republic to the United States of

Feb. 1811

Mar. 1% 1813

Sept. 6, 1803

Stone sunk.

Mar. 17, 1828,

June 3, 1832

Oct. 15, 1838April 24, 1793

May 21, 1832

Feb. 20, 1838July 13, 1838Oct. 30, 1838,

May 3, 1839March 5. 1828July 18, 1796Dec. 17, 1817


June 10. 183827! 1834Nov.







8, 1838,

24, 1799,

18, 1830,

14, 1836,

31, 1847

11, 1815

25, 181524, 1800

5, 1808


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America, and daughter of General GeorgeClinton, Vice-President of the United States.

She was born at Bloominghope, near NewWindsor, the 29th of June, 1774, and she

died of consumption at Prospect Hill, in

the town of Greenbush, the 23d of March,1810, in the 35th year of her age."

Grier, Martha, daughter of James and Mary,Gustavus, (Blank.)

I. G, (Blank), broken,

Gould, J. Carmichael, sou of James and Jane,

Goodrich, Harris,

Gay, William A.,

Gay, Amos,Gay, Henry,Gay, Almira,

Gordon, Eleanor M., daughter of John andJane,

Griffing, Sally Ransom, born in Lynn, Conn.,

wife of Samuel,Gray, Salome,Gray, John,

Given, John (native of Ireland),

Gillispie, Grizel,

Gibson, William H., Jr., son of Wm. Gibson,

Griffin, Maria, wife of Jno. Griffin,

Griffin, Hannah M., daughter of John and M.,

Griffin, Louisa,

Griffin, Orlando,

George, Ann, daughter of George and Mary,George, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of George

and Mary,Granger, Harriet, daughter of Jeremiah and

Gertrude Smith,

Gill, M.,

Hunt Mary, wife of John,

Hamilton, Catharine L.,

Henshaw, Evan H., son of Daniel and Sally E.,

Humphrey, Martha, daughter of John andChristian,

Humphrey, Robert, son of John and Christian,

Humphrey, Dr. William, son of John andChristian,

Humphrey, John,

Humphrey, Christian, wife of John,

Humphrey, S. V. R.,

Hilton, Elizabeth Isabella, daughter of R. I.

and Margaret Ann,Haswell, Mary, wife of Arthur,

Haswell, Jane, daughter of Arthur and Mary,Haswell, Mary, daughter of Arthur and

Mary,Halsey, Gertrude, daughter of Rev. J. F. and


Herring, Mrs. Elizabeth,

Hasthouse, Henry, son of Charles and Doras,

Hickcox, Ann,

Mar. 4, 1836, 37 y. 8 m. 15 d.

Dec. 25,

Feb. 2,

Oct. 4,

May 8,

Oct. 19,

Oct. 25,







Aug. 17, 1813,

Nov. 7,

Dec. 24,

Oct. 15,

Feb. 7,

April 15,

Aug. 14,

Dec. 27,

Dec. 15,

Nov. 25,











9 m. 12 d.

27 y. 8 m. 21 d.

29 years.

56 years.

21 years.

53 years.

57th year.

65 y. 6 m. 11 d.

48 y. 1 m. 15 d.

20 years.

48 years.

1 y. 3 m.41 years.

4 y. 2 m,3 y. 7 m.7 w. 3 d.

19 years.

Jan. 27, 1838, 8 m. 4 d.

Feb. 7,

April 3,



33d year.

15 months.

May 9, 1799, 68 y. 2 m. 24 d.

May 9, 1831, 21 y. 10 m. 25 d.

Sept. 8, 1802, Mar. 19, 1802.

Aug. 9, 1807, 22 y. 3 m. 19 d.

Mar. SO, 1831, 21 y. 4 m. 21 d.

Mar. 12, 1826, 30 y. 10 m. 10 d,

Aug. 26. 18.32, 81 y. 3 m. 26 d.

Dec. 12, 1838, 78 y. 6 m. lOd.

June 18, 1844, 44th year.

June 23, 1839, 3 y. 24 d.

Oct, 10, 1827, 67 y. 2 m. 19 d.

Feb. 15, 1809, 19 y. 7 m. 25 d.

Sept. 23, 1811, 25 y. 10 m. 27 d.

June 9, 1829, 10 months.

Oct. 24, 1819, 72 years.

June 3, 1849, 10 y. 11 m. 13 d.

— 17, 1843, 48 y. 8 m. 13 d.

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Hoffman, Henry Esleeck,

Holmes. Dolly,

Humphrey, Henry, son of Robert and Jane,

Holiday, James, son of James and Cynthia,

Hecrmans, Thomas B.,

Houston, Elievah, daughter of Ezra C. andEmily,

"this stone erected by

" this stone erected by

Harbinson, William,

his wife Hannah,"Harbeston, George,

his mother,"Houston, Daniel, late of Hanover, N. H.,

Howell, Silas,

Hause, Elera, wife of George,Hoffman, Andrew,Hoffman, Martha, wife of Andrew,Hoffman, Maria,

Hodge, John,Hodge, Sarah, wife of James,Hodge, James,Hodge, Jane, wife of Isaac,

Hart, Euphema,Henry, William,

Henry, Ann Alexander, wife of William,

Hatfield, Edmund,Hand, Lois, wife of Nathan,Halstead, son of John aud Elizabeth, (Stone

sunk and broke).

HoUins, Adelah, daughter of David D. andHannah,

Heermans John, son of John aud Elizabeth,

7 years.

Aug. 1, 1831, 40 y. 2 m. 20 d.

Aug. 9, 1826, 1 y. 2 m.

July 10, 184G, 15 y. 5 m. 4 d.

April 1, 1830, 33 y. 6 m. 27 d.

Aug. 8, 1825, 14 m. 21 d.

July 8, 1825, 37th year.

31 years.

20 y. 10 m.35 y. 7 m. 6 d.

25 years.


May 16, 1775.

34 years.

6 y. 8 m. 5 d.

37 y. 5 m. 14 d.

Oct. 4, 1761.

63 y. 2 m.Sept. 7, 1707.

47 y. 10 m.74 y. 3 m. 20 d.

44 y. 15 d.

44 years.

Sept. 27, 1809, 2 y. 1 m. 10 d.

May 7, 1813, 7 m. 28 d.



Page 47: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Jenkins, Hannah, wife of David, Dec. 20, 1817, 49 y. 5 m.Jenkins, Sarah, daughter of David and Han-

nah, Nov. 11, 1823, 24 years.

Jacobs, Lucy, sister of Mrs. A. PLatt, Dec. 14, 1835, 72 y. 4 m. 10 d.

Johnston, John Nordin, son of Jolin W. andAnn, Nov. 4, 1825, 7 m. 4 d.

Jones, Thomas Ingram, son of Joshua I. andAnne, late of South Wales, July 24, 1833, 11 m. 10 d.

Joice, George Hyler, son of W. H. and C , June 2, 1858, 4 y. 5 m. 3 d.

Judson, Hepsa, daughter of Nathaniel andLydia, Oct. 5, 1800, 7th year.

Judson, Lucius, son of Nathaniel and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1798, 11th year.

Jones, Benjamin, Jr., son of J. P. and Maria,

born in Providence, R. I., Jan. 9, 1814, 1 y. 2 m.

Kathern, Polly Angeline, Aug. 29, 1825, 19th year.

Kelso, Marshall, son of James Kelso, of xVn-

trim, Ireland, March, 1829, 37 years.

Kane, Mary, wife of Doc. Hazeall Kane, Dee. 12, 1838, 34 y. 4 m. 25 d.'

Kane, Sybil, wife of John Kane, and daugh-ter of"Rev. Elisha Kent, ' July 18, 1806, 67 y. 11 m.

Kane, John, died at the .seat of Gilbert Liv-

ingston, Red Hook, Mar. 15, 1808, 73 years.

Kane, James, April 2, 1851, 79th year.

Knower, Mary Ann, Aug. 10, 1834, 15 y. 11m. 8 d.

Knower, Harriett, daughter of George andAnn, Aug. 10, 1834, 13 y. 6 m. 10 d.

Knower, Geo. Sidney, son of Geo. and Ann, April 1, 1837, 20 y. 7 d.

Keon, Jas. Fred'k, only son of Francis B., June 5, 18—, 17 y. 5 m.Kinnear, Elizabetli, daughter of Robt. andMary, 1793, 12 y. 10 m. 24 d.

Kinnear, John Hutton, Sept. 1, 1794, 1 y. 3 m. 4 d,

Kellogg, Frances, daughter of Alexander andAnn. Aug. 25, 1815, 10 m. 21 d.

Kelly, Janet, wife of Robert, July 22, 1796, 66 years,

Knapp, James, son of H. and M., Sept. 3, 1821, June 22, 1820,Knapp, Hubbel, Jan. 22, 1832, 31 years.

Losee, Ida Jane, daughter of C. H. and Sarah, Aug. 14, 1857, Feb. 23, 1856.Lockwootl, Horace B., son of H. and P., Feb. 20, 1815, 5 m. 21 d.

Lockwood, Cath'n B., daugliter of H. and P., March, 9 1813, 1 y. 2 m. 3 d.

Lewis, Lucius, son of Rich'd Lewis and Pru-dence Judson, Feb. 5, 1838, 10 y. 3 m. 3 d.

Lockwood; Cath'n B., daughter of H. and P. B., July 11, 18 11, 1 y. 27 d.

Loomis, Anna, wife of Geo., formerly of the

city of Hartford, Conn., Feb. 14, 1831, 78th year.

Loomis, George, formerly of East Windsor,

Conn., May 23, 1841, 79 years.

Lloyd, Catharine, daughter of Peter and MarySharp, Feb. 28, 1802, 31 years.

Lockwood, Prud. B., widow of H, 27, 1816, 30 years.

Lockwood, Jared, Aug. 2, 1823, 64 y. 11 m.Lockwood, Chauncey, Esq., April 5,1817, 35th year.

Lewis, Elihu C, son of Elihu and L., Feb. 17, 1818, 9th year.

Lewis, Elihu, Oct. 14, 1829, 51st year.

Lyons, Henry, Oct. 13, 1805, 51 years. ,

Lord, Henry L., of Norwich, Conn., May 7, 1825, 23 years.

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Mar. 23, 1837, 3 m. 21 d.

Lawrence, Sarah A. and Elizabeth, To thememory (blank, on wood),

Lathrop, Deborah, wife of Ebenezer, Mar. 29, 1814, 67th year.

Lewis, E. Wolcott, daughter of Elihu andLaura, May 26, 1818, 19 years.

Mather, Mary, Sept. 21, 1806, Oct. 20, 1805.

Mather, Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1804, Aug. 28, 1803.

Mather, Samuel, June 10, 1800, Mar. 11, 1798.

Mather, George, June 3, 1800, Nov. 7, 1799,

McKinney, Myndert, Dr., June 15, 1824, June 1, 1794.

McKinney, Lydia Ann, wife of Dr. Myndert, Nov. 8, 1845, 43 y. 11 m. 10 d,

McGlaghen, William M. (native of Scotland), Feb. 21, 1850, Feb. 6, 1819.

Moody, Margaret, daughter of Major-GeneralMoody, of the Revolutionary war, April 30, 1852,

Martin, R. Cuyler, May 10, 1826, 10 years.

McClelland, Wilham, Jan. 29, 1812, April 15, 1768.

McClelland, Anna, April 25, 1813, July 29. 1774.

McClelland, Mary M., June 20, 1804, July 11, 1801.

McHench, John. April 13, 1853, 21 st year.

McCabe, Mary Ann, wife of Linus, Mar. 4, 1838, 22 y. 23 d.

McCabe, Chas. Whitney, son of Linus andMary Ann,

Mascraft. Marv, wife of Wm. Mascraft anddaughter of S. and A. Dyer, April 3, 1818, 31 y. 7 m. 1 d.

Maynard, David, Aug. 14, 1834, 32 years.

Maynard, F. Wiight, Oct. 11, 1835, 1 y. 9 m. 11 d.

Mitchel, Harriet M., Oct. 31, 1828, 1 y. 1 m. 13 d.

Morehouse, Jervis, son of Abraham and M.,

of Fairfield, Conn.,

McDonald, Frances Stubbs, wife of Donald,(native of England). June 15, 1815, 47th year.

Murphy, Marintfa, wife of Ira, Dec. 30, 1829, 31 y. 3 m. 16 d.

Martin, Mary, daughter of J. Gray, aud wifeof W^illiam Martin, Mar. 27, 1835, 36 y. 2 m.

Martin, Geo. Wm., June 26, 1822, 14 y. 7 m. 28 d.

Martin, Lovina Gray, wife of William. April 17, 1818, 24 3^. 3 m. 3 d.

McCullock, Jan. Alex., wife of Hathorn, Oct. 17, 1803, 40 yeans.

McArthur, Alex., son of Neal, of Orange Co., Nov. 19, 1808, 35 y. 10 m. 25 d.

Merritt, M. Ann, daughter of Robert and S., Aug. 27, 1835, 18 y. 1 m.Moody, Ebenezer, Feb. 15, 1813, 37 years.

McDonald, William, Mar. 28, 1827, 30 years.

McDonald, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of

William, Mar. 19, 1829, 16 months.McCready, Hannah W., wife of Capt. W., May 28, 1807, 55 years.

McClandlish, Alex., May 20, 1807, 9 y. 8 m.McGourk, James (native of Ireland), Nov. 21, 1804, 52 years.

McDonald, Elizabeth, daughter of Donald andFrances, of the city of London, England, July 1, 1800, June 4, 1798.

McElwain, James (native of Belfast, Ireland), May 4, 1832, 66 years.

McPherson, John (native of Inveruesshire,

Scotland,) July 5, 1822, 59 years.

McClement, Wm., son of Robt. and Marron, June 30, 1795, 9 m. 3 d.

Morgan, Henry, son of Jonas and S., April 4, 1813, 21st year.

Mascraft, Samuel D., son of Wm. and M., Aug. 29, 1815, 2 y. 3 m. 16 d.

Magee, Thos. B., Sept. 3, 1855, 41 y. 6 ra.

Magee, James, 5 months.Magee, Sarah, 2 y. 6 ra.

Aug. 26, 1815, 19 years.

Page 49: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Magee, Wm. James,Magee, Sarah Ann,Magee, Maria J.,

McPherson, Jane, daughter of John and Cath-arine, July

McPherson, Daniel, son of John and Cath-arine, Jan.

Nicholson, E. Bradner, daughter of the late

Thomas, of Orange county, Jan.

Newton, George, Nov.Newland, Marron, daughter of Joseph and

Isabel, May

5 y. 6 m.11 months.

2 y. 6 m.

7, 1812, 13 y. 3 m. 9 d.

12, 1794, 3 m. 14 d.

29, 1811, 18 y. 8 m. 20 d.

20, 1811, 26 y. 6 m. 15 d.

5, 1791, 2 y. 1 m. 8 d.

18, 1822, 3 y. 5 m.

10, 1830, 84 years.

Orsborn, William Henry, son of Wm. and H., Dec.Orr, Isabella, wife of Hugh, and mother of

Elizabeth Waters, JulyE. O., (Blank.)

W. M. O., (Blank.)

Otis, Thomas, son of Joseph and Maria, ofBarnstable, Mass., Aug.

Ogden, Merit, son of Benjamin and Welthey, April

Orsborn, Matilda, daughter of William andSarah Ann, July 27, 1831. 1 y. 7 m.

15, 1803, 27 y. 9 m.

20, 1815, 2 m. 20 d.

Piatt, Ananias,Pattirson, Rich'd, Esq., of Sandwich, in the

W. Dist. of U. Canada, died at Albany, anative of Kilmarnock, North Britain,

Price, Mary,Phipps, Ruth, wife of Samuel,Phipps, L. Cutler,

Phipps, Jane Ann,(Children of Samuel and Alcemina Phipps.)

Prey, Resto Mento,Prey, Elizabeth,

(These two inscriptions on the stone withAnn Caswell.)

Priest, Asa,

Priest, Hannah C, daughter of Asa and C,Palmer, Janet, wife of Joseph,

Packard, Robert,

Packard, Eunice, wife of Isaac,

Packard, Isaac,

Prentice, David (native of Janakshire, Scot-


Prentice, Helen,Prentice, Helen,

(Daughters of David and Margaret Pren-


Prentice, M. Reed (born in Ayrshire, Scot-

land, died at Louisville, Ky., where her

remains are interred),

Putnam, Harriet Stowe, wife of Rufus,

Perkins, John,

Perkins, Geo. H.,

Perkins, Geo. H.,

(Children of John and Almira Perkins)

April 10, 1842, Sept. 9, 1762.

Jan. 1, 1818,

Sept. 2, 1818,

April 1. 1817,

July 14, 1825,

Feb. 10, 1836,


3, 1854,

45 years.

67th year.

40 years.

1 y. 7 m.2 y. 3 m.

11 m.30 years.


Jan. 29, 1850,

Aug. 14, 1803,

July 15, 1840,

Nov. 11, 1824,

Mar. 3, 1795,

Aug. 24, 1826,

Ausr. 12, 1814,

Aug. 6, 1822,

03 years.

20 y. 14 d.

49th year.

65 years.

80 y. 10 m. 28 d.

57 y. 5 m. 5 d.

Apr. 17, 1781.

Feb. 6, 1814.

Sept. 13, 1818.

Sept. 9, 1826,

June 3, 1815,

June 18, 1814,

May 7, 1812,

April 7, 1814,

March 6, 1786.

18 years.

30 years.

15 months.9 months.

Page 50: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Pervis, William,

Pervis, William,

Palmer, Ann H., wife of Levi H.,

Page, Phinelias, son of Levi and Sally,

Philpot, Jane, wife of Spencer,Philpot, Spencer (native of Ireland, died at

Johnstown),Philpot, Jane Eliza,

Philpot, Mary Ann,(Daughters of Spencer Philpot.)

Putnam, John Smith, son of Elisha and E.,

Phelps, (stone broken and gone; this is all

the inscription on the remaining part),

Piatt, Lydia Jacobs, wife of Ananias,

Quackenbush, Mary Jane,

Eobinson, Maria Julia, wife of William,Eobison, Wihiam,Robison, Sarah, wife of Joseph,Eobison, Joseph,

Eobison, Sarah H., daughter of J. and S.,

Eoot, Lyman Piatt, son of Lyman and E.,

Eussell, Elihu,

Eussell, Benj. F., son of Elihu and A.,

Eussell, Emily, daughter of Elihu and A.,

Eoraback, Maria, wife of Thomas,Eichards, Sam'l, of Canandaigua, Ontario Co.,

Eutherford, Archibald.

Eoberts, Eev. Evan, of Steuben, Oneida Co.,

N. y., who departed this life (liis deathhaving been caused, as is supposed, by thehand of an assassin),

Eoot, Charley, wife of William,

Eust, Eliza Ann, daug-hter of Joseph and L.,

Eust, George, son of W. S. and Mary,Eussell, Maria, daughter of Caleb and Mary,Eussell, Euth B., daughter of David and Alby,Eussell, John Edwin, son of John and M.,Eussell, John, son of John and M.,

Eattry, David,

Eattry, Lydia,

Eattry, James,(Children of James and Hannah Eattry).

Street, Alfred Weed,Street, William Brown, son of A. B. and

Elizabeth W.,Stewart, Catharine, daughter of W. and E.,

Strevell, Missouri, daughter of W. and E.,

Sherman, ^Lary, wife of Joseph Ives,

Sherman, Josiah,

Sherman E. Minot, son of J. and H.,

Sherman, Mary, daughter of J. and H.,

Steel, Daniel,

Steel, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel,

Smith, John,

March 5, 1805,

Page 51: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Sister Mary, (this stone stands between Eliza

Coats and Catherine Falconer),

Steel, Henry, son of Daniel and E.,.

Sharp, Mary, widow of Peter Sharp,

Sharp, Peter,

Steel, Elijah,

Smith James,Swart Rebecca, wife of Cornelius, Jr.,

Smith, Julia Ann, daughter of Ebcn'r and H.,

Stewart, David, son of Adam and J.,

Stanford, Mary, wife of Sylvanus,

Shaw, Gruy,

Scott, Robert,

Scott, James,Scott, William, son of Robert,

Sanford, Stephen,

Shew, E. A. Bice, wife of John J.,

Steel, James, son of Daniel and E.,

Scovell, Charles,

Shepherd, John,

Shepherd, Elizabeth, widow of John,

Steel, Sarah, wife of Timothy,Symons, Loring,

Swain, William, son of Robert and 11.,

Sturges, Sarah, wife of Isaac,

Smith, John Uphani,Smith, widow Lucy,Smith, John,Smith, Charles,

Stafford, Margaret D., wife of John,

Stewart, C. D^odge, wife of S. H.,

Stewart, Jerusha, wife of Adam,Stodard, Hanibel, son of Reul:)en and I.,

Strickland, Orpha, wife of Seldon,

Strickland, Volkerts, son of James and E.,

Shankline, Gilbert, native of Ireland,

Shankline, Andrew, native of Ireland,

Smith, Osmond D., son of David and P.,

Smith Osmond, son of David and P.,

Smith, Gertrude, wife of Jer'h,

Safford, Lydia,

Sherman, Sarah Ann, daughter of Jabaziel

and Nancy,

Thorp, Andrew, son of And. J. and E.,

Thayer, Lucy, wife of Amos, Sr.

Trav. (Stone blank and broken),

Ten Eyck, Parent,

Traver, Catharine E., wife of George,Tracy, Eliza, daughter of Eunice,

Thorn, Lydia, wife of Ebenezer, and daughter

of E. and Z. Whipple,Tuttle, Mary, wife of Daniel,

Thomas, David, (native of South Wales, Breck-

























3, 1845,

2, 1831,

4, 1821,

23, 1813,

18. 1818,

12, 1819.

21, 1825,

18, 1802,

27, 1810),

11, 1813.

22, 1834,

31, 1803,

25, 1800,

6, 1800,

14, 1834,

14, 1853,

15, 1808.

10. 1808,

lO; 1797,

]. 1797,

27, 1808.

15, 1809i

1, 1807,

24, 1816,

19, 1814,

25, 1791,

17, 1808,

10, 1799,

11, 1835,

7, 1813,

17, 1813,

2. 1841,

15, 1842,

28, 1791,

11. 1799,

21, 1804,

22, 1809,

10, 1840,

22, IS II,

20 years.

1 4 "y. 4 m. 15 d.

76th year.

78 years.

54 y. 2 m. 12 d.

35 V. 3 m.

1 J. 2 m. IG d.

42 years.

46 y. 9 d.

33 y. 2 m. 25 d.

5 y. 20 d.

2 m. 26 d.

57 years.

36 years.

1 y. 3 m. 17 d.

Dec. 25. 1807.

48 y. 3m.49 y. 6 m.68 years.

32d year.

3 y. 5 m.52 years.

28tli year.

78th year.

32d year.

41st year.

29 y. 8 m. 6 d.

23 V. 9 m. 12 d.

22 y. 6 m. 6 d.

17 y. 11 m.

52 years.

2 m. 22 d.

64 years.

78 vears.

1 y 21 d.

1 y. 5 m. lid.78th vear.

2 m. 24 d.

11 d.

Sept. 11, 1808, 1 y. 10 m. 25 d.

Nov. 7, 1849, 11 vears.

Oct. 25, 1817, 54th year.

Jan. 1, 1796, Oct. 30, 1766.

Aug. 22, 1S31,

Oct. 17, 1799, 16 months.

Oct. 20, 1813, 29 y. 20 d.

April 1, 1802, 49th year.

Dec. 24, 1818, 61 years.

Page 52: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Van Dyke, Sarah B., widow of the late Daniel

Van Dyke, master of the ship Crisis, daugh-ter of Captain Jared Gardner, Stone sunk.

Van Vlack, Wm. Henry, son of W. and A., May 12, 1853, 9 y. 2 m. 1 d.

Van Alstine, Mrs. Margaret, Mar. 3, 1824, 65 years.

Varrick, Anna, Nov. 3, 1839, Nov. 15, 1764,

Villers, Charles Henry, son of H. and A. M., Oct. 19, 1834, 4 y. 3 m.Van Benthuiscn, Catharine C, wife of Benja-

min, Jan. 18, 1804, 21 y. 1 m. 8 d.

Virgil, William E., son of E. H. and L., May 5, 1840, 5 y. 7 m. 9 d.

Vernor, Charles, July 11, 1830, 4 m. 25 d.

Vernor, Henry, twin sons of John T. andPolly, July 13, 1830, 4 m. 25 d.

Watters, Hugh, son of David and E., Oct. 21, 1822, 23 y. 10 m.

Watters, David, Feb. 26, 1810, 50 years.

Watters, Elizabeth, Jan. 31, 1839, 64 years.

Watters, David, son of David and E., Oct. 7, 1825, 24 y 12 d.

Watters, Wm.. son of David and E., July 18, 1802, Oct. 17, 1791.

Watters, Elizabeth, daughter of David and E., Nov. 19, 1802, Nov. 19, 1793.

Wendover, George, Oct. 20, 1799, 1 y. 6 m. 14 d.

Webster, Charles R., born at Hartford, Conn.,

Sept. 30th, 1762, (having been an inhabitant

of the city of Albany for fift}^ years), died

at Saratoga Springs, Julv 18, 1834.

Webster Rachael, wife of Charles R., Mar. 31, 1794, 30 y. 10 m.

Webster, Rachael, (infant), Oct. — , 1789, 15 days.

Webster, Benjamin, children of C. R. and Lucy, Aug. 31, 1800, 1 y. 4 m. 6 d,

Webster, Lucy, Dec. 4, 1802, 8 months.

Webster, Benjamin, Sept. 11, 1808, 3d year.

Webster, Edward, children of C. R. and Cyn-thia, Nov. 9, 1809, 4 months.

Williamson, Elizabeth, May 3, 1852, Mar. 10, 1776,

White, Thomas, born in the city of Worcester,

England, Jan. 20. 1853, Mar. 8, 1825,

Whitney, Charles E., Nov. 29, 1844, 24 y. 1 m. 12 d.

Walker, Olive, wife of Calvin, Apr. 20, 1815, 36 y. 8 m. 9 d.

"White, Mrs. Mary (native of England), July 25, 1833, G9th year.

Wheeler, Richard, Sept. 5, 1824, 30th year.

Warner, Mary, wife of Austin, July 3, 1806, 32 y. 9 m. 28 d.

Wynans, James, of Poughkeepsie, Aug. 25, 1803, 61 y, 5 m. 11 d.

Weed, Mary, daughter of Smith and Mary, Sept. 14, 1811, 25 y. 17 d.

Weed, Smith, July 11, 1839, 85th year.

Weed, Mary, wife of Smith, May 10, 1819, 64th year.

Woodin, David, Aug. 8, 1805, 28th year.

WiUitt, Elizabeth, daughter of Edw'd and M., June 29, 1792, 21 y. 6 m. 4 d.

Watson, George, May 29, 1835, 28 y. 3 m. 14 d.

Williams, M. Gibbs, wife of Dr. Jno. F., July 2, 1852, 86 years.

Williams, Sarah A., from Portsmouth, N. H.. July 28, 1826, 22 years.

Woods, William, Sept. 20, 1799, 66th year.

Waud, Ann, daughter of John Moore, andand wife of M., Feb. 15, 1810, 26 y. 5 m. 21 d.

W^inans, John R., Feb. 7, 1810, 25 y. 4 m. 19 d.

Woodruff, Dr. Hunlork, born at Elizabeth-

town, New Jersey, July 4, 1811, Oct. 28, 1754,

Whitney, Wm. Alvord, son of Selleckand H., Oct. 17, 1831, 3 y. 3 m.

Whitney, Thomas, son of Selleck and B., Dec. 25. 1819, 2 m. 26 d.

Whitey, Jas. K., son of Selleck and B., May 19, 1811, 1 y. 4 d.

Page 53: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


"Walker, Steven,

Weed, Mary, daughter of Joseph and M.,

Young, James Henry, son of James G-. and

Nov. 22, 1826, 41 years.

Sept. 7, 1812, 1 y. 4 m.


Young, Sarah Morgan, daughter of James G.and Margaret,

July 23, 1827, 4 y. 2 d.

Aug. 23, 1827, 2 y. 16 d.


Abbey, Eliphalet Killiam, Aug. 8, 1834, 27 y. 8 m. 10 d.

Acres, Thomas, May 18, 1827, 32 y. 5 m. 22 d.

Acres, Eliza, wife of Thomas, Sept. 2, 1824, 26 years.

Acres, Ann Eliza, daughter of Thomas andEliza, Sept. 8, 1823, 1 y. 2 m. 17 d.

Allen, Mary, wife of Tilly, Sept. 25, 1816, 26 years.

Allen, Mary, wife of Tilly, Jan. 15, 1833, 46 years.

Batchelder, Matilda, July 21, 1825, 38 years.

Bancraft, Naomie, wife of Henry, Feb. 19,1844, 60 years.

Barnes, George W., Aug. 4, 1844, 57 y. 11 m. 23 d.

Backus, Elizabeth Huntington, daughter of T.

A. and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1816, 4 y. 11 m. 9 d.

Bacon, Caroline E., daughter ofJohn and Pru-dence M., April 6, 1816, 6 m. 8 d.

Bacon, John Fairbanks, son of John and Pru-dence M., July 29, 1820, 9 m. 24 d.

Bennet, Mary A., daughter of Sala and M. A., June 8, 1823,


Bennet, Mary A., wife of Sala, May 15, 1823, 22 y. 4 m. 22 d.

Boyd, Nancy, wife of Samuel, Feb. 19,1844, 60 years.

Brown, Alfred T., son of Allen and Nancy, May 26, 1813, 4 y. 4 m. 24 d.

Brown, Alfred, son of A. and N., Feb. 3, 1816, 39 d.

Brown, Charles E., son of A. and N, May 1, 1823, 6 y. 2 m.Brown, Isabella S., wife of Isaac, Aug. 20,1831, 25 years.

Brown, Lucy, Jan. 19, 1836, 59 years.

Brainard, Isi'ael Huntington, son of Rev. Is-

rael, July 8, 1836, 28 y. 5 m.Breakey, Henrietta, daughter of William and

Catharine, Oct. 28, 1853, 1 y. S m. 2 d.

Burrows, Georgianna, daughter of Charles andMargaret, 4 y. 7 m.

Butler, Charles, of Wheatfield, Conn., son of

Levi, Dec. 12, 1834, 19 years.

Bulkley, Hannah, wife of Chester, Dec. 23, 1820, 35 years.

Bulkley, John, son of Chester, May 26, 1833, 19 vears.

Bulkley, Silas, May 19,1831, 19 years.

Bulkley, Charles D., Dec. 29, 1831, 29 years.

Bulkley, Elizabeth. Aug. 25, 1857,

Case, Catharine M., Jan. 20, 1821, 17 years.

Case, Frederick A., died at St. lago de Cuba, May 21, 1821, 20 years.

Cauchman, Sarah M., wife of George, Jan. 2, 1826, 32 years.

Centre, Elizabeth, consort of Asa H., July 16, 1821, 31 y. m. 19 d.

Centre, Alby, Dec. 14, 1810, 24 y. 4 m. 24 d.

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Centre, Theodore, son of Asa and Elizabeth, Jan.

Centre, Alb}^ daughter of Asa and Elizabeth. Jan.

Chapin, Juliet P., daughter of Sidney andPamelia,

Chester, Rev. John, D. D., born at Weathers-field, Conn., August, A. D. 1785, and in-

stalled pastor of the Second Presl)yterian

Congregation of the city of Albany, A. D.

1815. He died at Piiiladelphia, January 12,

1829, where his ashes lie entombed.Conklin, Amelia A., wife of Alljert, and

daughter of Chauncey and Mirand Mills,

Conklin, Pascol, infant son of Alfred andEliza.

Conklin, Citharine, daughter of Daniel andHarriet,

Conklin, William B., son of D. and H.,

Cunningham, Thomas, son of Ichabod andJane,



3 months.6 m. 10 d.

Jan. 25, 1833, 4 years.


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Page 56: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Moore, Denny,Meigs, Maria L., daughter of Richard and


Meigs, Richard, son of Richard and Maria,

Morse, Sarah E., daughter of James E. andSarah,

Morse, Clarissa, daughter of James E. andSarah,

Morse, Ehza, wife of Henry,Morgan, George,Morgan, CaroHne R.,

(Children of Samuel and Eliza Morgan.)McNaughton, Fiiilay,

McCammon, Susan S. Batchelder, wife of


McConnel, William,

McConnel, Ann, wife of William,

McKenny, Hannah, wife of Augustus,

McKenny, Mary, wife of Erastus,

McKenny, Jane, wife of Erastus,

Noyes, Mary Eliza, wife of Enoch,

Parke, Nathaniel,

Parker, Philip S.,

Parsons, Edwin B., son of Joel B. andFrances L.,

Parker, George M., son of Philip and Jenette,

Peck, Hanna.Pemberton, Ebenezer,Pemberton, Sarah,

Pemberton, Sarah J.

Pemberton, Sarah 2d,

Pemberton, Abigail,

Pemberton, Charlotte,

Pemberton, Harriett,

(Children of Ebenezer and S. Pemberton.)Pemberton, Harriet,

Pemberton, Clarrissa, daughter of Ebenezerand Eunice,

Prentice, Gideon,

Preston, Louisa Maria, daughter of A. 0.,

Reemer, Clarence B., son of B. M. and Anna L.,

Reemer, Anna L. Townsend, wife of B. M.,

Redden, David,

Redden, James George,Redden, Georgie Allen,

Redden, Philena,

Redden, James G., son of David and Mary,Rice, Caroline, daughter of Mahum and Sabra,

Rice, Sarah, daughter of M. and S.,

Rockwell, John W.,

Rockwell, Mary, wife of J. W.,Rockwell, George Washington,Rockwell Mary Ann,Rodgers, Utilly, wife of Jedediah,

Rude, Hannah,

Mar. 9, 1822, 22 y. 4 m.


9, 1825,

2a 1823,

10 y. 7 m.7 months.

Dec. 16, 1839, 8 y. 1 m. 16 d.











20, 1839,

26, 1839,

15, 1836,

12, 1836,

3 y. 11 m. 10 d.

31 years.

1 y. 10 m. 6 d.

3 y. 7 m.

28, 1828, 36 y. 2 m. 28 d.

5, 1839,

25, 1811,

14, 1839,

28, 1827,

17, 1828,

22, 1852

July 10, 1814.

44 y. 2 m. 4 d.

69 y. 3 m.38 y. 2 m.22 y. 11 m.29 years.

Nov. 21, 1829, 26 years.

Jan. 3, 1822, 53 y. 11 m. 7 d.

June 29, 1839, 55 years.

June 20. 1833, 6 months.

Nov. 19,' 1815, 11 y. 2 m. 19 d.

Aug. 21, 1828, 18 years.

June 23, 1823, 44 y. 3 m. 22 d.

Dec. 4, 1837, 58 years.

Dec. 8, 1819, 2 m. 9 d.

July 13, 1826, 2 y. 9 m. 26 d.

Dec. 13, 1819, 4 y. 9 m. 26 d.

Oct. 29, 1819, 11 m. 20 d.

Feb. 10, 1826, 2 m. 6 d.

Nov. 30, 1844, 8 years.














2, 1833, 25 years.

13, 1837, 52 years.

8, 1823, 10 months.

23, 1846,

16, 1851,

13, 1850,

13, 1827,

13, 1829,

20, 1850,

11, 1827,

31, 1834,

30, 1832,

13, 1826,

18, 1837,

5, 1820,

8, 1818,

28, 1820,

5. 1840,

Jan. 13, 1863.

June 29, 1810.

60 years.

11 years.

1 year.

20 years.

10 y. 10 m. 15 d.

11 y. 10 m. 5 d.

19 y. 11 m. 19 d.

60 years.

63 y. 7 m. 28 d.""

6 m.63 y,

11 y.

2 y. 11 m.39 y. 9 ra. 5 d.


81 years


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Sawyer, Nathaniel, Feb.Sawyer, Orpha Batchelder, wife of N., JuneSey, Gordon, native of Scotland, Mar.Skinner, Erastus, JulySherman, George Sidney, Aug.Smith, Harriet, daughter of A. P. and E. A,, Aug.Spring, Sophia, of Petersham, Mass., Dec.Stewart, Irena, wife of Adam, Aug.Stafford, John, Oct.Steel, Sally, Mar.Starr, Walter, son of Chandler and Hannah, Nov.Star, William, son of C. and H., Dec.Tate, Thomas, Aug.Taber, Job, Sept.Tuffs, Joseph, son of Lucien and Joanna, April

Van Deveer, Maria, wife of Tunis, Aug.Van Buren, Frances M., wife of Rev. J. M.,

and daughter of Uriah and Olive Marvin, April

20, 1851,

16, 1848,

14, 1847,

28, 1843,

27, 1832,

17, 1840,

2, 1824,

15, 1819,

12, 1819,


4, 1824,

28, 1824,

19, 1832,

12, 1832,

9, 1838,

71 years.

64 years.

46 years.

19 years.

3 years.

1 y. 1 m. 26 d.

28 years.

30 y. 29 d.

51 years.

33 years.

1 y. 1 m4 y. 8 m,

79 years.

35 years.

6 m. 18 d.

19 d.


25, 1823, 28 years.

2, 1842, 24 years.

Waterhouse, Mary Louisa, daughter of AbraraA. and Hester,

Wait, Georgianna, daughter of Samuel andMary A.,

Wait, Myron C, son of S. and M. A.,

Williams, Douglas Piatt,

Williams, Francis Burdell,

(Children of Dennison and Maria Williams.)

Wilcox, Nathan, of Ogden, Monroe county,

N. Y., son of Jesse and Thankful.

Wilson, Jane, wife of Samuel,Wilson, Abigail, second wife of Samuel,Wilder, Ephraim, Jr.,

Webb, Elizabeth, wife of Nathan,Worth, Mary J., of Hudson,Worth, Ellen, daughter of William and Mar-


Young, George A.,

Dec. 4, 1824, 18 months.






17, 1846,

14, 1847,

12, 1837,

25, 1820,

8, 1827,

28, 1828,

25, 1828,

6, 1824,

6. 1832.


1 y-

5 m

6 m.5 m.8 m.3 d.

28 years.

25 years.

53 years.

26 years.

Oct. 31, 1833, Oct. 9, 1839.

April 12, 1828, 43 years.


Bradford John, son of Hugh and Jane,

Ballatine, infant son of Robert and Elizabeth,

Brainard, Eunice, wife of Daniel,

Booth, Zachariah,

Booth, Ichabod L., son of Silas and AureUa,

Black, John.

Badeau, Margaret, wife of John,

Burt, Mrs. Esther,

Belcher. Charlotte J., daughter of Jonathan

and Hannah,

Aug. 3, 1832, 22 y. 3 m. 3 d.

Aug. 28, 1831,

Jan. 27, 1830, 89 y. 8 m.Nov. 25, 1839, 34 y. 5 m.Feb. 23, 1822, 21 years.

June 27, 1818, 31 years.

Sept. 22, 1827, 26th year.

Sept. 18, 1842, 73 years.

May 14, 1822, 21 y. 25 d.


Page 58: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Callender, Sarah, wife of David,

(Also her four infant sons.)

CaUender, Thomas W., son of David andCatharine,-

Candee, Catharine Adelaid, daughter of Ly-man and Phebe,

Church, Ohver,Carson, Joseph,

Clark, William A.,

Coey, Benjamin P., son of John and Catha-rine L.,

Church, Mary Louisa,

April 5, 1833, 26th year.

Aug. 18, 1839,

Dec. 17, 1833,

Sept. 18, 1818,

Jan. 14, 1820,

April 17, 1828,

April 23, 1837,

June 14, 1821,

10 months.

2 y. 5 m. 18 d.

55th year.

45 years.

22 years.

4 y. 6 m. 29 d.

2 months.

June 22, 1811, 24 years.

Daniel (All told.)

Dunn, Robert,

Dunn, Alexander, infant son of Robert Dunn.Stone erected by his father-iu-law, JohnMoorf,

Davis, Celia A., Avife of Capt. John Davis, Mar. 17, 1850, 86th year,

Deyermand, William, son of William andSarah,

Deyermand, William H.,

1821Oct. 2, 1822

Freeland, John,Freeland, Rosanna, wife of John,

Guthrie, Alexander. Stone erected by his

affectionate wife, Margaret,

Hempsted, Isaac,

Hempsted, Rachel, wife of Isaac,

Hempsted, Henry,Hartness, Sarah, wife of James,

Judson, Elijah,

Judson, Charles, son of Elijah and Rebecca,

Judson, Eliza, daughter of Elijah and Rebecca,

Knolts, Charles, son of II. W. and Salome,

King, Nancy, daughter of David and Eunice,

Kinnear, Grizell, daughter of James and Susan,

Lyons, David,

Lay, Lucy, wife of William,

Moore, William,

Moore, Margaret,

Magoffin, Hannah, daughter of John andCatharine,

McCollum, James,McCollum, Randal,

McCracket, James,Matchet, James,Merchant, Mary, daughter of Stephen and


June 21, 1837

June 15, 1824May 17, 1826

April 2, 1844

July 9, 1824July 11, 1842Nov. 19, 1825Sept. 16, 1815

May 19, 1825Nov. 13, 1835June 14, 1826,

July 21, 1832May 23, 1822Mar. 12, 1827

Nov. 7, 1822Sept. 29, 1828,

May 31, 1823July 8, 1825:

Dec. 6, 1798Dec. 5, 1823Nov. 19, 1817:

May 3, 1811

Dec. 31, 1822

6 m. 5 d.

29th year.

July 6, 1789.

57th year.

48th year.

24 y. 10 m. 17 d.

50 y. 11 m.72d year.

50 y. 9 m. 12 d.

29 years.

57 y. 4 m. 29 d.

30th year.

29 y. 5 m. 26 d.

20 m. 15 d.

15 y. 4 m. 8 d.

29 y. 8 m. 24 d.

45th year.

44 years.

45 years.

2 years.

9 y. 4 m. 15 d..

21 y. 5 m. 6 d.

5 1st year.

53 y. 1 m. 4 d.

38th year.

Nov. 11, 1819, 1 y. 7 m.

Page 59: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


McGill. William,

McGill, Isabella, wife of William,

McGill, Robert, son of Wm. and Isabella,

McGill, Robert, son of Wm. and Isabella,

McKelvey, Jane Ann, wife of Cornelius,

Meadon, William,

Meadon, Isaac, son of William,

Meadon, Thomas,McKnight, Isabella, daughter of Andrew and


McKnight, Ann, daughter of A. and S.,

McMuUen, Andrew,McMullen, Jane, wife of Andrew,McMullen, Sarah, daughter of And'w and Jane,

McMullen, Sarah, daughter of And'w and Jane,

McMullen, Andrew, son of And'w and Jane,

McElravj, Mary,

Noyes, William,

Noyes, William Edmund, son of William,

Newton, Olive, wife of Daniel,

Newton, George Sanford, son of Daniel andMinerva,

Newton, Harriet, daughter of Daniel andMinerva,

Ormsby, Leonard,Olney, Christopher,

Olney, Ann Baker, wife of Christopher,

Olney, Benjamin Baker.

Peck, James Watson,Peck, John Tajdor,

(Children of WiUiam and Maria Peck.)

Pomeroy, Meriet,

Paul, John,

Prestnell, Mrs. Andrise,

Ringe, Deliah H., daughter of E. and C,Rice, Henry J., son of William and Martha,

Smith, Catharine, wife of Arthur A.,

Strange, Maxwell,Strange, James,

Strange, Agnes Warnock, wife of James,

Shottlor, Prudence,Strong, Michael,

Strong, Mary, wife of Michael,

July 1, 1825, 74 years.

May 21, 1827, 6G years.

June 23, 1S2G, 3 y. 5 m. 23 d.

Oct. 7, 1820, 10 m. 3 d.

June 8, 1823, 23 y. 3 m. 22 d.

April 22, 1833, 45 years.

Aug. 16, 1818, 8 months.Nov. 25, 1821, 38th year.

July 25, 1841, 10 m. 9 d.

Jan. 25, 1833, Sept. 13, 1832.

May 22, 1844, Sept. 18, 1775.

Feb. 9, 1813, 34th year.

May IG, 1810, 4 y.'3 m. 6 d.

Aug. 21, 1H13, 1 y. 5 m. 27 d.

Aug. 24, 1830, 23d year.

April 11, 1844, 57 th year.







1845, 34 y.

1845, 1 y.

1823, 2Gy.

7 m. 6 d.

G m. 22 d.

3 m.

15, 183G, 4 y. 7 ra. 4d.

9, 1837, 7 y. 9 m. 17 d.

Mar. 2, 1831, 47 years.

Jan. 27. 1842, 69 years.

July lo! 1847. G9 years.

Sept. 15, 1822, 13 years.

Dec. 19, 1847, 10 years.

Jan. 14, 1848, 15 years.

Aug. 19, 1818, 8th year.

July 21, 1825, 28 years.

Oct. 12, 1833, 88th year.

June 16, 1838, 7 m. 4 d.

April 9, 1829, 21 years.

Sept. 26, 1847, 54th year.

July 10, 1824, 58y.'4d.Mar. 13, 1830, 54th year.

Apr. 17, 1831, 60th year.

Aug. 25, 1820, 65 y. 4 ra. 25 d.

Mar. 29, 1837, 62 years.

Apr. 12, 1821, Gl years.

Traver, Emma, daughter of Geo. and Amelia, Nov. 1, 1841, 5 y. 5 m.

Traver. George, son of George and Amelia, Feb. 1, 1841, 3 years.

Traver, George, son of George and Amelia, Feb. 12, 1846, 20 days.

3 d.

Van Cott, Sarah, widow of John, Aug. 22, 1831, 74 years.

Van Cott, Phillamon, Jr., son of Phillamon

and Rachael, July 15, 1826, 10 ni. 27 d.

Van Wie, Matilda, daughter of Benjamin and

Lorinda, Mar. 31, 1829, 9 y. 5 m8

Page 60: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Wilson, James, May 2, 1818, 58 years.

Whitnev, Elizabeth Cluet, daughter of Chaun-cey an<l Ann, July 21, 1824, 5 y. 8 m. 27 d.

Welch, Jane Caroline, daughter of Thomasand Ruth, Aug. 12, 1820, 1 y. 2 m. 8 d.

Will, infant son of Frederick and Catharine, Jan. 15, 1836.


Angus, "William, born in Scotland,

Angus, Abraham, born in Scotland,

Angus, David, SeptAndersor, Robert, son of Robert and Agnes, Aug.Anderson, William, son of Wm. and Martha, May.Aitkin, William, son ,of John and Jannet, JuneAngus, James, born in Scotland, Mar.


Archer, Rachel, daughter of James and Nancy, June 16, 1813, 23 y. 3 m. 6 d.

Nov, 4, 1824, 42 y. 8 m.April 27, 1822, 78 years.

17, 1821, 32 years.

28. 1807, 11 m. 22 d.

28^ 1824, 2 m. 28 d.

3, 1833, 3y. 11 m.14, 1806, 55 y. 4 m.


Dec. 23, 1807, 16 y. 4. m.Aug. 31, 1856, 7 y. 4 m. 8 d.

Baine, Catharine, born in Montreal,

Bowies, Mary, daughter of David,

Bowies, Agnes,(Children of David, both bom in Scotland.) Aug. 25, 1856, 2 y. 8 m. 9 d.

Bryant, Catharine Ann, Feb. 27, 1851, 3 y. 5 m.Bryant, Willie S., Aug. 30, 1855, 3 y. 5 m. 5 d.

Brown, Louisa, daughter of John and Mar-garet, June

Black, James, born in Scotland, Mar.

Birre, Jean, wife of Henry, JuneBlackader, George, son of John, of Scotland, Nov.Bromlee, Ann Eliza, daughter of David and

Elspy, May

6, 1827, 2y. 11 m. 4 d,

17, 1817, 32 years.

11, 1825, 30y. 8 m7, 1798, 55 years.

11 d.

Cobb, William S.,

Cristie, Isaliella, daughter of James and Jane,

born in Scotland,

Cristie, William, son of James and Jane,

C. I. (Nothing else on the board.)

Carson, Thomas, born in Ireland,

Crawford, Elizabeth, Avife of Robert, born in


Cochran, Alexander, born in Scotland,

Clark, Alexander, born in Scotland,

Clyde, Samuel,

Crabb, Sarah, wife of David,

Crichton, John,

Crabb, Elizabeth, wife of David,

Don, Jenet, Avife of Alexander,Don, John (born in Scotland),

Davis, William (born in Ireland),

Davidson, Robert,

Deyermand, James,

6, 1811, 7 m. 6 d.

Mar. 30, 1835, 25 years.

April 23,

May 8,

Page 61: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Ferguson, John, son of John and Nancy,Ferguson, Sarah (born in Ireland),

Fraser, James, son of John and Jean,Forsyth, Mary, wife of Alexander,Forsyth, Alexander (born in Scotland),

Forsyth, John, son of Alexander and Mary,Fraser, Margaret,

Fraser, Donald (born in N. B.),

Fraser, Alexander,Fraser, John,

Fraser, John,

Fraser, Hugh, son of John and Eleanor,

Fraser, John (born in Scotland),

Fraser, Archabald, son of John and Elizabeth,

Gay, David (born in Scotland),

Gowie, Betsey, wife of James (born in Scot-land),

Gowey, James (born in Scotland),

Golder, John (born in Scotland),

Girven, Eliza B., wife of James,Girven, Fanny, daughter of James,Greer, Ann, wife of Andrew,Greer, George, son of George and Elizabeth,

Greer, Elizabeth, wife of George,

Greer, Jane, daughter of Geo. and Margaret,

Graham, Margaret Mclntosli, wife of John S.,

Holmes, James P. (born in Ireland),

Hal!, Margaret Mrs. (born in Scotland),

Hall, James (born in Scotland),

Hamilton, Alexander F., son of John andMary,

Hamilton, John,

Hunter, Robert,

Henry, Robert (born in Ireland),

Hagee, Mary, wife of Archibald,

Hagee, Mary, daughter of Archibald (nothing

else to be seen).












May 15.

Jan. 31,'

April 19,

April 18,

Aug. 26,

Feb. 27,

Aug. 16,















4 y. 5 ra.

55 years.

52 years.

49 y. 4 m.69 y. 1 m. _ ...

20 y. 5 m. 23 d.

26 years.

58 years.

37 y. 11 m.86 years.

22 y. 4 m.39 y. 6 ra.

62 y. 9 m.1 y. 8 m.


14 d.


April 1, 1813, 33 years.








10, 1824,

29, 1827,

21, 1826,

8, 1847,

2, 1841,

7, 1818,

15, 1814,

5, 1813,

23, 1820,

16. 1842,

45 years.

52 years.

28 years.

67 years.

20 years.

59 years,

21 years.

54 y. 1 m6 m. 6 d.

Feb. 28, 1813.

15 d.

Mar. 23, 1835, 53 years.

Nov. 8, 1855, 55 y. 7 m.

Dec. 2, 1812, 68 years.

Feb. 7, 1825, 7 y. 10 m. 7 d.

Feb. 16, 1834, 30 years.

Nov. 29, 1853, 42 years.

Sept. 19, 1832, 25 years.

May 22, 1812, 73 years.

Kirk, John, son of John and Mabel,

Kirk, Martha, daughter of John and Mabel,

Kingsberry, William,

Kingsberry, John,

Oct. 28, 1786, 17 m. 12 d.

Sept. 4, 1787, 13 months.

Sept. 25, 1842, 52 years.

June 12, 1843, 16 y. 6 ra.

Lumsden, David, born in Scotland, Sept. 3, 1817, 42 years.

Leggat, Agnes, daughter of Wm. and Marg't, Aug. 23. 1838, 10 y. 6 m.

Leggat, William, born in Scotland, April 3, 1852, April 25, 1801.

Leggat, Jane, daughter of Wra. and Margaret, Sept. 28, 1837, 9 months.

McHeuch, N. B., Aug.

McHeuch, Peter, Oct.

McHeuch, Margaret, Oct.

Milne, George (born in Scotland), Nov.

McFarlan, Jan.

Mathison, James (born in Scotland), Sept.

Mcintosh, Lewis, Oct.

Meeks, James H., son of James and Margaret, Mar.

26, 1832, 39 years.

25, 1822, 69 years.

18, 1852, 34 y. 11 m.

3. 1809, 45 y. 3 m.

11, 1812, 27 years.

4, 1809, 44 y. 8 m. 8 d.

6, 1822, 20 y. 5 m.

15, 1838, 5 y. 2 m.

Page 62: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Mcintosh, Jennet P., wife of John (born in


Mills, Cristy, son of John Mills,

Mills, Marrion, daughter of John Mills,

Mills. Eobert, son of John Mills,

McEhvain, William, son of Rob't and Jane,

McNab, Peter (born in Scotland),

McNab, Jane, daughter of Peter and Ann,McCord. Mary, daughter of James and Eliza-


McLean, Nancy, wife of John,McLean, Ann, daughter of John and Nancy,Mullen, John,Malloch, John (born in Scotland),

Malloch, Jane,

Miller, Ann,Miller, Andrew,McCulloch, Isabella F., wife of Walter S.,

Malcomb, Charles, son of Charles and Isabella,

McFarland, Robert (born in Scotland),

McHarg, Jane Ann, daughter of John andJenett,

Mochrie, John,Marten. William,

McHarg, John,McHarg, Jean Ann, daughter of John and


McLachlan, Fergus (born in Scotland),

McCulloch. Wm., son of William and Isabella,

McCulloch, James, son of William and Isabella,

McCulloch, Robert, son of William and Isabella,

McCulloch, John, son of William and Isabella,

McCulloch, Margaret, daughter of William andIsabella,

McCulloch, William,

Mcintosh, Peter, son of Peter and Margaret,

Mcintosh, James, son of Peter and Margaret,

Mcintosh, Peter (born in Scotland),

McLeod, Isabella, daughter of Alexander andJarana,

McLeod, Eliza Ann, daughter of Alexanderand Jarana,

Milroy, William (born in North Britain),

McDonald. Donald (born in Scotland),

Newton, John (born in Scotland),

Newton, Jennet (born in Scotland),

Newton, Margaret, daughter of John andJennet,

Neely, Martha, wife of Robert,

Oliver, George, son of Robert and Rebecca, Jan. 25, 1837, 4 y. 24 dOliver, Alice, daughter of John and Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1805, 1 y. 9 m.O'Neill, Margaret, wife of John (born in Ire-

land), Feb.

O'Neill, Nancy, daughter of John,O'Neill, Jane,'wife of Henry, July 2, 1833, 72 years.

Ohver, John, son of Henry, Mar. 22, 1845, 52 years.


Page 63: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


O'Neill, Henry,O'Neill, James, son of John and Nancy.O'Keordan, Thomas Egar,

Peebles, Jean Anderson, wife of John,Peebles, John,Phillips, John, Jr.,

Parker, Agnes Armer, wife of Conel,

Philps, William (born in Scotland),

Robertson, Cheesby, daughter of James andLillias,

Robertson, Lillias. wife of James,Robertson, Margaret, wife of Duncan,Rodgers, James,Rodger.=! Margaret, wife ofJames,Rea, Sarah, wife of Dayid (of Ireland),

Risk, Sarah, daughter of Wm. and Lillia,

Rankin, William (born in Ireland),

Robertson, Duncan (born in Scotland),

Ray, Samuel,

Ray, Elizabeth M.,

Robertson. Sarah, wife of Robert,

Stewart, Mary, wife of Walter,

Shaw, Sarah C, wife of Nathan.Scoon, John, son of Wm. and Helen (born in


Scoon, Rol^ert, son of Wm. and Helen (born

in Scotland),

Scoon, William, son of John and Margaret(born in Scotland),

Scoon, Helen, wife of Wm. (born in Scotland),

Scoon, Walter, son of Wm. (born in Scotland),

Scott, James, son of James and Mary,Scott, James, son of Robert and Jane,

Scott, James (born in Scotland),

Scott, Thomas,Stermont^ son of Alexander and Sarali,

Stewart, Lachlan (born in Scotland),

Stewart, Matilda, daughter of Lachlan and


Mar. 17, 1838, 76 years.

2 y. 6 m.May 14, 1865, 38 years.

Sept. 9, 1837, 47 years.

Dec. 17, 1849, 64 years.

Sept. 0, 1837, 51 years.

Dec. 3, 1854, 54 years.

April 15, 1824, 43 y. 11 m. 4 d.

1 d.

April 4,

Page 64: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Bradt, Catharine Garrison, wife of Peter A.,

Blades, Rev. Jno. (born in England),Brainard, Ashel,

Brainard, Emily, daughter of Ashel,Brainard, Josephine, daughter of L. W. and

Sarah A.,

Brainard. Ashel,

Brownlee, Robert H., son of Sam'l and AnnEliza,

Brown, John,Brown, Jane, daughter of Martha,Bootle, Martha, wife of Thos.,

Brown, Major,

Brown, Susanna A., daughter of Major,Byce, Abraham,Byce, Abraham, son of Abraham and Catharine,

Barns, Erastus C, son of S. S. and F.,

Beldcn, Rhoda, wife of Selah,

Belden, Selah,

Buckbee, John, son of Jas. A. and Adeline,Butler, John W., son of Jno. W. and Ann Eliza,

Brown, Van Rensselaer,

Berry, Alex'r,

Coughtr}', Susan, wife of W. W.,Coughtry, Sylvia Ann, daughter of W. W.,Churchill, William,

Churchill, Elizabeth, wife of W.,Crew, Alonzo, son of Jno. T. and Martha,Crew, Eveline, daughter of Jno. T. and Martha,Cain, Ann Eliza and John T., children of John

and Jane,

Coulson, Eveline, wife of W. R.,

Conklin, Chas. H., son of Chas. and Lydia,Collins, Alfred IL, son of Alfred and Polly,

Corkill, Peter (born at Isle of Man),Crear, Hannah,Clark, Margaret Anna, daughter of Michael

and Anna,Craig. Sally,

Clow, John M.,

Clow, William E.,

Derrick, William H.Derrick, James H.Devoe, Sarah, wife of William,

Devoe, Julian, daughter of Wm. and Sarah,

Deyo, Amanda Hall, wife of Benj. N.,

Douglass, Mary E. B., daughter of Jaraes,

Dodge, Sarah Dolly, wife of Edmund,

Ensign, Ehzabeth D., wife of Lewis,

Ensign, Mary, wife of William,

Ensign, Capt. William,

Fox, Charity, wife of Bristol,

Fox, Catharine L.,

Fox, Edward H.,

June 16, 1856, 44 years.

73 years.

25 y. 4 m. 27 d.

27 y. 1 m. 1 d.

2 m. 17 d.

49 years.


Page 65: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Fisher, James D.,

Fuller, Mary E., daughter of H. D. and Cath-arine,

Fuller, Edward W., son of H. D. and Cath-arine,

Fitch, Jane, wife of William,Fitch, William R., son of WilUam and Adah,Fitch, Adah, wife of William,Fattarley, John,Fensham, Phebe, wife of John,

Greene, Griffin, Jr.,

Graham, Catharine Ann, wife of John Q.,Graham, Andrew,Griffith, Mary Ellen, daughter of C. C. and


Given, Samuel, son of James and Jane,Given, James H., son of James and Jane,

Given, Samuel, son of James and Jane,

Given, Catharine, daughter ofJames and Jane,

Given, Frances A., daughter of James andJane,

Geer, Miranda, wife of R.,

Gould, George,Gould, Mary, wife of Jos. S.,

Gould, Jos. S.,

Howe, John Lloyd, son of Silas B. and Eliza-


Hochstrasser, Jacob,

Hochstrasser, Louisa, wife of Jacob,

Hochstrasser, Louisa, daughter of Jacob,

Hochstrasser, Emma, daughter of Jacob,

Higham, Martha, daughter of Abraham andJulia,

Harris, Emma L., daughter of Geo. and Eliza,

Higgins, Arnold L., son of Cornel's and Jane,

Higgins, Amanda M.,

Hall, Elizabeth, wife of Asher,

Hall, Charlotte A., wife of Stephen B.,

Hall, Margaret G,Hall, John MacK.,Holton, Lyman H., son of Adolphus and Elma

(born in Concord, Vt.),

Hagadon, David C,Hurlbut, Helen M., daughter of Samuel and


Hurlbut, Palmilta, wife of Samuel,

Hoard, Courtland, son of Titus and Maria,

Ingalls, Sally,

Ingalls, Betsey,

Feb. 19, 1842, 42 years.

Sept. 29, 1842, 11 m. 5 d.

Sept. 23, 1840, 5 months.

Feb. 3, 1842, 32 y. 8 m. 29 d.

Mar. 23, 1839, 2 m. 17 d.

Jan. 15, 1839, 25 y. 10 m. 13 d.

May 23, 1831, 30 y. 5 m. 16 d.

Oct. 19, 1840, 23 years.

April 21, 1831,

Feb. 2, 1844,

Dec. 5, 1831,

April 6, 1842,

April 15, 1836,

Sept. 10, 1842,

June 18, 1844,

June 18, 1844,

July 26, 1847,

Mar. 29, 1827,

Sept. 3, 1824,

Oct. 5, 1845,

Mar. 15, 1822,

7 y. 3 m. 11 d.

22 y. 10 m.41 y. 10 m. 5 d.

4 y. 7 m. 13 d.

6 months.1 y. 10 m. 3 d.

5 m. 7 d.

5 m. 7 d.

2 months.

Aug. 30, 1841.

April 10. 1845,

Mar. 24, 1835,

Jan. 24. 1834

Jan. 10, 1835,

Oct. 17, 1829Oct. 4, 1849

Nov. 15, 1841

Nov. 11, 1830Dec. 28, 1839,

Nov. 3, 1841

Jan. 18, 1817

Jan. 16, 1826,


July9, 18296, 1850

May 6, 1834Feb. 29, 184-.

June 22, 1836

Feb. 16, 1843

Dec. 22, 1842

Jessup, Waterman, son of Benjamin and Lydia, Aug. 15,1830

Jackson, David, Oct. 21, 1842

J., E. (on a board,) June 12, 1864

44 years.

78 y. 4 m.65 years.


2 y. 4 m. 8 d.

43 years.

28 y. 6 m.1 y. 8 m.6 m. 7 d.

1 year.

2 y. 5 m.38 y. 5 m. 6 d.

21 years.

May 20, 1782.

Oct. 16, 1818.

June 27, 1815.

July 6, 1807.

29 years.

49 years.

14 years.

49 years.

1 y. 1 ra.

54 years.

52 years.

9 y. 7 m. 29 d.

54 y. 8 m.

Keeler, Caroline, Aug. 23, 1857, 10 y. 1 m.

Page 66: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Kemp, Eli5^abeth, wife of Joseph, Sept. 4, 1822, 36 years.

Also their infant child, 18 d. 15 hours,Kent, Elias, Nov. 14. 1846, 35 years.

Lahey, John, May 11, 1851, 29 years,

Livingston, Margaret, May 16, 1858, 7 y.'lO m. 9 d.

Lewis, Mrs. Anne, (born in Rhode Island), April 1, 1836, Mar. 20, 1763.Lamourx, Jesse, son of Elisha and Mary Ann, Sept. 10, 1806, 32 y. 5 m. 28 d.

Lincoln, Robert, Feb. 19, 1821, 29 y. 3. m. 11 d,

Lincoln, Robert Edward, son of Robert, Jan. 23, 1S21, 4 m. 17 d.

Lane, Sarah L., Avife of Jas. H. Sept. 11, 1842, 25 y. 2 d.

Lane, Emma L., daughter of Jas. H. and Mary, Jan. 1 1, 1864. 7 y. 6 m. 24 d.

Lane, Jane A., daughter of Jas. H. and Mary, Aug. 27, 1848, 1 y. 6 m. 27 d.

Little, Elizabeth, wife of Henry II., Nov. 24,1840, 24 years.

McBurney, Elizabeth (of Ireland), May 23, 1849, 67 years.McBurney, William (of Ireland), Aug. 31, 1847, 37 years.

Morgan, 'Phebc Ann, daughter of Jno. B., Feb. 14, 1832, 10 m. 14 d.

Moon, Jane Ryan, wife of Squire, Aug. 25, 1852, 30 years.

Meigs, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles N. andP'hccbe, Oct. 1841, 2 y. 4 m.

Merritt, Ebenezer, Dec. 31. 1819, 56 yeans.

Mye^rs, Ellen E., April 17,' 1834, 1 y. 5 m. 25 d.

McKenna, Susanna, wife of Andrew (bornin Connecticut), June 8, 1838, Nov. 12, 1758.

Mills, Marcus P., Sept. 10, 1857, 6 m. 28 d.

Mills, Frank B., Feb. 25, 1860, 1 y. 2 m. 29 d.

Miller. Delia A., daughter of Leonard andMary, May 15, 1850, 6 m. 10 d.

Moor, Alary E., daughter of Frederick andCathaiiuL',


Nov. 20, 1847, 11 y. 2 m. 20 d.

Moore, Elizabeth De Friest, Aug. 10, 1834, 19 y. 3 m. 27 d.

Nelson, Mar3^ wife of Arnold, Jan. 1, 1831, 36 years.

Nelson, Rensselaer V. B., son of Arnold, May 10, 1852, 25 y. 3 m. 8 d.

Nelson, Henry L., son of Arnold and Mary, Aug. 13, 1819, 4 y. 11 m. 13 d.

Nelson, Caroline, daugh'r of Arnold and Mary, April 30, 1821, 1 y. 1 m.Nelson, Charles R., son of Arnold and Mary, July 6, 1824, 1 y. 12 d.

(Three children of Nelson and ElizabethNorthrup.)

Putnam, Daniel M., son of Peter and Rachel,

Putnam, Daniel, son of Peter and Rachel,

Pitkin, Electa H., daughter of Ashbell andMary,

Porter, Ann Eliza, daughter of David andSophia,

Pierce, Samuel, son of Joseph and Fanny,Preshy, Byi'on E., son of Elijah and Elizabeth, Feb.Patterson, Ebenezer H.,

Patterson, Eugenia E.,

Payne, Martha, daughter of John H. andEliza, Jan. 28, 1846, 8 y. 5 m. 2 d.

Rector, Mary, wife of Thomas, May 14, 1847, 46 years.

Robinson, Eliza, wife of John, Nov. 21, 1838, 29 years.

Randall, Chas. H. C, son of Geo. and Maria, April 26, 1833, 3 y. 2 m. 25 d.



Page 67: P 129 P3 P48 Copy


Randall, Sarah M. A., daughter of B. F. andS. A.,


Feb. IS, 1S4S, 14 y. 3 m. 17 d.

Robbins, Hiram (no date).

Risley, Francis E., May G, 1861, 5 y. 1 rn. C d.

Rull, Augusta, daughter of Nich's and Fanny, July 30, 1831, 1 y. 8 d.

Rodgers, Hannah, Dec. 28, 1844, 41 years.

Richards, William, July 10, 1843, 43 y. 3 m. 7 d.

Rayside, Wm. H., son of John and Jcnnett, Mar. 6. 1842. 1 y. 3 m. 15 d.

Scott, Dorothie M., daughter of Jacob, Jan. IS, 1831, 10 y. 1 m. G d.

Scott, Cornelia P.. daughter of Jacob, Aug. 23, 1827, 1 y. 17 d.

Slawson, Elizabeth, wife of Wm. F., Aug. 2, 1847, 24 y. 11 m. 16 d.

Slawson, W. F. and Elizabeth, children ofWm. F.

Stillwcll, Wm., May 6, 1834, 65 y. 8 m. 21 d.

Shields, Wm. Jas., Nov. 27, 1852, 16 years.

Spring-steed, Albert G., Aug. 19, 1853, 44 y. 1 m. 19 d.

Savory. Julia, daughter of P. B. and Julia E., Feb., 1836, 5 m. 24 d.

Simmons, Catharine M. T., wife of E., Mar. 24, 1842, 25 years.

Simmons, Mary, wife of Erastus, June 17, 1849, 34 y. 4 m.Simmons, Theodore, son of Erastus, June 18, 1849, 1 y. 3 m.

Sanders, Emily'M., daughter of Zaccheus andAnn, July 26, 1847, 8 months.

Saunders, Nancy N., wife of Benj., Dec. 14, 1841, 62 years.

Stead, Martha, wife of Martin (born in Engl'd), Oct. 8, 1832, 34 years.

Stead, Wm., son of Martin, Sept. 2, 1862, 8 years.

Stead, Wm., son of Thos. and Rebecca (born

in England), Oct. 29, 1839, 28 years.

Sutton, John, son of Jno. and Hannah A., June 25, 1836, 8 m. 16 d.

Simmons, Mary, wife of Ives L., June 21, 1849, 39 y. 6 m.

Stewart, Jas. H., son of Henry J. and Julian, July 19, 1852.

Stewart, Chas. E., son of Henry J. and Julian, Sept. 21, 1832.

Sherwood, Isaac G-., son of Stephen A. andEsther, Nov. 17, 1833, 22 y. 1 m. 12 d.

Sherwood, Albert A., son of Stephen A. andEsther, Aug. 6, 1832, 15 y. 8 m. 1 d.

Sherwood. John C, son of Stephen A. andEsther,


April 23, 1853, 33 y. 6 m. 1 d.

Sawyer, Theo., son of Abraham and Catharine, June 20,1839, 9 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Todd, Harriet E., daughter of Hibbard andHuldah, July 25, 1844, 2 y. 10 m. 7 d.

Thompson, Eliza Ann, daughter of Jno. andEliza, Aug. 9, 1830, 1 y. 4 m. 6 d.

Thompson, Elizabeth, wife of Thos. (born in

England), June 12, 1846, June 20, 1774,

Thornton, Edward J., Mar. 4, 1860, 10 y. 8 m.

Torrence, Robert H. (born in Conn. ; killed in

Albany), June 23, 1841, Dec. 10, 1808.

Valient, Edward D., May 14, 1838, 6 m. 7 d.

Van Cott, David son of Philip T., Mar. 7, 1843, 9 m. 28 d.

Vance, Ann Eliza, daughter of George andSally.

Vance, Mary Jane, daughter of George andSally.

Vance, James, son of George and Sally.


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Vanderlip, Philip,

Vanderlip, Hannah, wife of Rev. Elizas,

Wright, Polina,

Wood, Peter,

Wood, Harriet L., daughter of Peter,

Warner, Owen,Ward, Jacob J.,

Ward, David B.,

Ward, Moses B.',

West, Joel,

Wilcox, Daniel Edgar, son of Daniel andFanny L.,

Wilcox, Frederick C, son of Daniel andFanny L.,

Williams, James Henry, son of John R. andLucretia,

Wise, Julia Ann, daughter of D. P. and Phebe,Woodruff, Sarah Goold, daughter of D. S. and

Ruth,Wandell, Louis Jane,

Wandell, Eleanor, daughter of Daniel T.

and E.,

Wallace, Rebecca, wife of Jeremiah,Wallace, Jeremiah,

Worden, Alexander,Williams, Henry John, son of Henry B. and


Ward, Mary, daughter of Charles M. andJudith,

Walker, Richard,

Walker, Sarah, daughter of Richard and M. A.,

Walker, A. John, son of Richard and M. A.,

Wescott, Amelia,Wade, Wesley, son of Rev. R. T. and E.,

Wallace, G-ertrude Ann,Wallace, Andrew,


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Bales, Margaret Matilda, wife of Amasa, Oct. 30, 1849, 30 y. 14 m.Barry, Sarah Jane, June 3, 1862, 4 months 1 day.

Bradt, Julia Ann, daughter of J. L. nd Julia

A., Aug. 12, 1854, 10 years.

Butler, Susan, Jan. 30, 1864, 3 weeks.Budd, Mellissa, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, July 17, 1840, 1 y. 3 m.

(Also W. B. and J. B.)

Carter, Joseph D., son of Eev. J. and A. B., May 8, 1840, Aug. 17, 1836.

Cox, Jane, Sept. 18, 1855, 3 y. 11 m. 4 d.

De Groot, Mary E., Jan. 28, 1852, 1 y. 2 d.

Duff, Thomas, May 27 1847, 50 years.

Devoe, William, 1832, 43d year.

Fuller, Lucy Almena, daughter of Halsey andSally, Jan. 6, 1847, 4 years.

Frelight, Catharine, Oct. 9, 1842, 23 years.

Ferris, Ellen, Dec. 22, 1844, 48 years.

Groot, Lydia Ann, daughter of Harvey andHannah, June 10, 1846, 1 m. 3 d.

Gilborne, WiUiam, Dec. 31, 1842, 28 years.

(Erected by his widow Margaret.)

Groot, Abram S., Mar. 29, 1849, 38 years.

Hayes, William, Dec. 26, 1863. 1 y. 10 m. 19 d.

Hunderman, Aledice, wife of Liberty Waite, April 14, 1837, 23 y. 10 m. 14 d,

Harris, George, (anativeof Belthurbert, CountyCavan, Ireland), 1837, 29 y. 11 ra. 14 d.

Jackson, Margaret, wife of Eobert, Mar. 10, 1865, 35 years.

Jones, Sarah, Dec. 26, 1841, 52 years.

Lansing, Martha, wife of David, Feb. 17, 1851, 72d year.

Lansing, John, • June 12, 1837, 41 years.

(Three headstones marked S. L., E. L., J. L.)

McGuire, Catharine, May 6, 1852, 20 years.

Mcintosh, Joseph, April 22, 1856, 1 y. 4 ra.

(One headstone marked M. L. M.)

Nichols, Elisa.

Oliver, Jane Ann, daughter of Thomas andEllen, April 28, 1830, 17th year.

Osborn, Catharine, July 17, 1844, 17 years.

Payne, Mary, wife of Daniel, July 24, 1846, 40 years.

Pinckney, Lyman, May 30, 1855, 21 y. 4 m. 17 d.

Rosier, Jonas, July 5, 1857, 75 years.

Rosier, Rosanna, Feb. 20, 1860, 76 years.

Ramsey, George, May 8, 1834, 35 y. 10 m. 14 d.

Ramsey, Deborah, relict of Geo. Ramsey (andwife of Thomas Lansley), April 30, 1846, 45 y. 7 m. 14 d.

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Rhodes, Lottie, daughter of Benoni and Mar-garet, Oct. 5, 1839, 7 y. 7 m. 15 d.

Ehodes, Anne, daughter of Benoni and Mar-garet, Aug. 2, 1855, 1 y. 2 d.

Rliodes, AHce, daughter of Benoni and Mar-garet, Nov. 28, 1858, 2 y. 8 m. 10 d.

Snells, William, Sr., May 31, 1835, 33 years.Snells, William, -Jr., Jan. 1, 1838, 3 y. 1 m.Spears, Samuel, son of Timothy and Eliza-

beth, Jan. 7, 1849, 18 y. 2 m. 23 d.

Spears, Timothy, Aug. 20, 1850, 63 years.Slawson, John N., son of William and Ann

Louisa, July 19, 1840, 4 y. 2 m.Shaw, Eliza Johnston, wife of Henry, Feb. 10, 1840, 27 years.

Stanley, Harry, July 30, 1855, 3 y.' 4 m.Sands, Margaret, wife of William, April 16, 1852, 35th year.

Smith, Phoebe, daughter of Ira and Catharine, July 22, 1840, 15 days.

Smiih, Isabella, daughter of Samuel M. andJane, July 28, 1839, 2 years.

Smith, Emily Frances, eldest daughter of

Loyal T. and Mary L., Dec. 4, 1854, 12 years.

Smitii, Arteas Phelps, July 17, 1848, 2 years.

Smith, Moses, July 21, 1849, 5 years.

Smith, Charles Henry, Sept. 9, 1853, 2 years.

(Erected by Loyal T. and Mary L. Smith,in memory of their beloved children.)

Smith, Ann E. V., daughter of Jacob andClarsean, Dec. 28, 1848, 1 y. 2 m. 15 d.

Thomas, Sarah E., Nov. 9, 1847, 58 years.

Van Bentheusen, William, Dec. 8, 1839, 37 years.

Van Bentheusen, William, son of William andCatharine, Dec. 5, 1839, Ipril 15, 1837.

Vischer, Garret, Sept. 0, 1841, 48 y. 6 m.Vischer, Henry, son of Garret and Hester, Jan. 20, 1821, 2 y. 3 m. 3 d.

Van Schaic, Angeline, daughter of John and.Mary, Jan. 5, 1S4S, 5 y. 5 m. 5 d.

Walker, John, Member of Assembly, fromthe County of Clinton, Jan. 14, 1832, 53 y. 14 d.

Whitesides, William. Erected by CaptainJames Gibbons, Jr., in testimony of therespect he bore to William Whitesides, amember of his command, Feb. 22, 1821, 19 y. 3 m. 22 d.

Wilson, James, July 30, 1852, 52 years.

Wright, Joseph James, 63 years.

Woodward. Edward William, son of Benedictand Hulda E., , July 21, 1852, G y. 3 m.

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Arrowsmith, Mary, daughter of J. W. and I., Dec. 1, 1843, 1 y. 10 ra.

Annable, Joseph, Sept. 24, 1831, 5G years.

Allen, Susanna, wife of Isaac, Mar. 30, 1840, 54 voai's.

Arms, EHza B., wife of Nelson T., Feb. 19, 1838, 30 years.

Ayer, Jane R., daughter of Robert and Louisa(born at Kingston, N. H.), July 1, 1837. 4 years.

Bissikummer, Catharine,

Bissikummer, Carl,

Bradlej^, Seth, son of Samuel and Charlotte,

Bradley, Caroline, wife of Lucien,

Britton, Charles, son of Martin and Jane,

Browning, JeftVey H.,

Brown, ElizaVjeth, wife of Hugh,Brown, James II., son of Henry and Abigail,

Brown, John, son of Henry and Abigail,

Brown, Milton, son of Henry and Abigail,

Bromley, Elizabeth,

Bromley, Hiram,Bromley, Mira A. Post, wife of Hiram,Berthrand, John, son of Catharine and Lewis,

Barker, Rhoda, wife of Charles,

Brooks, Mary,Babcock, Robert,

Babcock, Grace, wife of Robert,

Burt, James, son of Thomas and Lydia,

Bradt, Fi'ancis, son of Francis and C. M.,

Bryant, Ellen, wife of John,

Beatson, Margaret, daughter of D. B. andJane Ann,

Bliss, George, son of Eleazer and Louisa B.,

Boyd, Ann,Barrate, Matthew,Barney, Rachel Eha, daughter of WiUiamand Eleanor,

Burk, Susan Amy, daughter of Joshua andElizabeth,

Burk, Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua andElizabeth,

Burk, Joshua Jr., son of Joshua and Elizabeth,

Barlow, William,

Barlow, Mary Catharine, daughter of William

and Mary,Barlow, John Lydiate, son of William and

Mary,Barlow, Ann Lydiate,

Barney, Mary Piatt, daiighter of Dr. Jamesand Catharine,

Brockway, Sarah Maria Town, daughter of

Joseph and Maria,

Carpenter. Julietta daughter of William and

Betsy,' July 11,1814, 6 m. 21 d.

Carpenter, Betsy, wife of WiUiam,_

Feb. 5, 1814, 20 y. 8 m. 21 d.

Carpenter, Julia A., daughter of WiUiam andEmily, Nov. 26, 1825, 7 y. 5 m. 14 d.


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Carpenter, Emily, daughter of William andEmily,

Carpenter, William, infant son of William andEmily,

Campbell, George L.,

Campbell, Abigail Ann, daughter of George L.,

Campbell, Christian,

Capron, E., (Blank.)

Cady, Louis E.,

Cady, Susan Tallmadge, wife of John,Carles, Polly, wife of John,Carls, Sarah, wife of John D?,

Churchill, Ellen Louisa, daughter of A. Lan-sing and Lucy A.,

Churchill, Lucy Ann, daughter of A. Lansingand Lucy A.,

Clarke, William, son of Joseph and Eliza Ann,Clarke, Sally,

Clark, Mary, wife of Geo. T.,

Clarke, John Lamb,Clarke, Achsah (of Saybrook, Conn.),

Clemshire, Wm. Henry, son of Wm. and Ann,Cook, Eliza, wife of Giles,

Clipp, Carl,

Chrystie, Adden, wife of Rev. James,Cousans, James, son of William and Mary,Colvin, James,

Colvin, Anna, daughter of James,Comsrock, Elizabeth Hastings, wife of Isaac N.,

Cowell, Joseph, Jr.,

Cowell, Josephine,

Cowell, John,

Coulter, James A.,

Coulter, Jas. A., son of Jas. A. and Eleanor,

Coulter, John J., son of Jas. A. and Eleanor,

Coulter, Amy, daughter of Jas. A. and Eleanor,

Crosby, Dr. Obadiah,

Crafts, Jane Eliza, daughter of S. W. and Ehza,Cure, Marcraret, wife of Peter,

Nov. 17, 1825, 6 y. 2 m. 25 d.


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Ferris, William D., Dec. 19, 1847,

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McCormick, Andrew (native of County Down,Ireland),

McCurdy, Ann Davis, wife of Robert,McDufifie, Angus,McDuffie, John,McDuffie, Charlotte, daughter of Andrew and


McDuffie, Charles,

McDole, John,McDole John A., son of John,

Newton, Eliza, consort of J. M.,Newell, William,

Nicol, Margaret Jane, daughter of Williamand Ellen,

Osbonn, Ralph,

Our Willie and Mary.

Payne, John S., Jr., son of James S. andDeborah B.,

Payne, Eliza, daughter of Amazia,Passenger, Sarah Ann, wife of Andrew,Passenger, Eugenia, daughter of Sarah Ann

and Andrew,Parke, Samuel,Packard, William A., son of Isaac,

Pedit, John,Pells, Pamelia C,Pells, Ebenezer R.,

bollard, Sarah Maria, wife of Wm. H.,

Puddy, James,Puddy, Elizabeth, wife of James,Prime, Samuel,Phillips, Adelaide, daughter of Joseph and

Jane R,Porter, William,

Peters, Jesse,

Peters, Jesse, son of Jesse and Catharine,

Rasey, Joseph (a revolutionary soldier),

Rasey, Ammand,Rathbonc, Frederick T., son of V. W. and

Nancy,Rathbone, Sarah F., daughter of V. W, and

Nancy,Rathbone, Lydia Ann, daughter of V. W. and

Nancy,Record, Mary (from London, England),

Record, Henry J. (from London, England),

Richardson, Sarah, wife of John,

Richardson, Henry,Rosche, Carl,

Roehr, Johanna H.,

Roehr, Susan J.,

Roehr, Christine C,Ross, Mary Ann, wife of John J.,

Eobb, Arthur L.,



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Roacli, Catharine Maria, wife of James, Jan. 15, 1845, 35 y. 13 d.

Eoach, Mary Palmer, only child of William

and Mary, Oct. 30, 1847, July 5, 1845.

Rowey, Edward J., son of Leonard and Abi-gail, April 9, 1830, 6 y. 6 m.

Russell, Amanda M. Allen, wife of Jason, Jan. 17, 1854, 31 y. 8 m.Eodgers, MaryA., Dec. 26,1860, 60 years.

Scherr, Rosina, June 9, 1862, April 27, 1831.

Scott, Alvin, son of Matthew and Hannah, June 18, 1833, 23 years.

Scott, Hiram, Oct. 26, 1841, 28 y. 6 m. 12d.Scott, Catharine, wife of Hiram, Aug^. 12, 1836, 22 years.

Scott, Amanda, daughter of Marshal andMaria, Oct. 26, 1 825, 1 year.

Scott, Eveline, Oct. 15, 1824, 1 y. 4 m. 2 d.

Scott, Maria, daughter of Uri and Abiah, Feb. 2, 1827, 25 y. 1 m. 28 d.

Scott, Franklin, son of Marshal and Maria, Jan. 21, 1830, 10 m. 1 d.

Scott, George W., son of William and Mary, June 4, 1845, 1 y. 3 m.Seymour, Ferdinand F., son of Wm. H. and

Catharine. Jan. 25, 1827, 11 y 2 d.

Seymour, William H., Sept. 2, 1821, 52 y. 7 m.Secton, Anne E., May 21, 1861, 2 y. 7 d.

Secton, James H., Feb. 25, 1851, 3 m. 11 d.

Shield, Mary E., Mar. 4, 1864, June 11, 1862.

Shaw, Isaiah, May 23, 1826, 53 y. 9 m. 7. d.

Shaw, Hiram, April 23, 1836, 34 y. 9 m. 4. d.

Sherman, Chas. E., June 24, 1846, 2 y. 14 d.

Sherman, Martha, relict of Dr. Abell, Feb. 28,1838, 66 years.

Sherman, Emma Cerelia, daughter of Daniel

C. and Julian, July 1, 1849, 8 y. 4 m. 21 d.

Sherman, Julian, wife of Daniel C, Dec. 26, 1851, 41 y. 9 m. 22 d.

Sherman, Annie, Aug. 16, 1832, 72 y. 6 m. 19 d.

Sherman, Mary E., daughter of Horace A. andJennie, Mar. 26, 1857, 8 m. 24 d.

Simpkins, Prudence, Aug. 4, 1847, 88 years.

Smith, Alie, Sept. 24, 1860, 22 m. 14 d.

Smith, Adeline Gibbs, wife of James, Jan. 7, 1849, 25 y. 10 m. 13 d.

Smith, George, Mar. 26, 1850, 1 y. 5 m.

Smith, Daniel, July 27, 1853, 43 years.

Smethurst, Henry, son ofHenry and Elizabeth, Nov. 19,1844, 1 y. 10 m.

Somers, Charles, Feb. 5, 1852, June 18, 1850.

Striebel, Susanna, Sept. 18, 1857, Nov. 18, 1856.

Stonehouse, Marg't Campbell, wife of John B., July 15, 1850, 32 y. 4 m.

Stonehouse, James B., son of John B. andMargaret, Feb. 6, 1846, 11 m. 6 d.

Stonehouse, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of JohnB. and Margaret, Aug. 18, 1847, 9 m. 17 d.

Stitts, Mary L., wife of Randolph, and daughter

of David and Hannah Milber of New Jersey, 22 y. 4 m. 1 d.

Stitts, Josephine, daughter of R. and M. L., July 24, 1832, 1 y. 3 m.

Swartwout, James Hamilton, son of Cornelius

and Phoebe, Dec. 27, 1827, 7 y. 7 m. 9 d.

Sweesey, Eveline, Mar. 23, 1843, 32 years.

Smith, Benjamin, Nov. 23, 1863, 42 years.

Taylor, Sarah, wife of Elvin, Nov. 17, 1844, 34 years.

Thorn, Manda Gager, wife of William, Oct. 12, 1844, 31 y. 2 m. 1 d.

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Thorn, Amanda E., daughter of WilHam andAmanda, Oct. 12, 1830, 14 m. 5 d.

Thorn, Jas. Shervey, son of Wm. and Amanda, Dec. 23, 1838, 8 months.Thorn, John Gager, son of Wm. and Amanda, Feb. 24, 1834, 1 y. 24 d.

Also Phoebe Gager, April 14, 1846, 74 years.

Also Daniel E. Gager, Nov. 30, 1843, Sept. 16, 1797.Thayer, Sarah Augusta, only child of Simeon

and Sarah, July 8, 1841. 9 m. 11 d.

Thayer, Augustus Winfield. son of Isaac andMary,


July 14, 1840, 7 y. 8 m. 12 d.

Topping, Patty, wife of Sylvester, June 2, 1828, 36 y. 1 m. 2 d.

Topping, Martha Jane, daughter of Sylvesterand Jane, Feb. 26, 1833, 2 y. 9 m.

Topping, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Sylves-ter and Jane, March 8, 1833, 3 m. 7 d.

Tuck, Louisa L., daughter of Charles L. andMary, Jan. 3, 1852, 3 y. 2 m. 9 d.

Tuck, Matilda V., daughter of Charles L. andMary, Aug. 22, 1852, 1 y. 4 m. 10 d.

Tyler, Joseph, son of Moses and Abigail, Oct. 17, 1829, 3 y. 1 m. 20 d,

Tyler, Martha J., daughter of Moses and Abi-gail, Feb. 9, 1835, 7 weeks.

Tyler, Moses Bruce, son of Moses and Abigail, Dec. 18, 1838, 4 m. 21 d.

Udard, Johan, Aug. 28, 1863, June 5, 1860.

Vanderlip, Abby Jane, daughter of SamuelL. and Anna, Oct. 20, 1827, 2 y. 1 m. 9 d.

Van Heusen, Mary Klinks, daughter of Gra-ham K. and Emeline, Nov. 27, 1843, 2 y. 6 m.

Vosburgli, Cornelius, son of Cornelius andSusan, Feb. 5, 1838, 1 y. 10 m. 8 d.

Vosburgh, John, son of Cornelius and Susan, April 1, 1836, 4 days.

Vosbufgh, Hannah Louisa, daughter of Cor-

nelius and Susan, Aug. 31, 1834, 3 y. 10 m.

Vosburgh, Sarah Ann, daughter of Cornelius

and Susan, Sept. 10, 1834, 6 y. 8 d.

Watkins, Mary, daughter of Theopolis, Oct. 5, 1840, 3 y. 8 m.

Watkins, Theopolis, son of Theopolis andEliza, Oct. 17, 1844, 7 m. 26 d.

Watson, William H., Oct. 5, 1817, 15 months.

Wallace, Sarah, wife of Benjamin, July 18, 1825, 60 y. 8 m.

Wasson, Hannah, wife of John (and late

widoAV of William Newell), July 22, 1854, 54 years.

Wasson, William G., April 7, 1835, 30 years.

Wells, Harriet M., daughter of Sidney and

Sally, Nov. 1, 1841, 3 y. 10 m. 17 d.

Wells, James Howard, son of Sidney andSally.

Wells, William Horace, son of Sidney and


Wells, Sallv, wife of Sidney, Aug. 13, 1857, 37 years.

Wells, Sidney, Jr., Aug. 2, 1847, 5 months.

Welsh, Benjamin, May 13, 1849, 67 years.

Welch, George, Oct. 9, 1849, 29 y. 5 m. 9 d.

Whitney, Martha, daughter of Abner and

Matila, Dec. 22,1847, 1 y. 16 d.

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Whipple, Frances E., daughter of Solomonand Caroline, Feb. 5, 1832, 1 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Wilcox, Lucy, wife of Sylvester, Dec. 13, 1835, 55 y. 9 d.

Williams, William B., Sept. 7, 1857, 37 years.

Williams, Elisha, Sept. 6, 1832, 58 years.

Williams, Wilson, son of Elisha, Sept. 1, 1828, 24 years.

Williams, Charles, son of Elisha, Dec. 8, 1849, 32 years.

Williams, Edwin H., son of Elisha, Oct. 4, 1852, 43 years.

Wood, Daniel, July 31, 1827, 34 y. 3 m. 14 d.

Woolensack, Andrew (native of Germany), June 2, 1846, 37 y. 5 m. 26 d.

Wynants, Mary, wife of Josiah, April 11, 1825, 41 years.

Wynants, Pamelia A., daughter of Josiah andMary, (consort of J. J. Stowitts, died in

Troy), Dec. 24, 1827, 19 y. 11 m. 11 d.

Wynants, Hiram J., son of Josiah and Mary, Dec. 10, 1828, 1 y. 8 m. 13 d.

Young, William G., son of John and Mary, May 4, 1858, 29 y. 5 m. 10 d.


Allen, Orville J., son of William and A., April 29, 1853, 3 y. 13 d.

Andrews, Thomas Y., son of Garret V. N.

and Helen, Mar. 27, 1851, 2 years.

Adams, Abby, wife of Henry, Feb. 18, 1853, 56 years.

Ernes, Rachel Schryver, wife of Henry, Jan. 17, 1844, Oct. 28, 1788,

Follett, Frederick Augustus, son of Foster and

Susan, April 15, 1830.

Follett, Mary, daughter of Foster and Susan, July 11, 1831.

Gould, Job, April 2, 1846, 79 years.

Gould, Lydia, daughter of Job and Mary, Sept. 25, 1815, 4 years.

Gurney, Martha J., daughter of Henry B.

and Mary, Jan. 19, 1831, 9 m. 19 d.

Lossing, John, Jan. 23, 1859, 69 years.

Smith, George Maw (born at Holme, onSpaulding Moore near Howden, Yorkshire,

England). Erected by his uncle KalphSmith. June 17, 1849, 23 y. 3 m.

Spencer, Hannah, Nov. 23, 1844, 72 years.

Tallman, Jedediah J,, Feb. 12, 1833, 35 y. 9 m.

Tallman, Perceival, Feb. 2, 1833, 1 y. 9 m.

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Anderson, Rebecca, wife of James, Oct. 29, 1821, 23 y. 8 m. 12 d.

Allison, Rebecca, wife of John, Feb. 9, 183- 36 y. 6 m. 6 d.

Allison, James R., son of Rebecca and John, Aug. 29, 1822, 15 m. 2 d.

Allison, Jane, daughter of Rebecca and John, Dec. 26, 1824, 6 months.Ableman, Christian Gr., Mar. 4, 1837, 93 years.

Ableman, Rojinah, wife of Christian G., April 28. 1831, 66 years.

Andree, Charles Augustus, son of Augustusand Agatha, Feb. 10, 1843, 2 y. 10 m. 16 d.

Berthelon, Mary Middlelon, wife of Daniel B., Aug, 23, 1843, 45 y. d.

Berthelon, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel B.,

and Mary, Aug. 31, 1825, 4 y. 10 m.

Berthelon, Maria, daughter of Daniel B. andMary, April 8, 1823, 1 y. 2 m. 28 d.

Burt, Isabella, infant daughter of Edwardand Mary, 3 m. 11 d.

Bridges, Earl, Jan. 7, 1847, June 18, 1790.

Booth, William, Mar. 13, 1853, 26 y. 9 m.

Buchanan, Rojinah, daughter of James andLenah, Mar. 7, 1826, Nov. 7, 1825,

Blake, John Henry, son of Isaac and MaryJane, May 27, 1836, 1 y. 9 m. 14 d.

Berenger, Catharine, daughter of Jacob andGertram, Oct. 31, 1837, 3 y. 2 m. 22 d.

Campbell, William, Feb. 11, 1837, 27 y. 1 m. 19 d.

Drurye, Henry, April 30, 1818, 7 m. 20 d.

Drurye, Rebecca Hickson, wife of Benjamin, Feb. 24, 1813, 17 y. 2 m.

Diehl, Henrietta, wife of Martin, April 30, 1857, 20 y. 10 d.

Also infant Anna, Aug. 3, 1857, 5 m. 7 d.

Davis, Margaret, wife of Joseph, Feb. 6, 1837, 34 years.

Didger, Philip,' Oct. 16, 1841, 1 month.

Eckhoff, Garret Henry, son of Jacob and

Fredrica, Mar. 13,1839, 3 y. 4 m. 29 d.

Filkins, Julia Jones, wife of Orrison, Aug. 14, 1834, 21 y. 4 m.

Friday, Abram, Nov. 2, 1812, 48 years.

Friday, Hannah, wife of Abram, July 28, 1830, 62 years.

Findley, Alexiander, son of Alexander and

Helen, Sept. 8, 1831, 4 y. 8 m. 19 d.

Frink, Jane M. Henderer, wife of Charles S., Aug. 10, 1846, 30 years.

Frinkj Catharine E., daughter of Charles S.

and Jane M. H., Oct. 27, 1844, 6 weeks.

Frink, Gertrudge, daughter of Charles S. and

Jane M. H., Sept. 13, 184G, 10 months.

Griffin, Catharine, wife of Jacob R., Aug. 27, 1834, 75 y. 10 m.

Gardineer, Harriet Maria, dauditer of Philip

and Adelia,"

July 9, 1846, 1 y. 1 m. 9 d.

Gest, Jacob, Aug. 26, 1841, 2 y. U m.

Gest, Caroline, Aug. 24, 1845, 1 y. 9 m.

Gaffer, Wm. M., April 11, 1812, 67th year.

Gaffer, Maria, wife of William M., Mar. 2, 1836, 80th year.

26 d.

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Groz, Margaret, wife of Rev. Philip Jacob, Sept. 22, 1797, 59 y. 9 m.

Griffin, Daniel D. Tonapkins, son of Michael

and Mary, July 20, 1842, 6 y. 25 d.

Heet, John, Aug. 17, 1801, 55 years.

Hubbard, Franklin, Nov. 9, 1838, 21 years.

Hubbard, Maria S., Sept. 10, 1845, 25 years.

Hood, Anna Ellis, wife of John, June. 5, 1806, 6G y. 5 m.Herring, son of Philip and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1854, 6 y. 3 m.Henderer, Harmonius, 1832, 71y. 2 m.Henderer, Grertrude, wife of Harmonius, May 18, 1845, 73d year.

Henderer, Mary Dorothy, wife of Samuel, anddaughter of Conradt and Sarah Ruby, Oct. 12, 1799, 37 y. 6 m. 2 d.

Henderer Jacob, Jan, 3, 1806, 74th year.

Henderer, Margaret, wife of Jacob, May 16, 1795, 56th year.

Henderer, John Conradt, son of Jacob andMahalah, Aug. 1, 1825, March 20, 1824.

Henderer, Samuel, son of Jacob and Mahalah, Aug. 22, 1840, 14 y. 23 d.

Halnbake, Christian, son of Lawrence andElizabeth, July 27, 1824, 10 y. 10 m. 27 <k

Halnbake Catharine, daughter of Lawrenceand Elizabeth, June 27, 1840, July % 1838.

Immet, E., is dessen aelteste tochter, Chris-

tina Junester and John W. Wilhelm, Aug. 16, 1832, May 15, 1803,

Keyser, Abraham, Dec. 2, 1825, 72 y. 7 i». 5 d.

Kerker, George H., Sept. 23, 1840, 37 y. 8 m 7 d,

Kerker, Andrew, son of Geo. H. and E., Aug. 1, 1827, 4 ra. G d.

Kerker, Eleanor, daughter of G. H. and E., Nov. 24, 1837, 3 y. 1 m. 19 d.

Knopf, Edward, May 26, 1816, 28 years.

Liebrick, William, Jan. 8, 1845, July 11, 1807.

Middleton, Elizabeth, Sept. 20, 1827, 65 years.

Middleton, Garret Benjamin, son of Richardand Catharine, Nov. 20, 1827, 11 m. 14 d.

Monk, Christopher, Sept. 12, 1825, 57th year.

O'Brian, Sophia, Jan. 6, 1834, 74 years.

Paepke, Charles Julius Adolph, 1843, 10 months,Pfan, Wilhelraa Elizabeth, daughter of Chris-

tina and Mary Ann, Feb. II, 1844, 7 y. 10 m.

Rusk, Elizabeth, wife of Robert, July 29, 1827, 43 years.Ramsey, John, Jr., June 12, 1832, 29 y. 6 m. 12 d.

Ramsey, John, son of John, Jr. and Mary, Feb. 22, 1843, 7 y. 11 m. 10 d,

Radcliff, James, May 16, 1831, 71 y. 9 m. 23 d.

RadclifF, Maria, wife of James, May 10, 1829, 70 y. 11 m. 22 d.

Ruby, Cathrina, daughter of Conradt andSarah, Aug. 30, 1794, 20 y. 3 m. 11 d.

Shaver, Agnes, wife of George, July 15, 1825, 25 years.Strotter, Anna Smith, wife of John, 20, 1842, 20 y. 2 m. 9 d.

Strotter, Ann, daughter of John, April 16, 1842, 8 m. 3 d.

Shear, Anna M., Aug. 12, 1814, 61st year.

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Shell, George,

Stachle, Matilda Sophia, daughter of Carl W.and Sophia,

Schaffer, Conradt S., son of Ludweig andMariah,

Siveris, E. J.,

Siveris, M.Siveris, K.,

Springer, Elizabeth Watson, wife of Michael,

Springer, Henry,Springer, Sarah Louisa,

Turner, Andrew Jackson, son of Andrew H.and Mary Ann,

Tuger, Martha J. Ross, wife of John F.,

Tuger, Frederick Richard, son of John andMartha,

Venter, Peter (stone erected by John Venter,

son of Peter, residing in Yuba County, Cali-


Van Wormer, Frederick,

Van Wormer, Mary, wife of Frederick,

Van Wormer, Francis,

Van Bergen, Mary B., wife of John,

Whipple, Lewis,

Wesley, Ann Marcella, daughter of James andNancy,

Will, Elizabeth Catharine,

Wackerhagen, Otho,

Werner, John, son of Magdalene,

Young, Helen Maria, daughter of John L. andAlida,

Aug. 8, 1818,

April 30, 1844,

Mar. 23, 1846,

May 1, 1844,

May 21,

Nov. 18, 1858,

Nov. 24, 1858,

Nov. 18, 1857,

Aug. 8, 1830,

April 3, 1850,

62 y. 4 d.

June 18, 1841.

Aug. 21, 1838.

Sept. 29, 1818.

April 21.

Aug. 18, 1828.

May 2, 1853.

Auff. 8, 1856.

1 y. 4 m. 24 d.

20, 1825.

Aug. 7, 1850, 4 m. 14 d.

Jan. 13, 1835,

Sept. 8, 1841,

Oct. 15, 1842,

Oct. 20, 1845,

April 18, 1819,

36 years.

55 y. 10 ra.

54 y. 1 m. 6 d.

19th year.

37 y. 9 ra. 6 d.

Aug. 10, 1853, 49 years.

Nov. 14, 1828,

Jan. 1, 1850,

July 13, 1843,

Jan. 24, 1842,

1 y. 12 d.

10 y. 1 m.15 months.

3 y. 9 m.

Nov. 1, 1839, 1 y. 9 m.


Arkenhery, Mary Jane, daughter of Robertand Mary, May 3, 1840, 1 y. 5 m. 16 d.

Bush, John (born in Ireland),

Beringer, Domenic (born in Germany),Bolaud, John (born in Ireland),

Bohane, Jeremiah,

Bohane, , son of Jeremiah,

Bradley, Jane (born in Ireland),

Barry, Thomas (born in Ireland),

Barry, Ann, wife of Thomas,Barry, Ann, daughter of Thomas and Sarah,

Barry, Sarali, daughter of Thomas and Sarah,

Boyle, Catliarine, wife of Archibald,

Sept. 16, 1838, 25 years.

No date.

Nov. 22, 1829,

Nov. 14, 1839,

Sept. 5, 1840,

Dec. 2, 1831,

Jan. 17, 1813,

July 2, 1831,

July 21, 1832,

31 years.

62 y. 9 m27 years.

22 years.

75 y. 1 m90 years.

13 y. 3 m,

10 y. 7

52 years,


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Burgess, Jane, wife of John (born in Ireland), Aug.Brown, James, son of Duncan and Catharine, JulyBressett, Elizabeth, wife of Francis, Aug.Brennan, Thomas, Feb.Brennan, Margaret, daughter of Thomas and

Mary,, Nov.

Brennan, Martin, son of Thomas and Mary, Aug.Barret, Pierce, Feb.Bennet, Owen (born in Ireland), Mar.

Condon, Ann, Dec.Collins, Mary, wife of Anther (born in Ireland), Jan.Coffee, John, Mar,Cantfield, Mary, MayCalely, Patrick (born in Ireland), Dec.Creswell, George (born in England), Aug,Coleman, John (born in Ireland), Sept,Carroll, Alley, wife of Michael (born in

Ireland), AprilCampbell, Daniel (born in Ireland), Aug.Carol, John (born in Ireland), JuneCarol, John, son of John, Feb.Coaey, Jane, daughter of Patrick and Elenon, JulyCarroll, Mary, wife of Thomas, Aug.Carroll, Thomas, JulyCarroll, Ann R., wife of Edward (born in

Ireland), AprilGorman, Cormic (born in Ireland), JulyCurtin, Ellen (born in Ireland), Nov.Collins, Michael, Aufr.Callaghan, Mary B., wife of Andrew (born in


Callaghan, Elizabeth McC, second wife ofAndrew (born in Vermont), Jan.

Cox, Patrick (born in Ireland), JuneConnolly, John, son of Patrick and Hanna, MayCooney, John (born in Ireland), JuneCooney, Bridget, wife of John (born in

Ireland), Sept.Cassidy, John, AprilCassidy, Pat., JulyCassidy, Catharine, daughter of James and

Mary, Sept.Cassidy, James, Aug.Cassidy, Mary, wife of James, Aug.Cody, Richard, Sept.Coogan, Patrick (born in Ireland), Sept.Conrad, Nicholas, Aug.Conrad, Abraham, Oct,Carroll, Jane, wife of John (born in

Ireland), Oct.Cassidy, Mich, (born in Ireland),


Cassidy, Mary, daughter of Michael, Mar.Cleary, John (born in Ireland), Mar.

29, 1837, 40 years.

14, 1803. 3 years,

22, 1837, 2:5 years.

10, 1839, 28 years.

10, 1836.

15, 1836.

16, 1806, 29 years.

9, 1802, 79 years.



































22 d.

50 years.

32 years.

22 y. 2 m57 years.

32 years.

Mar. 13, 1777.

47 years.

31 years.

39 y, 3 m,28 years.

1 year.

6 m. 16 d.

36 years,

48 years,

66 years,

19 years,

18 years,

25 years.

May 10, 1832, 34 years.





































42 years.

24 years,

2 y. 9 m,85 years,

78 years,

44 years,

46 years,

21 years.

42 years.

70 years.

28 years.

7 weeks.10 weeks.

29 years.

28 years.

3 y. 5 m.38 years.

24 d.

Dolen, Patrick (born in Ireland), Mar, 17, 1829, 21 years.Durack, Catharine, daughter of Michael andMary, Sept. 5, 1834, 9 m. 7 d.

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Donnelly, Patrick (born in Ireland),

Deyermand, William (born in Ireland),

Deyermand, Catharine, wife of William,

Devereux, Elenorn, wife of John C,Donoho, Patrick (born in Ireland),

Dorgan, Johannah, daughter of Daniel andEllen,

Darraugh. James (born in Ireland),

Davis, Louis (born in France),

Delany, John (born in Ireland),

Davis, John (born in Ireland),

Davis, Jane, wife of John (born in Ireland),

Dally, Margaret,

Delehanty Julia W., daughter of Daniel andMargaret,

Doyle, Margaret, daughter of Dennis andMargaret,

Dwyer, Anthony (I)orn in Ireland),

Dwyer, Margaret, daughter of Anthony,Duffau, William J., son of John and Ohve,Duffau, Patty Olive, wife of John,Drennan, Catharine, wife of Andrew,Doyle, James, son of Dennis and Margaret,

Doyle, Patrick, son of Dennis and Margaret,

Doyle, Eleanor, daughter of Dennis and Mar-garet,

Douglass Ann, wife of John (born in Ireland),

Douglass, John (born in Ireland),

Drany, Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Mar-garet O'Barr, Avife of John Drany,

Delehanty, Michael (born in Ireland),

Dunn, Margaret, wife of Dennis (born in Ire-


Dunn, Cornelius (born in Ireland),

Dunn, Bridget, daughter of Cornelius andMary,

Dunn, Cornelius, son of Cornelius and Mary,Delehanty, James,

Ennis, Thomas (born in Ireland),

Fealy, James (born in Ireland),

Farrall, Jane, daughter of Henry and Maria,

Farrell, Henry, son of Henry and Maria,

Furlong, Peter (born in Ireland),

Fitzpatrick, Mary Ann, daughter of Francis

and Mary,Flynn, Peter (born in Ireland),

Flood, Barney (born in Ireland),

Fitzgerald, Michael, son of Pat. and Margaret,

Fitzgerald, John (born in Ireland),

Fagan, Michael, son of John and Mary,

Flood, Elizabetla (born in Ireland),

Franby, Michael (born in Ireland),

Fitzpatrick, Ann J., wife of Christopher,

Gallagher, John (born in Ireland), Dec. 11, 1839, 42 years.

Gallagher, George, son of John and Susan, Aug. 20, 1836, 1 y. 4 ra. 24 d.



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Gallagher, Edward, son of John and Susan, Jan, 4, 1838, 1 y. 2 m. 4 d.

Gallagher, Mary, daughter of John and Susan, June 12, 1840, 8 y. 6 m. 24 d.

Horrogan, David (born in Ireland),

Hennessy, William (born in Ireland),

Hennessy, Mary, daughter of William andMargaret,

Harrel, Patrick (born in Ireland),

Hart, Bryan (born in Ireland),

Hector, James, son of Patrick and Catharine,

Hawe, Mary Ann, daughter of William,

Hogan, Sarah, wife of Wra. (born in Ireland),

Hogan, Catharine (born in Ireland),

Higgins, Stephen,Hennessy, John (born in Ireland),

Hennessy, Jeremiah, son of John and Mary,

Jones, Mary, wife of Richard,

Jones, Alfred R., son of Richard and Mary,Jordan, Mary, daughter of Patrick and Catha-


Jackson, Mrs. Maria,

Kerby, Morris (born in Ireland),

Krippelbar, Mich, (born in Germany),Kelly, Mathias (born in Ireland),

Keefe, Martin,

Keefe, John,

Kennedy, Catharine, wife of John (born in


Kennedy, Patrick,

Kennedy Catherine, wife of Patrick.

Kennedy, Anna, daughter of Patrick andCatharine.

Kearney, John D.,

Kane, James,

Leddy, John (born in Ireland),

Leddy, John, son of John,

Long, Bridget, wife of Thomas (born in Ire-


Long, George, grandson of Bridget,

Lallaman, August (born in France),

Lawless, Alice, wife of John (born in Ireland),

Laney, Mary,Laney, Plunkett J.,

Ladon, James (born in Ireland),

Murphy, Timothy (born in Ireland),

Madden, John, son of George and Levina,

McKinny, John (born in Ireland),

Murphy, Thomas (born in Ireland),

Manahan, Patrick (born in Ireland),

Murphy, Catharine, daughter of John andMargaret,

Moore, Margaret, daughter of Richard,

Moore, Losa, daughter of Richard,

McMahon, Thomas (born in Ireland),

10 d.

June 15, 1835, 42 years.

Aug. 29, 1829, 40 years.

Aug. 27, 1835, 15 years.

July 28, 1832, 31 years.

Sept. 26, 1805, 30 years.

Mar. 14, 1825, 15 y. 10 i

May 18, 1821. 9 days.

Oct. 30, 1836, 32 yekrs.

Mar. 26, 1841, 21 years,

Sept. 23, 1838, 49 years.

Feb. 28. 1838, 65 years.

Aug. 17, 1838, 9 months.

Mar. 13, 1835, 25 y. 6 m.June 22, 1835, 9 months,

Dec. 20, 1838.

Dec. 6, 1838, 57 years,

July 11, 1832, 24 years,

Nov. 6. 1839, 30 y. 1 m. 20 d.

April 22, 1839, 41 years.

Mar. 11, 1839, 15 months,Nov. 5, 1840, 6 months.

Nov. 12, 1824, 30 vears,

July 9, 1841, 43 years.

July 22, 1832, 25 y. 4 m. 8 d,

July 18, 1838, 39 years.

Feb. 24, 1831, 43 years.

June 22, 1830, 14 m. 25 d.


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30, 1807, 18y. 3. m.11, 1S25, 63 years.

2, 1800, 7 y. 5 m.26, 1840, 29 years.

1840, 1 y. 3 m. 8 d.

31, 1835, 2 y. 19 d.

23, 1839, 16 months.

8, 1840, 11 m. 15 d.

6, 1836, 28 years.

27, 1840, 36 years.

30, 1837, 1 y. 2 m.

13, 1832, 44 years,

16, 1828, 36 years.

14, 1822.

8, 1829, 28 years.

4, 1841, 47 years.

2, 1837.

4, 1832, 55 years.

6, 1832, 21 y. 9 m,25, 1830, 41 years.

15, 1829, 34 years.

, 5 m. 19 d.

Morchie, Catharine, wife of Richard,

McGatb, Francis,

McGath, Elizabeth, daughter of Francis,

Meany, John (born in Ireland),

Meany, John, son of John and Mary,Murphj', Michael, son of James and Mary,Murphy, Hellen, daughter of Jas. and Mary,McKeever, Julia Ann, daughter of Peter and

Mary,McLaughlin, Michael (born in Ireland),

McGraw, John (born in Ireland),

Murray, James, son of Hugh and Bridget,

McCloskey, Anne, wife of Owen (born in Ire-


McGivney, John (born in Ireland),

McGivney, A., son of John and Elizabeth,

Maxwell, Peter (born in Ireland),

McGrady, Mary, wife of James,McGrady, Francis and James, children of

James and Mary,McKenna, Mary, wife of Peter (born in Ire-


McKenna, James, son of Peter,

Mahar, James (born in Ireland),

McHerneorch (born in Ireland),

McCurran, Barnard, son of Peter and Ellen,

McCarty, David, son of Michael and Bridget(born in Ireland),

Murphy, George,McCarty, Eleanor (born in Ireland),

Mooney, John (born in Ireland),

McDermott, Charles (born in Ireland),

McDermott, Mary, infant daughter of Patrick

and Rose.

Murphy, James,Murphy, Alice, Avife of James,McGuire, Michael (born in Ireland),

Mara, Ann (born in Ireland),

Mortimer, Elcy, wife of Fintan,

McCarthy, Eleanor,

Mugford, Bridget, wife of Edward,

Neville, Daniel,

Newman, Peter (born in Ireland),

Newman, Margaret (born in Ireland),

Nevins, Barney (born in Ireland),

Nuson, Mary McG., wife of James (born in

Ireland), ^^~. -*, ^^^., ,,„_,.-.

Nowlan, Garrett, son of EdAvard and Judith, Mar, 18, 1823, 5 years

O'Rourk, John and James, sons of Pat. (born

in Ireland),

O'Rourk, Ellen 0., mother of John andJames (born in Ireland).

O'Brien, Eliza, wife of Mich, (born in Ireland),

O'Hanlan, Patrick (born in Ireland),

O'Sullivan, Mary, wife of Edward (born in









7, 1839, 18 years,

19, 1829, 3 y. 2 m,

8, 1818, 30 years.

9, 1839, 32 years.

19, 1850, 2 years.

28, 1828, 49 years,

5, 1822, 44 years.

14, 1838, 38 years.

6, 1832, 34 years,

3, 1826, 18 years.

16, 1814, 42 years.

25, 1835, 34 years.

Aug. — 1836, 2 years.

Sept. 17, 1837, 34 years.

April 19, 1834, 4 years.

Jan. 15, 1834, 38 years.

Oct. 11, 1837, 35 y. 6 m.




3. 1833, 22 years.

4, 1833, 38 years.

Oct. 16, 1823, 42 years.

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21, 1839, 4 years.

24, 1840, 55 years.

29, 1806, 78 years.

15, 1840, 5 y. 2 d.

18, 1840, 1 y. 4 d.

O'Neil, Mary, daughter of Mich, and Ehza, JulyO'Connor, Mary (born in Ireland), Mar.O'Barr, Daniel (born in Ireland), Nov.O'Donnell, John, son of Wm. and Margaret, Nov.O'Donnell, Cornelius, son of William and Mar-

garet, Nov.

Quin, Ellen, vs^ife of James,Quinn, Catharine, wife of Arthur,

Eoache, James (born in Ireland),

Kiley, Barney (born in Ireland),

Rafferty, Ellen, wife of James (born in Ire-land),

Roark, Barnard, son of Pat. and Eliza,

Rignay, Onar, wife of Pat. (born in Ireland),

Roach, Ellen, daughter of Michael and Eliza-


Roach, Elizabeth, wife of Michael (born in


Rodgers, Alice, wife of John (born in Ireland),

Reed, Eunice, wife of Patrick (born in Ireland),

Ryan, Mary (born in Ireland),

Rynold, Henry, son of Thomas and Mary,Rynold. Tliomas (born in Ireland),

Reil}'^ Patrick (born in Ireland),

Shields, Andrew, son of Henry and Elizabeth, MaySteven, Isabella M. I. L., wife of John (born

in Ireland), Sept.Soraghan, Margaret, wife of Pat. (born in

Ireland), April 20, 1834, 23 years.

Smith, Eleanor (born in Ireland), July 8, 1825, 47 y. G m. 13 d.


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Brower, Albertus, son of Hessel and Elizabeth, July 29,1857, 2 years.Brewer, Hessel S., son of Hessel and Elizabeth, May 12, 18G0, 2 years.Burton, John.Burton, Deborah, wife of John, 63 years.

Burton, John J., son of John and Deborah, 20 years.

Burton, Jas. Palmer, son of John and Deborah, Nov. 14, 1846, June 5, 1817.

Carter, Jane K, wife of George, of Boston, June 26, 1846, July 7, 1811.Conant, Daniel, Aug. 14, 1836, 36 years.

Cotton, Charles A., Oct. 29, 1840, 30 years.

Cone, Hannah, wife of George W, Sept. 25, 1841, 30 y. 1 m. 17 d.

Cross, Amy, wife of Perley, Dec. 22, 1846, 27 years.

Damm, Jacob, Dee. 21, 1855, Sept. 24, 1820.

Doenan, Gotlieb, Nov. 27, 1834, March 28, 1796.

Fossard, Alfred, son of William and Grace, May 10, 1848, 13 y. G m.

Goodno, Betsy Aldurah, daughter of Lutherand Phebe, Sept. 13, 1847, 17 y. 10 m.

Gridley, Amelia, daughter of John and EleanorWeaver, and wife of Eobert, Nov. 7, 1859. 20 y. 2 m.

Gridley, Amelia, Feb. 4, 1839; 1 y. 5 m. 5 d.

Gridley, Wra. E., Jan. 31, 1837, Nov. 10, 1832.

Guest, Louisa, Dec. 16, 1837, 47 y. 6 m.

Hallett, Georgianna, daughter of Samuel andCatharine, Nov. 2, 1847, 1 y. 1 m. 2 d.

Howard, Louisa Matilda, daughter of Sanfordand M. W., Mar. 31, 1846, 14 years.

Hallenbeck, Elizabeth A., wife of AlexanderJenks, Sept. 22, 1850, 33 years.

Kern, John, Mar. 17, 1857, 3 years.

Kern, Cicily, Mar. 7, 1857, 3 y. 5 m.

Leumann, William.

Leumann, Joseph.

Leumann, Josephine.

Murdock, Adelia, daughter of Ebenezer andMary, Dec. 29, 1820, 4 y. 9 m.

Murdock, Zerah, Dec. 26, 1822, 68 y. 11 d.

Morey, Sophia A.,daughter of Isaac and Sophia, Mar. 21, 1831, 1 y. 21 d.

Pettinger, Alvina, wife of Abram, and daugh-ter of Luther and Phebe Goodno, Aug. 5, 1848, 21 years.

Philleo, Emily, daughter of Lyman and Ther-

ressa, July 22, 1840, 8 months.

Philleo, Lyman, Mar. 9, 1847, 42 years.

Shaw, Eliza Ann, wife of John E., June 11, 1836, 36 years.

Shaw, Simphronia, daughter of J. E. andE. A., Feb. 26, 1830, 1 y. 9 m. 4 d.

Starks, Ann Augusta, daughter of Nathan andSusan, May 6, 1837, 1 y. 3 m. 2 d.

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Stryker, Betsy, wife of Jas. P. Stryker, anddaughter of Ebenezer and Louisa Bliss, May 28,1847, 28 years.

Squires, Steplien, July 19, 1849, 25 years.(Erected by John Van Alstina.)

Van Allen, John A., July 17, 1836, 43 years.

Wagoner, Patronella and Margaretta, 1857.Weaver, John, Mar. 11, 1853, 19 y. 8 m.AVorth, Francis N., son of William E. and

Frances, Feb. 28, 1840, 11 m. 9 d.

Worth Amelia, daughter of William E. andFrances, Nov. 16, 1847, 2 y. 2 m. 16 d.

Worth, Andrew C, son of William E. andFrances, Aug. 24, 1829, 1 y. 8 m.

Worth, Frances E., Avife of William E., July 16, 1849, 41 y. 4 m. 26 d.

Zeigenhorn, Randolph, (born in Germany), April 15, 1855, 1821George Henry and Little Emma.J. H. and E. H.


Bastien, Mary, wife of John, Nov. 11, 1822, 31 y. 6 m, *

Baltimore, Ellen, wife of James, April 22, 1842, 56 years.

Ben, Susan, wife of Peter, Dec. 30, 1837, 34 years.

Bryant, Sarah Maria, daughter of Nicholas

and Harriet, Dec. 20, 1841, 8 y. 2 m.Bryant, Frances Amelia, daughter of Nicholas

and Harriet, Mar. 20, 1842, 6 y. 5 m.

Crawson, Mary, wife of Robert, June 7, 1846, 59 years.

Crawson, John, son of Robert and Mary, Feb. 22, 1846, 21 years.

Clawson, Robert A., May 18, 1853, 23 y. 8 m.

Denny, Peter, Dec. 25, 1824, 24 y. 5 m. 4 d.

Edge. Samuel (born on the Island of SantaCroix, West Indies), Oct. 29, 1846.

Flood, Hannah, wife of Francis F., 13, 1844, 72 years.

Gilbert, Sarah, Oct. 10, 1849, 74 years.

Jackson, Henry Lovett, drowned, June 11, 1840, 9 years.

Jackson, John J., Sept. 13, 1853, 47 years.

Jackson, Henry, Sept. 10, 1854, 64 years.

Jackson, Eliza, Sept. 2, 1851, 62 years.

Jefferson, Thomas, May 22, 1852, 29 years.

Johnson, Ellen, wife of Capt. John, Sr., 60 years.

Lattimore, Benjamin, a Revolutionary soldier, April 28, 1838, 77 years.

Lattimore, Letetia Keeler, wife of Benj., Jr., May 1, 1826.

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Mando, Charlotte, wife of Samuel, Feb. 8, 1842, 19 years.

Morrell, Amelia C., only child of James andCatharine, May 5, 1841, 13 years.

McCanny. Mary, Jan. 7,1811, 3y. 11m. 7d.

Sandtford, Robert,

Sharp, Joseph,

Smith, E.

Tate, Augustus, son of J, A. and Catharine,

Topp, Lewis,

Thompson, Richard,

Thompson, Dinah, consort of Richard,

Thompson, Oliver,


Van Vranken, Hager, wife of David,

Van Dazor, Charles, son of J. and S. A.,

Watson, Alfred Wellington, son of Chas, A.and Phoebe,

Williams, Dinah,

Williams, John,

J. E. W.

Sept, 2, 1825, 45 years.

Nov. 27, 1813, 65 years.

Aug. 15, 1838, 3 y. 4 m. 10 d.

Dec. 24, 1838, 51 y. 23 d.

April 4, 1848, 45 years.

May 16, 1849, 36 years.

Oct. 22, 1845, 47 years.

Mar. —1845, lOQ years.

Feb. 25, 1844, 53 years.

Oct. 25, 1848, 1 y. 9 m.

June 6, 1848, 16 days.

Nov. 1, 1836, 62 years.

May 9, 1852, 56 years.


Brown, Ebenezer. (Erected liy Alex. Camp-bell, to the memory of his father-in-law,)

Johnson, Walter (native of Scotland), Aug. 22, 1821, 26th year.

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