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28 - How to Guide

May 08, 2015


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Digital Answers

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1 Digital Answers

Contents Get email address ......................................................................................................... 2

How to delete alias from ............................................................................................... 4

How to change time zone in Microsoft Account ................................................................................ 6

How to set Reply All option as default in ...................................................................... 8

How to change password in .......................................................................................... 9

How to block anyone sending emails in ...................................................................... 11

Never miss to send any attachments while using ....................................................... 13

Recover deleted messages in ...................................................................................... 14

How to change language in ......................................................................................... 15

Add personal signature to ........................................................................................... 17

Quickly move mails to folder using instant actions in ................................................ 18

Have your flagged message on top of inbox in ........................................................... 20

How to customize reading pane in ............................................................................. 21

Email forwarding option in 23

How to set Out of Office message in .......................................................................... 24

Pop account not deleting messages in ........................................................................ 26

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2 Digital Answers

Get email address

Microsoft has released a new look web email interface – Existing Hotmail, Windows live users can login to this new interface using their email addresses.

If you want to rename your existing accounts to address then use the options available as part of More mail Settings.

Step 1: Login to with your Hotmail or Windows Live Account.

Step 2: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the drop down list.

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Step 3: In the Outlook Options, navigate to Managing your account section and click the Rename your email address option.

Step 4: You will be ask to enter your account password for verification. After verification the following Rename your email address screen will be displayed.

Now provide a name for your new Microsoft email address.

Create email alias

If you do not wish to rename your existing account but still want to have an email address then you can try creating email aliases.

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In the already seen Outlook Options screen, select Create a Outlook alias option.

Enter a name to create a new email alias.

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How to delete alias from allows users to create as well remove alias email address. We had already seen how to keep alias email address as the default email account. And now we will be covering the steps required to remove alias email address from

Step 1: Login to account.

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Step 2: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 3: In the Microsoft Account Options screen, navigate to Managing Your Account section and click Account details link.

Step 4: This should open a new page with Microsoft Account Summary. Now navigate to Account Aliases section and click Add or change aliases.

Step 5: In the Account Aliases screen, navigate to alias name that you want to delete and click the Remove link underneath that name.

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This should display the following warning message whether you want to remove the alias name.

Click Remove alias to continue with the deletion of email alias.

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How to change time zone in Microsoft Account

This tutorial is about the steps required to change the time zone of your Microsoft Account such as, Hotmail etc..

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Step 1: Login in to your Microsoft Account and click the Settings icon available at the top right hand corner.

Step 2: From the Settings menu, select More mail settings option.

Step 3: In the Options screen, click Account details (password, addresses, time zone) link under Managing your account section.

Step 4: Now click the Personal Info option available under Overview section.

Step 5: Scroll down the Personal Info section and use the Country and and Time zone option to specify the time zone of your choice. You have also got the option to set time zone in GMT.

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How to set Reply All option as default in

When you are replying to an email message in, the default option is set to Reply and not Reply All. But if you are frequently replying to more than one recipients then you can set the Reply All as the default option using Reply Settings.

Step 1: Click the Settings icon available at the right hand side and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 2: In settings screen, scroll down to Reading email section and click the Reply Settings option.

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Step 3: In Make ‘Reply-all’ my default response section, set the option to “Yes” for Do you want to make “Reply-all” your default for responding to messages. Then click the Save button to confirm and save the changes.

Now the default Reply option in will be set to Reply All and you pick the Reply option from the drop down list.

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How to change password in

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10 Digital Answers users can change their password using the option provided as part of the Managing your account settings.

Step 1: Login to your account and click the Settings icon available on top right hand corner.

Step 2: Select More mail settings from the Settings drop down list.

Step 3: In the settings page, click the Account details (password, addresses, time zone) under Managing your account.

Step 4: Click Change password link available under Password and security info.

Step 5: In Change your password screen, enter the current and new password for your Microsoft account. And if you want the password to be changed for every 72 days then mark the checkbox with caption as “Make me change my

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password every 72 days”. After making the required changes, click the Save button.

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How to block anyone sending emails in users can use the Blocked Senders option to block anyone from sending emails to their account. This is quite useful when you do not want to receive offers or discount emails from any websites. Let us see how to block emails from anyone working in company with domain name as “”

Step 1: Login to your account and click Settings icon.

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Step 2: From the Settings dropdown, select More mail settings.

Step 3: In the Outlook Option screen, navigate to Preventing junk email section and click Safe and blocked senders link.

Step 4: Click Blocked senders option in Safe and blocked senders screen.

Step 5: Now enter “” domain name in Blocked email address or domain and click Add to list option. This should add the domain to blocked sender list of the right hand side. And you will not receive any emails from person with email address matching this domain.

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If you want to block only single email address then enter the email address instead of domain name and click Add to list option.

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Never miss to send any attachments while using users can never forget to send any attachments while sending email. They can use the “Forgotten attachment reminders” to remind them about the missing attachments. For example, you are trying to send the following message but without any attachment.

Now will check for the missing attachment and display the following message.

Step 1: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the drop down list.

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Step 2: In the Outlook Options screen, navigate to Writing email section and click Attachments.

Step 3: Now make sure to mark the radio option with caption as “Check messages for forgotten attachments before sending” and click Save button.

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Recover deleted messages in provides users with the option to recover deleted messages which are not permanently lost. You can use this option when you have mistakenly deleted any messages from you

Step 1: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the menu list.

Step 2: In the Settings screen, navigate to Customizing Outlook section and click Advanced privacy settings.

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Step 3: Navigate to Deleted messages section in Advanced privacy settings screen. Make sure to select radio option with caption as “Let me recover deleted messages”. Click the Save button to confirm and apply the changes.

Now whenever you want to recover any deleted messages, navigate to Deleted items folder and click recover deleted messages link available once you scroll down the Deleted Items folder.

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How to change language in users can change the language to their native speaking language using the options available as part of More mail settings.

Step 1: Login to, click Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

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Step 2: In the Mail Settings screen, navigate to Customizing Outlook section and click Language option.

Step 3: In the Language screen, choose your preferred language and click the Save button. In the example below, I have scroll down and selected Tamil as the language for my account.

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Now your screen should reflect the language change.

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Add personal signature to users can add signature to the email message sent from their account using the options available as part of settings.

Step 1: Login to your account and access More mail settings page (Settings icon –> More mail settings).

Step 2: Navigate to Writing email section and click Formatting, font and signature option.

Step 3: In the Formatting, Font and Signature page, navigate to Personal Signature section. Now you can enter the signature message inside the box. You can also add hyperlink and apply different styles to your signature.

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Step 4: After entering the signature, click the Save button to confirm and save the changes.

The signature will be automatically added when you compose new message in

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Quickly move mails to folder using instant actions in users can use instant actions to quickly move emails to different

folders without opening or selecting the message. Instant actions also provides

option to quickly Categorize, Sweep, Archive, Mark as read/unread or delete

any emails messages. The default instant actions that are already pre-

configured in are Mark as read/unread, Delete and Flag as shown


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Now let us see how to add Junk option to the instant action list in

Step 1: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 2: Navigate to Customizing Outlook section and click Instant actions.

Step 3: In the Instant actions screen, navigate Add actions and select Junk from drop down list.

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Step 4: Click the Save button to apply and confirm the changes.

Now you can use instant action quickly move any email to Junk folder.

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Have your flagged message on top of inbox in

There are times where we had missed to action old flagged message which are down the Inbox. If you are using then you can have the flagged messages to always appear at the top Inbox. This can be done using the option available as part of settings.

Step 1: Click the Settings icon, select More mail settings from the list.

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Step 2: In the Settings page, navigate to Customizing Outlook section and click Flagging option.

Step 3: In the Flagging screen, mark the radio option with caption as “Show flagged messages at the top of the inbox“

Step 4: Click Save button to confirm and apply the changes.

Now all you flagged messages will appear at the top of the inbox as shown below.

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How to customize reading pane in

This tutorial is about the steps required to customize the reading pane in Reading pane by default is turned off in and users enable this using the options available as part of the Settings.

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22 Digital Answers users can adjust the reading pane to the right or bottom. They can also configure this setting using Inbox > Options > Reading Pane.

Step 1: Click the Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 2: In the Inbox Options screen, navigate to Reading Mail section and click Reading Pane.

Step 3: Using “Where do you want the reading pane to appear?”, you can turn off or change the display location of Reading Pane.

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Step 4: Similarly you can Show the first message automatically by using the option “When you first open your inbox or another folder, set the reading pane to:”

Step 5: After making the required changes, click Save button.

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Email forwarding option in users can enable forwarding of emails message to another account using the option available as part Managing your account under Inbox > Options.

Step 1: Login to account, click Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 2: In the Mail settings screen, navigate to Managing your account section and click Email forwarding option.

Step 3: Now to forward emails from your account, select the radio option Forward your mail to the following email accounts and enter an email address.

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Step 4: If you want to retain a copy of original message in your Outlook inbox then mark the checkbox with caption as “Keep a copy of forwarded messages in your Outlook inbox”.

Step 5: Click the done button after making the necessary changes.

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How to set Out of Office message in

This tutorial is about the steps required to set Out of Office message in If you are going on a vacation and want to set an automated vacation replies whenever you receive email from your contacts then you can follow the below mentioned steps.

Step 1: Login to your account and click the Settings icon available on the top right hand side.

Step 2: From the Settings menu, select More mail settings from the list.

Step 3: In the Settings screen, navigate to Managing your account section and click Sending automated vacation replies.

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Step 4: Choose Send vacation replies to people who email me under Vacation Reply screen. Then enter your Out of office message using the editor tool.

Also make sure to mark the check box with caption as “Only reply to your contacts“. This would ensure your vacation replies does not reach any spam source.

After making the required changes, click Save button to confirm the changes.

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Pop account not deleting messages in

This is in reply to query posted by reader that

I have configured as pop account in external email reader and deleting email messages in external reader still retains the copy in

If you have similar problem then you can follow the below mentioned steps to fix it.

Step 1: Click Settings icon and select More mail settings from the list.

Step 2: In Options screen, navigate to Managing your account section and click POP and deleting downloaded messages option.

Step 3: Now for the POP and deleting downloaded messages Option, select “Do what my other program says – if says to delete messages, then delete them.” Then click the Save button to confirm and apply the changes.

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This would ensure that if you delete emails from program that has been configured to POP download messages, will delete the emails from Outlook as well.

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