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Popular Occulture

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Popular Occulture


1.) To warn of the encroaching occultic/Satanic influence in your culture, your church, and your home.

2.) Even if you or your children never attend a séance, psychic reading, or use a Ouija board, you will are nevertheless still going to be bombarded with occult paraphernalia in TV, film, video games, books, and clothing. You and your children will likely know a surprising amount about the occult, not because they are seeking it out – but because it is seeking them out.

3.) As Christians, our objective is to not become superstitious (irrational fear of unknown or mysterious). It is also not the goal to cultivate your curiosity about the occult. The objective of this series is to warn you of the prevailing occultural tide and to urge you to take steps to train your children’s minds and hearts with the Word of God on the subject.

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4.) To resist the devil steadfastly. (Jas. 4:7; Eph. 4:27; 6:11; I Pet. 5:8-9) Do not be dismissive of him or worse, indifferent toward him and his devices (II Cor. 2:11).

5.) Show great care in selecting what entertainment you watch; reject and refuse to watch shows, movies, and video (and board) games that contain occult elements and themes. You may not be directly involved in occult activity, but you are participating by proxy. The Bible doesn’t just say don’t participate in these activites, but don’t learn them and abstain from the appearance of them (Jeremiah 10:2; Deut. 18:9; I Thess. 5:18). If you can watch occult activity and believe that you are safe because you are not engaging in it, then you are saying that you are not angered about what God is angry about. Your response isn’t the same response that God has. If occult activity doesn’t abominate you, then you are complicit with it. There isn’t a neutral position.

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Popular Occulture

OCCULT AMONG CHRISTIANSFor instance, 24% of the public

overall and 22% of Christians say they believe in reincarnation — that people will be reborn in this

world again and again. And similar numbers (25% of the public overall,

23% of Christians) believe in astrology. Nearly three-in-ten

(30%) Americans say they have felt in touch with someone who has already died, almost one-in-five

(20%) say they have seen or been in the presence of ghosts, and 15% have consulted a fortuneteller or a


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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness

of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

~ Ephesians 6:12 ~

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Popular Occulture

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom

he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith...

~ I Peter 5:8-9a ~

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And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all,

and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. And many that believed came, and confessed, and

shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together,

and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty

thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

~ Acts 19:17-20 ~

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Popular Occulture

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,

giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

~ I Timothy 4:1 ~

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Popular Occulture

What is the Occult?The occult is anything that refers to that which is occluded – meaning that

which is hidden from view or secret knowledge. It refers to that which is paranormal. It is usually practiced by only a select few (esoteric) and is

believed to exist beyond the reach of science and reason.

The occult is widely diverse, but includes: necromancy (contact with dead persons, séances), charms (amulets and talismans which are thought to attract

power to the wearer), astrology, mediums, magick, extra-sensory perception, divination (e.g. crystal ball, tea leaves, looking into the liver), and

much more.

For the purpose of our study, I have also included alien contact, sightings, and encounters as possible occult-like activities.

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Popular Occulture

Homicide investigator Nick Burkhardt of the Portland Police Department learns he is descended from a line of "guardians" known as "Grimms", charged with keeping balance between humanity and the

mythological creatures of the world called Wesen, the German word for being or creature (pronounced "vessin"). Throughout the series, he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures, with help

from his reformed Wesen friend Monroe, and his partner Detective Hank Griffin.


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 "There once was a man who lived a life so strange, it had to be true. Only he could

see what no one else can—the darkness inside...the real monster within...and he's the one who must stop them. This is his

calling. This is his duty. This is the life of a Grimm."

~ Opening Narration to Series ~

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In 1781, Ichabod Crane, a soldier and spy in the Colonial Army on a mission for General George Washington, kills the Headless Horseman while at the same time

the Horseman kills him. More than 230 years later, in the present-day, Ichabod rises from his grave after the Headless Horseman (revealed to be Death, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, is summoned back from his watery grave by an unknown party; the resurrection of the one causes the other to also come back to life as a result of their blood mixing shortly after Crane decapitated the

Headless Horseman on the field of battle.

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Popular Occulture

Long Island Medium is an American reality televisions series

on TLC that debuted on September 25, 2011. Based in Hicksville, New York, the

series stars Theresa Caputo as she claims to be a medium who can

communicate with the deceased.  The show is very popular and is entering its 6th


“There shall not be found among you any one that [is] a consulter with

familiar spirits, …, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an

abomination unto the LORD:”

~ Deuteronomy 18:10-12a ~

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Themed on supernatural gifts, its lead character, Allison DuBois, is

a medium employed as a consultant for the Phoenix, Arizona district attorney’s office.

Allison and her husband Joe are the parents of three daughters, all of whom inherited Allison's

gift. The show was initially based on the experiences of medium Allison Dubois, who claims she has worked with law enforcement

agencies across the country in criminal investigations.


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The series follows the residents of Arcadia, Missouri, whose lives are upended when their loved ones return from the dead, unaged since their deaths. Among the

returned is Jacob Langston (Landon Gimenez), an eight-year old boy who drowned in 1982. Having been found alive in China, Jacob is brought back to America by an

immigration agent named J. Martin ("Marty") Bellamy, who defies orders and returns Jacob to his parents, Henry and Lucille. Jacob's surprise return inspires his uncle

Arcadia Sheriff Fred Langston and his daughter Dr. Maggie Langston, whose wife/mother drowned and had been falsely reported to have been trying to rescue

the boy, to learn more about this mystery.

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The Walking Dead tells the story of a small group of survivors living in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Survivors search for a safe haven away from the shuffling

hordes of predatory "walkers" or "biters" – as zombies are called – that eat any living thing they catch, and whose bite is quickly lethal to humans. The plot focuses primarily on the dilemmas the group faces as they struggle to maintain their

humanity during the day-to-day challenges of surviving in a chaotic world full of zombie hordes and hostile human survivors.

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The series has been well received and has been nominated for many awards, including the Writers Guild of America Award

and the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series. It has also attained strong Nielsen ratings, surpassing various records

for a cable series, including viewership of 17.3 million for its season five premier, making it the most-watched drama

series telecast in basic cable history.

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The new upcoming series explores what happens when

an alien race from another world begins a mysterious and

quiet takeover of Earth by using the most unlikely and unsuspecting inhabitants on

the planet—the children.


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Popular Occulture

The story revolves around astronaut Molly Woods who returns home to her family inexplicably pregnant after 13 months in outer space on

a solo mission.

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(1996 -2003) The show stars Melissa

Joan Hart as Sabrina Spellman, an American teenage half-witch who,

on her sixteenth birthday, discovers she

has magical powers. She lives with her 600-

year-old aunts, European witches Hilda

and Zelda. and their magical talking

cat Salem in the fictional town of

Westbridge, Massachusettes.

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14-year-old Emma Alonso moves to the suburbs of Miami, where she learns that she is the "Chosen One", a witch who is said to have great powers and abilities. Emma has typical teen

challenges and occult references are used throughout the show. For instance, Emma attends Iridium High (alchemy). There are obstacles along the way, too: Maddie Van Pelt,

the leader of the Panthers, a trio of the school's most popular girls, who is a newly profound witch, and the principal, Miss Torres: she is a witch, too, but she's malicious. During the

upcoming eclipse, she plans on taking Emma's powers, but fails after Maddie and Emma join forces, despite their differences, and destroy her with the help of the Hexoren Book of Spells

that Emma inherited from her late mother.


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Cleverly portrayed as a mystery show, symbols and portrayals of occult language, references, and practices are used throughout the series.

The Egyptian god Anubis, half canine half man

creature is the protector of the dead. The single

eye is a powerful symbol in the world of the occult. Notice the one pictured

over the Egyptian pyramid on the dollar bill.


Popular Occulture

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Wizards of Waverly Place chronicles the

adventures of the Russo Family. The three teenagers

are wizards and live with their father, a former family

wizard, and their mortal mother. When the

Russo siblings complete their wizard training, they are to

participate in a competition to decide who will become the Family Wizard (the one to

keep his/her magical powers forever) of their generation, while the others lose their

powers and become mortals. regularly pays visits to the

Russo home.


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The series follows the supernatural adventures of a geeky freshman, Ethan Morgan, a Seer who has visions from contact with the paranormal, his best friend Benny, a spellmaster, and his vampire babysitter Sarah. They are often aided by Rory their

dorky friend, and Erica, Sarah's best friend, both of whom are vampires.


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Aren’t these things just myth?I’m not actually consulting with the dead, or subscribing to my horoscope, or playing

with Ouija boards, or casting spells on other people. I’m only watching TV shows, films, and reading books that depict these activities. That isn’t the same thing!

That’s the most often heard objection I hear whenever I teach on this subject. If you are a Christian and finding these types of shows entertaining, then you are a spiritual schitzophreniac (“Divided Mind”). You pledge your allegiance to the God of the Bible which abhors this activity and swares to destroy it, and yet you find it so

entertaining that you are unwilling to reject it. How can you justify finding entertainment in something which God abhors?

You are desensitizing your conscience towards evil. You have calloused your heart toward God. You have acclimated to the darkness around you. You are abstaining

from the good and right and holding fast to the evil.

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Symbols of the Occult

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Symbols of the Occult

Toby Mac

(Lion’s Paw & Evil Eye)

Lady Gaga

(3 rings & Evil Eye)


(Hapax & Evil Eye)

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Symbols of the Occult

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Symbols of the Occult

Little Wayne The Beatles

Beyonce Jay ZLady Gaga

Oprah Winfrey Haley Williams

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Symbols of the Occult

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But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

~ Proverbs 8:36 ~

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Symbols of the Occult

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Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,

giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

~ I Timothy 4:1 ~

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Popular Occulture

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom

he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith...

~ I Peter 5:8-9a ~

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Popular Occulture