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Ops mgmt Session-12-15-Aug 2012.pdf

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  • 7/29/2019 Ops mgmt Session-12-15-Aug 2012.pdf


    Operations Management

    Basics of Quality Control,Statistical Quality Control And Total Quality Management

    By Chithur Devaraj

    On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 Sec B @02.30 AM 05:30 PM

    On Thu, Oct 25,2012 Sec A @04:00PM to 07:00 PM

    Session - X I I

    MMS I Sec A (Thu) & Sec B (Wed)

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    Quality managementUntil late 1980s, Indian industries had a comfortable

    period, due to License Raj & it was opened up in1991.

    In the mean time Japanese industries followed thepath of Quality Gurus and followed TQM. Hence by

    1970s, Japanese became world leaders in manyindustries and consumer products. Examples: Sonyin consumer electronics, Toyota and Honda in four-

    wheeler automobile industry, Honda and Yamaha in

    two-wheeler Industry, Seiko and Citizen in WatchIndustry and Mitsubishi in heavy industry etc.,

    followed TQM principles and became world famous

    J apanese companies.

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    What is good or not good quality ?

    customer decides it

    However, not everything that the

    customers want can be given by the firm

    Hence, the firm has to take a strategic

    decision regarding quality


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    What is Quality ? Defining 5 Ways

    1. Conformance to specificationsDoes product/service meet targets and tolerancesdefined by designers?

    2. Fitness for useProduct is considered to be of good quality, if it is fi t forintended use

    3. Value for price paidEvaluation of usefulness vs. price paid. e.g. Axe made ofgold for wood cut ting is not good quality. Only axe madeof steel is of good quality

    4. Support servicesQuality of support after sale

    5. Psychologicale.g. Ambiance, prestige, friendly staff

    J uran defined quality as fitness for purpose.

    Philip Crosby defined quality as conformance tospecifications.

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    Manufacturing Quality vs. ServiceQuality

    Manufacturing quality focuses ontangible product features Conformance, performance, reliability, features

    Service organizations produceintangible products that must beexperienced Quality often defined by perceptional factors like

    courtesy, friendliness, promptness, waiting time,consistency


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    Evolution of Quality & TQM

    New Focus

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    Cost of Quality

    Early detection/prevention is less costly

    May be less by a factor of 10


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    Quality at Every Stage



    Feedback Mechanisms




    Monitoring Quality Levels at Every Stage

    of the Transformation Process

    Quality of inputs



    Quality of outputs



    Statistical Process

    Control (SPC)

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    Phases of Quality Assurance There are 3 aspects of assuring quality:

    1. Assurance of incoming Raw materials Quality2. Assurance of processes operating on the RM

    3. Assurance of quality of the outgoing finished


    Inputs Transformation Outputs







    InspectionHow Much/How Often/Where/When ?

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    What is SQC & SPC ?

    Task of exercising control over the incomingraw materials and the outgoing finished goodsis usually called Acceptance Sampling. Itdeals with accepting or rejecting the RM or the

    FG. Statistical tools used here are generallycalled SQC.

    The control exercised over the processes

    operating on the raw materials or semi finishedgoods is called process Control. Statisticaltechniques used here is called SPC.

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    Three SQC Categories Statistical quality control (SQC) refers to statist ical

    tools used by quality professionals

    SQC can be categorized into three broad categories of;

    Descriptive statistics (Traditional statistical tools)

    e.g. the mean, standard deviation, and range..

    Statistical process control (SPC)

    Involves inspecting the output from a process

    Quality characteristics are measured and charted

    Helpful in identifying in-process variations

    Acceptance sampling used to randomly inspect abatch of goods to determine acceptance/rejection

    Does not help to catch in-process problems

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    Sources of Variation Variation exists in all processes E.g. Sharpness

    of a cutting tool decreases over time-surfacefinish variation

    Variation can be categorized as either;

    Common or Random causes of variation, or

    Random causes that we cannot identify (Naturalvariations)

    Unavoidable countless minor factors which are inherent

    e.g. slight differences in process variables like

    diameter, weight, service time, temperature Assignable causes of variation

    Causes can be identified and eliminated

    e.g. poor employee training, worn tool, machine

    needing repair

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    Control Charts-Accuracy Vs Precision ?

    Variations can be controlled by controlling

    both Central tendency using X-bar charts andDispersion using R-bar charts.

    E.g. Mr. X weighs 75 Kg and there are 2machines showing following readings:-

    M/c 1 : 70,75.5,79.5 Kg

    M/c 2: 69.5,69.75,70 kgs.

    Now, M/c1 gives average of 75Kg and therefore isaccurate as its central tendency does not show

    deviation, but has lot of dispersion. M/c 2 isprecise, but not accurate because its centraltendency is 69.75, which is far away from actual Wt,whereas its dispersion is quite low ranging 139 to140. Hence both controls are necessary.

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    Statistical Process Control

    6.95 mm

    7.05 mm

    Central Line (CL)

    Upper Specification Limit (USL)

    Upper Control Limit (UCL)

    Lower Control Limit (LCL)

    Lower Specification Limit (LSL)

    Specification & Control Limits for the

    Diameter of a Pencil

    M - 3.M

    M + 3.M

    Targeted or Aimed-at Mean M = 7.00 mm

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    Trends in process capablility chart suggesting out-of-control situation










    Trends in chart

    suggesting out of

    control situation




    A po int exceed ing the LCL (or UCL) A dec reasing (or i ncreasin g) tr end

    of 7 or 8 successive points

    5 or more successive point s on one side of t he CL

    Upper Control Limit(UCL)

    Lower Control Limit(LCL)

    Upper WarningLimit (UWL)

    Lower Warning

    Limit (LWL)

    Central Line (CL)


    3.s +






    Warning Limits in chart (two out of three

    successive points beyond a warning limit

    suggest an out of control situation)

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    Acceptance Sampling

    Definition: Acceptance sampling refers to the SQCprocess ofrandomly inspecting a certain numberof items from a lot or batch in order to decide

    whether to accept orreject the entire batch

    SQC is Different from SPC, because acceptance

    sampling is performed eitherbefore orafterthe

    process rather than during

    Sampling before typically is done to suppliers material

    Sampling after involves sampling finished items before

    shipment or finished components prior to assembly Used where inspection is expensive, volume is

    high, or inspection is destructive

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    SQC in Services Service Organizations have lagged behind

    manufacturers in the use of statistical qualitycontrol

    Statistical measurements are required and it is more

    difficult to measure the quality of a service

    Services produce more intangible products Perceptions of quality are highly subjective

    A way to deal with service quality is to devise

    quantifiable measurements of the service element

    Check-in time at a hotel Number of complaints received per month at a restaurant

    Number of telephone rings before a call is answered

    Acceptable control l imits can be developed and charted

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    TQM can be defined as an organized scientific

    approach towards continuous improvement of quality involving every one in the Organizationaimed towards total customer satisfaction.

    Total quality management is both a philosophy anda set of guiding principles that represent the

    foundation of a continuously improving organization. It, encompasses mobilizing the entire organization

    (involve everyone) to satisfy the demands of thecustomers and systematic improvement of quality.

    TQM provides a way of life to constantly improveperformance by creating a positive environment forcontinuous improvement based on Team work,

    Trustand Respect.

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    TQM Framework

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    TQM Philosophy

    TQM Focuses on identifying root causes of quality problem It encompasses the entire organization It provides guidance on ways of improving quality Relies on seven basic concepts

    Customer focus Continuous improvement Employee empowerment (quality circles) Use of quality tools

    Product design (QFD- Useful tool for translatingcustomer specifications into technical requirements) Process management ( kaizen & PDCA) Managing supplier quality

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    TQM Philosophy - concepts Focus on Customer

    Identify and meet customer needs

    Stay tuned to changing needs, e.g. fashion styles

    Continuous Improvement

    Continuous learning and problem solving, e.g.

    Kaizen, 6 sigma

    Employee Empowerment

    Empower all employees; external and internal


    Teams formed around processes 8 to 10

    persons (Quality circles)

    Meet weekly to analyze and solve problems

    Quality Function Deployment

    Used to translate customer preferences to

    product design

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    TQM Philosophy Concepts (continued) Seven Tools of Quality Control

    Tools typically taught to problem solving teams(Cause-and-Effect Diagrams, Flowcharts, Checklists,Control Charts ,Scatter Diagrams, Pareto Analysis,Histograms)

    Walter Stewart's Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle(PDCA) popularized by Edward Deming

    Also called the Deming Wheel after originator

    Circular, never ending problem solving process


    It refers to continuous measurement of anorganizations products and processes against a

    company recognized as a leader in that industry

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    7 basic tools of Quality

    Scatter Diagrams,Flow Charts,Run Charts,Control Charts

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    TQM can be implemented by practicing thefollowing processes in the organization:



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    Poka Yoke Technique used to prevent errors being

    converted into defects. Based on assumption that mistakes will

    occur until preventive measures are taken.

    Formidable tool for achieving zero defect.

    E.g. Opening of brief case If you open itupside down by mistake, the contents willspill out.

    - A simple lever in the opening deviceprevents the briefcase opening if it isupside down at no extra cost.


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    6 Sigma versus 3 Sigma

    Motorola coined six-sigma todescribe their higher qualityefforts back in 1980s

    Six-sigma quality standard isnow a benchmark in manyindustries

    Before design, marketing ensurescustomer product characteristics

    Operations ensures that productdesign characteristics can be metby controlling materials andprocesses to 6 levels

    Other functions like finance andaccounting use 6 concepts to

    control all of their processes

    PPM Defective for 3versus 6 quality

    Wiley 2007

    Level of performance with 3.4 defects per million

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    Why TQM Efforts Fail

    Lack of a genuine quality culture

    Lack of top management support andcommitment

    Over- and under-reliance on SPCmethods


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    SRF Limited TQM J ourney

    SRF Limited is a Indian motor component manufacturer,

    had a J V with a J apanese company called Denso in 1980s.

    With their support it started QC circles in India but failed

    because there was no preparation nor ground work. In

    1994 SRF went through a major union strike and plant wasclosed for more than 5 months.

    In 1995, SRF engaged Prof. Kune from J apan-one of the

    doyens of TQM movement in J apan and a Deming Prize

    winner. With his support the top management introduced

    TQM from the top right down to the lowest levels.

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    SRF Limited TQM J ourneycontinued

    SRF first started with a massive communication driveexplaining how it would be in the interest of the workersto return to normal working conditions, and how imbibingthe TQM methodology and the concepts would providethem opportunities for growth. Simultaneously anintensive training programme was started for top andmiddle level executives on TQM to bring in changes intheir mindset.When SRF started the plant in Chennai in 1974-75 ,70%

    Of the workers were illiterate. The TQM programmehelped them to become literate and they startedparticipating in the new culture, which gave themimmense satisfaction.

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    SRF Limited TQM J ourneycontinued

    They understood the 7 tools of QC and actively participated in QC circles and put

    forward ideas through Kaizen movement.

    This TQM journey facilitated SRF to put in place better workplace management

    systems. In later years, SRF devised a system of management diagnosis, which

    included new elements such as leadership, strategy and technology, which is a muchmore robust system of measuring Organizations capability.

    This SRF journey offers interesting lessons for launching successful TQM movement.

    Transformation of company takes more than 3 years thru TQM. The main lesson in

    TQM is are we continuously improving. SRF got Deming Prize in 2004.

    Today SRF is a leading Indian player with global positions in Tyre Cord Fabric,

    Refrigerant Gases and Industrial Fabrics.

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    Operations Management

    Basics of Environmental Management Basics of ISO 14000 / 9000 Basics of Value Engineering & Analysis

    Session - X I I I

    MMS I Sec A (Thu) & Sec B (Wed)

    By Chithur DevarajHoliday on Oct 24

    On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 Sec B @02.30 AM 05:30 PM

    On Thu, Oct 25,2012 Sec A @04:00PM to 07:00 PM

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    What does a system comprise of ? A system is a collection of sub-systems.

    A subsystem is a collection of processes. A process is a collection of tasks.

    A task or activity is the smallest parcel of work to becarried out by a person or group of people.

    A procedure is just a way of doing things.

    Of all QMS regimes, ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 seriesare probably the most widely implemented systemsworldwide

    To manage the process, the organization developsmanagement systems & 1SO is a system of Internationalstandards

    QMS in INDIAN NAVY-signs defense deal with Solas

    Marine Lanka pvt ltd,Dubai based company

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    ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are among ISO's most wellknown standards ever.

    They are implemented by more than a millionorganizations in some 175 countries.

    ISO 9001 helps organizations to implement qualitymanagement. Targets Customers

    ISO 14001 helps organizations to implement

    environmental management. It targets -Regulators &OHSAS (ISO 18001)-Employees

    Both these standards are applicable to anyorganization, large or small, whatever its product or

    service, and in any sectorof activity

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    What is Quality management ?

    ISO 9001 is for quality management. Quality refers to all those features of a product (or

    service) which are required by the customer.

    Quality management means what the

    organization does to ensure that its products or services satisfy the

    customer's quality requirements and

    comply with any regulations applicable to those

    products or services. ISO 9001 are not product standards. They are not

    service standards. What are they?

    They are process standards.

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    ISOInternational Organization

    for Standardization


    1947-93-Product Standards (E.g. ASTM,IST,DIN,ISI)1994->process/system standards

    ISO 9000 refers to a set of three standards (ISO 9000,

    ISO 9001,and ISO 9004). All three make up the ISO 9000

    series and are referred to as quality management

    system standards.

    ISO was derived from the greek word Isos meaning equal

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    ISO 9001:2008 WHAT IS ISO?

    ISO is the International Organization for Standardization:q Founded in 1946 to promote the development of international


    q The ISO 9000 series was published in 1987, developed by the

    technical Committee 176, in relation to quality systemsq In 1994, a new version was published from standards 9001,

    9002 and 9003. India represented through BIS

    q Revision of standard so far

    1994 (1st Revision)2000 (2nd Revision) (9001,9002,9003 guidelines)2008 (3rd Revision) (9001:2008 R&D+mfg+Servicemerged)

    q These standards focuses on Quality Management Systems and


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    Implications of ISO 9000 for U.S.

    Companies Many overseas companies

    will not do business with a

    supplier unless it has ISO9000 certification

    ISO 9000 accreditation

    ISO registrars

    A total commitment toquality is requiredthroughout an organization

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    Popular international standards

    ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems (QMS)

    ISO 14001 Environmental Management


    ISO 18001 - OHSAS and so on


    QMS - targets the Customer

    EMS -Stakeholders, Regulators

    OH&S -Primarily Employees

    ISO 9001 focuses mainly on Statutory (e.g.Mah.

    Regn.) and regulatory (Country law,E.g. VAT)

    requirements and customer satisfaction

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    ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in brief

    ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are among ISO's most wellknown standards ever.

    They are implemented by more than a millionorganizations in some 175 countries.

    ISO 9001 helps organizations to implement qualitymanagement. Targets Customers

    ISO 14001 helps organizations to implement

    environmental management. It targets -Regulators &OHSAS (ISO 18001)-Employees

    Both these standards are applicable to anyorganization, large or small, whatever its product or

    service, and in any sectorof activity

    8 Principles of Quality Management System

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    8 Principles of Quality Management System

    ISO 9000:2008

    Principle 1 Customer Focus

    Organizations should understand current and future customer needs,satisfy customer requirements and strive to exceed customerexpectations.

    Principle 2 - Leadership

    Leaders establish objectives, unity of purpose and direction of theorganization. Create an adequate internal environment to achieve


    Principle 3 Involvement of People

    Employees at all levels are the essence of an organization. Their fullinvolvement enables their abilities to be used for the benefit of theorganization.

    Principle 4 - Process Approach Activities and related resources are managed as a process.

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    Quality Management Principles

    ISO 9000:2008

    Principle 5 - System Approach to Management Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as

    a system contributes to firms effectiveness in achieving objectives

    Principle 6 Continual Improvement Continual improvement as a permanent objective

    Principle 7 - Factual Approach to Decision-making Decisions are based on analysis of data and information

    Principle 8 - Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers enhances the

    ability of both to create value.

    Th 8 QM i i l if t th l

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    These 8 QM principles manifest themselves

    through the 4 main clauses of the standard

    Management Responsibility: definingrequirements

    Resource management: determining and

    establishing necessary resources Product realization: establish and implement


    Measurement, Analysis and Improvement:of results

    The main clauses are structured around the

    Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle and contain a

    number of individual clauses.

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    ISO 9001 :2008 Clauses

    1. Scope

    2. Normative Reference

    3. Terms and Definitions

    4. Quality Management System-QP, QM, Pr, Doc to control

    5. Management Responsibility-commitment,MRM,Auth.resp.

    6. Resource Management-Training

    7. Product Realization-Mfg,calibration,Sales,Purchase,Design

    8. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement-controlProcess


    Benefits of ISO 9001 :2008

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    Benefits of ISO 9001 :2008


    1. Customer Satisfaction2. International Recognition

    3. Enhancement of the Process Performance

    4. Continual Improvement of the Managementsystem of the Organization

    5. Consistency in product and service

    6. Compliance with Regulatory requirements.

    7. Enhancement in the competence level ofEmployee.

    8. Enhancement of Employee satisfaction.44

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    Environmental management

    ISO 14001 is for environmentalmanagement. This means what the

    organization does to: minimize harmful effects on the

    environment caused by its activities,

    to conform to applicable regulatoryrequirements, and to

    achieve continual improvement of its

    environmental performance.

    ISO 14001

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    ISO 14001

    Certification and registration

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    Certification and registration Certification is known in some countries

    as registration. It means that an independent, external

    body has audited an organization'smanagement system and verified that itconforms to the requirements specified in

    the standard (ISO 9001 or ISO 14001).Accreditation

    Accreditation is certification by the certification body.It means formal approval by accreditation body likeBVQI,TUV etc to carry out ISO 9001:2008 or ISO14001:2004 certification

    These Certificates may be perceived on the market ashaving increased credibility.


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    Value Analysis and ValueEngineering

    Can be defined as an organised and

    systematic approach to provide therequired function at the lowest costconsistent with specific performance,

    quality and reliability.

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    Concept of Value

    1) Use Value

    2) Esteem value

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    Steps in Value Analysis

    1. Collect data on cost, customer needs, history,future developments.

    2.Develop alternative designs.

    3. Ascertain the cost of the alternative.

    4. Evaluate the alternatives.

    5. Recommend and implement the best solution

    Factors Influencing Product

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    Factors Influencing ProductDesign or Redesign

    Customers perspectives- Functions- Aesthetics- User friendliness

    - Esteem associated with possession

    Organisational perspective- Intrinsic cost of Material- Intrinsic cost of Labour- Replacement, Exchange and Disposal

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    Methods of Value Analysis

    1. Eliminate parts in operation.

    2. Simplify parts in operation.

    3. Substitute alternative materials.4. Use standard parts in materials.

    5. Relax manufacturing tolerances.

    6. Use standard manufactured parts.

    7. Eliminate unnecessary design features.

    Ch D i S i M f i

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    Change Design to Suit Manufacturing

    1. Buy if cheap, if not than make.2. Use pre-finished materials.

    3. Use pre-finished parts.

    4. Rationalize product range.

    5. Substitute labour cost manufacturing process

    6. Rationalize and standardise low costpurchased parts.

    7. Eliminate material waste.

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    Innovation !

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    Innovation !!

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    Operations Management

    Case Studies and Presentation

    Session - X I V

    MMS I Sec A (Thu) & Sec B (Wed)

    By Chithur Devaraj

    On Wed, Oct 31,2012 Sec B @09.30 AM 12:20 PM

    On Thu, Oct 3, 2012 Sec A @02:30PM to 05:20 PM


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    Class Test 2Operations Management

    MMS I Section B & A

    Wed. Oct 31, & Nov 1,2012

    100% attendance is compulsory

    No marks will be given for absent students for the test


    Prof. Chithur Devaraj

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    Operations Management

    Case Studies and Presentation

    Session - X V

    MMS I Sec A (Thu) & Sec B (Wed)

    By Chithur Devaraj

    On Wed, Nov 07,2012 Sec B @10.30 AM 12:30 PM

    On Thu, Nov 08,2012 Sec A @02:30PM to 05:30 PM