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Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation using Fully-Coupled Peridynamics, Thin-Film Flow, and Darcian Flow Alejandro F Queiruga ([email protected]) and George J Moridis ([email protected]) Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Abstract A numerical model is presented for the simulation of the evolution of hydraulic fracture in general geological media that couples a Peridynamic mechanical model and finite el- ement models for porous flow and fracture flow. The two-dimensional model captures porous flow through rock; thin-film flow through hydraulic fractures; mechanical deforma- tion due to applied loads, pore pressure, and fracture pressure; and fracture growth and deformation. The fracture mesh is built dynamically as the fracture grows, connecting broken Peridynamic bonds. While a simple finite element model of Darcian flow is em- ployed in the presented results, the formulation and implementation of the Peridynamic and fracture models allows the code to be easily coupled to any other hydrogeological code. The dynamic evolution of the system is solved by implicit Runge-Kutta integration. The mechanical deformation, matrix pore pressure, and fracture pressure fields are solved fully-coupled in staggered nonlinear iterations at each Runge-Kutta stage, and the dam- age field is updated sequentially at each time step. The accuracy and convergence rates of the Peridynamic model is studied by comparing numerical results to analytical solu- tions in linear mechanics, and the fully-coupled model is benchmarked against Terzhaghi’s consolidation problem. Applications of the model to simulating pressure-driven hydraulic fracture extension of a lone fracture and a fracture interacting with preexisting natural fractures are presented. Objectives Goal: Develop a novel simulator for coupled Geomechanics + Porous flow + Fracture flow to predictively model hydraulic fracture propagation. 1. Explore Peridynamics as a suitable model for fracture propagation: (a) Examine three dierent state-based Peridynamic constitutive responses. (b) Determine eect of Peridynamic influence function selection. (c) Determine convergence behavior under grid-size refinement 2. Design a new fracture flow model that is strongly coupled to the mechanical defor- mation and includes leakage into porous rock formation: (a) Fracture pressure directly determines material deformation. (b) Dynamically mesh the fracture in response to material failure. (c) Include mechanical interaction and fluid transfer with natural fracture network. The model problem guiding method development is hydraulic fracture extension in a hor- izontal well for gas bearing sediments, but can be applied to other problems, such as thermally-stimulated fracturing in geothermal systems. Above: Illustration of the model problem. Fluid is pumped along a horizontal well to extend a fracture in a plane-strain slice of the gas-bearing layer. Peridynamics Formulation Instead of the continuum mechanics balance of linear momentum PDE, Peridynamics solves the integrodierential equation at material points in the domain [3]: ¨ y = Z H(x) (t [x] hi- t [x 0 ] hi)d 3 x 0 + b (x) 8x 2 Discretized material points are connected via bonds with damage factors. Peridynamics Formulation (continued) The fracture is initially represented by breaking bonds that cross it. An evolution law is used to dictate the damage response of the material, (t + Δt) = min (t) ,f (x, y) allowing for material points to be completely severed and the fracture to grow. The quantities in the Peridynamic integral are illustrated to the right. We examined three forms of state-based responses for t: two dilation-based models from Silling, 2007 [3] and Oterkus, 2012 [1], and a deformation gradient-based model from Silling, 2007 [3]. The deformation gradient- based response estimates F using the positions of the material points and uses it to compute the continuum constitutive response for σ to map back to Peridynamic force densities: F = Z H wY dx 0 Z H wdx 0 -1 t [x] hi = wσ Z H wd n x 0 -1 We solve the discretized system of equations using sym- bolic dierentiation to obtain the consistent tangent for each response. δ H(x) x x 0 w(||) || Peridynamic horizon Bonds broken by line of Pressure on adjacent Intact bonds (=1) sight through crack (=0) neighbor broken bonds Representation of a fracture Accuracy and Stability First, the methods were tested on three constant strain problems on a 10mm by 10mm block: uniaxial com- pression, isotropic compression, and simple shear. We varied four param- eters: Response form t [x] hi. Influence function form w(r). Grid spacing h Relative interaction radius RF = δ /h The results using a cubic w with wide interaction radii RF are to the right. Only the F -based model converges for all three cases, but is visibly unsta- ble. The models are also applied to a linearized-fracture mechanics prob- lem of a thin pressurized crack in an infinite domain. The instability in the F -based model is illustrated be- low. The numerical results achieve less than 5% error from the true solution with 300 by 300 grid after smoothing the solution. Results submitted to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [2]. Left, Peridynamics solution of the displacement field around a thin pressurized crack, and, right, the analytical solution. The vectors have a scale of 75the axes. Fully Coupled Mechanical+Porous+Fracture Model Porous Flow Mesh (FEM or TOUGH) 1D Fracture Mesh Thin-film Reynolds flow Geomechanics Peridynamics Grid Pore Pressure Strain Leakage Traction Aperture and Node Creation p m p f y,v α The Peridynamics model is coupled to a porous flow solver and a fracture flow solver, resulting in three dierent numer- ical methods, each using a dierent mesh, illustrated to the left. The fields are in- terpolated directly from the underlying numerical representations for each of the coupling terms. Both TOUGH or a simple Darcy’s law Fi- nite Element solver can be used to solve porous flow. The porous system using an embedded boundary condition for fluid transfer from the fracture. The fracture is dynamically meshed as the Peridynamic bonds break during the sim- ulation. The fracture pressure is solved using the Reynolds equation for thin film flow along the 1D FEM mesh joining broken bonds: d ds 0 B B @ h 3 12μ | {z } Ef. Perm. dp f ds 1 C C A = @⇢ @ t h + @ h @ t | {z } Aperture Change + γ (p f - p m ) | {z } Coupled BC . The aperture h is calculated from positions of neighboring Peridynamics nodes. An internal boundary condition from the fluid pressure is applied as a Peridynamic force density to material points immediately next to the fracture. Solution of Coupled Systems The dierential equations are marched in time together using implicit Runge-Kutta meth- ods. The mechanics, porous, and fracture fields are solved in a staggered iteration within each stage. The damage field is updated sequentially, which dictates the remeshing step for the fracture. The fracture pressure and mechanics were found to be very tightly cou- pled, yielding convergence problems with a staggered iteration. The two fields are solved in a fully-linearized monolithic Newton’s method simultaneously: 0 B B B B B B @ M 0 0 N + Δt 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 @ f @ v |{z} Damping @ f @ p |{z} Traction @ g @ v |{z} Aperture @ g @ p |{z} Viscosity 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 + Δt 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 @ f @ y |{z} Stiness [0] @ g @ y |{z} Aperture [0] 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 1 C C C C C C A Δv Δp f = R v R p The following algorithm is used to advance the system to the next step: 1. Loop over Runge-Kutta stages: (a) Staggered iteration until convergence: i. Solve mechanics + fracture pressure with Newton’s method ii. Solve porous flow (linear problem) 2. Update damage (t + Δt) and find newly broken bonds 3. Remesh fracture, recompute mesh-coupling data structure, and map pressure fields Results: Extension of a Single Fracture Right: Evolution in a single-fracture system. The stair-casing of the frac- ture length is due to the extension occurring as discrete bond-breaking events. The downward spikes in the average fracture pressure are due to the pressure at the fracture tip dropping immediately after a bond breaks. The magnitude of the spikes is reduced by lowering the injection rate. Results: Interaction with a Natural Fracture Above: Color/surface plot of fracture pressure (thick line) and pore pressure (surface) as a hydraulically extended fracture interacts with a natural fracture. The pressure in the natural fracture begins to increase due to the pore-pressure increase before the hydraulic fracture intersects it. Mechanical fields that determine fracture growth are not shown. Summary and Conclusions We made the following conclusions about the numerical model: Silling’s deformation gradient Peridynamics model is O(h) accurate but is unstable. Smoothing is required for damage evaluation in fracture extension. Experimentation with unstructured grids in Peridynamics yielded numerical issues. Fracture-mechanical coupling requires monolithic solution of the fracture pressure and mechanical deformation to converge. Further improvements are needed to the model before extending it into three dimensions and applying it to practical problems. Active development focuses on: Exploring other meshless methods to replace Peridynamic mechanical model, such as the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method. Developing a multiphase fracture flow solver for proppant transport using a dynam- ically generated volumetric mesh and discrete particle simulation. Coupling the fracture flow field model to TOUGH to interact with practical multi- phase reservoir problems. References [1] Erkan Oterkus and Erdogan Madenci. Ordinary state-based peridynamic material constants. In 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, page 1946, 2012. [2] AF Queiruga and G Moridis. Numerical experiments on the convergence properties of state-based peridynamic laws and influence functions in two-dimensional problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Submitted. [3] Stewart A Silling, M Epton, O Weckner, J Xu, and E Askari. Peridynamic states and constitutive modeling. Journal of Elasticity, 88(2):151–184, 2007. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) funding from Berkeley Lab, provided by the Director, Oce of Science, of the U.S. De- partment of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

NumericalSimulationofHydraulicFracturePropagationusing Fully … · 2020. 9. 27. · Alejandro F Queiruga ([email protected]) and George J Moridis ([email protected]) Earth Sciences

Mar 11, 2021



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Page 1: NumericalSimulationofHydraulicFracturePropagationusing Fully … · 2020. 9. 27. · Alejandro F Queiruga ( and George J Moridis ( Earth Sciences


Alejandro F Queiruga ([email protected]) and George J Moridis ([email protected])

Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

AbstractA numerical model is presented for the simulation of the evolution of hydraulic fracturein general geological media that couples a Peridynamic mechanical model and finite el-ement models for porous flow and fracture flow. The two-dimensional model capturesporous flow through rock; thin-film flow through hydraulic fractures; mechanical deforma-tion due to applied loads, pore pressure, and fracture pressure; and fracture growth anddeformation. The fracture mesh is built dynamically as the fracture grows, connectingbroken Peridynamic bonds. While a simple finite element model of Darcian flow is em-ployed in the presented results, the formulation and implementation of the Peridynamicand fracture models allows the code to be easily coupled to any other hydrogeologicalcode. The dynamic evolution of the system is solved by implicit Runge-Kutta integration.The mechanical deformation, matrix pore pressure, and fracture pressure fields are solvedfully-coupled in staggered nonlinear iterations at each Runge-Kutta stage, and the dam-age field is updated sequentially at each time step. The accuracy and convergence ratesof the Peridynamic model is studied by comparing numerical results to analytical solu-tions in linear mechanics, and the fully-coupled model is benchmarked against Terzhaghi’sconsolidation problem. Applications of the model to simulating pressure-driven hydraulicfracture extension of a lone fracture and a fracture interacting with preexisting naturalfractures are presented.

ObjectivesGoal: Develop a novel simulator for coupled Geomechanics + Porous flow + Fractureflow to predictively model hydraulic fracture propagation.

1. Explore Peridynamics as a suitable model for fracture propagation:(a) Examine three different state-based Peridynamic constitutive responses.(b) Determine effect of Peridynamic influence function selection.(c) Determine convergence behavior under grid-size refinement

2. Design a new fracture flow model that is strongly coupled to the mechanical defor-mation and includes leakage into porous rock formation:(a) Fracture pressure directly determines material deformation.(b) Dynamically mesh the fracture in response to material failure.(c) Include mechanical interaction and fluid transfer with natural fracture network.

The model problem guiding method development is hydraulic fracture extension in a hor-izontal well for gas bearing sediments, but can be applied to other problems, such asthermally-stimulated fracturing in geothermal systems.

Above: Illustration of the model problem. Fluid is pumped along a horizontal well toextend a fracture in a plane-strain slice of the gas-bearing layer.

Peridynamics FormulationInstead of the continuum mechanics balance of linear momentum PDE, Peridynamicssolves the integrodifferential equation at material points in the domain [3]:

⇢y =


H(x)(t [x] h⇠i � t [x0] h⇠i) d3x0 + ⇢b (x) 8x 2 ⌦

Discretized material points are connected via bonds with damage factors.

Peridynamics Formulation (continued)The fracture is initially represented by breaking bondsthat cross it. An evolution law is used to dictate thedamage response of the material,

↵ (t + �t) = min ↵ (t) , f (x,y)

allowing for material points to be completely severed andthe fracture to grow. The quantities in the Peridynamicintegral are illustrated to the right.We examined three forms of state-based responses fort: two dilation-based models from Silling, 2007 [3] andOterkus, 2012 [1], and a deformation gradient-basedmodel from Silling, 2007 [3]. The deformation gradient-based response estimates F using the positions of thematerial points and uses it to compute the continuumconstitutive response for � to map back to Peridynamicforce densities:

F =


Hw↵Y ⌦ ⇠dx0

� Z

Hw↵⇠ ⌦ ⇠dx0


t [x] h⇠i = w↵�


Hw↵⇠ ⌦ ⇠dnx0


We solve the discretized system of equations using sym-bolic differentiation to obtain the consistent tangent foreach response.








Figure 1: The horizon H(x) at a particle x and the peridynamic influence function w(r) as a function of the magnitude of thedistance vector � between particles x and x�. A cubic-spline influence function centered on the particle x is illustrated. Shadedparticles are inside of the horizon.

impacts. The criteria governing fracture growth in peridynamics are usually based upon the displacement

field solution in the form of the bond stretches [15, 27]. This work closely examines the accuracy of the

displacements obtained by three forms for the peridynamics force-density response in static linear elastic

problems with known analytical solutions. We combine the three responses with different selections of the

peridynamic influence function and determine the order of convergence of the models when independently

refining the grid point discretization and the relative size of the peridynamic horizon.

1.1. Background

In the theoretical framework of peridynamics, each point in the material has a response based on the

integral of force densities from neighboring material points, without taking any derivatives of the mechanical

fields [28]. In practical implementation, the material is discretized as a finite set of points (or particles), and

the summation of force density laws from in-range material points is used to solve the equations of motion

of the particle. As illustrated in Figure 1.1, the material points are connected to a finite number of other

particles using an influence function w (r) with a compact support of radius � which covers the region known

as the peridynamic horizon, H (x). Discontinuities are naturally incorporated by assigning a damage field to

the bonds between the finite material points that weights the interaction force densities.

Unlike traditional methods, such as the finite element method, this underlying theoretical framework

is different from continuum mechanics. This difference requires further investigation to assert that the

numerical models developed with peridynamics are consistent with traditional results in mechanics. The


Peridynamic horizonfoobar

Bonds broken by line of

Pressure on adjacent

Intact bonds (↵ = 1)

sight through crack (↵ = 0)

neighbor broken bonds


Representation of a fracture

Accuracy and StabilityFirst, the methods were tested onthree constant strain problems on a10mm by 10mm block: uniaxial com-pression, isotropic compression, andsimple shear. We varied four param-eters:

• Response form t [x] h⇠i.• Influence function form w(r).• Grid spacing h• Relative interaction radius

RF = �/hThe results using a cubic w with wideinteraction radii RF are to the right.Only the F -based model converges forall three cases, but is visibly unsta-ble. The models are also applied toa linearized-fracture mechanics prob-lem of a thin pressurized crack in aninfinite domain. The instability inthe F -based model is illustrated be-low. The numerical results achieveless than 5% error from the true solution with 300 by 300 grid after smoothing the solution.Results submitted to Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [2].

Left, Peridynamics solution of the displacement field around a thin pressurized crack,and, right, the analytical solution. The vectors have a scale of 75⇥ the axes.

Fully Coupled Mechanical+Porous+Fracture Model

Porous Flow Mesh(FEM or TOUGH)

1D Fracture MeshThin-film Reynolds flow

GeomechanicsPeridynamics Grid

Pore Pressure




Aperture and Node Creation



y,v α

The Peridynamics model is coupled toa porous flow solver and a fracture flowsolver, resulting in three different numer-ical methods, each using a different mesh,illustrated to the left. The fields are in-terpolated directly from the underlyingnumerical representations for each of thecoupling terms.Both TOUGH or a simple Darcy’s law Fi-nite Element solver can be used to solveporous flow. The porous system usingan embedded boundary condition for fluidtransfer from the fracture.The fracture is dynamically meshed as thePeridynamic bonds break during the sim-ulation. The fracture pressure is solvedusing the Reynolds equation for thin film flow along the 1D FEM mesh joining brokenbonds:





12µ|{z}Ef. Perm.




CCA =@⇢

@th + ⇢


@t|{z}Aperture Change

+ � (pf

� pm

)| {z }Coupled BC


The aperture h is calculated from positions of neighboring Peridynamics nodes. An internalboundary condition from the fluid pressure is applied as a Peridynamic force density tomaterial points immediately next to the fracture.

Solution of Coupled SystemsThe differential equations are marched in time together using implicit Runge-Kutta meth-ods. The mechanics, porous, and fracture fields are solved in a staggered iteration withineach stage. The damage field is updated sequentially, which dictates the remeshing stepfor the fracture. The fracture pressure and mechanics were found to be very tightly cou-pled, yielding convergence problems with a staggered iteration. The two fields are solvedin a fully-linearized monolithic Newton’s method simultaneously:0


M 00 N

�+ �t












7777775+ �t2





















The following algorithm is used to advance the system to the next step:1. Loop over Runge-Kutta stages:

(a) Staggered iteration until convergence:i. Solve mechanics + fracture pressure with Newton’s methodii. Solve porous flow (linear problem)

2. Update damage ↵ (t + �t) and find newly broken bonds3. Remesh fracture, recompute mesh-coupling data structure, and map pressure fields

Results: Extension of a Single FractureRight: Evolution in a single-fracturesystem. The stair-casing of the frac-ture length is due to the extensionoccurring as discrete bond-breakingevents. The downward spikes in theaverage fracture pressure are dueto the pressure at the fracture tipdropping immediately after a bondbreaks. The magnitude of the spikesis reduced by lowering the injectionrate.

Results: Interaction with a Natural Fracture

Above: Color/surface plot of fracture pressure (thick line) and pore pressure (surface) asa hydraulically extended fracture interacts with a natural fracture. The pressure in thenatural fracture begins to increase due to the pore-pressure increase before the hydraulicfracture intersects it. Mechanical fields that determine fracture growth are not shown.

Summary and ConclusionsWe made the following conclusions about the numerical model:

• Silling’s deformation gradient Peridynamics model is O(h) accurate but is unstable.• Smoothing is required for damage evaluation in fracture extension.• Experimentation with unstructured grids in Peridynamics yielded numerical issues.• Fracture-mechanical coupling requires monolithic solution of the fracture pressure

and mechanical deformation to converge.Further improvements are needed to the model before extending it into three dimensionsand applying it to practical problems. Active development focuses on:

• Exploring other meshless methods to replace Peridynamic mechanical model, suchas the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method.

• Developing a multiphase fracture flow solver for proppant transport using a dynam-ically generated volumetric mesh and discrete particle simulation.

• Coupling the fracture flow field model to TOUGH to interact with practical multi-phase reservoir problems.

References[1] Erkan Oterkus and Erdogan Madenci. Ordinary state-based peridynamic material

constants. In 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamicsand Materials Conference, page 1946, 2012.

[2] AF Queiruga and G Moridis. Numerical experiments on the convergence propertiesof state-based peridynamic laws and influence functions in two-dimensional problems.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Submitted.

[3] Stewart A Silling, M Epton, O Weckner, J Xu, and E Askari. Peridynamic states andconstitutive modeling. Journal of Elasticity, 88(2):151–184, 2007.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)funding from Berkeley Lab, provided by the Director, Office of Science, of the U.S. De-partment of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.