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Ntpc Boiler

Aug 07, 2018



Sami Zama
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  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    Internship Training

    Report Of 


    Vimal Kumar

    M.E. (7th Sem.)1200!0207


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     This pro"e#t in$o%$e& the #o%%e#tion an& ana%ysis of informationfrom a 'i&e $ariety of sor#es an& the eorts of many peop%e*eyon& me. Ths it 'o%& not ha$e *een possi*%e to a#hie$ethe res%ts reporte& in this &o#ment 'ithot their he%p+spport an& en#oragement.

    I 'i%% %i,e to e-press my gratit&e to the fo%%o'ing peop%e for

    their he%p in the 'or, %ea&ing to this report:

    Pro#ec! "u$er%i"or"&  for their sef% #omments on the

    s*"e#t matter an& for the ,no'%e&ge I gaine& *y sharingi&eas 'ith them.

    Pro#ec! Coordina!or& for organiing an& #oor&inating the B.

     Te#h. /ro"e#ts 201.

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      In!roduc!ion• *ot The 3ompany

    • E$o%tion Of 4T/3

    •  Therma% /o'er /%ant

    • 5eneration Of E%e#tri#ity

      'oiler Main!enance De$ar!men! ('MD)• 6es#ription

    • Boi%er -i%iaries

    •  Te#hni#a% 6ata On /%$eriing /%ant

    • 6es#ription Of Eipments

      Plan! Au*illar+ Main!enance (PAM)

    • 8y&rogen /%ant• 3oo%ing To'er

    • 9ater Treatment /%ant

    • 3ompressor 8ose

    • sh 8an&%ing /%ant

      Tur,ine Main!enance De$ar!men! (TMD)•  Tr*ine 3y#%e

    •  Tr*ine -i%iaries• 6esign Of Steam Tr*ine

      Coal Handlin De$ar!men! (CHD)•  Transportation System

    • 8an&%ing System

    • Eipments

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    A,ou! T-e Com$an+

     Corporate Vision:

    “A world class integrated power major, powering India's growthwith increasing global presence.” 

    Core Values:

    B Bsiness ethi#s33stomer fo#sOOrganiationa% ; professiona% pri&eMMta% respe#t ; trstIInno$ation ; spee&

     TTota% a%ity for e-#e%%en#e


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  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    E%olu!ion O. NTPC

    /012& 4T/3 'as set p in 17 'ith 100> o'nership *y the5o$ernment of In&ia. In the %ast @0 years+ 4T/3 has gro'n intothe %argest po'er ti%ity in In&ia.

    /001&  In 17+ 5o$ernment of In&ia grante& 4T/3 stats of A4a$ratna *eing one of the nine "e'e%s of In&ia+ enhan#ing thepo'ers to the Boar& of 6ire#tors.

    3445&  4T/3 *e#ame a %iste& #ompany 'ith ma"ority

    5o$ernment o'nership of =.>.4T/3 *e#omes thir& %argest *y Mar,et 3apita%iation of %iste&#ompanies

    3442& The 3ompany re#hristene& as 4T/3 of In&ias insta%%e& #apa#ity.

    T-ermal Power Plan!

    therma% po'er station #onsists of a%% the eipment an& a

    s*system reire& to pro&#e e%e#tri#ity *y sing a steamgenerating *oi%er re& 'ith fossi% fe%s or *efo%s to &ri$e ane%e#tri# generator. Some prefer to se the term E4ER5C3E4TER *e#ase s#h fa#i%ities #on$ert form of energy %i,en#%ear energy+ gra$itationa% potentia% energy or heat energy(&eri$e& from the #om*stion of fe%) into e%e#tri#a% energy.

     Typi#a% &iagram of a #oa% po'er therma% po'er station

    3oo%ing 'ater pmp

     Three phase transmission %ine

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    Step p transformer

    E%e#tri#a% generator

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    system is to remo$e the heat a*sor*e& in the #ir#%ating'ater system se& in po'er p%ants+ petro%em reneries+petro#hemi#a% an& #hemi#a% p%ants+ natra% gas pro#essingp%ants an& other in&stria% fa#i%ities.

     The a*sor*e& heat is re"e#te& to the atmosphere *y thee$aporation of some of the #oo%ing 'ater in me#hani#a%for#e& D &raft or in&#e& &raft to'ers or in natra% &rafthyper*o%i# shape& #oo%ing to'ers as seen at most n#%earpo'er p%ants.


    Three phase transmission line:

     Three phase e%e#tri# po'er is a #ommon metho& of e%e#tri#po'er transmission. It is a type of po%yphase system main%yse& for po'er motors an& many other &e$i#es. In a threephase system+ three #ir#its rea#h their instantaneos pea,$a%es at &ierent times. Ta,ing one #on&#tor as referen#e+the other t'o #on&#tors are &e%aye& in time *y onethir&an& t'othir& of #y#%e of the e%e#tri#a% #rrent. This &e%ay*et'een phases has the ee#t of gi$ing #onstant po'er o$er

    ea#h #y#%e of the #rrent an& a%so ma,es it impossi*%e topro&#e a rotating magneti# e%& in an e%e#tri# motor. t thepo'er station+ an e%e#tri# generator #on$erts me#hani#a%po'er into a set of e%e#tri# #rrents one from ea#he%e#tromagneti# #oi% or 'in&ing of the generator. The#rrents are sinsoi&a% fn#tions of time+ a%% at the samefreen#y *t oset in time to gi$e &ierent phases. In athree phase system+ the phases are spa#e& ea%%y gi$ing aphase separation of onethir& of one #y#%e. 5enerators

    otpt at a $o%tage that ranges from hn&re&s of $o%ts to@0+000 $o%ts. t the po'er station. Transformers stepp this$o%tage for sita*%e transmission. fter nmeros frther#on$ersions in the transmission an& &istri*tion net'or,+ thepo'er is na%%y transforme& to stan&ar& mains $o%tage i.e.the hoseho%& $o%tage. The po'er may a%rea&y ha$e *eensp%it into sing%e phase at this point or it may *e sti%% threephase. 9here the step&o'n is three phase. The otpt of the transformer is sa%%y star #onne#te& 'ith the stan&ar&mains $o%tage *eing the phase netra% $o%tage.

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    Electrical generator:

    n e%e#tri#a% generator is a &e$i#e that #o$erts me#hani#a%energy to e%e#tri#a% energy+ sing e%e#tromagneti# in&#tion

    'hereas e%e#tri#a% energy is #on$erte& to me#hani#a% energy'ith the he%p of e%e#tri# motor. The sor#e of me#hani#a%energy may *e a re#ipro#ating tr*ine steam engine.

     Tr*ines are ma&e in $ariety of sies ranging from sma%% 1hp(0.7 ,9) se& as me#hani#a% &ri$es for pmps+#ompressors an& other shaft &ri$en eipment to 2+000+000hp(1+00+000 ,9) tr*ines se& to generate e%e#tri#ity.


    Boiler Feed Pump:

    Boi%er ?ee& /mp is a spe#i# type of pmp se& to pmp'ater into steam *oi%er. The 'ater may *e fresh%y spp%ie& orretning #on&ensation of steam pro&#e& *y the *oi%er.

     These pmps are norma%%y high pressre nits that ses#tion from a #on&ensate retrn system an& #an *e of #entrifga% pmp type or positi$e &isp%a#ement type.3onstr#tion an& Operation fee& 'ater pmps range in siepto many horsepo'er an& the e%e#tri# motor is sa%%y

    separate& from the pmp *o&y *y some form of me#hani#a%#op%ing.

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    3ontro% Ga%$es are the $a%$es se& 'ithin in&stria% p%antsan& e%se'here to #ontro% operating #on&itions s#h astemperatre+ pressre+ Fo' an& %ii& %e$e% *y f%%y or

    partia%%y opening or #%osing in response to signa%s re#ei$e&from #ontro%%ers that #ompares a Aset pointH to a Apro#ess$aria*%eH 'hose $a%e is pro$i&e& *y sensors that monitor#hanges in s#h #on&itions. The opening or #%osing of #ontro%$a%$es is &one *y means of e%e#tri#a%+ hy&ra%i# or pnemati#systems.



    6eaerator is a &e$i#e for air remo$a% an& se& to remo$e&isso%$e& gases from *oi%er fee& 'ater to ma,e it non#orrosi$e. &eaerator typi#a%%y in#%&es a $erti#a% &ome&&eaeration se#tion as the &eaeration fee& 'ater tan,. steam generating *oi%er reires that the #ir#%ating steam+#on&ensate an& fee& 'ater sho%& *e &e$oi& of &isso%$e&gases+ parti#%ar%y #orrosi$e ones an& &isso%$e& orsspen&e& so%i&s. The gases 'i%% gi$e rise to #orrosion of themeta%. The so%i&s 'i%% &eposit on heating srfa#es gi$ing rise

    to %o#a%ie& heating an& t*e rptres &e to o$erheating.6eaerator %e$e% an& pressre mst *e #ontro%%e& *y a&"sting#ontro% $a%$esthe %e$e% *y reg%ating #on&ensate Fo' an&pressre *y reg%ating steam Fo'. Most &eaeratorsgarantee that if operate& proper%y+ o-ygen in &eaerate&'ater 'i%% not e-#ee& 7pp* *y 'eight.

      Feed Water Heater:

    fee& 'ater heater is a po'er p%ant #omponent se& to preheat 'ater &e%i$ere& to a steam generating *oi%er. ?ee&'ater heater impro$es the e#ien#y of the system. Thisre&#es p%ant operating #osts an& a%so he%ps to a$oi&therma% sho#, to *oi%er meta% 'hen the fee& 'ater isintro&#e& *a#, into the steam #y#%e. ?ee& 'ater heatersa%%o' the fee& 'ater to *e *roght pto the satrationtemperatre $ery gra&a%%y. This minimies the ine$ita*%eirre$ersi*i%ity asso#iate& 'ith heat transfer to the 'or,ing

    Fi&('ater). *e%t #on$eyer #onsists of t'o p%%eys+ 'ith a#ontinos %oop of materia% the #on$eyer *e%t that rotates

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    aron& them. The p%%eys are po'ere&+ mo$ing the *e%t an&the materia% on the *e%t for'ar&. 3on$eyer *e%ts aree-tensi$e%y se& to transport in&stria% an& agri#%tra%materia%+ s#h as grain+ #oa%+ ores+ et#.



    p%$erier is a &e$i#e for grin&ing #oa% for #om*stion in afrna#e in a fossi% fe% po'er p%ant.


    Boiler team Drum:

    Steam 6rms are a reg%ar featre of 'ater t*e *oi%ers. It is

    reser$oir of 'atersteam at the top en& of the 'ater t*es inthe 'atert*e *oi%er. They store the steam generate& in the'ater t*es an& a#t as a phase separator for thesteam'ater mi-tre. The &ieren#e in &ensities *et'eenhot an& #o%& 'ater he%ps in the a##m%ation of the AhotterH'ateran& satrate& Dsteam into steam &rm. Ma&e fromhighgra&e stee% (pro*a*%y stain%ess) an& its 'or,ing in$o%$estemperatres @03 an& pressre 'e%% a*o$e @0psi(2.!M/a). The separate& steam is &ra'n ot from the top

    se#tion of the &rm. Satrate& steam is &ra'n o the top of the &rm. The steam 'i%% reenter the frna#e in throgh asper heater+ 'hi%e the satrate& 'ater at the *ottom of steam &rm Fo's &o'n to the m& &rm fee& 'ater &rm*y &o'n #omer t*es a##essories in#%&e a safety $a%$e+'ater %e$e% in&i#ator an& fse p%g. steam &rm is se& inthe #ompany of a m&&rmfee& 'ater &rm 'hi#h is%o#ate& at a %o'er %e$e%. So that it a#ts as a smp for thes%&ge or se&iments 'hi#h ha$e a ten&en#y to the *ottom.


    uper Heater:

    Sper heater is a &e$i#e in a steam engine that heats thesteam generate& *y the *oi%er again in#reasing its therma%energy an& &e#reasing the %i,e%ihoo& that it 'i%% #on&enseinsi&e the engine. Sper heaters in#rease the e#ien#y of the steam engine+ an& 'ere 'i&e%y a&opte&. Steam 'hi#hhas *een sperheate& is %ogi#a%%y ,no'n as sperheate&

    steamJ nonsperheate& steam is #a%%e& satrate& steam or'et steamJ Sper heaters 'ere app%ie& to steam %o#omoti$es

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    in antity from the ear%y 20th #entry+ to most steam$ehi#%es+ an& so stationary steam engines in#%&ing po'erstations.


    E#onomier+ or in the KL e#onomier+ are me#hani#a%&e$i#es inten&e& to re&#e energy #onsmption+ or toperform another sef% fn#tion %i,e preheating a Fi&. Theterm e#onomier is se& for other prposes as 'e%%. Boi%er+po'er p%ant an& heating $enti%ating an& air #on&itioning. In*oi%ers+ e#onomier are heat e-#hange &e$i#es that heatFi&s + sa%%y 'ater+ p to *t not norma%%y *eyon& the

    *oi%ing point of the Fi&. E#onomiers are so name& *e#asethey #an ma,e se of the entha%py an& impro$ing the *oi%erse#ien#y. They are a &e$i#e tte& to a *oi%er 'hi#h sa$esenergy *y sing the e-hast gases from the *oi%er to preheatthe #o%& 'ater se& the %% it (the fee& 'ater). Mo&ern &ay*oi%ers+ s#h as those in #o%& re& po'er stations+ are sti%%tte& 'ith e#onomier 'hi#h is &e#e&ents of 5reens origina%&esign. In this #onte-t they are tr*ines *efore it is pmpe&to the *oi%ers. #ommon app%i#ation of e#onomier is steam

    po'er p%ants is to #aptre the 'aste hit from *oi%er sta#,gases (Fe gas) an& transfer ths it to the *oi%er fee& 'aterths %o'ering the nee&e& energy inpt+ in trn re&#ing thering rates to a##omp%ish the rate& *oi%er otpt. E#onomier%o'er sta#, temperatres 'hi#h may #ase #on&ensation of a#i&i# #om*stion gases an& serios eipment #orrosion&amage if #are is not ta,en in their &esign an& materia%se%e#tion.


     !ir Preheater:

    ir preheater is a genera% term to &es#ri*e any &e$i#e&esigne& to heat air *efore another pro#ess (for e-amp%e+#om*stion in a *oi%er). The prpose of the air preheater isto re#o$er the heat from the *oi%er Fe gas 'hi#h in#reasesthe therma% e#ien#y of the *oi%er *y re&#ing the sef%heat %ost in the fe% gas. s a #onseen#e+ the Fe gasesare a%so sent to the Fe gas sta#, (or #himney) at a %o'er

    temperatre a%%o'ing simp%ie& &esign of the &#ting an&

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    the Fe gas sta#,. It a%so a%%o's #ontro% o$er the temperatreof gases %ea$ing the sta#,.



    n E%e#trostati# pre#ipitator (ES/) or e%e#trostati# air #%eaneris a parti#%ate &e$i#e that remo$es parti#%es from a Fo'inggas (s#h s air) sing the for#e of an in&#e& e%e#trostati##harge. E%e#trostati# pre#ipitators are high%y e#ient%tration &e$i#es+ an& #an easi%y remo$e ne parti#%atematter s#h as &st an& smo,e from the air steam. ES/s#ontine to *e e-#e%%ent &e$i#es for #ontro% of manyin&stria% parti#%ate emissions+ in#%&ing smo,e from

    e%e#tri#itygenerating ti%ities (#oa% an& oi% re&)+ sa%t #a,e#o%%e#tion from *%a#, %ior *oi%ers in pmp mi%%s+ an&#ata%yst #o%%e#tion from Fi&ie& *e& #ata%yti# #ra#,ers fromse$era% hn&re& thosan& 3?M in the %argest #oa%re&*oi%er app%i#ation. The origina% para%%e% p%ate9eighte& 'ire&esign (&es#ri*e& a*o$e) has e$o%$e& as more e#ient ( an&ro*st) &is#harge e%e#tro&e &esigns 'ere &e$e%ope&+ to&ayfo#sing on rigi& &is#harge e%e#tro&es to 'hi#h manysharpene& spi,es are atta#he& + ma-imiing #orona

    pro&#tion. Transformer Dre#tier systems app%y $o%tages of 0100 Li%o$o%ts at re%ati$e%y high #rrent &ensities. Mo&ern#ontro%s minimie spar,ing an& pre$ent ar#ing+ a$oi&ing&amage to the #omponents. tomati# rapping systems an&hopper e$a#ation systems remo$e the #o%%e#te& parti#%atematter 'hi%e on %ine a%%o'ing ES/s to stay in operation foryears at a time.


    Fuel gas stac":

    ?e% gas sta#, is a type of #himney+ a $erti#a% pipe+#hanne% or simi%ar str#tre throgh 'hi#h #om*stionpro&#t gases #a%%e& fe% gases are e-haste& to the otsi&eair. ?e% gases are pro&#e& 'hen #oa%+ oi%+ natra% gas+ 'oo&or any other %arge #om*stion &e$i#e. ?e% gas is sa%%y#ompose& of #ar*on &io-i&e (3O2) an& 'ater $apor as 'e%%as nitrogen an& e-#ess o-ygen remaining from the inta,e#om*stion air. It a%so #ontains a sma%% per#entage of 

    po%%tants s#h as parti#%ates matter+ #ar*on mono o-i&e+nitrogen o-i&es an& s%fr o-i&es. The Fe gas sta#,s are

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    often ite ta%%+ p to !00 meters (1@00 feet) or more+ so asto &isperse the e-hast po%%tants o$er a greater aria an&there*y re&#e the #on#entration of the po%%tants to the%e$e%s reire& *y go$ernmenta% en$ironmenta% po%i#ies an&


    Elec!rici!+ Genera!ion Proce""(A Basic Overview)

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    t 4T/3 (Ba&arpr) the man t'o paths are the Fe gas or air#y#%e an& steam or #on&ensate paths.

    Capital #verhaul 

    4T/3 has *een in ne's &e to e-tensi$e %oa& she&s inmany areas in 6e%hi an& the main #ase *ehin& these %oa&she&s 'as the #apita% o$erha% of one of 210 M9 nits.Knit IG 'as n&er an e-tensi$e #he#,+ 'hi#h has #ase&sht &o'n of the p%ant an& the p%ant+ 'as &ismant%e&#omp%ete%y to #hange the o%& parts an& #%eaning p the'ho%e nit. Bt #apita% o$erha% has no meaning *e#ase

    s#h a &eep #he#,ing of the p%ant happens on#e in $e tose$en years.

    How Electricit$ %s &enerated'

     Therma% po'er station *rns fe% an& ses the res%tantheat to raise steam 'hi#h &ri$es the TKRBO 5E4ERTOR.

     The fe% may *e fossi% (#oa%+ oi%+ natra% gas) or it may *essiona*%e+ 'hi#he$er fe% is se&+ the o*"e#ti$e is sameto #on$ert the me#hani#a% energy into e%e#tri#ity *y

    rotating a magnet insi&e a set of 'in&ing.

    Coal to team

    Its other ra' materia%s are air an& 'ater. The #oa% *roghtto the station *y trains or *y other means+ tra$e%shan&%ing p%ant *y #on$eyer *e%ts+ tra$e%s from p%$eriingmi%%s+ 'hi#h grin& it as ne as the fa#e po'&er of sie pto20 mi#rons. The ne%y pro&#e& #oa% mi-e& 'ith

    preheate& air is then *%o'n into the *oi%er *y a fan #a%%e&primary air fan 'here it *rns more %i,e a gas than as aso%i&+ in the #on$entiona% &omesti# or in&stria% grate+ 'itha&&itiona% amont of air+ #a%%e& se#on&ary air spp%y+ *yfor#e& &raft fan.

    s #oa% is gron& so na%%y the res%tant ash is a%so a nepo'&er. Some of it *in&s together to form pmps+ 'hi#hfa%%s into ash pits at the *ottom of the frna#e. The 'ater

    en#he& ash from the *ottom is #on$eye& to pits fors*seent &isposa% or sa%e. Most of ash+ sti%% in ne

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    parti#%e form is #arrie& ot of *oi%ers to the pre#ipitator as&st+ 'here e%e#tro&es #harge& 'ith high $o%tagee%e#tri#ity trap it. The &st is then #on$eye& to 'ater to&isposa% area or to *n,er for sa%e 'hi%e the #%ean Fe

    gases are passe& on throgh I/ fans to *e &is#harge&throgh #himneys.

     The heat re%ease& from the #oa% has *een a*sor*e& *y themany ,i%ometers t*ing 'hi#h %ine the *oi%er 'a%%s. Insi&ethe t*es the *oi%er fee& 'ater+ 'hi#h is transforme& *yheat into steam high temperatre an& pressre. Thesteam sperheate& in frther t*es (sper heaters) passesto tr*ine 'here it is &is#harge& throgh the no%e on the

    tr*ine *%a&es. Nst as the energy of 'in& trns the sai% of the 'in&mi%%+ the energy of steam stri,ing the *%a&e ma,esthe tr*ine rotate.

    3op%e& to the en& of the tr*ine is the rotor of thegenerator. The rotor is hose& insi&e the stator ha$inghea$y #oi%s of the *ars in 'hi#h e%e#tri#ity is pro&#e&throgh the mo$ement of magneti# e%& #reate& *y therotor. E%e#tri#ity passes from stator 'in&ings to stepp

    transformer 'hi#h in#reases its $o%tage so that it #an *etransmitte& e#ient%y o$er %ines of gri&.

     The steam 'hi#h has gi$en p its heat energy is #hange&*a#, into 'ater in a #on&enser so that it is rea&y for rese. The #on&enser #ontains many ,i%ometers of t*ingthrogh 'hi#h #o%& 'ater is #onstant%y pmpe&. Thesteam passing aron& the t*es %oses heat. Ths it israpi&%y #hange& *a#, into 'ater.

    Bt+ the t'o %ots of 'ater+ that is+ the *oi%er fee& an&#oo%ing 'ater mst ne$er mi-. 3oo%ing 'ater is &ra'nfrom ri$er *e&+ *t the *oi%er fee& 'ater mst *ea*so%te%y pre+ far prer than the 'ater 'e &rin, (&eminera%ie& 'ater)+ other'ise it may &amage the *oi%ert*es.

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    'oiler Main!enanceDe$ar!men!



    P6A Fan"

    Air Pre7Hea!er"

    Ho! P6A Fan"

    Cold P6A Fan"

    8eal Air Fan"

    Pul%eri9ed 'owl



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     The se#on& stage of Ba&arpr Therma% /o'er Station #onsists

    of t'o nits of 210M9 ea#h. The *oi%ers are manfa#tre& an&spp%ie& *y B.8.E.

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    thro'ing the 'ater parti#%es+ hen#e for#ing the steam otsi&e. The 'ater parti#%es gets arreste& *y a s,in of %ip a*o$e thespinner *%a&es an& retrn to %o'er part of the &rm throghann%ar spa#e *et'een t'o #ans. ?rther the steam pro#ee&s

    to the se#on&ary separator stage 'hi#h #onsists of t'ooppose& *an,s of #%ose%y spa#e& #orrgate& sheets. Theentraine& 'ater is separate& ot an& steam mo$es p to thes#r**er for na% separation.


    Main ,oiler A! /44; load

    E$aporation : 700 Thr.?ee& 'ater temp. : 2!7 03?ee& 'ater e#onomier : 27P 03

    8!eam !em$era!ure

    6rm : @!1 03Sper heater ot%et : !0 03Reheater in%et : @@2 03Reheater ot%et : !0 03

    8!eam $re""ure

    6rm &esign : 1=.2 ,g#m2

    6rm operating : 1!.7 ,g#m2

    Sper heater ot%et : [email protected] ,g#m2

    Reheater in%et : 2P.@ ,g#m2

    Reheater ot%et : 2!.0 ,g#m2

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler



    3oa%?i-e& #ar*on : @=>

    Go%ati%e matter : 2P>Moistre : =>5rin&a*i%ity : 0> har& groo$eFurnace

    9i&th : 1@.=P= m6epth : 10.P2 m8eight : !2.77 mGo%me : 210 m@


    'oiler Au*iliarie"


    It is the primary part of the *oi%er 'here the #hemi#a%energy of fe% is #on$erte& to therma% energy *y#om*stion.

    Ma"or fa#tors that assist for e#ient #om*stion are timeof resi&en#e (fe%) insi&e the frna#e an& tr*%en#e 'hi#h#ases rapi& mi-ing *et'een fe% an& air.

     The frna#e of the *oi%er may *e /.E. re& &ry *ottomfrna#e+ s%ag type frna#e+ oi% re& frna#e. 4orma%%ya*ot P> of frna#e $o%me is enogh for an oi% re&*oi%er as #ompare& to the #orrespon&ing /.? re& *oi%er.

    Boiler Drum:

    6rm is of fsion 'e%&e& &esign 'ith hemispheri#a%&ishe& en&s. It is pro$i&e& 'ith manho%es an& #o$er. The&rm is pro$i&e& 'ith st*s for 'e%&ing a%% the #onne#ting

    t*es i.e. &o'n #omers+ risers+ pipes+ satrate& steamot%et. The fn#tion of steam &rm interna% is to separate

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    the 'ater from the steam generate& in frna#e 'a%%s an&to re&#e the &isso%$e& so%i& #ontents of the steam to*e%o' the pres#ri*e& %imit of 1ppm an& a%so ta,e #are of s&&en #hange of steam &eman& from *oi%er.

    9et steam entering the &rm is #o%%e#te& in a#ompartment+ forme& *y interna% *aQes. ?rom this#ompartment the steam is rst fe& throgh t'o ro's of tr*o separators #onsisting of primary an& se#on&arystages. The primary stage is forme& *y t'o #on#entri##ans. Spinner *%a&es imparts the #entrifga% motion to themi-tre of steam an& 'ater Fo'ing throgh the inner #an+there*y thro'ing the 'ater to the otsi&e an& for#ing the

    steam to the insi&e+ then the steam pro#ee&s to these#on&ary separator stage.

     The se#on&ary stage #onsists of t'o oppose& *an,s of #%ose%y spa#e& thin #orrgate& sheets 'hi#h &ire#t thesteam an& for#e the remaining entraine& 'ater againstthe #orrgate& p%ates. Sin#e the $e%o#ity is re%ati$e%y %o'+this 'ater &oes not get pi#,e& again+ *t rns &o'n thep%ates an& o the se#on& stage %ips at the t'o steam


    ?rom the se#on&ary separators the steam Fo's p'ar&sto the series of s#reen &ryers e-ten&ing in %ayers a#rossthe %ength of &rm. The s#reen performs the na% stage of separation.

    Drum %nternal:

     The *oi%er &rm interna% #onsists of the fo%%o'ing eipmentsarrange& insi&e the &rm of M9 nit

    • !clone steam separator : In this system+ steam 'ater

    mi-tre is a&mitte& tangentia%%y. The 'ater forms a %ayeragainst the #y%in&er 'a%%s an& the steam of %ess &ensitymo$es to the #ore of the #y%in&er an& the 'ater goes to the&rm.

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    • "hosphate do#ing line: %% sma%% pipe 'ith no. of sma%% ho%es

    a%ong its

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    • *ater walls+ 9ater Fo's to the 'ater 'a%%s from the *oi%er

    &rm *y natra% #ir#%ation. The front an& the t'o si&e 'ater'a%%s #onstitte the main e$aporation srfa#e.


    Reheater is se& to raise the temperatre of steam from'hi#h a part of energy has seen e-tra#te& in high pressretr*ine. This is another metho& of in#reasing the #y#%ee#ien#y. Reheating reires a&&itiona% eipment i.e.+heating srfa#e #onne#ting *oi%er an& tr*ine piping safetyeipment %i,e safety $a%$e nonretrn $a%$e+ iso%ating $a%$e+

    high pressre fee& pmp et#.

    T$pes #) uper Heater !nd (eheater:

     These heating #an *e #%assie& into #on$e#tion an& ra&ianttype a##or&ing to heat transfer pro#ess. E$en thogh thesrfa#e gets heate& *y *oth types+ the ratio *et'een them$aries a##or&ing to %o#ation an& temp. of the Fe gases at

    the %o#ation. The reheaters an& sper heaters p%a#e& a*o$ethe frna#e 'hi#h #an $ie' the Fame are #a%%e& radiant t!pe.

     The other type is #a%%e& convection t!pe.  s the ra&iantsrfa#e are %o#ate& in high temp. Region+ they are 'i&e%ypit#he& to re&#e the $e%o#ity of gas an& the grin&ing thesrfa#es *y the ash.

    Sper heaters an& reheaters #an *e arrange& eitherhorionta%%y or a%%o'e& to *e hng $erti#a%%y. The $erti#a%

    arrangement is simp%er in spporting an& a%%o'e& fore-pansion an& this arrangement is #a%%e& pendant t!pe.


    Rear con%ec!ion "u$er -ea!er&

    Kpper *an, : 1 m

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     Termina% t*e : 2P.m8eating srfa#e : P m2

    Plan! "u$er -ea!er&

    9eight : 7P.@ T4o. of #oi% : 28eating srfa#e : !! m2

    Pendan! "u$er -ea!er&

    9eight : P T4o. of #oi% : 118eating srfa#e : 10@P m2


    Ot%et heater : !2 m?ront assem*%y : @ m

    Rear assem*%y : 2P m8eating srfa#e : =0 m2

    De+super heater:

    6esper heater are pro$i&e& in the sper heater #onne#ting

    %in,s an& the #oo% reheater %ines to permit re&#tion of steamtemperatre an& is ne#essary to maintain the temp. at&esign $a%es 'ithin the %imits of no%es #apa#ity.

     Temperatre re&#tion is a##omp%ishe& *y in"e#ting spray'ater in to the path of the steam throgh the no%e.Maintenan#e of &esper heater is not nee&e&+ e$en thenthey sho%& *e inspe#te& in 22. yrs. Spray no%es an&%ines are the 'earing parts of the sper heater. E-#essi$e

    noise o*ser$e& in &esper heater in ser$i#e means 'ear inno%es or %ines.

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      8u$er -ea!er o. de7"u$er -ea!er&

    6esign pressre : 1!.0 ,g#m2

    6esign temp. : !@0 03 Type : Spray Type

    Re-ea!er o. de7"u$er -ea!er&

    6esign pressre : @@.0 ,g#m2

    6esign temperatre : @! 03 Type : Spray Type


     The fn#tion of an e#onomier in a steam generating nit is

    to a*sor* heat from the Fe gases an& a&& as a sensi*%eheat to the fee& 'ater *efore the 'ater enters thee$aporation #ir#it of the *oi%er.

    Ear%ier e#onomiers 'ere intro&#e& main%y to re#o$er theheat a$ai%a*%e in Fe gases that %ea$es the *oi%er an&pro$ision of this a&&ition heating srfa#e in#rease thee#ien#y of steam generation *y in#reasing the temp. of fee& 'ater to the *oi%er an& hen#e a%so name& as eed water 

    heater .

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     !ir preheater:

    ir preheater a*sor*s 'aste heat from the Fe gases an&

    transfers this heat to in#oming #o%& air+ *y means of #ontinos%y rotating heat transfer e%ement of spe#ia%%yforme& meta% p%ates. Thosan&s of these high e#ien#ye%ements are spa#e& #ompa#t%y arrange& 'ithin 12 se#tionshape& #ompartments of a ra&ia%%y &i$i&e& #y%in&ri#a% she%%+#a%%e& the rotor. Spe#ia% sea%ing arrangements are pro$i&e& inthe air preheater to pre$ent %ea,age *et'een the air an& gassi&es.

     The air preheater heating srfa#e e%ements are pro$i&e& 'itht'o types of #%eaning arrangements+ soot *%o'er to #%eannorma% &eposits+ an& 'ashing arrangements to #%ean thee%ements 'hen soot *%o'ing a%one #annot ,eep them #%ean.


    4o. of air preheater : 2 per nit

    8eating srfa#e area : 100 ea#hRotor &ri$e motor : 1 hpSpee& re&#tion ratio : 110:1


    Tec-nical Da!a On Pul%eri9in Plan!

    ,illing Circuit:

    Ea#h *oi%er is pro$i&e& 'ith @ i&enti#a% #%ose& mi%%ing #ir#its'ith s#tion type &rm mi%%s 'ith partia% re#ir#%ation of $apors in the #ir#it an& 'ith the p%$erie& #oa% *n,ers.Reg%ate& a%ity of $apory is re#ir#%ate& in the mi%%ing

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    #ir#it an& the remaining is *rnt in the *oi%er throgh$apor *rners.

    Pul%eri9in $lan!&

    Fuel da!a& 

    T+$e 'i!uminou"

    3a%ori# $a%e : !727 ,#a%,gMoistre #ontent : 7.>Go%ati%e matter : !@>

    sh #ontent : @2>In%et sie of #oa% to mi%% : 20mm6rying me&im : hot Fe gases

     Temp. of Fe gases : !=0 03

    De"cri$!ion O. Indi%idual E

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    36 Raw coal ,unker clo"ure& The ra' #oa% *n,er #%oser isof nee&%e type. 4o. of stee% t*es (nee&%es) are arrange& inarro' an& is gi&e& is a frame. Ea#h t*e #an *e operate&in&i$i&a%%y *y han&s. By operating a grop of nee&%e at a

    time+ it is possi*%e to a$oi& *ri&ge formation in *n,ers.

    =6 Raw coal c-ain .eeder&  The ra' #oa% #hain fee&ertransports #oa% from the ra' #oa% *n,er to the in%et #hte%ea&ing to the p%$erier. Ra' #oa%+ 'hi#h is pre#rshe& in#oa% #rsher to the reire& sie+ is #on$eye& to R.3.*n,er *y the #oa% han&%ing eipment. nee&%e typehan& operate& *n,er #%osre is interre& pose& *et'een

    the *ottom of R.3. *n,er an& top of the #hain fee&er.

     The assem*%y #onsists of:

    8an& operate& *n,er #%osre

    ?ee& hopper

     Tension hea&

    6ri$ing hea&

    Spa#ers 6o*%e %in, #hain

    6ri$ing nit

    Spporting *ase frames

     The fee&er #asing is of 'e%&e& #onstr#tion &%y stiene& an&spporte& on stee% frames an& is %ine& rep%a#ea*%e stee% p%ates+'hi#h are s#re'e& to the fee&er #asing. 'e%&e& &o*%e %in,

    #hain fa*ri#ate& from high tensi%e stee%+ mo$es on 'hee%s+monte& on shafts in the tension an& &ri$ing hea&s. The pperpart of the #asing is pro$i&e& 'ith remo$a*%e #o$ers at sita*%ep%a#es. The %in, #hain #an *e ta,en ot throgh the rear si&eopening of the fee&er+ after remo$ing the #o$er. ny s%a#,nessin the #hain is #ompensate& *y $o%te springs in the tensionhea&.

     The #hain s'eeps the ra' #oa% fa%%ing on the top p%ate of the

    fee&er+ on to the *ottom p%ate an& s#raps it o to the ra' #oa%#hte. The height of the #oa% *e& a*o$e the top p%ate #an *e

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    a&"ste& mana%%y *y means of %e$er operate& &amper. The&amper insi&e the #hain fee&er is *o%te& to a shaft+ 'hi#hprotr&es ot of the #asing. %e$er is ,eye& to the shaftotsi&e an& #an *e operate& *y han& an& #an *e set in any

    &esire& position. The ma-. an& min. heights of #oa% *e& o$erthe top p%ate are 200mm an& 120mm respe#ti$e%y. Signa%ingeipment in&i#ates the a*sen#e of the #oa% Fo' in the fee&er.

     The signa%ing system #onsists of pa&&%e monte& on a shaftonsi&e the #hain fee&er. The shaft pro"e#ts ot of the #asingan& has %e$ere& s#re'e& to it. The pa&&%e norma%%y rests o$erthe top of the #oa% *e& on the *ottom p%ate. 9hen there is no#oa% Fo'+ the pa&&%e assmes a $erti#a% position ma,ing the%e$er to #onta#t a %imit s'it#h sita*%y %o#ate& an& this gi$es an

    in&i#ation of no #oa% Fo' in the #ontro% room. The main shaft inthe &ri$ing hea& is #onne#te& to the &ri$ing nit+ #onsisting of a$i*rater+ a gear *o- an& a motor monte& as a sing%e nit. The#hain 'hee% on the &ri$ing hea& shaft is pro$i&e& 'ith a gear'hi#h 'i%% shear o an& &is#onne#t the &ri$ing me#hanism+ if there is any o$er %oa& in the fee&er+ the spee& of the #hainfee&er is atomati#a%%y reg%ate& *y a#tating the #ontro%spin&%e of the $ariator *y the ser$omotor. R**er 'ires arepro$i&e& *oth in tension an& &ri$ing hea& to s#rap o the #oa%

    &st from the mo$ing #hain.


     Type of fee&er : #hain type R P009i&th of fee&er : P00 mm

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    fee&er from 'here it is &ragge& to the ot%et #hte of the #hainfee&er. /ro$ision is ma&e to ta,e ot ra' #oa% samp%es from thefee&er *y means of spoon. The main shaft in the &ri$ing hea& is#onne#te& to the &ri$ing nit *y means of a &o*%e ra' ro%%er


    Drum mill:

    6rm mi%% #onsists of:

    Sing%e #ompartment mi%% &rm

      ntifri#tion *earing 

    Mi%% &ri$e  ?e% in%et an& &is#harge e%*o's

    ?on&ations frame for &ri$e an& *earing

      Ba%% #harge

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    Mill dri%e& It #onsists of:

    • HT mo!or: Sirre% #age+ in&#tion motor tota%%y

    en#%ose&+ air #oo%e& #ir#it ma#hine.

    • Reduc!ion ear ,o*: It is of ro*st #onstr#tion 'ith

    sing%e stage re&#tion. The gear *o- has a *i%t in #oo%ing#oi% for #ir#%ating 'ater+ 'hi#h #oo%s the oi% in gear *o-.

    • Gear rim: 5ear rim is ma#hine& from stee% #asting an& is

    ma&e p of t'o ha%f pie#es *o%te& together. The 'ho%e rimis *o%te& to the Fange on the mi%% &rm.

    • Grid !+$e >e*i,le cou$lin": The #op%ing #onsists of 

    the groo$e& &is#s or h*s monte& one on the &ri$enshaft an& other on the &ri$e shaft+ inter#onne#te& *y agri& spring.

    Founda!ion .rame .or dri%e and ,earin&

     The fon&ation frames are fa*ri#ate& from thi#, stee% se#tions. The frame n&er the &ri$e #onsists of three parts 'ith pre#ise%yma#hine& mating srfa#es *o%te& together.

     The 'ho%e fon&ation frame is %e$e%e& on a #on#rete+ *o%te& tothe fon&ation an& grote&.

    'all c-are&

     The *a%% #harge of the mi%% #onsists of three &ierent sies of forge& stee% *a%%s. The antity of *a% tting 'i%% *e aron& 2!to 2P> of $o%me of mi%% &rm. The *a%% #harge for ea#h mi%%#onsists of:

    6iameter !0mm : 2200 ,g6iameter 0mm : 20000 ,g

    6iameter P0mm : 10000 ,g Tota% : 200 ,g

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    6ring operation on%y *a%%s 'ith &iameter P0mm are a&&e& an&'i%% *e appro-. 00 ,g'ee,.

    8$eci:ca!ion" .or mill ,all"&

    Ba%% &iameter : !0mm 0mm P0mm9eight per *a%% : 0.2P ,g 0.1 ,g 0.= ,g

     To%eran#e in mm : @ @ @

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    Plan! Au*iliar+ Main!enance


    /%ant -i%iary Maintenan#e n&erstan&s that the maintenan#e'or, of $arios a-i%iaries otsi&e the main p%ant or generationnit+ essentia% for proper rnning of p%ants.

     There are se$en s#h -i%iary 'hi#h #omes n&er /M:

    • 8y&rogen /%ant

    • 9ater Treatment /%ant I ; II (/M on%y n&erta,esmaintenan#e 'or, of Treatment /%ant an& not theOperationa% 9or,)

    • 3ompressor 8ose

    • 3ontro% Str#tre /mp 8ose

    • 3oo%ing To'er

    • sh S%rry /mp 8ose

    •   ?ire ?ighting Systems (/%ant has a 'ater %ine rnning

    throghot+ 'hi#h sho%& a%'ays *e %%e& 'ith 'ater forreghting)

    H$drogen Plant 

    8y&rogen 5as is se& for generation #oo%ing so spp%y of pre hy&rogen in po'er station is essentia% for generation%%ing an& maintenan#e of hy&rogen gas pressre insi&e thegenerator #asing.


    8y&rogen is prepare& *y e%e#tro%ysis of pre 6eminera%ie&'ater in an e%e#tro%yti# #e%%. 9hen 63 is passe& throgh'ater+ it &e#omposes the 'ater into t'o e%ements 1$o%meo-ygen an& 2$o%me hy&rogen. /re &isti%% 'ater is *a&#on&#tor of e%e#tri#ity *t if a#i& or sa%t is a&&e& it *e#omesa goo& #on&#tor. To ma,e e#onomi#a% se of e%e#tro%ysis of 

    'ater a so%tion #a%%e& e%e#tro%yte has to *e se& 'hi#h ispasse& throgh the e%e#tro%yte 8y&rogen is gi$en ot of 

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    negati$e e%e#tro&e. The 8y&rogen gas is #o%%e#te& in + thegas is #onsi&ere& to *e nt for se an& is &is#harge& intothe atmosphere. O-ygen pro&#e& in the pro#ess is %et o toatmosphere.

     The gas pro&#e& a%so #ontains some amont of moistre in

    it therefore+ form the 8/ 3ompressor 8y&rogen gas is ma,eto Fo' throgh after #oo%est+ 'hi#h as moistre separator#o%mns an& then to a point %%ing station.

     The 8y&rogen %%e& #y%in&ers #ontaining 8y&rogen of rate&prity then sent to the p%ant for genera% #oo%ing p%ant for&osing the 3h%orine into #ana% for remo$e& of fngs formthe #on&enser.

     There are t'o separate #entrifga% pmps 'hi#h are se& forthe s#tion of %tere& 'ater form the 9T/ an& se& for#%eaning the s#reens. These pmps are ,no'n as s#reen'or, pmps. These gi$es spp%y to no%e 'ater tra$e%ing'ater s#reen an& as 'e%% as mana% #%eaning of s#reensp%a#e& after the #ontro% str#tre for arresting any %eft o$erimprities in the 'ater mo$ing farther in the inta,e #hanne%an& se& as #oo%ing 'ater in #on&enser.

     The 3ompressor se& in the 3ompressor 8ose are of A8orionta% 6o*%e #ting 6o*%e 3y%in&er type. In these#ompressors there are t'o #y%in&ers+ The 8igh /ressre an&

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    rises &e to fri#tiona% heat a*ot 10&eg.#e%sis. To #oo%&o'n this #ompresse& air the hot air after &is#harging fromhigh pressre #y%in&er is again passe& throgh after #oo%er.

     The #ompresse& air is then #o%%e#te& in tan,s an& spp%y is

    gi$en to #ommon hea&er. The *asi# &ieren#e *et'een thep%ant air #ompressor ha$e ai% %*ri#ating system *et'een thepiston an& #y%in&er &e to 'hi#h there are a%'ays some airparti#%es or &e#p%es in the air. Bt in the instrment air#ompressors the piston rings an& inner srfa#e of the#y%in&er are ma&e p of TeFon an& ths there is no nee& of oi% %*ri#ation as TeFon at high temperatre has %*ri#ationpre#ipitate.

    Bt instrments air a%so #ontaining #ertain amont of moistre. To remo$e this moistre+ the #ompressor air fromthe #ompressor is passe& throgh IR 6RC K4ITS. Thesenits #ontain si%i#a ge% an& a#ti$ate& %mina Be& (2 innm*ers) are remains in ser$i#e an& other in regeneration.Both the air &ry nits are #onne#te& throgh a three 'ay$a%$e. Sppose is ser$i#e the si%i#a ge% 'i%% a*sor* moistrean& air 'i%% *e#ome &ry. One air &rying nit 'i%% gete-haste& in si- hors+ ths after si- hors the nit 'i%% get

    e-haste& an& spp%ie& to nit Ban& nit B 'i%% no' *e inoperation for ne-t si- hors an& nit 'i%% *e regenerationpro#ess. The time of regeneration is a%so si- hors ths *ythe time nit B 'i%% get e-haste& nit 'i%% *e regenerate&.

     The e#ien#y of #ompressor is go$erne& *y the e-tent of #oo%ing of air inter #oo%ers an& other #oo%ers.

     The 3apa#ity of :

    L5 Lhos%a Ma#hine 3ompressor is 1!.2m#min.• LIR

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    an& other genera% ses+ 'hereas or&inary n%tere& 'ater isse& for #on&enser #oo%ing an& ash &isposa% prposes. Mainsor#es of 'ater spp%y are ri$er+ reser$oirs+ natra% %a,esan& #ana%s+ 'e%%s for sma%% stations an& the o#eans for

    #oasta% p%ants.

    3oo%ing to'er are important #omponents of therma% p%ants'here a %imite& spp%y of ma,e p 'ater is on%y a$ai%a*%e3oo%ing To'er ths pro$i&e Fe-i*i%ity for se%e#tions of si&esfor therma% po'er station e$en thogh 3apita% In$estmentan& tnning #osts are genera%%y on the high si&e.

    Broa&%y Spea,ing 3oo%ing To'er are of t'o types:• Me#hani#a% 6raft 3oo%ing To'er

    • 4atra% 6raft 3oo%ingTo'er

    ,echanical Dra)t Cooling Tower :Two T$pes viz-

    • ?or#e& 6raft 3oo%ing To'er

    • In&#e& 6raft 3oo%ing To'er

      Forced Dra)t Cooling Tower 

    In this #ase+ motor &ri$en fans %o#ate& at the *ase the top of the to'er are open to the air $apor &is#harge. The main&ra'*a#,s in these types of to'er are that e-it $e%o#ity is109 an& this res%t in re#ir#%ating hot air into the faninta,e. Ths the e#ien#y of the to'er is re&#e&. The other&isa&$antages of for#e& &raft to'ers are:

    1. 8igh $e%o#ity from the fan %o#ate& at the *ase ma,esit &i#%t to &istri*te air e$en%y o$er the 'ho%e of 

    the pa#,ing.2.

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    to'er. In this #ase+ moist air is &is#harge& higher in theatmosphere there*y &ispensing to a greater &istan#e fromthe to'er.

    3o%& 'ater is #o%%e#te& in the pon& %o#ate& *e%o' the #oo%ingto'er 'here ma,e p 'ater is a%so &is#harge&.

      H$per.olic /atural Dra)t Cooling Tower 

     These are hyper*o%i# R33 str#tres spporte& on R33#o%mns. Most of str#tre is empty she%% *t the %o'erportion of she%f is open to a%%o' the air.

    pon& is #onstr#te& *e%o' the to'ers to #at#h the #oo%e&'ater for #ir#%ation. s the 'arm 'ater fa%%s in the sta#, itgi$es its heat to the air there 'hi#h *e#omes %ighter than theam*ient air an& a &raft is #reate& &e to #himney.

    In BT/S+ in&#e& &raft type #oo%ing to'ers are se&. Thereare three stages of 3oo%ing To'er as:

    • Stage I

    • Stage II

    • Stage III

     There are for /mps se& for Stage I+ T'o /mps are se&for Stage II an& Stage III. %% /mps are $erti#a% in their Fo'.

     The 3oo%ing To'ers are *roght into operation in t'oSitations:

    • 6ring rainy season the 'ater from the #ana% is $ery

    m&&y therefore the 'ater in a p%ant is se& in a #%ose&#y#%e 'ith the he%p of #oo%ing to'er.

    • 6ring Smmer season+ the spp%y of 'ater is %imite&J

    therefore #oo%ing to'ers are *roght into a#t.

      Water Treatment Plant 

     The 'ater treatment p%ant in the po'er hose is se& to

    pro$i&e &eminera%ise& 'ater to the *oi%er so as to a$oi&sea%ing. The sor#e of 'ater in 'ater treatment p%ant is

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    either the Ri$er 'ater or 5ron& 'ater. The Ri$er 'ater ismain%y se& in the BT/S an& main sor#e is the gra 3ana%.s the Ri$er 'ater #ontains $arios types of imprities+therefore it *e#omes ne#essary to prify the 'ater an& the

    tas, is han&%e& *y 'ater treatment p%ant. The imprities in'ater #an *e #%assie& in the fo%%o'ing types.

    • Sspen&e& Imprities

    • 6isso%$e& Imprities

    • 5aseos Imprities

    • Organi# Matter.

    (emoval #) %mpurit$ 

    uspended %mpurities:  The %arge sie& imprities arearreste& *y the tra$e%ing 'ater s#reens at in%et. ?or theremo$a% of sma%%er sie imprity the 'ater is store& inreser$oir an& ,ept sti%% as a res%t of 'hi#h the impritiessett%e &o'n. The pro#ess is ta,en ot in3

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    for #oo%ing prpose an& rest an& remaining part #an *ese& in more prie& form for &rin,ing prposes after%tration.

    Filtration: ?i%tration of #%arie& 'ater is &one in the san&*e& #ontaining a%ternate %ayer of 'oo&+ #har#oa% an& san&.

     The nm*er of san& *e&s &epen&s on #apa#ity of 9ater Treatment /%ant genera%%y ! *e&s are se& for sma%%p%ants. The sie of #har#oa% &e#reases 'ith height. fter%tration 'ater is stirre& in t'o tan,s the #%arie& 'atertan, an& %tere& 'ater tan,.

    (emoval #) #rganic ,atter:  Organi# imprities in

    'ater in#%&e the *a#teria% an& other mi#roorganism. The$arios metho&s remo$a% of organi# matter are *y passing#h%orine? KG rays an& Oone. The #h%orine gas is a$ai%a*%ein high pressre ye%%o' #o%ore& #y%in&er. The #h%orinationis &one in the #%earifo#%ator. Bt the gas is not fe& &ire#t%yto 'ater. The #h%orine &osing is &one throgh e"e#tor+'hi#h #onsists of a #on$ersing&i$erging no%e. In the#on$ersing no%e the high pressre 'ater at %o' $e%o#ityis #on$erte& %o' pressre 'ater at high $e%o#ity 'hi#h is

    appro-imate%y ea% to soni# $e%o#ity. tapping is gi$en atthe "n#tion an& #h%orine #y%in&er is atta#he& to thistapping &e to $a#m pressre at the "n#tion. The gas iss#,e& into the 'ater an& in the &i$ergent part this high$e%o#ity is again #on$erte& to high pressre.

    (emoval #) Dissolved %mpurities:  The reirement for

    po'er p%ant is tota%%y &eminera%ie& 'ater ths+ the 'atersho%& not #ontain any &isso%$e& imprity or minera%s. The

    minera%s an& e%ements #ommon%y present in the 'ater are3a3O@+ 3a83O@+ Mg3O@+ Mg83O@+ 3a3%2+ Mg3%2 an&/hosphors et#. for the remo$a% of &isso%$e& imprities%tere& 'ater is ta,en to &eminera%ie& tan,.

    T-ere are :%e "uc- !ank"&

    #ti$ate& 3ar*on ?i%ter• 3ation E-#hanger

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    • 6egasier

    • nion E-#hanger

    • Mi-e& Be&

     !ctivated Car.on Filter:  To netra%ie #h%orine in 'ater+ The 'ater is passe& throgh a#ti$ate& #ar*on %ter. It#onsists of as #aps%e shape& to'er+ 'hi#h is a*ot m highan& #ontains a *e& of a#ti$ate& #oa%. The #h%orine gets#o%%e#te& in the *e& in 83% form. fter sometime the #ar*on*e& gets e-haste&. ?or regeneration the in%et an& ot%et$a%$es are #%ose& an& the *a#, 'ashing of the *e& is &one *ypassing 'ater at high pressre in opposite &ire#tion an& the83% is 'ashe& a'ayin &rain. The regeneration is ne#essary

    after 1Phors.

    Cation E0changer:  In the 3ation E-#hanger the #ations

    present in 'ater s#h as 3a2+ Mg2+ %@+ 4a+ an& Lare remo$e&. In #ation *attery there is san& %i,e resin+ 'hi#his in gran%ar form *t san&s is %ighter than the resinmateria%. The #omposition of the resin is ne$er &is#%ose& *ySpp%ier 3ompany *asi#a%%y it is po%ystyrene s%phorate. Theresin is in R8 for. /ositi$e ion rea#ts 'ith resin free 'ater is

    remo$e& an& hy&rogen is rep%a#e&. 3apa#ity of resins=0Tonnes in the po'er station Ma-imm antity of 'ater0T8. ths regeneration is ne#essary after e$ery 1Phors.

    ?or regeneration in%et an& ot%et $a%es of 'ater is #%ose&an& >83% so%tion is a&&e& to the #ation e-#hanger an&regeneration is a%%o'e& for min. on a&&ition 83%+ 3a3%2et#. are forme& an& are rea#he& *y *a#, 'ashing *y fee&ing8igh /ressre from *ottom.

      Degasi*er:  In this 'hate$er 3ar*on &io-i&e is &isso%$e& in

    'ater remo$e&. In the &egasier the partia% pressre of #ar*on &io-i&e is &e#rease& to ero an& ths #ar*on &io-i&egas es#apes in the atmosphere. Ths+ the &agasifer 'or,s onthe prin#ip%e of 8enrys %a' of partia% pressre. 

     !nion E0changer: The anion resins are *asi#a%%y are amines

    te#hni#a%%y the anion resin se& in the anion e-#hanger is

    name& as 64 I/. fter sometimes the anion *attery getse-haste& an& has to*e regenerate&.

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    1!1hors+ ha$ing ma-imm #apa#ity of 700tonnes. Theregeneration is &one *y a&&ing >set of 4aO8 to the resinfor @0min. appro-.

    ,i0ed Bed: Before fee&ing into the *oi%er the 'ater sho%&*e tota%%y free from minera%s. The 'ater is na%%y passe&throgh the mi-e& *e& %%e& in a *attery. The #ompetition of mi-e& *e& is not -e&. It #ontains *oth #ation e-#hange resinan& anion e-#hange resin.

    Reenera!ion Proce"" o. 'a!!er+ Carried ou! in Followin@a+&

    •Ba#, 9ashing

    • Regeneration of nion Battery

    • Regeneration of 3ation Battery

    • gain Rinse the *attery

    • gain na% rinsing of parti#%e %i,e 83% an& 4aO8

    • ?i-e& Mi-ing is &one *y passing #ompresse& air into the


    ?ina%%y after a%% this pro#ess+ 6emin. 'ater of /8 7 an& Si%i#a#ontent .02> an& #on&#ti$ity .01 is o*taine&. The 6eMin.9ater ths pro&#e& *y 'ater treatment p%ant is store& intan,s.

    Compressor House:

     T'o types of air is genera%%y se& in the po'er p%ant are:•  The p%ant air or station air

    • Instrmenta% air.

    The Plant !ir   may *e some'hat impre an& #ontainsmoistre oi% parti#%es et#. it is se& for genera% prposes inp%ant there are:

    • San& *%asting of tr*ine *%a&es• ?i%ter #%eaning of main oi% tan,

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    #rsh the *ottom ash to appropriate sie an& the #rshe&#%in,ers fa%% into s%i#e tren#h 'here high pressre 'ater "etsha$e *een tte& at sita*%e %o#ations #on$ey the mi-tre of ash an& 'ater throgh the system of s%i#e tren#hen an&

    into the air s%rry pmp for ot'ar& &isposa% *y ash s%rrypmps.

    Fl$ !sh:

    It is the 'aste pro&#t or resi&e o*taine& after *rning of #oa%. The fo%%o'ing are the metho&s that are emp%oye& atBT/S to #ontro% the manage Fy ash.

    • ?%y ash is ma&e to mi- 'ith 'ater to form s%rry 'hi#h isthen pt a%one 'ith sta#, pipe of ash+ 'hi#h are#o$ere& *y p%antation.

    • E%e#trostati# pre#ipitator has *een insta%%e& 'hi#h he%p

    a %ot in re&#ing the po%%tion.

    • 3oa% is 'ashe& *efore *rning to re&#e amont of ash


     !sh Disposal $stem !nd %ts 1tilization:

     The ash pro&#e& &ring the pro#ess of po'er generation is*eing pt to pro&#ti$e se (ti%iation %e$e% of more than@0>) for prposes %i,e %%ing of %o' %ying areas+ %an&s#aping+raising of ash types an& manfa#trer of other ash *ase&pro&#ts %i,e of *ri#,s et#. The station ti%ie& P.@%a#, tonesof ash than the generate& 'ith ti%iation 1!.2!MT

    • Spp%y of &ry ash to Ms Ba%%apr in&stries+ as a rst

    stage to'ar&s ti%iation of ash &ry ash e$a#ate&system #apa#ity 20tones &ay

    • ?or manfa#tring of *ri#,s sing Fy ash the station

    'as pioneer in setting p an ash *ri#, &emonstrationp%ant in 1@ 'ith #apa#ity =000*ri#,syear. To meetthe tota% #apti$e *ri#, reirement 'ith ash *ri#,s an&to meet the e-pen&e& &eman& of *ri#,s for otsi&eagen#ies+ the station agmente& ash *ri#, many#apa#ity.

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    Tur.ine C$cle:

    ?resh steam from the *oi%er is spp%ie& to the tr*ine throghthe emergen#e stop $a%$e from the stop $a%$e steam isspp%ie& to for #ontro% $a%$es sitate& on high pressre#y%in&er at front *earing en&. fter e-pansion throgh 20stages of 8./. #y%in&ers + steam Fo's to the #entra% part of

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    6rain of

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    It #onsists of main oi% pmp (mop)+ starting oi% pmp (so%)+3 stan*y pmps an& emergen#y 63 pmp (1 ea#h nit).

    Rane& Kp to 2000 L9A$$lica!ion& /mp 6ri$e+ B%o'er6ri$eSgar 3ane Mi%% ; ?i*rior 6ri$es?6 ; I6 ?an 6ri$es 3ompressors+

    E-hasters /o'er 5eneration

    De"in O. 8!eam Tur,ine&

    Emergenc$ top Valve:

    Steam from *oi%er is spp%ie& to the tr*ine throgh anemergen#y stop $a%$e. This $a%$e is operate& *y a hy&ra%i#ser$omotor that shts o steam spp%y to the tr*ine 'hentr*oset is trippe&. The sheet is ma&e p of mo%y*&enm#hromim$ana&im stee% #asting on #ra&%e. This $a%$e is#onne#te& to the for #ontro% $a%$es.

    High Pressure C$linder:

    8igh pressre #y%in&er of the tr*ine #onsists of t'o parts. The front part is ma&e of high #reep resisting #hromimmo%y*&enm$ana&im stee% #asting. The rear part is ma&eof spe#ia% #ar*on stee% #asting. The t'o parts are #onne#te&'ith a $erti#a% "oint. Ea#h part #onsists of t'o ha%$es ha$inga horionta% "oint. The horionta% "oint is se#re& 'ith thehe%p of st&s an& nts. ?or steam #hests+ t'o on top an&t'o on the si&es are 'e%&e& to the no%e *o-es+ 'hi#h are

    'e%&e& to the #y%in&er at the front *earing en&. The steam

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    #hests a##ommo&ate for #ontro% $a%$es to reg%ate the Fo'of steam to the tr*ine a##or&ing to the %oa&.

     The high pressre #y%in&er #omprises of 20 stages+ the rst

    *eing the go$erning stage. The no%e apparats of the rststage is 'e%&e&. In high pressre one the materia% for the*o&y an& *%a&es are of #hromimmo%y*&enm$ana&imstee% an& in %o'er temp. ones the *%a&es are of stain%essstee% 'hereas *o&y is of a%%oy stee% an& mi%& stee%.

    2ow Pressure C$linder:


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    4o. of t*es : 7700 T*e materia% : Brass

    8!ar!in E#ec!or&

    It is pro$i&e& for #reation of $a#m in #on&enser. Thee"e#tor is spp%ie& 'ith steam from the &eaerator at the rateof 1100,ghr.

    Main E#ec!or&

     These e"e#tors are #apa*%e of remo$ing P0,gs of &ry air perhr. The e"e#tor is pro$i&e& 'ith ne#essary pressre an&$a#m gages for measrement of steam pressre an&thermometers for measrement of temp. at the in%et an&ot%et of the #on&ensate an& of airsteam mi-tre.

    Conden"a!e Pum$in 8e!"&

     Three #on&ensate pmps 0> e#ient are insta%%e& atgron& %e$e% for pmping the #on&ensate from the #on&enserto the &eaerator throgh

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    2-P- Heater /o- 45 6 7 8:

     The three heaters are of srfa#e type. They are &esigne& for

    $erti#a% montings an& are spporte& at m %e$e%. They areof 'e%&e& #onstr#tion 'ith shape& *rass t*es ro%%e& 'ithp%ates. 9ater Fo's insi&e the t*e system from otsi&e. Thet*es are &esigne& for the f%% pressre &e$e%ope& *y main#on&ensate pmp. T'o %e$e% transmitters 'i%% *e #onne#te&to ea#h heater+ one for remote %e$e% in&i#ation in %o#a% pane%an& other for atomati# %e$e% #ontro%.


    8eating srfa#e : 1=0m2

     T*e &esign pressre : ,g#m2

     T*e &esign temp. : 103She%% &esign pressre : ,g#m2

    She%% &esign temp. : 7P003

    High Pressure Heaters /o- 95 7 ;:

     These heaters are a%so srfa#e type + an& are &esigne& for

    $erti#a% monting an& are spporte& at ero %e$e%. Ea#hheater #omprises of a spira% t*e an& the spira% #oi%s. ?ee&'ater Fo's insi&e the #oi%s of the spira% t*e system an&heating system 'ashes the t*e from otsi&e.

    peci*cations:4O. 4O.P 4O.7

    8eating srfa#es are : 27 27

    27Ma-. *%ee& steam pressre (,g#m2): 11 21 2@Ma-. *%ee& steam temp. (03) : @00 @0

    !10 T*e &esign temp. : 22 22

    20 T*e &esign pressre : 1=0 1=0 1=04o. of spira% t*es : 272 272



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    Drain Cooler"&6rain #oo%er is of horionta% 'e%&e& #onstr#tion &esigne& for#oo%ing the &rain of

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    From -aria Mine"

    Railwa+ @aon

    'TP8 @aonTi$$ler


    Cru"-er Hou"e

    Coal 8!ack Bard

    R C 'unker

    R C Feeder

    'owl Mill

    To Furnace

  • 8/20/2019 Ntpc Boiler


    Coal And Tran"$or!a!ion

    s #oa% is the prime fe% for a therma% po'er p%ant a&eateemphasis nee& to *e gi$en for its proper han&%ing an& storage

    a%so+ it is ea%%y important to ha$e a otstan& g%o' of this fe%to maintain ninterrpte& po'er generation.

    Coal Transportation $stem

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    /ath Bfrom tra#, hopper to sto#,yar&/ath 3from sto#, Car& to *oi%er*n,er

     The storage fa#i%ities at the sto#,yar& ha$e *een pro$i&e& on%yfor #rshe& #oa%. The #oa% han&%ing system is &esign to pro$i&e100> stan& *y for a%% eipments an& #on$eyers.

     The 200 mm #oa% as re#ei$e& at the tra#, hopper is fee& to the#rsher hose for #rsher of 0> #apa#ity is pro$i&e& an&these are preferre& to t'o #rshers of 100> #apa#ity *e#aseof in#rease& re%ia*i%ity an& possi*%e higher a$ai%a*i%ity.

    series of para%%e% #on$eyers thereafter are &esigne& either to#arry #rshe& #oa% &ire#t%y to the *oi%er *n,ers or to &i$ert itto the sto#,yar&. To fee& #oa% into *n,ers+ mo*i%e trippersha$e *een pro$i&e& o$er *n,ers on #on$eyers.

     The #oa% mi%%s an& thereafter+ a%so the *n,er #on$eyer of 200M9 nits of the ear%ier pro"e#ts are pro$i&e& *et'een *oi%eran& tr*ogenerator *i%&ing. 8o'e$er+ for *etter mi%%maintenan#e+ a##essi*i%ity an& to re&#e #oa% &st nisan#e the

    tr*ine p%ant area+ #oa% mi%%s+ an& *n,er #on$eyers are no'*eing p%a#e *et'een *oi%er an& e%e#trostati# pre#ipitator.

    Coal Handling $stem E>uipments

     The $arios eipments in$o%$e& in #oa% han&%ing system ha$e*een &es#ri*e& in this se#tion:

    Idler"&  These essentia%%y #onsist of ro%%s ma&e ot of 

    seam%ess stee% t*e en#%ose& f%%y at ea#h en& an& tte&'ith stationary shaft+ antifri#tion *earing an& sea%s. Thei&%ers spport the *e%t an& ena*%e it to tra$e% free%y'ithot m#h fri#tiona% %osses an& a%so ,eep the *e%tproper%y traine&.

    Pulle+"& These are ma&e of mi%& stee%. R**er %agging is

    pro$i&e& to in#rease the fri#tion fa#tor in *et'een the *e%tan& the p%%ey.

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    Con%e+er ,el!& The #on$eyer *e%t #onsists of %ayers or

    p%ies of fa*ri# &#,+ impregnate& 'ith r**er an&prote#te& *y a r**er #o$er on *oth si&es an& e&ges. Thefa*ri# &#, spp%ies the strength to 'ithstan& the tension

    #reate& in #arrying the %oa& 'hi%e the #o$er prote#ts thefa*ri# #ar#ass. 8eat resistant *e%ting is a%'aysre#ommen&e& for han&%ing materia% at a temperatre o$erPPH3

    Dri%e uni!& This #omprises of motor #op%e& to re&#tion

    gear *o- 'ith the he%p of Fe-i*%e #op%ing on the highspee& shaft of the gear *o- 'ith the pro$ision of Fi&#op%ing on the inpt si&e+ the motor starts n&er no %oa&

    #on&itions an& the #on$eyer mo$es on%y 'hen the motorrea#hes its f%% spee&. This a%so e%iminates the startingsho#, on the #on$eyer #omponents.

    8cra$$er&  3on$eyer are pro$i&e& 'ith s#rappers at a

    &istan#e p%%ey in or&er to #%ean the #arrying si&e of the*e%t *i%t p materia% on i&%ers ro%%s. It is important that#are sho%& *e ta,en to ensre that the s#rapper is he%&against the *e%t &e to remo$e materia% 'ithot #asing

    &amage to the *e%t &e to e-#essi$e for#e e-erte& *y the'iper.

     The fo%%o'ing #ategories of s#rapper are in #ommon se:

    • Stee% *%a&e

    • R**er or fa*ri# *%a&es

    • 4y%on *rsh

    • 3ompresse& air *%ast.

    Cru"-er& The ro%es of #rsher are to #rsh the #oa% from2!0mm to 20mm sie of #oa% re#ei$e& from the $i*ratings#reen. This is a##omp%ishe& *y means of gran%ators.

     These gran%ators are of ring type an& there are a*ot @7#rshing e%e$ations. In ea#h of these e%e$ations+ there are! gran%atorsJ 2 p%ain types an& 2 tooth type. These ha$e*een arrange& in s#h a 'ay that 2 of the some types arenot si&e *y si&e. 4orma%%y+ these #rshers ha$e #apa#ity of aron& P00 tons.

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    Vi,ra!in "creen& The fn#tion of $i*rating s#reen is to

    sen& the #oa% sie %ess than 20mm to the #rsher. Thes#reen is operate& *y ! G*e%t #onne#te& to motor.

    Mane!ic "e$ara!or&  This is an e%e#tromagnet p%a#e&a*o$e the #on$eyer to attra#t magneti# materia%s. O$erthis magnet there is one #on$eyer to transfer thesemateria%s to #hte pro$i&e& for &mping at gron& %e$e%.

    Vi,ra!in .eeder&  This is se& to he%& #oa% on the

    n&ergron& #on$eyer *e%t from 'here #oa% goes to*n,er. 3oa% from the sto#, yar& 'ith the he%p of *%%&oer is ta,en to the $i*rating fee&er $ia. Re#%aim hopper.

    Ti$$ler&  tipp%er is pro$i&e& in the #on$eyer to sta#, the

    materia% at &esire& %o#ation on either si&e or a%ong the#on$eyer 'ith the he%p of #hte tte& 'ith the tripperitse%f. The tripper is pro$i&e& 'ith 'hee%s 'hi#h mo$e onrai%s+ para%%e% to #on$eyer. These trippers are of @ types:

    • Motorie&

    • Be%t prope%%e& mana%%y operate&

    • 9in#h &ri$en.