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Kudumbashree set out to excel in India International Trade Fair 2017 Kerala Chicken: Training for Beneficiaries O fficials from Kudumbashree Mission at- tended the 13th International Training Programme on ‘Entrepreneurship devel- opment among rural women’ under Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) - In- ternational Training Programme held at Ugan- da. The 10 day training workshop was official- ly launched by Ms. Rose Mary Sseninde, State Minister for Primary Education at St. Augustine Leadership training Centre, Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda on 14 November 2017. Kudumbashree had been invited as a guest for the International Training Programme scheduled to be held from 13-22 November 2017. The training programme is a collabora- tive undertaking involving the Government of India, United States of America and Govern- ment of Uganda. The programme is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - India and Government of India (GoI). The training is designed to train Rural Women, Rural Development / Agricultural professionals from Uganda. Kudumbashree will give training on the topic ‘Entrepreneurship development in agri- It have high scalability and employment gen- eration. As per the definition of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, any business model which has high potential of employment generation and scalability could be regarded as start ups. Kudumbashree Mission presented 4 women managed social start ups that address the severe social issues faced by Kerala society like Animal birth Control enterprises, Sujalam dig Well recharging, She Lodges and Kudumbashree Geriatric Care. Theme Stalls depicting these was also set up along with Start UP Village En- trepreneurship Programme. 2 counters of Cafe Kudumbashree was opened at IITF by 3 Units from Kottayam, Malappuram and Ernakulam at Kudumbashree Food Court. IITF is a major tourist attraction and lakhs of people visit the fair every year. This annual event provides a common platform for the manufac- turers, traders, exporters and importers. The fair displays comprises a wide range of products and services including automobiles, coir products, jute, textiles, garments, household appliances, kitchen appliances, processed food, beverages, confectionery, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, cos- metics, bodycare & health care products, tele- communication, power sector, electronic sector, furniture, home furnishings, sporting goods, toys, and engineering goods. Ever since its inception in 1980, IITF has been evolved as a major event for the business community. The event is held between 14–27 November every year at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. “Start-up Standup”, is the theme of 37th India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2017.The partner country for the fair in 2017 is Vietnam, and the focus country is Kyrgyzstan. IITF will come to an end on 27 November 2017. K udumbashree set out to excel in India In- ternational Trade Fair, which is scheduled to be held from 14-27 November 2017 at Pragati Maidan with around 22 countries and 3,000 domestic and foreign companies as par- ticipants. Organised by the India Trade Promo- tion Organisation (ITPO), the nodal trade pro- motion agency of the Government of India, the premier event was inaugurated by Shri. Ram Nath Kovind, Hon’ble President of India on 14 November 2017. Kudumbashree will make maximum out of this opportunity. The Kerala Pavalion set up at IITF 2017 was inaugurated by Smt. J. Mercykut- ty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Government of Kerala. 10 product stalls were set up at Saras India International Trade Fair.14 Entrepreneurs from all districts across Kerala made their representation at IITF. One Product Stall was set up at Kerala Pavilion, which displays and sells the Best Kudumbashree products from all districts across Kerala. In line with the theme start up India, Kudumbashree presented the social start ups that Kudumbashree women have ventured into to cater the social needs and to address the social issues.These social startups address the social issues in an entrepreneurial way and are completely managed and run by women. Kudumbashree took up the Facility Management Services in Vytilla Mobility Hub F ollowing the success in extending the state of the art facility management services to Kochi Metro Rail Limited, Kudumbashree Mission took up the facility management services of Er- nakulam Vytilla Mobility Hub also. From this month onwards, 20 membered Kudumbashree group would take up the facili- ty management services of Vytilla Mobility Hub. Kudumbashree women would take care of the services like house keeping and gardening sectors there. Kudumbashree Mission -Kochi Metro Rail Limited association had made a milestone by being the first women run metro in the world. Kudumbashree Mission is the facility management partner of Kochi Metro Rail Limited. On following the notable and successful implementation of the services provided in Kochi Metro Rail Limited, that Kudumbashree Mission is entrusted with the facil- ity management services of Kochi Vytila Mobility Hub. Kudumbashree at Uganda K udumbashree’s Neighborhood Groups in the rural areas are going digital. The proce- dures regarding the digitalisation of NHGs are progressing in every districts across the state. So far, data entry works of around 1600 NHGs have been completed. By this digitalisation, the scope of Information Technology could be uti- lised even in the NHG level. Kudumbashree uses the Transaction Based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS) framed by National Rural Live- lihood Mission (NRLM) for this purpose. By using this software, the financial trans- actions in NHGs could be made flawless. It will also reduce the work load of the concerned people and the NHG transactions and activities could be made more transparent. It is planned to complete the data entry works of the remaining NHGs by this financial year itself. National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) has allocated Rs.8.65 Crore for the digitalisation process of Kudumbashree NHGs. For the smooth running of digitalisation, training was given to Resources Persons from all districts. In the next phase of digitalisation, online based financial transactions will be made acces- sible to all NHG members, which would enable them to avail or repay their loans even without visiting banks. On attaining 100% digitalisation, NHG members will be able to observe the activities in one’s own NHG using their own smartphones. E-Neighborhood Groups Newsletter KUDUMBASHREE Government of Kerala Newsletter 22 NOVEMBER 2017 Printed and published by S. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree, State Poverty Eradication Mission, Government of Kerala, 2nd Floor, TRIDA Building, Chalakkuzhi Road, Medical College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695011, Kerala. Editor S. Nisha, Managing Editor: Jayanthi Narendran, Associate Editors: Manjary Ashok, Asha S. Panicker, Chaithanya G. E-mail: [email protected] culture sector among rural women’. Presenta- tions will be given on Entrepreneurial Devel- opment, different programmes on agriculture, production of value added products, relevance of forming consortiums etc. Kudumbashree’s ex- pertise in giving Entrepreneurial Development will help them in extending training. Kudumbashree had given 15 day training to 26 senior officials of agriculture, irrigation and animal husbandary departments of few african countries during March 2017. The training was conducted under the leadership of National In- stitute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and U.S.Agency for International De- velopment (USAID). It is in continuation with that training Kudumbashree officials were invited to Uganda. A 26 member team from Liberia, Uganda, Ghana, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Malawi, Ken- ya and Mosambia had visited Kerala as part of their training organised by National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and USAID. Kudumbashree had entrusted Ker- ala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) for giving training to this team. It’s on getting mo- tivated by the training received at Kerala, that Kudumbashree had been invited to Uganda. Mr. George Muteekanga, Director, St. Augus- tine Institute Mr. Robinson Nsumba Lyazi, Direc- tor Basic & Secondary Education, Government of Uganda, Dr. Ravi Nandi, Project Manager, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Shri. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director Kudumbashree and Shri Bharath Bhushan, Second Secretary to Indian High Commissioner of Uganda also attended the programme. F our day training for Coastal volunteers has been kick started at St Gregorious Renewal Centre, Thiruvananthapuram on 17 Novem- ber 2017. The training scheduled to be held from 17-20 November 2017 was inaugurated by Shri. S Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission. The Four day training will include various sessions to improve the work of the coastal volun- teers. Lectures will be given on Kudumbashree and its perspectives, Gender and Balasabha, various features and other aspects of Micro Finance and MIS, Micro Enterprises, Marketing, Asraya, Buds and BRC etc. Activities and audio visual sessions were also arranged to make them interact with one another. To help develop a purpose of life, ‘Know Yourself’ session was also aranged for the Partici- pants, which would enable them to identify their basic emotions, strengths, weakness, values and attitudes. The participants will be given an opportu- nity to face crowd as well.Training will be given to develop necessary presentation skills. Yoga and Creative Thinking sessions are also arranged for their spiritual and Creative growth. Lectures for improving bthe communication skills is also sched- uled. Field visits are also arranged. 70 coastal volunteers from Thiruvanantha- puram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kazargode took part in the training programme. Certificates will be distributed to the coastal volunteers on the successful completion of the training programme. The training will come to ans end on 20 November 2017. O ne Day State Level training Programme was conducted for the beneficiaries of Kerala Chicken from Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam Districts was held at Kudumbashree State Mission Office, Thiruvananthapuram on 18 Novem- ber 2017. Dr N.N Sasi, Director, Animal Husbandry Department inaugurated the programme. Initially the programme will be carried out in 10 farms each from both districts. Kudumbashree, the pioneer in introducing collective group efforts by women self help groups have stepped in to contain the prevailing uncer- tainty in broiler production in Kerala. Kerala Chick- en is launched to make avail good quality poison free chicken to the people of Kerala. Best variety chicks would be supplied by KEPCO in nominal rates to Kudumbashree Women and buy them back giving reasonable price. It is planned to start 5000 such broiler chicken units of Kudumbashree. 274 units will be started in the first phase. Accord- ing to Dr N.N Sasi, Director, Animal Husbandry De- partment, Kerala Chicken will be antibiotic free cer- tified and it will be sold by starting special centres. It is estimated that in the coming years, Kerala will be attain self sufficiency in Broiler Chicken Produc- tion through Kerala Chicken. The main objectives of the programme include to provide a steady income for Kudumbashree members through broiler chicken production, to ensure safe and clean chicken meat to consumers at reasonable price and to provide a steady and non fluctuating market price for broiler chicken. By this project Kudumbashree envisages to provide safe, clean and healthy meat to the con- sumers and will ensure fair pricing of broiler chick- en industry. Dr K. Shaiju, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thiruvananthapuram District Mission welcomed the gathering. Dr Vinod John, KEPCO, Dr Gopa Kumar, Joint Director, Animal Hus- bandry Department, Dr Thankachan, Deputy Direc- tor, Animal Husbandry Department, Dr Sreekumar, Assistant Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Dr A.L Anjali, Manager, Kerala State Poultry Devel- opment Corporation and Dr Salini, Manager, Kerala State Poultry Development Corporation lead the training programme. Dr L. Ravikumar, ABC Expert, Kudumbashree Mission extended Vote of Thanks. Training for Coastal Volunteers

Newsletter - Kozhikode, Kannur and Kazargode ... Kerala Chicken will be antibiotic free cer - tified and it will be sold by starting special centres.

May 19, 2018



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Page 1: Newsletter - Kozhikode, Kannur and Kazargode ... Kerala Chicken will be antibiotic free cer - tified and it will be sold by starting special centres.

Kudumbashree set out to excel in India International Trade Fair 2017

Kerala Chicken: Training for Beneficiaries

Officials from Kudumbashree Mission at-tended the 13th International Training Programme on ‘Entrepreneurship devel-

opment among rural women’ under Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) - In-ternational Training Programme held at Ugan-da. The 10 day training workshop was official-ly launched by Ms. Rose Mary Sseninde, State Minister for Primary Education at St. Augustine Leadership training Centre, Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda on 14 November 2017. Kudumbashree had been invited as a guest for the International Training Programme scheduled to be held from 13-22 November 2017.

The training programme is a collabora-tive undertaking involving the Government of India, United States of America and Govern-ment of Uganda. The programme is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - India and Government of India (GoI). The training is designed to train Rural Women, Rural Development / Agricultural professionals from Uganda.

Kudumbashree will give training on the topic ‘Entrepreneurship development in agri-

It have high scalability and employment gen-eration. As per the definition of Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, any business model which has high potential of employment generation and scalability could be regarded as start ups. Kudumbashree Mission presented 4 women managed social start ups that address the severe social issues faced by Kerala society like Animal birth Control enterprises, Sujalam dig Well recharging, She Lodges and Kudumbashree Geriatric Care. Theme Stalls depicting these was also set up along with Start UP Village En-trepreneurship Programme. 2 counters of Cafe Kudumbashree was opened at IITF by 3 Units from Kottayam, Malappuram and Ernakulam at Kudumbashree Food Court.

IITF is a major tourist attraction and lakhs of people visit the fair every year. This annual event provides a common platform for the manufac-turers, traders, exporters and importers. The fair displays comprises a wide range of products and services including automobiles, coir products, jute, textiles, garments, household appliances, kitchen appliances, processed food, beverages, confectionery, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, cos-metics, bodycare & health care products, tele-communication, power sector, electronic sector, furniture, home furnishings, sporting goods, toys, and engineering goods.

Ever since its inception in 1980, IITF has been evolved as a major event for the business community. The event is held between 14–27 November every year at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India. “Start-up Standup”, is the theme of 37th India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2017.The partner country for the fair in 2017 is Vietnam, and the focus country is Kyrgyzstan. IITF will come to an end on 27 November 2017.

Kudumbashree set out to excel in India In-ternational Trade Fair, which is scheduled to be held from 14-27 November 2017 at

Pragati Maidan with around 22 countries and 3,000 domestic and foreign companies as par-ticipants. Organised by the India Trade Promo-tion Organisation (ITPO), the nodal trade pro-motion agency of the Government of India, the premier event was inaugurated by Shri. Ram Nath Kovind, Hon’ble President of India on 14 November 2017.

Kudumbashree will make maximum out of this opportunity. The Kerala Pavalion set up at IITF 2017 was inaugurated by Smt. J. Mercykut-ty Amma, Minister for Fisheries, Government of Kerala. 10 product stalls were set up at Saras India International Trade Fair.14 Entrepreneurs from all districts across Kerala made their representation at IITF. One Product Stall was set up at Kerala Pavilion, which displays and sells the Best Kudumbashree products from all districts across Kerala.

In line with the theme start up India, Kudumbashree presented the social start ups that Kudumbashree women have ventured into to cater the social needs and to address the social issues.These social startups address the social issues in an entrepreneurial way and are completely managed and run by women.

Kudumbashree took up the Facility Management Services in Vytilla Mobility Hub

Following the success in extending the state of the art facility management services to Kochi Metro Rail Limited, Kudumbashree Mission

took up the facility management services of Er-nakulam Vytilla Mobility Hub also.

From this month onwards, 20 membered Kudumbashree group would take up the facili-ty management services of Vytilla Mobility Hub. Kudumbashree women would take care of the services like house keeping and gardening sectors there.

Kudumbashree Mission -Kochi Metro Rail Limited association had made a milestone by being the first women run metro in the world. Kudumbashree Mission is the facility management partner of Kochi Metro Rail Limited. On following the notable and successful implementation of the services provided in Kochi Metro Rail Limited, that Kudumbashree Mission is entrusted with the facil-ity management services of Kochi Vytila Mobility Hub.

Kudumbashree at Uganda

Kudumbashree’s Neighborhood Groups in the rural areas are going digital. The proce-dures regarding the digitalisation of NHGs

are progressing in every districts across the state. So far, data entry works of around 1600 NHGs have been completed. By this digitalisation, the scope of Information Technology could be uti-lised even in the NHG level. Kudumbashree uses the Transaction Based SHG Digital Accounting System (TBSDAS) framed by National Rural Live-lihood Mission (NRLM) for this purpose.

By using this software, the financial trans-actions in NHGs could be made flawless. It will also reduce the work load of the concerned people and the NHG transactions and activities could be made more transparent. It is planned to complete the data entry works of the remaining NHGs by this financial year itself.

National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) has allocated Rs.8.65 Crore for the digitalisation process of Kudumbashree NHGs. For the smooth running of digitalisation, training was given to Resources Persons from all districts.

In the next phase of digitalisation, online based financial transactions will be made acces-sible to all NHG members, which would enable them to avail or repay their loans even without visiting banks.

On attaining 100% digitalisation, NHG members will be able to observe the activities in one’s own NHG using their own smartphones.

E-Neighborhood Groups

NewsletterK U D U M B A S H R E E Government of KeralaNewsletter

22 NOVEMBER 2017

Printed and published by S. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree, State Poverty Eradication Mission, Government of Kerala, 2nd Floor, TRIDA Building, Chalakkuzhi Road, Medical College P.O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695011, Kerala. Editor S. Nisha, Managing Editor: Jayanthi Narendran,

Associate Editors: Manjary Ashok, Asha S. Panicker, Chaithanya G. E-mail: [email protected]

culture sector among rural women’. Presenta-tions will be given on Entrepreneurial Devel-opment, different programmes on agriculture, production of value added products, relevance of forming consortiums etc. Kudumbashree’s ex-pertise in giving Entrepreneurial Development will help them in extending training.

Kudumbashree had given 15 day training to 26 senior officials of agriculture, irrigation and animal husbandary departments of few african countries during March 2017. The training was conducted under the leadership of National In-stitute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and U.S.Agency for International De-velopment (USAID). It is in continuation with that training Kudumbashree officials were invited to Uganda.

A 26 member team from Liberia, Uganda, Ghana, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Malawi, Ken-ya and Mosambia had visited Kerala as part of their training organised by National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management, Hyderabad and USAID. Kudumbashree had entrusted Ker-ala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) for giving training to this team. It’s on getting mo-tivated by the training received at Kerala, that Kudumbashree had been invited to Uganda.

Mr. George Muteekanga, Director, St. Augus-tine Institute Mr. Robinson Nsumba Lyazi, Direc-tor Basic & Secondary Education, Government of Uganda, Dr. Ravi Nandi, Project Manager, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Shri. Harikishore IAS, Executive Director Kudumbashree and Shri Bharath Bhushan, Second Secretary to Indian High Commissioner of Uganda also attended the programme.

Four day training for Coastal volunteers has been kick started at St Gregorious Renewal Centre, Thiruvananthapuram on 17 Novem-

ber 2017. The training scheduled to be held from 17-20 November 2017 was inaugurated by Shri. S Harikishore IAS, Executive Director, Kudumbashree Mission.

The Four day training will include various sessions to improve the work of the coastal volun-teers. Lectures will be given on Kudumbashree and its perspectives, Gender and Balasabha, various features and other aspects of Micro Finance and MIS, Micro Enterprises, Marketing, Asraya, Buds and BRC etc.

Activities and audio visual sessions were also arranged to make them interact with one another. To help develop a purpose of life, ‘Know Yourself’ session was also aranged for the Partici-pants, which would enable them to identify their basic emotions, strengths, weakness, values and attitudes.

The participants will be given an opportu-nity to face crowd as well.Training will be given to develop necessary presentation skills. Yoga and Creative Thinking sessions are also arranged for their spiritual and Creative growth. Lectures for improving bthe communication skills is also sched-uled. Field visits are also arranged.

70 coastal volunteers from Thiruvanantha-puram, Kollam, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur and Kazargode took part in the training programme. Certificates will be distributed to the coastal volunteers on the successful completion of the training programme.The training will come to ans end on 20 November 2017.

One Day State Level training Programme was conducted for the beneficiaries of Kerala Chicken from Thiruvananthapuram and

Kollam Districts was held at Kudumbashree State Mission Office, Thiruvananthapuram on 18 Novem-ber 2017. Dr N.N Sasi, Director, Animal Husbandry Department inaugurated the programme. Initially the programme will be carried out in 10 farms each from both districts.

Kudumbashree, the pioneer in introducing collective group efforts by women self help groups have stepped in to contain the prevailing uncer-tainty in broiler production in Kerala. Kerala Chick-en is launched to make avail good quality poison free chicken to the people of Kerala. Best variety chicks would be supplied by KEPCO in nominal rates to Kudumbashree Women and buy them back giving reasonable price. It is planned to start 5000 such broiler chicken units of Kudumbashree. 274 units will be started in the first phase. Accord-ing to Dr N.N Sasi, Director, Animal Husbandry De-partment, Kerala Chicken will be antibiotic free cer-tified and it will be sold by starting special centres. It is estimated that in the coming years, Kerala will

be attain self sufficiency in Broiler Chicken Produc-tion through Kerala Chicken.

The main objectives of the programme include to provide a steady income for Kudumbashree members through broiler chicken production, to ensure safe and clean chicken meat to consumers at reasonable price and to provide a steady and non fluctuating market price for broiler chicken. By this project Kudumbashree envisages to provide safe, clean and healthy meat to the con-sumers and will ensure fair pricing of broiler chick-en industry.

Dr K. Shaiju, District Mission Coordinator, Kudumbashree Thiruvananthapuram District Mission welcomed the gathering. Dr Vinod John, KEPCO, Dr Gopa Kumar, Joint Director, Animal Hus-bandry Department, Dr Thankachan, Deputy Direc-tor, Animal Husbandry Department, Dr Sreekumar, Assistant Director, Animal Husbandry Department, Dr A.L Anjali, Manager, Kerala State Poultry Devel-opment Corporation and Dr Salini, Manager, Kerala State Poultry Development Corporation lead the training programme. Dr L. Ravikumar, ABC Expert, Kudumbashree Mission extended Vote of Thanks.

Training for Coastal Volunteers