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Newsletter 4-25-16 R1 (1).pdf

Jul 06, 2018



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  • 8/18/2019 Newsletter 4-25-16 R1 (1).pdf


    Inside this issue: PULSERA 2-3Health Careers Academy 38th Grade Social 4Summer School Info 4D5 Dance Marathon 5Teen Space Party 6Teen Advisory Board 7Standardize Testing 8SC Pass Essentials 9-12SC Youth Diabetes 13 EQUIP 14Annual Report 15-21

    Irmo Middle School6051 Wescott RoadColumbia, SC 29212(803) 476-3600 Hours:

    8:20 a.m.—

    3:35 p.m.

    If you have news for theBuzz, email Allison Redickat [email protected].

    April 25, 2016

    Dates to Remember:

    Tues 4/26G40 Mtg. 7:45-8:10Media CenterSCREADY Test-ELA Day 1

    Wed 4/27SCREADY Test-ELA Day 2

    Thurs 4/27SCREADY test-Math

    Fri 4/28FCA Mtg. 7:40-8:10AM Room 904IGrow Garden Partyand Book LaunchSCREADY Make Uptesting beginsOrchestra tripBands of Irmo

    The Buzz at Irmo Middle School

    “Creating successful students for the challenges of tomorrow” Robert S. Jackson, Ed.S., Principal

    [email protected]

    C RE W Relay for Life Results


    Nurse’s Note:Parents, if your child has "as needed" medicine(s) in the Health Room,you may begin picking it up between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m. Please be reminded that we can not send medica ons home withyour student: a parent or guardian MUST pick it up. Any medica onsNOT picked up by the last day of school will be discarded. If you haveany ques ons please call Nurse Jackson at 476 -3609 or 476 -3730.


    Dear Parents,

    In 2014, the SC General Assembly passed legisla on requiring the SCEduca on Oversight Commi ee (EOC) to recommend a model educa-

    on accountability system that meets both federal and state require-ments.

    The commi ee and sta are asking for your help in distribu ng the following survey to parentsin your districts. The online survey should only take a few minutes, and it will provide valuablefeedback to the EOC as well as the SC General Assembly. The survey will close on April 28.

    Link to the Survey: h p://survey**********************************************************************************************************

    Book Launch &

    Garden Party 4/29/16, 6 – 8:00pm

    Interested volunteers contact:Elizabeth Crocker [email protected] or Anne e Farrell [email protected]

    Overall Challenge Point winners : 6th: Farrell's Ambassadors7th: Jensen's Team Fusion8th: Lee's Diversity United

    Silver Saves Lives Challenge winners : 6th: Moore's Academic Seeds of Learning,7th: Cisco's Allies8th: Hardy's Pancake

    Door Decorating winners:6th: Farrell's Ambassadors7th: Blackburn's DNA8th: Gordon's G-Force

    Fight Song winners:6th: Herring's The Swarm7th: V. William's Bristles8th: Green's The G Crew

    3 rd Qtr Boxtop winners:6th: Farrell - Ambassadors7th: Jensen - Team Fusion8th: TieFuseler's Legos &Cooley's Ooley-Cay'sOhana[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

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    Page 3 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    The World Language students and teachers at Irmo Middle School are planning a spectac-ular school -wide project to align with our Interna onal Academic Magnet and Expedi on-ary Learning design principle of Service and Compassion. It is called the Pulsera Projectand many of you may be familiar with the project from last year. If not, we are sure youare asking, what exactly is the Pulsera Project?

    The Pulsera Project began in 2009 when 13 college friends were searching for adventureduring their winter break. They had been to Costa Rica (just north of Nicaragua) in previ-ous years, but suspected that Nicaragua, the second poorest na on in the Western Hemisphere could be a win-dow to another world; one of profound natural beauty, famously friendly people, and deep economic poverty.Everyone in the crew wanted to surf, hike and explore the country, but also wanted to help in any way theycould while experiencing the rich human culture normally hidden from tourists.

    The Nicaraguan adventure soon became more than the friends had ever imagined when they discovered a shel-ter for former street kids on a farm in the foothills of Managua, the capital city. They visited the farm many

    mes and were always welcomed like long -lost friends. When the me came to return to the states, the youngNicaraguan people gave them pulseras (beau ful, colorful woven bracelets) as going away presents, and this in-spired the founding of the Pulsera Project.

    When the group returned home, they brought with them lots of pulseras and the inspiring story of the shelteryouths and their art. It wasn't long before the friends began selling the pulseras at their school and began thisamazing adventure! We want to do something big at Irmo Middle that not only shapes our school, but helps tomake the world a be er place to live. So...check this out!

    May 2nd -6th - Pulsera bracelets from Nicaragua are sold during all lunches in the cafeteria by our World Lan-guage students. They will be assisted by parent volunteers, and IMS faculty and sta .

    ALL money goes directly back to this non -pro t organiza on. Please help us change the world, one pulsera at a

    me!! ********************************************************************************************

    Health Careers Academy for Rising 9 th Graders. Mid Carolina is now recrui ng for the 2016 -2017 Health CareersAcademy. The applica on deadline is May 30, 2016. The Health Careers Academy will be held at Midlands TechnicalCollege Airport Campus one Tuesday night a month from 5:30pm -8:30pm. The SC AHEC Health Careers Program works to increase the number of students entering the health professions in SC TheHealth Careers Program (HCP) is designed to develop academically pro cient and self -con dent futurehealth care professionals.

    The South Carolina AHEC Health Careers Academy is a health career explora on experience. Ac vi es

    demonstra ng the use of communica ons, math and science make up the curriculum speci cally designedfor future health professions students of SC. Academy Fellows are selected to par cipate in four years ofprogramming in sessions lled with ac vi es that promote academic success, career development andpersonal growth. One -on -one mentoring and parental involvement are major components of the Academy. Comple on ofthe South Carolina AHEC Health Careers Academy prepares par cipants for the academic challenge of pre -health trainingprograms. For an applica on or more informa on, contact

    Allison Redick, Career [email protected] or (803)476 -3668

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    8TH GRADE SOCIAL Friday, May 13

    7 - 10:00pm, IMS Cafeteria IMS students ONLY. $10.00 per person (No Refunds). Theme is Masquerade Under the Stars

    Hors devours, dessert and drinks will be served along with a jamming D.J. The a re is dress your best, NO BLUE JEANS!Dresses can be strapless or spaghe strap, but MUST BE FIN-GERTIP LENGTH.Tickets will be sold during 8 th Grade Lunches, star ng May 2 – May13th

    Permission forms must be turned in and any outstanding Id debts must be paid before a student can pur-chase a cket. Students will not be able to enter the 8 th Grade Social without a cket and school ID. Don’t forget to purchase your ckets!! Contact Windy Jones @ 803 -476 -3658 - any ques ons or interested in being a chaperone.

    SEE YOU AT THE SOCIAL!!*********************************************************************************************************************2015-16 Summer School Information The following dates have been approved for students who will be a ending SummerSchool 2016 at Irmo Middle School. We are sharing this informa on early with stu-dents, parents, and families so everyone can plan for their summer vaca ons. We arevery con dent that our interac ons and interven ons throughout the year will mini-mize and/or eliminate the need for summer school for most (if not all of our students).If you need any informa on about summer school, please contact Mr. Glenn Hu o,Assistant Principal for Instruc on at (803)476 -3663 .

    The Middle School Summer School Program is designed for current 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who a endor are zoned for Irmo Middle School and have not mastered the course standards in English, Social Studies,Math, or Science. This program is streamlined to concentrate on academic mastery.

    A. Who a ends summer school? 1. Rising 7th and 8th grade students who have failed either one or two academic subjects. 2. Those students who have failed three or more classes are ineligible to a end summer school and may be re-

    tained in their current grade. 3. Out of district students cannot enroll in this program.

    B. Where will summer school be held? At Irmo Middle School for rising 7th, 8th and 9th graders.

    C. What are the dates for summer school? Current 6th , 7th and 8th graders will take courses o ered only onthe following dates:

    D. What mes will students a end? Students will a end from 8:30am – 1:30pm . There will be no a ernoon sessions.

    E. How will my student get to summer school? Parents are responsible for transporta on arrangements (to andfrom summer school).

    F. How do I register my child for summer school? Registra on packets will be available in the spring on ourwebsite and in the main o ce at the school.

    Page 4 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    Week 1: June 13, 14, 15, 16 Monday -Thursday

    Week 2: June 20, 21, 22, 23 Monday -Thursday

    Week 3: June 27, 28 Monday -Tuesday

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    Spring standardized tes ng season is upon us. Irmo Middle School will administer SCREADY, SCPASS and EOCEP assessments to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders on the following dates:

    Tuesday, April 26th - ELA Session 1 Wednesday, April 27th - ELA Session 2 Thursday, April 28th - Mathema cs

    Wednesday, May 11th - Science Thursday, May 12th - Social Studies Monday, May 16th - EOC, English 1 Honors Only Tuesday, May 17th - EOC English 1 Honors Only Wednesday, May 18th - EOC Algebra 1 Honors Only Thursday, May 19th - EOC Algebra 1 Honors Only

    Parents and/or guardians, there are several steps you can take to help maximize your child’s performance onthese exams:

    1. Make sure your student is present for each day of tes ng. Schedule all appointments outside the tes ng win-dow. If it is absolutely necessary, schedule a ernoon appointments as we will test each morning.

    2. Take away their mobile devices, gaming systems and/or TV to eliminate distrac ons. Students need 8 -9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to perform at op mum level.

    3. Each morning, make sure your student eats a healthy breakfast.4. Ensure your student reports to school early (8:00am).5. Make sure that all 6th graders bring their Chromebooks to school fully charged on tes ng dates, as their as-

    sessments will be administered online.

    6. Talk with your child about all three exams (SCREADY, SCPASS, and EOC) to help reduce test anxiety, encour-age your child to focus and put forth their best e ort when encountering di cult ques ons on thetest and remember to praise your child when he or she performs well on assessments such as the EOC, whichprovides instant feedback.

    Students, here are a few steps you can take to enhance your performance during tes ng:

    1. Arrive early on test day.

    2. Be comfortable but alert.

    3. Stay relaxed and con dent. When nerves take over, remember to take several slow, deep breaths and relax.4. Try to answer ques ons in a strategic order; that is, answer the easy ques ons rst to build con dence and

    tackle the di cult ques ons last.

    5. Leave mobile devices at home or shut them o completely once you enter the campus.

    6. A nal step for students is to review their tests a er comple on, making sure they did not forget to answerany ques ons, miss -mark any answers, or made any other type of careless mistake.

    These few simple steps could help Irmo Middle School students earn exemplary results. For more informa onabout tes ng you may contact Sheila Inabinet (Guidance Director, 476 -3670) or Glenn Hu o (Assistant Principalfor Instruc on, 476 -3612). Addi onally, you can visit the South Carolina Department of Educa on website foraddi onal informa on.

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    Page 13 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    South Carolina Youth Diabetes Association (SCYDA) is pleased to announce that camp ap-plications are now available online at: We offer two summercamping opportunities in 2016: 1) CSE-Midlands in Batesburg from June 4 - 8 and 2) CSE-Upstate in Marietta, SC from July 16 - 20. Camp Sweet Escape promotes healthy diabetichabits, independence, and a support network, all of which can make all of our jobs more re-warding. What’s better than watching a child grow and mature in a healthy, self -sufficientway? We encourage everyone who is interested to apply early while space is still available!

    At SCYDA, we feel that children with diabetes need ongoing support for the best outcomes and don’t think thisshould stop after Camp is over. Therefore, we are also busy with several other advocacy projects, includingour goal of providing a Diabetes Emergency Supply Kit (D.E.S.K) to all South Carolina public schools, maintainingthe current opportunity for free continuing education credits for schools nurses (co-sponsored by SC AHEC),and supporting diabetes education for foster parents and SC Department of Social Services caseworkers.

    As a previous public school nurse in the Lancaster County School District, I know first- hand how “crazy busy”your job is. Although I apologize for requesting you add something else to it, I feel you understand how vital it isto help students with diabetes learn to better care for themselves.

    I think we have a mutual goal: we want all children to grow into healthy, responsible adults that can help makethe world a better place. To accomplish our goals we really need your help. Specifically, we need your help pro-moting Camp Sweet Escape to students & families and your help developing new sources of funding to supportthese projects. Let’s work together to make this happen.

    Take the lead. Please consider “Dress Down for Diabetes Day” in April 2016. Funds raised at your school canbe earmarked to ensure children with diabetes from your school are able to attend Camp Sweet Escape. It’ssimple:

    Ask your school administrator to consider a faculty (or student) “Dress Down for Diabetes Day”. This could be

    a jean day or t-shirt day, etc.Pick a day in April 2016 for your “Dress Down for Diabetes Day”.

    Charge $5.00 for each faculty participant (or $1.00 per student participant). (We had an awesome bookkeeperat the school I worked in; she would always volunteer to collect the money for this. I didn’t really have to do athing except “talk it up”.)

    Send the money to SCYDA with the name of any children in your school with diabetes that you would like tofinancially support.

    If you don’t have any children with diabetes at your school, please know there are many other financially chal-

    lenged children with diabetes in the state that could benefit from your efforts. Again, I know you are very busy,but I ask that you please take the time to help these students who might not otherwise have the opportunity toattend camp.

    Thank you for all that you do for these children and families. You DO make a difference!

    Warmest regards,

    Traci P. Scott, RN, CDE

    Cell (803) 804-4978

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