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Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the Senate of New York University February 18, 2016 A stated meeting of the Senate of New York University was held on Thursday, February 18, 2016, at 9 a.m., in the Colloquium Room of the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life, 238 Thompson Street. The meeting was convened with President Hamilton in the chair. Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Senators Council (“T-FSC”) Members Present: Allen Mincer (Chair), Everett Allgood, Sinan Antoon, Sylvain Cappell, Thomas Drysdale (for Awam Amkpa), Halina Frydman (for David Backus), Warren Jelinek, Angela Kamer, Mitchell Kane, Jill Lane (for Todd Disotell), Robert Lapiner, Wen Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Arvind Rajagopal, Adam Ramey (by telephone), Carol Reiss (for Kwame Anthony Appiah), Victoria Stanhope, Carol Sternhell, Nancy Van Devanter, Sharon Weinberg, and David Zagzag. Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Senators Council (“C-FSC”) Members Present: Fred Carl (Chair), Joseph Borowiec, John Burt (by telephone), Joseph Carter (by telephone), Eugene Cittadino, John Gurrin, John Halpin, Brian Mooney, Peggy Morton, Randy Mowry, Ronald Rainey, Vincent Renzi, Ezra Sacks, Larry Slater, Susan Stehlik, and Ben Stewart. Student Senators Council (“SSC”) Members Present: Michael Hengerer (Chair), Heba Allam, Debora Aponte Martinez, Kylee Madison Borger, Joseph Ehrenkranz, Victoria Ettorre, Amanda Ezechi, Parrece Forest, Elizabeth Ildefonso, Josy Jablons, Fahad Jamal, Stephen Kho, Chukwuemeka Mba-Kalu, Steven Ramdilal, Amanda Regalado, Diana Rosenthal, Peter Shivery, Jaswinder Pal Singh Ahluwalia, Eric Slotsve, Ryan Thomas, Alonso Villagomez (for Yarden Elias), and Patrick Wee. Deans Council Members Present: Thomas Carew (Chair), Kurt Becker (for Katepalli Sreenivasan), Charles Bertolami, Tiffany Boselli (for Geeta Menon), Dominic Brewer, Anastasia Crosswhite (for Peter Blair Henry), Dennis Di Lorenzo, Cheryl Healton, Randy Hertz (for Trevor Morrison), Ellen Lovitz (for Sherry Glied), Carol Mandel, Louis Scheeder (for Allyson Green), Eileen Sullivan-Marx, Lynn Videka, Joanna Waley-Cohen (by telephone for Jeffrey Lehman), and Susanne Wofford. Administrative Management Council (“AMC”) Members Present: David Vintinner (Chair), John DeSantis, Regina Drew, Daniel Holub (for Justine Kelly-Fierro), Justin Lerner, and Raymond Lutzky. University Administration Members Present: Robert Berne, Martin Dorph, Andrew Hamilton, David McLaughlin, and Terrance Nolan. Senate Committee Chairs (not mentioned above) Present: Arthur Tannenbaum. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Apr 21, 2018



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Page 1: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the Senate of New York University

February 18, 2016 A stated meeting of the Senate of New York University was held on Thursday, February 18, 2016, at 9 a.m., in the Colloquium Room of the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life, 238 Thompson Street. The meeting was convened with President Hamilton in the chair. Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Senators Council (“T-FSC”) Members Present: Allen Mincer (Chair), Everett Allgood, Sinan Antoon, Sylvain Cappell, Thomas Drysdale (for Awam Amkpa), Halina Frydman (for David Backus), Warren Jelinek, Angela Kamer, Mitchell Kane, Jill Lane (for Todd Disotell), Robert Lapiner, Wen Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Arvind Rajagopal, Adam Ramey (by telephone), Carol Reiss (for Kwame Anthony Appiah), Victoria Stanhope, Carol Sternhell, Nancy Van Devanter, Sharon Weinberg, and David Zagzag. Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Senators Council (“C-FSC”) Members Present: Fred Carl (Chair), Joseph Borowiec, John Burt (by telephone), Joseph Carter (by telephone), Eugene Cittadino, John Gurrin, John Halpin, Brian Mooney, Peggy Morton, Randy Mowry, Ronald Rainey, Vincent Renzi, Ezra Sacks, Larry Slater, Susan Stehlik, and Ben Stewart. Student Senators Council (“SSC”) Members Present: Michael Hengerer (Chair), Heba Allam, Debora Aponte Martinez, Kylee Madison Borger, Joseph Ehrenkranz, Victoria Ettorre, Amanda Ezechi, Parrece Forest, Elizabeth Ildefonso, Josy Jablons, Fahad Jamal, Stephen Kho, Chukwuemeka Mba-Kalu, Steven Ramdilal, Amanda Regalado, Diana Rosenthal, Peter Shivery, Jaswinder Pal Singh Ahluwalia, Eric Slotsve, Ryan Thomas, Alonso Villagomez (for Yarden Elias), and Patrick Wee. Deans Council Members Present: Thomas Carew (Chair), Kurt Becker (for Katepalli Sreenivasan), Charles Bertolami, Tiffany Boselli (for Geeta Menon), Dominic Brewer, Anastasia Crosswhite (for Peter Blair Henry), Dennis Di Lorenzo, Cheryl Healton, Randy Hertz (for Trevor Morrison), Ellen Lovitz (for Sherry Glied), Carol Mandel, Louis Scheeder (for Allyson Green), Eileen Sullivan-Marx, Lynn Videka, Joanna Waley-Cohen (by telephone for Jeffrey Lehman), and Susanne Wofford. Administrative Management Council (“AMC”) Members Present: David Vintinner (Chair), John DeSantis, Regina Drew, Daniel Holub (for Justine Kelly-Fierro), Justin Lerner, and Raymond Lutzky. University Administration Members Present: Robert Berne, Martin Dorph, Andrew Hamilton, David McLaughlin, and Terrance Nolan. Senate Committee Chairs (not mentioned above) Present: Arthur Tannenbaum.


Page 2: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 2 President Andrew Hamilton opened the Senate meeting by welcoming members of the Senate to the first meeting of the New Year and his first Senate meeting. Review and Approval of the Minutes of the December 10, 2015 Meeting Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of the December 10, 2015 meeting were approved unanimously as presented.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Executive Committee Dean Tom Carew presented the report of the Executive Committee. At its meeting on January 25th, the Committee approved revisions to the standing committee assignments. Following nominations from the Councils for both the Ad Hoc Committee on Work-life Balance Issues and the Ad Hoc Advisory Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion, appointments were approved on January 25th. Dean Carew thanked everyone who has offered to join these committees. Academic Affairs Committee Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, Ben Stewart, delivered the Committee’s report. The Committee’s February 10th meeting consisted of three items: honorary degrees, the Founders’ Day Award, and a proposal to change the summer calendar. Professor Stewart told the Senate that Matthew Santirocco, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, raised several issues with the Founders’ Day Award for the Committee to discuss. Currently, 55% of graduating undergraduates receive this award, which is given to those with a 3.5 grade point average or higher. As grade point averages have risen, the significance of the award has waned. However, modifying the requirements could make the award too similar to Latin Honors, which 30% of graduating undergraduates receive. Dr. Santirocco charged the Committee with figuring out whether NYU should still offer the Founders’ Day Award, and, if so, what form it should take. The Committee’s calendar subcommittee met on December 22nd and January 28th to consider the Registrar’s request to modify the summer calendar. The current academic calendar has summer sessions ending in the middle of the week. The Committee was informed that this schedule would create several logistical problems for Residential Life and Housing Services, including less time for students moving in and moving out, less time to prepare spaces for incoming students, and awkward payment schedules for residence and dining (which are calculated by the week). Professor Stewart reported that Residential Life and Housing Services also expressed a concern that having sessions begin mid-week could create difficulties for the parents of students registered in NYU’s High School Programs (at least for those coming from out of town). In conversation with the Registrar, the Committee considered ways to mitigate the logistical issues while retaining the number of class meetings. At its meeting on February 10th, the Committee decided that the best solution was to establish one Legislative Day per session,

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Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 3 meaning a Saturday on which either Monday or Wednesday classes would meet. The schedules attached to the resolution as Exhibit A present the current calendar followed by the Committee’s proposed revisions (with Legislative Days coded in red). The Senate Rules of Procedure stipulate that all substantive motions and reports to be considered for action at a regular meeting of the Senate be submitted to the Secretary by Wednesday noon of the week before the Senate meeting. As the Committee was not able to submit the proposal and motion until Thursday, February 11th, a motion to suspend the Senate rules was presented to enable consideration of the proposed amendment to the University calendar. Upon motion duly made, the following resolution passed with a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate:

WHEREAS, Senate Rule II.4 requires that the text of all substantive motions and reports to be considered for action at a regular meeting of the Senate be submitted to the Secretary by Wednesday noon of the week before the Senate meeting; and WHEREAS, the Senate Academic Affairs Committee met on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 and approved a proposal to amend the University calendar summer sessions for academic years 2015 through 2017; and WHEREAS, the Senate Academic Affairs Committee subsequently submitted the proposal and motion to the Secretary on Thursday, February 11, 2016. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Senate rules are suspended to enable the University Senate to consider the proposed amendment of the University calendar at this meeting of the Senate.

The motion to modify the academic calendar as proposed by the Senate Academic Affairs Committee was then discussed. Questions were raised about the impact of adding Saturday classes and changing the schedule for this coming summer. A representative of the subcommittee spoke to the process and the fact that the Committee’s recommendation was unanimous. Another Committee member spoke to the fact that faculty could choose not to meet on Saturday if they preferred to fit their content into the other weeks. An amendment from the floor was proposed to (1) defer the change to take effect in summer of 2017; and (2) increase the length of the class meeting time to make up for lost instruction time rather than adopt legislative days. The proposed motion was seconded but the amendment did not carry. Upon motion duly made, the following resolution passed with 39 in favor and 22 opposed:

WHEREAS, under the currently adopted University Calendar for academic years 2015 through 2017 (“2015-17 University Calendar”), some summer sessions begin mid-week; and

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Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 4

WHEREAS, beginning a summer session mid-week poses logistical problems for the University, particularly the Office of Residential Life and Housing Services; and WHEREAS, the University bylaws provide that the Senate will define the University calendar; and WHEREAS, the Academic Affairs Committee, which is responsible for presenting to the Senate a calendar, has determined that it is desirable to amend the 2015-17 University Calendar in order to mitigate the logistical issues identified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Academic Affairs Committee, the University Senate hereby amends the 2015-17 University Calendar as set forth in Exhibit A, effective February 18, 2016.

Financial Affairs Committee Martin Dorph, Executive Vice President, Finance & Information Technology, reported that the Committee met the prior week and received presentations from the Administrative Management Council (AMC) and the Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Senators Council (C-FSC). At the meeting, and pursuant to request by the AMC, the Committee discussed tuition remission and portable tuition remission. Mr. Dorph reported that an ad-hoc committee is being formed to provide recommendations to University leadership on tuition remission and portable tuition remission. Committee on Organization and Governance (SCOG) Michael Hengerer, Chair of SCOG, reported that the Committee has been working on a proposal for Senate representation relating to the addition of the College of Global Public Health and the Faculty of Health and the College of Nursing’s status as a separate college. After receiving feedback from the Councils, the Committee will continue to discuss the matter and hopes to present a resolution at the next meeting of the Senate for its consideration and approval. Public Affairs Committee (PAC) Arthur Tannenbaum, Chair of the Committee, said one of its charges is to report annually about public relations and Greenwich Village community life. Last week, PAC met with Steve Heuer, Assistant Vice President for Government Affairs, and Arlene Peralta, Senior Director for Community Engagement, and Mr. Tannenbaum presented the Senate with some of the highlights. Last December, Congress and the Obama Administration agreed to extend the federal Perkins Loan Program for another year and increased the Pell Grant maximum from $5,775 to $5,915. Mr. Tannenbaum also reported that Congress will begin the process of reauthorizing the Higher Education Act (HEA) later this year, though the actual passage is not expected to happen until 2017 or 2018. He said that the Governor’s proposed budget is expected to include the financial aid programs currently in place and

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Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 5 that the Governor also funded the DREAM Act in his Executive Budget. Mr. Tannenbaum said that the Community Affairs Office continues to partner with the local community board and collaborate with the police precinct on an annual toy drive. The University is also doing planting and reseeding work on LaGuardia Place. Mr. Tannenbaum noted that last January, NYU was awarded the prestigious Community Engagement Classification by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He reported that last year, more than 800 NYU students participated in America Reads/America Counts, each providing 10 to 12 hours per week of tutoring in NYC public schools. This year, Mr. Tannenbaum said, NYU had 15,000 people complete 1.5 million hours of service.

COUNCIL REPORTS Administrative Management Council (AMC) AMC Chair David Vintinner said the Council spent much of its time at its last two meetings discussing its annual letter to the Senate Financial Affairs Committee. The Council also announced the new official student status stickers for NYU employees who are also students, which allow them to more easily take advantage of student-focused activities and discounts in the University and the community. In addition, AMC hosted an educational program to help administrators talk about real estate options in the tri-state area. Finally, AMC is currently collecting items for its annual post-holidays recycling program. Deans Council Chair Tom Carew reported that the Deans Council discussed the following at its January meeting: (1) Open Educational Resources and their use by faculty in each of the schools; (2) the Dean of GSAS discussed the activities of the Graduate Dean Advisory Board in GSAS, with other Deans describing the engagement of their Boards in their Schools; (3) optimal ways to coordinate the course offerings for non-degree granting Centers and Institutes; and (4) ways for schools to engage in joint initiatives to enhance our teaching and research missions. Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Senators Council (T-FSC) T-FSC Chair Allen Mincer reported that the past few meetings of the Council have been focused on discussions of various policy issues. The Council has been examining proposed policies from several schools on review and promotion of continuing contract faculty. The Council has also been reviewing its own procedures with regard to Executive Committee membership to maximize Senator participation while maintaining appropriate school representation. They have also engaged in discussions with the Provost's office about other policies affecting Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty. Full-Time Continuing Contract Faculty Senators Council (C-FSC) C-FSC Chair Fred Carl welcomed President Hamilton. He reported that C-FSC Senators and Alternate Senators continue to be very busy on their committees, including the Personnel Policies and Contract Issues Committee that is reviewing various school policies

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Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 6 on appointment, reappointment, and promotion. The Council’s new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is now up and running. Professor Carl announced that C-FSC issued its first newsletter, which will be produced at the end of each semester. He reported that on February 4th, the C-FSC and T-FSC jointly hosted a Spring Semester Faculty Reception at the Torch club. Professor Carl noted that C-FSC is continuing to work on creating a climate survey to ascertain the State of Joint Shared Governance at NYU, with particular attention to continuing contract faculty roles in that joint shared governance. Finally, he said, C-FSC is in the process of selecting a date for its next retreat. Student Senators Council (SSC) SSC Chair Michael Hengerer provided the report of the Student Senators Council. The Council’s Executive Committee attended a Student Government Summit in Shanghai, where they discussed plans for a global student governing body with the leaders of the Abu Dhabi and Shanghai campuses. He said that the full SSC body had a retreat in DC where they discussed goals and priorities and met with congressional staffers to discuss how national policies affect college students. At its past two meetings, Mr. Hengerer reported that the SSC discussed a resolution from its Student Services Committee on the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, outlining steps the SSC could take. He said that the SSC’s largest committee, the University Committee on Student Life, heard a proposal from the SSC’s Committee on Organization and Governance to develop a new student government structure to address needs of the student body and inefficiencies of the current system. Finally, Mr. Hengerer reported, the SSC is hosting NYU’s fifth annual Violet 100 Spirit Week starting on Monday, February 22nd, which will include seven days of spirit-building events. SSC expressed its enthusiasm for working with the new President.


President Hamilton thanked the Senate for the warm welcome he has received in his first six weeks and said he had been struck with the dynamism and energy of the NYU community. He reported that he has visited NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Shanghai, and NYU London, and has had important first meetings with key groups representing various constituencies, including the co-Chairs of the new Senate Ad Hoc Advisory Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion. He thanked the Senate Councils for their warm welcome. President Hamilton then addressed the issue of affordability and cost of attendance. He said that NYU has made good progress over the past ten years in the area of undergraduate financial aid, with the financial aid budget more than tripling and the debt burden on NYU students declining by 30%. President Hamilton said, however, that the cost of attendance is still very high and puts enormous pressure on students and their families. He explained that while tuition and fees at the undergraduate level are about average among NYU’s peers, the high cost of room and board in New York City causes NYU to sit at the top of the list of overall cost, along with Columbia University. Over the long term, President Hamilton noted, the University needs to consider different

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Minutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 7 approaches to affordability including keeping costs down, raising funds (NYU’s endowment is one of the lowest on a per capita basis among its peers), and looking for new approaches to delivering quality education. In the short term, however, President Hamilton announced that the University will take the following steps to address affordability in the upcoming academic year: (1) increase in tuition and fees by the lowest percentage in 20 years; (2) freeze housing and meal plan costs for this coming year; (3) freeze the University-wide registration and services fees for students for this coming year; and (4) convert an additional 600 to 700 student rooms to lower-cost housing. The combined result of these steps will be the smallest increase in cost-of-attendance in over 20 years. The University will cover the reduction to planned revenues through reducing the projected increase in the budget line of other-than-personnel-services (OTPS). President Hamilton said that he recognized these were modest changes but that he thought they were important to demonstrate NYU’s commitment to affordability. He said that he hopes to expand on these measures in future years and is establishing a Steering Committee to examine different strategies for reducing the cost of tuition and room and board. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Carrie Trowbridge Associate General Counsel

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Term Week MONTH

1 SEP 9/1 9/2 Classes Begin 1 9/3 1 9/4 1 9/5 1

2 9/6 1 9/7 Labor Day 9/8 1 9/9 2 9/10 2 9/11 2 9/12 2

3 9/13 2 9/14 1 9/15 2 9/16 3 9/17 3 9/18 3 9/19 3

4 9/20 3 9/21 2 9/22 3 9/23 4 9/24 4 9/25 4 9/26 4

5 OCT 9/27 4 9/28 3 9/29 4 9/30 5 10/1 5 10/2 5 10/3 5

6 10/4 5 10/5 4 10/6 5 10/7 6 10/8 6 10/9 6 10/10 6

7 10/11 6 10/12 Break 10/13 Monday 5 10/14 7 10/15 7 10/16 7 10/17 7

8 10/18 7 10/19 6 10/20 6 10/21 8 10/22 8 10/23 8 10/24 8

9 10/25 8 10/26 7 10/27 7 10/28 9 10/29 9 10/30 9 10/31 9

10 NOV 11/1 9 11/2 8 11/3 8 11/4 10 11/5 10 11/6 10 11/7 10

11 11/8 10 11/9 9 11/10 9 11/11 11 11/12 11 11/13 11 11/14 11

12 11/15 11 11/16 10 11/17 10 11/18 12 11/19 12 11/20 12 11/21 12

13 11/22 12 11/23 11 11/24 11 11/25 Break 11/26 Thanksgiving 11/27 Break 11/28

14 DEC 11/29 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 13 12/3 13 12/4 13 12/5 13

15 12/6 13 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 14 12/10 14 12/11 14 12/12 14

16 12/13 14 12/14 14 12/15 Classes End 14 12/16 Reading Day 12/17 Final Exams 12/18 Final Exams 12/19

17 12/20 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23 Final Exams 12/24 12/25 12/26

JAN 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 1/1 New Year's Day 1/2

1 1/3 1/4 Classes Begin 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9

2 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16

3 1/17 1/18 MLK Day 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 Classes End 1/23

1 1/24 1/25 Classes Begin 1 1/26 1 1/27 1 1/28 1 1/29 1 1/30 1

2 FEB 1/31 1 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2 2/4 2 2/5 2 2/6 2

3 2/7 2 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3 2/11 3 2/12 3 2/13 3

4 2/14 3 2/15 President's Day 2/16 4 2/17 4 2/18 4 2/19 4 2/20 4

5 2/21 4 2/22 4 2/23 5 2/24 5 2/25 5 2/26 5 2/27 5

6 MAR 2/28 5 2/29 5 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6 3/4 6 3/5 6

7 3/6 6 3/7 6 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7 3/11 7 3/12 7

3/13 7 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17 Break 3/18 Break 3/19

8 3/20 3/21 7 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8 3/25 8 3/26 8

9 APR 3/27 8 3/28 8 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9 4/1 9 4/2 9

10 4/3 9 4/4 9 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10 4/8 10 4/9 10

11 4/10 10 4/11 10 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11 4/15 11 4/16 11

12 4/17 11 4/18 11 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12 4/22 12 4/23 12

13 4/24 12 4/25 12 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13 4/29 13 4/30 13

14 MAY 5/1 13 5/2 13 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14 5/6 14 5/7 14

15 5/8 14 5/9 Classes End 14 5/10 Reading Day 5/11 Final Exams 5/12 Final Exams 5/13 Final Exams 5/14

16 5/15 5/16 Final Exams 5/17 Final Exams 5/18 Commencement 5/19 5/20 5/21

1 5/22 5/23 Classes Begin 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1 5/27 1 5/28 1

2 JUN 5/29 1 5/30 Memorial Day 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2 6/3 2 6/4 2

3 6/5 2 6/6 2 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3 6/10 3 6/11 3

4 6/12 3 6/13 3 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 4 6/17 4 6/18 4

5 6/19 4 6/20 4 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 5 6/24 5 6/25 5

6 JUL 6/26 5 6/27 5 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 6 7/1 6 7/2 6

7 7/3 6 7/4 Indep. Day 7/5 Monday 6 7/6 1 7/7 1 7/8 1 7/9 1

8 7/10 1 7/11 1 7/12 1 7/13 2 7/14 2 7/15 2 7/16 2

9 7/17 2 7/18 2 7/19 2 7/20 3 7/21 3 7/22 3 7/23 3

10 7/24 3 7/25 3 7/26 3 7/27 4 7/28 4 7/29 4 7/30 4

11 AUG 7/31 4 8/1 4 8/2 4 8/3 5 8/4 5 8/5 5 8/6 5

12 8/7 5 8/8 5 8/9 5 8/10 6 8/11 6 8/12 6 8/13 6

13 8/14 6 8/15 6 8/16 Classes End 6 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20

8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27

SEP 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/3

9/4 9/5 Labor Day 9/6 Classes Begin 9/7



J '16







MondaySunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Current Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 8

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Term Week MONTH

SEP 9/1 9/2 9/3

1 9/4 9/5 Labor Day 9/6 Classes Begin 1 9/7 1 9/8 1 9/9 1 9/10 1

2 9/11 1 9/12 1 9/13 2 9/14 2 9/15 2 9/16 2 9/17 2

3 9/18 2 9/19 2 9/20 3 9/21 3 9/22 3 9/23 3 9/24 3

4 OCT 9/25 3 9/26 3 9/27 4 9/28 4 9/29 4 9/30 4 10/1 4

5 10/2 4 10/3 4 10/4 5 10/5 5 10/6 5 10/7 5 10/8 5

6 10/9 5 10/10 Break 10/11 6 10/12 6 10/13 6 10/14 6 10/15 6

7 10/16 6 10/17 5 10/18 7 10/19 7 10/20 7 10/21 7 10/22 7

8 10/23 7 10/24 6 10/25 8 10/26 8 10/27 8 10/28 8 10/29 8

9 NOV 10/30 8 10/31 7 11/1 9 11/2 9 11/3 9 11/4 9 11/5 9

10 11/6 9 11/7 8 11/8 10 11/9 10 11/10 10 11/11 10 11/12 10

11 11/13 10 11/14 9 11/15 11 11/16 11 11/17 11 11/18 11 11/19 11

12 11/20 11 11/21 10 11/22 12 11/23 Break 11/24 Thanksgiving 11/25 Break 11/26 12

13 DEC 11/27 12 11/28 11 11/29 13 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 12 12/3 13

14 12/4 13 12/5 12 12/6 14 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 13 12/10 14

15 12/11 14 12/12 13 12/13 Monday 14 12/14 14 12/15 14 12/16 Classes End 14 12/17 Reading Day

16 12/18 Reading Day 12/19 Final Exams 12/20 Final Exams 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23 Final Exams 12/24

12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31

1 JAN 1/1 New Yars Day 1/2 1/3 Classes Begin 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7

2 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14

3 1/15 1/16 MLK Day 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/20 Classes End 1/21

1 1/22 1/23 Classes Begin 1 1/24 1 1/25 1 1/26 1 1/27 1 1/28 1

2 FEB 1/29 1 1/30 2 1/31 2 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2 2/4 2

3 2/5 2 2/6 3 2/7 3 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3 2/11 3

4 2/12 3 2/13 4 2/14 4 2/15 4 2/16 4 2/17 4 2/18 4

5 2/19 4 2/20 President's Day 2/21 5 2/22 5 2/23 5 2/24 5 2/25 5

6 MAR 2/26 5 2/27 5 2/28 6 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6 3/4 6

7 3/5 6 3/6 6 3/7 7 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7 3/11 7

3/12 7 3/13 Break 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17 Break 3/18

8 3/19 3/20 7 3/21 8 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8 3/25 8

9 APR 3/26 8 3/27 8 3/28 9 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9 4/1 9

10 4/2 9 4/3 9 4/4 10 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10 4/8 10

11 4/9 10 4/10 10 4/11 11 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11 4/15 11

12 4/16 11 4/17 11 4/18 12 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12 4/22 12

13 4/23 12 4/24 12 4/25 13 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13 4/29 13

14 MAY 4/30 13 5/1 13 5/2 14 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14 5/6 14

15 5/7 14 5/8 Classes End 14 5/9 Reading Day 5/10 Final Exams 5/11 Final Exams 5/12 Final Exams 5/13

16 5/14 5/15 Final Exams 5/16 Final Exams 5/17 Commencement 5/18 5/19 5/20

1 5/21 5/22 Classes Begin 1 5/23 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1 5/27 1

2 JUN 5/28 1 5/29 Memorial Day 5/30 2 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2 6/3 2

3 6/4 2 6/5 2 6/6 3 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3 6/10 3

4 6/11 3 6/12 3 6/13 4 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 4 6/17 4

5 6/18 4 6/19 4 6/20 5 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 5 6/24 5

6 JUL 6/25 5 6/26 5 6/27 6 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 6 7/1 6

7 7/2 6 7/3 6 7/4 Ind Day 7/5 1 7/6 1 7/7 1 7/8 1

8 7/9 1 7/10 1 7/11 1 7/12 2 7/13 2 7/14 2 7/15 2

9 7/16 2 7/17 2 7/18 2 7/19 3 7/20 3 7/21 3 7/22 3

10 7/23 3 7/24 3 7/25 3 7/26 4 7/27 4 7/28 4 7/29 4

11 AUG 7/30 4 7/31 4 8/1 4 8/2 5 8/3 5 8/4 5 8/5 5

12 8/6 5 8/7 5 8/8 5 8/9 6 8/10 6 8/11 6 8/12 6

13 8/13 6 8/14 6 8/15 Classes End 6 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19

8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26

SEP 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2

9/3 9/4 Labor Day 9/5 Classes Begin 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9



J '17







Sunday SaturdayMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Current Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 9

Page 10: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Term Week MONTH

SEP 9/1 9/2

1 9/3 9/4 Labor Day 9/5 Classes Begin 1 9/6 1 9/7 1 9/8 1 9/9 1

2 9/10 1 9/11 1 9/12 2 9/13 2 9/14 2 9/15 2 9/16 2

3 9/17 2 9/18 2 9/19 3 9/20 3 9/21 3 9/22 3 9/23 3

4 9/24 3 9/25 3 9/26 4 9/27 4 9/28 4 9/29 4 9/30 4

5 OCT 10/1 4 10/2 4 10/3 5 10/4 5 10/5 5 10/6 5 10/7 5

6 10/8 5 10/9 Break 10/10 6 10/11 6 10/12 6 10/13 6 10/14 6

7 10/15 6 10/16 5 10/17 7 10/18 7 10/19 7 10/20 7 10/21 7

8 10/22 7 10/23 6 10/24 8 10/25 8 10/26 8 10/27 8 10/28 8

9 NOV 10/29 8 10/30 7 10/31 9 11/1 9 11/2 9 11/3 9 11/4 9

10 11/5 9 11/6 8 11/7 10 11/8 10 11/9 10 11/10 10 11/11 10

11 11/12 10 11/13 9 11/14 11 11/15 11 11/16 11 11/17 11 11/18 11

12 11/19 11 11/20 10 11/21 12 11/22 Break 11/23 Thanksgiving 11/24 Break 11/25 12

13 DEC 11/26 12 11/27 11 11/28 13 11/29 12 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 13

14 12/3 13 12/4 12 12/5 14 12/6 13 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 14

15 12/10 14 12/11 13 12/12 Monday 14 12/13 14 12/14 14 12/15 Classes End 14 12/16 Reading Day

16 12/17 Reading Day 12/18 Final Exams 12/19 Final Exams 12/20 Final Exams 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23

12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30

1 JAN 12/31 1/1 New Years Day 1/2 Classes Begin 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6

2 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13

3 1/14 1/15 MLK Day 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 Classes End 1/20

1 1/21 1/22 Classes Begin 1 1/23 1 1/24 1 1/25 1 1/26 1 1/27 1

2 FEB 1/28 1 1/29 2 1/30 2 1/31 2 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2

3 2/4 2 2/5 3 2/6 3 2/7 3 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3

4 2/11 3 2/12 4 2/13 4 2/14 4 2/15 4 2/16 4 2/17 4

5 2/18 4 2/19 President's Day 2/20 5 2/21 5 2/22 5 2/23 5 2/24 5

6 MAR 2/25 5 2/26 5 2/27 6 2/28 6 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6

7 3/4 6 3/5 6 3/6 7 3/7 7 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7

3/11 7 3/12 Break 3/13 Break 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17

8 3/18 3/19 7 3/20 8 3/21 8 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8

9 3/25 8 3/26 8 3/27 9 3/28 9 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9

10 APR 4/1 9 4/2 9 4/3 10 4/4 10 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10

11 4/8 10 4/9 10 4/10 11 4/11 11 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11

12 4/15 11 4/16 11 4/17 12 4/18 12 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12

13 4/22 12 4/23 12 4/24 13 4/25 13 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13

14 MAY 4/29 13 4/30 13 5/1 14 5/2 14 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14

15 5/6 14 5/7 Classes End 14 5/8 Reading Day 5/9 Final Exams 5/10 Final Exams 5/11 Final Exams 5/12

16 5/13 5/14 Final Exams 5/15 Final Exams 5/16 Commencement 5/17 Commencement 5/18 5/19

1 5/20 5/21 Classes Begin 1 5/22 1 5/23 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1

2 JUN 5/27 1 5/28 Memorial Day 5/29 2 5/30 2 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2

3 6/3 2 6/4 2 6/5 3 6/6 3 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3

4 6/10 3 6/11 3 6/12 4 6/13 4 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 4

5 6/17 4 6/18 4 6/19 5 6/20 5 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 5

6 6/24 5 6/25 5 6/26 6 6/27 6 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 6

7 JUL 7/1 6 7/2 6 7/3 1 7/4 Indep. Day 7/5 1 7/6 1 7/7 1

8 7/8 1 7/9 1 7/10 2 7/11 1 7/12 2 7/13 2 7/14 2

9 7/15 2 7/16 2 7/17 3 7/18 2 7/19 3 7/20 3 7/21 3

10 7/22 3 7/23 3 7/24 4 7/25 3 7/26 4 7/27 4 7/28 4

11 AUG 7/29 4 7/30 4 7/31 5 8/1 4 8/2 5 8/3 5 8/4 5

12 8/5 5 8/6 5 8/7 6 8/8 5 8/9 6 8/10 6 8/11 6

13 8/12 6 8/13 6 8/14 Wednesday 6 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18

8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25

SEP 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1

9/2 9/3 Labor Day 9/4 Classes Begin 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayMonday



J '18








Current Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 10

Page 11: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Term Week MONTH

1 SEP 9/1 9/2 Classes Begin 1 9/3 1 9/4 1 9/5 1

2 9/6 1 9/7 Labor Day 9/8 1 9/9 2 9/10 2 9/11 2 9/12 2

3 9/13 2 9/14 1 9/15 2 9/16 3 9/17 3 9/18 3 9/19 3

4 9/20 3 9/21 2 9/22 3 9/23 4 9/24 4 9/25 4 9/26 4

5 OCT 9/27 4 9/28 3 9/29 4 9/30 5 10/1 5 10/2 5 10/3 5

6 10/4 5 10/5 4 10/6 5 10/7 6 10/8 6 10/9 6 10/10 6

7 10/11 6 10/12 Break 10/13 Monday 5 10/14 7 10/15 7 10/16 7 10/17 7

8 10/18 7 10/19 6 10/20 6 10/21 8 10/22 8 10/23 8 10/24 8

9 10/25 8 10/26 7 10/27 7 10/28 9 10/29 9 10/30 9 10/31 9

10 NOV 11/1 9 11/2 8 11/3 8 11/4 10 11/5 10 11/6 10 11/7 10

11 11/8 10 11/9 9 11/10 9 11/11 11 11/12 11 11/13 11 11/14 11

12 11/15 11 11/16 10 11/17 10 11/18 12 11/19 12 11/20 12 11/21 12

13 11/22 12 11/23 11 11/24 11 11/25 Break 11/26 Thanksgiving 11/27 Break 11/28

14 DEC 11/29 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 13 12/3 13 12/4 13 12/5 13

15 12/6 13 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 14 12/10 14 12/11 14 12/12 14

16 12/13 14 12/14 14 12/15 Classes End 14 12/16 Reading Day 12/17 Final Exams 12/18 Final Exams 12/19

17 12/20 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23 Final Exams 12/24 12/25 12/26

JAN 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 1/1 New Year's Day 1/2

1 1/3 1/4 Classes Begin 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9

2 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16

3 1/17 1/18 MLK Day 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 Classes End 1/23

1 1/24 1/25 Classes Begin 1 1/26 1 1/27 1 1/28 1 1/29 1 1/30 1

2 FEB 1/31 1 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2 2/4 2 2/5 2 2/6 2

3 2/7 2 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3 2/11 3 2/12 3 2/13 3

4 2/14 3 2/15 President's Day 2/16 4 2/17 4 2/18 4 2/19 4 2/20 4

5 2/21 4 2/22 4 2/23 5 2/24 5 2/25 5 2/26 5 2/27 5

6 MAR 2/28 5 2/29 5 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6 3/4 6 3/5 6

7 3/6 6 3/7 6 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7 3/11 7 3/12 7

3/13 7 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17 Break 3/18 Break 3/19

8 3/20 3/21 7 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8 3/25 8 3/26 8

9 APR 3/27 8 3/28 8 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9 4/1 9 4/2 9

10 4/3 9 4/4 9 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10 4/8 10 4/9 10

11 4/10 10 4/11 10 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11 4/15 11 4/16 11

12 4/17 11 4/18 11 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12 4/22 12 4/23 12

13 4/24 12 4/25 12 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13 4/29 13 4/30 13

14 MAY 5/1 13 5/2 13 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14 5/6 14 5/7 14

15 5/8 14 5/9 Classes End 14 5/10 Reading Day 5/11 Final Exams 5/12 Final Exams 5/13 Final Exams 5/14

16 5/15 5/16 Final Exams 5/17 Final Exams 5/18 Commencement 5/19 5/20 5/21

1 5/22 5/23 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1 5/27 1 5/28 1

2 JUN 5/29 1 5/30 Memorial Day 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2 6/3 2 6/4 2

3 6/5 2 6/6 2 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3 6/10 3 6/11 3

4 6/12 3 6/13 3 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 4 6/17 4 6/18 Monday 6

5 6/19 4 6/20 4 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 5 6/24 5 6/25 4

6 JUL 6/26 5 6/27 5 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 6 7/1 6 7/2 5

7 7/3 6 7/4 Ind Day 7/5 1 7/6 1 7/7 1 7/8 1 7/9 1

8 7/10 1 7/11 1 7/12 2 7/13 2 7/14 2 7/15 2 7/16 2

9 7/17 2 7/18 2 7/19 3 7/20 3 7/21 3 7/22 3 7/23 3

10 7/24 3 7/25 3 7/26 4 7/27 4 7/28 4 7/29 4 7/30 Monday 6

11 AUG 7/31 4 8/1 4 8/2 5 8/3 5 8/4 5 8/5 5 8/6 4

12 8/7 5 8/8 5 8/9 6 8/10 6 8/11 6 8/12 6 8/13 5

13 8/14 6 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20

8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27

SEP 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2 9/3

9/4 9/5 Labor Day 9/6 Classes Begin 9/7




J '16







Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Proposed Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 11

Page 12: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Term Week MONTH

SEP 9/1 9/2 9/3

1 9/4 9/5 Labor Day 9/6 Classes Begin 1 9/7 1 9/8 1 9/9 1 9/10 1

2 9/11 1 9/12 1 9/13 2 9/14 2 9/15 2 9/16 2 9/17 2

3 9/18 2 9/19 2 9/20 3 9/21 3 9/22 3 9/23 3 9/24 3

4 OCT 9/25 3 9/26 3 9/27 4 9/28 4 9/29 4 9/30 4 10/1 4

5 10/2 4 10/3 4 10/4 5 10/5 5 10/6 5 10/7 5 10/8 5

6 10/9 5 10/10 Break 10/11 6 10/12 6 10/13 6 10/14 6 10/15 6

7 10/16 6 10/17 5 10/18 7 10/19 7 10/20 7 10/21 7 10/22 7

8 10/23 7 10/24 6 10/25 8 10/26 8 10/27 8 10/28 8 10/29 8

9 NOV 10/30 8 10/31 7 11/1 9 11/2 9 11/3 9 11/4 9 11/5 9

10 11/6 9 11/7 8 11/8 10 11/9 10 11/10 10 11/11 10 11/12 10

11 11/13 10 11/14 9 11/15 11 11/16 11 11/17 11 11/18 11 11/19 11

12 11/20 11 11/21 10 11/22 12 11/23 Break 11/24 Thanksgiving 11/25 Break 11/26 12

13 DEC 11/27 12 11/28 11 11/29 13 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 12 12/3 13

14 12/4 13 12/5 12 12/6 14 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 13 12/10 14

15 12/11 14 12/12 13 12/13 Monday 14 12/14 14 12/15 14 12/16 Classes End 14 12/17 Reading Day

16 12/18 Reading Day 12/19 Final Exams 12/20 Final Exams 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23 Final Exams 12/24

12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31

1 JAN 1/1 New Yars Day 1/2 1/3 Classes Begin 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7

2 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14

3 1/15 1/16 MLK Day 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/20 Classes End 1/21

1 1/22 1/23 Classes Begin 1 1/24 1 1/25 1 1/26 1 1/27 1 1/28 1

2 FEB 1/29 1 1/30 2 1/31 2 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2 2/4 2

3 2/5 2 2/6 3 2/7 3 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3 2/11 3

4 2/12 3 2/13 4 2/14 4 2/15 4 2/16 4 2/17 4 2/18 4

5 2/19 4 2/20 President's Day 2/21 5 2/22 5 2/23 5 2/24 5 2/25 5

6 MAR 2/26 5 2/27 5 2/28 6 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6 3/4 6

7 3/5 6 3/6 6 3/7 7 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7 3/11 7

3/12 7 3/13 Break 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17 Break 3/18

8 3/19 3/20 7 3/21 8 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8 3/25 8

9 APR 3/26 8 3/27 8 3/28 9 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9 4/1 9

10 4/2 9 4/3 9 4/4 10 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10 4/8 10

11 4/9 10 4/10 10 4/11 11 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11 4/15 11

12 4/16 11 4/17 11 4/18 12 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12 4/22 12

13 4/23 12 4/24 12 4/25 13 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13 4/29 13

14 MAY 4/30 13 5/1 13 5/2 14 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14 5/6 14

15 5/7 14 5/8 Classes End 14 5/9 Reading Day 5/10 Final Exams 5/11 Final Exams 5/12 Final Exams 5/13

16 5/14 5/15 Final Exams 5/16 Final Exams 5/17 Commencement 5/18 5/19 5/20

1 5/21 5/22 Classes Begin 1 5/23 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1 5/27 1

2 JUN 5/28 1 5/29 Memorial Day 5/30 2 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2 6/3 2

3 6/4 2 6/5 2 6/6 3 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3 6/10 3

4 6/11 3 6/12 3 6/13 4 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 4 6/17 Monday 6

5 6/18 4 6/19 4 6/20 5 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 5 6/24 4

6 JUL 6/25 5 6/26 5 6/27 6 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 6 7/1 5

7 7/2 6 7/3 1 7/4 Ind Day 7/5 1 7/6 1 7/7 1 7/8 1

8 7/9 1 7/10 2 7/11 1 7/12 2 7/13 2 7/14 2 7/15 2

9 7/16 2 7/17 3 7/18 2 7/19 3 7/20 3 7/21 3 7/22 3

10 7/23 3 7/24 4 7/25 3 7/26 4 7/27 4 7/28 4 7/29 Tuesday 6

11 AUG 7/30 4 7/31 5 8/1 4 8/2 5 8/3 5 8/4 5 8/5 4

12 8/6 5 8/7 6 8/8 5 8/9 6 8/10 6 8/11 6 8/12 5

13 8/13 6 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18 8/19

8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26

SEP 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/2

9/3 9/4 Labor Day 9/5 Classes Begin 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/9




J '17







Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Proposed Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 12

Page 13: NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Minutes of a Stated Meeting of the ... · Senate of New York University ... en Ling, Ann Morning, Sonia Ospina, Maurizio Porfiri, Ar vind ... to provide recommendations

Term Week MONTH

SEP 9/1 9/2

1 9/3 9/4 Labor Day 9/5 Classes Begin 1 9/6 1 9/7 1 9/8 1 9/9 1

2 9/10 1 9/11 1 9/12 2 9/13 2 9/14 2 9/15 2 9/16 2

3 9/17 2 9/18 2 9/19 3 9/20 3 9/21 3 9/22 3 9/23 3

4 9/24 3 9/25 3 9/26 4 9/27 4 9/28 4 9/29 4 9/30 4

5 OCT 10/1 4 10/2 4 10/3 5 10/4 5 10/5 5 10/6 5 10/7 5

6 10/8 5 10/9 Break 10/10 6 10/11 6 10/12 6 10/13 6 10/14 6

7 10/15 6 10/16 5 10/17 7 10/18 7 10/19 7 10/20 7 10/21 7

8 10/22 7 10/23 6 10/24 8 10/25 8 10/26 8 10/27 8 10/28 8

9 NOV 10/29 8 10/30 7 10/31 9 11/1 9 11/2 9 11/3 9 11/4 9

10 11/5 9 11/6 8 11/7 10 11/8 10 11/9 10 11/10 10 11/11 10

11 11/12 10 11/13 9 11/14 11 11/15 11 11/16 11 11/17 11 11/18 11

12 11/19 11 11/20 10 11/21 12 11/22 Break 11/23 Thanksgiving 11/24 Break 11/25 12

13 DEC 11/26 12 11/27 11 11/28 13 11/29 12 11/30 12 12/1 12 12/2 13

14 12/3 13 12/4 12 12/5 14 12/6 13 12/7 13 12/8 13 12/9 14

15 12/10 14 12/11 13 12/12 Monday 14 12/13 14 12/14 14 12/15 Classes End 14 12/16 Reading Day

16 12/17 Reading Day 12/18 Final Exams 12/19 Final Exams 12/20 Final Exams 12/21 Final Exams 12/22 Final Exams 12/23

12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/28 12/29 12/30

1 JAN 12/31 1/1 New Years Day 1/2 Classes Begin 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6

2 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13

3 1/14 1/15 MLK Day 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 Classes End 1/20

1 1/21 1/22 Classes Begin 1 1/23 1 1/24 1 1/25 1 1/26 1 1/27 1

2 FEB 1/28 1 1/29 2 1/30 2 1/31 2 2/1 2 2/2 2 2/3 2

3 2/4 2 2/5 3 2/6 3 2/7 3 2/8 3 2/9 3 2/10 3

4 2/11 3 2/12 4 2/13 4 2/14 4 2/15 4 2/16 4 2/17 4

5 2/18 4 2/19 President's Day 2/20 5 2/21 5 2/22 5 2/23 5 2/24 5

6 MAR 2/25 5 2/26 5 2/27 6 2/28 6 3/1 6 3/2 6 3/3 6

7 3/4 6 3/5 6 3/6 7 3/7 7 3/8 7 3/9 7 3/10 7

3/11 7 3/12 Break 3/13 Break 3/14 Break 3/15 Break 3/16 Break 3/17

8 3/18 3/19 7 3/20 8 3/21 8 3/22 8 3/23 8 3/24 8

9 3/25 8 3/26 8 3/27 9 3/28 9 3/29 9 3/30 9 3/31 9

10 APR 4/1 9 4/2 9 4/3 10 4/4 10 4/5 10 4/6 10 4/7 10

11 4/8 10 4/9 10 4/10 11 4/11 11 4/12 11 4/13 11 4/14 11

12 4/15 11 4/16 11 4/17 12 4/18 12 4/19 12 4/20 12 4/21 12

13 4/22 12 4/23 12 4/24 13 4/25 13 4/26 13 4/27 13 4/28 13

14 MAY 4/29 13 4/30 13 5/1 14 5/2 14 5/3 14 5/4 14 5/5 14

15 5/6 14 5/7 Classes End 14 5/8 Reading Day 5/9 Final Exams 5/10 Final Exams 5/11 Final Exams 5/12

16 5/13 5/14 Final Exams 5/15 Final Exams 5/16 Commencement 5/17 Commencement 5/18 5/19

1 5/20 5/21 1 5/22 1 5/23 1 5/24 1 5/25 1 5/26 1

2 JUN 5/27 1 5/28 Memorial Day 5/29 2 5/30 2 5/31 2 6/1 2 6/2 2

3 6/3 2 6/4 2 6/5 3 6/6 3 6/7 3 6/8 3 6/9 3

4 6/10 3 6/11 3 6/12 4 6/13 4 6/14 4 6/15 4 6/16 Monday 6

5 6/17 4 6/18 4 6/19 5 6/20 5 6/21 5 6/22 5 6/23 4

6 6/24 5 6/25 5 6/26 6 6/27 6 6/28 6 6/29 6 6/30 5

7 JUL 7/1 6 7/2 1 7/3 1 7/4 Indep. Day 7/5 1 7/6 1 7/7 1

8 7/8 1 7/9 2 7/10 2 7/11 1 7/12 2 7/13 2 7/14 2

9 7/15 2 7/16 3 7/17 3 7/18 2 7/19 3 7/20 3 7/21 3

10 7/22 3 7/23 4 7/24 4 7/25 3 7/26 4 7/27 4 7/28 Wednesday 6

11 AUG 7/29 4 7/30 5 7/31 5 8/1 4 8/2 5 8/3 5 8/4 4

12 8/5 5 8/6 6 8/7 6 8/8 5 8/9 6 8/10 6 8/11 5

8/12 6 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 8/18

8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25

SEP 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1

9/2 9/3 Labor Day 9/4 Classes Begin 9/5 9/6 9/7 9/8




J '18







Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Proposed Academic Calendar: AY 2015-2017

Exhibit AMinutes/University Senate February 18, 2016 Page 13