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Wealthy Loser Of Taxi Battle Sued by Wife Mrs. William F. Schlemmer Charges He Has Reáteme».! Affections on Mrs. Wil¬ kinson and Is Cruel Sequel to Fight in Street Hardware Man Was Punched by Husband of Woman Named in the Complaint William F. Schlemmer, millionaire hardware merchant, who had an un¬ fortunate physical encounter about a week airo with William J. Wilkinson while Mr?. Elsie Wilkinson, his wife, w_3 a companion of Mr. Schlemmer in a taxicab, was sued for a separation yesterday by Mrs. Mary A. Schlem¬ mer. The defendant la a member of the firm of Hbmmacher, Schlemmer & Co., Inc., from which, it in said, he re¬ ceives an Income of 5250,000 a year. Mrs. Schlemmer alleges that lier hus band abandoned h<r in February, 1921, and that Mr. Schlemmer has been at¬ tentive to Mrs. Wilkinson, who, she al¬ leges, n v i joys hia affections. She added, that Mi Schlemmer is being sued by Mr. Wilkinson for $250,000 for alienation o*" Mrs. Wilkinson's affec¬ tions, although no such action has Mrs. Schlemmer alleges that her hus- Charges Scientific Cruelty The Schlemmers were married in 1914. and the wife alleged that it was not long thereafter that lier husband bepan a course of "studied, scientific »nd cultured cruelty" toward her. The first meeting between her husband and Mrs. Wilkinson, said Mrs. Schlemmer, was in July, 1920. A warm friendship followed and according to the plain¬ tiff, Mr. Schummer kissed and caressed Mrs. Wilkinson, despite the warnings of his wife. On Atlgust IB last, said the complaint Mr. Schlemmer went t. the Great Neck, L. !., homo of the couple and t > remove the paintings and other' art objects and take up th? rugs. At the seme time he Wîfs abusive and threat¬ ened to clear out the pi tee, it is al¬ leged, unless Mrs. ?chlemmer con¬ sented to a divorce. She telephoned to the Sheriff, who dispatched a d puty to the Schlemmer residence, whereupen Mr. Schlemmer left. liad Battle in Taxicab .Mrs. Schlemmer is still living at Great Neck, and her husband has Quar¬ ters at the Hotel Bli ckstone, The story abo ¡t the encounter be¬ tween Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Schlem¬ mer was that Mr. WiUdnsQti saw his wife in a taxicab with the hardware merchant and dis] tiyecl his displeasure with a couj rected punches to Mr. £ ch mm 's aw. Criterion Opens To-day Under New Poiicj With a Big Kill The Criterion Theater opens to-day under a no-', policy as a resé ved seat two-a-day house, with the most elabo¬ rate program of music, ballet and pic- tures it has ever shown. "Pe;er Ibfcet- son," Paramount's screen version of Du Manrier's novel, with Elsie Fergu¬ son and Wal ace Reid in the star roles, s the feature film. The cast include- Elliott De tagu Lov AI ister. serve a combination ¦_.¦': : th( .r s Cassinelli, Mon¬ dan and Pau M*-- ed Foi es " v ill Th*. ¦- will he a ' and song, with das de Lipsky, dancer" of the Rie- senfe'd theati i hav been selected for mber Vera Myers. Grace Last- man, Ruth Matlock, Lolita Armand, Myrtle [mm I Felicie Sorel, Dorothy Lan and Paul Oscard, ballet master. George Richardson, barytone, will sins La Romanesca," and Miriam Lax and Beatrice F Wightwick, soprano and also, will sing the .'trotte from Tschai- towsky's "P que Dame." There are in- ¡idental filn r «K* Just a Touch of Your Thumbs A slight pressure of the thumbs, and your National Loose-Leaf Memo Book snaps open -. as slight a pressure closes it. Ask for National Series 6100 and 6050. "h¡ i Trad« Math _ot-»î L«af and Bound Boole» national blank book c<fc ?.> KiV&KMDK, IIOI.YOKE, MASS. ¡TEAST AMONG »LANTERNS TONIGHT jn ¿At 3a_rdens ^,_«___ of Japan PALAIS RÖ>ÄL ßro-dvt/ty *'. 4_t> 2'.r«t '-J&- World.'» Ete«l pjDfli \ Served ío PiricctvoauL t: Ah» «fbexe ïflsàài usent ^TOonaa and his Oicksfrà F pinner D;?nnnÖ #f 7m SHAKE l«T0 YOUR SHOES And .rtnkle n tl a '¦,¦¦> bath ALLÍ N 9 POO! -i.A:,K, ),.- -, icaling powder toi í'aínf I '..'»., It ! ".'-" .pot« »nd t*k«* *; out of corn* i ¦¦.' bi nloni / ay .;. All« n'i Foot r.*%+ ' . .. and enjoy .. - Hysterical Girl Carried Screaming From Court Youth Accused of Attacking Her Halts Trial and Changes His IMea to Guilty Miss Margaret Klyberg, of 550 West Forty-ninth Street, was placer! on the tnnd to testify yesterday before Judge Humphrey in Queens County Covt at the trial of Frank Kania, nineteen years old, of Maspcth, L. L, one of four young men charged with robbing and attacking her in Lonj; Island City one night last August. Miss Klyberg told how she and her companion, Edward Montague, of 103 Burroughs Avenue, Winfield, Queens, had been held up, but as she attempted to tell of the attack she became hys¬ terical and had to be carried from the courtroom A recess was taken until Miss Klyberg was revived. F-he vas again placed on the stand, and as she was about to resume her testimony Kania stood up :;nd asked that a plea of guilty be taken. Jfe will be arraigned before Judge Humphrey for sentence October 24 and face s a term of between twenty and forty years. Three other young men alleged to have been with Kania, and who are under indictment, will be tried next week. Historic Store and Its Famous Relics Burned - Century Old Ford Structure, Genesis of Modern Merchan¬ dising,, Is Destroyed Special ¡Dispatch ro The Tribune DUXBURY, Mass., Oct. 13..The old Ford store, known as the first depart¬ ment store in America, one of the most famous of South Shore historic land¬ marks, was destroyed by fire shortly after midnight. The property was worth about $30,000, but there ie no means of estimating the value of the heirlooms and relies that were burned. The store was a long wooden build- ing, a story and a hair high. It was built in 1826, and the business was begun by Nathaniel Ford & Sons. From the plan of this store present depart¬ ment stores were made, according to many famous merchants. Daniel Webster was a patron of the «tore- for- years, nnd on display there since Webster's death have been his favorite raddle, several of his hats and a coat. The first copper measures used in America were also on display in the store. These and many other priceless relics were lost in the fire. The Stage Door "Theodora." (he Italian screen spectacle. with Rita Pollvet In the title.role, will be¬ gin Its New York engage nen't to-night at the Autor Theater. The presentation be- gins ut 8,:30, and late arrivals will not bo »sated until the first Intermission. "The Title." by Arnold Dennett, Had tta American premier«; last night In Kln/jston. .V Y., with Lumsden Hare In the principal rol "I.ove Dreams." Oliver Morosco's new musical play, will move Into the Apollo Theater next Monday night. The Keith Suna-ty concerts at the New Amsterdam Thaater will be resumed on Uctober 30. Polly Moran Is appearing at Proctor» Fifth Avenuo Theater this week. f'nnrlle Chaplin !>i bin latest picture, '"lne idle «.lns:¡," will bi scon in ull the Keith I two-a-day houses In Manhattan for one week beginning Monday, as as additional (.ature to tiie regular vaudeville bill. John Cort ¡'.as engaged Jack Srhell'a Harmonists hs a mu># al feature of ''A Uuchelor's Night," which hi will produce M!.t week. A plan ro assist-In th« vocational educa¬ tion of wounded soldiers Is being put into effect by the Shu'.'erts. who lia.e hue. d dough) oys assigned to their ..¦".8'.';. throughout the country ti learn ti business ot the theater. English Barytone Sings A Conventional Program Randall Hargreaveg's Voice Not Always Adequate to Hi» Tonal Conceptions At a recital of songa in Aeolian Hall ! last night, Mr. Randal! Hargreavcs, an English barytone, presented himself to ! the notice of the local public. Hin pro- j gram showed no departure from the j conventional type, beginning with clas- Bical airs by Handel ("Si tra i ceppi" from "Herenice") and Lull! ("Bols épais"), running through modern Fiench tongs by César Franck, Goring Thomas (.an Englishman of French taste and training:) and Mme. d'Hardelot; German Lieder by Schubert ("Der Tod und da? Mädchen" and "Ungeduld") and Brahms ("Sapphische Od"" and "0 liebliche Wangen"), four old British songs and tapering off to sentimental 1 lies by Chadwick, Rogers, Nevin and Whelpley. There is no need to quarrel with such a scheme, for it sufficed to .shew the measure of the singer's knowledge, style and taste and was sufficiently varied to provide agreeable entertainment. Mr. Hargreaves's voice Is a light barytone, somewhat scant in volume and monotonous in color. His aim is commendable, but his command of means not always commensurate with it. He knows the value of correct phrasing, but loss of breath control occasionally defeats h's own intentions and the purposes of the composer, be¬ sides impairing the quality of his tones, which is not of the highest or¬ der. His experience in the English school stood him in good stead in the florid Handel air, hut imagination and emotion, highly essential in the Ger¬ man songs, were disappointingly absent 'rom his interpretations of Schubert nd Brahms. His reception at the hand» of the audience was kind. H. E. K. >. Tifî'îfv f?r>f?r«!s Asked to Seek State's Rights Under Rail Act ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 13..-Presenta¬ tion to Congress of an organized de¬ mand for speedy amendment of the Esch-Cummins act in such a mnnner as to preserve beyond dispute the right of 'he states to regulate transportation charges within their borders v/aa rec¬ ommended to-day to the National Asso¬ ciation of Railway and Utilities Com¬ missioners, now in annual convention here, by its committee on state and Federal législation. . n'Tnatlnnal Cnnrfrt r'lir<-t'"n Annou-v to »v N il a i7iTlw^víGlrr~AT~8Tí¥. First Recital m \\ Y. In 6 Yrs. -FRANCIS VTCii.jxisT LICH.ARD HACJEMAN at th* Plnno. kets 60c to $2.00. (Knabe Plano. '.'i'-cle Hall, To-morrow Afternoon fit ¦¦! AMERICAN DEBUT « «. PIANISTE Tit-Kit* 50c to J2.D0. (Chlckerlne Piano Apollan Hall, To-mor'tv Afternoon nt ":"0 AMERICAN DEBUT mi f 'LONCKLLIST WALTER OOLDE at the Piano. Tickets 50c to $2.00. (ßteinway Piano.) Carnegie Hall, Mon. Eve., Ort. 17, at 8'IB Return to America or UKONJSLA'W VIOLUST PAUL FRENKJEL at I he Piano rickef 50n to 52.SO. ÍKnabo Plano.) PÄMPHlFlfiClSTRÄ LEOPOLD-$TOKOWSKI, Conducl HALL ! EVENING, \ß\* I a it C~OLuMB.ïîïMir,*lïii; rHE New ¿ten Ï0ns'"'!'¦;,"';:.¦",.;¦¦ ;s r.nrl.' VI Pop. l>rhix Next Tuesday and Thursday, 1 to 6 P. M., the Business Show will be reserved for Ex¬ ecutives. Regular admission after 6 F, M. This reservation is made to enable princi¬ pals and executives to become acquainted with modern business systems sit their leisure. You are earnestly invited to bring your busi¬ ness problems here between 1 and 6 P. M. The combined experience of the world's leading experts in business administration is at your service. The National Bust» eu Shew ta mot a tatet vrtanitation but an Exposition of the tatest and best ideas im bmtimest cjfiaency end et*nemy Í8ihJ¡nmua¡ CENTRAL MERCANTILE BLDG-löth ST..N.E.CottGth AVE liolO JP.M. Daily all Next WeeK ltoGPM lui' i-'i ' »'.; ..'"0~''i¡i,iiii .fl ONE CAR OR FIVE Experienced motorists arc often unable to differentiate from new cars. Brewster motor cars with mileages as high as 50,000 or 75,000. It is well to think of motor car usage over five- or ten-year periods, and determine upon one car with satisfaction, or five cars with a ques¬ tion, Brewster enclosed cars arc priced from ten thousand five hundred dollars at New York. BREWSTER y CO. Fifth Avenue, at Fifty-Sixth Street Brewster Motor Cars Chassis Custom Coach V\ ork . -A ru y^TT-i*---¦'¦." ' .aOa_ ^f&__ '-¦. ; y ; Ni "^_OS§ '¦'.¦^ 5llUT<! lSlO -Theatres Under Direction nf /tuyo RiesenSctd TIMES SQUARE ¡inning S e r ersspjtson W ei ana wailace the lovers.Du Maurier's novel . one of the world's greatest love-stories, filmed with an artistry and beauty hardly ever before .'quailed. Wallace F.eid as Gogo,.the dreamer ol beautiful true dreams-. Wallace Reid as a bare-knuckle pugilist of the days of I the prize-ring and winning.- Wallace Reid as a longer the easy-going, dare- devil, handsome Wallace Reír- .but an actor of tremendous emotional roles. Wallace Reid as an old u\an.a. gray-Haired "lifer" in his ceil and. Elsie Ferguson as Mimsi, Duchess of Towers. young and beautiful Elsie Ferguson as the aged Duchess of Towers .loving her dream-love while he suffers behind prison-bars. Elsie Ferguson in one of the most brilliant roles of her career. Sherwood of "Life"' saw "Peier Ibbelson" in the studio. This is what he ¡aid. "It is a story of rare beauty, acted by beautiful people., against beautiful backgrounds^ A Paramount Picture A George Fitzmaurice Production CAST INCLUDES George Fawcett Elliott Dexter Montagu Love Dolores Cassinelli At IT* OITP F7 The Barbara Dean Paul McAllister I - g i'|| Times .i£> ¦.&J&^*;Jr J, ^j Square BEGINNING TOMORROW Two performances daily, at 2:30 and 8:15 AW Scars reserved NOW SELLING Mail Orders Filled PRÎPFQ. Week Ds»y Matinees, SOc.$1.00 M, l\.t\\*¡U¡KJ . Evenings, $1.00.$1.50 . Saturday and Sunday, $1.C0.$2.00 (War Tax Extra) This Week -Next Sunday- ELSIE*FERGUSONI NA7IMPi\7 in froothgn.s 1 it-, .. . A Paramount Picture '^ %-'<a.O_££1© RIVOLI CONCKKT OKClIESTRA This Week Next Sunday- Timen Sqnar» G p > Arjl X C\*T A MPAM CONSTANCE BINNEY |uLUi\lA öWANMJn in "The Case of Becky" FAMOl'S OKCUESTKA In "Under the Lash" B'way at 51*t Beginning Ä'unifov MARSHALL NE!LAN Prcaeiiu hi* Photod ram alta tnnovaUoo -"Bits of Life"- wllh WESLEY DAHHY.LON CHANEY fjpcctnl N ¦'¦¦ Manthall Kella i would a| ;r.-!-i.- rout j opinion or Uili unlqua ¡laparturo In noUi ii i-' tura rutl u-tl'iu A II rM Nullonul Atti el Ion StranD "I ACCUSE." c »....., «7th Bt, Mr.1 Hj ,ni.i.t On h. p-^ |jÇ| rri ft« ci '-'jT«5\ fraa M.;t I I Con ¦¦! i I lur Tl el 50 to (2 MOTEL PLAZA HEW BALLnOOfYI TO-NIGHT AT 8:30 PET ER I B ii ETSO N KT.8IIG V \1 I Ml FERGUSON & REÍD .' I- \\ 111ma it- nelll Hi, \\ lOtlt \ ail Ilia), ... I'Ikbu Hotel t Hun Hull, I Inn »., Mi.. Oct. 80, .il .1. un .i M iialu Eoi I'wti Pia ...«. <;i v i.i i; Maicr W«l nil Mnj Pattison .1- !.. -Hin rinn AMKRICA'C F0REM08T THFA Tit ES AND HITS. HIKF.CTION OF LEE AND J. J. Sill HKItT T iKKAT BOOK.C,nKATER TI.AY. /JKRAÇCAFHlf? OPpV, v>'nFtnu.-,Y.ev5 830 H{lDA)>AlrVl\ MATiNSCS Wt-0 ?v ,Ar««» SELWV THE y ^J^M^^>^/^ of DOGS" ' !èl ¿;o7eS the 3S:h ST. JhIIt- MON. TIíKA W -12 St Krs s jr>. Open in« Momlat at lhi> Brôadlmrst ITieatre. IVi I '-at., 2:30 SEATS NOW St' LING JOHN DREW Arfhitr Hopkins wilt present MR«, i.oi.n: c VKTE» Lionel Dsrrvtr.ore i>IRftl C ESTKI.I.B WINWOOJU ;. «TL. riavu» i nuLC KK.VEST I.AWluKJi ,n ' "e L/aw with this John HAi.i.iDAY wiih Irene Fenwick nitBATl -T ROltKUT REN'DEt casino tvsft.j¿ ^at7ïTw.sat**> CE/4TURY &3.®tSSt£lâuk^ COA'PPY^^V, IKCL* BEAIS \ I Ut*.\ i); CI« i I ra»Wt j nJk»,':. Mts.Tutn'w&\Vcil..2:30.¡262t A CYCLONE Or LAI.GHSI AIT TiLL WE'RE MARRIED 1F.ATRE (.tun I'KODICTIONS. S, \X\'. la " v' ¦"'¦ '-' ¦¦ 8 10 1 UAfafUWtV ¡u.Traw.&Tuur..2:30 IHÁCLAJPX piOéSAEDSViwiFI KITZ l?££ï'*f A'.jL>aV. mm VLVfflT&&>&®arrias UöluERCE Gr.OSSrtíTU-VflOUi KíttiLL COOPER«*» I 8 ¦..-! COURAQTiOñS PL I V- ALTEA ES ESGROSSIKQ." M / bÜUiÜ íi¿r¿ will6* -a": 2-Sn RRLiSS GODDESS WM^Rambeau This is George Schiller, ^v a character new, -Ai ^k°'s ^ussy ancl funny »fáOí anc* serious, toe. at the LONGACRE Theatre UN n "DADDY'S GONE A.HUNTING" (3 ff» * -*""**¦. ¡8 "* >i 8. I.y Zoi a: ;-., a it ui - ...,...-'. " ¦¦**¦' T37,, , \V| :,x ITU ST !.',(,: ? 39 WJ-rr«x.JU>«»«witacj..jatJ»aBiu.'agts»tet>.'«?r. -t^it-wt^ta j.fiyiiiotun i ,,...- , ,v t ..,...v i_; > i Lfc THEATRF Wet ¦'. -<t Mai 111 IVi a .2ND YEAR. 2'/îi.s means exactly S 30.and not 8.2,9 or 8.31 or anything else but S 30 exactly SPKt JAI. NOTIi.rofítively no one Heated niter K:..0. t slieiH »vill rigidly intoie« this rale. .'\ii wlio arrive after 8;JO will be compelled to htand in '.In- outer tJurlcnesH Intermission. J*f 1* Year I Y" M PRESENTS FOR lili 11 WORLD PREMIER 1 I! The Gv4;aíesí Screen Spectacle Ever Made or Conceived I S r- .. by the L'NIONE CïNTEaiATOGHAFICA ITALIANO The History of the World has been V/ritten in Love Stories and £ÏÙ3 is o;:s cj Them j sF YOU DON'T SEE "THE DORA" YOU MIGHT AS WELL STOP GOING TO SEE MOTION PICTURES TONIGHT B'WAY and 45lh STREET -TATS NOW SELLING S WEEKS AHEAD pe Tiers' T,ni-A' » *'-- ..' bw ¦'« tLI t»SV ii- Mitineas ^ei. and H HELEK MaoKeUar Back Pay A New Play by Fnr;:-lc Hurst. REPUBLIC ^'.J? n"1'. 1,F,;,';r"'^ r^lBFl^í?WW|A ¡T A ül-i MJMCN !¦: r F .Ana ^ i c? nr iA o nr i ^ p & *!* ?¦% Au 1 liit I alüaii I ¡\ i Kveninss and Saturday Mat. SOe, SI. $1.50 and S1?. Oailv Mat. ßOe. ï! and 51.50. FIRST MATINEE TOMORROW AT 2.30 iWfWTlw'Hïîs Í 0 MW7 ft f-Q^CS'X'S SFNSATICFAL ^!^L_^M^¡ j MOW CROWDING THE TIMES SQUARE THEATRE AT EVERY! l;£Rp0RMANC£( HAS pRoviiD 8UCH A PHENOMENAL KIT} S THAT ON NFXÏ MONDAY HiGHT IT WILL It/^'l | Il ¡h JS- A Pi ¡i i i p^txi 43 ST. TIIEA áf*<Kl íTí-rHw:r:;r- VUi- t"! ft % I A ^^ Pu H Pop, Pa;!io> Í Hu nor. TUtAntti. -42.1 St.. ;\ ol ««t APÛ110 "^£^-5* MARY""PÍCKF0a3 I:-. lVr M »l Kndrai Play. ¦¦t 11 ! E Í :>!<!> KM'NI LEItOY' Erom ¦-¦' I rJ "* " ->' ! . Twi «<* »/SI ii 4]:]î\ DOUGLAS OK» FAIRBANKS WEST 42d St. | WHERE A LARGER SEATING CAPACITY WILL MAKE ÍT> ': POSSIBLE TO ACCOMMODATE THE HUNDREDS THAT HAVE DEEN TURNED AWAY AT EVERY PERFORMANCE AND CON-/ i TINUE OUR POLICY OF OFFERING THE BIGGEST MUSICAL > CENTRAL ¡^Ä*£na, V ' SUCCESS IN NEW YORK AT \ ^fiDIC POPUn^ï ,n N 32,60 F0H THE BEST 0JU5HESTRA SÍATS .WlHiiit rittïu.ïl fo ( ; & UNIVERBAL PICTUWi, BYMPHONï ttii» ¦'...¦. V ,ft?A(S2AIH) PUPA M/' NH/TTAN .^;e'::? T0-NI6HT, "RIGOLETTC." Uiceheso, Ta;,.: ir '. r. Pe IÎI --i Corrí Comí Perón) TO-M'W MAT. at ¿. "HANSEL AND GRETEL." de !''i Hippe, Marl i, Kll iva. Ere h, no Hlerap- I) Com) Hartley, "PAGl IACCI," Chaxle- ndn Inl, Viviano, d'Anile Tudtsco; C< nd. Lobegott TO-M'W EVE.. "LA GIOCONDA," i I «til, liatón, Tomniasim, Itnyor, (Waal, Cervi: Coml. 1'eron!. MONDAY. "AIDA." Rappold. Frascani, Tommaslnl, VM- Biiü, da blasl; Coml. Peronl. TUESDAY, "FAUST," Pltalu, Pagel. Bngoaccl, Buyer, r.". ii Hartley. WED. MAT.. "RIGO- LETTO," Lucrhese, Kraem r, irallo, d'Arnico, dp B!a ml s arettl. W CD.-EVE., "CAV- ALLERIA RUSTICANA," r va. Kraemer, rat ...... Dalle ij lie; :: L- u "PAG- LIACCI," Keltic Totumas n '. ii j lo, d'An li ;. I. 1'eronl. H'JRSDAY, "BAR¬ BER OF SEVILLE." FRIDAY. "LA BO- HEME." OAT. MAT.. "CARMEN." SAT. EVE., "IL rROVATORE." Prices 50c-$3.00. Phone > ..¦:¦¦: IS7. Eva. 3:15. 4 g ^i^L^e j ; íil'f^S JACK NORi.ORTH ^^.UU-Jiiha Rharkey, Roth A Witt, Waltet IBY658th3r.| Fischer & Co., Faber Ä McGowan l_«.¡r.*»t.-i.-«».s Cartwell A llarrl ruck.(",alr.i f**v"'?ffT%fli8 fMMM WOMAN KK0WS1 _Í__1_____ & Supremo Vaudeville SmiSi *kö" woman knows' In; <r> -.: <w"3 USUAL B'C VAUDEVILLE. \JJJ_I Dance Co:it.>>-. Every Thurs. Nlnht NAT NAZARRO JK. & CO., an a "! I. I" m & Dolly Ward .-, i & L-ITray. El iu ¦'. i. .'. "NO WOMAN KNOWS." BROADWAY & 45 ST Con. II A.M. to 12 P.M. AFT. SOU NIGHT 50c. lex. Sal.. Sun ft 1' ''. C. W. Johnson 4 Co., Othtr; Plia Cup of Ufo |.!?PODKÔÎÏË*i SUCCES S i"Á*r- VrVKÏ TéABTÍÍJ^ \Ji_jraKB OIT M TWO .îrAJ^iï VS1 Acollnn Hull, Tue Aft., Oct. I«, at RODERICK WHITE m Fivi i; n n. pp I'llli l<>\\ N MALI ESTcLLE JE8UN _r"'';AN" 25. II Uodi ov Turnar, (Stelnway Piano.) Knabe Plano TI ES. I'M'.. OCT. PRANO TGW» SiAU-REJANEin'MIARKA' ro DAY at I. ti P.I W ! V tl 20 Äl.OLlAN MALI. Tuattlns Evo., Oet I«, at fi.JU. Erbal KUCLI I (UK 8IINK» III SWI I/MILANO. Igl llaoul llla,a 1123 II «ay, SI luwoj Piano Y O n K ' S LEADING IHEiTBEH A N I> ^_^_ 4r'th St. »«a. Mats. TO-MOB'W * WED 1 21 l C Cl » a ».ill» nia. Mata. TO-Mulf\v * WEI> 2 "r ncrr . r.,..._.. _... ..- OTIS ÇKSill§£^ i" "blood MATS.WE0.&SAT.50Tlo«5g Uïlô dSllRSIM and sand" ZIIAFILDTtlüHPHrjlfTíT UHÍi* ' [ Mau. TO-MOH'W WEO.. 2:30. |_ PQ U %U¿>\\ tu V,¦ * ' ! . JJ BOOTH TARKINGTON'S New Coiedy >CW __"" ,fS ~~ THE UincCi urïïn. JLj«o¿«M.coiiAin . WäirH HEL£N T^f'' INTHEMUSICAt .i_ *»i-.a*t,ii v «i- _ Il HAVES tS^â 'AT LAST A'REAL PLAY H R.11 r. *y fi It^fe! ,_. F LAWLESS FROM BEGINNING TO r.\ END." R M i, I' ;t ire "¿ GEO. IM. COHAN'S Thea., U.V. 43 St .,.:'"' * _.*1'«.' l-r-S '- ^ b:30. Mats. \V< f< Sat., 2:$0 LAS,L.2, ,WE.EK hjf ALLAN POLLOCK "A B!LL OF lUt JANET BLECHE« Tîfl fM JL fe » V& jf J j ( i.; mi.m'k ¡>a.\k's I ill iraSrIkV* üf M^t ¿:tH c %W_í F DIVOROEiMENT" ,H llUlltî 'ORT W. 48 / Ev«6. K:20. Ma-9. e i. A Sat.. J 30 . ELMOr^T * West -18 St. st. á .'» Matinees lurs. .^ Sut 'J 20 BOX 'West 45 St. JÎARRÏS 11 West 42 St. . SAM H. HARRIS' ATTRACTIONS- "DELIGHTFUL, WORTH A «DOZEN THRILLERS "ONLY 38" with MAíiV ríYA.< ! < Richard Bennett "You 5e« ¡t. "THE HERO9'] MUSIC BOX REVUE' IRVING n BERLIN'S:_ WITH THE FOLLOWING CART: Snm Bernard. W «oilier. Florence Moore, Wildn Bennett, .losenh bdWJ'cr, Irving Berlin an ers St/j'd by Haiia' _"lVOItl.DS PRKTTIKST CIIOKLS.' "SIX CYLiÄOK*T LOVE1 With ERNEST TRUEX LYCEUM, West 45tli St. !:»£». at 8:15. LAST 1 WEEKS. Mat!. To-<v w & Thur., 2;iá. "IVOMK.IIHM.V PORTRAYED.»' .Ala« Vale, American. DAVID BEI.ASCO Present» FRANCES STARR "n "THE EASIEST WAY" Enirene. Walter'» American Ma«terr>l«ce. ái G ÜBE. M.:U. Wir MV {J JOHN CHARLES THOMAS ;''. ¦-. "THEtnVELETTER " 49 St T.ear Broad-.« ¡AN MACLAREN rn ft r* \\~ J( g, _______________^__^_ I I voitr ¦fcEVER HAS MR. YVAflFIELD FtEEN SO FINE.".Chen Dcrnton. Eve. World. DAVID BKLAHCO Presenta ====== WÂRFIFI H RETURN OF 7,rti>JiLLU p.TERCRlMM" Pl D y TT'KA Col Circle. Entirety Ne« M 11 ft Phona Col ».'.¦.o Interior GltArVD IM'.tH'I.MMi MON.. OCT. 17. "  BÄÖHELQH'S KiGHT " A New i', t o !>\- Wllaon t'ol'laon. Th« friejij. $2.Où ta :0e.. tor and All NitiliH incliirtlno Sattirtlaj \islit. Wod. Mat. $i Uil to Suc; 8at. Ma'. 41/íO to M)c. SEATS NOW AT BOX TICK. ¿lcM.'e.i "THE FAN \\ \. :' HE^fiY MILLER'S ;Wt'a IF VtU Maire O'Neill. ai \^ ' NT TO ilr Pi '.¦-. Mors LAL'GHSEE the «tuer IRISH PLAYt'S "THE WHiTE.HEADED BO/" WT.T-)». ''"»^^.i »yy-^i »TlTil»! yyy¡ ONE WEEK ONLY OOMUGNt lNii | f4^Mon.Oct.l7 Mats. Wed., Thurs., 1 Friday and Saturday- _D'rredpi) WliUuis Morrii )¦::.( i.s Mi,UTS & SAT MAT.. :.i>, t.' tt I'lill'K A.AI'., 50c to |î.- \c>W SK1.1.1M1 I.A fir «eat IM .»-. a. .,' Mut HÇM ÍI LYÑ:¿ rONTANME WirYä*, 10.HEADLINE ikv&fSQ FEATURES.10 »vu»Bait* 0»«-»I» UNtUUALltD ANÏWHtKE CAPITOL TOM MOOHI Fr ni ..:.,¦ (ii...i. lia.* roi rli ¦».¡«raw) aiiiwl ÜiauJ üLiKäaU*-

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1921-10-14 [p 8] · son and Wal ace Reid in the star roles, s the feature film.

Oct 28, 2019



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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1921-10-14 [p 8] · son and Wal ace Reid in the star roles, s the feature film.

Wealthy LoserOf Taxi BattleSued by Wife

Mrs. William F. SchlemmerCharges He Has Reáteme».!Affections on Mrs. Wil¬kinson and Is Cruel

Sequel to Fight in StreetHardware Man Was Punched

by Husband of WomanNamed in the Complaint

William F. Schlemmer, millionairehardware merchant, who had an un¬

fortunate physical encounter about a

week airo with William J. Wilkinsonwhile Mr?. Elsie Wilkinson, his wife,w_3 a companion of Mr. Schlemmer ina taxicab, was sued for a separationyesterday by Mrs. Mary A. Schlem¬mer. The defendant la a member ofthe firm of Hbmmacher, Schlemmer &Co., Inc., from which, it in said, he re¬

ceives an Income of 5250,000 a year.Mrs. Schlemmer alleges that lier hus

band abandoned h<r in February, 1921,and that Mr. Schlemmer has been at¬tentive to Mrs. Wilkinson, who, she al¬leges, n v i joys hia affections. Sheadded, that Mi Schlemmer is beingsued by Mr. Wilkinson for $250,000 foralienation o*" Mrs. Wilkinson's affec¬tions, although no such action hasMrs. Schlemmer alleges that her hus-

Charges Scientific CrueltyThe Schlemmers were married in

1914. and the wife alleged that it wasnot long thereafter that lier husbandbepan a course of "studied, scientific»nd cultured cruelty" toward her. Thefirst meeting between her husband andMrs. Wilkinson, said Mrs. Schlemmer,was in July, 1920. A warm friendshipfollowed and according to the plain¬tiff, Mr. Schummer kissed and caressedMrs. Wilkinson, despite the warningsof his wife.On Atlgust IB last, said the complaint

Mr. Schlemmer went t. the Great Neck,L. !., homo of the couple and t >remove the paintings and other' artobjects and take up th? rugs. At theseme time he Wîfs abusive and threat¬ened to clear out the pi tee, it is al¬leged, unless Mrs. ?chlemmer con¬sented to a divorce. She telephoned tothe Sheriff, who dispatched a d puty tothe Schlemmer residence, whereupenMr. Schlemmer left.

liad Battle in Taxicab.Mrs. Schlemmer is still living at

Great Neck, and her husband has Quar¬ters at the Hotel Bli ckstone,The story abo ¡t the encounter be¬

tween Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Schlem¬mer was that Mr. WiUdnsQti saw hiswife in a taxicab with the hardwaremerchant and dis] tiyecl his displeasurewith a couj rected punchesto Mr. £ ch mm 's aw.

Criterion Opens To-day UnderNew Poiicj With a Big Kill

The Criterion Theater opens to-dayunder a no-', policy as a resé ved seattwo-a-day house, with the most elabo¬rate program of music, ballet and pic-tures it has ever shown. "Pe;er Ibfcet-son," Paramount's screen version ofDu Manrier's novel, with Elsie Fergu¬son and Wal ace Reid in the star roles,s the feature film. The cast include-Elliott Detagu LovAI ister.serve a


: th( .r

"¦ s Cassinelli, Mon¬dan and Pau M*--ed Foi es " v illTh*. ¦- >¦ will he a

' and song, withdas de Lipsky,

dancer" of the Rie-senfe'd theati i hav been selected for

mber Vera Myers. Grace Last-man, Ruth Matlock, Lolita Armand,Myrtle [mm I Felicie Sorel, DorothyLan and Paul Oscard, ballet master.George Richardson, barytone, will sinsLa Romanesca," and Miriam Lax andBeatrice F Wightwick, soprano andalso, will sing the .'trotte from Tschai-towsky's "P que Dame." There are in-¡idental filn



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jn ¿At

3a_rdens ^,_«___ of Japan

PALAIS RÖ>ÄLßro-dvt/ty *'. 4_t> 2'.r«t

'-J&- World.'» Ete«l pjDfli \Served ío PiricctvoauLt: Ah» «fbexe ïflsàài usent '¡

^TOonaa and his Oicksfrà Fpinner D;?nnnÖ #f 7m

SHAKE l«T0 YOUR SHOESAnd .rtnkle n tl a '¦,¦¦> bath ALLÍ N 9POO! -i.A:,K, ),.- -, icalingpowder toi í'aínfI '..'»., It! ".'-".pot« »nd t*k«* *; ,¦ out of corn*i ¦¦.' bi nloni / ay .;. All« n'i Footr.*%+ '

. .. and enjoy..


Hysterical Girl CarriedScreaming From Court

Youth Accused of Attacking HerHalts Trial and Changes His

IMea to GuiltyMiss Margaret Klyberg, of 550 West

Forty-ninth Street, was placer! on thetnnd to testify yesterday before JudgeHumphrey in Queens County Covt atthe trial of Frank Kania, nineteenyears old, of Maspcth, L. L, one of fouryoung men charged with robbing andattacking her in Lonj; Island City onenight last August.

Miss Klyberg told how she and hercompanion, Edward Montague, of 103Burroughs Avenue, Winfield, Queens,had been held up, but as she attemptedto tell of the attack she became hys¬terical and had to be carried from thecourtroom A recess was taken untilMiss Klyberg was revived. F-he vasagain placed on the stand, and as shewas about to resume her testimonyKania stood up :;nd asked that a pleaof guilty be taken.

Jfe will be arraigned before JudgeHumphrey for sentence October 24 andface s a term of between twenty andforty years. Three other young men

alleged to have been with Kania, andwho are under indictment, will be triednext week.

Historic Store and ItsFamous Relics Burned-

Century Old Ford Structure,Genesis of Modern Merchan¬

dising,, Is DestroyedSpecial ¡Dispatch ro The Tribune

DUXBURY, Mass., Oct. 13..The oldFord store, known as the first depart¬ment store in America, one of the mostfamous of South Shore historic land¬marks, was destroyed by fire shortlyafter midnight. The property wasworth about $30,000, but there ie nomeans of estimating the value of theheirlooms and relies that were burned.The store was a long wooden build-

ing, a story and a hair high. It wasbuilt in 1826, and the business wasbegun by Nathaniel Ford & Sons. Fromthe plan of this store present depart¬ment stores were made, according tomany famous merchants.

Daniel Webster was a patron of the«tore- for- years, nnd on display theresince Webster's death have been hisfavorite raddle, several of his hats anda coat. The first copper measures usedin America were also on display in thestore. These and many other pricelessrelics were lost in the fire.

The Stage Door"Theodora." (he Italian screen spectacle.

with Rita Pollvet In the title.role, will be¬gin Its New York engage nen't to-night atthe Autor Theater. The presentation be-gins ut 8,:30, and late arrivals will not bo»sated until the first Intermission.

"The Title." by Arnold Dennett, Had ttaAmerican premier«; last night In Kln/jston..V Y., with Lumsden Hare In the principalrol

"I.ove Dreams." Oliver Morosco's newmusical play, will move Into the ApolloTheater next Monday night.The Keith Suna-ty concerts at the New

Amsterdam Thaater will be resumed onUctober 30.

Polly Moran Is appearing at Proctor»Fifth Avenuo Theater this week.

f'nnrlle Chaplin !>i bin latest picture, '"lneidle «.lns:¡," will bi scon in ull the KeithI two-a-day houses In Manhattan for oneweek beginning Monday, as as additional(.ature to tiie regular vaudeville bill.

John Cort ¡'.as engaged Jack Srhell'aHarmonists hs a mu># al feature of ''AUuchelor's Night," which hi will produceM!.t week.

A plan ro assist-In th« vocational educa¬tion of wounded soldiers Is being put intoeffect by the Shu'.'erts. who lia.e hue.

d dough) oys assigned to their¦".8'.';. throughout the country ti learn

ti business ot the theater.

English Barytone SingsA Conventional ProgramRandall Hargreaveg's Voice Not

Always Adequate to Hi»Tonal Conceptions

At a recital of songa in Aeolian Hall! last night, Mr. Randal! Hargreavcs, an

English barytone, presented himself to! the notice of the local public. Hin pro-j gram showed no departure from thej conventional type, beginning with clas-Bical airs by Handel ("Si tra i ceppi"from "Herenice") and Lull! ("Bolsépais"), running through modernFiench tongs by César Franck, GoringThomas (.an Englishman of French tasteand training:) and Mme. d'Hardelot;German Lieder by Schubert ("Der Todund da? Mädchen" and "Ungeduld")and Brahms ("Sapphische Od"" and "0liebliche Wangen"), four old Britishsongs and tapering off to sentimental1 lies by Chadwick, Rogers, Nevin andWhelpley. There is no need to quarrelwith such a scheme, for it sufficed to.shew the measure of the singer'sknowledge, style and taste and wassufficiently varied to provide agreeableentertainment.

Mr. Hargreaves's voice Is a lightbarytone, somewhat scant in volumeand monotonous in color. His aim iscommendable, but his command ofmeans not always commensurate withit. He knows the value of correctphrasing, but loss of breath controloccasionally defeats h's own intentionsand the purposes of the composer, be¬sides impairing the quality of histones, which is not of the highest or¬der. His experience in the Englishschool stood him in good stead in theflorid Handel air, hut imagination andemotion, highly essential in the Ger¬man songs, were disappointingly absent'rom his interpretations of Schubertnd Brahms. His reception at thehand» of the audience was kind.

H. E. K.>.

Tifî'îfv f?r>f?r«!s Asked to SeekState's Rights Under Rail ActATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 13..-Presenta¬

tion to Congress of an organized de¬mand for speedy amendment of theEsch-Cummins act in such a mnnner asto preserve beyond dispute the right of'he states to regulate transportationcharges within their borders v/aa rec¬ommended to-day to the National Asso¬ciation of Railway and Utilities Com¬missioners, now in annual conventionhere, by its committee on state andFederal législation.. n'Tnatlnnal Cnnrfrt r'lir<-t'"n Annou-vto »vN ilai7iTlw^víGlrr~AT~8Tí¥.First Recital m \\ Y. In 6 Yrs. -FRANCIS

VTCii.jxisTLICH.ARD HACJEMAN at th* Plnno.kets 60c to $2.00. (Knabe Plano.'.'i'-cle Hall, To-morrow Afternoon fit ¦¦!AMERICAN DEBUT « «.

PIANISTETit-Kit* 50c to J2.D0. (Chlckerlne PianoApollan Hall, To-mor'tv Afternoon nt ":"0AMERICAN DEBUT mi

f'LONCKLLISTWALTER OOLDE at the Piano.Tickets 50c to $2.00. (ßteinway Piano.)

Carnegie Hall, Mon. Eve., Ort. 17, at 8'IBReturn to America or UKONJSLA'W

VIOLUSTPAUL FRENKJEL at I he Pianorickef 50n to 52.SO. ÍKnabo Plano.)


C~OLuMB.ïîïMir,*lïii;rHE New ¿ten Ï0ns'"'!'¦;,"';:.¦",.;¦¦ ;sr.nrl.'

VI Pop. l>rhix

Next Tuesday and Thursday, 1 to 6 P. M.,the Business Show will be reserved for Ex¬ecutives. Regular admission after 6 F, M.This reservation is made to enable princi¬pals and executives to become acquaintedwith modern business systems sit theirleisure.You are earnestly invited to bring your busi¬ness problems here between 1 and 6 P. M.The combined experience of the world'sleading experts in business administrationis at your service.

The National Bust»eu Shew ta mot a tatetvrtanitation butan Exposition of the tatest andbest ideas im bmtimest cjfiaency end et*nemy


CENTRAL MERCANTILE BLDG-löth ST..N.E.CottGth AVEliolOJP.M. Daily all Next



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-Theatres Under Direction nf /tuyo RiesenSctd



S e r ersspjtsonW eiana wailace

a« the lovers.Du Maurier's novel .

one of the world's greatest love-stories, filmedwith an artistry and beauty hardly ever before.'quailed.Wallace F.eid as Gogo,.the dreamer olbeautiful true dreams-.Wallace Reid as a bare-knuckle pugilist of thedays of I the prize-ring and winning.-Wallace Reid as a longer theeasy-going, dare- devil, handsome Wallace Reír-.but an actor of tremendous emotional roles.Wallace Reid as an old u\an.a. gray-Haired"lifer" in his ceil and.Elsie Ferguson as Mimsi, Duchess of Towers.young and beautifulElsie Ferguson as the aged Duchess of Towers.loving her dream-love while he suffersbehind prison-bars.Elsie Ferguson in one of the most brilliantroles of her career.

Sherwood of "Life"' saw "Peier Ibbelson"in the studio. This is what he ¡aid. "Itis a story of rare beauty, acted by beautifulpeople., against beautiful backgrounds^

A Paramount PictureA George Fitzmaurice Production

CAST INCLUDESGeorge FawcettElliott Dexter

Montagu LoveDolores Cassinelli


Barbara DeanPaul McAllister

I - g i'|| Times.i£> ¦.&J&^*;Jr J, ^j Square

BEGINNING TOMORROWTwo performances daily, at 2:30 and 8:15AW Scars reserved NOW SELLING Mail Orders FilledPRÎPFQ. Week Ds»y Matinees, SOc.$1.00M, l\.t\\*¡U¡KJ . Evenings, $1.00.$1.50

. Saturday and Sunday, $1.C0.$2.00 (War Tax Extra)

This Week -Next Sunday-ELSIE*FERGUSONI NA7IMPi\7in froothgn.s 1 it-, .. .A Paramount Picture '^ %-'<a.O_££1©


This Week Next Sunday-Timen Sqnar» G p > Arjl X C\*T A MPAM

CONSTANCE BINNEY |uLUi\lA öWANMJnin "The Case of Becky"FAMOl'S OKCUESTKA In "Under the Lash"

B'wayat 51*t

Beginning Ä'unifov

MARSHALL NE!LANPrcaeiiu hi* Photodram alta tnnovaUoo

-"Bits of Life"-wllh WESLEY DAHHY.LON CHANEY

fjpcctnl N ¦'¦¦Manthall Kella i would a| ;r.-!-i.- rout jopinion or Uili unlqua ¡laparturo In

noUi ii i-' tura rutl u-tl'iu

A II rM Nullonul Atti el Ion

StranD "I ACCUSE."c »....., «7th Bt, Mr.1 Hj ,ni.i.t On h.

p-^ |jÇ| rri ft« ci '-'jT«5\ fraa

M.;t I I Con ¦¦! i I lur Tl el 50 to (2



FERGUSON & REÍD.' I- \\ 111ma it- nelll Hi,\\ lOtlt \ ail Ilia), ... I'Ikbu Hotel

t Hun Hull, I Inn »., Mi.. Oct. 80, .il .1.un .i M iialu Eoi I'wti Pia ...«.

<;i v i.i i;

MaicrW«l nil Mnj

Pattison.1- !.. -Hin rinn



/JKRAÇCAFHlf? OPpV, v>'nFtnu.-,Y.ev5 830H{lDA)>AlrVl\ MATiNSCS Wt-0 ?v ,Ar««»


y^J^M^^>^/^ ofDOGS"' !èl ¿;o7eS the 3S:h ST. JhIIt- MON.

TIíKA W -12 St Krs s jr>. Open in« Momlat at lhi> Brôadlmrst ITieatre.IVi I '-at., 2:30 SEATS NOW St' LINGJOHN DREW Arfhitr Hopkins wilt present

MR«, i.oi.n: c VKTE» Lionel Dsrrvtr.orei>IRftl C ESTKI.I.B WINWOOJU ;. «TL. riavu»i nuLC KK.VEST I.AWluKJi ,n ' "e L/awwith this John HAi.i.iDAY wiih Irene FenwicknitBATl -T ROltKUT REN'DEtcasino tvsft.j¿ ^at7ïTw.sat**> CE/4TURY &3.®tSSt£lâuk^


BEAIS \ I Ut*.\ i); CI« i

I ra»Wt j nJk»,':. Mts.Tutn'w&\Vcil..2:30.¡262tA CYCLONE Or LAI.GHSI

AIT TiLL WE'RE MARRIED1F.ATRE (.tun I'KODICTIONS.S, \X\'. la " v' ¦"'¦ '-' ¦¦ 8 101 UAfafUWtV ¡u.Traw.&Tuur..2:30


mm VLVfflT&&>&®arrias


I8 ¦..-! COURAQTiOñS PL I V-



/bÜUiÜ íi¿r¿ will6* -a": 2-Sn



This is George Schiller,^v a character new,

-Ai ^k°'s ^ussy ancl funny»fáOí anc* serious, the LONGACRE Theatre


n "DADDY'S GONE A.HUNTING" (3 ff» * -*""**¦. ¡8 "* >i 8.I.y Zoi a: ;-., a it ui - ...,...-'." ¦¦**¦'T37,, , \V| :,x ITU ST !.',(,: ? 39 WJ-rr«x.JU>«»«witacj..jatJ»aBiu.'agts»tet>.'«?r. -t^it-wt^taj.fiyiiiotun i ,,...- , ,v t ..,...v

i_; > i LfcTHEATRFWet ¦'. -<t Mai 111 IVi a

.2ND YEAR.2'/îi.s means exactly S 30.and not 8.2,9or 8.31 or anything else but S 30 exactly

SPKt JAI. NOTIi.rofítively no one Heated niter K:..0. t slieiH »vill rigidlyintoie« this rale. .'\ii wlio arrive after 8;JO will be compelled to htandin '.In- outer tJurlcnesH Intermission.

J*f 1* Year


1 I! The Gv4;aíesí Screen Spectacle Ever Made or ConceivedI Sr- .. by the L'NIONE CïNTEaiATOGHAFICA ITALIANO

The History of the World has been V/rittenin Love Stories and £ÏÙ3 is o;:s cj Themj sF YOU DON'T SEE "THE DORA" YOU MIGHT AS




pe Tiers' T,ni-A' » *'-- ..' bw ¦'«tLI t»SV ii- Mitineas ^ei. and H

HELEK MaoKeUar Back PayA New Play by Fnr;:-lc Hurst.

REPUBLIC ^'.J? n"1'. 1,F,;,';r"'^

r^lBFl^í?WW|A¡T A ül-i MJMCN

!¦: r


^ i c? nr iAo nr i ^p & *!* ?¦%Au 1 liit I alüaii I ¡\

i Kveninss and Saturday Mat. SOe, SI. $1.50 and S1?. Oailv Mat. ßOe. ï! and 51.50.


iWfWTlw'HïîsÍ 0MW7 ft f-Q^CS'X'S SFNSATICFAL ^!^L_^M^¡


It/^'l | Il ¡h JS- A Pi ¡i i i p^txi

43 ST. TIIEA áf*<Kl

íTí-rHw:r:;r-VUi-Â t"! ft % I A

^^ Pu H Pop, Pa;!io> Í Hu nor.

TUtAntti. -42.1 St.. ;\ ol ««tAPÛ110 "^£^-5*MARY""PÍCKF0a3I:-. lVr M »l Kndrai Play.

¦¦t 11 ! E Í :>!<!> KM'NI LEItOY'Erom ¦-¦' I rJ "* " ->' '¦ !

. Twi«<* »/SI ii



( ; & UNIVERBAL PICTUWi,BYMPHONï ttii» ¦'...¦. V

,ft?A(S2AIH) PUPAM/' NH/TTAN .^;e'::?T0-NI6HT, "RIGOLETTC." Uiceheso, Ta;,.:

ir '. r. Pe IÎI --i Corrí Comí Perón)TO-M'W MAT. at ¿. "HANSEL AND GRETEL."de !''i Hippe, Marl i, Kll iva. Ere h, no Hlerap-

I) Com) Hartley, "PAGl IACCI," Chaxle-ndn Inl, Viviano, d'Anile Tudtsco; C< nd.

Lobegott TO-M'W EVE.. "LA GIOCONDA,"i I .¦ «til, liatón, Tomniasim, Itnyor,

(Waal, Cervi: Coml. 1'eron!. MONDAY."AIDA." Rappold. Frascani, Tommaslnl, VM-Biiü, da blasl; Coml. Peronl. TUESDAY,"FAUST," Pltalu, Pagel. Bngoaccl, Buyer,r.". ii Hartley. WED. MAT.. "RIGO-LETTO," Lucrhese, Kraem r, irallo, d'Arnico,dp B!a ml s arettl. W CD.-EVE., "CAV-ALLERIA RUSTICANA," r va. Kraemer,rat ...... Dalle ij lie; :: L- u "PAG-

LIACCI," Keltic Totumas n '. ii j lo, d'An li ;.I. 1'eronl. H'JRSDAY, "BAR¬

BER OF SEVILLE." FRIDAY. "LA BO-HEME." OAT. MAT.. "CARMEN." SAT.EVE., "IL rROVATORE."Prices 50c-$3.00. Phone > ..¦:¦¦: IS7. Eva. 3:15.

4 g ^i^L^e j ;íil'f^S JACK NORi.ORTH^^.UU-Jiiha Rharkey, Roth A Witt, WaltetIBY658th3r.| Fischer & Co., Faber Ä McGowanl_«.¡r.*»t.-i.-«».s Cartwell A llarrl ruck.(",alr.if**v"'?ffT%fli8fMMM ^° WOMAN KK0WS1_Í__1_____ & Supremo Vaudeville

SmiSi *kö" woman knows'In; <r> -.: <w"3 USUAL B'C VAUDEVILLE.

\JJJ_I Dance Co:it.>>-. Every Thurs. Nlnht

NAT NAZARRO JK. & CO.,an a "! I. I" m & Dolly Ward.-, i & L-ITray. El iu ¦'.

i. .'. "NO WOMAN KNOWS."

BROADWAY & 45 STCon. II A.M. to 12 P.M.AFT. SOU NIGHT 50c.lex. Sal.. Sun ft 1' ''.

C. W. Johnson4 Co., Othtr;

Plia Cup of Ufo


i"Á*r- VrVKÏ TéABTÍÍJ^\Ji_jraKB OIT M TWO .îrAJ^iïVS1

Acollnn Hull, Tue Aft., Oct. I«, at

RODERICK WHITEm Fivi i; n n. pp

I'llli l<>\\ N MALI

ESTcLLEJE8UN _r"'';AN" 25.

II Uodi ov Turnar, (Stelnway Piano.)

Knabe PlanoTI ES. I'M'..


TGW» SiAU-REJANEin'MIARKA'ro DAY at I.ti P.I W ! V tl 20

Äl.OLlAN MALI. Tuattlns Evo., Oet I«, at fi.JU.


Igl llaoul llla,a 1123 II «ay, SI luwoj Piano


^_^_ 4r'th St. »«a.Mats. TO-MOB'W * WED 1 21

l C Cl » a

».ill» nia. Mata. TO-Mulf\v * WEI> 2 "r ncrr . r.,..._.. _... ..-

OTIS ÇKSill§£^ i" "blood MATS.WE0.&SAT.50Tlo«5gUïlô dSllRSIM and sand" ZIIAFILDTtlüHPHrjlfTíTUHÍi* ' [ Mau. TO-MOH'W WEO.. 2:30. |_PQU %U¿>\\ tu V,¦ *

' !. JJBOOTH TARKINGTON'S New Coiedy >CW __"" ,fS ~~

THE UincCi urïïn. JLj«o¿«M.coiiAin. WäirH HEL£N T^f'' INTHEMUSICAt.i_ *»i-.a*t,ii v «i-

_Il HAVES tS^â

'AT LAST A'REAL PLAYH R.11r. *y fi

It^fe!,_. F LAWLESS FROM BEGINNING TOr.\ END." R M i, I' ;t ire-¦ "¿ GEO. IM. COHAN'S Thea., U.V. 43 St .,.:'"' * _.*1'«.'l-r-S '- ^ b:30. Mats. \V< f< Sat., 2:$0 LAS,L.2, ,WE.EKhjf ALLAN POLLOCK

"A B!LL OFlUt JANET BLECHE« TîflfM JL fe » V& jf i«J j( i.; mi.m'k ¡>a.\k's I ill iraSrIkV* üf M^t ¿:tH c %W_íF DIVOROEiMENT" ,H llUlltî

'ORT W. 48/ Ev«6. K:20. Ma-9.e i. A Sat.. J 30

. ELMOr^T* West -18 á .'» Matineeslurs. .^ Sut 'J 20

BOX'West 45 St.

JÎARRÏS11 West 42 St.


"ONLY 38" with MAíiV ríYA.<! <


"You5e« ¡t."THE HERO9']

MUSIC BOX REVUE'IRVING nBERLIN'S:_WITH THE FOLLOWING CART: Snm Bernard. W«oilier. Florence Moore, Wildn Bennett, .losenh'cr, Irving Berlin an ers St/j'd by Haiia'_"lVOItl.DS PRKTTIKST CIIOKLS.'


LYCEUM, West 45tli St. !:»£». at 8:15.LAST 1 WEEKS. Mat!. To-<v w & Thur., 2;iá."IVOMK.IIHM.V PORTRAYED.»'.Ala« Vale, American.


FRANCES STARR"n "THE EASIEST WAY"Enirene. Walter'» American Ma«terr>l«ce.

ái G ÜBE. M.:U. WirMV


" 49 St T.ear Broad-.« ¡AN MACLAREN

rn ft r* \\~ J( g,_______________^__^_ I I voitr

¦fcEVER HAS MR. YVAflFIELD FtEEN SOFINE.".Chen Dcrnton. Eve. World.DAVID BKLAHCO Presenta


Pl D y TT'KA Col Circle. Entirety Ne«M 11 ft Phona Col ».'.¦.o InteriorGltArVD IM'.tH'I.MMi MON.. OCT. 17." Â BÄÖHELQH'S KiGHT "

A New i', t o !>\- Wllaon t'ol'laon.Th« friejij. $2.Où ta :0e.. tor andAll NitiliH incliirtlno Sattirtlaj \islit.Wod. Mat. $i Uil to Suc; 8at. Ma'. 41/íO to M)c.SEATS NOW AT BOX Oí TICK.

¿lcM.'e.i "THE FAN\\ \. :'HE^fiY MILLER'S ;Wt'a

IF VtU Maire O'Neill. ai\^ ' NT TO ilr Pi '.¦-. MorsLAL'GHSEE the «tuer IRISH PLAYt'S


WT.T-)». ''"»^^.i»yy-^i



| f4^Mon.Oct.l7Mats. Wed., Thurs.,1 Friday and Saturday-

_D'rredpi) WliUuis Morrii)¦::.( i.s Mi,UTS & SAT MAT.. :.i>, t.' ttI'lill'K A.AI'., 50c to |î.- \c>W SK1.1.1M1

I.A fir «eat IM *«.»-. a. .,' Mut HÇMÍI LYÑ:¿ rONTANME


Fr ni ..:.,¦ (ii...i. lia.*roi rli ¦».¡«raw)

aiiiwl ÜiauJ üLiKäaU*-