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dtutiort LUUIB MRSIRR. Auotlotifrr. MWr_AB AVCfKMI SAI.K OF ItBCKI AMI IIOMIV By ADRIAN H. MILLER k SON, bb/boNBBOAT, SKI'TEMliEll _.s. _a .2 3,1 ..clock, a' the N. V Re.-il F.state Bab. sroom. ¦ " ' No. 111 Brondwajr. |)y or.l. r "f F.xrcutcr.. B00 rhr Br*-. Al" l I1» B R. <"". 12 ah. »(r- *lm I'nion Oaa Co. nl -hs People1 TruBl <" MOOO Dklyn rle)shta R. R. Co. )st Mtae 8 p. c. Rds., 1041 rooo R'kiv-n nty A Newtowa K. R. Co. i«t Mtge, r> p. c. His IBBB 88.000 C nejr lend A- Hr.-kiaji R. R. lst M-?». ft p. c. Bd*. IDOB li\ ..rd.-r *>f Admlntltratora. 13.00 <'ana_-v 8 Bthern It'way Co. lst M'pe. 5 p. c. iaaa S »hs Molnaona Coal '<.. 4 «h» Sloux nty A rnrlfle R. R. profrrred. .< ,?,« <lo do rommon B"iii««t<*1ev ("ol., Cln. A'a H. R. Cenild. ** | p, r. Bd 1014. aa (v,V) .tlanta A Chari ttt R R Alr I.lne 0 p. e. Ine. I! ll I. II «i*O0O It^adintr Co. A Fh.ll. A Readlr.i: tt Iron To. * Oen'l M'c*- 4 p e. Hd» IBPT. .3 000 trai h R. ef N. J r. p e. flen'l MtKe. Rds.. 11.-7 815 0OO r. ntral R. R of N. J. 5 p. c. (Jer.'l Mt|-o. Itds., IBrVI 17000 <v .1 Crc»k Mlnlrsr A M.irmfc Co. 0 p. 0. Rds.. ir« I liooo Ban Anto. Bireel R R. 7 p. e. Baa., IBOB. ,.-. aceount of whom lt may rncern.) 22.1 shs J hnaton Ruildlna Co (hyp'd). 7 »ha. luy Btat. Bhoe anl Leather <'o. of N. T. 80 shs. «'. il.1 .15i««v .'.-\- of JenVraon, T*>x B p, r. .''..'> yr. rons'l Pkg. * r l 5 p. r. Hda., .luly. 1 .*?«.-.. r upon M OJT. " 0 Mlnlr.R nnd M.-vnuf. .'... lal Mtce. 5 p. C. .' i, :-'2'.. July, iM'.i. eoup. n, jo shs. Produc. K.'Iik:-' Tn . .' ui I.-r agr'-ement wltb rr --:..:. '¦!.-- Ktandard Nbi Rank ln llq. lio.OOO _ma Northern Kv. lai Mtge. ti p ,-. Ronda, ir»4!\. 280 rh«. N'ortlv rn Paclflc It It. commnn, iina^cnted. gju.OOO T-I t»l. lr u - and K.n. iti 1: K lst VtB*>. 0 p. r. H.-nls. .ntlnental Co. Ortifs. 5 sh» Araertcaa PreBB Aiioc'ation. 115000 1<* klvn Whnri' ar-1 Vv'-iri ;.on«e Co. lst Mtae. 5 .. Ronda 1048 12,400 BpanMine Mn.-Mne BereW Co. lst Mtjfr-. 6 p. c l> ruls. Re*. «_. 800 6 do. j.-,.... do. a. (ii ehs Cfi'r.-il Plrvworkl CO. ro.rr.on. _& aha. 'i- do prefanad. i Kat'l Unnk of v.inrueT -.- .,-. (.u, Trioonift. and Columbtrt Blver R. R. lst Mtr» O p Bda. Oiyi 1" Bb. Albnnv an.i Siis.|i:elianna R. R. Ouar 11% iharee B uibarn Pa< Ba R. lt Co of ObL » p|M Fr B'-rne A- Jackeon R R.. len«.-d to I^ke Phore. 72shs BOl d 1r. di. ¦' i, d". do. do. '.n .>i« Boir*>ri .<. N. w Tork Alr I.ine. $,-. 0 .1 r, 1 A llo-lilnir r'o.-il * Iron C0 SO-ye*r 5 p. c. MtBe H'le 1"17. 1 share New Tork L*« Imtltnte. B8 e'.s Tuledi. A Ohlo . e-itrnl R. R. rommon. j.lit Fhs TTi'.lrimen s Nn''l i'litan.tial. To the Shareholders of tiie Minnesota Iron Company, lllinois Steel Company, Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company: Pursnant to arraaaeaBeaita n_4e hy a ByadWai. rn aa ¦paaaaaa 0{ sharet ol Ibe above naaead <ompani»i f^r ¦harea of ihe Federal Steel < ... the un.l> rsiened glve no- tlce that ln Vehnlf it EtKrb B|»d.Bte, Ikep nre ra. h pr»- parad to reo*lv« <-ertlfl(-at*>s tor any surh sharos for pnr- poie of suoh enchsr.ze OB '.he follnwlns baala and suiijert to tha followiriR I Bdtllocia, i 7 Each exlstlr-a ahare of Mlnneiota Iron *o. fupon p.-iy- icent there-n o. rr-e MB. ' fl!7.1*) In orirh) to t* en- tltled to 1.3fir.-l.iXM) ebaiei ln pr«frrred atork of 1>1- aral Pteal Company. anl I.hI-I.IMH) sharea ln eoaamo. Bfork of Federal Steel Elfh exlstlnn; share of lllinuls S\rr\ (Jo .upon paymep.t of the wtm of ijllM In eaefe) to l.e antltled r 1 Bhare In prrfrrre. Bto-"n <¦' redrral Str*i f'ompany, and 8-10 of one shnra ln conim-h stock of Paderal Steel Com pany. Each axistlng ^^lrtre of F.)fi\r\, Jollal nnd Kaetern Rall¬ way co. (uoon pajaaini ihereoe of ttie aun of JlT.aa rafh) fo be en'itioa lo 7-*< of Fh.. in preferred H k of EeJrral Steel C mpany, ar-.d 7-10 of one share ln rom¬ mon sKok of Tedernl Pr^ri pai ) Phar-f ..f the Minnesota Iroa 00., rhe llllnoli Pteel Co., an-1 the Kl.ln. >lle: ind Kastern Ry. ''o to imure par tlr'p.Mkn ln t ts arranK'n.ent. rr.-ist le' Oepoaltetl wlth tl'her : :. IBllllBlaaBll Trust *-orrpan!»s BOl ii.ter than (K-tor-T is-.. i>f'*. Babjed to the above mentkwed oash aarmmt ia reepeci thereto. and su-n peir_4ntt muM la ..'" to the uma Trust Company BOt later than oc tci-er rn-.'». iaaa Tr< r.sf-rRbie reoclpts wlll be irsurd for rteposlted rharrs, Bh1 he cash payment, when 88848, WlU he notad on surh -.' The consummatlon of the propo^.r? arrangemrnt ll de-. pendont upon its aeceptance by holderi of gt least tw*>- .n aroount of lhe aharaa ot ea h of the three c^n- aiituent companlea. |f 'rr any reasor, the arrana*ment iball Tt b. .arrl»l out. the depoalted shareg and tha cftfh paymenti wi'.l be reHirnel apoa surrender of ou. rec-ij, ti AU eixxr. i '. -r d^p'-alt mu.' b. asMKn"j3 ln blar.i :r! mutt have proper reeenue r'n-r-r- aliached. The shar'-i of the Fed»ral Bleel fomrtry are of v |ioo k BtiltaMa ca«h maniii tnadr at lur.e tf d< llve'y of the n»w .u»-k in >»fp»ct to fraetleaa al ih» h of aach atoek acrrtimg to any de- positor. COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY. Bt laal RulldlPK. l'L'2 Hr B&wajr, :..-«¦ Vork OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY, RuiViln*. IV irii.h-'-n Mn.'. BT^ B .>. n. Masa. New Y. rk anl BOOton, Sr-t'enU-r lOlfl. 1898. TO THK HOI.I)_H» OK Cleveland, Tuscarawas \al!cy and Wheelinjr First Mtgc. 1% Bond^. The ur n . 11 ucbaeed fr t>- -he i*-Nri.nd, lAt.a aad \vh« "¦: » I I" ¦' :;: aeiidated vi ib "<. * '; '' rewr.el to retlre i ke im -¦.:-. ..i.hv..k V. bd Wl eellni Plral Morlaaij. I .'. '-.¦'. fallir.r due 0 1.8°.. Offei 81 -. U '."- Batad M rtaea-. B i-' ceq ¦'¦ H la Ien - a i- »i:i - fumlabed on nppli. atl< n at U. THE HliDI )H'I'!«> «" THK I'LKVE- l"\i> ii s. "ii i\\ \> % vi.i.i:. a w iiiiiim. I-'lltvi lOlll'.H.i: T HOMi- THK rLRVB- 1 I) |Oll\l> .V HHKKI.IMJ KIHR'I VO\-»\'Vi'" .". GOI.II HO«4l»B HI.K.MI \\ AH.OLt'TK P'lHUT MORTI«.%UK I I'ON 11.1. TIIK I'HOPKHTI OF THR « l.l'.ll » \ JO. LORAIB A MIlllllM. RAILW.41 ..nii\M 1!*- r- tln lUtl .' .J hri c lllUl 8 -' T-........ ,¦¦ property for tiie ; yeai .m.->- Bi.prcx!rr.:-.-.!> |i.''.L Kean. Van Cortlandt A Co., H arall Bl n- ¦¦¦¦ v rlc M T. BBTW VOAKi l,o\.;OM nm iiiio .i)\\ w. os ORRBHAM nr. Capital paid up . . . $1,000,000 Surplus.$200,000 WV I. TKI'.MI'iI.M. I-r.-sl.l. nt. Tnaeacu a ajtaoral ""M aaataeae aiiov...i ll)r*r.1 rale. of laleeeM oi Bei Bta and tr-i-t fundx. ha Me Uttera of CreAM «nd TrmveHer- <-*ir- salai .. lea payable la d-i:ars bt m the money ef tr.y f. .el.n ..,'intry. ams v* Troatee ea*er mortaattea fer iniiv-ay a:.l o-.her eooapanlaa, ..""' "' A^"'" u,r " " J>" «irtr«tion of iii* y k. aad foi the traaafer al the IM.I '¦¦ ¦¦¦ nf .'"1 oon-.pi.nlee I'lid'-iiakc-s the cvainii.:.ti-n "f profBrllea 0B- ferod aa se'-univ Ne baM l-»u.s. and the ob- taln'.r» of cxi-ert lnf. rmatl-n eo«eernlR8 t''«> actuai facta and pap-firta of rawBaau-tlaa propoaalr. Quaiitvd and .Bipoweied to acl as aaectnee, Bdriilnlalrator. tTOetOO. fttSt-BO. .'-. as'lmee. ar.d a. laealVW and rustodlon of tm.-l. aadat orO"r. *.f C. 111 The KORTH AMCR1CAM TR1T8T c*,miv\NY he MUMlihcd a braacb offl.-e «.. BAMTIAao, .nd is prr,,.,,l r.. l.uv BOd BO« drafti. 0* ..nd to makr p_.BBM. m BAMTIAOO ond lo transnct a fer.eral o.nking bttatneea THI COHFANT ia alee peeparad re ..-" ,lle aapoelta "t the B0L_.HU aad BAn/?aa now ln CUBA, and, uiil-r tlrlr dl.e. tPrtis. to pmlve re_lt_» s le tl.vlr famtlle. i. tbe t'MTKI. BTATBR. alao to lnve»tl«8ta and rtpttti ln .n advlrory ^opaclty ai .. ne-* aatarfflaea ia AX_ i-'Nrs °» TiiAi.i. aad RAKUFACTWRUIO. a. aellim ln c.rv raoFRRTnea, ariKTRB bombw. __»»> Tltl..' 1>L.ANTS.' .A1..S. IN'll ST»'IA'*S. BIOAR and TORA4XTO PI.AN TA II 'V-. -n CUBA. PUBRTO ni'", >"". .' '" ,,' !. V l'l.Ms bi boldlna m 'n.»r rit"' K'v'! ;,- CX.NTRAf TS, IIORTOAOKR. end i"*1.- atthar peeiUai Ihe e*~lna ol oea uatloni ot morr estendad or more dennlle perlode. f Eapeiir,: atuatlon caJlad lo iba rttaiteoaoi THi; LtiMPANV alieadv (fltabllahedI al »'- NII.A with the r-ARTCREn 0AKK OF INI.IA. ALBTRAUA, an.l ^'''iV, ,..',-rr'.' for the prwenl n»eda ol -ui MAM PA' {,.'. BRB, MSRCHAKTS. THAVKI-I.H^. .s°1'- DlKlt.. ind SAII/IH.S._. A DVERTIBCJIENTB and subscrlptl'-ns fer The T_J*J5Sr" ^V leoelved al thelr I p.o«vr, Offlce. N'J. 1.-«- H.'/',,71'__ «d door Borth ot .ii-i r... ' 0 Veloet pn *?*+*___ men'i re,-r|y»rl _, ,(. foMowlr.K nranrh ..«.;''" *' . » aiBca ru-r un- 8 o"C|o k p. m. vlz.: 2..4 "ih Bra._ a__f aea M tt.-. isi Sth-av... eor. 12th at M-' «*".** atd lltiitt.. 14'^ C./.unibu3 ave, r-ear \Veat vVin ai. -inartridl to tiik sTorKtioi.nrcns- THE NATIONAL LINSEED OIL COMPANY. T>» un^r-<lir".»'1 hnve her-n r»r|,i<-»._ hy holflar* nf a Irtrgo n ini of Ktr-r-k »nr| nl«r> hy r-rerlllora of th* n. nam Compiny, to «,-t an a CV.mm1tt»» ti ur-rl»-rtaka tb* re, rpiinlzat'. n of Ha panflwrttea nrA M effert a prop»r adj. tiriant of ita ftr,*in<-lnl nfTnlra. In orrlar to a»-*ura ron-»rt of artlon arr-ote; the fltOCatboMerfl an a|rreamf>nt haa been depoalt -altli th" C»ntral Tniat C"it!r»tiy of NVw York. P4 IVnll Ptrrrt, K«~ York <"!ty, under IB* terma and iy_dltlon* r.f arhlCB holdcr. of atock are r«- quf.'cl to dr-poslt wlth th« Tnift Company of New York their carttflcatea endoraed ln blank. on or be¬ fore (Vt-l |, UBB, Tniat Company BflgOtlaM. recelpta wlll be 1a_*d for r-.ock dap-ilted. Or,r>lea of the ae. a.-nent. may ohtalnel at the ofTVe of Uie Tniat Com;>any or from any member of tb* Com- mltte*. nUEDBRIC I». OI.COTT. \ t'ommltlee. ( Im li iiiiin. BAM1 Tl, TIIOMIS. I ili:\itv \v. immmi. J adkian ii.". niana.l JAMi:s N WA__A_L Fecretary. f-4 Wall Slree'. Ne- York. New Loan, TAX EXEMPT. NEW YORK CITY 3&% GOLD STOCK, Coupon or Registered, Maturing NOVEMBER I, 1928, NOVEMBER l, 1917, FOR 1*1114 I". AMI 1*4.1. TICM."»R8 41'1'I.Y TO Produce Hxchan^e Trust Co. HO BB BROADWAT, ni.u TOUR CTTT Farson, Leach & Co., Ma NAflBATJ BTRKKT NEW TOBK ITY. To Hold.ra of Recclpts Issued by the Under- signed for lialtlmore and Ohlo Railroad Rallroad Company's Five Per Cent. Bonds, l.oan oi 1885: l :¦.¦.¦¦¦ dat, .1 22. IV. the unrW- a'rned 1-nve ,:-. -iltefl th* bond* I 1 by II Ma nn I rer-r<-- 1-v -I¦>. abor* n.r-ttll. n tniat r-»l;ta. ui-der the ___.. tor th* Baltlaaoe. and omo Ftaiir ni mparij dat. Ju_ _. iaa. »_ »r» n-^w pre j-nr t.. axehane** "he llati iBItl* Tr ,.«' Oon r-any'a rartlf. ,-alaa ,,' ........ a_V« men ,|,,pe.l. e-jrren.ler of .-...-.¦.¦ .¦¦! t .'.er T lh*r_f ar th* offlr* 4 th* bi Bo, flfl l',r,., a. ...-.- ' New Tert -.,..-- Ni ¦» T rl fl*i - -'¦ 5PBYER CO. Bavkcri ani. ttrokcrg. DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND, 40 Wall Street, -I2H Chesinut Street, NEW YORK. PMII UiFIPHIA. Mrmlirr, of the ".*._» Vtirk nn,l I'l. I liiitrl|,hlM ...r-U r-«-l,».|ii*«. «»»r <>1ll,-.-« Im'Iiik <"<in- ii. ,-I.mI l>>* t H«-*-B_. ..r.l.-ra I ¦ _lli«T nmrket "ivin br protwpili .-....¦..i-.i._ BOODY, McLELLAN & CO., BANKERS, 57 Eroadway, vr.Mi'.Vrts* <-<r thp: NEW TORK BT _B BB "HAHOB*. We ofi'cr and rt'comminil as n <_fe Inveat- ment. a line oi carcfully selected lat mort.a.e (iold Bondfl nettlnjj irom 4 to 6 per cent. pecial circular sent on npplication. HOLUSTER<&BABCOCK IT AND BROAD STREET. fXfCUTI ORDER8 AT THI NEW YORK STOCK EXCHAHOI AND DEAL IN It*WESTMENTSECURITIES C. I. HUDSOI-f & CO., BANKERS * BROKER5, A4 & M WALL STREET, CAR COMPANIES' SECURITIES. Mich. Peniria Car 5s & pref. Barney-SmithCar 6s & pref* Ohio Falls Car 6s & pref* KOUNTZE gROTHRRS, BANKERS, broadway and Cedar Street, New York. i>er_H acuwiBi. i.ciIvbB, Aflvanraa minli munlrlpal and ctlier apjr.veJ aacuritlaa Letters ol Credit lAsued. HENRY CLEW5 & CO., itAN-|-:r:i'r> 11, IS. 1% A 17 tlrond BC. M4*nibfr!i N. Y. ttork ExchanRe. nrrl. a rxrrw.t tn- lnv.,Ir,.-rit <r BB rr. ,r-ln. Ir.t*re*t alSwa. _T*a oatla _i.). t ,. eb_k nt aUf.l. Aet aa ^^4_^_!'*Wo \ 4 MI. iaiiv. AT, Bllfl '*.'>'" "I Uranch 0_r . BBOAHWAT. cor. I>i St. / f<7 llll.'iX BT.. M.rc..n"lle Kl fa t OOURT flT« 11,jonlyn. I. F. Mead & CoT, BANKERS BROKERS, II iiml Kl "!«<» *'»u aY, BI. V. twfn-TY THKii. VI. '.I.v MKMIIKRflHIP IN' BT_W- r" rOBK HTOTK EXCHANaE ptorka «n-l lf-iMla *._ti_iit iu,'l f."-l f -¦'_. ---r "n rnnraln. Crlloloid Stock. St. Paul Gxs Stock. American Air Power Stock. Texas-Pacific Income & Land Grant Scrip. pB__T 1> IIY TOBEY & KIRK, NO. 8 BROAD ST. Astor Natlonal Bank, Continenta) Trust Co. Mcrcantilc Trust Co. Waahinj-rton | rtust Co. Hanhattan Trust Co. CI_IlVrTO_- GILiBEIRT 2 WALL STREET. DituDniO Xotices. " __tf_Cn VrilAM ''.AT1"NA1. BANK. QVARTBIll.. 1»IVII>EKIJ rniiK BOARD OF DIKECTORB bare thla dajr .ul ., ,he0*-"^,Ofun% .hU 'I' ** .-"i.-r-r'.-k. -.11 a_.1 «f'"r '" ' "lcr H |- h.iil,,Ui, _al_r. WN_w"v01tK, fl****-*** _. I*-1*- Diriocno NotitcB. THE ORICAOO. KOIK ISI.AMI ArtD PAOFIC RAII.WAY (Olll'tW. OmCI <ir" TIIK TREASTRER. -. i( iii flept, nt. iaa; \ QUARTBRLI DIVIDEXD "f f__ PER PII ARE wlll taa pnM NBTI m'*r lal r\-xt to IB* «'' *. hr>M nf Ihia r.-nii>i,tn'« (tOCfc, r*f1*4*r*d 0*1 IB* ''I *tofl of the Ttan»fer iv.r ka Th<- Tr*n*fer Booka win i- rkwfd al » e'doc* i" *.' ,.n tha ."Vitl, ,l«y r.f «.[t.-nl an.l r* jvne.I nl I'» B.I I A. M. Ih* 1"". i- of '. ».<-r IM-I j. r. i im.t.iP8, Tliaaunr. l NION PACITIC RAILROAD fOMPANT. N*** v r. flaptemner Iflflfl \ DIVIDEXD of ONE DOLLAR \M> A HM.r ,.--., PER BHARE oa l_ l-r-f-ir-l fll r.f thla I'unpanr haa i--n de,lar_, payaMe al Ihe 1' ¦- arrra . «H, e. BqillUM* RulldlnB, l«n n- -<-l« ¦>- V.-rk nn anrl after «' '.><' 31, l-..*a. lo iii" t" khoMer* r,f r-mrr nt th.- eloae ot l-ualn. aa October l». I_«. Th» IT". ir st... k trnnaf honfca inoa* etoa. for IM m.f th" annual meetlnK .m-l t" r- i-n <i'i ¦¦¦ 18t_ will eln. for thla dlvldend Oelober tatti at .t D.lock r M Hti-I r'.-| .. al 1" ... Ir. k A. M. Novetnt. l ibb. ai.i:n MII.i.aii. Beeratary. R Uunk Ucports BPORT OP THI. roNDITmX OF THE PIMT N'\T1"N'AI, BANK, «t New York Clty, In the Btate I Sea Iforh, »t th'- eloa* et ba_a**fl, B*i_*b b*r Wth. Ifl_: HkSni It'H. __ I. ,- ,-| lia BBlfl .*** ". 5' .."" Ov*_ralt>, ,- eun and un**eur*d. 31 -"¦-" ¦,s 1 H bond* t. a.- uir drculatlon. SR' .' r. 8. bond* oe hand . 2_ premlum* -n r. 8, bond*. .'¦'.¦ '.¦ Btorka. - utitl**,. 14,o.v>.i.,-j-.-i ItnnklnR, furniture hh-I flttiirei. Due fmm Vitl n;il latnk* ,,i"t r***nr* «|renta) I.,.. fr..m Btati mka and bankera . Cherka an-l .:h.-r raah Item*. .i:,¦."¦ for ciearlna Hou»e. Noie* "f nther Natlonal u-itik*.. . Praetlonal i-ij-er eumnry, nlekel* ,-in-l r-enta. l.iwiul money re. r*** in hnnli. viz Bj, .|« . .4. .STSflfl i. -al 1*1 ti itea. i.i7 .-.'"." Radrmptlon Rmd with IT, s T. n«'r II % ¦t elrrulatlonl . Pue fr.-m I'. S Treaa. r-t;,f>r thnn .". '. i- d, mpl on fund . T.aj._> 717.4'>4 --.» I.TAH1 LtTt.B. C'ai'ltal atr..-k pftM tn. _.,,'""¦" Burpiua fund . B.aae.e__ 1 T,."l-.-I.1.-.I ppoflta, l-aa .[..-naen an.l ta*«i p_d .. 2.4. .2_ Ifl Natlonal i*nk n'-rr, outaiandtna. e*Tj,onoi»i Ima ta other Natlonal bank* . lfl.Bi7.3l*" 4*i Du* lo Btate hank* and hanker* . ."...".;i ox> "-" Indivldual* »ubjer( ln rhar'.i. 7. l.*7."7:i Iii I>en.aii.| rertlfl_t_ of depoalt. I4.WIM Certiriel eheck* . 1.07«1.'_1'J "._ Caahhai- eheek* nutatandlne . 4flB.1flt fl4 UaMIItlaa other thnn thoaa ahova at»te<1, Unlted Btatea _a4 aeeotMl. a_,flOBflO .$.10.717.4'-1 "- Stita nf N.-w Ynrk. fminty nf Naw Torfc, M I y I. IIIN'K. Oahl <-f th* abo*/» nntne.l lanK. do aolemnly a»aa- lhal Um abova _»t.iw*al Ifl true t.> tha beat r>f mr knr.w|a.1a;e BBd Ilef. K* U 11INK. r^hier. Bular-rlbe.1 «n.l iwwti to l.«for* ma thli Iflth lay of p.ptember. IV,8. THOfl S WI1.I.I AJ.1H Nr.tarT PHhtte, B. Y. C. Oirreri.Atreat: OEO. r BAKEB, ) F1«HKK A HAKKR, J Plrer-tr,.. UM r AltXEflD "'K. > R tNo i.r.24 _ BPORT OF THK . oMMTtoN OF THR OA1.1.AT1N NATInNAl. HANK. at S>w Tork. In th» S-ata »f N*_ Ter. «t the r|r.,a of Bflfl__l r4e5)'»m b»~ H) a' 'I'lt' EB t.o_. ani d_a_nt. . |M,,._8 r.erd_na frariu-a.1 an-1 U_*_.d . aa_a_S t* .e bn_a te B_tt. rlrrulailon. ¦._?'..; Premlum. m I* B IwM* . , i_l'a2a ia Btocka aeourltlea. *li . . . ' ' Bankltif-bou. Pimltui. ani flxturea . B__. ima fr-.m Natleaal baaln i_4 i.aai.a m<fl I'H.^7-!."rr Btate bwiki ind l.-.nka*. . SS52 L-h»ck* and oth»r raah Item* . aalT'Eii Es.hana*. fm l**rlna h ¦*» . *-,,.,., S-,,^ r f*- Natlonal bank. .... ,--.¦¦ ."!..,.' Eraetlonal pa»_,--r. nl k..|. and «nta ... »^ i_tt f,ii ni'''D'*y ^*.¦*n^^'** ln ink, vi. 'Ipl,,. . n.««.aaaae Unjbi emdar aetea . *,____ i.m.lBlBfl B*«_MtI_ Mnd _t» O P. Treat-urar Iflfli ,-lr .lati.ri . .1? .7 flflfl 71 j..., ^'^.»:.«_i_::::.... .KSS8 a-ir- '¦'- ' -.. *Bp»wa. «n-i iaa*a ^. ^ ou*..- . '.£? ,... , ..... b n '-" ¦'*' I hanker* . *-' plvldend* unpald -.-... « aa* «_ ......... artlfl I . ,.,.,--.., r«ahl«r'. rheeh. itatandlnfl . '" Il_"«7.nafl71 ¦.___> vr_ v rk unir e.f N*w Tork, _.i samiTt^^"'-.-'¦.'¦'¦¦¦.¦. '>*fc'"' ' ,h* !_?_ ¦am_ _nk do lemitu .". ",". H-rtaawafl I. r-ii Wth* ft - *..' " ''. ,. fcl !. ,r"* ", ... ,, --.. |. --,S" _,hl»r _5y___^f_T I' ' HKATNAHI-. IflBMaaa- WO" v .,. , ,. R-Hl v...,r<S, n N_ T rk r.. -. fi.t i Haatera APrtiw IflEl IN JR ' REPORT OF THE iSDITTOX OF THE ':c.^v:;_'.:rv ¦:.¦¦'¦¦¦¦ '" - REBOt-f-fl II* 04-*. 241 ".', Uoana and dii . ,- ' '- utre .i . I- B bond* - -(ni .. i* .-,..-<«-... . , . , .- ..'.:;", .y..r , .' '.'" ¦'. ' r,"",v' B71.r_S4 ai.lebilBkj. '_«__ ¦li^k. ,.:!-' ""."'., .-., a7, «; ... r , I*.r1ne houa*. . - . .. -* L-l. -n^.a Vr*-7. Pr .' nal M Ifl. 444 <Y> ..*''", ". i *'¦*. MB on i: B ., ,,_of«.p_li r«r p, .w l»aal .»-!.". ..¦ _. B*d_iB4_« __-Rt* tl P TrBBBttm (o%ot r.rtrTn.'l.fl T-,.- -rh. MN 47f-ri. rlerrr-'lnn fund. .|Vi::.1.'",-..-.' T ¦"' . i.i uiii.n ri _*__ a.,r_,,, .,i '.iiritHi no*-1. r*'-i m . .. .,,,,,,,, t.iri l-i, tu. ''«_' '.TJ!_ rndivided proiiu, !'.< 'V'"" and laaea .r. ,rnvft paid ...... ........ ,,' 41 r,7 .".,, Natlonal bankn,.,t .-.r..itn- ,... ,,,,., Natlonal mka .'? 1T2 J2 « J,.. ., ptaia hanki and hanker. - ''f^?,';, '* r. 4-"1 B4T1 .... raM.flral..* ni M « ..'* Ortlfled rh*, . 40'onOflO firl'l't'. ''"" k. -".-"¦..1 "* * 4, {,-, iTTi aj Mai.iniies other than tbee. atwee et-tefl. ta« m_ttoono r...rv*. . * ». ni aa .'-,1 .. '.,li .-.*! rhal 'i'*' "'""- .."."¦"""' ,"r"- beat '-f my kn-wle,!,'. .nd hej-er ^ h,cko. ,-.,'. r Ba_erlWd «nn _-m ... h*fo_ m* im* i«ih -1 K."'"iVM A MMN. ^^^X'n.T. r.r. .. wp,. ,(,,VT Jm'YVBBANT KISB. HMr. tora. Af'.fST HKt.MONT. I_ DEPORT OF Th'k'«-".'ni.ITI<)N OF THE . .«y_"SK^_t5_a>_fn-_tf-W Bl ,t<- ..f Ni J"r ' " ***' 1C"- UKSM.-H.-1> t_o_ »n-l .: '' "i" , ,. Oi nlrtfl*. »' ured .nd '."*.?- '.t-1 . f i- ..-.. rt 1 i-i artta...< t* s bond* on h ind I-r.-mi.m- on B I 1 I* . St.-lc, Ml urlti- . Purnlture and rwtur.-..¦. «**'.*.Tuuu ..... -,,.. ,.,,,.1 mortaaaM e-n_. i rv-_MiB_ Du* frow Mat* bank. md bank 1ir> nn n7 "' '*_. ia_'noiB ruarlnahru*,.. 1/U "^ K.tea nf oih r N*H nal bank* a._»aa Pra iional paper rurrency, Blrtw - gj_f| '¦-'¦¦.;,'. ..^-_-n_lse-: f;:_rtir,-:.r,-;.*...' aasa-- r s Bartlflcate. ef aapjatt f.r .-,-.',1 «'"n'**r . IBflTJaB 01 Bnd -Ith " ¦- «-fri/v*, T eaaunr (rv,i uf li ilatltm). ....¦«_ D_ ir-m '. B. Tr_*urer *_* thvi r.% redemptl'-n« "" «, ^.^ ,a,v 74 117.0,1s.1K1.'i '.I Tr.. ^."".;"UAB_4T1__ . ,*i,.'t,l »tork paid in. » 4.M).(II, rndlvid.-.!'. '-tlia. I.--- ¦e.I'ir,;-a an-1 iai-'paid* IflflijiW «| Natlonal bank not«-a ouiat.uirilna. 4',,,,k«,,o ,-..,., Rtalaai ra.nrl K'nn BeMOnl ^ ... . I.ue 10 "th-'i- V«'l"n»l l'-*n><- $,a., i'.o *'. p-ja ii, Btal* bank. and i'*",i<».>" _ Dlvldend* unpald..._... a,a_ IndMdlual ,,.,...,. auhi-rt »t_mmn I>Prn,,.'1 rtlfleate* of dapoadt.. M .;'".'' r .tltl.1 rl-.-ka. l£Sn«l Oflehler-* eh_k* ouutandlna. 322 ,-, ,, j,,,.., r]«n_lt.. 4_,n_<*n r...,. ita, r.f I' H dlahnralnf oftlr-.r. . B4.r_*2 LloMlli! othar thnn lt_M abova ,,,,,.rl . aao on leui .¦__.... »iT.flBataflflaa Btate ,-f New Yf-rk. Oounty "f New rk. aa,-^ T C B YiiIN'O. ."aahler >.f the «1>ovr n*m,d t-nnk. .1 > aolamnly iwnr lhal IH* alv.v* ata.a.n--nt ll true to Ihe b_t of mv knoartade* an.1 hatt. C. B THI N'i. Oaahler. r>ule»rrU-*al and aworn to before ma thla 2dth rlny af s. ptam_r. Iflflfl WII.I.IAM II f'MAPMAN N.tary FiiMlr. Correct.Att»,t woopnrRv uNiiimx. r. .t'RTt.AN'I'T D. liOea, } DUac.ra. W. Ia. BTBONO, J REAL B8TATE. A DfJLL DAY IN THR MARKET. There tvero no aiKtlnn aale* nt the Estate T:\-litnRo yaetOf.8JT, an.l the husinesi closed at prl- vat. eontra.-t wm po*t when eaaiparad with that of tba tal r*>w dajra r.itff A Roaber BOM fa* th«» Eqiiltahlo l.lfo Aaiur- nn.... Bedetjr toa Mn. Rojtclken No. 34 U'ost Klifhty- elKtith-st a four-stnry prlvate .lwelllng-h*.u^e, _te.6xl00.-H, f'.r nlxiiit MMM, Blawaon A llnr.hs aold for tho Motropoiitnn Im- provemeni Company toa r:ii*>nt No. 433 \\>st En*i- nv*., a n.-vv flve-BtOTJI Amerlran baaeataal dwollitig- house. rm terms. ii aaa reportad that Thomas Btokea had «oi*i hla handaorae flve-»tory .lwoiitnK-houae at N'*>. 8 Weal Ki-tv-thir-l-st. slz*. RsMB.-, for about $on,ono, but Mr. Btokea could BOl ba found to r-onfirm lha rrport. R, Wllmarth Appleton s..i*l for Henry B. BTIaaa So. 10. West oiio-hunlre l-an-l-nlnt't.-. nt!i-st a thrae-atory *iw>-iiinir. ihx«i\10o. f*>r gMflfl. Paaaavant oi Co., tho jreU-known ImportlaB-aaoaa f..r many pean has be»'n aetabUahed at chur.-ri aml Uapenard ita., ls about to eaove upmwn. It hai r.i. t.. fr.-in Mr, Beaaonffood, of Clnclnnatl, t«e ,> the Bls-atory mercantlla r»utl«lin_. on tne Bouthweei corner "f Si-nnn and Oreene "ts for a t.-rm *>r yeara. and aill occupy the ?.ntin* i-iiidinR-. in.i.l Rlrdsall & co. have leaaed f.,r Eunene Hlf- _i.,s a lofi it Noa. (24 an*l CH Rroadway to Maaa. Ulum & Co., for a t*-rm of yeara, far b iwoa raatai The Real' E itate Ex.-hntijro baa laaaad ita Urge <iti*' month for a ru* altCtlOfl BAle. Thomaa n -.¦ rana, of Brooklyn, aold for JamM Jack three two-.tory and ba-emeni ftonafront riwelllnjra, nn l..t 10x100, on the aouth .ld. of i w*-irtn- sr n«_i Prn ne. Park Weet. for Iffl.ZaO. Jaroh l....iii.-ir.i filed plana at the n.-imrtmont of Rulldlnci yeaterday for a ala-.tory ortckatoraand lon hiilMlrijt rm t ploi R.BxWO.4, ar No. Mun'- ai |o coat 145.000 Plana tvr.' also tllfl hy hinjl .}ri-on f'.r four flve-atow r.ri.-k rUthouaea. each "ti the north Blde of One-hundred _n l- aevonteenth-at., 116 foot enst of Flfth-av.-.. to cost 1104,000. ? RBAL BSTATI TRANfFBR* Yl'e-t Bnd-ave. e s. 88.11 ft s tt I09d st. 17x72; -.¦¦¦ E llnn-«.n IO HuldB Wtgntt snd nn- Tt'i'tVi'.\r a-H Ho i.obIl " kartti. 5 '' *' Eelilmann lo Anna. llo-n.-iiiia. ra recorded......,. |44ir: st, n s. 138 ft « of -nr-.. av. an.l 13 ft b of Hr¦. - .11", DOxlOO; I'.ivi.i '.nm '. adeaya W'eiler . ii,,nir .t cnr «. line, at vv s Proaper.t av. runa n alon. avenue, i". ft lo n line of strert a w 02.3; Edward H Van Ineae !.¦ Joeopb and ath- erlni M.u. k" ..:. I.v .11 'n « H.-rnr .... s w Comer IV>epe. t ave, Bl 8x127 ttMTxIfrflO; Rlchard W Btevenaon, la juaapb and <'atli»rin» M.itl-ka. Parl ,: ioi No 157 ii,ap Vlllaea of llorrUuiBia, 14 inilr. from llark lliver. HO, ...x-14; Charlaa T I 'uffy anl ntiorhrr, .xc-.h .r-. ete, lo I-. i. r and ataihen lawklor, *i'.i» <-inim.... Buffolk it Ko 72. i-.Kl.m. Bherlff lt, No 81 _Px 100; Charle. II Vo.itm. re.-elv.-r. ef. te llln.rrt II II 411. ...."_'_ **¦*.'' I/.- \ 4'.* 1.1 - k A. map M.iprs e.'-i'e. r-.nk A Bmlth Hudaon P ll- .. * I'.L'I st. NV. 838 Reet. 2f'KlO0, Adolph W-xlrr to I'i-. Q .111 ._; .-. 10,ono ¦ iva, wldenad. s « eomer l..>-1» "t. ai .ix ..-.-..17 .'.7'.1. .i"erph Trapnell, lr. lo N*» y rk nnil iiPfc- l/"ari Ranking Ompany... 1«.. ¦¦ n I B ft * Of Tl--t-"it ave. lOSxUO; .1 ... i h Trapr.'ll. )r. to N. vv V ".rk lluil'iln* i. ia Ranklne fornpanr. Rvr *vr r r, l*>7 4 ft n of D.irnrtdr nv«. fto.l. BltOliOlOBl; l>e.ri Trapnell, Jr. lo WIltBloa* 184th tt i w"e ir.'-r tVllioir are. lOdxlOBB; Dora nx::..T7,\-^ M'iJrv.:««« HH.I1 willlam II Jarkaofl "> John McKeon.. ava, «¦ a. 00 fr » ol BM M. ?* *t l.nrular; Bdward \> trthMo, ratbtot, I. Haary IBMh «t n 188 fl e of park ova. 0x88.11: .. .r I...nn. ns Sliertff. to I-.-iao iV.terriian. I*Vh rt. n s. 14*' ft e of Park ave. BBxBB.ll; i.r-ie *o nn..¦ .'-__.¦ Kaln w I ;' '-und-1 n l-v lund of flhea, ' ' "''. W _' ¦'¦"i ?____£' alao n s Bllvef It n br Iand of Pnlsley, , ... |( f a. w, aad . i.v la. ol CHeaa n. Iaaa. R 8m e io Hartha A trnot.¦...;...-." IBSd .; n a. BOB f ' "f Bd ave, VxlOO.U; Julla " '.'.-'.'! t, Rilaha K-.r-rslMid.._... Walnut il m a, l»B fr n ef 141st st. 17,.4X |«2 8x318x278 8; Raynv-nd Perrln and an¬ other t-> irrr-i. Pajra n * <"¦.».-. . . ni-.'.'RI'T-r) MOUTCiAOEfl. Chlvvla Oarrta B le laUa I Bryaat, ss i2«'h- .. {84 ft w of Tth ave. 1 *ear ..... *-.(-.- Pater .-> J ha Buaalne, 1r. lot 4f*o. map jc a/ard I »*4_. _... ,-.,.,,. ,. .,. rther r Murphr * mer 7Tth st ar.d . ...__! , ... . -,.i u Roll, iiiPrx :..- " r e of 'Ae.i 'hMter ,- t.. We.tchr.ter ave t 100, ,. , Imer and :¦..-Ti fl e f Rlveralde l.ri-e. i.... p adjolntna on w a, 1 yr.r.. Judae I'f ll * s 81 ,. .. M.- s *. * ibm «. 15x140 aa Batb gate -ave, 8 yeara .. . Uith* \f.r«.reMa V. t> lame. J Phalnn. 8 a |i'Ur> av 24.V4 fl e of aotlthera Rotllevaia, Z 11.000 1,000 1 1 PO 8.P00 8,S. 1.000 1 1 20/410 t,.e«r 8 2!M 11 BM 1,000 ft.OOO .* ono 48OOO 2..VT0 2.nO0 LBBO tVltllaaX, lo Harlem Siivlna" Hsnk. n a ... ., | tA f r r.f M.'.-r-.' V". 'r Harea Willlam «n.| Nf».-r. to «T-nr!.» F Knie.. . ¦ Whlte llalna R «vd. 7.N fl 8 ef * B |B '/,'. v . 1(h Wt-xlar, n a IM v. ... ft w of Courtl dt ava. I r*ar. ._:_¦ r tanei Toet a * eorwar 18.1 and V s. 1 yeai "'_."_ -..,- york Rutldlnf ta..> Rnnklnf t ire, i- .. i- ni lai an InBHtuM. a. n a ;t,., <t a ( v-- terdant atra, ..*. .t n to r»va, I >ear .. .¦.. HarM-r. Kmeat. lo AlrxrurVr and Merv A '"%'». ¦. . .-v ava. ;.-.: ft i f .' ' ¦ -¦"'"' ... i- .. ,.-; t :i yaarx .... ,; ! \v li.,.., IV .. I'rv IVvk Sivlnrs .-.. n - .' (.-' av*. 8 veurs.... ., i, vi,...,. |, n ¦ Ter ....| 8 aiiri '¦' n .¦' r, !rke.en ¦¦>.'¦.-. '¦¦ w Hlam Larw _ J . -.-. ----' ft BOf I-"' «'. ¦ .., Rnberl A. H-_men'H lia.ik for zi to 'M Btate H a- 1 le 1 te 1 ... .. .i 1 "- trarttr party. n a BBtl .'. BB. lt a of Amaler "' A m it.- -i ioVi'aia, Bia'aai ISTeal I';..'. I "V l.t 1. rnap 11 lota U M :. t Ven ¦". e>' Bd. '.'"' ' '"". Wlil ini It-rr. li a IBBtb Bt, Hanford. V ¦ BfandeB. No l_ lith 8 yean .. V '¦' e - ,, V-'--« H ratate Weal Krvrma. '- yeara '.'¦'.; .- a,t r.U!,h. ¦^,.r ^r^Band ?«« f. o f \<:\ -r :t year., .1 '"',":i','" ".",".,.'.,,_','.'ii v,..l.r'. il. ilVirK. av- 1.13 4 fl - Of WBd -. 1 " ". Bmof 800 1.000 rV.) 1.420 87 tvm n.r«v» ftir.") R.800 8.000 BO.«V) ~t ooo 7.000 1.200 f.«> HiA a.ono 8.00.) ono .:r.v-v:.i:.:r- too "":""_ " .'" property. - yeara, .in. No ifl .+¦ .. " - **" Br«* -' aad IBBth- 18.000 r>,..rO 8.0.8) 17.000 18,080 24.0.1) 12.0.10 24,<11> f 180th «r. v- " io'rt"a of 180t'b s;t;;..,r..1 ;;;....;. ,.,.,..... ¦'.¦^"i^ BaaaaV '."'.-. e"a Brooi aW.'W'fj '.«)&* ,,-;' ,\',.,|, ,, .;..., v.,1, l,if" In.iir.m.-o and V,1. ,,.,-,..,;,ny Noo8 Baal I04ih it, I "¦'"- ,,.' .'. ii. ," V' nr.d ll'-rl-rr. ln Tllle Ouaranta. :,., .',,.,..,' - « w.-st'i'.-rrr ave, Mll ^^ H,un:^'^.V,^v,:^An,.s,ve.^r,ne.f ...,i;,: .., aopiua s,:.,8.-...r*.¦.'. U'esteheatet «ve. al s e s Hr.'-k «v-. -rBT.. ..,,, ritla nuarantea and Trttal Company. at ha vi'. .,.- av. 228 fl ' of Brr-rk av,-. 1 year fiamil\ -Isaine ,"a - W.h^-ernve. It8 fl eof ^r^Lv;,,.1:^.-.'.^^^-.^;' v -r,h"'::;.^r^;!--:;-'V;^'''.i:^i 7.tvm 8.000 10.000 10.000 ft . e *.f Brook hv". 1 year. -? Pfjrw BUILDIKOS. f-inal sr No '-4.1. fof B »". "rv .»»*«* aftoea and fi. i7n,i... 4 Jaeob UoHIUrd, owner; Sottta fiiii t "f No Ifl Park Place, Brrhltectt..^. iit.i ,i -. 110 n ¦ of .'"t- ive. or fottr fhra Ki_rw»aK^^ iiLnrv Lt owner; lloreob.-ef * Mraab, of N*> Rjv?nit°on^?. v.',,1.fl:"f..."a aii-i-ry" M.i anil ai ""' -'¦'''- '."'"'' I'leohol, owner; Ho.w,-r Blrattb, arehltectB.. . i47ti. .t s r 80 rr w -f Bl RVhoUa ave, for two 'VhVeeBtera .nd I.'""" ^'-^ ^ni^. ^2 anl I'..x-.2. I".x & CO, tt go BM Bfoodwoi H«rl r^chaux. -.-.-. ..^ 'V'r,.; v. r^ f" ¦.. une_en_ ia.UxSlj rtank WH.-V owner; W f |... k.-r...... Breklteei VV.eniati Bt H I. 08.10 ft 8) ot \ >,.- at, * r a two, rV, " ,ri-'k dw-iiing. » .ix'.':i 2x:.:« 4 torpnthi ritn-eer. No 1.41.'. fyBB Bt, owner. W < Pl.krr- ron. nr-hlie.-t . 0,000 fivnno ini.oon 2,\ooo »,noo so.noo 10 000 4,0. kO AT-TKIIATIDN'P. -..... .,., w s. 080 '.) ft n of Wellr.ley-at. to a ,«'¦ V.r> and Bttle Itain. dwelltoa: H w i-i, n.ii No 8.800, ownar. Valafl tl.e ave No LOBB, to a Iwo story and BMta r ,,,',' .lw-lilr.". B_muel U'all.n.reln. pn'mlsr^. ownar; A Boahmav, No 181 Trrmont ave. are. fith"'' w. 80 a.ii. to'a f.'.ir st'.ry and baaemral t.rl. k .rore and lofll th%«0, l.'"1wlB llrnn. V' III Wr.t 04th lt owner. W E Mowl.ray. >" J'3.A Itr-4.1vay. arrhlte,-t. |400 ao.) 20,000 Snbiirbfin nanl QfBtnte. AGKNCY. U.-ntclilr ra«l astata alt klndB. sala and rtat CUi.NCI B. TUBBS. 8 Bilkman-«.. N. T. f. (il _9tate. MOMEY TO LOAN ON BOND* AND MORTGAGE BT The Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. ANP The Lawyeis' Mortgage Jnsurance Co. AT CtTMUOTT RATE?. IN FI'MS" TO Ft'lT. AI'I'LR ATIO.S'M At__D UPON I'RO.MlTLT. BUREAU OF INVESTMENT OF TIIK Lawyers' Tirie Insurance Company, 37 and 391LIBERTY STREET. Borrowea-s on Mortgage nhr.ul.1 apply. to tho largCBt lrtvler on mnrtemcp ln Near Tork or Brooklyn. LOW PBEfl for examiaatlofl and ia. TlTlE iGUARANTeB j_roTP8_rST COMPAI*-. Mi; lii-.rhuny, 17f> RamflflB _.. New _oik. Brooklyn. CAPITAL.$2,500,000. SURPLUS. | . . . . $2,000,000. ttnfnrniaijt'O .iparimrnta _o tei. fi**_T¥A_K MADIS0N," Madiaon Avenue, S. E. Cor. 25th Street. FA'"1.Vi MAPISON 8QCAKE. Attra_tv« p, rtrrvtnta, Inrae and amall. now r»ady for °rT_anu_ln« ta vbtualiy new, havlnR r*en reeently t___ bulh. .'mitalna a\»_ niv1r.m Improvemf-nt and con- F- Btaaa _d partlr-'ilara npply on tt-» pr_i!a«a or to G.0. R. REAO, Aj?ent, 1 Mndlntim Ivi-iiiic, «-»r. BM St., <«_«, and 10 waii st. ST. HONORE, 1142 and I... Madison ."Vvenue. I :<Ki.i,l. *v«-ll-IIarhted anrt ventllHted anrt _M_.MBt**l| "I.irntnl npurt- ni,-,ii>, i.ii«l-,hiu <»f 7 nnd N rfl.fl.MB nnd hiilh. «_ih r:in««*a. Mrnin lintte-d. anrt l,.,t ivnli-r biiim.II.'I- M.rl»l«' *tn Ir.uao, BOUfl. tafte* rnlriiii,,', llenl** *.%<» to .*._ per inotifli. JANITOR ON PREMISES. Central Park West, Corner 86th Street THE LIVINGST0N. rinr.rnr^>i- apartmkntb. vin rooms and T\V<. HATTIS. HifJit 01*.M i\ Kvr.11 v ptininiAR. si.vv. -v I ¦< .'"1.4. Ae*.. _4 O.tttntm. ava., near t.i: st AYLSME»E 7t*>tli st. BBd Cotamb-fl Ave. THF. T 4111.11 \M> C_.J ABB HIT 4 B___ BWAYl IKMHAl. PAI4K IS BLT A BTBir I'l Hl ill'.K. 11-th 11 7 iad I r> aa h nackeeptaa »r .rtiaeot. EU'-'rlr; I<_r,t. *t*eiB h^at. elav.i'ors rur.ntr.-r day »nd tnla-'-.t.Bl)I* *'¦. trunk r^rna, unlf-m* b¦¦.>¦*ln eoDitanl ittcnd< .- THE &EMINOLE, OORNi-i* |-"rt.l*VM:i' nsn BTBT flBTH BT T7h»r» la only one \i irtmenl left (poaaeaalnn Oetobar 1. In thi. <.-i: m; *ev*tl '. ¦' '-1 beeutlfully «at*d *- ll '. .tru. ' l!'¦' .- ii led .'.¦ ind dealraW* in every partlcular a1- ,, tiii: ai.iuns, mnsFii BlflT st w> Weht i:vn av. Ot,, \, ,.,,.,, -. . ¦ i-! a. *u- pf.-i ,r -.-¦. erand "."lea rnnvi ot _e**.! rvarv Improver, .' ¦'" * _^yto.u,rlnte, ,v,n._. THE CLEVELAND. \2>: it" f \-r *.*i ni I r _a_* flaia. All .ont* llght »nd npen to o-itat.'.a air. Rarda -i fl !*_' eloe*ta, Owner r*»ld«*t \. rao_ ,. tob>_ ist, . UORINO. Fntran.e. 3 *.* Weat 74th at. fmrtlnn rt.-ule'.ar.l. W.-t Tl'li »t \nia**r>1am-av*.. flx an.l M*r*n lara*. '»! ' -'".* a-d l ith; hnt water ¦- NF-rrYiu 238, »4, 2_ W -Ttl BT. and i-iiii. Iarn». Il«ht. a-eli r_tll»t*d. d*eo_t«d. H.'fim licated. hot .upply. Ap; I) -. nr J F tVHITAKFl: -*Ta I' Ul '. .ar -ff'aat 74th. r1*IHB i-l/'isTrr. "kfiartmenta, i.v- Madlana _ a- . rtment of tt. -. alitlne r iii :,ni bath: all »ui iy; eleotrle iiuht; eiova* r '" Jaa. lor nr ,., \' ,; hai.I. fl CO., 4ia .-,, avenue Jrntniolicb _*jnrttticiitt _o itt. T 4a*>r> ST KBAB BOI t.'"V M11> fultj furn'.ah»! Mr. *D.nm_l 8 «m* and bath; n_ h ¦-. all _f_ ... ........ I -rM.e, |N |. rnonth Ar. ¦¦- JAMV.U1 '-"¦>: W- ¦ 1"."1 lt_ Renl ..tiitf for Gnic--Orooklrjn. 1'TViH BAWC. Bubuman h '.¦ two An*Bt ap-l dat* 1 houae In i'lii'i h '''';7 '¦''. ''-''.iii .<viv. near Al- Road 11.1 """ >n .*.:¦'-,l"" '¦¦ « :l net. UD t. laM ,-orner lleverlj n »d in B. 13th it Platbuah, ni ,m>, c ,.., .in l »r .-.'¦" \ nn .. i'- flna houae*; .-\--ry ini, r<> em'enl -I- t. - :_l"". nelshbo. hond r.--*il¦ t-'-' A. KKItflON, H-.i.l-i. 2,415 Church ava., Fl.ltbllah. T- l-l'h- rv IL'. V |.*',:,'l.,| tronntrn Ueal (Potate for Sule. _ VFJRAt'TIrTI. new drletly .' nlal h BBB ftw wlf. eontalnlna eleven m id haih wlth lot 115 fjet rront. or frontaa* -r «TB feet, li ired. b) \-< tt* .-p. nll latMl -MIIV.--1I-ti--> Inrludln. furnare, ntodern aniiitHry plumblna, ea*. eleotrle ¦' '. .-"¦-.' BBd runnlnf water; .....,. i fn on. "i Iti* ltn_i Bnd haalthleat of r.t..r,...n towna onl} 40 mlnut** fri. N**» V.-i*l< PBe* addr_. i: i'. r..a''.ii!.*e n-\ n"t. x-".v V"rk._ _o Crt for DneirtcBs Pnrpooea. n___l!a/_MT LIQiif^fOREr TO LKT fiuitat,!- f'.r BMtehaal tall -r- publl*h*r, _r*rt_af HR^ncy or *lmllar bualneaa 19 Brckman Street, Near Nassao, lll l.AM) A WHtTtBO, ;, BBEKMAN HT, CLASON BUILDING, 23 DUANB KT. AND 1.12 100 PARK HOW. lifiil <_Q..iU fox Gaic or _o Cet.^ 39 West 81st Street, HAaTMATTAB SQI VltK.MillTII. Attrartlve V-fDOl Imuse. luinl-. tn.'ly flaeoratadj Inapeot. Coparliicrohip Xoticro. ADVRRTIflRMBNT Or* l>l_UI_TIOk. virni'i': 18 HKKKiiv K'ivi-ii tbal tba partae. slilp lit'lv a,,|,a>atlnir _IW«*B ua. tlia underalKned, BYederlrh M Pr*»cnti and ''Imiie-i _ Btev*n*, carryltuj on bualnaa* fll N-- 44 II, id sir--t, Boroufh "f Mnnhat tan ''it. ..f BT_ Tortt. under Ih* Myle of th* "Edlaoa PtuMioBTaeh Aa_'**." .».. _ Ih* tw*lfth day ..f B*_ tpmia-i iai. dl**"lv*d by mutttal con**tii Fredirlek M. Praaeotl wlll pa) nn.i .lifi-liarga ,,ll Ib* ».'."n',','^^,,11,;My,;^;v'l,:^I.I'|:KKs;v,-I.:,, (Blsned) C. E. BTBVSKfl. iiat.-i Kew Tork. B*pt*ro_r IS, tflflfl I h*r*hy u'v« n -ti-¦¦¦ to th* trad* n,nt tlir- bualnaa* or th«. Bdlaon Phonugrapli Aamcy wlll b* raotlnaed nnd «mduei*d in th- futur* und«r my . .. manaa*m*at._ ' '" (BlBn*d, I-" M PRE8COTT. VDVBRTIBEMENTB Bnd .ih*- -rlptlona for Th« Trlh-ina rer-clvad at tlieir rpman OfBc*, No, 1,243 Broadway, - ,- nn, tii r.f I'lat-at., untll 8 o'rlnrk p. tn.. advertlie- !,.. r..»iv_ bi il. fnllnwine brnnch .f11,-e* al reicular _!- rataa nnlll S r,*rlr,.-k p. m.. vli _M ntn ava ,. t cor 2*1.1 .t l-*-2 nth ava., cor. 12th-_. Ma<-y"s. «th-ava. and 14lh-»t.; 142 Columbua-av*., u«_ Wtat 66th .t. C.abing flotel. and neftnorantf. Thii llst appeara avery Sunday, Tueadajr and ThuredaB. WHERE TO DINE. Tor Informatlon, clrculara. etc. nf any Hotel or Rea__w rant below call or addreaa (icnd etamp) HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU, IW Flfth-nr... Srit-I oi_. Ale. A la Carte; Ttlb., Tabla J'Ho'a Dlnaer. DK1.MOVICO*..Bth Ave. h 44th Rt. A 1* CrtH, 11KST.URAM! MAHT1N.Ale.. Tdh.. BI.3B i.Niv.-.u.snv ri.Acr. and otii street. t,EO* rLOtnt_T..>th-ave .Ivjth.Alc..Tdh..|l M.lMuilc). ttAZ/.O.40th st. & U way. Tdh.. II (Orcheatra). HORHLLO-.4 VVeni _l»th St. T.lh. (Musle.) THK M \lll IlOHOl I.II.B'way 37th Bt. Ala. Tdh. Breakfast. 5*io.; .unch. BOc; Dinnar. IL. HOTRI, HIWGARI A.4 Unlon S.j. E. Tdh. wlth wlne. |1_ TKRItA< K OABBBI i Nahan FrtnkQ., 0rch-tra_ B8f k St., n*ar Ux. Ave. - AGASBIB.ii« PalieiaBy ri ala, Tdh.. ftOe. Al' (HAT Mlllt. n 551 IV. B'way Tdh. 50c., with wlna. Al t 11 4 1- NOI lt I DBBBVa, 32 VV. Mt*. Hotel ft R*__ Al 4711 AT .\Oin. [AFTER THKATnK BL'I'PRRS. AO t'HAT XOIR. J Ale. Tdh. Uaaek BBe. Dia. 75. MjbIo. I.l CHOW'S li.RNAN HESTAl'RANT.UO.-Uthat, JACQITM.87 BTaM 26th-at. Ale. Tdh.. 50. Qlmiiscrncnie. AMRRICAW. ttd and 8th Ave. AMRRICAB*. OARTI.E SQ. OPERA 00 EV«a. Sil.1, 2S.B1, A TRIP i:\i.s. stir,. BB-il. A TlllP INOTHINO 111' UiKlt. TO imil'.t. Mnte. 8:15, 1.100 Bea'd Baata. 25c. TO 8PRICA. tfOTII TIME, I' -TIKiSCK. HTERI.INO SII.VT.R MONDAY oc*r. ;i. PATIHBCR. BOITVBBTB.. A< AHKMY or Mt'sic, ntn st * frving VL -\ GLORIOt'8 SrCCRSB.. PRICEfl, he irreat Kr.Bllih play. -.POKTINd I.IKK." 2i. Horaea and 2<i<) iv-opt*. 1.00. Rate. tVed «nd Bat, 2. Bra. R18. 2.% BO, IH.10I . Bv., 8:lf.. MaU. W'd. * Sat TOU L.AUOH HI.IOI. 4 Al.t. THK TIME. BIJOr. S.M III.IIN Vltl). THK 1IAHUHB iii.ioi . ? or HICHIOAff, HI.IOI. In.-lndin. AI.I' K ATHK11T¦ >N A a nr.-at Co. broadway t33^i^_-*(__ FRAINCIS WILSON and Company. THK LITTLR CORPORAL. r.vKitpACIMO I BBB ni. arai Mat sat. oav uAOmU I ya*kkk pooni.E uasdti DALrSI I_b.-^ ¦ M-rrlr.t KmBMI Com _1y ever piodoeea at thls th"atre: "Th. Bly Clearatta," 2 er.rorea nl__tlr_ "The Matlon'B TVmet." 3 en*-orea nlghtiy, "The Man fnm Cw k*." 3 encorai. "Soldlara ln tl.e I'nrk." 5 ancorei. "Th-. II ,y Ouaaaed" 3 eneoraa. "THB OOBUNfl," r.arky duet a.f danre. BarprtM of the evenlna! "H:Kh s-.-ietv." 4 en.-ireB r.lghtljr. E.-ery Fv» a- S.10.- Ma'ine^a HTadnaadB y ft r*a...rd«v at A THK WOItl.1) l\ WAX. 8.I.KN l All the War MISKK. nNRMATOORAPH BxhIMtB Hourfcr. -?. Orchaatral I'oncarta Afr »nd Eva. 5th FMPIRF THBATBB, B'way *. 4<nh Bt. LIVirilAU j:\er.ln_- B.*>. Mat. Sat. JOHN DREW IN THE L1ARS. Flrat \Vr.dnend4y Ma"nee. 0888.88 B. a\k. thkathe. raar aaa) BHB aa_ B'V«a 8:15 far Ma' 2 .10. ELEVENTH WEEK IN N'EV. v-i'ihk. CHARLES COGHLAN ^ THE ROYAL BOX (.11 AM) 23d a' and 8'h ave Mai? W ed A. Bat. OPRH *. JAMRB..RIDDRR. W IRDH nnl BR. in*- of Btaadard Plara,_ C. A D L> IC V TllFATIlIV 3!V'h *t.. n»ar 1) wajr. UAKKI^rV Fienr^--. ( 18 Mai Sat. VrTH PFRF. OCT. 18 BOl-'VHXIBB HOYT'SJt^r A DAY AND A NIGHT. H..H-". l-THR DRVIL'B __________ J1 \ He-ald «1 Th»a.r» HVf. I:U W-' ttt_ 2:18. UVkk the french maid. CVTD i' H1.I.E. ANNA Hri/' iri"-'" m n--* fperlatt-, CAIKA.,,,, n,w wardr be tthta BB0.000, ror th.* weea NEXT WEEK ^^y^Vgg^^ IIUlTli l»I,A« K THKATRF. THK l.ll.ll'l Tl 8N«. In THI: ool.DI'.N HOR9R8HOR. KRITH'f iomimois picarORMAHCB. KKITH'B. the.. .'."-. Booe to 11 P BL HVNOARCAM BOTB* BAND COBA TARH_B1 anl U0U1B M.a.<?EUV Joe Flvr.n. B rl\. Hlog-aph and \ r,reat BUI. KN1CKERB0CKER. K?.;f "m- rZ *.». w%, nOPmt' 'H'''CHARLATAN K05TER & BIAL'S. "£{#_&?¦* A wiWKR l> OOTHAM IBO PEOPtJI Ari F :*-l*;'i \ BU 1.1 III. Bl LYCRtR THRATRR. M Ita Ava. AjRd 81 S 30. 1.4 lilM THBATRK. - R. H. aOTHRRB. 1.4KIM THEATRE. - BRABON. klatlnee. Thuradat * .^it, Ant' 'ny ;. Tlli; AUVRXTtRR oi<% LAD. I lt><t I.A. MAOIBOB aQR. THKATRR. MtB Bt., mrVeaB ¦SSy - BRA( E OF P\RTRii)Ms. Mll BD I V RII .1. RATIXKR EVRR1 l)ty. U tlN A I THI 1. 9 Et-anlBfi, S5c A bth, Thi. WTeeh Dl b B uclcaulf. "THK .fll.T.H XTATIONAL E\nmiTl"N Pbotoarapba, newera 1> ACADEM. "'.' '-''"iON, tU .¦. Adiu 2f>.. .-,:.' .nnual Exhl '. in Inatttute. to .4 M m ll P. M Amataur. ProfaaaloMl. No ilitlnctlon Madahi ' ¦. n claaaaa PABTOR'B CO.TISH.'Ol'B PRRPORMAMCBf. 12 noo_ te ni' II .-' '.. .: 80 enta AI.I'-:: BHAAT, siivw TWIN BIBTEHS. )«\4I T. JtlK'S Tlivnlri', B'way urid SBttl II S !'!.". BHOWB RVERT PAV. 2 AND 8. n -., :.>'¦ .'rownlna ldaden, 8" Ilurlei; i. i Vlt 1 rv -,iir* VVALLACK'S, ETSft. Z* r_ ai i'-K i Rerben a BnU.'. THR N1ELSEN <>,;,;r FORTUNE TELLER. _llf Cfiirt'. Brooklyn Jockey Club Raccs. *pt. IA i* BX 1V- "' .-" -'¦ .-. _.> .". *s- *.. ll ll.ii' -a l«i-«lii» ill BltS I'. I'I.-I.l Mniitl. BU IniK. Ppeclal .11. THR Y'VitKiiii.i: 11 imiiiap. j ,,. U H B dlracl araiMl etand frotnMTH BT.. E R., tt. Y. I- avi .: 1J:S0, 1 10, Parlor .'ara attached K ¦¦' V. :..¦>..,. .(, N 1 II 00 A. .. 12-00 12 4... Irf» 1:20, 'i" '-' "" Bp X:_ P. M. in;.H.iv i \ \ TRAIBB. Ix-ave BROOKLYN RRinOE, vla Bl iva. Fl»vat*,1 and j. |. -r,,! ,- i n lt at TJ 10 n.-i-'r- - fr m 12 nv.n. .Aiitnmn ncsorie. ©(IDOOD®-]0©®^ DOD.^! AND BUt-HT COTTAOm. BKKNAKI'SVll.l.E. T». J. JT'.eea Nu\. lat. 3.'. inil.a fri.m H«W-T. k n D., U A W. 11 R vla H..r. Ia> or Chrletoplier Bt. ferry. Altltuda 800 f,',t OEO. W. Tl.TTl.B Man«.er. DJT STi_'3ll.y^ SAIMTABflffliH, BARATOOA BPRIKOB, H. Y. For he.-itth or recraatlon. IBevator, .¦. .m. he-:e. Pia I'arlur und Roof Promefl.*.. Muuea arlth h.i-li. MjM4|I, Electrlclty. Turklah. Rtuelaa, Natural Waier and all Ratha and hr.ilth apeliancaa. The Na.ih'int TreHtn-.-nt. Adlr. ndack air. H.irai i;.i wnera. Patha. Entertatnmanta, Tournamenta. «ic. Ren.i for tlliutrated rlrcu'.nr,_ " 1TD0CE H-AQDOB-SI-- DOOTSI 9 UVKBVt'OOO, n::v- JER8EY -.,'111 open f.-r the !>.'.:. n '. \^>^ BB, n S.r.irdav, Hct. t. ls ona of Lake* d'a moal .'¦¦. ¦¦ irfnl m nrha. DAVID I' II.' MU! Manager. ODQsiraBoasoB oaaDoo&s. AM) OOTTAOaB. PAtVt.IWO V. T. Flret-»-lua» Beooamodatloaa; 80 mlnutaa Irota Grand CentrHl DeBOt, il.irlrin lt. li -..- ¦: faM ualna dally «_J. wa>. Setid for CUCttUr. AOdx.-a c. V. i_\Nsi\'i. Hanaaaa POHTRRT 1)OMKHI3T INR, CE» ori:s uvtit iiK^n.^nrn. Ideal autumn BmoOft lha hlll. _f Cunnectlawt, Cloll, Wh-elm., l>rlvln_. O. C. HQWE, Prop. L_i:i'Ti-).Mi'i-:rr i:.\'ri-;.-> ai wapi.ewood HOTBU J5 White Mt».. V II. rUMBUB A WEBBTKR. RR- nVKIVi'tai'Mi'VTS and buI.b. nptlona f. r Tne Trlhune rec.lved bi lhair I'ptown Orac*. Kx 1.24- Hroadway. ;.l door Borth of ¦"! ' ». ur-iH 0 oV'.ock p. m.; adve-t1»»- men'B reeelved at the frftowlnf brtnrh oBlcaa ot rr.*vjl*r rate, untll > ..-1... k ,. ... vla.: BM 8*ti .va. «. .. cor. 'i?,.\ bt.: 182 Bth uvc, cor. ).:h >t M»,-'i, 8th-ava Ccnintrti Doord. VPKW PSaaOWB ¦»« h. accommodated wlth fooft N-.-.r*1- mlle ant lult from d.-pct; h«r«» an«l earr!4«a. For partleuUra allire. Mra. L H SYKFS. Box 88. Laka- m i, s j._ S""|NiTl_*l riEXTI.EMAS or party wlBhtn« pleaaant yunny room, axoaWenl tabla. for fall -nd wlntar. Addraai Mor: BB, Crarford. N J. nvFiTriSKMENTS and !>iihBrrlp'ir.nB f"e The Trll-ohO reiVlvad ai iheir i'ptown . Mii.-e. Ho. l.US Bramhwof. .1 door north of .'llsi at.. untll o'afocjl P^ni advertiaa- ntrulB recerrad Bl tho foUowtflf hranrh orfl"« ar offlce rnte^ until M *.'.|..-k p m.. v lr ! V>* Strnve. , a. ..:¦ ti 183 «.h ara., ror Hac] ». «'h .vt. att.i 14th <t.. 142 <'oiiimtniB ave.. nesr «* t.6.'n bi.. l'-a Wret IM «t near 8th av-.. 05 Kaal l*lh rl.. _i \'<l 42d at h-t«r-n 7th and Nthavra IMI l.aet 4.lli Bl.. 1.X.18 31 ave' betwwn Trtih and "T*h fl- 1 "l!'l lld --«ve.. netr 81 at at I.TOB 1" aw., nrar 8:>-h .' «*. .8.1 ava. ne.r .lat-et.. M.4 ,'ld ave :in Blaacker-st.; :i2A Btaaoliay-el.j S.U08 3d-8ve.,240 tia-t TDth it.; 1.'. _1 W»it. 2.002 Sd -888

New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-27 [p 11] · dtutiort LUUIB MRSIRR. Auotlotifrr.

Oct 27, 2019



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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1898-09-27 [p 11] · dtutiort LUUIB MRSIRR. Auotlotifrr.

dtutiort MRSIRR. Auotlotifrr.MWr_AB AVCfKMI SAI.K OF



_a .2 3,1 ..clock, a' the N. V Re.-il F.state Bab. sroom.¦ " '

No. 111 Brondwajr.|)y or.l. r "f F.xrcutcr..

B00 rhr Br*-. Al" l I1» B R. <"".12 ah. »(r- *lm I'nion Oaa -hs People1 TruBl <"MOOO Dklyn rle)shta R. R. Co. )st Mtae 8 p. c. Rds.,

1041rooo R'kiv-n nty A Newtowa K. R. Co. i«t Mtge, r> p. c.

His IBBB88.000 C nejr lend A- Hr.-kiaji R. R. lst M-?». ft p. c.

Bd*. IDOBli\ ..rd.-r *>f Admlntltratora.

13.00 <'ana_-v 8 Bthern It'way Co. lst M'pe. 5 p. iaaa

S »hs Molnaona Coal '<..

4 «h» Sloux nty A rnrlfle R. R. profrrred..< ,?,« <lo do rommon

B"iii««t<*1ev ("ol., Cln. A'a H. R. Cenild.** | p, r. Bd 1014.aa (v,V) .tlanta A Chari ttt R R Alr I.lne 0 p. e. Ine.

I! ll I. II«i*O0O It^adintr Co. A Fh.ll. A Readlr.i: tt Iron To.* Oen'l M'c*- 4 p e. Hd» IBPT..3 000 .¦ trai h R. ef N. J r. p e. flen'l MtKe. Rds..

11.-7815 0OO r. ntral R. R of N. J. 5 p. c. (Jer.'l Mt|-o. Itds.,

IBrVI17000 <v .1 Crc»k Mlnlrsr A M.irmfc Co. 0 p. 0. Rds..

ir« Iliooo Ban Anto. Bireel R R. 7 p. e. Baa., IBOB.

,.-. aceount of whom lt may rncern.)22.1 shs J hnaton Ruildlna Co (hyp'd).

7 »ha. luy Btat. Bhoe anl Leather <'o. of N. T.80 shs. «'. il.1.15i««v .'.-\- of JenVraon, T*>x B p, r. .''..'> yr. rons'l Pkg.*

r l 5 p. r. Hda., .luly. 1 .*?«.-.. r uponM OJT. " 0 Mlnlr.R nnd M.-vnuf. .'... lal Mtce. 5 p. C.

.'i, :-'2'.. July, iM'.i. eoup. n,

jo shs. Produc. K.'Iik:-' Tn . .' ui I.-r agr'-ementwltb rr --:..:. '¦!.-- Ktandard Nbi Rank ln llq.

lio.OOO _ma Northern Kv. lai Mtge. ti p ,-. Ronda, ir»4!\.280 rh«. N'ortlv rn Paclflc It It. commnn, iina^cnted.gju.OOO T-I t»l. lr u - and K.n. iti 1: K lst VtB*>. 0

p. r. H.-nls. .ntlnental Co. Ortifs.5 sh» Araertcaa PreBB Aiioc'ation.

115000 1<* klvn Whnri' ar-1 Vv'-iri ;.on«e Co. lst Mtae. 5.. Ronda 1048

12,400 BpanMine Mn.-Mne BereW Co. lst Mtjfr-. 6 p. cl> ruls. Re*.

«_. 800 6 do.j.-,.... do.a.(ii ehs Cfi'r.-il Plrvworkl CO. ro.rr.on._& aha. 'i- do prefanad.

i Kat'l Unnk of v.inrueT -.-

.,-. (.u, Trioonift. and Columbtrt Blver R. R. lst Mtr» Op Bda. Oiyi

1" Bb. Albnnv an.i Siis.|i:elianna R. R. Ouar11% iharee B uibarn Pa< Ba R. lt Co of ObL» p|M Fr B'-rne A- Jackeon R R.. len«.-d to I^ke Phore.

72shsBOl d 1r.di.¦' i, d". do. do.

'.n .>i« Boir*>ri .<. N. w Tork Alr I.ine.$,-. 0 .1 r, 1 A llo-lilnir r'o.-il * Iron C0 SO-ye*r 5 p. c.

MtBe H'le 1"17.1 share New Tork L*« Imtltnte.

B8 e'.s Tuledi. A Ohlo . e-itrnl R. R. rommon.j.lit Fhs TTi'.lrimen s Nn''l


To the Shareholders of tiieMinnesota Iron Company,

lllinois Steel Company,Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway Company:Pursnant to arraaaeaBeaita n_4e hy a ByadWai. rn aa

¦paaaaaa 0{ sharet ol Ibe above naaead <ompani»i f^r¦harea of ihe Federal Steel < ... the un.l> rsiened glve no-

tlce that ln Vehnlf it EtKrb B|»d.Bte, Ikep nre ra. h pr»-

parad to reo*lv« <-ertlfl(-at*>s tor any surh sharos for pnr-

poie of suoh enchsr.ze OB '.he follnwlns baala and suiijertto tha followiriR I Bdtllocia, i 7

Each exlstlr-a ahare of Mlnneiota Iron *o. fupon p.-iy-icent there-n o. rr-e MB. ' fl!7.1*) In orirh) to t* en-

tltled to 1.3fir.-l.iXM) ebaiei ln pr«frrred atork of 1>1-

aral Pteal Company. anl I.hI-I.IMH) sharea ln eoaamo.

Bfork of Federal Steel exlstlnn; share of lllinuls S\rr\ (Jo .upon paymep.t of the wtm of ijllM In eaefe) to l.e antltled r 1

Bhare In prrfrrre. Bto-"n <¦' redrral Str*i f'ompany, and

8-10 of one shnra ln conim-h stock of Paderal Steel Com

pany.Each axistlng ^^lrtre of F.)fi\r\, Jollal nnd Kaetern Rall¬

way co. (uoon pajaaini ihereoe of ttie aun of JlT.aarafh) fo be en'itioa lo 7-*< of n» Fh.. in preferred H k

of EeJrral Steel C mpany, ar-.d 7-10 of one share ln rom¬

mon sKok of Tedernl Pr^ri pai )Phar-f ..f the Minnesota Iroa 00., rhe llllnoli Pteel Co.,

an-1 the Kl.ln. >lle: ind Kastern Ry. ''o to imure partlr'p.Mkn ln t ts arranK'n.ent. rr.-ist le' Oepoaltetl wlth

tl'her : :. IBllllBlaaBll Trust *-orrpan!»s BOl ii.ter than

(K-tor-T is-.. i>f'*. Babjed to the above mentkwed oash

aarmmt ia reepeci thereto. and su-n peir_4ntt muM

la ..'" to the uma Trust Company BOt later than oc

tci-er rn-.'». iaaaTr< r.sf-rRbie reoclpts wlll be irsurd for rteposlted rharrs,

Bh1 he cash payment, when 88848, WlU he notad on surh


The consummatlon of the propo^.r? arrangemrnt ll de-.

pendont upon its aeceptance by holderi of gt least tw*>-

.n aroount of lhe aharaa ot ea h of the three c^n-

aiituent companlea.|f 'rr any reasor, the arrana*ment iball Tt b. .arrl»l

out. the depoalted shareg and tha cftfh paymenti wi'.l be

reHirnel apoa surrender of ou. rec-ij, tiAU eixxr. i '. -r d^p'-alt mu.' b. asMKn"j3 ln blar.i :r!

mutt have proper reeenue r'n-r-r- aliached.The shar'-i of the Fed»ral Bleel fomrtry are of

v |ioo k BtiltaMa ca«h maniiitnadr at lur.e tf d< llve'y of the n»w .u»-k in >»fp»ct to

fraetleaa al ih» h of aach atoek acrrtimg to any de-


Bt laal RulldlPK. l'L'2 Hr B&wajr,:..-«¦ Vork

OLD COLONY TRUST COMPANY, RuiViln*. IV irii.h-'-n Mn.'. BT^

B .>. n. Masa.

New Y. rk anl BOOton, Sr-t'enU-r lOlfl. 1898.


Cleveland, Tuscarawas \al!cy andWheelinjr First Mtgc. 1% Bond^.The ur :¦ n . 11 ucbaeed fr t>- -he i*-Nri.nd,

lAt.a aad \vh« "¦: » I I" ¦' :;:aeiidated vi ib "<.

* '; ''

rewr.el to retlre i ke im -¦.:-. ..i.hv..k

V. bd Wl eellni Plral Morlaaij. I .'. '-.¦'.

fallir.r due 0 1.8°.. Offei 81 -. U '."-

Batad M rtaea-. B i-' ceq ¦'¦ H la Ien - a i-

»i:i - fumlabed on nppli. atl< n atU. THE HliDI )H'I'!«> «" THK I'LKVE-l"\i> ii s. "ii i\\ \> % vi.i.i:. a w iiiiiim.

I-'lltvi lOlll'.H.i: T HOMi- THK rLRVB-1 I) |Oll\l> .V HHKKI.IMJ KIHR'I VO\»\'Vi'" .". GOI.II HO«4l»B HI.K.MI \\

AH.OLt'TK P'lHUT MORTI«.%UK I I'ON 11.1.TIIK I'HOPKHTI OF THR « l.l'.ll » \ JO.LORAIB A MIlllllM. RAILW.41 ..nii\M

1!*- r- tln lUtl .' .J hric lllUl 8 -'

T-........ ,¦¦ property for tiie ; yeai .m.->-

Bi.prcx!rr.:-.-.!> |i.''.L

Kean. Van Cortlandt A Co.,H arall Bl n- ¦¦¦¦ v rlc M T.

BBTW VOAKi l,o\.;OMnm iiiio .i)\\ w. os ORRBHAM nr.

Capital paid up . . . $1,000,000Surplus.$200,000

WV I. TKI'.MI'iI.M. I-r.-sl.l. nt.

Tnaeacu a ajtaoral ""M aaataeaeaiiov...i ll)r*r.1 rale. of laleeeM oi Bei Bta and

tr-i-t fundx.ha Me Uttera of CreAM «nd TrmveHer- <-*ir-

salai .. lea payable la d-i:ars bt m the money

ef tr.y f. .el.n ..,'intry.ams v* Troatee ea*er mortaattea fer iniiv-ay

a:.l o-.her eooapanlaa, ..""' "' A^"'" u,r " " J>"

«irtr«tion of iii* y k. aad foi the traaafer al

the IM.I "¦ '¦¦ ¦¦¦ nf .'"1 oon-.pi.nleeI'lid'-iiakc-s the cvainii.:.ti-n "f profBrllea 0B-

ferod aa se'-univ Ne baM l-»u.s. and the ob-

taln'.r» of cxi-ert lnf. rmatl-n eo«eernlR8 t''«>

actuai facta and pap-firta of rawBaau-tlaapropoaalr.Quaiitvd and .Bipoweied to acl as aaectnee,

Bdriilnlalrator. tTOetOO. fttSt-BO. .'-. as'lmee.

ar.d a. laealVW and rustodlon of tm.-l. aadat

orO"r. *.f C. 111

The KORTH AMCR1CAM TR1T8T c*,miv\NYhe MUMlihcd a braacb offl.-e «.. BAMTIAao,.nd is prr,,.,,l r.. l.uv BOd BO« drafti. 0* ..nd to

makr p_.BBM. m BAMTIAOO ond lo transnct a

fer.eral o.nking bttatneea THI COHFANT ia

alee peeparad re ..-" ,lle aapoelta "t the

B0L_.HU aad BAn/?aa now ln CUBA, and,uiil-r tlrlr dl.e. tPrtis. to pmlve re_lt_» s le

tl.vlr famtlle. i. tbe t'MTKI. BTATBR. alao to

lnve»tl«8ta and rtpttti ln .n advlrory ^opacltyai .. ne-* aatarfflaea ia AX_ i-'Nrs °»TiiAi.i. aad RAKUFACTWRUIO. a. aellim lnc.rv raoFRRTnea, ariKTRB bombw. __»»>Tltl..' 1>L.ANTS.' .A1..S. IN'll ST»'IA'*S.BIOAR and TORA4XTO PI.ANTA I I 'V-. -n

CUBA. PUBRTO ni'", >"". .' '" ,,' !. Vl'l.Ms bi boldlna m 'n.»r rit"' K'v'! ;,-CX.NTRAf TS, IIORTOAOKR. end i"*1.-atthar peeiUai Ihe e*~lna ol oea uatloni otmorr estendad or more dennlle perlode. f

Eapeiir,: atuatlon i« caJlad lo iba rttaiteoaoiTHi; LtiMPANV alieadv (fltabllahedI al »'-

NII.A with the r-ARTCREn 0AKK OFINI.IA. ALBTRAUA, an.l ^'''iV, ,..',-rr'.'for the prwenl n»eda ol -ui MAM PA' {,.'.BRB, MSRCHAKTS. THAVKI-I.H^. .s°1'-DlKlt.. ind SAII/IH.S._.

A DVERTIBCJIENTB and subscrlptl'-ns fer The T_J*J5Sr"^V leoelved al thelr I p.o«vr, Offlce. N'J. 1.-«- H.'/',,71'__«d door Borth ot .ii-i r... ' 0 Veloet pn *?*+*___men'i re,-r|y»rl _, ,(. foMowlr.K nranrh ..«.;''" *'

. »aiBca ru-r un- 8 o"C|o k p. m. vlz.: 2..4 "ih Bra._ a__faea M tt.-. isi Sth-av... eor. 12th at M-' *¦ «*".**atd lltiitt.. 14'^ C./.unibu3 ave, r-ear \Veat vVin ai.


to tiik sTorKtioi.nrcns-


T>» un^r-<lir".»'1 hnve her-n r»r|,i<-»._ hy holflar* nf a

Irtrgo n ini of Ktr-r-k »nr| nl«r> hy r-rerlllora of th* n. v»

nam Compiny, to «,-t an a CV.mm1tt»» ti ur-rl»-rtaka tb*re, rpiinlzat'. n of Ha panflwrttea nrA M effert a prop»radj. tiriant of ita ftr,*in<-lnl nfTnlra. In orrlar to a»-*ura

ron-»rt of artlon arr-ote; the fltOCatboMerfl an a|rreamf>nthaa been depoalt -altli th" C»ntral Tniat C"it!r»tiy of

NVw York. P4 IVnll Ptrrrt, K«~ York <"!ty, under IB*terma and iy_dltlon* r.f arhlCB holdcr. of atock are r«-

quf.'cl to dr-poslt wlth th« Tnift Company of

New York their carttflcatea endoraed ln blank. on or be¬

fore (Vt-l |, UBB,Tniat Company BflgOtlaM. recelpta wlll be 1a_*d for

r-.ock dap-ilted.Or,r>lea of the ae. a.-nent. may h» ohtalnel at the ofTVe

of Uie Tniat Com;>any or from any member of tb* Com-mltte*.


t'ommltlee.( Im li iiiiin.

BAM1 Tl, TIIOMIS. Iili:\itv \v. immmi. Jadkian ii.". niana.l

JAMi:s N WA__A_L Fecretary.f-4 Wall Slree'. Ne- York.


NEW YORK CITY3&% GOLD STOCK,Coupon or Registered,

MaturingNOVEMBER I, 1928,

NOVEMBER l, 1917,

FOR 1*1114 I". AMI 1*4.1. TICM."»R8

41'1'I.Y TO

Produce Hxchan^e Trust Co.HO BB BROADWAT, ni.u TOUR CTTT

Farson, Leach & Co.,Ma NAflBATJ BTRKKT NEW TOBK ITY.

To Hold.ra of Recclpts Issued by the Under-

signed for lialtlmore and Ohlo RailroadRallroad Company's Five Per Cent. Bonds,l.oan oi 1885:

l :¦.¦.¦¦¦ dat, .1 .¦ 22. IV. the unrW-

a'rned 1-nve ,:-. -iltefl th* bond* I 1 by II Ma nn I rer-r<-- 1-v -I¦>. abor* n.r-ttll. n tniat r-»l;ta. ui-der the

___.. tor th* Baltlaaoe. and omo

Ftaiir ni .¦ mparij dat. Ju_ _. iaa. »_ »r» n-^w pre

j-nr t.. axehane** "he llati iBItl* Tr ,.«' Oon r-any'a rartlf.

,-alaa ,,' ........ a_V« men

,|,,pe.l. e-jrren.ler of.-...-.¦.¦ .¦¦! t .'.er T

lh*r_f ar th* offlr* 4 th* bi Bo, flfll',r,., a. ...-.- ' New Tert

-.,..-- Ni ¦» T rl fl*i - -'¦


Bavkcri ani. ttrokcrg.

DE HAVEN & TOWNSEND,40 Wall Street, -I2H Chesinut Street,

NEW YORK. PMII UiFIPHIA.Mrmlirr, of the ".*._» Vtirk nn,l I'l. I liiitrl|,hlM

...r-U r-«-l,».|ii*«. «»»r <>1ll,-.-« Im'Iiik <"<in-

ii. ,-I.mI l>>* t H«-*-B_. ..r.l.-ra I ¦ _lli«Tnmrket "ivin br protwpili .-....¦..i-.i._


vr.Mi'.Vrts* <-<r thp:NEW TORK BT _B BB "HAHOB*.

We ofi'cr and rt'comminil as n <_fe Inveat-ment. a line oi carcfully selected lat mort.a.e(iold Bondfl nettlnjj irom 4 to 6 per cent.

pecial circular sent on npplication.






Mich. Peniria Car 5s & pref.Barney-SmithCar 6s& pref*Ohio Falls Car 6s & pref*KOUNTZE gROTHRRS,

BANKERS,broadway and Cedar Street, New York.

i>er_H acuwiBi. i.ciIvbB,Aflvanraa minli

munlrlpal and ctlier apjr.veJ aacuritlaa

Letters ol Credit lAsued.

HENRY CLEW5 & CO.,itAN-|-:r:i'r>

11, IS. 1% A 17 tlrond BC.M4*nibfr!i N. Y. ttork ExchanRe.

nrrl. a rxrrw.t tn- lnv.,Ir,.-rit <r BB rr. ,r-ln. Ir.t*re*talSwa. _T*a oatla _i.). t ,. eb_k nt aUf.l. Aet aa

^^4_^_!'*Wo\ 4 MI. iaiiv. AT, Bllfl '*.'>'" "IUranch 0_r . BBOAHWAT. cor. I>i l» St.

/ f<7 llll.'iX BT.. M.rc..n"lle Kl fat i« OOURT flT« 11,jonlyn.

I. F. Mead & CoT,BANKERS BROKERS,II iiml Kl "!«<» *'»u aY, BI. V.

twfn-TY THKii. VI.'.I.v MKMIIKRflHIP IN' BT_W-r" rOBK HTOTK EXCHANaEptorka «n-l lf-iMla *._ti_iit iu,'l f."-l f -¦'_. ---r "n rnnraln.

Crlloloid Stock.St. Paul Gxs Stock.American Air Power Stock.Texas-Pacific Income & Land Grant Scrip.

pB__T 1> IIY


Astor Natlonal Bank,Continenta) Trust Co.Mcrcantilc Trust Co.Waahinj-rton | rtust Co.Hanhattan Trust Co.


DituDniO Xotices." __tf_Cn VrilAM ''.AT1"NA1. BANK.

QVARTBIll.. 1»IVII>EKIJrniiK BOARD OF DIKECTORB bare thla dajr.ul ., ,he0*-"^,Ofun% .hU 'I' ** .-"i.-r-r'.-k. -.11a_.1 «f'"r '" ' "lcr

H |- h.iil,,Ui, _al_r.

WN_w"v01tK, fl****-*** _. I*-1*-



-. i( iii flept, nt. iaa;\ QUARTBRLI DIVIDEXD "f f__ PER

PII ARE wlll taa pnM NBTI m'*r lal r\-xt to IB* «'' *.hr>M .« nf Ihia r.-nii>i,tn'« (tOCfc, r*f1*4*r*d 0*1 IB* ''I *toflof the Ttan»fer iv.r ka

Th<- Tr*n*fer Booka win i- rkwfd al » e'doc* i" *.'

,.n tha ."Vitl, ,l«y r.f «.[t.-nl an.l r* jvne.I nl I'» B.I IA. M. Ih* 1"". i- of '. ».<-r IM-I

j. r. i im.t.iP8, Tliaaunr.

l NION PACITIC RAILROAD fOMPANT.N*** v r. flaptemner Iflflfl

\ DIVIDEXD of ONE DOLLAR \M> AHM.r ,.--., PER BHARE oa l_ l-r-f-ir-l fll

r.f thla I'unpanr haa i--n de,lar_, payaMe al Ihe 1' ¦-

arrra . «H, e. BqillUM* RulldlnB, l«n n- -<-l« ¦>-

V.-rk nn anrl after «' '.><' 31, l-..*a. lo iii" t" khoMer*r,f r-mrr nt th.- eloae ot l-ualn. aa October l». I_«.Th» IT". ir st... k trnnaf honfca inoa* etoa. for IMm.f th" annual meetlnK .m-l t" r- i-n <i'i ¦¦¦

18t_ will eln. for thla dlvldend Oelober tatti at .t

D.lock r M Hti-I r'.-| .. al 1" ... Ir. k A. M. Novetnt.l ibb. ai.i:n MII.i.aii. Beeratary.

RUunk Ucports


the Btate I Sea Iforh, »t th'- eloa* et ba_a**fl, B*i_*bb*r Wth. Ifl_:

HkSni It'H. __I. ,- ,-| lia BBlfl .*** ".5' ..""Ov*_ralt>, ,- eun and un**eur*d. 31 -"¦-" ¦,s

1 H bond* t. a.- uir drculatlon. SR' .'

r. 8. bond* oe hand . 2_premlum* -n r. 8, bond*. .'¦'.¦ '.¦

Btorka. - utitl**,. 14,o.v>.i.,-j-.-iItnnklnR, furniture hh-I flttiirei.Due fmm Vitl n;il latnk* ,,i"t r***nr* «|renta)I.,.. fr..m Btati mka and bankera .

Cherka an-l .:h.-r raah Item*..i:,¦."¦ for ciearlna Hou»e.

Noie* "f nther Natlonal u-itik*...Praetlonal i-ij-er eumnry, nlekel* ,-in-l r-enta.l.iwiul money re. r*** in hnnli. viz

Bj, .|« . .4. .STSflfli. -al .¦ 1*1 ti itea. i.i7 .-.'"."

Radrmptlon Rmd with IT, s T. n«'r II %¦t elrrulatlonl .

Pue fr.-m I'. S Treaa. r-t;,f>r thnn .". '. i-

d, mpl on fund .

T.aj._> 717.4'>4 --.»

I.TAH1 LtTt.B.C'ai'ltal atr..-k pftM tn. _.,,'""¦"Burpiua fund . B.aae.e__1 T,."l-. -I.1.-.I ppoflta, l-aa .[..-naen an.l ta*«i

p_d .. 2.4. .2_ IflNatlonal i*nk n'-rr, outaiandtna. e*Tj,onoi»iIma ta other Natlonal bank* . lfl.Bi7.3l*" 4*iDu* lo Btate hank* and hanker* . ."...".;i ox> "-"

Indivldual* »ubjer( ln rhar'.i. 7. l.*7."7:i IiiI>en.aii.| rertlfl_t_ of depoalt. I4.WIMCertiriel eheck* . 1.07«1.'_1'J "._

Caahhai- eheek* nutatandlne . 4flB.1flt fl4UaMIItlaa other thnn thoaa ahova at»te<1,

Unlted Btatea _a4 aeeotMl. a_,flOBflO .$.10.717.4'-1 "-Stita nf N.-w Ynrk. fminty nf Naw Torfc, M

I y I. IIIN'K. Oahl <-f th* abo*/» nntne.l lanK. do

aolemnly a»aa- lhal Um abova _»t.iw*al Ifl true t.> thabeat r>f mr knr.w|a.1a;e BBd Ilef.

K* U 11INK. r^hier.Bular-rlbe.1 «n.l iwwti to l.«for* ma thli Iflth lay of

p.ptember. IV,8. THOfl S WI1.I.I AJ.1HNr.tarT PHhtte, B. Y. C.

Oirreri.Atreat:OEO. r BAKEB, )F1«HKK A HAKKR, J Plrer-tr,..UM r AltXEflD "'K. >

RtNo i.r.24 _


th» S-ata »f N*_ Ter. «t the r|r.,a of Bflfl__l r4e5)'»mb»~

H) a' 'I'lt' EBt.o_. ani d_a_nt. . |M,,._8r.erd_na frariu-a.1 an-1 U_*_.d . aa_a_St* .e bn_a te B_tt. rlrrulailon. ¦._?'..;Premlum. m I* B IwM* .

, i_l'a2a iaBtocka aeourltlea. *li . . . ' '

Bankltif-bou. Pimltui. ani flxturea . B__.ima fr-.m Natleaal baaln i_4 i.aai.a

m<flI'H.^7-!."rr Btate bwiki ind l.-.nka*. . SS52L-h»ck* and oth»r raah Item* . aalT'EiiEs.hana*. fm l**rlna h ¦*» . *-,,.,.,S-,,^ r f*- Natlonal bank. .... ,--.¦¦ ."!..,.'Eraetlonal pa»_,--r. nl k..|. and «nta ... »^i_tt f,ii ni'''D'*y ^*.¦*n^^'** ln ink, vi.'Ipl,,. . n.««.aaaaeUnjbi emdar aetea. *,____ i.m.lBlBfl

B*«_MtI_ Mnd _t» O P. Treat-urar Iflfli,-lr .lati.ri .

.1? .7 flflfl 71

j..., ^'^.»:.«_i_::::.... .KSS8a-ir- '¦'- '

-.. *Bp»wa. «n-i iaa*a^. ^

ou*..- . '.£?,... , ..... b n '-" ¦'*' I hanker* . *-'

plvldend* unpald -.-... « aa* «_.........

artlfl I .,.,.,--..,

r«ahl«r'. rheeh. itatandlnfl . '" Il_"«7.nafl71¦.___> vr_ v rk unir e.f N*w Tork, _.isamiTt^^"'-.-'¦.'¦'¦¦¦.¦. '>*fc'"' ' ,h* !_?_¦am_ _nk do lemitu .". ",". H-rtaawaflI. r-ii Wth* ft - *..' " ''. ,. fcl!. ,r"* ",

... ,, --.. |. --,S" _,hl»r

_5y___^f_T I' ' HKATNAHI-.IflBMaaa- WO"v .,. , ,. R-Hl v...,r<S,

n N_ T rk r..

-. fi.t i HaateraAPrtiw IflEl IN JR '


':c.^v:;_'.:rv ¦:.¦¦'¦¦¦¦'" - REBOt-f-fl II* 04-*. 241 ".',Uoana and dii .,-

' '- utre .i . "«

I- B bond* - -(ni .. i*.-,..-<«-.... , . ,

.- ..'.:;",.y..r , .' '.'" ¦'.

' r,"",v'B71.r_S4

ai.lebilBkj. '_«__¦li^k. ,.:!-' ""."'., .-., a7, «;

... r , I*.r1ne houa*. . -

. ..'¦ -* L-l. -n^.a Vr*-7.Pr .' nal

M Ifl. 444 <Y>..*''", ". i *'¦*. MB on

i: B ., ,,_of«.p_li r«rp, .w

l»aal .»-!.". ..¦ _.

B*d_iB4_« __-Rt* tl P TrBBBttm (o%ot

r.rtrTn.'l.fl T-,.- -rh. MN 47f-ri.rlerrr-'lnn fund.

.|Vi::.1.'",-..-.'T ¦"' .

i.i uiii.n ri _*__ a.,r_,,, .,i

'.iiritHi no*-1. r*'-i m . .. .,,,,,,,,

t.iri l-i, tu. ''«_' '.TJ!_rndivided proiiu, !'.< 'V'"" and laaea

.r. ,rnvftpaid ...... ........ ,,' 41 r,7 .".,,

Natlonal bankn,.,t .-.r..itn-,... ,,,,., Natlonal mka .'? 1T2 J2 «J,.. ., ptaia hanki and hanker. - ''f^?,';,


r. 4-"1 B4T1 ....

raM.flral..* ni M « ..'*Ortlfled rh*, k»

. 40'onOflOfirl'l't'. ''"" k. -".-"¦..1 "* *4, {,-, iTTi aj

Mai.iniies other than tbee. atwee et-tefl. ta«m_ttoono

r...rv*. . *

». ni aa .'-,1

.. '.,li .-.*! rhal 'i'*' "'""- .."."¦"""' ,"r"-

beat '-f my kn-wle,!,'. .nd hej-er ^ h,cko. ,-.,'. r

Ba_erlWd «nn _-m ... h*fo_ m* im* i«ih -1 *«

K."'"iVM A MMN. ^^^X'n.T.r.r. ..

wp,. ,(,,VTJm'YVBBANT KISB. HMr. tora.

Af'.fST HKt.MONT. I_

DEPORT OF Th'k'«-".'ni.ITI<)N OF THE

. .«y_"SK^_t5_a>_fn-_tf-WBl ,t<- ..f Ni t» J"r ' "

***' 1C"- UKSM.-H.-1>t_o_ »n-l .: '' "i"

, ,.Oi nlrtfl*. »' ured .nd '."*.?- '.t-1 .f i- ..-..

rt 1 i-i artta...<t* s bond* on h indI-r.-mi.m- on '¦ B I 1 I* .

St.-lc, Ml urlti- .

Purnlture and rwtur.-..¦. «**'.*.Tuuu..... -,,.. ,.,,,.1 mortaaaM e-n_.

i rv-_MiB_Du* frow Mat* bank. md bank

1ir> nn n7"' '*_. ia_'noiBruarlnahru*,.. 1/U "^

K.tea nf oih r N*H nal bank* a._»aaPra iional paper rurrency, Blrtw -

gj_f|'¦ '¦-'¦¦.;,'. ..^-_-n_lse-:f;:_rtir,-:.r,-;.*...' aasa--r s Bartlflcate. ef

aapjatt f.r .-,-.',1«'"n'**r . IBflTJaB 01 Bnd -Ith " ¦-«-fri/v*,

T eaaunr (rv,i uf li ilatltm). ....¦«_

D_ ir-m '. B. Tr_*urer *_*thvi r.% redemptl'-n« ""

«, ^.^ ,a,v 74

117.0,1s.1K1.'i '.ITr.. ^."".;"UAB_4T1__ .,*i,.'t,l »tork paid in. »


rndlvid.-.!'. '-tlia. I.--- ¦e.I'ir,;-a an-1 iai-'paid* IflflijiW «|Natlonal bank not«-a ouiat.uirilna. 4',,,,k«,,o,-..,., Rtalaai ra.nrl K'nn BeMOnl

^ ....

I.ue 10 "th-'i- V«'l"n»l l'-*n><- $,a., i'.o *'.p-ja ii, Btal* bank. and i'*",i<».>" _

Dlvldend* unpald..._... a,a_IndMdlual ,,.,...,. auhi-rt »t_mmnI>Prn,,.'1 rtlfleate* of dapoadt.. M .;'".''r .tltl.1 rl-.-ka. l£Sn«lOflehler-* eh_k* ouutandlna. 322,-, ,, j,,,.., r]«n_lt.. 4_,n_<*nr...,. ita, r.f I' H dlahnralnf

oftlr-.r. . B4.r_*2LloMlli! othar thnn lt_M abova

,,,,,.rl . aao on

leui .¦__....»iT.flBataflflaaBtate ,-f New Yf-rk. Oounty "f New rk. aa,-^

T C B YiiIN'O. ."aahler >.f the «1>ovr n*m,d t-nnk. .1 >

aolamnly iwnr lhal IH* alv.v* ata.a.n--nt ll true to Iheb_t of mv knoartade* an.1 hatt.

C. B THI N'i. Oaahler.r>ule»rrU-*al and aworn to before ma thla 2dth rlny af

s. ptam_r. IflflflWII.I.IAM II f'MAPMAN N.tary FiiMlr.

Correct.Att»,twoopnrRv uNiiimx.r. .t'RTt.AN'I'T D. liOea, } DUac.ra.W. Ia. BTBONO, J


A DfJLL DAY IN THR MARKET.There tvero no aiKtlnn aale* nt the Estate

T:\-litnRo yaetOf.8JT, an.l the husinesi closed at prl-vat. eontra.-t wm po*t when eaaiparad with that oftba tal r*>w dajra

r.itff A Roaber BOM fa* th«» Eqiiltahlo l.lfo Aaiur-nn.... Bedetjr toa Mn. Rojtclken No. 34 U'ost Klifhty-elKtith-st a four-stnry prlvate .lwelllng-h*.u^e,_te.6xl00.-H, f'.r nlxiiit MMM,Blawaon A llnr.hs aold for tho Motropoiitnn Im-

provemeni Company toa r:ii*>nt No. 433 \\>st En*i-

nv*., a n.-vv flve-BtOTJI Amerlran baaeataal dwollitig-house. rm terms.

ii aaa reportad that Thomas Btokea had «oi*i hlahandaorae flve-»tory .lwoiitnK-houae at N'*>. 8 WealKi-tv-thir-l-st. slz*. RsMB.-, for about $on,ono, but Mr.

Btokea could BOl ba found to r-onfirm lha rrport.R, Wllmarth Appleton s..i*l for Henry B. BTIaaa

So. 10. West oiio-hunlre l-an-l-nlnt't.-. nt!i-st a

thrae-atory *iw>-iiinir. ihx«i\10o. f*>r gMflfl.Paaaavant oi Co., tho jreU-known ImportlaB-aaoaa f..r many pean has be»'n aetabUahed at chur.-riaml Uapenard ita., ls about to eaove upmwn. It hair.i. t.. fr.-in Mr, Beaaonffood, of Clnclnnatl, t«e,> the Bls-atory mercantlla r»utl«lin_. on tneBouthweei corner "f Si-nnn and Oreene "ts for at.-rm *>r yeara. and aill occupy the ?.ntin* i-iiidinR-.

in.i.l Rlrdsall & co. have leaaed f.,r Eunene Hlf-_i.,s a lofi it Noa. (24 an*l CH Rroadway to Maaa.Ulum & Co., for a t*-rm of yeara, far b iwoa raatai

The Real' E itate Ex.-hntijro baa laaaad ita <iti*' month for a ru* altCtlOfl BAle.Thomaa n -.¦ rana, of Brooklyn, aold for JamM

Jack three two-.tory and ba-emeni ftonafrontriwelllnjra, nn l..t 10x100, on the aouth .ld. of i w*-irtn-sr n«_i Prn ne. Park Weet. for Iffl.ZaO.Jaroh l....iii.-ir.i filed plana at the n.-imrtmont of

Rulldlnci yeaterday for a ala-.tory ortckatoraandlon hiilMlrijt rm t ploi R.BxWO.4, ar No. Mun'-ai |o coat 145.000 Plana tvr.' also tllfl hy hinjl.}ri-on f'.r four flve-atow r.ri.-k rUthouaea. "ti the north Blde of One-hundred _n l-

aevonteenth-at., 116 foot enst of Flfth-av.-.. to cost


RBAL BSTATI TRANfFBR*Yl'e-t Bnd-ave. e s. 88.11 ft s tt I09d st. 17x72;

-.¦¦¦ E llnn-«.n IO HuldB Wtgntt snd nn-

Tt'i'tVi'.\r a-H Ho i.obIl " kartti. 5 '' *'Eelilmann lo Anna. llo-n.-iiiia. ra recorded......,.

|44ir: st, n s. 138 ft « of -nr-.. av. an.l 13 ftb of Hr¦. - .11", DOxlOO; I'.ivi.i '.nm '. adeayaW'eiler .

ii,,nir .t cnr «. line, at vv s Proaper.t av. runa n

alon. avenue, i". ft lo n line of strert a w

02.3; Edward H Van Ineae !.¦ Joeopb and ath-erlni M.u. k" ..:.

I.v .11 'n « H.-rnr .... s w Comer IV>epe. t ave,Bl 8x127 ttMTxIfrflO; Rlchard W Btevenaon,

la juaapb and <'atli»rin» M.itl-ka.Parl ,: ioi No 157 ii,ap Vlllaea of llorrUuiBia,14 inilr. from llark lliver. HO, ...x-14;Charlaa T I 'uffy anl ntiorhrr, .xc-.h .r-. ete, loI-. i. r and ataihen lawklor, *i'.i» <-inim....

Buffolk it Ko 72. i-.Kl.m. Bherlff lt, No 81 _Px100; Charle. II Vo.itm. re.-elv.-r. ef. te llln.rrtII II 411. ...."_'_ **¦*.''

I/.- \ 4'.* 1.1 - k A. map M.iprs e.'-i'e. r-.nk ABmlth Hudaon P ll- .» .. *

I'.L'I st. NV. 838 Reet. 2f'KlO0, Adolph W-xlrr toI'i-. Q .111 ._; .-. 10,ono

¦ iva, wldenad. s « eomer l..>-1» "t. ai .ix

..-.-..17 .'.7'.1. .i"erph Trapnell, lr. lo N*»y rk nnil iiPfc- l/"ari Ranking Ompany...

1«.. ¦¦ n I B ft * Of Tl--t-"it ave. lOSxUO;.1 ... i h Trapr.'ll. )r. to N. vv V ".rk lluil'iln*i. ia Ranklne fornpanr.

Rvr *vr r r, l*>7 4 ft n of D.irnrtdr nv«. fto.l.

BltOliOlOBl; l>e.ri Trapnell, Jr. lo WIltBloa*

184th tt i w"e ir.'-r tVllioir are. lOdxlOBB; Dora

nx::..T7,\-^ M'iJrv.:«««HH.I1 willlam II Jarkaofl "> John McKeon..ava, «¦ a. 00 fr » ol BM M. ?* *t

l.nrular; Bdward \> trthMo, ratbtot, I. Haary

IBMh «t n >¦ 188 fl e of park ova. 0x88.11:.. .r I...nn. ns Sliertff. to I-.-iao iV.terriian.

I*Vh rt. n s. 14*' ft e of Park ave. BBxBB.ll;i.r-ie *o nn..¦ .'-__.¦

Kaln .¦ w I ;' '-und-1 n l-v lund of flhea,' ' "''. W _' ¦'¦"i ?____£' alao n s Bllvef It n br Iand of Pnlsley,, ... |( f a. w, aad . i.v la. ol CHeaa n.

Iaaa. R 8m e io Hartha A trnot.¦...;...-."IBSd .; n a. BOB f ' "f Bd ave, VxlOO.U; Julla" '.'.-'.'! t, Rilaha K-.r-rslMid.._...

Walnut il m a, l»B fr n ef 141st st. 17,.4X|«2 8x318x278 8; Raynv-nd S» Perrln and an¬

other t-> irrr-i. Pajra n * <"¦.».-.. .

ni-.'.'RI'T-r) MOUTCiAOEfl.Chlvvla Oarrta B le laUa I Bryaat, s s i2«'h-

.. {84 ft w of Tth ave. 1 *ear .....*-.(-.- Pater .-> J ha Buaalne, 1r. lot 4f*o. map

jc a/ard I »*4_. _...,-.,.,,. ,. .,. rther r Murphr *

mer 7Tth st ar.d. ...__!

, ... . -,.i u Roll, iiiPrx:..- " r e of 'Ae.i 'hMter

,- t.. We.tchr.ter ave t 100,,. , Imer and:¦..-Ti fl e f Rlveralde

l.ri-e. i.... p adjolntna on w a, 1 yr.r..Judae I'f ll * s 81

,. .. M.- s *. * ibm «. 15x140 aa Batbgate -ave, 8 yeara .. .

Uith* \f.r«.reMa V. t> lame. J Phalnn. 8 a

|i'Ur> av 24.V4 fl e of aotlthera Rotllevaia, Z










t,.e«r8 2!M

11 BM1,000


.* ono




LBBOtVltllaaX, lo Harlem Siivlna" Hsnk. n a

... ., | tA f r r.f M.'.-r-.' V". 'r

Harea Willlam «n.| Nf».-r. to «T-nr!.» F Knie... ¦ Whlte llalna R «vd. 7.N fl 8 ef * B |B

'/,'..¦ v . 1(h Wt-xlar, n a IM v. ...

ft w of Courtl dt ava. I r*ar. ._:_¦r tanei Toet a * eorwar 18.1

and V s. 1 yeai "'_."_-..,- york Rutldlnf ta..> Rnnklnf

t ire, i-

.. i- ni lai an InBHtuM. a. n a;t,., <t a ( v-- terdant atra, ..*. .t n to

r»va, I >ear .. .¦..

HarM-r. Kmeat. lo AlrxrurVr and Merv A '"%'».¦. . .-v ava. ;.-.: ft i f .' ' ¦ -¦"'"'... i- .. ,.-; t :i yaarx ....

,; ! \v li.,.., IV .. I'rv IVvk Sivlnrs n - .' (.-' av*. 8 veurs....

., i, vi,...,. |, n ¦ Ter

....| 8 aiiri '¦' '¦ n .¦'

r, !rke.en ¦¦>.'¦.-. '¦¦ w Hlam Larw_ J .

-.-. ----' ft BOf I-"' «'. ¦

.., Rnberl A. H-_men'H lia.ik forzi to 'M Btate H a- 1 le 1 te 1

... .. .i 1 "- trarttrparty. n a BBtl .'. BB. lt a of Amaler


A m it.- -i ioVi'aia, Bia'aaiISTeal I';..'. I "V

l.t 1. rnap 11 lota UM :. t Ven ¦". e>' Bd. '.'"' ' '"".

Wlil ini It-rr. li a IBBtb Bt,

Hanford. V ¦ BfandeB. No l_lith 8 yean ..

V '¦' e -


Hratate Weal Krvrma. '- yeara '.'¦'.;.- a,t

r.U!,h.¦^,.r^r^Band ?«« f. o

f \<:\ -r :t year., .1 '"',":i','" ".",".,.'.,,_','.'iiv,..l.r'. il. ilVirK. av-

1.13 4 fl - Of WBd -. 1 " ". Bmof




87 tvm






~t ooo








.:r.v-v:.i:.:r-too "":""_

.¦ " .'" property. - yeara,

.in. No ifl .+¦

.. " - **" Br«* -' aad IBBth-






f 180th «r.

v- " io'rt"a of 180t'b

s;t;;..,r..1 ;;;....;. ,.,.,..... ¦'.¦^"i^BaaaaV '."'.-. e"a Brooi aW.'W'fj '.«)&*,,-;' ,\',.,|, ,, .;..., v.,1, l,if" In.iir.m.-o andV,1. ,,.,-,..,;,ny Noo8 Baal I04ih it, I "¦'"-,,.' .'. ii. ," V' nr.d ll'-rl-rr. ln Tllle Ouaranta.

:,., .',,.,..,' - « w.-st'i'.-rrr ave, Mll^^

H,un:^'^.V,^v,:^An,.s,ve.^r,ne.f...,i;,: M£ .., aopiua s,:.,8.-...r*.¦.'.U'esteheatet «ve. al s e s Hr.'-k «v-. -rBT....,,, ritla nuarantea and Trttal Company. atha vi'. .,.- av. 228 fl ' of Brr-rk av,-. 1 year

fiamil\-Isaine,"a - W.h^-ernve. It8 fl eof






ft . e *.f Brook hv". 1 year.-?

Pfjrw BUILDIKOS.f-inal sr No '-4.1. fof B »". -« "rv .»»*«* aftoea and

fi. i7n,i... 4 Jaeob UoHIUrd, owner; Sotttafiiii t "f No Ifl Park Place, Brrhltectt..^.

iit.i ,i -. 110 n ¦ of .'"t- ive. or fottr fhra

Ki_rw»aK^^iiLnrv Lt owner; lloreob.-ef * Mraab, of N*>

Rjv?nit°on^?. v.',,1.fl:"f..."a aii-i-ry" M.ianil ai ""' -'¦'''- '."'"'' I'leohol, owner;,-r .» Blrattb, arehltectB.. .

i47ti. .t s r 80 rr w -f Bl RVhoUa ave, for two'VhVeeBtera .nd I.'""" ^'-^ ^ni^. ^2anl I'..x-.2. I".x & CO, tt go BM Bfoodwoi H«rl r^chaux. -.-.-. ..^'V'r,.; v. r^ f" ¦.. une_en_ ia.UxSlj rtank

w¦ WH.-V owner; W f |... k.-r...... BreklteeiVV.eniati Bt H I. 08.10 ft 8) ot \ >,.- at, * r a two,

rV, " ,ri-'k dw-iiing. » .ix'.':i 2x:.:« 4 torpnthiritn-eer. No 1.41.'. fyBB Bt, owner. W < Pl.krr-ron. nr-hlie.-t .







10 000

4,0. kO

AT-TKIIATIDN'P.-..... .,., w s. 080 '.) ft n of Wellr.ley-at. to a

,«'¦V.r> and Bttle Itain. dwelltoa: H wi-i, n.ii No 8.800, ownar.

Valafl tl.e ave No LOBB, to a Iwo story and BMtar ,,,',' .lw-lilr.". B_muel U'all.n.reln. pn'mlsr^.ownar; A Boahmav, No 181 Trrmont ave. are.

fith"'' w. 80 a.ii. to'a f.'.ir st'.ry and baaemralt.rl. k .rore and lofll th%«0, l.'"1wlB llrnn. V'III Wr.t 04th lt owner. W E Mowl.ray. >"

J'3.A Itr-4.1vay. arrhlte,-t.




Snbiirbfin nanl QfBtnte.

AGKNCY. U.-ntclilr ra«l astata alt klndB. sala andrtat CUi.NCI B. TUBBS. 8 Bilkman-«.. N. T.

f. (il _9tate.



The Lawyers' TitleInsurance Co.


The Lawyeis' MortgageJnsurance Co.



Lawyers' Tirie Insurance Company,37 and 391LIBERTY STREET.

Borrowea-s on Mortgagenhr.ul.1 apply. to tho largCBt lrtvler on

mnrtemcp ln Near Tork or Brooklyn.LOW PBEfl for examiaatlofl and ia.


Mi; lii-.rhuny, 17f> RamflflB _..

New _oik. Brooklyn.CAPITAL.$2,500,000.SURPLUS. | . . . . $2,000,000.

ttnfnrniaijt'O .iparimrnta _o tei.

fi**_T¥A_K MADIS0N,"Madiaon Avenue, S. E. Cor. 25th Street.

FA'"1.Vi MAPISON 8QCAKE.Attra_tv« p, rtrrvtnta, Inrae and amall. now r»ady for

°rT_anu_ln« ta vbtualiy new, havlnR r*en reeently t___bulh. .'mitalna a\»_ niv1r.m Improvemf-nt and con-

F- Btaaa _d partlr-'ilara npply on tt-» pr_i!a«a or to

G.0. R. REAO, Aj?ent,1 Mndlntim Ivi-iiiic, «-»r. BM St.,

<«_«, and 10 waii st.

ST. HONORE,1142 and I... Madison ."Vvenue.

I :<Ki.i,l. *v«-ll-IIarhted anrt ventllHtedanrt _M_.MBt**l| "I.irntnl npurt-ni,-,ii>, i.ii«l-,hiu <»f 7 nnd N rfl.fl.MB nndhiilh. «_ih r:in««*a. Mrnin lintte-d. anrtl,.,t ivnli-r biiim.II.'I- M.rl»l«' *tn Ir.uao,BOUfl. tafte* rnlriiii,,', llenl** *.%<» to .*._per inotifli.


Central Park West, Corner 86th Street

THE LIVINGST0N.rinr.rnr^>i- apartmkntb. vin rooms and


HifJit 01*.M i\ Kvr.11 v ptininiAR.

si.vv. -v I ¦< .'"1.4. Ae*.._4 O.tttntm. ava., near t.i: st

AYLSME»E7t*>tli st. BBd Cotamb-fl Ave.

THF. T 4111.11 \M> C_.J ABBHIT 4 B___ BWAYl IKMHAl. PAI4K IS BLTA BTBir I'l Hl ill'.K.

11-th 11 7 iad I r> aa h nackeeptaa »r .rtiaeot.EU'-'rlr; I<_r,t. *t*eiB h^at. elav.i'ors rur.ntr.-r day »nd

tnla-'-.t.Bl)I**'¦. trunk r^rna, unlf-m*b¦¦.>¦*lneoDitanl ittcnd< .-

THE &EMINOLE,OORNi-i* |-"rt.l*VM:i' nsn BTBT flBTH BT

T7h»r» la only one \i irtmenl left (poaaeaalnn Oetobar 1.In thi. <.-i: m; *ev*tl '. ¦' '-1 beeutlfully«at*d *- ll '. .tru. ' l!'¦'

.- ii led .'.¦ ind dealraW* in everypartlcular a1- ,,

tiii: ai.iuns,mnsFii BlflT st w> Weht i:vn av.

Ot,, \, ,.,,.,, -. . ¦ i-! a. *u-

pf.-i ,r -.-¦. erand "."lea rnnvi ot _e**.!rvarv Improver, .' ¦'" *

_^yto.u,rlnte, ,v,n._.

THE CLEVELAND.\2>: it" f \-r *.*i ni I r

_a_* flaia. All .ont* llght »nd npen to o-itat.'.a air.

Rarda -i fl !*_' eloe*ta, Owner r*»ld«*t

\. rao_ ,. tob>_ ist,. UORINO.

Fntran.e. 3 *.* Weat 74th at.fmrtlnn rt.-ule'.ar.l. W.-t Tl'li »t \nia**r>1am-av*..flx an.l M*r*n lara*. '»! ' -'".* a-d l ith; hnt water


NF-rrYiu 238, »4, 2_ W -Ttl BT.and i-iiii.

Iarn». Il«ht. a-eli r_tll»t*d. d*eo_t«d. H.'fim licated. .upply.

Ap; I) -. nr

J F tVHITAKFl: -*Ta I' Ul .¦ '. .ar -ff'aat 74th.

r1*IHB i-l/'isTrr. '¦ "kfiartmenta, i.v- Madlana_ a- .¦ .rtment of tt.

-. alitlne r iii :,ni bath: all »ui iy; eleotrle iiuht;eiova* r '" Jaa.lor nr ,., \' ,; hai.I. fl CO., 4ia .-,, avenue

Jrntniolicb _*jnrttticiitt _o itt.T 4a*>r> ST KBAB BOI t.'"V M11> fultj furn'.ah»!Mr. *D.nm_l 8 «m* and bath; n_ h ¦-. all _f_........... I -rM.e, |N|. rnonth Ar. ¦¦- JAMV.U1 '-"¦>: W- ¦ 1"."1 lt_

Renl ..tiitf for Gnic--Orooklrjn.1'TViH BAWC. Bubuman h '.¦ two An*Bt ap-l dat*

1 houae In i'lii'i h '''';7 '¦''. ''-''.iii .<viv. near Al-Road 11.1 """ >n .*.:¦'-,l"" >¦ '¦¦ « :l net. UD t.

laM ,-orner lleverlj n »d in B. 13th it Platbuah,ni ,m>, c ,.., .in l »r .-.'¦" \ nn .. i'- flna houae*; .-\--ryini, r<> em'enl -I- t. - :_l"". nelshbo.hond r.--*il¦ t-'-' A. KKItflON, H-.i.l-i. 2,415 Church ava.,Fl.ltbllah. T- l-l'h- rv IL'. V |.*',:,'l.,|

tronntrn Ueal (Potate for Sule._

VFJRAt'TIrTI. new drletly .' nlal h BBB ftw wlf.eontalnlna eleven m id haih wlth lot 115 fjet

rront. or frontaa* -r «TB feet, li ired. b) \-< tt* .-p.nll latMl -MIIV.--1I-ti--> Inrludln. furnare, ntodern aniiitHryplumblna, ea*. eleotrle ¦' '. .-"¦-.' BBd runnlnf water;.....,. i fn on. "i Iti* ltn_i Bnd haalthleat of r.t..r,...n

towna onl} 40 mlnut** fri. N**» V.-i*l< PBe*addr_. i: i'. r..a''.ii!.*e n-\ n"t. x-".v V"rk._

_o Crt for DneirtcBs Pnrpooea.n___l!a/_MT LIQiif^fOREr

TO LKTfiuitat,!- f'.r BMtehaal tall -r- publl*h*r, _r*rt_af HR^ncy

or *lmllar bualneaa

19 Brckman Street, Near Nassao,lll l.AM) A WHtTtBO,



lifiil <_Q..iU fox Gaic or _o Cet.^39 West 81st Street,HAaTMATTAB SQI VltK.MillTII.

Attrartlve V-fDOl Imuse. luinl-. tn.'ly flaeoratadj Inapeot.

Coparliicrohip Xoticro.ADVRRTIflRMBNT Or* l>l_UI_TIOk.

virni'i': 18 HKKKiiv K'ivi-ii tbal tba partae.slilp lit'lv a,,|,a>atlnir _IW«*B ua. tlia underalKned,

BYederlrh M Pr*»cnti and ''Imiie-i _ Btev*n*, carryltujon bualnaa* fll N-- 44 II, id sir--t, Boroufh "f Mnnhattan ''it. ..f BT_ Tortt. under Ih* Myle of th* "EdlaoaPtuMioBTaeh Aa_'**." .».. _ Ih* tw*lfth day ..f B*_tpmia-i iai. dl**"lv*d by mutttal con**tii

Fredirlek M. Praaeotl wlll pa) nn.i .lifi-liarga ,,ll Ib*

».'."n',','^^,,11,;My,;^;v'l,:^I.I'|:KKs;v,-I.:,,(Blsned) C. E. BTBVSKfl.

iiat.-i Kew Tork. B*pt*ro_r IS, tflflflI h*r*hy u'v« n -ti-¦¦¦ to th* trad* n,nt tlir- bualnaa* or

th«. Bdlaon Phonugrapli Aamcy wlll b* raotlnaed nnd«mduei*d in th- futur* und«r my . .. manaa*m*at._' '" (BlBn*d, I-" M PRE8COTT.

VDVBRTIBEMENTB Bnd .ih*- -rlptlona for Th« Trlh-inarer-clvad at tlieir rpman OfBc*, No, 1,243 Broadway,

- ,- nn, tii r.f I'lat-at., untll 8 o'rlnrk p. tn.. advertlie-!,.. r..»iv_ bi il. fnllnwine brnnch .f11,-e* al reicular_!- rataa nnlll S r,*rlr,.-k p. m.. vli _M ntn ava ,. t

cor 2*1.1 .t l-*-2 nth ava., cor. 12th-_. Ma<-y"s. «th-ava.and 14lh-»t.; 142 Columbua-av*., u«_ Wtat 66th .t.

C.abing flotel. and neftnorantf.

Thii llst appeara avery Sunday, Tueadajr and ThuredaB.

WHERE TO DINE.Tor Informatlon, clrculara. etc. nf any Hotel or Rea__w

rant below call or addreaa (icnd etamp)

HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU,IW Flfth-nr... Srit-I oi_.

Ale. A la Carte; Ttlb., Tabla J'Ho'a Dlnaer.

DK1.MOVICO*..Bth Ave. h 44th Rt. A 1* CrtH,11KST.URAM! MAHT1N.Ale.. Tdh.. BI.3B

i.Niv.-.u.snv ri.Acr. and otii street.t,EO* rLOtnt_T..>th-ave .Ivjth.Alc..Tdh..|l M.lMuilc).ttAZ/.O.40th st. & U way. Tdh.. II (Orcheatra).HORHLLO-.4 VVeni _l»th St. T.lh. (Musle.)THK M \lll IlOHOl I.II.B'way 37th Bt. Ala.

Tdh. Breakfast. 5*io.; .unch. BOc; Dinnar. IL.HOTRI, HIWGARI A.4 Unlon S.j. E. Tdh. wlth wlne. |1_TKRItA< K OABBBI i Nahan FrtnkQ., 0rch-tra_

B8f k St., n*ar Ux. Ave. -

AGASBIB.ii« PalieiaBy ri ala, Tdh.. ftOe.Al' (HAT Mlllt. n 551 IV. B'way Tdh. 50c., with wlna.Al t 11 4 1- NOI lt I DBBBVa, 32 VV. Mt*. Hotel ft R*__Al 4711 AT .\Oin. [AFTER THKATnK BL'I'PRRS.AO t'HAT XOIR. J Ale. Tdh. Uaaek BBe. Dia. 75. MjbIo.I.l CHOW'S li.RNAN HESTAl'RANT.UO.-Uthat,JACQITM.87 BTaM 26th-at. Ale. Tdh.. 50.

Qlmiiscrncnie.AMRRICAW. ttd and 8th Ave.AMRRICAB*. OARTI.E SQ. OPERA 00

EV«a. Sil.1, 2S.B1, A TRIPi:\i.s. stir,. BB-il. A TlllPINOTHINO 111' UiKlt. TO imil'.t.

Mnte. 8:15, 1.100 Bea'd Baata. 25c. TO 8PRICA.tfOTII TIME, I' -TIKiSCK. HTERI.INO SII.VT.R


A< AHKMY or Mt'sic, ntn st * frving VL-\ GLORIOt'8 SrCCRSB..

PRICEfl, he irreat Kr.Bllih play.-.POKTINd I.IKK."2i. Horaea and 2<i<) iv-opt*.

1.00. Rate. tVed «nd Bat, 2. Bra. R18.2.% BO,

IH.10I . Bv., 8:lf.. MaU. W'd. * Sat TOU L.AUOHHI.IOI. 4 Al.t. THK TIME.BIJOr. S.M III.IIN Vltl). THK 1IAHUHBiii.ioi . ? or HICHIOAff,HI.IOI. In.-lndin. AI.I' K ATHK11T¦ >N A a nr.-at Co.

broadway t33^i^_-*(__FRAINCIS WILSON and Company.


r.vKitpACIMO I BBB ni. arai Mat sat.oav uAOmU I ya*kkk pooni.E uasdti

DALrSI I_b.-^ ¦

M-rrlr.t KmBMI Com _1y ever piodoeeaat thls th"atre:"Th. Bly Clearatta," 2 er.rorea nl__tlr_"The Matlon'B TVmet." 3 en*-orea nlghtiy,"The Man fnm Cw k*." 3 encorai."Soldlara ln tl.e I'nrk." 5 ancorei."Th-. II ,y Ouaaaed" 3 eneoraa."THB OOBUNfl," r.arky duet a.fdanre. BarprtM of the evenlna!"H:Kh s-.-ietv." 4 en.-ireB r.lghtljr.

E.-ery Fv» a- S.10.- Ma'ine^a HTadnaadB y ft r*a...rd«v at A

THK WOItl.1) l\ WAX.8.I.KN l All the WarMISKK. nNRMATOORAPH BxhIMtB Hourfcr.

-?. Orchaatral I'oncarta Afr »nd Eva.


FMPIRF THBATBB, B'way *. 4<nh Bt.LIVirilAU j:\er.ln_- B.*>. Mat. Sat.JOHN DREW IN THE L1ARS.

Flrat \Vr.dnend4y Ma"nee. 0888.88 B.

a\k. thkathe. raar aaa) BHB aa_B'V«a 8:15 far Ma' 2 .10.


CHARLES COGHLAN ^ THE ROYAL BOX(.11 AM) 23d a' and 8'h ave Mai? W ed A. Bat.OPRH *. JAMRB..RIDDRR.W IRDHnnl BR. in*- of Btaadard Plara,_C. A D L> ICV TllFATIlIV 3!V'h *t.. n»ar 1) wajr.UAKKI^rV Fienr^--. ( 18 Mai Sat.




J1 \He-ald «1 Th»a.r» HVf. I:U W-' ttt_ 2:18.

UVkk the french maid.CVTD i' H1.I.E. ANNA Hri/' iri"-'" m n--* fperlatt-,CAIKA.,,,, n,w wardr be tthta BB0.000, ror th.* weea

NEXT WEEK ^^y^Vgg^^IIUlTli l»I,A« K THKATRF.THK l.ll.ll'l Tl 8N«. In


KRITH'f iomimois picarORMAHCB.KKITH'B. the.. .'."-. Booe to 11 P BL


Joe Flvr.n. B rl\. Hlog-aph and \ r,reat BUI.

KN1CKERB0CKER. K?.;f"m- rZ *.».

w%, nOPmt' 'H'''CHARLATANK05TER & BIAL'S. "£{#_&?¦*

A wiWKR l> OOTHAM IBO PEOPtJIAri F :*-l*;'i \ BU 1.1 III. Bl


klatlnee. Thuradat * .^it, Ant' 'ny ;.

Tlli; AUVRXTtRR oi<% LAD. I lt><t I.A.


¦SSy - BRA( E OF P\RTRii)Ms.Mll BD I V RII .1. RATIXKR EVRR1 l)ty.U tlN A I THI 1. 9 Et-anlBfi, S5c A bth,

Thi. WTeeh Dl b B uclcaulf. "THK .fll.T.H

XTATIONAL E\nmiTl"N Pbotoarapba, newera1> ACADEM. "'.' '-''"iON, tU .¦. Adiu 2f>..

.-,:.' .nnual Exhl '. in .4 M m ll P. M Amataur. ProfaaaloMl.

No ilitlnctlon Madahi ' ¦. n claaaaa

PABTOR'B CO.TISH.'Ol'B PRRPORMAMCBf.12 noo_ te ni' II .-' '.. .: 80 enta


)«\4I T. JtlK'S Tlivnlri',B'way urid SBttl II

S !'!.". BHOWB RVERT PAV. 2 AND 8.n -., :.>'¦ .'rownlna ldaden,

8" Ilurlei; i. i Vlt 1 rv -,iir*

VVALLACK'S, ETSft. Z*r_ ai i'-K i Rerben a BnU.'. THR

N1ELSEN <>,;,;r FORTUNE TELLER._llf Cfiirt'.

Brooklyn Jockey Club Raccs.*pt. IA i* BX 1V- "' .-" -'¦ .-. _.> .". *s- *..

ll ll.ii' -a l«i-«lii» ill BltS I'.I'I.-I.l Mniitl. BU IniK.



THR Y'VitKiiii.i: 11 imiiiap.j ,,. U H B dlracl araiMl etand

frotnMTH BT.. E R., tt. Y. I- avi .: 1J:S0, 1 10, Parlor.'ara attached K ¦¦' V. :..¦>..,. .(, N 1 II 00 A. ..

12-00 12 4... Irf» 1:20, 'i" '-' "" Bp X:_ P.;.H.iv i \ \ TRAIBB.

Ix-ave BROOKLYN RRinOE, vla Bl iva. Fl»vat*,1 andj. |. -r,,! ,- i n lt at TJ 10 n.-i-'r- - fr m 12 nv.n.

.Aiitnmn ncsorie.

©(IDOOD®-]0©®^ DOD.^!AND BUt-HT COTTAOm. BKKNAKI'SVll.l.E. T». J.JT'.eea Nu\. lat. 3.'. inil.a fri.m H«W-T. k n D., U A W.11 R vla H..r. Ia> or Chrletoplier Bt. ferry. Altltuda 800

f,',t OEO. W. Tl.TTl.B Man«.er.


For he.-itth or recraatlon. IBevator, .¦. .m. he-:e. PiaI'arlur und Roof Promefl.*.. Muuea arlth h.i-li. MjM4|I,Electrlclty. Turklah. Rtuelaa, Natural Waierand all Ratha and hr.ilth apeliancaa. The Na.ih'intTreHtn-.-nt. Adlr. ndack air. H.irai i;.i wnera. Entertatnmanta, Tournamenta. «ic. Ren.i fortlliutrated rlrcu'.nr,_"


-.,'111 open f.-r the !>.'.:. n '. \^>^ BB, n S.r.irdav, Hct. ls ona of Lake* d'a moal .'¦¦. ¦¦ irfnl m nrha.

DAVID I' II.' MU! Manager.

ODQsiraBoasoB oaaDoo&s.AM) OOTTAOaB. PAtVt.IWO V. T.

Flret-»-lua» Beooamodatloaa; 80 mlnutaa Irota GrandCentrHl DeBOt, il.irlrin lt. li -..- ¦: faM ualna dally «_J.wa>. Setid for CUCttUr. AOdx.-a

c. V. i_\Nsi\'i. HanaaaaPOHTRRT

1)OMKHI3T INR, CE»ori:s uvtit iiK^n.^nrn.

Ideal autumn BmoOft lha hlll. _f Cunnectlawt, Cloll,Wh-elm., l>rlvln_. O. C. HQWE, Prop.

L_i:i'Ti-).Mi'i-:rr i:.\'ri-;.-> ai wapi.ewood HOTBUJ5 White Mt».. V II. rUMBUB A WEBBTKR. RR-

nVKIVi'tai'Mi'VTS and buI.b. nptlona f. r Tne Trlhunerec.lved bi lhair I'ptown Orac*. Kx 1.24- Hroadway.

;.l door Borth of ¦"! ' ». ur-iH 0 oV'.ock p. m.; adve-t1»»-men'B reeelved at the frftowlnf brtnrh oBlcaa ot rr.*vjl* rate, untll > ..-1... k ,. ... vla.: BM 8*ti .va. «. ..

cor. 'i?,.\ bt.: 182 Bth uvc, cor. ).:h >t M»,-'i, 8th-ava

Ccnintrti Doord.

VPKW PSaaOWB ¦»« h. accommodated wlth fooftN-.-.r*1- mlle ant lult from d.-pct; h«r«» an«l earr!4«a.

For partleuUra allire. Mra. L H SYKFS. Box 88. Laka-m i, s j._S""|NiTl_*l riEXTI.EMAS or party wlBhtn« pleaaant yunny

room, axoaWenl tabla. for fall -nd wlntar. AddraaiMor: BB, Crarford. N J.

nvFiTriSKMENTS and !>iihBrrlp'ir.nB f"e The Trll-ohOreiVlvad ai iheir i'ptown . Mii.-e. Ho. l.US Bramhwof.

.1 door north of .'llsi at.. untll l» o'afocjl P^ni advertiaa-

ntrulB recerrad Bl tho foUowtflf hranrh orfl"« ar reg.i.arofflce rnte^ until M *.'.|..-k p m.. v lr ! V>* Strnve. , a.

..:¦ ti 183 «.h ara., ror Hac] ». «'h .vt.

att.i 14th <t.. 142 <'oiiimtniB ave.. nesr «* t.6.'n bi.. l'-aWret IM «t near 8th av-.. 05 Kaal l*lh rl.. _i \'<l42d at h-t«r-n 7th and Nthavra IMI l.aet 4.lli Bl.. 1.X.1831 ave' betwwn Trtih and "T*h fl- 1 "l!'l lld --«ve.. netr

81 at at I.TOB 1" aw., nrar 8:>-h .' «*. .8.1 ava. ne.r

.lat-et.. M.4 ,'ld ave :in Blaacker-st.; :i2A Btaaoliay-el.jS.U08 3d-8ve.,240 tia-t TDth it.; 1.'. _1 W»it. 2.002 Sd -888