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Network Simulation and Testing Polly Huang EE NTU [email protected]

Network Simulation and Testing

Dec 30, 2015




Network Simulation and Testing. Polly Huang EE NTU [email protected]. Dynamics Papers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Network Simulation and Testing

Network Simulation and Testing

Polly Huang


[email protected]

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 2

Dynamics Papers

• Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit, Ramesh Govindan, and Scott Shenker. Internet path inflation due to policy routing. In Proceedings of the SPIE ITCom, pages 188-195, Denver, CO, USA, August 2001. SPIE

• Lixin Gao. On inferring automonous system relationships in the internet. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 9(6):733-745, December 2001

• Vern Paxson. End-to-end internet packet dynamics. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 7(3):277-292, June 1999

• Craig Labovitz, G. Robert Malan, Farnam Jahanian. Internet Routing Instability. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 6(5):515-528, October 1998

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 3

Doing Your Own Analysis

• Having a problem

• Need to simulate or to test

• Define experiments– Base scenarios– Scaling factors– Metrics of investigation

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 4

Base Scenarios

• The source models– To generate traffic

• The topology models– To generate the network

• Then?

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 5

Internet Dynamics

• How traffic flow across the network– Routing– Shortest path?

• How failures occur– Packets dropped– Routes failed– i.i.d?

Policy routing

Packet/Route dynamics

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Identifying Internet Dynamics

Routing Policy

Packet Dynamics

Routing Dynamics

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To the best of our knowledge, we could now generate:

AS-level topology

Hierarchical router-level topology

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 8

The Problem

• Does it matter what routing computation we use?

• Equivalent of – Can I just do shortest path computation?

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Topology with Policy

• Internet Path Inflation Due to Policy Routing

• Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit, Ramesh Govindan, Scott Shenker

• In Proceedings of the SPIE ITCom, pages 188-195, Denver, CO, USA, August 2001. SPIE

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 10

Paper of Choice

• Methodological value– A simple ‘re-examine’ type of study– To strengthen technical value of prior work

• Technical value– Actual paths are not the shortest due to routing policy.– The routing policy is business-driven and can be quite

hard to obtain. – Shown in this paper, for simulation study concerning

large-scale route path characteristics, a simple shortest-AS policy routing may be sufficient.

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Inter-AS Routing

AS 1

AS 3AS 2

AS 4

AS 5

source destination

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Hierarchical Routing

Inter-AS shortest


Intra-AS shortest

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Flat Routing



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Hierarchical Routing is not optimal


Routes are inflated

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How sub-optimal?

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Prior Work

• Based on – An actual router-level graph– An actual AS-level graph at the same time– Overlay the AS-level graph on the router-level graph

• Compute– For each source-destination pair– Shortest path using hierarchical routing– Shortest path using flat routing

• Compare route length – In number of router hops

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Prior Conclusions

• 80% of the paths are inflated

• 20% of the paths are inflated > 50%

• There exists a better detour for 50% of the source-destination pairs– There exists an intermediate node i such that Le

ngth(s-i-d) < Length(s-d)

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This Work

• To address 2 shortcomings– There’s now a newer router-level graph– There’s now a more sophisticated policy model

• Paper #4

• Inter-AS routing is not quite ‘shortest-AS routing’

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Newer vs. Older Graph

• Inflation difference not the same– Difference is larger in the newer graph– Due to the newer graph being larger

• Inflation ratio remains the same

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Shortest-AS vs. Policy-AS Routing

• Shortest-AS– Simplified model

– Every AS is equal

• Policy-AS– Realistic model

– Not all ASs are the same• Some are provider ASs

• Some are customer ASs

• Customer ASs do not transit traffic

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Consider TANET CHT





Through NTU?

Through UUNET?



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Routing with Constraints

• Routes could be– Going up – Going down– Going up and then down

• Routes can never be– Going down and then up

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Inferring the Constraints

• On Inferring Autonomous System Relationships in the Internet

• Lixin Gao

• ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 9(6):733-745, December 2001

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Not All ASs the Same

• 2 types of ASs– Customer– Provider

• 3 types of Relationships– Customer-provider– Provider-provider

• Peer-peer

• Sibling-sibling

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• Formal definition– A provider transits for its customer

– A customer does no transit for its provider

• Informal– Provider: I’ll take any traffic

– Customer: I’ll take only the traffic to me (or my customers)

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• Formal Definition– A provider does not transit for another provider

• Informal– I’ll take only the traffic to me (or my customers)

– You’ll take only the traffic to you (or your customers)

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• Formal Definition– A provider transits for another provider

• Informal– I’ll take any traffic

– You’ll take any traffic

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Never “Going Down and then Up”

• A provider-customer link can be followed by only– Provider-customer link

– (Or sibling-sibling link)

• A peer-peer link can be followed by only– Provider-customer link

– (Or sibling-sibling link)

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• Compute out-degrees

• For each AS path in routing tables– 1st AS with the max degree the root of hierarchy– From the root, drawing providercustomer

relationship down 2 ends of the AS path

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Determining Siblings

• After gone through all AS paths

• Any AS pair being both provider and customer to each other are siblings

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Determining Peers

• Do another pass on the AS paths in routing tables

• For each AS path– Top AS who does not have sibling relationships

with the neighboring ASs– Could have peering relationship with the higher

out-degree neighbor – Given the Top AS and the higher out-degree ne

ighbor are comparable in out-degree

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Back to Path Inflation

• Draw the customer-provider, peer-peer, and sibling-sibling relationships on the overlay AS graph

• Compute the best routes under the ‘never going down and then up’ constraint

• Compare the inflation difference and ratio again with these running at the inter-AS level– Shortest – Policy

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Shortest vs. Policy Routing

• Pretty much the same both in terms of – Inflation difference

– Inflation ratio

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• The observations from the prior work holds– With a newer graph– With the more realistic inter-AS policy routing

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Now forget path inflation

How far away is the shortest to the policy inter-AS routing?

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Shortest vs. Policy

• In AS hops– 95% paths have the same length– Policy routes always longer

• In router hops– 84% paths have the same length– Some policy routes longer, some shorter

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95% and 84% are pretty good numbers

Therefore shortest path at the inter-AS level might be OK…

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To Answer the Question

• Can we simply do shortest path computation?– A likely yes for AS-level graph– A firm no for hierarchical graph

• Must separate inter-AS shortest and intra-AS shortest

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Identifying Internet Dynamics

Routing Policy

Packet Dynamics

Routing Dynamics

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It’s never a perfect world…

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Polly Huang, NTU EE 42

The Problem

• But how perfect is the Internet?

• The Internet– A network of computers with stored information

– Some valuable, some relevant

– You participate by putting information up or getting information down

– From time to time, you can’t quite do some of these things you want to do

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Why is that?

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At the philosophical level…

Humans are so bound to failures.And the Internet is human-made.

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But, Seriously…

Consider loading a Web page

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Web Surfing Failures

• The ‘window’ waving forever?

• An error message saying network not reachable

• An error message saying the server too busy

• An error message saying the server is down

• Anything else?

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Network Specific Failures

• The ‘window’ waving forever?

• An error message saying network not reachable

• An error message saying the server too busy

• An error message saying the server is down

• Anything else?

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The Causes

• The ‘window’ waving forever– Congestion in the network

– Buffer overflow

– Packet drops

• An error message saying network not reachable– Network outage

– Broken cables, Frozen routers

– Route re-computation

– Route instability

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Back to the Problem

• But how perfect is the Internet?

• Equivalent of– Packets can be dropped

• How frequent• How much

– Routes may be unstable• How frequent• For how long

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• Knowing the characteristics of packet drops and route instability helps – Design for fault-tolerance– Test for fault-tolerance

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There are tons of formal/informal study on the dynamics…

Let’s take a look at a couple that are classical

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Packet Dynamics

• End-to-End Internet Packet Dynamics

• Vern Paxson

• ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 7(3):277-292, June 1999

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Emphasis in Reverse Order

• Real subject of study– Packet loss– Packet delay

• Necessary assessment– The unexpected– Bandwidth estimation

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• Instrumentation– 35 sites, 9 countries– Education, research, provider, company

• 2 runs– N1: Dec 1994– N2: Nov-Dec 1995– 21 sites in common

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Measurement Methodology

• Each site running NPD – A daemon program– Sender side sends 100KB TCP transfer

• Sender and receiver sides both – tcpdump the packets

• Noteworthy– Measurement occurred in Poisson arrival

• Unbiased to time of measurement

– N2 used big max window size• Prevent window size to limit the TCP connection throughput

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Packet Loss

• Overall loss rate:– N1 2.7%, N2 5.2%– N2 higher, because of big max window?

• I.e. Pumping more data into the network therefore more loss?

• Big max window in N2 is not a factor– By separating data and ack loss– Assumption: ack traffic in a half lower rate

• Won’t stress the network

– Ack loss: N1 2.88%, N2 5.14%– Data loss: N1 2.65%, N2 5.28%

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Quiescent vs. Busy

• Definition– Quiescent: connections without ack drops– Busy: otherwise

• About 50% of the connections are quiescent

• For connections are busy– Loss rate: N1 5.7%, N2 9.2%

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More Numbers

• Geographical effect

• Time of the day effect

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Towards a Markov Chain Model

• For hours long– No-loss connection now indicates further no-loss conne

ction in the future

– Lossy connection now indicates further lossy connections in the future

• For minutes long– The rate remains similar


No loss Loss



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Another Classification

• Data– Loaded data: packets experiencing queueing delay due t

o own connection

– Unloaded data: packets not experiencing queueing delay due to own connection

– Bottleneck bandwidth measurement is needed here to determine whether a packet is loaded or not

• Ack– Simply acks

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3 Major Observations

• Although loss rate very high (47%, 65%, 68%), all connections complete in 10 minutes

• Loss of data and ack not correlated• Cumulative distribution of per connection loss rate

– Exponential for data

– Not so exponential for ack

– Adaptive sampling contributing to the exponential observation?

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More on the Markov Chain Model

• The loss rate Pu – The rate of loss

• The conditional loss rate Pc– The rate of loss when the previous packet is lost

• Contrary to the earlier work– Losses are busty– Duration shows pareto upper tail – (Polly: maybe more log-normal)

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You might ask…pl ,pn?


No loss Loss



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Values for the pl’s

N1 N2

Loaded data 49% 50%

Unloaded data 20% 25%

Ack 25% 31%

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Possible Invariant

• Conditional loss rate

• For the value remains relatively close over the 1 year period

• More up-to-date data to verifying this?

• The loss burst size log normal?

• Both interested research questions

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Packet Delay

• Looking at one-way transit times (OTT)• There’s model for OTT distribution

– Shifted gamma– Parameters changes with regards to time and


• Internet path are asymmetric– OTT one way often not equal OTT the other


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Timing Compression

• Ack compressions are small events

• So not really pose threads on– Ack clocking– Rate estimation based control

• Data compression very rare– For outlier filtering

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Queueing Delay

• Variance of OTT over different time scales– For each time scale – Divide the packets arrival into intervals of – For all 2 neighboring intervals l, r

• ml the median of OTT in interval l

• mr the median of OTT in interval r

• Calculate (ml-mr)

• Variance of OTT over is median of all (ml-mr)

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Finding the Dominant Scale

• Looking for ’s whose queueing variance are large– Where control most needed

• For example, if those ’s re smaller than RTT– Then TCP doesn’t need to bother adapting to q

ueueing fluctuations

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Oh Well

• Queueing delay variations occur– Dominantly on 0.1-1 sec scales– But non-negligibly on larger scales

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Share of Bandwidth

• Pretty much uniformly distributed

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Conclusions on Analysis

• Common assumptions violated– In-order packet delivery– FIFO queueing– Independent loss– Single congestion time scale– Path asymmetry

• Behavior– Very wide range, not one typical

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Conclusions on Design

• Measurement methodology– TCP-based measurement shown viable– Sender-side only inferior

• TCP implementation– Sufficiently conservative

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The Pathologies

The strange stuff

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Packet Re-Ordering

• Varying widely and too few samples• Therefore, deriving only a rule of thumb

– The Internet paths sometimes experience bad reordering

– Mainly due to route flapping

– Occasionally this funny case of router implementation• Buffering packets while processing a route update

• Sending these packets interleaving with the post-update arrivals

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Orthogonal to TCP SACK

• Receiver end modification– 20 msec wait before sending duplicate acknowledgeme


– Waiting for re-ordered packets therefore lower false duplicate acknowledge

– Dup acks should be indication of losses

• Sender end motification– Fast retransmission after 2 duplicate acknowledgements

– Reactive fast retransmission, higher throughput

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Packet Replication

• Very strange, can’t quite explain– A pair of acks duped 9 times, arriving 32 msec apart

– A data packet duped 23 times, arriving in burst• False-configured bridge?

• Observation– Most of these site specific

– But small number of dups spread between other sites

– Senders dup packets too

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Packet Corruption

• Checksum good?

• Problem– The traces contain only the header data– Pure ack OK, the header = the packet– Data not OK, the header <> the packet

• Use an corruption inferring algorithm in tcpanaly

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Corruption Rate

• 1 corruption out of 5000 data packets• 1 corruption out of 300,000 pure acks

• Possible reasons of the difference– Header compression– Packet size– Inferring tool discrepancy– Other router/link level implementation artifacts

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• 16-bit checksum no longer sufficient– A corrupted packet has a one 216th chance to have the s

ame checksum as the non-corrupted packet– I.e., one out of the 216 corrupted packet can’t be detecte

d by the checksum

• Since 1 out of 5000 data packets is corrupted– 1 out of 5000 * 216 (300 M) packets can’t be identified a

s corrupted by the TCP 16-bit checksum– Consider one Gbps link and packet size 1Kb 1M Pps– 3 seconds per falsely received corrupted packet

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Estimating Bottleneck Bandwidth

• The packet pair technique– Send 2 packets back to back (or close enough)

• Inter-packet time, T2-T1, very small

– When then go across the bottleneck• Serving packet 1 while packet 2 will be queued

• Packet 2 immediately follow packet 1

– Packets will be stretched • Internet-packet time, T2-T1 , now the transmission time of

packet 1

– Estimated bandwidth = (Size of packet 1)/(T2-T1 )

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This Won’t Work

• Bottleneck bandwidth higher than sending rate

• Out-of-order delivery

• Clock resolution

• Changes in the bottleneck bandwidth

• Multi bottlenecks

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• Instead of sending a pair

• Send a bunch

• More robust again the multi bottleneck problem

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Identifying Internet Dynamics

Routing Policy

Packet Dynamics

Routing Dynamics

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Route Instability

• Internet Routing Instability

• Craig Labovitz, G. Robert Malan, Farnam Jahanian

• ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 6(5):515-528, October 1998

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BGP Specific• BGP is an important part of the Internet

– Connecting the domains– Widespread– Known in prior work that route failure could result in

• Packet loss• Longer network delay• Network outage (Time to globally converge to local change)

• A closer look at the BGP dynamics– How much route updates are sent– How frequent are they sent– How useful are these updates

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BGP (In a Slide)

• The routing protocol running among the border routers– Path Vector– Think DV– Exchange not just next hop, but entire path

• Dynamics– In case of link/router recovery

• Exchange from the recovering point the route announcements

– In case of link/router down• Exchange from the closed point the route withdraws

– Route updates• Including route announcements/withdraws

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Data Collection

• Monitoring exchange of route updates– Over 9 month period– 5 public exchange points in the core

• Exchange point– Connecting points of ASs– Public exchange: of the US government– Private exchange: of the commercial providers

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• AS– You all know

– In the path of the path vector exchanged by BGP• AS-PATH

• Prefix– Basically network address

– The source/destination of the route entries in BGP• 140.119.154/24

• 140.119/16

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Classification of Problems

• Forward instability– Legitimate topological changes affecting paths

• Routing policy fluctuation– Changes in routing policy but not affecting

forwarding paths

• Pathological updates– Redundant information not affecting routing

nor forwarding

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Forwarding Instability

• WADiff– A route is explicitly withdrawn– Replaced with an alternative route– As it becomes unreachable– The alternative route is different in AS-PATH or next-hop

• AADiff– A route is implicitly withdrawn– Replaced with an alternative route– As it becomes unreachable or a preferred alternative route

becomes available

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In the Middle• WADup

– A route is explicitly withdrawn– Then re-announced as reachable– Could be

• Pathological• Forwarding instability: transient topological change

• AADup– A route is implicitly withdrawn– Replaced with a duplicate of the original route

• Same AS-PATH and next-hop

– Could be • Pathological• Policy fluctuation: differ in other policy attributes

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• WWDup– Repeated withdraws for a prefix no longer reac

hable– Pathological

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Observations – The Majority

• Pathological updates (redundant)– Minimum effect on

• Route quality

• Router processing load

– Some not agree– Adding significant amount of traffic

• 300 updates/second could crash a high-end router

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Observation - Instability

• Forwarding instability– 3-10% WADiff– 5-20% AADiff– 10-50% WADup

• Policy fluctuation– AADup quite high – But most probably pathological

• Need this– The Internet routing works become of these necessary a

nd frequent updates

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Observation – Distribution

• No spacial correlation– Correlates to router implementation instead

• Temporal– Time the the date effect, date of the week effect

– Therefore correlates to network congestion

• Periodicity– 30, 60 second period

– For self-sync, mis-configuration, BGP is soft-state based, etc

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Basically, not saying much…

But for the background

And ease of reading

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What Should You Do?

• Routing policy– Intra-AS: shortest path– Inter-AS: shortest path (95%, 84% OK)– Better model in progress…

• Packet losses– 2-state markov chain model

• pl: some info• pn: no info…

• Routing instability: outage time– The paper #2 of the original paper set (OSPF vs. DV)