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Name Name Avg Games League Avg Games League Abbaticola, Vito J 96 173 LL003 Abdul, Muhammad 73 164 JL016 Abdullah, Hafeezah J 99 106 JL015 Abendschoen, Thomas 93 190 LL001 Abernathy, Helene 87 113 HY018 Abraham, Faith 85 134 JL005 Adams, John S 99 211 JL013 Adams, Jonathan 102 227 HY002 Adams, Maeetta 105 144 HY014 102 131 HY019 Adams, Richard K, Jr 102 181 JL013 Adams, Sergio B 105 202 HY013 81 196 HY010 Adams, Sinda 84 166 HY006 75 163 JL017 75 159 HY010 92 158 HY014 Adams, Tomasine A 96 216 HY013 96 214 HY010 Adase, Joseph P 87 159 JL016 Adase, Steve 84 193 JL016 Adlassnig, Dianne 72 128 LL012 Adona, Maryann 105 116 JL020 Agee, Angela 23 193 JL017 27 185 HY002 Agnello, Fred J 27 207 LL008 Agolia, Mike 92 181 JL021 Agricola, Geraldine 87 199 JL018 91 194 JL019 Agusti, Armando 91 190 LL013 Ahmed, Mohamed R 87 200 GW004 Aikens, Geraldine 96 148 JL019 Aine, Duteche J 84 206 JL019 Aker, James A 93 204 LL003 90 197 LL001 Albers, John H 98 164 LL013 Albert, Norman W 99 184 LL005 Alberts, Thomas D 108 214 LL008 105 204 LL013 Aldredge, Marcelle S 24 125 LL011 Aldredge, William H 93 195 LL011 Alexander, Brian 105 221 HY009 59 220 HY011 48 213 JL007 92 201 JL008 Alexander, Melvin 84 188 JL007 Alexander, Norfleet 84 172 LL006 Alfano, Mark S 93 181 HY011 Alford, Andrew J 96 205 HY002 72 205 HY013 102 203 HY001 81 203 HY010 Alford, Edwina L 105 190 JL017 96 189 JL019 45 179 HY013 Alford, Vincent 99 163 HY002 Ali, Badriyyah N 84 160 JL019 Alicea, Cari M 80 115 JL014 Allbrook, James L 108 191 JL017 Allen, Juanita B 83 126 JL012 Allen, Kenneth G 93 176 HY003 Allen, Liza M 57 148 JL012 Allen, Lucille 87 119 JL015 Allen, Marcus 28 113 GW001 Allen, Marjory 92 88 HY003 Allman, Jeffrey G 102 188 LL001 Allman, Jill L 87 121 LL001 Aloe, Nicholas 91 171 GW001 Alston, Violamae 75 151 JL019 Altieri, Kathleen M 87 146 HY004 Altrath, Robert L 98 129 LL007 Alvarez, Lupe 45 152 LL013 90 142 JL005 77 142 JL002 Amato, Jean D 102 148 JL012 Amato, Ray P 99 158 GW003 Americk, Robert A 104 198 LL005 Amistad, Carlos 54 178 HY015 Anderson, Alfred F 99 174 HY013 Anderson, Jelester 86 153 HY016 Anderson, Lawrence 102 222 HY009 36 218 HY002 Anderson, Miles B 24 194 JL007 80 190 HY011 Andren, Daniel T 102 198 LL005 Andrzejczak, Nicholas A 48 190 JL003 Anglin, Garrett 90 167 HY012 Angus, Richard S 69 169 JL013 Anness, Kenneth 105 190 JL011 Anthony, Terri 108 181 HY009 30 176 HY010 Antoniewicz, Sandi A 90 84 LL012 Antrim, Edward J 45 154 GW001 51 153 LL007 Antrim, Robert E 95 129 GW001 Antunes, Ruth B 21 132 JL014 Anzelone, Dorothy E 96 154 LL007 Apice, Anthony, Jr 105 190 HY011 Apice, Richard D, Sr 67 183 HY011 Applewhite, Jonathan C 107 191 JL019 Appling, Virginia 72 141 HY017 Aprile, Joseph 36 176 JL018 27 174 JL011 93 173 JL013 75 172 JL002 Arias, Luis A 87 211 JL013 Arias, Mary 83 163 JL001 Arias, Veronica 68 163 JL001 Armeny, Bert M 81 174 JL014 Armishaw, Craig 90 169 LL011 Armstead, Rubin H 34 145 JL003 Armstrong, Jeanetta 104 178 JL019

Name Avg Games League AvName g Games League Average... · Name Avg Games League AvName g Games League Abbaticola, Vito J 96173 LL003 ... Aine, Duteche J 84206 JL019 ... Belton, Minnie

Feb 12, 2018



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Page 1: Name Avg Games League AvName g Games League Average... · Name Avg Games League AvName g Games League Abbaticola, Vito J 96173 LL003 ... Aine, Duteche J 84206 JL019 ... Belton, Minnie

NameName Avg Games League Avg Games League

Abbaticola, Vito J 96173 LL003Abdul, Muhammad 73164 JL016Abdullah, Hafeezah J 99106 JL015Abendschoen, Thomas 93190 LL001Abernathy, Helene 87113 HY018Abraham, Faith 85134 JL005Adams, John S 99211 JL013Adams, Jonathan 102227 HY002Adams, Maeetta 105144 HY014

102131 HY019Adams, Richard K, Jr 102181 JL013Adams, Sergio B 105202 HY013

81196 HY010Adams, Sinda 84166 HY006

75163 JL01775159 HY01092158 HY014

Adams, Tomasine A 96216 HY01396214 HY010

Adase, Joseph P 87159 JL016Adase, Steve 84193 JL016Adlassnig, Dianne 72128 LL012Adona, Maryann 105116 JL020Agee, Angela 23193 JL017

27185 HY002Agnello, Fred J 27207 LL008Agolia, Mike 92181 JL021Agricola, Geraldine 87199 JL018

91194 JL019Agusti, Armando 91190 LL013Ahmed, Mohamed R 87200 GW004Aikens, Geraldine 96148 JL019Aine, Duteche J 84206 JL019Aker, James A 93204 LL003

90197 LL001Albers, John H 98164 LL013Albert, Norman W 99184 LL005Alberts, Thomas D 108214 LL008

105204 LL013Aldredge, Marcelle S 24125 LL011Aldredge, William H 93195 LL011Alexander, Brian 105221 HY009

59220 HY01148213 JL00792201 JL008

Alexander, Melvin 84188 JL007Alexander, Norfleet 84172 LL006Alfano, Mark S 93181 HY011Alford, Andrew J 96205 HY002

72205 HY013102203 HY001

81203 HY010Alford, Edwina L 105190 JL017

96189 JL01945179 HY013

Alford, Vincent 99163 HY002

Ali, Badriyyah N 84160 JL019Alicea, Cari M 80115 JL014Allbrook, James L 108191 JL017Allen, Juanita B 83126 JL012Allen, Kenneth G 93176 HY003Allen, Liza M 57148 JL012Allen, Lucille 87119 JL015Allen, Marcus 28113 GW001Allen, Marjory 9288 HY003Allman, Jeffrey G 102188 LL001Allman, Jill L 87121 LL001Aloe, Nicholas 91171 GW001Alston, Violamae 75151 JL019Altieri, Kathleen M 87146 HY004Altrath, Robert L 98129 LL007Alvarez, Lupe 45152 LL013

90142 JL00577142 JL002

Amato, Jean D 102148 JL012Amato, Ray P 99158 GW003Americk, Robert A 104198 LL005Amistad, Carlos 54178 HY015Anderson, Alfred F 99174 HY013Anderson, Jelester 86153 HY016Anderson, Lawrence 102222 HY009

36218 HY002Anderson, Miles B 24194 JL007

80190 HY011Andren, Daniel T 102198 LL005Andrzejczak, Nicholas A 48190 JL003Anglin, Garrett 90167 HY012Angus, Richard S 69169 JL013Anness, Kenneth 105190 JL011Anthony, Terri 108181 HY009

30176 HY010Antoniewicz, Sandi A 9084 LL012Antrim, Edward J 45154 GW001

51153 LL007Antrim, Robert E 95129 GW001Antunes, Ruth B 21132 JL014Anzelone, Dorothy E 96154 LL007Apice, Anthony, Jr 105190 HY011Apice, Richard D, Sr 67183 HY011Applewhite, Jonathan C 107191 JL019Appling, Virginia 72141 HY017Aprile, Joseph 36176 JL018

27174 JL01193173 JL01375172 JL002

Arias, Luis A 87211 JL013Arias, Mary 83163 JL001Arias, Veronica 68163 JL001Armeny, Bert M 81174 JL014Armishaw, Craig 90169 LL011Armstead, Rubin H 34145 JL003Armstrong, Jeanetta 104178 JL019

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Aroeste, Ian 21193 JL013102187 JL018

Asal, Jean M 87130 LL002Ashley, Adonijah M 102171 LL001Atkins, Crystal 74177 HY002Atkinson, William D 99220 HY002Attanasi, Joseph E, Jr 99205 JL021Attanasi, Joseph E, Sr 99143 JL021Attanasi, Sandra E 90135 GW001Auster, Alvin 105187 LL010

102182 LL001Austin, Bimini C 96182 JL004

96164 JL019Austin, Gloria 102163 HY018Avery, Melessa L 90204 HY002Ayers, Richard S 30225 HY001

102219 HY01199219 HY01076210 HY013

Azydzik, Joseph M 90187 JL011Babula, Richard G 69193 HY007Bachert, Don C 84198 HY007Bacon, Robert L 63178 HY015Bacon, Tyron G 51180 HY010Bailey, Thomas J 93163 HY007Bailey, Valencia J 38171 HY010Baker, Edward S 102211 JL013Baker, Richard W 81184 LL005

105183 LL01089181 LL007

105178 LL001Baker, Sharon D 76196 HY002Baker, Thomas W 27195 LL008Baldassarre, Walter J 96201 HY015Balkin, Brianna S 96209 HY002Ballard-Jones, Mary L 99163 HY002Balmann, Michael J 93217 LL006Bani, Michael 45201 JL011Banks, Albert 108162 JL003Banks, Cynthia M 75147 HY009

87143 HY013Banks, Harry 81129 JL014Banks, Jacqueline 90165 GW006Baptist, Bertha 83149 HY012Barahona, Erick 100176 JL020Barat, Lance R 99169 JL014Barbera, Stephanie D 75181 HY002Barbieri, Richard 87198 LL005Barksdale, Marvena E 39138 HY001Barna, Alex W 87186 JL003Barnes, James J 86188 HY002Barnes, Shannon D 96192 JL019Barr, Anna P 105183 JL019Bartels, Alton 102189 LL005Baskerville, Greg 96194 JL007Baskerville, Keith J 99198 JL019

Bastardi, Vincent 102150 JL020108146 JL003

Batchelor, Eric J 90200 JL00387199 JL013

Batemon, Joe L 99155 JL008Baton, Denise A 66129 GW006Batte-Bowden, Rashida R 102149 HY010Batte-Daniels, Crystal C 101147 HY010Battle, Donna M 99157 JL008Battle, Gwendolyn R 84151 JL008Bayer, Jim 99171 LL003Beahm, George R 33174 LL005

29172 LL01124168 JL013

Beals, Joseph A 107177 HY02076170 HY001

Beals, Lawanda A 105122 HY001Beals, Thomas T 108190 HY001Beard, Cheri T 10198 HY019Beasley, John J 96208 JL013

54201 HY010Becker, Bill 27177 HY013Beckwith, Khalif A 35189 HY010Bedkowski, Michael J, Sr 93199 JL013

78193 JL007Beekman, David H 81186 JL013Beekman, Howard E 105187 JL013Behar, Elaine 96119 LL002Behl, Ashlynn R 85157 HY013Behl, Clyde L, Sr 63222 HY009

107220 HY01399214 HY015

108209 JL017105209 HY010

99207 JL01990207 JL00896205 JL018

Behl, Rebecca 104145 HY013Behlin, Dave 78179 JL018Belanger, Butch H 99215 HY009Belfield, Vernetta P 104117 HY013Bell, Evette M 87173 HY018Bell, Georgette 96170 HY018Bell, Michael A 108190 JL007Bell, Shakira D 96205 HY009

24190 HY018Bellamy, Reginald D 102219 HY011

99218 HY00295217 HY00945217 HY01036211 JL007

Bellas, Teri 93172 JL014Belton, Karimah N 105137 HY013Belton, Minnie B 96166 JL019Belvin, Chester W 80184 JL019Benisch, Donald M 96202 LL013

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NameName Avg Games League Avg Games League

Bennett, Donald A 102169 HY007Bennett, William, Jr 72172 HY002Benson, Elliot R 57199 JL018Berger, Jason R 96205 HY011Bermudez, Raymond 87180 JL017Bernardo, Karen M 96150 JL012Berry, Mark A 69195 LL010Berryman, Ray S 97161 JL009Bertschy, Howard R 99143 HY005Bessinger, Ryan 101187 LL013Best, Angela R 93176 JL019Best, Pamela J 21202 HY010Best, Tyshun 105202 HY003

105184 HY011Best, Vermel L 69133 HY010Bethea, Deborah D 108106 JL010Bethel, Vaughn E 96219 HY010Bevilacqua, John A 70138 HY015Bevilaque, Joseph J, Jr 105174 JL003Bey, Darius 93178 JL002

90176 JL011Bielawski, Stephen B 95170 LL013Bielski, Joseph A 102190 LL011Bigams, Shelly L 93101 HY018Biggerman, Eric 24180 JL005Biglasco, Nicholas 105219 LL006

65217 LL00145214 LL00988209 LL00890206 LL01324205 JL00342203 JL018

Bilal, Yusaf 99156 HY015Billero, Giovanni 102175 JL018Billero, Vincenzo 87208 JL011Billings, Roger C 78189 HY002

81175 JL007Binder, Michael A 96166 JL014Bishop, Kenneth J 93173 JL002Bishop, Kevin J 26197 JL020Bisset, Kevin 89197 GW005Black, Hattie 105140 JL017Black, Henley 105181 HY001Blackwell, George A 96180 LL007Blackwell, Ollie M 93160 LL007Blanchard, Mel 78170 HY015Blauvelt, Paula C 87134 LL007Blazinski, Marie D 105160 HY001Blazousky, Joseph 99180 LL007Bloom, Howard B 102199 HY011Blue, Dorothy 102128 JL015Blue, Terry 93155 JL005Blyskal, Victor J 99175 LL007Bobenchik, Carolyn 56176 LL009

30174 LL001105173 LL010

Bobenchik, Charles R 105210 LL00927207 LL011

105205 LL00148204 LL00596196 LL010

Bobenchik, Robert C 99185 LL010Bobucky, Andrew M 108200 LL004Boczon, Juliana M 102137 LL012Bogar, Theodore L 87177 HY015Bogda, Ronald R, Jr 108229 LL006

99224 LL008Bognatz, Jeffrey 81180 HY008Bogusz, Ann Marie E 93157 JL002

90152 JL00993151 LL012

Bohnenberger, Bernd 93190 LL001Bohoniuk, Walter 102169 HY011

78169 LL01184164 HY007

Bolden, Rechelle A 93161 JL008Bolden, Vanessa 90174 HY010Bonassisa, Vincent J, Jr 108198 LL008Booker, Ileana 96172 JL020

104169 LL010Booker, Maurice 108209 LL008

96201 JL01199197 JL02096197 JL00433193 LL01063187 JL019

Boone, Danielle D 99154 HY001Boone, Francine 102160 HY018Boone, Stanley 86172 JL019Boone, Stanley D 88203 JL019

60196 JL011Boos, Peggie M 105116 HY019Bopp, Phillip R 76181 LL004Borden, Alan G 95181 LL010Borges, Tony V 99174 JL003Borrello, Alfonso 102182 JL020Bostick, Vernita 29177 HY010Boston, Andre L 102197 JL019Boudreau, Kenneth P 81183 GW004Bouie, Ruth G 95158 HY010Boulware, Charles A 105176 HY006

108175 HY013Boulware, Myrtle B 105144 HY006

108142 HY013Bourke, Maria S 96125 JL002Bowbliss, Bill 93180 JL016Bowe, Franklin G 99197 JL019Bowen, Timothy R 102185 GW003Bowers, Tameeka 105142 JL012Bowlby, Phyllis G 90120 GW006Boyce, Henrietta 96153 HY005Boyd, Keisha 36161 HY010

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Boyd, Leo 58167 HY015Boyd, Paris L 24159 JL011

27153 JL019Boykins, Kevin R, II 93175 JL019Boyko, Billy E 100110 LL004Boyle, Jean D 24104 GW001Bradley, Earl W 104168 JL008Bradley, Phyllis 93157 HY018Bradley, Vincent M 102161 HY021Bradley-Manuel, Tavis 102141 HY018Bradman, Mayfield B 93130 HY017Bragg, Gilbert T 25174 HY007Branco, John D 96189 HY011Brandzel, Eric 87176 GW004Brannon, John H 103164 HY006Brauer, Daniel E 91190 JL014Brauer, Kevin R 61161 JL014Braxton, Gerald N, Jr 105178 JL019Breuer, Joann 87158 GW006Bridgeman, Leanna C 96168 HY010Bridgeman, Makaila L 87206 HY010

104199 HY009Bridges, Alonzo 105196 HY009

90190 HY01593189 HY013

102188 HY010Bridges, Barry 75172 HY013Bridges, Juliet P 93167 HY010

45167 HY013Bridges, Rhonda L 87123 HY013Brigantino, Christopher R 36207 JL007

98202 JL01142202 JL020

Brigantino, Raymond 90193 JL020Bright, Hardy A 90184 HY015

96179 JL019Brighton, Bruce W 63212 HY010

36211 HY013Brinker, Christopher J 87194 JL020

90193 JL00293192 JL003

Brodie, Omar S 72162 JL007Brookins, Phyllis A 102166 HY009

44153 HY005103151 HY014

Brooks, Charles E 96177 HY013Brooks, Ramona M 65116 HY008Broome, Jesse 27158 LL006Brophy, Allan M 99161 JL013Brostoski, Carolyn 105149 JL012Brower-Garrett, Paulette F 87179 HY009

81174 HY001Brown, Bobby D 101201 HY011Brown, Brian N 88166 JL002Brown, Christine M 102163 LL001Brown, Garrett L 90154 JL008

Brown, Greg M 87164 HY012Brown, Itory D 30105 JL010Brown, John 99193 LL008Brown, Mark D 96202 JL003

93201 JL002Brown, Nathaniel H 99171 HY008Brown, Nicholas B 105201 JL013

66191 JL003Brown, Robert L 99181 HY015

96178 JL016Brown, Sharole, B 108160 JL019Brown, Thomas A 60193 JL018Brown, Tilmon J 35201 HY020

72199 HY01578193 HY00221167 JL007

Brown, Ulysses S 93193 HY01096191 HY002

108187 JL007Brunson, Dolores M 96140 HY017Brunson, Jennifer S 77181 HY010Brunson, Mark D 78184 HY010

90176 HY002Brunson, Mark D, Jr 39189 HY010

96184 HY002Bryant, Charles M 42154 JL018

87152 JL02285145 JL019

Bryant, Minnie J 99137 HY012Bryant, Tamar F 105195 HY010Bucciero, Jodi M 93122 GW001Buchanan, Donna M 90145 LL011Buchanan, Karen E 72166 LL011Buchanan, Robert J 102199 LL011Buchko, John M 108222 LL006Buckley, Peter J, III 105155 JL020Buda, Tom H 81196 LL003Budz, Jimmy 96105 LL002Bulle, Keith T, Sr 90181 JL020Bullock, Ernest 108168 JL017

89166 HY01587166 JL019

Bultharpt, Joseph 105168 GW005Burgess, Ben J, Jr 103168 JL004

81167 JL019Burgess, JaJuan E 96152 JL014Burgess, Jason 104217 HY009Burgess, Sandra A 99139 HY014Burgos, Angelo L 27181 JL011Burgos, Joshua B 105210 LL008

93199 JL018Burke, Edward 96202 JL016Burke, Shawn M 102207 LL006

42196 JL018Burnett, Marcia R 97139 HY019Burroughs, Lance F 93197 JL011

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NameName Avg Games League Avg Games League

Burroughs, Lee R 81208 HY009Burton, Richard 96201 HY010Burwell, Richard S 83175 HY009

87172 HY015Buska, Debbie 96144 JL020

96142 JL002Buteau, William T 90183 GW003Butka, Rosemary 99134 JL009Butler, Audrey E 96123 HY005Butler, David, Jr 108186 HY001Butler, Jay W 30147 LL005Butler, Jenniffer M 99146 JL020Butler, Jonathan M 80173 HY001Butler, Vivian A 87123 GW001Buttone, Bernard A 53190 LL005Bynum, Naomi 102108 JL015Byrd, Eltonette D 105139 HY010Byrd, Louberta B 66149 HY021Byron, Ed W 78143 JL021Cabral, Joe J 51148 JL003Cabrera, Alexis 81175 JL022Cacchione, Conas 99163 JL002Cacchione, Heather P 99166 JL002Cacioppo, Gianni F 42170 JL020Caffrey, Lewis J, Jr 102204 LL008Cain, Ernest, Jr 25179 HY007

65173 HY015Calara, Thomas M 30181 HY015Caldwell, James E 84159 LL010Caldwell, Rashaad 38210 HY002Caldwell, Thomas J 48172 HY007Callahan, Joseph 102157 LL001Callaway-Muhammad, Veronica 72136 HY021Calnek, Sidley F 90190 GW003Camb, Karen 96113 LL012Camp, James I 88156 HY016Camp, James P 96171 HY016Campanelli, James J 90222 JL011

57212 JL013Campbell, Gwendolyn L 108219 HY009Campbell, William K 108208 HY009

36207 HY00226207 HY01043199 HY013

Canady, John D, Sr 102158 JL004Cannon, Delmon 98162 HY013Capobianco, Michael P 87171 JL021Capobianco, Michael T 87164 JL021Cappabianca, Samuel J 99171 HY011Carey, Edward J 96188 HY015Carey, Stewart 47182 HY006

50174 HY021Carhart, Norman J 96144 JL002Carkhuff, Helen M 102188 JL016Carlo, Christine Z 96183 JL014Carlton, Linda L 108148 JL010

Carlton, Rudy V 108193 JL010Caroselli, Lawrence M 97181 JL020Caroselli, Michael J 84196 JL020Carpenter, Carl D 105212 JL007Carrano, Diana 39127 LL012

90119 JL009Carrano, Nicole 75124 JL009Carrington, William, Jr 105184 LL001Carsey, Robert A 95196 JL011Carson, Cole B 90165 LL007Carter, David M 99208 JL019

36201 JL018Carter, Debra A 45138 JL005Carter, Patricia A 93135 JL020Carter, Sandora A 98132 HY003Carvalho, Daniel J 105192 LL010Casado, Antonio 105199 JL020

102197 JL01921193 JL011

Casado, Nora C 102169 JL019105168 JL020

Casado, Sarah 105157 JL020Casais, Tony 99170 LL010Casarona, Constance T 99119 LL002Castillo, Omar 96156 JL016

93154 JL022Catino, John R 93204 GW004Caunt, George 82143 LL004Cavallero, Marie T 95139 LL002Cavanaugh, Greg 97160 JL005Cavanaugh, Mildred V 105132 JL005Cavarretta, Anthony M 75182 LL001Cecehovsky, Edward 99169 LL006

27155 LL005Cecere, Tony M 102193 JL013Cepeda, Yamill 90182 JL022Cerasa, Nancy B 90132 LL007Cermak, Mary M 81134 GW001Cerra, Patrick J 60159 JL003Chaillet, Donna P 105173 LL001Chaillet, Evan M 102162 LL010Chaillet, Richard 105201 LL001Chambers, Naomi 99148 HY006

90148 HY005Chambliss, Esther B 84155 HY002Chan, David 36178 GW007Chan, David 93127 GW001Chance, Carrisse P 102214 HY009

102209 JL019Chance, Ethel T 78157 HY013

69154 HY01436152 HY010

Chance, Melvin A 21185 HY00121180 JL01921173 LL004

Chapman, Charles, Jr 35171 HY015

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Chappotin, Alex 99153 JL020Chappotin, Pedro L, Jr 105185 LL008

104185 LL010105179 JL020

Chappotin, Pedro, III 33190 JL020Charles, James L 33214 JL007

33214 JL003104210 JL004

91207 JL01835206 JL016

105204 JL01324203 JL022

Charles, Sharon 93142 LL009Chatman, Frederick H 95200 HY013Chavanne, Ralf 102126 HY003Chavez, Rhadames 89157 JL003Cheeks, Darrin L 105201 HY010Cherry, Donnell J 102153 HY020Chesnowski, Vincent 41208 JL014Chiari, Joseph L 90167 JL011Chieco, Ruth 96116 HY004Childers, Chris M 102187 GW003Chin, Tom 90183 JL013Chirafesi, Charles, III 105179 JL020Chirafesi, Gina M 92134 LL013Chitty, Jasmin 102130 HY020Chmieleski, Matthew S 42161 JL018Christen, Jason M 99201 GW003Christian, Cory A 96221 JL011

78221 LL00872221 JL00343214 LL00136214 LL00621213 JL01399212 JL018

Christmas, Robert E 99199 JL019Christmas, Rodney 101186 HY011Christoffersen, John E 84161 LL011Christoffersen, Kathleen A 45138 LL011Chu, Mylan T 57130 JL014Church, Leroy A 99114 HY017Ciampo, Cindy A 102134 LL012Ciano, John D 99160 JL021Cicalese, Audrey C 84134 JL012Cicalo, Paul L, Jr 95163 LL004Cignarella, Andrew 21146 JL003Cignarella, Michael 105205 JL013Cimbolic, Nancy J 30150 LL002Cirne, Antonio C 45203 JL003

96198 HY011Cittadino, Frank 102156 LL010Ciuba, Patricia A 102129 GW006Civello, Gregory S 105161 LL009Clark, Daniel M 27197 JL013Clark, Richard H, III 98197 JL019

21187 HY010

Clark, Walter 63212 JL019Clary, Melanie R 42190 HY002

108188 HY009102183 HY010

Class, Aladino, Jr 93161 JL003Clayton, Joshua W 42145 HY007Clayton, Raymond D 29192 HY009

51189 HY00799188 JL01988183 HY010

Clement, Sharon D 38126 JL014Clemons, Antrone A 75205 HY002Clisham, Glen A 69156 GW007Clory, Carl N 96217 HY002Clyburn, Annette A 21113 HY003Coachman, Larry C 99151 HY015Coage, Lorraine L 105189 JL017

102184 JL019Coage, Martin H 72186 JL019Coakley, Jeffrey J 36179 GW003Coates, Arlene F 99113 LL012Cobbin, Cornelious L 90173 HY010Cocroft, Jean R 105188 HY010

102187 HY002102186 HY013105179 JL017

Cocroft, Ronald A, Sr 102197 HY013105185 JL017

48183 HY010102177 JL019

Coelho, Cheryl J 72176 JL001Cohen, Katrine 21149 JL012Cohen, Kenneth T 27206 JL007Cohen, Robert S 93178 JL003Cokley, Earl 99179 JL019Cokley, Leroy 81176 JL019Cokley, Pamela L 87186 JL020

91184 JL01968180 JL022

Coladonato, Paul J 102196 JL011Colby, John A 99197 LL008

99180 JL011Cole, Denise 9699 LL011Cole, Mary E 93142 HY021Cole, William E 87170 HY021Coleman, Curtis 81161 HY015

95154 HY014Coleman, Georgia M 96177 HY010

50177 HY00226171 HY001

Coleman, Nicole M 57146 JL002Coleman, Pierre 105216 HY002

21203 HY010105201 HY009

22197 HY011108196 JL007

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Coleman, Terri L 108191 HY00996191 HY002

104187 HY010Coletti, Gordy, Jr 66218 JL013

69215 JL018Colfer, Shaun M 99178 LL006Colicchio, Patrick 90183 LL005Colletti, Joseph A, Jr 85149 GW003Colletti, Sibby A 77183 JL013

57178 JL018Colletti, Willy 88179 JL018

21167 JL013Collins, Connie 96148 LL013

97142 LL004Collins, James E 93167 JL007Collins, Joanne 93140 JL014Collins, Joseph L, Jr 36231 HY010

27223 HY002Collins, Melissa 96176 HY010Collins, Michael C 79190 HY011Collins, Quenton D 99235 HY002Collins, Timothy M 87169 JL014Colon, Enrique 75204 JL019

48204 JL013103200 JL003

96197 JL01854189 JL009

Colon, Pedro 96169 JL016Colonna, Anne Marie 30149 GW007Colonna, Robert B 33157 GW007Concannon, Kaycee 92127 JL022Conheeny, Michael S 63159 GW007

42158 GW002Connolly, Erin S 72167 LL001Connolly, Glenn A 93194 LL001Conover, Harry 99185 HY015Conover, Marquis A 89155 JL022Conroy, William J 45133 JL005Constantino, Antonio M 87127 JL020Cook, Adonis A 88184 JL020

33181 JL01197177 JL019

Cook, Dena L 90186 HY010Cook, Jamie F 95146 JL020

88144 JL019Cook, Krystal Y 87174 HY006Cook, Lee A 66177 JL016

102169 JL02093164 JL009

Cook, Lisa S 81189 HY010Cook, Walter 96201 JL016

96194 JL018Cooper, Gloria A 70118 HY003Cooper, Shari L 99150 JL010Cooper, Zenobia S 57165 HY002Copeland, Charlie, Jr 54197 HY013

Coppola, Eugene V 103140 LL010Coppola, Evelyn L 86149 LL010Coppolo, Steven G 99185 JL003Corallo, John 105126 JL006Cordaro, Vincent J 51174 JL018Cordeiro, Dennis J 90214 HY011

84213 JL003Cordoma, Sal 96125 JL009Cormier, Jason M 102195 LL001Correa, Luis I 63128 HY021Costanza, Frank P 90169 GW004Costanza, Frank P, Jr 87161 GW004Costanza, James C 90180 GW004Costanza, Philip 87177 GW004Costanza, Ryan E 95138 LL004Cotton, Maso 102175 HY011

90161 JL013Coughlin, Vincent T 102196 JL003Coulter, Jim S 99224 GW005Couse, Ruth L 71133 LL002Cowell, Michael J 84223 JL011Craig, Barbara J 90161 HY013Craig, Nicole 92104 HY021Crane, Courtney C 102184 LL010Crawford, Andre J 102203 HY003

102191 JL017Crawford, Bernard L 97155 HY013Crawford, Debra A 75132 HY013Crawford, Denise A 69127 HY013Crawford, Jerome 105201 JL007Crawford, Landis L 89210 HY013

72205 HY010Crawford, Lawrence E 102189 LL010

96186 LL007Crawford, Richard Tyree 74202 HY010

108197 HY013Crawley, Larry R 63190 JL011Crawley, Roy 96192 HY001Cray, Frank 90138 GW003Crenshaw, Charles J 33167 JL007Crespo, Andrea M 96153 LL010Crespo, Duane S 21126 LL010Crespo, Duane S, Jr 45185 LL010Crews, Jeffrey 57186 HY001Crews, John W, Jr 90194 HY001

93187 JL003Crews, Patricia 72124 HY001Crinshaw, Shirley C 48132 JL012Crisco, Ferman L, Sr 36201 HY015Criswell, Hugh L 102174 JL019Crosby, Carol A 93156 HY008Cross, Livingston 102187 HY007Crotty, Robert J 60178 JL003Crowder, Denise J 81118 LL007Crowder, Jonathan D 99220 LL008

102219 LL006

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Crowder, Len 84198 LL007Crowe, Vernon E 78196 HY015

24189 HY010Crowley, Brian J 61177 LL005Crowley, Kevin T 63159 LL005Crowley, William J 93206 LL005Crue, Frank D, III 98199 LL013Crue, William T 72200 LL011Cruikshank, Ed G 96141 JL021Crump, Gary E 96158 HY015

108150 JL017Cruz, Felix 99168 JL014Cruz, Francisco G 102191 HY020

80190 HY015101180 HY014

Cruz, John R 96191 LL00899190 JL020

Cruz, Mila M 102135 HY020Cruz, Noel J 102193 JL003Cubala, Robert W 93159 JL006Cuccaro, Gina 90131 LL011Cuccaro, Joe 98171 LL010Cuccaro, Tony I 33124 LL010Cullen, James 90171 GW002Cullen, Kevin T 96167 JL009Cummings, Gary R 102191 LL010Cummings, Lorri-Anne 27187 HY010

92185 HY009Cunha, Ruth L 90122 HY004Cunningham, Charles 81167 LL003Cunningham, Daniel L 24207 HY010Curia, William P 96171 LL010Cusack, Lynn 83139 JL014Cutrona, Ryan 102200 GW003Cwilka, Walter J 93174 JL013Cyran, Edward J 93169 LL007Cyrus, Eugene, III 21219 HY010Cyrus, Sterling 105209 HY010Czachowski, Kevin J 90205 GW002Czlapinski, Paul 57185 JL018Da Silva, David 42149 JL016DaCunha, Sherry A 90157 LL011D'Adamo, Ralph 69176 JL014Daids, Sharon M 108144 JL017Daily, Jerome P 57208 JL011Dalton, Bernard D 87181 HY015Dambres, Richard, II 89196 HY011Danatzko, Robert M 90172 JL018Danatzko, Stephen 81155 LL010Dandridge, Lawrence V, Jr 29209 HY010Daniel, Adolphis 105188 LL005

96185 LL00751184 JL01733183 JL019

Daniele, William G 62180 JL003Daniello, Andy T 96212 JL018

Daniels, Altheius D 73177 HY013Daniels, Jewel E 81124 HY021Danley, Marcel F 66223 HY002Dannunzio, Christine K 76147 LL002Danyus, Mark A 99179 JL009Darrar, Sandra K 99155 JL012Dasilva, Brian J 56204 LL005Daugett, Eric I 101181 HY011Daugett, Jessica A 99199 HY009

36193 HY002Daughtry, Carol 96131 LL002Daughtry, Isis C 108159 HY013Daughtry, Marcel W 87167 HY013Davey, Charmaine 45192 HY002David, Jay 105220 HY009

105218 HY011102211 HY010

David, Rico 102226 HY01189215 JL007

101213 JL013Davidson, Frances M 27163 HY013

48147 HY014Davidson, John H 87185 HY013

21183 HY005Davis, Charles 99163 HY015Davis, Charlotte 93151 HY009Davis, Cleo A 83176 HY013

108175 JL017100174 JL019

Davis, Dennis W 96192 LL00187186 LL007

Davis, Edith J 96215 HY002Davis, Ethan E 27210 HY011

99207 HY010Davis, George T 40173 JL019Davis, Grace M 90113 HY005Davis, Greg S 81197 JL003

93187 JL01833183 JL011

Davis, Harold L 101176 LL011Davis, Hilliard H 99187 HY011Davis, James E, Jr 99161 JL017

90159 HY015Davis, James L 108207 JL007Davis, Martin 107194 HY009

105183 HY021Davis, Patrick K 84143 HY021Davis, Sheila T 8693 HY021Davis, Thomas J 105183 JL019Davis, Willie C 99204 HY011Day, Maurice 78199 HY010

90198 JL01993197 JL01793196 JL011

De Lazaro, Josephine A 96114 GW001De Sciscio, Joseph A 103195 JL013

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Dean, Bob E 96171 LL013Deans, Roosevelt 39154 JL007Dearing, James J 97207 LL001DeBella, Iggy M 79156 LL001DeBella, Pat 81207 LL001Debiasio, Wayne L 99169 JL002Dechert, John S 82171 JL006Decker, Chris M 87201 HY011Decker, Martin J, Jr 99210 HY011Decristoforo, Michael 99215 HY007DeCristoforo, Tracy A 97144 HY003Degenhardt, Fred M, III 102194 HY011

84182 JL013Dekowski, Charles A 102217 JL011

99214 JL01339209 JL01884202 JL007

Dekowski, Charles S 92181 LL00733181 JL011

Dekowski, Constance E 93141 LL007Del Mauro, Benny D 102179 GW005Del Mauro, Giorgio B 96189 GW005Dellaperuta, Michael 9682 HY005Dellatorre, Richard 84160 JL016Deloatch, Phillip W, Jr 90175 JL019Deloney, Terry D 81199 HY010DeLuca, JoAnn 99142 JL006DeMarco, Arlene P 90142 GW006Dembeck, Scott J 102209 JL003Demers, Richard J 102196 HY011Deppe, Harriet 102187 LL001Deptula, Thomas F 21198 JL013

90193 HY011Derricott, Clarence M, III 102226 HY009

87223 HY002Deshaw, Janet D 84121 JL002Deshaw, John B 96136 JL002Desir, Peter N 96208 HY015Despotovich, Eric J 78204 HY007Devine, Barbara M 63123 JL012Di Giorgio, David V 105162 GW005Di Maio, Raymond A 80177 GW003Dias, Victor M 96155 JL009Diaz, Charles 74171 JL016

96165 JL022Diaz, Faustino L 105211 LL006Diaz, Jose 33204 HY010DiCarlantonio, Joseph R 63173 JL014DiCarlo, Patricia A 96148 JL012Dicker, Ronald A 102200 LL005

102199 LL008Dickinson, Charles P, Jr 99183 HY007Dickinson, John R 83204 HY007

77186 JL018Dicks, Lamar T 105216 HY010

87209 HY002

105206 JL00727195 HY013

DiDario, Margaret K 108124 LL004Diddle, Paul E 99159 LL007Dietz, Amy 69120 GW007Dietz, Jeremy M 69157 GW007DiGrado, Peter 93164 JL013DiLello, Antonio 101147 JL002DiLeo, Lisa 80147 JL014Dilligard, Raymond 84175 HY015

84166 HY014Dillon, Patrick J 99209 LL003DiLorio, Dominic 84199 JL013

97198 JL003DiMaggio, Dominick L 101185 JL013DiMaggio, Dominick, Jr 89206 JL003

99204 LL013104203 LL011

DiMaggio, Nicholas A 24188 LL01193180 LL01321178 JL003

Dimperio, Raymond N 75169 LL003Dinis, Christopher M 92183 LL013Dinis, Heitor R 105160 LL013DiPace, Lisa 96171 JL012DiPace, Mary Ann 90181 JL012Disney, Timothy W 83197 LL013Disporto, Manny J 96189 JL018Ditzel, Raymond 83165 LL001Dixon, Charles J 105167 LL001Dixon, Elijah, Jr 56208 HY009

51201 JL019Dixon, Kashawn R 88145 JL008Dixon, Tariq 102150 JL008Dmiczak, Daniel 93170 JL011Dobson, Kerry R 57213 HY010Dodge, William R 108178 LL004Doherty, Peggy 90137 JL012Doherty, Robert T 69172 GW003Dominguez, Chino 102185 JL011Donelon, Thomas J 105185 JL013Donlin, Michael J, Jr 96149 JL016Donovan, Dick 105176 LL001Donzella, Carlo 95209 JL003Donzella, Gregory A 57192 JL003Dooley, Mike 104178 GW005Doroszuk, David 87167 LL007Doucette, Richard 62172 LL005

73171 HY011Dougan, Myra 102125 LL012Dougert, Francis 84144 GW002Dougherty, James W 93174 LL004

94166 LL010Douglas, Johnnie 99180 JL019Douglas, Lisa R 48186 HY001Dovel, James W 78189 JL014

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Downing, Leamond 98167 GW001Doyle, Herbert, IV 106209 JL004

81204 JL01896203 JL019

Draidfort, Charlie 33149 HY011Drake, Eric M 65155 JL003Dreher, Ruth 99137 LL012Drescher, Fran 9097 LL002Driscoll, Michael 102220 LL006

105219 HY01021217 HY002

102215 HY011108212 HY009

Drozd, Mary Ann 93158 JL012Dudas, John 69165 JL016Dudek, Cynthia L 102148 LL012Duffy, Rain E 95113 LL001Duke, Duane 90182 HY002Dulko, Charles W 81128 JL011Dunaj, Gregory 105177 LL005Duncanson, Alex 99167 LL007

99164 JL011Duncanson, Janet 99124 LL007Dunston, Ronnie 33185 JL019Durkin, Michael J 84182 GW004Durow, William 96184 HY007Dutch, John T 95202 GW002Dutton, Donald W 93183 JL007

96178 JL019Dybas, John J 90184 JL013Eaddy, Dawn C 102150 JL010Eaddy, Ikeem 69175 JL010Eaddy, Jermaine 108186 JL010Eaddy, Sharon W 87102 JL010Earl, Lisa 99164 JL019Eason, Terrance L 102206 HY013Eatman, Keshia 96144 HY019Eaton, Marguerite C 99149 HY016Ebron, Eric J 56204 HY010Eddings, Donald E 54186 HY001Edge, James 93176 HY010Edgerly, Charles 63153 JL014Edmonds, Idris A 66203 HY002Edmonds, Lester 105202 JL019Edmonds, Phyllis L 75151 HY001Edwards, Elliott T 102185 JL019

104184 JL011Edwards, Jamaul Q 80190 HY002

84189 HY011Edwards, Susan E 108133 JL004Edwards, Tracey L 78202 JL019Egenberg, Howard 90181 LL008

24180 LL001Ehnes, Bryan 105176 JL013Ehnes, Kevin P 102179 JL013Ehnes, Michael P 105188 JL013

El Koury, Patricia A 105154 JL012Eley, Nona 33168 HY002Eley, Ronald 66220 HY002

96200 JL007Elkerson, James 87186 HY015Ellen, Barry 93191 HY007Ellenbacher, D J 99204 LL005

24196 LL011Ellington, Darren K 87213 JL013

81212 JL018Elliott, Dorain 91147 GW006Ellis, Timothy C 75196 LL013Ellish, Valerie 105175 LL013Ellison, Lonzia B 93193 JL007Ellison-Murphy, Loretta 75152 JL014Engelhardt, Walter H 99158 JL020English, James I 87166 HY015English, Paul T 69171 HY014Engram, Edward L 98177 JL008Erhard, Edward J 32195 JL007Esannason, Pelton C 96205 JL004

102198 JL019Esposito, Mark A 21205 LL001Estelle, Larry C 108189 JL007Esteves, John L 82172 HY007Ettinger, Josh S 78197 LL006Ettinger, Scott A 96226 LL006

84212 LL008Evan, Mark T 72179 JL016

69177 JL018Evan, Ryan M 78187 JL016

96183 JL018Evans, Emma G 99153 JL015Evans, Gerald J 87191 HY015Evans, Gladys 105131 JL012Evans, Larry D 105197 JL007Evans, Serena Y 105201 JL019Evans-Andreola, Jennifer 80156 GW006Faede, Gary R 99149 LL007Faerber, Glenn R 99172 LL001Fahey, James F 99173 LL007Fairley, Richard A, Jr 45220 JL011

99219 HY00939217 JL018

108216 JL019Falkowski, Jon L 92188 JL003Falkowski, Paul W 105207 JL003Fantl, David L 108209 JL003

99209 JL018Farinelli, Michael A 35214 JL013Farrell, Joann 96136 HY004Fastiggi, Mario L 102233 LL006Fatigati, John L 81183 JL018Faulkner, Tara L 21192 HY002Favire, Frank P 93164 JL014Favor, Julius C 90171 JL018

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Favor, Michael, III 96206 JL018Feaster, Kisha S 10895 JL010Featherstone, Eunice M 86136 HY006Feins, Jessica M 102102 LL001Feins, Leona 105123 LL001Fell, James M 105110 LL004Felton, Thenis 90137 HY006Fenderson, Lance B 102191 HY013Fenwrick, Shirley A 86167 HY006Feoli, Joseph M 99207 HY007Feoli, Michael J 89183 HY007Ferdinando, William P 99192 JL003Fernandez, Lita 84131 HY017Fernandez, Luz M 96148 JL019Ferrara, Clayton C 84187 GW005Ferrara, Guido, Jr 96163 HY011Ferrari, Michael P 84177 LL007

96166 GW004Ferraro, Richard R 90178 JL011Ferriero, Joey 60140 LL001Ferriero, Peter J 30155 LL001Ferrigno, Caryn 47143 GW005Festa, Ron 102206 JL011

60205 JL018Festa, Susan M 80177 JL014Fetchko, Robert T 89130 JL014Fiedler, James J 75213 HY002Fielder, Shirley M 96143 LL002Figgs, George W 105181 JL019Figueroa, William 51191 JL003Finkel, Gloria 90128 LL002Finklea, Tonya R 33170 HY010Finzi, Kenneth J, Jr 81154 LL005Fiore, Dennis J 93184 LL008Fiore, Nicholas J 93200 LL008Fish, Frederick T 95161 LL007Fish, Sandra J 96174 LL007

45173 LL012102170 JL017

Fisher, Chris P 105213 LL00687203 LL008

Fisher, Douglas L 100193 JL00784179 HY015

Fisher, Jason C 90202 JL018Fisher, Walter J 81140 GW003Fitz, James M 96221 HY010

105218 LL006Fitzgerald, Lawrence V 102168 JL018Fitzgerald, Patricia 108192 HY009

102192 HY002102188 HY010

Fleetwood, Hollis C 90161 JL021Flisak, Peter R 93162 LL011Florek, Antoinette 93163 LL012Flores, Alfonso R 93192 LL001Flores, Suzette 96122 HY013

Flowers, Dwight 24226 HY002Flowers, John D 105164 JL004Flowers, John D, Jr 104183 HY003Fluellen, Roy R 105180 JL019Flurchick, Thomas 87173 JL014Fong, Daniel 81108 JL022Fong, Humberto 81124 JL022Fonseca, Edmund 102145 GW004

108144 LL004Fonseca, Paul 106156 LL004Fontaine, Dawn 75178 HY010

81176 HY009Fontaine, Glenn 108225 HY009

105222 HY010Fontaine, Hassan J 75210 HY010Forbes, Ronald 93161 JL002Ford, Blanche D 105142 HY021Ford, Daren R 105200 HY010

21199 HY006107197 HY013

24188 HY021Forleo, Steven A 28141 JL016Forrestal, Kevin D 84177 JL013Foster, Jerry L 45162 HY013Foster, Mabel L 96131 HY005Foster, Richard P 104198 HY003

105188 HY011Foster, William J 108184 JL019Fostinis, James M 96211 JL018Fotia, Michael J 102187 JL018Fotia, Peter A, Jr 63170 HY001Fountain, Kathleen M 105153 LL010Fowler, Amy Y 102155 HY010Fowler, Tom 78164 JL011Foy, David E 102154 LL004Francia, Jesus 99165 JL021Franco, Ray G 93183 JL009Francois, Joseph L 84164 HY015Franke, Linda 90155 LL002Franklin, Krystal J 102207 HY010

102206 HY002Fraser, Alana G 106147 LL004Frasier, Bernadette 21128 JL012Frazier, Bobby E 101174 JL007Frazier, Curtis 96187 HY015Frazier, Howard A, Jr 51164 JL007Frazier, Lisa M 57185 GW006

54184 GW005Frazier, Thayes, Jr 71184 JL011Fredericks, Jerrold A 84214 HY002

27211 HY009Frees, Tim 98180 LL009Frees, Timothy G, Jr 99196 LL009

89196 LL011Frees, Wendy J 102175 LL009Friday, Harriet E 99149 HY006

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Friskey, Jason M 69168 GW007Fronheiser, Scott A 60141 JL006Fryer, Michael 102185 HY013

102185 HY011Fuller, Claude L 90151 HY015

99149 HY00590135 HY017

Furlow, Larry 93174 HY015Gaddy, Eugene 74220 HY009

36215 HY010Gaddy-Jones, Ethel M 84163 JL008

93156 JL017Gadsden, Leonard 90202 JL019Gaestel, Kyle C 87206 LL013

90204 JL020Gaines, Jeannette 99129 HY006Galasso, Isabelle 87129 JL002Galasso, Richard 93214 JL003

90210 JL002Galczynski, Andrew J 78175 LL013Gales, Steven A 99188 HY006Galinat, Emil A 72158 LL007Gallo, David C 105200 LL008

105191 LL013Gallo, Michelle A 105143 LL013Gallo, Tony J 102148 JL003Gantt, Elizabeth 105158 JL017

99157 JL019Gantt, James A 93167 HY015Garay, Angie 104154 JL020Garcia, Madelyn 61108 JL022Gardner, Bruce L 48181 JL019Gargano, William D 48185 JL018Garretson, Ronald 108211 JL007Garrett, Rick 86188 HY011

46184 JL013Garry, Donna M 98124 JL012Garvin, Henry 84151 HY015Gary, William M 105181 JL019Gass, Robert J, Jr 105197 JL019Gass, Robert S 96187 JL019Gasser, Mike 87189 LL003Gastiger, Peter J 93197 GW004Gates, Morris A 24150 JL005Gates, Terri L 69191 JL001

72183 JL005Gathercole, Christopher P 93189 HY007Gathercole, Matthew A 102179 HY007Gathercole, William, Jr 96179 HY007Gatling, Amira 81106 JL008Gatling, Eleanor 96164 JL008Gatling, Vernon 93137 JL008Gatling, William B, Jr 69174 JL008

56172 HY007Gatto, Victor 105152 LL005

95151 LL007

Gaulden, Johnnie L 77173 HY010Gavenda, Barbara E 101119 LL001Gaylord, Jaclyn J 84129 LL010Geibel, Scott C 39166 GW001Gemendon, JoAnn E 102133 JL020Genard, Barbara 51109 JL012Gerbery, Michael 96182 JL005Gesior, Gerald J, Jr 96189 JL003Getter, Joyce M 102175 HY014

99166 HY00327158 HY021

Gibbons, Arthur 92188 JL014Gibbs, Michelle E 93140 HY001Gibson, Janice E 102138 HY019Gibson, Juanita 105153 HY009Giganti, Kim 53118 GW006Gilgallon, Richard J 104161 JL020Gingrich, Frank 84188 JL014Giordano, Edith 84123 GW006Gitlin, Allan S 87170 LL001Gittens, Stephen W 44169 HY003Givens, Tyrone L 78179 JL019Gladd, Ken P 22194 HY011

105193 JL007105191 JL011

Gleason, Barbara 87149 LL009Gleason, Michael F 87186 LL009

102182 LL001Glenn, Matthew D 105161 HY003Glinoga, Luis A 21171 LL004Gloss, Lois A 93157 GW006Godbold, Hazel 96147 HY006Godfrey, Rodney S 87187 JL016Goellner, George W 58198 JL013Goforth, Leevaned E 95186 JL011Goger, Brian J 99190 LL004Goings, June M 21145 HY002Golda, Henry A 93196 GW002Golda, Patricia M 95172 GW002Golda, Richard S 93194 GW002Golda, Thomas R 96182 GW002Goldate, Kelly 80124 HY008Goldberg, Andrew B 96136 GW001Goldinner, Ameer M 96182 HY011Goldrosen, Sheila C 54133 LL002Gomes, Carlos J 99159 HY011Gomez, Manny A 60200 JL016Gonczlik, Sandor L 96190 LL003Gonzales, Francisco 105174 JL008Gonzales, Manuel A 93224 JL018

87224 JL019Gonzalez, Charlie 91150 LL001Gonzalez, Michele S 59160 LL011Gonzalez, Robert 96145 LL004Gonzalez, Sergio L 99180 JL003Goode, Debra M 105152 HY001

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Goode, Josie 75151 HY006Gordon, Christine 82151 JL008Gordon, Martina A 69115 HY012Gordon, Regina 103145 HY013Gordon, Yolanda D 32155 HY001Gorrell, Calvin 105197 JL019Goss, Kathleen N 87153 JL005Goss, Wendell T 87156 JL007Gould, William, Jr 108186 JL003Goworek, Michael 99218 LL008

21205 LL00696202 LL011

Goworek, Michelle 87139 LL011Goyzen, Steven 105216 LL006

106209 LL008Graczyk, Ronald E 105171 JL013Grady, Earl 52172 JL019Graham, Brian A 105226 HY002

105224 HY01042221 HY009

Graham, Cornel 51208 JL011105200 JL013108197 JL019

Graham, Isaiah 78165 LL007Graham, Linda D 108145 JL019Graham, Richard, Jr 99156 LL005Grant, David A, Sr 102189 JL020

69185 JL004Grant, Robin D 99145 JL020Graves, Eugene 96172 JL013Gray, Brian 36189 LL004Gray, Janice C 93155 LL009Greco, Robert A 66163 JL013Green, Arlene R 84135 HY017Green, Ben 95151 JL019Green, Charles 93170 HY015Green, Daniel A 87141 JL013Green, Delva, Jr 104180 HY020Green, Edward 60167 HY015Green, Elizabeth C 106159 JL019Green, Franklin 93172 LL007

96170 JL008Green, Patrick K 96190 JL007

57190 HY001Green, Shawn 83209 HY002Green, Vevlyn D 105153 HY002

96147 HY009Greene, George 99150 LL006Greene, Jasmine 84148 JL017Greene, Victor L 104178 JL007Greene, Wally 93172 HY015Greenhouse, Ray A 93179 GW004Greenleaf, Cynthia T 99149 HY018Greenwood, Richard C 78210 LL001Greer, Kevin C 105182 HY003Gregory, Barbara J 45146 HY008

Gregory, James M 99179 HY015Gregory, Jim P 99203 JL003Gregory, Lloyd A 94211 HY002Gregory, Paul T 93205 HY008Greve, Charles E 93166 LL010Griffin, Earnestine M 105171 HY006Griffin, Joseph T, Jr 102212 HY010Griffin, Lamone A 108204 JL004Griffith, Robert J 54188 JL003Grimsley, Kelvin L 91198 HY010Groeling, Michael J 102183 LL010Groeling, Theresa A 99157 LL010Groomes, Johnnie M 84123 HY019Groppe, Wayne F 105177 LL011

105177 LL005105173 LL001

Gross, Melanee A 57193 LL011102182 LL010

Grote, Dennis M 87184 GW004Grote, Michael W 87202 GW004

87187 HY011Grote, Steven W 90218 GW004

99214 GW00396214 GW005

Groves, Alexander H 78147 LL005Grullon, Radhames 96198 JL022

108195 JL019Grundberg, Edward 90180 LL005Gualtieri, John K 99229 HY015Guarino, Tom P 33206 HY011Guarnaccio, Angelo M 102213 HY010Gural, Marjorie 99126 HY017Gurbisz, Chester S 96180 JL003Gurbisz, William M 96179 JL003Gurley, Anthony, Sr 72154 HY021Gurwitz, Harvey A 108220 LL008

108219 LL006Guzman, Angel 99164 JL016Guzman, Edward W 91154 JL016Guzman, Joseph A 81165 JL016Gwynn, Elliott B 93216 HY010

97211 JL013Hach, Robert P 87180 JL020Hagen, David H 86212 HY009Hahn, Robert D 71148 LL010Hailey, Lisa 92150 JL019Hairston, Virginius O 78175 JL017Haley, Derrick R 105171 HY002Haley, Tawana M 102146 HY002Hall, Bertha 93145 JL004Hall, Donna A 99181 HY010

96181 JL019Hall, Herbert L 84189 JL019Hall, James P 76193 HY007Hall, Leonard F 92180 JL019Hall, Melvin 100136 HY003

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Hall, Richard 96128 HY015Hall, Stacey 69178 HY015Hall, Valerie 97145 HY003Hallax, Mickey 21187 LL003Hallen, Patrick 95209 LL003Hambrick, Ladonna E 102174 HY002

104173 HY010Hamel, Douglas W 93197 JL013Hamilton, Harry 48159 HY015

108151 HY013Hamilton, Paul 96183 JL019Hamilton, Shaheed A 93187 HY020Hamlin, Doris 102153 HY021Hammond, Michael 105183 HY010

108181 HY001Handler, Jessica A 27200 JL019

33195 HY002Handy, Jr 90193 JL019Hankerson, Jeff D 99199 JL007Hankins, Kevin L 89156 JL003Hanks, Dorothy 99145 HY014

101136 HY019Hanlein, Michael P 30208 JL003Hannibal, Hermie 33216 HY002Hansen, Jennifer 92139 LL009Hansen, William A, Sr 105163 LL009Hansen, William, Jr 103202 LL009Harbuzinski, Richard 60165 JL016Harden, Jason 106223 JL003

102222 JL01177222 JL013

102219 JL018Hardiman, Patricia M 72173 HY002Hardiman, Shakeenah 30175 HY002

24164 HY010Hardiman, Tony 92215 HY002Hardiman, Towanda 87191 HY010

99189 HY002Harding, Robyn L 105155 LL011Harding, TJ 105194 LL011Hardison, Kevin L 99195 JL011

99189 HY011Harkness, Susan M 84141 LL009Harmon, Alvin L 96155 HY008Harmon, Pearl 102192 HY002

97190 HY01399188 HY009

Harmon, Richard D 105212 HY013105210 HY002108200 JL007

93200 HY009Harney, George A 105126 LL009Harney, Paul A 108221 LL008

87209 LL009Harold, Frances W 87123 HY005Harrell, George W 105163 JL004

Harrell, Lucious, Jr 90180 JL00437169 JL019

Harrington, Ernest 63184 HY001Harrington, Kelly E 98145 HY003Harrington, Tara E 95156 HY003Harris, Carmen 102161 HY010Harris, Ernest 99168 HY015

102167 HY014Harris, Frederick P 99173 HY015Harris, Juanita N 96122 LL002Harris, Kevin L 104195 HY010Harris, Linda 90153 HY001

96148 JL012Harris, Robyn M 61161 LL012Harris, Shawn E 83167 JL020

81162 JL022Harris, Shedrick D 102165 JL007Harrison, Calvin 108179 JL003Harrison, George 99144 GW001Harrison, Margie 95180 HY002Hart, John L 73110 JL020Hartl, Robert W 90188 JL018Hartung, Wayne E 38194 GW004

46191 GW005Harvey, Laverne A 51128 JL012Harvey, Marcus D 105186 HY013Hash, Robert R 98139 HY013Haskell, Tracey L 98145 GW005Haszko, Christopher M 51167 HY011Hawes, Al-Lisha F 21120 HY013Hawk, Fred S 108184 JL019Hawkins, Lawrence E 102184 HY009Hayes, Andra D 99197 HY011Hayes, Helena 27160 HY001Hayes, Lauren 83135 LL012Hayes, Marietta 66150 HY001Hayes, Samuel B 99185 HY015

99184 HY002Hayes, Tony K 101209 HY010Hayes-Sanders, Cynthia E 51195 HY009

105193 HY002105188 HY010

21186 HY001Haykin, Doug M 48185 JL003Heart, Nicole 24107 HY010Heasty, Robert M 93125 JL009Hedges, Alan R 102162 JL011Hedges, Christopher A 93211 JL011

84210 JL01985208 JL018

Hedgespeth, Rose M 105164 JL017105163 JL019

Hedli, Josh 84211 HY00735208 HY011

Hegedus, Brian M 99221 HY00987220 HY010

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Heide, Sharon D 99179 LL010Heimall, Laneice R 55167 JL022Heine, Phyllis A 86149 HY008Heine, William R 87199 HY008Helco, Ronald W 96183 JL009

96182 JL014Hemingway, Richard 105181 JL019Hemmings, Doug 104179 HY001Hemmings, Ellen C 72151 HY001Henderson, Cheryl L 87130 JL004Henderson, Lamar H 51206 JL013

90200 JL01933198 JL018

Hendricks, Denise 105132 HY021Hendricks, Mamie 75109 HY021Hendricks, Michael A 96211 HY002

71207 HY010Henninger, Robert 83160 LL005Henry, Dean J 72169 GW003Henry, Jean C 79176 HY015Henry, Roberta 80130 HY021Hering, James T 87204 LL001Hering, Patti M 81146 LL001Hernandez, Angel L 99180 JL014Hernandez, Angel, Jr 21154 JL014Hernandez, Claudia 96173 LL013Hernandez, David R 93163 HY008Hernandez, Jesus 88168 HY006Hernandez, Jose B 105186 LL011

93177 LL005Hernandez, Randel L 27193 JL019

91187 JL003Herschel, Justin A 99188 JL007Herzog, Thomas J 105195 JL003Hester-Lambert, Yvonne M 24161 HY006Hetmeyer, Curtis 89199 HY002Heyliger, Papa D 84189 JL018Heywood, James D 84191 JL013Heywood, Scott A 87193 JL013Hicks, Annette L 102172 HY010Hicks, Donald 105192 HY011

105191 HY010Hicks, Jay D 78190 JL021Hicks, John L 96145 HY005Hicks, Larry D 95200 HY002Hierl, Peter K 99120 JL009Higgins, Devon A 101186 LL001High, Ronald 86194 HY009

87189 HY01372188 HY015

Hightower, Wayne 96178 JL019Hill, Barbara 88147 HY014Hill, Diane 93142 JL015Hill, Donnie L 99180 JL019

96165 HY015Hill, Georgette R 101193 JL019

Hill, Joshua W 108199 HY009Hill, Kathy 99146 JL020Hill, Les V 99205 JL019

48205 HY009Hill, Marques A 108186 HY009Hill, Priscilla A 99168 HY009

96163 HY010Hill, Richard A 104212 HY002Hill, Roger 99182 HY015Hill, Royston L 108214 JL007Hill, Twonna L 99160 JL019Hillman, John A 108191 JL017

98189 JL01340188 JL018

Hill-McQueen, Carol A 87154 JL01084154 HY013

Hill-Wheaton, Anna M 93151 JL016Hitchell, James 60202 GW007Hockenbury, Matthew J 94207 LL003

87205 LL006Hodge, Robert D, Sr 66173 HY015Hodge, Thomas A 55176 JL014

78173 JL003Hoermann, Peter 93196 HY011Hofler-Battle, Brenda L 93112 JL015Hogue, Lyman 93172 HY015

78163 JL017Hogue, Vernis 66139 HY002Holley, Jerry L 83188 JL019Holley, Marilyn I 72193 HY009Hollins, Douglas N, Jr 89190 JL003Hollinshed, Gwendolyn A 99144 JL012Hollinshed, Richard D 105174 JL004Holmes, Charles H 96191 HY015

102182 HY014Holmes, Chester 98146 JL019Holmes, John W 81167 HY015Holmes, Marvin S, Jr 30189 HY001Holt, Kristen J 84177 HY002Holzhauer, Barbara 96117 HY005Hooper, Al-Torre B 87223 HY002Horbatuk, William 81183 JL014Horn, Pearleen 54144 LL012Hornung, Gerhard J 63167 JL011

52165 JL00756159 JL018

Horsley, Charles D 105189 JL007Horton, David 44172 JL011Hosmer, William 57176 JL014Housel, Joan 104123 LL004Housel, Richard E 98178 LL004Houseman, Shynice C 3395 JL005Houston, Dennis S 57191 HY015Houston, Terry A 81187 LL011Howard, Lee 108173 JL019

105172 JL013

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Howard, Paul, Jr 45182 LL006Howell, Bernard P 102161 JL004Howell, Shawn B 105163 JL004Howes, Joanne B 99164 GW006Howlett, Audrae B 96158 LL009Howlett, George F 96204 LL009Howlett, Robert W 102205 GW004Howley, Mary 90104 HY004Hribar, James M 93167 JL003Hrudowsky, James R 99165 JL020Huber, William B, Jr 96211 JL003Hudgins, Kenneth B 54174 JL003Hudzik, Elsie M 93122 HY005Hudzik, Joseph A, Jr 75180 JL014Hudzik, Kathleen M 96103 JL014Hughes, Aaron R 105210 HY009Hughes, Diane L 24169 JL012Hughes, Karen K 54125 JL020Hughes, Michael J 78208 JL003Hulley, Melissa J 105195 HY010

108194 HY009Hulton, Patricia A 96148 GW006Hunt, Shalynn L 53144 JL004Hunt, Venus R 108172 JL017Hunter, Gwendolyn A 27179 HY009Hunter, John R, III 99218 JL019Hunter, Malika N 99185 HY010Hunter, Wayne 84182 JL020Hunton, Richard J 102209 JL007Hurler, Mark S 87163 JL014Hurling, Wendy S 90193 HY002

45187 HY010Hurwitz, Patricia 75126 HY008Hutchins, Freddie 27166 HY014

96165 HY015Ilg, Arlene N 102142 LL012Ilg, Carol 90140 LL012Ilg, Joseph P 99212 HY011

87211 JL013Imes, Ray 90180 HY015

105165 HY012Impaglia, Alfred P 105172 HY011

99168 JL021Impaglia, Richard P 93184 HY011Improgo, Ida R 96175 HY010Infantino, Ann Marie 90157 LL001Ingandela, Robert G 105174 JL003Ingram, Etta M 102104 LL010Ingram, Patricia A 60172 JL001

84170 JL01242165 JL002

Iungerman, Owen W 90174 GW003Ives, Chuck W 96172 JL014Izzo, Sal 108213 LL006Jackowski, Lisa 99117 JL002Jackson, Albert T 99166 HY005

Jackson, Alex W 56201 GW00260184 GW007

Jackson, Alice 96119 HY013Jackson, Cheryl E 24156 HY010

107155 JL019Jackson, Ella 105146 JL017

108144 HY019Jackson, Etta 104132 HY003Jackson, Ginny R 96128 LL002Jackson, Harold D 39168 HY012Jackson, Jamarr M 80144 JL014Jackson, Larry 42174 HY009Jackson, Lorrie A 105174 JL017

102174 HY019Jackson, Mary 92145 HY019Jackson, Mike 102209 JL013

98207 HY01048206 HY013

Jackson, Tobiah T 96198 JL01691195 JL022

Jackson, Tyrone A 52164 HY009Jackson, William M 48177 JL019Jackson, Willis 84165 HY014

76159 HY015Jacob, William J 81184 JL018Jacome, Jarrod M 79195 JL007Jaffe, Michael D 105189 LL011

24174 LL01345170 JL018

James, Franklin, Jr 108181 JL00794176 HY021

James, Len E, II 102188 JL003James, Lydell A 90218 HY010

84217 HY009James, Morris E 96179 JL019James, Shaun L 102187 HY010

62175 HY016James, Terassa M 102169 HY010

24169 HY002Jandoli, Wayne V 93202 HY007Jankovic, Joseph T 102160 LL004Jankowski, Paul J 102191 HY011Janner, Carol R 84155 GW001Janner, John S 48145 GW001Janocko, Mike J 105189 LL005Janz, Gary T 93229 HY002

81226 HY015Jaquez, Ruddy A 83175 JL022Jarvis, Regina N 66139 JL016Javis, Andre L 77162 JL020Javis, Sheila 96121 JL015Jazwinski, Mark 105189 LL005Jefferson, Barbara 102152 JL019Jefferson, Joyce M 91152 HY016

87152 LL012Jengo, John V 102190 LL001

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Jenkins, Alton C 21219 HY01093216 HY011

Jenkins, James A 51195 JL019Jenkins, Shirley R 105141 HY003Jennings, Diane L 54188 LL012

99179 JL012Jennings, Evette 93131 HY014

74131 HY021Jensen, Jon A 51197 HY013Jerome, Joseph J 98172 LL001Johns, Patricia A 94160 LL011Johns, Raymond R 102173 JL003Johns, Raymond R, Jr 32187 JL003Johns, Richard R 102182 LL011

108177 JL003Johnson, Alvin S, Jr 92167 LL011Johnson, Daniel 105176 HY013Johnson, Demetrius D 99208 HY010Johnson, Donald 98191 JL017Johnson, Jeff J 105203 LL008Johnson, Kirk 101188 JL020

84182 JL011Johnson, Kristen D 93147 GW001Johnson, Lorenzo B 101200 JL019Johnson, Margaret 108216 HY009

45210 HY01339194 HY010

Johnson, Margaret S 69134 HY005Johnson, Raymond J, Jr 105199 LL008Johnson, Ronald E 27207 JL007Johnson, Saundra L 108171 HY001Johnson, Shaun M 102185 LL008Johnson, Titus J 44226 HY010

30210 JL019Jolliffe, Vonetta 93204 HY002Jolly, Michael J 99160 LL010Jones, Cheryl A 99156 JL010Jones, Chi-Que L 102181 HY010Jones, Chris 105123 JL010Jones, Cynthia Y 77181 HY002Jones, Darryl 102204 HY013

90200 HY010Jones, Darryl, Jr 102183 HY013Jones, Dianne M 96132 JL005Jones, Ellis B 99208 HY011Jones, Fran A 72174 HY002Jones, Helen 90136 HY005

93126 HY017Jones, Janine N 42200 HY010Jones, Jeffrey K 106195 HY013Jones, John 42197 HY002Jones, Kieonna M 36214 HY010

102212 HY002Jones, Lamar 96192 HY010Jones, Maria 104206 HY009

96199 JL019

Jones, Marilyn D 74142 LL012Jones, Michelle 90146 HY013Jones, Pamela J 108143 JL019Jones, Patrick 84188 GW004Jones, Randy C 101199 JL019Jones, Richard T 99178 LL010Jones, Richard W 105183 JL013Jones, Robert 105184 HY013

102180 HY006Jones, Sharonda 92158 HY020

86158 HY013Jones, Thelma V 102146 JL015Jones, Valerie A 33160 HY009

51155 HY013Jones, Valerie L 96127 HY019Jones-Barnes, Mamie S 87143 HY021Jones-Irving, Carolyn J 93151 JL015Jordan, Debbie A 105119 LL001Jordan, Gary J 102171 LL001Jordan, Michele M 78123 LL002Jordan, Patricia M 87142 JL014Joseph, Walter 105161 LL001Joyce, Dawn M 95182 LL012Joyce, Joseph 96203 GW001Joyner, James C, Jr 49212 HY010Joyner, Joan A 105134 HY019Joyner, Judy C 102116 JL010Joyner, Sylvester D 93191 JL013

101183 HY011Juarez, Ricardo 66168 HY008Judd, Debra T 96178 HY001

99176 JL012Judd, Michael T 21198 HY001Juliano, Frank L 67159 JL003Kachnowski, Joseph B 102192 JL013Kachnowski, Michael J 105193 JL013Kachnowski, Tadeuss 102166 JL013Kaciupski, Peter 84210 LL001Kaimo, Roberto E 81158 HY015Kalisch, Jane M 102130 JL006Kane, Ruth A 102127 HY013Kaplan, Harvey 105203 LL008Kardys, Peter J 85186 LL003Karpa, Roman M 96215 HY011Karpinecz, Katherine 81162 JL012Karpinski, John J 45152 JL003Kaschak, Kim L 89129 LL012Kaspareck, Marion G 9079 LL002Katipunan, John C 87171 HY011

98164 JL013Katz, Jason L 94178 JL003Katz, Michael D 99148 JL003Katz, Robert L 90173 JL003Kaulfers, Karen 80116 JL014Kazary, Thomas C 60180 JL016Kazemi, Sandy 90144 HY004

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Keane, Doreen 75151 GW006Kearney, Audrey 80116 HY001Kearney, Franklin 108156 HY001Keenan, Angela 105195 LL010Keenan, Philip G 33149 JL016Keicher, Jason P 99200 LL005Keicher, Mike 78192 LL005Keifrider, Eddie A 96151 LL010Keker, Gloria E 102132 LL012Keker, Jo Ann 36135 LL012Kelada, Meriam 9380 GW001Kelchner, John W 102192 LL009Keleher, Bill 66151 GW001Keleher, Brian P 89178 GW001Kellar-Jones, Kristian A 65209 HY002

105208 HY010Kelleher, Catherine M 104132 LL010Kelleher, Edward J 102207 JL003Kelleher, James W 75162 JL003Kelley, Todd L 76196 JL019Kelly, Rosemary 93112 LL002Kennedy, Alicia R 98134 HY019Kennedy, Arthur 48192 LL011Kennedy, Ron 39183 JL013Kennedy, Rosalie 88130 GW001Kenney, Hassie 102141 JL019Kenney, Jeffrey J 96211 HY002Kenny, Lorraine A 87205 HY002Kerry, Steven J 96173 HY011Kielawa, Michele E 99217 HY009

96215 HY010Kienzle, Billy 93217 JL018Kievning, Matt S 96128 GW002Kievning, Vivian E 96102 GW002Kimbrough, Ordell O 81114 HY017Kincey, Alrashawn 68203 JL007King, Anthony E 24213 HY002

96209 HY010King, Beverly L 99139 HY003King, Cotino 75156 JL010King, Raymond V 99122 JL021King, Richard J 63201 JL018Kingsland, Richard W 95218 HY011

99214 HY00999206 JL013

Kinnon, Cheryl A 66124 JL004Kirkland, Rodney G 102177 JL002

99173 JL011Kirkland, Ryan G 95183 JL007

102181 JL002Kirkland-Brown, Robyn 96125 JL002Kirkup, Keith C 99170 LL011Kirkup, Nancy C 102161 LL011Klaw, Gary L 96209 LL003

102208 LL005Kleinwaks, Neil 87190 HY011

Klock, John H 87157 JL003Knapp, Barbara A 74117 JL020Knapp, Kenneth C 96182 LL011

92166 JL020Knapp, Richard F 96166 GW003Knight, Jaquita R 102151 HY001

102151 HY012Knight, Romero L 99185 HY015

105184 JL00793182 HY00221179 JL017

Knych, William J 84178 LL004Koblis, Nancy 105156 JL012Koblis, Susan 102136 JL012Koch, Michael W 105178 JL020

108176 JL003Kocher, John 93194 LL010Kocher, Patrick J 96192 LL010Kocher, Patti A 93158 LL011

87157 LL010Koedam, Jan C 102173 LL011

88167 LL005Koedam, Sherry R 81165 LL011Koehler, Katherine P 93137 HY017Koehler, Paul H 96157 HY005

96145 HY017Kolibas, Nancy 90146 LL012Kolodziej, Edward 99158 JL009Kolodziej, Stanley W 99160 JL009Kontra, Laura E 105160 LL009Koonce, Sonya M 104152 JL012Koontz, Ronald W 98178 HY002

105176 HY01396172 HY015

Kopiczak, Chester E 92151 JL016Korb, Bernice 69146 LL001Kordonis, John D 81196 JL013Kornegay, Marvin E 99164 HY015

48162 HY007Kosciolek, Lisa Marie 81100 GW005Kosciolek, Robert J 90181 JL014

45178 GW005Kosiba, Kenneth J 99214 LL008Kostak, Patricia J 105172 LL010Kosuda, Frank P 60198 JL013Kovacs, Vincent M 93207 JL018Kowal, Andrew 87181 JL005Kowalski, Joseph F 45218 HY002

30212 HY010Kozak, Lisa J 99111 LL010Kozlovich, Edward A 99146 GW004Kozlovich, Stephen E 82166 GW004Krachenfels, Donald C 99172 HY015Krasnor, Michael J 48185 GW005

30178 GW007Kratzer, Jennifer A 96155 JL020

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Kratzer, Joseph E, III 105196 JL020Kratzer, Joseph E, Jr 105198 JL020Kratzer, Kevin M 105210 JL020

66198 JL00399186 JL009

Kratzer, Nikki L 93149 JL009100141 JL020

Kraus, David J 108180 JL003Kreitz, Karen A 27164 LL012Kroyer, Christian J 88203 JL018Krupinski, John P 102197 JL016Krupinski, Joseph T 61202 JL016Kuczynski, Francis V 78178 JL011

93177 JL020Kunz, Kenneth O 96159 LL010Kunz, Natalie M 96117 LL010Kunz, Robert T 80170 JL003Kuran, Louis A 90177 JL021Kuriskin, Joseph J 45117 JL016Kurma, Charles W 73175 GW004Kurtzo, Marc A 74166 LL005Kurtzo, Stephen, Jr 60207 LL013

87201 LL00596200 LL006

Kuruts, Michael J 96174 JL009Kushner, Brian J 86218 LL010Kushner, Jane S 96193 LL001

99188 LL010Kwiatek, Louis J 99174 JL013La Gregor, Joseph 105171 JL013Labanich, Robert F 99212 JL018Labarbera, Joan 96159 LL001LaGuardia-Adams, Linda A 90179 LL012Lahens, Serge, Jr 27197 LL013Lai, Sam J 84164 JL014Lamb, Curtis R 29181 JL003Lambe, Florine N 102152 JL015Lambert, Eunice M 86159 LL007

81154 LL010Lannon, Michele J 74168 HY008LaPilla, Philip 48206 GW005

84204 GW004Lariviere, Robert A 96133 LL007Larkin, Rodney J 108172 HY013LaSure, Theodore, Jr 70216 HY010

51215 HY01137214 HY009

Laurino, Ann Marie 102166 LL004Laurino, Anthony J 105175 LL004Lawrence, Deborah A 93186 HY002Lawrence, Jeanette 96170 HY014

96168 HY01024168 HY01921163 JL017

Lawrence, Jessie D, Jr 94192 HY01193184 JL013

Lawrence, Michael T 98198 HY01196182 JL013

Lawrey, Teela N 102127 HY01099123 HY002

Lawson, Brenda E 51192 HY002Layer, Martin A 108188 JL007Layton-Brown, Michele A 24193 HY001

82182 HY013Leak, Maxine 87156 JL015

57153 HY005Leal, Mirna 84142 JL022Lecky, Teddy 96179 JL003

98176 JL019Lee, Christopher M 101202 JL003

87199 JL01890196 JL013

Lee, James B 102193 JL018Lee, Stan C 42157 LL009Lee, Thea 87163 JL020Lefebre, Cilio 105197 JL003Lefebre, Edgar 108199 JL003Lefebre, Edwin J 108162 JL003Lefebre, Giovanni 108129 JL003Leftenant, Richard D 96199 JL019Lehnhoff, John P 99195 LL003LeMatty, Ruth 58141 HY017LeMay, Darian O 96214 JL007Lemus, Edgar 60180 JL016

53174 JL022Lenard, Lorraine 84133 JL012Leo, Frank M 102213 JL018

21213 JL013Leo, Joseph C 90147 JL014Leon, Adrian 99148 JL009Leonard, Dennis L 93184 JL004Lerf, Frank, Jr 105173 LL009Leverett, Bonnie 93174 HY015Lewis, Brandon W 93197 JL018Lewis, David C 77195 LL010Lewis, Earl F 102193 HY009Lewis, Nate L 83216 HY009Lewis, Paul, Sr 96163 LL007Lewis, Rick 96163 JL014Lewis, Robert E 105171 GW005Lewis, Willie 93191 JL011

102185 JL019Liana, Thomas R 102195 JL013Licata, Lois 81138 LL012Liggins, Meritt 99145 HY012Lightsey, Guy H 28176 HY001Lightsey, Joyce C 84172 HY001Lillie, John R 93165 LL007Lillie, John T 90127 JL021Lillie, Pat 99143 LL007Lima, Pete D 75180 JL021Lima, Peter A 99164 LL011

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Lima, Peter D 96201 JL014Limone, Charles A 63151 HY007Lindberg, Victor H 89128 HY005Lipari, Louise 75145 LL007Lipke, Leonard 102157 JL005Lipke, Paul C 102210 GW003Lipke, Peter R 99221 GW003Lipsett, Jack D 90164 JL003Liptrot, Ken B 99206 JL013Liquore, Darlene J 102141 GW001Liquori, Joe 90196 LL005Lis, Bobbi 90184 JL001

67171 JL019Little, Kandace F 102211 HY002Lloyd, Jack 30196 JL013

105189 JL003Lockhart, Vanessa 21173 JL019Lockhart, Veronica 108177 JL019

30175 JL017Lockley, Clifford E, Jr 99191 HY015

108189 JL017Locrotondo, Janemarie 86187 JL001Lodato, Alicia 96123 LL012Loeb, Kimberly A 102146 LL001LoGiudice, Betty 91122 JL014LoGiudice, Frank, Sr 87162 JL014Long, David 96189 HY015

31189 HY002Lopez, Victor 81162 JL011LoPiccolo, Patrick, Jr 96200 JL011

30192 HY007Loredo, Mary 99110 HY019Lourenco, George 87115 HY008Lowe, Dennis 84168 HY015Lowe, Timothy G, Sr 75182 HY003Lowery, James C 99183 HY001Lowery, Kenneth G 105202 HY001Lowery, Morris B 84183 HY001Lowrie, Adrian J 21109 HY001Lowrie, Brenda A 105123 HY001Lozinski, Edward J, Jr 93159 JL020Lucas, Calvin 96176 HY002

81171 HY010Lucas, Glenn J 81171 HY015

105159 JL019Luciano, Kefry O 66179 JL011Luna, Erwin J 93197 JL022Luna, Harvey S 48202 JL013

87196 JL01898195 JL02230193 JL019

Lynch, Noah A, II 105224 HY011Lynes, John C 93188 JL003Lyon, Darrell E 105208 HY010Lyon, Martha E 93129 HY013

108126 HY009

98125 HY010Lyp, Teresa 99112 LL009Mabry, Ann 96138 LL002MacDermart, Thomas R 93177 JL020MacDonnell, Sandy 99191 JL013

96186 JL002Mack, Cheryl T 27156 HY010Mack, Jimmy E 101189 JL007Mack, John 105202 LL003Mack, Joseph R 99199 JL016Mack, Kevin F 87219 JL011Mack, Nora E 93127 JL016Mack, Timothy M 104172 HY013Mack, Yolanda D 84126 JL010Maenza, Michael R 90187 HY011Maguire, Ryan E 54187 JL013Mahon, Kevin T 78182 GW004Maisano, Jean 84145 LL012

81136 JL012Majewski, John B 99139 HY017Major, George 81174 JL019Majors, Billie K 90133 HY015Malakuskie, Lounetta K 99150 JL005Malanga, Eileen 99205 LL010Malavarca, Marlene 93148 LL011Malavarca, Ralph P 72205 LL011Maldonado, Carlos 79186 JL022Maldonado, Carmen 95140 JL022Maldonado, Nury Z 8992 JL022Maley, Robert W 84176 JL021Malko, Edward J 93145 HY015Malko, Janet M 93129 GW006Mallette, Darryl P 99182 JL019Malloy, Kirt 94156 HY006Malloy, Renee 104147 HY019

89142 JL017Malonas, Michael A 45207 HY013

60205 HY00293201 HY011

Manasia, Joseph, Jr 87202 GW004Mandeville, Wayne M 105196 HY009

105193 HY011Mangina, Michael 95186 JL016Manley, Jesse O 54166 JL019Manly, Rich S 99203 LL008Mann, Denise 66180 HY010

78175 HY002Mannino, Michael P 105197 LL008Manns, Marilyn 100163 HY013

99163 HY01097155 JL019

Manns, Tamekia 87109 JL014Manteufel, Robert H 102196 JL017Manzella, Linda 102165 GW006Marable, Mary F 84107 JL008

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Marcotullio, Karen 27152 LL00181144 JL012

Maresco, Richard G 99161 LL005Margino, Angelo V 94177 LL004Margolis, Lou 96140 HY017Marino, Robert J 99133 LL004Markowycz, Jamie L 97146 JL009Markowycz, Jan M 105193 JL020

102182 JL013Markowycz, Jennifer A 102160 JL020Markowycz, Maryann P 105146 JL020

99144 JL009Markowycz, Michael J 93192 JL009Marks, Harry W, Jr 81213 JL018Marks, Phillip S 96200 LL008Marlatt, Barry J 99208 HY011

24206 JL01396198 JL003

Marshall, Sharon R 21191 JL012105190 LL001

Marshall, Troy A 57216 GW003Martel, Robert C 92186 LL005Martin, Carolyn 24126 JL016Martin, Eddie J 81194 JL007

90192 JL016102184 HY001

Martin, George A 96188 LL013Martin, Keith 27171 JL019Martin, Lyrone 51166 GW001Martin, Sandy 72162 LL013Martin, Scott M 90178 LL010Martinez, Jehovanisy 92154 LL001Martinez, Myrta M 8998 JL020Martino, Kenneth P 99194 JL021Marx, Flowers 102158 HY014

90155 HY021Masino, Daniel J 105194 LL013Masino, Matthew T 105204 LL013Massa, Donna M 75151 JL002Massa, Emil 97213 LL003Mathews, Gary 87163 JL019Mathis, Cora M 21160 JL004Mathis, Dyann 93143 JL019Matos, John P 88195 JL007Matos, Miguel, Jr 70137 JL004Matrale, Joe T 104190 LL005Matthews, John A, III 102171 HY007Matthews, John C 99190 HY015Matthews, Joseph 99155 JL013Matzkanich, Lenore 27149 LL012

96148 JL012Maurus, Leigh E 99140 LL013Maxwell, George E 99169 GW004May, Louis A 99170 HY007Mayo, Iris 84153 LL010Mayo, Julie M 90133 HY019

Mayo, Kenneth 96191 HY008Mazza, Rocco J 83195 JL003

81195 JL018Mc Cluney, Lorenzo W 83198 HY010Mc Gill, Omar 87180 HY010Mc Gowan, John R, III 84171 JL005Mc Kenzie, John J 80218 HY002Mc Mahon, Brian J 60191 JL018Mcadams, Ruby 87154 HY009McAllister, Quawon J 60194 JL019McAllister, Saleem L 30188 JL019McBarron, Douglas S 66196 LL005McCarthy, Matthew J 105195 HY011McCarthy, Nellie R 100134 HY012McCartney, Judith A 93155 JL020McClain, Dawn D 96147 JL008McClain, Larry 90205 HY001McClam, James 90140 HY001Mcclammy, Gilbert, Sr 84159 HY015Mccloud, Marjori 94161 HY010McCloud, Ralph, Jr 94160 JL004McClughan, Robert A 84152 JL014McConnell, Valerie A 99187 JL001McCoy, Thomas E 92145 JL014McCray, Charles L 80169 JL008

84163 JL019McDarby, Lori 101137 GW001McDonald, Lecenia H 78202 HY013McDonough, Patricia N 104148 JL005McDowell, James D 93217 HY015

30212 HY009108202 JL007

42201 HY00297119 HY013

McDowell, Michael T 102210 JL004105207 JL007

McDowell, Star 105162 JL012McDowell, Ulysses 108211 HY013McDuffie, Darryl 105216 HY002McGeehan, Ed 72184 JL003McGettigan, George R 105187 JL003McGettigan, Thomas R 90190 LL005McGhee, Dee 102173 JL019McGill-Cobb, Myra S 87163 LL007

96160 JL020101157 JL017

McGonigle, William, Jr 90207 LL013McGriff, Lorraine 29117 HY005

71116 JL015McGuire, Michael 92200 JL003McIver, Calvin E 102143 HY013McKay, Jeffrey K 30200 JL019

96197 JL011McKenzie, Karen S 67190 HY010

55187 HY002McKenzie, Keith A 101141 LL010

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McKenzie, Terrence K 39210 HY00233203 HY01148196 HY010

102179 HY013McKenzie, Tracy J 96150 HY010

65150 HY001McKnight, Theresa D 102188 HY009

29187 HY002McLaughlin, Ernest 84167 HY001McLaughlin, Riccardo N 36135 LL011McLaurin, Anthony T 79201 HY010

100196 JL004McLean, Kelvin A 90157 JL016McLean, Sheri T 45158 HY002

39151 HY010McLeester, Robert E 93142 LL007McLeod, David 102204 HY002

33201 HY001105199 HY010

McMahon, James J 87167 JL003McMillian, John E 90182 HY010

69172 JL007McMillian, Rose 96130 HY010McMillon, Janice T 90191 HY009

84189 HY00293187 HY010

McNair, Aquillah T 6495 HY021McNamara, Shaun T 87206 JL021

87203 JL01331199 JL003

McNeal-Williams, Dannetta M 99150 HY001McNeil, Carmelo R 104171 HY020McPherson, Ivory A 107192 HY013

86186 JL011McPherson, Michele V 99139 JL020McQueen, Andre Chillious C 105193 JL010

99184 JL011McQuilkin, William A 89205 HY007McRae, Terry T 69169 JL008McTague, Bill F 87156 LL013Meade, Thomas M 99210 GW003

105200 JL013Meadowcroft, Carol A 63133 JL012Medeiros, Leonildo P 45217 LL006

105215 LL005105212 LL013105210 LL008

Medina, Jose R 95208 JL011Melendez, Jasmin 78120 JL022Melendez, Ruthy 90172 JL002Melendez, Zenon 98178 JL002Melillo, Anthony A 90178 JL016Melillo, Louis 81169 LL007Melo, Esteling B 87179 JL022Melo, Esteling E 84174 JL022Melo, Fabian C 91189 JL022

Melo, Jonathan N 99161 JL022Menendez, Kevin A 96210 JL019Menendez, Nicholas J 21208 JL019Meneses, Gonzalo 36197 LL005Meola, Jerry 105148 LL001Mercado, Angel L, Jr 105186 HY006Mercado, Juanita 66167 HY006Mercado, Shamekia N 89139 HY006

75134 HY010Mercer, Jabbar Y 93139 HY013Merette, George 44208 JL011

30189 JL002Merino, Julio C 102190 HY006Merkler, Michelle N 60124 LL009Merkler, Paul F 95171 JL006Merritt, Rich T 99182 GW003Mertens, Helen 99145 LL012Messina, Anthony J 92157 HY007Messina, Richard J 96206 JL018Meyerowitz, Saul S 96191 JL003Mial, Ulysses S 98197 HY015

39196 HY00157194 HY01099189 JL007

Mickens, Anthony 75199 HY01054195 JL011

107190 JL017Middleton, Judith M 77147 HY002

83143 HY010Middleton, LaVerne 99144 HY016Middleton, Peter 99192 HY016Mierzejwski, Nancy 105131 LL010Mierzejwski, Robert J 105151 LL010Migliore, Jaime E 80181 LL013

78165 LL011Milanes, Francis L 90178 JL019

90174 JL02035171 JL011

Milanes, Luis E, Jr 102211 JL003102208 JL013

Milanes, Matthew 29177 JL019Milano, Thomas J 96159 HY008Miller, C.Hassel 105155 JL008Miller, Devon 65135 LL004Miller, Gerald 101196 HY011Miller, John R 72204 JL016Miller, Joseph W 99180 GW003Miller, Marilyn G 84142 HY005

96140 JL015Miller, Rashawn J 103196 HY011Miller, Sharon L 102173 LL012Miller, Wendy J 99143 GW006Millette, Kristen N 89144 LL012Millette, Noella O 102151 LL012Millman, Daniel 61183 LL008Millner, Erik A 36160 LL010

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Mills, Darryl L 38206 HY01398191 HY006

Milton, Ray B 66176 HY01496175 HY015

102169 JL017Mincey, Riley H 96183 HY015Mintz, Gregory 39224 JL018Miranda, Angelo L 102174 JL016Mitchell, Geraldine 77151 HY016Mitchell, Kimberly A 93145 HY012Mitchell, Lillie 74154 HY021Mitchell, Roger L 84176 HY015

99174 HY016Mitchell, Sharon E 105142 LL001Mitricka, Nicholas 99203 JL018

87203 LL013Mnich, Adam A 102181 JL003Mnich, Michael 23135 JL011Mnich, Ronald 56206 JL011

51200 JL01387196 JL018

Mobley, Andrew 99159 JL004Mobley, Catrena E 56108 HY021Mobley, Mattie B 90150 HY014

108139 HY019Modiano, Daniel 9690 LL010Molloy, Neil M 93166 JL014Molnar, Linda S 96192 LL009Molnar, Stephen 82187 LL009Moncada, Dixon H 93189 JL013Moncada, Estella 54135 JL022Moncada, John J 88170 JL022Monek, Steve E 96194 HY007

96192 JL016Montemayor, Francis K 99201 HY011Montford, Margaret 67140 HY016Montoya, Neil 83173 JL014Montplease, Carmen 99155 JL008Moody, Belva L 89145 HY021Moore, Chester, Jr 24186 HY002Moore, Paul G, Sr 75166 JL011

105164 JL020Moore, Tracy C 57108 JL010Morales, Luis A 102165 JL019Morales, Orlando T 90157 LL007Morgan, Charles C 105209 JL011

102204 JL018108202 JL019

Morgan, Juan 96183 LL004Morgan, Margaret K 87137 LL004Morgan, Thelma 101128 JL019Morik, Laura E 99165 JL012Morris, James 93197 JL019Morris, Juanita 93111 JL005Morse, Norman J 98160 LL011Morton, Jared T 96146 LL010

Moses, Ronald 66190 HY01170184 HY016

Moses, Verlia M 33157 HY016Mosley, Charles C 84183 JL019Moswenn, Ivvry M 99208 HY015Motley, James D 84183 JL007Motley, Jim J 99186 JL013Mott, Fathiyyah F 105196 HY010Motta, Angela 96138 LL012Motta, Danny 93152 LL006Moulton, Timothy 51182 LL008Mouring, Marjorie M 90114 HY005Moy, Jeannie 36123 GW007Moynihan, Joseph F 87139 LL007Mroczek, Michael 97161 JL016Mruk, Matthew E 99194 LL003Muccia, Barbara M 93103 LL012Muhammad, Cushmeer H 99192 HY009Muldowney, Paul 99160 JL003Muldrow, Derrick L 83209 HY002Mullen, Gizella F 81113 LL007Mullen, Nancy 86166 GW006Mullen, Theresa E 72155 LL012Muller, John 102159 HY007Murano, Anthony D 90181 JL011

102179 LL00189173 LL007

Murano, Julius, Jr 27137 LL007Murchison, Germaine 78189 JL019

70188 JL004Murphy, Alexander E 24140 HY015Murphy, Charles G 99128 HY013Murphy, Patricia A 93142 JL005Murphy, Raymond W 96184 HY010

96182 HY015Murphy, Sandra A 96138 HY019Murphy, William T 93177 JL005Murray, Carole D 87155 HY006Murray, Ruth E 48160 HY006Myers, Johnathan 99211 HY002Naeks, Sharon K 105160 LL010Nahaczewski, John 99196 GW004Naji, Ibn-Hakim 57215 HY010

37215 HY013108214 HY009

Nalducci, Joseph P, Sr 95180 LL007Napolitano, Maria A 84104 JL006Nash, Juanita 56137 JL001Nash, Mindy L 103147 HY013

24140 HY021Nash, Stephen L, Sr 98179 HY013

93170 HY021Neal, Peter A 99203 HY001Nelson, Athelstan E, Jr 48169 JL019Nelson, Cecil J 96194 JL011

108188 JL004

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Nelson, Valeria R 99161 HY00996157 HY00128145 JL012

Nes Smith, Edward 89162 JL021Nesmith, Caroline L 96153 HY009Nesmith, Curtis 102153 HY012Nesmith, Dwayne 87182 HY009Netta, Anthony 78186 JL014Newbery, Jason W 99198 JL013Newell, Celestine 105135 HY019Newhard, Rick 84159 JL014Newkirk, Louis H 96158 LL007Newman, Paul M 46177 JL014Nichols, Gerald E 102178 JL013Nickel, Tom W 96177 LL005Nigro, Richard F 102183 JL018Nixon, Jonah 84183 HY015

96171 HY014Nobles, James E 99197 HY010

30191 JL019Noel, Richard 30188 HY010

107178 JL019Nolan, Edith M 27152 LL001Nole, Fernando J 101106 LL001Norelli, Duane J, Sr 99186 LL010

93182 LL007Northcutt, Sharon A 96148 HY006Novak, Walter 87182 GW004Novobilski, Diane G 96143 LL012Nunez, Miguel J 56179 JL002Oaks, Everett L 104205 JL019O'Brien, Barbara A 102196 LL011O'Brien, John 106111 LL004O'Brien, Mickey 96198 LL009

99195 GW005Ochal, Leonard J 99152 LL007Odermatt, Robert J 40216 LL003O'Keefe, Kara 99149 LL002Olear, Janet 87143 JL005Olesky, Donald B 66191 JL013Oliva, Jessica M 93187 JL014Oliveira, Filipe M 64129 JL014Oliver, Carolyn T 102186 JL019Oliver, Edna 87156 GW006Oliver, John A 99191 JL019Olsen, Erik 102215 LL008Olsen, Michele A 102159 LL008Olszewski, Stanley, Sr 87135 LL007O'Neal, Brian N 102187 HY010O'Neal, Elaine E 90165 JL001O'Neal, Kymberlee N 105168 JL020O'Neal, Rudy R 102164 HY010O'Neill, Donna 60178 HY008Ormon, Peter 96190 JL003Ormond, Robert E 78189 HY015Orth, Michael P 105224 LL005

Ortiz, Augusto R 91135 JL020Ortiz, Jose A 93193 HY002Osborne, Clarence A 90192 HY001Osborne, Kathie M 96142 HY001Osowski, Nancy A 99142 LL001

96142 LL011Ossou, Jacqueline L 92179 HY002Ousterman, Chris (Right) M 93205 GW002

99203 GW00495201 GW00398198 GW00583185 GW001

Ousterman, Warren R 61169 GW001Outlaw, Charlie 93184 HY015Overby, Jeraldine 84140 JL015Owens, Jessica 99175 JL020Owens, Marvin 90190 JL019Packwood, Fred R 99163 LL007Padilla, Osvaldo 99164 JL021Padlo, David 83166 JL011Page, Claretta 48139 HY005Page, Tony I 91193 HY020Palais, Michael J 36174 LL001Pallitta, Mickey T 99153 LL002

96152 LL007Palma, David C 31212 GW003Palomino, Danny I 45220 HY011Palomino, Nicole A 9290 GW001Pandolfo, Frank A 105187 LL010Pane, Sharon V 33123 LL002Panetta, Louis A 90172 JL003Pantoja, Aida 93149 JL020Papa, Terri 90143 LL002Papkow, Julie A 21141 JL001Papp, Frank 105200 LL003Parham, Bradley F 102185 JL007Parillo, Robert A, Jr 96205 LL006

102198 LL010Parillo, Robert A, Sr 90173 LL010Parish, Skylar J 105213 LL011

105211 LL01030197 LL008

Parker, Joan V 63128 LL010Parker, Joann 93124 HY019Parker, Kareem J 102180 HY013Parker-Okafor, Margaret L 108149 HY001Parks, Donald 42147 LL007Parrett, Patricia A 102128 LL009Parrilla, Bernadette 99143 LL012Parrilla, David, Jr 108194 LL008Parrilla, David, Sr 108207 LL008Parrott, Donald M 96191 JL021Parrott, Eddie 102183 LL009Paschik, Stephen J 87162 HY007Paslowski, Robert 93167 JL016Passarelli, Richard A 57194 JL021

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Passero, Michael A 95187 JL003Passmore, Monroe T 63179 HY020Passmore, Tywanda L 75152 HY020Paszek, John N, Sr 108192 JL003

99183 GW004Paterek, Chris D 102189 HY011Patricco, Elizabeth 75145 LL007Patricco, John A 84161 JL021Patrick, Albert S 102215 LL003Patrick, Henry, Jr 105181 JL011

108179 JL01933177 HY015

108173 JL017Patrick, Terry 84192 LL010

99171 JL019Patrocinio, Fred, Jr 99193 JL014Patterson, Pamela A 86131 HY009Patterson, Rockcliffe A 95198 JL008

96192 JL019Pauer, Kenneth 102198 GW003Paul, Amy L 95157 GW001Paul, Anthony L 93187 GW001Paul, Anthony L 57178 JL013Paulino, Robert J 96186 JL009Pawlowski, Ed A 96209 JL014Pawlyk, Jerry 99207 LL011

102204 LL013Payton, Harry A 57205 JL004Paz, Joseph 93168 GW004Peaks, Tammy R 105153 HY001Pearson, Charles N, III 100200 HY013

99199 HY01581199 HY002

102188 HY014Pecina, Lane L 108213 JL003Peddie, Harold J 33185 JL003Pekosz, Michael R 83144 LL013Pena, Jose 56179 JL022Pencinger, Rocky 92177 JL013Pepe, Frank W 83183 JL018Pepe, Reginna R 97133 JL012Percoskie, Derick J 102158 LL011Percoskie, Sandra 87120 LL011Pereira, Carl A 87183 LL001Pereira, Mario J 100186 HY011Pereira, Raul 24166 HY011Perez, Getulio, Sr 93198 JL022

63192 JL01142190 JL019

Perez, Gilbert 101136 LL004Perez, Marilyn 93177 JL022Perluke, Donna L 54135 GW006Peros, Nick J 96226 LL006

84212 LL008Perrone, Luigi 99166 LL010Perry, Rosalyn 102172 JL019

Perry, Willie J 54200 HY01593190 JL007

Perry, Yvonne 94134 HY005Person, Lloyd A 81188 HY015Perucki, Stanley, Sr 75137 HY011Peskin, Harold 84167 HY005

90163 HY017Peter, Michael W 74169 LL003Peters, Ernest A, III 105216 HY009Peters, Robert L, Sr 90171 GW002Petersen, Karl H 61159 JL014Petersen, Paul E 72202 LL006Peterson, Donald E 92162 LL001Peterson, Sahib J 108192 JL019Petrosky, Robert J 96170 JL016Petrovich, Lenny A 105198 JL011

90191 JL018Pettiford, Rosa A 72154 LL002

90141 HY01790138 HY005

Pettis, Brian D 57206 LL009105205 LL008

84203 LL001108201 JL003

39201 LL01196198 LL013

Petuchovas, Leo A 99186 JL016Petz, Ronald A 105202 JL003Pevarnik, William J 99188 GW005Pezzuto, Vincent 93155 LL005Phillips, Mary 67137 JL014Phillips, Ronald A 57210 GW003

105207 LL010Phillips, William 100168 LL009Phillips, William J 105194 JL013Pickney, M. Kenneth 84208 HY010

39208 HY009Pienciak, Robert M 83198 JL013Piercy, Anthony T 102191 JL007Piernagorda, Guillermo 102194 JL013Piga, Angelina 105129 JL006Piga, Anne C 102125 JL006Piga, Josephine 63110 JL006Pinho, Victor 36159 JL002Pinkevicz, Edward J 39191 GW003Piper, Jacqueline 91141 HY019Pisano, Bobbi M 87115 HY005Piskadlo, Walter E 63168 JL018Pittman, Marilynn 72142 HY001Pitts, Janice O 81152 JL012Pitts, Jesse 97183 HY014Pitts, Ronald B 87201 HY002Plaza, Thomas 24182 JL007Plungis, Charles W 97159 HY007Plungis, Stephen M 78143 LL010

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Pochopin, Dennis 105184 LL01096184 LL00590176 JL016

Poggioli, James C 60203 JL013Pogorzelski, Jeff 81158 LL003Polanco, Ellison B 93182 JL022Pompey, Ali H 87215 HY009

108214 HY013Poploski, Kathleen 96119 HY004Porter, Aaron 101200 HY009Porter, Darrin 30207 HY010Porter, David A 104138 HY010Porter, Reneece L 78207 HY009

48196 JL019Porter, Stephany A 93167 HY010Porterfield, Patrick 104177 HY013Porterfield, Raheem 108180 HY013Porterfield, Rashawn O 48167 HY013Portizo, Frank E 96189 LL007Positan, Ruth E 80117 HY005Poszyler, Greg, Jr 104215 JL003Poszyler, Gregory, Sr 105183 JL003Powell, Dolores 99169 HY014Powell, Maurice C 81164 HY015Powell, Melvin H 51194 HY001

54192 HY015Powell, Michael 104193 JL003Powell, Norman R, Sr 96159 HY005

96155 HY017Powell, Torey W 105179 JL020

99175 JL02298172 JL016

Powell-Butler, Jacquenette 95152 HY001Power, Dale P 102173 LL001Powers, Christine L 93176 JL014Powers, Vincent F 90191 JL014Poznanski, Rich J 87214 LL008Prado, Anibal R 102188 GW001Pratt, Carolyn 74113 HY021Prentiss, Joe J 99206 JL003

99197 JL018Pretz, Debbie 93136 GW002Pribush, Jeff, Jr 102202 GW001Pribush, Michael 99155 GW001Price, Francis G 97206 JL013Price, Mary C 99147 JL014Prignano, Robert A 99184 HY007Primich, Susan 75151 LL004Primus, Craig L, Jr 42207 JL003

105204 JL007Primus, Craig L, Sr 105210 JL007Pritchard, Anita D 83165 JL017

81163 JL019Proctor, Dennis M 72192 JL003Prophete, Lenora 108131 JL017Prout, Lincoln E 90169 LL011

Provenzano, Dianne 93147 LL011Provenzano, Stephen J, III 102202 LL011Prunty, George H 108177 JL007Pryor, Robert W 102173 JL010Przywara, Debra 104158 JL012Przywara, Peter 84191 JL016Przywara, Stephanie 24145 JL016

95134 JL012Przywara, Timothy M 77173 JL016Pujols, Luis A 85187 JL011Pulcine, Barbara 102131 LL012Pulcine, Charles, Jr 99164 HY005

101159 HY007Purnell, Orlando 81215 HY010

21208 HY002Quattrocchi, John J 99155 GW001Queen, Joseph 96207 JL013

90201 JL018Quijada, Jonny 102153 JL020Quinlan, Joan E 90145 LL011Quinn, Joseph R 84231 JL018

89229 JL011Quinn, Keith W 102226 JL011

36218 JL007105217 JL013

96213 JL01969212 JL003

Quinones, Jimmy 99166 HY007Quinones, Ramon L, Sr 99184 LL013Quinonez, Ivan 21194 HY007Quockco, Kirk 79195 HY010

75187 HY02086184 HY013

Ragland, Anthony L 108173 JL010Ramirez, Giovanny 93153 JL016Ramirez, Henry B 77181 JL022

83178 JL016Ramirez, Nicholas 99204 HY007Ramirez, Omar 98202 HY007Ramirez, Sandro O 96217 HY007Ramirez, Santos M 99170 HY007Ramo, David M 91203 JL011

99196 JL007Randall, Rosa 68126 HY002Randell, Ali W 105212 JL007Raney, Manuel L 96191 JL007Rasinski, William J 63187 LL009

69185 LL001Ray, Barbara 102188 JL017

99184 JL019Ray, Cherika T 78194 JL019Ray, Theresa 108158 HY013

30145 HY018Raybon, Helaine 102151 JL008Reagan, Michael, Jr 99196 JL013Reddick, Thomas L 102194 JL019

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Redmond, Belinda 108164 JL019108163 JL017

Reed, Arthur W, Jr 99179 JL018Reed, James E 98201 HY013Reeder, Frank 90176 HY015

90175 HY001Reeder, Mable 105147 HY001Reehil, George E 87193 JL011Reese, Tashona 98101 HY020Reeves, Dawn T 105184 HY010

108169 JL019Regan, Richard A 84214 JL011

84210 JL01824200 JL013

Regan, Steve A 108213 LL00627209 JL003

102199 JL018Reid, Kevin L 105182 JL019Reid, Melvin D 45186 HY001Reid, Sean W 84202 JL011

99197 JL003Reilly, Jacquelyn N 25115 JL020Remeika, Richard A 102199 JL018

108198 JL01993178 HY015

Remelgado, Paul E 96204 JL01390201 JL018

Remelgado, Sheri B 93101 JL016Renda, Jack 96161 JL006Reuss, Arleen F 99155 LL012Reynolds, Terrill L 108201 HY013Rhue, Terence E 24192 JL019Riccardi, Paul D 90148 JL009Riccio, Joanne T 98146 GW001Richards, Deborah A 108182 JL019Richardson, Gwen 101123 JL008Richardson, Ida 99147 HY012

93141 HY00578139 LL002

Richey, James R 75191 JL003Richey, Robert T 102201 JL003

69201 JL011Ricks, Teriq R 60139 JL005Riddick, Jeffery M, Jr 33204 HY013Riedlinger, Diane R 93165 LL001Riedlinger, Renee R 105174 JL019

99170 JL00890167 LL001

Riedlinger, Richard J 87197 JL018Rimli, Marilyn K 90138 GW006Rimpici, Rick A 102191 GW005Rinderman, Lee 86107 GW001Riolo, Chris T 102203 HY007Riolo, Irene C 101164 GW006Riolo, Vincent 102190 HY007Riolo, Vinnie R 99206 HY007

Rios, Alex D 99153 LL001Rios, Frankie 97148 LL001Ritger, Joanne 72109 HY017

69109 HY005Ritoh, John M 99168 JL013Rivera, Janelle 93126 JL022Rivera, John T 81169 HY015Rivera, Juan F 102197 JL008Rivers, Anthony J 82196 JL019

98191 HY010Rivers, Ardist R 95214 HY013

105208 HY00992203 JL019

Rizzuto, Michael 82174 HY011Robbins, Stuart J 108189 JL003Roberson, Chanel B 90164 LL001Roberson, Les 78184 HY001

75182 HY00983180 JL01772180 HY01363179 HY015

Robertello, Neil 89192 HY011Roberts, Catherine 71126 JL008Roberts, Danielle P 105115 JL008Roberts, Debra A 84162 JL001Roberts, Fitzgerald 102156 JL019Roberts, Jason M 105167 JL008Roberts, Michael D 62183 JL011Roberts, Wilbert 90195 HY015

27187 HY002Robinson, Alnisa M 49109 HY021Robinson, Joseph T 102215 JL013Robinson, Sherlene G 93140 HY010Rock, Denise R 75161 LL009Rodgers, Alicia M 102159 JL019Rodriguez, Alejandro 70170 JL016Rodriguez, Franklyn A 66172 JL003Rodriguez, Olivia 90132 JL016Rodriguez, Rene W 98173 JL009Rodriguez, Soraya 65137 JL005Rodriguez, William J 102167 LL010Roeben, Madeline 95140 LL007Roeben, William H 93149 LL007Roessle, Gerald W 25139 HY007Rogers, Florence E 30145 HY018Rogers, Tonia D 80165 HY002Rogers, Travis 90179 JL011Rogers, William 36118 HY003Rolon, Artemio 87173 JL016

80172 JL022Romero, Yesid 102178 JL003Romney, Sean D 87230 HY002Rooney, Ann 84122 JL012Rosario, Malvin J 53141 JL020Roseberry, Robert 102165 JL008

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Ross, Brian J 63226 HY00259212 HY010

Ross, David J 69213 HY00283212 HY015

Ross, Dwayne G 93148 JL004Ross, Fred L 96173 HY001Ross, Mengest D 87198 HY009

90194 HY01554193 HY002

Ross, Vance T 105186 JL019Ross, Willie 87183 HY015Rostel, Chris J 108161 LL004Rota, Peter S 102187 LL009Rota, Richard F 102194 LL005Roulhac, Ruby M 102138 HY012Roundtree, Jackie 63112 HY013Roundtree, James, Jr 21195 JL004

102179 JL01975177 HY013

Rowan, Michael J 99171 JL003Royal, Anthony J 30179 JL019Royal, Sonia 83144 JL020Rozan, Ronald B 100202 LL001

99199 LL008Rozar, Marie 99114 LL002

90114 LL007Ruan, Karen L 105172 LL001Rubinfeld, Robert M 102203 JL018Rudnicki, Alexandria 93119 LL007Ruff, Marjorie A 96140 LL007Ruff, Robert B 93129 LL007Ruggiero, Lauren 57134 LL011Ruiz, Edgar E 96187 JL013Rumzie, Kenneth A 102199 GW003Russell, Fred J 99183 JL003Russo, George N 105147 GW005Russo, Irene C 93167 JL020Russo, John J 90200 JL013

104194 JL003Rutkowski, Ryan M 90133 LL004Rutowski, John F, Jr 77181 JL005Ruziecki, Kevin M 24174 LL001Ruzol, Arnel U 93150 JL021Ryan, Teresa 74153 GW006Ryanes, Corey J 105209 JL007Ryanes, Lois C 99161 HY001Ryba, John 72188 JL016Ryba, Michael J 99212 JL016

62202 JL003Rybeck, Robert D 54199 GW003Saake, Frank J 24144 LL007Saake, Maureen P 21112 LL007Sabat, John, Jr 96147 JL009Sabatino, George 105213 LL008Sabin, Dave S 75229 LL008

75228 LL006

Sabio, Linda A 99150 LL012Sabo, Julius A 99170 LL003Sabo, Robert 94130 LL003Sacks, Mitchell J 27203 HY002Sales, Alda 99152 LL002Saley, Stephanie 87123 LL002Salter, Jefferson 99123 LL007Salvadore, Francis G 96191 HY007Samarya, Jacob M 105183 LL011

102182 LL005Samarya, Mary E 9094 LL011Samer, Brian R 70197 JL013Samuel, Al-Wadir H 105223 HY002

94223 HY01342219 HY00199215 JL00749211 HY010

Sanabria, Wilson 104171 JL004Sanabriga, Victor A 42117 JL016Sanders, Cynthia M 93137 JL010Sanders, Daniel D 108153 JL004Sanders, Robert P, Sr 27208 HY010

90201 HY01590193 HY00282193 JL007

Sansone, Charles L 102194 HY011Sansone, Karina 99120 HY008Sansone, Lawrence C 102196 HY011

99192 HY008Santiago, Ashley F 80104 JL008Santiago, Carlos 87209 JL003Santiago, Jose A 48175 JL003Santiago, Luis A 89195 JL003Santiago, Raphael 93199 JL003Santillo, Louis 105185 LL005

105183 LL011Santillo, Marie 105147 LL011Santos, Jose M 93174 JL022Santos, Vianel 21134 JL022Sapp, Anthony V 92203 HY002Sarica, Mary E 99140 LL009Saridaki, Edward J, Jr 105189 JL003Saunders, Beverly A 52125 LL012Sawicki, Pamela L 81173 JL019

87171 JL018Scaturro, Sharon E 102158 JL012Schaufler, Arthur 93102 HY017Schaufler, Marjorie 93133 HY017Schenck, Joseph H 75177 JL014Schenck, Rejeania T 68209 HY009

96208 HY01097205 HY002

Scher, Michael S 99167 LL005Schetelick, Nancy J 96161 LL012Scheuermann, Danielle 96153 LL011Scheuermann, Donald 99154 LL011

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Scheuermann, Kyle V 88169 LL011Schneider, Joann M 66113 JL012Schnepf, George R, Jr 36174 JL003Schuermann, Nick W 105194 LL005Schultz, Gina 99133 LL001Schultz, Steve A 102170 LL001Schulz, Michelle 78107 JL020Schwartz, Gladys 48103 LL002Schwartzmann, Daniel W 102162 LL013Sciacca, Mike F 105199 JL013

102199 JL018Scipioni, Joseph 105192 LL013Scipioni, Lorenzo 60184 LL010Sclama, Salvestro 102198 LL010Scott, Anna 90151 HY005Scott, Bill J 102203 LL013Scott, Billy-Ray 99197 LL013Scott, Calvin 33127 HY015Scott, Daphne L 81192 HY010Scott, Denise V 79211 HY002

105208 HY01043205 HY013

Scott, Edward 99187 HY01569187 JL007

105185 HY00629178 HY014

Scott, James, Jr 30176 HY015Scott, Jason A 105205 LL013Scott, Pearlie 99182 HY002

105180 HY013Scott, Roland T 69232 HY011

105221 HY010105221 HY002

53215 HY01330200 LL006

Scott, Sharon 104123 JL010Scott, Sheila 105174 HY010Scott, Tony M 23170 HY007Scott, Tracy L 99182 LL013Scott, Wallace V 102201 LL004Scott, William H 102215 HY011

93214 HY002105213 HY013

72203 HY01099198 JL007

Scudder, Alfred C 27224 JL013102220 JL019

72218 JL018Searfoss, Bob 87200 LL011

90195 LL013Sehein, Michael P 60203 JL003

45200 JL01196197 JL013

Sehein, Stephen A 104186 JL011108181 JL003

Seiler, Elizabeth K 104139 LL001

Sellers, Chris J 95187 HY007Selph, Anthony 96199 HY010Selph, Joseph A, Jr 102162 HY016Seney, Raymond L 96178 HY011

72174 JL011Sepulveda, Desmond E 99154 JL003Servodio, Frank, Jr 75191 JL003

21174 JL002Sessoms, Andre L 105229 JL011

90224 JL018105219 JL019

96219 JL013Settle, Arthur L 42139 HY021Severt, Richard J 93196 JL014Seymour, Marvin C 99157 HY015

96154 HY010Sforza, Yvette 93161 JL020Shackell, Wally 72154 LL007Shakur, Sharief M 108197 JL019Sharp, Melissa L 87127 JL008Sharp, Terrell T 90189 JL013Sharpe, Rodriguez 41211 HY010

45208 HY002Shaw, Angela 99149 JL010Shaw, Anthony L 62147 JL003Shaw, Johnny L 42189 LL008

75187 JL011101184 JL019

87183 JL01321182 JL02093179 JL003

Shaw, Martin 96166 HY015Shaw, Peter M 102165 JL003Sheedy, Benjamin J 49179 JL018Sheehy, Linda M 87146 JL006Sherard, Rudy 108190 JL019

98186 HY015107185 JL017

Sheridan, Fran 38137 GW006Shermon, Etroy 95168 LL004Shipman, Lenora F 75188 HY009

99185 HY010Shipman, Rasheed F 100172 JL008Shonibare, Olufemi 69115 HY013Shonibare, Valerie 4895 HY013Short, Marc A 99189 HY015Shubeck, Michael S 95200 LL011Shubeck, Susan A 102137 LL011Sibley, Willie C 108210 HY013

105210 HY002102207 HY009

72207 HY01096203 HY015

Siegel, Steven R 102211 LL006Sigl, Jerry E 102187 HY011Sigloch, Karen 96145 JL014

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Sigmund, Charles, Jr 90195 JL020Sigmund, Kurt M 99196 JL020Signorella, Brian P 93182 GW005Silecchia, Margaret 102136 LL009Sileo, Janice 84150 LL002Silkensen, Candy 84121 LL011Silkensen, James R 90178 LL011

87176 LL001Silleto, Donna 102178 JL019Silva, Danny 105119 JL003Simberg, Michael K 97155 GW001Simmons, Azaria 51186 JL019Simmons, Colleen 93113 HY003Simmons, Donnel 76181 HY013Simmons, James 87175 HY006

59175 HY01384172 HY01524168 HY014

Simmons, Janice A 102114 JL015Simmons, Josephine 99147 LL001Simmons, Orlando, Sr 99212 HY010

96205 JL007Simmons, Roosevelt 96171 HY015Simms, Lamonte O 72173 HY015

99171 JL007105169 HY021

Simms, Lori 8793 LL004Simpkins, Phyllis 92131 JL004Simpson, Cory A 99200 HY002

84187 HY010Simpson, Linda M 84143 LL012Simpson, Rose 102178 HY009

86169 JL019Sims, Ulysses 90212 HY015

105209 HY011Sims, Valencia V 96195 JL019Singh, Vishall 100189 JL020

29165 JL022Singletary, Charles W 72214 JL013Singletary, Lank 36179 JL007

63178 HY015Singleton, Reggie S 73195 HY009

21191 HY011Singleton, Yvonne F 61176 HY009

45173 HY002Sinnott, Daniel M 81158 GW003Sinnott, Jonathan F 39154 GW003Sisk, Edward J 100184 GW003Sisk, Raymond G 102160 GW003Sivitsky, Robert C 99167 JL016

96165 JL009Skarl, Carmen M 81128 LL002Skoczynski, Rudy J 57195 JL003Skrupskis, Robert W 91183 GW003Slappy, Anthony L 51182 JL011Slappy, Richard 27160 JL002

Slaughter, Robert 96163 HY015Slivinski, Stanley G 57201 JL016Sloan, Austin J, Jr 51169 JL014Sloan, Justin M 78222 HY002Sly III, Fred D 105193 HY009

102192 HY002105190 HY010

Sly, LaVerne 78153 HY010Smalls, Dinah J 96128 HY012Smalls, Ike 102194 JL019

87189 HY015Smith, Aaron K 100193 HY013Smith, Boyd 87156 HY015Smith, Bryan L 105202 HY010Smith, Carll W 99167 HY018Smith, Edward 99161 HY015

24158 HY005102157 HY014

Smith, Edward B 69218 HY00287217 HY01030203 HY001

Smith, Ethel 91125 HY01490118 JL008

Smith, George W, III 93165 HY015Smith, Irene 96165 HY002

36156 HY014Smith, Kathryn E 107119 HY013Smith, Kenneth D 99163 HY010Smith, Lavone 96131 JL008Smith, Michael L 84163 JL008Smith, Raymond B 51201 JL003Smith, Robert L 105185 LL001Smith, Rodney E 90166 HY021Smith, Ronald H 93158 HY015Smith, Samuel 101196 JL018

104192 JL019105190 JL011

Smith, Scott R 105198 LL013Smith, Tommie D 107186 JL004

96184 JL007Smith, Vaughn D 105204 HY010Smith, Winston L 105176 HY006Smith-Allen, Ingrid 105135 HY013Smolar, Edward 72175 JL013Snipes, Sandy 99160 HY010Soares, John M 69179 JL002Soltis, Dana 88134 GW001Soltis, Scott G 102166 JL018Soong, Steven 105203 GW005Sorce, Dominic 99189 GW005Sorden, Heather J 105125 JL012Sorensen, Barbara J 96129 LL007Sosa, Dina 69165 LL013Sosa, Jose A 96188 LL013Sosa, Mario 72177 LL013Sosa, Pedro 87196 JL022

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Sosa, Sobeida 30138 JL022Soto, Antoine E 36182 HY013Soto, Dorien D 105209 JL011

94206 JL022Soto, Peter 102176 JL011Soto, Shirley C 84148 HY013

99147 HY014Soto, Terrill A 63193 HY010Sottung, Karl M 90199 JL003Southon, Keith W 93150 JL006Sowinski, Alan J 93188 LL001Spady, Connell 105189 JL019Spagnuolo, Anthony 96175 JL014Spangler, Michael 81161 HY008Spann, Derrick R 90192 JL004Spano, Andrew J 98169 HY011Spano, Anthony P 102200 HY011

21194 JL020Spano, John 54170 HY011Spano, Nick A 105207 JL020

105189 HY011Spano, Sandy J 96138 JL012Spates, James D 63201 HY015

80188 HY01027182 HY013

Speaks, James H 99193 JL01993191 JL017

Spears, Samuel K 99178 JL019Specht, Frank A 96177 JL002

105173 JL003Specht, Justina M 87154 JL001Speight, Ester M 102130 HY016Spence, Nancy 72106 HY006Spence, Raleigh E 99169 HY015Spencer, Bryan G 24216 HY011

101212 JL019Spencer, Monekqua E 32182 JL019Speranza, Albert A 93206 GW001Speranza, Andrew 99206 GW003Speranza, Tony 102168 GW003Spilner, Scott R 84189 LL001Spoon, Danielle M 10491 LL004Spriggs, LaFrance 52169 HY013Spruill, David M 99171 JL019

105168 LL010Spulak, Randy A 96170 LL013Stager, Paul A 99141 LL005Staib, Peter A 76147 GW004Staley, Theodore 97179 HY015

84175 JL007Stanley, Joi M 76165 HY010Stanton, Joan M 99112 LL002Stanziale, Anthony J 107202 LL006Stanziale, Vincent J 108215 LL006Stanziale, Vincent M 105205 LL006Stappas, Bill 99149 LL004

Stark, Carl 102194 JL018Starling, Samanth J 87135 JL005Starling, Stephanie S 77176 JL002

84167 JL022Starling, Susan J 93128 JL005Stec, Kyle M 102213 JL011Stec, Walter F 93172 LL003Steed, Calvin 44196 JL011Stefanik, Richard T 105171 JL020Steiner, Matthew P 81183 JL018Steinman, Jodi L 51153 LL001

105152 LL00924148 LL01389146 LL00492144 LL010

Stephens, Jacqueline 74135 HY012Stephens, Joel P 96207 HY011

99199 HY010Sterling, Dorene A 102191 HY002

105189 HY010Sterling, Ernest C, Sr 48153 HY015Stevens, Anthony J 30196 JL018Stevens, Douglas A 39186 JL014Stevenson, Melissa 72164 JL022

75151 LL010Stevenson, Shirley R 83128 JL015Stewart, Geneva 102169 HY009

99166 HY002Stewart, James L 93182 HY015

102179 JL019Stieve, Anne 96110 HY005Stilwell, Mary S 102134 LL012Stirk, Pat 98134 GW001Stives, Chris E 105211 LL008Stives, Jeffrey R 102191 LL009

104190 LL008Stokes, Carl 102177 JL017Stopielo, Michael J 93203 GW004Streater, David O 87209 JL019Streeter, James O 105152 JL004Suggs, Anthony L 105188 LL005Suggs, Antoine L 102189 LL005Suggs, George A 60185 LL005Suggs, Perry L 78175 LL006Sugzda, Michael J 69185 LL001Sullivan, Carol A 77165 LL012Sullivan, Daniel J 96185 JL020

48178 JL003Summerfield-Smith, Natalie L 75147 HY018Sura, Daniel E 30172 JL016Sura, Edward M, Jr 87176 JL016Suris, Rich 45172 LL001Surles, Ben, Jr 108214 HY013

75207 HY010Surma, John, Jr 93187 GW003Sutter, Ed L 96160 JL021

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Sutton, Claude T 46189 JL01963185 HY015

Swick, Maryann B 95137 LL004Swysh, Josephine L 105165 LL011Symon, Charles R 102177 LL005Szotak, Michael J, III 49190 GW003Szotak, Patrick 99197 GW003Szotak, Richard A 90168 GW003Szpond, Brian A 105191 HY013Sztyk, Carlos 96153 JL021Tabb, Vickie 78129 HY010Taborell, Richard N 66166 HY008Talmadge, Burt C 108104 JL010Talmadge, Quinise M 108104 JL010Tan, Benjamin L 105151 LL001Tarantino, James 96158 HY011Tarantola, Thomas 105171 LL009Tatham, Charles A 105162 HY011Tatham, Karl W 105145 HY011Tavera, Gene H 72102 GW007Tavera, Susana S 7296 GW007Taylor, Almon 95169 HY015Taylor, Anthony, Jr 86159 HY013Taylor, Curtis 95197 JL019Taylor, Emerson L 93161 JL017Taylor, Eric R, Jr 93224 HY002Taylor, Eric, Sr 93197 HY002Taylor, Jaleesa D 99187 HY002Taylor, Marsha L 101150 HY001Taylor, Nya 108166 JL017

101159 JL019Taylor, Terrence L 51202 HY002Taylor, Terry 82210 JL019

60195 HY010Taylor, Tony A 57174 JL017Taylor, Zola B 102132 HY019Taylor-Allen, DeAnne 86179 HY019Temes, Charles 99171 HY012Temple, James D 48189 LL011Terpanick, Pat M 93106 LL002Terroni, Darlene C 99152 LL001Terry, Buddy 39163 HY005

96158 HY015Teschke, Carl C 96179 JL021Testa, Philip 90176 JL013Tewes, Joanne 84130 JL005Thomas, Ann C 105133 LL004Thomas, Betty A 93169 HY010Thomas, Calvin L 102187 JL007Thomas, Codella 100148 JL004Thomas, Derrell 102195 HY011Thomas, Gary L 78213 HY001

96206 HY01030205 HY00995204 HY002

Thomas, Graham 93158 JL014

Thomas, Isaac, Jr 77135 HY015Thomas, Jeffrey 108206 JL007

51198 JL019Thomas, O'Neil 99197 JL013

96191 JL019Thomas, Reginald D 93209 JL013

98205 JL018Thomas, Sherman A 63220 HY009

36218 JL01336216 HY011

105213 HY010Thompson, Barbara J 54125 JL015Thompson, Earl L 108201 JL007

74200 HY013Thompson, Timothy D 99151 HY012Thompson, Wilbur L 21177 JL007Thorn, Amanda C 95140 LL011Thorpe, Dwayne A 90173 JL007Thurston, Cruen J 102210 HY002Tillery, Eddie 99145 JL008Tillery, George A 71173 HY001Tillman, Ella M 105133 HY003Tillman, Gregory R 78162 JL017Timberlake, Gerone W 107174 HY013Timmons, Charles 104145 LL004Tirone, Michael M 90200 JL021Tobia, John D 79189 HY008Tobias, Tim 102199 LL005Todisco, Frank A 66160 JL021Todman, Damon A 98191 JL003

105186 JL013Toliver, Clifford 90187 HY013

95180 HY001Toll, George 92188 JL011Tomaszewski, Lillian 93124 HY017Tomayo, Marisa 47124 HY004Tomich, Nancy I 63141 LL011Tomkovich, Gregory J 99157 GW001Tong, Jun H 93128 GW001Topacio, Wilfredo A 82180 JL005Torres, Carlos L 27186 JL003Torres, Catherine V 102126 JL016Torres, Eva 105169 JL019Torres, Julio A 96186 JL016Torres, Luis A, Jr 102201 JL019Torres, Nelson R 88191 JL003

81185 JL019Torres, Raymond J 69179 JL011Torres, Roberta 47108 HY008Torres, William 99178 JL019Toscano, Rocco A 105196 JL013Toth, Albert W, III 105181 JL013Toto, Nichole M 86198 HY002Townes, Frances L 60126 HY003Townes, Regina L 63180 HY013Townsend, Wanda D 102207 HY002

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Trainor, Joe 99173 JL020Trautner-Kuruts, Suzanne 96129 JL009Travis, James 74183 JL013

78180 JL016Traynham, Christopher E 102207 HY002Tresidder, Russ J 99155 JL014Trimblett, Aaron L 96211 JL007Trimblett, Lawrence E 77196 JL007Triola, Joseph 96180 JL014Trocan, Linda S 96121 LL010Tropeano, Karen A 98155 LL012Tucker, David B 75173 HY006Tucker, Nia A 87120 HY006Tucker, Robert 102176 HY009Tudor, Robert 78154 LL005Tuma, Rich W 84198 JL021Tuma, Richard, Sr 84158 JL021Turczynski, Lori D 95148 JL006Turlington, Robert S 34155 JL003Turner, Anthony B 105187 HY013Turner, Jacqueline 93144 JL017Turner, Michael A 57174 JL011Turner, Ruth V 93139 HY005

87133 HY013Turner, Star D 105143 JL012Twaddle, Felice 80134 JL020Tyrone, Glenn 84145 HY013Ur, Thomas A 105194 JL013Ur, Thomas J 93191 JL013Urban, Thomas S 33187 JL003

96186 JL018Utsey, William 99203 JL019

102201 JL00733194 JL011

Uzzolino, Marlene 81164 GW002Vaccaro, George J 105204 LL001Vahey, Francis J 102169 JL002Valentine, Leon W 30206 JL007

105204 HY00223195 HY015

Valiante, Alissa N 90145 LL004Van Gorden, Vince 81171 LL001Vanglahn, Darlene D 87150 LL012Vargas, Maribel 102100 LL001Vasquez, Oscar 91147 LL004Vega, Edward 87208 JL013

72202 JL01887201 JL007

Velez, David A 96139 JL003Velez, Edward 87192 HY011

30177 HY016Velez, Jaime O 102172 HY020

90166 HY006Vella, Greg P 96178 JL003Velozo, Matt A 101181 JL011

99174 JL018

Veltre, Amidio J 105119 JL006Vena, Joseph 51176 JL016Verdon, Helen E 96125 JL012Verno, Julio 87177 LL007Vetrano, Sam 102193 LL001Victor, Barbara A 99144 JL020

102140 JL012Victoria, Hector F 90186 JL013Vieira, Jose 108209 HY020

105197 HY011Vigliotti, Anthony 59222 LL006

21220 LL01172217 LL00863212 LL01323208 LL005

Vigliotti, James D, Sr 57151 HY005Villani, Leo 78156 JL013Villella, Robert J 75193 GW003Vines, Ponce D 63213 HY002

33209 HY009Vircik, John 99195 JL011Virgilio, Patricia H 96154 LL007Virgilio, Ronald J, Sr 96173 LL007Visco, Louie A 102169 JL011Vitt, Robert J 52183 JL014

57182 JL003Volker, Jeffrey 87173 HY015Wactor, DeLenna L 106127 JL004Wactor, Diane C 105138 JL004Wade, Mary A 99133 HY001Wagner, Magda B 99133 HY017Wagner, Robert W 24172 JL005Walford, G. Lyn 90141 LL007Walker, Anthony P 96131 HY013Walker, Calvern M 99189 HY015

57189 JL00743182 HY014

Walker, Connie L 105153 HY013Walker, Eva 97157 JL015Walker, Hattie B 99132 LL007Walker, Ida Jean 96106 HY021Walker, Nedra F 29112 JL020Walker, Ollie M 108175 JL017Walker, Phyllis E 92119 HY013Walker, Valerie A 102175 HY010

102173 HY002Walko, Gary 84188 JL003Walko, Larry A 99185 JL003Walko, Lyle A 27166 JL003Wallace, Anita A 45159 HY001

71158 JL012Walls, Anita 92114 HY004Walsh, James F, Jr 87154 JL013Walton, Jay J 108198 JL003Wanko, Joseph 69189 LL007

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Waraksa, Sarah L 25156 GW00227151 GW007

Ward, Anthony 75183 JL003Ward, Clinton, Jr 102222 JL018

104220 JL011108218 JL019

93218 JL013Ward, Sean E 105193 JL007

34191 JL019Warden, Karen L 74158 JL008Warden, Stephanie D 97143 HY014

93142 JL017Ware, Maurice H 26214 HY002Warren, Karriem A 57211 HY002Warren, Reginald 107197 JL004

104196 JL01396192 JL011

108187 JL019Waseleski, Richard P 105194 LL001Washington, Donald L, Sr 99173 HY015Washington, Gail L 105130 LL001Washington, John R 99194 JL004

106186 JL019Washington, Marcus D 96147 LL001Washington, Mary L 96168 JL016Wasyluk, Linda 90191 JL001Waters, Charles J 36123 HY005Watkins, Keith A 102174 JL019Watley, Durecia R 53119 JL015Watson, David S 80180 HY013Watson, Edward C 81130 JL008Watts, Gregory 96213 HY009Webb, Malik 102194 HY009Webb, Tom 45137 LL001Weber, Bob E 91194 JL013Weber, John F 96186 HY011Weber, Richard M 96185 HY011Weeks, Steven C 99205 HY010Weiner, Harrison E 93185 HY011Weiner, Russell D 99206 HY011

96195 JL003Weinstein, Louis 93165 LL001Weisensee, Bob G 99207 LL010

96207 LL001Weiss, Cheryl 96121 GW006Weiss, Patrick W 30218 LL003

102202 LL011Weissman, Kathleen M 74201 HY002Weissman, Marc S 108229 LL006

105228 LL008Wells, Emma 75142 HY006Welter, Robert F 102171 HY007Wernes, Maryann 99140 JL005West, Craig 76136 HY021West, Felice 21147 HY001West, Felix E 81138 JL002

Whalen, Christopher M 105180 JL013Wharton, De'Anna N 76129 JL020Whelan, Edward R 102157 GW003Whelan, Edward R, Jr 102162 GW003White, Carlton 78148 HY010

72147 HY002White, Damon 60214 HY002White, Darren L 105208 HY003White, Donald G 102183 LL013White, Gregory G 96188 JL019White, Ira 87165 HY015White, Jeffrey G 27206 JL018

102203 LL013White, Laura 93150 HY019

48147 HY014White, Marcellous A 96193 HY001

97190 HY011White, Maria 99158 JL018White, Michael 101178 JL020White, Robert E 92144 HY013White, Ronald 96200 HY002White, Tyson D 108206 JL019

75206 JL00381204 JL01893201 JL011

White, Venus S 104127 HY02024117 JL008

White, William J 90178 JL01321176 JL003

White-Zimmerman, Denise C 94130 HY003Wichner, Laura R 105159 LL011Wichner, Richard P 105197 LL011

102190 LL005Wickliffe, Munir H 81191 HY010

48182 HY001Wierzbinski, Donald T 96212 JL016

51207 JL018Wiggins, Andre G 42190 HY010

42170 JL019Wiggins, Faye E 102162 HY001Wiggins, Lynn 108175 JL017

105167 JL019Wilcher, Sharon K 36192 JL019Wilder, Earl 81163 HY015Wilder, Kmar T 77214 HY002Wilder, Richard I 85170 HY010Wiley, Patrice Y 51181 JL004

24175 JL019Wiley, Preston W 108219 HY009Wilkins, Travis E 98162 LL009Willard, Kelly A 93132 JL002Willard, William 102180 JL002Willard, William D 102203 JL002Williams, Aaron J 105204 LL010Williams, Alton D, Sr 77126 HY015

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Williams, Arthur 108203 HY01398201 HY01599200 HY002

Williams, Bill A 87217 JL01190216 JL018

Williams, Cliff D 77162 JL002Williams, Constance 105110 HY013Williams, Flora M 93122 JL014Williams, Fred 102195 HY014

87195 HY015Williams, Fred F 61186 HY007

96185 HY020102181 HY011

57169 JL008Williams, Henry C 108202 JL004Williams, James A 96160 HY021Williams, Justin L 105149 HY013Williams, Kason K 108196 HY009Williams, Katrina 45119 HY018Williams, LaTrease S 105123 JL004Williams, Loretta 99157 HY014Williams, Louis R 22181 JL019

90180 JL003Williams, Mattie M 72127 HY020Williams, Maxine L 94153 HY014Williams, Patricia A 90143 HY008Williams, Ramona 45128 JL002Williams, Renee M 93162 HY013Williams, Robert D 97190 JL011Williams, Robert L 105198 LL001

108192 JL003Williams, Robert L 102112 HY020Williams, Tammy 87121 HY013Williams, Thomas R, Jr 102192 JL004Williams, Towanda 106157 HY013Williams-Clory, Nadine 87192 HY002Wills, Horace L 87189 JL019Wilson, Carl E 93189 HY015Wilson, Gregory B 56207 HY002Wilson, Philip D 41177 HY011Wilson, Phillip L 99208 LL006

96202 HY01096198 HY013

Wilson, Ronald 86174 HY01521174 HY01359172 HY002

Wilson, Tariq S 91207 JL01140199 JL022

Wilson, Timothy I 105191 HY011Wimberly, Antonia R 107165 HY020

94164 JL01724160 HY002

Winbush, Christopher M 86190 JL007Winbush, Shawn M 22183 JL014

80180 JL007Wingo, Gerald 102150 LL001

Winn, Garrett L 84180 HY01596168 HY014

Winters, Irene E 99139 LL012Wisniewski, Keith G 104211 LL010Wisniewski, Robyn M 104170 LL010Witschi, Andrew T 61171 LL010Wnek, Shalyn L 87141 JL014Woerner, Jerald J 80154 JL014Woitkowski, Sandy L 93167 LL009

96165 LL001Wojtkowski, John R 81132 JL013Wolff, Frederick J 95183 LL001

96181 LL010Wolff, Joel H 90175 LL006Wood, Jeriesha K 99106 JL008Wood, Reginald A 102205 JL011

102202 JL00424202 JL003

102199 JL019Wood, Robyn A 89127 LL010Woodring, Gail M 99167 JL012Woodring, Kevin C 99206 JL018Woods, Lois W 99178 JL001

108177 JL019Woolcock, Richard A 88203 HY013Wooten, Charles W, Jr 88196 HY009

57194 HY00299193 HY010

Wooten, Elvis W 74167 HY007Wooten, Kassuan E 108187 HY013Wooten, Willis E 108203 HY009

40202 HY007102199 HY013

33196 HY002Wormley, Cleo 100159 JL019

107158 JL017Wrancher, Henry 21207 JL011

105197 JL017105192 JL019

36182 HY015Wright, Daniel, Sr 49184 HY011

56183 HY009Wright, Marie C 75132 LL002Wu, Paul C 60182 HY008Wyatt, Laverne 101142 HY021Wyatt, Vivian M 99178 HY013Wynn, Maxine E 87136 HY004Wysocki, James W 93165 JL016Yackiel, Stanley P 66148 LL007Yancey, Curtis S 44216 HY010

27216 HY009Yanuzzelli, Mike A 80217 JL013

93214 JL011Yatcilla, Michael H 99160 LL007Yon, Andrew, Sr 105165 LL010Yon, Julie R 36147 LL010

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Yon, Katie R 63164 LL010Youmans, Wesley E 102182 JL019Young, Keith 47168 HY010Young, Kenneth C 96195 JL018Young, Lovell B 87184 HY010

102170 HY016Young, Thomas L 87150 JL011Young, Wilford L 57154 HY010Younger, Motley 100189 HY003

102184 HY014105175 JL017

Younger, Victoria 81172 HY00269168 HY00393166 JL017

102164 HY014Yuengel, Josephine C 96117 LL002Yura, Ashley M 102112 LL013Yurecko, Rae A 96146 LL012Yuseff, Qadir 105186 JL019Yutz, Patricia A 57152 GW006Zablosky, Joseph 93159 HY011Zacek, Christine 45161 LL009

57159 LL001Zacek, Frank J, III 102170 LL001

101168 LL009Zacek, Richard J 93212 JL011

87206 JL01899205 JL007

Zacharczuk, Robert 102186 JL016Zaff, Betty 87109 HY005Zaff, Harold 99118 HY005Zaluk, Sue E 90162 JL001

90161 LL002Zambolla, John 76187 HY015Zazzarino, Peter 90171 JL014Zeigler, Dave M 81204 HY015

75190 JL019102187 JL017

Zhuo, James 21200 LL008Zignauskas, Charles M 85166 JL020Zimmerman, Charles 33211 JL013Zlydak, Michael J 105198 LL006Zorrilla, Eddie 102169 JL013Zuena, Valerio 105192 LL006Zuhl, Kyle T 83181 JL003

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700’s Name Score Name Score Adams, John S 713, 708, 701 Adams, Jonathan 757, 756, 750, 738, 735, 720,

707, 706, 706 Adams, Sergio B 763 Adams, Tomasine A 778, 738, 737 Adase, Steve 703 Agnello, Fred J 720 Aine, Duteche J 717 Aker, James A 737, 726, 700 Alberts, Thomas D 720, 711, 708, 700 Aldredge, William H 702 Alexander, Brian 771, 770, 766, 747, 742, 739,

736, 727, 727, 724, 719, 713, 713, 707, 704, 700

Alford, Andrew J 728, 711, 710, 700 Allen, Kenneth G 788 Allman, Jeffrey G 723, 704 Anderson, Lawrence 759, 745, 741, 735, 734, 724,

722, 720, 705, 701, 701 Applewhite, Jonathan C 733 Arias, Luis A 710, 706 Atkinson, William D 796, 793, 750, 739, 732, 720,

714 Avery, Melessa L 712 Ayers, Richard S 792, 788, 780, 749, 738, 726,

722, 722, 720, 719, 714, 706, 703

Bachert, Don C 747 Baker, Edward S 739, 735 Baker, Sharon D 712 Baldassarre, Walter J 715 Balkin, Brianna S 770, 735, 734, 717 Balmann, Michael J 744, 737, 723, 704 Bani, Michael 755 Barna, Alex W 723 Baskerville, Keith J 744 Batchelor, Eric J 724, 709 Beasley, John J 738, 731, 717 Bedkowski, Michael J 706 Behl, Clyde L, Sr 795, 791, 760, 734, 731, 725,

721, 716, 715, 712, 702 Belanger, Butch H 756, 737, 733, 725, 725, 702 Bell, Shakira D 714 Bellamy, Reginald D 784, 774, 767, 759, 757, 751,

750, 749, 743, 740, 739, 731, 727, 726, 723, 720, 720, 716, 715, 715, 715, 712, 712, 711, 707, 705, 705, 701, 700, 700, 700

Benisch, Donald M 740, 708, 706, 701 Berger, Jason R 755, 706 Berry, Dwight H 725

Berry, Mark A 756 Bessinger, Ryan 710 Best, Pamela J 713 Best, Tyshun 783 Bethel, Vaughn E 762 Biglasco, Nicholas 775, 770, 753, 738, 735, 734, 732, 731,

727, 722, 722, 721, 719, 717, 710, 709, 708, 706, 706, 705, 705

Billero, Vincenzo 739 Bisset, Kevin 706 Bobenchik, Charles R 761, 729, 712 Bogda, Ronald R, Jr 788, 777, 775, 761, 753, 742, 740, 737,

722, 722, 716, 706, 705, 704, 704, 704 Bohnenberger, Bernd 745, 737 Bonassisa, Vincent J, Jr 730, 701 Booker, Maurice 734, 720, 717, 712 Boone, Stanley D 776 Bowen, Timothy R 723 Brauer, Daniel E 702 Bridgeman, Makaila L 715, 712 Brigantino, Christopher 768, 728, 718, 702 Brigantino, Raymond 705 Brighton, Bruce W 768, 729 Brinker, Christopher J 746, 728, 706, 703 Brown, Mark D 738, 705, 704 Buchanan, Robert J 756 Buchko, John M 792, 751, 742, 740, 725, 715, 710, 706,

705, 700 Burgess, Jason 751, 742, 739, 739, 732, 720, 713, 707,

704 Burgos, Joshua B 701 Burke, Shawn M 718, 714, 701 Burroughs, Lance F 731 Burroughs, Lee R 705 Butler, David, Jr 719 Caffrey, Lewis J, Jr 700 Caldwell, Rashaad 714 Campanelli, James J 768, 740, 729, 725, 725, 724, 719, 719,

714, 710, 704 Campbell, Gwendolyn 733, 727, 720, 717, 714, 710, 710, 707 Campbell, William K 732, 710 Carlton, Rudy V 744 Carpenter, Carl D 728, 724 Carter, David M 743 Casado, Antonio 709 Case, Philip H 711 Chance, Carrisse P 757, 751, 714, 714, 713, 705 Charles, James L 773, 755, 739, 725, 724, 715, 715 Chatman, Frederick H 707 Christen, Jason M 720

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700’s Name Score Name Score Christian, Cory A 772, 749, 749, 749, 748, 748,

744, 743, 732, 730, 726, 724, 720, 720, 716, 714, 713, 712, 712, 711, 710, 703, 701, 700

Christmas, Robert E 706 Cirne, Antonio C 750, 725, 715, 704 Clayton, Raymond D 722, 721 Clemons, Antrone A 713, 707 Clory, Carl N 767, 757, 734, 730, 718, 705,

704 Coladonato, Paul J 757 Colby, John A 708 Coleman, Pierre 762, 701 Coletti, Gordy, Jr 734, 723, 718 Collins, Joseph L, Jr 738, 727 Collins, Quenton D 780, 773, 772, 770, 765, 763,

754, 747, 745, 745, 744, 741, 740, 740, 726, 723, 713, 700

Colon, Enrique 760, 736, 722, 720 Colon, Pedro 705 Connolly, Glenn A 702 Cook, Walter 739 Coppolo, Steven G 715 Cordeiro, Dennis J 790, 789, 759, 750, 707, 702,

701 Cotton, Maso 701 Coughlin, Vincent T 716 Coulter, Jim S 795, 783, 772, 724, 721, 720,

719, 704, 700 Cowell, Michael J 764, 740, 729, 726, 723, 720,

718, 717 Crane, Courtney C 707 Crawford, Andre J 782 Crawford, Jerome 706 Crawford, Landis L 765, 710 Crawford, Richard T 725, 717 Crews, John W, Jr 716 Crowder, Jonathan D 767, 736, 734, 729, 721, 718,

714, 712 Crowe, Vernon E 756 Crue, Frank D, III 708, 700 Crue, William T 728 Cruz, Francisco G 711 Cruz, John R 712 Cruz, Noel J 709 Cummings, Lorri-Anne 738 Cunningham, Daniel L 708 Cutrona, Ryan 747 Cyrus, Eugene, III 779 Cyrus, Sterling 765 Daily, Jerome P 735, 725, 724, 724 Dambres, Richard, II 760

Dandridge, Lawrence 770 Daniel, Adolphis 714 Daniello, Andy T 749, 742, 717, 708, 700 Danley, Marcel F 746, 719, 717, 717, 715, 710, 708 David, Jay 762, 751, 739, 737, 731, 730, 729, 726,

725, 719, 716, 715, 711, 710, 709, 708, 703, 701

David, Rico 793, 792, 791, 755, 748, 748, 747, 741, 739, 735, 732, 731, 729, 727, 722, 721, 717, 713, 712, 712, 706, 703, 703, 702, 700

Davis, Edith J 766, 764, 732, 711 Davis, Ethan E 755, 737 Davis, Greg S 718, 703 Davis, Hilliard H 725 Davis, James E, Jr 739 Davis, Willie C 704 Day, Maurice 746, 708 De Bella, Pat 750, 702 Dearing, James J 708, 705 Decker, Chris M 748 Decker, Martin J, Jr 760, 721, 714 Decristoforo, Michael 771, 748, 738, 729, 719, 706, 702 Dekowski, Charles A 790, 778, 762, 734, 728, 726, 723, 721,

719, 716, 709, 709, 708 Dembeck, Scott J 786, 724, 710, 705 Demers, Richard J 714 Deptula, Thomas F 704 Derricott, Clarence M, 790, 780, 761, 756, 755, 751, 751, 749,

744, 740, 736, 733, 733, 730, 726, 715 Despotovich, Eric J 711, 711 Diaz, Faustino L 784, 733, 721 Dickinson, John R 740, 701, 701, 700 Dicks, Lamar T 751, 743, 741, 740, 711, 704, 701, 701,

700 Dillon, Patrick J 784, 731, 717, 715, 706 DiMaggio, Dominick, 738, 735, 719, 716, 706, 703 Disney, Timothy W 718 Disporto, Manny J 705 Dixon, Elijah, Jr 750, 722 Dobson, Kerry R 773 Donzella, Carlo 717 Dovel, James W 703 Doyle, Herbert, IV 762, 726, 721, 715, 714 Driscoll, Michael 794, 778, 757, 750, 750, 743, 740, 736,

729, 728, 727, 724, 724, 724, 723, 722, 718, 717, 715, 713, 710, 708, 708, 702, 701

Eaddy, Jermaine 711 Eason, Terrance L 714 Ebron, Eric J 719 Edmonds, Lester 717

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700’s Name Score Name Score Edwards, Tracey L 708 Eley, Ronald 750, 725, 715 Ellen, Barry 721 Ellenbacher, D J 700 Ellington, Darren K 777, 741, 740, 731, 730, 717,

706 Esannason, Pelton C 708 Esposito, Mark A 715 Ettinger, Scott A 772, 771, 770, 747, 743, 738,

730, 724, 717, 713, 709, 703 Evans, Larry D 708 Fairley, Richard A, Jr 771, 768, 735, 733, 732, 724,

723, 723, 721, 719, 712, 710, 708, 707, 706, 703

Fantl, David L 760, 726, 725, 725, 717 Farinelli, Michael A 750, 707 Fastiggi, Mario L 791, 771, 763, 759, 756, 752,

743, 738, 729, 726, 725, 712, 709, 708, 707, 705, 702, 702, 701

Favor, Michael, III 744, 713, 708 Fenderson, Lance B 703 Feoli, Joseph M 716 Ferdinando, William P 726 Festa, Ron 707, 700 Fiedler, James J 751, 729, 729, 712, 708, 707 Figueroa, William 712 Fiore, Nicholas J 730 Fisher, Chris P 737, 727, 709, 702, 702, 700,

700, 700, 700 Fisher, Jason C 711 Fitz, James M 780, 771, 760, 760, 755, 742,

701 Fitzgerald, Patricia 705 Flowers, Dwight 779, 722, 720, 720 Fontaine, Glenn 792, 788, 770, 765, 750, 745,

728, 724, 723, 717, 708, 705, 702, 700

Ford, Daren R 713 Foster, Richard P 735 Foster, William J 718 Fostinis, James M 730, 716, 715, 709, 704 Franklin, Krystal J 721, 719 Fredericks, Jerrold A 744, 744, 718, 717, 710 Frees, Tim 700, 700 Frees, Timothy G, Jr 735 Gaddy, Eugene 799, 768, 729, 713, 706, 705 Gadsden, Leonard 724 Gaestel, Kyle C 785, 763, 750, 727, 712 Galasso, Richard 718, 710, 700 Gallo, David C 712 Garretson, Ronald 783, 731, 722, 717, 709, 700

Gary, William M 704 Gasser, Mike 707 Gesior, Gerald J, Jr 708 Goellner, George W 701 Gonzales, Manuel A 796, 779, 762, 759, 728, 724, 713, 708,

708, 703 Gorrell, Calvin 706 Goworek, Michael 730, 723 Goyzen, Steven 750, 726, 722, 710, 708, 705 Graham, Brian A 780, 778, 778, 775, 761, 752, 749, 746,

734, 712, 710, 710, 707, 707, 703, 703 Graham, Cornel 739, 734, 716, 711 Green, Patrick K 723 Green, Tony L 715, 715, 702 Greene, Victor L 704 Greenwood, Richard C 763, 752, 723, 715, 711 Gregory, Jim P 711 Gregory, Lloyd A 721, 711, 707 Griffin, Joseph T, Jr 747 Griffin, Lamone A 713, 704, 703 Grimsley, Kelvin L 722 Grote, Steven W 745, 739, 734, 727, 726, 722, 720, 717,

710, 709 Gualtieri, John K 774 Guarnaccio, Angelo M 756 Gurwitz, Harvey A 761, 754, 743, 740, 739, 711, 709, 702 Gwynn, Elliott B 780, 754, 752, 702 Hagen, David H 725, 709, 704 Hall, Donna A 702 Hallen, Patrick 750, 714, 713, 712, 705 Handler, Jessica A 713 Hannibal, Hermie 714 Hansen, William, Jr 728 Harden, Jason 786, 782, 764, 759, 758, 758, 749, 748,

747, 742, 742, 742, 741, 739, 738, 737, 731, 728, 723, 722, 717, 717, 717, 716, 715, 714, 710, 707, 707, 706, 705, 705, 705, 704, 703, 702

Hardiman, Tony 745, 736, 730, 730, 728, 725, 723, 710, 706, 702

Hardiman, Towanda 719, 719, 705 Hardison, Kevin L 743 Harmon, Pearl 758 Harmon, Richard D 747, 738, 735, 734, 730, 728, 720, 710,

706, 701, 701 Harney, Paul A 736, 720, 716, 714 Harrell, Lucious, Jr 707 Hayes, Andra D 704 Hayes, Tony K 750 Hayes-Sanders, Cynthia 715 Hedges, Christopher A 774, 757, 746, 733, 731, 718,


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700’s Name Score Name Score Hegedus, Brian M 785, 763, 755, 744, 732, 729,

728, 709 Helco, Ronald W 712 Henderson, Lamar H 788, 731, 712 Hendricks, Michael A 701 Hering, James T 707 Heywood, Scott A 725 Hill, Georgette R 708 Hill, Joshua W 715, 708 Hill, Les V 721 Hill, Marques A 730 Hill, Richard A 756, 719, 714, 704, 703, 702 Hill, Royston L 747, 718, 715, 714, 705 Hockenbury, Matthew J 740, 712, 703 Hooper, Al-Torre B 760, 753, 744, 741, 726, 725,

715, 704, 702 Howlett, George F 724 Huber, William B, Jr 736, 721, 704 Hughes, Aaron R 720, 713, 706 Hughes, Michael J 704 Hunton, Richard J 717, 707, 702 Ilg, Joseph P 745, 739, 739, 737, 733, 717,

712, 706, 705, 703 Izzo, Sal 753, 752, 751, 735, 733, 722,

703 Jackson, Mike 770, 769, 741, 722, 717, 716 Jackson, Tobiah T 712 James, Lydell A 752, 738, 738, 737, 725, 718,

706, 704, 703, 702 Jankowski, Paul J 700 Janz, Gary T 784, 784, 781, 781, 773, 771,

762, 762, 760, 758, 748, 742, 715, 709, 708, 704, 701

Jenkins, Alton C 780, 759, 747, 728, 728, 726, 724, 723, 720, 710, 706

Johnson, Demetrius D 746 Johnson, Jeff J 723, 705 Johnson, Margaret 723, 711, 706, 705, 703, 701 Johnson, Raymond J, Jr 701 Johnson, Ronald J 715, 704 Johnson, Titus J 742 Jones, Darryl 761 Jones, Darryl, Jr 761 Jones, Ellis B 738, 732, 723 Jones, Janine N 707 Jones, Kieonna M 760, 741, 738, 715, 713, 712,

709 Jones, Maria 779, 730, 702 Jones, Randy C 781 Joyce, Joseph 734 Joyner, James C, Jr 712 Kachnowski, Joseph B 735

Kaciupski, Peter 743, 706, 703 Kaplan, Harvey 744 Karpa, Roman M 757, 750, 746, 722, 714, 712, 702 Keenan, Angela 738 Keicher, Jason P 736 Kelchner, John W 710 Kellar-Jones, Kristian A 786, 768, 761, 755 Kelleher, Edward J 703 Kelley, Todd L 715 Kenney, Jeffrey J 728, 725, 719, 719 Kenny, Lorraine A 731 Kielawa, Michele E 770, 750, 746, 743, 736, 713, 701, 701,

700 Kienzle, Billy 793, 761, 745, 719, 711, 710, 709, 703 Kincey, Alrashawn 727, 717, 712 King, Anthony E 719 Kingsland, Richard W 784, 761, 759, 733, 726, 717, 715, 714,

711, 710, 708, 705 Klaw, Gary L 753, 703 Kordonis, John D 706 Kosiba, Kenneth J 776 Kovacs, Vincent M 734 Kowalski, Joseph F 729, 724, 717, 717, 712 Kratzer, Kevin M 787, 759, 736, 727, 723, 704, 702, 701 Kroyer, Christian J 728, 713 Kurtzo, Stephen, Jr 705, 701 Labanich, Robert F 738, 734, 721, 701 LaPilla, Philip 702 LaSure, Theodore, Jr 780, 769, 732, 720 Lawrence, Michael T 723, 703 Lee, Christopher M 759, 706, 700 Lee, Christy V 713 Lefebre, Cilio 708 LeMay, Darian O 772, 735, 708, 707, 702 Leo, Frank M 738, 730, 709, 707, 700, 700 Lewis, Brandon W 701 Lewis, David C 718 Lewis, Nate L 757, 746, 713, 709 Liana, Thomas R 700 Lima, Peter D 702 Lipke, Paul C 709, 708 Lipke, Peter R 747, 745, 740, 737, 736, 721, 717, 715,

708, 707, 703 Little, Kandace F 719 Lockhart, Veronica 702 Lockley, Clifford E, Jr 717 LoPiccolo, Patrick, Jr 721, 716 Lowe, Dennis 731 Lowery, Kenneth G 745, 708 Luna, Harvey S 721 Lynch, Brian P 715

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700’s Name Score Name Score Lynch, Noah A, II 779, 759, 749, 741, 740, 734,

730, 730, 727, 721, 714, 704, 703

Mack, John 740 Mack, Kevin F 796, 738, 726, 719, 711, 708 Malanga, Eileen 732 Malavarca, Ralph P 737 Malonas, Michael A 702 Mandeville, Wayne M 727, 724 Manly, Rich S 741 Mannino, Michael P 709 Markowycz, Michael J 706 Marks, Harry W, Jr 728, 714 Marks, Phillip S 740 Marlatt, Barry J 740, 720, 715, 703 Marshall, Troy A 730, 725, 716 Martin, Eddie J 724 Masino, Matthew T 738, 726, 720, 717, 716 Massa, Emil 713, 712, 708 Matos, John P 728 Mazza, Rocco J 708, 703 Mc Cluney, Lorenzo W 702 Mc Kenzie, John J 704, 704, 704 Mc Mahon, Brian J 704 McCarthy, Matthew J 735 McClain, Larry 716 McDowell, James D 773, 745, 741, 734, 729, 716,

713, 710, 707, 704, 700 McDowell, Michael T 750, 738, 737, 733, 730, 725,

718, 701 McDuffie, Darryl 771, 771, 749, 745, 737 McGonigle, William, Jr 749, 731, 701 McGuire, Michael 713 McKay, Jeffrey K 719, 719, 708 McKenzie, Karen S 719 McKenzie, Terrence K 713, 710 McLaurin, Anthony T 727 McLean, James E 714 McLeod, David 733, 722, 720, 719, 709, 707 McQueen, Andre Chillious C 711 Meade, Thomas M 719, 708, 701 Medeiros, Leonildo P 728, 725, 715, 704, 704, 700 Medina, Jose R 739, 727 Menendez, Kevin A 727 Merino, Julio C 710 Messina, Richard J 740, 709 Meyerowitz, Saul S 719 Mial, Ulysses S 707 Milanes, Luis E, Jr 742, 723, 720, 710 Miller, Gerald 702

Miller, Rashawn J 724 Mills, Darryl L 713 Mintz, Gregory 784, 763, 760, 710 Mitricka, Nicholas 726, 706 Mnich, Ronald 707, 706 Molnar, Linda S 718 Monek, Steve E 710, 701 Morgan, Charles C 709 Moswenn, Ivvry M 740 Mott, Fathiyyah F 716 Muhammad, Cushmeer 703 Muldrow, Derrick L 744, 733, 719, 703 Myers, Johnathan 716, 703 Naji, Ibn-Hakim 746, 743, 740, 733, 722, 720, 718, 715,

711 Neal, Peter A 771, 734, 731, 712, 712 Nelson, Cecil J 710 Newbery, Jason W 705 Oaks, Everett L 737 O'Brien, Barbara A 733 O'Brien, Mickey 737 Ocasio, James J 700, 700 Odermatt, Robert J 741, 725 Olsen, Erik 716 O'Neal, Brian N 728 Ousterman, Chris M 774, 759, 731, 719, 717 Owens, Marvin 709 Palma, David C 778 Palomino, Danny I 735, 706, 705 Parillo, Robert A, Jr 747, 728, 727, 708, 704 Parish, Skylar J 792, 747 Parrilla, David, Sr 757, 716, 702 Patrick, Albert S 730, 713, 706, 705 Patrocinio, Fred, Jr 749 Patterson, Rockcliffe A 724 Pawlowski, Ed A 738 Pawlyk, Jerry 759, 735, 734 Payton, Harry A 704 Pecina, Lane L 754 Pereira, Carl A 721 Peros, Nick J 782, 772, 761, 756, 750, 747, 739, 737,

734, 728, 726, 712, 708 Perry, Willie J 757, 715, 703 Peters, Ernest A, III 745, 744, 729, 725, 717, 715, 706 Petersen, Paul E 709 Petrovich, Lenny A 702 Pettis, Brian D 748, 711, 706, 705 Phillips, Ronald A 724 Pickney, M. Kenneth 716 Pienciak, Robert M 729

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700’s Name Score Name Score Pitts, Ronald B 707 Pochopin, Dennis 706 Pompey, Ali H 766, 707 Porter, Darrin 714 Poszyler, Greg, Jr 779, 749, 728, 727, 715, 707,

706, 705 Poznanski, Rich J 716, 711, 704, 701 Prentiss, Joe J 733, 719, 705, 702 Pribush, Jeff, Jr 709 Price, Francis G 720, 710 Primus, Craig L, Jr 748, 708, 702, 701 Primus, Craig L, Sr 742, 730, 717, 716, 709 Przywara, Peter 713 Purnell, Orlando 725 Queen, Joseph 777, 725, 706, 701 Quinn, Joseph R 796, 794, 778, 757, 756, 752,

752, 748, 747, 733, 732, 723, 719, 717, 716, 715, 713, 706

Quinn, Keith W 784, 782, 754, 750, 746, 744, 740, 736, 736, 726, 720, 710, 708, 705, 703, 701, 700

Quinones, Ramon L, Sr 716 Quockco, Kirk 703 Ramirez, Nicholas 744, 728, 703 Ramirez, Omar 710 Ramirez, Sandro O 726, 723, 708 Randell, Ali W 727 Ray, Cherika T 719 Reddick, Thomas L 746 Regan, Richard A 751, 740, 727, 725, 719, 715,

707 Regan, Steve A 759, 730, 727, 718, 713, 703 Remeika, Richard A 738 Remelgado, Paul E 745, 710, 706 Reynolds, Terrill L 714 Richey, Robert T 735, 724 Riddick, Jeffery M, Jr 779 Riedlinger, Richard J 754, 726 Riolo, Vinnie R 720, 718 Rivers, Anthony J 717 Rivers, Ardist R 738, 727, 722, 718, 709 Robertello, Neil 728 Robinson, Joseph T 768, 750, 722, 709, 704, 701 Romney, Sean D 765, 741, 741, 735, 735, 733,

722, 717, 716, 709, 708 Ross, Brian J 783, 760, 749, 747, 736, 733,

733, 731, 718, 716, 711, 709, 706, 700, 700

Ross, David J 723 Rozan, Ronald B 725, 724, 723, 705 Rubinfeld, Robert M 743, 700

Rumzie, Kenneth A 703 Russo, John J 704 Ryanes, Corey J 743, 717, 713, 702 Ryba, Michael J 713, 704 Rybeck, Robert D 710 Sabatino, George 764, 746, 746, 739 Sabin, Dave S 793, 750, 740, 738, 734, 728, 721, 716,

708, 707, 702 Samuel, Al-Wadir H 765, 765, 758, 758, 756, 756, 749, 749,

736, 735, 732, 722, 722, 721, 717, 716, 714, 710, 708, 707, 705, 703, 701

Sanders, Robert P, Sr 732, 708 Santiago, Raphael 775, 734, 702 Sapp, Anthony V 747, 747, 747, 747, 709 Schenck, Joseph H 701 Schenck, Rejeania T 732, 703 Sciacca, Mike F 731, 724, 714 Sclama, Salvestro 738 Scott, Bill J 730, 703 Scott, Denise V 788, 762, 756, 704, 701, 701 Scott, Edward 704 Scott, Jason A 725, 715, 709 Scott, Roland T 791, 781, 775, 762, 759, 745, 742, 742,

741, 740, 738, 736, 726, 724, 723, 723, 721, 716, 713, 704, 704, 703, 703, 700, 700

Scott, Wallace V 713 Scott, William H 774, 751, 728, 723, 721, 719, 718, 715,

715, 713, 712 Scudder, Alfred C 781, 761, 739, 720, 719, 717 Sehein, Michael P 739, 713 Sellers, Chris J 707 Selph, Anthony 733 Servodio, Frank, Jr 703 Sessoms, Andre L 793, 790, 782, 771, 770, 767, 759, 755,

753, 752, 750, 749, 737, 736, 736, 735, 728, 723, 723, 722, 716, 716, 715, 715, 712, 712, 712, 704, 703, 703, 702, 701

Shakur, Sharief M 741 Sharpe, Rodriguez 715 Shubeck, Michael S 734 Sibley, Willie C 768, 759, 743, 740, 728, 726, 724, 709 Siegel, Steven R 731, 709, 708, 708 Sigmund, Charles, Jr 706 Sigmund, Kurt M 736 Simmons, Orlando, Sr 740, 731, 725 Simpson, Cory A 706 Sims, Ulysses 771, 729, 705 Sims, Valencia V 749 Singletary, Charles W 737, 705, 704 Sloan, Justin M 758, 736, 728, 726, 725, 716,

709, 702

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700’s Name Score Name Score Smith, Bryan L 741 Smith, Edward B 785, 785, 785, 749, 725, 710,

706, 706 Smith, Raymond B 717 Smith, Samuel 701 Smith, Scott R 758 Smith, Vaughn D 711 Sorce, Dominic 700 Soto, Dorien D 776, 730, 708 Sottung, Karl M 733 Spano, Anthony P 763, 730, 711 Speaks, James H 737 Spencer, Bryan G 770, 753 Speranza, Albert A 713 Speranza, Andrew 756, 728, 719 Stanziale, Anthony J 715 Stanziale, Vincent J 712, 711, 708, 705, 701 Stanziale, Vincent M 717, 713 Stark, Carl 752, 726 Stec, Kyle M 732, 725, 708, 705 Stephens, Joel P 758, 701 Sterling, Dorene A 712 Stives, Chris E 706 Streater, David O 773 Surles, Ben, Jr 760, 731 Szotak, Patrick 738, 705 Szpond, Brian A 733 Taylor, Eric R, Jr 758, 758, 753, 753, 748, 736,

716, 710, 700 Taylor, Eric, Sr 705, 701 Taylor, Terrence L 729 Taylor, Terry 718 Thomas, Derrell 701 Thomas, Gary L 726, 723, 704, 701 Thomas, Jeffrey 736, 711 Thomas, O'Neil 716 Thomas, Reginald D 724, 710, 707 Thomas, Sherman A 738, 734, 731, 727, 718, 715,

713, 701 Thompson, Earl L 710 Thomsen, Rusty N 703 Thurston, Cruen J 743, 720, 715, 713, 709 Todman, Damon A 749 Torres, Luis A, Jr 710 Toscano, Rocco A 714, 701 Toto, Nichole M 773 Traynham, Christopher 737, 717 Trimblett, Aaron L 785, 771, 757, 734, 714, 702 Utsey, William 755, 710 Vaccaro, George J 732, 710, 704 Valentine, Leon W 710

Vega, Edward 737, 706 Vieira, Jose 744, 743, 720, 717, 716, 707, 705 Vigliotti, Anthony 791, 789, 756, 752, 749, 738, 734, 727,

724, 716, 712, 704, 701, 700 Vines, Ponce D 717, 711 Walko, Larry A 731 Walton, Jay J 735 Ward, Clinton, Jr 760, 750, 749, 749, 743, 741, 740, 737,

733, 731, 729, 728, 728, 723, 721, 721, 717, 717, 714, 710, 707, 700, 700

Warren, Karriem A 744, 743 Warren, Reginald 715, 712, 709 Washington, John R 736 Wasyluk, Linda 705 Weber, Bob E 715 Weiner, Russell D 755, 734, 708, 702 Weisensee, Bob G 782, 745 Weiss, Patrick W 739, 727, 708 Weissman, Marc S 791, 784, 781, 765, 761, 755, 751, 741,

740, 737, 721, 717, 706, 704 White, Damon 726 White, Darren L 706 White, Jeffrey G 757, 715, 709, 708, 700 White, Ronald 732, 705 White, Tyson D 728, 719, 717 Wichner, Richard P 708 Wierzbinski, Donald T 742, 714, 711 Wilder, Kmar T 746, 746, 746, 734, 734, 711 Wiley, Preston W 756, 750, 748, 743, 733, 727, 726, 717,

710, 707, 700 Willard, William D 700 Williams, Aaron J 741 Williams, Arthur 762, 716 Williams, Bill A 780, 752, 746, 734, 731, 720, 711, 707 Williams, Henry C 773 Williams, Kason K 707 Williams, Robert L 704, 703 Williams-Clory, Nadine 737 Wilson, Carl E 709 Wilson, Gregory B 708, 706 Wilson, Phillip L 762, 730, 726, 711, 710, 700 Wilson, Tariq S 740, 718 Wisniewski, Keith G 763 Wood, Reginald A 782, 713, 710, 700 Woolcock, Richard A 756 Wooten, Charles W, Jr 725 Wooten, Willis E 741, 739, 706 Wrancher, Henry 764, 711 Yancey, Curtis S 758, 732, 723

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700’s Name Score Name Score Yanuzzelli, Mike A 773, 750, 740, 732, 728, 719,

717, 714, 706, 703, 701, 700

Young, Kenneth C 708 Zacek, Richard J 757, 737, 735, 732, 728, 726,

725, 710, 708, 707, 707, 704, 701

Zhuo, James 707

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Abendschoen, Thomas 279 Adams, John S 275 Adams, Jonathan 279, 275 Adams, Tomasine A 289, 280, 277 Agricola, Geraldine 279 Aine, Duteche J 279 Aker, James A 279 Alberts, Thomas D 286, 279, 279, 276 Alexander, Brian 289, 279, 279, 279, 279,

278, 277, 276 Alford, Andrew J 289, 287, 277, 275 Alford, Edwina L 279 Allman, Jeffrey G 289 Amistad, Carlos 278 Anderson, Lawrence 289, 279, 279, 279, 278 Arias, Luis A 278 Atkinson, William D 277 Attanasi, Joseph E, Jr 277, 277 Ayers, Richard S 289, 289, 279, 279, 279 Baker, Edward S 279 Balkin, Brianna S 278, 278, 276 Balmann, Michael J 288, 279, 277 Bani, Michael 288 Barna, Alex W 279 Baskerville, Keith J 275 Beals, Thomas T 276, 275 Beasley, John J 279 Behl, Clyde L, Sr 289, 289, 289, 288, 283,

278, 277 Belanger, Butch H 279, 279, 277 Bell, Shakira D 285, 278 Bellamy, Reginald D 289, 280, 279, 279, 279,

277, 277, 276 Benisch, Donald M 277 Best, Pamela J 288 Best, Tyshun 288 Biglasco, Nicholas 288, 288, 280, 279, 279,

279, 279, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278, 278, 277, 276

Billero, Vincenzo 280 Bobenchik, Carolyn 277 Bobenchik, Charles R 279, 278 Bogar, Theodore L 279 Bogda, Ronald R, Jr 288, 280, 279, 279, 279,

279, 278, 278, 277 Bohnenberger, Bernd 278 Booker, Maurice 287, 278, 276 Boone, Stanley D 288 Borrello, Alfonso 279 Bowe, Franklin G 276 Bowen, Timothy R 275

Bridgeman, Makaila L 280 Bridges, Alonzo 280, 277, 275 Bridges, Barry 277 Brigantino, Christopher R 280, 278, 278, 278 Brighton, Bruce W 279 Brinker, Christopher J 279, 278, 278 Brown, Mark D 277 Brown, Nicholas B 277, 275 Buchanan, Robert J 277 Buchko, John M 280, 279, 279 Burgess, Jason 289, 279, 278, 276 Burgos, Joshua B 289, 279, 278, 276 Burke, Shawn M 278, 278, 275 Burroughs, Lance F 279 Burroughs, Lee R 275 Byrd, Eltonette D 279 Campbell, Gwendolyn L 275 Campbell, William K 279 Capobianco, Michael P 286 Cappabianca, Samuel J 279 Carlton, Rudy V 280 Carpenter, Carl D 279, 277 Carter, David M 279 Cecere, Tony M 276 Chaillet, Richard 289, 278 Chance, Carrisse P 279, 279, 278 Charles, James L 289, 278, 275 Chatman, Frederick H 279 Chin, Tom 278 Christian, Cory A 289, 288, 279, 279, 279, 279, 279,

278, 276, 276 Christmas, Robert E 277 Christmas, Rodney 279 Cirne, Antonio C 289 Clayton, Raymond D 279 Clory, Carl N 279, 278, 276, 275 Cocroft, Jean R 278 Cocroft, Ronald A, Sr 289, 276 Coladonato, Paul J 279 Colby, John A 279 Coleman, Pierre 289, 289, 278, 276 Coleman, Terri L 278 Coletti, Gordy, Jr 289, 275 Collins, Joseph L, Jr 289 Collins, Quenton D 279, 279, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278,

278, 278 Colon, Enrique 277 Cook, Walter 288, 278 Cordeiro, Dennis J 289, 289, 279, 279, 278, 277 Cormier, Jason M 278

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Coughlin, Vincent T 279 Coulter, Jim S 289, 289, 289, 279, 277,

275 Cowell, Michael J 279, 279, 279, 278 Crawford, Andre J 279, 278 Crawford, Jerome 277 Crawford, Landis L 289 Crawford, Richard Tyree 278 Crowder, Jonathan D 289, 277 Crowder, Len 279, 275 Crowe, Vernon E 277 Crue, Frank D, III 276 Cruz, John R 277 Cutrona, Ryan 278 Daily, Jerome P 287, 279, 276 Dambres, Richard, II 275 Daniello, Andy T 279, 279 Danley, Marcel F 289, 286, 279, 279, 277,

276 Daugett, Jessica A 279 David, Jay 279, 279, 279, 277, 277,

276 David, Rico 279, 279, 279, 279, 278,

278, 278, 277, 277, 275 Davis, Edith J 278 Davis, Ethan E 279 Davis, Greg S 279, 277 Davis, Hilliard H 279, 276 Davis, James E, Jr 278 Davis, Martin 285 Davis, Willie C 276 Day, Maurice 288, 279 De Bella, Pat 289 Dearing, James J 289 Decker, Chris M 288, 277 Decker, Martin J, Jr 280, 279, 278, 277 Decristoforo, Michael 279, 279, 279, 279, 279 Dekowski, Charles A 289, 289, 279 Dembeck, Scott J 279, 276 Demers, Richard J 280, 276 Derricott, Clarence M, III 289, 289, 288, 285, 278,

277 Diaz, Faustino L 279, 277, 277, 276 Diaz, Jose 278 Dickinson, John R 277 Dicks, Lamar T 286, 276 Dillon, Patrick J 279, 278 DiLorio, Dominic 277 Dinis, Christopher M 279, 279 Disney, Timothy W 285 Donzella, Carlo 279

Doyle, Herbert, IV 277, 275 Driscoll, Michael 287, 279, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278,

278, 277, 277, 276 Dutch, John T 289 Dutton, Donald W 279 Eason, Terrance L 279 Edmonds, Lester 289 Edwards, Jamaul Q 276 Edwards, Tracey L 279 Ehnes, Kevin P 276 Ellen, Barry 279 Ellington, Darren K 289, 280, 277 Esannason, Pelton C 275 Esposito, Mark A 279 Ettinger, Josh S 278 Ettinger, Scott A 279, 279, 279, 277, 276 Evans, Serena Y 286 Fairley, Richard A, Jr 289, 289, 279, 279, 279, 279, 279,

279, 278, 277, 275 Falkowski, Jon L 289 Fantl, David L 289, 279, 278 Farinelli, Michael A 278, 276 Fastiggi, Mario L 279, 279, 279, 279, 276 Favor, Michael, III 279, 275, 275 Fenderson, Lance B 288 Feoli, Joseph M 278 Feoli, Michael J 278 Ferdinando, William P 277 Festa, Ron 279 Fiedler, James J 275 Fisher, Chris P 280, 279, 278, 278 Fisher, Jason C 279, 276 Fitz, James M 289, 279, 279 Fitzgerald, Patricia 279 Flores, Alfonso R 278 Fontaine, Glenn 288, 288, 279, 279, 279 Ford, Daren R 278, 277 Fostinis, James M 279 Frazier, Bobby E 279 Frees, Tim 278 Frees, Timothy G, Jr 278 Gaestel, Kyle C 279, 279 Galasso, Richard 279 Garretson, Ronald 288, 279, 275 Gass, Robert S 277 Gladd, Ken P 278 Golda, Richard S 279, 277 Gonczlik, Sandor L 279 Gonzales, Manuel A 279 Goworek, Michael 275

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Goyzen, Steven 279, 278, 277 Graham, Brian A 289, 288, 279, 279, 279,

278, 278, 278, 277, 277

Graham, Cornel 287, 279, 277 Green, Patrick K 277 Greenwood, Richard C 278 Greer, Kevin C 284 Griffin, Lamone A 288, 279 Grote, Michael W 279 Grote, Steven W 280, 279, 279, 277 Grullon, Radhames 279 Gurwitz, Harvey A 279, 279 Gwynn, Elliott B 289, 277 Hagen, David H 279 Hall, Donna A 279 Hamel, Douglas W 277 Harden, Jason 289, 289, 288, 288, 280,

279, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278, 277, 276

Harmon, Pearl 279, 276 Harmon, Richard D 280, 279, 278 Harney, Paul A 279, 276 Hayes, Andra D 279, 279, 278 Hayes, Tony K 279 Hedges, Christopher A 289, 280, 279, 279, 279,

279, 278 Hedli, Josh 277 Hegedus, Brian M 279, 279, 279 Henderson, Keith 280 Henderson, Lamar H 278 Hering, Brandon J 278 Heywood, James D 278 Hill, Joshua W 278 Hill, Marques A 279 Hillman, John A 279, 279, 279 Hockenbury, Matthew J 279, 279, 278 Hollinshed, Richard D 279 Hooper, Al-Torre B 279 Howlett, George F 277 Huber, William B, Jr 288, 278 Hughes, Aaron R 279, 277 Hughes, Michael J 280 Hunter, John R, III 278 Hunton, Richard J 289 Ilg, Joseph P 286, 279, 279, 276, 276 Izzo, Sal 280, 280, 278 Jackson, Mike 289, 280 James, Lydell A 279, 279 Jankowski, Paul J 275 Janz, Gary T 286, 280, 280, 279, 279

Jengo, John V 278 Jenkins, Alton C 289, 286 Jenkins, Shirley R 289 Johns, Raymond R, Jr 275 Johnson, Demetrius D 289 Johnson, Jeff J 278 Johnson, Lorenzo B 279 Johnson, Margaret 289, 279, 279 Johnson, Ronald J 279 Johnson, Titus J 279 Jones, Darryl 279 Jones, Ellis B 279, 278 Jones, Jeffrey K 288 Jones, Kieonna M 289 Jones, Maria 277, 276 Jones, Randy C 289 Joyner, Sylvester D 287, 277 Karpa, Roman M 279, 277, 276 Kelley, Todd L 287 Kielawa, Michele E 280, 279 Kienzle, Billy 279, 278, 276 Kincey, Alrashawn 278 Kingsland, Richard W 289, 288, 279, 278, 278, 277 Klaw, Gary L 279, 278 Kocher, John 276 Kordonis, John D 288 Kosiba, Kenneth J 279 Kosuda, Frank P 277 Kovacs, Vincent M 276, 276 Kowalski, Joseph F 279 Kratzer, Joseph E, Jr 279 Kratzer, Kevin M 289, 289, 288, 279, 278, 275 Kroyer, Christian J 289 Kuran, Louis A 277 Kurtzo, Stephen, Jr 279, 275 Labanich, Robert F 276 Lao, Rolando T 276 LaPilla, Philip 279 LaSure, Theodore, Jr 279, 279, 279 Lee, Christopher M 287, 279, 277, 275 LeMay, Darian O 279 Leo, Frank M 276 Lewis, Brandon W 284 Lewis, David C 278 Lewis, Nate L 278 Lima, Peter D 277 Lipke, Paul C 276 Lipke, Peter R 279, 279, 276 Little, Kandace F 276 Lockley, Clifford E, Jr 289

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Lowery, Kenneth G 279, 278, 277, 276 Lynch, Noah A, II 279, 279, 279, 279, 278 Lyon, Darrell E 277 Mack, John 288 Mack, Kevin F 279, 278, 278, 278 Mandeville, Wayne M 278, 276 Manly, Rich S 277 Markowycz, Jan M 277 Marks, Harry W, Jr 278, 278 Marlatt, Barry J 289, 277 Martino, Kenneth P 277 Masino, Matthew T 278 Massa, Emil 278 Mazza, Rocco J 279 McClain, Larry 279 McDowell, James D 288 McDuffie, Darryl 278 McGonigle, William, Jr 279, 279, 279, 278 McLaurin, Anthony T 288, 277 McLean, James E 275 McLeod, David 278, 277 McNamara, Shaun T 289, 276 McQueen, Andre Chillious C 279, 279 Meade, Thomas M 278 Medeiros, Leonildo P 279, 279, 279, 276 Merino, Julio C 279 Messina, Richard J 288 Mial, Ulysses S 277 Milanes, Luis E, Jr 279, 278, 277 Miller, Gerald 286 Mills, Darryl L 279 Mintz, Gregory 279 Mitricka, Nicholas 278 Mnich, Adam A 276 Mnich, Ronald 277 Molnar, Linda S 278 Moncada, Dixon H 288 Monek, Steve E 289 Moswenn, Ivvry M 279 Mott, Fathiyyah F 279 Mruk, Matthew E 277 Murphy, Raymond W 288 Naji, Ibn-Hakim 288, 287, 279, 279, 279,

277 Neal, Peter A 289, 288, 288, 279 Newbery, Jason W 276 O'Brien, Barbara A 287 Odermatt, Robert J 278 Olsen, Erik 289 Ousterman, Chris M 289, 279

Palma, David C 288 Palomino, Danny I 286 Parillo, Robert A, Jr 280, 279 Parish, Skylar J 288 Patrick, Albert S 278, 277 Patrocinio, Fred, Jr 277 Pawlyk, Jerry 288, 279 Pearson, Charles N, III 280 Pecina, Lane L 289 Pereira, Carl A 278 Peros, Nick J 289, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278 Peters, Ernest A, III 279, 279, 277 Petersen, Paul E 277 Petrovich, Lenny A 279, 275 Pettis, Brian D 279, 278 Phillips, Ronald A 278 Pienciak, Robert M 275 Porter, Darrin 277 Poszyler, Greg, Jr 279, 277 Powell, Michael 286 Poznanski, Rich J 289, 279 Prentiss, Joe J 276 Prignano, Robert A 278 Primus, Craig L, Jr 279 Proctor, Dennis M 279 Provenzano, Stephen J, III 279 Purnell, Orlando 289 Queen, Joseph 279, 279, 278 Quinn, Joseph R 280, 279, 279, 279, 279, 279, 279,

278, 278, 278, 277, 276 Quinn, Keith W 289, 289, 280, 278, 278, 278 Quinones, Ramon L, Sr 276 Ramirez, Nicholas 276 Ramirez, Sandro O 279 Ray, Cherika T 288 Reagan, Michael, Jr 279 Reddick, Thomas L 279 Regan, Richard A 288, 279, 278, 276 Regan, Steve A 285 Remeika, Richard A 278 Remelgado, Paul E 279, 279 Reynolds, Terrill L 280 Richey, Robert T 279 Riedlinger, Renee R 276 Riedlinger, Richard J 279 Rivers, Anthony J 276 Rivers, Ardist R 289, 279, 276 Robbins, Stuart J 279 Robinson, Joseph T 286, 279, 279, 279, 279, 277 Rodriguez, Rene W 279

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Romney, Sean D 279, 279, 278, 277 Ross, Brian J 279, 278, 275, 275 Roundtree, James, Jr 278 Rozan, Ronald B 279 Rumzie, Kenneth A 279, 276 Russell, Fred J 277 Russo, John J 278 Rutowski, John F, Jr 278 Ryanes, Corey J 289, 279 Ryba, Michael J 279 Sabatino, George 288 Sabin, Dave S 279, 279, 275 Salvadore, Francis G 278 Samuel, Al-Wadir H 289, 279, 279, 278, 277,

276 Sanders, Cynthia M 285 Santiago, Carlos 279, 278, 276 Santiago, Raphael 287, 279, 278 Sapp, Anthony V 279 Schenck, Rejeania T 289, 277 Sciacca, Mike F 289, 275 Scott, Bill J 277 Scott, Denise V 279 Scott, Jason A 278, 276, 275 Scott, Roland T 289, 289, 279, 275 Scott, Wallace V 277 Scott, William H 289, 288, 285, 279, 278 Scudder, Alfred C 280, 279, 278 Sehein, Michael P 288, 288 Selph, Anthony 289 Servodio, Frank, Jr 279 Sessoms, Andre L 289, 289, 289, 279, 279,

279, 279, 279, 279, 279, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 278, 277, 277, 276

Sharpe, Rodriguez 285 Shaw, Johnny L 279 Sherard, Rudy 279 Sibley, Willie C 280, 279, 277 Sigmund, Kurt M 279 Sims, Ulysses 279, 276 Sims, Valencia V 287 Singletary, Charles W 279, 279, 277 Sloan, Justin M 279, 279, 278 Smith, Edward B 287, 278 Smith, Vaughn D 275 Sorce, Dominic 286 Soto, Antoine E 289 Soto, Dorien D 279, 278, 278 Spady, Connell 279 Spano, Anthony P 279, 279, 277

Spano, Nick A 279, 279, 279, 278 Spencer, Bryan G 279 Stanziale, Anthony J 279 Stanziale, Vincent J 279 Stark, Carl 279 Stephens, Joel P 279 Stewart, James L 287 Stives, Chris E 279, 275 Stives, Jeffrey R 278 Streater, David O 279 Surles, Ben, Jr 288, 276 Szotak, Patrick 286 Szpond, Brian A 287 Taylor, Eric R, Jr 279, 279, 277 Taylor, Terry 278 Thomas, Gary L 278 Thomas, Jeffrey 279 Thomas, Reginald D 278, 277 Thomas, Sherman A 286, 280, 277, 276 Thompson, Earl L 278, 277 Tilley, Travis A 288, 279 Tillman, Ella M 279 Traynham, Christopher E 279 Trimblett, Aaron L 279, 276 Utsey, William 289, 278 Valentine, Leon W 288 Vega, Edward 284, 280, 277 Vetrano, Sam 289, 277 Vieira, Jose 278, 277 Vigliotti, Anthony 289, 287, 280, 279, 278, 276, 276,

275 Walker, Calvern M 278 Ward, Clinton, Jr 288, 280, 280, 279, 279, 279, 279,

278, 277 Ward, Sean E 279 Warren, Reginald 279, 278, 278 Waseleski, Richard P 288 Webb, Malik 278 Weber, Bob E 279, 277 Weiner, Russell D 278 Weiss, Patrick W 289, 279, 277 Weissman, Marc S 289, 289, 280, 280, 279, 279, 278,

278 White, Darren L 279 White, Gregory G 279 White, Jeffrey G 279 White, Tyson D 279, 278 Wierzbinski, Donald T 280, 279, 279 Wilder, Kmar T 279, 278 Wiley, Preston W 279, 277 Willard, William D 289, 279, 278, 276

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275-289 Games Name Score Name Score Williams, Aaron J 280 Williams, Arthur 279 Williams, Bill A 279, 279, 279, 277, 275 Williams, Fred 278 Williams, Robert L 277 Wilson, Phillip L 288, 279, 279, 278, 276 Wilson, Tariq S 276 Wood, Reginald A 279 Woodring, Kevin C 286, 279, 279 Wooten, Charles W, Jr 279, 278 Wooten, Willis E 279, 279 Wrancher, Henry 279, 278 Yancey, Curtis S 287, 280, 280 Yanuzzelli, Mike A 279, 279 Young, Kenneth C 279, 277 Zacek, Richard J 288, 279, 279, 278 Zimmerman, Charles 289